Forum > Other Adventures

Spooktalker's Malifaux - Sabertooth Cerebus


Hi folks, I mainly post to the fantasy board, but wandered over this way to post my first Malifaux figure, the Sabertooth Cerebus from the Marcus box, Claw and Fang.

My plan for these was to have a muted, controlled, horror-vibe pallet after the painter Beksinski and games like Bloodborne. Following the artwork on the box, they will also have blue-green in the shadows or under-lighting. I haven't adhered to the plan entirely and getting them right has also contributed to the project going on to long.

More pics and talk in this blog post:

That is a nice paint job.

Thanks. :)

Sweet! :-*

Hobby Services:
Excellent work.  I really ought to get back to doing Malifaux.


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