Forum > VSF Adventures

Looking for lasercut wooden Barsoom flyers

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I've done a search and a skim of this forum, but I haven't had any luck, so I thought I should just post the question.

Awhile back I'm certain that I saw some lasercut wooden Barsoom skiffs/flyers, they were very nice looking and ornate in an Art Deco sort of style, but I can't seem to find them again.

Do they sound familiar to anyone here?  I'd love to take another look at them and see if they'll work for a project that I have planned.

Thanks in advance for any assistance!


Sir Barnaby Hammond-Rye:
Tre Games:


Yep, that's the one!

Gorgeous!!  Thank you for the link!

I would love to see someone convert the TRE Games 28mm Greek galley into a Barsoomian sky galley, perhaps with feathers in place of oars.

Cacique Caribe:
Wow, what a beautiful piece!


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