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Miniatures Adventure => VSF Adventures => Topic started by: Mr.Marx on August 27, 2018, 12:38:26 PM

Title: Howl's Moving Castle: The Ingarian Empire (5th of July - Sculptor Needed)
Post by: Mr.Marx on August 27, 2018, 12:38:26 PM
Note: This thread is originally from August 2018, but was resurrected in June 2020. I'm just picking up the project from where I left it back then, and I thought thought the details and discussion would be worth the theadromancy.

Hey Hivemind,

First post in quite a while.

Could anyone point me in the direction of a miniature that would do for the Wizard Howl in his were-bird warform? Would appreciate either a miniature that would work 'as is' or something that could be the base for a conversion.

I've not found anything on the websites I know, but I've not I'm not particularly au fait with fantasy miniatures.

I've no idea how to post images now photobucket's gone wierd, so here are some links to what I'm talking about:

Pic 1 (https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2F4.bp.blogspot.com%2F-2TkfE2B_Ca4%2FWFk-veBEOFI%2FAAAAAAAABXY%2Fnvse05LhPm0TlQ_W1e-EXhnzn0WtLo6lwCLcB%2Fs1600%2FHowl.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fsheffieldgothicreadinggroup.blogspot.com%2F2016%2F12%2Fgothic-ghibli-howls-moving-castle.html&docid=dMzuvMyWuNLvNM&tbnid=qWbp-w7ASpQFyM%3A&vet=12ahUKEwjAjY-bj43dAhWMIMAKHdmEC3U4ZBAzKAswC3oECAEQDA..i&w=853&h=480&safe=off&bih=592&biw=1366&q=howls%20moving%20castle&ved=2ahUKEwjAjY-bj43dAhWMIMAKHdmEC3U4ZBAzKAswC3oECAEQDA&iact=mrc&uact=8#h=480&imgdii=qWbp-w7ASpQFyM:&vet=12ahUKEwjAjY-bj43dAhWMIMAKHdmEC3U4ZBAzKAswC3oECAEQDA..i&w=853)
Pic 2 (https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2F78.media.tumblr.com%2F8ca760a7787912a0f4b73aa7a51687e8%2Ftumblr_inline_ojo3whIcJd1qj7dub_500.gif&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tumblr.com%2Ftagged%2Fhowl-bird-form&docid=N31PIaWP6O40PM&tbnid=aH0XV-VX3a5G0M%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjfhNCqj43dAhUHDsAKHc8HAVsQMwhwKDIwMg..i&w=500&h=230&safe=off&bih=592&biw=1366&q=howls%20moving%20castle%20monster&ved=0ahUKEwjfhNCqj43dAhUHDsAKHc8HAVsQMwhwKDIwMg&iact=mrc&uact=8)
Pic 3 (https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Forig00.deviantart.net%2Fdb2a%2Ff%2F2009%2F088%2Fd%2F4%2Fhowl_by_kgosi.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.deviantart.com%2Fkgosi%2Fart%2FHowl-117514615&docid=sOzfgGmOOaU-RM&tbnid=vNh09dAI81bqcM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjfhNCqj43dAhUHDsAKHc8HAVsQMwhEKBAwEA..i&w=678&h=596&safe=off&bih=592&biw=1366&q=howls%20moving%20castle%20monster&ved=0ahUKEwjfhNCqj43dAhUHDsAKHc8HAVsQMwhEKBAwEA&iact=mrc&uact=8#h=596&imgdii=vNh09dAI81bqcM:&vet=10ahUKEwjfhNCqj43dAhUHDsAKHc8HAVsQMwhEKBAwEA..i&w=678)

Thanks for any help,

Title: Re: 15/18mm Howl (Howl's Moving Castle)
Post by: OSHIROmodels on August 27, 2018, 12:39:50 PM
Can’t help with sourcing a figure I’m afraid but are you doing a project based on this and if so, how large?
Title: Re: 15/18mm Howl in Warform - (Howl's Moving Castle)
Post by: vodkafan on August 28, 2018, 11:15:24 AM
Thank you will have to convert to get such a specific figure. Better off starting from a bird model if you can find one?
Title: Re: 15/18mm Howl (Howl's Moving Castle)
Post by: Mr.Marx on August 29, 2018, 02:59:31 PM
Can’t help with sourcing a figure I’m afraid but are you doing a project based on this and if so, how large?

Yeah, the plan is to do a game based around the war from Howls Moving Castle, with troops from other Ghibli films thrown in.

The projects come out of a want to make good on a project I started ages ago. I painted up 60 or so Black Hat British miniatures intending to play a friend's 'All Quiet on the Martian Front' force, but sadly he passed away and it's taken in till now for me to get the figures out again.

I thought, as the antagonist in the film is never really shown, and no one appears to have read the book, why not model Howl's countrymen to take them on?

I've already bought a Moving Castle (Will post pics when it arrives). I'm hoping to do 50 or so infantry, a battery of guns, a couple of the personal flying machines from the film (if I can convince someone to make them for me) and Howl in his war form, plus anything else that takes my fancy.

Title: Re: 15/18mm Howl in Warform - (Howl's Moving Castle)
Post by: OSHIROmodels on August 29, 2018, 04:00:15 PM
All sounds rather splendid  :)

YPU here has done some Ghibli style prints and they do look rather good  8)
Title: Re: 15/18mm Howl in Warform - (Howl's Moving Castle)
Post by: Mr.Marx on September 02, 2018, 11:57:12 AM
Hey All,

After searching around the entirety of the internet, I have set on a 'Great Dingonek' from Microworld Games (https://www.microworldgames.com/collections/6mm-fantasy/products/great-dingonek) for Howl.

The proprietor, a man named Steve, tells me that the model is 33mm tall and about 15mm, which makes it exactly the right size to go with my 18mm figures - or at least I hope it does.


Title: Re: 15/18mm Howl in Warform - (Howl's Moving Castle)
Post by: vodkafan on September 02, 2018, 03:15:26 PM
Haha splendid he is such a pretty bird
Title: Re: 15/18mm Howl in Warform - (Howl's Moving Castle)
Post by: vodkafan on September 02, 2018, 03:16:20 PM
I can't wait to see the Moving Castle  ;D
Title: Re: 15/18mm Howl in Warform - (Howl's Moving Castle)
Post by: YPU on September 02, 2018, 03:40:26 PM
While I can't point towards any specific model, wouldn't any large bird work if you just add on a human face instead of a beak?

YPU here has done some Ghibli style prints and they do look rather good  8)

Indeed I have, bit different scale, you can find it here: http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=91633.msg1381706#msg1381706 (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=91633.msg1381706#msg1381706)
If you want to talk doing some of those small fliers as a commision shoot me a PM!

Title: Re: 15/18mm Howl in Warform - (Howl's Moving Castle)
Post by: Mr.Marx on September 02, 2018, 04:22:28 PM
I can't wait to see the Moving Castle  ;D

Its still in the post, but I've included the shop image below.

I've not seen the model in the flesh, but it *should* be 1/100th scale.

Will take lots of scale shots when it arrives.
Title: Re: 15/18mm Howl in Warform - (Howl's Moving Castle)
Post by: YPU on September 02, 2018, 04:33:06 PM
I have a hard time believing that is 1/100 truth be told. It would be quite huge at that scale, right? Still, best of luck with it, maybe I'm wrong!
Title: Re: 15/18mm Howl in Warform - (Howl's Moving Castle)
Post by: Mr.Marx on September 02, 2018, 04:41:57 PM
I have a hard time believing that is 1/100 truth be told. It would be quite huge at that scale, right? Still, best of luck with it, maybe I'm wrong!

I doubt its 1/100th either, being perfectly honest. The seller assured me it was 85mm tall and 70mm long, though, which to my mind makes it close enough to get away with.

Hands are a terrible thing to scale things by, but by the looks of it, I can trust the seller's measurements.

Fingers crossed...


Title: Re: 15/18mm Howl in Warform - (Howl's Moving Castle)
Post by: YPU on September 02, 2018, 04:48:28 PM
fair enough yeah. Actually, 2 things occur to me. For representation on the table top having it be a bit smaller should be fine, as long as its nice and large.
Additionally, I saw the movie on the big screen last month, and to me, it appeared parts of it were pretty out of scale in the movie itself! The crows nest on top, for instance, was way to small to hold people, even accounting for perspective etc. But its a magical mish-mash of strange objects anyway so you can get away with it.

You probably figured this out yourself already, but I found that the uniforms of the soldiers in the movie perfectly match Franco Prussian war french.

I really like the idea of using the British as antagonists, Mr Howell Jenkins does seem to have some disdain for them after all!
Title: Re: 15/18mm Howl in Warform - (Howl's Moving Castle)
Post by: Mr.Marx on September 03, 2018, 12:19:42 PM
fair enough yeah. Actually, 2 things occur to me. For representation on the table top having it be a bit smaller should be fine, as long as its nice and large.
Additionally, I saw the movie on the big screen last month, and to me, it appeared parts of it were pretty out of scale in the movie itself! The crows nest on top, for instance, was way to small to hold people, even accounting for perspective etc. But its a magical mish-mash of strange objects anyway so you can get away with it.

You probably figured this out yourself already, but I found that the uniforms of the soldiers in the movie perfectly match Franco Prussian war french.

I really like the idea of using the British as antagonists, Mr Howell Jenkins does seem to have some disdain for them after all!

Oh, you lucky thing. I've only ever seen the film on the small screen. Was it as good as I imagine it would be in the cinema?

And your thinking as to the exact scale seems to mirror mine. I'm usually quite pedantic when it comes to getting the scale of things 'right', but I'm not all that fussed with The Castle. It's a very cartoon design, so the exact proportions don't need to quite make sense. I'm also of the mind that if it is suitably large and impressive the exact scaling won't matter.

My only real concern is that the various buildings that litter the things surface might look a bit small - doorways are a right giveaway when it comes to scaling. But, even if they don't look quite right and I bump into one of those people at a wargames club that takes issue with such inconsistencies, I'm planning to fall back on the fact that the castle isn't a real castle. Howl is quite a lazy, slither-outer sort of wizard, and its made quite apparent that the castle was only conjured up to strut about the wastes and look scary, rather than be a 'real' castle. I don't imagine that Mr Jenkins worried much about getting the proportions right, just so long as the thing looked scary from a distance.

"A Wizard Did It".

I'll take some scale photographs when the thing arrives.

And yeah, I'd narrowed the soldiers down to being from the Franco-Prussian War period. I'm tied into using 18mm scale figures, though, as the British figures are already done and made by Black Hat. So far as I can tell, only Lancershire Games makes 18mm FPW figures (http://lancashiregames.com/LG2/15mm-2/15mm-19th-century-european-1860-1880-.html), and from the photos on their site they don't look like fantastic sculpts. My current plan is to go for Eureka Miniatures 18mm Crimean War French (https://www.fighting15sshop.co.uk/infantry-503-c.asp). The uniforms are a little anachronistic and their rifles have hammers; but I don't really mind.

Title: Re: 15/18mm Howl in Warform - (Howl's Moving Castle)
Post by: YPU on September 03, 2018, 04:58:19 PM
As much as I love the movie, I think its a mixed mad in cinema. The painted background and general scenery are an absolute treat to look at, but some of the animations do start to look a bit flat when inflated to that size truth be. The war scenes with bird howl are probably the best as the smoke and grime add a lot of texture to the scenes that work great on the big silver. The fact that the castle was based on CG also showed a bit more, which was a pity. I think that while iconic the castle is my least favoured design in the movie actually!

The Eureka french could work (if you are looking for an EU stockist fighting 15's carry them) however they lack those front pipings on the jackets which is a shame. They are very close to the vehicle-mounted air corps I think though.
Title: Re: 15/18mm Howl in Warform - (Howl's Moving Castle)
Post by: Mr.Marx on September 03, 2018, 08:42:46 PM
As much as I love the movie, I think its a mixed mad in cinema. The painted background and general scenery are an absolute treat to look at, but some of the animations do start to look a bit flat when inflated to that size truth be. The war scenes with bird howl are probably the best as the smoke and grime add a lot of texture to the scenes that work great on the big silver. The fact that the castle was based on CG also showed a bit more, which was a pity. I think that while iconic the castle is my least favoured design in the movie actually!

The Eureka french could work (if you are looking for an EU stockist fighting 15's carry them) however they lack those front pipings on the jackets which is a shame. They are very close to the vehicle-mounted air corps I think though.

That's some interesting points. I've never actually seen a Ghibli film in the cinema, interesting to hear how they scale up. I've recently got the Howl's Moving Castle art book. There's some really nice stuff in there.

The castle has some real charm, perhaps more so if you read the book too, but I agree about it not being the best design. Some of the Robida-style airships are wonderful, particularly the one that flies over Howl's secret garden. I'm really hoping that somebody will make a model along the lines of it one day.

It's too big for this project, though. I'd like to include some of the Personal Ornithropters (https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=howl%27s+moving+castle+soldiers&safe=off&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwigocTUyZ_dAhVIK8AKHV8iDhgQ_AUICigB&biw=1366&bih=641#imgrc=eCQLZBtfuMXR2M:), but nothing like them currently exists in miniature, so far as I know. I'm hoping to badger someone into producing them, and I've not found any takers yet.

A unit of the Automatons from Laputa (https://www.google.co.uk/search?safe=off&biw=1366&bih=641&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=EY2NW6XpAqqdgAa4vqDABA&q=laputa+robot&oq=laputa+robot&gs_l=img.3..35i39k1l2j0l8.1655.2381.0.2497. would not go amiss either - does anyone know of any figures in the 18-30mm tall range that would fit the bill for them?

And maybe a unit or two of the Knights with semi-auto rifles from Nausicaa (https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fdeuterosgames.files.wordpress.com%2F2016%2F03%2Fscreenshot-from-2016-03-22-224034.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fdeuterosgames.wordpress.com%2Fcategory%2Fminiatures%2Fnausicaans%2F&docid=C9pLEr619h8JYM&tbnid=Ik6TiEEJ1mknpM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjiq7WNy5_dAhXJTMAKHR36Bd4QMwhBKAgwCA..i&w=1366&h=768&safe=off&bih=641&biw=1366&q=nausicaa%20soldier&ved=0ahUKEwjiq7WNy5_dAhXJTMAKHR36Bd4QMwhBKAgwCA&iact=mrc&uact=8#h=768&imgdii=Ik6TiEEJ1mknpM:&vet=10ahUKEwjiq7WNy5_dAhXJTMAKHR36Bd4QMwhBKAgwCA..i&w=1366).

What else am I missing?

Title: Re: 15/18mm Howl in Warform - (Howl's Moving Castle)
Post by: YPU on September 04, 2018, 07:18:15 AM
You are missing the tank ofcourse ;p We clearly have fallen down the same rabbit hole here.

Title: Re: 15/18mm Howl in Warform - (Howl's Moving Castle)
Post by: OSHIROmodels on September 04, 2018, 11:25:25 AM
I’d say that toy was closer to 1/600-1/700  :?

Anyway, still looking forward to the project  8)

Still want to do my own Ghibli project though  lol
Title: Re: 15/18mm Howl in Warform - (Howl's Moving Castle)
Post by: Mr.Marx on September 04, 2018, 12:24:05 PM
You are missing the tank ofcourse ;p We clearly have fallen down the same rabbit hole here.

You mean This Tank (https://hlj.com/product/TACTG-2/Sci)? Because I've had this one on the shelf for about three years now, and wrote it up as a Strongold in Mayhem earlier this week.

I’d say that toy was closer to 1/600-1/700  :?

Anyway, still looking forward to the project  8)

Still want to do my own Ghibli project though  lol

By my crude maths, at 75mm tall the castle would be about 30' tall in 15mm scale, 90' tall in 6mm scale, and about 300' in 1: 600 or 1:700th scale. I've not been able to find any hard figures on the size of the castle - probably because there aren't any - so it'll come down to how the houses look next to figures. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

Title: Re: 15/18mm Howl in Warform - (Howl's Moving Castle)
Post by: YPU on September 04, 2018, 02:20:54 PM
You mean This Tank (https://hlj.com/product/TACTG-2/Sci)? Because I've had this one on the shelf for about three years now, and wrote it up as a Strongold in Mayhem earlier this week.

I'm green with envy, I haven't been able to justify the expense to myself yet, but the fact must be it's going to happen sooner or later.
Title: Re: 15/18mm Howl in Warform - (Howl's Moving Castle)
Post by: Mr.Marx on September 04, 2018, 08:27:31 PM
If anyone's interested, I think I've worked out all the figures that I'm going to buy for this project. I've popped up a post in the Bazaar (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=111760.msg1397270#new) to see if any of you fine folk can help me source them a little cheaper.

I'm green with envy, I haven't been able to justify the expense to myself yet, but the fact must be it's going to happen sooner or later.

It's a lovely kit, though I've not put it together yet. There are quite a few parts.

Fantastic bit of design work. Everything has logic, purpose and function to it. You can tell the designer knows their tanks.

Title: Re: Modeling the Ingarian Empire (Ghibli/Howl's Moving Castle)
Post by: OSHIROmodels on September 04, 2018, 08:35:42 PM
Got one of them and I'm still too scared to do it justice  lol
Title: Re: Modeling the Ingarian Empire (Ghibli/Howl's Moving Castle)
Post by: Mr.Marx on September 04, 2018, 08:55:47 PM
Got one of them and I'm still too scared to do it justice  lol

If you're really too daunted to give the kit a go, I hear YPU is in the market for one....

Title: Re: Modeling the Ingarian Empire (Ghibli/Howl's Moving Castle)
Post by: Mr.Marx on September 07, 2018, 01:20:50 PM
Hey All,

Nothing much to show by ways of finished miniatures, I've made a little progress.

I've drawn up a full army list for both sides, worked out the figures I'm going to use, and where I can source them from. As I've mentioned before, I've popped up a post in the Bazaar (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=111760.0) on this forum to see if any of you lovely lot can't help me pick some of them second hand.

The only character I can't source a model for is Turnip Head. Any ~15mm scale scarecrow would probably do. I've seen a few HO scale ones, but I refuse to pay out £15 for a single tiny horrible plastic miniature. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm sure it'd be a fairly simple job to knock one up, but I really can't sculpt at all.

(http://i.imgur.com/R3CGWRN.jpg) (https://imgur.com/R3CGWRN)

All being well, the postman should arrive with my Howl's Castle tomorrow...

Title: Re: The Ingarian Empire: 15mm Scarecrow? (Ghibli/Howl's Moving Castle Project)
Post by: N.C.S.E on September 09, 2018, 08:59:08 AM
I love these Miyazaki threads. :) Looking forward to following along.
Title: Re: The Ingarian Empire: 15mm Scarecrow? (Ghibli/Howl's Moving Castle Project)
Post by: OSHIROmodels on September 09, 2018, 09:04:19 AM
A simple stiff wire cross with tissue soaked in wood glue for the jacket?
Title: Re: The Ingarian Empire: 15mm Scarecrow? (Ghibli/Howl's Moving Castle Project)
Post by: Mr.Marx on September 17, 2018, 11:01:52 PM
Okay......I had hoped to have posted up some pictures of my Moving Castle model by now. The package arrived late last week, but, well.

It did not contain a model of Howls Moving Castle.

It contained a false breast. As in, a wobbly pink silicone thing.

I did not see this coming.

Title: Re: The Ingarian Empire: 15mm Scarecrow? (Ghibli/Howl's Moving Castle Project)
Post by: YPU on September 18, 2018, 08:54:01 AM
That is rather disappointing but, if I'm being entirely honest also rather entertaining  ;D

I hope you manage to get some decent customer care and actually receive the castle though, I was quite curious how it would look painted.
Title: Re: The Ingarian Empire: 15mm Scarecrow? (Ghibli/Howl's Moving Castle Project)
Post by: Mr.Marx on October 28, 2018, 10:51:06 PM
Hey LAF,

Finally, an update.

I've moved house since the last time I posted. (I live in Cheltenham now, if anyone ever fancies a game.) I've not got a dedicated 'modeling area' in my new place, but I have fallen into doing a few hobby bits in an armchair next to the coffee table, which is quite nice.

Biggest thing, my model of Howl's Moving Castle has finally arrived.

Took about two months to get to me in the end. They sent out the original parcel in about ten days - which is very fast from China - but it turned out to be a false breast rather than a castle. It took about ten days to get the seller to agree to pay the return postage to send them back their false breast, then it was about three weeks on the slow boat back to China. Then it was just another fortnight for the replacement castle to make its way to my letterbox.

Dozens of emails, written in fairly broken English. Not sure I'd do it again. On the plus side, I've got me castle. And, quite out of character for me, I'm not getting that nasty, resentful loss of enthusiasm for this project that usually accompanies a pain in the arse of this magnitude. 

Anyhoo, some pictures:





It's a surprisingly nice model. It looks like a pewter cast rather than a die-cast, which was a pleasant surprise. The details are nice and deep and well defined, and there's no sign at all of mold-misalignment. It even came pre-cleaned up - something that I was surprised by for some reason, expecting a lot of painful mold line grinding. In hindsight, as its intended as a display piece - and not a cheap one at £32 - its probably fair enough to expect it to not be covered in horrible lines.


There was a fair bit of gap filling and fixing up to do. Being a muppet, I decided to do all the filling in such a way that the model would still be able to come apart for painting. Things took a lot longer because of this. I've done a good job, though, I think. I won't know for sure until I've got it undercoated.


The model was advertised as being "1/100 scale", but clearly isn't. I don't particularly care though. Comparing the size of characters in the film to the model, I'd say it was about 1/200th or 6mm/1/300th scale.

^ The castle next to Sophie Hatter (Blue Moon 18mm)

The only thing that really 'sizes' it is the houses and other buildings that cover its surface - and they're not even in scale with each other. Some of the houses look about 2mm/1:1,200th scale while others look 6mm or maybe even 10mm scale.

Ultimately, the castle is a cartoon, and does not quite translate to a 3D model. The castle isn't really a "scale specific" object in my books anyway. A wizard did it. And that wizard would have known about the Disney Land castle, and the rules of forced perspective, and was never a fan of having anyone close enough to his home to look at it up close in the first place. It'd have been nice if it looked a little less off when next to 15mm figures, but as it is it makes an imposing centrepiece to my force.
Title: Re: The Ingarian Empire: 28th Oct - Howl's Castle is Here - Pg.2
Post by: YPU on October 30, 2018, 05:44:33 PM
Oh that does indeed look quite good! Like you say a tad larger would have been nice but you make a couple of good arguments. I'm still not sure what to think of that huge ear on its left flank. When I saw the movie on the big screen that stood out to me as particularly odd.
Title: Re: The Ingarian Empire: 24th June - Resurrection
Post by: Mr.Marx on June 24, 2020, 10:39:38 PM
Hey all,
I'm coming back to this project after rather a long hiatus. I hope nobody minds me resurrecting this thread after so long, but I thought the pictures and discussion were worth keeping with the project as it develops.
The thing that killed my enthusiasm the last time around was that the Moving Castle of my Howl's Moving Castle project turned out to be completely the wrong scale. I tried to justify just using the out-of-scale model, but my 'a wizard did it' excuse to explain away the disparity just didn't sit right – and I’m just no good at pushing ahead with anything if it feels off.

The Castle being the centrepiece of the project and the first thing I bought, the obvious thing would have been to switch scales, from 15mm to 6mm. I could have carried on with the project quite happily that way - but due to the delay with the Castle being delivered from China, and the whole 'false breast episode', by the time I had the castle I had already ordered everything in 18mm.

Having spent a lot on this army and on the Castle and with the gnawing feeling that I should really be doing this project in 6mm scale I lost heart in the whole thing, got rather grumpy about it, and shoved the whole project in a box and put it in the back room.
But, I’m back at it now because I’ve got a really, really bad idea. How about I do the project….in both scales?!?
It’s a great idea right, because then I get to use the Moving Castle I already spent far too much money on and the rather extensive 18mm force which I also already spent far too much on. The idea would be that I just go ahead and do the 18mm force as before, but then duplicate the whole thing in 6mm as well, to go with the Moving Castle!
The crux of this idea came in the form of the recent revamp Kickstarter for Zombiesmith Miniatures’ 15mm Quar range. As part of it there were these fantastic nonsense castle tanks which looked like smaller versions of the Ghibli Moving Castle.


It is my understanding that, like they have done with all their other models in the range, these models will be duplicated in 6mm scale at some point in the future – so it should be quite viable to duplicate the same force in 18mm and 6mm.

That way I can have an 18mm force that goes up size-wise to these smaller ‘Moving Castle’ type machines, and then the 6mm force would take off from there, allowing me to have Howl’s Moving Castle. I’ve never duplicated a force across two scales before, which in itself holds some appeal,  but really, for me, a Howl’s Moving Castle project just has to have Howl’s Moving Castle in it, even if it is in a weird, convoluted way that brings in another scale.

This nice small, contained project is bloating out of hand. This is a dreadful idea. I’m quite looking forward to it.

Title: Re: The Ingarian Empire: 24th June - Resurrection
Post by: YPU on June 25, 2020, 10:45:01 AM
I am very glad to hear you are moving on with this project again!
Title: Re: The Ingarian Empire: 24th June - Resurrection
Post by: Mr.Marx on July 05, 2020, 04:33:49 PM
Hey All,

Figure-wise I've got almost all I want for this project worked out. There are only a few things left that I can't find suitable figures for - but I got plans for all of them.

The problem is that they'll all require a bit of sculpting. Nothing all too major - hair and hats, mostly - but more than I feel I can do to a standard that I'll be happy with. The plan would be that I'll team up with someone at some point to do the sculpting for me, but I don't personally know anyone who can sculpt. I'm not sure how to go about recruiting for such a job, I've started a thread over in the Workbench about that (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=125582.0), but if anyone is interested, please PM do me. UK only preferably (for purely postage reasons). Time and labour compensated for in money or figures.

Anyhoo, here is the plan:

1.) Wizard Howl, in his lesser monster form.

This is the sort of thing I'm aiming for:


Plan for this one is to take Microworld's "Great Dingonek" figure (https://www.microworldgames.com/collections/6mm-fantasy/products/great-dingonek) that I already have:


The plan would be to sculpt on a sort of 'emo fringe' over the figure's otherwise rather friendly badger-like nose, something like this:



I'm not sure where these images are from, but I think they're both fan-drawings. They convey the point though - the hair extends out of the rest of the body and to cover most the face in that stylish way that anime characters seem to like wearing their hair.

2. Wizard Howl, in his greater monster form.

This is what I'm aiming for:



After looking though a lot of owlbears and giant eagles, I think I've settled on the suitably aggressive looking "Terror Turkey" sold by Bears Head Minis (https://www.bearsheadminis.com/store/p181/Terror_Turkey.html).


The miniature is going to need a fair bit of sculpting, though. The tail is going to need a bit of fleshing (feathering?) out, that tuft at the base of the neck will have to go, and the whole base of the neck to the top of the head is going to need a covering in feathers. It'll be the most work of all of the figures, but if it can end up looking like it looks in my head, it'll be worth it.

My other consideration for this one was this rather lovely Owlbear sold by Oathsworn Miniatures (https://www.oathswornminiatures.co.uk/p/9218245/28mm-owlbear-and-cub.html) as part of their Sensile Shoes range. I don't think it is quite intimidating enough for the role - much too thoughtful and cautious - but it is a lovely figure. I imagine I'll end up buying one to use for something else one day.

3. Magicians turned to Monsters


This should be one of the easier ones. Khurasan Miniatures make these lovely little "Foul Spirits, Winged Demons" (http://khurasanminiatures.tripod.com/apoc666.html) which are just he spitting image, don't you think. They need hats though. Hats and masquerade masks, which will need to be sculpted on.


4. The Blobmen


These should be the very easiest of the lot. After a lot of looking around for blob monsters and 15mm scale figure blanks, I came across these "Blue Aliens" made by The Scene (https://thesceneuk.com/product-category/15mm-figures/blue-aliens/). I can file down the bulbous eyes, and they'll need big round noses and straw boaters. I'm hoping that, if 15mm scale hats are a fairly easy thing to sculpt, I'll be able to buy a few packs and re-pose them to make a horde of henchmen.


5. Flying Canoes


I've had quite a look around for these, but I've not found anything yet that would work as the basis for a conversion. I think I'm going to have to take another approach with these - more details if I make any progress at all, but they are firmly on the back burner for now.

So, that is the plan. Would be interested in anyone's opinions. If anyone can think of better figures for converting from, do tell. And, if you're interested in maybe helping me with the sculpting, drop me a PM.

I've ordered a large bag of lollipop sticks which should soon arrive in the post - once they're here, I've got about two hundred figures to clean up ready for spraying!

Title: Re: Howl's Moving Castle: The Ingarian Empire (5th of July - Sculptor Need)
Post by: OSHIROmodels on July 05, 2020, 06:40:20 PM
Good figure choices  8)

Hope you get someone to sort them out for you.

Regarding the 'flying canoes', how about some larger scale fighter plane missiles/bombs with appropriate dolls house furniture on them?
Title: Re: Howl's Moving Castle: The Ingarian Empire (5th of July - Sculptor Need)
Post by: YPU on July 07, 2020, 07:10:27 PM
Good figure choices  8)

Hope you get someone to sort them out for you.

Regarding the 'flying canoes', how about some larger scale fighter plane missiles/bombs with appropriate dolls house furniture on them?

You can get sets of fighter armaments in a bundle with no craft, probably would sort them all out in one go with a lot of interesting parts to spare.

Alternatively, you should be able to get them 3d sculpted and printed, they are carbon copies of Albert Robida designs and therefore in the public domain, I should think. (note, not a lawyer)

I love your picks of monsters, they should add a lot of visual interest to any scene!
Title: Re: Howl's Moving Castle: The Ingarian Empire (5th of July - Sculptor Need)
Post by: Mason on July 07, 2020, 07:31:32 PM
Some cracking idea there.

If you are looking to make quick and easy straw boaters, try using a suitably scaled Brodie helmet as your base to make life easier.You will only need to build up the sides a little.