Forum > SuperHero Adventures

Crossover minions head swap


Does anyone know of any good head replacements to turn the Crossover Paramilitary goons into SHIELD agents? Need heads with just earpieces or sunglasses.

There was one set of Paramilitary Goons with suitable heads,  think I have them somewhere, just never finished them.

Left figure is as supplied (but assembled).

My first port of call is always Crooked Dice.

Not quite what you describe, but Fighting Men (berets), Security Guards (Rounders caps), Balaclavas, Helmets.

I wish Empress would do some in their Universal Soldier range.

Mmm, Crossover used to sell the heads separately, it sounds like you want the I.R.S head. The current pack description sounds like you get all three.

Awesome. Need to check the product details next time. I just assumed they were a separate purchase

Uuuh...they come with heads that meet that purpose. :)

The strike team head.

There is also a picture on the website of all four dudes with those heads on.

The Crossover Dude


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