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15mm VSF

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G. K. Zhukov:
Thanks for the pics of the Irregular minis! They do help a lot!

--- Quote from: "Barry S" ---
I have another figure of a lady in a torn dress from Irregular (Sorry abouit the poor photo)

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By the way... Where did those Tarzan and HM Queen Vic come from? And the hunter does not seem to be an Irregular fig, does he?

Barry S:
Tarzan is a conversion using an Essex Miniatures Zulu warrior. Quen Victria is a conversion utilizing the Irregular Miniatures Lady as shown in the first link. The Hunter is another photo of Sir Harry. I hope to have better photos added soon.

Here is a better photo of Queen Victoria:

G. K. Zhukov:

--- Quote from: "Barry S" ---
Here is a better photo of Queen Victoria:
--- End quote ---


...and of course the gentlemen around the Queen have also been converted by you...



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