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Miniatures Adventure => Fantasy Adventures => Topic started by: Gandalf the G on July 05, 2013, 12:24:02 AM

Title: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on July 05, 2013, 12:24:02 AM
EDIT: Im changing the name of this thread, because I've started to post a lot of stuff that is not related to the original thread title.


I am currently building an army of medieval warriors that I want to be able to use in almost any game.
Currently it is approximately
600pts Empire in Warhammer Fantasy
800 pts Age of Trebuchet(LotR SBG variant)
4 pts SAGA(using the fan-made Lannister battleboard)

I havent started basing any models yet, but I want to do that pretty soon.
All models so far are from Perry Bros WotR range except for my Wizard, but I am currently working on some Fireforge models, and I have some metal knights that I will introduce to the army eventually.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: DeafNala on July 05, 2013, 01:21:13 AM
That's an EXCELLENT start. Red & yellow is a favorite color combo with moi. Keep up the FINE WORK & keep us posted!
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: deathjester25 on July 05, 2013, 03:19:01 AM
Those are looking really nice. I've been thinking about getting some plastic historical sets to use for those same 3 rule sets. I'm struggling to find the best way to base them. 20mm squares are needed for warhammer but how will that size work for lotr sbg? It shouldn't matter for saga I guess.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: eilif on July 05, 2013, 04:50:28 AM
Looks like a worthy start.  I'm a big fan of armies for use across game systems.  They'd probably work well for Kings of War also. Will be watching for future progress.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Mason on July 05, 2013, 06:14:49 AM
Those plastic kits are extremely versatile for this sort of thing.
Have a search in the Medieval Adventures section for Captain Blood's extensive thread showing their versatility.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Gandalf the G on July 05, 2013, 07:58:41 AM
Mason: Don't worry, I've seen Captain Bloods excellent, excellent, excellent WotR models.

DeafNala: Thanks, I certainly will. The minitures in the images are not the whole army so far, though. In fact, I finished the 51st model yesterday. Army pictures coming soon, promise!

deathjester25: I can see why 20mm round bases would be slightly problematic in LotR, but I dont think it is so bad.
For WHFB, I think roundbases will work fine, as long as you use movement trays and you are not super competetive.
My decision to use these roundbases are 1. round bases look better(IMO) and 2.versatility.
The bases are from Sarissa Precision, and though you can't tell in the picture, the cavalry is actually based on 25x50 oval bases. I'm very happy with the quality and customer service of Sarissa.

ellif: Thanks! I haven't read the rules of Kings of War, but my intention is to be able to use the army for almost anything, building movement trays and temporary multibases as needed.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: eilif on July 05, 2013, 09:39:31 PM
KoW is a very light ruleset with some similarities to WHFB, but not a direct clone. It's probably lighter than any of the ones you listed.  Also, the rules are free, so there's no need to buy a set that you might not like.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: dijit on July 06, 2013, 12:33:10 PM
Nice painting and the yellows are very good.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: CyberAlien312 on July 06, 2013, 05:55:59 PM
Really nice, the yellows are great indeed, but so is the red!  :)
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Dave Knight on July 07, 2013, 08:51:16 AM
Nice work - very usable for Impetus as well
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: stone-cold-lead on July 07, 2013, 11:03:18 AM
Really nice start to the army there. I'm also something of a fan of the generic army for all occasions. The round bases are also my current choice (again an aesthetics thing), although I've gone for 25mm across the board which might require an understanding opponent if I ever get to play WFB.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Gandalf the G on July 14, 2013, 04:01:03 PM
Some reinforments have arrived! Three soldiers who will fight under the banner of House Clegane, a standard bearer for my knights and a fully harnessed knight on foot.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Gandalf the G on July 15, 2013, 10:29:25 AM
A test model for some tully soldiers. I want to make at least 8 of these soldiers in fishscale armor to make a point of warriors in SAGA, but if I am not too bored I'll try to make twice that amount.

I am planning to make some knights using the Fireforge models, at least 4 models but probably twice or three times as many. These will all have different heraldry, some from westeros and others more generic. Crossbowmen will be made with the plastic serjeants, but they will not be as uniform as I am planning to make the spearmen. Then I also want to make some peasant bowmen using leftovers from the WotR infantry and Gripping Beasts Dark Age warriors.
As warlords I am planning to make Edmure Tully on foot and Brynden the Blackfish in case I want my warlord mounted. As infantry Hearthguard I want to make a standard bearer, musician, captain(Robin Ryger) and master-at-arms(Desmond Grell).
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Captain Blood on July 15, 2013, 10:44:53 AM
Ooooh. Those are all very nice. Well done  :)
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Blackwolf on July 15, 2013, 11:03:48 AM
Cracking,nice metallics :-*
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Gandalf the G on July 15, 2013, 11:19:25 AM
Blackwolf: Thanks! I often dont know how to react when someone compliments my metallics(it has happened a few times before), as I do it in such a simple way. All GW paints: Chainmail over a black undercoat, and then Nuln Oil applied generously but carefully. For the Tully soldier, his scalemail is chainmail washed with Devlan Mud, and then some more Chainmail on top of that. His helmet is Screaming Bell over Mephiston Red(SB seems to cover so well that in the future I will just paint it over black.) The gold is just one of the gold paints from GW painted over black or Snakebite Leather(or another brown color) and then washed with either Nuln Oil or Devlan Mud.
I don't consider myself to be a very good painter(quantity over quality) but I try to be very careful.

Captain Blood: What an honor! Seeing your WotR models were what inspired me to start painting historical models. I am a big fan, and I am looking forward to when you will get your hands on the new medieval kits that the Perry brothers are working on.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Gandalf the G on July 29, 2013, 02:49:44 PM
I finished the first knight from the Fireforge boxes that I bought a couple of months ago.

The paint scheme is taken from an example from the 4th ed Bretonnia armybook, and there are a few more examples from those pages that I will use.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: DeafNala on July 29, 2013, 03:04:40 PM
I LOVE the colors you chose; AND the brushwork & heraldry are OUTSTANDING. GREAT WORK!
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: max on July 30, 2013, 09:46:55 AM
The heraldry is really nice, perfectly straight lines!
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Gandalf the G on July 31, 2013, 09:32:51 AM
max & DaefNala: Thanks! That was the first shield I have painted in a very long time, and decided to do something relatively simple. The example that I worked from(old Bretonnia armybook page) simply had a white X, and I tried something similar, but different.

I played my first game with this army last sunday, and realised that I didn't have a proper model for a general. I converted and painted Amory Lorch, a knight who(in the GoT books) commands a Lannister warband and becomes castellan of the cursed castle Harrenhal.

I have found two different heraldries for Lorch:

As far as I can tell, the books themselves only mention that he has a manticore on his shield, nothing more. I decided then to use the House Lorch shield, that I found more interesting. I gave Amory a big spiked mace: a representation of the spiked tail of the manticore. Since I did not want to repeat that image on the shield I decided to paint the manticore as a simple lions head with batwings, instead of the icon seen on the reference image. The result is not great, but it looks fine from a distance.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Hupp n at em on August 02, 2013, 04:19:42 PM
Looks pretty good to me!  8)
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Captain Blood on August 03, 2013, 07:59:20 AM
Nice figure. Keep 'em coming  :)
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Gandalf the G on August 07, 2013, 10:36:06 AM
This is my slowly growing force of Tully soldiers. It is now 1 point in Saga!
1/2pt of infantry warriors
1/4pt Crossbowmen
1/4pt Hearthguard

Though I am not yet very familiar with the Saga rules, I am currently planning to play them as Normans. There is still a lot to do before they are ready for the tabletop, but maybe I will have 4pts by christmas? That will be my goal.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Gandalf the G on August 07, 2013, 10:48:00 AM
Reinforcements for Gregor Clegane:
1 rider
3 footmen

I am planning to make at least 5 riders(in fact, I have 2 more basecoated riders ready to be painted) for use as a medium cavalry unit in Warhammer, and mounted Warriors in Saga.
The footmen are Empire Swordsmen in Warhammer, and I am planning to make at least 20, with command models. The next 4 models I am about to paint will probably be additions to this unit. When they are done, I have a couple of Fireforge knights to paint, and then I will go back to painting Perry WotR models for a while.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Gandalf the G on August 07, 2013, 10:57:15 AM
Last update for today:

A Beesbury knight.

House Beesbury is a noble house in the Reach, sworn to House Hightower, who in turn are vassals of House Tyrell.
I am not planning to make a warband from the Reach, so I had no good reason to paint this model as a member of house Beesbury.

As you can see, I simplified the heraldry by painting only one beehive instead of three.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Modhail on August 07, 2013, 01:43:56 PM
Very nice painting! Love the heraldry.

Just one question, the centre knight on the first picture of your first post (can't quote it, as it's an attachment), would he happen to be Sir Anthony of Stark?  ;)
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Captain Blood on August 07, 2013, 02:22:15 PM
Great shield!  :)
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: OLeary on August 07, 2013, 03:49:05 PM
Great work all the way around!
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: PatrickWR on August 07, 2013, 06:13:51 PM
Really nice stuff! I, too, really like the idea of having a generic medieval/fantasy army that you can have on hand "just in case" a game falls into your lap. Keep up the good work!
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: eMills on August 07, 2013, 07:00:09 PM
Looking good.  My own ASoIaF project stalled hard, so I sit in admiration of your dedication. lol

I don't suppose we can get a straight shot size comparison of the Perry and Fireforge plastic foot can we?  I have looked all over for one and either they are not out there or the Google is weak in me on this.

Keep up the good work.

Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Gandalf the G on August 07, 2013, 10:51:54 PM
Modhall: Indeed! You are actually the first one to notice, except for a friend who saw the model IRL. Ser Anthony of House Stark it is. ;D

CaptainBlood & OLeary & PatrickWR: Many thanks, it is much appreciated.

Eric(eMills): I attach a size comparison. Terrible photo, but it should serve its purpose.

From left to right:
Teutonic Knight(generic frame), WotR command frame, Teutonic Knight(generic frame), WotR infantry, Foot Serjeant, WotR infantry, Foot Serjeant.... etc.

As you can see, the difference is not insignificant. Notice that the bases of the FF models, which I have modified only in width, not height, is a few 1/10ths of a milimeter higher than the Perry minis.
The FF models are not in perfect scale with each other either: the arms of mounted troops are thinner than the infantry counterpart... but the difference is hardly noticeable. The beesbury knight has a infantry right arm and cavalry left arm, if you want to try to see the difference.

Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: max on August 08, 2013, 11:00:09 AM
Fireforge horses are a bit bigger than Perry ones too, not massively different though.

Enjoying seeing the armies come together!
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: eilif on August 08, 2013, 12:26:10 PM
Really liking your figs and your knights are beautiful with some really cleanly done heraldry.

One question though. Are you planning on balasting, flocking or otherwise basing the models?  They're such lovely paintjobs, but they appear to be standing on asphalt mounds!
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Mason on August 08, 2013, 02:08:17 PM
This is coming together really well and the comparison pic is VERY useful.
Loving those paintjobs!

The Beesbury Knight is my favourite so far.

One question: Where is the mounted fella from here from:

Reinforcements for Gregor Clegane:
1 rider
3 footmen

Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Gandalf the G on August 08, 2013, 02:42:21 PM
max: Indeed, there is a slight difference, but even less noticeble than between the infantry models.

ellif: yes, they will all be based eventually. Don't yet know ehere, when or how.

Mason: Thanks! I really enjoyed painting the Beesbury knight. I usually paint several models at the time, and finish a bunch at the same time, but this guy was painted from start to finish in one evening. I really enjoyed painting it.
The Clegane riders are all simple kitbashes using various FF kits.
Heads and spear arms: generic infantry knight frame
Horse, body, and shields+arm: various Templar Knights cavalry frames

It seems to me like Fireforge have a tendency to reuse a lot of parts. For example, the heads on the generic infantry knight frames are mostly identical to the Foot Serjeant heads, except with chainmail hoods instead of cloth. I believe the only difference between the three cavalry kits are their heads, teutonic and templar infantry share a sprue, and the "command sprues" in those kits are very similar indeed.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Mason on August 08, 2013, 02:44:27 PM
Thanks for that GtheG!

I may have to take a look at the FF stuff a little more closely.
They may be what I am looking for....

Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: eMills on August 08, 2013, 03:45:51 PM
Eric(eMills): I attach a size comparison. Terrible photo, but it should serve its purpose.

From left to right:
Teutonic Knight(generic frame), WotR command frame, Teutonic Knight(generic frame), WotR infantry, Foot Serjeant, WotR infantry, Foot Serjeant.... etc.

As you can see, the difference is not insignificant. Notice that the bases of the FF models, which I have modified only in width, not height, is a few 1/10ths of a milimeter higher than the Perry minis.
The FF models are not in perfect scale with each other either: the arms of mounted troops are thinner than the infantry counterpart... but the difference is hardly noticeable. The beesbury knight has a infantry right arm and cavalry left arm, if you want to try to see the difference.

Thanks very much for that.  Seems they will look fine together as long as they are mixed.  Having a warband from just one set next to a warband from just the other set may look odd though.

Much appreciated.

Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Gandalf the G on August 09, 2013, 09:57:08 AM
Mason & Eric: You are very welcome. Just ask if you want to know anything else.

Last knight I finished another... knight.(That was a funny misspelling.)
Again it is based on heraldry from an old brettonia book, but the original simply had a white coat with a purple cross and a red-painted helmet. It looked fine, and medieval enough.
What I did with that colorscheme reminds me of a Nike sneaker.
I don't hate it by any means, I think it looks pretty cool... but it doesn't look like a medieval knight.White and grey  in combination is apparently a big no-no for heraldry, and I dont know when people started using lavender on their shields. I think even the ordinary is pretty unauthentic.
Let me know what you think, and if there are any heraldry experts among you... have no mercy. Mercy is for the weak.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Gandalf the G on August 13, 2013, 02:58:55 PM
Another Fireforge knight is done.

These five riders could represent Knightly Orders in WHFB, while the harnessed Perry knights are Inner Circle knights. I am currently painting another one of those to fill out the movement tray. Some more Perry crossbowmen and an archer are also currently on the painting table, along with more Clegane troops and Edmure Tully.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: max on August 13, 2013, 04:49:38 PM
More cool knights!

I think the white and grey looks fine. I think black and white was used, so why not white and grey?
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Gandalf the G on September 22, 2013, 01:58:56 PM
Tiny update: I've been in my parents house over the weekend, and I felt like painting a little bit. I assembled and basecoated a few figures(despite having a dozen half finished on the painting table) and focused on a FF foot knight.
I dont have a good camera here, so I had to take a picture with my webcam. Sorry bout that.
Anyway, the knight has heraldry designed by myself. The bird is supposed to be an eagle, but looks more like a parrot. Still, I am quite happy with the figure.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Gandalf the G on January 07, 2014, 01:15:27 PM
An addition to my Tully warband: Edmure Tully! He is the leader/warlord.
I'm quite happy with the trout on his shield.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Gandalf the G on January 07, 2014, 01:23:21 PM
These are the other models that I have painted over the christmas break:

The knight you have seen before, together with a Clegane soldier.

Three Lannister archers, one mounted man-at-arms, one crossbowman and a random dude with a spear whose role is still a bit unclear. Also two bases of arrows in the ground. If I add these to fill out my archer units I will have two units of ten archers.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Gandalf the G on January 07, 2014, 01:33:54 PM
A couple of army shots.

The army as it stands:

20 Halberdiers with commanders
6 Elite fighters
6 Mounted Men-at-Arms with commanders
20 Archers
6 crossbowmen
Amory Lorch(can be seen in the halberdiers unit)
1 Costillier of house Lannister
7 fighters from house Clegane
1 rider from house clegane
1 wizard
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: DeafNala on January 07, 2014, 02:47:22 PM
Seeing SO many BEAUTIFULLY painted minis all together is a visual treat. GREAT WORK!
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Captain Blood on January 07, 2014, 02:59:28 PM
Coming together very well. Great collection and nice painting.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Vermis on January 07, 2014, 06:03:44 PM
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: max on January 07, 2014, 07:19:40 PM
A colourful array. I like the trout on the shield too.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: LordOdo on January 07, 2014, 07:54:56 PM
Really cool!! Just started mu own ASOIAF project.. will post soon what I've got so far
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Gandalf the G on April 22, 2014, 10:51:05 PM
Thanks for the kind comments!

Last week I had a break from university. I didn't manage to paint as much as I would have liked, but I finished a few figures that have been sitting on my painting tray for a very long time... The brigandines are a bit of a pain to paint, and I've been putting that spearman off since last summer...

I'm currently working on a bunch of different models, some Stark troops, a couple of men from The Vale and a few random knights.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: LordOdo on April 22, 2014, 10:57:27 PM
Good looking guys!
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: doowopapocalypse on April 23, 2014, 02:17:55 PM
Great stuff. I've always heard yellow is a tricky color to get right, but yours are excellent.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Gandalf the G on August 15, 2014, 09:37:04 PM
Hello there, fellow lead adventurers!

The semester is about to start, and I'm almost back at university.
I have a bunch of pictures to show you. I didn't feel like I painted a lot this summer, but there are some, at least.

First up are some reinforcements for my Lannister force.

2 crossbowmen(gicing me a total of 8)
1 man-at-arms
2 swordsmen
A command group
1 "standard bearer" for my Cleganes

The Clegane guy might get a small flag eventually.

The command group gives me the option to divide my bill men in two groups, to play Lion Rampant, for example.
The extra musician can also fit wherever I want him to go, maybe in a unit of archers or crossbowmen, even. The symbol on his flag is supposed to be a lions paw.
The guy with the pike is getting a flag eventually.

And they are all getting based. Eventually.

Next up for the Lannisters:
Addam Marbrand has a few coats of paint on him. He will be a heavy cavalry commander.
I have ordered the new Perry knights, and will paint at least half a dozen as Lannisters.
I plan to paint a few more(1-4) billmen, 6 archers and maybe 4 more crossbowmen. Also a lot more mounted knights.
And Gregor Clegane, eventually.
Also I want to make a Jaime Lannister from the new foot knights. Gold-handed or gold-armoured? Not sure.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Gandalf the G on August 15, 2014, 09:42:29 PM
Then we have the Tullys.

Two riders are finished. I am quite happy with them. The color scheme is based on some art from the Fantasy Flight-produced card game, I think.
Two more riders are almost half finished. Two more Tully spearmen are also almost done. On the workbench there is also a Frey knight for the heavy cavalry, and Brynden Tully... who I hope will be suitably impressive.

Also two Stark archers that I painted a while ago. There are three more archers on the way, along with two billmen and a sergeant.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Gandalf the G on August 15, 2014, 09:45:32 PM
Next up is an elven princess... or something. I bought a bunch of miniatures from Hasslefree when they had a sale this june. but this is the only one I managed to paint. It was a joy to paint, and one of my very favourite sculpts.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Gandalf the G on August 15, 2014, 09:50:55 PM
A few knights!

The first guy is some sort of barbarian warrior, I guess. It is made from a mix of Fireforge parts and a topknot from GWs Chaos Warriors, I think.

The second has a Fireforge body, but all the rest is Perry plastics. The heraldry is supposed to show a white dragon or wyvern. Looks pretty good from a little distance. I might repaint the blue coat with some decorations, as it looks a bit plain now.

The third guy I guess you all know...
All fireforge parts.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Gandalf the G on August 15, 2014, 09:53:19 PM
The principal knight here is almost a year old, but I've given him a retinue.
The basing is not done, I want to paint the rims and glue some grass tufts onto the bases, too.

I'm not sure how I want to expand this lovely bunch... I want to make a mounted version of the leader, and a few serjeants to go along with him. Maybe I'll add more soldiers with different livery colors.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: OSHIROmodels on August 15, 2014, 10:06:40 PM
A fine collection  :)


Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: eilif on August 16, 2014, 12:45:02 AM
Wow, this has really come along since last I checked. Nice work!

I probably missed it somewhere, but what rules are the custom movement trays for?
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Argonor on August 16, 2014, 11:35:10 AM
Quite a collection by now!  :)
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Gandalf the G on May 14, 2015, 04:27:42 PM
Some conversions of GoT characters.

The Clegane brothers and Brienne of Tarth. Anyone care to guess who is who?
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Captain Blood on May 14, 2015, 05:27:12 PM
Ah nice, I spy a leg swap as well on that last one... Good work  :)
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Gandalf the G on May 15, 2015, 03:55:46 PM
Captain: Indeed, she is made from quite a few different parts. Arms from the Foot knights, with a hand swap. Legs are from the regular infantry sprue, and torso from the Mercenary command sprue. This combo gives her a little extra height compared to most other Perry models. Finally, her head is from a ACW command sprue that I got in my last order, crowned by the spare sallet from the new Light Cavalry box. Oh, the shield is from Fireforge Games.

Here are som WIP pictures of Gregor Clegane. The first is with just base coats, and in the other photos he is basically done. My painting is very simple, as you can see.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Captain Blood on May 15, 2015, 04:42:41 PM
Nowt wrong with that Gandalf. He looks the part. Love the big sword.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Gandalf the G on May 29, 2015, 11:39:10 PM
Gregor Clegane, now with shield.

I don't think he looks quite huge enough, but he is pretty big compared to other Perry figs.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: LordOdo on May 30, 2015, 01:17:17 AM
What a great freehand on the shield  :o
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Gandalf the G on January 08, 2016, 12:39:40 AM
LordOdo: Thanks! I did a yellow basecoat, then painted the dogs with many layers of GWs blak wash(Nuln Oil). the i just filled in the spaces around them with the lighter yellow.

I have painted quite a few figures since my last update, but sadly I have not been able to take many good pictures. I attach my Brienne of Tarth. I posted the conversion before(it is just a mix of perry plastic minis).

I painted her with blue armor, like in the tv-show. Then I gave her a red coat to kind of reveal her origin, the arms of Tarth, red and blue quartered. The shield is painted like Duncan the Talls shield.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: LordOdo on January 08, 2016, 12:42:03 AM
Nice! I suspect her to be a descendant of Ser Duncan...
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Gandalf the G on August 21, 2018, 06:34:45 PM
Hi everyone.

I havent posted in a very long time, but I am still painting and building miniatures.

Below you can see a Fireforge Games version of the Blackfish from Game of Thrones. Ive been working on a Tully force for Lion Rampant for years, and this would be the commander. I am not very happy with his helmet, so I may change it for a simpler one.
The other guys are dungeon adventurers. The dude with the red cap is a low level wizard that I've used as a DMPC once.
On the painting table I have a bunch of Oathmark goblins, the Tully warband, more adventurers and ASoIaF miniatures from CMON, which you can see in this thread:
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on August 21, 2018, 09:01:26 PM
Gregor Clegane, now with shield.

I don't think he looks quite huge enough, but he is pretty big compared to other Perry figs.

"Bigness" is also partly an illusion.  For some of my more diminutive figures I build the bases up to give extra height and the impression of greater size.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Ogrob on August 22, 2018, 04:49:36 PM
Really nice freehand you've got going there.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: LordOdo on August 23, 2018, 12:18:27 AM
To be honest I like your own build versions of the aSoIaF characters better than CMON's... :D

So keep 'em coming!
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on August 23, 2018, 07:41:01 AM
Those figures are very animated.  The poses are great.  Keep up the good work.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Grimmnar on August 25, 2018, 10:42:52 AM
The other guys are dungeon adventurers.
Where the dwarf come from?

Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Gandalf the G on August 25, 2018, 12:08:45 PM
Grimm: The Dwarf is from Oathmark, the new plastic range by North Star. Decent kit!

The Greenskins in this image are also from Oathmark. The Bugbear is Reaper Bones. It is the first Bones model I painted, and I'm not sure how I like it yet.
Title: Re: Human Medieval Fantasy/aSoIaF Army
Post by: Gandalf the G on March 05, 2019, 01:05:58 PM
Im working on some Oathmark miniatures.

In the first picture you can see the humans. I already built a bunch of fighters and archers, and these are the first few that are getting finished. I'm still deciding on how to do the shields. The guy in the foreground is a pathfinder/tracker/ranger built with a Frostgrave body. I have a few more of these guys in the pipeline as well.

Second picture is showing mainly the Oathmark Goblins. I have painted 25 out of 30 so far. When the wolf riders show up, I might get another box of these guys.
The warband is currently led by the Amazon, who is made out of a plastic kit produced by Shieldwolf Minitures, a kit that I have criticised before. The sculpts are nice, but there are things about the sprue design that are very bad. Still, I like how this gal turned out.
Zombies in the foreground are a mix of Zombies and Ghouls from Mantic Games.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on April 16, 2019, 11:08:20 PM
I am making progress on both Oathmark forces, but I also painted this beauty: A Silver Dragon from Wizkids. The color scheme is inspired by the Green Dragon from classic pc game Heroes of Might and Magic III.

Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: tomrommel1 on April 17, 2019, 07:36:56 AM
Nice painting indeed
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Little Odo on April 18, 2019, 03:12:19 PM
That dragon turned out rather nice  :-*
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: OSHIROmodels on April 18, 2019, 03:22:04 PM
Great updates  :)
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: LouieN on April 21, 2019, 03:19:16 AM
A wonderful dragon
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on May 10, 2019, 01:08:12 PM

These troops will be used as Warriors in a Age of Magic Saga warband. The shields are somewhat inspired by the game Rangers of Shadow Deep, and you could say that these guys are Alladorians.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on May 10, 2019, 01:12:44 PM
The Age of Magic warband uses the Lords of the Wild faction. This is your typical "Wood Elf" list, but could also be used for beastmen and lizardmen. My warband is an army of human woodsmen and rangers. This small group is 1,5 points of Hearthguard with bows, and represent elite pathfinders of the army.

Half the unit uses Frostgrave soldier bodies with Oathmark arms, heads and quivers. The leader type is an almost straight Oathmark build, but with a Conquest head (from the Medieval Archers kit) and a repositioned bow. The Dwarf is a mix of Oathmark Dwarf and human, with a hood in greenstuff. The last man, in chainmail, is mostly Conquest Archer, with Oathmark arms and accessories, plus a greenstuff hood.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on May 10, 2019, 01:15:43 PM
Warriors with bows. These guys are straight from the Oathmark kit, but some have repositioned hands. An interesting dilemma in this kit is how to attach a quiver to the body with a cloak. I cut down a quiver and placed it at the hip, so that it looks as though the cloak is hiding most of it. This can be seen on the leader of the pathfinders in the last post as well.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on May 10, 2019, 01:25:30 PM

The old knight is a metal figure. I really like this model.
The banner bearer is made from Oathmark Humans but with a head from Warlords Female Apocalypse Survivors kit. The flag is plastic, from Fireforge Games knights. The two Lieutenants are slightly kitbashed. The helmetless guy has two swrods and a small shield on his back. His head is from a Conquest kit, though I am not sure if it is from the Norman Knight kit or the Archers. Probably the latter. The other Lieutenant has arms from Fireforges Scandinavians kit, where the shield also comes from.
Behind them you can see a couplle of soldiers with bardiches, and in the background is a guardsman with a bardiche, taking care of the pack mule(wizkids figure).

Most shields in the army are from Fireforge Games Scandinavian Warriors, but some come from Conquest Games and some from Oathmark Dwarves.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gallahad on May 10, 2019, 04:46:56 PM
I really like the brown, yellow and green color scheme you've got going on for them. Your painting is really neat, and the force is coming along very nicely. Thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on May 24, 2019, 09:31:21 AM
Here is a small unit of mercenary cavalry. They all wear green, and the shields are black/white quartered, but the ends of the small flag are painted red and blue to match the Oathmark gang.

The models are all from Conquest games, with some parts from the norman infantry and archer kits.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on May 24, 2019, 09:38:19 AM
Work in progress Zombies.

I originally intended to use twelve zombies as Levy for my Orc Saga:Age of Magic army, but when I read the rules I saw that it wasn't really possible.

The zombies are mainly from Mantic games, and are a mix of Zombie and Ghoul parts. However, these new guys are using some parts from Frostgrave and Warlord games as well.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on May 24, 2019, 09:40:53 AM
These guys are a mix of Warlord games Celts, legs and heads from Mantics Ghoul kit, and hands+weapons from Oathmark Goblins.
They are a small unit of Berserkers for my Horde in Age of Magic.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gallahad on May 24, 2019, 02:39:40 PM
Wow, those bersekers look great! I love a good kitbash.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on May 26, 2019, 11:08:07 PM
Here are the characters of my Lannister army. Some I've posted before, others I havent. They were all painted quite long ago.

Gregor the Mountain
Jaimie Lannister
Addam Marbrand
Forley Prester
Sandor Clegane
Amory Lorch
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: HappyChappy439 on May 27, 2019, 12:50:43 AM
Loving your Lannister characters! Great heraldry painting too!
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: gibby64 on May 27, 2019, 04:13:40 AM
Fantastic!! Where is the mounted knight from?
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: AKULA on May 27, 2019, 09:16:39 AM
Love the characters

Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on May 27, 2019, 07:55:22 PM
Thank you for the comments!
The mounted knight (Addam Marbrand) is straight from the Perry War of the Roses Knight box, with a modified shield by Fireforge Games.

Pic: Work in progress on a War Monster for the Oathmark Goblin army.
A War Monster is a special unit for the Horde faction in Age of Magic. This unit can be used to represent Mumakil from Lord of the Rings, for example. The monster will get some rigging to carry archers and other fighters, as well as a rider.

The model is a toy Stegosaur that I have modified a little bit.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: djbii on May 29, 2019, 09:49:32 AM
nice work on modifying the Steg :-)
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on May 29, 2019, 02:08:31 PM
Zombies and another monstrosity raised by the Mindflayer Necromancer.

Does anyone know where that monster is from? I bought it loose in a games store, but it was supposedly from some kickstarted boardgame.
The mindflayer is a GW Chaos Sorceror with a Genestealer head.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gallahad on May 29, 2019, 06:45:12 PM
The monster looks like it comes from Cool Mini or Not from their KS "The Others:7 sins"
They are cool monsters.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: gibby64 on May 29, 2019, 10:25:16 PM
love the zombies... this thread keeps getting better!
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on June 10, 2019, 08:51:01 PM
Thank you Gallahad! I had no idea. I may try to track down another pair to be able to use it in a unit.

Here are some reinforcements for my Oathmark Human army.
From the left:
Another pack mule (Wizkids)
A Ranger hero character (Westfalia miniatures) I've never seen a painted version of this model before. Anyone?
Druid, a sorcerer with Earth spells (North Star)
A Mage-Nun, spellcaster using Light spells (Frostgrave) She will be accompanied by an apprentice and a bodyguard who can probably be seen in an earlier picture.
Soldier (Oathmark) and finally....
Two more Pathfinders, for my elite ranger group. These are kitbashes using Oathmark dwarves with OM human arms, as well as an axe from Fireforge games.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Hupp n at em on June 23, 2019, 01:25:10 AM
The Age of Magic warband uses the Lords of the Wild faction. This is your typical "Wood Elf" list, but could also be used for beastmen and lizardmen. My warband is an army of human woodsmen and rangers. This small group is 1,5 points of Hearthguard with bows, and represent elite pathfinders of the army.

Half the unit uses Frostgrave soldier bodies with Oathmark arms, heads and quivers. The leader type is an almost straight Oathmark build, but with a Conquest head (from the Medieval Archers kit) and a repositioned bow. The Dwarf is a mix of Oathmark Dwarf and human, with a hood in greenstuff. The last man, in chainmail, is mostly Conquest Archer, with Oathmark arms and accessories, plus a greenstuff hood.

Lovely work!  Where is this boat model from?  I rather like it!
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on June 26, 2019, 09:56:31 AM
Hupp n at em: The boat is from Sarissa

Here is Hogman from Hasslefree, a model that has been unpainted in my collection for many years. He may see use as a Champion in my Saga:Age of Magic Horde.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Mallo on June 27, 2019, 02:38:35 PM
Fantastic painting in this thread. It's pushed me to try the oathmark sets out for my own stuff.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on July 24, 2019, 08:18:38 AM
Thank you Mallo! Ive been painting minis on and off for many years, and while I don't consider myself a master or even particularly good, I am starting to find techniques and processes that give me a nice result with limited effort.

Here is another dragon from Wizkids, this time painted to resemble the Red Dragon from Heroes of Might and Magic 3. It is facing off against a kitbashed dragon hunter, built from mostly Shieldwolf parts, but with a head from Oathmark Goblins, visor and sword from Perry.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on September 21, 2019, 02:24:35 PM
Reinforcements for Human Saga Army

First is a unit of Hearthguard. They are some kind of warrior nuns, protecting their more bookish, spellcasting sisters.
Bodies are all from Conquest Games Normans,
heads from Frostgrave, Wargames Factory(Warlord) Female Apocalypse Survivors, and Shieldwolf.
Arms from Oathmark Dwarves, Humans, Goblins as well as Fireforge Games.

Also a druid, alternate spellcaster for the same warband. Model from Oathmark.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on September 21, 2019, 02:30:49 PM
Reinforcements for the Orcish Horde.

The Minotaur is Reaper Bones, and will be either a Champion of Bipedal Creature in the Warband. The two orcs (black hood is a leader of sorts) are meant to bolster my Warriors, allowing me to field two groups of 10 potentially. The Berserker is the 5th(bad number in SAGA...) and probably final Berserker, since I ran out of Warlord Celts.

Second pictures show some Gnolls. These don't really fit into the Saga warband, but are supposed to be a kind of scout detachment to the Horde. They each represent a Frostgrave henchman archetype: Treasure Hunter, Thief, Barbarian, Ranger and a Man-at-Arms(sans shield).
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gallahad on September 21, 2019, 08:57:36 PM
I really like that Minotaur and the Ghoul/berserker.  Thanks for sharing.  I didn't think the Bones Minotaur looked that good, but you sure made it look great.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Ogrob on September 21, 2019, 09:17:14 PM
Looking good! We'll need to play a game soon!
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Dentatus on September 21, 2019, 09:45:26 PM
That's a Bones Minotaur? Nice.

I must have an older one.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on October 03, 2019, 12:52:10 PM
This is the beginning of my Erathian army for Saga Age of Magic.
Erathia is of course the kingdom represented by the Castle faction in classic PC game Heroes of Might and Magic 3.

Here you can see a unit of Levy with bows. Archers, the 2nd tier unit from the videogame are equipped with crossbows in the game, but the box art depicted them with longbows. I will be making some crossbowmen as well, though.

There is also a unit of Warriors with spears, representing Pikemen, the 1st level unit from the game. I intend to play these as plain Warriors, the long spears better representing a defensive unit than units with 2-handed weapons in Saga.

In the background you can see a Griffon, the 3rd level unit in HoMM3. This is a flying Monster(Scourge). I use relatively small models for my monsters, as I like the semi-realistic vibe of Saga armies more than let's say Warhammer, that would have HUGE models for monsters. The model is from Wizkids, and I think it is a really great model, one of the best ones from that range.

The photo also shows a commander model meant to represent Sorsha, one of the Knights from the game. This character was specialized in heavy infantry. The model can be used as a Captain or Warlord. It might get a shield at some point.
Also visible is a fully armored knight with a pike, that will get a banner eventually.

Next up: Cavaliers, Crossbowmen, and foot knights.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Ogrob on October 03, 2019, 07:28:50 PM
HoMM3, what a fun project! Have the Griffon as well, it's a lovely model.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on October 05, 2019, 11:37:03 AM
Monsters for the Orcish Horde:

First image shows a Titan, a heavily armored giant, armed with a mace and a dungeon door. Next to him you can see the Minotaur, Bugbear(bipedal creature) and an orc warrior.

Second pictures shows a wizards apprentice facing off against a Manticore, which is to be used as a Scourge(flying monster) in the Horde.

Titan, Minotaur, Bugbear and Manticore are Reaper Bones. The orc is Oathmark, and the Apprentice is Frostgrave.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on October 23, 2019, 09:44:27 PM
I've been playing a few games of SAGA with the Horde.
My armt has been:
Hogman, Warlord with 2-handed weapon
Sorceror (I have a couple of different minis for this, either a Hasslefree Wizard or a plastic conversion)
2x10 Warriors
12 Levy bowmen
3 Bipedal Creature (bugbears)
4 Hearthguard, standard or Berzerkers.
1 Monster

I played the Monster as a Titan once, which was great. When I used the Behemoth, I overstretched my lines and lost it.

First game, against Underearth, was a tie. Second game, against a Undead army was a win! But, I lost my Warlord in both games.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Ogrob on October 23, 2019, 09:57:37 PM
Love the bugbears :)
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on January 08, 2020, 10:21:13 PM
I played a game against Ogrobs great new Autumnwoods army. We rolled up a Battle of Warlords scenario that allowed me to deploy all my forces on the flank of the autumnwooders. It started out well, but in the end it was a minor defeat.

I finished up a "War Chariot" earlier in the day, represented by a Mammoth. The mammoth is an old toy model from the British Museum, and the rider is a kitbash of Shieldwolf, Victrix and Frostgrave parts, mostly. The base is going to be changed for a proper one pretty soon.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on January 17, 2020, 03:37:52 PM
Fireforge Zombie Peasants!

I got the kit a while ago, and built a few zombies, using mostly parts of the kit, but also GW, Oathmark Humans, Warlord Gauls and Mantic Ghouls.

I made a couple of them look like Zombie versions of my Oathmark human soldiers.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on March 14, 2020, 09:02:17 AM
Couple of pictures from some recent games.

First one is a from a Saga scenario I played using my Orc Horde against my friends Landsknecht Great Kingdoms. It was the Old Feud Scenario.

The backstory we agreed on was that the two extra characters were advisors to a king. The councilor has found evidence that the mystic is actually in league with demonic forces. The mystic steals away to avoid judgement. The councilor gathers a small warband in order to apprehend him, but is surprised to find that the mystic is now leading an equal warband of orcs and reavers. His plan is to kill the councilor and his soldiers, and hopefully return to the kings good graces.

It was a pretty tense game, but the mystic was run down by a gang of templars.

In the first picture you can see the mystic, accompanied by a Champion.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on March 14, 2020, 11:19:02 AM
This thread continues to deliver! Great kitbashing, great brushwork.... and it sounds like you had a great game.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: scatterbrains on March 15, 2020, 11:48:52 AM
Nice touch making a few zombie versions of your soldiers! Really great looking collection!
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Ogrob on March 15, 2020, 04:18:10 PM
The zombies look great, and I love the Knight vs Ogre picture.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on March 17, 2020, 11:03:41 AM
While I am not in lockdown, I have been working from home since friday. I decided to see if I had some models that I haven't posted here yet. Mostly I've been painting goblins and Erathians, but I want to premiere them at the club before I show them off here. So, I found a few.

First picture shows a Summoner and his apprentice trying to keep a Druid and his golem from a summoning. The druid is again from Oathmark, his golem is Wizkids(they seem to be made for each other). The Summoners gang are kitbashed from various kits, but mostly Frostgrave and Fireforge.

Next is a Necromancer to go with my zombies. It was made for SAGA, but my undead warband is a low priority project, so who knows when he will see play. It was fun to build, though.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: scatterbrains on March 17, 2020, 01:03:08 PM
Very cool little scene!
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Koyote on March 17, 2020, 03:46:10 PM
Next is a Necromancer to go with my zombies. It was made for SAGA, but my undead warband is a low priority project, so who knows when he will see play. It was fun to build, though.

This little diorama is brilliant.  The necromacer and zombie have their heads back, mouths open, and their arms are in essentially the same position.  This suggests that the reanimation spell has created a temporary magical/spiritual connection between the two.  It's very cinematic.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Maddoc on March 18, 2020, 12:18:38 PM
Wot 'e said.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Argonor on March 21, 2020, 08:35:49 PM
Loving this thread!  :-*

I'm all for combining stuff from various manufactures and multi-purposing everything!
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on March 26, 2020, 08:00:17 PM
Scatterbrains, Koyote, Rick, Orgrob, Maddoc & Argonor, thank you very much for your kind comments.

Yesterday I finally got to play my small army of Perry early 15th century knights. It is an army themed after the Castle faction from Heroes of Might and Magic 3, so in addition to footmen archers and cavaliers, the army also features a Griffon and an archangel.

The Archangel is built from a number of kits. He has a sword from GW Battle Wizards, wings from GW Bretonnian Pegasus. The body is from Warlord Games greeks, slightly reposed legs. Arms from Warlord Orcs, bracers and hands from Oathmark humans, head from Victrix and shield from Warlord Macedonians. 7 different kits, not bad!
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Lord Borjado on March 27, 2020, 12:21:29 AM
Impressive!! :o
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: bonewolf22 on March 27, 2020, 04:46:35 AM
Love the angel, I recognized him as a Heroes of Might and Magic unit before I read that it was your inspiration. Goes to show how spot on it is.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on April 16, 2020, 06:58:19 PM
bonewolf22: Thanks, that is indeed a good sign!
Lord Borjado: Thank you!

Back when North Star released their Goblin Wolf Riders this january, I was lucky enough to get one of the limited edition character models. However, I am not really that fond of the model's head and weapon. Today, I've been trying out a few different options. Not sure which one I like most, but I'm leaning towards a spear of some kind.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Ogrob on April 16, 2020, 08:47:29 PM
Spear looks good, or the rightmost sword.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on May 30, 2020, 12:51:36 AM
I've been working on some DnD characters. These guys are a half-elf warlock and a human monk.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on May 30, 2020, 06:14:25 AM
I like the spear on the wolf rider.

The D&D characters are cool but what has my real interest is the giant lizard!
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on August 09, 2020, 10:38:34 PM
Rick, I'm still working on the crew for the lizard, but it should hopefully be done pretty soon.

I finished some reinforcements for my Erathians.
First is a squire for my commander, Tyris. It is a Perry WotR miniature with arms from the Agincourt range. The shield is an old Warhammer piece.

Next photo, from the left:
Random infantryman with big axe
Sergeant for my spearmen, which is meant to be somewhat reminiscent of the halberdier from the HoMM3 game.
An infantry commander
Standard bearer, sans standard
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on August 10, 2020, 05:20:38 AM
Nice work! I look forward to seeing that crew in the future.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Captain Blood on August 10, 2020, 08:44:09 AM
They look great. Nice posing and nice painting  8)
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: AKULA on August 10, 2020, 11:19:43 AM
Great additions

Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on December 25, 2020, 09:46:39 PM
Not much has happened lately. This summer I built a few models, and one of them inspired me enough to make a whole warband to go with it.

The half-finished model in red and black is the leader. He is mostly Perry, with a plume from some Warlord romans, and a cape from fireforge. The horse has been repositioned, inspired by Captain Blood. The other knight has a head from Conquest games medieval knights, arms from Oathmark infantry, and a plume from GW Chaos warriors.

The rest of the warband is almost purely Perry miniatures from the Agincourt range.

8 spearmen
4 sword and buckler-men
12 archers
5 foot knights with two handed weapons
3 mounted serjeants/archers (1-3 more to come)
2 mounted knights (more to come, not sure how many)

Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Ogrob on December 25, 2020, 10:02:53 PM
Had a long period of inactivity in October-November as well, it can be a struggle. The knights look great though, well done!
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: BZ on December 26, 2020, 07:12:40 AM
Really well painted horses! How did you reposition it?
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on December 31, 2020, 12:03:35 AM
Really well painted horses! How did you reposition it?

Well, there are two halves of horses that have back legs that pretty much match. Cut off the base, and you can get a kind of rearing position. I don't think it is really that realistic, but it looks pretty cool anyway. I did the same thing on one of the knights you can see on the first page of this thread.
Also, see: http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=40936.840
The white horse above is remodelled ina similar, but I think simpler way than Captain Blood's and Admiral Benbow's. I simply cut one of the halves of the horse in two, along the backside of the saddle and saddlestrap(?) and glued them together again, using the unmodified other half as support while the glue sett. Fill the gap with a little green stuff, and you are done.

In the attached picture, you can see my kitbashed version of classic DnD character War Duke. Parts from Perry WotR and Agincourt, Warlord Zulu's and a shield from Shield wolf, with a GW skull on it. The Warduke needed a big sword, but the one we ended up with is actually the head of a spear from a warhammer Skeleton kit. Looks great as a sword, IMO.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: HappyChappy439 on December 31, 2020, 12:48:18 AM
Great kitbash! Looking forward to seeing it painted up!
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on December 31, 2020, 03:25:19 AM
Now that is taking kitbashing to another level!
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: BZ on December 31, 2020, 10:28:03 AM
Thanks! I try to apply it, my horseman are already built together, but i will see...
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Captain Blood on December 31, 2020, 10:42:05 AM
Nice work Gandalf. The mounted knights look great.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Ogrob on December 31, 2020, 12:12:34 PM
Very cool!
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on December 31, 2020, 06:34:04 PM
Nice conversions.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on January 31, 2021, 12:32:19 PM
WIP on the War Duke! Almost done, actually.

Recently got the final sculpt of Reapers Bugbears that I am painting up for my Orc/Goblin SAGA warband, as well as another Reaper Bones model that I will use as a Sorcerer for that group. Still working on the Perry 1415 warband as well, and it is progressing slowly.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on September 06, 2021, 10:40:05 PM
Slowly working on a new Perry Bros warband...
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Ogrob on September 06, 2021, 10:47:26 PM
Very nice!
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on September 07, 2021, 06:19:42 AM
Looking good!
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: HappyChappy439 on September 07, 2021, 12:32:27 PM
Nice work!
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on October 23, 2021, 09:50:55 PM
For all Perry kitbashers out there: I thought of a new way to use the longsword from the Late Medieval mercenary kit.
Cut off the right hand, replace with grip from sheathed longsword.
Angle the hand so that the sword rests on the figures shoulder.

Simple, but I don't recall seeing it done before.
Unfortunately, the matching right arm doesnt look that good on its own, so I gave the figure another arm.

See also new Gregor Clegane kitbash. I am not really that happy about it.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on March 15, 2022, 01:53:32 PM
Finally finished the second Lannister brother, and some more assorted Lannisters that have been half finished for literal years.
All Perry parts. The spike on the helmet may look strange, but is actually described in the first book of the series.

My long running Lannister project is almost finished... I started almost ten years ago, and most of it was painted in the couple of years after that. I think I have one cavalry model laying around, and I need to finish basing and banners, but other than that, it may be done?

30 Archers
10 Crossbowmen
40 infantrymen, billmen and swordsmen
15 foot men-at-arms
10 light cavalry
10 heavy cavalry
+assorted commanders and knights.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: HappyChappy439 on March 21, 2022, 05:39:49 PM
Excellent work on the Lannisters! I really like that you included Tyrion's helmet spike from AGoT!
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on February 12, 2023, 09:32:33 AM
A few pictures of figures painted in the last year.

Stained-glass(Reaper Bones), being raised by Mage(Frostgrave).

Orc army led by Berserkers(Kitbash from Warlord, Mantic and Oathmark) and Goblin Wolf Riders(Oathmark) and a creepy vampiric beast(Vorvorlaka from Reaper).

Kitbashed Warduke.

Man-at Arms from Perry miniatures, mix of parts from War of the Roses range. The body of the rider has been cut and repositioned at the waist.

Sorceror for my Orc army. Both orc lady and puma from Reaper Bones. It is a bit lewd, but I think it has a Frazetta-like power to it.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on February 12, 2023, 09:43:49 AM
Looking good! 👍
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Ogrob on February 12, 2023, 10:12:39 AM
Very nice!
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Pattus Magnus on February 12, 2023, 04:43:20 PM
Well done! That’s a wide assortment of models spanning a few settings, but they look like they fit well together. I especially like the kitbashed figures!
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Ragsta on February 15, 2023, 07:44:47 AM
Lovely efforts throughout! I too particularly enjoy latest Perry kitbashes.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: glenning on February 15, 2023, 06:29:05 PM
Great stuff all around!  :o
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: tomrommel1 on February 16, 2023, 07:13:04 AM
outstanding kitbashes and painting :-*
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on March 04, 2023, 05:44:48 PM
I did a couple of men-at-arms themed after GRR Martins Fire & Blood and the House of the Dragon TV-series.

The men-at-arms are carrying the arms of the two rival regents Aegon and Rhaenyra Targaryen, with gambesons colored similar to what Aegon and his brother and Rhaenyras sons are wearing in the show.

The figures are all Perry, with shields from Fireforge games.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: LouieN on March 04, 2023, 07:12:45 PM
Those are cool
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: HappyChappy439 on March 04, 2023, 07:18:37 PM
Really nice work on the heraldry!
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Rosie on March 06, 2023, 07:47:38 AM
Great work on the freehands!
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on April 27, 2024, 11:15:56 AM
Finished some troops for my orc/goblin army.

12 Orcs. These would be hearthguard or more probably Warriors in a Saga AoM army or heavy infantry veterans in Lion/Dragon Rampant. These are build of pieces from the Oathmark kit. Some adaptations have been made, notably the standard bearers arm is not the standard one, the arm belongs to a bowman.

12 unarmoured Goblins with spears. These would be Levy in SAGA or light infantry(yeomen) in LR.
These use bodies from the Oathmark Goblin Slaves. Arms or just hand from the Goblin Warrior kit, as well as shields and the body of the leader.

The we have 12 armoured Goblins with spears. These all have horned helmets, and I have used these as Hearthguard in SAGA before, but I will probably not do that anymore. These use parts from the Wolf Rider kit and on of them even has legs from the Warlord Games Gauls.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Pattus Magnus on April 27, 2024, 04:34:31 PM
Well done, they certainly look like nasty customers! Your combinations of pieces from the different Oathmark pieces look good. I enjoyed kitbashing orcs when I was working on a similar army a while ago.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on April 30, 2024, 05:29:46 AM
Thanks Pattus Magnus! Did you post your similar army on the forum?

Posting some more minis that I painted, some recently, some long ago. All from the Orc army, and mostly not posted here before.

First some archers. Oathmark, nothing special except the little guy who is from the Goblin Slaves box with arms from the Goblin Warriors. The commander is from Reaper.

Secondly some Bugbears, also from Reaper. These are my Bipedal Creatures in SAGA AoM.

Third we have some elite troops. These are mostly from the Frostgrave Demon box. I've been cutting up a few pieces, like the sword arm on the guy in front which has a different blade, and the orc in the back has had the haft of his axe extended. The rightmost is made from an Oathmark Orc body with arms and head from the Demon kit.

Lastly, there is an orc boss from Reaper.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Pattus Magnus on April 30, 2024, 06:04:58 AM
Gandalf the G - yes, I posted a bunch of pictures here https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=132213.60 (https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=132213.60)

The ones showing the orc army with kitbashes start around page 5 in the thread and go to about page 10. Then a few pages later in the same thread I showed the start of my 15mm orc army. Because, you know, I had to chase the same wargaming butterfly in another scale… ::)
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on April 30, 2024, 07:25:29 AM
Looking good! 🔥 👁 🔥
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Gandalf the G on May 01, 2024, 09:21:32 AM
Thanks Grumpy!

Magnus: Cool, thanks for the link! I recognize them, it is really good stuff. Nice to see how you make a lot of different ranges work together.

Now I'm posting the cavalry, or maybe it is called wolfery?
First is a shaman. This is a kitbash with a few different sources: upper body from Warlord saxons, hands from GW(empire wizards?) and Frostgrave. Rest is oathmark. The wolf is slightly cut up and reassembled to stand on the rock, and the hood is green stuff.

Second are the mounted archers. These all use bits from the two first Goblin kits. Some of them have upper bodies from the Goblin infantry kit.

Third is the whole bunch together. I have four riders with horned helmets, armour and spears, six archers, and two that fit in between, so I can field 6+6 for LR or 4 HG and 8 warriors with composite bow in SAGA.

Then there is a champion. This guy is wearing dual cleavers: one from a mantic kit and the other from Fireforge zombies. His helmet is from the Wolf Riders kit from Oathmark, but I had to give him smaller horns. The new small horns are actually made from bows from the same kit.

Last is not a part of the wolfery, but the panthery! This is a sabretooth from Wizkids with a Shieldmaiden from Shieldwolf miniatures on top of it. I think I've stated my opinion on this Shieldwolf kit before. The sculpting is great, but the design(posing, parts available etc.) is not very good.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Ogrob on May 01, 2024, 04:15:31 PM
Nice, I really like the shaman!
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Pattus Magnus on May 01, 2024, 07:42:06 PM
They do look great! And nothing says, “evil spellcaster” quite like holding the flaming skull of doom. Even more impressive when you consider that it’s not actually a spell, but an unusually large flaming sambuca shot served in a cup made from an enemy skull.
Title: Re: Gandalf's thread of stuff - aSoIaF kitbashes, Oathmark etc.
Post by: Luigi on May 02, 2024, 02:58:21 PM

What an imposing horde you've got there. They must look really threatening once deployed all together on the table