Forum > Colonial Adventures

Afghan Regular army flags

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I’m finally finishing off a group of Foundry regular Afghan infantry and I just realized that one of the figures is a standard bearer.  Does anyone know what a Afghan Battalion would carry? National color, regimental, religious banner?

No, but if anyone does I am interested.

Will Bailie:
I've done some looking without success.  Best I've come up with (and it isn't much!) is from the Wikipedia page, which indicates a plain, black national flag from 1880-1901, and no official flag before that.  Haven't found anything on regimental or other flags.

I'm not one to be too fussed about the particular flags the troops carry.  My Pathan tribesmen carry some banners with 'William's little askari' written in Pashto, and the Afghan regulars have the plain black flag.

The afghan regular army had triangular standards. With various designs:

 I'm sure there is a flag sheet online somewhere, and I'm guessing the maiwand blog guy who frequents this forum will be able to help you.

Irregular tribes were well known to carry the triangular flags (Ikm not sure I’d call them ‘standards’). My question is relation to the regular army.  Barring additional information, I’ll probably go with plain black.


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