Forum > Pulp

Pulp Alley in (of all things) the Pulp Era (updates irregularly)

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So, I recently swindled a few friends to get a campaign going for Pulp alley, and the decision was to actually play in the Pulp era, so I finally quit dragging my feet and got a few models painted that didn't quite fit in with my post-apoc setting (although I will usually freely mix that era in, as certain styles of clothing never really change).

I have no idea what this guy is, or where he is from, but I made him a pale-skinned vampire wanna-be.  He has some kind of contrivance on his left hand that I just painted a dark silver.

And we have Lincoln with an axe - a bit early for pulp, but maybe he extended his life by killing vampires...or something.

And a classic Red Skull.

We had our first meetup where everyone was there today, and it was freaking awesome.

Shocked by the choice of period setting! Shocked, I say!

Any photos of the game in progress, and the players?

Not really yet - we are going to start Perilous Island next month.  It looks like we will only be able to meet about once a month, but the first fully attended meeting yesterday went well.

We did a "Trail of Clues" - I GM'ed for the other 4 players.  I didn't keep track nearly well enough for an AAR.

Basically,  I told them to find the plot points (who were townsfolk) to get clues to find the soda machine.  Nice and simple.

Alcide Nikopol:
I looks like you are off to a brilliant start. I hope we get to see more.

Planning on it!  As I finish some more figures, and get in some more games, the results will show up here.


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