Forum > SuperHero Adventures

SMF Marvel Gaming

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For some time I’ve been putting together a collection of Marvel characters using miniatures from a range of manufacturers (and the occasional Clix). I’ve had a bit of a struggle finding the right rules to suit both my gaming needs and the genre, however, I’ve recently been put onto Super Mission Force and found that it fits the bill.

This thread will catalogue my adventures which are detailed on my blog.

My initial collection of miniatures:

My first try and impressions of SMF:

A few more miniatures for a campaign I’m planning:

Damn, I REALLY like your battle report!

How did you do it?

Great mini painting too, BTW!

And yes, all of Scotts rules "fit the bill"!

Is that the former "Emily Lake" playing Rogue?

No, it’s just a ‘girl in some clothes’.  ;)

I’d already used her as Amy when I realised that her outfit could be an amalgamation of two of Rogue’s costumes. Seeing as I’d picked up a couple of the Crooked Dice ‘not Amys’, I repurposed her.

Inspiring stuff! Thanks so much for posting and keep it coming!


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