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Miniatures Adventure => Fantasy Adventures => Topic started by: Hobgoblin on April 08, 2015, 05:42:56 PM

Title: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (orcs for Mordheim)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 08, 2015, 05:42:56 PM
I've been churning out warbands for SOBH to play with my son (and, potentially, my daughter, though her interventions are largely confined to "pitch invasions" with miniatures that weren't previously part of the game). I've had a twenty-odd year hiatus from gaming and painting; my focus now is just getting stuff from painting table to gaming table as quickly as possible. I remain perplexed by the abandonment of gloss varnish by most contemporary gamers; I find the substance invaluable to (literally) gloss over hasty paint jobs!

So far, I've been confining myself to old and new plastics. But as I'm increasingly confident that the kids won't gnaw on our playing pieces, I'm going to add some of the ancient lead that lurks in the cellar and the attic.

To kick off, here's a quick and dirty beastman:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 08, 2015, 05:46:54 PM
And a slightly converted friend:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 08, 2015, 05:48:26 PM
Here are some goblins and a bugbear (apologies for the terrible photo!):
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 08, 2015, 05:50:17 PM
And a grimmer, ghastlier goblin:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Duncan McDane on April 08, 2015, 05:56:13 PM
Good result on some old skool Battlemasters plastic Beastmen.
Like the Orcish Goblin on the bottom too  ;).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: DeafNala on April 08, 2015, 05:59:51 PM
COOL STUFF! Quick though it may be, your brushwork is OUTSTANDING. I love the shields. GREAT WORK!

Enjoy your time with the Young Folk!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 08, 2015, 06:54:07 PM
Thanks for the kind words!

Here's a somewhat unfinished goblin guard. These orcs are so big that I generally give them a Q4, C4 profile in SOBH.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: PatrickWR on April 08, 2015, 07:58:43 PM
This stuff looks great! I particularly like your flesh tones. Are those shields freehand? If so, I'm even more impressed.

I know you said metal minis are on the horizon, but these plastics look superb in the interim.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: maxxev on April 08, 2015, 08:07:23 PM
That's some seriously good looking paint work there!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: beefcake on April 08, 2015, 09:09:31 PM
Very cool. I like the colour of the beastmen.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 08, 2015, 09:47:51 PM
Many thanks!

Yes, the shields are freehand (though I'm about to post a few with embossed ones that aren't). The goblin skin tones are dimly remembered from a troupe of old Citadel night goblins (mid-1980s) that I painted up with pallid skins and grey-black robes embroidered with red runes and then sold to a friend. I had misremembered night goblins being described thus in some early edition of Warhammer, but investigation reveals that they are not. I think, then, that the inspiration was probably the svart-alfar in Alan Garner's wonderful The Weirdstone of Brisingamen (in turn probably the inspiration for some aspects of Citadel's goblins with their nets and stone clubs).

The beastman hides were inspired by medieval depictions of Hell: http://monsterbrains.blogspot.co.uk/2014/11/demons-from-livre-de-la-vigne-nostre.html (http://monsterbrains.blogspot.co.uk/2014/11/demons-from-livre-de-la-vigne-nostre.html).

Here's an Orcish horde:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 08, 2015, 09:54:04 PM
And some more Orcs:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 08, 2015, 09:57:43 PM
One of those newfangled, non-chaotically identikit chaos warriors:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Vauln on April 08, 2015, 11:30:05 PM
Those are some truly amazing shields, great job!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 09, 2015, 12:34:19 AM
Thanks, Vauln!

Here's something slightly different: some of Caesar's 1/72 ratmen. They're tiny, and very cheap, and will serve as Ratmen Vermin (Q4, C1; Gregarious, Rabble, possibly with Stealth) in SBH:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 09, 2015, 12:43:22 AM
And here's a beefier beastman (Q4, C4, Savage, Forester, Heavy Weapon rather than Q4, C3, Savage, Forester like the earlier ones).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Steve63 on April 09, 2015, 01:57:44 AM
Great work!  Some interesting paint jobs on classic miniatures
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 09, 2015, 07:55:36 AM

Here's another shot of the bugbear. It's a fairly primitive sculpt, so less amenable to my speed-painting approach than some. But I like his brutish simplicity.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Doomsdave on April 09, 2015, 08:47:17 AM
Gorgeous old school paint jobs.  The shields are particularly good.  Apparently your long sabbatical from painting only sharpened your skill.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Vanvlak on April 09, 2015, 08:49:42 AM
Very nice paintwork. If some of those paintjobs are quick ones, what are the slow ones like?
 Grand show  8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Duke Donald on April 09, 2015, 10:38:10 AM
These make me feel nostalgic.

This is meant to be the result of speed painting ?!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: FunkyBrush on April 09, 2015, 12:36:35 PM
I love your painting style. Especially on the orks
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: affun on April 09, 2015, 12:39:07 PM
Just looked through this thead: Just wanted to say that I absolutely adore your shields!  :-*  Very inspirering: Makes me regret all of those shields which I've just painted with block-colours. Gotta try out something similar for the next couple of guys I paint.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 09, 2015, 01:26:50 PM
Thanks, everyone! Vanvlak, I'm afraid there are no slow ones: it's always a rush to get them onto the tabletop. I reckon I've finished 200 since mid-July last year, with maybe another 100 underway; I'm much worse at finishing off the ones that are almost there than at starting new ones.

Here's an old genestealer (we stat him as Q2, C4, Long Move, Combat Master for 100 points) and some orcish foes (I have a whole warband of these Orcs of the Pale Serpent almost done, but only two finished.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 09, 2015, 01:34:29 PM
My son painted this tyrannosaur (with a little guidance; and then I added the stripes and eyes). It's a cheap "paint your own dinosaur" that we got in the British Museum. My daughter is working on the accompanying stegosaurus (now looking good in rusty orange, but she's determined to paint it blue as well ...). The second shot shows it in action.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 09, 2015, 02:01:39 PM
Here are various other orcish creatures and friends:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Little Odo on April 09, 2015, 06:53:39 PM
Some great imagination with those colour schemes - I am so used to seeing LotR minis painted a certain way these are a lovely breath of fresh air. I also like that you call them different to what the minis are actually named by their manufacturers. Not being constrained by conformity makes these minis so much more fun.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: DeafNala on April 09, 2015, 07:06:10 PM
VERY WELL DONE one & all! I LOVE that personable Rock on page 1.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 10, 2015, 05:21:52 PM
Thanks! Little Odo, I have a barely repressed streak of Tolkien purism that causes me to class even the biggest orc as a goblin and even the smallest goblin as an orc. I'm eternally bemused that people never seem to remember that the Uruk-hai were described as "goblin-soldiers" in The Two Towers! I also think that the D&D-style super-stratification of humanoid monsters gets a bit pointless. Having said that, I cheerfully painted up those GW orcs to be SBH hobgoblins, as their clothing seemed to lend itself to a D&Dish samurai colour scheme, allowing them to look more uniform.

DeafNala, thanks for the kind words on the rock. I made him out of Miliput and green stuff almost a quarter of a century ago, but painted him up just last week.

Here are some more night goblins ("fish white" and black under the influence of Alan Garner's svarts; had I remembered the initial influence, I'd probably have given them bronze or stone spearheads, but never mind!). And a Reaper Bones gnoll archer as well: I've since removed that awful mould-line.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: beefcake on April 10, 2015, 09:24:59 PM
More great work. I really love gnoll miniatures but they have never reached the top of my wishlist, You've made them get higher. Time to check to see if the Reaper Bones ones are available. :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 18, 2015, 11:33:16 PM
Here's a little warband of Wargames Factory orcs (with a Reaper leader in one instance, and a Perry/GW half-orc in another):

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 18, 2015, 11:35:06 PM
And some wolfriders:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 18, 2015, 11:49:55 PM
And some Orks for use as mutants/genetically engineered super soldiers gone wrong in MRDG:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 19, 2015, 12:19:32 AM
A hefty (in SBH terms) chaos warband:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 19, 2015, 12:32:06 AM
Some Reaper Bones monsters:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 19, 2015, 12:46:18 AM
Orcs and aliens:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 19, 2015, 11:50:00 PM
WIP today (almost there, though you wouldn't know it from the horrible cameraphone picture and grisly lighting ...):

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 20, 2015, 01:39:38 PM
Slightly better shots of the wolfrider. I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of character in those old Battle Masters faces.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 20, 2015, 01:41:51 PM
For SBH, I tend to tweak the wolfrider profile slightly to the following:

Wolfrider: Q3, C3; Mounted, Long Move, Savage, Greedy; 48 points.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: DeafNala on April 20, 2015, 01:47:57 PM
ASTOUNDING! I somehow missed all the new WONDROUS creations you posted...I miss a lot at my age. They do present a FANTASTIC impression of your artistic skills. I LOVE what you done with the colors & the work on the shields. VERY WELL DONE one & all!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: frenchfever on April 20, 2015, 02:59:54 PM
TALENTED !   :o :o :o

jaw drop  ;D
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 22, 2015, 10:47:51 AM
Many thanks!

Here's some sci-fi WIP:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Peithetairos on April 22, 2015, 11:52:10 PM
Some seriously impressive freehand work on display here. It gives those older sculpts so much character!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Elbows on April 23, 2015, 12:15:53 AM
Nice stuff.  Glad to see someone else using the WF Orcs.  While I dislike their "either side" torsos and the limited arms...I think they're a diamond in the rough.  A bit of old school charm to them. 
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 23, 2015, 08:14:00 AM

Elbows: I agree. They are frustrating (especially those awful hands!), but there are rewards to be found. I've got a lot more on the go. I think the hunched bodies generally work best. I've had some luck replacing arms with those from GW warg riders; the only problem is that there are only spare right arms in that kit. I think that the GW ungor arms might work too. Otherwise, I'm going to look at swapping hands/weapons with some appropriately Dark Age historical kit: Gripping Beast vikings, perhaps.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: magokiron on April 24, 2015, 06:12:44 AM
I tip my hat to you sir.

You freehand paintjob of the shields is SUPERB!

Really enjoyed seeing your minis.

thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: randycarter on April 24, 2015, 09:20:47 PM
Beautiful models man. You're rally gifted in free hand  painting!  :o
Congratulations forma tour eldar, I like a lot this PJ!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: warburton on April 25, 2015, 09:59:17 AM
Brilliant work!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with some ancient additions)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 25, 2015, 12:57:47 PM
I dug out a Hordes of the Things horde (actually an orc and a chaos army, I think), painted - roughly and swiftly - about a quarter of a century ago. I suspect some of these gentlemen might be headed for the Dettol, but as Lion Rampant has just arrived in the post, they have a stay of execution for now.

I remember playing a few games of Hordes of the Things (my last before abandoning gaming altogether) and thinking, "Well, I've been wasting my time playing Warhammer all these years ...").

Here are some shots of the armies, dull paint schemes and gloomy basing and all:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 25, 2015, 01:11:26 PM
And some more:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: DeafNala on April 25, 2015, 01:40:45 PM
While the Old Guys aren't up to your present high standards, they are cool miniatures with TREMENDOUS potential. Have FUN with the resurrection.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 25, 2015, 02:00:33 PM
And here are a few more:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: magokiron on April 27, 2015, 01:57:34 AM
More goodies to drool over.

And I totally agree with DeafNala.

Thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: jp1885 on April 29, 2015, 08:53:38 AM
That's some lovely old-school goodness there - bravo!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: HvM on April 29, 2015, 02:30:15 PM
Incredible how much character those miniatures have. I'm truly impressed  :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 02, 2015, 08:17:18 PM
Here are some WIPs (the goblin champion needs some dental work, and there's the odd tidy-up to be done). The two with the livid skin are my first metal miniatures for around 24 years.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: aggro84 on May 02, 2015, 08:45:50 PM
Great thread. Lovely stuff. You have a great collection of beautifully painted classic figs.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 09, 2015, 09:16:55 PM
A couple more in progress:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Juan on May 10, 2015, 07:44:19 AM
Great horde of models; a fantastic painting work!!!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Tactalvanic on May 10, 2015, 07:54:26 AM
Glorious. great collection of old stuff :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 11, 2015, 12:26:00 AM
Thanks all!

Here's a small warband in progress (still a bit to do to most of the models):

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: aggro84 on May 11, 2015, 03:39:42 AM
I am digging the grey-skinned Goblins.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 25, 2015, 04:00:04 PM
Thanks, aggro. They're inspired by the svart-alfar from Alan Garner's The Weirdstone of Brisingamen: "fish-white" or black.

Here's an old lizardman (the quickest paintjob I've done). The white patch on his chest is just a trick of the light:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Duncan McDane on May 25, 2015, 06:35:49 PM
I totally missed out the Goblinoids. great stuff, love the non-green skin on "greenskins".
That lizardmen is still on my wish-list too...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: DeafNala on May 26, 2015, 01:58:27 PM
The Gray Guys & the Lizard look WONDERFUL. VERY WELL DONE!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: rednorseman on May 26, 2015, 02:29:10 PM
Your work here is top notch & offers many ideas for my own painting.
well done!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: **GS** on May 26, 2015, 02:52:33 PM
Nice grey skin color. I like goblinoids painted in "alternative" skins.

Keep 'em coming!

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 28, 2015, 11:31:21 PM
Thanks again!

Here's the lizardman again with a work-in-progress orc (for use as an orc mercenary in Fightin' Fungi), and some WIP companions in the second photo.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: eilif on May 29, 2015, 02:43:27 AM
Just read this thread front to back and WOW!

Really great brushwork. I thought I was the only one painting up the old battlemasters figs these days, but I'm pleased to see that I'm not.  Even if your painting puts mine so brutally to shame.  ;)

SBH really is a great game isn't it?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: aggro84 on May 29, 2015, 04:09:39 AM
Lovely updates.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Arundel on May 29, 2015, 04:35:52 AM
Very nice!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: randycarter on May 29, 2015, 07:37:44 AM
I love the paintjob on the orc, and it's still a WIP!  :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 31, 2015, 12:08:43 AM
Thanks again!

Here's an unassuming orc earmarked for the "Orc Rabble" profile in Fightin' Fungi (along with some more heavy-duty fellow WIPs):
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 31, 2015, 12:10:37 AM
And eilif: yes indeed! It dragged me back into wargames after a hiatus of more than 20 years (that and the excuse of gaming with the kids).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: eilif on May 31, 2015, 12:37:50 AM
Lucky Kids!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 31, 2015, 08:34:11 PM
Another orc added. I think Citadel/GW have never surpassed the old Armoured Orcs range:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: affun on May 31, 2015, 09:49:53 PM
Another orc added. I think Citadel/GW have never surpassed the old Armoured Orcs range:

I would tend to agree. Very nice mini and very nice paintjob :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 31, 2015, 10:07:29 PM
Thanks, affun!

An aside (and minor rant): looking at the Perry and Morrison wonders that I've recently retrieved from their decades-long exile in cellar and attic, it strikes me that Warhammer 3rd edition was (aesthetically) a disaster for Citadel miniatures. Why? Because a stringent what-you-see-is-what-you-get mentality began to emerge. Before long, they were no longer producing "armoured orcs" or simply "orcs", but "orcs with polearms", "orc archers", "orcs with spears", and so on. And gradually, a lo of the charm of the old miniatures ebbed away.

A couple of examples should help to illustrate this. The Perrys' Armoured Orc range (http://www.solegends.com/citc/c15armouredorcs.htm) (based on a wonderful John Blanche sketch (http://oldorcsneverdie.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/john-blanche-did-it.html)) are armed and armoured in a whole range of ways. Some have two-handed weapons, some have shields, some have one or two "hand weapons" (with or without shields) or spears, some have bows or crossbows, one is throwing a javelin, and a couple are even armed with darts. Compare and contrast with today's GW orcs, which come with either "hand weapons" or spears (and of course the idea is that all 10 in a box will be equipped identically).

And the old night and great goblins (http://www.solegends.com/citcat1983comp1/citcomp1028-01.htm) are equally diverse: two-handed weapons, polearms, spears, slings, bows, spears, nets, dual weapons, knives and javelins.

It clearly wasn't just a designer thing: the earlier Kev Adams sculpts have a pleasing variety of weapons (like that crossbow-armed boar rider I'm working on, shown above). But around the time I stopped playing Warhammer (some way into 3rd edition), it was all getting very regimented. The dart-armed orc in heavy armour was, sadly, long gone.

A parallel development was the "maxing out" of leader figures. Citadel's early orc/goblin (for example) leaders aren't generally huge or heavily armed - the first (and best) Grom just had a sword, as had many of the leaders in the Book of Battalions: they weren't equipped for maximum gaming potential. But just look at Grom: every version gets heavier armour or arms (first a shield, then two-handed weapons ...), and every version is an inferior model to its predecessor.

So it goes.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: aggro84 on May 31, 2015, 11:17:41 PM
Nice work.
BTW, Where did that Orc get that fancy yellow cloak from?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Rhoderic on May 31, 2015, 11:27:00 PM
BTW, Where did that Orc get that fancy yellow cloak from?

He stole it from Gary Chalk's dreams. Orcs are sneaky that way ;)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 31, 2015, 11:34:09 PM
Or plundered it from a Blanchian wraith ...  ;)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: DeafNala on June 01, 2015, 01:30:11 PM
The Old Boys look SPLENDID in their paler skin shades. GREAT WORK!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 15, 2015, 07:40:03 AM
Thanks, DeafNala.

Here's an oldie: an Asgard dragon lizard. Not quite finished, but getting there.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 15, 2015, 07:47:22 AM
And with some WIP orcish friends:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: beefcake on June 15, 2015, 09:15:56 AM
More angles of the asgard dragon lizard please! Love the look of it and have been close to buying it from vikingforge for a while. Do you have any more of their lozard minis? The red works so well for it.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 15, 2015, 11:20:11 AM
It's the only one I have, I think: I acquired it second-hand in the 1980s. It was either without the mace-end on its tail or lost it thereafter, so I quickly (and clumsily) built a new one with green stuff. It is a terrific beastie, though: the quality of the sculpting is perhaps not immediately apparent when you see the raw metal, but painting it reveals a really nice sculpt. It's by Nick Bibby, I think, and you can see the same sort of naturalism and weight distribution as in the Great Spined Dragon he did for Citadel. The other ones in the range look really good - especially the land dragon/behemoth (which featured in one of Gary Chalk and Joe Dever's Tabletop Heroes columns in White Dwarf.

I'll get it finished tonight and post some more (and better, I hope!) photos.

I'm planning to stat it out for SBH along the following lines:

Q3, C4, Big, Tough, Group Fighter (given sword, claws, horns, teeth, tail and six limbs), Tailslap and possibly Amphibious and/or Slow.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: DeafNala on June 15, 2015, 01:26:42 PM
That's one of those minis that I have a vague remembrance of from long ago. You certainly did an OUTSTANDING paint job on the Old Guy...the new mace tail is an improvement. VERY WELL DONE!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: rednorseman on June 15, 2015, 02:14:59 PM
Love what you've done with those orcs! Awesome.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: randycarter on June 17, 2015, 09:13:12 PM
I finally found the time to look carefully at this thread: let me say that I find it wonderful, very inspiring, and with some beautifully painted models. Great job, keep on sharing with us!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 19, 2015, 12:35:52 AM
Thanks very much, all!

Here are a few more shots - most not quite finished, but good to go after a final touch-up, I hope:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 19, 2015, 12:37:51 AM
And a couple more - getting on for good-sized SBH warband, or a Lion/Dragon Rampant unit or two:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 19, 2015, 08:35:26 AM
Another shot of the archer - probably my favourite of the Perry Orcs. I think the contrast in naturalism between him and the Adams crossbowman and armoured leader in these shots showcases the quality of the Perry sculpts:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: beefcake on June 19, 2015, 12:10:05 PM
Love the colours you use. Also good to see more of the asgard lizard. :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on June 19, 2015, 12:12:29 PM
Cracking orcs! The grey skin's a great choice for them.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: DeafNala on June 19, 2015, 12:34:39 PM
Your way with the brush & eye for colors work well with the Old Lads. VERY WELL DONE!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Nedo on June 19, 2015, 08:03:39 PM
Directly a jump in the past....I Love the old Citadel orcs and the Battle Master beastman....
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 19, 2015, 11:40:19 PM

Here's an old Trish Morrison beastman. To my eye, hers are the best that Citadel have done. I love the old Perry Broo (a slightly different sort of beastman: menacing and savage rather than damned and forlorn), but the Morrison beastmen have a Moorcockian weirdness, a variety and a wretchedness that has yet to be surpassed.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: warburton on June 21, 2015, 01:43:13 AM
Fantastic work in this thread  8)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Thew1 on June 22, 2015, 11:41:11 PM
How have I missed this  thread? what a Superb array of expertly painted gribblly little and not so little critters you have there. More I say.....more!       :-*
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Mister Rab on June 24, 2015, 02:53:35 PM
Agreed - these are lovely (especially those extraordinary shields!) and I've had to share them with friends not on here.

More please! Especially the classic lead :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: blackstone on June 25, 2015, 10:00:38 PM
I think the contrast in naturalism between him and the Adams crossbowman and armoured leader in these shots showcases the quality of the Perry sculpts
Couldn't agree more! Excellent stuff! :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: fred on June 25, 2015, 10:10:59 PM
Great work on the figures. I too really like the old Armoured Orcs - and I have too dug mine out of a box so that they can be used for SoBH.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 29, 2015, 08:16:49 PM
Thanks, all! Much more to come ...

Here are some works in progress from a warband that I hope to complete tonight (if the kids ever go to bed ...). I had a lot of Nick Lund orcs in the 80s, some of which I painted a deep red colour. I found a few of them in the basement and was reminded of them by [url+http://olde-skool-warhammer.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/red-orc-blood-moon-tribe.html]this blog[/url]. I plunged a few into Dettol, got a few more on eBay and have started work on an eight-strong SBH/FF warband that I'll expand to a 12-strong Lion/Dragon Rampant unit. I think I have enough for another of those as well, eventually.

Here are the first two. They need a bit more work and some heraldry.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 29, 2015, 09:49:21 PM
My four-year-old daughter joined my son and me for a post-prandial game of SBH. Her involvement led to the deployment of some ... special forces:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: randycarter on June 30, 2015, 07:34:15 AM
Best cavalry ever seen!  lol
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 01, 2015, 12:55:18 AM
Some more WIPs. This "mutant goblin" (clearly a D&D kobold!) is my favourite Nick Lund model:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 01, 2015, 01:17:20 PM
Just posted (more or less) this on the Realms of Chaos 80s blog, where there's an interesting discussion on the quality of pre-slotta Citadel miniatures:

I generally prefer pre-slotta miniatures. It's worth noting that in many cases, the quality is identical - some figures were converted to slotta bases, and others spanned the divide: the McDeath-era orcs mix seamlessly with the C15 armoured orcs, for example, and share the occasional head or body. And the same is true for Aly Morrison's hobgoblins and half-orcs. It's those early slotta-base figures that I like; thereafter, they become much too cartoony and steroidal.

One point on "quality": it seems to me that there are several subdivisions to this. One is "crispness of detail". The slotta figures often win out here; it's usually easy to tell what's what. On the other hand, their detail is often less interesting: compare and contrast pre-slotta (Meier and Perry) Citadel trolls with those of the slotta era. There are certainly fewer pigs, human captives and the like among the latter!

 Another is "vision": the overall design of the figure, which could be conveyed in a quick sketch - and in particular its stance. What I mean by this is perhaps best conveyed by looking at a figure like Nick Lund's pointing, masked Chronicle hobgoblin shaman. It's a brilliant design, and that more than makes up for any technical deficiencies in the sculpting.  I think pre-slotta figures are often better here: they're bolder and less generic. I'd take Lund or Morrison's hobgoblin shamans over any number of Kev Adams' slottabase orc shamans (the ones with one arm held high and one low). I do like a lot of Kev Adam's stuff, but I think he is or was weaker in this regard than his predecessors (or perhaps just constrained by GW's requirements).

The third element would be "sculptural quality": less about detail or dynamics, but simply how naturalistically and convincingly the miniatures are put together. And here, I think Perry and Morrison pre-slotta sculpts thrash the opposition soundly (excluding, of course, their own early slotta efforts). Take the likes of Kremlo the Slann or the original Grom: everything that comes after suffers in comparison.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 05, 2015, 01:08:57 PM
Some Mantic skeletons. These get a lot of use in our SBH games as guardians of treasure and the like:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 05, 2015, 01:19:21 PM
And some elves:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: affun on July 05, 2015, 01:21:44 PM
Those mantics look pretty good. I've never been a fan of the elves (the skeletons are decent, especially at the price. I have some 10 pieces of them, painted up) but you've made them look nice!

I very much enjoy this thread. :)

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Paleskin on July 06, 2015, 12:23:27 PM
great thread,some lovely old minis getting a new life on the table can only ever be a good thing! 8)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 10, 2015, 12:32:56 AM

Affun: I agree on the Mantic elves. That said, there are very few elves that I like. Maybe some of the early Tom Meier and Aly Morrison ones, but few otherwise. With their insect-like proportions, the Mantic ones do at least look suitably non-human on the tabletop.

Here's a second-generation Golgfag ogre:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 10, 2015, 12:34:20 AM
And with some friends:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 10, 2015, 12:53:13 AM
And with a brace of trolls. All of these still need a few details attended to (and a better photographer ...).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with trolls)
Post by: Arthadan on July 10, 2015, 09:00:00 AM

Old school at is best!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with trolls)
Post by: randycarter on July 10, 2015, 09:06:13 AM
The fish (river?) troll mini is awesome! Where it come from?
Love the paintjob, great work (as always in this tread)!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with trolls)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 10, 2015, 11:30:06 AM
Thanks, gents.

Randcarter, the smaller troll on the left is an old Grenadier Middle Earth hill troll. The one on the right is a Mithril cave troll (http://www.mithril59.com/m_165-174.htm). (Shown at the bottom of the linked page). Both have been lurking in cellar-dwelling crates for decades.

I'm painting up a group of trolls for SBH and Lion/Dragon Rampant, mixing manufacturers to get a varied look. The next one will probably be the marvellous old Ral Partha/Citadel trollwife.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with trolls)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 17, 2015, 01:09:06 AM
Here are a brace of Slann:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with trolls)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 17, 2015, 01:12:01 AM
And (possibly) a better shot:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with added Slann)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on July 17, 2015, 09:28:40 AM
Cracking work on those slaan!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with added Slann)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 18, 2015, 12:15:19 AM
Thanks, Vladimir. I'd forgotten what nice miniatures the first Trish Morrison set of Slann are. The Perry ones are tremendous, but the last set by Trish Morrison (bigger, almost uniformly posed) are pretty dull. These ones, though, are excellent - and augment the Perry ones very nicely.

Here are some Runequest miniatures - a crested dragonewt and a broo. They need the odd detail added here and there - I think the broo's surcoat could probably do with some filthy runes.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a touch of Glorantha)
Post by: blackstone on July 18, 2015, 11:24:43 AM
Lovely stuff particularly the pic of the 3 trolls! :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a touch of Glorantha)
Post by: randycarter on July 19, 2015, 11:50:38 AM
Have I already said that your shields win everything?  :-*
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a touch of Glorantha)
Post by: DeafNala on July 19, 2015, 12:52:24 PM
FANTASTIC! You have quite a collection of STUNNING creations...GREAT brushwork.The shields all by themselves are INCREDIBLE. VERY WELL DONE all around!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a touch of Glorantha)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 20, 2015, 10:25:07 PM
Many thanks, all!

Here's the shield on the back of that Golfagian ogre:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an ogreish shield)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on July 21, 2015, 01:53:20 PM
Ooh, that's nice, that.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an ogreish shield)
Post by: DeafNala on July 21, 2015, 04:10:54 PM
Your shields are definitely the highlights of your creations. VERY WELL DONE!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an ogreish shield)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 23, 2015, 12:48:49 AM
Many thanks again!

Here is a companion for the ogre. I've got quite a few of these Jez Goodwin Uruk-hai kicking around (perhaps the whole range - certainly enough for a SBH warband or a Lion Rampant unit). They're far too big for Tolkien's uruks, but I plan to use them with the Goodwin hobgoblin and ogres to form a continuum: goblins that range to a very large size, perhaps, or ogres and half-ogres of various sorts.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with added half-ogre)
Post by: LeadAsbestos on July 23, 2015, 02:30:46 PM
NOW I'm jealous! Lovely painting, and I've always wanted those uruk-hai...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with added half-ogre)
Post by: warburton on July 24, 2015, 12:22:23 AM
Amazing good work  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with added half-ogre)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 29, 2015, 10:11:10 PM
Thanks very much!

Here's a troll (actually an "uggruk" from Paul Henni's old Acropolis range, but he's a troll to me).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a squat and grim troll)
Post by: DeafNala on July 29, 2015, 10:53:12 PM
The Troll does look like he'd enjoy a prolonged stay under a bridge...GREAT miniature with an ample amount of personality AND a FINE paint job. VERY WELL DONE!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a squat and grim troll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 29, 2015, 11:13:47 PM
Thanks, DeafNala. Yes, he does exude a certain appetite for goatflesh.

I don't know if you saw the Acropolis range, but I think some of the more Froudian stuff would have been right up your street.

Edit: Froudian! A pox upon this autocorrect!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a squat and grim troll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 30, 2015, 12:40:10 AM
Here's a troll of a very different sort. I think the Tom Meier Citadel/Ral Partha range (of which this is one) are probably the best troll miniatures ever made - equally at home striding across the Morannon or populating a particularly nasty Hans Christian Anderson story. He's not quite finished, but he's getting there.

These three will form a Lion/Dragon Rampant unit, as well as a considerable chunk of an SBH warband.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a diversity of trolls)
Post by: LeadAsbestos on July 30, 2015, 02:04:33 AM
Is that Acropolis range still available? Love it!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a diversity of trolls)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 30, 2015, 08:36:58 AM
Is that Acropolis range still available? Love it!

It appears to be. The "Vorucks" in this range (http://the-baggagetrain.com/epages/84d5106b-5668-4250-9f87-3aaa606a5389.sf/en_GB/?ViewAction=View&ObjectID=980511&PageSize=36&Page=2) seem to be the Ugrucks, judging by the descriptions. The one with the "clubmace" (https://www.flickr.com/photos/knicksen/10043076666/in/photostream/) is really good; it owes a debt to an Angus McBride MERP painting of an Olog-hai. The chief is enormous, and the hound-handler with the whip is a nice variant on the first two. I'm less keen on the crouching one with the crossbow, as the squatting position makes him look as if he has no legs. But I've got one kicking around and will probably paint him up. Some of the smaller goblins are nice too.

I did the concept sketches (if you can dignify rough and childish drawings with that title!) for one or two of the hobgoblinish ones, including the "Trybe chief tusker", I think - they had different names in the original range.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a diversity of trolls)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 01, 2015, 12:08:58 AM
Here's another troll.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with even more trolls)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 02, 2015, 03:02:13 PM
A brace of lizardmen and a slightly better shot of the last troll:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a couple of lizardmen)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 02, 2015, 03:17:24 PM
And a warband of reptiles of various shapes and sizes:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a reptile warband)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 02, 2015, 03:18:43 PM
The larger, orange ones were from Grenadier.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a reptile warband)
Post by: DeafNala on August 03, 2015, 02:09:25 PM
COOL STUFF! The new somewhat smaller Troll is REALLY quite a nice miniature. VERY WELL DONE one & all!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a reptile warband)
Post by: Elgis on August 03, 2015, 02:32:10 PM

Is there any chance of a more clear pic of the one in a striped cloak rear right though?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a reptile warband)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 03, 2015, 05:57:54 PM
COOL STUFF! The new somewhat smaller Troll is REALLY quite a nice miniature. VERY WELL DONE one & all!

Thanks, DeafNala! He is, ahem, a beauty of a sculpt: Tom Meier at his best.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a reptile warband)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 03, 2015, 06:01:46 PM

Is there any chance of a more clear pic of the one in a striped cloak rear right though?


I'll try to get one up. I'm terrible at taking photos of miniatures, and the long Scottish evenings don't help: it's always between dusk and daylight when I have time to attempt a shot or two.

I've also added some blueish stripes to the hide of his companion, who was looking a bit drab from behind otherwise.

I have really liked these Trish Morrison lizardmen since they came out. I love the Tom Meier ones equally, but the Morrison ones have a certain not-quite-anthropomorphic quality about them that makes them somehow the most convincing lizardmen I've seen. It's something to do with the posture and the way that they often appear to be using their tails for balance (as with the one in the cloak here).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a reptile warband)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 08, 2015, 04:03:24 PM
Here are some of the first miniatures I painted in my "comeback" a year ago (after 20-odd years out). They're a bit rough, as I refined and speeded up my technique subsequently, but I quite like them:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with some old black orcs)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on August 09, 2015, 06:29:51 AM
I like the rough look for those guys. It makes them look dirty and savage.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with some old black orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 11, 2015, 01:51:10 PM
Thanks, Vladimir!

Here are some shots of the whole tribe. These were my first SOBH warband (and have met many gruesome deaths at the hands of my son's lizardmen). We generally play them as savage orcs (Q4, C3, Savage) with the big, more modern one as a hero and one of the officer types as a leader. For all the talk of its unbalancing effect on the game, their Savage ability seldom avails them against their cold-blooded foes. They've also seen plenty of action as a Lion Rampant troop of fierce foot.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with even more old orcs)
Post by: affun on August 11, 2015, 06:38:51 PM
Very nice looking! I love the Retro-miniatures and the paintjobs you give them.
And a nice SoBH warband. They do seem to be lacking in some missile support - Perhaps an excuse to paint up a shaman or some goblin-archers?  ;)
At any rate, they are an intimidating bunch, so the savage rule propably fits them pretty well.

I think I've said so before, but I really do enjoy this thread.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with even more old orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 11, 2015, 10:40:50 PM
Thanks, Affun!

Actually, they do have a little bit of missile support - you can just see the archers peeking out in the penultimate photo. Here they are in a particularly bad shot (much like the archers themselves ...).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with even more old orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 12, 2015, 11:01:15 AM
Here are some Mantic orcs. I have a huge warband of these Orcs of the White Serpent almost done, most of which are heavily kitbashed/converted; they're armed, variously, with bows, arquebuses and polearms. I must make an effort to finish them off.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with Orcs of the White Serpent)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 12, 2015, 11:21:57 AM
And a rear view to show their tribal insignia better:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with Orcs of the White Serpent)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 18, 2015, 12:00:12 AM
Here's a quick addition to my cave-goblin warband:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with Orcs of the White Serpent)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 18, 2015, 12:59:53 AM
Here are a couple more shots of him. He's a great old Perry figure; I love his rather jaunty cap and wolfskin cloak.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an orcish crossbowman)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 18, 2015, 02:22:05 PM
As requested by Elgis, here's some more of the lizardman in the cloak (and his striped companion):

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (extra lizardmen as requested ...)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 20, 2015, 01:13:42 AM
An oddity: one of the first savage orcs released (briefly) by Citadel. I've seen these listed simply as "orcs", but when I bought them, the blisters were labelled "Savage Orcs" - and this was before the plumed, bow-armed savage orcs appeared. They're multipart castings with two bodies and a variety of arms. Unfortunately, few of the arms fit the bodies well. In this instance, I've tried to disguise the bizarre proportions (even by goblin standards) with some crude tattoos. I have a dozen or more of these fellows kicking about; I'm hoping that some plastic beastman or Skaven arms might be made to fit them.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a very early savage orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 23, 2015, 12:37:57 AM
This fellow's been kicking around in an almost-done state for a while. I'm now of the opinion that a lashing of gloss varnish will obscure his myriad imperfections and allow him to trot around the table.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a kitbashed chaotic)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 24, 2015, 01:30:51 AM
Here's the Beloved of Pyaray and some minions:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a kitbashed chaotic)
Post by: beefcake on August 24, 2015, 01:46:27 AM
Very nice conversion! Love it.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a kitbashed chaotic)
Post by: affun on August 24, 2015, 06:14:03 AM
Greatly enjoying the shield.  :D
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a kitbashed chaotic)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 28, 2015, 10:27:32 PM
Thanks, chaps!

Here are a couple of configurations for my goblin bidowers/scouts for Lion/Dragon Rampant. They'll also form a SBH raiding party in their own right (lots of Good Shots to bump up the points per figure).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a kitbashed chaotic)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 02, 2015, 10:24:42 PM
Following the success of Song of Blades as last year's birthday present for my son, I thought that Mighty Monsters would go down well this year; for some reason, he has an enthusiasm for Godzilla and kaiju in general that predates the recent film. My preparations were somewhat hasty, given a recent house move, so I found myself, a few days ago, in the predicament of having various suitable monsters, some cardboard buildings but no Godzilla. That wouldn't do, so I decided to make one.

This was a race against the clock. I took myself to Hobbycraft for the first time ever to acquire some materials and discovered a crude papier mache dinosaur that screamed "maquette" (and saved me the trouble of making one). Thereafter, Milliput, green stuff and Milliput again when I ran out of green stuff did the rest. I put the brush to it about one in the morning before the big day. It's a very crude model (I abandoned all attempts at finesse on the body and limbs as the clock ticked), but it does the trick. And - more importantly - he was delighted. That was compounded by the creature's success in the game's initial outing tonight, where it destroyed all comers.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oh, no! There goes Tokyo!)
Post by: randycarter on September 03, 2015, 07:41:43 AM
What you've done is definitely AWESUM! I think you enjoyed it near as your sons!  lol
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oh, no! There goes Tokyo!)
Post by: Duncan McDane on September 03, 2015, 10:18:25 AM
Yups, some impressive putty pushing and a suiting pj. His face really turned out well.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oh, no! There goes Tokyo!)
Post by: FramFramson on September 03, 2015, 06:29:04 PM
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oh, no! There goes Tokyo!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 07, 2015, 12:49:47 AM
Many thanks! He was fun to make - or would have been if the deadline hadn't been looming quite so fast.

Here are some orcish raiders:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with orcish raiders)
Post by: Vermis on September 07, 2015, 11:01:49 AM
Blimey, walrus orc! :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with orcish raiders)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 07, 2015, 11:26:32 AM
That's what I like most about those early Perry orcs: they're absolutely hideous. As they swapped the heads around a lot, there's a huge variety - some with truly nightmarish dentistry:

http://www.collecting-citadel-miniatures.com/wiki/index.php/Orcs_-_FTO_Fantasy_Tribe_(solid_base) (http://www.collecting-citadel-miniatures.com/wiki/index.php/Orcs_-_FTO_Fantasy_Tribe_(solid_base))
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with orcish raiders)
Post by: fred on September 07, 2015, 06:37:34 PM
Very nice.  I'm sure I've got those two orcs, but it rather more vivid (and crude) green paint jobs.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with orcish raiders)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 07, 2015, 11:58:45 PM
Thanks, Fred.

Here are a couple more: Grizlock the hobgoblin and an old orc champion. I have other plans, colour-scheme-wise, for the Aly Morrison hobgoblins, but these ancient Perry hobgoblins are similar in looks to some of the C15 armoured orcs, and so are joining my Alan Garner-esque "fish white" cave goblins.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Grizlock the Hobgoblin)
Post by: fred on September 09, 2015, 07:52:55 AM
The Orc with the axe is my favourite of the C15 Orcs - though the one I have doesn't have the big cloak
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Grizlock the Hobgoblin)
Post by: DeafNala on September 09, 2015, 01:32:45 PM
Now that's a coincidence. Like many of the Old Citadel/G.W. pieces neither one of those made an appearance at my then local hobby store. However, Friend Ben aka floedebolle sent the Hobgoblin over a few months ago for moi to paint for him...perhaps not state of the art, but a cool mini to paint. Yours turned out SPLENDIDLY...the striped fur is an INSPIRED touch. VERY WELL DONE!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Grizlock the Hobgoblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 12, 2015, 12:55:53 AM
Thanks, DeafNala! The miniature has a certain charm - it's all in the hunched posture and the hostile (or is it hungry?) gaze.

Here's a halberdier to swell the ranks of the pallid and ghastly crew:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an orcish halberdier)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 14, 2015, 11:07:23 PM
Here's an ancient Minifigs pig-faced orc that I've had for aeons. Not quite finished, with details to clean up and the shield to do. I must say I really like these simple old miniatures. I'll seek out some comrades for him at some point.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an ancient pig-faced orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 15, 2015, 12:16:22 AM
And another old goblin. This rather understated miniature has always struck me as ideal for a goblin or hobgoblin in the Dragon Warriors RPG.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an ancient pig-faced orc)
Post by: Reed on September 15, 2015, 01:01:42 AM
I was going to reply saying that this could be a fine goblin shaman/witch until I saw the title. Quite appropiate.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an ancient pig-faced orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 15, 2015, 10:37:19 AM
I was going to reply saying that this could be a fine goblin shaman/witch until I saw the title. Quite appropiate.

Yes indeed. In the Dragon Warriors (one of the best RPGs ever, in my view), goblins are capricious, magical, folkloric creatures. I'm painting up a small coven of these to use as a Dragon Rampant unit.

One thing that's really refreshing about these old Citadel figures is that not every goblin or whatever looks as if it's a soldier. That must be because these miniatures were designed with RPGs in mind. So, in the old Fantasy Tribe ranges, there are female and infant goblins as well as weapon-brandishing warriors.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an ancient pig-faced orc)
Post by: DeafNala on September 15, 2015, 12:10:52 PM
Those are three FINE ADDITIONS. Although each is BEAUTIFULLY painted & has a charm of their own, I love the Witch...it's a personal hangup. VERY WELL DONE!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an ancient pig-faced orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 16, 2015, 10:05:35 AM
Thanks, DeafNala!

Here's another goblin:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an ancient pig-faced orc)
Post by: blackstone on September 16, 2015, 10:24:11 AM
Great thread this! Reminds me of Tabletop Heroes from the old White Dwarf. :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an ancient pig-faced orc)
Post by: TheWorker on September 16, 2015, 10:24:21 AM
These have a really fantastic late '80s style to them. I love the palette you're using and the way they look so sinister and real, as though they're actual creatures rather than products of someone's imagination.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an ancient pig-faced orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 17, 2015, 01:25:49 AM
Thanks, Blackstone - no higher compliment!

And thanks too, TheWorker. The inspiration for the goblin colours comes from Alan Garner's The Weirdstone of Brisingamen (along with a general notion as to what subterranean humanoids might actually look like):

"Some had pug-noses, others thin snouts reaching to their chins. Their hides were generally of a fish-white colour, though some were black, and all were practically hairless."

This fellow's rather more hirsute. He's an old C15 Armoured Orc:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a bearded orc)
Post by: Vermis on September 17, 2015, 10:26:56 AM
Bearded orc? Now that's just not right. lol ;)

Looks great. I especially like how you've done the armour. The turquoise-blue fits very well.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a bearded orc)
Post by: Reed on September 17, 2015, 12:54:23 PM
Damn those neck-bearded orcs...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a bearded orc)
Post by: rednorseman on September 17, 2015, 01:40:14 PM
Really like these old sculpts and what you've done with them with your brush. Fantastic!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a bearded orc)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on September 17, 2015, 02:04:23 PM
I sure do like me a good beard. Cracking work, as always.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a bearded orc)
Post by: fred on September 20, 2015, 09:03:45 AM
Another great figure - I really like the way you are painting these classic old school figures. The shield is really impressive (along with the overall colour scheme).

This is another one I have in my collection - and its great to see a modern paint job on the figure.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a bearded orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 23, 2015, 12:23:34 PM
Many thanks!

Here's another C15 Armoured Orc. He's not quite finished, as his grisly trophies need a little more attention. They've suffered from a combination of miscasting and bashing about over the decades, so aren't particularly receptive to paint.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a long-tongued orc)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on September 23, 2015, 12:58:44 PM
Cor, that fella must be great at the haka! Great work on the sword, it's nice and rusty, but not 100% rust.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a long-tongued orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 23, 2015, 01:27:35 PM
Cor, that fella must be great at the haka! Great work on the sword, it's nice and rusty, but not 100% rust.

Thanks! Yes, I'd see him as an old-school hooker (his scrummaging aided and abetted by his illegal headgear ...).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a long-tongued orc)
Post by: DeafNala on September 23, 2015, 01:56:03 PM
Old Minis have more of an appeal if they have some nostalgic ties with a misspent youth. Since it is the first time I've seen these two Guys, they're main appeal is a ton of personality AND some GREAT brushwork. SPLENDID WORK as always!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a long-tongued orc)
Post by: **GS** on September 23, 2015, 02:31:26 PM
Very nice!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a long-tongued orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 25, 2015, 01:03:07 AM

Here's another brace of little orcs:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a long-tongued orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 25, 2015, 01:05:12 AM
And with some company:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with additional goblinry)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 27, 2015, 01:01:04 AM
And a couple more:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with additional goblinry)
Post by: Arundel on September 27, 2015, 04:25:35 AM
Simply amazing work. I love how you've made the greenskins greyskins! It's a very good look.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with additional goblinry)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 09, 2015, 12:54:02 AM
Many thanks, Arundel - glad you like 'em.

Here's one (or two) more - particularly bleached-out photos in this case, I'm afraid. The eyes of all these goblins look much brighter in the flesh/lead:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a two-headed goblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 10, 2015, 02:29:46 PM
And here's a bugbear - just squeezed in before the rugby starts:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a two-headed goblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 11, 2015, 12:13:00 AM
And some followers:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a bugbear and friends)
Post by: .:Gunslinger:. on October 11, 2015, 09:35:25 AM
Wow these are so great! Love the fella with the big eyes...here the pale skintone works even better then on the others!
Great to see some fantastic old miniatures that I haven't seen before!

How do you achieve that skintone? Over a white basecoat?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a bugbear and friends)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 11, 2015, 10:39:57 AM
Wow these are so great! Love the fella with the big eyes...here the pale skintone works even better then on the others!
Great to see some fantastic old miniatures that I haven't seen before!

How do you achieve that skintone? Over a white basecoat?

Thanks! I use a very pale GW flesh colour (Witch Flesh or some such?) over a white undercoat, pre-shaded with a brown or sepia wash and drybrushed up in white. Then I tint it with a thin mix of blue and green washes and highlight up in the flesh colour again with heavily thinned paint (very occasionally, the wash is thin enough or the figure "receptive" enough that I don't need to highlight up much or at all). I sometimes give them a final drybrush in white. Depending on how that goes, I may mix some of the wash colours in with the flesh tone to do a bit of blending.

It's all much more laborious than my drybrush-and-wash approach to most miniatures, but these goblins do nevertheless breed fast:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a bugbear and friends)
Post by: Arundel on October 11, 2015, 12:23:43 PM
They all look great. I must say I'm dazzled by how laborious the painting of these fellows is, but then, the results are magnificent, so keep at it! The bugbear is a nice old model; not sure it's how I picture them, however. First edition AD&D and Errol Otus have left their marks in the old noggin...

Thanks for sharing!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a bugbear and friends)
Post by: DeafNala on October 11, 2015, 01:53:37 PM
The new additions are UBERCOOL miniature AND BEAUTIFULLY painted. GREAT WORK!
The Group Portrait is TRULY IMPRESSIVE!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a bugbear and friends)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 23, 2015, 01:35:17 AM
Thanks, all! Here are couple more (approaching completion - still the odd detail to add/clean up):

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Snurd Hideflayer)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 26, 2015, 12:04:42 PM
Here are a couple of very old wolfriders (Citadel red orcs). These must have been end-of-the-line castings, as they were pretty rough: miscast muzzles on the wolves and lots of rough bits on the riders. I'm going to neaten them up a little, but they'll do for the tabletop (they saw their first action in SOBH yesterday morning):
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Snurd Hideflayer)
Post by: DeafNala on October 26, 2015, 12:11:49 PM
You do have a unique style all your own that I, for one, truly enjoy. You also have an AMAZING collection of old minis, many that I hadn't seen before. FANTASTIC WORK!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Snurd Hideflayer)
Post by: Totleben on October 26, 2015, 12:17:59 PM
I like the diversity, colour scheme and style.  :-*
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some ancient wolfriders)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 04, 2015, 12:24:18 AM
Many thanks!

Here are some Chronicle hobgoblins and a few dwarfs.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more lizardmen)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 04, 2015, 12:27:39 AM
And some more modern lizardmen (these and their scaly kin form my son's favourite warbands in SoBH, Lion Rampant and, most recently, Battlesworn):
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more lizardmen)
Post by: Rhoderic on November 04, 2015, 01:15:59 AM
Nice! You really do have a good eye for picking the right colours to achieve a kind of classic, mature, understated mood (in a good way). The lizardmen look like lizardmen and not like the sort of overstatedly colourful sports mascots that are otherwise quite common as paintjobs (not least among my own old GW figures). I should try to learn from this thread.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more lizardmen)
Post by: majorsmith on November 04, 2015, 09:28:56 AM
The lizard men an wolf riders are fantastic
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more lizardmen)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on November 04, 2015, 12:02:49 PM
Cracking work on the lizardmen, some of my favourite infantry models there. Can't say I recognize that snake guy though.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more lizardmen)
Post by: DeafNala on November 04, 2015, 01:19:27 PM
SPLENDID ADDITIONS! I'm particularly fond of the Hobgoblins & Dwarfs. GREAT WORK!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more lizardmen)
Post by: Evil Doctor on November 06, 2015, 09:40:03 AM
Hobgoblin, your stuff is brilliant! I love the Orcs - I go for the grey skin tone myself, and I love the old-school preslotta stuff!


Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more lizardmen)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 15, 2015, 11:10:41 PM
Thanks, all!

Vladimir - the snakeman is a Reaper Bones figure.

DeafNala - me too! Those Nick Lund hobgoblins are in some ways rather crude sculpts, but - like many early miniatures and like most of Nick Lund's - they work really, really well on the tabletop. The hobgoblins don't photograph nearly as well as the lizardmen, but they look much more striking in a game. I have many more to come - including the tremendous shaman figure (squat, masked and pointing), which is one of my favourite miniatures. I have a special fondness for the Chronicle hobgoblins, as I remember them playing a large part in one of my first wargames, played with unpainted Citadel and Chronicle miniatures (hobgoblins, broo, dark-elf cold-one riders). There were no rules; rather, the miniatures either attacked a fortress made from wooden building blocks or sheltered behind mantlets made from the same. Casualties were decided by taking alternating shots with a small replica crossbow (a souvenir from Sienna). The last man (hobgoblin, broo, whatever) standing won.

Evil Doctor - thanks! I take an "anything but bright green" stance on orcs. These fellows are meant to be a bit Weirdstone of Brisingamen (http://goodtoread.org/image/covers/weirdstone-of-brisingamen-the.jpg?style=image) (the text rather than this illustration in particular). I will paint some duplicates black to vary the "fish-white" a little, in line with Garner's descriptions of the Svart-Alfar (but I'm ignoring the allergy to iron). I've been enjoying your blog and hope to see more of your orcs!

Here are some images from today's game of Advanced Song of Blades and Heroes (to test out some rules in the Hammer and Forge supplement). We played a three-way game with ratmen (my daughter), lizardmen and frogmen (my son) and goblins (me) trying to snatch a treasure chest from a ruined temple. The treasure was guarded by Medusa and some skeletal henchmen, and the area was plagued by wandering monsters (using the principles outlined in one of Dan Mersey's Song of Arthur and Merlin vignettes: a dice is rolled at the end of each turn; on a six, a monster appears). My daughter's ratmen had the edge initially, as the Gregarious rule allowed her arquebus-wielding leader to get his fast-moving ratmen scouts in and out of the temple while the frogman wizard drew the fire and ire of its guardians. But the lizardmen caught the vermin at the table edge, with the tide turning when the wizard took control of a rat ogre's tiny mind and sent it slamming into its comrades. Meanwhile, the goblins cleared the temple of ratmen warriors, but fell foul of a wandering griffin, which swooped down on them from the flank. In a pivotal moment in the game, the frogman wizard managed to exercise mind control over the griffin, to send it against the goblin discipline master (that side's main driving force, using the excellent new Discipline Master trait). Meanwhile, a pair of burly reptiles made off with the loot. Terrible photos, thrown-together scenery, but a great way to pass a chilly afternoon:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more lizardmen)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 20, 2015, 12:47:38 AM
Here's Vandamar (to my mind the best chaos warrior Citadel ever made) and one of the old Tom Meier troglodytes (to give my son's all-conquering reptile warband some unneeded beef):
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Vandamar and a trog)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 21, 2015, 05:16:39 PM
And a few more orcs. I have another twenty or so of these chaps in a "getting there/almost there" state.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a troglodyte and orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 22, 2015, 10:56:06 AM
Some slightly better shots of these orcs.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a troglodyte and orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 23, 2015, 12:55:11 AM
And here's a lizardman cold-one rider:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with cold-one cavalry)
Post by: DeafNala on November 23, 2015, 12:58:10 PM
UBERCOOL OLD STUFF! I love the silly grin on the Cold One. Since most of the minis are new to, previously unseen by moi, I can't but notice that, while they may lack some of the finer details of current standards, they more than make up for any deficiencies in detail with an abundance of charm & character. VERY WELL DONE once more!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with cold-one cavalry)
Post by: Duncan McDane on November 23, 2015, 03:22:01 PM
That Dragonscale Orc warrior is a long time favorite of mine.  :-*
Love the stuff you are posting, keep it coming please.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with cold-one cavalry)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 24, 2015, 12:30:00 AM
UBERCOOL OLD STUFF! I love the silly grin on the Cold One. Since most of the minis are new to, previously unseen by moi, I can't but notice that, while they may lack some of the finer details of current standards, they more than make up for any deficiencies in detail with an abundance of charm & character. VERY WELL DONE once more!

Thanks, DeafNala!

I think there's are a few intertwined factors with the early-80s Citadel stuff. Some of it (the Fantasy Tribe stuff, for example - like the orc with the sword and the javelin) is a little bit crude in some details, but superb in concept and "broad strokes" execution. But then, the later stuff - the last solid-based models and the first slotta-based ones - like the crouching armoured orc (just pre-slotta) and the goblin with the fur-rimmed helmet (early slotta) is as good as anything they ever did (and certainly anything they've done more recently). But those moulds must have been worked to death, and some of the castings are significantly rougher than others. On top of that, as these models are so old, they tend to have been knocked around a fair bit, which hasn't done wonders for their dental work and whatnot. One thing, though, that the Perrys were (and are) preternaturally gifted at is giving figures wonderfully natural poses. The way that lizardman sits on the cold one is just perfect. I think the sculptural principle is called "weight shift", or contraposto - conveying the impression of movement and weight. The Perrys seem to have an innate grasp of it, from their early-80s Citadel stuff to their plastic men-at-arms today. I think that sort of thing is much more valuable than the extreme dynamism that modern miniatures often display.

Duncan - all of that applies in spades to the orc with the dragon shield. He's a tremendous sculpt, with a haunted, even damned air about him.

And from the Perrys to another great master of the miniature: Aly Morrison. His hobgoblins are probably my favourite miniatures ever - so much so that they're a little daunting to paint. But here's one:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (w/cold-one rider and hobgoblin)
Post by: Vermis on November 24, 2015, 01:40:34 AM
Brilliant. :) I hadn't seen those hobgoblins before. You've done a great job on this one.

One thing, though, that the Perrys were (and are) preternaturally gifted at is giving figures wonderfully natural poses. The way that lizardman sits on the cold one is just perfect. I think the sculptural principle is called "weight shift", or contraposto - conveying the impression of movement and weight. The Perrys seem to have an innate grasp of it, from their early-80s Citadel stuff to their plastic men-at-arms today. I think that sort of thing is much more valuable than the extreme dynamism that modern miniatures often display.

Duncan - all of that applies in spades to the orc with the dragon shield. He's a tremendous sculpt, with a haunted, even damned air about him.

Can't disagree there. :D
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (w/cold-one rider and hobgoblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 24, 2015, 10:30:25 AM
Brilliant. :) I hadn't seen those hobgoblins before. You've done a great job on this one.

Thanks, Vermis. He's the start of a Dragon Rampant unit of Fierce [sic!] Foot. I've got a mounted half-orc leader to go with them (I like the look of infantry units with mounted leaders) and hobhounds to fill out some of the front rank - they work with the speed and ferocity of the Fierce Foot profile.

The Morrison hobgoblins were a tremendous range. They were the shock troops in my childhood Warhammer orc army. Here's a couple of links to some of them. They spanned the solid-based (http://www.solegends.com/citcat198703_fr/agmatp016-00.htm) and slotta-based (https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=solegends.com+hobgoblins&client=safari&sa=N&rls=en&biw=1388&bih=747&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&ved=0ahUKEwiK_teu4qjJAhVDYQ4KHduABQQ4ChCwBAhU#imgrc=P5naH8MWPS8avM%3A) eras (with some of the same models appearing as both). I've got quite a number of them kicking around, though many require repairs to weapons and fragile ankles.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (w/cold-one rider and hobgoblin)
Post by: DeafNala on November 24, 2015, 10:51:44 AM
He is an UBERCOOL Little Rogue...Hobgoblins of all descriptions are favorites with moi. You did an OUTSTANDING job on the Old Boy. VERY WELL DONE!

... and fragile ankles.

The ankles are among the first things to go when you get old. This may be an art imitates life thingy.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (w/cold-one rider and hobgoblin)
Post by: Duncan McDane on November 24, 2015, 12:00:59 PM
It's great to see someone doing those great old sculpts justice. I got quite some of the pre-slotta stuff myself but an suffering a bit from a: painters block and b: the same you have with the Hobgob, scared of not doing them the justice they deserve.
It's more easy to paint models you're less fond off/attached to, but that's also less rewarding. Sigh...  :?

Ah well, at least that Orc, the Hobgoblin beastmaster and some more pre-slotta fun is lying around on the side table so who knows, one might be picked up soon  lol.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (w/cold-one rider and hobgoblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 25, 2015, 08:54:33 PM
Thanks, gents.

Duncan McDane, is it the high-hatted beast master with the mace? Or the boxed-set one with the pelt and the half-moon polearm?

Here are some awful photos of the swelling ranks of the cave-goblin horde: plenty of SoBH warbands in there, and more than enough for a Lion/Dragon Rampant force too:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (w/cold-one rider and hobgoblin)
Post by: Little Odo on November 25, 2015, 10:11:38 PM
Wow! Some fantastic old sculpts with excellent muted paint jobs. I really like those last few photos - lots of atmosphere.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (w/cold-one rider and hobgoblin)
Post by: Evil Doctor on November 26, 2015, 09:46:53 AM
Those photos look like scenes from Bakshi's lord of the ribgs - top stuff!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (w/cold-one rider and hobgoblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 26, 2015, 11:46:42 PM
Thanks, gents. There is something indelibly horrible about Bakshi's orcs and Nazgul - a good thing!

Here are a couple more:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (w/cold-one rider and hobgoblin)
Post by: Vermis on November 27, 2015, 01:35:14 AM
There is something indelibly horrible about Bakshi's orcs and Nazgul

It's called rotoscoping. :` ;)

Nice photos, though. It does create an atmosphere with the whole array of orcs. A tolkienish kind of gloom. ;)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (w/cold-one rider and hobgoblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 29, 2015, 02:10:12 PM
Here's a half-orc. I've got a fair few of these ne'er-do-wells kicking around - enough for a SBH warband and a Dragon Rampant unit, I suspect. They're ideal for the first, as they have a good variety of gear (this chap has a crossbow on his back, for example). For the second, I'm not quite sure what they would be. Fierce Foot, perhaps, given a lot of two-handed weapons but not much armour. But I'm looking forward to playing around with the upgrades in Dragon Rampant to see if I can give them some flavour as a horrible mercenary unit, possibly with some "mixed weapons" missile capability too.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes ("man-high" with "goblin faces")
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 30, 2015, 11:27:40 PM
Here's a speed-painted ettin from Descent, which I got hold of on Saturday. Great game - we had our second family session tonight - and a source of pretty reasonable large beasties.

This was a really quick job, and I'll touch up the odd bit here and there (some highlights and lining on the skulls, etc.). But as the figures themselves have the usual boardgame-piece problems (stubborn mould-lines, yawning cracks), I'm not going to worry too much about anything but the overall look. He'll do fine for SBH and Dragon Rampant, I think, as well as Descent.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (half-orc and Descent ettin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 01, 2015, 12:44:30 AM
A few more.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (half-orc and Descent ettin)
Post by: randycarter on December 01, 2015, 09:32:22 PM
Pretty damn good looking, your speed painting!  ;)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (w/cold-one rider and hobgoblin)
Post by: Duncan McDane on December 01, 2015, 10:26:45 PM
Duncan McDane, is it the high-hatted beast master with the mace? Or the boxed-set one with the pelt and the half-moon polearm?

Sorry, missed this one. It's neither, I cannot find him on the net so I'll try and have a decent picture of him. He has a whip in his left hand, a gauntlet ons his right and some kind of Mohaa hairdress. It's a Morisson sculpt.
Great job on the Ettin, btw.  :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (w/cold-one rider and hobgoblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 01, 2015, 10:46:45 PM
Sorry, missed this one. It's neither, I cannot find him on the net so I'll try and have a decent picture of him. He has a whip in his left hand, a gauntlet ons his right and some kind of Mohaa hairdress. It's a Morisson sculpt.
Great job on the Ettin, btw.  :)


Ah - I know the fellow! He's the discipline master from this release (http://www.solegends.com/citcat1984comp2/citcomp2033-01.htm). He makes a perfect beast handler - I used to use him as one many moons ago.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (half-orc and Descent ettin)
Post by: Duncan McDane on December 01, 2015, 10:52:16 PM
Indead, that's the guy. Thanks for solving that mystery. Great, clean sculpt, still holding it's own after all those years. Might give him a couple of Blink Dogs ( from Ral Partha ) as pets or else maybe the classic Slave Ogre. But I won't spoil your topic with my musings...  ;)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (half-orc and Descent ettin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 01, 2015, 11:04:55 PM
Indead, that's the guy. Thanks for solving that mystery. Great, clean sculpt, still holding it's own after all those years. Might give him a couple of Blink Dogs ( from Ral Partha ) as pets or else maybe the classic Slave Ogre. But I won't spoil your topic with my musings...  ;)

The more digressions, the merrier!

The Slave Ogre is terrific - I've had one kicking around for about 25 years. I have the half-orc handlers too, but at least one needs some repairs. And yes, the Morrison hobgoblins are easily as good as any "orcish" models on the market today.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (half-orc and Descent ettin)
Post by: phreedh on December 02, 2015, 12:46:57 PM
Damn Hobgoblin, you've managed to do a fantastic thread the last few months. Thanks for sharing and posting, you really got my paintery juices flowing now. I've had a few months of inactivity but now I really feel the urge to paint!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (half-orc and Descent ettin)
Post by: rednorseman on December 02, 2015, 01:52:28 PM
Just so impressed with your collection & painting skills. I love your technique. Thanks for posting. cheers  :D
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (half-orc and Descent ettin)
Post by: Dr. Zombie on December 02, 2015, 02:00:48 PM
This thread is effing brilliant! I cannot believe I have missed it before.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (half-orc and Descent ettin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 03, 2015, 12:23:18 AM
Thanks, chaps. Here's an old Ral Partha giant goblin. I've been planning some Tolkien orcs for a while. I reckon this fellow and his ilk fit the bill as uruks.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (ettin and uruk)
Post by: Reed on December 03, 2015, 01:39:37 PM
That evil uruk-hai has ripped off the poor Cheshire's Cat tail !
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (ettin and uruk)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 06, 2015, 01:56:06 AM
Another orc - a Kev Adams one, but rather more compatible with the Perry ones than some of his others.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an orc chieftain)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 07, 2015, 12:37:05 AM
And with a draconic pet ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a dragon and orc chief)
Post by: Vermis on December 07, 2015, 04:39:26 AM
Waaay! Dragunz! ;) I like how you've done that. Makes the scaly texture pop.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a dragon and orc chief)
Post by: beefcake on December 07, 2015, 07:22:01 AM
I love the colours you use. Is that Orc still available?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a dragon and orc chief)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 07, 2015, 11:02:37 AM
I love the colours you use. Is that Orc still available?

I fear not. He came out in 1987, as part of the command group (http://www.solegends.com/citads1987c/198712r/fly8712wr-Orc2OrcCommand-01.htm) that accompanied Citadel's first plastic boxed set (http://www.solegends.com/citboxes/pbs3whfbregs/index.htm) (including these chaps). Oddly, the metal command figures were much smaller than the troopers. The leader is short but beefy, but the champion, standard bearer and musician are wiry, crouching creatures that are dwarfed by their followers. Good miniatures, though - some of the more restrained and Perry-like Adams sculpts.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a dragon and orc chief)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 11, 2015, 10:43:42 PM
With Dragon Rampant imminent, I've been trying to crank out more troops for our cave-goblin and reptilian forces. Here are a few more vile orcs:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with added goblins)
Post by: Rhoderic on December 11, 2015, 11:05:20 PM
Love what you did with the shield and the quiver!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with added goblins)
Post by: DeafNala on December 12, 2015, 01:52:17 PM
Late again...this happens a lot at my age. Although I have a special fondness for the Dragon, they are all BEAUTIFUL creations. OUTSTANDING WORK!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with added goblins)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 15, 2015, 02:20:02 PM
Thanks, Rhoderic and DeafNala!

Here are some more goblins. The mutants and club-wielder are destined for a "ravenous horde" unit in Dragon Rampant, but I'm planning to use the chap with the scimitar and horned helmet in a somewhat more formidable unit - Light Foot with the Offensive upgrade, perhaps, or even Bellicose Foot.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with added goblins)
Post by: DeafNala on December 15, 2015, 03:50:22 PM
The Little Lads are UBERCOOL & BEAUTIFULLY painted. The Fuzzy One is my favorite. VERY WELL DONE, one & all!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with added goblins)
Post by: orc on December 15, 2015, 03:51:21 PM
 : :-* I like to much the skin color, shield and arrow quiver details.....all is great here...good job!!! I will follow your thread with great attencion!!!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with added goblins)
Post by: m4jumbo on December 15, 2015, 03:55:25 PM
So much goodness in this thread.  All the classic miniatures, the artwork on the shields, and the more muted paint schemes really come together.  
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with added goblins)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 17, 2015, 12:26:34 AM

Here's another brace of goblins.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with added goblins)
Post by: LeadAsbestos on December 17, 2015, 01:53:24 AM
Damn it! That's no goblin, its the baby Bugbear I've been after!
Nice paint though!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with added goblins)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 17, 2015, 07:57:43 AM
Damn it! That's no goblin, its the baby Bugbear I've been after!
Nice paint though!

It is indeed the baby bugbear. I think I may have a spare one too - I'll have a look.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with added goblins)
Post by: DeafNala on December 17, 2015, 12:28:00 PM
The Little Gray Guys painted up SPLENDIDLY. GREAT WORK!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with added goblins)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 17, 2015, 05:16:09 PM
Thanks, DeafNala!

Here are some of the cave-goblin units for Dragon Rampant: a Ravenous Horde, Light Foot with Mixed Weapons, and Bellicose Foot.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Dragon Rampant units)
Post by: Humorous_Conclusion on December 17, 2015, 08:37:32 PM
I love how those look. They really look like something that lives at the bottom of dark, dank cave. I particularly like the goblin with the moons and starts on his robe.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Dragon Rampant units)
Post by: DeafNala on December 17, 2015, 10:09:44 PM
They are a WONDERFUL collection of charming Little Rogues. FANTASTIC WORK!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Dragon Rampant units)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 18, 2015, 12:32:52 AM
Thanks both!

Here's one more for the Bellicose Foot (who will eventually split into armoured and unarmoured units to reflect the new possibilities in the Dragon Rampant rules), along with one from an embryonic Light Riders unit:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Dragon Rampant units)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 18, 2015, 12:46:52 AM
And the first half of another unit - Light Foot with the Offensive upgrade, perhaps, or even Heavy Foot. These are the better-armed and more ferocious-looking of the smaller goblins. They'll eventually split into two, as I have all 10 of the old goblin raiding party (horned helmets) plus the two other night goblins that Citadel produced with matching shields (and banner). So those will become the most uniformly equipped unit of the lot, while the other, bigger ones might even be upgraded to Bellicose Foot (or mingled with the bigger sorts). But for now, they can stay together.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Dragon Rampant units)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 22, 2015, 09:27:41 AM
Dragon Rampant should have arrived yesterday, but didn't. So, when a friend came by for a game, we played Lion Rampant with fantasy units (goblins versus various fire-breathing giants, allowing my opponent to test out his Seljuk Turks in absentia). A cracking game ensued, with the goblins eventually succumbing to the shoot'n'scoot tactics of the "mounted archers" after a valiant charge by their Fierce Foot failed, by a single dice roll, to destroy one of the surviving units.

Here, the goblin Fierce Foot advance through some half-painted rough terrain:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Dragon Rampant units)
Post by: beefcake on December 22, 2015, 09:54:30 AM
Looks cool. Great your getting some use out of them. :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Dragon Rampant units)
Post by: Gabbi on December 22, 2015, 07:46:54 PM
Very nice. Grey goblins look neat! :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Dragon Rampant units)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 23, 2015, 12:35:08 AM

Here are a couple more: a lizardman and Chorsheema the Impaler (one of the original chaos marauders - a night goblin champion).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Dragon Rampant units)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 23, 2015, 12:44:36 AM
I was trying to get a better shot of Chorsheema's face, but all I could manage was this horrifyingly unflattering close-up!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Dragon Rampant units)
Post by: Duncan McDane on December 23, 2015, 10:22:53 PM
Creepy.... in a very good way  :D.
As always, love the models, love your original and suiting pj's on them.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Dragon Rampant units)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 30, 2015, 01:10:11 AM
Thanks, Duncan!

Here's another Morrison hobgoblin:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with another hobgoblin)
Post by: DeafNala on December 30, 2015, 01:18:25 AM
That is a UBERCOOL miniature VERY NICELY painted! Like a lot of the older Citadel pieces, it's one I've never seen before.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with another hobgoblin)
Post by: randycarter on December 30, 2015, 10:06:42 AM
Yes, that miniature is awesome!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with another hobgoblin)
Post by: beefcake on December 30, 2015, 08:37:09 PM
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with another hobgoblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 31, 2015, 12:53:22 PM

Here's an old chaos warrior. The Citadel chaos warriors from this era are, to my mind, far superior to any that the company has produced since: inventive, suitably bizarre and - above all - extremely varied. The idea of uniform chaos warriors has always struck me as odd ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a chaos warrior)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 31, 2015, 04:10:23 PM
And here's a Grenadier cliff dragon. He needs a bit of neatening up here and there, but he's due on the gaming table very shortly, so will do for now.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with chaos knight + cliff dragon)
Post by: Psychoflexible on December 31, 2015, 04:33:50 PM
This chaos knight has a Uther pendragon's touch:


Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with chaos knight + cliff dragon)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 31, 2015, 05:05:43 PM
He does indeed! In both cases, the concept of "pig-faced bascinet" is taken to extremes.

Here's a balrog (or a "Hekatron giant", whatever that is ...):
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a cliff dragon and balrog)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 02, 2016, 10:45:00 AM
Here's a "wolf" rider. I recently stripped the wolf, which my teenage self had painted in a tiger scheme as (it doesn't look much like a wolf after all). I decided to reprise that.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a cliff dragon and balrog)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 02, 2016, 11:07:31 AM
And one more shot:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a balrog and tiger-wolf)
Post by: DeafNala on January 02, 2016, 01:54:14 PM
The Giant Guy, or whatever he likes being called, AND the Wolf Riders, old & new, look TERRIFIC. OUTSTANDING WORK!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a balrog and tiger-wolf)
Post by: beefcake on January 03, 2016, 07:43:18 PM
Tiger wolf looks great.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a balrog and tiger-wolf)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 04, 2016, 12:26:17 AM
Many thanks!

Here's a third - and a disparate band of seven goblin raiders. Any six out of the seven make a Dragon Rampant unit of Light Riders, but for SBH, they'll form a full warband, with the chap with the crossbow and the armoured lancer will have different profiles. I have several more on the way, so soon I'll have two DR units and a very large (and mobile!) SBH warband.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a balrog and tiger-wolf)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 04, 2016, 12:29:23 AM
And the last miniature of a fairly productive Christmas holiday: a Chronicle ogre.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a balrog and tiger-wolf)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 04, 2016, 12:31:11 AM
And a couple of close-ups. He may not be the most delicate of sculptors, but no one beats Nick Lund for the conveyance of brutality!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a balrog and tiger-wolf)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 04, 2016, 12:36:11 AM
And with some friends. I like mixing manufacturers in units, and I think these chaps go together nicely. The "uruk" with the shield is a little smaller; I have all the others of his sort, I think, who can serve as a smaller breed or as half-ogres. They, along with Throgg's hobgoblins (also by Jez Goodwin) bear a similar relationship to the Goodwin ogres as the Chronicle hobgoblins do to the newly painted ogre. Eventually, I plan to have a full DR warband of these varieties; I've probably already got enough for a SoBH warband. The Acropolis uggruck fills out the ranks amply.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with balrog, wolves and ogres)
Post by: beefcake on January 04, 2016, 12:39:06 AM
Very nice. I'm eagerly awaiting DR to have a read of the rules.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with balrog, wolves and ogres)
Post by: Globlin on January 04, 2016, 08:02:24 PM
Really great thread - have got a lot of inspiration from it!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with balrog, wolves and ogres)
Post by: DeafNala on January 04, 2016, 08:49:30 PM
TERRIFIC STUFF! The Big Guys painted up in FINE fashion. The shield is INSPIRATIONAL...I need to make a few. GREAT WORK!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with balrog, wolves and ogres)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 08, 2016, 02:10:08 AM
Here's a quick orc I painted this evening for a friend at work (he's just started playing Descent with his family, and I thought he could do with a villain to replace the cardboard counters for the fat goblin, etc.).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with balrog, wolves and ogres)
Post by: Justin Buck on January 08, 2016, 02:53:14 AM
Wow! Those look awesome!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with balrog, wolves and ogres)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 10, 2016, 12:48:32 AM

Here are some attempts at Middle Earth orcs. I've been digging out and otherwise amassing orcs that broadly fit Tolkien's conception. The main thing is that they have to be small. I've harped on about it often enough here, but it's very clear from LotR that even the biggest of Tolkien's goblins - the Uruk-hai - are significantly smaller than Men. There's ample evidence for this, but the most obvious thing is that the half-orcs - who are described as "Men" have Orcish features but Mannish height: it's their size that strikes people as odd, because Men - as Gollum observes - are "much bigger" than Orcs. And of course, the smallest ones must be roughly Hobbit-sized (because Sam and Frodo can pass themselves off as Orcs).

Anyway, I'm combining Asgard, Ral Partha, Denizen, Reider and Chronicle in this, so variety is very much a feature. Here are a couple of Chronicle "black orcs" that could work as smallish Uruks or bigger examples of the smaller breeds; I get the impression that there was a blurry line between them - as with the "larger and bolder" of the Northerners who stay with the Isengarders when the rest flee (of course, those larger, bolder Northerners may well be Uruks, as Moria had plenty of them). The Ral Partha "giant goblin" archer is definitely an Uruk, and the Viking is just there for scale.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some Middle Earth orcs)
Post by: Vermis on January 10, 2016, 01:53:44 AM
Nice. :) I like the eye on the banner!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some Middle Earth orcs)
Post by: Globlin on January 11, 2016, 05:07:48 PM
Nice job on those orcs (or should it be "Goblins?). Certainly evocative of Tolkien's descriptions of the foot soldiers of Mordor (or at least how I pictured them in my mind's eye when reading his books)!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some Middle Earth orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 11, 2016, 05:35:40 PM
Nice job on those orcs (or should it be "Goblins?). Certainly evocative of Tolkien's descriptions of the foot soldiers of Mordor (or at least how I pictured them in my mind's eye when reading his books)!

Thanks! It should be both! They're one and the same in The Lord of the Rings. I always find it odd that D&D and Warhammer seem to have somehow obscured the fact that Tolkien uses "goblin" to describe the Uruk-hai. ;)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some Middle Earth orcs)
Post by: Justin Buck on January 11, 2016, 06:39:41 PM
I really like the way you painted the orcs.  I love the old figures, they were so full of character.  Keep them coming.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some Middle Earth orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 15, 2016, 01:02:45 AM
I really like the way you painted the orcs.  I love the old figures, they were so full of character.  Keep them coming.



Here are a few more. I've been playing around with some chimp-like colouration with these:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some Middle Earth orcs)
Post by: Vermis on January 15, 2016, 02:05:20 AM
I've been playing around with some chimp-like colouration with these:

Hurray! lol Looks good.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more Middle Earth orcs)
Post by: Globlin on January 16, 2016, 11:03:20 AM
The Mordor chimps look good! Especially like the eye design on the shield - very effective.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more Middle Earth orcs)
Post by: Pappa Midnight on January 16, 2016, 01:19:44 PM
Very impressive thread. Some of the nicest renditions of "old school" Orcs I've seen. I particularly like your freehand shields and choice of colours.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more Middle Earth orcs)
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on January 16, 2016, 06:36:11 PM
That is great painting, Hobgoblin.  The size comparison photo is helpful as I am thinking og getting some Asgard/Viking Forge orcs.
Not a green orc in sight!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more Middle Earth orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 18, 2016, 12:51:13 AM

On a different note, here are some "red orcs" - not Middle Earth-appropriate at all, but part of a Dragon Rampant unit/SoBH warband that I've had on the go for a while. They'll be some evil wizard's guards, I suspect.

These are super-quick, rough and ready paint jobs; I have the whole twelve (Offensive Heavy Foot) close to completion. Two of them have featured before, barring some touch-ups; I did the chap with the scimitar in an hour flat tonight from undercoat. The idea is that they'll look sufficiently vivid on the tabletop, with their scarlet hides and yellow and black livery, to mask their speedy completion.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some red Nick Lund orcs)
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on January 18, 2016, 01:14:26 AM
"here are some "red orcs" - not Middle Earth-appropriate at all"
Don't orcs get sun burnt, then?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some red Nick Lund orcs)
Post by: Hawkeye on January 18, 2016, 09:39:08 PM
Love the old-school orcs/goblins - fantastic painting, and a consistent vision. Both are important, of course!

I  have a quick question. A guy in our gaming group (and we're talking here about the mid to late eighties) had a lot of these orcs, goblins, uruks, and  so on. Well,  in the nineties some time, he threw them all into Nitromors to strip them so that they could be repainted. That never happened. I inherited them (as the only one of the group in the oughties who was painting anything, albeit infrequently), but most of them had been ruined by the Nitromors, of course - terribly corroded. I miss the miniatures, of course, so here's my question - do you know (or does anybody reading the thread know) the best way to get these old school orcs/goblins? Or perhaps to get modern orcs/goblins that resemble the old-school ones that have been corroded beyond salvation? For example, there are some lovely Bob Olley Reaper ones that I imagine I'll pick up, but what about other ranges, or sources? Okay, so maybe it wasn't such a quick question, but I'm hoping you'll forgive me!

Have been enjoying the thread for a few weeks now, even though it took me a while to comment!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some red Nick Lund orcs)
Post by: LeadAsbestos on January 18, 2016, 10:12:45 PM
Mirilton does a ton of old orcs,  BTD does a nice line, the Ral Partha KS just did a bunch, the lovely Renegade Orcs... So much to choose from.
I went for Foundry War Orcs: big, bulky, easy to paint, and full of character.

Spoiled for choice!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some red Nick Lund orcs)
Post by: Hawkeye on January 18, 2016, 10:28:09 PM
Thanks LeadAsbestos - I'll look into all of those! And apologies, Hobgoblin, for the slight thread derailing....
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some red Nick Lund orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 18, 2016, 10:42:56 PM
Thanks LeadAsbestos - I'll look into all of those! And apologies, Hobgoblin, for the slight thread derailing....

No problem at all!

As LeadAsbestos said, you can get some old Nick Lund ones from Mirliton (http://www.mirliton.it/index.php?cName=fantasy-2528mm-orcs). The red orc with the scimitar is one (I got him when he was released by Grenadier in the 80s). I think the ex-Grenadier ones aren't quite so good as the old Chronicle/Citadel black orcs (such as the other two red orcs above), but those crop up on eBay quite a bit.

The really old (pre-slotta) Citadel orcs and goblins are often available at similar prices to new modern miniatures (or sometimes much less) on eBay.

Viking Forge do the old Asgard range (http://www.thevikingforge.net/25mm-fantasy-orcs.html): probably the best orcs ever made, give or take the Tom Meier Ral Partha ones  - and certainly the most Tolkienesque)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some red Nick Lund orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 18, 2016, 10:51:46 PM
Here's the Chaos Wars kickstarter (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1050509756/ral-parthas-chaos-wars) from Iron Wind. It's funded, and I think these will soon be on sale in their store.

The store (http://ironwindmetals.com/store/index.php) has various old gems scattered around in it at the moment; Bob Olley goblins and ogres, and so on, and much else besides.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some red Nick Lund orcs)
Post by: Vermis on January 18, 2016, 11:06:35 PM
Viking Forge do the old Asgard range (http://www.thevikingforge.net/25mm-fantasy-orcs.html): probably the best orcs ever made, give or take the Tom Meier Ral Partha ones  - and certainly the most Tolkienesque)

I have to admire, in some small way, how the sculptor got round the problem of bendy metal spears with most of those.

Here's the Chaos Wars kickstarter (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1050509756/ral-parthas-chaos-wars) from Iron Wind. It's funded, and I think these will soon be on sale in their store.

And some of those orcs and elves are far too tempting.

Oh, nice red orcs too. :D It's a good skintone for orcs, IMO, despite the non-Tolkienishness.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some red Nick Lund orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 18, 2016, 11:27:09 PM
I have to admire, in some small way, how the sculptor got round the problem of bendy metal spears with most of those.

It was Jez Goodwin. And yes, it's the kind of "necessity is the mother of invention" thing that you get with some old miniatures - the poses are all the more orcish because of it. A lot of those form the basis for some of the classic John Blanche and Kev Adams conversions.

Oh, nice red orcs too. :D It's a good skintone for orcs, IMO, despite the non-Tolkienishness.

Cheers! They're not very Tolkienish figures in any case: too big and too crude/impressionistic: the smaller, older Chronicle ones (like the standard bearer and swordsman I did recently) have much more detailed, naturalistic faces. But the big ones are great playing pieces, like the Chronicle hobgoblins and ogres: real heft and plenty of bulk and verve on the tabletop.

As far as the red goes, I'm thinking of using them as a warband led by a sorcerer who also has red-skinned demonic servants - flying, horned things - thus suggesting that the red orcs are in some way connected to diabolic powers ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some red Nick Lund orcs)
Post by: Hawkeye on January 18, 2016, 11:29:58 PM
Thanks, Hobgoblin - some of those Viking Forge ones are wonderful! I particularly like the Black Orcs. Some excellent choice here - I think I'm going to enjoy recouping some of the lost miniatures of my youth!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some red Nick Lund orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 19, 2016, 12:03:42 AM
Here's one more red orc - an old Mothercrusher.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a red Mothercrusher)
Post by: DeafNala on January 19, 2016, 12:51:47 AM
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a red Mothercrusher)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 21, 2016, 12:40:12 AM
Thanks, DeafNala. Here's one more (the hero from the Chronicle Black Orc blister-pack range of yore):

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a red orc hero)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 21, 2016, 08:16:52 AM
And one more, to show his beady eye and stubbly jaw.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a red orc hero)
Post by: DeafNala on January 21, 2016, 09:32:20 PM
The Big Guy looks suitably brutal, a true Orc Champion. GREAT WORK once more!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a red orc hero)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 22, 2016, 01:41:41 AM
Thanks, DeafNala!

Here's yet another. They're now strong enough to be an Elite Foot unit in Dragon Rampant, though I fancy they might make quite a dashing little warband for Song of Blades. There are quite a few more close to completion, though to take this lot up to 12-strong Heavy Foot or Bellicose Foot + Armour. And then I have some outsized leaders for them ...

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (infested with red orcs)
Post by: Hawkeye on January 22, 2016, 02:10:03 AM
Fantastic! The red skin tone is wonderful, and the shield on that last guy is excellent!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (infested with red orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 26, 2016, 12:30:19 AM

Here's another Chronicle miniature, this time a hobgoblin. These old Chronicle hobgoblins are even cruder than the orcs in some ways, but are terrific all the same. They were massive miniatures in their day (more than 30 years ago) and are still pretty hefty today.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (infested with red orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 26, 2016, 12:35:39 AM
And with some comrades:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Lundian hobgoblins)
Post by: DeafNala on January 26, 2016, 01:55:33 PM
WONDERFUL STUFF once more! You never disappoint with your SPLENDID creations.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Lundian hobgoblins)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 26, 2016, 11:46:28 PM
Thanks, DeafNala. Here's another ancient Chronicle miniature - this time a wolfrider. He's one of a large batch that I've quickly (and very cheaply) acquired via eBay, to go with my sole survivor of yore:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Nick Lund wolfrider)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 26, 2016, 11:58:57 PM
And with a not-quite-finished friend. Only 16 or so to go ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Nick Lund wolfrider)
Post by: beefcake on January 27, 2016, 03:03:20 AM
Those wolfies are painted very nicely. I never really thought much of the sculpts before seeing them painted well.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Nick Lund wolfrider)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 27, 2016, 01:43:28 PM
Thanks, Beefcake. Like a lot of the Chronicle stuff, they're quite rough in some ways. But the wolves have a convincingly lupine aspect that a lot of others lack. And they and their riders are not at all comic (unlike, say, the Citadel slottabase ones at the bottom of this page (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=77384.270)).

I picked up a very cheap second-hand copy of Warhammer 3rd edition a few weeks ago. Looking through it, I was struck by how unwolflike the painting of the wolves was: just uniform grey or brown. That was certainly the norm in the 80s as I remember. Relatively few seem to have thought of looking at a picture of a wolf back then!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Nick Lund wolfrider)
Post by: rednorseman on January 27, 2016, 01:55:21 PM
Well done. The coat on the wolf is particularly good.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Nick Lund wolfrider)
Post by: Daniel36 on January 27, 2016, 02:25:12 PM
What a wonderful lot of miniatures, and beautifully painted too.

They remind me of a model I have lying around, of unknown origin, that my mom got me in a lot from a thrift shop. He looks really weird and would fit right in. I feel very much inclined to send it to you. PM me if you are interested, I will show you a picture of it. Maybe it's not your style, but maybe it' ll make you happy.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Nick Lund wolfrider)
Post by: Hawkeye on January 27, 2016, 06:54:12 PM
Wonderful wolf-riders! Beautiful painting, but I love the character of these old miniatures too - look at the lolling tongue of that first wolf. Fantastic - close observation of the real thing (or close enough - if any of you have dogs, you know that lolling tongue look after they've been for a long satisfying walk). Love 'em.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Nick Lund wolfrider)
Post by: Blackwolf on January 28, 2016, 06:31:00 AM
Great thread!
We share the same old school Orc fetish :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Nick Lund wolfrider)
Post by: Admiral Benbow on February 01, 2016, 05:32:40 PM
Great thread!
We share the same old school Orc fetish :)

Very true for me as well! If you won't mind, Hobgoblin, I would show a pic of my old orc bunch ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Nick Lund wolfrider)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 01, 2016, 05:38:29 PM
Very true for me as well! If you won't mind, Hobgoblin, I would show a pic of my old orc bunch ...

Please do!  :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Nick Lund wolfrider)
Post by: Admiral Benbow on February 01, 2016, 09:04:25 PM
Not the best pic, but here they are:


I think Chronicle, Asgard and even the smaller earlier Citadel orcs mix very well. I did them on multibases with 4 figures each.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Nick Lund wolfrider)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 01, 2016, 09:26:47 PM
Not the best pic, but here they are:


I think Chronicle, Asgard and even the smaller earlier Citadel orcs mix very well. I did them on multibases with 4 figures each.

Those are fantastic! As it happens, I have three of of the same models on the painting table right now: the hobgoblin chief with the two swords, the fur-hatted fellow to his right; and the stooping guy with the club. Expect them up here in the next few days!

That rat shield is wonderful! Do you have any more of them? Or any more shots of this lot? What game are they based up for? They really look great - and the mix of ranges works very well indeed.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Nick Lund wolfrider)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 02, 2016, 12:53:26 AM
Not quite finished (and I can't take a decent photo of his face for love nor money), but getting there:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Nick Lund wolfrider)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 02, 2016, 08:26:47 AM
Perhaps marginally better shots (the Stygian Caledonian gloom isn't helping!):
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a hobgoblin chief)
Post by: beefcake on February 02, 2016, 09:01:12 AM
Cool. I love the work on the cape.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a hobgoblin chief)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 02, 2016, 04:20:20 PM

Here are a few more of the growing band of hobgoblins:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a hobgoblin chief)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 05, 2016, 12:37:59 AM
And here are a couple more hobgoblins. There are enough for a unit of Elite Foot in Dragon Rampant now:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Chronicle hobgoblins!)
Post by: Blackwolf on February 05, 2016, 12:56:17 AM
Lovely work,like 'em a lot :-*
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Chronicle hobgoblins!)
Post by: Vermis on February 05, 2016, 04:38:00 PM
Heh! I like that guy with the open, 'yelling' mouth. Sort of caricaturised but natural too. Very characterful.

Nicely painted as usual. :) (You too Admiral! I'll second Hob's question about the game they're based for.)

On photography woes: have you considered a basic lighting setup? I do all right with a cheap fluourescent desk lamp. (+ a foolscap sleeve to dim the intensity of the light and a couple of sheets of plasticard to bounce it around)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Chronicle hobgoblins!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 05, 2016, 04:49:10 PM
Heh! I like that guy with the open, 'yelling' mouth. Sort of caricaturised but natural too. Very characterful.

A bit like Biffa Bacon, I think.

Nicely painted as usual. :) (You too Admiral! I'll second Hob's question about the game they're based for.)


On photography woes: have you considered a basic lighting setup? I do all right with a cheap fluourescent desk lamp. (+ a foolscap sleeve to dim the intensity of the light and a couple of sheets of plasticard to bounce it around)

Thanks - I will look into that.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Nick Lund wolfrider)
Post by: Admiral Benbow on February 05, 2016, 05:44:54 PM
That rat shield is wonderful! Do you have any more of them? Or any more shots of this lot? What game are they based up for? They really look great - and the mix of ranges works very well indeed.

Thanks for the nice comments, chaps! There are some more pics on my (very old) website here http://www.mini-universe.de/Fantasy/index.html (http://www.mini-universe.de/Fantasy/index.html).

I based them on multi-bases because orcs always appear to me best en masse, not as single combatants. So I didn't have any special rule system in mind but choose a base front of 50 mm which should be convenient for most combat game rules. Today they would be useful for Dragon Rampant, for example, and that's just what I'm aiming for when preparing some more single miniatures of the nice Asgard orcs and goblins range ...  :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Nick Lund wolfrider)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 05, 2016, 07:05:47 PM
Thanks for the nice comments, chaps! There are some more pics on my (very old) website here http://www.mini-universe.de/Fantasy/index.html (http://www.mini-universe.de/Fantasy/index.html).

Great gallery - I love the minotaur too.

I based them on multi-bases because orcs always appear to me best en masse, not as single combatants. So I didn't have any special rule system in mind but choose a base front of 50 mm which should be convenient for most combat game rules. Today they would be useful for Dragon Rampant, for example, and that's just what I'm aiming for when preparing some more single miniatures of the nice Asgard orcs and goblins range ...  :)

Good idea. Those would certainly work nicely for DR. I really like the rat shield on the Asgard spearman.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Chronicle hobgoblins!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 23, 2016, 12:39:18 AM
We were in Venice last week and took a trip to Padua to see the Giotto frescoes. I had forgotten how often medieval and Renaissance demons are blue. I decided that some blue-grey orcs would add a bit of variety to my "fish-white" cave goblins. So here's the first experimental subject, with inspiration (Giotto's Last Judgement from the Scrovegni Chapel and some demons from the 15th-century Livre de la Vigne de Nostre Seigneur).

I've got four more blue orcs underway. I may - whisper it - even add some in a pale greenish-grey too ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a blue orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 23, 2016, 12:29:57 PM
And a couple of goblins for a brace of SBH warbands that I'm doing for a friend's son's birthday. I have several more of these done, plus some ogres, orcs and beastmen.

I generally abhor green goblins, but I can see a use for this sort of "greenish" skin tone on some of my aged Citadel orcs - to go with the bluish ones like that above. That sort of green is quite common on medieval and Renaissance devils.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a blue orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 24, 2016, 12:24:58 AM
And another blue orc. One thing about these old Fantasy Tribe orcs is that there are lots of "duplicates" - in quotes because the faces may be the same but not the bodies, or vice versa. I'd earlier experimented with some jet-black goblins and may do a few more, but the devilish blue hide gives a quick means of adding variety to the fish-white lot (of whom I must have around 100). The blue skin is much quicker to paint.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (another blue orc)
Post by: beefcake on February 24, 2016, 07:37:24 AM
Cool. I like the upper lip that fades to pale flesh.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (another blue orc)
Post by: manic _miner on February 24, 2016, 07:54:39 AM
 Great painting on these.I too like the top lip colour.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (another blue orc)
Post by: randycarter on February 24, 2016, 08:02:51 AM
Your posts are ever more interesting: keep on updating, please!

Great paintjob as usual.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (another blue orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 24, 2016, 11:35:03 PM

Here are couple of GW ogres (for the same recipient as the night goblins on the preceding page). They're not really my cup of tea (I much prefer the older and smaller Goodwin and Lund ogres), but I hope they'll go down well.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (another blue orc)
Post by: LeadAsbestos on February 25, 2016, 12:30:43 PM
Everyone claims to not care for the new GW Ogres, and yet, they paint up well, are excellent size-wise in comparison to Orcs, goblins, etc in various ranges, and are easily convertible, being plastic.

AND, in the hands of a talent like you. they look great! These are excellent!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (another blue orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 25, 2016, 01:13:50 PM

I think the size is part of the reason I'm less keen on them. They don't scale well with these chaps (who were much quicker to paint). Also, there is an awful lot of bare flesh, which is time-consuming. I take your point, though, that they are quite decent models in their own right. I could imagine painting up another one as a small giant or ogre mage (probably with some lurid, non-human skin colour).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (another blue orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 06, 2016, 06:42:53 PM
I ran a game of Song of Blades/Mutants and Death Ray Guns for my son and two of his friends yesterday: two sets of "space pirates" trying to prise a robot with valuable information from the clutches of some primitive lizardmen who had adopted it as an idol. It worked tremendously well (the introduction of a couple of progressively weaker reserve warbands for the least lucky player helped!).

Given clamour for more such games, I've been knocking up some quick conversions so that we have plenty of Mos Eisleyish creatures for multi-player games (their firepower brings the points cost up nicely, so that each player has just four or five models). Here's the first:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (scum and villainy)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 07, 2016, 12:32:10 AM
And another:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (scum and villainy)
Post by: Globlin on March 07, 2016, 08:54:45 PM
These are great, especially like the skin tones on the orc (or should that be ork?)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (scum and villainy)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 10, 2016, 10:28:47 AM

Here's an "ash gremlin" for the Star Wars-ish games that we've got going. But I originally acquired these GW plastics to use as kobolds in SobBH, so they may see action as such too. I might also use them as kobolds in a D&D game I'm plotting. And, just for completeness, here's another science-fantasy conversion: a blue-furred mammalian from the Zentros system ... or something.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a kobold)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 18, 2016, 12:41:07 AM
Here's an old Citadel gnoll. I've got loads of these chaps kicking around; I'm planning to paint them up gradually in a variety of earthy, rocky and fleshy hues. As many share more or less the same heads, they'll need some variation.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a gnoll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 19, 2016, 11:13:02 PM
Here's a "weremole" from Ganesha Games' Song of Hammer and Forge kickstarter. I'm going to be running a Dragon Warriors campaign for my kids and some of their friends, and I can see this little fellow being used as a boggart or hobgoblin in that.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a gnoll and a boggart)
Post by: sespe on March 22, 2016, 05:24:26 AM
I just got my weremole in the package and yours is already painted!  (And 10x better than mine will ever be...) 

Great painting!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a gnoll and a boggart)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 23, 2016, 11:46:53 PM

Here's an orc - part of an SoBH warband for a friend's son.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a gnoll and a boggart)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 25, 2016, 11:22:31 AM
And two completed warbands (to be dispatched to their recipient today): mercenaries and goblin raiders.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (mercenary and goblin warbands)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on March 26, 2016, 09:37:15 AM
Cor, they came out nicely!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (mercenary and goblin warbands)
Post by: Gabbi on March 26, 2016, 11:24:03 AM
Both warbands look great! Not a fan of the actual GW Ogres, but they look good towering above the plated soldier, suggesting a traveling mercenary warband that collected soldiers from different corners of the known world.

Allow me a question to the more historical-inclined users: what's the name (or period/army that used it) of the helmet on the rightmost footsoldier above?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (mercenary and goblin warbands)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 26, 2016, 04:46:21 PM

Gabbi, I think it's a type of kettlehat - later versions became more sallet-like by including eye-slits in the brim. The models are Perry foot knights - appropriate for the Wars of the Roses.

I agree on the ogres: they're more like giants than the old Citadel and Chronicle ones.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (mercenary and goblin warbands)
Post by: Justin Buck on March 26, 2016, 08:49:49 PM
Love those goblins and mercenaries.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (mercenary and goblin warbands)
Post by: Gabbi on March 27, 2016, 09:31:45 PM
Gabbi, I think it's a type of kettlehat - later versions became more sallet-like by including eye-slits in the brim. The models are Perry foot knights - appropriate for the Wars of the Roses.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (mercenary and goblin warbands)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 03, 2016, 06:08:04 PM
Here's a Perry knight:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Perry knight)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 03, 2016, 10:55:22 PM
Here's an old Essex gnoll. I used to see ads for these figures in the pages of White Dwarf, but had never seen one in the "flesh" until I got hold of this fellow on eBay. I rather like him. He works well enough with a modern Reaper equivalent (perhaps a larger female), I think.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with Perry knight & Essex gnoll)
Post by: blackstone on April 04, 2016, 09:25:47 AM
Great work on the gnoll. Nice to see that old essex figure. :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with Perry knight & Essex gnoll)
Post by: Golgotha on April 04, 2016, 05:29:08 PM
Love the gold knight lovely pose too. Inspirational as always do keep up the good work.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with Perry knight & Essex gnoll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 05, 2016, 11:38:34 AM
Thanks, both!

Blackstone, I have recently acquired some of Essex's great scaley [sic] orcs: remember them?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with Perry knight & Essex gnoll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 06, 2016, 12:23:22 AM
Here's an old armoured orc. I've had him kicking around almost done for a while and decided to finish him off quickly tonight.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (back to orcs!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 07, 2016, 02:24:39 PM
The latest orc with some old friends for an ASOBH warband.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (back to orcs!)
Post by: DeafNala on April 07, 2016, 03:15:56 PM
VERY WELL DONE! There is something very appealing & disturbing about the pale Orcs...love 'em.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (back to orcs!)
Post by: Arundel on April 07, 2016, 04:40:06 PM
Very inspiring work!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (back to orcs!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 08, 2016, 10:23:48 AM
Thanks, both!

Here's an ancient lump of lead - a two-headed broo from the old Citadel range. He's a curious creature, with his heads alone combining elements of antelope, crocodile and wolf. I've gone for "antelope" as the dominant element in the colour scheme.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a broo or two)
Post by: Mo! on April 08, 2016, 08:32:56 PM
Wow  :o what great stuff!!!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a broo or two)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 09, 2016, 01:00:56 AM

Here's something that could be an unusual broo, or a god, or a time-traveller trapped in some Hyborian tower ...

(Horrible photo as ever - I'll try to get him in daylight tomorrow).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a broo and an elephant man)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 09, 2016, 01:18:36 PM
Here's the growing broo gang - plus their more modern equivalents.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a broo and an elephant man)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 09, 2016, 02:33:07 PM
And, for good measure, some of the goblins the broo may be facing in a game of SoBH this evening.

The green-armoured goblin on the far left (from the old Dungeon Monster box set) is one of my favourites of this lot, especially the face. But I can never get him to come out decently in a photograph, alas ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a broo and an elephant man)
Post by: Vermis on April 09, 2016, 06:23:40 PM
That's a funky elephant-man! I can imagine it in a tower, having a chat with an itinerent barbarian. Nice work on that. :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (back to orcs!)
Post by: King Arthur on April 09, 2016, 07:11:05 PM
Thanks, both!

Here's an ancient lump of lead - a two-headed broo from the old Citadel range. He's a curious creature, with his heads alone combining elements of antelope, crocodile and wolf. I've gone for "antelope" as the dominant element in the colour scheme.


Damn, do you know how rare the 2 Headed Broo is!!!! I have never seen one painted nor have I ever seen an example outside of the Collecting Citadel Miniatures wiki! What a treasure you have  :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a broo and an elephant man)
Post by: manic _miner on April 09, 2016, 08:06:29 PM
 A great collection you have there and very well painted too.

 Spotted two of the old Broo in my display case and two Ducks.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a broo and an elephant man)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 10, 2016, 11:48:49 AM

King Arthur, I have the four-armed broo (a better figure, I think) on the painting table at the moment ...

From memory, the two-headed broo from the "Attack of the Broo" boxed set was in wider circulation. There was also a Trish Morrison beastman with a flattened head that used the body of the two-headed broo.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a broo and an elephant man)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 10, 2016, 12:52:49 PM
My kids and I played a game of ASoBH last night, pitting a beastman gang against a pack of orcs for control of a hill on which grew a malevolent, sentient pumpkin, pulsing with the raw stuff of chaos.

I wanted to try two warbands from extremes of the spectrum, so the beastmen/broo were close-combat monsters (and all Personalities under ASoBH rules - normally limited to half the total points), while the orcs were mainly rabble (the Rabble trait in SoBH means that you are put out of action/killed if you are beaten on a dice roll, rather than being knocked down or pushed back) but with four crossbowmen.

The sides were as follows:

Elephant Man: Q3; C4; Leader, Tough (100 points)
Hyena Man: Q4; C4; Heavy Weapon, Savage (41 points)
Two-headed Broo: Q3; C3; Combat Master (50 points)
Broo with Mace: Q3; C3; Block, Bludgeon (48 points)
Goat Man: 27; Q4; C3; Savage (27 points)
Minotaur: Q4; C4; Big, Dashing, Group Fighter, Savage (48 points)
Total: 314 points

Orc Leader: Q3; C3; Leader, Heavily Armoured, Expert Block (78 points)
Bugbear: Q4; C4; Big, Bludgeon, Block (48 points)
6 x Orc Rabble: Q4, C3; Rabble (@15, so 90 points)
4 x Orc Crossbowmen: Q4, C3; Rabble, Crossbow (@26, so 104 points)
Total: 320 points

The game was terrifically entertaining. I know that some dislike the ASoBH reaction rule, but I think it does wonders for keeping everyone involved in the game and - more importantly - for simulating simultaneous action. In that respect, I really like the fact  that the "reactions" needn't have anything to do with the characters that roll failures (so you might roll a failure when activating someone on your baseline, which leads to a character advancing on the far side of the table); it's simply a neat mechanism for breaking up the turn sequence.

A big change from basic SoBH is that certain missile weapons are much more powerful - crossbows in particular. My son's beastmen paid the price for being contemptuous of the orc crossbowmen as they advanced, with the result that the two-headed broo was pin-cushioned before he could put his Combat Master trait to use. I split the orcs into a combat group with the bugbear and the crossbowmen. I kept the leader dashing between the two to give orders. The beastmen, now wary of the crossbowmen, charged into the orc fighters - but this allowed the crossbowmen to kill the other broo and the goatman by outflanking them.

As the fighting grew fiercer and the orc rabble began to crumble, the leader scuttled off to join the crossbowmen in the centre of the table. By this point, only the minotaur and the elephant man were left standing on the other side (after shrugging off various morale checks), but the bugbear and six orc rabble were slain. The surviving orcs had been scattered by morale tests following the loss of more than half their number, but regrouped and began to reload.

We then had a very tense moment when the minotaur broke from behind the cover of the ruins to charge the orc leader. The leader was a fair distance away, but the minotaur was armed with the Dashing trait, which gives a free attack after a charge. So if he could get there in three moves, he could still attack. But a failure would give a chance for a shot or for the leader to retreat. In the event, three successes allowed him to charge in, giving a Dashing attack on the leader, along with the +1 Ambush bonus. Sadly for the minotaur, though, he only managed to knock the orc leader down. Next turn, the leader stood and issued a group action, which allowed the minotaur to be swarmed with more orcs than his Group Fighter ability could deal with. Outnumbered four to one, he was struck down by one of the rabble crossbowmen - an ignominious end!

His elephantine leader advanced to avenge him, but the numbers were now overwhelming. Not even the Tough trait could save the betrunked chaotic from what would otherwise have been a Gruesome Kill but was merely a game-clinching out-of-action result.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a broo/orc ASOBH AAR)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 15, 2016, 12:45:12 AM
My orc-variegation project continues. After the blue devils of a few weeks back, I thought I'd swallow my pride and try a green one. After all, these aren't Tolkien's orcs. (That said, this chap could probably just about pass for "sallow" - but then there's his height, size and - horror of horrors - crossbow!)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Heaven forfend! A green orc!)
Post by: Argonor on April 15, 2016, 03:46:53 AM
I seem to have missed this thread until now.

Very nice collection, and also very refreshing to see your choice of colours!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Heaven forfend! A green orc!)
Post by: beefcake on April 16, 2016, 08:57:38 AM
Great work. Still loving watching this thread (despite my lack of responses )
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Heaven forfend! A green orc!)
Post by: Reed on April 16, 2016, 11:39:15 AM
It's not a radiactive green, so we will forgive you. But the crossbow is a totally different matter.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Heaven forfend! A green orc!)
Post by: DeafNala on April 16, 2016, 12:49:39 PM
You've added some BEAUTIFUL pieces since last I visited your thread...all are done in your SPLENDID style. VERY WELL DONEas always!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Heaven forfend! A green orc!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 17, 2016, 08:22:55 PM
Thanks, all!

We had a couple of games of Of Gods and Mortals yesterday evening and this morning. I'd bought the rules well over a year ago, but we'd never actually played them (it was always easier to get a quick game of Song of Blades going). But my son was keen to deploy a reptilian force headed by none other than Godzilla. So OGAM it was. And it's a terrific game: very different from most other skirmish wargames, with lots of interesting tactical decisions that arise from the interactions between gods and their followers. We played a 900-point game yesterday and then a 1,200-pointer this morning.

What struck me most about it was how suitable it is for Moorcockian epic fantasy. I'm always amused when people say (and they do, frequently) "Moorcock's stuff isn't epic fantasy, it's sword and sorcery". Well, I'd hazard a guess that gods die (and worlds are destroyed) at a far greater rate in Moorcock than in the works of almost any other living fantasy author. It's about as epic as you can get, from Stombringer (several dead gods and at least one world destroyed) on.

Our first game was an unequivocal victory for Godzilla, who despatched my Balrog in short order. In the second, my nimble wolf-god spent most of the game avoiding the gorilla-whale while trying to pick off his followers - a stratagem that worked by the thinnest of margins in the end. We'll certainly be playing this a lot more. I've got lots of potential gods kicking around - the old Grenadier Orcus and the Reaper Frost Giantess spring to mind as suitable candidates.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (OGAM!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 18, 2016, 11:59:31 PM
With OGAM looking likely to loom large in the weeks ahead, I finished off this Bones hellhound. I started painting him when I started painting again, but he'd been languishing unfinished for 18 months. I'd have approached him very differently now, but all I need is another "legend" option for the tabletop, so he'll do as he is.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (blues fallin' down like hail ...)
Post by: LeadAsbestos on April 19, 2016, 05:10:15 AM
OGAM for Moorcock? Interesting... I was thinking 7th Voyage, but I've never tried either.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (blues fallin' down like hail ...)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 19, 2016, 01:04:17 PM
OGAM for Moorcock? Interesting... I was thinking 7th Voyage, but I've never tried either.

Our first couple of games reminded me very strongly of the episode in Stormbringer in which Elric confronts one of the Dead Gods (an ape-faced, grinning creature) and some of his cultists.

OGAM is a terrific ruleset, because it really amps up the tactical side of the game. The interdependence of gods and mortals is very cleverly done, with "legends" (heroes, demigods and monsters) as a kind of wild-card element. And the powers of the gods are nicely worked up so that they're dramatic but not unbalancing. We gave Godzilla Invulnerability, Gargantuan, Tremble Before My Might (for his roar), Combat Master and Lightning, and while he was devastating, he was far from overpowering.

It also forms a nice intermediate level of game, between SoBH and Dragon Rampant. I think those two rulesets have a nice synergy, because a warband for SoBH generally makes a decent unit for DR. But with OGAM, you get an additional step. Units of Mortals are between four and eight models strong, so a "halfway there" DR unit slots in nicely to OGAM. And it provides a great excuse for painting up all those random monsters that have been lurking around. There's no real need for restraint - the army lists in the book include the Midgard Serpent as a legend, along with all manner of other mythical beasts. But you could just as well use human-sized heroes for legends.

But back to its Moorcockian uses: things like Corum's Fhoi Moire would slot in perfectly (there are Fomorians in the book lists), as would Arioch or Pyaray. Those spindly-legged reptile chaps would be great too (the Olab, were they?), if one could find suitable models. You can stat up whatever you please, and "powergaming" doesn't seem to be much of a problem, because the more you power up your god, the fewer points you have for your mortals and legends.

It would also work very well for a "Realms of Chaos"-type game, with demons and their worshippers or retinues.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (blues fallin' down like hail ...)
Post by: Argonor on April 19, 2016, 06:02:09 PM
It also forms a nice intermediate level of game, between SoBH and Dragon Rampant. I think those two rulesets have a nice synergy, because a warband for SoBH generally makes a decent unit for DR. But with OGAM, you get an additional step. Units of Mortals are between four and eight models strong, so a "halfway there" DR unit slots in nicely to OGAM. And it provides a great excuse for painting up all those random monsters that have been lurking around. There's no real need for restraint - the army lists in the book include the Midgard Serpent as a legend, along with all manner of other mythical beasts. But you could just as well use human-sized heroes for legends.

That is a very good reason for buying and playing a game!

I am just now starting out with Blood Eagle (skirmishing in the Legendary Dark Ages), and a good basic warband here is perhaps 4-8 models, which means that an almost perfect next step before Lion/Dragon Rampant would be OGAM.

As I want everything hobbyish I do to serve multiple purposes, I now have to give OGAM serious consideration  o_o

Great news, actually!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (blues fallin' down like hail ...)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 19, 2016, 09:34:22 PM
That is a very good reason for buying and playing a game!

I am just now starting out with Blood Eagle (skirmishing in the Legendary Dark Ages), and a good basic warband here is perhaps 4-8 models, which means that an almost perfect next step before Lion/Dragon Rampant would be OGAM.

As I want everything hobbyish I do to serve multiple purposes, I now have to give OGAM serious consideration  o_o

Great news, actually!

Couldn't agree more. And four models is a great number for getting things finished. I've got a big batch of Chronicle wolfriders to paint up for Dragon Rampant (for a chiefly cavalry force) but all the basing and assembly is a bit of a chore. But four - well, I've got two painted and another two halfway there ...

Here are some better shots of the hellhound. Not only was the light terrible for the last few, but my phone's lens was grimy! I am not - and never will be - a natural photographer ... So here he is again. A very quick paintjob, but at least he's done.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (blues fallin' down like hail ...)
Post by: Argonor on April 19, 2016, 10:17:17 PM
Maybe a quick pj, but nice for the battlefield!

Just keep 'em coming!  :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (blues fallin' down like hail ...)
Post by: Vermis on April 20, 2016, 12:49:05 AM
Nice work on that. Liking the flame effect. :) I think you might have sold me on OGAM too.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (tiger-orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 20, 2016, 07:36:37 AM

Here's a slightly more extreme entry in the "vary the orcs" project:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (blues fallin' down like hail ...)
Post by: Argonor on April 20, 2016, 01:04:29 PM
I think you might have sold me on OGAM too.

Ordered it last night  :D
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a tiger-orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 20, 2016, 02:18:21 PM
It's a good investment! I'd always assumed it was broadly a reskinning of SoBH, but it is a significantly different in several areas - notably combat, with its ferocious melees.

Oddly enough, I normally prefer low-fantasy games - even when I was a kid, I always favoured something like The Seven Samurai or Yojimbo, but with goblins instead of bandits/gangsters. My friends and I more or less banished magic from our Warhammer games - or restricted ourselves to very low-level wizards. Basic SoBH's magic system has always seemed about the right level to me. But OGAM is cleverly done, in that it allows all kinds of superpowered gods (teleporting, invulnerable, gargantuan, whatever) without unbalancing the game. The synergies - to use that dread word - are really well thought out. You might have the most powerful god going, but your mortals always offer an Achilles' heel. Our first couple of games had a whiff of the Iliad about them, with lots of fleeing and pursuit as well as the clash of arms.

But above all, the miniature-painting opportunities are terrific. I could spend months painting up gods and legends and still have plenty of mortals to go round.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (blues fallin' down like hail ...)
Post by: Vermis on April 20, 2016, 05:31:11 PM
Tiger stripes? You cray-cray! :D

In seriousness, impressively tidy work, there. In my experience, it's difficult to get enough flow for stripes and whatnot, without watering the colour down too much.

Basic SoBH's magic system has always seemed about the right level to me. But OGAM is cleverly done, in that it allows all kinds of superpowered gods (teleporting, invulnerable, gargantuan, whatever) without unbalancing the game. The synergies - to use that dread word - are really well thought out.


Overall, I know what you mean. On the topic of synergies, I have the feeling it's a buzzword that came about to replace other words that described the same thing, but can still have different meanings. E.g. I hear it in reference to 40K, Warmahordes and AoS. There, I take it as almost a euphemism for strategy, or less kindly, listbuilding. The synergy or 'combos' of special rules, dependent on which models you bought. From what you say about OGAM, I'd put it in the other box: the synergy of general rules and mechanics, more dependent on how you use those rules on the table (tactically?), less dependent on how you build your list.

Ordered it last night  :D

Might do that meself. I've had a quick intro game of OGAM, but straight after an intro of another game, and we didn't go too deep into it - so for my part I was gamed out and didn't see much more than basic roll-to-hit, roll-to-wound. I guess I was wrong!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (blues fallin' down like hail ...)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 20, 2016, 06:18:49 PM
Tiger stripes? You cray-cray! :D

In seriousness, impressively tidy work, there. In my experience, it's difficult to get enough flow for stripes and whatnot, without watering the colour down too much.

Thanks! Yes, if you mix paint/medium to the right consistency in any significant amount, it's inevitably too dry a stripe or two in. I thought that orc had the look of a slightly sleazy ex-cereal salesman. Also, those Fantasy Tribe orcs can be quite rough casts/conversions (some iterations are much better than others). So I think they benefit from odd details (stripes, tattoos, warpaint, whatever). There was a significant step up in quality for the slightly later armoured orcs.

Overall, I know what you mean. On the topic of synergies, I have the feeling it's a buzzword that came about to replace other words that described the same thing, but can still have different meanings. E.g. I hear it in reference to 40K, Warmahordes and AoS. There, I take it as almost a euphemism for strategy, or less kindly, listbuilding. The synergy or 'combos' of special rules, dependent on which models you bought. From what you say about OGAM, I'd put it in the other box: the synergy of general rules and mechanics, more dependent on how you use those rules on the table (tactically?), less dependent on how you build your list.

Yes, that's right. If you're building your own god and followers, then listbuilding is part of the fun, but it's hard to "game" that aspect from what I can see. You can power up your god all you like, but that means you'll have more vulnerable mortals - and fewer legends to protect them. There are also restrictions on how powerful mortals can be - so you can have tough sorts like trolls or whatever, but not many of them if they're quite formidable. It's neatly done.

And yes, the synergies are very much tactical - and situational. Because deployment takes place all over the table, you can't really plan out much of a strategy (and build a list for it) - you're always going to constrained by terrain, your opponent's deployment and the threats that his forces pose. So you have to think tactically all the time.

Might do that meself. I've had a quick intro game of OGAM, but straight after an intro of another game, and we didn't go too deep into it - so for my part I was gamed out and didn't see much more than basic roll-to-hit, roll-to-wound. I guess I was wrong!

You must have been gamed out, as it doesn't use a roll-to-hit, roll-to-wound system! ;) All the combat's done with single opposed rolls - though unlike in SoBH, you might get several rounds fought in immediate succession.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a tiger-orc)
Post by: Vermis on April 20, 2016, 10:14:02 PM
See? That shows how much I was concentrating. lol
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a tiger-orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 22, 2016, 12:50:03 AM
Here's an orcish giant. I think he was originally a chess piece. I've had him since I was a kid, but the OGAM rules have given him new purpose. He could even be an orcish god, I think - I like the idea of an orcish deity being somehow wretched.

Although he's a fairly crude figure, there's a certain appeal to him, I think. He reminds me faintly of a Pauline Baynes illustration. I also like the fact that his weapon's not too big - though I question the efficacy of the axe-head angle.

I should add that he isn't yet properly based (insofar as I ever base miniatures properly) because I'm not sure whether he would be better on a 50mm base. I have some coming in the post. I also have an much bigger orcish giant to paint up ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a tiger-orc and orc-giant)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 24, 2016, 06:53:44 PM
Here's an experiment in speed painting - a shadow dragon from Descent. There are two in the box, so I have another to take my time with, but I wanted to try just using washes to get a quick, table-top-standard beastie. Like many board-game pieces, this one's covered with endless mouldlines, flash and visible joints. I tried to fill in the odd bit with liquid green stuff, but really couldn't be bothered doing any more. All I was really after was something that will look OK on the OGAM or DR table.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a tiger-orc and orc-giant)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 24, 2016, 06:54:55 PM
And one more:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a super-quick shadow dragon)
Post by: Argonor on April 24, 2016, 07:55:45 PM
Looks fine to me!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a super-quick shadow dragon)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 24, 2016, 11:36:01 PM
Thanks - just don't look too closely!

Here's another old Citadel orc:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a super-quick shadow dragon)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 25, 2016, 12:24:58 AM
 And a group shot:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Fantasy Tribe orcs + giant)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 26, 2016, 11:56:22 PM
A scimitar monster ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a scimitar monster)
Post by: beefcake on April 27, 2016, 03:52:05 AM
Love the colours you've used. It looks great. I can't place the mini though but I'm sure I've seen it before, or something like it.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a scimitar monster)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 27, 2016, 10:17:52 AM
Cheers! It's from the Song of Hammer and Forge kickstarter - the same as the boggart/weremole from a few pages back.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a scimitar monster)
Post by: DeafNala on April 27, 2016, 01:16:51 PM
The Dragon, Orcs, & the Lizard Guy are all WONDERFUL creations done in your own style. OUTSTANDING WORK as always!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a scimitar monster)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 29, 2016, 12:47:13 AM
Thanks, DeafNala!

Here's an Orc juggernaut. It reminds me of the Olab from Moorcock's Sailor on the Seas of Fate.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a juggernaut)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 29, 2016, 12:02:16 PM
And one more shot of the juggernaut. He's earmarked for legend duty in OGAM.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a juggernaut)
Post by: beefcake on April 29, 2016, 08:22:26 PM
Great job on the juggernaut, I always thought it was bigger though, or is there a different similar version used as a mount?
Edit, yep, just found a bigger one. http://www.mirliton.it/product_info.php?pName=orcs-giant-juggernaut-with-sorcerer-rider&cName=fantasy-2528mm-orcs
 I think your size looks much better though.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a juggernaut)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 01, 2016, 11:27:03 PM
Thanks! Yes, when I bought this one on eBay, I expected him to be bigger. I agree that he's a better figure than the bigger version, though.

Here's an old fimir. He might end up as Balor in an OGAM game, or just as a fomorian. I agonised over whether to give his eye a pupil, but in the end my hand was forced by a groove in the metal. I think it's an improvement, in the end.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a juggernaut)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 01, 2016, 11:33:10 PM
And with some fomorian kin.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a fimir/fomorian)
Post by: DeafNala on May 02, 2016, 11:54:04 AM
The Juggernaut & Fomorian turned out WONDERFULLY. I've never had occasion to paint any of the One Eyed Guys, but your FINE WORK makes them tempting. VERY WELL DONE once more!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a fimir/fomorian)
Post by: LCpl McDoom on May 03, 2016, 10:56:32 AM
This is an incredible thread, a great record of your progress, and really inspiring. Many thanks for that  :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a fimir/fomorian)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 03, 2016, 03:16:14 PM
Thanks! And thanks, DeafNala, too!

On Fomorians: they strike me as the perfect "bundle all your odd miniatures together" force for wargames. Orcs, trolls, fimir, giants, beastmen (one source describes the Fomors as goat-headed): all of these can work just fine together - as seen in this 1912 painting by the Dundonian artist John Duncan:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a fimir/fomorian)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 06, 2016, 11:46:26 AM
Here's a very quick skaven. He was one of the first miniatures I started to painted when I began again 18 months ago or so. And one of very few that I've painted with a black undercoat in the current phase. But I abandoned him when I switched to white undercoats. Last night, I needed one more ratman to fill out a horde base for Mayhem, so I finished him off.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with fomorians and ratmen)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 06, 2016, 11:48:46 AM
And in position (at the back):
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with fomorians and ratmen)
Post by: Steam Flunky on May 10, 2016, 07:34:17 PM
You seem to have been really busy!
Love the old pale skinned orcs.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with fomorians and ratmen)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 13, 2016, 12:40:00 AM

Here are some orcs of a rather different sort: proper Tolkien-esque ones from Vendel:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Vendel orcs)
Post by: affun on May 13, 2016, 09:07:05 AM
Nice! I've been looking at Vendel stuff for a long time, especially their elves and their "definitely-not-the-fellowship". It's just the P&P + Import tax stopping me, more than doubling the price. It's always exciting to see good paintjobs on underrepresented miniatures :)

I really enjoy the checkers: I've got to paint some of those onto something now  lol
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Vendel orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 13, 2016, 12:28:18 PM
Thanks, affun!

The Vendel faces are great - nice, minimalist sculpting, but very deftly done.

Here are a couple more shots, along with a GW lizardman - one of many that I've had partially painted for ages. I find these a real pain to paint - too fiddly - but my son loves them ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Vendel orcs)
Post by: ZeroTwentythree on May 13, 2016, 02:04:05 PM
Very nice brushwork, especially on those patterns. I really like the Vendel fantasy range. Good to see some getting painted "in the wild."
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Vendel orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 17, 2016, 12:20:20 AM
Thanks! Yes, it's a great range: "naturalistic fantasy", perhaps.

Here are a couple of venerable Rafm reptiliads.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Vendel orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 17, 2016, 12:22:47 AM
And from the other side. Just quick, functional paint jobs for these chaps; I think it's their shape more than anything else that makes them work on the table.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with RAFM reptiliads)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 17, 2016, 07:40:21 AM
And one more:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with RAFM reptiliads)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 21, 2016, 09:56:01 AM
And a speed-painted lizard rider. How I loathe painting these fiddly, overly ornate models! But at least we now have two reptile heavy cavalry for this evening's game of Havoc.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with RAFM reptiliads)
Post by: phreedh on May 21, 2016, 10:00:20 AM
Nice additions - I really love this thread! Keep on trucking, Hobbo! =)

BTW, that painting was lovely!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with RAFM reptiliads)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on May 21, 2016, 12:20:00 PM
You might have found the lizardmen fiddly, but you did a wonderful job with them!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with RAFM reptiliads)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 22, 2016, 01:29:09 PM
Thanks, gents!

Here's another cold one. My son and I played Havoc yesterday; I enjoyed it, but he found it a bit fiddly. He did, however, love the impact rules for heavy cavalry (and those for giants: he fielded a huge tyrannosaur as a giant). So we have struck a pact: one game of Havoc per painted cold-one rider. As we have a few of the horrors kicking around (and as I want a few more games of Havoc), I've decided to get them painted up. But, in a bid to reduce the fiddliness, I'm going to paint the riders separately. I started this one last night. He has a metal rider, but I was pleased to note that the riders of both types of newfangled cold one sit at the same height and are similarly accoutred. So they'll match up fine.

This was a super-quick paintjob with no pre-shading and little respect for the boundaries of washes!

(I also have five or six of the lovely old metal cold-one riders: they'll serve as "anti-cavalry" in Havoc and are much nicer to paint!)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with more cold ones)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 25, 2016, 11:24:03 PM
He's got a rider now. So that's one more game of Havoc in the bag - with three heavy cavalry on the reptile side ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with more cold ones)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 25, 2016, 11:29:55 PM
And from the other side. I'm happy to mix these two styles of cold one in the same unit. I'm going to paint the remaining cold ones in some widely varying colours, and will probably paint a few riders in different hues, leaving the armour and weaponry to tie them together.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with more cold ones)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 02, 2016, 12:45:27 AM
Here are some 15mm things for Mayhem; I've decided on a scale switch to facilitate the construction of some "standing armies" for the game (which is terrific). I have some 15s on the way, but in the meantime, I've been press-ganging various larger-scale troops into service.

So, here are some "war trolls" or "war ettins" or whatever to serve as behemoths in our "baddie" army (the goodies are to be chiefly reptilian, I understand). These are Mantic orcs with some minor kit-bashing and a very simple paint scheme - desaturated colours and then washes of black, brown and sepia. I want them to look like tanks, as that in effect is what they'll be. They'll be two to a base; I'll probably get another couple of pairs done.

In the final photo, they're facing down some 20mm Caesar lizardmen which will be troglodytes or giant lizardmen. They'll go three to a base. One of the joys of Mayhem is that you have huge flexibility in statting up units. Both war trolls and troglodytes will be "behemoths", but they'll have very different stats and traits. The reptiles will be less formidable but faster, whereas the trolls will be tooled up with lots of extras (immunity to push-back rules, heavy armour and so on).

The unfinished knight shows the scale.

I'm awaiting the arrival of some uniform 50x50mm bases, so proper basing must wait for that. I'm going to go for a less simple and stylised scheme than on my 28s, where I generally just go with a drybrushed green. With the 15s, I plan to mix brown earth with patches of greenery and element of bare rock.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a foray into 15mm!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 02, 2016, 12:48:34 AM
And some more of the troglodytes - super-quick painting, as these figures don't have much detail. I have loads of them - you get something like 40 for £6 - so we'll have a fair few bases of them as the centre of the reptilian army.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (world's quickest giant!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 04, 2016, 12:59:56 AM
And here's the world's fastest giant! He took half an hour at most once his undercoat was dry. I know it shows. But two quick stages of drybrushing over a black undercoat, a few different-coloured washes on various areas, a little bit of messing with the face (you have to more or less paint on the features on these tiny Bones heads) and that was that. His sole role in the 15mm project is to occupy the appropriate amount of space - and look grim and dark while he's about it. I expect to spend more much time on his base than I did on the figure.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a speed-painted giant!)
Post by: beefcake on June 04, 2016, 04:00:30 AM
Great work for half an hour or even 3 hours I would still be impressed. It's really nice. The darkness suits it really well.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a speed-painted giant!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 06, 2016, 12:57:28 AM

Much less progress than expected on the 15mm over the weekend, but blazing sunshine, the great outdoors and a day of dragon-boating instead, so no complaints.

I did, however, squeeze in the first actual 15mm figures of the 15mm Mayhem project: some Ral Partha Europe lizardmen. No basing as yet - standardised 50mm bases are on their way, and I'll have to make some careful basing decisions then. I suspect these lizardmen are pretty big; certainly, I'd be hard pushed to get more than six onto a single 50mm square. As five of the batch have polearms, three have bows and two have swords, I may end up with a 5/5 split - "great weapons" and "archers". Or I may base the archers as skirmishers, base one individually as a hero (or garrison marker) and have six as a melee unit. With standard human(old)s, I may end up with eight or more to a base.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1st XVs!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 06, 2016, 12:59:35 AM
And some group shots for some pointers on scale. I've got another speed-painted giant almost done - just need to fix one of his eyes.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1st XVs!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 07, 2016, 10:37:43 PM
Some 15mm men-at-arms - perhaps the guards of an evil wizard?

Stat-wise, I think these will be MOV D6, CQ D10, BAR D8, Great Weapons, Heavy Armour, Disciplined for 25 crowns.

I'm not sure how many I'll put on a base. These two temporary bases are the correct size (50mm square) together; I'll probably keep them at six to a base (might that room be needed to swing a poleaxe?), but I might toy with eight per base.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm red guards for Mayhem)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 07, 2016, 11:51:31 PM
Some armoured lizardmen ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm red guards and lizardmen)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 07, 2016, 11:56:03 PM
Here are all the lizardmen so far (excluding the troglodytes/behemoths). I reckon I'll get five or six on a base, though I'm not quite sure how. I might just base the three armoured ones and the two with nets and polearms as one unit of "great weapons" and match the swordsmen with the (forthcoming) archers.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm red guards and lizardmen)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 08, 2016, 12:05:05 AM
And a scale shot with the men-at-arms. These lizardmen are big, beefy creatures, so five to a base will probably work fine. Perhaps the armoured leader in the middle (possibly elevated), with the net-wielders at the front and the other armoured beasties at the back?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm red guards and lizardmen)
Post by: Catastrophic Plans on June 08, 2016, 06:49:16 PM
Those look really good, especially seeing the lizardmen painted up.

I am part way through painting my first lot of troops and am going for 6 on a base. Will be interesting to see what you end up going.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm red guards and lizardmen)
Post by: Vanvlak on June 08, 2016, 06:52:59 PM
I seem to have missed this threads recent pages - glad I found them. Very nice stuff  8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm red guards and lizardmen)
Post by: Jagannath on June 08, 2016, 10:02:53 PM
These are great! I might have missed this, but where ae the red guard from? Mega.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm red guards and lizardmen)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 08, 2016, 10:16:29 PM
These are great! I might have missed this, but where ae the red guard from? Mega.

Thanks! They're Minifigs Hundred Years War figures. I got them on eBay: £2 for 8 in the same pose (so I have another three bases' worth). I had a good look round for some reasonably authentic-looking 14th/15th-century men-at-arms; these were the ones that had the most convincing poleaxes (rather than halberds or bills, which don't look very knightly).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm red guards and lizardmen)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 12, 2016, 05:56:49 PM
Here's an experiment in speed-painting 15mm orcs: same recipe as the "giants" on the previous page - rapid dry brushing over a black undercoat and the odd wash here or there. They're obviously speed-painted with minimal effort, but as with the giant, they "read" as I want them to: vague dark shapes with nasty faces and cruel weapons. I've just acquired a load of these 15mm.co.uk orcs, and I'm also painting some up in my customary white-undercoated fashion. We'll see how they compare (they certainly won't be quicker ...).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (experiment in speed-painted orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 12, 2016, 10:57:46 PM
And some more conventionally painted orcs. I'm not sure which I prefer; I think the quick black ones probably look more "orcish" en masse. But I'll probably mix them up a bit. The proof of the pudding will be in the basing. I'm awaiting an order of 50mm square bases which should arrive in the next day or two.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (experiment in speed-painted orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 12, 2016, 11:31:59 PM
And a rear view.

These 15mm.co.uk orcs are, in my view, superbly orcish sculpts - much more so than most miniatures on the market. You can imagine them thronging in their thousands from dark holes in Moria or the Morannon.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (experiment in speed-painted orcs)
Post by: fred on June 13, 2016, 07:01:22 PM
I agree, the second lot are better painted. But the first lot look more orcish. The style of painting on the second ones would look good for Wood Elves.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (experiment in speed-painted orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 19, 2016, 12:06:11 PM
Yes, I think the black undercoat is the way I'm going to go for the orcs. I've based up the first lot (still to paint the base), and they just "read" properly against a fairly light-coloured base - a nasty swarm of dark things flitting across the landscape. And they're so quick to paint ...

Here are a batch of Magister Militum lizardmen. I might do a little more shading on their bellies, but I think they're more or less ready for basing. The thing is, these guys are tiny compared with the Blight Haven RPE ones (further up this thread). Those, increasingly, look like small 25mm creatures (small dragonewts or whatever). So I might end up just basing them individually and using them as heroes/garrison markers. My son keeps saying "Can we use them as space pirates, and we have just uncovered a hoard of 40 or so Traveller 15mm miniatures, which we're basing individually ...

As for these lizardmen axemen, the question is whether I put six or nine of them on a base. I've been working on a six-to-a-base formula so far, but these guys, being small and upright, would work as a fairly dense block of nine. Decisions, decisions ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm lizardmen)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 19, 2016, 06:22:31 PM
And here are a couple of based elements. I've given the bases only the most rudimentary paint job, but I'm quite happy with it so far. I may add a further light drybrush in white and pick out the greenery with a wash and selective highlights, and perhaps add bits and pieces of rock, but the goal for now is just to get plenty of units based up and ready for gaming. I know it's something of a heresy these days, but I really like the contrast of gloss-varnished figures with a matt, basically painted base. Above all, I like bases to be unobtrusive.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (first based Mayhem elements)
Post by: fred on June 19, 2016, 08:16:35 PM
I do like the lizardmen with axes above - they have come out very nicely. I think going with 8 or 9 on a base would look good, nice and dense compared to the others.

My son keeps saying "Can we use them as space pirates, and we have just uncovered a hoard of 40 or so Traveller 15mm miniatures, which we're basing individually ...

How can you say no!!

Bases - yes a medium brown shade before the final highlight may help lighten them a bit more. Personally I would put some flock on for the green areas.

The orcs do look suitably dark once they are based up.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (first based Mayhem elements)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 19, 2016, 10:57:04 PM
I do like the lizardmen with axes above - they have come out very nicely. I think going with 8 or 9 on a base would look good, nice and dense compared to the others.

Cheers! That's exactly what was ordered by the Hobgoblin heir. So that's what's been done. And they do look nice and disciplined - elite troops, perhaps, with their enthusiastic grins and chest-beating pose. I'll paint the base tomorrow.

How can you say no!!

Well, exactly!  ;) I may yet base them up as a heroic unit, but for now they're probably destined for individual basing, which will allow them to be suitably burly heroes for the Mayhem games (and suitably nasty low-tech types for sci-fi). And, as we plan to use the stronghold and garrisoning rules, we'll need a fair few "occupancy indicators".

And those Traveller miniatures are sublime! The Droyne may yet feature in Mayhem as flying heroes ...

Bases - yes a medium brown shade before the final highlight may help lighten them a bit more. Personally I would put some flock on for the green areas.

The orcs do look suitably dark once they are based up.

Thanks. I've deliberately gone for less contrast in the bases than in my 28mm stuff, reasoning that the clumps of earth/blades of grass, etc, are much smaller. Looking over them again tonight, I'm surprisingly pleased with them; they seem to "read" appropriately from a god's-eye view. The reduced contrast helps to the 28mm orcs to be "read" as giants, for example. But I may fiddle with things a bit when I've got a lot done.

Alas, I have a long aversion to flock! It used to annoy me when my units "moulted" during or between games! :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (first based Mayhem elements)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 23, 2016, 12:11:06 AM
Here's a wee orc officer.

I'm not sure whether he'll be based individually as a hero or will find himself at the front of a multi-figure element. I have a spare of him, so it might hinge on how the other turns out. This one was a bit of an experiment ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a 15mm orc officer)
Post by: Catastrophic Plans on June 23, 2016, 12:48:01 PM
Great progress, I like the orcs. That officer deserves a base all of his own surely!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a 15mm orc officer)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 24, 2016, 02:11:25 AM
Thanks! I've duly based him up on a penny. I think I may end up constructing two or three "sabot" bases to provide the option to switch between "heroic units" and individual heroes.

Here are the first three bases of goblins and ettins.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a 15mm orc officer)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 24, 2016, 03:20:13 AM
And here are the lizardmen axemen and their larger brethren.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a 15mm orc officer)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 24, 2016, 01:52:01 PM
Here's the based-up officer with some of his heavies.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Mayhem elements)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 26, 2016, 10:40:33 AM
Here's the lizardman general for Mayhem. Mounted generals and heroes convey command and control advantages in Mayhem, which makes sense.

The colour scheme for the bird is loosely based on that of walden's hornbill.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm reptile general)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 26, 2016, 09:27:42 PM
And here's the first batch of super-quick wolf riders. Same black + drybrush scheme for the riders as the foot orcs, but with a couple of slight refinements to make them a bit more colourful. They're now being based - the fourth element for the orcs so far.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm lizard chief & wolfriders)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 28, 2016, 11:30:58 PM
Here's the first finished wolfrider element, along with the red guards. I've got another lot of wolfriders close to completion, and a lot more orc infantry underway ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Mayhem elements)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 29, 2016, 12:19:26 AM
Early days yet, but the forces are just starting to shape up ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Mayhem elements)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 29, 2016, 12:24:31 AM
And the goblins better have a general too ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Mayhem elements)
Post by: fred on June 29, 2016, 07:57:17 AM
I think the lizards are a little out numbered! ;)

Great progress.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Mayhem elements)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 29, 2016, 06:10:44 PM
I think the lizards are a little out numbered! ;)

Great progress.

Cheers! Yes, they are a bit - but many reinforcements are on the way. Some reptile cavalry next, and then many more infantry.

I reckon that Mayhem will work well with very large armies indeed, and I intend to test that proposition to the full. The reason I think that is that the "overdrive" mechanism enables you to bring up reserves fairly quickly. That's something that doesn't really work in a lot of wargames; if you leave units at the table edge for a few turns, they're unlikely to play much of a part in the battle. But if you've got a few standards and heroes at the rear, thus keeping your likely command points high, you can bring up units pretty quickly - perhaps with four moves in a single turn.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Mayhem elements)
Post by: fred on June 29, 2016, 08:42:38 PM
Intersting to hear about the Overdrive mechanic. We played a bit of Mayhem a couple of years ago, and really liked some of the mechanics. Overdrive was good, where you spend increasingly more command points to focus on a single unit taking multiple moves. The idea of standards by having multiple of the same unit was nice too.

But my gaming buddy was put off by the roll a 1 and you kill the enemy mechanism. Mainly because I killed his heavy knights, who rolled 5d4 and failed to get a 1, and I rolled 1d10 and got a 1.

We never got as far as exploring the big battle potential, so it will be interesting to see how it goes.

Also I think the rules have been updated quite a bit since I played, so it will be good to see what has changed too.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Mayhem elements)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 30, 2016, 12:43:38 AM
Intersting to hear about the Overdrive mechanic. We played a bit of Mayhem a couple of years ago, and really liked some of the mechanics. Overdrive was good, where you spend increasingly more command points to focus on a single unit taking multiple moves. The idea of standards by having multiple of the same unit was nice too.

But my gaming buddy was put off by the roll a 1 and you kill the enemy mechanism. Mainly because I killed his heavy knights, who rolled 5d4 and failed to get a 1, and I rolled 1d10 and got a 1.

I actually quite like that sort of thing! There should, I think, always be potential for the best-laid plans to gang aglae.

The "build your own units" aspect is great - much more room for distinguishing between different troop types than in most massed-battle games, I think.

Here are some reinforcements for the reptiles - to be based up tomorrow.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dinosaur riders for Mayhem)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 01, 2016, 11:49:00 PM
And here are the based cavalry(lizard)men.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dinosaur riders for Mayhem)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 05, 2016, 10:51:42 AM
Here's a rather crude and garish hydra. The miniature itself is quite basic - it's one of those "large 15mm pieces that strangely fails to conform to any of the standards of 28mm". And the detail is really rough. And the pose is oddly static.

BUT .. it is a nice big piece of metal and - from the god's eye view of the gaming table - it'll do the job. I decided that there was no point trying to make it look realistic and instead scoured some medieval depictions of the Apocalypse of St John for inspiration. Rather than a hydra, it's more of a Beast, I think.

I might use it as a Duke of Hell in the Moorcockian chaos army I'm putting together for Mayhem. I can also see it getting a bit of 28mm time in Havoc (the hydra is one of the "Named" in that game) or SBH. (I really don't care much about matching basing or that sort of thing).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hydra or Great Beast for Mayhem)
Post by: Cubs on July 05, 2016, 11:35:13 AM
Ray Harryhausen would approve!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hydra or Great Beast for Mayhem)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 05, 2016, 12:30:42 PM
Ray Harryhausen would approve!

Ha! Yes, it's got a sort of claymation look (and quite possibly some visible fingerprints on the greenstuffing too!).

This is the kind of thing that I was thinking of when painting it (although I found some much more brightly coloured ones in books):
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hydra or Great Beast for Mayhem)
Post by: Cubs on July 05, 2016, 07:43:55 PM
Those old medieval pictures of monsters are minging, the way they have disturbingly human features and bland expressions. Horrible.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hydra or Great Beast for Mayhem)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 05, 2016, 09:11:03 PM
Indeed: they're monsters rather than imaginary animals.

(I think the pantomime-horse front legs of the miniature lend it an additional layer of horror - or at least of general wrongness!)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hydra or Great Beast for Mayhem)
Post by: fred on July 05, 2016, 10:49:46 PM
Thats certainly funky!

But is a big chunk of lead, which is always good for a monster, one of the reasons I like smaller scale figures, is that you can get good chunkier monsters in the game.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hydra or Great Beast for Mayhem)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 10, 2016, 07:20:20 PM
Here are some trolls awaiting basing. These 10mm Copplestone sculpts need no introduction, but they're actually more appropriate, size-wise, for 15mm LotR gaming. My only grumble with them is that I wish the hammer heads were a quarter of the size. But they're excellent otherwise, and so obvious is their literary inspiration that I can forgive the entirely non-canonical loincloths!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hydra or Great Beast for Mayhem)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 10, 2016, 07:22:18 PM
And with some uruks (also awaiting completion of their base):
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm trolls for Mayhem)
Post by: fred on July 10, 2016, 08:37:31 PM
Nice work on some nice figures.

I've got a pile of those Copplestone Trolls - need to get them in an army, then get them painted! might be stealing your paint scheme at that point.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm trolls for Mayhem)
Post by: beefcake on July 10, 2016, 10:09:51 PM
Cool. Great to see the old Tin Soldier miniatures out in force too. I have a bunch of those. They were the first miniatures I ever got.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm trolls for Mayhem)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 10, 2016, 10:17:36 PM
Nice work on some nice figures.


Cool. Great to see the old Tin Soldier miniatures out in force too. I have a bunch of those. They were the first miniatures I ever got.

They're great figures, aren't they? I picked up these ones second-hand, and it took me a while to identify them. But I may well get some more, once the hordes of 15mm.co.uk orcs in the queue have been dispatched. To my eye, the Tin Soldier orcs have a certain kinship with the great Ral Partha giant goblins/orcs/half-orcs - from the low-slung stances to the drooping scrota (I think I rendered a few of these orcs Unsullied before realising that it wasn't flash).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm trolls for Mayhem)
Post by: beefcake on July 11, 2016, 03:50:39 AM
They're pretty cheap as well (although I keep thinking 28mm)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm trolls for Mayhem)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 17, 2016, 10:44:44 AM
Here is the state of play with the evil army for Mayhem. Not there yet - I think 12 elements is the minimum, and I'm aiming for 20-25, but getting there ...

I've also got a new side-project on the go: horde bases for 28mm Hordes of the Things. I have some decades-old HOTT armies that have come out of retirement, but only a single horde to go with them (some others are based up in the cellar but unfinished - and may be rebased with the second-edition horde base size). We've played a few games recently and have got hooked again (I loved the game when I first played it as a teenager - it cast a very harsh light on Warhammer). So I want to get a large number - 10 or 12 of horde bases painted up.

A rummage in the cellar revealed dozens of old Fiend Factory Citadel goblins: some in need of minor repairs and others pristine. It also turned up a lot of Acropolis goblins, which go quite well with the Fiend Factory ones, and various other odds and ends: some slightly goofy Ral Partha orcs (the ones now sold by Alternative Armies), the Acropolis hobgoblin equivalents, some Fiend Factory hobgoblins and some Grenadier odds and ends.

I've started painting these up in batches; they'll go five or six to a base, and I'll put some of the larger types at the front (or rear if whip-wielding) of some of the bases. They're not the best sculpts, any of these, but they've got a bit of character, and I think they'll look good en masse. Photos to follow as I complete some ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm Mayhem progress ...)
Post by: fred on July 17, 2016, 03:32:04 PM
The forces of darkness assemble!

Looking good (well evil) you know what I mean ;)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm Mayhem progress ...)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 17, 2016, 06:16:32 PM

Here are the first of the 28mm horde goblins. They're unbased as yet because they'll be crammed in their fives or sixes onto 60 x 40mm rectangles. I've got loads of the spearman, who'll work well in the back rank. The overseer with the whip will also go at the back ("Where there's a whip there's a will, my slugs!").

These are, obviously, super-quick paintjobs: I've got six more close to completion, so will be well on my way to two hordes by the end of the evening. There will be lots of duplicates involved; I plan on painting them in batches that will inevitably vary a bit by colour scheme and then mixing them up by basing for maximum variation.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (and back to 28mm ...)
Post by: affun on July 17, 2016, 07:36:05 PM
That guy on the left is the same as the one Alternative Armies is selling in this pack, right? http://www.alternative-armies.com/products/oh11-orc-fanatics

If so, he looks pretty huge! Was thinking about getting some of them, but they seem sorta out of scale now. Any chance of taking a picture next to some one "man-sized"?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (and back to 28mm ...)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 17, 2016, 09:55:24 PM
Yes, that's the one. I had a dim notion that they were originally released - incongruously - by Ral Partha (though I wonder if that's just because Delaney King labelled some of the same range RP on her blog). I bought them in 1991, I think; they were possibly the last miniatures I bought for 20-odd years.

Here's the comparison - with a Gripping Beast viking and a couple of Perry men-at-arms. The orcs are huge - they'd be about eight feet tall if they stood up, though this one can't, given the uneven size of his legs!

I'm planning these goblin hordes to be "Tolkienish" - usable for, say, gaming The Battle of the Five Armies but not the Pelennor fields (given that The Hobbit includes far less info on orcs than LotR!), so I'm not too bothered by the hugeness of the overseer. I'll be filling up some other bases with more Tolkienesque orcs soon enough ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (and back to 28mm ...)
Post by: affun on July 17, 2016, 10:32:45 PM
He definitely is a big 'un. Might be a bit of troll or ogre in him. Might be Ral Partha, but as far as I know, Alternative Armies are re-releasing the old Asgard Miniatures. But in general, my Ral Partha lore is a bit weak.
At least he's extremely characterful, even if his anatomy is a bit, err, 'accidental'. But that kinda tends to suit orcy types. Looking forward to seeing the unit completed.

I was thinking of getting a few of his hunchbacked friends like this guy:


to use for converting old-school chaos thugs/marauders by making various headswaps and similar, but now I am a bit worried theire too big. Though from you picture it's not as bad as I had feared.
Thanks for organizing that line up, very helpful I think.

Its mostly the premium shipping cost holding me back at the moment - if it was a bit cheaper I'd just spring for it.

Edit: Alternative Armies claim its origin as from their own range, released in "the early 1990'ies". So eh. Honestly, I have no clue.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (and back to 28mm ...)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 17, 2016, 10:54:17 PM
I have that hunchbacked fellow almost finished at the moment!

They're not Asgard. Mine say something like AP 91 on the bases. I dimly remember buying them in a blister to get the guy with the whip.

And yes, they are very characterful. Delaney King's superb renditions of two in the range are here (http://kingsminis.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/touching-some-orcs-up.html). (The one on the left is Ral Partha, from the Korg's Killers range.)

I think they'd work fine for use as chaos marauders or whatever. They're just the right side of goofy ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (and back to 28mm ...)
Post by: affun on July 17, 2016, 11:35:20 PM
Goofy indeed. I figure that with just a little bit of green-stuff an the right colour-scheme, they'd be excellent. I think Ill spring for some - Just gotta unload a couple of unused miniatures first then.

Thanks for linking Delaneys orcs - Its been a while since I went through her blog, so I'd totally missed that she had some of them painted up.

Also looking forward to seeing the hunchbacked guy from a decent angle - the AA picture is about as badly angled as could be.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (and back to 28mm ...)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 17, 2016, 11:53:36 PM
Here you go ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (quick 28mm orcs for HOTT hordes)
Post by: LeadAsbestos on July 18, 2016, 02:16:17 AM
Those are just great! I see them as filling a role in my AA Fomorian force...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (and back to 28mm ...)
Post by: affun on July 18, 2016, 08:49:51 AM
Here you go ...

... I look away for one second  :D

Damn productive. He looks great, as always. Bigger than I thought he would be.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (quick 28mm orcs for HOTT hordes)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 19, 2016, 12:31:33 AM
Cheers! Yes, the orcs would be a great fit with the Fomorians - the later ones (not the ones that were originally Grendel) were designed by the same person, I presume.

Here are a couple more (Citadel old and newish). More than enough for a complete base now - there won't be more than one big chap per base, lest they look too formidable - but I want to have a good batch before I work on basing them up.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (quick 28mm orcs for HOTT hordes)
Post by: Globlin on July 19, 2016, 09:45:53 PM
Great orcs! They remind me of Russ Nicholson's artwork for the early Fighting Fantasy game books.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (quick 28mm orcs for HOTT hordes)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 20, 2016, 11:22:23 PM
Thanks! I love the Beardsley-esque Nicholson orcs - backwards hand and all!

Here's another one for the hordes. I want to include quite a few larger goblins (and some very small ones), to add to the irregularity of it all.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (quick 28mm orcs for HOTT hordes)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 20, 2016, 11:24:58 PM
Et tout seul ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (wolf-shield goblin for HOTT)
Post by: fred on July 21, 2016, 07:53:56 PM
Very nice. Is that wolf shield freehand?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (wolf-shield goblin for HOTT)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 21, 2016, 08:15:18 PM
Very nice. Is that wolf shield freehand?

Thanks! Yes, just a base of bone-colour paint, some light grey over the top and white over that. I used a micron pen for the whisker-dots and to outline the teeth, but the rest was done with the brush.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (wolf-shield goblin for HOTT)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 22, 2016, 01:33:40 AM
Another little orc ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (wolf-shield goblin for HOTT)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 22, 2016, 01:36:40 AM
And the hordes to date. Basing should begin next week, as there are another eight close to completion.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (wolf-shield goblin for HOTT)
Post by: fred on July 22, 2016, 08:04:24 PM
I do like the colours on these figures, and the wolf shield is very good.

I assume the slotta bases are just temporary for painting?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (wolf-shield goblin for HOTT)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 22, 2016, 11:00:06 PM
I do like the colours on these figures, and the wolf shield is very good.

I assume the slotta bases are just temporary for painting?

Thanks! Yup - the tabs will be sliced off in a frenzy of gluing and basing once a batch of Essex HoTT-compatible bases arrive next week.

I'm aiming for five figures per horde base if a bigger goblin is included and six otherwise.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (wolf-shield goblin for HOTT)
Post by: Knightofspades on July 22, 2016, 11:38:30 PM

Such amazing paintjobs!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (wolf-shield goblin for HOTT)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 30, 2016, 12:30:00 AM

Here's an attempt to paint up an old orc as a Runequest dark troll.

(His helmet has an Indian-style swastika in relief, hence the tissue paper.)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (ersatz Uz)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 31, 2016, 07:48:44 PM
Here's a super-quick Reaper Bones "ravage bear" (whatever that is!) based up as a behemoth for Hordes of the Things.

I like these biggish Bones figures: given their low price, there's no guilt in splatting the paint on to get them tabletop ready. This creature didn't quite make it in time for this morning's HoTT game, but he'll be there next time ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a ravage bear)
Post by: Vermis on July 31, 2016, 08:39:45 PM
Nicely done, interesting model, though the zoologist in me is weeping bitter, salty tears.  :D
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a ravage bear)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 31, 2016, 09:43:19 PM
Ha! Yes, Crom knows what he's meant to be. Some sort of digging, mole-like thing, I imagine, for which purpose the improbable tusks and oversized arms. And that would explain the blindness too. But not very convincingly in any case ...

And from the front. I reckon this model is about the perfect size for a HotT behemoth: big enough so that the base is also appropriate for skirmish games. The current batch of HoTT elements I'm working on will also serve for Dragon Rampant (which plays a bit faster with multi-based models). Not that this chap need worry: he'll work as a single-model unit of lesser warbeasts, I imagine.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a ravage bear)
Post by: palaeomerus on July 31, 2016, 11:46:49 PM
Ravage bears are monsters from the Numenara rpg by Monte Cook which is sort of a Gamma Worlds like setting, only in the rubble that lies at the end of eight or nine sequentially risen and fallen interstellar civilizations a billion years hence. All the magic is really decayed super-technology where a magician might be really be a dude infected with nano-machines that access an orbital power satellite grid and his magic words are system commands in a long dead language.


A ravage bear is just a mutant/engineered/evolved future species that players and travelers have to watch out for while hiking, much like mountain lions or kodiaks today. They are blind and hunt by smell.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a ravage bear)
Post by: Brummie Thug on August 01, 2016, 12:05:03 AM
Had a good read through this thread tonight. Stunning work you've done yourself proud.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a ravage bear)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 09, 2016, 12:47:18 AM
Thanks, both!

Here are some gnolls (one new, two old):

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a Frostgrave gnoll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 09, 2016, 12:50:14 PM
A large number of these cave goblins saw action in Song of Blades over the weekend. This is a slightly better group shot than the one I posted some time back ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a Frostgrave gnoll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 09, 2016, 12:52:28 PM
And another ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a Frostgrave gnoll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 09, 2016, 10:46:11 PM
Here are some ancient curiosities: some Essex Great Scaley [sic] Orcs.

I picked these up (with many more) second-hand, out of the purest nostalgia: I remember the ads for them in the first White Dwarfs that I read.

These are destined for Hordes of the Things - hence the lack of basing. The armoured chap will be part of a blades element, with the hooded fellow joining a warband.

I don't pretend that my liking for these beasties is anything other than nostalgia: they don't hold up nearly as well as the Bob Olley Essex Orcs (which are magnificent; I have some on the go at the moment). But they do have a certain something; they're like 1980s Doctor Who villains, or monsters from a low-budget SF or S&S film. And the armour is lovingly detailed and crisp.

When they arrived, they were covered in thick paint (enamel, I think) and gloss varnish (in which they will soon be coated again). But a swift dip in some Biostrip sorted them out in 20 minutes. It's by far the best paint stripper I've used (and doesn't smell): highly recommended!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with gnolls and Great Scaly Orcs)
Post by: AndrewBeasley on August 09, 2016, 11:41:01 PM
I remember those Orcs - thanks for the happy memories you have just unearthed from the depths of my mind :D

Neat job but why not base and use sabot trays for HOTT?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with gnolls and Great Scaly Orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 10, 2016, 12:25:10 AM
I remember those Orcs - thanks for the happy memories you have just unearthed from the depths of my mind :D

Neat job but why not base and use sabot trays for HOTT?

I have actually given a quite unreasonable amount of thought to this.  :) I've got a lot of stuff (on p.4 of this thread, I think) based for HOTT from long ago. It's all "correctly" based with 60mm frontages. If I base the scaly orcs specifically for HOTT, I can get three of the big, chunky armoured ones to a 60 x 20mm base (for "blades"). If I were to use sabots, I'd only be able to get two to a base, and the depth would be wrong (not hugely important, but it helps to identify units quickly and correctly). I'm going to base the Bob Olley Essex orcs two to a base as "blades", but if they were individually based, they'd need to be on 30mm bases in many cases, and so wouldn't fit comfortably on a 60mm sabot. And again, the depth would be out.

I also simply like the look of multi-based elements - and they work well for Dragon Rampant too. I've got no shortage of individually based orcs and scaly monsters for skirmish gaming. So these chaps will be dedicated HOTT and DR troops.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with gnolls and Great Scaly Orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 10, 2016, 07:45:49 AM
And on that note, here's the first assembled horde for HOTT. I'll do a bit more to lighten the base and add some mud and stones.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with gnolls and Great Scaly Orcs)
Post by: DeafNala on August 10, 2016, 12:38:41 PM
You have been painting up some OUTSTANDING creature creations. The Bear, Gnolls, Goblins, Lizard Fellow, & the HOTT Folk are all WONDERFULLY WELL DONE!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with gnolls and Great Scaly Orcs)
Post by: Globlin on August 10, 2016, 05:16:13 PM
Those scaly orcs are some fugly little blighters, but they still have a touch of old school charm about them. The gnolls are great too!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a Frostgrave gnoll)
Post by: affun on August 10, 2016, 05:37:12 PM
I don't pretend that my liking for these beasties is anything other than nostalgia: they don't hold up nearly as well as the Bob Olley Essex Orcs (which are magnificent; I have some on the go at the moment). But they do have a certain something; they're like 1980s Doctor Who villains, or monsters from a low-budget SF or S&S film. And the armour is lovingly detailed and crisp.

Heh, part of me wants to order a few of them right away  :D I like how yours turned out, and the element certainly looks the part. I've got an entire HoTT army sitting around in my drawers - I should get it painted  ::)

Im kinda curious as to the other Essex orcs. I've been casting a few glimpses at them as well.
(And I might also have to order some Biostrip. Got a lot of stuff that could do with a re-paint)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a Frostgrave gnoll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 10, 2016, 05:43:51 PM
Heh, part of me wants to order a few of them right away  :D I like how yours turned out, and the element certainly looks the part. I've got an entire HoTT army sitting around in my drawers - I should get it painted  ::)

Im kinda curious as to the other Essex orcs. I've been casting a few glimpses at them as well.
(And I might also have to order some Biostrip. Got a lot of stuff that could do with a re-paint)

The "Cursaa's Orcs" are really terrific. I prefer them to Bob Olley's Iron Claw/Citadel black orcs. They're a similar size, but squatter, with bigger heads and less human proportions. The photos on the Essex site do them no justice at all.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a Frostgrave gnoll)
Post by: affun on August 10, 2016, 05:52:29 PM
The "Cursaa's Orcs" are really terrific. I prefer them to Bob Olley's Iron Claw/Citadel black orcs. They're a similar size, but squatter, with bigger heads and less human proportions. The photos on the Essex site do them no justice at all.

It's the case with a lot of mini companies, and especially Essex (But thats a rant I've been on before...). Aparantly, they have a lot of really good stuff hidden away in terrible pics. Their dwarf wizards are supposed to be pretty inspired as well. Looking forward to seeing them with paint on.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with gnolls and Great Scaly Orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 16, 2016, 11:34:30 PM
Here's the first of the Essex "Cursaa's Orcs". I'm not sure if he's finished: the trouble with Bob Olley's stuff is that there's so much detail to tinker with. I'll leave him unvarnished for a bit and see how his peers come along.

These orcs are destined to be "blades" in Hordes of the Things and Elite Foot in Dragon Rampant. I have twelve of them, and they'll go two to a 60 x 20mm base. They'll work well with that basing, as they're broad figures but not terribly deep. And they're big. The plan is to have a HOTT army that consists largely of hordes and blades, with perhaps the odd harrying pack of beasts or riders.

I really like the models. I think they're better than the Iron Claw black orcs, which are similar but a bit less characterful and more human in their proportions.

 This chap would make an excellent Azog, I think - "huge head bound in iron" and all that.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with one of Cursaa's Orcs)
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on August 17, 2016, 08:44:06 AM
Wow.  He has a lot of character.  I am quite impressed by your pale orcs.
Are there any orcs that you don't have in your collection?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with one of Cursaa's Orcs)
Post by: Severian on August 17, 2016, 11:52:23 AM
Excellent work! Is he the one called "Scaley Orc with Sword & Dagger" on the Essex site (and not currently pictured)?
Quite agree re the Essex orcs - I have a fair few of them, and only one is more or less finished. But splendidly characterful and full of unexpected detail. In fact the whole Essex fantasy range is full of gems, although the proportions are a bit odd at times (all the wizards seem to be dwarves, even if they're not supposed to be, for example). The pictures on the site are pretty bad, though.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with one of Cursaa's Orcs)
Post by: Pappa Midnight on August 17, 2016, 12:14:15 PM
I've really enjoyed going through this thread. You have a seriously nice collection of toys.
I've got to say I really love your take on the non GW Orcs and Ogres and your free-hand shield designs are excellent.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with one of Cursaa's Orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 17, 2016, 01:04:51 PM
Many thanks, all!

Is he the one called "Scaley Orc with Sword & Dagger" on the Essex site (and not currently pictured)?

No, he's not a "Scaley" orc, but Q35 - "Orc: in Helmet, Chain Mail, with Cutlass and Dagger." I also have the 15mm version of him. The "Scaley Orc with Sword & Dagger" is shown elsewhere as identical to "Scaley Orc Champion in Plate Armour", so perhaps he's a variant of that one.

Ethelred: ha! Actually, there are big gaps - there are quite a few of the first Citadel slottabased orcs that I used to have, but which went to a charity shop long ago. In general, the painted stuff I had went 20 years ago, but the unpainted stuff and my HOTT armies survived ...

And I suspect no one has all the Fantasy Tribe orcs, given their countless variants.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with gnolls and Great Scaly Orcs)
Post by: Globlin on August 18, 2016, 02:41:57 PM

 This chap would make an excellent Azog, I think - "huge head bound in iron" and all that.

Yes I could certainly see him come boiling out of the depths of Moria at the head of an orc horde! Lovely paintjob as always.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with one of Cursaa's Orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 19, 2016, 01:16:45 PM
Thanks, Globin! Yes, indeed: "What? Yet another beggar at my doors? Must I brand you too?".

Here's another Essex orc. His recessed eyes don't show up well in the photos, but the pupils are there. I'm not sure whether these two will end up on the same base; I'll probably paint the whole batch up and then work out how best they fit so that the bases all sit together nicely.

And on Azog again: rereading the text, I noticed this (emphasis mine):

"Thereupon Azog came forth, and he was a great Orc with a huge iron-clad head, and yet agile and strong. With him came many like him, the fighters of his guard ..."

The contrast provided by "and yet" implies that the strength and agility were surprising given the size of his head. I suspect that his head, and that of the Great Goblin, is supposed to be big to the point of deformity (much like these Essex orcs, in fact). Tolkien does mention the size of orc heads in a number of places. An early version of the "Tower of Cirith Ungol" text has a note on the difficulty Sam and Frodo had in finding helmets to fit, given the typically outsized orcish head.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Essex orcs and Azog thought)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 23, 2016, 12:43:13 AM
A brief dip back into skirmish-oriented miniatures: here are a couple of Marauder orcs. They're a testament to the power of Biostrip. I got them second-hand and crudely painted, but stripped them in 20 minutes. It's amazing stuff, Biostrip - by far the best paintstripper for miniatures out there for speed, safety and smell. And efficacy: it works much better than Dettol, for example, and in a fraction of the time.

I've still to dig out some suitable shields for them. I'm swithering between their own orcish liveries or defaced shields captured from more sophisticated foes. These are my vision of what Warhammer orcs should be like. I've long held that the "greenskins" just didn't fit in with the best WHFRP stuff at all. If I were to run WHFRP, I'd reskin (pun intended) orcs to be more like this: leering footpads and brigands that exist where the fringes of civilisation give way to the wilds. And I wouldn't call them orcs, but something like bergtrolle or kobolde.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Marauder orcs)
Post by: Severian on August 23, 2016, 05:35:28 PM
Great work on the orcs; and indeed on the Essex guy above.

I'm all in favour of your orcs-as-bergtrolle notion, too: something halfway between Scandinavian trolls (as a catch-all term for what traditional RPGs distinguish into kobolds, goblins, orcs, trolls, ettins, what-have-you) and the Old English mearcsteppers, eotenas and ylfenas and all that, of whom Grendel is an abnormally large and violent but not otherwise that unusual an example: envious, malicious, marked by exile and an unforgotten sense of injustice received - tragic as well as (often) villainous or wicked.

The whole later Warhammer orcs thing (waaagh and all the "humorous" misspellings) has always seemed to me a bad parody of itself. So, yes, the less of that we have, the better, in my book.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Marauder orcs)
Post by: Hybrid Alpha on August 23, 2016, 06:00:39 PM
Wow! What a lovely collection of miniatures you have Mr Hobgoblin :) 

The more I see of the Essex Orcs the more I think they could work with 15mm miniatures. Biostrip 20 has been added to the wishlist, do you use the 750ml spray bottle or the thicker paste that comes in a 500ml tub?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Marauder orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 23, 2016, 10:09:35 PM
Great work on the orcs; and indeed on the Essex guy above.

Thanks, O Lictor of Thrax!

I'm all in favour of your orcs-as-bergtrolle notion, too: something halfway between Scandinavian trolls (as a catch-all term for what traditional RPGs distinguish into kobolds, goblins, orcs, trolls, ettins, what-have-you) and the Old English mearcsteppers, eotenas and ylfenas and all that, of whom Grendel is an abnormally large and violent but not otherwise that unusual an example: envious, malicious, marked by exile and an unforgotten sense of injustice received - tragic as well as (often) villainous or wicked.

Yes indeed! Eotenas and ylfenas and all that 'descent from Cain' stuff are very close to my heart.

The whole later Warhammer orcs thing (waaagh and all the "humorous" misspellings) has always seemed to me a bad parody of itself. So, yes, the less of that we have, the better, in my book.

Well said!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Marauder orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 23, 2016, 11:05:17 PM
Wow! What a lovely collection of miniatures you have Mr Hobgoblin :) 


The more I see of the Essex Orcs the more I think they could work with 15mm miniatures.

They could - and indeed would work well. But as giants - they're huge! The larger ones are around the size of the earlier Citadel ogres (Golgfag's regiment in its first and second incarnations, for example). "Agog" above could rest his chin on the heads of the two Marauder orcs above.

Oddly enough, Essex also do 15mm orcs that match the 28mm Cursaa's orcs. I have some, including a match for Agog, and will be painting them up soon.

Biostrip 20 has been added to the wishlist, do you use the 750ml spray bottle or the thicker paste that comes in a 500ml tub?

I bought the 500ml tub for about ten quid on Amazon. It's been a great bargain already. I poured some into a caper jar (big enough to hold about 20 miniatures if tightly packed) and have just finished that lot after stripping four or five batches of miniatures. The last, 12 Asgard orcs, took me about 20 minutes to scrub out of the gunk tonight, with most of it just peeling off entirely. So I reckon it works out cheaper than Dettol, which is pretty much "one use".
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Marauder orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 24, 2016, 09:05:01 PM
I had the day off today, but was under orders to remain in situ to await the delivery of some piece of furniture or other. The kids and their after-school activities were being taken care of by grandparents, so I took to the garden with paints, miniatures, coffee, a kettlebell and Radio 4 for a somewhat eclectic day of painting, exercise and other relaxation.

I got quite a lot done on some sci-fi kit bashes, some Asgard orcs, a Reaper Bones machine-gun ape and this Fiend Factory "red orc". He's a really early Citadel miniature - so old that he was long gone from the shops by the time my primary-school self began to accumulate miniatures. But I got hold of him and one or two others of his ilk some years later. He's languished in the lead pile ever since - until today. His face is slightly miscast, although I've neatened up the mouth a bit since taking the photo (painting in a fang, which helps). Anyway, he'll help to swell the ranks of my HOTT hordes. 
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Fiend Factory red orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 24, 2016, 09:16:05 PM
And here's the sci-fi ape. A very quick paint job, but that's the best approach for Reaper Bones, I think. I've run the odd game of Mutants & Death Ray Guns mashed up with Flying Lead for my son and his friends, and they want to do more; this guy will help to bolster our meagre sci-fi ranks. I also have half an eye on Rogue Stars (in December) and Rogue Planet (when I digest the rules properly). I quite like the idea of having a whole batch of miniatures stated out on cards (in twos, threes and singles according to potency), so the kids can just choose a card or two each and start the game.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Fiend Factory red orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 24, 2016, 09:24:02 PM
No idea how I get these the right way up - they're properly aligned when I click on them.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Fiend Factory red orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 24, 2016, 10:32:19 PM
And some progress on the HOTT horde front. You can see the red orc taking his place in the back row.

Note also the two individually based orcs at the back. That's how I intend using these guys in Dragon Rampant - with odd single-based models to make up numbers or show casualties. We've played a lot of DR using my old HOTT armies and some individually based ringers, and it works really well. As HOTT hordes are a bit more formidable (or less pathetic) than DR Ravenous Hordes, these guys might be light foot with mixed weapons or even bellicose foot - though I'd probably double up their numbers for 24-strong units for visual effect.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Fiend Factory red orc)
Post by: Severian on August 25, 2016, 11:18:53 AM
More great work!

I think I vaguely remember the red orc, maybe from the first Compendium? Anyway, his slightly mournful face looks familiar from somewhere and your painting suits him very well. Cracking work on his shield, too.

Your horde is taking shape very well. I think 24 strong hordes for DR is exactly right - any thoughts on basing sizes?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Fiend Factory red orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 25, 2016, 02:12:58 PM

Yes, he was in the first Compendium, but was already out of date style-wise then.

I'm basing these primarily for Hordes of the Things, so 60 x 40mm. I'll have five or six on each base, so will just use them in "clumps" with single-based models to make up the 24 as required.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Fiend Factory red orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 31, 2016, 12:12:08 AM
Here's the second finished HOTT horde. I've got many more hordelings underway; the aim is, eventually, to have a full 24-point army of hordes (so 24 elements in all), plus abundant back-up in the form of behemoths, wolfriders, heroes, better-quality infantry (Essex orc blades and Ral Partha warbands).

I'm also toying with the idea of fielding units of 6 or even 12 bases of these in Dragon Rampant. Because the figures are relatively cramped on the HOTT bases, they don't take up much more space than a dispersed formation of singly based figures. So they could form a visually impressive unit of Fierce Foot (probably), who would die in satisfying droves but would hit hard and look fairly terrifying with it.

A side-note: one of the pleasing things about HOTT is the opportunity it affords to use up all the command figures that tend to lurk in the lead pile. There's no reason why each unit shouldn't be a command group - the more banners the merrier. So I'm plotting some flags at the moment.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a viridian feliform)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 02, 2016, 10:12:24 AM
A slight change of direction. I've been reading through the Rogue Planet rules, so am knocking out a few more appropriate miniatures for a first game this weekend. This one might be a viridian feliform from the Xanthos system (or something ...). He might well merit a bit more work this evening, but he's more or less tabletop ready, I think.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a viridian feliform)
Post by: Dentatus on September 02, 2016, 01:06:28 PM
Nice, but wouldn't it be a 'canid-form' ?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a viridian feliform)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 02, 2016, 01:18:27 PM
Thanks - but no! Hyenas are feliform (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feliformia) creatures (like civets and mustelids).  ;)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a viridian feliform)
Post by: YPU on September 02, 2016, 02:27:54 PM
Thanks - but no! Hyenas are feliform (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feliformia) creatures (like civets and mustelids).  ;)

I learn something new on here every day.  lol
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a viridian feliform)
Post by: Argonor on September 03, 2016, 01:38:55 AM
Is it a converted Frostgrave gnoll?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a viridian feliform)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 03, 2016, 09:48:46 AM
Is it a converted Frostgrave gnoll?

Yes, indeed. Minimal conversion, though - just the gun on the hand and the backpack - which, as I realised only when I came to paint it, is actually upside down. But it fits the shape of the model better that way, and he has a strap across his chest that connects with the pack.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a viridian feliform)
Post by: beefcake on September 03, 2016, 11:18:09 AM
Looking good. Love the progress with your work here.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a viridian feliform)
Post by: Dentatus on September 03, 2016, 02:03:43 PM
Ah! Learned me sumthin new. I sit corrected.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a viridian feliform)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 05, 2016, 05:02:00 PM
After the success of our initial forays (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=93474.0) into Rogue Planet, I decided to have a rummage in the cellar for some suitable science-fantasy miniatures. I'd dug out a couple of Orks a while ago, to use as "heavy missiles" in Dragon Rampant. But I had no idea that so many were still lurking down there. Alas, some of the best ones - power-armoured nobles - were completed 20-odd years ago and have since vanished. But there's still a fair treasure trove here.

I also discovered a lot of the chunky 80s chaos warriors down there. I much prefer the solid-based Moorcockian ones from the early boxed sets. But for science fantasy, those over-the-top monstrosities might work well in suitably outlandish colour schemes.

And it'll be outlandishness for the Orks. I see no reason to give them any particular visual coherence when it comes to skin or clothing colours. The couple I started for DR have the same fish-white skin as my cave goblins, but for the rest, I shall operate solely on the dictates of whimsy.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with treasures from the cellar)
Post by: fred on September 05, 2016, 07:32:49 PM
Good find - there is are fair few there!

I shall operate solely on the dictates of whimsy.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with treasures from the cellar)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 06, 2016, 01:13:34 AM
Here's the first of the two Orks I started months ago - and the first of the unearthed batch to emerge from the Biostrip.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with treasures from the cellar)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 09, 2016, 12:00:04 AM
And here's the first of the strippees painted up. Whimsy in this case dictated a simian colour scheme, specifically (though loosely) that of a mandrill.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a mandrill orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 12, 2016, 12:37:54 AM
Here are Grenadier's armoured bugbears. They're destined for HOTT, so will all go on one base as a warband element. I've got the more lightly armoured set too, though one is broken at the ankles, so there's a bit of repairing to be done before the second element is up and running.

I was swithering over basing these chaps up individually or for HOTT, but reckoned that I'd get much more use of them as a HOTT element; I've no shortage of largish nasty humanoids for skirmish games (and some very different bugbears), and two elements of these fellows will work well as an Elite Foot unit in Dragon Rampant as well. I also have the Grenadier "war trolls" underway as another warband HOTT element: these old Grenadier packs of three fit in nicely.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Grenadier bugbears)
Post by: LeadAsbestos on September 12, 2016, 03:58:44 AM
Nice work! I always liked those bugbears!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Grenadier bugbears)
Post by: beefcake on September 12, 2016, 08:48:51 AM
Love those bugbear minis. Big heads and scary!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Grenadier bugbears)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 12, 2016, 09:54:59 PM
Thanks! Yes, they're great old models. I've always wondered why Mirliton (I assume it has the moulds) doesn't re-release more of the Fantasy Lords range. The fact that they rereleased Demogorgon to ride the Stranger Things wave makes me think that they must have more treasures ...

Now, to basing. I briefly flirted with having these fellows just two to a base (and thus getting three elements out of the six models), but I prefer them "massed": they'll look warbandish on the table. Space dictates a 1:2 or a 2:1 formation. I'm almost set on the leader at the front and the two followers at the back, but they're OK the other way too. Any suggestions greatly appreciated!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (bugbear basing question)
Post by: affun on September 13, 2016, 06:51:03 AM
Personally, Id base them up individually for skirmish ... ;)

I think of the two constallations, the first looks the best. It's more intimidating, and the triangle points towards the enemy, giving them some form of momentum, rather than having a bloke randomly skulking in the back.

An idea might be to vary it a bit on multiple bases, though?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (bugbear basing question)
Post by: beefcake on September 13, 2016, 08:39:59 AM
Agree with the above on all counts. to add as well, having the one in the back makes him seem like he's scared of the fight. Not becoming of a Bugbear leader.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (bugbear basing question)
Post by: Severian on September 13, 2016, 09:10:16 AM
Yes, I think the 1:2 formation works best - draws attention to the nicely understated lidless eye on the leader's shield, amongst other things.

The alternative I'm sure you've considered is of course to base them singly and then sabot them in a neatly reversible 1:2/2:1 base. But probably better to settle on a formation and stick to it, if they're going to be used only as a warband unit. Very well done in any case!

I've only seen most of the Fantasy Lords range pictured, so don't know how they are in the lead, but there do seem to be some gems there, together with a lot of fairly static-looking sculpts in what looks like the very early 80s style (reminding me a bit of the awful Hinchliffe figures that were my first ever fantasy miniatures, but surely not as crude and gangly...I still have them, mind you, in their chipped primary colour enamel paintjobs...).

I haven't paid attention to what Mirliton have released recently but it does look as if they have disinterred a few old moulds so I suppose there's always hope of more.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (bugbear basing question)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 13, 2016, 11:40:13 AM
Thanks, all! Yes, 1:2 it shall be. I think sabot bases would be a bit fiddly, and I have plenty of other, bigger bugbears for skirmishes; these ones, being smaller than their Citadel peers, occupy a rather crowded "largish humanoid" space.

I might do the other three 2:1, which would give the whole lot a diamond shape when put in typical one-behind-the-other-for-the-bonus HOTT warband formation. That might also break up the repeated poses a bit, as the two sets are variants of each other.

The Fantasy Lords range did vary a bit. My general view at the time was that the humans were poor, but the monsters were excellent - especially the dragons, giants and medium-sized beasties.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (bugbear basing question)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 20, 2016, 10:11:42 AM
Here's another element for HOTT: some old War Trolls from Grenadier. This, like the bugbears, will be a warband element.

I'd forgotten how hard to paint some of these old Grenadier figures can be. The detail is fine, but often slightly shallow and soft, which makes them less receptive to washes than their contemporaries. So, while I really like the figures - and especially the refreshing proportions of their weapons - I found them quite a struggle. They'll look better based, of course, and I did get the colour effects I was hoping for - a bit like some of the Ian Miller orcs in the Tolkien Bestiary. So they'll do.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Grenadier War Trolls)
Post by: psullie on September 20, 2016, 10:18:40 AM
lovely work, I really like your muted colours. regarding the basing have you considered sabot bases for the best of both worlds?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Grenadier War Trolls)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 20, 2016, 11:33:20 AM

Yes, I have toyed with the idea of sabot basing now and then, but I've rejected it, for a few reasons.

First, it's tricky to do with HOTT. I like the idea of keeping to the standard base sizes; a friend and occasional opponent has DBA armies, so there's the compatibility to think about, even though most of the games I play are ones for which I provide both forces. The standard HOTT/DBA element size has a 60mm frontage, which doesn't leave much room for manoeuvre with figures on 25mm round bases - and none at all when the elements are blades or spears (60 x 20mm). ]

Second, I do have a huge number of individually based humanoid monsters - hundreds! So I've got more than enough to populate any kind of skirmish game or RPG. And for "large skirmishes" like Dragon Rampant, I actually prefer to use a fair few HOTT bases along with individual figures - it makes the game signicantly faster, and by loosely arranging (for example) four bases of three figures, you get the correct coherence for DR quite nicely.

Third, I actually like the aesthetics of multi-based figures at least as much as individually based ones. I think, for example, that these War Trolls will look better when based up on a single base than they would if based individually. And there are more gaming opportunities for unusual figures in HOTT. For example, I have a lot of command groups kicking around. They're not a huge amount of use in skirmishes - yes, I often use standard bearers in SBH, but you only need one per side at most. With HOTT, there's no reason why every element can't be a command group - indeed, in a perfect world, I'd probably give almost every element a standard bearer for a better massed effect.

Fourth, I think that HOTT is the game I'm most likely to play most in the long term. Why? Because it's highly tactical (more so than skirmish games, which are more about narrative), great fun and has a very short "time to table". And it doesn't take up much space, or take long to play. It's also the wargame that is mostly likely, I think, to ensnare non-wargamers who are open to "corruption". That's because it's in many ways more like a boardgame - the ruleset is tight and "closed", and the set-up is nicely regulated. I know quite a few people (including my wife!) who really enjoy Settlers of Catan and Carcassonne and the like, and who could possibly be tempted ...

In this regard, I was stripping down some old Citadel great goblins (aka gnolls) the other day and thinking about this. They're lovely little figures for skirmish games. But I have 50 or 60 of them. And some of the least interesting poses are those that are leaning upright on spears and other polearms. Not great for skirmish - but absolutely perfect for HOTT spear elements (you can even fit four to a base with no trouble). So I'm planning to base those accordingly, and make a few warbands or hordes out of the others, and them base up duplicates and the best ones (the last ones released) as skirmish models.

Long answer to a short question!  lol
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Grenadier War Trolls)
Post by: Severian on September 20, 2016, 12:31:18 PM
Great work on these - the colours work very well.

50 or 60 great goblins? Wow. That's a horde to be reckoned with. I liked them a lot back in the day but only ever owned a few, and those disappeared decades ago. I think I may have traded them for dwarves, or something. Still have a few of the Citadel RQ trolls knocking about, though, and they share a good bit of DNA with the great goblins... Interested to see what you make of them.

I'm currently making some sabot bases for HOTT, as it happens. It's possible but does require a bit of tweaking; I've had to make blades 60x30 rather than 60x20, and even then can only comfortably fit a couple of penny sabots per base. Warband will have to be 60x40, because they're going to be my Essex orcs based on tuppences, and again only two will fit. Still, the rules do say "the base depths specified are recommended minima" and these will be playing only against each other, so I'm not too concerned. But in an ideal world, dedicated element bases with multiple figures would be better (and much less work, although I do quite enjoy the process).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Grenadier War Trolls)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 20, 2016, 01:08:38 PM
Great work on these - the colours work very well.


50 or 60 great goblins? Wow. That's a horde to be reckoned with. I liked them a lot back in the day but only ever owned a few, and those disappeared decades ago. I think I may have traded them for dwarves, or something. Still have a few of the Citadel RQ trolls knocking about, though, and they share a good bit of DNA with the great goblins... Interested to see what you make of them.

I got most of them second-hand in the 1980s - they were just disappearing by the time I made my infant steps into gaming, though I recall buying one labelled "night goblin" when I was about eight (and being told to "feed him on moss" by the shopkeeper). I was also given a big batch later on, as part payment for doing some sketches for Acropolis Miniatures, if I remember correctly.

The ones I'm planning to keep for skirmish gaming are these ones: (http://www.solegends.com/citc/c012goblins1/c2c12greatgoblinsx-01.jpg)

And I'll also add the chieftain (I have two of him, so one will be based as HOTT wizard), the standard bearer (I have a broken duplicate, who'll be repaired to go on a spears element) and Gnorman the Gnoll. Plus maybe a few others.

I have the chariot too, or at least most of its components, but it needs extensive repairs (and possibly replacement wheels and sides).

The thing is, because HOTT armies are so small, I reckon I can get eventually the bulk of an army or so out of a fairly small amount:

4 x spear
1 x knight general (chariot)
1 x magician
1 x hero (the boar-riding general - although I need to repair or replace the boar's feet from the ankles down ...)
3 x warband (with the kilt-wearing, long-eared types to the fore!)

Throw in the skirmish-based ones (with their wizards), and I'd be on my way to having a decent-sized Dragon Rampant force too.

I'm currently making some sabot bases for HOTT, as it happens. It's possible but does require a bit of tweaking; I've had to make blades 60x30 rather than 60x20, and even then can only comfortably fit a couple of penny sabots per base. Warband will have to be 60x40, because they're going to be my Essex orcs based on tuppences, and again only two will fit. Still, the rules do say "the base depths specified are recommended minima" and these will be playing only against each other, so I'm not too concerned. But in an ideal world, dedicated element bases with multiple figures would be better (and much less work, although I do quite enjoy the process).

Yes, depth doesn't really matter much at all - and if you're concerned about recoils, you can always just measure or mark the "correct" distance back.

I'm also basing my Essex orcs two to a base, but I'm going to use them as blades, given the heavy armament (and short legs!). Happily, the figures are relatively "flat", so they'll rank up and engage fine on 20mm-deep bases. The Great Scaly Orcs will also be blades, for the most part, but they go three to a base.

What are you using for blades?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Grenadier War Trolls)
Post by: Severian on September 20, 2016, 01:44:18 PM
Blades will be my ragged mob of mostly vintage dwarves, since they're to hand. Enough of them are armed with 2-handed axes, mauls and the like to make the spacing mostly plausible. They'd certainly go three to a base if they weren't already on pennies, but I plan on keeping them for use in Dragon Rampant (and maybe Otherworld skirmish) as well, so they'll just have to manage. I think I've got a few citadel & ral partha orcs coming from ebay in a job lot; they might end up as blades as well if they're not too badly bashed.

I'll see how I get on with HOTT and then might make up some dedicated element bases at some point... but this is by way of experiment.

Yes, those C12s are proper goblins, aren't they. Bags of character and subdued menace and not too much slapstick comedy...

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Grenadier War Trolls)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 20, 2016, 02:28:58 PM
Blades will be my ragged mob of mostly vintage dwarves, since they're to hand. Enough of them are armed with 2-handed axes, mauls and the like to make the spacing mostly plausible. They'd certainly go three to a base if they weren't already on pennies, but I plan on keeping them for use in Dragon Rampant (and maybe Otherworld skirmish) as well, so they'll just have to manage.

There's certainly a lot to be said for having a "universal" set of miniatures. I was intent on doing the same until I discovered Mayhem (prompting a dive into 15mm) and rediscovered HOTT.

Yes, those C12s are proper goblins, aren't they. Bags of character and subdued menace and not too much slapstick comedy...

Yes, they're pretty much the best that Citadel ever made, I think. They're a little less wholesome than the earlier Fantasy Tribe gnolls/great goblins; the latter look quite cheerful and almost hobbit-like, whereas these guys are a bit fiercer and more malevolent. The night goblins of the same era are terrific too - I love the first Grom.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Grenadier War Trolls)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 25, 2016, 10:30:43 PM
Here are a couple more HOTT elements - this time, lizardmen, or perhaps dragonewts. It's an immutable rule of my son's participation in wargames that he must and shall field a force of reptiles. We were a bit underpowered on the reptile front previously, confined as we were to a few dragonmen flyers and the odd scaly behemoth. These chaps (Mantic salamanders) are the first elements in an all-reptile force. They're based as warbands, but could also be fielded as blades.

These are super-quick paintjobs, and I still have to touch up the buckles and whatnot. But they're just about there. I took filial directions for the colours; I think both of us were influenced by the dragonewts in King of Dragon Pass.

I'm surprised the salamander kit hasn't had more attention. The salamanders are much more fun than the GW saurus, which I find rather painful to paint.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with salamanders/dragonewts)
Post by: fred on September 25, 2016, 10:45:30 PM
I like those - I assume the paint job is a wash over white? I think these possibly look better than the standard Mantic paint jobs.

Your post has reminded me I have a box of these, somewhere...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with salamanders/dragonewts)
Post by: beefcake on September 26, 2016, 12:53:52 AM
Very nice. What material are the salamanders?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with salamanders/dragonewts)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 26, 2016, 08:08:42 AM

Beefcake - they're proper hard plastic - none of that "restic" nonsense!

Fred - yes, white undercoat, brown wash, white drybrush, thin wash of colour and a thin wash of ink.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with salamanders/dragonewts)
Post by: beefcake on September 26, 2016, 10:02:24 AM
That's nice to know. Can't stand that restic Mantic stuff. Bleh.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with salamanders/dragonewts)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 26, 2016, 10:30:42 AM
Yes, it's awful. I've only ever experienced it with some sci-fi miniatures I bought heavily discounted. Not one has been painted ...

On the salamanders: the bodies and some arms come separately from the main sprue, but it's basically one kit for five minis, with six head options and loads and loads of different arm combinations. The two-handed weapons work really well - there must be at least four others that I didn't use, and they work with weapons raised above the head too. The command-group stuff is also part of the standard sprue; I didn't use any of those parts on these.

For my next trick ... I found this Black Mountain Boy lurking in the lead pile, with a new head made by my teenage self. It's no masterpiece, but I've since undercoated it, and it'll look OK when painted up, I think - decades on from its creation. He'll find a place in a HOTT horde; I've got several more underway.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with salamanders/dragonewts)
Post by: Severian on September 26, 2016, 11:37:02 AM
He's great! Looking forward to seeing him painted.

Nice work on the lizardmen, too. Very effective colours.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with salamanders/dragonewts)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 26, 2016, 01:20:37 PM
He's great! Looking forward to seeing him painted.

Nice work on the lizardmen, too. Very effective colours.


His bug eyes might be a bit of a challenge, but I'm keen to paint him "warts and all". I also discovered a Golgfag's ogre to which I had added horns, a new face and hooves. Possibly a tail too - I can't remember. He's for the painting table too.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with salamanders/dragonewts)
Post by: Dr. Kevin Moon III esq. on September 28, 2016, 06:25:07 PM
Those Salamanders look great, I'd never really had a good look at them. You've done a smashing job.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with salamanders/dragonewts)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 28, 2016, 09:57:47 PM
Thanks! Yes, the salamanders do seem to be a somewhat "undersung" release. They're fun models. My son has just bluetacked his assembly requirement for the next batch, so I'll be getting more underway soon.

Here's that decades-old conversion painted up, along with a Grenadier orc. These are super-quick paintjobs for another HOTT horde; I hope to have the best part of two more elements done by the end of the night. I don't think you can really do HOTT hordes justice unless you have at least four of them (and preferably many more ...).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with an aeons-old orc conversion)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 28, 2016, 11:39:33 PM
And another ...

This dubious kitbash, complete with crude Milliput cloak, has been lurking in a crate since 1990 or possibly earlier. Not quite sure yet how these chaps will fit together - but I want at least five on the base for a proper HOTT horde.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with an aeons-old orc conversion)
Post by: Severian on September 29, 2016, 12:33:29 AM
They've come out splendidly, I'd say - the bug eyes are very telling. And great work on the shields, as usual.

I wholeheartedly approve of retrieving figures begun decades ago and finally finishing them.

My current plans include half a dozen HOTT hordes, to start with at least, made up of a variegated goblin rabble of diverse provenance, maybe filled out with some newly patched-up orcs...but probably no more than four to a 60x60 base, though, because of sabotting constraints (five would fit, but look too neat).

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with an aeons-old orc conversion)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 29, 2016, 01:05:00 AM

Yes - retrieval from the depths of time and cellar is definitely where it's at! I had a rummage when I got back home this evening and found some half-complete HOTT chaos hordes, on the old 60 x 60 bases. They contained, variously, a Ral Partha Grendel, a Runequest demon or two, some Trish Morrison beastmen and an old Grenadier Gollum. That got me thinking - I need to start a parallel project on some Moorcockian chaos hordes. I'll limit it by purchasing not a single new model for the chaos army (with perhaps a concession for a toy octopus to repaint as Pyaray once the rest of the army's complete). I'm envisaging walking corpses side by side with corrupted humans (wretched rather than formidable and spiky) beastmen and barely describable THINGS.

I look forward to seeing your hordes. I thinking mixing goblins and orcs is a tremendous idea (I cling to the Tolkien line that they're ONE AND THE SAME ;)); I like the fact that old Citadel models made much less of a distinction in facial type. There are quite a few old Perry goblins with "orc" faces, right up into the first slottabase ranges. I think my two conversions above were attempts to restore the blurring of the (heretical!) boundary.

Mixing manufacturers is an excellent idea too - your troll units look all the more tremendous for their diverse origins.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with an aeons-old orc conversion)
Post by: Severian on September 29, 2016, 10:03:04 AM
Yes, quite clearly orcs and goblins are one and the same, and as an unapologetic Tolkien purist even as a teenager this was one of the small marks against the whole D&D-warhammer orc/goblin taxonomy. I think I rationalized it then as just a way of distinguishing between different sizes/breeds/whatever of orcs (or goblins).

Without entering into the whole vexed question of orcish origins, obviously they come in a variety of sizes and shapes, just like human beings but (probably) moreso. So it makes perfect sense to have hulking great Essex orcs (great goblins, if you like) alongside scrawny little Ral Partha goblins (like wiry fly halves alongside prop forwards, perhaps, although taken from a wider spectrum of sizes than the human). And all others in between, too.

Different roles for different sizes and shapes of orc/goblin seems only natural, although I plan to vary the sizes a bit within units just for fun. You could easily explain this as a random ad hoc grouping of the variously sized goblins of a particular hold (in, say, the Misty Mountains); the arguably more regimented forces of Mordor might need to be a bit closer to each other in size, although even there a range of sizes and shapes would be both plausible and visually more interesting than serried ranks of same sized orcs...

I'll try to get some pictures of my hordes up when they're fit to be seen; I'm currently working on the bases, as well as digging out various likely candidates. I recently picked up some red box goblins, which are very nice (in fact, they're miniature Paul Bonner trolls) but comparatively tiny. They may go in the second wave of hordes...although one advantage of sabotted bases is the ease of mixing in subsequent reinforcements.

Curious to see how your chaos hordes come out. It's an excellent notion to assemble them from whatever is to hand; in fact this ought to be axiomatically true of any chaos army, surely?

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with an aeons-old orc conversion)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 29, 2016, 11:29:00 AM
Yes, quite clearly orcs and goblins are one and the same, and as an unapologetic Tolkien purist even as a teenager this was one of the small marks against the whole D&D-warhammer orc/goblin taxonomy. I think I rationalized it then as just a way of distinguishing between different sizes/breeds/whatever of orcs (or goblins).

Ha! I registered similar harrumphing black marks against D&D and Warhammer for the same reason! It's always struck me that D&D goblins are essentially Tolkien's orcs (with hobgoblins as oversized iterations of the bigger sorts), with the D&D orc more or less an original creation (although initially, the tribal names were taken from JRRT).

Without entering into the whole vexed question of orcish origins, obviously they come in a variety of sizes and shapes, just like human beings but (probably) moreso. So it makes perfect sense to have hulking great Essex orcs (great goblins, if you like) alongside scrawny little Ral Partha goblins (like wiry fly halves alongside prop forwards, perhaps, although taken from a wider spectrum of sizes than the human). And all others in between, too.

Yes, indeed. I think the rugby analogy works very well. In fact, I think people tend to worry too much about the compatibility of scales. It seems to me that relatively delicate Ral Partha humans actually work perfectly well with chunkier Citadel types. Even if you confine the range of scale to "robust, warrior types", you only need to look at a low-level club rugby pack to see people ranging from, say, 5'6" to 6'6", all of whom are bigger (or at least heavier) and stronger than average. Battlefield archaeology (e.g. from Towton) suggests the same sort of range among medieval soldiers; they all tended to have muscular build and concomitantly thick bones, but there was a wide range of "scales".

For orcs, the early Citadel miniatures facilitated a mixing of types. About half of these Night Goblins had faces that were similar to the Citadel orcs of the period, and they were all the better for it, as it established a kind of "Gloranthan troll and trollkin" visual relationship. That persisted into the first slottabased range of goblins, but thereafter, "goblins" were confined to drooping noses, for some reason.


Different roles for different sizes and shapes of orc/goblin seems only natural, although I plan to vary the sizes a bit within units just for fun. You could easily explain this as a random ad hoc grouping of the variously sized goblins of a particular hold (in, say, the Misty Mountains); the arguably more regimented forces of Mordor might need to be a bit closer to each other in size, although even there a range of sizes and shapes would be both plausible and visually more interesting than serried ranks of same sized orcs...

Yes: certainly, the Misty Mountains in the Third Age were home to both "great uruks" and many smaller types too. And while the wars of Mordor seem mainly to have been fought by uruks, there were certainly lots of smaller breeds involved at the later stages too. And they were marshalled by uruks (as we see in "The Land of Shadow").

And I think your point about visual interest is even more important. I've long argued that it's clear from LotR that even the biggest uruks were significantly shorter than Men (see Gimli's complaints about the Dunlendings and much more besides). But at a certain point, you have to say "to Hell with it - these are great models!". I think HoTT facilitates that very well, because the figure scale means that everything's a little abstract anyway. So, while the orc overseer here (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=77384.msg1138258#msg1138258) is Middle Earth troll-sized, he'll work perfectly well as an uruk driver at the back of a horde (which I hope to compete tonight). The Ral Partha giant goblin with whip (which I'll also be using) is the "correct" size, I think, but visual interest has to win out.

In that respect, I'm aiming to make my HOTT orcs "Hobbit-faithful" rather than LotR faithful (as The Hobbit has far less detail on the respective sizes of creatures, and they seem generally to be a bit more elastic).

I'll try to get some pictures of my hordes up when they're fit to be seen; I'm currently working on the bases, as well as digging out various likely candidates. I recently picked up some red box goblins, which are very nice (in fact, they're miniature Paul Bonner trolls) but comparatively tiny. They may go in the second wave of hordes...although one advantage of sabotted bases is the ease of mixing in subsequent reinforcements.

I look forward to seeing them. The sabotting certainly gives you lots of room for variety.

Curious to see how your chaos hordes come out. It's an excellent notion to assemble them from whatever is to hand; in fact this ought to be axiomatically true of any chaos army, surely?

Yes, my longstanding grumble with the GW parsing of Moorcock is that it's tended to lead to an oxymoronic "regimented chaos". And beyond that, I think chaos armies should look at least as wretched as they do terrifying. At his best, Moorcock can conjure a bit of sympathy for his chaos creatures - the deluded man-horse Poliv-bav, for example. I also like little details like the image from Stormbringer of chaotic looters being directed by a skeleton on a horse, the bony rider wielding a flaming sword.

Given your user name, have you ever thought of doing Urth armies? It's just occurred to me that they would fit very well into HOTT. The pandours of the Autarch would present some tremendous painting and modelling opportunities:

'Behind these windows we could see the moving figures of men and women, and of creatures that were neither men nor women. Cacogens, I think, were there, beings to whom the avern was but what a marigold or a marguerite is to us. Others seemed beasts with too much of men about them, so that horned heads watched us with eyes too wise, and mouths that appeared to speak showed teeth like nails or hooks. I asked Dr. Talos what these creatures were.

"Soldiers," he said. "The pandours of the Autarch."'
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with an aeons-old orc conversion)
Post by: Severian on September 29, 2016, 02:22:09 PM
Ah, there's a thought. It's sometimes vaguely crossed my mind, but I've never properly thought it through. I'd need to gather some information, of course... The fascinating article "Cavalry in the Age of the Autarch" (from The Castle of the Otter, reprinted in Castle of Days) is full of ideas.

But it also suggests a stumbling block - I've always rather disliked painting horses (even, as in this case, genetically engineered Kevlar-armoured warbeasts), and any army I try to muster that has a sizeable cavalry component tends to get postponed... The archetype would be my "generic steppe nomads" mob, which was meant to serve as opposition to any number of historical opponents across a couple of thousand years, as well as having some Gloranthan convertibility. Only a tithe of it has ever got finished; and the reason is that painting the wretched nags is frankly tedious (and I'm not much good at it). Every once in a while I dig it out and paint a few more, so there's some hope, but it won't ever be quick.

However, it might be manageable in HOTT to have a few elements of destriers alongside whatever else one decided to field. Hmmm. Those pandours could be lots of fun, couldn't they.

At this point I shall allude to the usual caveats about no-space-for-another-project and get me back to my goblins (which, like yours, are aimed to be Hobbit-faithful). However whenever I next look into the Urth books this will probably be at the back of my mind...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with an aeons-old orc conversion)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 29, 2016, 03:01:17 PM
Couldn't agree more on horses! I have an old Grenadier orc hero on a horse based up and ready to paint - but I'm dreading the steed and half-thinking of painting it in tiger colours to get round the problem.

On different-sized goblins: I've always rather liked this John Blanche illustration, which appeared in White Dwarf (in an article on orcs). That's roughly the look I want when my hordes are assembled:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with an aeons-old orc conversion)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 01, 2016, 09:46:28 PM
I've been playing around with some ideas for HOTT chaos hordes. Here are a few possibilities. I want to mix more (more or less) humans in, and more creeping things - and some banners - but these are roughly along the lines I want. I suspect the army will be something along these lines:

2 x behemoths
1 x hero or magician general
2 x flyers or beasts
1 x blades
6 x hordes

I also have a rather good sneaker - a Runequest demon with a vulture beak - and endless possibilities for more formidable infantry. But I'd rather keep the force as much wretched as fearsome.

I'll give the bear a shield and weapon as a nod to Corum. The trumpeter will get the chaos star on his flag
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (ideas for HOTT chaos hordes)
Post by: Arunman on October 02, 2016, 10:51:24 AM
Your work on shield decorations is very beautiful and I found this whole thread both inspiring and refreshing, with its spirit of Middle Earth and liberty.

On two pictures I saw some sort of white material on the unfinished model bases. How do you attain the fine texture on your 25mm scale bases? They look perfect, like a grass should look like. In my experience all kinds of sand do not result in such a good finish and texture of beach sand varies quite a lot from country to country. British beach sand is much finer and homogenous than Nordic beach sand, for example. What kind of material and glue is being used?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (ideas for HOTT chaos hordes)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 02, 2016, 11:29:13 AM
Thanks, Arunman!

For bases, I use Golden Coarse Pumice Gel (https://www.goldenpaints.com/products/medium-gels-pastes/gel-with-aggregates). It's great stuff - you just paste it on the bases and give it a couple of hours to dry. You can also mix it with paint to get your base colour on at the same time, but I tend to be too lazy to do that.

Here in the UK, it's widely available in art shops and costs about £14 a tub. It lasts for ages - I've bought three tubs in two years, and have most of the third one left. I've based hundreds of miniatures in that time - maybe a thousand.

Another good thing about it is that it dries very firmly. So, if you glue a solid-based miniature to a base, you can use the gel to secure the figures to their base. I only ever use Milliput or green stuff if the miniature is particularly heavy (a metal dragon or something).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (ideas for HOTT chaos hordes)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 02, 2016, 11:50:36 AM
Here are Schrumpkopf's new kobolds - for which many thanks to him!

These are brilliant little miniatures. I'll be buying many more - they're by far the best iteration of the D&D kobold I've seen. And that means that they free up the Chronicle, Grenadier and Ral Partha ones I have for other purposes (Chaos imps in HOTT, most likely ...).

I made these fellows blue in nods to their etymology and the SOBH cover.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Schrumpfkopf's kobolds)
Post by: affun on October 02, 2016, 12:08:54 PM
Yep, looks gorgeous. I've been sort of avoiding/putting off Schrumpfkopf's thread, telling myself that I didn't need these guys. Apparantly I do.

Really like the shield designs as well ;)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Schrumpfkopf's kobolds)
Post by: Severian on October 02, 2016, 04:27:38 PM
Very nice (both figures and painting)! These are a must-have, for sure. I have no idea how many hundreds (thousands?) of the little blighters I slaughtered back in my D&D days...they were always a good morale booster.

I had forgotten there was an etymological connection between kobold and cobalt, so thanks also for the reminder: always good to have an excuse to browse in the etymological dictionary...

And the chaos hordes are looking great; an object lesson in how to make use of those random oddments that are the somehow unavoidable by-product of prolonged (or even modest) bouts of miniature buying.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Schrumpfkopf's kobolds)
Post by: Arunman on October 02, 2016, 08:10:10 PM
Thank you Hobgoblin for the reply - I just put an order to British artist's supply shop for that basing material. I note it worked well also for your Space Ork models. I have been thinking something like that for my own science fiction models, too.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Schrumpfkopf's kobolds)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 03, 2016, 10:19:16 PM
Here's a survivor from very long ago - a chaos beastman that I painted as a teenager before abandoning gaming entirely for a quarter of a century. I can't be bothered to repaint him, so I'll just repair the weapon and add him to one of the chaos hordes, where he'll act as a nostalgic reminder of an age of more interesting beastmen!

I do think it's a great shame that there none of today's plastic beastmen kits offer the variety of the old Trish Morrison beastmen. They're so ripe for a great multipart kit - imagine goat legs, snake tails, slug-like bodies, wings, long necks, crab claws and insect thoraxes ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an ancient slug-man)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 04, 2016, 12:14:25 AM
And here is the first of his fellow hordelings. This is the quickest miniature I've ever painted - half an hour from (washed and drybrushed) undercoat to current state. There's a temptation to try to finish him off "properly", but I'm determined to resist: I recall that the soft detail on some of these Grenadier miniatures can be an extraordinary quagmire. So he'll go in as is. Next!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (old slug-man and chaos hordeling)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 04, 2016, 12:10:13 PM
Here's the hordeling's other side. I made good progress with the chaos hordes yesterday evening, with the crab man and the bear (now wielding a bone club and carrying a shield) close to completion.

One thing that I think is important in HOTT is not to worry about horde elements looking too formidable. The point (and I think this is implicit in the rules) is that they're disorganised fighters, however fierce they may be individually. So horde elements can contain plenty of large or ferocious-looking monsters - it's just that they don't fight in a particularly cohesive manner.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (old slug-man and chaos hordeling)
Post by: Severian on October 04, 2016, 12:30:08 PM
Excellent stuff - very effective.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (old slug-man and chaos hordeling)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 05, 2016, 10:17:30 PM

Here's another Essex orc. With the "Azog" type (with the sword and dagger), he'll make up my first Orcish blade element for HOTT.

They're great figures, these Bob Olley orcs, but they're time-consuming to paint!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Essex orcs)
Post by: Severian on October 05, 2016, 10:52:51 PM
Ah, now, he's splendidly done - the face & eyes in particular. Great stuff.

Fully agree about the Essex orcs. They're fantastic fun to paint, but a right bother to finish: I have another three of them half- or three-quarters done, but am putting off the final effort because I'm not confident of doing the last bits as well as what I've already done. The ones I recently finished had sat in a similar state on the painting table for a couple of months before I decided to pull myself together and just get them done.

Somehow they have an endless amount of intriguing detail that needs just one more highlight...but eventually you just need to say "stop" and call it finished. Well, that's what I found, anyway. So again, well done!

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Essex orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 05, 2016, 11:15:32 PM

That's exactly it - there's so much artifice and ornamentation on them that they don't respond well to a "let the models paint themselves" approach based purely on washes and drybrushing. But they're so fiddly that it's hard to contemplate anything else.

These Iron Claw orcs, on page 5 of this thread, have never been finished, for the same reasons:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Essex orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 06, 2016, 12:33:03 AM
And one more - two elements of blades done, bar the basing.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Essex orcs)
Post by: Severian on October 06, 2016, 09:56:08 AM
Yet more great work!

Seeing them all side by side brings out how well your skin tones work - the variety just adds to the effect. Look forward to seeing them based.

And well done with the weird animal (dog? tiger?) head backpack. I rather shied away from making anything of it when I painted this guy; think I shall have to revisit him.

You should definitely go back to the Iron Claw guys - very striking as they stand now.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Essex orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 06, 2016, 10:31:02 AM
Thanks! I'm going to experiment with a few more skin colours over the remaining ten or so that I have.

Yes, what is that animal? A Chinese temple dog or something like that? Tiger skin is pretty much my default for any weird animal (as with the tiger wolves earlier in this thread!).

I'm definitely going to revisit the Iron Claw guys - yellow, pupilled eyes to bring them into line with these ones, and a bit more work generally. I'll leave them on round bases, though - the idea being that they'll work as casualty markers for the multi-based fellows in Dragon Rampant. So, as things stand, I could field all six of them as a unit of Elite Foot in DR, using the two individuals to manage casualties. And I'm unlikely to want to field more than two in a game of SOBH, as they'd be the big nasties to guard a goblin leader or some such. When all the Essex ones are done, I'll have enough for two Elite Foot units (or one Heavy Foot/Bellicose Foot with Shiny Armour), and will still be fine with the two individuals, as I won't need more than one per unit.

The next project, I've decided, is to get all my old Ral Partha giant goblins based up for HOTT. I already have two individually based ones, along with some Wargames Factory types who can sub in, so I'll follow the same process. I did a brief audit and a dip in Biostrip the other night, and I have 30+ of them, plus quite a few of the smaller goblins to go on horde bases. The giant goblins will go three to a base as warband elements; I quite like the idea of an army almost entirely composed of warbands. It might not be much good, but it'd be a lot of fast-moving, terrain-exploiting fun.

A good thing about HOTT is that it supports a "mix n match" approach to armies, as each element represents hundreds or thousands. So there's no problem with having very different-looking units of the same type in one force. I'll initially use the Ral Partha orcs (warbands) alongside the Grenadier war trolls and bugbears (also warbands), the various hordes, and the Essex orcs (blades). Cavalry support will eventually come from Chronicle wolfriders. They'll be tied together with some similar liveries and skin colours, but will otherwise be diverse. And when they're all done, they'll be several complete 24-point forces ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Essex orcs)
Post by: beefcake on October 06, 2016, 11:11:19 AM
I think I've asked this of you before but is that red lizardman type thing a few posts up an asgard/vikingforge miniature? I've been looking at them for a while.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Essex orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 06, 2016, 11:35:03 AM
You did, and it is! Here's another shot. I had to repair the tail, as the club was long gone (this is an early-80s survivor rather than a Viking Forge one):


They're nice old miniatures. There's a really big one that I remember from the Tabletop Heroes column in White Dwarf. 15mm.co.uk sells one of the smaller ones as a "giant lizardman" or some such.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Essex orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 07, 2016, 10:24:31 AM
Here are the based blades elements. They "rank up" in all configurations (side to side and back to back both ways): this was a key consideration for using the Essex orcs.

I'll add some more detail to the bases later, but they're ready for the action they'll see this weekend.

One thing: I know it's deeply unfashionable, and of course it doesn't show up well in photos, but I thought that these Bob Olley sculpts were massively improved by gloss varnish. It seems to have a similar effect on them to a glaze over drybrushing - 'harmonising' the colours and shading somehow.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Orc 'blades' for HOTT)
Post by: Severian on October 08, 2016, 12:57:47 AM
Nicely done! They look the ticket. And they're not the most straightforward figures to rank up, either.

I hadn't properly noticed the gloss varnish until you pointed it out. I think I can grasp what you mean about it harmonizing the colours: I brush on matt varnish (or satin for metals) and there's a sort of renewed freshness to the painting that comes out whilst it's still wet, particularly over layering.

Not sure I'm quite ready to brave this as a lasting effect, though; but I might try a test figure to see how it looks. I have too many thirty-year-old figures in indestructible jackets of yellowing humbrol gloss, over what might have been fairly good paintjobs (by my standards of the time, that is), to be wholly relaxed about it...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Orc 'blades' for HOTT)
Post by: fred on October 08, 2016, 11:10:18 AM
Those are some ugly orcs!

Ugly in a good way! Cracking painting on them again. You are really pulling together an impressive force here.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Orc 'blades' for HOTT)
Post by: DeafNala on October 08, 2016, 12:42:25 PM
Having been absent from your thread for awhile does mean I get to see all your WONDERFUL creations at once. Old & new VERY ELL DONE!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Orc 'blades' for HOTT)
Post by: Katsuhiko JiNNai on October 10, 2016, 11:45:16 AM
These painted miniatures have a really intriguing old school paint scheme  o_o
and then I'm considering to play with Advanced Song of Blades and Heroes too (just knew about it this morning, and the writer is an italian like me too  :o ).
I was considering Frostgrave too, the rules seem nice, but I don't like too much the design of the book (too modern for my taste ;) ) and the limit of using only wizards and their apprentices as leaders of the warbands. The design of ASOBH seem with an old school style too. I read that they will include some event cards too. What do you think of this skirmish wargame? Thanks.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Orc 'blades' for HOTT)
Post by: fred on October 10, 2016, 05:14:11 PM
SOBH is great (I've not tried the advanced version), you can use any figures that you have and build them into a Warband, as long as they are plausible to you, then you are good to go.

The mechanics are straight forward, but there are definitely tactics to be used and worked out.

Avoid too many high powered figures as these tend to be very hard to kill and the game becomes a bit dull.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Orc 'blades' for HOTT)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 10, 2016, 06:07:57 PM
Yes, both SOBH and ASOBH are terrific games. ASOBH probably tends towards a game with fewer figures per side and more abilities for each, and has reactions to break up the turn sequence even more.

The rules are very simple, but the long list of traits and the online warband builder mean that you can stat up whatever models you have as you envisage them - and you can achieve a huge amount of variety even though the game uses just two stats.

One thing to note is that games are often decided by morale - so routing rather than death tends to be the deciding factor. Also, leaders are very important for lower-quality troops (orcs and the like). I like this very much - ASOBH is the perfect game to simulate this kind of thing:

"But even as they retreated, and before Pippin and Merry had reached the stair outside, a huge orc-chieftain, almost man-high, clad in black mail from head to foot, leaped into the chamber; behind him his followers clustered in the doorway. His broad flat face was swart, his eyes were like coals, and his tongue was red; he wielded a great spear. With a thrust of his huge hide shield he turned Boromir’s sword and bore him backwards, throwing him to the ground. Diving under Aragorn’s blow with the speed of a striking snake he charged into the Company and thrust with his spear straight at Frodo. The blow caught him on the right side, and Frodo was hurled against the wall and pinned. Sam, with a cry, hacked at the spear-shaft, and it broke. But even as the orc flung down the truncheon and swept out his scimitar, Andúril came down upon his helm. There was a flash like flame and the helm burst asunder. The orc fell with cloven head. His followers fled howling, as Boromir and Aragorn sprang at them."

In ASOBH terms, that's a couple of successful attacks (Knockdown and Out of Action) by an orc leader with the Combat Master and Dashing traits, followed a failed activation roll for the followers, a Gruesome Kill by Aragorn and a failed cascading morale check by the surviving orcs.

Avoid too many high powered figures as these tend to be very hard to kill and the game becomes a bit dull.

Interesting. Oddly, one of the things I've found about SOBH is that powerful figures are quite risky, because outnumbering and concentrated fire mean that a few weaklings can take down a stronger character quite easily. A C6 Dragon surrounded by five C2 kobolds will fight on equal terms ....
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Orc 'blades' for HOTT)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 11, 2016, 11:47:27 PM
Here's another member of the chaos horde - an old Runequest Sraim. I have a brace of them, but the other is based up for skirmish - I think he features in the background earlier in this thread. I've often thought that the same body with a prettier head would make a great late-stage Zarozinia.

Again, this is a super-quick paintjob - no fussing over details, just some suitably lurid colours to add to the chaotic nature of the ensemble.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (a Sraim joins the chaos horde)
Post by: LeadAsbestos on October 12, 2016, 03:29:28 AM
You must have an amazing stockpile! I've been after one of the sraim forever, and you have a brace of them! :-* :P ;)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (a Sraim joins the chaos horde)
Post by: fred on October 12, 2016, 10:23:40 PM
Interesting. Oddly, one of the things I've found about SOBH is that powerful figures are quite risky, because outnumbering and concentrated fire mean that a few weaklings can take down a stronger character quite easily. A C6 Dragon surrounded by five C2 kobolds will fight on equal terms ....

Yes. Sorry I wasn't too clear, I meant don't make both sides just a few high powered creatures.

The outnumbering and Leader rules mean hordes can be quite effective.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (a Sraim joins the chaos horde)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 12, 2016, 10:34:13 PM
Yes. Sorry I wasn't too clear, I meant don't make both sides just a few high powered creatures.

The outnumbering and Leader rules mean hordes can be quite effective.

Ah - I see what you mean. Yes, two characters with very high Q and C is equivalent (nay, almost identical!) to two blades elements battling it out in HOTT - not much chance of a kill.

LeadAsbestos - if I ever find a third ...  ;) The round-based one is a key NPC for a "megadungeon" I made for TOBH - and the players have yet to encounter him, alas!

I do recall seeing the Sraim crop up in eBay job lots quite a bit.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (a Sraim joins the chaos horde)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 16, 2016, 05:49:20 PM
I've made some progress with the HOTT hordes. Here are a few more chaos hordelings - with many more there or thereabouts.

These are all really quick paintjobs: the question I've asked myself for this exercise is "Would you rather paint them well and never get them to the table, or rush through them and have a full complement of horde elements ready for gaming?". The latter wins.

I'm keen to have a sprinkling of normal, if unhappy-looking, humans among the beastmen and things: I want the sense of there being a continuum between men, beastmen, beasts and worse.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more HOTT chaos hordes)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 16, 2016, 06:18:03 PM
And one more: the old Ral Partha Grendel. I suspect he's the source of the "Spiked Troll" profile in early Warhammer.

Not very flattering photos, taken at twilight. Oh well ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more HOTT hordes & spiked troll)
Post by: Little Odo on October 16, 2016, 07:52:03 PM
I like it - very nicely painted. The only other one of these I ever saw was way back when I was about aged 10 and the paint job was not a lot to write home about. You have done him/it? justice.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more HOTT hordes & spiked troll)
Post by: Dr. Kevin Moon III esq. on October 16, 2016, 08:31:52 PM
Love the figures for the horde base! Looking forward to seeing a few bases together.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more HOTT hordes & spiked troll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 18, 2016, 08:48:17 AM

The horde is growing ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more HOTT hordes & spiked troll)
Post by: Severian on October 18, 2016, 09:13:09 AM
Great stuff - properly horde-like. They do indeed give off an air of general blank-eyed misery, which seems right for the context.

Grendel is excellently done (although I have no idea why RP gave him spikes....)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more HOTT hordes & spiked troll)
Post by: beefcake on October 18, 2016, 09:21:03 AM
I love that Grendel mini and your paint job is excellent. Is it back in production with ironwind or RPE or is this an old mini?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more HOTT hordes & spiked troll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 18, 2016, 10:16:01 AM
I got it second hand in the 1980s. It's a great figure, though not much like Grendel (what little we glimpse of him in the poem). You can't imagine this creature using a bag or glove, and he's not anthropomorphic enough: the poem's Grendel is famously human-like in various ways. I think Tom Meier's Fantasy Tribe trolls are much closer to the mark.

Still, he's a great beastie. No idea whether he's still available from Iron Wind or RPE. He should be!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more HOTT hordes & spiked troll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 21, 2016, 12:25:49 AM
And here's another: the Trish Morrison bird man. This figure - a variant of the more celebrated mantis man - is a bit crude in some ways. But it exemplifies everything that was so good about the Morrison chaos beastmen:the wretchedness, the diversity of animal sources and the sheer bizarreness. Midway through painting, it struck me that what I thought was just a crude hand was actually a birdlike claw that perhaps should have been the same yellow as the feet. Ah well - onwards!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a chaos bird man)
Post by: randycarter on October 22, 2016, 12:11:16 PM
Your work on medieval iconography si turning out very well: it almost remind me of Bosch! Great work, can't wait to see the army based!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a chaos bird man)
Post by: DeafNala on October 22, 2016, 01:32:54 PM
You do have a way with creating UBERCOOL & creepy creations. OUTSTANDING WORK!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a chaos bird man)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 26, 2016, 02:02:34 PM
Thanks, DeafNala!

Your work on medieval iconography si turning out very well: it almost remind me of Bosch! Great work, can't wait to see the army based!

Thanks! We were in Madrid this weekend and paid a visit to the Prado to see the Goyas and the Bosches. The kids were glued to The Garden of Earthly Delights and The Haywain for some time. I'd seen them before some years back, but was looking at them with different eyes this time ...

A few ideas from the Prado that I shall be implementing in the chaos hordes soon:

1. Walking heads. There are lots of these in Bosch:



2. Bird-creatures. Many of Bosch's monsters have a distinctly avian cast (see two of the examples above):


3. Scale agnosticism. As with the "walking helmet" above, a lot of Boschian beasts are deliberately "out of scale" with their surroundings.

4. Unidentifiable creatures. Although many of Bosch's monsters are hybrids of humans and animals, others are distinctly alien. Look at the things behind the fish here. It's hard to say what their faces are (vaguely piscine? slightly newt-like):


5. There's a place for the humble goblin:


6. Skull-faced monsters feature here and there:


7. Bosch's demons are often quite well dressed:


8. I really should have converted my human trumpeter so that his nose was also his instrument:


I had a quick play around with bluetack and bits last night and have got a few ideas lined up. The aim's not to copy Bosch slavishly but to take some of the points above on board. This morning, I affixed a kroot head to a Wargames Factory orc body - it looks pretty good and ticks either box 2 or 4 above. And I've been playing around with various oversized heads on human and non-human bodies and legs. But I have to get the kids' Halloween costumes out of the way first ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (some thoughts on Bosch)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 26, 2016, 11:16:53 PM
Here's a quick kitbash for the core of a horde element. I plan to have a fair number of standards in both the goblin and chaos horde elements. This is the first. The figures are a mix of GW, Fireforge and Wargames Factory bits. I'm not quite sure about the left arm on the right-hand figure. I might place a weapon in the hand or have him leaning on one. But maybe not. Ideally, I'd have a left arm with a lowered sword pointing forwards (in secunde), but I don't have a suitable bit.

Anyway, I quite like these fellows - note the nods to Bosch in the (vaguely) avian and skull heads!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Bosch thoughts and chaos kitbash)
Post by: fred on October 27, 2016, 07:50:59 AM
The Bosch paintings really do have some strange and weird 'things' in them. Much stranger and more variety than the GW idea of Chaos.

I like your two figures - they get the bosch theme of the juxtaposition of the weird with the normal.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Bosch thoughts and chaos kitbash)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 27, 2016, 02:32:14 PM
The Bosch paintings really do have some strange and weird 'things' in them. Much stranger and more variety than the GW idea of Chaos.

Yes, indeed. What's such a shame is that the early GW idea of chaos was quite strange and varied - the bizarre Morrison beastmen, the weird and wonderful solid-based chaos warriors and the rather Moorcockian demons - half-man, half wasp; half-woman, half-mantis.

I like your two figures - they get the bosch theme of the juxtaposition of the weird with the normal.

Thanks! Yes, that's exactly what Bosch does. What I want to take from him is the idea that many members of the chaos hordes may have gone to sleep in human form but woken up (for example) with the head of a carp. It's to achieve that juxtaposition that I want quite a few human figures scattered around in the hordes.

Here are a few more kitbashes. The lizardman one has a touch of Moorcock's Olab about it, I think. The ogre head on the human body isn't quite a Boschian walking head, but nods in that direction. The one with the forked beard might be a bit butch for the hordes, but I'll probably end up with a few "blades" elements too.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Bosch thoughts and chaos kitbash)
Post by: Severian on October 27, 2016, 02:39:34 PM
These are excellent. The ogre heads work very well indeed. They should look great painted!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Bosch thoughts and chaos kitbash)
Post by: fred on October 27, 2016, 08:12:20 PM
The two with the Ogre heads are down right scary. Spot on! Yes they certainly have the walking head theme.

I'm not really sure where you would get fish or bird parts of the right sort of size. I don't know if the big buckets of plastic kids animals would be a good source of parts?

I'm less sure about the one on the right hand side of the last photo, looks a bit too normal.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Bosch thoughts and chaos kitbash)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 27, 2016, 08:44:28 PM
Yeah, he's more of a nod to the preslotta sort of Citadel chaos warrior - when they were thoroughly diverse in appearance. I think he'll form part of a "blades" element rather than join a horde. He does look pretty deformed, though - his head's practically in his chest, his build is semi-simian and he's got clawed hands and feet.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Bosch thoughts and chaos kitbash)
Post by: fred on October 27, 2016, 10:00:01 PM
Ok, makes sense. Its probably just the photo, especially next to the other two chaps!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Bosch thoughts and chaos kitbash)
Post by: randycarter on October 29, 2016, 08:55:53 PM
I like the new models so much!
The oldschool chaos GW concept (a sort of Lovecraft meets dark age folklore IMO) has been now replaced by a sport of videogame iconography, that is very flattening (is this the correct english word?  ::)). I think that your work goes in a good direction to counter this tendence.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Bosch thoughts and chaos kitbash)
Post by: YPU on October 30, 2016, 10:10:58 AM
Lovely stuff here. I'm originally from around 's-Hertogenbosch, from which Bosch took his name. They have a lot of sculpts of his critters scattered throughout the city. Your work really does do the job. You are doing some great work with analyzing his art and taking taking aspects rather the trying to replicate particular creatures wholesale.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Bosch thoughts and chaos kitbash)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 30, 2016, 01:15:06 PM

Yes, it's very much "inspired by" rather than "attempt to replicate".

Here's the latest batch for the hordes. The lupine "walking head" is a nod to this Bosch creature. The running beastman with the oversized wolf head is a bit like a Pauline Baynes illustration of a minotaur from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, I think. I hope to get started on painting some of them later today.


Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Bosch thoughts and chaos kitbash)
Post by: fred on October 30, 2016, 04:59:21 PM
They work!!!

Not tempted to make a couple of cute little armoured dogs?

The more you look at the original paintings the more strangeness you see, like the broken jug being used as a hat, with a flower coming out.

A common theme is arrows sticking out of the creatures. You could replicate this fairly easily with the arrows from the Perry bow and Bill set.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Bosch thoughts and chaos kitbash)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 30, 2016, 07:54:43 PM
I do actually have a few slightly camp Acropolis "goblin hounds" that would fit. I've also been trying to locate some Mantic elf-cats that I have somewhere, which would take armoured human heads quite well, I think.

Yes, I've been lamenting the lack of pots and branches in my bits box!

That's an excellent suggestion on arrows - thanks! I'm trying to assemble the hordes without additional purchases, but I do feel my resolve wavering slightly - the Frostgrave cultists in particular look tempting to facilitate some Bosch-style animal-headed priests ...

Here are a couple of bird-men - not as avian as I'd like, but some paint might nudge them down a feathery path ...

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Bosch thoughts and chaos kitbash)
Post by: Severian on October 30, 2016, 08:13:28 PM
More good stuff here. On a Pauline Baynes theme, the right hand bird-man reminded me of the illustration of Tash from The Last Battle. Not so many arms, obviously, but the pose and claws...

Where are your animal heads from, out of interest?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Bosch thoughts and chaos kitbash)
Post by: fred on October 30, 2016, 08:34:50 PM
If you need a few of the Perry WoTR arrows drop me a PM

These toy animals look a good source of parts for strange mashups  http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/12-x-Farm-Animals-Childrens-play-toys-/291782662160?hash=item43ef9a1810:g:WoMAAOSwpDdVIYWF
depends how many of these you are thinking of building

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Bosch thoughts and chaos kitbash)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 30, 2016, 09:31:15 PM
On a Pauline Baynes theme, the right hand bird-man reminded me of the illustration of Tash from The Last Battle. Not so many arms, obviously, but the pose and claws...

Oddly enough, I was looking at that very illustration today (while trying to find the minotaur one - I'd mentally amalgamated two from the Aslan-killing chapter of TLTW&TW)! I hadn't made the llink, but I loved that picture as a child, and it was almost certainly playing on the subconscious.

Where are your animal heads from, out of interest?

They're just a mix of odds and ends that I've picked up over the past couple of years (mainly from the local games store). One is a skaven head (from a period, apparently, when the skaven looked very little like rats). One is a GW tyranid. The bird-men have GW gnoblar heads. And the two big wolves are GW Hobbit wargs.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Bosch thoughts and chaos kitbash)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 30, 2016, 09:33:45 PM
If you need a few of the Perry WoTR arrows drop me a PM

Thanks! After you mentioned the arrows, I had a look and discovered a few chunky ones on some GW ungor sprues I have. I'll maybe try those first and see how they hold up to drybrushing.

These toy animals look a good source of parts for strange mashups  http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/12-x-Farm-Animals-Childrens-play-toys-/291782662160?hash=item43ef9a1810:g:WoMAAOSwpDdVIYWF
depends how many of these you are thinking of building

Those could work really well - and their domesticity makes them much more interesting, oddly, than more exotic animals. Thanks for the link!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Bosch thoughts and chaos kitbash)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 01, 2016, 08:10:56 AM
Here are some more Boschian kitbashes and conversions - and one that's more or less painted.

The converted night goblin is a nod to this guy:


Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Boschian beasties)
Post by: pelonas on November 01, 2016, 08:20:19 AM
These are amazing, what an inspiration to take and what marvelous execution. Nice work!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Boschian beasties)
Post by: Gabbi on November 01, 2016, 10:56:22 AM
Awesome work! Very very inspiring.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Boschian beasties)
Post by: LCpl McDoom on November 01, 2016, 11:27:14 AM
Some really clever Bosch-kit-bash work! I'm going to have to dig out my books and remind myself of all the Bosch details.

For instance: that extract you put up, the creature is actually wearing that period's ice-skates  :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Boschian beasties)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 01, 2016, 07:49:23 PM

A few more. A lunchtime visit to the local games shop yielded a wealth of bits. Here are the first few results:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (even more Boschian beasties)
Post by: fred on November 01, 2016, 08:43:40 PM
These are getting more and more disturbing.

Its strange how the Tyrannid Ripper fits right in.

Good to see some getting some colour on too.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (even more Boschian beasties)
Post by: djbii on November 02, 2016, 01:59:01 AM
Agreed, I think this last lot are even more Bosch-like than the previous crop. Very nice BTW :-)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (even more Boschian beasties)
Post by: Supercollider on November 02, 2016, 03:35:35 AM
Fantastic! :)

Can't wait to see these painted up.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (even more Boschian beasties)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 02, 2016, 10:22:11 PM
I'm starting to slap on some paint - here's the little crossbilled fellow:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (bish, bash, Bosch!)
Post by: fred on November 02, 2016, 10:33:21 PM
Wow! The shield is really great, looks alive. Which is kind of worrying.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (bish, bash, Bosch!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 03, 2016, 12:32:18 AM
Thanks - it was very sloppy greenstuff work, in a "I can't be bothered doing this in more than one session" way!

Here's another - along with some ideas about how the horde elements might start to come together.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (bish, bash, Bosch!)
Post by: Duncan McDane on November 03, 2016, 11:58:33 AM
O, wow, that works  :o.
Been pondering about Bosch's demons & creatures for a long time aswell but the plastic kitbashing is sheer brilliance, especially as we all have zzzounds of broken/used "rubbish" bits & pieces lying around.
You, sir, are a hero  :).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (bish, bash, Bosch!)
Post by: LCpl McDoom on November 04, 2016, 09:32:28 AM
And it seems a very timely cinema release at selected places:


Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (bish, bash, Bosch!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 04, 2016, 10:04:29 AM
That looks very interesting indeed! I shall have to arrange babysitters sharpish ...

Here are the next couple. All these paintjobs are really quick and simple: the aim is to get as many as possible done in the next week or so. I think I have enough finished for four horde bases so far, and enough primed/started for at least eight. I hope to finish another element's worth tonight. Eventually, I'd like to have 12 done, so that an army can be fielded with 12 hordes, 2 behemoths and a hero or magician general. I'll also have some fliers, blades and warbands as options.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (some more bish, bash, Bosch!)
Post by: fred on November 04, 2016, 07:13:13 PM
The colour really helps bring out the alieness of the creatures. With the normal mundane human parts, then strange mutated animal parts in brighter colours.

These are coming along very well. Looking forward to seeing the whole army.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (some more bish, bash, Bosch!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 04, 2016, 07:28:26 PM
Thanks! I was thinking of a toucan for the bird man:


That said, I think he also looks a bit like Breughel's Dulle Griet:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (some more bish, bash, Bosch!)
Post by: Steve F on November 04, 2016, 09:33:36 PM
That said, I think he also looks a bit like Breughel's Dulle Griet:

Do you know LAM's Mad Griet figure?
http://www.lead-adventure.com/product_info.php?cPath=22&products_id=63 (http://www.lead-adventure.com/product_info.php?cPath=22&products_id=63)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (some more bish, bash, Bosch!)
Post by: randycarter on November 04, 2016, 09:35:50 PM
Ever better every week, great work!

A possible inspirational hint: what about the Berserk manga?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (some more bish, bash, Bosch!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 06, 2016, 11:36:15 AM
Thanks! I don't know the Berserk manga but will investigate ...

Here's another idea.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (some more bish, bash, Bosch!)
Post by: randycarter on November 06, 2016, 12:29:26 PM
OK, that's really weird!

Thanks! I don't know the Berserk manga but will investigate ...

Here's another idea.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (some more bish, bash, Bosch!)
Post by: DeafNala on November 06, 2016, 02:18:29 PM
Now you're cooking! The new Bosch stuff is BRILLIANT...BEAUTIFULLY & IMAGINATIVELY converted & painted. OUTSTANDING WORK!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (some more bish, bash, Bosch!)
Post by: fred on November 06, 2016, 08:58:53 PM
OK, that's really weird!

Too right!
Thanks! I was thinking of a toucan for the bird man:

Yes, I thought that when I saw the beak. It reminded me of Guinness, but when checking out the old posters, their toucans were much simpler colours.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (some more bish, bash, Bosch!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 07, 2016, 07:49:06 PM
Thanks, all! And Steve F, thanks for the pointer on Dulle Griet!

Here are a couple of more conventional beastmen. The old Asgard one reminds me of Moorcock's Poliv-bav; indeed, I found in the archaeological strata of my old miniatures boxes another version that I had begun to convert to hold a whip - doubtless to serve as a Poliv-Bav-style chaos charioteer.

Also, another shell-based idea ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more beastmen and Bosch-beasts)
Post by: Totleben on November 08, 2016, 09:16:32 AM

And now I have to read 45 pages ...  ;D  :o :-*
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more beastmen and Bosch-beasts)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 08, 2016, 02:42:45 PM

Here's a slightly better, if over-lit, shot of the two beastmen. One point I'd make about these is that there any great difference in quality between an early-80s Asgard beastman and a contemporary GW one. I like them both, but I think that whatever the Asgard one loses in 'clean' sculpting, it gains back in dynamism of pose. But by and large, one is as good as the other.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more beastmen and Bosch-beasts)
Post by: kaiser on November 08, 2016, 05:49:42 PM
I'm doing something similar with my beastmen, as I really don't like the idea, that a child of the chaos gods comes out the same (goatman, bull man or small goat man) every time. Your motley crew looks fantastic.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more beastmen and Bosch-beasts)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 11, 2016, 08:33:32 AM
I'm doing something similar with my beastmen, as I really don't like the idea, that a child of the chaos gods comes out the same (goatman, bull man or small goat man) every time. Your motley crew looks fantastic.

Thanks! I couldn't agree more. I don't even like the distinction between "chaos warriors" and "chaos beastmen" (in Moorcock - the main source for the GW vision - the beastmen are sometimes described as "chaos warriors").

Here, in an interlude from beastmen, is a hero element for the Chaos army:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Pale Rider)
Post by: beefcake on November 11, 2016, 08:37:37 AM
He's a bit nice. Love the eye on the horse.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Pale Rider)
Post by: JollyBob on November 11, 2016, 08:46:23 AM
Really nice job on the horse, very eerie looking.  :o

Loving this thread, so much inspirational material!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Pale Rider)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 11, 2016, 09:08:03 AM
Thanks! I was going to do a lot more to the horse after a basic drybrush and wash treatment, but it seemed to be working OK, so I thought I'd just leave it.

On Tuesday I saw the Bosch film that LCpl McDoom pointed out, and I'd highly recommend it. The cinema screen is perfect for seeing the details of the paintings close up.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Pale Rider)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 13, 2016, 04:05:00 PM
And here are a few more chaos warriors. With two or three more, these'll make up a horde element. I'm going to start assembling the horde bases tonight.

I'm very much enjoying the rapid, rough-and-ready painting of these guys. They don't need to look great individually, just suitably weird en masse and on the tabletop. I suspect painting is often more fun when those are the objectives.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more chaos warriors!)
Post by: fred on November 13, 2016, 04:46:59 PM
If that's rough and ready painting!! Looking good to me. I particularly like the few strong colours, against the mainly muted ones (like the feathers (?) on the back of the head of the LHS guy).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more chaos warriors!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 13, 2016, 10:47:00 PM
If that's rough and ready painting!! Looking good to me.

Cheers! It's just wash and drybrush, drybrush and wash, plus the odd spot detail.

I finally got the base of the third orc horde done. It's an irony of Hordes of the Things that painting up the one-point units takes much more time than the two-pointers. The four- and six-pointers, of course, are the quickest of all ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more chaos warriors!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 14, 2016, 12:30:43 PM
And here's one of the more Boschian chaos warriors. It's a terrible photo even by my dismal standards - the skull is all bleached out for some reason, when in reality it's much more boney-looking (and much less white) - identical, in fact, to the standard-bearer above.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more chaos warriors and orcs)
Post by: Severian on November 14, 2016, 02:09:39 PM
Some fine recent additions here. The sigils (freehand, presumably!) on the chaos standard bearer are especially good.
Great to see your orc hordes assembled, too - the variety in size and colouring works really well.
It almost goes without saying (but I'll say it anyway) that the combination of speed and quality in your painting is truly impressive...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more chaos warriors and orcs)
Post by: fred on November 14, 2016, 09:23:08 PM
The Orcs have come together nicely - looking very good - this is going to be a great looking army.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more chaos warriors and orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 16, 2016, 09:44:26 PM

Here's a nasty wee creature to skulk beneath his betters on one of the horde bases:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more chaos warriors and orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 17, 2016, 01:05:14 PM
Here are another couple of shots of this guy - who's a bit like this guy:


I got the first four horde elements based up last night, so hope to get the bases painted tonight. The fifth one, with the mantis-clawed toucan-man, is almost there, but I need to paint up a couple of suitable figures to go on his left. Of course, four hordes is just the same number of points as the Grim Reaper hero, who took a fraction of the time to paint ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more chaos warriors and orcs)
Post by: affun on November 17, 2016, 01:09:25 PM
That's a pretty spirited conversion.
I want one of those, now :b
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more chaos warriors and orcs)
Post by: LordOdo on November 17, 2016, 02:17:07 PM
I agree with Affun,  that's the best one so far! I need one like that as well!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more chaos warriors and orcs)
Post by: JollyBob on November 17, 2016, 02:27:46 PM
That is so cool!  8)

Excellent work all round, really.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more chaos warriors and orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 17, 2016, 02:27:53 PM
Glad you like him! He's a very simple kit-bash: just Perry foot-knight arms on a GW gnoblar body with an appropriate gnoblar head.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more chaos warriors and orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 17, 2016, 07:12:26 PM
Here's a WIP shot of the assembled hordes:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hordes approaching completion)
Post by: Devoted of Slaanesh on November 17, 2016, 08:22:56 PM
Very nice mate. Great idea and execution.  :D
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hordes approaching completion)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 18, 2016, 09:43:32 PM

Here's an old RuneQuest stalker demon, who'll serve as a HOTT sneaker (and perhaps a lurker on occasion). At 3 points for a sneaker and 1 for a lurker, he'll be handy to complement odd numbers of 1-point hordes.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an RQ stalker)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 19, 2016, 12:35:48 AM
And here are the first four finished hordes (barring painting picking out some rocks and muddy areas on the bases; that will probably follow their first deployment over the weekend ...):
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (first finished chaos hordes)
Post by: fred on November 19, 2016, 01:10:25 PM
Very nice work. Truly chaotic (small c) and unique, yet they pull together nicely and look like a unit, probably due to he shared palette for the painting.

Top stuff!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (first finished chaos hordes)
Post by: LCpl McDoom on November 19, 2016, 04:15:24 PM
Fantastic work on your Brigade Bosch! Well done  :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (first finished chaos hordes)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 20, 2016, 10:39:16 AM

Here's the based sneaker element. In Hordes of the Things, sneakers can move through other troops and have a high combat value, but can only harm generals and strongholds. This creature fits the bill, I think.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now w/sneaker element for HOTT)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 20, 2016, 11:46:44 PM
And to balance things up, here's a very quickly done artillery element for the goblin army. I have a few of these kicking around for some reason. The castings are very rough - especially the bolt-thrower itself. So I just went for a quick drybrush and wash, with the manifold flaws to be covered by a coat of gloss varnish (the unfashionable saviour of many a rushed paint job ...).

I've got an orc bazooka to base up as another artillery piece and a few smallish stone-throwers kicking around too. I quite fancy the idea of a goblin army that's half artillery elements: something like 4 x artillery @3, 10 hordes @1 and a general warband or blades element @2.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Notlob's orc artillery)
Post by: Mason on November 21, 2016, 12:06:28 AM
There is so much character in those old sculpts and you have managed to bring to the fore.
Love the skintones.
 :-* :-*
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Notlob's orc artillery)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 21, 2016, 11:43:37 PM
Thanks! Yes, I think 1984-7 was a golden time for Citadel. The centre and right-hand orcs are by Trish Morrison, I think, while the one in the mail shirt is a Perry (with a version of Fangor Gripe's head with two eyes).

Here's the fifth chaos horde. Together with the sneaker, they make up a third of a standard HOTT army. The hero takes them to halfway. Then the ravage bear from a few pages back adds another 4 points as a behemoth, and the two salamander warbands can stand in to add 4 points more. I have two Bones driders that I serendipitously based on 60 X 40 bases two years ago which can be quickly finished, and that's a full 24 points. Of course, many more hordes are in production, and I have plans for flyers, more behemoths, a magician and a dragon ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with orc artillery and hordes)
Post by: LordOdo on November 22, 2016, 12:14:47 AM
 :o Yup.. very Bosch.. had the pleasure to see most of his works in the flesh (or paint) earlier this year, and I can only say you've one very very very well!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with orc artillery and hordes)
Post by: Hummster on November 26, 2016, 10:39:30 AM
Nice concept and well executed on the Bosch style army. Makes the chaos stuff more interesting.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with orc artillery and hordes)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 28, 2016, 08:09:41 AM
Thanks! It does seem rather a shame if the forces of chaos aren't, well, chaotic!

The Boschian chaos hordes saw action for the first time on Friday night, when my son and I played a game of HOTT. The chaos hordes joined forces with their goblin counterparts, but were eventually undone by my son's behemoth and flyer-heavy reptile army. I should have spent more PIPs regenerating hordes ...

I'm now contemplating a Stormbringer-style Ship of Chaos to act as an airboat in HOTT. It would sit sufficiently high above its base so that its actual size wouldn't matter (maybe with some metal chaotic on the base to help it balance). It strikes me that a sort of "reverse perspective" might work OK - i.e. using a smaller-scale model ship on the basis that (a) it's high up in the sky and (b) it's only representing a single ship (whereas the few figures on a HOTT base represent hundreds if not thousands).

Any suggestions gratefully received!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (w/vague ideas for Ship of Chaos)
Post by: DeafNala on November 28, 2016, 01:13:24 PM
I LOVE the things you create. They are always imaginative & WONDERFULLY painted. The profusion of miniatures I've never seen before is a delight. OUTSTANDING WORK!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Big Head and Boar Face)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 29, 2016, 08:01:15 AM
Many thanks, DeafNala! The exhumation of oldies will continue. Here's one paired with a recent kitbash:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Big Head and Boar Face)
Post by: JollyBob on November 29, 2016, 02:12:33 PM
I love Boar Face, and not just because he's dancing like Bez from the Happy Mondays.  8)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Big Head and Boar Face)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 29, 2016, 02:41:27 PM
Gah! Clearly a missed maraca-based conversion opportunity! ;)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Big Head and Boar Face)
Post by: fred on November 29, 2016, 05:59:07 PM
The whole lot together look great.

And those two new ones are cool too - the giant heads work well. The Bez idea is very fitting, in fact both look like they are dancing!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Big Head and Boar Face)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 02, 2016, 01:34:16 AM

In a brief interlude between HoTT elements, here's a quick savage orc. The colour scheme is based on this chap:


I'm planning to paint a few of these up to use as primitives in Mutants and Death Ray Guns and Rogue Stars. For the latter, Andrea advises that they'll need exploding arrowheads or psychic powers. I found one with a missing forearm; he's getting a bolt gun to act as a leader with salvaged high-tech gear.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an old savage orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 02, 2016, 10:29:32 AM
Here are a couple more shots. I might do a bit more to the shield (maybe a wash to deepen the red bits).

I don't know if anyone else finds this, but when painting old Citadel orcs, I find the faces of the Perry ones to be infinitely easier to paint than those of the Kev Adams ones. It nothing to do with a preference for either style, but something to do with the detail on the faces. For some reason, I find that the wrinkles and details of the Adams faces tend to "defeat" washes and highlights; the recesses always seem to be too dark or not dark enough. Getting the face of the horned-helmeted guy below done took an age, for example.


Some of John Dennet's Grenadier sculpts seem to pose the opposite problem: the detail's a bit shallow, so rather than being too effective, washes are often ineffective means of shading. And then the detail gets lost under the paint. Again, this is nothing to do with the quality of the sculpting - I love a lot of the Grenadier stuff - but is just a question of how "sympathetic" certain styles are to the brush.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an old savage orc)
Post by: beefcake on December 02, 2016, 08:13:50 PM
Nice. I like them.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an old savage orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 10, 2016, 06:23:08 PM

Here's a grubby old orc who'll form part of a HOTT warband element. I've got a fair few of these Fantasy Tribe orcs kicking around, and I already have an abundance of individually based orcs, so these guys will be multi-based for HOTT and DR.

I'm going to play around with a variety of skin colours for these chaps: some pale ones, some dark ones and maybe - just maybe - even one or two green ones.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (orcs do not tire ... me)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 10, 2016, 08:01:03 PM
And another ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (orcs do not tire ... me)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 10, 2016, 11:40:29 PM
And here's the third occupant of the warband base:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (orcs do not tire ... me)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 10, 2016, 11:50:23 PM
And all three together:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (orcs do not tire ... me)
Post by: beefcake on December 11, 2016, 02:28:02 AM
Your output amazes me! More great work.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (orcs do not tire ... me)
Post by: Sir_Theo on December 11, 2016, 11:08:33 AM
What an inspiring thread! Love the Bosch inspired hordes and those Orcs are fabulous.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (orcs do not tire ... me)
Post by: fred on December 11, 2016, 11:40:46 AM
Good stuff. Is the Orc with the two handed axe and hood a conversion? I have a similar figure in a helmet - who is one of my favourites from this era.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (orcs do not tire ... me)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 11, 2016, 12:12:47 PM
This guy (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=77384.msg1009892#msg1009892)?

No, the hooded version is just one of endless variants. All those Fantasy Tribe orcs had lots of different versions (http://www.collecting-citadel-miniatures.com/wiki/index.php/Orcs_-_FTO_Fantasy_Tribe_(solid_base)#FTO-12_Orc_Bodyguard_with_Battleaxe). Some seem to have been much more widely available than others, though. So the version with the horned helmet seems to have been in production much more than the others. If memory serves, he showed up in some of the early catalogues/compendiums/journals when the other variants were - presumably - no longer in production.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (orcs do not tire ... me)
Post by: fred on December 11, 2016, 12:34:09 PM
Not quite although I do have the hobgoblin stood next to him! The one I have has a plumed helmet, with a slung shield with a huge skull on it.

I knew there were variants of these figures, but hadn't realised there were quite so many as shown on SoL!!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (orcs do not tire ... me)
Post by: DeafNala on December 11, 2016, 01:55:37 PM
I do LOVE these trips down Memory Lane. AND some of the Old Warriors are new to me. OUTSTANDING WORK!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (orcs do not tire ... me)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 11, 2016, 03:24:32 PM

Here's the based element:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (orcs do not tire ... me)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 11, 2016, 04:03:01 PM
And here's a warg. He's destined for a magician element's base; I hope to finish the magician this afternoon.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a warg)
Post by: Severian on December 11, 2016, 04:53:40 PM
Fine work on those orcs - your hoods are particularly effective.
There truly is no end to the variants on those codes...

I recently finished a couple of them (with new weapons to replace broken ones) that I hope to post pics of soon.

And that's an excellent warg! Where is he from? He's not unlike one of an Essex triad I have (but much better painted).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a warg)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 11, 2016, 05:45:52 PM

The warg is from an old Grenadier boxed set: Sauron's Dark Ones (http://www.miniatures-workshop.com/lostminiswiki/index.php?title=Lord_of_the_Rings_Box_Sets#7502_Sauron.27s_Dark_Ones). I picked him up second hand in some eBay joblot. I also have the orc captain from the set, acquired separately.

I look forward to seeing your FTO orcs. Weapon replacement is often a necessity with these; I have a few more of variants of the orc with the axe held out, but this is the only one who has survived the decades intact. I'm planning to drill through their hands and perhaps use them as standard bearers. The orc on the right had to have his axe replaced with a plastic one.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a warg)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 11, 2016, 06:15:51 PM
And here's the magician. He's an old Chronicle hobgoblin shaman. I love this figure: he's crude but effective. I have another kicking around that I'll paint up for skirmish games.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a warg and hobgoblin)
Post by: Severian on December 11, 2016, 06:46:20 PM
He's great!

Cracking work with the symbols, too. Are these brushwork or some type of pen?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a warg)
Post by: Argonor on December 11, 2016, 07:07:02 PM
And here's the magician. He's an old Chronicle hobgoblin shaman. I love this figure: he's crude but effective. I have another kicking around that I'll paint up for skirmish games.

Chronicle - Nick Lund?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a warg and hobgoblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 11, 2016, 09:27:18 PM

Severian, the symbols were done with micron pen - much quicker than with a brush. You can get a pack of them for about a tenner on Amazon, if memory serves. John Blanche and Aly Morrison used to recommend pens for eyeballs and details. I think they work very well for 'bringing up' an otherwise rough and ready paintjob.

Argonor, yes - from this range:


Those hobgoblins loomed large in my childhood - I can remember primary-school "wargames" that involved toppling them from fortifications built with wooden blocks by dint of shooting them with a toy crossbow bought in Sienna!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a warg and hobgoblin)
Post by: Argonor on December 11, 2016, 09:37:00 PM
I always use a 0.05 black permanent felt marker for the irides/pupils of eyes. Never occurred to me to draw musters/symbols with it  :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a warg and hobgoblin)
Post by: Severian on December 11, 2016, 09:53:14 PM
Great, thanks. I'll add some to my Christmas list...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a warg and hobgoblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 11, 2016, 11:15:03 PM
They're handy for tattoos too:


Here's a very basic paintjob on a fairly basic miniature: an old Acropolis bear. I've added a club and shield for Moorcockian reasons (a reference to the Corum books specifically). He won't win any prizes, but he'll take his place at the back of one of the next chaos horde elements.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a warg and hobgoblin)
Post by: Dr. Kevin Moon III esq. on December 12, 2016, 07:19:55 PM
The paintjob on the warg is amazing! Love the shaman as well (and everything else!), he's always been a favourite fig of mine as well.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a warg and hobgoblin)
Post by: Katsuhiko JiNNai on December 12, 2016, 07:58:09 PM
Nicely painted oldhammer miniatures  :D Long live GREEN bases  :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a warg and hobgoblin)
Post by: Argonor on December 12, 2016, 09:32:52 PM
They're handy for tattoos too:

I just wish I could find some alternatives to black around here (as always, Denmark is a complicated country to live in for miniature painters/gamers).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a warg and hobgoblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 13, 2016, 01:22:37 PM
The paintjob on the warg is amazing! Love the shaman as well (and everything else!), he's always been a favourite fig of mine as well.

Cheers! The warg was ludicrously easy to paint: just pre-shaded with a brown wash over a white undercoat, drybrushed white and then tinted with washes appropriate colours while looking at a picture of a real wolf for guidance. Then a light drybrush with an off-white (Citadel's witch-elf flesh or whatever it's called - probably the paint I use more than any other). And that, barring the eyes and mouth, was that. If it took an hour from the start of the tinting, that was all it took.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a warg and hobgoblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 13, 2016, 01:30:42 PM
Nicely painted oldhammer miniatures  :D Long live GREEN bases  :)


Yes, indeed! I always agreed with that Aly Morrison line on keeping bases as simple as possible.

I fully realise that my bases don't always look great in close-up photos. But they do give the vaguely organic but unobtrusive look I'm after on the tabletop.

While there are many people (especially on this site) who can handle static grass, etc., very well, I've seen a lot of miniatures with over-elaborate and fussy bases that actually detract from the figures.

That said, I have been playing about with the idea of adding patches of bare dirt to some of these (though I'll probably never get round to it ...). Above all, what I like is the contrast between a gloss-varnished miniature and a matt, roughly textured base. It seems to be a specialist taste these days, but it was once the glorious norm ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a warg and hobgoblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 20, 2016, 11:22:33 PM
In an idle moment, I totted up the number of miniatures I've painted this year. It seems to be resting around 205. I wonder if I can push it to 250 before year-end, given the hordes of the half-finished on my painting table.

Here's one candidate - an old Tom Meier dragon. He's not finished; quite apart from the base, I need to add a few more highlights and whatnot. But he's getting there, I think.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Meier dragon WIP)
Post by: Severian on December 21, 2016, 12:42:44 AM
Splendid stuff - certainly worth taking over the final furlong!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Meier dragon WIP)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 22, 2016, 11:53:05 PM
Thanks - he'll get there!

Today, we had a last-minute post-school Christmas party for some friends and their children. My wife, organising the event last night, announced that I would be supervising "board games" for the kids. So I put together a game of Tales of Blades and Heroes. The PCs were sent by their communities to purge a goblin nest in Shadow Valley. After a protracted above-ground encounter with an evil, anthropophagous giant pumpkin who was meant to be keeping watch for the goblins but was open to being bribed with their corpses, they descended into the underworld to hunt down the rest of the goblins and their sorcerous master.

I made some character sheets with photographs of the relevant miniatures. To do that, I finished a couple of Reaper Bones lizardmen that had been on the go for about two years. That took my total for the year to 207 - and then I remembered the mouslings I'd painted for my daughter, two of which were in today's lineup. So I'm on around 215 or so, I think.

The lizardmen suffered from all the usual Bones problems - especially soft detail around the mouths and teeth. But at least they're usable now.

The game was a big hit. We had four or five hours of solid play, with a couple of first-time gamers thoroughly enthused. And they got to complete the "dungeon", which always helps.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Meier dragon and TBH PCs)
Post by: Argonor on December 23, 2016, 06:05:42 PM
Absolutely spiffy!  :-*
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Meier dragon and TBH PCs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 26, 2016, 03:59:45 PM

Here are three HotT elements: a dragon, a magician and ... something else. I got them finished off in spurts before the Great Wrapping Exertions of Christmas Eve and during the Great Lego Excitements of Christmas Day.

The beholder makes a pretty versatile HotT element. It could be a god, a magician, an aerial hero, a flyer, a behemoth, a magician or even artillery.

It took a fraction of the time of the others to paint. I was slightly dreading it, given its Bones nature and its complexity, but those fears proved misplaced.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (beholder, dragon and magician)
Post by: beefcake on December 26, 2016, 07:09:21 PM
Brilliant additions there.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (beholder, dragon and magician)
Post by: Severian on December 27, 2016, 06:15:24 PM
Great work all round!

And good to hear that the beholder is easier than he looks (I've had one hanging about unpainted for a while too).

Well done on fitting in some hobby time, too: I've got half a dozen goblins and a full battalion of peninsular war British infantry 90-95% done, but have hardly picked up a paint brush for five days, what with wrappings and unwrappings and cookings and eatings and endless Lego and family visits...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (beholder, dragon and magician)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 28, 2016, 08:56:14 AM

My holiday geekery has been helped by the commandeering of a kitchen table as the "messy table" by everyone else in the house. So, while Chinese brush painting, Fimo sculpting and balloon-animal making are going on apace, no one can reasonably object to a few paints and miniatures ...

I played a couple of games of HotT last night with an old friend who was my first HotT opponent. That was in 1991, when the rules first came out: we mistakenly thought they were long established then, given the low production values of the first-edition book. We each won one game last night. My friend had the dragon on both occasions; these were the first HotT games we'd played with such a beast. The dragon arrived on the table quite early in both games, but was also driven off fairly sharpish. (In HotT, dragons require a PIP roll of six to be deployed. They're formidable but flighty: their longevity means that they take being shoved around in combat very badly and tend to flee the table).

My opponent's observation was that it's best to deploy dragons against low-quality or isolated troops. In the first game, my blades general attacked him with support from another blades unit and a flanking horde; in the second, his rolls went badly against a warband element with rear support from another.

The most effective troop types in the first game were riders (the spider-elf "drider" hybrids in the photo), which harassed my warbands to great effect as they crossed the river, breaking up their formation and slowing them down. In the second game, the orc warbands came into their own, bursting out of woods to mess up opposing blades and behemoths.

These were both conventional 24-AP games; I'm keen to try a 36-pointer with 1D6+1 PIPs a turn.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with HotT battle reports)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 28, 2016, 04:05:17 PM
These were our rider elements last night. I've had these models on the painting table since mid-2014, when I got back into gaming. They're Reaper Bones, with fairly soft "paint your own" facial detail. I was still messing about with painting techniques then and used black undercoats. I'd do them very differently now. But the impending games spurred me to get them more or less done yesterday. Serendipitously, I'd based them on Fireforge group bases that turn out to be the perfect size for HotT riders.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some driders)
Post by: Hummster on December 28, 2016, 05:06:25 PM
Which HotT base widths were you using 60mm or 40mm?

Going to have to get my old 15mm armies for it out sometime and get gaming with them and DBA 3.0
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some driders)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 29, 2016, 10:09:27 AM
Which HotT base widths were you using 60mm or 40mm?

These are 60mm - the standard for 28/25mm figures. The width works fine for 28mm, I think, especially as you can just use fewer models per base if need be (perfectly legal under the rules, if one cared about such things). The recommended depths are far too small for most cavalry models, though. These driders fit perfectly onto 60 x 40, but they're hardly typical cavalry. My 1991-era cavalry are based 60 x 50, I think, and I'll probably use that or 60 x 60 for any other cavalry I base up for HotT. Again, it's entirely permissible under the rules, which explicitly allow for deeper bases to accommodate whatever figures are being used.

Going to have to get my old 15mm armies for it out sometime and get gaming with them and DBA 3.0

Yes, it's a cracking game. It's been around for 25 years, is still popular and has, in that time, had but a single significant rule change (warbands and shooters swapping movement rates). Very few other popular fantasy wargaming systems can boast that level of stability (Warhammer, I believe, has been through six editions over the same period ...).

The reason for HotT's stability, I think, is that its rules are pretty much watertight. That's great, because it puts the focus on modelling and painting rather than list-building.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some driders)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 03, 2017, 03:07:22 PM
Here are some WIP Mantic marauders for a friend's sons (I gave them copies of Mutants and Death Ray Guns and Rogue Stars, so these are to accompany the rules). Besides their bases, they still need a bit of neatening up.

I've got loads of these models kicking about, having acquired loads for free from a local games shop when I first got back into gaming. Some have been turned into the "orcs of the White Serpent":


Others became an SoBH warband along with some Reaper Bones chaps:


Some more often features in our sci-fi games:


And others still became 15mm giants:


But working on the latest batch, it struck me that they'd make excellent HotT shooters. I don't have many suitable elements at the moment; while I have a couple of orc crossbow bases, most of my old shooters were GW savage orcs (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=77384.msg954309#msg954309). Those, with their bows and loincloths, suited the initial HotT rules, in which shooters were fast. But now that the warband and shooter profiles have swapped movement rates, they're much better as the former than the latter.

The Mantic "orx", on the other hand, are perfect for HotT shooters, which are acknowledged in the rules as overpowered for historical archers and the like. They're bulky, so will go two to a base. I found eight of them still on the sprues last night, and I suspect there are several more sprues kicking about. The ones with power claws and power swords could go two to a base as blades, perhaps, while the heavy-weapon guy could be based as artillery. I'm beginning to see an entire HotT army here ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with WIP marauders ...)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 03, 2017, 08:01:35 PM
A quick audit revealed c. 40 of the fiends. With two to a base, that's more than enough for even an oversized (36AP) HotT army with a few to spare for casualty removal when used in Dragon Rampant (or for skirmish games).

I think these figures have been discontinued, but I far prefer them to the other, goofier space orcs that Mantic do. These at least have a gothic, steampunky vibe. I see the army as the horde of an evil wizard, perhaps with a Howl's Moving Castle-style stronghold. So the army will be primarily shooters, with artillery and/or magicians (high-tech heavy weaponry could be either) and perhaps some blades.

To begin with, of course, the first elements will be auxiliaries for our existing HotT forces. I'm keen to expand those: we played a great 36AP game yesterday (below is its end). I can see a multi-player 94-point game on the cards in the near future.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with WIP marauders ...)
Post by: Maxromek on January 04, 2017, 12:28:24 AM
Been a long time lurker, but this thread is pure gold. I love your old style orcs and your chaos hordes. Also, the quest for proper Tolkien orcs is close to my heart. You're doing such a great job pal!

See those Vendel goblins from like 30 pages ago. Where did you get them? They fit very well with what I'm looking for.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with WIP marauders ...)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 04, 2017, 12:51:28 AM
Many thanks!

I got the Vendel goblins from someone on this forum, after they came up in that long discussion on the Uruk-hai. They're still made by Sgt Major Miniatures (http://www.sgmm.biz/Goblins_c_68.html), though I don't know what the shipping's like.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with WIP marauders ...)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 08, 2017, 11:06:55 AM
Here are the first members of my new HotT army of "steampunky goblins". These two will serve as an artillery element once based. The bulk of the army will be shooters - two to a base.

These are really quick and dirty paintjobs, not least because some of the details on these Mantic figures are a bit soft or obscure (it's very hard to tell where a given garment or piece of armour begins and ends, for example). But they'll do. One observation I've made from playing HotT recently with both recent armies and those I painted hastily as a teenager is that the (significant) difference in quality is hardly noticeable during a game.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with goblin steampunk artillery)
Post by: Globlin on January 08, 2017, 09:19:03 PM
For quick and dirty paintjobs they certainly look the business! Looking forward to watching this new force take shape.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with goblin steampunk artillery)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 13, 2017, 02:20:27 PM
Thanks! I've made a fair bit of progress with some of the shooters and hope to get the first few elements finished over the weekend.

These are a separate project - for a friend's kids. I'm aiming for a motley crew of twelve or so intergalactic ne'erdowells:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with more marauders)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 14, 2017, 12:28:13 AM
Here's one of the new Dark Alliance 1/72 war trolls in progress. They've got all the usual drawbacks of soft plastic 1/72 figures, but they're a great size and shape for HOTT behemoths. I was going to say that they're a little too big for Tolkien's trolls, but then I came across this description of Ents from The Two Towers:

"[There] came forward out of the trees three strange shapes. As tall as trolls they were, twelve feet or more in height...."

Now, I think there's a good argument that the Olog-hai were actually smaller than traditional types of trolls (the Morannon description and the comparison with Orcs in the indices point to that), but these models are clearly eligible for 28mm Tolkienish trolldom.

I'm not a great fan of the film's trolls, but while these are clearly based on the films, I think they've actually improved the design a bit by making them more man-shaped.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a Dark Alliance troll WIP)
Post by: beefcake on January 14, 2017, 05:11:03 AM
That's nice. I may look into some of those myself. Would they be suitable to chop up?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with WIP marauders ...)
Post by: Shub-Nullgurath on January 14, 2017, 10:18:22 AM
Here are the first members of my new HotT army of "steampunky goblins". These two will serve as an artillery element once based. The bulk of the army will be shooters - two to a base.

These are really quick and dirty paintjobs, not least because some of the details on these Mantic figures are a bit soft or obscure (it's very hard to tell where a given garment or piece of armour begins and ends, for example). But they'll do. One observation I've made from playing HotT recently with both recent armies and those I painted hastily as a teenager is that the (significant) difference in quality is hardly noticeable during a game.

These look great, what are they built from?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a Dark Alliance troll WIP)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 14, 2017, 02:43:08 PM
That's nice. I may look into some of those myself. Would they be suitable to chop up?

They're thick-limbed and sturdy, but with a fine saw you could chop them up well enough. They're made of a fairly hard polythene, so they'd need pinning and greenstuffing to reassemble the bits.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with WIP marauders ...)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 14, 2017, 02:46:08 PM
These look great, what are they built from?

Thanks! They're just as-they-come Mantic "orx". I think the sprues may no longer be available from Mantic, but but there are plenty available cheaply on eBay.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a Dark Alliance troll WIP)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 15, 2017, 12:39:46 PM
Here are the first couple of Dark Alliance trolls. They and their kin will form some behemoth elements for HOTT - two to a base, I think.

The one with the hammer was undercoated, rather unsuccessfully, with GW's Imperial Primer. The one with the bardiche-style axe was just sprayed with GW white spray, which worked much better - no rubbing off of paint during drybrushing. They were very quick to paint - I sprayed the second one last night. At a quid a piece, they're definitely the cheapest large trolls on the market. And, while I don't particularly like the film interpretations, I like these better than the Reaper Bones version:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Dark Alliance trolls)
Post by: peleset on January 17, 2017, 02:38:33 AM

Finding good Trolls that work well with 15mm figures has been, it seems sometimes, an eternal problem for me. I thought the Khurusan ones were good, but the ones you've done look excellent and at a price not even a wargamer can whinge about.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Dark Alliance trolls)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 17, 2017, 09:10:37 AM
These are pretty big in 28mm, so they'd be very big for 15mm. I'm basing them two to a 60mm square base, but it's a bit of a squeeze (as you can see, they'd be OK based one to a 60mm square).

For 15mm, I think the Copplestone 10mm trolls (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=77384.msg1138170#msg1138170) look pretty good - they fit the Olog-hai/hill-troll description at the Morannon.

If you want something bigger, these Mantic orcs (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=77384.msg1130616#msg1130616) are sort of equivalent to the Dark Alliance ones in stature and gear for 15mm.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Dark Alliance trolls)
Post by: beefcake on January 17, 2017, 09:38:37 AM
Great paint job on those. Well done.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Dark Alliance trolls)
Post by: Hummster on January 17, 2017, 10:06:12 AM
I was thinking of getting some to use as Trolls or Ogres in 28mm and Giants in 15mm given how tall they are.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Dark Alliance trolls)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 17, 2017, 10:15:06 AM
I was thinking of getting some to use as Trolls or Ogres in 28mm and Giants in 15mm given how tall they are.

Yup, they're very big. I think you could squeeze one onto a 40mm base for 15mm (for HOTT or whatever). They'd certainly fit onto 50mm. They are colossal, though - I reckon they're at least 12' tall in 28mm and massive with it. So they'd be absolutely titanic in 15mm.

I watched the segment of the troll attack on Gondor in the LotR films, which confirmed my view that these models are actually better than their source material: the faces are less goofy and the weapons more appropriately sized. The models look much nastier than the film's trolls.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Dark Alliance trolls)
Post by: beefcake on January 17, 2017, 10:19:00 AM
Any chance of a scale shot with a 28mm?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Dark Alliance trolls)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 17, 2017, 11:10:54 AM
I'll post one tonight (I hope to get the bases done for the first troll element).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Dark Alliance trolls)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 21, 2017, 10:27:14 PM
Better late than never, I hope!

Here are the finished trolls and artillery, along with a size comparison. The chaos warrior in the picture is an old solid-based one, and he's sitting on a 20x20 base (i.e. he's the size of a normal human).

Awful photos as ever, but they should give an idea of the size of the trolls. I like them: they're a perfect behemoth element for HOTT, as they look big enough to form a convincing pantomime oliphaunt.

The chaos warrior WIP is the start of a new plan: basing up all my old, unpainted solid-based chaos warriors for HOTT. A quick audit revealed around 24 or so of them kicking around. I've also got a couple of the old knights of law, who'll probably switch sides (as they appeared to have done in Tabletop Heroes). Once those are done, I'll divest these guys (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=77384.msg954280#msg954280) of their teenage paintjobs and redo them to match. But not before the rest are done.

The rationale for this is that I much prefer those early chaos warriors to any that GW (or anyone else has done since). And if I base them for HOTT (and thus use them for that game and Dragon Rampant), I'll get lots of them on the table far more than if I base them for skirmishes or RPGs. I can't envisage any situation where having 24 individually based chaos warriors would be necessary; they're more likely to feature in small groups either in SOBH or TBH. And for those, I have several already painted up, plus a fair few of the Jez Goodwin slottabased ones, which are much bigger and thus much better suited to skirmishes rather than HOTT. The older ones don't even have to be chaos warriors - I can see them featuring in HOTT or DR games as evil warriors or a wizard's guard or malignant mercenaries.

This is just one part of a mass painting and basing exercise for 2017. I've got loads of ancient miniatures kicking around that could be put to much better use on the table. As HOTT armies are small (around 40 figures), and as new elements can be added incrementally to older armies, there's huge scope to dart around between armies and bring them along fairly quickly. So, in no particular order, I plan to work on the following for HOTT this year:

1. A slann army (blades/spears for the palace guards, a wizard, the odd horde element of slaves, and the braves as warbands, shooters or lurkers).

2. An army of C36 hobgoblins. I've got more than enough of these. This army will be largely warband, but perhaps with some blade elements consisting of the most heavily armoured types. And hobhound beast units, of course, and the occasional bit of rocket artillery. I have a temple dog for a knight or behemoth general, though alas I no longer have the hobgoblin rider (instead, I have an punkish amazon of some description). The general element will - of course - contain Gyorukinti.

3. The army of "steampunk" goblins, of which this artillery element is the first bit. I've got some shooter units underway and plan to have pretty much the whole army made up of shooters, with artillery and a wizard general.

4. A reptile army - lizardmen led by a behemoth (Grenadier's flightless platinum dragon) with flyers (Grenadier dragonmen) and knights/riders/beasts (cold one riders of various vintages), as well as a wizard.

5. A "good" army consisting of Fantasy Tribe dwarf blades and artillery, !980s Citadel ents as behemoths, eagles as flyers and a wizard or two.

6. Chaos: the old chaos warriors, some contemporary chaos hounds, some chaos centaurs, more behemoths, demons as flying heroes and gods, and many more hordes (I've got at least five bases' worth of WIPs). And a chaos ship (as an airboat element).

7. More goblins! More hordes, at least one more element of trolls, some Chronicle wolfriders and more Essex blade elements and Fantasy Tribe warbands. Plus some night goblins spears, perhaps.

Now, this all sounds a bit ambitious. But I got at least two and a half HOTT armies done last year, after starting in mid-July and proceeding quite slowly until recently, with quite a bit of other stuff thrown in. And of the 60ish AP I completed, 8 was horde elements - which are at least twice as much work at other elements and half the points cost.

The nice thing about painting up HOTT elements is that you can just slot them into existing armies as you complete them. I suspect the slann and reptile armies will evolve together, for example. We shall see ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (completed Dark Alliance trolls)
Post by: Globlin on January 22, 2017, 10:45:36 AM
The trolls look great. Kudos to Pippin for managing to down one outside the Black Gate!

Sounds like you've got a busy year ahead.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (completed Dark Alliance trolls)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 30, 2017, 11:36:58 AM
Thanks, Globlin!

Yes - it's a fairly full schedule, miniatures-wise - but HOTT armies don't take long to paint. Basing and undercoating aside, a dedicated week of evenings should be enough to get a full 24 points done. I also have some plans for some skirmish warbands: Aly Morrison half-orcs and hobgoblins (one of each; the hobgoblins to act as "extras" when I use the HOTT-based hobgoblins for Dragon Rampant); Trish Morrison lizardmen; old Citadel dwarfs; and some Runequest broo. In each case, I have a few painted up already, so the goal is to expand each band to 10-12 or so.

Top of this list are the Morrison half-orcs, which are simply fantastic figures:


Unusually with Citadel models of this vintage, I'm not inclined to multi-base these fellows: they're simply too individual and characterful. And they were clearly designed as adventurers rather than warriors: witness the D&D character classes in the descriptions. Also, they've got lots of "skirmishy" detail: one of the assassins has a crossbow on his back as well as a two-handed sword, while another has sword and shield and a two-handed sword on his back. That's all stuff that can be catered for nicely in ASOBH or Battlesworn or the equivalent. I'm planning to run another Tales of Blades and Heroes game for my kids and their friends, and I can see these fellows featuring as villains (or ambiguous NPCs at best).

The only one I have completed so far is this fellow (from a while back - he's the assassin with the crossbow):


But I have the "cleric" almost done and a couple of the fighters on the way. I also have the foot and mounted hero underway, though he's going to be quite painstaking (in an effort to have both versions match).

Something that got me in a "skirmishy" mood yesterday was chancing upon the Dave Graffam paper models going very cheaply on DriveThruRPG. I'd initially gone for the pay-what-you-want samples, but noticed that lots of stuff that's normally $4 or $5 is going for $1. Even at current exchange rates, that made it all far too tempting. I spent about a fiver and got a whole batch of buildings. I glued the first few sheets to cereal-box card and began to assemble them - results below. I printed them on light card, which would have been OK on its own, but would have resulted in fairly fragile models. As I've done them, they're really robust. The downside is rougher corner folds with bigger gaps, but I followed the tip on using a black marker to line them. That might not look great close up, but it works fine at "tabletop distance". I might drybrush up some of the bigger black lines, but I probably won't bother. One thing I might do in future is leave the finer parts (chimneys etc) unbacked.

Anyway, I've already got three buildings constructed, and I'll have a smallish settlement done shortly. I can feel some urban skirmishing coming on. And for the TBH game, I think a riff on the Scouring of the Shire might be appropriate - "cleaning up" a town that's been taken over by half-orcs. I even have quite a few old Citadel halflings and hobbits kicking around ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (+ cheap DriveThruRPG buildings)
Post by: majorsmith on January 30, 2017, 01:03:01 PM
I like those buildings! Have you got a link to them?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (+ cheap DriveThruRPG buildings)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 30, 2017, 01:41:08 PM
I like those buildings! Have you got a link to them?

Here's the link to the creator's website:


You can buy them from various webshops, including DriveThruRPG, from his site.

They really are excellent. I'll certainly be snapping up a good few more (not least some sci-fi ones for Rogue Stars and MDRG). And there's a lot of conversion potential - for instance, the tower could easily lose a few floors to become a shack. There are lots of crates and things in with the kits too. And of course, once you've bought the PDFs, you can print as many as you like (or at least until your spouse makes enquiries about the levels of printer ink ...).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (+ cheap DriveThruRPG buildings)
Post by: majorsmith on January 30, 2017, 06:57:22 PM
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (+ cheap DriveThruRPG buildings)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 01, 2017, 11:11:25 AM
A WIP half-orc - I've since fixed the blotch by the eye and the shield rim. Tonight I'll give his cloak the mud-spattering it deserves.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a WIP half-orc)
Post by: fred on February 01, 2017, 06:11:12 PM
Looking good, I had a variant of that last half-orc, with a different head.

With the fold lines on the buildings - rather than using marker pen, it can be worth using a normal painting wash or ink to go over the white bits, this tends to be not quite as strong on any overlaps.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a WIP half-orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 01, 2017, 11:27:32 PM
Thanks, Fred. Is that the chap in the hood with the mace? He's steeping in Biostrip as I type ...

Thanks for the tip - I'll try that next time out (one of the great things about these buildings is that you can just print out more!). I tried using a pastel marker for the one in the photos below; it's glaring here, but is hardly noticeably on the tabletop.

Here's another Trish Morrison beastman that arrived in the mail today. I'm trying to make an effort to get started straight away on eBay purchases.

This little wolfman is destined for my HOTT chaos hordes, along with these fellows. I'll aim to get one or two brighter or weirder types to go on the same base, so that they don't look too drab next to their peers (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=77384.msg1180554#msg1180554).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a chaos wolf man)
Post by: beefcake on February 02, 2017, 05:04:05 AM
Hey those are cool. Nice work.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a chaos wolf man)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 02, 2017, 01:52:53 PM

I also made a little progress on the half-orc last night. Here he is with some of his full-blooded kin - although I think Aly Morrison's hobgoblins make a better set of "orcish" counterparts (and they're certainly close to Tolkien's orcs than the Citadel ones).

One thing I love about the preslotta half-orcs is the unifying shield design, which, despite their disparity, makes them instantly recognisable as a skirmish warband or Frostgrave side or Dragon Rampant unit (probably Bellicose Foot with Wizardling, to account for both the shaman/cleric and the various missile weapons secreted about their disreputable persons).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with chaos wolf man and half-orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 03, 2017, 01:09:10 AM
Here's a quick lizardman - one of Karnac's reptilian raiders. I've got a few of these Trish Morrison lizardmen kicking around and am being prompted by my son to get them painted up. The contemporary Warhammer fluff had most of them green, grey or brown but with a wide range of brighter colours too. I quite like that idea - especially with duplicates. And nearly all of these are duplicates in the sense that most of them share two basic heads.

I quite fancy using these guys in Rogue Stars and Mutants and Death Ray Guns. In earlier paintjobs, some of them did time as primitive aliens in first-edition 40K. I seem to recall that the one with the big mace was roughly the colour of the archer then.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a reptilian raider)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 04, 2017, 12:41:07 AM
Here's a skirmish-based hobgoblin. I was thinking about how to paint the HOTT army, a large chunk of which emerged from the Biostrip earlier this evening and decided to try out the bluish skin tone I've been using on other orcish creatures - not least because it nods to the Japanese oni. I think it works pretty well - and, most importantly, it was very quick to do!

I'll also probably do some in other colours for variety - as below, but also perhaps bright red skin (nodding to the oni again) in black armour.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a C36 hobgoblin)
Post by: fred on February 04, 2017, 07:59:49 AM
That works!

I've noticed you have now reached 100,000 views for this thread. Great going.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a C36 hobgoblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 05, 2017, 11:34:07 AM
Thanks! I hadn't noticed the numbers. Here's another shot of the hobgoblin - I'm quite pleased with how his face turned out, so was trying to get a shot of it in better light. Alas, it's come out slightly pointillist in this one!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a C36 hobgoblin)
Post by: randycarter on February 05, 2017, 11:54:35 AM
Thanks! I hadn't noticed the numbers. Here's another shot of the hobgoblin - I'm quite pleased with how his face turned out, so was trying to get a shot of it in better light. Alas, it's come out slightly pointillist in this one!

Yes, those reddish shades on nose, lips and eyebrows are a wery nice touch, wery well done. Good job!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a C36 hobgoblin)
Post by: DeafNala on February 05, 2017, 12:36:54 PM
The only place I ever saw those Hobgoblins was in White Dwarf photos. Yours look a great deal better than the ones I recall. VERY WELL DONE!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a C36 hobgoblin)
Post by: Hummster on February 05, 2017, 08:56:56 PM
I do miss those old GW figures, I liked the sculpting far more than the modern ones. Nice paintjobs and callout to the oni.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a C36 hobgoblin)
Post by: Remgain on February 05, 2017, 09:22:52 PM
Hi Justin!

Neve saw this thread!  :o
You've quite a collection! !! :-*

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a C36 hobgoblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 09, 2017, 12:12:21 AM
Thanks, all!

Here are the first "steampunk goblin" shooter units for HOTT. With the artillery element, these are a point off being a third of a HOTT army. While they await further recruits, they'll serve as auxiliaries for my other HOTT goblins.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now w/steampunk goblins for HOTT)
Post by: Battle Brush Sigur on February 09, 2017, 05:43:18 PM
What a beast of a thread! And so much goodness in there. :D I love SoBH (and Advanced SoBH). HOTT is still on the list. For that I'll repurpose my 10mm Thirty Years War stuff as Warhammer Empire-like stuff.

Anyway, you got a great collection there. Proper old-school (good school) minis for all occasions. Keep it up!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now w/steampunk goblins for HOTT)
Post by: Severian on February 11, 2017, 05:20:51 PM
Lots of good things in the past week or two: the hobgoblins in particular are very fine. The blue skin tone works well; I'm thinking about trying it out on a goblin or two...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now w/steampunk goblins for HOTT)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 21, 2017, 02:42:18 PM

Here's a different sort of hobgoblin - one of the old Perry Fantasy Tribe ones from 1982. I have a few of these kicking about, including three that I painted up for HOTT as a teenager. And I've just acquired a few more, the first of which I painted last night.

The Perry hobgoblins are interesting in several respects. They are nowhere near as good as the Ali Morrison ones that replaced them (both had the C36 code), but they have quite a bit of charm of their own. They seem to come from a transitional stage in the Perrys' development, as some are fairly crude and others are rather good (the one with the spear in the HOTT block below, for example). The best look fine next to the C15 armoured orcs, whereas the worst are on a par with the Fiend Factory goblins.

They don't have the oriental trappings of their Morrison cousins, who sport samurai armour, asymmetrical bows, Mongol-type helmets and katanas, naginatas and yaris. But they do have quite a bit in common: most notably, horned helmets and peculiar three-toed feet.

That said, the models aren't really compatible - the Morrison ones are far superior and a lot less rough in the finish, and The Perry gear and large heads are quite distinct. So I don't plan to mix them. Instead, I plan to base up four HOTT warband elements, which will also serve as a single Dragon Rampant unit of bellicose foot. Any spares will be based individually as casualty markers (I only need a couple for DR, and I already have this chap (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=77384.msg1009892#msg1009892), who can fit in as some sort of albino if need be).

Four warband elements make up a third of a conventional HOTT army. I'm trying to create lots of different "modular" bits of HOTT armies, so that friends (and my son's friends) can put together armies quickly and easily before getting a game started. So the Perry hobgoblins will work as a nice group to that end. I might pair them with an old Citadel wizard as they were originally advertised together (http://www.solegends.com/citads1983a/fly198301ftwfthf-111021-01.jpg), and I have the one with the scroll and horned helmet (top figure, bottom right). A hobgoblin bodyguard on his base would tie the elements together nicely. And then it's a small matter to add some demon flyers or skeletal hordes to flesh out a full army ...

There seem to be very few examples of painted Perry hobgoblins on the web. The excellent Eldritch Epistles blog has some of Bryan Ansell's (http://eldritchepistles.blogspot.co.uk/2013/09/bryans-cabinets-ofoldhammer.html), and there's one on the Greblord site (http://greblord-littlemen.blogspot.co.uk/2014/12/citadel-c36-hobgoblin-with-sword-and.html). But that's about it.

The old HOTT element, below, will be Biostripped and repainted to match the new one once I've worked through the unpainted ones.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an old Perry hobgoblin)
Post by: Severian on February 21, 2017, 06:21:14 PM
He's excellent - great work as ever.

Those Perry hobgoblins are more or less my era; I think I'd drifted into other teenage preoccupations before their successors came along... Don't think I ever owned any back in the day, though I remember them from catalogues and the like.

Your teenage paintjobs aren't at all bad, btw. I'd be tempted to recondition them rather than redo them from scratch, if you think they need sprucing up.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an old Perry hobgoblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 21, 2017, 06:47:39 PM
Many thanks!

Those Perry hobgoblins are more or less my era; I think I'd drifted into other teenage preoccupations before their successors came along... Don't think I ever owned any back in the day, though I remember them from catalogues and the like.

I think they were just before my time - I never saw them in the shops, and the ones I had as a teenager were acquired second-hand. Grizlock, the one with the big mace over his shoulder, was an exception, I think, because the boxed set he was part of persisted until the slotta era.

Your teenage paintjobs aren't at all bad, btw. I'd be tempted to recondition them rather than redo them from scratch, if you think they need sprucing up.

Thanks! They've seen quite a bit of use recently in HOTT and DR games, but they are a bit tired close up. They weren't the best I could do even then, because I rushed them out to start playing HOTT (which was then brand new):


 Oddly enough, they look better in photos than on the table, where the less drab colours of the new one really distinguish it. So I will eventually strip them on the basis that it'll be easier to get them to match the others by starting from scratch than by fiddling around with varnished models. But I won't do it until the other elements are finished.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an old Perry hobgoblin)
Post by: Ragsta on February 22, 2017, 01:54:28 PM

This is one of my favourite threads here. Your painting (and basing) style is a refreshing change from others I see, and all the old models have so much character in them. You also seem like a nice chap for responding to everyone, which not all bloggers do :)

I do find myself wondering what your model mountain from days of yore really looks like though.... Rank upon rank of figures waiting to march forth?  ;)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an old Perry hobgoblin)
Post by: beefcake on February 23, 2017, 10:08:00 AM
Nice. I really love the skin painting you do.
I had a recent arrival of some armoured trolls. They are huge. Great for 28mms ranges. Thanks for posting them here.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an old Perry hobgoblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 23, 2017, 02:09:53 PM
Thanks, chaps!

I do find myself wondering what your model mountain from days of yore really looks like though.... Rank upon rank of figures waiting to march forth?  ;)

Ah - more like a few sizeable plastic crates filled with dust and detritus and buried miniatures. Do you remember Mac's Models in Edinburgh? I used to paint miniatures for the shop's painting service when I was a kid, and I amassed lots of freebies and staff-discount stuff along the way. I also did some "concept sketches"* for Acropolis and designed a couple of bits of scenery for Fantasy Forge, as well as doing some painting for them. Much of the payment was in kind (quite a good deal at today's eBay prices ...), so I amassed loads of miniatures that were manufactured before I got into gaming (Fantasy Tribe gnolls and the like).

All my old painted Warhammer stuff went to charity shops long ago (with my blessing), although the HOTT armies were packed away in my parents' house and thus survived. But the unpainted miniatures made their way back to me a few years ago. I offered to give it all to a rugby teammate who was still a keen gamer, but he said - sagely - "Wait until your wee boy is old enough for gaming, and keep it for him". Sure enough ...

Beefcake - yes, those trolls are a good size. I have a second element of them underway at the moment.

*loosely defined - they were pretty rough!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an old Perry hobgoblin)
Post by: Little Odo on February 23, 2017, 04:10:25 PM
Nowhere nearly as well painted as yours, but here are my attempts at the old Citadel Hobgoblins...

http://littleodo.blogspot.co.uk/2013/09/citadel-hobgoblins.html (http://littleodo.blogspot.co.uk/2013/09/citadel-hobgoblins.html)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an old Perry hobgoblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 23, 2017, 04:40:42 PM
Those are great!

I'm very keen to get hold of the leader figure with the sword on his shoulder, as he's one I don't have.

I should finish the three I've got underway tonight, and then will be moving on to some of the others. The crouching ones I have had their noses flattened over the years, so they need a bit of green-stuffing. Quite a few of the rest need to be heavily reconstructed - missing weapons, feet and legs. In the dim and distant past, though, someone (can't remember if it was me or whoever I got them from ) drilled out the legs and hands, so the rebuilding should be fairly easy. And the feet of the originals are fairly crude anyway.

I'm also wondering whether to include Num-Tin the giant hobgoblin, as he's physiologically close to these fellows, though differently dressed:


He might work well as a bodyguard for the human wizard that will be leading the hobgoblins, although I have a duplicate crouching one who might do that job too.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an old Perry hobgoblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 27, 2017, 09:56:45 AM
Watching the rugby and child-wrangling took out most of the weekend, but I managed to make a little progress on the Perry hobgoblins. I've got four at the "almost there" stage now.

I was tempted to base them individually, but their uniformity and the fact that I've got quite a few duplicated stiffened my resolve to keep them multi-based. I'll wait until I have most of them done before basing, though, as I want to get the groups of three optimised. Two of the ones that I've yet to paint have their hands drilled out, so I'll be adding standards in a large and flamboyant old-school style.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with WIP Perry hobgoblins)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 27, 2017, 10:47:04 PM
And just about there now ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with Fantasy Tribe hobgoblins)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 02, 2017, 12:33:44 AM
Here's another hobgoblin - my favourite of this batch. I'll base him with the spear & shield and club & shield fellows. The scimitar chap and the discipline master will go with a still-to-be-done standard-bearer.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a hobgoblin champion)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 02, 2017, 11:05:51 AM
And one more - to show the malevolence in this fellow's gaze.

I think these models show an interesting transitional phase in the Perrys' development. Some of them (the one with the raised club and the one with the whip) are really quite crude, especially with the faces - it was almost "paint your own" with the club one. The club-wielder's pose is a bit crude too. But the faces on the others are much more developed. And the better models herald what the Perrys do best - convincing, natural poses. They make an interesting comparison with Tom Meier's wonderful giant goblins (aka half-orcs, aka orcs), which came out three years earlier:


The giant goblins are far better detailed and finished, but already the Perrys are just starting to gain an edge with the naturalism of their figures' stances. The hobgoblins are cruder than the giant goblins, but also less baroque.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a hobgoblin champion)
Post by: fred on March 03, 2017, 07:42:04 AM
I do like that mob of hobgoblins, I had the figures back in the day, so its great to see them again, and even better to see them painted up so well.

The Meir goblin looks very stylised, almost serpent like in the way its limbs are sculpted. The hobgoblins do have a much more natural human like look (the look of a group of people you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley though!)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a hobgoblin champion)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 03, 2017, 01:46:21 PM
Thanks, fred!

Basing is underway - although the second base needs the standard-bearer (a variant of the guy with the club).

I'm also going to work on some dwarfs over the weekend - Citadel Fantasy Tribe with a smattering of Asgard. Initially, they might even form part of the same army. I've always liked this line in The Hobbit:

" ... in some parts wicked dwarves had even made alliances with them [goblins] ..."
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a hobgoblin champion)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 05, 2017, 10:19:38 PM
Here's a hobgoblin of a different sort. I've got four of the slottabase Chronicle hobgoblins kicking about (the best four, as it happens: Soul Stealer, Mangler, Champion and Hero):


I've also got the three similar hobgoblins/goblins from Ugezod's Death Commandos: Sileth, Kudra and Shylob. They're not quite as Japanese-styles as the others but are close enough - and all of them are quite distinct from the earlier Chronicle hobgoblins. They all look more like Japanese oni than anything else, so I've decided to treat them as such. So they're getting lighter-coloured and somewhat cleaner clothes than hobgoblins might be expected to sport.

I see a future for these chaps in A Fistful of Kung Fu (as oni), in SOBH and in Dragon Rampant (as Elite Foot).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oni the Lonely ...)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 06, 2017, 12:05:27 PM
And a Chronicle cave goblin to keep him company. One thing about most "hobgoblin" ranges is that they don't really map onto a corresponding "goblin" range. The hobgoblin/goblin big/small thing comes from Tolkien into D&D, but then gets confused by D&D's proliferation of humanoids. So, while Tolkien's orcs were goblins, and the biggest orcs (uruks) were both goblins and hobgoblins, D&D confused things by separating them all out into different species. Miniature companies followed suit, but somehow the link that was there in Tolkien, D&D and first-edition Warhammer (where the first few goblins in the Ziggurat of Doom scenario could be hobgoblins) was generally broken. Chronicle, though, did produce the cave goblins, which were essentially smaller versions of the company's hobgoblins, with the same long hair and topknots and slightly oriental stylings.

I've got a few of them, which will give this warband some cannon fodder. I want at least four, so that they can be used as the mandatory four generic "fighters" in Battlesworn and as a group in Rogue Planet, as well as additional "extras" for A Fistful of Kung Fu.

This one probably needs a bit more work on the fur and face. The somewhat crude sculpting of the Chronicle range has been compounded, in many cases, by the decades these fellows have spent in the lead pile ...

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oni the *less* Lonely ...)
Post by: Reed on March 06, 2017, 09:24:43 PM
You truly make out the most of these old little lumps of lead for sure. Makes me wanna stay in the 28mms
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oni the *less* Lonely ...)
Post by: fred on March 06, 2017, 10:38:50 PM
Nice work on those last two. I'll forgive the dreadful pun in the title...

I'm looking forward to see what you do on those Dwarves, as in the bare metal they look very basic, probably even crude. I think most of them pre-date my rather old Dwarves. Doing them as evil Dwarves to band with the hobgoblins would be different, and interesting.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oni the *less* Lonely ...)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 07, 2017, 11:30:37 AM
Thanks, Reed!

Nice work on those last two. I'll forgive the dreadful pun in the title...

Cheers! There's probably much worse to come on the punning front ...

I'm looking forward to see what you do on those Dwarves, as in the bare metal they look very basic, probably even crude. I think most of them pre-date my rather old Dwarves. Doing them as evil Dwarves to band with the hobgoblins would be different, and interesting.

Yes, they're old, old dwarfs - Fantasy Tribe from 1982 or so. When I got them, they'd all been painted as statues. But they're quite nice figures in their way, so I'm looking forward to painting them.

I probably won't paint them as specifically evil dwarfs, but I do think that all dwarfs should be quite sinister. They generally are in folklore and myth. I'm not too keen on the post-Tolkien dwarfs-as-cheery-red-cheeked-ale-quaffers idea. I think they should be pallid (they are subterranean creatures, after all), gimlet-eyed, tricksy and suspicious. And physically inferior to humans (for all that dwarfs are strong for their size), yet armed with fearsome magical weaponry to make up for it.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oni love can break yer heart)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 07, 2017, 11:42:45 PM
Here's the first cave goblin completed, along with a friend - and with their bigger, badder oni master.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oni love can break yer heart ...)
Post by: Hummster on March 08, 2017, 01:46:10 PM
I'll have to dig around and put some of my old stuff into the painting queue after this inspiration, I like what you have done with the old cave goblins.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oni love can break yer heart ...)
Post by: Dr. Kevin Moon III esq. on March 08, 2017, 04:42:09 PM
Looking good as ever! Excited to see how the dwarves come along.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oni love can break yer heart ...)
Post by: Severian on March 08, 2017, 09:00:34 PM
Fine work on the cave goblins and oni, and on the terrible pun front...

Also looking forward to seeing what you make of the FT dwarves; they're amongst my favourite figures, for a whole host of reasons, some (of course) purely nostalgic. Certainly by today's standards they're a bit rough and ready, but there's a plausibility and character about the best of them that works for me just as it did thirty years ago... One of the great charms is the seemingly endless number of variants, of course; I keep coming across ones I've not seen before.

I think they exemplify one of the best traits of early Citadel stuff, its believability - no oversized weapons or ninja acrobatics. You can really see their roots in RPGs rather than mass battle games: each one could work as a player character (and hence all the slightly odd dwarven thieves and clerics &c).

You make a good point, too, about the morally ambivalent nature of dwarves in folklore; some of this is still left in Tolkien, of course, in the noegyth nibin in the Turin cycle, and especially in the earlier versions of the nauglamir story. But in the LotR appendices, his dwarves have dropped all that in favour of a stoical northern warrior's code (and nothing wrong with that, but it IS a development). The cheery red-cheeked ale-quaffing stuff is indeed a bit tiresome, but I think this is probably down to a combination of early warhammer jokiness and infection from bad Christmas illustrations &c. There's a bit of it in the Hobbit, but really only in the early chapters.

Fearsome weaponry is right, too, though I'm not sure about magical (in the strict sense). But certainly better-than-any-human-smith-could-make and so on. I'd better not get started on to the whole dwarf-technology question, though; well-forged weapons and ring mail for sure, but beyond that? I always reckoned crossbows were dangerously uncanonical, and as for gunpowder weapons....

Anyway, I could burble on about this at length, but won't. As I say, looking forward to seeing them in due course.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oni love can break yer heart ...)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 10, 2017, 12:10:58 AM

Also looking forward to seeing what you make of the FT dwarves; they're amongst my favourite figures, for a whole host of reasons, some (of course) purely nostalgic. Certainly by today's standards they're a bit rough and ready, but there's a plausibility and character about the best of them that works for me just as it did thirty years ago... One of the great charms is the seemingly endless number of variants, of course; I keep coming across ones I've not seen before.

I was thinking about this the other day. When I first started to get into miniatures as a primary-school child, there was a considerable thrill in going to a shop (Edinburgh's Games Master on Forrest Road for the most part) and looking through the blister packs, because all manner of unexpected delights might be lurking there. There were variants that never showed up in any of the catalogues, as well as curiosities that had never been advertised. That lasted well into the slottabase era. Here's an example:


These were the first savage orcs. They're not entirely successful, as the separate arms are generally too big/long/mismatched even for orcs, but they were never advertised, as far as I know. They appeared in blisters in the shops, and there was a drawing of one in Ravening Hordes or Warhammer Armies, and then they disappeared without trace.

But of course that "box of delights" sensation has largely gone now. Ebay is a sort of substitute, I suppose ...

I think they exemplify one of the best traits of early Citadel stuff, its believability - no oversized weapons or ninja acrobatics. You can really see their roots in RPGs rather than mass battle games: each one could work as a player character (and hence all the slightly odd dwarven thieves and clerics &c).

I couldn't agree more. I've got quite a few of the early dwarfs. Most of the ones I'm painting up for HOTT multibasing are slightly more "wargamey", in that they're largely variants of two poses. The contemporary or slightly later solid-based ones  that are a bit more individual - like this guy - are destined for individual basing (most of them are Norse dwarfs, I think). But this fellow could easily have gone in the middle of two of the wargamey sorts to make a HOTT element:


You make a good point, too, about the morally ambivalent nature of dwarves in folklore; some of this is still left in Tolkien, of course, in the noegyth nibin in the Turin cycle, and especially in the earlier versions of the nauglamir story. But in the LotR appendices, his dwarves have dropped all that in favour of a stoical northern warrior's code (and nothing wrong with that, but it IS a development). The cheery red-cheeked ale-quaffing stuff is indeed a bit tiresome, but I think this is probably down to a combination of early warhammer jokiness and infection from bad Christmas illustrations &c. There's a bit of it in the Hobbit, but really only in the early chapters.

Yes - the early Tolkien dwarves are much more like mythical dwarfs. The gaming characteristics of toughness and strength really just appear with Dain's troops at the end of The Hobbit (and they're meant to be a particularly fearsome bunch of dwarves). In LotR, Gimli is a great warrior - but it's clear that he's much more at home fighting uruks (his size!) rather than Men: he says as much at Helm's Deep.

As an aside, I thought the film adaptation made a dreadful mistake by giving Gimli a Scottish accent. That was really playing into the Warhammerish tropes, and it did nothing to establish the dwarves as people to whom the words Khazad-dum were native.

Fearsome weaponry is right, too, though I'm not sure about magical (in the strict sense). But certainly better-than-any-human-smith-could-make and so on.

Ah - but magical weapons, magical items and spells are a huge - even a defining - aspect of dwarfs in mythology and folklore. They make the ship Skithblathnir, Odin's spear Gungnir, the ring Draupnir, Freya's golden boar and numerous magic swords. They also know healing magic and can cast potent curses. Here's the description of the dwarf Regin from Reginsmal: "he was wise, grim and knew magic".

I'd better not get started on to the whole dwarf-technology question, though; well-forged weapons and ring mail for sure, but beyond that? I always reckoned crossbows were dangerously uncanonical, and as for gunpowder weapons....

Anyway, I could burble on about this at length, but won't. As I say, looking forward to seeing them in due course.

Burbling at length is precisely what this thread's for! I agree on technology: it doesn't really sit with the magical nature of mythical dwarfs or the firmly Dark Age vibe of Tolkien's.

Here's where I've got to with one of the HOTT dwarfs. Quite crude paintwork - very much "battlefield". But the miniature itself is quite crude, and I just want it to look reasonable on the tabletop.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dwarfish matters ...)
Post by: Severian on March 10, 2017, 01:39:09 AM
Good work on the dwarf - he was the original(?) White Dwarf, I think? Crude, yes, but fun and properly dwarvish...You've brought him out very well indeed. If you'll forgive the intrusion, I've appended a picture of mine: he's a reconditioned mid-80s teenage paintjob, hence the traces of gloss varnish...

Re dwarves and magic - you're of course quite right to mention all the eddic evidence, but somehow that always seemed to me more like the work of artifice, making stuff (albeit more cunning and subtle than anyone else's), rather than magic in its strict sense, whatever (of course) that may be. But I suspect this is semantic quibbling on my part. Oddly, the supreme artificer, Weland/Volundr, is explicitly described as a "lord of the elves" and not a dwarf at all. There's good reason for wondering how clear any of the elf/dwarf divisions were, in the folkloric material anyway. But you know all this already, I suspect.

And as for the Peter Jackson films' take on the dwarves...Well, let's not go there. But nothing in the LotR films was a patch on the horrors of the Hobbit films; especially the last one. What were they thinking of? Billy Connolly on a pig? And (to name only the weirdest random and unnecessary departure from the books, but arguably not the worst) where did those ruddy goats come from? Did they find a lost war-goat stable in the bowels of Erebor with an endless supply of fodder and water where they'd somehow survived, uneaten and presumably unsmelt, all the long years of Smaug's tenure? Ho hum.

That's enough burbling for now, I think. And here, with apologies, is my dwarf.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dwarfish matters ...)
Post by: Dr. Zombie on March 10, 2017, 08:16:59 AM
This is a truly spectacular thread. I don't comment enough on it. But that is because it would only ecco what everyone else is saying.

You have come to a point however, where you have to rename the thread. It is no longer just "some" miniatures for sobh. It is HORDES of miniatures.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dwarfish matters ...)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 10, 2017, 01:41:21 PM
Thanks, both!

Dr. Zombie, you have a point on the title. And there are hordes more that are almost finished (at one point, I'll devote a week of evenings to getting those finished off ...).

Severian - no intrusion at all - and nice work! In an affront to current trends, all my miniatures are gloss-varnished. I know it's deeply unfashionable at the moment, but I genuinely think that it looks better on the table. I like the Aly Morrison/John Blanche approach of making the figure look almost like porcelain. Gloss deepens the colours and provides a better contrast with the matt base. I also think that gloss-varnished figures tend to age better. My old HOTT forces have humdrum paintjobs, but the finish on them looks much better for the time-subdued gloss effect than equivalent matt-varnished figures, which tend to look - and become - a bit dusty over time.

On magic: I wonder if your "somehow" is to an extent from reading things from Tolkien and his inheritors back into the sources. It's certainly something we're all prone to do, I think. Yes, dwarfs are clearly great artificers in the Eddic and other Norse/Germanic sources, but they also do quite a bit of shape-changing (e.g. Andvari) and cursing. And they are, of course, big on magic rings (the use and the manufacture)! I think all supernatural beings in Norse myth tend to be explicitly magical: dwarfs, elves, giants and trolls (where they are distinct from the other classes).

I agree with you on the elf/dwarf blurring. The dwarfs appear to be identical to the svartalfar (black elves) in the Edda, and there are good reasons to believe that the dokkalfar (dark elves) are the same thing too. And of course one of the Eddic dwarfs is called Gandalfr - "Wand-elf" - which started Tolkien puzzling as to why this was: a great proto-geek moment, I think, in that he entirely sidestepped the obvious explanation (they're the same thing) to embark on a proto-Gygaxian taxonomy!

I only watched parts of the third Hobbit film; I let my kids watch it after they had both (been) read the book. They were fairly disgusted by its lack of relation to the story: "They couldn't even get the five armies right"!

More dwarfs to come over the weekend as child-wrangling and rugby-watching permit ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oni to be with you ...)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 14, 2017, 08:26:45 AM
The fourth oni, Soul Stealer, isn't quite done - he needs a bit of detail here and there, along with some tidying up. His eye-sockets are so deep that his eyes, which are painted in, don't appear to show up in photos.

I can see these chaps working as a Frostgrave warband when I've got enough of them done - illusionists, perhaps. The two larger ones here would be candidates for the wizard and his apprentice.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oni to be with you ...)
Post by: Dr. Kevin Moon III esq. on March 14, 2017, 05:00:17 PM
Love his snazy jacket/kimono!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oni to be with you ...)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 15, 2017, 09:23:03 AM
Thanks! Yes, these hobgoblins/oni are a bit more bling than the typical dungeon-dweller.

I did a bit more on Soul Stealer last night. I'm finding it hard to get a good photo of his face. I'm pleased with how it looks to the naked eye, but the combination of my terrible photography skills and the idiosyncrasies of Nick Lund's sculpting makes it hard to capture.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oni to be with you ...)
Post by: Severian on March 15, 2017, 02:18:16 PM
Nice work on the oni (great colours!) and the continuing puns - keep them coming...

I'm sure you're right about the tendency to read Tolkien's interpretations back into his sources, and indeed the obvious explanation is to make elves and dwarves two names for the same thing - but one of the endearing things about old school philologists is their stubborn notion that different names must on some level, in some way, correspond to differences in the things named: to argue, in fact, that the source was mistaken. Tolkien does the same thing when he's editing texts, emending manuscript readings with a boldness that makes later editors come over all faint. But I reckon his Old and Middle English were a good deal better than theirs, and a lot of scribes are clearly baffled by what they've been copying, so who can say. Even his more fanciful reconstructions are compellingly and plausibly made...

Anyway, a good deal of the fun of old school miniatures, I think, is how eclectic a lot of them are in their sources and inspiration. These hobgoblins are absolutely a case in point; and you've brought that out very well.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oni to be with you ...)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 16, 2017, 01:35:48 PM
I'm sure you're right about the tendency to read Tolkien's interpretations back into his sources, and indeed the obvious explanation is to make elves and dwarves two names for the same thing - but one of the endearing things about old school philologists is their stubborn notion that different names must on some level, in some way, correspond to differences in the things named: to argue, in fact, that the source was mistaken. Tolkien does the same thing when he's editing texts, emending manuscript readings with a boldness that makes later editors come over all faint. But I reckon his Old and Middle English were a good deal better than theirs, and a lot of scribes are clearly baffled by what they've been copying, so who can say. Even his more fanciful reconstructions are compellingly and plausibly made...

Yes, that's very true. And it's that sort of obsessively taxonomical bent that was behind so much of his creativity. "Just who is this wand-elf in among all these dwarves?".

Anyway, a good deal of the fun of old school miniatures, I think, is how eclectic a lot of them are in their sources and inspiration. These hobgoblins are absolutely a case in point; and you've brought that out very well.

Thanks! I made good progress on Shylob Carcassbreath last night, so should have him done tonight.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oni you ... Shylob)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 17, 2017, 12:25:01 AM
And here he is.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oni you ... Shylob)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 17, 2017, 11:41:14 AM
And perhaps a better shot of his face. I've often thought that "Two Hand" in the N12 hobgoblin range is a poor man's Shylob Carcassbreath, just as "Thruster" is a poor man's Sileth Frothlip.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (You oni live twice ...)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 19, 2017, 05:39:57 PM
Here's another addition to the oni band - an ushi-oni. These chaps are just about to see action in Dragon Rampant, as an elite foot unit with the spellcaster option.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (You oni live twice ...)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 19, 2017, 08:30:31 PM
We had a cracking game of Dragon Rampant this afternoon (the debut of the oni and their bull-headed chief). It's such a good ruleset - fast and flavoursome. Games are typically close-run things, and this was no exception.

I really must put more effort into scenery at some point - but I so much prefer painting miniatures ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (You oni live twice ...)
Post by: Shub-Nullgurath on March 19, 2017, 11:56:51 PM
Here's another addition to the oni band - an ushi-oni. These chaps are just about to see action in Dragon Rampant, as an elite foot unit with the spellcaster option.

That's glorious, where is it from?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (You oni live twice ...)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 20, 2017, 07:41:01 AM
Thanks! He's an old Citadel C25 minotaur from 1988. These ones have separate heads: I've got a small herd of them (perhaps four or five). If you compare them with the current GW minotaurs, you get proof positive that the "Whig view of miniature sculpting" is entirely unsustainable!



Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a nasty little orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 21, 2017, 01:18:11 AM
I've got loads of half-finished miniatures - mainly from my "cave orc" period - kicking around. I've decided to finish some of them off quickly, now that Dragon Rampant is back on the agenda. Here's the first - I'll give him a good look over in daylight tomorrow and see if he warrants any more attention.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a nasty little orc)
Post by: Shub-Nullgurath on March 21, 2017, 07:53:08 AM
You really capture the old school vibe in painting.

What do you do for the cave orc skin?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a nasty little orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 21, 2017, 11:10:53 AM

For the cave orcs (I was calling them "cave goblins", but my foray into N16 Chronicle cave goblins risks confusion ...), I undercoat in white, preshade with Citadel's brown wash, drybrush white and then, for the skin, use a thin layer of Witch Elf Flesh (or whatever it's called). I then wash that with a mix of medium, blue glaze and green gaze. And then I highlight up again with successive thin applications of Witch Elf Flesh. Sometimes, if the figure demands it, I do a light drybrush of pure white, but usually not. On one or two figures, the blue-green wash and the sculpting has worked so well that I don't need to do further highlights. But that doesn't happen often. Eye sockets get a wash of whatever the very dark blue Citadel wash is called (Nightshade or something like that?), and lips and ears and sometimes noses get a wash of either purple or the Citadel blood-effect paint.

The idea was to end up with a batch of goblins that look like genuinely subterranean creatures - hence the 80s-style glowing eyes. Alan Garner's description of his "fish-white" svart-alfar was an influence here.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a nasty little orc)
Post by: Hummster on March 21, 2017, 07:34:38 PM
I like the shield on that one, and I've always gone for different skin tones for the orcs and gobbos rather than just GW green.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a nasty little orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 21, 2017, 09:10:25 PM
I like the shield on that one, and I've always gone for different skin tones for the orcs and gobbos rather than just GW green.

Cheers! Anything's better than that bright green, I think! Even GW used to showcase a whole variety of orc skin colours before the mid-80s. The first ad for Citadel paints showed a Black Mountain orc who was anything but green:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more horrid little orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 22, 2017, 09:36:08 AM
Here's another brace of horrid little orcs to go with the last one. I did a quick census last night, and I think I've got 18 or so "nearly done" goblins kicking around. I'm going to try to finish up as many as I can this week.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more horrid little orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 23, 2017, 12:31:42 AM
And another. Further poking around revealed another batch, so I've got 24 "nearly there" candidates for completion: two Dragon Rampant units.

This fellow's particularly horrid, I've always thought. He's a variant of the original - and by far the best - Grom.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a fat goblin)
Post by: beefcake on March 23, 2017, 04:23:26 AM
Very cool. That fat gobbo remdins me of the heartbreaker Chaz Elliot one. I bought one from Ral Partha Europe recently.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a fat goblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 23, 2017, 11:25:26 AM
Very cool. That fat gobbo remdins me of the heartbreaker Chaz Elliot one. I bought one from Ral Partha Europe recently.

Thanks! This guy? I can see the resemblance - he's almost an homage with the club and belly:


The Citadel night goblins are interesting, because they comprise several semi-distinct ranges. So, there are the very old Fiend Factory goblins: conical helmets with nose guards, three-toed feet (like the Fantasy Tribe hobgoblins and indeed the later Aly Morrison hobgoblins: that trope seems to start here) and wolf shields.

Then there are some that overlap with the Goblin Raiding Party boxed set, with their horned helmets and ram-skull shields. The upper standard bearer, the "night goblin champion" and the one on the right with the flail (who is actually part of the boxed set) fall into this category.

And then there are some that double up as Runequest Trollkin in that boxed set - they have a different physiology, with very big noses, and are rather crude sculpts. Their shields, with a central boss and four round discs, match that of the hooded spear-goblin I posted above.

On top of that, you have the night goblin with the raised flail and spiky helmet, who I think was the very first "night goblin" in the Fiend Factory line (and the first miniature I ever bought), and the chap leaning on the sword, who has a similar or identical head.

Some of the archetypal hooded night goblins also doubled up as "berserker gnomes" or some such.


And then you have the slightly later night goblins, including this fat fellow, which are really the cream of the crop. They overlap with the Grom's Goblin Guard regiment of renown, in that variants of all four original RR figures are include. I don't think any of the later Citadel/GW night goblins are anywhere near as good:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a fat goblin)
Post by: Ragsta on March 23, 2017, 11:51:28 AM

Love this thread. Great additions, though your references to hallowed gaming shops of Edinburgh make me sad as I never had the pleasure of visiting them  ;)

Great shots of your recent Dragon Rampant game - I did have a LOL WTF moment when I saw that based T Rex in one of the shots! Terrain wise, I say meh, stick with painting your excellent forces. Mind you, a terrain mat is a quick win and there are many options that are pretty good value...  :D

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a fat goblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 23, 2017, 01:39:20 PM
Love this thread. Great additions, though your references to hallowed gaming shops of Edinburgh make me sad as I never had the pleasure of visiting them  ;)

Cheers! It occurred to me recently just how many miniature-buying outlets there used to be in Edinburgh. Not all of them existed at the same time, but there was Games Master in Forrest Road, Mac's Models in the Canongate and somewhere else on Dalkeith Road, I think. But on top of that, toyshops, model shops and even department stores also sold miniatures at various times. When I was a kid, I bought miniatures in toyshops in both Morningside and Stockbridge, as well as in Wonderland and Harburn Hobbies (which only stocked them briefly, I think). And the very first miniatures I bought - a night goblin, a Fantasy Tribes orc and a fighter - I bought in Jenners, of all places.

I'm not sure if it was down to the strength of the D&D boom or some excellent marketing by Citadel, but miniatures were ubiquitous for a brief spell in the early 80s, when I was still at primary school.

Great shots of your recent Dragon Rampant game - I did have a LOL WTF moment when I saw that based T Rex in one of the shots! Terrain wise, I say meh, stick with painting your excellent forces. Mind you, a terrain mat is a quick win and there are many options that are pretty good value...  :D

My son painted most of the T-rex (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=77384.msg947238#msg947238)when he was six (I gave him a little help with the stripes and eyes). It's actually made of a very similar material to Reaper Bones.

I must have a think about terrain mats. Three feet square is perfect for HOTT and SOBH, and a couple would be fine for DR. One with a road printed on would make HOTT a great deal easier. Hmmm ...

Incidentally, here's my old Grom (close cousin of the goblin above). He's due for a date with the Biostrip, as I think I'll add most of these HOTT-based models to the skirmish/DR ranks and repaint others for my new HOTT hordes. They're currently based as HOTT warbands, but don't really look the part, given their diminutive stature.

What I love about these goblins above all is that they're not goofy. The later versions of Grom got increasing silly; the first one is one of my favourite miniatures.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a fat goblin)
Post by: DeafNala on March 23, 2017, 05:40:21 PM
Your Goblins are all such WONDERFUL Little Rogue, each with his own personality, but the one with the Skull Shield is my favorite. VERY WELL DONE one & all!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a fat goblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 23, 2017, 11:58:11 PM
Thanks, DeafNala! Here are a few more ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yet more vile little orcs ...)
Post by: beefcake on March 24, 2017, 05:20:17 AM
Nice work again. Great bunch there.

Thanks! This guy? I can see the resemblance - he's almost an homage with the club and belly:

Yep that's the guy. In fact the resemblance is even more than I recalled. I must get that guy out to paint*

*probably won't do that for a while :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yet more vile little orcs ...)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 25, 2017, 12:18:15 AM

We had a largish game of SOBH this evening, featuring a dragon for the first time. It was swarmed by orcs and killed surprisingly quickly, despite the terror and tough traits; outnumbering always pays off in SOBH.

I also finished another orc - a hobgoblin discipline master:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (where there's a whip ...)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 26, 2017, 11:38:20 AM
Here's a WIP Marauder orc commander. I had this figure as a kid, along with a whole lot of the other Marauder orcs, but sold them all off to a friend after painting them reasonably well, albeit in a lurid shade of green. No more! This guy will fit in with the Marauder orcs I did last year, for whom I still have shields to do:


I also have quite a few C15 slottabased orcs that might fit in well with these ones; a little more human than the cave orcs, perhaps, but just as nasty.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Marauder orc WIP)
Post by: affun on March 26, 2017, 04:18:58 PM
That commander is excellent. Haven't seen the miniature before, but he really oozes character. And checkered pants are always a win.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Marauder orc WIP)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 26, 2017, 08:56:35 PM
Thanks, affun! The Marauder orcs were a really interesting range:


I must confess - and it's probably heresy - that I prefer the Morrisons' pre-Marauder stuff (Those hobgoblins! Those half-orcs! Those beastmen!). But the Marauder stuff is still excellent. It's very easy to paint, too; those orcs are much easier and quicker to paint than their Kev Adams contemporaries, for some reason. If I had a quibble, it would be that the orcs are little on the comical/cute side. But when they're not painted bright green, they look sinister enough. And they're properly gobliny.

I'd hate anyone to think that I spent such as a glorious day as today inside; we had a family scramble up Arthur's Seat and a stroll to a beer garden thereafter. But on our return, I got a few moments to finish this fellow off. It was mainly a matter of correcting the right eye, which is much bigger than the left. I'd initially placed the pupil and light spot such that they weren't visible at all from certain angles, given the curvature of the eyeball. Fixed now, I think (as if anyone will ever notice on the tabletop ...).

Also, I noticed an interesting similarity between this fellow and Bogdan Legbreak.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Marauder orc chief)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 26, 2017, 10:58:41 PM
And here's a Grenadier orc. He's been kicking around for a while now and has, I think, even seen some tabletop action in his unfinished state. Grenadier figures can often be a bit fiddly, with intricate but frustratingly shallow detail. Plenty of that on this fellow, but he's done as much as he's ever going to be now.

That takes the total to ten figures completed this week, including the from-scratch Marauder chap.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Grenadier orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 27, 2017, 11:32:22 PM
And the first of this week's batch: Urag Legeater from the old Goblin Raiding Party box set:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Urag Legeater)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 27, 2017, 11:51:40 PM
And here are the three of the raiding party that I've finished - albeit two years apart: Snurd Hideflayer, D'glish Sharpcut and Urag Legeater. D'glish was the first metal miniature I'd painted since the early 90s.

I have the rest of the set in various states of disrepair but all salvageable. I also have the congruent chief (a variant of the night goblin with two swords above) and standard-bearer, who appear to be escapees from the boxed set: they have the same style of helmets and shields. That makes a group of 12 - perfect for Dragon Rampant.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Urag Legeater)
Post by: Schrumpfkopf on March 28, 2017, 04:33:17 AM
This keeps getting better. I wish I had more time to work on my OH collection.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Urag Legeater)
Post by: Little Odo on March 28, 2017, 11:31:43 AM
Ooh, they are nice. I think I have some of those somewhere in the lead mountain. You have prompted me to take a look after I have finished some of my Lord of the Rings minis that I am taking an age to work through.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Urag Legeater)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 28, 2017, 11:33:24 AM
Thanks, Schrumpkopf and Little Odo!

The Goblin Raiding Party is a gem of a set (box photo below for those who don't know it):


This is the matching standard-bearer (same ram-skull shield and horned helmet; also, the same sword as D'glish Sharpcut):


And the fellow next to him at the back of this block (fist raised and horned helmet) also has the same shield:


All in all, they'll make a nice little unit when they're done. Possible a Frostgrave warband too, with the shaman as the wizard and the standard-bearer as the apprentice. The other goblins are sufficiently varied to offer a good range of 'soldiers'.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Urag Legeater)
Post by: DeafNala on March 28, 2017, 04:47:50 PM
It is INCREDIBLE just how WONDERFULLY the old miniatures paint up. You truly have a flair for the subject. VERY WELL DONE indeed!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Urag Legeater)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 29, 2017, 06:28:17 PM
Many thanks, DeafNala - glad you like 'em! I do think that the Perry brothers have never been surpassed as fantasy sculptors; it's just a pity that they only do historicals now.

Here's another member of the raiding party - the charmingly named Gigblad Childsplatter:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Urag Legeater)
Post by: affun on March 29, 2017, 09:14:52 PM
I do think that the Perry brothers have never been surpassed as fantasy sculptors; it's just a pity that they only do historicals now.

Man, I was just talking with Kaiser about how amazing it would be if the Perry's started doing fantasy again. But I guess they kind of had their fill with that working for GW.

Also, what a glorious name for a goblin. Im guessing children are just about the only thing he actually can splatter  lol
The turqoise helmet is a nice touch. Great paintjob as usual.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Gigblad Childsplatter)
Post by: Shub-Nullgurath on March 30, 2017, 07:05:35 AM
I love the sort of eggshell patterning on the helmet.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Gigblad Childsplatter)
Post by: Severian on March 30, 2017, 10:03:26 AM
Fantastic work on the goblin raiders. It is a great set, indeed. I've got at least one (miniature, not set, alas!) part-painted somewhere...

Your consistent ability to finish things never fails to impress... I've been trying to finish a few oddments in time for the school holidays but find I have the attention span of a distracted goldfish most of the time these days.

Keep up the good work - always encouraging to see your stuff.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Gigblad Childsplatter)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 30, 2017, 10:41:20 AM
Thanks, all!

Your consistent ability to finish things never fails to impress... I've been trying to finish a few oddments in time for the school holidays but find I have the attention span of a distracted goldfish most of the time these days.

It's worth remembering that the goblins I've been finishing off in the last few days were started at some point in 2015 - so my finishing abilities may be overstated!

Here's one more - Bulbug Orcleaver (there should, I presume, really be a second C in there - unless he's an interspecies* divorcé) blinking in the unaccustomed sunlight with his fellows. I might add a bit more highlighting to his tunic tonight, but he's more or less done.

*Steady, now: same species[/Tolkien purist]
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Bulbug Orcleaver)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 31, 2017, 12:50:28 AM
Here's a grim matriarch for the goblins. She was originally a Runequest Mistress Race troll, but doubled up as a Fiend Factory Ogre. I think the troll role came first, judging by the RQ death rune on her Zorak Zoran companion's shield.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a goblin matriarch)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 31, 2017, 11:11:39 AM
And here she is with her vile, vile brood:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with goblin matriarch and brood)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 01, 2017, 07:52:50 PM
Here's a blast from the past: a Drastik Plastik orc.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Drastik Plastik)
Post by: manic _miner on April 01, 2017, 08:29:58 PM
 You dont see many of these nowadays.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Drastik Plastik)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 01, 2017, 11:00:35 PM
You dont see many of these nowadays.

No - and it wouldn't really be true to say that they're much missed! Even the monopose Warhammer Regiments plastics were a huge improvement.

Here's a favourite figure of mine with paintwork in progress: Crud Longbone, the champion of Grom's Goblin Guard. He's as devilishly hard to paint today as I remembering him being in the 1980s - but he's still a fantastic miniature.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Crud Longbone WIP)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 02, 2017, 12:09:05 AM
I'm calling him done for now ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Crud Longbone)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 02, 2017, 12:18:19 PM
One more shot of Crud and a very old Fiend Factory lizardman, who falls squarely into the "you can only do so much" category (for me at least):

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Crud Longbone and FF lizardman)
Post by: Gibby on April 02, 2017, 01:12:17 PM
Crud is awesome. I really like the pose and as always your choice of skin colour for goblinoid skin makes them look sinister without losing that sort of goblin charm.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Crud Longbone and FF lizardman)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 02, 2017, 01:28:52 PM
Thanks! Yes, he's a great old miniature. He has always reminded me of this De Plancy demon - a silhouette of which was, if I remember correctly, used to illustrate the goblin entry in some Call of Cthulhu supplement:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Crud Longbone and FF lizardman)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 02, 2017, 11:15:32 PM
And here's a chaos goblin - the hopper. I have one or two more of him lurking in the leadpile, so this one's a bit experimental.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a chaos goblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 02, 2017, 11:23:46 PM
And this week's batch of orcish heraldry:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a chaos goblin)
Post by: Severian on April 03, 2017, 03:45:59 PM
More good stuff - Crud is great, as has been said. And the chaos goblin works very well, although it's an odd looking figure; but you've really done him well.

Excellent shields as usual; pen-work for the details?

The variations-on-a-theme are nicely judged and really bring them together.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a chaos goblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 03, 2017, 09:28:40 PM
Thanks! A bit of pen on those, but not much: just the runes on the red-eye orc's shield and the edges of the flames on the mutant's shield, if I recall correctly. I've started using a wet palette (ludicrously easy to make), which allows me to keep thin black paint wet. It's often easier to paint details than to use the pen, so long as the paint doesn't dry on the brush. The wet palette helps with that a huge amount, as the brush isn't being dipped into progressively drier paint.

Here are a few more variations on that theme (apologies for a truly horrible photo!):
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more orc heraldry)
Post by: dijit on April 04, 2017, 03:43:47 AM
They are just fantastic. And the shields are particularly good.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more orc heraldry)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 16, 2017, 09:42:49 PM

Here's my second-ever AoS miniature (after this chap (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=81865.0)): one of those spider-goblins from the Silver Tower box. I got eight of them for less than £4 all in on eBay. I know they're much reviled as the worst miniatures in that game, but I don't mind them. The weak point, really, is that they're all in the same supervillain costume. If some had just been in rags, or had bare heads, or faces with spider mandibles, or whatever, I think they'd have gone down better. Anyway, here's how the first one turned out.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an AoS spider-goblin)
Post by: beefcake on April 16, 2017, 09:50:36 PM
You've done a nice job on him. As you said the supervillain costume it has made me want to get one for my supers project.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an AoS spider-goblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 16, 2017, 11:30:54 PM
Cheers! Carve a plasticard flying surfboard and you'll be all set!

It's been a while since I've added to the chaos hordes (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=77384.msg1180554#msg1180554), but I got one more chaos warrior done tonight. This demented monopod enables me to complete another base, for six finished elements.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes ( AoS spider-goblin and monopod)
Post by: Severian on April 16, 2017, 11:38:24 PM
Cracking work on those two! The demented monopod is peculiarly horrible....
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes ( AoS spider-goblin and monopod)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 17, 2017, 12:07:03 AM
Thanks! I'm hoping to get some of his horrid friends finished soon; eight hordes is about right for a 24-point Moorcockian HOTT chaos army, I think: 8 points of hordes, 8 of behemoths, either a wizard or a hero and 2 beast elements.

By the way, two sessions of Whitehack in, I can thoroughly recommend the rules for family D&D sessions. The lack of rigid character classes and the "make something up" approach to skills really play to childish imaginations (of both kids and adults ...).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes ( AoS spider-goblin and monopod)
Post by: beefcake on April 17, 2017, 12:19:59 AM
Is that a Giant foot? (From the GW Giant sprue not just talking about the size of it)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes ( AoS spider-goblin and monopod)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 17, 2017, 12:27:15 AM
Yes, indeed: I picked a few up from my local games shop's bits box.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes ( AoS spider-goblin and monopod)
Post by: DeafNala on April 17, 2017, 12:41:16 AM
There are redeeming features about missing posts on your thread; i.e., I get to look at several pages of TRULY WONDERFUL creations all at once. You are an inspiration & your style is delightful. In addition to the BEAUTIFUL Old Treasures, I see you have some SPLENDID conversions as well. As always, VERY WELL DONE!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes ( AoS spider-goblin and monopod)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 17, 2017, 01:01:05 AM
Many thanks, DeafNala!

To round off the evening, here's an old treasure whose own mother would struggle to find him beautiful: Citadel's Fiend Factory ogre. This is a really rough old model - he looked extremely crude by the standards of the others in his range (who doubled as RuneQuest trolls) in the First Citadel Compendium.

I started painting him around 1990 or early 1991, but got no further than the skin and a crude dab at the eyes. But I gave him a quick scrub up today. Here's how he looked in his 26-year-old infancy this morning, and here's how he stands tonight. It's a very crude paint job for a very crude figure, but I can see him getting a fair bit of tabletop time all the same.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes ( AoS goblin, monopod and FF ogre)
Post by: Severian on April 17, 2017, 01:28:00 AM
Great work there - you've captured the Christopher-Lee-as-Dracula look which is probably the only way this guy is ever going to work. Well done indeed.

It is fun, isn't it, spotting how Citadel used to recycle models into whatever ranges they had decided to divide their then catalogue into. The RQ stuff turns up with all manner of unexpected company.

Thanks for the feedback on Whitehack. Sounds very promising - I must try to get something organised.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes ( AoS goblin, monopod and FF ogre)
Post by: BlackSwanPainting on April 17, 2017, 07:32:03 AM
Took me awhile to get through your thread, but it was worth my time.  Really like your doing here. The freehand work on those shields is fantastic.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes ( AoS goblin, monopod and FF ogre)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 17, 2017, 12:13:50 PM
Thanks, both!

It is fun, isn't it, spotting how Citadel used to recycle models into whatever ranges they had decided to divide their then catalogue into. The RQ stuff turns up with all manner of unexpected company.

I'm always amused by the travels of various elements through the ranges. The distinctive broad-headed winged spear that one of the original slann cold-one riders carries crops up in the hands of a chaos warrior, a great goblin and a fighter, at the very least.

Spot the variant is the other great game. Aly Morrison is the absolute master of subtle variants: some of his hobgoblins and half-orcs are fairly simple conversions of other models in the range, yet look entirely different.

Here's a Kev Adams orc approaching completion (his sword needs a bit of work, now that I see it in the photo). I almost always find Kev Adams' models much harder to paint than their Perry equivalents. I think it's because there's an extra layer of facial detail - more wrinkles and warts and so forth.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes ( AoS goblin, hopper, ogre & orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 19, 2017, 12:29:21 AM
I've decided to do some more 15mm. But the Mayhem project is on hold for now. It sparked a revival of my interest in HOTT, which to my mind is very much a 28mm game (3-foot-square battlefield and a great way to make use of the sweepings of the lead pile). And now with Sword and Spear Fantasy looming, I've begun to reflect that I could do Mayhem in 28mm easily enough, given that most of my HOTT forces are either warbands or shooters, who double up to give square elements, or on 60mm squares to begin with (behemoths, magicians, artillery, etc.). Nevertheless, I may return to 15mm massed battle, as the 15mm elements would work for S&SF as well as Mayhem. In the meantime, though, I've decided to base up more individual 15mm figures for RPG use. More on that later. But here's a WIP orc (probably a hobgoblin in Whitehack).

I'll add a final round of highlights, but I want to keep all these miniatures fairly simple - black-lining and simple colour schemes for tabletop impact. I'm not sure whether to give the eyes pupils or make them red or yellow. I might just leave them as they are.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (back to 15mm)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 20, 2017, 01:29:45 PM
Some ideas for the 15mm project: I had a look round the 15mm stuff I have to hand, and realised that with orcs/goblins from various different manufacturers, I have plenty of different sorts of humanoid for old-school RPG adventures. I'll probably use the very small Magister Militum goblins as kobolds (in pale, earthy colours) and the Alternative Armies orcs as D&D-style goblins (these guys):


I then have Essex and Demonworld orcs that will do as orcs and hobgoblins (doesn't matter which, so long as they look distinct: I may paint one lot red and the other - shudder - green to keep them distinct on the tabletop). So the large orc I painted the other day will probably be a bugbear. Of course, I may not use those names, but the figures should match the profiles in Whitehack (or any other iteration of D&D).

But what about larger monsters? When I was working on the Mayhem stuff, I sorted out some 28mm figures that looked good as giants and the like in 15mm. This is harder than it seems, I think, as many figures are just far too big, and many others simply look wrong: too detailed or inappropriately armed, or looking up rather than down. But I think the old solid-based Chronicle black orcs will make rather good ogres.

They're strange models; true 25s, I think, which might explain why they're acting so menacing although they're relatively tiny (smaller than the Chronicle wolfriders of the same time, who don't really have a foot counterpart); they're perhaps not even half the size of the slottabased Chronicle black orcs. But their aura of menace translates really well to 15mm, where the crudity of the sculpting looks right. And those that have shields have relatively small ones, which somehow helps to make them more convincing as outsize creatures. There's even a shaman, which gives me an ogre mage. And they'll also work as a little 28mm warband.

I'm also going to use at least one old Chronicle hobgoblin as a fire giant (or balrog, perhaps). He's on the right of this picture. I suspect he'll end up with jet-black skin and fiery hair.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (back to 15mm)
Post by: DeafNala on April 20, 2017, 02:00:49 PM
The smaller Fellows are just as BEAUTIFULLY painted as your older & larger pieces. They do have the edge of starting out state of the art. OUTSTANDING WORK once more!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (back to 15mm)
Post by: dijit on April 20, 2017, 03:11:04 PM
Looking very good indeed!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (back to 15mm)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 21, 2017, 12:51:17 AM
Thanks, gents!

Here are the first two kobolds. Quick - very quick - simple paintjobs, purposely using the same hues as the bases for a "sons of earth" look.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with kobolds in 15mm)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 22, 2017, 05:19:09 PM
Here's a troll and some based goblins for the 15mm project. In a previous burst of 15mm enthusiasm, I'd set aside some GW gnoblars that I thought would work quite well as D&D trolls crossed with their Bauer kin. This is the first of them. The Alternative Armies goblins were painted ages ago, pretty roughly. But they'll do.

I'm keeping the bases intentionally simple and dull. I plan to have PC miniatures in rather bright colours, with monsters tending towards the pallid and ghastly. These burnt-umber bases could be cavern floor, dirt track, forest floor or churned battlefield. I might add some greyish stones to them later, and maybe some patches of moss or whatnot.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with kobolds in 15mm)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 23, 2017, 01:23:23 PM
Here's a dual-purpose 15/28mm miniature. He's the right size for a D&D-style troglodyte in 28mm. But his primary purpose is as a 'big nasty' in 15mm games. I've got a few more of these to assemble, some of which have sci-fi adaptations for Rogue Stars, etc. But I'll probably do them all the same way, as I quite fancy surprising a few PCs when some of the primitive monsters of the underworld end up brandishing long-forgotten ancient technology.

In the meantime, I see this beast as a bad result on a wandering-monster table ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a dual-purpose troglodyte)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 26, 2017, 09:54:35 AM
Here's the first of some 15mm Essex orcs. These are much nicer and more detailed than they appear from the Essex website. They're based on the 28mm Bob Olley range, though I don't think they're actually by him (I could be wrong). In some respects, the 15s are actually nicer figures - or at least more mainstream; I really like the 28s, but I suspect they're not for everyone.

I might touch up the tunic and the severed head a little, though at this scale there's a strong "is it worth it?" factor.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a 15mm Essex orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 26, 2017, 09:59:20 AM
And a rather over-exposed shot of the giant troglodyte (who isn't used to bright sunlight); but it shows his stone spear to better advantage.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a 15mm Essex orc)
Post by: Shub-Nullgurath on April 26, 2017, 10:50:02 PM
I've had trouble doing Stone / Obsidian spears in the past, how would you recommend it?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a 15mm Essex orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 26, 2017, 11:05:45 PM
Nothing fancy - I just painted it black and drybrushed it white (with a very dry brush). When I converted it from a "metal" spear, I cut lots  of irregular facets into it, so the drybrushing picked all the edges up. I was going for a flint effect; had it not come out as intended, I'd probably have washed it in dark blue or green ink and then drybrushed again.

Again, nothing fancy - but it looks OK, I think - and certainly like stone rather than metal.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a dual-purpose troglodyte)
Post by: Hummster on April 26, 2017, 11:46:48 PM
Here's the first of some 15mm Essex orcs. These are much nicer and more detailed than they appear from the Essex website. They're based on the 28mm Bob Olley range, though I don't think they're actually by him (I could be wrong). In some respects, the 15s are actually nicer figures - or at least more mainstream; I really like the 28s, but I suspect they're not for everyone.

I might touch up the tunic and the severed head a little, though at this scale there's a strong "is it worth it?" factor.

The Essex Fantasy ranges in 28mm and 15mm definitely have character compared to some ranges which just seem to be generic orcs, dwarves, etc.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a 15mm Essex orc)
Post by: Reed on April 28, 2017, 09:55:35 PM
Wow, I didn't think the Essex 15mm orcs would look that good. Nice job
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a 15mm Essex orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 29, 2017, 09:46:48 AM

They really are quite nice little figures - but sorely mistreated by their own website!

I've now got three of them done - all in "medieval manuscript" blue - the colour of Giotto's devils. At this scale, I think it's a good idea to give each group of humanoids a fairly strong visual identity, so I'll be varying my orcish hides by group rather than by individual.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with more 15mm Essex orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 30, 2017, 11:18:53 PM
Here's the first 15mm ogre - actually an old Chronicle black orc. These guys were about half the size of the slottabase Chronicle black orcs and show their age a bit - which makes them perfect for 15mm use. They also have suitably bad-tempered faces. I've got several more lined up for ogreish duties.

The 15mm menagerie has swollen a bit now - enough for a smallish dungeon-crawl. There are many more underway ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a "15mm" Chronicle ogre)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 01, 2017, 11:37:41 PM
After another game of Sword and Spear Fantasy over the weekend, the participants were restored to the Cabinet of Shame. The number of cave goblins has grown alarmingly in recent weeks; I had trouble fitting them all in. Some are large and evil - peely-wally uruks of no fixed abode ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with the Cabinet of Shame)
Post by: boneio on May 02, 2017, 09:59:51 AM

How do you achieve such a uniform 'tone' across such a disparate set of models?

And...why is it a cabinet of shame? Looks more like a cabinet of triumph!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with the Cabinet of Shame)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 02, 2017, 11:09:26 AM

The uniformity just comes about through use of the same skin colours (for most of them). But I reckon about 80% of the "cave goblins" are 1980s Perry Citadel, so there's a fair bit of commonality built in.

It's called the Cabinet of Shame because it stands in a corner of our sitting-room - and thus its contents are exposed to full public view if anyone ventures to that part of the room. My wife heartily approves of the name!

But the cave goblins fill only the top shelf - the others contain the rest of the guilty secrets of the past two and a half years:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with the Cabinet of Shame)
Post by: boneio on May 02, 2017, 12:27:12 PM
Ah, I see - quite an achievement, I think you've painted more in a few years than I have in a lifetime. I do hope to increase my pace, though.

Love that the spider goblin is front and centre, one of the few recent GW Warhammer models that I like.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with the Cabinet of Shame)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 02, 2017, 03:04:27 PM
Yes, I was pleasantly surprised by the spider-goblins, given all the negative comments on them in various corners of the internet. I do think it's a shame that they were all given hooded heads and webbed cloaks, though, as it makes them far too uniform. Some bare heads, some heads with spider mandibles and some naked bodies to show the arachnid mutations in all their horror would have helped. But they're nicely sculpted and much more delicate than the plastic night goblins; a better fit for the old Perry night goblins, I reckon.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with the Cabinet of Shame)
Post by: JollyBob on May 02, 2017, 04:25:30 PM
Really cool, I am envious of your Cabinet of Shame.

I am not allowed one due to the twin forces of the Five Year Old of Hamfistedness and the Wife of Disdain.  :(

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with the Cabinet of Shame)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 03, 2017, 12:37:17 AM
Ha! Hamfistedness has given way to respectful enthusiasm round these parts; disdain, I fear, persists (for wargames at least; RPGs are held in greater respect following recent family games of Whitehack).

Here are a couple more 15mm efforts: a Copplestone barbarian, who could be an adventurer or an OD&D-style berserker; and another troll.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a barbarian and troll)
Post by: beefcake on May 03, 2017, 04:38:09 AM
Are those Gnoblars? Great work.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a barbarian and troll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 03, 2017, 03:47:44 PM
Are those Gnoblars? Great work.

Thanks! Yes, they are. Most 28mm goblins wouldn't work as 15mm trolls, but these do the job nicely, I think.

I'm trying to spot scale-bridging opportunities when I can and have ordered some Reaper Bones kobolds to use as gnolls. I don't need them to look like hyenas, just to fill the role of large, bestial two-hit-dice humanoids. In this regard, something that I usually lament - the over-muscular physiques on even small monsters - will actually work in my favour. The Reaper kobolds look far too butch to be lowly dungeon vermin (Schrumpkopf's fill that role so much better), but they'll be fairly menacing in 15mm.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a barbarian and troll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 05, 2017, 12:44:45 AM
Here are two more: a dwarf and a goblin.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a 15mm goblin and dwarf)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 07, 2017, 02:14:41 PM
Some 15mm lizardmen - painted ages ago, but finally based up:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm lizardmen)
Post by: Severian on May 07, 2017, 06:41:09 PM
Lizardmen aren't really my thing, but those are outstanding - really effective colours and contrasts (and in 15mm too).

In fact your 15mm stuff is just as good as your 28mm; you use the same painting technique for both scales?

I had a brief foray into 15mm a year or two ago but mostly it was the Copplestone figures. Good work on the barbarian, btw; they really are fine sculpts, aren't they (despite the slightly chunky swords).

Is it the lighting, or is that goblin, well, green?

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm lizardmen)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 07, 2017, 10:38:04 PM

In fact your 15mm stuff is just as good as your 28mm; you use the same painting technique for both scales?

Thanks! Sometimes - although I'm experimenting with some simplifications for 15mm. For both scales, what I have been doing is undercoating in white, washing in brown (using Citadel's Agrax Earthshade), then drybrushing up in white. That leaves a "preshaded" figure that can then be washed in thin shades and inks and highlighted up when necessary. The lizardmen and orcs were done that way. With one or two of the others, though, I've been experimenting with not using the brown wash and instead just using thin washes of colour over the white undercoat with an appropriate ink wash over that and then highlights - thus avoiding the recesses being too dark. I'm also trying out using the conventional technique but then black-lining before applying the colours, to give some stronger contrasts. I think that might work well with rougher figures.

I had a brief foray into 15mm a year or two ago but mostly it was the Copplestone figures. Good work on the barbarian, btw; they really are fine sculpts, aren't they (despite the slightly chunky swords).

Yes, indeed: I like the idea of using "berserkers" as dungeon monsters, as in OD&D. So these may well make an appearance there. I also have a mounted one that I've started to paint up as a Moorcockian person of the pines.

Is it the lighting, or is that goblin, well, green?

It's the lighting! He's actually yellow, in D&D style. I may, however, have to resort to green at some point: one thing I think is important at this scale is to have the various monster tribes easily distinguishable. I won't be using "by the book" D&D humanoids: one set of "orcs" might be Tolkien-esque goblins while another might be pig-faced monsters, and neither might be called "orcs". Ditto with all the rest. So I want the "red goblins" to be instantly distinguishable from the "blue goblins" and so on.

Here's a big nasty from the depths of the caverns. It's a 28mm Reaper Bones creature, but I think it works better at this scale.

I'm planning to use it as a wandering monster in a "megadungeon" cavern system. I like the idea of having some recurring wandering monsters that are too large and difficult for the PCs to kill (for a while, anyway) and so serve to block exits, force retreats and so on.

At the moment, I'm trying to decide whether to make a modular system of cavern floors using foamcore, or instead to make walls that can be arranged to create caverns of various sizes.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (a rodent of unusual size)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 14, 2017, 06:57:01 PM
Here's a rather less impressive dungeon nasty: a giant rat. I discovered him in the lead pile yesterday. He's Ral Partha and 28mm, but works just fine at 15mm. A wolf-sized rat is more interesting than a dog-sized one, I think.

The 15mm RPG pool now stands at 25 miniatures (the big nasty and a couple of others are missing from this shot0. Around twice that many are in progress at the moment.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a rodent of unusual size)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 14, 2017, 11:16:06 PM
And another barbarian:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a barbarian hero)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 15, 2017, 12:08:46 AM
And one more to round off the evening: a feral, subterranean ogre (a medium-bad roll on the wandering-monster table, I reckon).

I really like these figures, but they're nothing like Tolkien's goblins. They work well as 15mm ogres. The satchel has a touch of Grendel about it, I think, even if it's not made of dragonskin.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a feral 15mm ogre)
Post by: beefcake on May 15, 2017, 02:11:07 AM
That works super well in 15mm.
I really like those minis (but yes, not tolkienesque at all)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a feral 15mm ogre)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 17, 2017, 12:36:38 AM

Yes, it's funny how some 28mm miniatures work perfectly in 15mm while others just won't do. In many cases, I reckon, it has to do with weapon size: 28mm figures with oversized weapons look "off" in 15mm, whereas those with smaller clubs or axes or whatever look good. There are other factors too, of course.

Here's the first of several 15mm gnolls who started life as 28mm kobolds. The rest await their spots.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a 15mm gnoll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 21, 2017, 09:52:47 AM
Here are some scavengers of the underworld - cave lizards from CP Models.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm cave lizards)
Post by: DivisMal on May 21, 2017, 10:08:14 AM
I really love what you did to the Kobold, Gnogblars and LotR Goblin!

I'm a big 15mm fan and sometimes it's hard to find specific monsters and I'm amazed how many things out there work actually better in 15mm than what they were intended for!

I'll certainly try to get some Kobolds for a nice Gnoll Warband. do you remember which manufacturer they are from?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm cave lizards)
Post by: von Lucky on May 21, 2017, 10:09:14 AM
You are inspirationally prolific with your painting - keep it up.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm cave lizards)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 21, 2017, 10:52:44 AM
Thanks, both!

I'm a big 15mm fan and sometimes it's hard to find specific monsters and I'm amazed how many things out there work actually better in 15mm than what they were intended for!

Yes: it's hard to tie down why some miniatures jump scale nicely and others don't. Obviously, there are certain "tells" - skull trophies are a particular problem - but other factors are more subtle. With the kobolds/gnolls, I think the key thing is that they're very muscular and powerful-looking (see Schrumpkopf's outstanding kobolds for a real contrast), so they actually work better as big, fearsome humanoids. A lot of Nick Lund's stuff works well too, because even his smallest creatures, like his kobolds and original black orcs, are terrifically fierce-looking.

I'll certainly try to get some Kobolds for a nice Gnoll Warband. do you remember which manufacturer they are from?

These are Reaper. I think they're available in both metal and Bones plastic, but these are the Bones ones. So you lose a bit of detail and crispness, but it's much more a problem for photos than for the naked eye. Also, the chieftain and wizard are much bigger than the grunts and work really well as daunting 15mm foes.

I've also got some Chronicle kobolds underway. They're a bit different - cruder and scalier, without digitigrade legs - but I'm doing them in the same colours (without spots) and think they'll mix in fine. Or form a second tribe ...

Here's the quickest miniature I've ever painted - a CP Models plant person (from the 15mm sci-fi range):

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (cave lizards and plant person)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 21, 2017, 12:15:46 PM
And here is one of those Chronicle kobold/gnolls: not a hyena-like creature, but a decent-sized two-hit-dice bruiser:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (lizards, plant person & gnoll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 02, 2017, 12:49:44 AM
Here's one of the excellent bugbears from CP Models. I should note that the company's service is outstanding - not only did the package arrive very swiftly, but it included the two bugbears that I hadn't ordered (because I didn't want duplicates). I'll certainly be ordering more from CP in the future.

The Bob Olley bugbears are great miniatures. They're sold as 20mm, but they look spot on for 15mm to me, given that a D&D bugbear is supposed to be 7' tall and has 3 hit dice. These guys look spot on for that next to Demonworld and Ral Partha Battlesystem 15s.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a CP Models bugbear)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 02, 2017, 08:30:26 AM
And a scale pic with a Demonworld barbarian. I think these bugbears are actually too short for 20mm (if you were being fussy about D&D sizes - no reason why you should be), as they're about 20mm tall. But they're bang on for 15mm (and would work fine as 28mm goblins too):
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a CP Models bugbear)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 02, 2017, 11:36:16 AM
And in somewhat better light, to show his cowhide shield. I may touch up that ugly mouldline on the shoulder to make it look like a wound or scar.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a CP Models bugbear)
Post by: DeafNala on June 02, 2017, 12:57:20 PM
I do have more than enough 28's in The Vault to keep me busy for the rest of my life...such as it is. HOWEVER, your 15's are the way to go next time around...I am nothing if not an optimist. Your have a real flair for the Little Guys. VERY INSPIRATIONAL & WELL DONE!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a CP Models bugbear)
Post by: JollyBob on June 02, 2017, 01:50:52 PM
That bugbear is lovely, and I agree about the service from CP Models - I ordered a handful of their Alien Legion type figures a few weeks ago and go a couple of freebies along with them which was very much appreciated.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a CP Models bugbear)
Post by: Severian on June 02, 2017, 08:53:27 PM
Fantastic work on the bugbear - you've really played to the strengths of the sculpt.

All this 15mm goodness is making me wonder what I have hidden in the lead pile. We're just emerging from the chaos of a house move (which leaves me with comparatively abridged hobby space) so 15mm may be one of the ways forward - now I just need to discover which box my 15s are in....
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a CP Models bugbear)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 05, 2017, 12:35:32 PM
Thanks, all!

All this 15mm goodness is making me wonder what I have hidden in the lead pile. We're just emerging from the chaos of a house move (which leaves me with comparatively abridged hobby space) so 15mm may be one of the ways forward - now I just need to discover which box my 15s are in....

Yes, space is a big consideration with 15s. My thoughts regarding scales now are along these lines:

28mm: for skirmishes (SOBH, Battlesworn, Crom, etc.) and HotT (also Sword and Spear Fantasy); also for Tales of Blades and Heroes skirmish/RPG hybrids (one-shot RPGs with a heavy combat element, essentially).

10mm (if I enjoy painting the samples I've ordered): mass battle other than HotT: Mayhem, Sword and Spear Fantasy, maybe Warmaster.

And between the two:

15mm: for RPGs and also Dragon Rampant. We've always played the latter in 28mm - most recently last weekend - but the extra space afforded by switching to 15s and to cm will be considerable. And as the RPG project grows, DR units are coming together quite nicely. So, the six cave lizards above make a perfect unit of lesser warbeasts. I also have Four A Models' "little lizards", which, with the addition of a handler, will also make a regulation six-strong unit. Last night, I based up the rest of the bugbears. There are 13 in total, so they could make two units of elite foot plus a wizard, or one unit of bellicose foot with the armour upgrade, or whatever. And I've got loads of lizardmen of various sizes that will provide unit after unit of foot and cavalry, as well as plenty of RPG encounters.

To that end, I'm planning to rebase my abortive 15mm Mayhem project. Remounted on 2p pieces, the wolfriders will give me both an RPG encounter group and a unit of lesser war beasts or light riders for DR.


I think the small lizardmen with the axes here might end up as huge lizardmen for 10mm. They're very small "true" 15s and look a bit undersized next to my other 15mm lizardmen, so they might just work as ogre-sized 10mm reptiles. I'll see how they scale next to 10mm troops when mine arrive, but I think they might be to genuine 10mm troops what the Caesar 20mm lizardmen are to 15mm infantry.


And these guys are perfect for elite riders in DR:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a CP Models bugbear)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 06, 2017, 12:30:40 AM
Here's a lizardman. I started work this evening on the "little lizards" from Four A Models, but ended up finishing this chap instead. He'll act as their handler in Dragon Rampant (bringing the unit up to six in strength) and possibly in the Whitehack campaign I'm planning at the moment.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a 15mm lizardman)
Post by: DivisMal on June 06, 2017, 01:54:29 PM
This is really amazing! I love the little lizard men, especially their skin came out well.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a 15mm lizardman)
Post by: Mason on June 06, 2017, 03:12:48 PM
Nice little fella who has come out really well.
A great idea to male him the handler.
 :-* :-*

And rather apt that he is standing in front of 'Homicide' too....

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a 15mm lizardman)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 11, 2017, 10:24:45 AM
Thanks, gents!

Here's my first excursion into 10mm (barring the Copplestone war trolls that I painted up for 15mm):

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some 10mm orcs)
Post by: jambo1 on June 11, 2017, 10:27:01 AM
The orcs are great!! Lovely job on them. :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some 10mm orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 11, 2017, 11:23:00 AM

Here's my first 10mm wolfrider.

On basing, I'm swithering between Mayhem-style 40mm squares and Warmaster 40 x 20. Hmm ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 10mm orcs and wolfrider)
Post by: jambo1 on June 11, 2017, 11:50:57 AM
Another lovely painted mini, I personally would go with the 40x20 base, but that's just me :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 10mm orcs and wolfrider)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 11, 2017, 02:25:17 PM
Yes, I'm starting to lean that way - if only because it'll be easier - and thus more motivating - to get units finished.

There are a couple of other considerations too. Two Warmaster-based units make one Mayhem unit, so blueback and a square base underneath solve any problems. But it would be easy enough just to play without attaching the bases to each other; moving two bases at once is hardly a chore (little different from Warmaster itself, in fact).

Also, for Sword and Spear, I'd probably use bigger units of four bases. That would give the option of turning bases back to front to represent damage to a unit, with a command base at the front maintaining the unit's direction.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 10mm orcs and wolfrider)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 11, 2017, 02:44:17 PM
And here's the first of the Four A little lizards - ostensibly 28mm, I think, but here used as a 15mm beastie for RPG encounters and, with his handler and four nest-mates, as a Lesser Warbeast unit in Dragon Rampant.

I also wonder if he might make a 10mm flightless dragon ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (10mm orcs and 15mm lizards)
Post by: Little Odo on June 12, 2017, 01:31:13 PM
Great painting on those orcs, I especially like the 'eye' shields.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (10mm orcs and 15mm lizards)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 13, 2017, 11:44:39 PM
Thanks! I see those fellows as uruks of Mordor, as they're appropriately bigger than the BOFA plastic orcs (smaller Northerners, obviously!).

Here are a couple more wolfriders. I've gone for a white hand on the flag, as the armies of Mordor didn't have wolfriders (Tolkien somewhere suggests that wolfriding might have been a Sarumanic innovation).

I'll put these three on a Warmaster 20 x 40 base. I may not ever play Warmaster, but smaller elements are more encouraging progress-wise (and easier to base), and there's no difficulty in using two bases as a single Mayhem unit.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more 10mm progress)
Post by: jambo1 on June 14, 2017, 05:50:14 AM
Lovely work on the wolf riders, really top job. :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more 10mm progress)
Post by: fred on June 14, 2017, 11:03:12 AM
Ooh! those copplestone wolf riders have come out very nicely.

Regarding the lizardman with the spear - I use those in my 10mm Lizardman army as ogre sized lizards.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more 10mm progress)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 14, 2017, 02:11:43 PM
Thanks, both! The Copplestone miniatures more or less paint themselves.

I'm very taken with 10mm for its speed of painting. It fulfils the hollow promise of 15s, which aren't that much quicker than 28s, I find, especially once larger numbers of figure per element are taken into account. That won't stop me painting lots more 15s for RPGs and Dragon Rampant, as the scale gives a nice balance of individuality and space. But 10s seem the way forward for massed battles other than HotT (for which 28s are best, I think).

Fred: yes, one of the things about lizardmen is that one would imagine them growing steadily with age, like crocodiles (although that's something of an urban myth: but for fantasy, print the legend!). I've got a lot of "true 15mm" Magister Militum lizardmen, which are only slightly bigger than large 10mm. So I suspect I'll press quite a few into service for 10mm games.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more 10mm progress)
Post by: DivisMal on June 15, 2017, 09:46:59 AM

I'm very taken with 10mm for its speed of painting. It fulfils the hollow promise of 15s, which aren't that much quicker than 28s, I find, especially once larger numbers of figure per element are taken into account. That won't stop me painting lots more 15s for RPGs and Dragon Rampant, as the scale gives a nice balance of individuality and space. But 10s seem the way forward for massed battles other than HotT (for which 28s are best, I think).

I agree and disagree. :)

15mm paint a little faster than 28mm IMO, but you are right that especially in larger groups, speed isn't an advantage any more, when 28mm allow you the use of better speed painting techniques and are easier to handle.
Plus: 15s don't really have a price advatage anymore when compared with the plastic sets of historical and some SF/Fantasy manufacturers.

IMO 15s excel at two points, which at least for me are decisive:
1. They still do allow you to recognise individuals and are therefore very well for character drived
tabletop and role playing games.
2. Terrain is much cheaper and looks better with 15s than with 28mm. And this allows you to build a decent tabletop without renting a gym. :)

That said, I do love 10mms for exactly what you stated. They do give a real "mass" feeling, especially when based on blocks.
They are not necessarily less expensive, but allow you to finish huge masses of troops in decent times and believe it or not, they are detailled enough, that you can even play warhammer with them! :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more 10mm progress)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 15, 2017, 01:47:46 PM
I agree and disagree. :)

Actually, I don't think we disagree much, if at all! :)

IMO 15s excel at two points, which at least for me are decisive:
1. They still do allow you to recognise individuals and are therefore very well for character drived
tabletop and role playing games.
2. Terrain is much cheaper and looks better with 15s than with 28mm. And this allows you to build a decent tabletop without renting a gym. :)

Yes, absolutely. I agree with both points. I think 15s are much better than 28s for RPGs, as you simply have much more space. So you can have vast caverns, castle courtyards and marketplaces on a normal dinner table.

And yes, it's much easier to create decent terrain. I'm currently painting 15s for a sprawling RPG campaign, and it's much easier to knock up huge caverns and sizeable open spaces on a tabletop.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more 10mm progress)
Post by: Severian on June 15, 2017, 02:18:46 PM
More great work here. Those copplestone 10s are splendidly done; and I particularly like the Four A lizard a few posts earlier.

Lots of food for thought, too, re repurposing of scales. I've got scads of 28s, but frankly at the moment not enough space to play much with them beyond skirmishes. But a good many of them (red box goblins and so on) could easily make the leap into 15s, I reckon.

However I don't at the moment have that many actual 15s (I think, although one can never be wholly sure) aside from some copplestone barbarians, and I really don't need to start buying more stuff, not in quantity anyway. But the tip to use 15s for RPGs sounds a good one - I'd always presumed RPG characters just had to be 28s (because, well, they always had been, apart from 15s for Traveller obviously...).

Decisions, decisions....
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more 10mm progress)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 15, 2017, 02:38:07 PM
More great work here. Those copplestone 10s are splendidly done; and I particularly like the Four A lizard a few posts earlier.

Thanks! I must finish off the other four; just the bases to do, really.

Lots of food for thought, too, re repurposing of scales. I've got scads of 28s, but frankly at the moment not enough space to play much with them beyond skirmishes. But a good many of them (red box goblins and so on) could easily make the leap into 15s, I reckon.

Those Red Box goblins would make terrific 15mm trolls, I imagine. As I often say in this thread, I find the question of why some 28s work as big 15mm monsters and some don't quite fascinating. There are various factors, I reckon, some of them contradictory. For instance, those with big weapons can look good if those weapons look relatively heavy. But those with relatively small weapons can look good too, if the weapons can be read as tiny in their oversized hands. And so on.

However I don't at the moment have that many actual 15s (I think, although one can never be wholly sure) aside from some copplestone barbarians, and I really don't need to start buying more stuff, not in quantity anyway. But the tip to use 15s for RPGs sounds a good one - I'd always presumed RPG characters just had to be 28s (because, well, they always had been, apart from 15s for Traveller obviously...).

Decisions, decisions....

Funnily enough, I'm planning to use many of my old Traveller 15s in the RPG campaign I'm preparing at the moment. It's going to be a megadungeony cavern affair, but I want to include buried spaceships, robots and weird underground creatures that might be aliens, as well as goblins and trolls and so on. I like the idea of the PCs obtaining powerful energy weapons now and then, but which have only a few shots left. It chimes with both old-school D&D and early Warhammer (the Amazons and the Slann and so on).

One thing I will say for 28s: they're great for SOBH-style skirmishes, for which you only need three feet square. And ditto for HotT, where you can get a great-looking game on the same size of table (or a big game on 6' x 3', e..g a dinner table).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more 10mm progress)
Post by: Steam Flunky on June 15, 2017, 08:49:29 PM
Fantastic painting and collection!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more 10mm progress)
Post by: Hummster on June 15, 2017, 09:09:26 PM
IMO 15s excel at two points, which at least for me are decisive:
1. They still do allow you to recognise individuals and are therefore very well for character drived
tabletop and role playing games.
2. Terrain is much cheaper and looks better with 15s than with 28mm. And this allows you to build a decent tabletop without renting a gym. :)

That said, I do love 10mms for exactly what you stated. They do give a real "mass" feeling, especially when based on blocks.
They are not necessarily less expensive, but allow you to finish huge masses of troops in decent times and believe it or not, they are detailled enough, that you can even play warhammer with them! :)

If I'd not had an existing 28mm collection I really would have been tempted to do everything in 15mm and 10mm - with my current projects I am doing Zulu War in 10mm as it will allow me to field sensible numbers of Zulus without the entire table being full of them.

I think when I started wargaming the 15mm ranges around were not all that great - you had Peter Laing and Minifig's original ranges I think and not much else. The release of the Laserburn range really did turn me onto it as a scale. 
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more 10mm progress)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 18, 2017, 11:53:47 AM
Fantastic painting and collection!


Hummster - the Laserburn miniatures are fantastic. I've got a few left over from my misspent youth, but am eyeing up some more for a 15mm Whitehack campaign with strong science-fantasy elements.

Here are a couple of Eureka 10mm lizardmen. Not sure how many I'll fit to a 20 x 40 base. They might go into two cramped ranks of four or three wider ranks of six, but I might array them in a more unruly fashion.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (10mm lizardmen)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 18, 2017, 04:13:29 PM
And a 10mm warg chief.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (10mm lizardmen and warg)
Post by: DeafNala on June 18, 2017, 05:02:27 PM
It amazes me how WONDERFULLY your tiny miniatures paint up. VERY WELL DONE, one & all!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (10mm lizardmen and warg)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 18, 2017, 06:27:50 PM
Thanks, DeafNala! Their small size makes the painting process pleasantly mechanical.

That said, I think the wolf and wolfriders might actually span the 10mm/15mm divide. The wolf is certainly a good size to work in 15mm RPGs, and the wolfriders might well work OK in 15mm Dragon Rampant - as small, hobbit-sized orcs.

Here are three more - shortly to be based:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (10mm lizardmen, wargs and orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 19, 2017, 12:23:23 AM
Here's the first stand of lizardmen - pre-basing.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more 10mm progress)
Post by: Hummster on June 19, 2017, 11:11:31 AM
Hummster - the Laserburn miniatures are fantastic. I've got a few left over from my misspent youth, but am eyeing up some more for a 15mm Whitehack campaign with strong science-fantasy elements.

Here are a couple of Eureka 10mm lizardmen. Not sure how many I'll fit to a 20 x 40 base. They might go into two cramped ranks of four or three wider ranks of six, but I might array them in a more unruly fashion.

Alternative Armies have a good mail order service and when I revisit my old and not very well painted Laserburn figures I suspect I'll order some more stuff. They have moved the vehicles into resin rather than metal but that has meant the cost has been kept down.

The Eureka 10mm look like they are well sculpted for getting a good result with the painting. I like how yours are coming out.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (10mm lizardmen, wargs and orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 20, 2017, 12:04:43 AM

The first few stands are now finished:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (first finished 10mm elements)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 20, 2017, 02:40:40 PM
Here's a full-frontal shot of the nascent force(s).

The wolfriders form one Mayhem unit, but are still a stand short for Warmaster. They'll see service in 15mm Dragon Rampant too, eventually, but I'm planning to have six stands done for that, with the six stands counting as a unit of lesser war beasts. I compared the wolfriders with a 15mm lizardman last night, and they're certainly big enough for small goblins in 15mm: I think the wolfriders are a bit bigger than the foot orcs, so as very large 10mm goblins, they're appropriate as smallish 15mm orcs.

I could also see the lizardmen featuring in 15mm games, as some sort of diminutive reptilians. Again, I'll probably use either six or twelve stands for a unit.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (first finished 10mm elements)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 21, 2017, 10:37:07 PM
Here's a second strip of orcish infantry - to be based up with the first shortly.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more 10mm orcs)
Post by: DivisMal on June 21, 2017, 10:48:21 PM
Oh those Orcs are amazing. You even painted a little eye on the shields. Really, really nice!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more 10mm orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 26, 2017, 08:21:24 PM

Here's the first orcish infantry element:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more 10mm orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 26, 2017, 09:51:08 PM
And here are some ogres (not quite finished). These are Magister Militum/Blood Dawn 15mm great orcs - some of which I've been painting for RPG use in that scale. Based in pairs like this, they make good 10mm ogres (I'm not the first person to have noticed, as a quick Google search reveals).

I'm going to paint up a few more bases of these. Magister Militum sell the orcs in "double" packs, in that they typically have two poses and a minimum of four in a pack. So I'm planning to order some different ones and base up half for 10mm and half individually for 15mm, splitting the doubles. In 15mm Dragon Rampant, three strips of two will give me a unit of elite foot, and then the individually based ones can be used to track casualties when need be. As my 15s are based on pennies (20mm diameter), they fit nicely into the spaces left by two offset 40 x 20 bases.

These might just be my most scale-versatile models, in that they'd work in 28mm DR as small but fierce orcs. The fact that some are staring upwards helps here - they can either be huge blood-crazed brutes (in 10mm or 15mm) or diminutive creatures staring up defiantly at human adversaries.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (finished 10mm orcs - and ogres!)
Post by: DivisMal on June 26, 2017, 10:07:03 PM
Awesome painting, sir! I love the use of 15mm Orcs as 10mm Ogres!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (finished 10mm orcs - and ogres!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 28, 2017, 12:01:43 AM

Here are the ogres in isolation:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (10mm ogres!)
Post by: beefcake on June 28, 2017, 04:28:48 AM
Very nice work. I love what you are doing with these.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (10mm ogres!)
Post by: jambo1 on June 28, 2017, 05:36:29 AM
Superb work once again, the orcs make great ogres, really well done. :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (10mm ogres!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 28, 2017, 03:07:07 PM
Thanks, both!

I've ordered a few more 15mm orcs from Magister Militum. I think the "normal" Blood Dawn orcs are slightly smaller than these fellows, but they should still make respectable ogres. I'm hoping I can fit three of the smaller ones to a base, to allow for less regular-looking units (e.g. with one two-strong base and one three-strong one). Those will also facilitate casualty removal in 15mm DR.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (10mm ogres!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 28, 2017, 06:57:32 PM
I'm soon going to be rebasing these trolls and adding a few more of their ilk. Not sure whether to put them two to a base or three; they will go three to a stand, but it'll probably be a bit cramped. On the other hand, as with the ogres, two to a base can make the unit look overly regimented.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (10mm ogres ... and trolls!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 29, 2017, 12:02:22 AM
And while all the various residents of Jotunheim are under consideration, I've finally hit on a use for these old Asgard half-trolls - great figures, but awkward to base, given their length. There are three of them (apart from the marvellous half-troll chief; I had one, but gave him away painted to a friend a quarter of a century ago ...), and I was considering basing them up as a 28mm HotT warband element. But it occurred to me tonight that they'll make perfect 10mm giants (of a decidedly nasty sort).

A quandary for basing 10mm monsters is whether to go for 40mm (Mayhem) or 20mm (Warmaster, Sword & Spear) frontages. But these half-trolls solve the problem. They all fit nicely onto 20 x 40 bases, and the two stooping ones work really well together as a single 40 x 40 element for Mayhem (each is naturally angled towards a different side). At first, I thought the archer wouldn't really fit in, but giants have ranged attacks in Mayhem, so why not?

The three of them will be pretty multifunctional: huge giants in 10mm; reasonable-sized ones in 15mm, where they'll be a good RPG encounter and a Dragon Rampant unit or three; and ogre-sized adversaries in 28mm skirmish. And, happily, their bases will form up to make a perfectly legal HotT warband unit in 28mm.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (10mm ogres, trolls and giants!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 29, 2017, 11:58:59 PM
Here are the first reptilian cavalry in 10mm. No bases as yet, as I'm awaiting a consignment, but these two will go on one 20 x 40mm stand.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (10mm reptilian cavalry)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 30, 2017, 12:04:19 AM
And perhaps a more flattering angle ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (10mm reptilian cavalry)
Post by: jambo1 on June 30, 2017, 05:59:03 AM
The reptilian cavalry look great, really nice. :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (10mm reptilian cavalry)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 02, 2017, 09:46:51 AM
Thanks! They're very nice miniatures - from Eureka and firmly in the "so well sculpted that they paint themselves" camp.

Here's a second batch of orc infantry: unbiased as yet, as I'm waiting for some new bases to arrive. They take my little uruks to a full Mayhem element (a 40 x 40 square).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more 10mm orcs)
Post by: jambo1 on July 02, 2017, 09:48:02 AM
Ooh they are very nice, the shields are brilliant!! :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Zar-Guruth Crusher of Cities)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 03, 2017, 12:35:24 AM

Here's a quick experiment. I've been looking at 28s to see which would fit nicely onto a 20 x 40 or 40 x 40 base as giants or huge demons or whatever in 10mm. It occurred to me that this old plastic beastman might work on a 20 x 40 (for Warmaster or Sword and Spear), as he's quite 'flat'. I want to do a Moorcockian chaos horde in 10mm, and he looks like the sort of huge monstrosity that might accompany one.

My bases should arrive tomorrow, so I'll have him properly based shortly. This was very much a speed-painting job, as the figure itself is quite crude and blocky; I didn't even bother with pre-shading. I might put a 10mm figure or two on his base for scale; on the other hand, he'd work quite well in 15mm as a demonic guardian before a sorcerer's gate or something. And of course, without any scale 'tell', he'll still be viable in 28mm.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Zar-Guruth, Crusher of Cities)
Post by: killshot on July 03, 2017, 12:49:12 AM
They're looking good, the beastman looks the part.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Zar-Guruth, Crusher of Cities)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 03, 2017, 12:07:04 PM
Thanks! He is at least an improvement on his counterpart from page 2 of this thread, so that's progress, I suppose!

I'm hoping all the scrawled detail on the cloth will somehow make him look more "giant" when he's based up. I'm going to have a go at making the ground he's standing on blackened with glowing embers.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Zar-Guruth, Crusher of Cities)
Post by: DivisMal on July 03, 2017, 07:56:45 PM
The beastman is a great idea and he looks stunning!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Zar-Guruth, Crusher of Cities)
Post by: Ragsta on July 05, 2017, 10:48:20 AM

You can see the development of your painting skills from page 2, certainly, and the first attempt was already pretty solid. This one looks good - if you wish to keep him flexible for 28mm then go without some other figs on the base but I have a suspicion that you have rather many figures that could do this too, and it would be cool to see some other figs on his base ;)

Haha and now I've browsed your first few pages again! Have you stopped using gloss varnish? I can't really tell... And now you have me wondering if I should try it on a smaller force or two :P
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Zar-Guruth, Crusher of Cities)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 05, 2017, 12:51:57 PM
You can see the development of your painting skills from page 2, certainly, and the first attempt was already pretty solid. This one looks good - if you wish to keep him flexible for 28mm then go without some other figs on the base but I have a suspicion that you have rather many figures that could do this too, and it would be cool to see some other figs on his base ;)

Cheers! Yes, I think I'll go with some crawling things on his base - I'm thinking of pinkish little beastmen, so in 15mm or 28mm, they could be the infant pandas of the chaotic world (or indeed infant broo).

Haha and now I've browsed your first few pages again! Have you stopped using gloss varnish? I can't really tell... And now you have me wondering if I should try it on a smaller force or two :P

No, still using it! I wondered whether or not to go with matt for the 10mm stuff, but I liked how they looked in gloss. The based wolfriders, orcs and lizardmen are all glossed up. I know it's heresy, but I think most miniatures look better in gloss - it covers up the mistakes and lends depth to the colours. And you also get a nice contrast with the matt base. With the 10mm stuff, it just makes them look slightly more alive, somehow - perhaps the suggestion of gleaming steel and sweating limbs?

That said, the Vallejo gloss varnish isn't the glossiest and is probably towards the satin end of the spectrum.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Zar-Guruth, Crusher of Cities)
Post by: Ragsta on July 06, 2017, 08:09:51 PM
Interesting, personally I really like the Matt varnish stage of painting my figs- it seems to bind my colour schemes better than when without. From what you're saying perhaps gloss has the same result, or at least similar. I'll try and experiment for myself, thanks for the info :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Zar-Guruth, Crusher of Cities)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 08, 2017, 01:29:30 PM
Here's an experiment in speed painting. We had some friends staying a few weeks ago, and their kids really enjoyed playing SOBH with ours. So I promised to paint up a couple of warbands for them. I've got quite a few of these skaven kicking around, so thought I'd start with them. I also wanted to try out some super-quick speed painting, to get the project done reasonably quickly. To that end, I went with black undercoat and a really quick, "dumbed down" technique. These took all of an hour and a half, start to finish, last night. Given that, I'm quite pleased with the results and will aim to get a few more done shortly.

This technique - nothing more than simple dry brushing and tinting for the most part, and with just a layer, a highlight and a wash on the focal points (the flesh) - is a massive time-saver. It would be ideal on miniatures that have only the head and hands exposed. I'll be experimenting with it some more.

I also rebased some of my Copplestone trolls for 10mm, and got the first lizard riders based up too.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (speed-painted skaven + more 10mm)
Post by: Jagannath on July 08, 2017, 03:16:43 PM
Those skaven look great - do a lot of your painting involve 'tinting'? It's got a great, subtle look that I really like... super effective.

I'd love to see one of those Skaven before you start the tinting stage, be interested to see how heavily they're drybrushed...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (speed-painted skaven + more 10mm)
Post by: jambo1 on July 08, 2017, 05:16:54 PM
Lovely painting again, the Skaven are really top notch. :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (speed-painted skaven + more 10mm)
Post by: Grumbledook on July 08, 2017, 08:21:38 PM
Very effective painting on the Skaven, can't believe how little time they took.

Love the Trolls.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (speed-painted skaven + more 10mm)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 08, 2017, 10:07:14 PM
Thanks, chaps!

Those skaven look great - do a lot of your painting involve 'tinting'? It's got a great, subtle look that I really like... super effective.

I'd love to see one of those Skaven before you start the tinting stage, be interested to see how heavily they're drybrushed...

Yes, lots of 'tinting' - a thin wash of paint before either an ink/glaze or just some simple highlights. I generally undercoat in white, then wash with Citadel's Agrax Earthshade, then drybrush in white and then tint and wash as required, with some highlights on top.

For the skaven, though, I undercoated in black (Citadel's rather watery Imperial Primer, which worked surprisingly well), then drybrushed grey, then drybrushed white. I then painted the weapons and armour with with thinned-down metallic paint and gave them a wash in Citadel's Nuln Oil. After that, I used very watered down red paint for the clothing and washed all the wood in Agrax Earthshade. Those stages took hardly any time at all. I didn't do anything else to the wood or cloth, so it was just one wash over the drybrushing.

For the flesh, I used paint that was less thinned down - Kislev Flesh, thinned slightly with water but still reasonably opaque. I then quickly highlighted it with Witch Elf Flesh (a very pale colour that I find tremendously useful for highlighting almost anything). This degenerated into drybrushing for the tails. When that was done, the flesh got a very thin glaze of whatever the Citadel blood 'special' paint is called, and that was that. I used the Nightshade dark-blue wash for the eye sockets, then painted the eyes white, then red, then gave them a wet dot of yellow. For the teeth, I mixed an ochre-yellow with bone, painted them in, then highlighted in bone and white. It was the most finicky stage but was very quick. I splashed a bit of the blood paint around the mouths before doing the teeth. A bit of black lining/tidying and it was all done.

To illustrate the dry brushing, here's a chaos warrior that I started painting with the skaven, but stopped working on when the colour schemes diverged. We'll see how he turns out later. I'd just painted in the metals, so most of him is just black primer + grey drybrush + white drybrush.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (speed-painted skaven + more 10mm)
Post by: Severian on July 09, 2017, 12:22:18 AM
Just to echo what has been said: those skaven are first rate. The flesh is especially good.

And thanks for the explanation, which is most helpful. Last night I picked up a paint brush for the first time in almost three months, so this may be a good time to try to work on my technique a bit...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (speed-painted skaven + more 10mm)
Post by: SotF on July 09, 2017, 07:30:36 AM
I like the look of the Chaos Warrior there, the concept looks like one that would work great with an arctic basing scheme
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (speed-painted skaven + more 10mm)
Post by: Jagannath on July 09, 2017, 07:44:46 AM
Thanks for such a detailed explanation - works really well, I've got a few minis I might try it on.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (speed-painted skaven + more 10mm)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 09, 2017, 09:41:25 AM
Thanks, all. I'll post some step-by-step shots of the chaos warrior.

I got the second stand of orcs based up last night; that gives me a full Mayhem unit - the third complete "square":
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (speed-painted skaven + more 10mm)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 09, 2017, 10:20:32 AM
Here's the chaos warrior after 20 minutes or so of thin washes. The horns here will be analogous to the flesh on the skaven - thicker, more opaque paint (though still thinned down a little).

I've blocked in some of the shield in white to do paint in flames.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (speed-painting chaos-warrior WIP)
Post by: Severian on July 09, 2017, 10:32:29 AM
Wow - that's a very effective 20 minutes' work!

Keen to see how he develops - although he's very striking already. The red cloak looks great. Like (I suspect) many people, I struggle with reds.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (speed-painting chaos-warrior WIP)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 09, 2017, 10:56:10 AM
Thanks! Here's the next stage (there have been some interruptions to help children build and bake Fimo creations - and to repair the warrior's axe, which broke half-off after I dropped him!). Nuln Oil has been washed over the metals, and Coeliac Greenshade (or whatever it's called) over the plate armour.

The thin red wash (Citadel's Evil Sunz Scarlet thinned with water) over black and white shouldn't work, but it does, somehow. I might put a "wash" wash over it, but maybe not - this is speed-painting, after all.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (speed-painting chaos-warrior WIP)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 09, 2017, 11:33:15 AM
More interruptions - Fimo, the baking and painting thereof. But here's the warrior after some more washes and (rough) detailing. Also, a start on the base.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (speed-painting chaos-warrior WIP)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 09, 2017, 12:23:51 PM
And he's done. I might do some more to the shield later, but then again ...

He'll be joining the ratmen; the eventual recipients have already been creating some marvellous backstories for them.

Meanwhile, my son's feverish Fimoing has produced an "alien cyborg bounty hunter".
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (speed-painting chaos-warrior WIP)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 09, 2017, 09:10:19 PM
I got a couple more 10mm things finished: an orc chariot and an orc commander.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (wolf chariot and orc commander)
Post by: fred on July 10, 2017, 08:54:45 PM
Cool stuff (again!!)

Where is the orc  chariot from, its not one I recognise (though the wolves perhaps look like Irregular)?

The commander is from the BoFA set isn't he, and he has come out very nicely!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (wolf chariot and orc commander)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 10, 2017, 09:37:57 PM
Cool stuff (again!!)


Where is the orc  chariot from, its not one I recognise (though the wolves perhaps look like Irregular)?

The chariot's from Magister Militum. I've got another couple on the way. They struck me as a "quick kill" in terms of getting a viable "cavalry" unit done very quickly.

The commander is from the BoFA set isn't he, and he has come out very nicely!

Yes - thanks! I picked up a small batch of BoFA figures on eBay. They were very cheap, possibly because there aren't enough for complete Warmaster units (three stands). But there are enough for several complete Mayhem units (squares, so two stands).

I took Major Gilbear's advice on basing the Warmaster way, though, and I'm glad I did. Not only does it allow the models to be used in both games (and Sword and Spear), but it also makes it much quicker - and more motivating - to paint them up. Also, there's a lot of potential for mix'n'match units. So, if we're playing Warmaster, a stand of Copplestone orcs can lead a stand of weedier BoFA orcs into battle. And as Mayhem has rules for "heroic" units, there's potential to have some half-units with obviously heroic figures in the front rank. I'm painting up some Pendraken lizardmen at the moment, and I'm probably going to have some stands with a Magister Militum or Minibits 15mm lizardman front and centre, to represent some vast and ancient hero - which can be reflected in the Mayhem army list.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (wolf chariot and orc commander)
Post by: fred on July 10, 2017, 10:08:53 PM
Good thinking on the basing - while big bases are cool, its often much more flexible to have smaller bases you can arrange together to  make units.

The Pendraken lizardmen are cool - I've had mine out on the table the last couple of weeks. As can be seen over in Pendraken land

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (wolf chariot and orc commander)
Post by: beefcake on July 10, 2017, 10:26:41 PM
Great work on the Chaos Warrior.
That Alien Cyborg Bounty Hunter is great. It combines all the best things of a sci-fi creature into one. Thumbs Up
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (wolf chariot and orc commander)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 10, 2017, 11:20:59 PM
Good thinking on the basing - while big bases are cool, its often much more flexible to have smaller bases you can arrange together to  make units.

The Pendraken lizardmen are cool - I've had mine out on the table the last couple of weeks. As can be seen over in Pendraken land

Those look great! I'm going for four to a stand too - it certainly helps with production!

Here's the first of mine (I'm finishing off another seven at the moment).

Thanks, beefcake! What the photo of the Alien Cyborg Bounty Hunter doesn't show is the mace tail! My son's in the process of painting it; I'll post a photo when he's done ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Pendraken lizardman)
Post by: DeafNala on July 10, 2017, 11:44:23 PM
Large & small your new creations are BEAUTIES. OUTSTANDING WORK!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Pendraken lizardman)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 10, 2017, 11:52:47 PM
Thanks, DeafNala!

Here are the first eight Pendraken lizards - shortly to be based.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Pendraken lizardmen)
Post by: fred on July 11, 2017, 07:23:33 AM
Great work on those Pendraken Lizardmen - you have got loads of detail into such tiny figures.

Those new sculpts are really nice too, addded lots of variation to the figures.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Pendraken lizardmen)
Post by: beefcake on July 11, 2017, 07:32:51 AM
Very nice work on those. And congratulations cracking 1000 replies!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Pendraken lizardmen)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 12, 2017, 08:39:41 AM
Thanks, both!

Those new sculpts are really nice too, addded lots of variation to the figures.

Yes, the Pendraken lizardmen are great. Getting 25 different figures in a pack at this scale is quite something. Although the Eureka lizardman cavalry are superb, I prefer the Pendraken infantry: they just look a bit more reptilian - like upright Komodo dragons.

I got a brace of goblins finished for our friends' children, again using the speed-painting technique I tried out on the ratmen. The lack of highlighting on the clothes, etc., is deliberate - both for speed and to make the pallid skin stand out.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with speed-painted goblins)
Post by: boneio on July 12, 2017, 12:51:39 PM
Your 'speed paint' is better than my 'slow paint'  lol

Love them - the choice of colours is just spot on for my taste!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with speed-painted goblins)
Post by: Jagannath on July 13, 2017, 09:28:43 AM
These look great - I love the old school flavour of a few goblins, a few rat men and a chaos champion, much more than the more common, homogenous warbands based on races. They need a big beast now, no?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with speed-painted goblins)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 13, 2017, 01:20:44 PM
Thanks, both!

Jagannath: yes, indeed. I really don't like the idea of "factions" that's so prevalent in fantasy gaming today. Why not just get some interesting miniatures and create or rationalise a backstory from there?

The eventual recipients of this warband are free of all such preconceptions, being but five and six. And they've been coming up with some tremendous names and stories for the creatures (based on the photos I've sent). And that, I think, is how it should be.

A big beast is a good idea. I have a spare rat ogre kicking around, so might try to get him done tonight. And then I probably need to do some "goodies" (if indeed the first five are "baddies" - it's for their recipients to decide!).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with speed-painted goblins)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 14, 2017, 12:13:35 AM
Here are the based 10mm lizardmen - and some 28mm HotT elements. I've decided that the brighter basing of the 10mm elements works better, so have tried it on these. I might neaten up the odd thing (pick out stones etc.), but I think I'll repaint my other recent HotT bases to match.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (10mm lizardmen; 28mm HotT stuff)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 14, 2017, 08:04:56 AM
Here's a comparison of the old and new bases. I think the new scheme is a huge improvement, so will be repainting all the bases of my recent HotT elements (it won't take long, and there aren't that many of them). I'll start with the chaos hordes, who are now six elements strong.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hordes and hobgoblins)
Post by: JollyBob on July 14, 2017, 09:25:09 AM
They look amazing. 8)

I did think that the guy in the pith helmet in the first pic was actually part of the group at first...  ;D
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hordes and hobgoblins)
Post by: Jagannath on July 14, 2017, 10:48:24 AM
Absolutely love these - this style of chaos army is brill. Those orcy blokes are great... Lovely shields.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hordes and hobgoblins)
Post by: DivisMal on July 14, 2017, 11:28:01 AM
Wow! They look excellent and capture the flair of a chaos horde very well. I like how you use 28mm parts with them!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hordes and hobgoblins)
Post by: boneio on July 14, 2017, 12:48:30 PM
Ogre head on a human body, what a great idea!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hordes and hobgoblins)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 14, 2017, 01:31:54 PM
Thanks, guys. I have heaps  (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=77384.msg1172521#msg1172521)and heaps (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=77384.msg1174430#msg1174430)of the 28mm conversions I did a while back for my HotT chaos hordes still to come. There must be a good two dozen of them undercoated and waiting patiently in a drawer. And there are many more hobgoblins (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=77384.msg1220163#msg1220163) to come too - enough for about five bases in total, I think.

There's a kind of circular irony operating here. I got back into HotT as a half-way house when getting Mayhem 15s (now repurposed for RPGs) done. But now that I'm doing 10s for Mayhem, Warmaster and Sword and Spear, it occurs to me that my HotT forces are easily resolved into square Mayhem units with 60mm frontages. The warband and shooter elements double up to make squares; the blades go in trios; the artillery, cavalry and beasts are already on squares; and the six horde elements here can form a nice 120mm square for a Mayhem "great horde".

That said, we'll mainly use the 28s for HotT and the 10mm for the other massed-battle games (for reasons of table space as much as anything). But once in a while, I might drag out the 6 x 4' terrain boards I inherited from a friend and stage a really big game of Mayhem ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hordes and hobgoblins)
Post by: Dr. Kevin Moon III esq. on July 16, 2017, 02:49:06 PM
Great stuff as ever, love the hobgoblins in particular.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hordes and hobgoblins)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 17, 2017, 02:24:21 PM

Here's a very quick gnoll I knocked out after returning from a camping weekend last night. I realised that I bought a box of Frostgrave gnolls almost a year ago and have only painted up a few of them (as a space gnoll, a traditional gnoll and, following conversion, as some of the chaos hordes above). So I thought I'd see if I can get the rest done to make some warband elements for HOTT - either for my growing chaos army or for an undead army. It seems to me that hyena-like creatures are better designated ghouls than gnolls, and a band of snarling, hyena-like ghouls would be a natural complement to a necromancer's shambling horde.

I'll vary the colours a bit with the rest - with some ghastly pale and others closer to a natural hyena scheme.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (speed-painted gnoll - or ghoul?)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 20, 2017, 12:46:29 AM
I suggested to my son that we play a game of HotT tomorrow when I get home from work; he said he'd rather play Mayhem. Mayhem it shall be, then - in 28mm, with HotT warbands and shooters doubling up to form regulation 60mm Mayhem squares. My elite Essex orcs (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=77384.msg1165257#msg1165257), though, are blades in HotT, and so their bases are but 20mm deep. So three bases are required for a unit. To that end, I thought I'd finish off a couple more. I'll quickly base them now and paint the base before work tomorrow.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some 28mm Essex orcs)
Post by: Mason on July 20, 2017, 12:56:22 AM
Those Orcs are some of the first fantasy figures that I ever saw, so I cannot help loving them.
The fact that Bob put so much character in them really helped too and you have done them justice with a lovely paintjob that brings that character out.
 :-* :D :-*

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some 28mm Essex orcs)
Post by: Severian on July 20, 2017, 08:47:59 AM
Great to see more of these fine orcs painted with your usual dash and aplomb. Looking forward to seeing them all together.

This reminds me I have a few more of these guys in my almost-finished pile...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some 28mm Essex orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 20, 2017, 10:08:47 PM
Thanks! Yes, the Olley Essex orcs must be among the best figures still to be in production from those dim* and distant days. They have a sort of "art before realism" style that's pretty rare today. It's the kind of stylisation that we readily accept in illustrations, but are apparently a bit more resistant to in miniatures. And they're all the better for it!

Well, we didn't have time to play Mayhem (rescheduled tomorrow), but we did have a quick run-through of some home-brew rules. And the new orcs featured. Here they are, as a completed element and in a Mayhem-style square. I also repainted the bases of the other two Essex units.

One thing about two-abreast elements (as I'm finding with my 10mm trolls and ogres) is that they can look a bit dull ranked up. The good thing about the Essex orcs is that they vary a lot in height. By basing and mixing them up appropriatel,y and by varying the colours, I hope to get a reasonably interesting-looking gang.

*Pretty vivid, actually ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (completed Essex orcs for HotT)
Post by: Severian on July 24, 2017, 12:53:42 AM
Most effective now they're all together. The new-style bases set them off very well.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (completed Essex orcs for HotT)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 27, 2017, 07:16:36 PM
Thanks! I have another three bases or so to add at some point. So eventually, they'll form the core of a blades-heavy army on their own.

Here's something I did in preparation for a trip last weekend: a portable set of 15mm miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes and Battlesworn. I taped a bit of magnetic card into an Ikea case; the miniatures are based on pennies and so stick to the card.

They saw action in some improvised terrain (chiefly firewood), in both games. Another handy discovery was that my daughter's loom bands make excellent wound markers for Battlesworn; they even come in the correct green-yellow-red colours. I have negotiated the requisition of some for future games ...

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Travel SoBH and Battlesworn)
Post by: Reed on July 28, 2017, 10:18:47 AM
Something like that is what I intend to make for my usual wargaming. Adding a 2'x2' mat you could've called it a day.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Travel SoBH and Battlesworn)
Post by: Jagannath on July 28, 2017, 10:36:42 AM
Really great - I use small magnets in bases, which I always thought was a good idea but they don't have as strong a pull against magnetic tape as full steel bases do, sort of wish I'd done that.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Travel SoBH and Battlesworn)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 04, 2017, 10:19:21 AM
I knocked out some quick 15mm skeletons before we went on holiday: really quick paint jobs, but they work OK, I think. They featured in a fair bit of SoBH and Battlesworn in the couple of wet days we had in France.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (quick 15mm skeletons)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 05, 2017, 11:24:34 AM
Now, the main point of all this 15mm stuff is RPGs. My son wants to have a big D&D game for his birthday party (looming in around a month's time), so I have a big session to plan. Most of the kids will have done a bit of gaming with us before, but not all. So miniatures and terrain will be a real help - though I want the game to be much more of an exploration/adventure than just a fancy wargame. There'll be plenty of scope to bring new characters into the game mid-session, so impetuous or overly bloodthirsty characters may not last long.

The setting will be caverns containing an ancient crashed starship (hence "Dragonfell Mountain"); an evil alien being was released from captivity in the crash; it's being worshipped/lured by snakemen through vile sacrifices, and all that malignancy is causing goblins to spawn spontaneously in the caverns, and their activities are causing concern for nearby human populations - hence the adventure (though some PCs will have heard rumours of ancient weapons and magic beneath Dragonfell). Meanwhile, the alien pilots (near immortal) are gradually rebuilding their craft through trade with the dwarfs and kobolds who build the "old roads" connecting these caverns with others. Perhaps with the goblins too. So there will be goblin/dwarf markets and caravans as well as lairs and ambushes.

All that requires cavern terrain. It'll have to be done quickly (I have a month!) and needs to be extensive. So I'm making these "geomorphs" out of foamcore. I'm going to label each one A, B, C ... AA, BB, etc. on the reverse, so that I can assemble them quickly from the cavern map. The idea is that each sector of the cavern complex will use each geomorph once, but in very different configurations. I'm going to paint them in the same umber hues as my 15mm bases (hence their drabness). I'll make some archways to show entrances, and I'll use foamcore squares (with stone-floor or spaceship tiles on the reverse for other locations, perhaps) to raise levels - I want a real sense of up and down, and of unfolding caverns rather than a room-and-corridor "dungeon". If time permits, I hope to add pools, underground river sections (perhaps just a couple, as boat trips between locales can be glossed over except for occasional ambushes en route) stalagmites, rubble heaps and phosphorescent fungus forests.

For the spaceship interior, I'll need to find or make some suitable floorplans. I'll ask on the scifi forum, but any suggestions for readily available 15mm (or shrinkable) spaceship layouts very welcome!

With the caverns, I'm making no pretence at geological accuracy. I just want a large, weird environment that the PCs can explore. The science-fantasy elements will appeal to the audience, I think, as I can imagine nothing pleasing them more than starting with swords and then getting their hands on blasters! We'll use the Whitehack rules, and the characters will be pregenerated to match miniatures and advanced to third level to ensure plenty of hit points. In Whitehack, all weapons use D6 for damage (with modifiers); the ancient alien energy weapons will use D20s, giving the possibility of some very swift disposals of big nasties. But they will have very limited ammo when captures by PCs.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (a start on cavern floorplans)
Post by: Jagannath on August 05, 2017, 01:59:19 PM
That looks like a really clever way of generating cavern floor plans, I might steal that. Height is the key isn't it - have you seen matakishi's dungeon blocks? I'm on my phone so can't link but maybe there's some ideas worth pinching there.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (a start on cavern floorplans)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 05, 2017, 02:56:07 PM
Cheers! Yes, on height, and yes on Makatishi's stuff! In fact, I have his inspirationallly loopy time-travelling RPG thread bookmarked!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (a start on cavern floorplans)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 06, 2017, 08:01:45 PM
Here's a 15mm wolfrider. A bit of a hybrid, this one: the wolf is from Ral Partha's AD&D range, of which three wolves have survived from my teenage years. The riders have vanished, though, but these Alternative Armies orcs fit them perfectly.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm Ral Partha/AA wolfrider)
Post by: jambo1 on August 07, 2017, 05:42:28 AM
They work well together, the AA orc looks a very nice figure. :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm Ral Partha/AA wolfrider)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 07, 2017, 08:33:26 AM
Yes: I think the AA/15mm.co.uk range is a bit undersung. For example, when painting the Ral Partha wolf, it occurred to me that for all the vaunting of the Ral Partha AD&D range (and they are nice figures), the AA wolves have the advantage of looking ... much more like wolves.

Here's another AA orc - this one will be a champion or other "extra hit dice" character in the Whitehack game. He and the wolfrider are the outriders of a batch of six orcs that I got more or less done over the weekend. I should probably tidy up the shield a bit and perhaps moderate the shadows under his eyes, but these flaws are more apparent in the photos than on the table, I think.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm orcs)
Post by: jambo1 on August 07, 2017, 05:25:49 PM
More nice work, and yep AA are a very underrated fantasy range, great stuff!! :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm orcs)
Post by: Leadpocalypse on August 07, 2017, 05:51:55 PM
One of the most amazing threads I have ever seen. Well done dude some absolutely stunning minis on this thread. As someone who's looking to try a faster method of painting could you post up some step by step pics of one of your minis please?

I did see somewhere in here that you undercoat white, wash with agrax/dark wash, dry brush white and then apply washes/glazes. Do you just thin your desired colour with water and paint it on and highlight?

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm orcs)
Post by: Ragsta on August 08, 2017, 06:58:10 AM
Leadpocalypse, go to page 65 for a guide, sir :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 08, 2017, 01:15:20 PM

The stuff on page 65 is with a black undercoat, but it's very similar. I'll try to post a white-undercoat version either tonight or tomorrow.

I did see somewhere in here that you undercoat white, wash with agrax/dark wash, dry brush white and then apply washes/glazes. Do you just thin your desired colour with water and paint it on and highlight?

Yes, that's basically it. I used to do a lot of thinning with medium rather than water, but since adopting a wet palette a few months back, I've tended to use water. The wet palette (a flat, water-soaked sponge in an ice-cream tub with greaseproof paper over it) keeps the wash at a consistent level of wetness, so there's less need for medium to get an even covering.

The general process is this:

I sometimes do other things, like black-lining after metallics but before colours - especially for smaller-scale figures.

For maximum speed, I'd take care to use very thin washes for the initial colours, then wash everything except the skin in brown or sepia. And I'd only apply highlights to the skin, to make it stand out more. That's basically what I've been doing with these 15mm goblins.

For wolf fur, incidentally, I more or less leave it as it looks after the initial white drybrush, but add some thin brown and black patterns down the spine and on the cheeks and legs. So if I ever paint up a warg-only army, it will be very quick indeed!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 08, 2017, 01:22:28 PM
One more thing: when using red, I have a tendency not to thin it quite enough. The technique works best when it's really quite thin - so that the painted areas look pink rather than red. And then the final wash does the rest: either a crimson GW wash or their violet followed by their yellow (so that the dry brushed highlights are red-orange rather than white).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm orcs)
Post by: Leadpocalypse on August 08, 2017, 05:05:42 PM
That's ace, thanks ever so much for taking the time to write it up. I like the idea of using pastel type Elf flesh as a highlight and washing again. I'm gonna try this out with a few heroquest minis I have lying about. I'll let you know how I get on, it does seem like a quick method and the style is something I really like the look of.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 08, 2017, 06:22:17 PM
No problem at all! I'll try to do some genuine WIP shots, but here's a mock-up from some of the (lamentably, hundreds!) of figures I've got lying around partially painted.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 09, 2017, 12:31:10 AM
And here's an orc in various stages of wippery - from Agrax wash with white drybrush to first highlights in Witch Elf flesh (and a few wee glazes/washes around the eyes and nose). I'll finish him off tomorrow.

One unusual step with this guy was the use of thinned Witch Elf to reduce the severity of the shading on the flesh. At the same time as I was adding highlights, I let a bit of thinned paint run into the shaded areas to lighten them a bit and reduce the contrasts. This is the first time I've done a 28mm orc with the yellow skin tone I've been using on my 10s and 15s, and the yellow paint doesn't have the opacity of Witch Elf Flesh (which I used as the initial colour tint for my "fish-white" cave goblins earlier in this thread (one of whom (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=77384.msg1040802#msg1040802) has the same face as this guy). So it needed a bit of remedial work to stop it looking too crude.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with orcish wippery)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 09, 2017, 08:25:12 PM
The first few details (teeth and eyes whitened in):
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with orcish wippery)
Post by: Jagannath on August 09, 2017, 10:01:54 PM
Lovely job - thanks for putting another step by step up. I love your painting - it's the plat opposite of mine ( I start from black, leave blacklining everywhere and highlight up) but it's so good - seems like it's fairly quick too? You really seem to crank excellent minis out. Lovely as always.

AA goblins are great too - where the castings ok? I've had some castings off AA that make me not want to order any others....
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with orcish wippery)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 09, 2017, 10:24:28 PM
Thanks, Jagannath! Yes, it's pretty quick - a fairly sloppy process with tidying up later.

I ordered the AA goblins a year or so ago; I'd say that the castings are generally fine, though some had a fair bit of flash. None were actually miscast, though.

I've just added another couple of stages to this chap - red and then yellow on the eyes and some touch-ups elsewhere, plus green and brown on the base.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with orcish wippery)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 09, 2017, 11:07:56 PM
And I'll call him done for now (will have a look at him in daylight to see if anything needs fixing).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with orcish wippery)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 09, 2017, 11:18:35 PM
And a beastman to keep him company.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with orcish wippery)
Post by: jambo1 on August 10, 2017, 05:31:19 AM
That beastman is a cracking figure, really good looking baddie!! :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Kev Adams beastman)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 10, 2017, 01:27:37 PM
Cheers! Yes, that first range of Kev Adams beastmen is terrific: there are some of these dog-goat chaps, as well as goatmen and boarmen. I have another four kicking around - two boarmen, a boatman and another dog-goat. The sixth, a goatman, broke years ago and survives only in his head, which was transplanted onto a Grenadier orc (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=77384.msg1181590#msg1181590) (right-hand side of the central base) by my teenage self.

I have this guy earmarked as a beserker/brute for Battlesworn. Some Goodwin chaos warriors will act as tanks or tank/brute combos, I've got a sorcerer to lead them, and I'll probably use skaven or other less imposing beastmen sa the obligatory fighters.

I'm still swithering over whether to give the orc's eyes pupils. The current red/yellow glow effect means that he fits in with my cave goblins. I'll leave him for now and see how the rest turn out. I think Fangor Gripe (the cyclops orc from the same range) may have the casting vote as to whether his kin get pupils or not.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Kev Adams beastman)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 13, 2017, 09:43:21 PM
Three weeks to go until the big D&D game: here's a Pendraken manticore. Ostensibly 10mm, it's perfect for 15mm, I think: the size of a large lion compared with a 15/18mm human.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Pendraken manticore)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 14, 2017, 11:50:52 PM
No cavern-crawling RPG session would be complete without a certain ethical dilemma: what to do with goblin children?

After a rummage in the bits box, I now have two bases of nasty little goblin imps. They're Mantic orclings - perfectly sized for 15mm goblin imps. I envisage these engaging in a lot of taunting and rock-dropping and screeching before squirming away into cracks in the nooks of the caves.

They'll also work well as swarms for Battlesworn.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm goblin children)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 15, 2017, 12:10:21 AM
And some very quickly painted dead trees: I'm envisaging an encounter with skeletons that takes place on a battlefield that was above ground long ago ...

"Scatter terrain" pieces like these will be used to give a bit of flavour to specific caverns.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm infant goblins & trees)
Post by: beefcake on August 15, 2017, 02:21:55 AM
More great work. So are you planning a massacre the goblin children campaign... Dude that is cold.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm infant goblins & trees)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 15, 2017, 08:12:40 AM
Thanks! No railroading here! What the players choose to do with the goblin-imps is entirely up to them (I can envisage a heated debate between proponents of killing them, ignoring them and adopting them as pets ...).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm infant goblins & trees)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 18, 2017, 09:23:08 PM
Here's a 15mm Tin Soldier knight that I bought (I think) from blackstone. It had been beautfully converted: the mace is rod and green stuff. I haven't done the conversion any justice with my quick paintjob, but needs must - and I need to have at least a dozen adventurers (and many more adversaries) done over the next two weeks. I always find blue by far the hardest colour to paint - especially on clothing.

I think these Tin Soldier figures are great; I like their "haptic homunculus" aspect, as it's very effective at this scale.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a 15mm knight)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 19, 2017, 07:35:45 PM
And here are some 15mm hobgoblins - "large goblins" from Alternative Armies. These are really old and fairly rough sculpts from the early 80s. Rough paintjobs to match, but they'll add a bit of bulk to the goblins lurking beneath Dragonfell Mountain. I'm going with the early-D&D/JRRT "hobgoblins are larger goblins" approach for this game. It makes more sense than the later Gygaxian multiplicity.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm knight and hobgoblins)
Post by: Barry S on August 20, 2017, 05:16:22 AM
I am really enjoying this thread.

Thanks for taking the time to describe your methods and for the photos!  :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm knight and hobgoblins)
Post by: jambo1 on August 20, 2017, 09:38:16 AM
More marvellous minis and more gems unearthed, lovely!! :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm knight and hobgoblins)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 20, 2017, 04:04:11 PM

Here's another 15mm adventurer - Essex, I think. I'm not sure if Bob Olley sculpted Essex's 15mm range or it was done in his style, in imitation of his 28s (I read somewhere that the Splintered Light range were his first 15mm attempt). In any case, it's a terrific range.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm adventurers)
Post by: Jagannath on August 20, 2017, 04:19:16 PM
Great minis (as are the last few I hadn't commented on) - love those Essex 15s, really good character. Nicely done.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm adventurers)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 20, 2017, 07:49:39 PM

Now, the goblins are going to need a leader. And much as I dislike the recent Hobbit films, I did quite like the idea of an outsized Great Goblin. I happen to have this old Mithril Great Goblin kicking around. So, rather than have him lurk in the lead pile for another quarter century, I thought I'd use him as the king of the goblins of Dragonfell. He's 28mm, of course, but I think he'll work quite well. I haven't glued him to his throne. I'm either going to experiment with gluing a bit of magnetic card to the base of his cloak and behind his feels, so that he'll stick to a penny base when he stands up or simply strip down this similar Mithril orc (I've got a few of them in these very rushed teenage paintjobs) and paint him up.

I know there's a lot of love for Mithril figures, but I've never quite understood it. They've always struck me as a bit bland; the orcs are similar to Tom Meier's, but just not as good. They do paint up quickly, though - an irony given how expensive they were in the 80s, as they'd be great for a speed-painted wash'n'drybrush army.

Whitehack (the peerless D&D variant I'll be using for the game) has some interesting ideas about "boss monsters". I'm considering having a demon arise from his corpse when he's slain - either to begin another, radically different combat or to set him up as a recurring villain.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a 15mm giant goblin king)
Post by: Dr. Kevin Moon III esq. on August 20, 2017, 07:55:18 PM
He's fab! Fits really well with the others.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a 15mm giant goblin king)
Post by: nic-e on August 20, 2017, 08:00:04 PM
How have i not commented on this thread yet?I come and look through it almost daily!

Really great work, The quality and speed you're getting these classic sculpts painted at is wonderful. :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a 15mm giant goblin king)
Post by: Maxromek on August 20, 2017, 08:15:48 PM
You never cease to amaze me Hobgoblin :D
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a 15mm giant goblin king)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 21, 2017, 11:50:56 PM
Thanks, gents!

Really great work, The quality and speed you're getting these classic sculpts painted at is wonderful. :)

The expectations of small children are a terrific spur - especially when they expect the best D&D game ever in 10 short days ...

Here are three more goblins for the king's retinue:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a 15mm giant goblin king)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 24, 2017, 12:08:32 AM
Some WIP Grenadier orcs. I'm playing around with an idea I purloined from Spooktalker's blog: doing no highlights whatsoever on their skin. The aim is for a sort of Bakshi effect.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (WIP black-orc experiments)
Post by: Jagannath on August 24, 2017, 12:16:07 PM
It's hard to tell because they're dark - has it worked? You're really inspiring with your painting experiments. That shield is magnificent!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (WIP black-orc experiments)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 24, 2017, 01:05:05 PM

It's a bit too early to tell. The eyes and teeth certainly stand out, which is what I want. And it does make the process very quick!

I'm trying it for a few reasons. First, I found Spooktalker's post (http://belchedfromthedepths.blogspot.co.uk/2014/11/dungeon-dwellers-fire-giant.html) very interesting - it's hard to believe that he hasn't highlighted the face. Second, I'm keen to try some quite "retro" paintjobs - especially if they're also quick and distinctive. And third, I have a lot of rather crude old figures kicking around that might be better served (and unified) by this sort of scheme. One example is this Gremlin orc warlord (a blatant rip-off of Aly Morrison's Baron Brightgore hobgoblin):


I'm not sure that diligently highlighting that figure's flesh would improve it - a jet-black hide might obscure the crudeness somewhat and allow a focus on what matters: jutting fangs, a red mouth and glowing eyes. I've been experimenting on the Grenadier orcs for the same reason. Although Nick Lund did these after he left Citadel, they're not nearly as good as his slottabase Citadel black orcs: the faces and limbs of the Grenadier lot are much rougher, with wild concavities and irregular features. And yet they have a certain something (as nearly all of Nick Lund's stuff does). So I'm hoping that the "flat" black paint will hide the roughness and also free up the time spent on each figure for shields and the like.

From what I can tell so far, the black does "highlight itself" fairly decently. I hope a suitably retro coat of gloss varnish will enhance the effect!

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (WIP black-orc experiments)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 25, 2017, 10:01:52 AM
Here's a 15mm lizardman. It'll represent my son's PC in the forthcoming D&D game. He painted most of it, to the extent shown in the first photo. I then finished it off at his request.

I also did a little more on the unhighlighted black orcs. This close-up spares you much of the unfinished stuff, but isn't very flattering. But I think it does show how pure black "adds its own highlights". The effect I'm going for is along these lines:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes(orc experiment and 15mm lizardman)
Post by: Jagannath on August 25, 2017, 11:05:12 AM
Both look great - your son did a grand job. I visited that blogpost about the black and it's so effective! It's worked really well on yours too. I wonder if you could enhance/change the effect by giving them a super matte coat, then 'highlighting' with a satin varnish. I want to paint some black armoured minis soon, might try it!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes(orc experiment and 15mm lizardman)
Post by: Ragnar on August 25, 2017, 11:13:11 AM
I have been enjoying this thread for a while.  I reckon the unhighlighted black works very well.

(I wish there was more Bakshi LOTR)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes(orc experiment and 15mm lizardman)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 25, 2017, 02:03:18 PM
Thanks, both!

I wonder if you could enhance/change the effect by giving them a super matte coat, then 'highlighting' with a satin varnish. I want to paint some black armoured minis soon, might try it!

Good idea! I have no truck with matt varnish, though, (except on the penny bases of my 15s). It's old-fashioned gloss all the way. But I'm sure satin "highlights" would work well - especially on armour.

(I wish there was more Bakshi LOTR)

Yes, there's a weird visionary quality about the best bits of that film: the opening sequence, the Black riders and the orcs in particular. I'm actually thinking of using these orcs in Crom, as generic servants of evil.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes(orc experiment and 15mm lizardman)
Post by: jambo1 on August 25, 2017, 05:39:40 PM
The black orc looks great, takes it on a different way all together, I really like the way it looks may try this myself!! :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes(orc experiment and 15mm lizardman)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 27, 2017, 12:05:12 PM
Thanks! I've been making progress with five of the jet-black orcs. The "highlights itself" property that Spooktalker identified is really prominent in painting - I keep having to check that I haven't inadvertently gotten lighter-coloured paint on a raised area. I'm going to try the technique out on some 15s later today.

Of course, 15mm is what I should be doing, with a week to go to the big D&D game. This morning, I got another four goblins finished. That takes the tribe to an outsized king, some brats, a wolfrider, two hobgoblin guards and 12 vicious goblins. Here are the 12 in one of the movement trays I picked up at Claymore. These chaps will form a unit of light infantry in Dragon Rampant. I plan to add some texture to the tray and add some bits of greenery to it, so that the overall scheme is similar to that for my 28s and 10s, but the individual bases will remain dull and dirty for dungeon-delving.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more 15mm goblins)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 27, 2017, 07:32:56 PM
And here are some of the adventurers that will be going up against them. I've repurposed this Denizen 25mm goblin as a 15mm half-ogre. He's got a nice "gentle giant" look, I think.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm half-ogre and adventurers)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 28, 2017, 04:55:12 PM
Here are a couple of Alternative Armies 15mm orcs (from their "orc command" pack). I'm experimenting with "Spooktalker black" - i.e. no highlights - at this scale too. I'm not sure yet whether to leave them in a Bakshi state or to add a few highlights to the noses and cheekbones.

These figures are somewhat strange. They're clearly made a different sculptor from whoever sculpted most of the AA orcs, and they're much cruder. But they do have rather nicely modelled heads. The rest of them is pretty rough, though. But I very much like the guardsman with the polearm.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm half-ogre and black orcs)
Post by: jambo1 on August 28, 2017, 05:32:44 PM
They look very nice, AA make a lot of decent figures, though not their best work still very decent figures. Liking the black skin, really works well. :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm half-ogre and black orcs)
Post by: DivisMal on August 28, 2017, 07:20:59 PM
The polearm orc is indeed a very nice pose. Reminds me of Angus McBride's Tolkien pictures (or someone else I confuse with Mr McBride).
The Bakshi style painting of the orcs is genius and I might just steal it...:)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm half-ogre and black orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 29, 2017, 12:30:07 PM
Thanks! The method is Spooktalker's (although I suppose I did paint my orcs flat back - with enamels -  when I was nine ...).

Here's a 15mm carrion crawler for this weekend's D&D game. It's a great little model from Alternative Armies' Sengoku range: the Greater Centipede Demon.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm carrion crawler )
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 29, 2017, 03:20:46 PM
And here's a three-armed necromancer - actually an old Asgard trimote from Alternative Armies.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm crawler and necromancer )
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 29, 2017, 05:12:44 PM
And a worm man. This chap's going to be a helpful NPC who will sell information for gold (which he then devours with relish).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm dungeon dwellers )
Post by: DivisMal on August 29, 2017, 06:07:53 PM
The worm dude is an incredible miniature! Who makes "him"?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm dungeon dwellers )
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 29, 2017, 06:20:21 PM
Four A Miniatures - one of a set of three:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm dungeon dwellers )
Post by: Jagannath on August 29, 2017, 06:47:57 PM
Lovely latest additions - worm guy's great, I've got him coming along as an alien trader in my 15mm sci-fi, such a good expression and pose.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm dungeon dwellers )
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 29, 2017, 10:23:13 PM

Yes, he's a brilliant design. He's one of many figures from this 15mm RPG project with huge sci-fi skirmish potential.

Here's another of the PCs for the weekend: a lizardman crossbowman.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm dungeon dwellers )
Post by: Maxromek on August 29, 2017, 10:58:17 PM
I wish I could play a game with your miniatures, they are all splendid!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm dungeon dwellers )
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 31, 2017, 12:05:27 AM

Here's one more PC - an elf. These Demonworld 15s are tremendous, but there's so much fiddly detail that they're rather a slog to paint.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm monsters and elf)
Post by: Jagannath on August 31, 2017, 12:13:10 AM
more corkers! I love the lizardman. I agree on the Demonworld minis - there's a diminishing returns thing too, some of my Demonworld minis are my worst looking minis when they're more than 20cm from the eye, the detail just clutters them. Yours looks great having said that!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm monsters and elf)
Post by: Idle Doodler on August 31, 2017, 12:21:10 AM
Overly detailed you may claim them to be, but they look mighty good from here. How the blazes you paint pupils on a 15mm I do not know, but that elf looks fantastic!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm monsters and elf)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 31, 2017, 02:45:13 PM
Thanks, both!

Idle Doodler, suitably thinned paint is the key to painting pupils, I always find: that and a brush with a good point. Too thick and it's dry by the time you get the brush to the figure; too thin and you end up washing the eyeball. There's a 'goldilocks' state that works. A wet palette (an ice-cream tub with a wet sponge folded inside and a bit of greaseproof paper on top) really helps.

Here's a WIP necromancer's lair for the looming Whitehack/D&D session. It'll get only a very rough and ready paint job, but will do, I think. It should work as a little evil shrine or crypt for 28mm skirmishes too.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (WIP necromancer's lair)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 02, 2017, 06:32:42 PM
Here's another 15mm PC for tomorrow: a Demonworld knight.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a 15mm knight)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 02, 2017, 07:48:00 PM
And a druid and a dwarf. All replacement PCs (after character deaths) will be dwarfs who just happen to be patrolling the underworld.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm knight, druid and dwarf)
Post by: DivisMal on September 03, 2017, 07:58:07 AM
The blue skin tone works brilliantly on that dwarf!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm knight, druid and dwarf)
Post by: beefcake on September 03, 2017, 08:16:00 AM
Excellent work as usual.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm knight, druid and dwarf)
Post by: jambo1 on September 03, 2017, 09:00:51 AM
Very nice, love the blue skin on the dwarf, really good. :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm knight, druid and dwarf)
Post by: Jagannath on September 03, 2017, 12:47:49 PM
Love them, that Druid is spectacular! I hope the big game's a blast!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm knight, druid and dwarf)
Post by: Severian on September 03, 2017, 01:13:45 PM
Yes, hope the big game goes well.

A great series of updates in the past few weeks - the blue-skinned dwarf is very striking. Will they all be blueskins, or do you plan a variety of dwarven (or dwarfish) skin-tones?

Rather struggling to get anything painted myself at the moment; your regular additions are a standing encouragement...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm knight, druid and dwarf)
Post by: swiftnick on September 03, 2017, 08:09:47 PM
That blue skin tone is blowing my mind.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm knight, druid and dwarf)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 04, 2017, 08:27:59 AM
Thanks, all!

Yes, hope the big game goes well.

Thanks! It went very well. Whitehack's really a brilliant system for imaginative kids. One girl skinned a cave lizard and used its hide to sneak past other underworld nasties - all the while expanding on the simple goal I'd given her with an in-depth backstory. Another girl came up with a brilliant backstory for her wolf-person character (an old Traveller vargr) and reasoned her way into rolling for a longer-than-normally-possible charge with a leap for the enemy's throat on account of her lupine origins. Whitehack actively encourages such things, so it was a joy to play.

Inevitably, they only got through about a third of the stuff I'd planned (neither the necromancer's house nor the stairs to the goblin lair in these photos came into play). But they're all keen to play again next week, so at least I've got a couple of sessions ready to go now.

A great series of updates in the past few weeks - the blue-skinned dwarf is very striking. Will they all be blueskins, or do you plan a variety of dwarven (or dwarfish) skin-tones?

At the moment, I'm keen to make them all blue. I think dwarfs in contemporary fantasy are too human and not nearly eldritch enough. It's largely Tolkien's fault, of course - but even his dwarves are a bit more than the current short, grumpy Scots/Viking stereotype. In Norse myth, dwarfs are often rather sinister - and they are shaped from the limbs of  Blainn ("Blue": "the Dead"). Somewhere in the Edda, their ghastly appearance is touched on, too. Also, they're usually equated with the svart-alfar and dokk-alfar ("black elves" and "dark elves"), so non-human skin tone seems to fit. And I think that glowing eyes go well with an underground species.

On top of all that, I find non-human skin easier to paint than human tones!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm knight, druid and dwarf)
Post by: Severian on September 04, 2017, 09:17:31 AM
Excellent - always better to have extra material than not enough - and the scenery looks most effective.

Re blue dwarves. Of course, I went to look this up, and, yes, Voluspa mentions Blainn's limbs and Brimir's blood as the source of dwarves; no reason why a giant (if that's what Brimir is) shouldn't have blue blood (in one or more senses), or any colour you like in fact. There's also the passage in the Snorra-Edda (in Gylfaginning) that quotes the same Voluspa verses after saying dwarves began as maggots in Ymir's flesh, before the gods gave them human likeness and intelligence. Again, I reckon these maggots can be any colour you like, and blue looks most striking. This "blue" is the livid blue-black of bruises, too, or so Zoega tells me. You probably know all this already, of course. But moving away from the "grumpy Scots/Viking stereotype" is certainly a good thing; interested to see where you go with this. Eldritch in any case is good and to be encouraged...

Looking forward to further updates and your next sessions.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm knight, druid and dwarf)
Post by: swiftnick on September 04, 2017, 06:15:25 PM
I am now looking at the Copplestone dwarfs and thinking Blue!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm knight, druid and dwarf)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 04, 2017, 10:01:07 PM
Re blue dwarves. Of course, I went to look this up, and, yes, Voluspa mentions Blainn's limbs and Brimir's blood as the source of dwarves; no reason why a giant (if that's what Brimir is) shouldn't have blue blood (in one or more senses), or any colour you like in fact. There's also the passage in the Snorra-Edda (in Gylfaginning) that quotes the same Voluspa verses after saying dwarves began as maggots in Ymir's flesh, before the gods gave them human likeness and intelligence. Again, I reckon these maggots can be any colour you like, and blue looks most striking. This "blue" is the livid blue-black of bruises, too, or so Zoega tells me. You probably know all this already, of course.

"Maggots of Ymir" has been one of my favourite phrases since I first read The Weirdstone of Brisingamen as a child! Yes, there's definitely an association of dwarves with death - Thor's words to Alviss in Alvissmol, for example:

Thor spake:
2. "What, pray, art thou? | Why so pale round the nose?
By the dead hast thou lain of late?
To a giant like | dost thou look, methinks;
Thou wast not born for the bride."

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm knight, druid and dwarf)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 04, 2017, 10:02:44 PM
Here are some other participants in yestersday's game (hastily painted yesterday morning!): a Traveller vargr (one of the PCs), the metallic guardian of the crashed spaceship, and the alien worms that lurked near it.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm vargr, robot & alien worms)
Post by: Dr DeAth on September 04, 2017, 10:36:23 PM
Nice brushwork, those GW Rippers are very useful, I've got a load for my 15mm sci-fi.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm vargr, robot & alien worms)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 05, 2017, 12:20:38 AM
Cheers! Yes, they're great - nicely imposing aliens in 15mm. I need to get hold of more.

I did a bit more on the no-highlight black orcs tonight. Still WIPs, though. I've got a few more underway: preslotta Chronicle hobgoblins and some Acropolis goblins.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (black orc WIP shields)
Post by: Severian on September 05, 2017, 12:44:14 AM
Great shields! and the alien worms above are indeed very good.

Interesting that Thor says Allviss looks like a thurs - now we're in Grendel territory, at least with the name. And to make it all more fun, Allviss gets turned to stone by the rising sun, which makes him like a giant in another way too. Of course, dweorg in Old English seems to mean not just "a dwarf" (in glosses) but also "a fever or fit" in the medical literature. Hmmm. Fascinating stuff...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (black orc WIP shields)
Post by: DivisMal on September 05, 2017, 05:33:01 AM
The freehands on the shields make me ashamed of my poor painting skills. Wow!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (black orc WIP shields)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 05, 2017, 01:05:05 PM
Thanks, both!

Interesting that Thor says Allviss looks like a thurs - now we're in Grendel territory, at least with the name. And to make it all more fun, Allviss gets turned to stone by the rising sun, which makes him like a giant in another way too. Of course, dweorg in Old English seems to mean not just "a dwarf" (in glosses) but also "a fever or fit" in the medical literature. Hmmm. Fascinating stuff...

Have you read The Shadow Walkers? It's a collection of academic essays on supernatural creatures in Germanic mythology and folklore. It's edited by Tom Shippey, who also provides an essay (and whose prose is much better and freer of tiresome academic formulations than some of the others, I might add ....). It's a really good read on all this stuff.

And thurs takes us not just to Grendel but to Tolkien's orcs. Shippey notes that orc is glossed with thyrs in the Cleopatra glossary. And in the The Road to Middle Earth, he supplies this quote from the Norse poem Skirnismal:

"The mirk is outside, I call it our business to fare over the misty mountains, over the tribes of orcs [Shippey’s translation of þyrsa]; we will both come back, or else he will take us both, he the mighty giant."

All of which goes to show, I think, that dwarves should have much more in common with trolls and goblins than with the sort of hearty, down-the-pub types that populate so many games!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (black orc WIP shields)
Post by: Severian on September 05, 2017, 02:02:52 PM
Yes, I have The Shadow Walkers on my bookshelf (next to the four volumes of Grimm's Teutonic Mythology...). It is indeed a fun book. There's also a good essay by Shippey on light-elves & dark-elves, and what Tolkien makes of them, in his collection Roots & Branches, which you may know.

Apropos of nothing, I just opened volume 2 of Grimm and came across a reference to a medieval writer, Heinrich von Ofterdingen, making a pair of dwarves ride on goats... and here was I thinking this was a nonsense of more recent origin. But Grimm notes briskly that, unlike these later works, "the Edda nowhere represents either alfar or dvergar as mounted", which is probably as it should be.

The whole dwarves-and-beer thing is indeed vastly overdone (and I am as fond of beer as the next man, or moreso). I remember being rather disappointed by this in the original Warhammer Forces of Fantasy supplement, which was the first Warhammer item I bought rather than borrowed. It makes them both more trivial and, as you say, much less uncanny.

One of the very good things about Dragon Warriors, incidentally, is the way it presents goblins (and hobgoblins) as malevolent folkloric tricksters rather than "the infantry of the old war"; although it then rather spoils this by introducing orcs, as a separate species, in the "infantry" role... I suppose we blame Gary Gygax for this, at one or two removes...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (black orc WIP shields)
Post by: DeafNala on September 05, 2017, 02:11:43 PM
You do the most FANTASTIC WORK with the Little Folk...I am impressed. VERY WELL DONE one & all!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (black orc WIP shields)
Post by: Jagannath on September 05, 2017, 02:17:21 PM
Gosh, those shields are a bit good!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (black orc WIP shields)
Post by: majorsmith on September 05, 2017, 04:29:32 PM
Those shields are really impressive!!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (black orc WIP shields)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 05, 2017, 06:08:33 PM
Thanks, all! One great thing about those Grenadier orcs is that they have nice big shields to paint - unlike their Citadel contemporaries, which were blighted by those awful plastic shields!

There's also a good essay by Shippey on light-elves & dark-elves, and what Tolkien makes of them, in his collection Roots & Branches, which you may know.

I didn't and shall investigate. Many thanks!

Apropos of nothing, I just opened volume 2 of Grimm and came across a reference to a medieval writer, Heinrich von Ofterdingen, making a pair of dwarves ride on goats... and here was I thinking this was a nonsense of more recent origin. But Grimm notes briskly that, unlike these later works, "the Edda nowhere represents either alfar or dvergar as mounted", which is probably as it should be.

Ha! That's interesting, though: it could be interpreted in a manner that's much more The Witch (along these lines (http://gardensofhecate.blogspot.co.uk/2017/08/cxxxvi-black-phillip.html), perhaps?) than Jackson's Hobbit.

The whole dwarves-and-beer thing is indeed vastly overdone (and I am as fond of beer as the next man, or moreso). I remember being rather disappointed by this in the original Warhammer Forces of Fantasy supplement, which was the first Warhammer item I bought rather than borrowed. It makes them both more trivial and, as you say, much less uncanny.

Couldn't agree more!

One of the very good things about Dragon Warriors, incidentally, is the way it presents goblins (and hobgoblins) as malevolent folkloric tricksters rather than "the infantry of the old war"; although it then rather spoils this by introducing orcs, as a separate species, in the "infantry" role... I suppose we blame Gary Gygax for this, at one or two removes...

I think the publishers are to blame in this instance. I seem to recall reading somewhere that orcs, halflings and that balrog surrogate the Malgash were forced upon the authors. Certainly, Tim Harford's views (http://fabledlands.blogspot.co.uk/2010/05/revamping-dragon-warriors.html) on DW on Dave Morris's blog make for interesting reading in this regards.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (black orc WIP shields)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 06, 2017, 10:09:47 AM
Here's a little more work in progress on the black orcs. "Baron Dullgore" and the Acropolis goblin leaning on the club are just about done. The reason I'm posting this shot is that the Acropolis' goblin's face shows Spooktalker's no-highlight-black approach working pretty well, I think. I hope to get this first batch finished tonight. I'm not really thinking of theses as orcs, but as minor demons in a Young Kingdoms or Hyborian setting. It strikes me that Matakishi's Crom would work really well for a Moorcockian game of a few heroes vs all manner of nasty entities, and I've got a few of the old Citadel Eternal Champion miniatures kicking around ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yet more black-orc WIPs)
Post by: Severian on September 06, 2017, 01:37:59 PM
Orcs (or whatever they are) looking good; great work on the robes!

I reckon Crom! is a grand set of rules for all manner of things. Was there supposed to be a revised or expanded or tweaked version on the way? Think I read this somewhere, but I forget the detail. The rules are great as they stand, but were there issues with missile fire, or something?

The no-highlight-black thing is interesting; a couple of years ago I painted some warhounds for a dark ages game and just made them black with no highlights. Mostly this was sheer laziness but I thought they looked OK. I'll dig them out and have another look; but certainly highlighting black with another colour never seems to work as well as it's supposed to...

Thanks for the Tim Harford/Dave Morris link, btw; lots of fun things there!

I've been idly looking about for more dwarf lore, too...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yet more black-orc WIPs)
Post by: Dr DeAth on September 06, 2017, 07:09:39 PM
I reckon Crom! is a grand set of rules for all manner of things. Was there supposed to be a revised or expanded or tweaked version on the way? Think I read this somewhere, but I forget the detail. The rules are great as they stand, but were there issues with missile fire, or something?

Don't think there are any problems, but Matakishi commented before that we wasn't too happy with the missile fire rules he'd written and wanted to improve them.  He's also posted on my thread (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=103486.0) about the Deluxe Crom! rules (bottom of the first page)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yet more black-orc WIPs)
Post by: Severian on September 06, 2017, 07:38:50 PM
Great, thanks - knew I'd seen it somewhere. And good to see your excellent 15s again!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yet more black-orc WIPs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 09, 2017, 12:26:02 AM
The first batch of black orcs is more or less done. I'll take a look at them in the morning and maybe add the odd detail, but they're meant to be a retro blaze of colour and darkness, and I think they're just about there - barring a good slathering in gloss varnish. I've got a good lot more underway too, including some very early Fiend Factory Citadel and Ral Partha goblins.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (no-highlight black orcs!)
Post by: jambo1 on September 09, 2017, 06:53:52 AM
They are lovely, really nice contrast of colour with the black skins, superb!! :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (no-highlight black orcs!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 09, 2017, 09:49:31 AM

I'm now eyeing up all my FF Citadel and Acropolis goblins plus the various Chronicle wolfriders I have lying around, and wondering if this technique would allow them to be quickly mustered into a HotT army. The Chronicle wolfriders are great, but their faces are fairly rudimentary, so they might respond quite well to this treatment: they've got sufficiently prominent tusks, lower lips and eyes to add interest to the jet-black approach.

Severian: I can imagine black warhounds looking pretty good without highlights: the sort of glossy black pelt you get on a doberman or the like would be quite hard to paint conventionally, I think. As you say, highlighting black is a tricky business. I've occasionally seen orange recommended as a good highlighting mix, but have yet to try it.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (no-highlight black orcs!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 09, 2017, 09:51:34 AM
Also: in Heroes for Wargames, there's a photo of a hobgoblin shaman designed and painted by Aly Morrison. It's done with red robes and glowing red eyes and jet-black skin. I've never been able to detect highlights on it, but its hard to tell from the photo. In any case, it looks amazing.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (no-highlight black orcs!)
Post by: Gibby on September 09, 2017, 10:35:27 AM
Those look really sinister. I can tell you love painting shields, too! Keep up the great work!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (no-highlight black orcs!)
Post by: Jagannath on September 09, 2017, 12:02:56 PM
These look fantastic mate! So that pic above is before the gloss varnish? Definitely looks to me like the black works well matte too, might try this on some wee beasties. Shields are fantastic, really good.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (no-highlight black orcs!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 09, 2017, 01:29:44 PM
So that pic above is before the gloss varnish? Definitely looks to me like the black works well matte too, might try this on some wee beasties.

Yes, they're all matt at the moment. The gloss will cover a multitude of sins ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (no-highlight black orcs!)
Post by: Severian on September 09, 2017, 02:43:29 PM
Excellent effect individually and en masse!

Curious to see how they look after glossing; I reckon this will go very well with the black. I'm thinking of doing a test varnish of a warhound or two, maybe in satin as a sort of uneasy halfway house...

Keen to see how your FF goblins turn out - fond memories of that range.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (no-highlight black orcs!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 10, 2017, 07:15:10 PM

Here are some repurposed miniatures from the very first page of this thread: Caesar C20 ratmen rebased for 15mm, where they act as giant "rat horrors". We played D&D (Whitehack) again this afternoon, and these creatures played a part in the session's second act, when they were discovered breaking into a saint's tomb. (The first section involved repelling a goblin/wolf attack on an isolated inn). Despite being really quite tough, they were despatched fairly quickly through a succession of critical hits and sneak attacks. They spoke to each other in peevish, spiteful tones and had truncated Biblical and classical names: Zekiel, Lysses, Nezer, Irgil and Viticus.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm rat horrors!)
Post by: Hummster on September 10, 2017, 09:37:42 PM
I was really interested seeing the blue skinned dwarf - nice to break away from the orthodoxy on them. Good to see plenty of nice stuff again.

Hopefully when I get some more time I might try some of your techniques on my lead and plastic pile.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm rat horrors!)
Post by: Gibby on September 10, 2017, 09:50:17 PM
Those ratmen are great. I take it the Caesar 1/72 are soft plastic? Did you have any trouble getting the paint to stick or anything?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm rat horrors!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 10, 2017, 10:41:39 PM

No trouble with the paint at all. I washed them in warm water and soap, and then undercoated them with a brush, using Citadel's Ceramite White. I did my usual Agrax Earthshade wash over that and then drybrushed them up in white again. They're very slightly tacky to the touch when it's warm, but not to the extent that anything would stick to them. They make really good 15mm RPG pieces - and as they're only a bit taller/bigger than large 15/18s, they're perfect as two- or three-hit-dice monsters (gnolls, bugbears, whatever). The lizardmen are good too - I'll be rebasing these guys on the left on 2ps shortly, and will probably base some others up as hordes for 28mm HotT. You get about £40 for six quid, so it's hard to go wrong.


I'm also wondering whether the Caesar goblins might work as some kind of pallid Morlock-type creature in 15mm.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm rat horrors!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 11, 2017, 09:31:25 PM
One more black orc!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (a Mantic orc sans highlights!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 11, 2017, 10:36:06 PM
And here's a wee tip for soft-plastic miniatures. Because these Caesar ratmen are in bendy plastic, the detail on them is - inevitably - a bit rougher than it would be for metal or hard plastics. So, after doing my usual white undercoat, brown wash and white drybrush, I then do a little bit of black lining on them before the colour tinting. This adds a bit of definition where it's needed. It also means that the colour tints and washes will soften the black lining a bit.

I'll be using it a lot in the coming week or two, as I've decided that these gangling rat horrors will play a big part in the D&D campaign - not least because I've got loads of them!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Mantic orc and soft-plastic tip )
Post by: nic-e on September 11, 2017, 10:38:53 PM
I did something with a ceaser fantasy fig recently too.

I found that giving the primer a solid day to dry helped alot with avoiding chipping and flaking compared to the same plastic after an hour or so..
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Mantic orc and soft-plastic tip )
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 11, 2017, 10:55:52 PM
What did you prime them with? I just painted on Ceramite White (years ago!) with these fellows. None of them have chipped over that time, but I'd be nervous about spraying the others rather than hand-painting them.

I notice that with today being cooler, there's no trace of tackiness in the painted and varnished ones.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Mantic orc and soft-plastic tip )
Post by: nic-e on September 11, 2017, 11:56:06 PM
What did you prime them with? I just painted on Ceramite White (years ago!) with these fellows. None of them have chipped over that time, but I'd be nervous about spraying the others rather than hand-painting them.

I notice that with today being cooler, there's no trace of tackiness in the painted and varnished ones.

Just brush on vallejo white primer. IT goes on thin but it seems to stick very well ,well enough for them to be handled and painted.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Mantic orc and soft-plastic tip )
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 13, 2017, 12:22:56 AM
Yes, the Caesar figures do seem to take paint well. I rebased these guys yesterday and finished them off today: not a hint of flaking paint, despite plenty of rough handling and dropping.

These guys aren't as nice as the ratmen, but they're big and threatening-looking in 15mm games.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Mantic orc and soft-plastic tip )
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 15, 2017, 09:06:09 PM
It was time to rebase these chaps (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=77384.msg1059584#msg1059584). I like them better as 15mm ogres than as 28mm orcs; like many of Nick Lund's sculpts - not least the kobolds - they're so brutal-looking that they work really well as big nasties at a small scale.

I also got a few more rat horrors finished.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm ogres and rat horrors )
Post by: Ragnar on September 15, 2017, 09:34:00 PM
More awesomeness.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm ogres and rat horrors )
Post by: Dr DeAth on September 15, 2017, 09:35:17 PM
Those Ratmen look the business
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm ogres and rat horrors )
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 16, 2017, 12:28:54 AM

Here's some WIP for this weekend's D&D game with the kids: a massive purple worm. It's based for HotT too (as a behemoth or perhaps a god), and will probably see some tabletop time in Mighty Monsters, OGAM and sci-fi games too.

Heavily indebted to DM Scotty of the DM's Craft YouTube channel in this.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm ogres and purple worm WIP )
Post by: Severian on September 16, 2017, 12:39:00 AM
Crikey! That's a great worm!

Amongst many other uses, it would make a fine sandworm for 15mm Dune....
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm ogres and purple worm WIP )
Post by: jambo1 on September 16, 2017, 05:48:18 AM
Great work, those Kobolds are brutal looking nasties! :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm ogres and purple worm WIP )
Post by: beefcake on September 16, 2017, 06:06:24 AM
Looks great. How do those ratmen scale up to 28mm things. Would they make good little tiny ratmen?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm ogres and purple worm WIP )
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 16, 2017, 08:40:08 AM
Thanks, all!

Severian: yes, indeed: I've got half an eye on using the worm in some 15mm sci-fi - perhaps accompanied by some blue-eyed jihadists.

jambo1: sorry, the text above is a bit misleading. Those guys are the old Chronicle orcs/black orcs. The kobolds (which I'm using as gnolls) are here (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=77384.msg1251449#msg1251449).

beefcake: they do indeed make good little 28s. That's what I was originally using them for (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=77384.msg947054#msg947054). I might well get another pack at some point and base them up as hordes for HotT, given how easy they are to paint. That would allow GW skaven to be used as warbands and the like alongside them. Here's a size-comparison pic:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm ogres and purple worm WIP )
Post by: jambo1 on September 16, 2017, 11:18:35 AM
Yep I see now, nice work! :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm ogres and purple worm WIP )
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 17, 2017, 11:16:04 PM
Thanks! I've got a real soft spot for the Chronicle kobolds - fond memories of finding some in my Christmas stocking when I was nine.

The worm received its RPG debut today in our Sunday game of Whitehack. We had six players (down from nine or ten), which was about perfect. The PCs first encountered the worm as in dormant, coiled form as the "floor" of a cavern they had to cross. Various failed DEX checks and a tentative blast with an ancient energy weapon later, it unveiled itself in all its hideous glory. I was gratified to get genuine shrieks from the players when it appeared.

The beast got a very hasty paintjob last night and this morning. Its appearance in the void around the necromancer's lair is purely accidental; it was already dead by then, swallowed PCs having blasted their way out from within. The PCs were severely weakened by the encounter, though, and four of the six perished in the final assault on the necromancer.

I've read that it's wise not to kill kids' characters in RPGs, but I don't believe a word of that advice! Both survivors and recently deceased were keen for more - and "the dead" have already rolled up fresh characters. I was delighted by this drawing on one of the new character sheets, though - it's got a certain "my work here is done" quality!

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a huge purple worm )
Post by: Severian on September 18, 2017, 12:12:58 AM
Amazingly effective worm - very well done!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a huge purple worm )
Post by: von Lucky on September 18, 2017, 11:08:18 AM
 lol Well done.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a huge purple worm )
Post by: fred on September 18, 2017, 10:31:27 PM
That worm is awesome, I saw the painted photo first, and assumed it was a Reaper Bones model, but then going back a page saw that its a scratch build. The shear scale of it is great!

As to killing characters - I think if the players think they died in a fair way, then they don't mind, especially if it was in an epic battle to overcome an enemy.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a huge purple worm )
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 24, 2017, 12:34:50 AM
Thanks, all!

Fred - yes, I think that's right - and last week's battle was certainly epic: shades of Hrolf Kraki's Saga, as the evil necromancer constantly reanimated deceased friends and foes. More than half the PCs ended up on his side - posthumously!

Here are some villains for tomorrow's session (nay, today's!): bullywugs, in the form of frog folk from East Riding Miniatures:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm bullywugs)
Post by: beefcake on September 24, 2017, 12:57:00 AM
Nice work, I really like that variety in skin tones.
I sculpted some guys like that available from CP models. Probably a bit larger than them though.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm bullywugs)
Post by: Jagannath on September 24, 2017, 01:28:22 PM
These looks great - quick Q, did you paint the very green frog using your usual method? I've got a pile of 10mm snakemen to paint at some point and my test version (over my usual black undercoat) didn't work because I couldn't highlight all the tiny scales - your glazing method might work really well. I was thinking of swapping your brown wash step for a green wash though (I want them emerald like tree snakes)- every tried that?

Hope today's adventures go well.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm bullywugs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 24, 2017, 08:45:34 PM
I sculpted some guys like that available from CP models. Probably a bit larger than them though.

Ah, yes - I've eyed them from afar! I might pick them up at some stage as chieftains for these fellows (whom I'm sure will recur as the campaign progresses).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm bullywugs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 24, 2017, 09:12:41 PM
These looks great - quick Q, did you paint the very green frog using your usual method? I've got a pile of 10mm snakemen to paint at some point and my test version (over my usual black undercoat) didn't work because I couldn't highlight all the tiny scales - your glazing method might work really well. I was thinking of swapping your brown wash step for a green wash though (I want them emerald like tree snakes)- every tried that?

Hope today's adventures go well.

Cheers! The gorgon's up next! Yes, all of these were done in exactly the same way, barring the skin colour and the wash. I painted another eight this morning, so I've got the satisfaction of having the whole batch done now - and a unit of fierce foot or light foot with mixed weapons ready for 15mm Dragon Rampant.

For the very green ones (made distinct to act as leaders), I used GW's Moot Green (thinned heavily with water) and then Biel-Tan Green (thinned heavily, but then my pot is three years old) over that. All of them had the same white/Agrax/white treatment beforehand. I find that the brown pre-shading doesn't dull bright colour at all. For your emerald snakemen, you could try something like Citadel's Coeliac Green wash (or whatever it's called). I think you need something reasonably dark for it to work - Agrax is definitely better than sepia for pre-shading, no matter how bright the desired effect. I've only really experimented with brown, sepia and black - the last of these for "cold" figures.

The adventure went well, thanks - the party began the game on a boat (courtesy of Dave Graffam's paper models, currently on sale for less than a pound a piece on DriveThruRPG) but were waylaid by the frogmen, who were commanded by a large gun-wielding shrimp-creature, and imprisoned in a dungeon beneath an old customs house - before breaking free with the aid of a concealed magic ring. They then had to negotiate a shoggoth that the bullywugs kept as a guard, using deep pits to keep it in one section of a "loop" dungeon (the frogmen could leap the pit with ease). The climactic battle ended up with two players on zero hit points and two on one, but all surviving and victorious.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more 15mm bullywugs)
Post by: AndrewBeasley on September 24, 2017, 10:03:22 PM
Excellent set of Bullywugs and a neat frog as well :)

I've used the Bullywugs as skirmish troops in 28mm before today so it's nice to see then here!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more 15mm bullywugs)
Post by: Jagannath on September 24, 2017, 10:21:18 PM
Thanks for that - yeah, Coeliac instead of agrax is what I was thinking. I'll give it a go!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more 15mm bullywugs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 24, 2017, 11:02:31 PM
I look forward to seeing how you get on. I might give it a go on something myself. The thing is, I'm usually trying to make my (son's) reptiles look duller rather than brighter. But at smaller scales, I think there's a good case for going bright.

AndrewBeasley - thanks! One thought I have with these chaps is that they could be sabot-based into a HotT Slann army that I've been meaning to paint up for the past year. They'd make good lurkers or walker lurkers.

The frog's an early Citadel 28mm beastie, I think. He's fairly crude, and his paintjob was of the can-I-just-cram-this-in-without-the-kids-noticing-before-their-friends-arrive-for-the-game variety, but I was pleased with how he looked on the table (summoning the bullywugs to rise from the swamp and then squatting on a treasure chest in the villains' underground lair.).

A great thing about 15mm is that your common-or-garden 28mm giant rats, frogs and lizards become much more significant threats the smaller scale.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more 15mm bullywugs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 26, 2017, 12:00:29 AM
I saw these lion men on the ERM site and immediately thought "pig-faced D&D orcs!". They're not exactly pig-faced, but they do have prominent snouts and feudal get-up, so they'll do for me.

I won't call them "orcs" in the game, but they'll be the mysteriously monstrous henchmen of the evil Baron Meliadus, who induced the bullywugs to ambush them last session. (I'm deliberately dropping in names that they may encounter in reading later in life.)

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm "pig-faced orcs")
Post by: Jagannath on September 27, 2017, 12:07:48 AM
These look great - what weird minis. They feel to me almost like there's a medieval Cthulhu thing going on. Love 'em!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm "pig-faced orcs")
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 27, 2017, 12:26:56 AM
Cheers! As soon as I saw snouted beastmen in feudal get-up with kettle hats, I knew I had to have them. They remind me, vaguely, of the Dragon Warriors Elven Crystals campaign, in which the main villain has snouted beasts in human get-up doing his bidding (they're called wodwos, if memory serves, but they're not terribly like traditional wood-woses).

There's some other interesting stuff in the ERM lines too: rhino men, for example.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm "pig-faced orcs")
Post by: Hobby Services on September 27, 2017, 01:18:07 AM
You know Splintered Light actually makes pig-faced orcs in 15mm, right?  And Zombiesmith has them in German WW2 uniforms and gear, for those campaigns where the Axis includes Mordor (as you'd expect).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm "pig-faced orcs")
Post by: Duke Donald on September 27, 2017, 01:21:08 AM
I'm impressed by your steady output of quirky and cool minis, a whole 77 pages of it now!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm "pig-faced orcs")
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 27, 2017, 09:55:34 AM

You know Splintered Light actually makes pig-faced orcs in 15mm, right?

Yes. Alas, they don't have a UK distributor, as far as I know, which more than doubles the price to get them here. I'll probably get them at some point, but only when the painting table's clear of 15mm, so that I can justify a big order!

And Zombiesmith has them in German WW2 uniforms and gear, for those campaigns where the Axis includes Mordor (as you'd expect).

I didn't know about those!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm "pig-faced orcs")
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 29, 2017, 09:30:59 AM
Here are some very hastily painted miniatures for this week's Whitehack game. The scenario is a raid on a sorcerer's tower, but as we're playing on Saturday rather than Sunday this week, I had less preparation time. I've repurposed a very old 25mm Grenadier orc as a giant demon guarding the entrance to a tower of brass (there's going to be a heavy Moorcock theme this week ), and have very hastily drybrushed some Minifigs men-at-arms as "pawns" - brass-armoured automata that are going to be arrayed like chess pieces on the chequered floor of the room in which they're encountered.

I'm hoping that the players won't have to fight the demon, as he can't tell one mortal from another. They should learn of this when they rescue a prisoner from the monstrous, liveried guards of the last update (an evil baron's soldiers delivering sacrificial victims to the sorcerer), so they'll get a chance to don the surcoats and helmets of the monstrous guards and sneak in.

The "pawns" will be "eggshells armed with hammers" - AC 7 (equivalent to plate and shield, to reflect a more advanced sort of plate), hefty damage from their poleaxes, but only a single hit point each. So they'll be hard to hit, and hard-hitting, but they'll go down instantly if a blow gets through.

One observation: much as I like them, I always find the (non-Lund) Grenadier figures hard to paint. There's something about the relative shallowness of detail that makes them resistant to my normal methods.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a 15mm demon & brazen pawns)
Post by: Dr DeAth on September 29, 2017, 01:57:14 PM
They look good - especially considering they're hastily painted.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a 15mm demon & brazen pawns)
Post by: Jagannath on September 29, 2017, 02:12:33 PM
Love 'em - it's funny, I try and avoid multiples of a pose where possible, but for automata type creatures it works really well. The big beast is great, red and brass is very 'demonic'!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a 15mm demon & brazen pawns)
Post by: swiftnick on October 01, 2017, 11:37:11 AM
Have gone back to the beginning ( it is a slow day at work). Have got to page 30 and needing a break. Absolutely wonderful stuff. Great figures with some great painting. Just wondering you don't come from Edinburgh do you? The painting style seems familiar for some reason.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a 15mm demon & brazen pawns)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 01, 2017, 01:10:06 PM
Thanks, all! The automata proved quite deadly yesterday, as it took the players a while to realise that they had only 1 HP apiece.

Just wondering you don't come from Edinburgh do you? The painting style seems familiar for some reason.

Yes, indeed.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a 15mm demon & brazen pawns)
Post by: swiftnick on October 01, 2017, 02:18:23 PM
Well that is me at page 55 now and pretty amazing stuff. I see you are from Edinburgh and used to paint for Mac's models. I worked their briefly in the early 90s which is probably where I saw your work.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a 15mm demon & brazen pawns)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 01, 2017, 02:25:18 PM

Yes, that might be it. All the old HOTT stuff on page 4 sat in Mac's Models for years and years (I'd forgotten about it until I got it back).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a 15mm demon & brazen pawns)
Post by: swiftnick on October 01, 2017, 02:29:49 PM
Mike or Justin?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a 15mm demon & brazen pawns)
Post by: Hobby Services on October 01, 2017, 02:31:15 PM
Thanks, all! The automata proved quite deadly yesterday, as it took the players a while to realise that they had only 1 HP apiece.

Say what you will about D&D 4E, the concept of the 1HP minion monster type was genius.  :)

Agree with you about automata.  They're the one spot where having a bunch of identical sculpts works well.

Although I did do a whole platoon of the same figure for a weird Supersytem team one time.  There was one central psionic superguy painted normally, and then groups of ten hench-models in different monochrome shades representing his psionic-energy clones.  That was kind of neat.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a 15mm demon & brazen pawns)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 02, 2017, 11:29:25 AM
Say what you will about D&D 4E, the concept of the 1HP minion monster type was genius.  :)

I wasn't aware of that! I've only ever played the original AD&D (and then only as a player); GMing Whitehack is my first foray into actual D&D (more or less), rather than Runequest, Dragon Warriors, Palladium, Tales of Blades and Heroes, etc. ...

The various iterations of D&D always leave me slightly baffled - there always seem to be more rules than anyone can possibly need. Whitehack (a "hack" of the OD&D "white box") is really elegant and concise, in contrast.

Mike or Justin?

The latter! Mike's stuff was always much better than mine. He's in Hong Kong now.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a 15mm demon & brazen pawns)
Post by: swiftnick on October 02, 2017, 12:36:55 PM
I thought it might be you Justin.
I still have those Russian VSF figures you painted for me. They haven't been in action for a while but still cherished.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a 15mm demon & brazen pawns)
Post by: mikemystery on October 05, 2017, 12:04:30 PM
Hah! sent me to this thread after asking "is this you/" on Facebook. But i'd recognise that painting style anywhere! Hobgoblin: very kind of you to big-up my painting ;) actually in Edinburgh at the mo: moved to Singapore, got "shitcanned" (to use the professional term) couple of months ago, so back in the old country for a few months with the aged parent till I get another job somewhere sunny. Would love to meet up for a pint some time if your free. Great to see you're still painting
Started painting again last year, bus as ever slow as hell. Hk doesn't have much of a scene, but lots of games stores in Singapore: plan is to finish my Empire army one of these days. But all in storage in Singapore. But LUCKILY found a couple of boxes of old lead in mother-in-law's garage. Lots of pre-slotta chaos warriors, orcs (a lot of broken halberd to deal with, broo bodies (to fit the bag of heads overseas ;), and some nice bits I'm trying to fit together (leadbelcher, old orc war machine, elven attack chariot etc..). I'm nitromorsing at the moment (then an extra dettol wash). I'm ashamed to admit I think I stripped a couple of Troglodytes you painted in a rush, lost most of my well painted miniatures to the hunter/bruce's semi regular D&D group (still going strong believe it or not, albeit on a bi-annual basis: my involvement somewhat restricted by geographical remoteness). Anyway! Just got admin approved! I'm gonna check out the rest of the posts and photos in the meantime!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a 15mm demon & brazen pawns)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 05, 2017, 12:27:55 PM
Would love to meet up for a pint some time if your free.

Definitely! I'll send you a PM.

Started painting again last year, bus as ever slow as hell. Hk doesn't have much of a scene, but lots of games stores in Singapore: plan is to finish my Empire army one of these days. But all in storage in Singapore. But LUCKILY found a couple of boxes of old lead in mother-in-law's garage. Lots of pre-slotta chaos warriors, orcs (a lot of broken halberd to deal with, broo bodies (to fit the bag of heads overseas ;), and some nice bits I'm trying to fit together (leadbelcher, old orc war machine, elven attack chariot etc..). I'm nitromorsing at the moment (then an extra dettol wash).

Use Biostrip instead! Works just as well, doesn't smell and is eminently reuseable. It's taken my stripping of miniatures to industrial levels recently.

I'm ashamed to admit I think I stripped a couple of Troglodytes you painted in a rush, lost most of my well painted miniatures to the hunter/bruce's semi regular D&D group (still going strong believe it or not, albeit on a bi-annual basis: my involvement somewhat restricted by geographical remoteness).

Those very glossy green and yellow ones (painted with some Tamiya stuff, I think)? No worries! I stripped the third of those recently myself!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a 15mm demon & brazen pawns)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 08, 2017, 11:09:18 AM
Swiftnick pointed me to a (reasonably) local Hordes of the Things tournament. The only problem was that it's 15mm; all my HOTT stuff is in 28mm. But I've got lots of 15mm, there's a month to go, and HOTT armies are fairly small.

I had a look around, and realised that my 10mm "ogres (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=77384.msg1264231#msg1264231)" (actually very large 15mm Blood Dawn orcs) are already legitimately based as warbands or hordes in 15mm HOTT. Ditto for my Copplestone trolls (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=77384.msg1268121#msg1268121). So that gives me six points already - a quarter of an army. I could also use my 10mm wolfriders (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=77384.msg1263833#msg1263833) as beasts; the wolves double up as natural-sized 15mm animals in the Copplestone ranges, and the riders are perfectly decent small orcs. At a pinch, I could use my 10mm orcs and lizardmen (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=77384.msg1270276#msg1270276) as hordes.

But I'll still need to get some more stuff done. I made a start last night, with this behemoth. I like my miniatures to work for more than one scale when possible, and this fellow will do that splendidly. He'll be a greater warbeast for 15mm Dragon Rampant (either solo or as one of a three-strong unit); he'll work as a giant or vast behemoth unit for 10mm Mayhem; he's a nice size for a big baddie in 15mm D&D; and he'll do perfectly well as a tough beastie in 28mm Song of Blades or a Brute/Tank in Battlesworn. And, should I ever play Warhammer again (don't think I will, but you never know ...), he's correctly based as a troglodyte - and the right size too.

A very quick paintjob - black undercoat, dry brushed grey then white, and then washed with GW washes before the details were painted in. I used Curis's 'Lauren Bacall' technique to get the blood splatters on the club. It was so quick, in fact, that I think I'll try to get another couple done today. That would give me three behemoths, which would be half a HOTT army ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a 15mm HOTT behemoth)
Post by: fred on October 08, 2017, 03:49:35 PM
Nothing like an impending day of gaming to get the units moving through the painting table!

Like that big dude - he is certainly a good size, as those Copplestone Oleg Hai aren't small!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a 15mm HOTT behemoth)
Post by: Jagannath on October 08, 2017, 04:12:58 PM
He's a bit good matey - massive though!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a 15mm HOTT behemoth)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 08, 2017, 10:49:33 PM
Nothing like an impending day of gaming to get the units moving through the painting table!

Like that big dude - he is certainly a good size, as those Copplestone Oleg Hai aren't small!


Yes, he's about the size of a 28mm Citadel ogre of the Golgfag's sort (first or second rendition). So big enough to be a proper behemoth.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a 15mm HOTT behemoth)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 15, 2017, 12:44:52 PM
I've been crushed between the grinding gears of work this week, so didn't get much painting done. So I blew away some cobwebs with a quick, crude paintjob on an crude plastic miniature. Close-ups don't flatter him, but I quite like how he looks on the table. He's a quintessential RPG/skirmish evil guard - right down to his unworkable combination of bardiche and shield.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a speed-painted hobgoblin)
Post by: swiftnick on October 15, 2017, 01:35:52 PM
Looks good for quick and crude.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a speed-painted hobgoblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 15, 2017, 03:38:25 PM
And here's a curiosity: a 15mm Asgard troll. Deano recently painted up the 28mm version splendidly (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=94561.msg1295438#msg1295438). That one's still in print, but I can't even find an image of the 15mm one on the web. I wonder if Alternative Armies have the moulds. I think it's one of the nicest 15mm troll miniatures I've seen.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hobgoblin & 15mm Asgard troll)
Post by: Plynkes on October 15, 2017, 03:40:55 PM
Those are really great! The face on that Goblin is fantastic. Shoddy speed-job my arse!  lol

Second fellow (him with the blue face) looks like he's on the phone.  :)

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hobgoblin & 15mm Asgard troll)
Post by: Mason on October 15, 2017, 04:00:34 PM
Gotta agree with Plynkes, that Hobs face is stunning.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hobgoblin & 15mm Asgard troll)
Post by: swiftnick on October 15, 2017, 04:06:52 PM
That wee troll is a cracker. What is on the end of the chain?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hobgoblin & 15mm Asgard troll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 16, 2017, 12:35:19 PM
Thanks, all! The sculptor should get credit for the face - it's nicely detailed and horribly leering, even though the rest of the miniature has that typical board-game-piece "softness".

That wee troll is a cracker. What is on the end of the chain?

A great big spiky ball!

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hobgoblin & 15mm Asgard troll)
Post by: Dr DeAth on October 16, 2017, 01:32:04 PM
More great additions to the ever expanding collection
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hobgoblin & 15mm Asgard troll)
Post by: Severian on October 16, 2017, 05:34:50 PM
Yes, these are properly nice - and I'd echo the praise for the hobgoblin's face.

And well done on keeping things moving, notwithstanding work and all that. I have a pile of things more or less finished but somehow getting even ropey photographs taken and posted seems beyond me...

How is the 15mm HOTT army coming along?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hobgoblin & 15mm Asgard troll)
Post by: Deano on October 16, 2017, 06:56:54 PM
Cool, I never knew Asgard did 15mm stuff.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hobgoblin & 15mm Asgard troll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 17, 2017, 01:53:37 PM
Cool, I never knew Asgard did 15mm stuff.

Quite a bit of their 15mm range (https://www.alternative-armies.com/collections/tabletop-miniatures-15mm-fantasy-range) is sold by Alternative Armies. In the case of the dwarves, they match the 28mm range figure for figure.

These "large goblins" were part of the Asgard range, I think:


And this orc too - though he's mounted on a Ral Partha wolf here, not the original dragon:


Actually, I'm presuming that the troll is by Asgard. But I suppose it might have been a copy of the 28mm one by another company. That said, although Alternative Armies produce one 15mm troll from the TTG/Asgard line, there appear originally to have been two, in two different ranges. I'd guess that the one I have is F31 from this range (http://www.miniatures-workshop.com/lostminiswiki/index.php?title=Fantasy_(15mm)_(TTG_/_Asgard)#Giants).

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hobgoblin & 15mm Asgard troll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 17, 2017, 01:57:25 PM
Yes, these are properly nice - and I'd echo the praise for the hobgoblin's face.

And well done on keeping things moving, notwithstanding work and all that. I have a pile of things more or less finished but somehow getting even ropey photographs taken and posted seems beyond me...

How is the 15mm HOTT army coming along?


The HOTT army is progressing, in that I have the other two behemoths just about there (eyes, teeth and a flaming sword to do). I'm not sure if I'll use all three, but as they make up half an army (and one can be the general), they're a good insurance policy. Once they're done, I could paint five more Copplestone trolls (which I started ages ago) and be done, as I already have one painted. That would give me three behemoths and six warbands for 24 AP. But ideally, I'd like to go with one or two behemoths, lots of hordes, some warbands and maybe some shooters or beasts. If only the children didn't want to go to their Halloween parties dressed as Cthulhu and a Deep One (work is underway ...).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hobgoblin & 15mm Asgard troll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 19, 2017, 12:57:13 AM
Here are the first of some 15mm Harook, which I bought from jimboba on eBay. They may need some touching up in the cold light of day ...

These fellows will end up as D&D/Whitehack villains at some point, but I also have designs on them as Dragon Rampant scouts (with venomous missiles) and as an infantry unit in Alien Squad Leader. I've never played the latter, but have long been intrigued and got hold of the free basic third-edition rules yesterday. From what I can surmise, an element (on 50 x 50mm) has three hits, so three figures in sabots would work fine; I'm trying to source suitable sabots at the moment (and they'd help in DR too).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm Harook)
Post by: beefcake on October 19, 2017, 04:49:51 AM
Love the face with all the stubble on that guy. Really well done.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hobgoblin & 15mm Asgard troll)
Post by: Commander Roj on October 19, 2017, 11:00:00 AM
Here are the first of some 15mm Harook, which I bought from jimboba on eBay. They may need some touching up in the cold light of day ...

These fellows will end up as D&D/Whitehack villains at some point, but I also have designs on them as Dragon Rampant scouts (with venomous missiles) and as an infantry unit in Alien Squad Leader. I've never played the latter, but have long been intrigued and got hold of the free basic third-edition rules yesterday. From what I can surmise, an element (on 50 x 50mm) has three hits, so three figures in sabots would work fine; I'm trying to source suitable sabots at the moment (and they'd help in DR too).

Where did you find ASQL 3.0?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm Harook)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 19, 2017, 12:02:35 PM
If you join the Yahoo group, the author has put the beta version (with just one army list) in the documents folder. I think he'd put some other army lists up too, in prototype form.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm Harook)
Post by: Jagannath on October 19, 2017, 03:21:44 PM
Love the Harook - great minis I keep meaning to get hold of.

If you like ASQL have a look at the new Nordic Weasel game Squad Hammer - http://www.wargamevault.com/product/222978/Squad-Hammer-Dirt-simple-gaming-for-many-settingsor-all-of-them?src=hottest - it's a really simple, versatile system that would work well for sabot based minis or singles (or a mix). I'm having a lot of fun experimenting with it.

By the way, the most recent Hobgoblin is great too. It might be unworkable, but a polearm and shield really does scream 'guard' so well.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hobgoblin & 15mm Asgard troll)
Post by: Severian on October 19, 2017, 04:59:20 PM
Nice work! Glad you've managed to paint some things amidst all the Cthulhoid tailoring... I'm gearing up for half-term hobby activities as we speak....

These fellows will end up as D&D/Whitehack villains at some point, but I also have designs on them as Dragon Rampant scouts (with venomous missiles) and as an infantry unit in Alien Squad Leader. I've never played the latter, but have long been intrigued and got hold of the free basic third-edition rules yesterday. From what I can surmise, an element (on 50 x 50mm) has three hits, so three figures in sabots would work fine; I'm trying to source suitable sabots at the moment (and they'd help in DR too).

Have you looked at Supreme Littleness Designs?


He does a good range of sabots of one sort or another; not sure if he has exactly the type you want, but I daresay a custom order would be straightforward.

Alternatively Warbases (as I'm sure you know) do a good range of separate single top layer bases (for 1p, 2p, 25mm rounds &c &c), which can be stuck in appropriate number and placement to whatever size base you like. You can then have fun with landscaping them with filler, rocks, all of that stuff; or a basic glue-and-sand job also works, I've found.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm Harook)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 19, 2017, 05:44:27 PM
Thanks! If I reach the tailoring stages, I'll be doing well: so far, mere mask-making is in its early infancy!

I did look at both those sites (and have some Warbases movement trays). But productsforwargamers.com (http://www.productsforwargamers.com/movement2.html) seems the best fit, in that they explicitly do trays to custom sizes. I've enquired about getting both three-slot and four-slot ones. I think that would allow a nice visual distinction between irregular and regular troops. It would also work well in Dragon Rampant, for which I'm also going to use the Warbases trays. I'd plan to use three four-slot trays for light and heavy infantry, so that they can be lined up in two ranks (i.e. all three four-slot trays side by side) to form walls of spears/shields. Meanwhile, scouts, bellicose foot and elite foot can use three-slot trays, to suggest looser formations and more individual fighting styles. I think that'll work quite well - and make movement really quick.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm Harook)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 19, 2017, 10:30:51 PM
Love the Harook - great minis I keep meaning to get hold of.

If you like ASQL have a look at the new Nordic Weasel game Squad Hammer - http://www.wargamevault.com/product/222978/Squad-Hammer-Dirt-simple-gaming-for-many-settingsor-all-of-them?src=hottest - it's a really simple, versatile system that would work well for sabot based minis or singles (or a mix). I'm having a lot of fun experimenting with it.

Thanks! I'll take a look. I think a mix of multiple and single bases is pretty much the holy grail in gaming. It's a huge point in Dragon/Lion Rampant's favour, as you can get as much of your collection as you fancy on the table at the same time.

The other holy grail is "time to table" - the less of it the better. This looks a good bet for that.

By the way, the gorgon is well underway - just a few highlights and her eyes to do!

By the way, the most recent Hobgoblin is great too. It might be unworkable, but a polearm and shield really does scream 'guard' so well.

Cheers! Yes, that must be why they always look so grumpy: "Bloody bardiche! Doesn't even have a spike ...".
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm Harook)
Post by: Jimboba on October 21, 2017, 06:37:50 PM
Very glad these guys obviously went to a good home 😁

Great paint job and colour scheme.

Warbases are good for custom sabots too. Very accommodating. And in Scotland too 😜
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm Harook)
Post by: Jagannath on October 21, 2017, 07:11:58 PM
can't wait to see the gorgon! What do you think of the FiB sculpts? I'd be interested to know what you think if you check out squad Hammer - I've been inspired by it in a way I haven't by rules sets in a long time.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm Harook)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 22, 2017, 06:12:35 PM
Very glad these guys obviously went to a good home 😁

Great paint job and colour scheme.

Warbases are good for custom sabots too. Very accommodating. And in Scotland too 😜


I didn't know that Warbases were based (ahem!) in these parts. I bought some of their sabots at Claymore and really like them. The big advantage that the Wargames Products site has over Warbases and Supreme Littleness is that it's very up front about customisable sizes. (I've often looked at Warbases and wished they'd give dimensions for the various configurations they produce - or maybe they do and I've somehow just not spotted them!).

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm Harook)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 22, 2017, 06:29:59 PM
can't wait to see the gorgon! What do you think of the FiB sculpts?

They're great - nicely uncluttered and very "sympathetic". I'll try to finish off the gorgon tonight if I make sufficient progress with the Halloween masks ...

I'd be interested to know what you think if you check out squad Hammer - I've been inspired by it in a way I haven't by rules sets in a long time.

I'm just reading through it now. Very interesting - and many thanks for the tip-off! I really the like the consensus approach; despite always enjoying competitive sport, I can't get my head around competitive gaming: for me, tabletop games are storytelling engines.

I also like the firefight rule - that seems a very simple and elegant way of avoiding the worst IGOUGO traps. And I can see my son relishing the mega-unit rule; he's always looking for any excuse to get the crude but massive Godzilla (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=77384.msg1008153#msg1008153) I made for him on the table.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm Harook)
Post by: Jagannath on October 22, 2017, 07:38:11 PM
Can't wait!

Yeah it's a retry simple ruleset but seems really well focussed. That Godzilla's brilliant! I'm with your son - I'd always choose the '3 massive monsters' side to play against an army!

As a little note on Warbases - I swear by them, they'll make basically anything you ask for if you drop them an email.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm Harook)
Post by: DivisMal on October 22, 2017, 07:42:56 PM
Oh that Godzilla is really cute!

I've also received a mail with the news about Squad Hammer. I haven't yet decided whether to buy them or not, though.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm Harook)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 23, 2017, 12:54:53 AM
Thanks! Godzilla's only featured in Mighty Monsters and OGAM so far, but he's clearly got a role to play in Squad Hammer. He'll add plenty of punch in 15mm.

Here's the miniature Jaganath most kindly sent me in answer to my plea for 15mm gorgon suggestions. She's perfect for a subtle RPG gorgon, because the players are unlikely to suspect her (despite her exotic garden statuary) until she throws her hood back. She'll also make a great alien civilian or psychic in sf games.

She's accompanied by an old Traveller space marine (or D&D automaton). I've got a few of these fellows; they're quite rough castings, but the variety in their armour and armament works quite well, giving the sense that they're occupying ancient, battle-damaged armour rather than new plasteel or whatever.

(I should add that the gorgon's face shows up much better if you click through to the photo and enlarge.)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm gorgon and marine)
Post by: Severian on October 23, 2017, 11:04:16 AM
Very nice! Good to see the old Traveller stuff, too; very fond of them, though as you say they're not the shiniest castings.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm gorgon and marine)
Post by: Jagannath on October 23, 2017, 11:33:35 AM
Yay! She looks brill, great lizard skin effect.

I really like those Traveller power armour suits - I wish they were ~5mm taller, they'd be perfect then. I like power armour that feels like it needs 'piloting' (as opposed to say 'super-reactive' armour like a Space Marine). Talking of which - love this blending of Sci-Fi and Fantasy, works really well.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm gorgon and marine)
Post by: DivisMal on October 23, 2017, 09:25:46 PM
Awesome! The gorgon is really nice.

Same opinion here about the PA trooper. A little bit bigger and it would fit really well with my collection.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm gorgon and marine)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 27, 2017, 09:45:54 PM
Thanks, all!

Here's some progress on the 15mm HOTT army - a couple of orcish hordes. Very quickly done: I based them before painting for speed. I want to get at least four more done before the tournament.

The army's currently on 12 AP, so half done. But two more behemoths are just about there, which would take it to 20 out of 24. Four more hordes would finish it off.

I'd prefer, though, to just use two behemoths and add either some beasts or some more warbands. The HOTT rules suggest that wolfriders should be beasts, although the army list at the back has them as riders. I think beasts are a better fit, given movement through bad going and effects on cavalry. So, if I have time, I'll add an element or two of those. I think two behemoths, four warbands, six hordes and a beast element would have a nice balance of numbers, power and versatility.

Also, these two horde bases make up a unit of light or bellicose foot in Dragon Rampant. I'd probably split the 12 similar goblins I've based on pennies for D&D between them, though, to give two units. That gives scope for adding more archers for mixed-weapon light foot, or more axemen and burly types for offensive light foot or bellicose foot.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm HOTT goblins)
Post by: beefcake on October 27, 2017, 10:58:04 PM
Great group there. I really like them.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm HOTT goblins)
Post by: jambo1 on October 28, 2017, 08:19:27 AM
Lovely work!!! Nice looking units. :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm HOTT goblins)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 28, 2017, 11:12:30 PM
Thanks, both!

The army's now on 20 AP with the three behemoths done. The one with the axe was 'blooded' today in a four-way game of Song of Blades, where he was Q4, C4, Tough, Savage and Big - but he'll be a lot bigger in 15mm.

If I had to get the army ready by tomorrow, I've got some dinosaur riders that could be quickly rebased and I could use my 10mm wolfriders as beasts. So I'm just about there for a week on Tuesday, barring a stronghold. But I hope to have time to add a good few more hordes, at least one more warband and perhaps some beasts.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm HOTT behemoths)
Post by: Severian on October 29, 2017, 12:17:13 AM
Great stuff - they look very good all together. The range of flesh tones works very well; and the behemoths are nicely various. Well done indeed.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm HOTT behemoths)
Post by: swiftnick on October 29, 2017, 01:40:47 PM
Looking good! Wonderful painting in such a short space of time.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm HOTT behemoths)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 31, 2017, 08:38:10 AM
Not exactly miniatures, but not full-sized yet ...

Happy Halloween!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Happy Halloween!)
Post by: von Lucky on October 31, 2017, 08:52:52 AM
lol love it.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Happy Halloween!)
Post by: Severian on October 31, 2017, 09:00:11 AM
Fantastic! Happy Halloween indeed.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Happy Halloween!)
Post by: swiftnick on November 02, 2017, 05:18:21 PM
Love them! Great stuff.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Happy Halloween!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 03, 2017, 05:55:48 PM
Thanks! Cthulhu sprouted wings in time for the school's belated Halloween party:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Happy Halloween!)
Post by: fred on November 06, 2017, 12:23:44 PM
Great stuff - can't believe you have dry brushed the halloween masks!!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Happy Halloween!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 09, 2017, 12:19:03 AM
Great stuff - can't believe you have dry brushed the halloween masks!!

Thanks! But of course ...

Here's a unit of Irregular 15mm sci-fi Reptilians. They're going to feature in Dragon Rampant this weekend as Elite Foot with Spellcaster - or possibly, bending the rules, as an 11-point unit of Elite Foot with Missiles and Venomous. They'll also crop up in Whitehack as Dagonites and will form two sabotted elements in Alien Squad Leader.

They're of the quickest groups I've painted recently. I'm now quite intrigued by Irregular Miniatures, as the range seems to have at least a few hidden gems.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm Irregular Dagonites)
Post by: jambo1 on November 09, 2017, 05:36:01 AM
Nice work!! Irregular ar a company I am looking at more and more, they do indeed have some hidden gems and at a very decent price. :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm Irregular Dagonites)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 09, 2017, 08:39:39 AM

Yes, I've been looking at the 15mm orcs and goblins with fresh eyes; I'm going to order some and see how they scrub up.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm Irregular Dagonites)
Post by: Severian on November 09, 2017, 09:10:45 AM
Those are very nicely done. The colours work very well.

Curious how you get on with Irregular. I've looked at them off and on over the past couple of years, but haven't got past the rather uninspiring pictures on their site. But I should know from e.g. the Essex website that this is rarely the whole story. Watching with interest!

The Cthulhu costume in all its glory is marvellous, btw. Excellent work!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm Irregular Dagonites)
Post by: swiftnick on November 09, 2017, 10:01:09 AM
I don't really know their fantasy figures but find irregular in general run from basic to little gems. They also literally do everything. Ian is a really nice guy as well. He once tolerated me turning up on his doorstep to buy WW1 figures. Admittedly he knew I was coming just didn't know when.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm Irregular Dagonites)
Post by: Jagannath on November 09, 2017, 10:52:23 AM
These look great matey - really nicely done. I must admit, I totally ignore Irregular when I probably shouldn't. The Star Marines look like they might be pretty good...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm Irregular Dagonites)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 09, 2017, 12:55:52 PM
Thanks, all!

One interesting thing about Irregular is the number of variants. The range looks, at first glance, to have relatively few models of each type. But each number seems, in many or most cases, to have numerous variants - as with the club-wielding types above.

I certainly found these Irregular miniatures very easy and "sympathetic" to paint. They made me want to get more (and so I shall, alas ...).

Jaganath, I did the Dagonites using your suggesting of an initial Coeliac Greenshade (or whatever it's called) wash. I was pleased with how it turned out, so it might well be a solution for your snake-people.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm Irregular Dagonites)
Post by: Jagannath on November 09, 2017, 01:34:44 PM
Ah cool - so your usual method but green ink instead of brown? I still haven't got round to the snakemen yet, must pick that up...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm Irregular Dagonites)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 09, 2017, 01:39:54 PM
Ah cool - so your usual method but green ink instead of brown?

Yes, indeed. The clothing and armour sections are just white, green ink, white drybrush, whereas the equipment got either a blue or a purple wash. I used a glaze of Biel Tan Green on the flesh/scales. And that, pretty much, was that.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm Irregular Dagonites)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 11, 2017, 12:37:32 AM
Here's the first sabot base for my 15mm stuff. The idea is to keep the individual miniatures neutrally based for RPGs, but to allow them to look reasonably natural in wargames. The bases are the right size for Alien Squad Leader, which I'm keen to try, and they also lift the models to the same height as my slottabased 28mm stuff. As I've got a lot of "liminal" figures that I'm using in 15mm - 20mm Caesar stuff, 25mm orcs used as ogres, and 25mm kobolds used as gnolls, etc, they can be used both as big creatures in 15mm and small ones in 28mm.

I'm quite pleased with how the sabot base disguise the fact that the figures themselves have deliberately dull, simple bases.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with sabotage!)
Post by: Schrumpfkopf on November 11, 2017, 01:17:08 AM
Lovely lovely bases. Who made the frogs?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with sabotage!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 11, 2017, 09:38:41 AM

They're by East Riding Miniatures - one of those "undersung" 15mm ranges with lots of interesting stuff. There'sa  whole batch of them here (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=77384.msg1294107#msg1294107).

The frogs are perfect example of the sort of "liminal" or "interscale" miniature I was blathering about above. They're big and bulky in 15mm, roughly human-sized in 20mm and small in 28mm. I'm going to get some 60 x 40 sabots to use them as hordes or lurkers with the 28mm Slann HotT army I've got planned.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with sabotage!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 12, 2017, 07:57:45 PM
I painted up almost 20 sabot bases this morning - just in time for a hefty game of 15mm Dragon Rampant this evening: four a side, with a huge number of big monsters on the table: two dragons, a hydra, a tyrannosaur, a ravage bear and an ettin. All but the hydra were 25mm beasties who worked just fine. We also had five units of light infantry, three elite foot, two lots of lesser warbeasts, a drider (single-unit venomous light rider) and some elite riders (the salamanders I painted up for HotT).

We started off using cm instead of inches for moves and shooting, but quickly settled for inches, keeping cm for inter-unit distance. This worked well: the smaller footprint of the 15mm units meant that there was plenty of room for manoeuvre on the dinner table, but shooting and charges were suitably threatening.

Here are some of the units on their new sabots. The goblin infantry are the last two hordes I painted up for Tuesday's HoTT tournament (great fun!).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm Dragon Rampant units)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 12, 2017, 10:50:51 PM
For a science-fantasy feel, we gave the Harook scouts venomous (for shooting rather than close combat), making them quite nasty when shooting. For the Dagonites (see previous posts), we bent the rules a bit by allowing them to be elite foot with the shooting and venomous (for shooting) upgrades. That took them to an illegal 11 points, but they didn't unbalance the game at all.

I've also been exploring the possibilities of assembling some chaos armies from random RPG miniatures by dint of the sabots:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm Dragon Rampant units)
Post by: swiftnick on November 13, 2017, 08:30:22 AM
Lovely stuff and the new sabot basing look good.
I have a load of middle earth armies to do. Going to nick your black skin tone for the urukhai and the lighter one for the goblins.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm Dragon Rampant units)
Post by: beefcake on November 13, 2017, 08:50:40 AM
Yes. Very nice. I too like the basing. Nice range of minis there.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm Dragon Rampant units)
Post by: Jagannath on November 13, 2017, 10:21:05 AM
They look absolutely brill - I particularly like the orc/goblin unit, and I love seeing the FourA slug-man whenever I see that mini.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm Dragon Rampant units)
Post by: Severian on November 13, 2017, 10:58:40 AM
Great units and basing! The lizardmen in particular really work well.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm Dragon Rampant units)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 13, 2017, 01:33:43 PM
Thanks, all!

I did feel that 15mm was very much the way to go with Dragon Rampant when we played it yesterday. The extra space on the table is a big plus. I also like the way it works with sabots, as casualty removal is crystal-clear. For reduced-model units, the empty space on a sabot provides gives a space for a dice to record casualties. And building 12-strong units out of three- or four-slot sabots means that you don't end up with a lot of empty base space once casualties mount.

One of yesterday's players got stuck into the magic system in a way that we hadn't before. So we had befuddles and healing going on as well as power bolt (pretty much the only spell we've ever used in our games, I think). I'm always a bit cautious of magic in fantasy wargames (too many bad memories of Warhammer!), but I thought that it worked very well in DR. With all the greater warbeasts on the table, we had quite a few "Harryhausen moments" with big monsters charging at each other repeatedly, and some judicious use of healing allowed a hydra to prevail over a dinosaur eventually (fittingly, really, as the hydra proved to be metaphorically hydra-headed).

Yesterday was also a good reminder of what a great game DR is. It has a lot of inherent balance: greater warbeasts and bellicose foot are terrifying on the charge, but don't like it up 'em; spellcasting comes at opportunity costs; elite riders mop up on the flat but are vulnerable when lured into rough ground; light and heavy foot are better defensively than on the attack. And the most powerful units have limited numbers, so that they're vulnerable to attrition; lots of our elite-foot units were dominant at the start, but struggled as frequent clashes wore them down.

That latter point works particularly well because of the way that "bells and whistles" are priced in the game: upgrades are expensive and lead towards an "eggs in one basket" approach. So, our 11-point illegal Dagonites were deadly, but not necessarily as game-changing as the nine points of light foot that eventually did for them.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm Harook)
Post by: swiftnick on November 14, 2017, 01:44:57 PM

I didn't know that Warbases were based (ahem!) in these parts. I bought some of their sabots at Claymore and really like them. The big advantage that the Wargames Products site has over Warbases and Supreme Littleness is that it's very up front about customisable sizes. (I've often looked at Warbases and wished they'd give dimensions for the various configurations they produce - or maybe they do and I've somehow just not spotted them!).

Did you know Supreme littleness are based in Porty?

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm Dragon Rampant units)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 15, 2017, 11:57:38 PM
I didn't! The world grows small ...

Here are three more 15mm ogres - in fact 25mm Chronicle orcs (aka black orcs). I really like the two bodyguard figures with the fur-brimmed helmets. I much prefer these chaps to any actual 15mm ogres I know of. Because Nick Lund's miniatures are always so brutal-looking, they make great "big nasties" in a smaller scale.

In last week's game of Dragon Rampant, I used the first three of these as a reduced-model unit of elite foot. I'll probably use six-strong units of them in future, though, just for the simplicity of the counting. I have some nice wedge-shaped sabots from Warbases that will suit them.

I've also got another ten or so on the go, including the leader, the shaman and another couple of bodyguards. With reduced-model units and a spell-caster, they could easily make up a DR force on their own - with the lighter-armoured sorts as bellicose foot, the armoured ones as heavy foot or bellicose foot with shiny armour, and the bodyguards as elite foot.

The other crazy plan I'm considering is a saboting option for the Chronicle wolfriders I've amassed. I based the first couple on GW 25 x 50 bases, but all of them would actually fit onto 20 x 40 bases. Those could then be sabotted on 60 x 60 for 28mm HotT (and 15mm DR), but used individually on suitably small bases to match the coins of the foot in RPGs. As those wolves are huge even in 28mm, they would be greater warbeasts in 15mm DR - and a non-single-model unit of greater warbeasts would be a bit of a novelty.

Obviously, the foot ogres will work fine for 28mm games - I plan to get some 60 x 40 or 60 x 60 sabots to base them as (slightly deep) HOTT warbands or hordes.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm ogres - or 28mm orcs!)
Post by: Severian on November 16, 2017, 12:19:24 AM
Nicely done! I especially like the variegated fur cloaks - very striking.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm ogres - or 28mm orcs!)
Post by: beefcake on November 16, 2017, 04:22:02 AM
I was just going to say the same thing about the cloaks. Love it!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm ogres - or 28mm orcs!)
Post by: jambo1 on November 16, 2017, 05:32:58 AM
Those Chronicle Orcs are lovely figures and sooo very nicely painted. :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm ogres - or 28mm orcs!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 16, 2017, 02:21:17 PM
Thanks, all! More to come tonight, I hope, as another four are just about done.

Those Chronicle Orcs are lovely figures

Yes, I think they're great. I'm keen to get hold of some of the three champions from the range, which were a bit different from the others.

My only quibble with these orcs is that the "bulldog" head - as on the bareheaded fellow wielding a glaive on the right of the first sabot - was used a bit too much. The other heads and their variants are much nicer. But I do like how a fairly large range was created by swapping and modifying heads and weapons - as with Citadel's Fantasy Tribe range, of course.

The next D&D adventure I do for the kids and their friends is going to involve a whole tribe of ogres. I'm thinking of ways to make it viable for lowish-level characters - possibly a series of raised walkways or beams above the ogre lair, which will help smaller and more nimble creatures to avoid and outmanoeuvre them.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with 15mm ogres - or 28mm orcs!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 16, 2017, 08:07:48 PM
Here's the chief - one of the "bulldog" sort. He's dwarfed by his bodyguards, but I quite like that.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a "15mm" ogre chief)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 16, 2017, 10:35:05 PM
And some rebased dinosaur cavalry from about a year ago:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a "15mm" ogre chief)
Post by: Severian on November 16, 2017, 11:05:38 PM
More great work!

That ogre/orc chieftain is the business - and I don't really get the bulldog faces either. But he's properly ominous and menacing.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a "15mm" ogre chief)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 17, 2017, 12:20:40 AM

Here's the rest of tonight's batch - including the shaman. He'll eventually get some guards, but if I were to use him as a single-model unit of elite foot + spellcaster, the chief and guards as elite foot, and the other two stands as three-strong reduced-model bellicose foot + shiny army, I'd have a full-strength Dragon Rampant force.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm ogre chief, shaman and more)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 19, 2017, 09:32:01 PM
And some very hastily painted members of the Pangalactic Legion - just in time to be squeezed into a game of Dragon Rampant tonight, I think ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm Pangalactic Legion)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 23, 2017, 12:41:39 AM
Here are the first of the 15mm orcs I recently bought from Irregular Miniatures. I love these - they remind me (I think) of Tove Jansson's drawings.

These orcs will form part of a bellicose-foot unit for Dragon Rampant - and some fresh opponents for D&D/Whitehack. To distinguish them from the sallow and swart 15mm.co.uk orcs the PCs have faced, I decided to go with the same "fish-white" look that I used for the many 28mm orcs in the first few pages of this thread. It's a bit of a nod to Alan Garner's svart-alfar, as well as suitably subterranean look.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm Irregular orcs)
Post by: beefcake on November 23, 2017, 06:22:25 AM
More coolness.
I really like those bodyguards. The expressions are so fun in behind the chief.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm Irregular orcs)
Post by: swiftnick on November 23, 2017, 08:54:48 AM
Very nice! What is the recipe for that skin tone old bean? I might knick it for my goblins to differentiate them from dark skinned orcs.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm Irregular orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 23, 2017, 09:54:09 AM
Thanks, both!

Here's the skin recipe. I spray them white and wash with Agrax Earthshade, then drybrush them white again (with Vallejo white, as it's "softer" than GW's Ceramite white: it goes on more smoothly and creates less texture). For 28mm, I then give the skin a thin wash of Wych Elf Flesh, because it's slightly opaque and softens the preshading. But I skipped that step with these 15mm orcs. Then I wash with a thinned mix of blue and green Citadel washes (not the dark ones with "shade" at the end). Finally, I highlight with thinned Wych Elf Flesh, adding successive layers to build up highlights if need be. Because of the opacity of that paint, it gets significantly lighter with each layer, even when it's very watery. I wash the eye sockets with Nightshade or whatever the dark-blue wash is called, then paint the eyes white, red and with a dot of yellow.

I think it may actually be Cor Blok's LotR illustrations that the Irregular Orcs remind me of. I love their creeping poses!



Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm Irregular orcs)
Post by: swiftnick on November 23, 2017, 10:29:46 AM
Thanks for that. Will give it a go and see how I get on. I have a load to do and definately don't have your eye or skillz.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm Irregular orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 23, 2017, 10:32:25 AM
It could probably be simplified by cutting out the pre-shading and just doing undercoat, Wych Elf Flesh, blue-green wash, Wych Elf highlights.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm Irregular orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 23, 2017, 11:39:25 PM
Here's a 15mm goblin boar rider from Irregular. There's a touch of Blix from Legend about this fellow, I think.

Now, I generally shy away from green for my goblins. But this goblin is clearly not an orc, so my reflexive Tolkienism abated a bit. Boars make me think of forests, and forests point to nature spirits, and green is good for those. So green he is.

He's the first in a six-strong unit. I'll use these as heavy riders in our 15mm Dragon Rampant games. We always use wolfriders as lesser warbeasts. These could work as those, I suppose, but the rider seems to be more of a factor than the beast, so they'll work best as heavy riders (which I don't think we've ever used before).

I really like these Irregular figures. The goblin is really big - as you can see below. He'd work OK as a smallish goblin in 28mm, but he fits really well with the 15-20mm forces I've been assembling for DR and RPGs.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a 15mm boar rider)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 28, 2017, 12:16:15 AM
I think the Irregular boar riders will be troll boar riders.

Here's an orc and an ogrillon (originally a 25mm Ral Partha goblin). The latter's a fair bit bigger than the 15mm orcs, but looks like a larger, dimmer more dangerous relative.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm orc and ogrillon)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 28, 2017, 09:59:11 PM
Here are a few more orcs:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more 15mm orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 30, 2017, 11:32:25 PM
Here are some fiddly little serpent men. Glad to see them done; since the photos, I've fixed the re-undercoated bit on the staff-bearer's arm, which typified the niggling little problems they presented along the way. Anyway, they're done now and will do. They're bound to feature as RPG villains before too long, but they'll also form a Dragon Rampant unit. I'll eventually add some bodyguards to turn them into a unit of heavy foot (the best defensively, so the best for a wizard), thus solving the problem of having less than 12 suitable lizardman heavy foot.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm serpent people)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 30, 2017, 11:40:05 PM
And some individual shots:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm serpent people)
Post by: Jagannath on November 30, 2017, 11:44:35 PM
These are really great - the green's top. Are they 15mm.co.uk? This Dragon Rampant army must be pretty hefty now!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm serpent people)
Post by: Severian on November 30, 2017, 11:51:35 PM
Fine work indeed - striking colours on the lizard men!

The RP goblin above is really excellent - the orcs are all very effective, but he works superbly.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm serpent people)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 01, 2017, 12:00:34 AM

No, they're Magister Militum (lizardman wizards or some such). They do two ranges of lizardmen: these fiddly fellows, who are quite small, heavily detailed and usually heavily armed (formerly Chariot Miniatures, I think); and bigger, more primitive-looking ones (formerly Blood Dawn?). The smaller ones have much more stuff: a big turtle, the ceratopsian cavalry at the top of the previous page, and crossbows. The big ones are a hell of a lot easier to paint - my son did one a few pages back.

We managed a four-player DR game last weekend with about 36 points a piece, although we used a lot of 28mm dragons and giants. I should have two units of orcs and a band of small trolls finished very soon, and then I have some cavalry to do: Irregular boar riders and chaos warriors. And of course the sci-fi figures work very well; we either give them magic (i.e. high-tech) powers or the venomous rule (much more deadly missile attacks), or both.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm serpent people)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 01, 2017, 12:03:05 AM
The RP goblin above is really excellent - the orcs are all very effective, but he works superbly.

Thanks! He's an interesting stage in the evolution of the RP orc; you have the not-Middle Earth ones, which are charming but very crude by today's standards, then you have these ones, and then you have the 1979 giant goblins/orcs/half-orcs, which are still pretty much unsurpassed.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 15mm serpent people)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 02, 2017, 06:52:56 PM
Having been smitten by the flu, I went to bed at seven last night for a febrile sleep. Being excused all child-related duties today, I embarked on my convalescence by painting up some old Citadel armoured orcs that I recently acquired from mikemystery (thanks, Mike!).

These are really quick paintjobs, but they're designed to match all the "fish-white" orcs at the start of this thread. I'm going to base up the new ones for HOTT, but they'll work well with the individually based ones for 28mm Dragon Rampant or whatever; I've found that DR is hugely improved by the use of either sabots or some blocks of multi-based models - it speeds the movement up so much.

I've got loads of the orcs in this range kicking around, so I might even manage a complete 24-AP HOTT army of them (chiefly warbands with the odd base of shooters - and who knows, perhaps a wyvern rider as an arial hero ...).

I've doubtless prattled about this before on this thread or elsewhere on this forum, but I love the C15/16 orc range for the variety (among other things). Shortly afterwards, the Citadel orcs became first more standardised and then more comic. But these have a huge amount of variety - huge fangs as well as upward-pointing tusks; radically different facial structures; and the occasional beard or full head of hair. All things that were much missed in the subsequent ranges (by me at least).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with C15 armoured orcs!)
Post by: Severian on December 02, 2017, 07:43:02 PM
Very fine work as usual - the skin tone contrasts nicely with your vigorous colours! Properly post-febrile.... And good luck with shaking the flu - it's been bouncing around my system for a couple of weeks now in various tiresome forms.

The C15/16 orcs are a great range, aren't they. What strikes me most about them (and indeed about a lot of their Citadel contemporaries) is the sheer fun the sculptors had in doing all these random variants. I have buckets of the old FT dwarves and not one is wholly like another. Marvellous stuff. Looking forward to more of them from your hoard (or I suppose horde)...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with C15 armoured orcs!)
Post by: fred on December 02, 2017, 08:08:47 PM
They are cool.

I agree these are some of the best Orcs out there. The variety of them is great. I've got all 3 above, but only 1 has the same head!!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with C15 armoured orcs!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 02, 2017, 08:41:00 PM
Thanks, both!

The range of variants is indeed tremendous. I've just conducted a quick audit, and I reckon that before stripping down any of the old ones on page 4, I've got enough for seven warbands, one archer and - I think - four "spears" (the polearm-wielding Fantasy Tribe orcs). That would give me a nicely varied (though infantry-heavy) HotT army - and if I get the contemporaneous war wyvern stripped and based up ...

I'm painfully aware that the smaller Fantasy Tribe wyverns would be much easier to base for HotT than the King F'yar one I have - but they've so far eluded me on eBay with a will!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with C15 armoured orcs!)
Post by: majorsmith on December 02, 2017, 08:50:47 PM
Love those orcs!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with C15 armoured orcs!)
Post by: DeafNala on December 02, 2017, 11:53:21 PM
The latest additions are WONDERFUL old minis, BEAUTIFULLY painted.
Basing them up for H.O.T.T. sounds like a great opportunity for a cool vignette. Have fun with it.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with C15 armoured orcs!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 03, 2017, 12:39:06 AM
Many thanks, DeafNala! And here they are - with some friends. I'm going to harmonise the bases of the individuals gradually.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with C15 armoured orcs!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 04, 2017, 12:10:24 AM
I got most of these three done last night as well. I envisaged today as another day of recuperation aided by painting therapy, but felt a lot better. So time was eaten up by party-ferrying, bike-fixing, cycling supervising and cooking. Still, I got them finished off tonight.

Two of these are from the Fantasy Tribe range (slightly earlier than the armoured orcs, though there are overlaps. The one with the glaive is a variant of the Harboth's trooper and is from a range of (less armoured) orcs that came out at the same time as the armoured ones. I have two or three other variants of the chieftain with sword and flail, but this is the only one with an intact scimitar - which means I'm almost bound to drop him before he's safely based ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Fantasy Tribe orcs!)
Post by: Jagannath on December 04, 2017, 06:26:50 PM
Sorry, haven't commented for a wee bit - last few updates are lovely. Great minis, and the blue skintone is great. I absolutely love that last chap's shield with the monster face in profile, something really charming about it... I can imagine him sitting and painting it in between all his pillaging.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Fantasy Tribe orcs!)
Post by: fred on December 04, 2017, 07:19:53 PM
Another 3 classic figures. I do like the look of how you are painting these orcs.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Fantasy Tribe orcs!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 04, 2017, 09:59:32 PM
Thanks, both!

I absolutely love that last chap's shield with the monster face in profile, something really charming about it... I can imagine him sitting and painting it in between all his pillaging.

Cheers! It's loosely based on a viking ship's prow. I've used it a few times before on these orcs, as it's easy to paint on shields with a heavy wood grain and an iron rim. By the way, did you see my post about that Battle Valor wizard? If he has "gone on holiday by mistake", just let me know and I'll post him back!

The element's based now: for some reason, it's my favourite of the (many) HotT elements I've finished. The two new ones will see action this weekend.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Fantasy Tribe orcs!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 04, 2017, 10:10:33 PM
And of course, they're already viable as an easier-to-move Dragon Rampant unit (half multi-base, half individual). I'd generally want to start a game with four multibases and then sub in individuals as hits are taken. It means that the initial manoeuvres are really quick.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Fantasy Tribe orcs!)
Post by: Jagannath on December 04, 2017, 10:31:12 PM
Ah cheers - no don't worry, don't think he'd fit in my desert fantasy stuff anyhoo.

I hadn't noticed it on the others - looks great, might steal it!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Fantasy Tribe orcs!)
Post by: Severian on December 04, 2017, 11:49:49 PM
More great work on the orcs.

Seeing them en masse only emphasises what a lot that range does with a fairly limited number of poses, some on the face of it pretty ungainly; you've really brought out their character. And yes, the shields are splendid!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Fantasy Tribe orcs!)
Post by: DeafNala on December 05, 2017, 01:15:35 AM
OUTSTANDING! They are a FINE LOOKING Band of Hooligans. The BEAUTIFUL shields, & striking, pale skin shades make the miniatures something unique & special. VERY WELL DONE!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Fantasy Tribe orcs!)
Post by: von Lucky on December 05, 2017, 08:39:25 AM
I absolutely love that last chap's shield with the monster face in profile, something really charming about it... I can imagine him sitting and painting it in between all his pillaging.
Same for me - loving the old school vibe these just ooze.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Fantasy Tribe orcs!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 05, 2017, 10:27:57 AM
Thanks, all!

Jagannath, this is the kind of thing that inspired the shield. I'll  follow this design more closely on the next one; I was doing it from vague memories:


Seeing them en masse only emphasises what a lot that range does with a fairly limited number of poses, some on the face of it pretty ungainly;

Yes: and some of the early Fantasy Tribe ones are quite crude - especially on the bare arms, as below (he got a mail sleeve to cover his shortcomings when he was reworked as an armoured orc):


There were a few stages of refinement, though: the Harboth's Regiment of Renown orcs were much better, as were the C15 armoured orcs. And the C16 range below incorporated both remodelled versions of the Harboth figures and significantly cleaned-up versions of some of the Fantasy Tribe ones. The one with a headscarf, scimitar and shield (top left), for instance, is a significantly better model than his earlier variants (including the tusky fellow I've just painted):
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Fantasy Tribe orcs!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 09, 2017, 03:38:01 PM
Here's a first quick stab at an Oathmark goblin. I undercoated the first few in black by hand and painted up from base colours - quite a strange feeling, given my usual wash-n-drybrush approach. It was quite quick, though. I want to knock a few spear-armed elements out in short order for HotT; though extensive, our HotT forces are heavy on warbands, hordes and blades and light on other kinds of foot.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an Oathmark goblin!)
Post by: Jagannath on December 09, 2017, 04:13:52 PM
He looks great! The face in particular.

I know the prow style you mean - it's a great design style.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an Oathmark goblin!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 09, 2017, 05:51:18 PM
Thanks! Here's a couple more. The helmetless guy actually has the best-painted face of the three, but my woeful photography skills serve to disguise it ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more Oathmark goblins!)
Post by: jambo1 on December 09, 2017, 05:54:51 PM
Nice job on them, they look very decent figures. :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more Oathmark goblins!)
Post by: Severian on December 09, 2017, 06:31:58 PM
Excellent work - the helmetless guy's face looks very good. And I like the shield motif - I see a crude but definitely recognisable lidless eye...

Going to try and get some of mine painted later, though I've had a return of some flu-related lurgi so, thanks to pills and potions, my colour sense may be more than usually off...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more Oathmark goblins!)
Post by: Dr DeAth on December 09, 2017, 06:34:36 PM
Nice Work
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more Oathmark goblins!)
Post by: Munindk on December 09, 2017, 06:46:32 PM
I really like the skintones on those oathmark goblins.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more Oathmark goblins!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 09, 2017, 09:29:25 PM
Thanks, all!

Severian - yes, that's the idea: what orcs might paint (for once!) rather than what a fanciful illustrator might put on orc shields. Hope you feel better soon; I've finally shaken free of the ague.

Jambo1: indeed - definitely the best plastic orcs on the market, I reckon.

Munindk: cheers! I painted them a flat grey, then washed with sepia and highlighted up in a couple of European "flesh" tones. The idea is to have a skin tone that's "swart" and "sallow" but not quite human.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more Oathmark goblins!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 10, 2017, 12:02:10 AM
And here's the based spears element:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more Oathmark goblins!)
Post by: Jacksarge on December 10, 2017, 01:12:00 AM
You have done a splendid job on those Oathmark Goblins!
Waiting for mine to arrive in Oz, and still wondering what colours to paint the skin for a Middle Earth look.
I had been thinking grey tones, but after seeing yours I'm not sure now...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with based Oathmark goblins!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 10, 2017, 11:38:28 AM

This skintone does use mid-grey as a starting point, but with a sepia wash and warmer highlights to make it look a bit more organic.

Here's a space goblin that's part of a (long-overdue) project to supply the kids of one of my friends with some miniatures for Mutants & Death Ray Guns and Rogue Stars. A very quick paintjob, as I'm aiming to get the whole lot posted tomorrow:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with Oathmark orcs and an sf imp)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 10, 2017, 09:32:50 PM
The first of a few stormtrooper types for the same destination:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with Oathmark orcs and sf stuff)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 11, 2017, 12:25:48 AM
The bulk of the set I'm sending on in the service of gaming evangelism (the rules are already in the recipients' father's hands). Just a couple of tyranids and maybe another Eldar to add tomorrow.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with Oathmark orcs and sf stuff)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 17, 2017, 11:57:12 PM
I finally got the whole batch of 12 miniatures finished tonight, with another Eldar, a brace of tyranids and this beastman (who can be a sort of Gamorrean guard with low-tech weaponry: that will work well in Mutants and Death Ray Guns, especially if he has a high combat score and a trait like Savage, as there'll be a nice risk/reward balance in getting him close enough to wreak havoc). They'll go to their recipients (a friend's sons) tomorrow.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with Oathmark orcs and sf stuff)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 19, 2017, 12:33:24 AM
The "winter orc" thread here got me thinking about my Chronicle black orcs (the big, slotta-based fellows of the Ugezod type, rather than the little preslotta ones that I use as 15mm ogres). In the past, I've painted them red:

 And I'd started painting this fellow red too. But I decided to have a go at painting him as a "winter orc". I think this look works better, given the amount of fur these chaps wear. I might add some bicarbonate of soda to his base as snow at some point. Anyway, I'm going to paint the rest blue, and when I get those done, I'll probably repaint the red ones to match. Or they might even mix in OK, oni-style.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Chronicle orc as "winter orc")
Post by: jambo1 on December 19, 2017, 05:28:37 AM
Looks really good in blue, works well. :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Chronicle orc as "winter orc")
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on December 19, 2017, 07:02:08 AM
Looks great, but what about leaving the red ones red so they can change colour with the season or when they're exposed to environmental effects?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Chronicle orc as "winter orc")
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 19, 2017, 08:44:52 AM
Thanks, both!

Looks great, but what about leaving the red ones red so they can change colour with the season or when they're exposed to environmental effects?

I'll leave them well alone until the rest are done blue and then see how they stack up. I've never been quite happy with the red ones, though: I like the idea of red orcs (as a wizard's demonic servants, perhaps?), but somehow, the heavy furs work against the red skin.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Chronicle orc as "winter orc")
Post by: Jagannath on December 19, 2017, 04:50:31 PM
Sorry matey - not commented for a while, excellent recent stuff. I had a flash of 'coolspiration' seeing that Beastman backed up by the two Tyranids, very cool. I like your multi race approach to factions, it's really refreshing. Recent orcs look great, though I must say I prefer the red skintone.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Chronicle orc as "winter orc")
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on December 19, 2017, 05:03:23 PM
Blue orc looks great.  Just don't start painting any of them green! :D
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Chronicle orc as "winter orc")
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 19, 2017, 05:43:16 PM

had a flash of 'coolspiration' seeing that Beastman backed up by the two Tyranids, very cool. I like your multi race approach to factions, it's really refreshing.

Lots more of that to come: the kids and I are planning masses of sci-fi skirmishing over the Christmas holidays, and we're taking a very Mos Eisley approach. I've also got some more science-fantasy beastmen planned, inspired by Gene Wolfe's "pandours of the Autarch" ...

Recent orcs look great, though I must say I prefer the red skintone.

Thanks! I love the idea of "red orcs" (too much early exposure to Citadel?), but, having lined them up with each other, I think the blue works better on the table. I'll be seeking out some suitable candidates for red orcdom though ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Chronicle orc as "winter orc")
Post by: Severian on December 19, 2017, 06:01:40 PM
Blue orcs look very good but I also like them in red. I'm sure you can devise a plausible explanation for the variance in a game context, too.

Obviously interested in how your pandours come out!

And good luck with the Christmas gaming. Mine is still at the slightly incoherent planning stage...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Chronicle orc as "winter orc")
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 19, 2017, 06:37:08 PM
Blue orcs look very good but I also like them in red. I'm sure you can devise a plausible explanation for the variance in a game context, too.

Thanks! Well, there's certainly a precedent:


Obviously interested in how your pandours come out!

I thought you might be! ;) Should have the first one finished tonight. I've been re-reading that episode with the steel coach and the mastiff-man.

And good luck with the Christmas gaming. Mine is still at the slightly incoherent planning stage...

Thanks! I meant to make another recommendation to you for family RPGs, though it's probably a bit late now: Dungeon World. We played it last weekend (the kids and a visiting relative who's been making up for a gaming-starved youth in Provence), and it worked really well. The system's really simple: basically, you roll 2D6 and add relevant attribute-related modifiers: 6 or less is a fail (and an experience point); 7-9 is a success with consequences; and 10+ is a complete success. It has hit points and damage like standard RPGs, but rolls are triggered by "moves": so, if you say "I swing my axe at the ogre", it triggers the Hack & Slash move; whereas if you said, "I duck through his legs and leap over the chasm", it would be a Defy Danger move. (The system is taken from another game called Apocalypse World.)

What's so good about it is that it doesn't limit you to back-and-forth combats (I always think D&D combat is a bit like a rugby scrum; you can't get out until it's over), but allows players to attempt whatever they like. So the narrative is dominant, but you have the resource-management aspects of HP and equipment. And that combination makes it excellent for kids, who can exercise their imaginations to the full. It's also very quick to prepare: "Draw maps, but leave blanks" is the advice for GMs. There are some odd artificial restrictions, too: only one PC of each class in each party; and PCs have "bonds" - story-driving connections to each other. These actually work really well to get the story going.

It's well worth a look, in any case, if only for inspiration (I bought it in PDF). There's also Mouse Guard, which uses the same system and is (I think) about mouse musketeers braving woodpeckers and weasels and such like ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Chronicle orc as "winter orc")
Post by: fred on December 19, 2017, 07:44:33 PM
Loads of cool stuff!!

I really like the Sci Fi stuff - especially as you have moved it from its usual parameters.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Chronicle orc as "winter orc")
Post by: Severian on December 19, 2017, 08:00:29 PM
Thanks for the Dungeon World tip - I'm putting together a scenario or two (in the intervals of too much else) but hadn't fully settled on a system. I thought I'd probably go with basic D&D as it's what I learned on and I think I still know it pretty well. But some of the mechanics may be a bit much for my players (well, the younger ones anyway...). So I'll certainly have a look, thanks. Of course, my Trudvang books just arrived so I've been sidetracked yet again (of which more elsewhere, I suspect).

The mastiff-man is intriguing, isn't he. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Chronicle orc as "winter orc")
Post by: fred on December 19, 2017, 10:14:07 PM
Severian - it will be good to hear where you go with RPG rules - I can understand you wanting to go back to D&D, but I suspect you will find it is anything but basic, with lots of complex different ways of doing things. There are lots of newer lighter game engines, that are much more consistent mechanistically.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Chronicle orc as "winter orc")
Post by: Severian on December 19, 2017, 10:48:47 PM
Thanks - I'll keep you all posted (though in my own thread rather than this one!).

Sorry, I had intended to capitalize Basic D&D to avoid confusion - I meant the tatty old red paperback with the Erol Otus cover that I played a LOT back in the early 80s, not to suggest that the D&D system is basic or simple or especially easy to pick up; as you rightly say, it's not really any of those things (certainly not in the Basic & AD&D iterations; I don't know the later versions). It's just the system I can most easily wing it with, whilst trying to keep the attention of two small boys (and possibly their mother and smaller sister) on whatever goblin-heavy circumstance I pitch them into...   :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Chronicle orc as "winter orc")
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 20, 2017, 01:08:14 AM
Thanks - I'll keep you all posted (though in my own thread rather than this one!).

This thread is always open for discussions of family RPGs!

It's just the system I can most easily wing it with, whilst trying to keep the attention of two small boys (and possibly their mother and smaller sister) on whatever goblin-heavy circumstance I pitch them into...   :)

That's a very good point.

One thing that might help with the sleeker modern takes on D&D is the unification of dice-rolling systems. So, for example, Whitehack's combat is very clear - roll under or equal to your attack value and roll over the opponent's AC. Stat checks are all equal or under on a D20 - which is great, because it makes the value of the stats very important. That's actually a failing of Dungeon World, which doesn't really need the traditional stats (just the modifiers derived from them). Its unified "moves" system is really good, though, because it's one mechanism for everything, pretty much.

But you can always port those things over. "Roll D20 - your charisma score or under - to persuade the ogre that he should go to the front gate", for example. The "use two D20s and take the best or worst" mechanism for advantage/disadvantage is great too. So, if an elf is trying to persuade an orc to let him pass, he uses the worst of two dice, but a half-orc would use the best of two.

Or, if you have modifiers (I forget which versions of D&D use them), roll 2D6 and add: less than seven fails; seven to nine is a partial success/success with consequences; and 10 or more is the desired result. All of that helps make the character sheets relevant: "Let Balin the Bold do the talking - he's got the highest charisma", etc.

Anyway, good luck - and keep us posted! Here's the first pandour. He's roughly painted from a black undercoat, but I quite like the scruffy outcome. I like the idea of beastmen being especially loyal troops: "Our law is not the law of reason. Our law is honour and obedience. We stay."

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an Urth-style pandour)
Post by: Severian on December 20, 2017, 01:53:02 AM
Thanks again - I'll let you know how we get on (and with what).

That's a great pandour: somehow the face really works even though it's largely masked. Good stuff!

I wonder whether the loyalty of mastiff-men might be a particular characteristic of mastiffs in particular rather than beast-men in general? Although I suppose since they are often splices with animals more or less domesticated it might be a common trait. But it would make sense to have mastiff-men as bodyguards rather than (say) hyena-men, or chihuahua-men...

I like this bit:

"When one hears of such creatures, one imagines something stable, midway between beast and human; but when one actually sees them...they are not like that at all. The best comparison I can make is to the flickering of a silver birch tossed by the wind. At one moment it seems a common tree, at the next, when the undersides of the leaves appear, a supernatural creation. So it is with the man-beasts. At first I thought a mastiff peered at me through the bars; then it seemed rather a man, nobly ugly, tawny-faced and amber-eyed..."

Not sure how one represents all this in 28mm, mind you.  :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an Urth-style pandour)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 20, 2017, 09:09:06 AM
Yes, it's an extremely intriguing description. And one never learns whether the other man-beasts in the carriage are mastiff-men too, or something else. The earlier description at the end of The Shadow of the Torturer indicates that they have many forms: some horned, some fanged:

"The sides of the gate rose high above us, pierced at wide intervals by windows of some material thicker, yet clearer, than glass. Behind these windows we could see the moving figures of men and women, and of creatures that were neither men nor women. Cacogens, I think, were there, beings to whom the avern was but what a marigold or a marguerite is to us. Others seemed beasts with too much of men about them, so that horned heads watched us with eyes too wise, and mouths that appeared to speak showed teeth like nails or hooks. I asked Dr. Talos what these creatures were.

‘Soldiers,' he said. ‘The pandours of the Autarch.'"

I think there's a strong echo of The Island of Doctor Moreau in the man-beasts' code of honour: "This is the Law!" and all that.

I have vague plans to use space marines (probably in the colour scheme on the previous page) as stormtrooper-type enforces of the law or the regime in our sci-fi skirmishes, but I like the idea of their having bestial terror troops as well, who may actually be senior to them in the hierarchy, or at least more militarily potent: Sardaukar-style "soldier-fanatics". I've got a few more arms to convert these Frostgrave gnolls, but have also got some other bestial forms on the go.

After a quick audit, I see I am on roughly 307 miniatures for 2017 - almost 100 ahead of last year (all that 10 and 15mm helped!). A push to 350 over the holidays, perhaps ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an Urth-style pandour)
Post by: swiftnick on December 20, 2017, 11:16:38 AM
Great work Justin, very intriguing.
Gene Wolf managed to bypass me somehow at the time.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an Urth-style pandour)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 20, 2017, 05:52:42 PM
He's hard work, but well worth it. One of his ideas is that a good book should repay rereading, so a lot of the things that pass you by first time around (or just make no senes) become significant on the next reading. (He also invented the machine that makes Pringles ...)

And while we're on Wolfe, here's an alien beastie that could be an alzabo (can't remember what colour it's meant to be in the book, if any). He'll also make a decent demon in sword-and-sorcery games.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a pandour - and an alzabo?)
Post by: Severian on December 20, 2017, 06:31:35 PM
Very effective alzabo (or demon-beast). Great stripes!

I couldn't remember what colour they were either; Andre-Driussi's Lexicon Urthus says they're red, but doesn't give a reference...I reckon your colours work well, particularly for what's evidently an extraterrestrial beast. The name is an archaic transliteration of the Arabic al-dhi'b, "wolf or jackal", apparently. There's also something in Pliny about hyenas digging up corpses, and mimicking human voices to lure their victims out of doors, which is there in the mix.

I always tell people the moustachioed guy on the Pringles tube is a portrait of Wolfe. This may or may not be true.

One of his ideas is that a good book should repay rereading, so a lot of the things that pass you by first time around (or just make no senes) become significant on the next reading. 

An especially sneaky thing he does is write stories (like his early novel Peace, or his recent The Land Across) that appear to be about one thing, only for you to realize, often towards the end, that they're actually about something completely different (although the "surface" story is more-or-less coherent). Unreliable narrators aren't even the half of it...

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a pandour - and an alzabo?)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 20, 2017, 07:10:04 PM

An especially sneaky thing he does is write stories (like his early novel Peace, or his recent The Land Across) that appear to be about one thing, only for you to realize, often towards the end, that they're actually about something completely different (although the "surface" story is more-or-less coherent). Unreliable narrators aren't even the half of it...

Yes indeed. I really enjoyed Peace (not least the Chinese-dynasty-soft-drink joke). One thing that's always struck me as odd about the book, though, is the aunt's dog's name: Ming-Sno. The second syllable can't possibly be Chinese (in any form of transliteration). Maybe it's just a mistake. Or maybe it's a white dog missing its W ...

Here's a horrid little man who'll work as a Jawa-ish type. I tried a new technique with him: black undercoat, then sloppy drybrush of everything in a couple of shades of brown. Metals were drybrushed over the top of that, and then flesh done with a basecoat, wash, and two highlights (very quick on this model). I'm going to try the same on some of the Oathmark goblins
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (pandour, alzabo and horrid runt)
Post by: thenamelessdead on December 20, 2017, 10:35:50 PM
He's good. Or should I say bad?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (pandour, alzabo and horrid runt)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 21, 2017, 12:08:49 AM

Here's one more: a throwback to the very first post in this thread. I used the same black/burnt umber/flat earth/silver grey set-up as with the little fellow. The technique was very quick, so I imagine I'll use it a lot more.

These few would make a nice little warband for Mutants & Death Ray Guns, though I'll aim to stat them up for an inaugural game of Pulp Alley tomorrow.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an Urth-style pandour)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 21, 2017, 11:44:23 AM
Thanks again - I'll let you know how we get on (and with what).

I meant to say - one thing that became clear from the five-session mini-campaign I ran for my kids and their friends in the autumn was that treasure is a really big deal. I think it's something I've always underplayed in games in the past; when I play RPGs, I'm generally much more interested in exploring/clearing out enemies/achieving objectives rather than accumulating stuff. But the kids went wild for treasure - and especially magic items. I actually started them off with a ring of invisibility (complete with miniature - a base with footprints!), and they found plenty of other items along the way. I used blank playing cards with a quick sketch of the item and sometimes some mechanical info (usually once they'd tried such items out). That helped a great deal with looting of each other's bodies and the like; on more than one occasion, certain PCs abandoned their companions to danger to rifle through the pockets of their fallen comrades!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (pandour, alzabo, runt & grunt)
Post by: Jagannath on December 21, 2017, 02:13:01 PM
Love the latest batch - a good bit of science-fantasy, lovely! The goblin, is particularly good.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a pandour - and an alzabo?)
Post by: Severian on December 21, 2017, 02:59:52 PM
Latest beastmen and bad hats look very good indeed. The beastman's eyes and shield boss are very effective.

Thanks for the treasure cards tip - given my children's attitude to their toy pirate doubloons, this is very likely to be a focus! Also a usefully familiar mechanic from Monopoly and so on. I made some similar cards for a Crom! game a while back, I think.

One thing that's always struck me as odd about the book, though, is the aunt's dog's name: Ming-Sno. The second syllable can't possibly be Chinese (in any form of transliteration). Maybe it's just a mistake. Or maybe it's a white dog missing its W ...

I have a vague theory that this may be a brand name (for fake snow spray, or similar?) and perhaps play into a running series of such gags. But I'd need to re-read (obviously!) to check this...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (pandour, alzabo, runt & grunt)
Post by: DeafNala on December 21, 2017, 03:19:58 PM
There are some endearing smiles in that group of Rogues. WONDERFUL WORK as always!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (pandour, alzabo, runt & grunt)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 27, 2017, 11:04:12 AM
Many thanks, all!

Here's an experiment (following the example of  last beastman). I've got a few of these recent GW orks kicking around. I have many more of the metal ones from first-edition 40K (everyone called it that, and no one called it "Rogue Trader", at least as far as I remember) and prefer those. But I want to get the later ones out of the plastic pile, so have been thinking about how to do them quickly. Their signature feature is their teeth, so I wanted to find a really quick way of painting them that would emphasise those. So, black undercoat, drybrushing in burnt umber, flat earth and silver-grey, and then some metal drybrushing for weapons and armour and a wash or two over other sections.

The result's hardly stellar, but it was very quick and it does give me a shadowy, hulking form with big, sharp teeth. So I'll do the other six or seven I have in the same way.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (pandour, alzabo, runt & grunt)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 27, 2017, 12:02:46 PM
And here's another villainous type, done in the same way.

The three of them make an ugly little band of sinister road agents.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with sinister road agents)
Post by: Severian on December 27, 2017, 12:21:37 PM
Those look great! The contrast with the bases works especially well and sets off the figures' colours a treat.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with sinister road agents)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 27, 2017, 08:20:33 PM

My son got Shadespire from his grandparents for Christmas, so he and I have been painting the miniatures. He's painting the knights purple (!), while I'm dealing with the chaos warriors. The aim is to get them all done tomorrow or the next day, so it's real short-cut time. This is a WIP on one of the chaos chaps:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with sinister road agents)
Post by: beefcake on December 27, 2017, 10:09:27 PM
Cool. I'll be interested in hearing how Shadespire goes.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with sinister road agents)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 28, 2017, 07:10:22 PM
Cheers! He needs a bit of neatening up, but he's more or less done now - enough to move onto the others. No idea yet how the game plays, but we'll find out shortly ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with sinister road agents)
Post by: Maxromek on December 29, 2017, 06:37:33 PM
Shadespire is actually really good. I've been having a blast for 2 months now.

Also, great paintjob, as always :D
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with sinister road agents)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 31, 2017, 11:42:52 PM

Games of OGRE, Labyrinth, Pulp Alley and Sellswords & Spellslingers mean that we haven't yet got to Shadespire yet, but we'll probably tackle it tomorrow.

We're having a mercifully quiet Hogmanay as my wife's doing a triathlon tomorrow. So we bowed out early from a party, allowing me to complete a last miniature for 2017 (ahead of a wee dram at midnight). I started him three years or so ago, but fun with Sellswords & Spellslingers today (including the death of both my starting PCs) convinced me that we need more dwarfs. Here's the first:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a dwarf to see off 2017)
Post by: von Lucky on January 01, 2018, 04:26:42 AM
Papa Smurf! lol Nice painting.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a dwarf to see off 2017)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 01, 2018, 09:46:29 AM
Papa Smurf! lol Nice painting.

Ha! I hadn't thought of that! Cheers!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a dwarf to see off 2017)
Post by: beefcake on January 01, 2018, 10:09:05 AM
That's a very nice pj. Papa smurf  lol
Where is that mini from?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a dwarf to see off 2017)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 01, 2018, 10:51:34 AM

He's one of Citadel's Northern Dwarves. I've since corrected the black spots on his beard (which were all but invisible to the naked eye).

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a dwarf to see off 2017)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 02, 2018, 12:56:29 AM
Here's a curio of even greater vintage: a Citadel Salaman from the Fiend Factory series. I'd started him ages ago but decided to finish off with Sellswords & Spellslingers in mind, as he'll be easy to stat up as a PC with the Amphibious trait.

He's a very softly detailed old miniature with lots of "what is that, exactly" about his accoutrements and armour. And his eyes have that most annoying feature of old models: depressions for pupils. Still, he's done now ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with smurf and salaman)
Post by: beefcake on January 02, 2018, 03:05:30 AM
Another nice addition. Cool skintone.
Thanks for the info on the dwarf. Doubtful I'll grab one seeing as it is OOP.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with smurf and salaman)
Post by: swiftnick on January 03, 2018, 09:58:53 AM
Still love the idea of Blue skinned dwarfs.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with smurf and salaman)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 04, 2018, 01:25:24 PM
I'm certainly sticking with it - a couple of smurfettes are on the way!

My son and I had a run-through of Shadespire the other night, and it seems interesting. I picked up the orcs and made a start on the first; I'm hoping to have this one and the other three finished by the weekend, when we're hoping to schedule some gaming with friends.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Shadespire WIP)
Post by: Jagannath on January 04, 2018, 03:05:41 PM
Very nice, love that blue skin (on both the orc and dwarf!).

I've been looking at dwarves a lot recently - I can feel a project based around the Lead Adventure range brewing away in the back of my mind....
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Shadespire WIP)
Post by: adventure_85 on January 04, 2018, 03:36:47 PM
What company makes that org? Is it a GW kit?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Shadespire WIP)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 04, 2018, 04:01:45 PM
Thanks, Rory! Dwarves would be a natural fit with those cavern plans you've been mooting on your blog.

What company makes that org? Is it a GW kit?

Yes, it's one of the new Shadespire "orruks". Post-Perry C15/16 GW orcs aren't really my cup of tea, but all the armour at least makes these ones fairly quick to paint up. I always find the faces of the later GW orcs very fiddly, though - I think it's because the exaggerated details don't read true with my lazy drybrush and wash approach.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Shadespire WIP)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 04, 2018, 11:49:00 PM
And here he is finished, barring a lick of black around the edge of his base. I find the coloured plastic that these are cast in less receptive to undercoat than their grey kin. As he'll be handled a lot - my son was playing Shadespire properly at a friend's house today - he'll need at least a couple of coats of deeply unfashionable gloss varnish ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Shadespire orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 05, 2018, 12:12:03 AM
And here he is among his kin ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Shadespire orc)
Post by: beefcake on January 05, 2018, 02:04:52 AM
That looks a lot better than the yellow they paint them.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Shadespire orc)
Post by: jambo1 on January 05, 2018, 09:48:53 AM
Lovely seeing them all together and he fits in so well. :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Shadespire orc)
Post by: DivisMal on January 05, 2018, 09:24:35 PM
Oh, I like what you did with that orc. I saw the set recently but decided against it.

Painted the Stormcast Eternal from the basic set and am really impressed by the quality of the new GW plastics.

Now that I see how good the orcs looks with a different paint scheme, I am tempted to buy these, too!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Shadespire orc)
Post by: nic-e on January 06, 2018, 01:28:26 PM
And here he is among his kin ...

I like it. All four of them scattered among the ranks would look very cool, like giant orges or elite orc generals.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Shadespire orc)
Post by: DeafNala on January 06, 2018, 03:01:12 PM
OUTSTANDING! That is a FINE LOOKING Gang of Hooligans. I love the second from the left's shield...it adds to the character of the gang. VERY WELL DONE!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Shadespire orc)
Post by: nic-e on January 06, 2018, 04:23:21 PM
you can really see the resemblance between the big shadespire dwarf and the chap with the blue helmet just to the right of him.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Shadespire orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 06, 2018, 11:13:54 PM
Thanks, all!

you can really see the resemblance between the big shadespire dwarf and the chap with the blue helmet just to the right of him.

That's Warhammer new and old right next to each other: the fellow in the helmet was illustrated in the first edition.

During a four-player game of Shadespire today, I used some old Citadel and Chronicle ogres as proxies for the Stormcast; they're dwarfed by the current GW orcs! I got the new orcs more or less ready for this afternoon's gaming, though they still need a bit more done to them (especially the leader).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Shadespire orcs!)
Post by: MachinaMandala on January 06, 2018, 11:43:03 PM
Wow, they're amazing!

How'd you do the skin and armour?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Shadespire orcs!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 06, 2018, 11:52:44 PM
Wow, they're amazing!

How'd you do the skin and armour?


I started off painting them the same way as the sci-fi roadagents on the previous page: black undercoat, then drybrushing in burnt umber, flat earth and silver-grey (avoiding the skin), then drybrushed the armour copper and natural steel. Then I gave it a brown wash. I did the skin to my usual goblin fashion: silver-grey (or Wych Elf Flesh) washed in a 50/50 mixture of blue and green Citadel glazes, then highlighted back up again in silver-grey.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Shadespire orcs!)
Post by: Severian on January 07, 2018, 12:56:08 AM
Great work on the orcs, both armour and skin tone.

The contrast between old and new Warhammer orcs is very telling, isn't it. But you could probably mix the odd big fellow into a warband with his older relatives (overlooking for purposes of the exercise his super-sized weapon... what is it with the huge weaponry, anyway? I suppose they're clearly distinguishable at a tabletop distance...)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Shadespire orcs!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 07, 2018, 10:57:16 AM

The contrast between old and new Warhammer orcs is very telling, isn't it. But you could probably mix the odd big fellow into a warband with his older relatives (overlooking for purposes of the exercise his super-sized weapon... what is it with the huge weaponry, anyway? I suppose they're clearly distinguishable at a tabletop distance...)

Yes, indeed. As Nic says, they'd work as ogres or giant goblins or whatever amid the others. Although these orcs feature two of my blackest bêtes noires (oversized weapons and 'dual wielding' - especially of axes!), I prefer them to the same designer's earlier orcs, as the new ones don't have the bizarre Donald Duck spines.

On the oversized weapons: I love what Ana at Gardens of Hecate (http://gardensofhecate.blogspot.co.uk/2017/12/cxlix-shadespire-steelhearts-champions.html) did with the Shadespire knights by reducing weapon and shoulderpad sizes.

On using them as ogres: I've always liked the idea that most RPG/fantasy-wargame humanoids are just different variants of the same species. I think this may well have been how things were originally conceived in D&D (before the various synonyms for "goblin" acquired animal characteristics - kobolds/dogs, orcs/pigs, gnolls/hyenas, hobgoblins/mandrills). My cave goblins include various bugbear and ogre models painted with the same skintone, and the two Perry trolls I have will be done the same way.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Shadespire orcs!)
Post by: clanmac on January 07, 2018, 11:40:51 AM
Those orcs are superb - it takes some real skill to stop them looking cartoony but you've really nailed it.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Shadespire orcs!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 08, 2018, 12:33:21 AM

Here's a very quickly painted ghoul (a Frostgrave gnoll). Folkloric ghouls are associated with hyenas and can turn into them sometimes, and of course Lovecraft's (and Pickman's) ghouls have that sort of look too. So I'm using my remaining Frostgrave gnolls as ghouls for Sellswords & Spellslingers and various dungeon bashes; I have an inkling that we'll do some 28mm RPG stuff this year, simply because I've got more weird and unusual monsters in this scale than in 15mm.

I've tried to assemble the other ghouls with only daggers or even just their claws, but this chap has a sword because he was originally going to be part of a HotT element. I'll probably add a fair bit of blood to the mouths and claws of most of them.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Shadespire orc)
Post by: Duncan McDane on January 08, 2018, 09:57:47 AM
That looks a lot better than the yellow they paint them.

This. You really made it into a proper wargaming miniature ( and add the Orc set on my want-list aswell :-P )
Great metalwork...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with Shadespire orcs and a ghoul)
Post by: Severian on January 08, 2018, 06:01:31 PM
Nice ghoul-gnoll! Might look into a box of these at some stage. Looking forward to seeing how you've done the unarmed (well, claw-armed) ones.

I've always liked the idea that most RPG/fantasy-wargame humanoids are just different variants of the same species. I think this may well have been how things were originally conceived in D&D (before the various synonyms for "goblin" acquired animal characteristics - kobolds/dogs, orcs/pigs, gnolls/hyenas, hobgoblins/mandrills). My cave goblins include various bugbear and ogre models painted with the same skintone, and the two Perry trolls I have will be done the same way.

Exactly this.

One of the appealing things about Gloranthan trolls is the way the name functions as a generic term for some very disparate creatures. I'm all for taking things back to their folkloric roots and gathering all of these nominally distinct goblins (or whatever generic term one uses) into a great hotch-potch of miscellaneous bad hats of varying sizes and shapes and characteristics, all under the banner of "goblin" (or whichever of the myriad almost-synonyms one prefers). Obviously for gaming purposes one might want to split them into a few broad types, but it shouldn't be surprising - in fact, it ought to be expected - to find a bunch of rather different types (more or less) co-operating, in a warband, dungeon, or whatever. The Trudvang RPG does this sort of thing with its own trolls, which are (unsurprisingly) very Scandinavian in tone.

And of course one of the great advantages of this, as you say, is that you can use any figures you have, or happen to like, without worrying about compatibility beyond some basic aesthetics - if I like it, it goes into the mix!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with Shadespire orcs and a ghoul)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 08, 2018, 07:50:43 PM
Nice ghoul-gnoll! Might look into a box of these at some stage. Looking forward to seeing how you've done the unarmed (well, claw-armed) ones.

Thanks! I'm now thinking that I should fit a severed head into this one's fist. A rummage in the bit box might yield something suitable.

Although I've painted up precisely two of them as straightforward gnolls, I'm viewing the using up of the remaining ones with some dismay. I shall probably have to get some more. (The others have become aliens and various chaos mutants.) My count suggests that there is one more or less intact sprue lurking somewhere in the house, though.

Exactly this.

One of the appealing things about Gloranthan trolls is the way the name functions as a generic term for some very disparate creatures. I'm all for taking things back to their folkloric roots and gathering all of these nominally distinct goblins (or whatever generic term one uses) into a great hotch-potch of miscellaneous bad hats of varying sizes and shapes and characteristics, all under the banner of "goblin" (or whichever of the myriad almost-synonyms one prefers). Obviously for gaming purposes one might want to split them into a few broad types, but it shouldn't be surprising - in fact, it ought to be expected - to find a bunch of rather different types (more or less) co-operating, in a warband, dungeon, or whatever. The Trudvang RPG does this sort of thing with its own trolls, which are (unsurprisingly) very Scandinavian in tone.

And of course one of the great advantages of this, as you say, is that you can use any figures you have, or happen to like, without worrying about compatibility beyond some basic aesthetics - if I like it, it goes into the mix!

Yup - and it keeps the players guessing! When running RPGs, I tend to just describe the creatures rather than name them. Then it's down to the players to name them as they see fit. It certainly stops them getting comfortable.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with Shadespire orcs and a ghoul)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 14, 2018, 11:58:46 AM
I found some Kev Adams zombies lurking in the cellar and decided to get them painted up for the megadungeon games I'm planning.

It might seem heresy to treat these classic miniatures to the coarsest of paintjobs - black undercoat, a few layers of drybrushing and the odd wash - but I'm keen to get lots and lots of lurking nasties done, so that's how I went. I've got seven of them just about finished now, and I'm quite pleased with how they look from "tabletop distance".

As my kids observed, these are "very old" zombies, doubtless long dead and recently unearthed. So I think lots of layers of dirt and decay would give them a fairly dark appearance.

Also, I've just discovered gesso, which has revolutionised my prep time and led me down the path of black undercoats again. I'm messing around with some skaven for the megadungeon, done both from black and white undercoats, to see which wins out.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with speed-painted zombie)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 14, 2018, 12:19:28 PM
Another couple of shots of the shambler:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Shadespire WIP)
Post by: Bloggard on January 14, 2018, 02:44:47 PM
And here he is finished, barring a lick of black around the edge of his base. I find the coloured plastic that these are cast in less receptive to undercoat than their grey kin. As he'll be handled a lot - my son was playing Shadespire properly at a friend's house today - he'll need at least a couple of coats of deeply unfashionable gloss varnish ...

absolutely love your paint job here (* 'here' refers to one of your shadowspire 'orcs') - the skin tone, and the 'all-over' approach to the metal / armour (dry-brushing over black?) which has worked brilliantly.

*I've now read your painting recipes above - not surprisingly given how superb it looks, nowhere near as simple as I'd like (you think that kind of dry-brushing / washing is 'lazy'? no way - it's clearly a really well developed combination of techniques and paint-types that 'work').

**also: I've tried gesso, and didn't get on with it - if you can elaborate on how it's worked for you, that would be much appreciated.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with speed-painted zombie)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 14, 2018, 06:07:58 PM

Here's the gang of six zombies - enough to cover a "D6 zombies" wandering monster roll, at least.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with speed-painted zombies)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 14, 2018, 06:51:17 PM
On gesso: I've been using Pebeo Black Gesso, which I got for about a fiver for 500ml on Amazon. It's excellent - really quick to use, fume-free and (as far as I can see) as durable as spray primer.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with speed-painted zombies)
Post by: Jagannath on January 15, 2018, 12:55:38 AM
That's a fantastic result for 'speedpainting' - zombies are great for that eh?

I use black, liquitex gesso for 90% of my painting - I only ever spray if I'm desperate to paint something there and then, generally if I've got time to spray and space I spend it dullcote-ing stuff. Gosh, it must be great sticking with a gloss finish!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with speed-painted zombies)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 15, 2018, 09:13:18 AM
Cheers! Yes - if in doubt, slop it with gore!

I've found the gesso to be much quicker-drying than spray paint. For all that GW paints claim to dry in half an hour whatever, my experience has been that they need at least a full working day to be useable without exuding noxious fumes. So, if I spray stuff in the morning, it's paintable by evening. And if sprayed in the evening and left overnight, it's fine. But if I spray things when I get home from work, they're still pretty vile by nine or ten.

Gesso, on the other hand, seems to dry almost as fast as normal acrylic - although perhaps that's been accelerated this week by our having the heating up high in response to the Caledonian clime and various maladies. I must investigate the white stuff; certainly, the Sebeo stuff is far, far cheaper than spray paint.

Every time I think about matt-varnishing something, I then think "Nah ...". In recent years, I've only ever used matt varnish to dull down the bases of my 15mm stuff, as I took to varnishing the figure, base and all, to stop the edges of the coin-bases chipping. But even then, I haven't always bothered, although I do like the contrast between a glossy figure and its matt base. The Vallejo gloss I use isn't excessively shiny, and I think the "realism" argument cuts both ways: I suspect a sweaty orc in metal armour would look more glossy than matt overall.

I have a long-standing suspicion that the shift from gloss to matt has much more to do with photographing miniatures than how they actually look on the table. But I'm aware that this is seen as a deeply eccentric view ...  ;)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with speed-painted zombies)
Post by: Jagannath on January 15, 2018, 02:29:08 PM
That's interesting - I absolutely swear by leaving gesso 24 hours (I've had some disasters with washes 'wrinkling' the undercoat), whereas I'll paint over a sprayed on primer pretty much immediately.

All depends on process doesn't it I guess - My desert bases are finished with a gloss 'glaze' (acts a bit like army painter dip) so that's pne reason I love super flat matte. Having said that, I do use two coats of vallejo polyurethene gloss first... that coupled with always using dullcote makes the finish on my minis nigh on indestructible. I've experimented with actually trying to chip the finish, and it's almost impossible. Horse for courses I guess - I absolutely love your minis, and in many ways they're the polar opposite of my approach.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with speed-painted zombies)
Post by: fred on January 16, 2018, 08:48:22 PM
Following the recommendations above, I ordered gesso and varnish, as due to the weather I've been looking for alternatives to spraying.

500ml of Gesso is a surprisingly large pot!! And as the lid was damaged, I'll have a second pot tomorrow too.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with speed-painted zombies)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 17, 2018, 12:52:16 AM
That's interesting - I absolutely swear by leaving gesso 24 hours (I've had some disasters with washes 'wrinkling' the undercoat), whereas I'll paint over a sprayed on primer pretty much immediately.

I haven't encountered that yet - but I shall be on the look-out! Thinking back, I probably didn't apply any washes that soon after: just layers of drybrushing (or even wetbrushing), which is probably fairly safe.

All depends on process doesn't it I guess - My desert bases are finished with a gloss 'glaze' (acts a bit like army painter dip) so that's pne reason I love super flat matte. Having said that, I do use two coats of vallejo polyurethene gloss first... that coupled with always using dullcote makes the finish on my minis nigh on indestructible. I've experimented with actually trying to chip the finish, and it's almost impossible. Horse for courses I guess - I absolutely love your minis, and in many ways they're the polar opposite of my approach.

Cheers, and likewise! And yes, indeed: also, I've seen the theory advanced that black undercoats are best served with matt, while gloss went hand in hand with white undercoats and lots of inks.

On which note, here are some rapidly done skaven. The two metal ones were done with white spray undercoat and thin washes; the plastics were done with black gesso and layering/drybrushing. I think they converge adequately. I have loads of these second-generation metal skaven (very few left of the first generation, alas!) and lots of the Advanced Heroquest and Isle of Blood plastics. As I want lots of ratmen in the megadungeon I'm planning, I want to zoom through them as quickly as I can, and I'm planning some outlandish colour schemes to deal with the duplicates.

I found this fat idol I'd made as a kid; it's crude enough to be the work of 28mm goblins, so will end up painted in the dungeon, I think.

Fred, good luck with the gesso! I've certainly found it a revelation. And yes, 500ml looks enough to undercoat hordes, and lots of scenery besides. Gesso, rather than spray, also means that I can look to the kids to do some undercoating for themselves (and for me ...).

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with speed-painted skaven)
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on January 17, 2018, 04:22:47 AM
Bloody show-offs whose speed-painting is better than my usual painting....... >:(

Once again, lovely work.  I particularly like the zombies, the speed painting adds to the overall putrid look.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with speed-painted skaven)
Post by: beefcake on January 17, 2018, 05:13:48 AM
Great work. Really impressed with the idol as well.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with speed-painted skaven)
Post by: jambo1 on January 17, 2018, 05:54:38 AM
The Skaven are super! Your speed painting is way better than my best too!! :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with speed-painted skaven)
Post by: Jagannath on January 17, 2018, 11:21:16 AM
Talking of wrinkling, on reflection this seems to be worst with my grey gesso - the black is thicker (in a good way - grey is translucently thin) so maybe a bit more robust. It does seem 'drier' than the grey more quickly. By the way, if you ever need to strip gesso, the best thing I've found is this:


Ignore the one star reviews on there, it's absolute magic (I've found gesso nigh on unmoveable with other, more reliable paint strippers).

Ah that's interesting about gloss and white, I must play about more with white primer.

Love the skaven - Island of Blood was really great value box, I've got one squirelled away for a skaven project (one day!)... skaven seem about the most perfect minis for your painting style? I hate fur - comes from never drybrushing, another thing I should do more.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with speed-painted skaven)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 17, 2018, 02:16:24 PM
Thanks, all!

As far as speed painting goes, I should note that the two metal ones were much fast to do than the black-undercoated plastic ones. I looked at some of the tutorials on Nord's excellent blog (https://paintsngluenrocknroll.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/Tutorial) and refined my white/wash/drybrush technique somewhat. I noticed that Nord often preshades with rather light colours, so, rather than use Agrax Earthshade for the initial wash, I used some "brown glaze" (maybe from Army Painter?) and thinned it down with matt medium. This left a more subtle effect, with nicely gradated shading. Putting a single wash of watery paint over each area did most of the work after that, with a wash of Agrax or GW sepia over the top. For the skin, I washed with a "flesh" colour, washed again with thinned-down GW blood-effect stuff, then quickly highlighted with the initial colour and Wych Elf flesh. And that was that, eyes and teeth aside.

The clothing on the black ones was even quicker, though: after three steps of drybrushing the whole figures in brown, I just sloshed some GW wash over each item of clothing. The skin process was the same, though with thicker paint, but the initial three-step drybrushing meant that they took a bit more time overall.

I think I'll do most of the metals with white undercoat and the plastics in black, though: the plastics, old and new, have more areas that are best left blocked in in black.

Love the skaven - Island of Blood was really great value box, I've got one squirelled away for a skaven project (one day!)... skaven seem about the most perfect minis for your painting style? I hate fur - comes from never drybrushing, another thing I should do more.

Well, they are very messy!  ;) Yes, the metal ones are perfect for drybrush and wash. The new plastics are OK for that too, although the fur is stylised differently: rather than scaled-up tufts or locks, it's in almost geometric spikes.

I didn't buy the box, but got hold of loads of the miniatures on the sprues very cheaply indeed. They're very nicely designed rats. It's odd, though - most of the non-rank-and-file GW plastic skaven are far less good: either OTT or just a bit clumsy-looking. But the ordinary grunts (squeaks?) are great.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with speed-painted skaven)
Post by: Severian on January 17, 2018, 07:06:35 PM
Great work on these - the skaven are top-notch.

All this talk of gesso is intriguing; though I think I should finish up a few mostly-finished things, and photograph and post some finished things, before I explore any new techniques just yet.

Good luck with accumulating dungeon nasties. You can never have too many!

And the idol is great fun. Chu-bu or Sheemish, perhaps?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with speed-painted skaven)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 17, 2018, 07:21:07 PM

And the idol is great fun. Chu-bu or Sheemish, perhaps?


(For me, one of the most gratifying discoveries of the last few years is how perfect certain Dunsany tales are as bedtime stories. We started with The Hoard of the Gibbelins and How Nuth Would Have Practised His Art Upon the Gnoles - many times over for each - but have got through a good few others since).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with speed-painted skaven)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 18, 2018, 12:19:17 AM
And one more swift skaven:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a red-furred skaven)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 18, 2018, 11:39:34 PM
Here's another experiment in speed painting: a Ral Partha troll.

For this one, I undercoated in black gesso, daubed on the base colours fairly thick, then drybrushed in Wych Elf Flesh or Vallejo Silver Grey (which ever one was closest - they're the same colour). Then I just sloshed a bit of appropriate wash over each area. Nothing fancy, but even quicker than some of the layered drybrushing techniques I've been using lately.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with red skaven and green troll)
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on January 19, 2018, 12:28:36 AM
I have only used gesso on Reaper Bones miniatures.  When I tried using this on metal it seemed to have probelms with sticking/cover.  Are there different grades of gesso?

Nice looking troll, by the way.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with red skaven and green troll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 19, 2018, 01:00:17 AM
I have only used gesso on Reaper Bones miniatures.  When I tried using this on metal it seemed to have probelms with sticking/cover.  Are there different grades of gesso?

Nice looking troll, by the way.


There are. I bought some Daler-Rowney white gesso yesterday, and it doesn't seem anything like as good as the black Pebeo (mispelled as Sebeo further up the page!) stuff. It was a bit streakier and rougher. That said, it's working OK, and I'm not really judging it fairly, as I botched the matt-medium/brown-glaze mix on the batch of figures concerned. I'll probably get some of the Pebeo white and see how it compares; if it's the same, I've got lots; if the Pebeo's better, I'll pass on the DR stuff to one of the artists in the family for use on canvas. But the DR stuff has worked OK: a bit like undercoating with GW's Ceramite white paint, only with greater grip on the models.

The black Pebeo stuff is the best black undercoat I've used. It works perfectly on metal - as on tonight's troll - and has a nice, smooth, even finish.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with red skaven and green troll)
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on January 19, 2018, 03:45:23 AM
I am on holiday, so I can lurk here as often as I want!
Looked up Pabeo Gesso.  I found they have Artist Acrylic Gesso, Studio Gesso and One Coat Gesso.  Which one are you using? 
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with red skaven and green troll)
Post by: Ragnar on January 19, 2018, 05:51:42 AM
@Hobgoblin: Sir, you are a painting machine.  Love the Skaven.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with red skaven and green troll)
Post by: Jagannath on January 19, 2018, 07:54:32 AM
Re: Gesso, it's worth knowing that white gesso can be a bit 'translucent', so appears streaky. It's just the way the pigment carries in the body (you can even get clear gesso). For its intended use it doesn't really matter, even the streaky bits will be primed, but if you're wanting to make use of the gesso colour then that'll cause you problems.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with red skaven and green troll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 19, 2018, 01:50:46 PM
Thanks, Ragnar!

I am on holiday, so I can lurk here as often as I want!
Looked up Pabeo Gesso.  I found they have Artist Acrylic Gesso, Studio Gesso and One Coat Gesso.  Which one are you using? 

This is the stuff (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Pebeo-Studio-Acrylics-Auxiliaries-Gesso/dp/B00480LWXM/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1516352769&sr=8-3&keywords=Pebeo+gesso) I've been using: Studio, judging by the pot. It's great stuff - and dirt cheap.

Jagannath: that's a good point. I think the DR white gesso might have worked just fine. I painted most of a beastman last night, and the gesso's receptivity to paint seems top-notch. I'll see how it works with a less stodgy wash over the weekend.

I recall that Aly Morrison suggested painting armoured miniatures by glazing the bare metal; clear gesso might be a good way of doing that.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with red skaven and green troll)
Post by: beefcake on January 19, 2018, 07:00:30 PM
Great job on the troll. Really nice. Is it still available from rpe?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with red skaven and green troll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 19, 2018, 07:46:55 PM
Cheers! It was certainly very fast - I'm going to try out that speed technique on a few other things tonight.

I don't think RPE or Iron Wind do this guy at the moment, though he crops up fairly frequently on eBay. I think I got him for a quid or two.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with red skaven and green troll)
Post by: Tactalvanic on January 19, 2018, 07:58:39 PM
I have been using Pebeo Acrylic Gesso for some years now it seems.

Its my default go to undercoat, my eyes don't seem to do well with white undercoats.

Watered down of course with either acrylic thinner or water.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with red skaven and green troll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 19, 2018, 11:54:49 PM
I haven't been watering down the Pebeo black at all, oddly enough: it covered very nicely and didn't obscure even delicate Ral Partha detail on that troll.

Here's a beastman undercoated in white DR gesso. I'm not a huge fan of this era of Citadel beastman, but he'll fill various roles adequately. I want to put together a chaos warband for Battlesworn, and as he's relatively humdrum, he can be one of the four mandatory Fighters (his friend in red will be a Brute or a Beserker). Also, I'd like to have beastman replacements for the five chaos thugs in Shadespire, as we've been playing four-player games with friends, which involves a duplicate warband. The red-armoured fellow will do for Garrek (the leader); this guy could be one of the dual-wielding (alas!) minions. And in the megadungeon I'm planning, I'm envisaging some outdoor areas bordered by near-impenetrable forest, from which such beasties might emerge ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a grey beastman)
Post by: jambo1 on January 20, 2018, 09:36:31 AM
Very nice!! The beast in the red armour is a cracking looking figure and you have done him proud. :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a grey beastman)
Post by: Jagannath on January 20, 2018, 01:01:31 PM
Lovely job - that group's shaping up nicely.

I had a play about last night with the method you've used on the troll (I used pretty light basecolours) and it's pretty effective and crazy quick... the one 15mm barbarian I tried it on probably took about 3 minutes actually painting time. I wont add a pic to your thread, but he's here: https://www.instagram.com/p/BeJpJxwjN7q/

I've been hankering to do a small, multi-basing project recently - think I'll try out this method for the whole lot... cheers!!

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a grey beastman)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 21, 2018, 06:32:24 PM
Thanks, both!

Jagannath - that barbarian looks great. Not a bad three minutes' work! I hadn't thought of using the technique on 15mm, but it looks like a good fit. A lot of my 15s end up quite scruffy when I use a lot of drybrushing over white undercoat and thin washes, so this could be a good solution to that. With the new edition of Alien Squad Leader ordered, I can feel a 15mm revival coming on ...

Here's a Citadel lesser goblin (from the old monster starter set). He's a funny little figure - quite sui generis, as he's like neither of the two sorts of lesser goblin that Citadel used to make. I had toyed with using him as a 15mm troll, but he wouldn't be particularly imposing even at that scale. His scrunched-up expression makes him a bit hard to paint - no visible eyes for one thing.

For some reason, I fancy using him as the leader of a skirmish warband made up of much bigger orcs.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a lesser goblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 21, 2018, 11:03:33 PM
Here's another tiny one: a gnome assassin - though I'm treating him as a goblin. The only use I have for gnomes is as a synonym for dwarfs or goblins - or both (Paracelsus-style earth elementals aside, that is).

I bought him on eBay and he arrived yesterday. One resolution I've set for this year is to try to paint up new arrivals within a day or so.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a lesser goblin)
Post by: Reed on January 22, 2018, 12:02:40 AM
One resolution I've set for this year is to try to paint up new arrivals within a day or so.

That is one HUGE resolution
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (lesser goblin and gnome assassin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 22, 2018, 12:05:40 AM
The principle behind it is that I don't order anything more than the odd single figure!  ;)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (lesser goblin and gnome assassin)
Post by: DeafNala on January 22, 2018, 01:33:35 AM
COOL STUFF! The Lesser Goblin & the Assassin really appeal to me...it's a Goblin thing I'm sure. THe Little Folk have an ample amount of character. VERY WELL DONE once more!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (lesser goblin and gnome assassin)
Post by: jambo1 on January 22, 2018, 06:06:30 AM
Lovely work again, and that lesser goblin sure has an attitude problem!! :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (lesser goblin and gnome assassin)
Post by: Severian on January 23, 2018, 07:08:35 PM
Some grand additions in the last page or two (I particularly like the RP troll, and the beastman) - and lots of intriguing technique tips. I gave in and ordered some gesso (black and white both) in what I may represent to the authorities as a moment of inattention (because I obviously don't need any more paint...).

Good luck with the painting-of-new-arrivals resolution. I've occasionally tried to do something of the sort, but don't usually get much beyond sticking to pennies and undercoating before the next thing arrives to distract me. But I live in hope.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (lesser goblin and gnome assassin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 29, 2018, 10:49:05 PM
Thanks! The painting of new arrivals is definitely an ambition rather than an absolute rule, but I think it's a good principle to reach for.

Here, in contrast, are a couple of miniatures I've had kicking around for a good year: Reaper snakemen. They're figures that are better in the whole than the parts, I think, so I decided just to paint them very quickly with washes over a white undercoat (spray rather than gesso in this instance). I'll rely on gloss varnish to do the rest. To my eye, they're demonic-looking rather than natural creatures, so I gave them "dungeon" basing rather than an outdoor look.

My kids call these two Nag and Nagaina.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a brace of snakemen)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 31, 2018, 12:33:34 AM
And here's a batch of WIP Oathmark goblins. I'm trying to see how far I can push this speed-painting thing, so these have been done very quickly over black gesso: blocked-in base colours, drybrush with silver grey, armour painted steel, washes. I might add some further highlights to the skin, and I need to think up an emblem for the shields (maybe a white device of some sort).

The one with the horned helmet and spear has the body and arms of a Gripping Beast viking - the goblin heads fit perfectly.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (snakemen & speed-painted orcs)
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on January 31, 2018, 04:10:46 AM
Oi! Those goblins are green!  I thought you used to argue they weren't green :D

Again, great paint work.  I presume the black gesso is some company that made your white gesso.  It's nice to see that the plastics can cope with speed painting.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (snakemen & speed-painted orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 31, 2018, 08:36:47 AM
Oi! Those goblins are green!  I thought you used to argue they weren't green :D

They're actually grey drybrushed silver grey and washed with sepia - the same scheme as the ones below, but without the intermediate warm tone. They do look a bit olive. But as I'm going to use them as D&D(ish) goblins, I don't care! ;)


Again, great paint work.  I presume the black gesso is some company that made your white gesso.  It's nice to see that the plastics can cope with speed painting.

Thanks! I used Pebeo black gesso.

As I've got most of a box of Gripping Beast vikings kicking around, I'm going to transform the bulk of them into goblins with the extra heads. The goblin arms with mailed sleeves won't fit (because the Gripping Beast mail is cruder), but the non-mailed arms should reasonable well.

I'm also planning to paint up a batch of Mantic orcs in a similar scheme as "hobgoblins" in the D&D sense.

For Middle Earth gaming, the Oathmark goblins make excellent uruks. I wonder if any smaller scouts/trackers will be forthcoming at some point.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (snakemen & speed-painted orcs)
Post by: StreetBushido on January 31, 2018, 10:21:15 AM
This thread has been a delight since the first pictures. And it just keeps delivering!

Those goblins are excellent! How long does your speedpainting method take to achieve that level of finish?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (snakemen & speed-painted orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 31, 2018, 01:57:25 PM

I think it took about two hours for those six - excluding undercoat, bases and a little black-lining to tidy up the next evening. They were certainly quick enough that I had to wait for washes to dry, which has never been a problem for me in the past.

Something I'm going to do in future is to have a few of these assembled and undercoated so that I can paint one or two in the course of doing something else.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (snakemen & speed-painted orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 01, 2018, 11:37:22 PM
To reinforce these goblins in the dungeon, I want some hobgoblins: hobgoblins in the Jacobean (and D&D) sense rather than the earlier (and Shakespearean) sense. So, foul fiends, not Robin Goodfellow!

I've got loads of the Mantic orcs kicking around (a sadly departed local shop allowed me to buy a huge amount of sprues for a fiver or so, and then gave me dozens more), so I thought I'd use those. No, they're nothing like the Oathmark goblins. But I thought I'd experiment with the same extreme speed-painting and see how it looked. Here's the first one - a really goofy figure, what with his top hat, but I thought I'd go for maximum goofiness with the pose and then see if he'd come out the other end looking even slightly menacing. So here he is. I've still got to think of a shield emblem, and I'll probably add some Wych Elf/silver-grey highlights to the lips, etc. But he'll do for now. And I'm going to see whether I can get another one done in the next hour.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with speed-painted "hobgoblin")
Post by: Severian on February 02, 2018, 12:06:56 AM
Oh, he certainly works! especially alongside the (very nicely done) Oathmark guys. Rather a ridiculous figure, as you say, but you've done him proud: the contrast of size and his general air of lumbering brutality work very well.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with speed-painted "hobgoblin")
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 02, 2018, 01:38:28 AM
Cheers! The main function of these fellows is simply to make the players go "Oops!" when they come through a dungeon door in support of the little chaps.

Here's one more (he'll need a bit of remedial work tomorrow):
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with speed-painted "hobgoblins")
Post by: Ockman on February 02, 2018, 07:28:14 AM
I really have to try your speed painting technique, it gives a great result!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with speed-painted "hobgoblins")
Post by: swiftnick on February 02, 2018, 10:41:28 AM
Great stuff old sausage but always sad to hear about the demise of another shop.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with speed-painted "hobgoblins")
Post by: Garanhir on February 02, 2018, 12:51:37 PM
Your extreme speed-painting. Sigh. I spend five times as long for results a quarter as good. I tend to procrastinate over palettes.

In that, I think, this thread is an inspiration AND an education. Just get the buggers painted, and it'll be worth whatever effort you can  put in, this thread proclaims. A rallying cry for all of us who preside over hills and mountains of unpainted lead and plastic, tin and resin.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with speed-painted "hobgoblins")
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 04, 2018, 11:43:02 AM
Thanks, chaps!

@swiftnick: yes, it's a real shame. The one that closed recently had a huge amount of bits and second-hand stuff, which made it great for foraging.

Just get the buggers painted, and it'll be worth whatever effort you can  put in, this thread proclaims.

Yup, that's the idea!

Here's a barghest from Descent. I actually began painting this one more slowly, but then sped up and finished it off pretty quickly. In the megadungeon I'm planning, there'll be a large area patrolled by the undead. This beast and his ilk will fit in nicely there.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a barghest)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 04, 2018, 06:40:04 PM
And here's another Descent monster - a "merriod".
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a barghest & a merriod)
Post by: Severian on February 04, 2018, 07:03:15 PM
A fun pair of monsters! Very different in apparent style but both striking. You're gathering quite a menagerie (if that's the word I'm looking for..).

Did you come to any conclusions about cavern tiles, btw? Half-term is imminent and I'm mulling ideas again...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a barghest & a merriod)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 04, 2018, 08:08:34 PM
Thanks! Yes, I'm trying to match the masses of dungeon monsters with some interesting one-offs. I like the idea of recurring large monsters that are as much obstacle as combatant ("Can we get past that water monster? Perhaps it's sleeping. Maybe it's scared of fire ...").

As to cavern tiles, I'm going to get hold of the "Dungeon Tiles Reincarnated - Dungeon" from Wizards of the Coast. I've seen a couple of reviews of it, and it seems to be very different from the original Dungeon Master Set (whereas the Wilderness is a bit different and the City is almost the same). It seems to have quite a few cavern sections, plus diagonal corridors, round rooms and spiral stairs. From a the reviews, it seems to be great if you've got the original set, with its conventional rooms and corridors, but less use if you haven't. That suits me fine. The originals are still for sale on Amazon, etc., at normal prices in any case.

I'm going to use one of those folders with many plastic sleeves to store the tiles for each room/section - the idea being that I'll have an epic planning/map-making session, then sort the tiles into semi-permanent groups. And then the dungeon/underworld can be revisited many times. I want to give each section a name - even just things like "the crypt", "the great hall" and "the temple" - so that the players get an idea of what their characteristics are and what precautions to take. I'm thinking as much of Gormenghast as Moria for inspiration, though there will doubtless be a bit of the latter. But I want odd things like enclosed gardens and peculiarly large woodlands (maybe a bit like the botanical gardens of Nessus ...). And no-go areas: these will serve as "spawning points" for monsters in games - for example, a staircase from which ratmen ascend: looking down it, adventurers see only myriad pairs of glowing eyes and hear a cacophony of squeaks. So they won't even attempt to descend until they're higher level and suitably tooled up.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a barghest & a merriod)
Post by: DeafNala on February 04, 2018, 11:24:36 PM
The Green Fellows & their Descent Comrades painted up WONDERFULLY. VERY WELL DONE once more!
The Barghest is a terrific miniature. I'll have to see if he is in the Descent game I gave Cap'n John...there may be a bit of larceny if he is.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a barghest & a merriod)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 05, 2018, 12:20:26 PM

Yes, there are quite a few gems in the Descent box. I painted up one of the ettins a while back, and he's seen a lot of use in other games. The merriod's a great weird beast, and the barghests are handy critters. I realise now that the beast's face still has skin on one side, so I might line the distinction in with some blood, but given the tawny hide I went for, I won't need to do much more.

Here's the pair of them together:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a barghest & a merriod)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 05, 2018, 10:14:25 PM
Here's an Aly Morrison hobgoblin that I picked up on eBay last week. I didn't quite stick to my plan of painting new arrivals within a day, but I got him based up straight away.

This figure appears to be relatively rare. He's named "Champion" in the C36 listing, but he's really tiny - much smaller than most of the rest of the range. Great figure, though, and part of my favourite range of miniatures.

I've hummed and hawed over what skin colour to go for with these hobgoblins, but finally plumped for the same colour as most of my goblins. As with those, I might do a few black and a few blue or a sallow tone, but I think the livid "fish-white" skin contrasts nicely with reds and greens and blacks, and also nods to demons in some art of the Far East. I've vague notions of getting a samurai/ninja warband painted to oppose the hobgoblins.

In a project carried over from last year, I want to get the bulk of my Morrison hobgoblins painted up - the slottabased ones as a skirmish warband, and most of the solid-based ones as a multi-based HotT army. They'll work together, of course, for Dragon Rampant and other games.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Morrison hobgoblin)
Post by: Jonas on February 05, 2018, 10:59:12 PM
Awesome! He almost look undead, very scary!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Morrison hobgoblin)
Post by: swiftnick on February 06, 2018, 08:58:37 AM
Nice work on that Hobgoblin. The temptation is always to paint them with an Eastern skin tone. But as always your selected colour works really well.
I have collected the C36 Hobgoblins twice but for some reason always sell them off. Maybe will go for third time lucky.
By the way I am reading those Gene Wolf books you directed me to.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Morrison hobgoblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 06, 2018, 09:53:02 AM
Thanks, both!

Nice work on that Hobgoblin. The temptation is always to paint them with an Eastern skin tone. But as always your selected colour works really well.

Cheers! I'm thinking vaguely of various Japanese ghosts and goblins (the distinction is blurry); they're often pallid, ghastly and livid:



I have collected the C36 Hobgoblins twice but for some reason always sell them off. Maybe will go for third time lucky.
By the way I am reading those Gene Wolf books you directed me to.

Excellent - they can be a bit of a head-scratcher at times, but everything starts to fall into place eventually! This podcast is really good - it does a chapter-by-chapter close reading of The Shadow of the Torturer. The hosts tend to goof around at the start of each episode, but they then get stuck into the detail really well. Well worth a listen!

http://alzabosoup.libsyn.com/introduction-and-chapter-1-the-shadow-of-the-torturer (http://alzabosoup.libsyn.com/introduction-and-chapter-1-the-shadow-of-the-torturer)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Morrison hobgoblin)
Post by: swiftnick on February 06, 2018, 10:06:30 AM
Thanks will check that out.
Yes he can be a head scratcher at times. Have just started the claw and I am sure the sudden jump in the journey will be explained.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Morrison hobgoblin)
Post by: Jagannath on February 06, 2018, 10:30:18 AM
Another lovely job - The C36 set is something I'd love to get hold of and paint eventually, it's a fantastic set of minis (though I've developed an irrational fear of 28mm projects!).

Don't think I've commented on the most recent Oathmark goblins - they look lovely.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Morrison hobgoblin)
Post by: Severian on February 06, 2018, 11:05:00 AM
Great work on the C36 guy - the skin tone is spot on.

I like your idea of keeping dungeon tiles in plastic sleeves (and some sort of ring binder, I suppose) - a simple solution to remembering what bits are supposed to go where in a recurring setting. Lots to mull over as usual...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Morrison hobgoblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 07, 2018, 12:14:56 AM
Thanks, all!

I'd hoped to finish this orc tonight, but didn't quite manage it. But I thought I'd take a photo of the shield anyway, to see how it "reads". The orc himself has a strange, almost cheekbone-free face - because, I think, he was remodelled from an earlier C15 armoured orc with a helmet with cheek guards (featured in a yellow cloak near the start of this thread). So he'll need a bit more work tomorrow - as will his cloak, which I keep abrading in painting. The shield needs a bit more work, especially on the lips, I think.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Morrison hobgoblin)
Post by: phreedh on February 07, 2018, 07:16:56 AM
Shield looks just great, Hobgob. Yup.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Morrison hobgoblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 07, 2018, 07:08:09 PM
Thanks, phreedh!

Here he is - a really annoying figure to paint, because of the refusal of anything to adhere to the prominent areas of his cloak and boot, and his slightly rough face. Anyway, he's done now.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a C15 orc guard)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 07, 2018, 11:35:22 PM
And a whole batch of recent beasties - after receiving a deeply unfashionable coat of gloss varnish.

The gnome assassin steadfastly refuses to come into focus - it's an integral part of his skillset.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (C15 orc guard & recent beasties)
Post by: Jagannath on February 08, 2018, 12:14:22 PM
That's a cracking group, lovely shield - is the tiny chap still intended as the boss?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (C15 orc guard & recent beasties)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 08, 2018, 12:47:46 PM

Oddly enough, I was thinking about the gobliny types as a little SoBH warband last night. I reckoned the hobgoblin might be some exiled prince, with a pair of burly orcish bodyguards, the troll as a heavy, the assassin as a specialist to do the dirty work, and the angry lesser goblin bumped right down to the bottom again!

But his time may come again ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (C15 orc guard & recent beasties)
Post by: Severian on February 08, 2018, 01:23:38 PM
Yes, grand work on the recent guys. I rather like the notion of an exiled hobgoblin prince - lots of narrative potential.

And I noticed that your blog is now up and running - good news!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (C15 orc guard & recent beasties)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 17, 2018, 01:16:58 AM

Before going on holiday a week ago, I gave myself exactly an hour to paint a brace of ratmen, using black undercoat, block colours, silver-grey drybrushing and washes. That got them to the stage in the first photo. Tonight, I gave them another hour and am calling them done. So, an hour apiece: but I think there's room for cutting that time further, by keeping the clothing darker and more painting it in even more rudimentary fashion - thus increasing the contrast with pale flesh and glowing eyes.

The aim is to have a good fifty or so were-rats on the table in some forthcoming RPG sessions - much to the PCs' discomfort. Nine down ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (one-hour skaven)
Post by: Severian on February 17, 2018, 05:12:04 PM
Excellent work! Fifty rat men is a proper horde.

Keep us posted on your technique refinements, too; that's a remarkable time to table.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (one-hour skaven)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 28, 2018, 01:08:38 PM
Thanks! Not much progress recently, as a result of taking holidays, fashioning a Chinese New Year dragon and watching - and celebrating - the Calcutta Cup. But I made a little headway yesterday. I've long admired - nay marvelled at! - Spooktalker's tremendous pig-faced orc conversions (https://belchedfromthedepths.blogspot.co.uk/2014/02/the-pig-face-orcs-that-never-were.html). Yesterday, I chanced on Mike Monaco's (https://mikemonaco.wordpress.com/2018/01/24/makin-bacon-pig-faced-orcs/), which used one of the old Battlemaster orcs that I have lying around (and have painted up various versions of earlier in this thread). So I decided to have a go at adding porcine snouts to a few goofy GW plastics. I hope to get some of them painted tonight. More thoughts on my blog.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with pig-faced orcs!)
Post by: DavyJones on February 28, 2018, 02:23:59 PM
The orcs are looking great. Can't wait to see them painted up.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with pig-faced orcs!)
Post by: Jagannath on February 28, 2018, 04:20:06 PM
These look great and I love the Skaven too, haven't mentioned.

Weirdly I can feel the call of Shadespire at the mo, even though it's basically everything I don't go for, and I'll rip this method off for the Skaven warband if I do them, really works.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with pig-faced orcs!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 28, 2018, 09:57:38 PM
Thanks, both!

Jagannath: Shadespire's a lot of fun. More boardgame than skirmish game, I'd say, but tense and exciting.

I'm just about to start painting, but here's another brace of piggy conversions:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with pig-faced orcs!)
Post by: beefcake on March 01, 2018, 07:16:32 AM
Very nice conversions there.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with pig-faced orcs!)
Post by: Severian on March 01, 2018, 05:44:00 PM
Great work on the snouting! Looking forward to seeing these painted.

I've always struggled with pig-faced orcs as orcs (Tolkien goblins, that is) but they're fine as generic evil henchmen (cf, as you've mentioned before, the Gamorrean guards). I rather like pigs, myself, but somehow man-shaped pig-beasts work in the evil henchman role. Just not sure I'd call them orcs, though...

I hadn't made the Disney connection - well spotted!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with pig-faced orcs!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 02, 2018, 12:17:24 AM

After walking miles in the snow to work and back today, on top of a long day, I had little energy to devote to the pig-orcs tonight; school cancellation meant that the kids were up late too, which didn't help (on the plus side, the snow makes our joint bedtime reading of The Dark is Rising especially vivid). But I got most of this chap done. He needs a lot of touching up here and there, especially around the teeth, and some more details. And some better photos ...

I've always struggled with pig-faced orcs as orcs (Tolkien goblins, that is) but they're fine as generic evil henchmen (cf, as you've mentioned before, the Gamorrean guards). I rather like pigs, myself, but somehow man-shaped pig-beasts work in the evil henchman role. Just not sure I'd call them orcs, though...

Yes, I know exactly what you mean. When I run games, I generally don't give the creatures species names, just descriptions and tribal groupings. So these will be the Bloody Tusk (plagiarising Glorantha for all I'm worth!).

Oddly enough, the last time I made green-stuff snouts was about 27 years ago - and that to make a Chronicle ogre and Grenadier Minotaur into Gloranthan trolls.

I hadn't made the Disney connection - well spotted!

Not an original observation, I'm afraid - a fair few have made it before me! But I confess to grave disappointment when the children told me that Malefiicent's goons didn't feature in her eponymous film.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a WIP pig-faced orc!)
Post by: MagpieJono on March 02, 2018, 11:28:35 AM
These look really effective. Well done.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a WIP pig-faced orc!)
Post by: Little Odo on March 03, 2018, 09:24:41 AM
Great conversion, set off nicely with a fabulous paint job.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a WIP pig-faced orc!)
Post by: Sunjester on March 03, 2018, 09:33:14 AM
These are looking really great!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a WIP pig-faced orc!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 03, 2018, 12:36:51 PM
Thanks, all!

I'd been planning to use these Great Scaley [sic] Orcs, painted ages ago, for HotT, but decided last night that they really belong in a dungeon. They'll be easy to rebase if I do decide to make HotT elements from them later.

There's a bit more about them on my blog (https://hobgoblinry.blogspot.co.uk/2018/03/great-scaly-orcs.html).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a WIP pig-faced orc!)
Post by: James Holloway on March 03, 2018, 01:03:19 PM
Those pig-snouted orcs are stellar. Just a few areas resculpted, but they really give the figures a new look.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a WIP pig-faced orc!)
Post by: Severian on March 03, 2018, 01:26:14 PM
Those scaley [sic] orcs are splendid - they'd do as fine lizardmen, I reckon; the skull shield looks great.

Talking of shields, I've been reading your blog discussions with interest. It definitely works much better to treat shields as a type of (mostly) non-damage dealing weapon, which I think is effectively what you're suggesting, and then extend the mechanic to parries with other weapons, rather than to do the standard D&D -1 to AC modifier. Runequest did something like this, didn't it, parries and the like. I've always liked the granularity of this. My temptation is always to add more complexity, though... But one goal of any system (I reckon) certainly has to be to allow the poleaxe-wielding shieldless foot knight in 15th century plate armour to be as effective as he clearly was...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a WIP pig-faced orc!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 03, 2018, 03:36:56 PM
Thanks! I think they might be the creations and henchmen of some sorcerer or other. I'll probably use a gnoll-type profile, as they're quite big.

The plate-and-poleaxe thing is an obvious starting point, I think, as that's the height of armoured fighting. I hope the system I'm proposing (using ascending AC from 0 for nothing to 10 for full plate) should (a) make shields desirable for all but the most heavily armoured and (b) give players a few more options in combat. Runequest did have that parry option, which made shields sensible and also allowed the same sort of defensive fighting.

I also want to make full armour highly desirable for a straight battle but subpar for scrambling around in caverns!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a WIP pig-faced orc!)
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on March 03, 2018, 06:44:06 PM
Again, great painting.  Interesting thoughts about shields.  I have never really found rules I completely like for shields or armour in skirmish games.  In Sellswords shields seem simply too good and make armour, in the early levels, too expensive and not worth having until you max out the shield skill.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a WIP pig-faced orc!)
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on March 04, 2018, 03:57:16 AM
Again, great painting.  Interesting thoughts about shields.  I have never really found rules I completely like for shields or armour in skirmish games.  In Sellswords shields seem simply too good and make armour, in the early levels, too expensive and not worth having until you max out the shield skill.

Actually, I just did the mathematics and found I am wrong in the above assertion.   :?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a WIP pig-faced orc!)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on March 05, 2018, 05:42:18 AM
I love the shield. It looks like there should be a secret lever that makes the mouth open! lol
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a WIP pig-faced orc!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 06, 2018, 10:48:25 AM
Thanks, all!

Painting progress with the pig-faced orcs has been slow, mainly because of the snow: we spent the entire weekend sledging, which was marvellous. I have got most of the first batch fairly advanced though, and I made a couple more tonight. The red one is the one I'm looking forward to painting the most:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with two more pig-faced WIPs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 06, 2018, 11:13:35 AM
It occurs to me that this pair could almost be the uruk and tracker that Sam and Frodo encounter in 'The Land of Shadow' - in some bizarre parallel universe in which the Hildebrandt brothers' orcs (http://www.theonering.com/galleries/professional-artists/the-two-towers/merry-and-pippin-captured-by-orcs-greg-and-tim-hildebrandt) actually reflected the text. (I don't like the Hildebrandt illustrations at all, but there's no denying their influence.)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with two more pig-faced WIPs)
Post by: Severian on March 06, 2018, 05:49:43 PM
More nice work on the snout-bearers!

And you're right about those Hildebrandt illustrations...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with two more pig-faced WIPs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 14, 2018, 12:44:31 AM

Some progress on the pigs. Work's been hellishly busy lately, so I haven't got much done. But these three are more or less there, three more are 80% done, and I've done three or four more conversions too. With the Reaper ones, which I've still to undercoat, I've got a reasonably sized RPG encounter group coming on.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (another brace of pig-faced orcs)
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on March 14, 2018, 04:28:16 AM
Those have come out nicely. :-*
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (another brace of pig-faced orcs)
Post by: Severian on March 14, 2018, 04:46:28 PM
Very nice! Grand bold colours and contrasts.

Is that a Bloody Tusk I see?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (another brace of pig-faced orcs)
Post by: area23 on March 14, 2018, 05:32:40 PM
Love it. Brilliant idea.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (another brace of pig-faced orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 16, 2018, 12:38:55 AM

Yes, these are the Orcs of the Bloody Tusk.

area23 - but a pale shadow of Spooktalker's original set of conversions!

Here's one more. He probably needs a few more highlights, but I'll consider those tomorrow.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with one more pig-faced orc)
Post by: Schrumpfkopf on March 16, 2018, 12:54:08 AM
Seriously - your pigfaced orcs are a work of a genius. I really love what you've done here.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with one more pig-faced orc)
Post by: MachinaMandala on March 18, 2018, 09:04:19 AM
What he said x20.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with one more pig-faced orc)
Post by: swiftnick on March 18, 2018, 10:53:36 AM
Not sure if has already been mentioned but Casting room miniatures have a small range of pig faced orcs. On sale at moment too.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with one more pig-faced orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 18, 2018, 07:38:09 PM
Thanks, all!

Not sure if has already been mentioned but Casting room miniatures have a small range of pig faced orcs. On sale at moment too.

I like the first set of those (the ones with spears). I might pick them up at some point once I've got all the conversions painted up, as they'd fit in quite well with these, I think.

Here's a Reaper Bones basilisk - one of the quickest paint jobs I've ever done.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a basilisk)
Post by: DivisMal on March 18, 2018, 07:41:36 PM
Oh my God! Those pig-faces are clever, no brilliant modifications that make some of the oldest models (I like especially the orc from Claymore saga) shine!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a basilisk)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 19, 2018, 07:31:02 AM
Oh my God! Those pig-faces are clever, no brilliant modifications that make some of the oldest models (I like especially the orc from Claymore saga) shine!

Thanks! I'm standing on the shoulders of giants (principally Spooktalker) when it comes to these, though!

Here's an Otherworld troll. I might do a bit more to him (further highlights on the nodules and perhaps a yellow glaze), as this was a really quick effort. But he's OK for the tabletop now, I think.

I really like D&D (or Poul Anderson) trolls. I have a Citadel version that's missing its head and had hoped to use the spare Otherworld head for it, but the Citadel one's much bigger. So I suspect I'll just have to model a head, perhaps using a GW space ork's head as the starting point and adding a carroty nose and some hair.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an Otherworld troll)
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on March 19, 2018, 07:40:02 AM
Great work on the troll, looks amazing.  The basilisk is nice but a little small - evil but cute comes to mind  ;)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an Otherworld troll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 19, 2018, 08:00:56 AM
Great work on the troll, looks amazing.  The basilisk is nice but a little small - evil but cute comes to mind  ;)


Remember, though, that a basilisk is, etymologically, a "little king". In Pliny's account, it was "no more than 12 fingers in length". So you could argue that this one is quite a hefty specimen!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an Otherworld troll)
Post by: Severian on March 19, 2018, 05:44:05 PM
Nice troll!

I've always liked the look of D&D trolls, though I never really saw the reason for the regeneration thing. The Otherworld range is just splendid, isn't it. Looking forward to seeing how you remake your old Citadel guy...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an Otherworld troll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 19, 2018, 06:07:39 PM
Nice troll!

I've always liked the look of D&D trolls, though I never really saw the reason for the regeneration thing.

Have you read Poul Anderson's Three Hearts and Three Lions? The regenerating troll, and much else in D&D besides, comes from that:

"The troll shambled closer. He was perhaps eight feet tall, perhaps more. His forward stoop, with arms dangling past thick claw-footed legs to the ground, made it hard to tell. The hairless green skin moved upon his body. His head was a gash of a mouth, a yard-long nose, and two eyes which were black pools, without pupil or white, eyes which drank the feeble torchlight and never gave back a gleam."


"Like a huge green spider, the troll's severed hand ran on its fingers. Across the mounded floor, up onto a log with one taloned forefinger to hook it over the bark, down again it scrambled, until it found the cut wrist. And there it grew fast. The troll's smashed head seethed and knit together. He clambered back on his feet and grinned at them."\

And (best of all!):

"The torso remained. Worst was that task, when Holger and Carahue rolled a thing as heavy as the world toward the furnace heart of the cave, while it fought them with snakes of guts. Afterward he could not remember clearly what had happened. But they burned it."

At the very least, the regeneration makes for a great game challenge - especially if there's nothing flammable to hand ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an Otherworld troll)
Post by: Severian on March 19, 2018, 06:22:12 PM
Oddly, that's one of his I missed. I read The Broken Sword some years ago and didn't really take to it, though it was enjoyable enough. Maybe I'll give Three Hearts a try though; I quite like source-hunting...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an Otherworld troll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 19, 2018, 07:30:55 PM
I preferred The Broken Sword (and Anderson's version of Hrolf Kraki's Saga) to Three Hearts - but that's where the D&D stuff's to be found. 
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an Otherworld troll)
Post by: Diablo Jon on March 19, 2018, 08:30:59 PM
Nice troll and lovely paint job. I love the style of D&D trolls the best maybe because they were my first exposure to Trolls in a game sense. Not that easy to find in miniature form though OOP Ral Partha and Citadel aside, there are the plastic pre-paints, Otherworld's (probably the nicest) and Conqueror's new ones which are cool.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an Otherworld troll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 23, 2018, 12:02:29 AM
Thanks! Yes, D&D trolls are fairly thin on the ground. The Otherworld ones, with their separate arms and heads, do at least offer a few variants.

On to kobolds now. Here are the first couple - and with some brief thoughts (https://hobgoblinry.blogspot.co.uk/2018/03/we-mend-machines-of-earth-kobolds-and.html) on their use in RPGs on my blog.

I think the first kobold, from the old Citadel D&D boxed set, is the best kobold miniature ever made. I with more had been made precisely along these lines.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a brace of kobolds)
Post by: Severian on March 23, 2018, 12:16:13 AM
Sterling work on the kobolds. You've done the Citadel guy proud. And impressed by how well you've carried off the Reaper one - I gave up on mine...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a brace of kobolds)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 23, 2018, 12:39:32 AM
Thanks! Yes, the Bones ones are a bit soft on detail - and they're very small. I just went with very bold highlights.

I've got about 20 or so on the go - two types of Reaper Bones ones (the newer sort are even smaller and softer, detail-wise), some old Ral Partha ones and some of the Citadel AD&D ones, which are a bit bigger than the boxed-set one. They'll be quite a motley crew, but they do at least all have tails, horns and diminutive stature.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a brace of kobolds)
Post by: beefcake on March 23, 2018, 04:57:02 AM
Very nice kobolds. My fab kobolds are the grenadier ones. A bit more human looking. That is probably because they look like the one from quest for glory.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a brace of kobolds)
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on March 23, 2018, 05:26:09 AM
Thanks! Yes, the Bones ones are a bit soft on detail - and they're very small. I just went with very bold highlights.

I've got about 20 or so on the go - two types of Reaper Bones ones (the newer sort are even smaller and softer, detail-wise), some old Ral Partha ones and some of the Citadel AD&D ones, which are a bit bigger than the boxed-set one. They'll be quite a motley crew, but they do at least all have tails, horns and diminutive stature.

Mighty fine pair of kobolds you have there!

I think Reaper Bones are great for large creatures, or smaller ones where detail is not so important (spiders and similar things).  I have a few human Bones figures with quite variable degrees of detail.  Two in my latest purchase have almost no detail at all - the face is basically a blank, slightly convex surface.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a brace of kobolds)
Post by: Hummster on March 24, 2018, 09:05:24 PM
More nice work there, I think those old Kobolds are my favourites really.

So far I've only bought some bigger creatures like the purple worm and giant spiders from Reaper Bones as I wasn't very keen on the humanoid figures and this makes me think I'll stick to that.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a brace of kobolds)
Post by: Spooktalker on March 25, 2018, 03:54:57 AM
Awesome stuff, Hobgoblin! Thanks for the shoutout on the pig-face orcs! They're great and so are the kobolds and the troll.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a brace of kobolds)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 26, 2018, 01:02:25 AM
Many thanks, all!

Awesome stuff, Hobgoblin! Thanks for the shoutout on the pig-face orcs! They're great and so are the kobolds and the troll.

Thanks for the inspiration!

Here's the kobolds so far. Besides the old Citadel one, there are two types of Reaper Bones ones here. The first lot, including the one I painted earlier, are much better figures, whereas the newer ones (with bulbous eyes and more rat-like snouts) are much rougher. They also seem to be made of a softer material than normal Bones plastic; painting them was reminiscent of painting Caesar 1:72 stuff. Perhaps it's just that they're so much more delicate, but they do seem to be far less rigid than the others. They also have a grim abundance of mould lines. I also had to realign one of the spears, because the shaft met the hand in completely the wrong place.

But despite all that, I rather like them. They're nicely varied and are carrying a variety of gear, including lots of throwing axes. So they'll make nice (or nasty!) little dungeon skirmishers. They'd also make great 15mm baddies (gnolls, beastmen, snouted orcs, whatever) as they're about 15mm to the eyes.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more kobolds)
Post by: beefcake on March 31, 2018, 04:07:52 AM
Those are great. Nice PJ's on such small guys.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more kobolds)
Post by: Dr Mathias on March 31, 2018, 04:12:51 AM
Looks like you have an awesome collection. I really enjoy your painting style.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more kobolds)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on March 31, 2018, 04:55:12 AM
Wonderful work as always! I sure wouldn't want to run into those guys in a dimly-lit alleyway!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more kobolds)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 02, 2018, 11:52:14 PM
Thanks, all!

The kobolds got a little run-out today in a holiday game of Deep Dark Dungeons (http://deepdarkdungeons.blogspot.co.uk/2014/03/deep-dark-dungeons-dungeon-crawl-rules.html) (a Song of Blades "hack") - using a hastily sketched dungeon on a Paizo flip-mat.

Deep Dark Dungeons was a blast. Having only skimmed the rules, I improvised a bit; by midway through our game, I decided that routing monsters should run for help rather than throw themselves on the ground as the rules suggest. This made for a lot of fun - and some sticky situations. Only one PC was left standing by the end.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (bank-holiday Deep Dark Dungeons)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 07, 2018, 07:02:46 PM
Here's a brace of Grenadier gnolls.

There's a bit more on my blog (https://hobgoblinry.blogspot.co.uk/2018/04/gnolls-again.html).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Denizens of the Swamp gnolls)
Post by: Katsuhiko JiNNai on April 07, 2018, 07:17:28 PM
Nicely done  :-* I especially like the pig-face modified orcs  :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Denizens of the Swamp gnolls)
Post by: Ockman on April 08, 2018, 12:27:33 PM
You've got a lot of cool stuff! Lovely thread!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Denizens of the Swamp gnolls)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 09, 2018, 10:30:52 AM
Thanks, both!

Here's a tiny old Citadel imp. It would make a good 15mm demon (like my kobolds, it's on a 20mm base), but it'll come in very handy as a sorcerer's servant in 28mm.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Grenadier gnolls & Citadel imp)
Post by: beefcake on April 09, 2018, 11:37:15 AM
Those Gnolls are very nice. Always been after some nice looking gnolls. Sadly my painting would make them look... childish.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Grenadier gnolls & Citadel imp)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 11, 2018, 10:03:32 PM
Thanks! The Alternative Armies dogmen are pretty good gnolls, I think - especially if you don't mind them heavyset (which I don't - you'd expect a hyena-man - and especially a hyena-woman - to be more robust-looking than a goat-man or a wolf-man.)

I assembled a couple of Frostgrave snakemen the other night and am going to have a go at speed-painting them tonight. Great models, I reckon: the lack of tail, which perturbed me at first, works just fine.

I'm going to try two techniques at the same time - black gesso drybrushed grey and white to be tinted with colours; and black, base colours and silver-grey drybrushing.

Here's where I'm starting:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Grenadier gnolls & Citadel imp)
Post by: fred on April 11, 2018, 10:44:29 PM
Looking forward to seeing how these come out, the dry brushed one really shows there is a lot of detail in the models.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Grenadier gnolls & Citadel imp)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 11, 2018, 11:23:27 PM
Yes, they've got plenty of detail and nicely distinct scales.

Here they are with rough base colours (no metals yet on the one that's getting drybrushed with silver-grey).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with snakemen WIP)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 11, 2018, 11:40:43 PM
And some drybrushing and metal on the blue one. Just washes, details and bases now.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with snakemen WIP)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 12, 2018, 12:06:05 AM
And now washed:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with snakemen WIP)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 12, 2018, 12:50:18 AM
Still a fair bit to do to them, but they're coming together. I'm calling it a night now!

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with snakemen WIP)
Post by: Severian on April 12, 2018, 06:51:44 AM
Very nice! You've done those snake men proud. And the comparative WIP pictures are very useful and informative.

Congratulations on 100 pages of thread, btw! Keep them coming...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with snakemen WIP)
Post by: Mason on April 12, 2018, 09:41:13 AM
Congratulations on 100 pages of thread, btw! Keep them coming...

A wonderful thread, full of great figures from various eras that I keep coming back to.
Please do keep going.
 :-* :D :-*

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with snakemen WIP)
Post by: Bloggard on April 12, 2018, 10:06:29 AM
all good, and I do think you've done justice to the snakemen - they're excellent figures
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with snakemen WIP)
Post by: Ockman on April 12, 2018, 01:03:01 PM
It's nice to see a tutorial! Looks great!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with snakemen WIP)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 12, 2018, 01:07:34 PM
Many thanks, all!

There's still a good bit to do on the snakemen: pupils for the eyes, highlights on the armour, bases and a lot of general tidying up. But I reckon an hour or so this evening will get them over the line.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with snakemen WIP)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 13, 2018, 12:10:58 AM
Here are the finished snakemen. They're pretty rough and ready, but they'll do. I'm going to try the next few with white undercoats.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a brace of snakemen)
Post by: Jonas on April 13, 2018, 09:53:13 AM
Thise snakemen are so cool!

Your paintjob is fitting and looks great!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a brace of snakemen)
Post by: Severian on April 13, 2018, 11:57:36 AM
Great work there - the eyes in particular are most effective.

Looking forward to the white undercoat versions. Hope you can show us some WIP shots for those too!  :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a brace of snakemen)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 13, 2018, 10:11:15 PM
Thanks! Yes, will do.

Here are a couple of speed-painted scorpions for some weekend Whitehack.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with snakemen and scorpions)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 15, 2018, 10:12:44 PM
Played a Whitehack session with the kids and their friends this afternoon: the first entry into my new (i.e. partially constructed!) megadungeon, the Devil-Warrens. We ran through a good few D&D tropes, including tricksy kobolds with pets and traps, multiple levels and black puddings! I made the puddings very hastily this morning, following this excellent guide  (https://www.jpikewriter.com/single-post/2017/01/24/How-To-Create-a-Black-Pudding-Miniature)(his are much better than mine, but I'll plead lack of both time and hot glue!).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Sunday Whitehack - and puddings!)
Post by: beefcake on April 15, 2018, 11:59:05 PM
Nice. Your oozes turned out great. For some reason I think your's look better for fantasy while the tutorial look better for sci-fi, (perhaps the spiderman symbiote made me think that)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Sunday Whitehack - and puddings!)
Post by: djbii on April 16, 2018, 08:58:32 AM
nice figs :-)

And that reminds me. Does anyone know where I can get caesar's ratmen in Australia?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Sunday Whitehack - and puddings!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 17, 2018, 12:27:09 AM
Thanks, both!

Here's a cheap and cheerful gnoll - a vinyl boardgame piece from some D&D game (a bugbear from the same features on page 1 of this thread).

I've got a couple of these, and they've been lying around unpainted for three years, because I was much less taken with them than with the bugbears, ogre and goblins that came with them. But actually, I rather like this one - and it took very little time to paint. She's quite big - perhaps a hefty gnoll matriarch?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a quick gnoll)
Post by: beefcake on April 17, 2018, 02:31:48 AM
Great paintjob. The front pic looks great but looking at it's right side makes the face look pulled forward too much (the other side is fine) Kind of reminds me of the spacehulk hybrid minis with the extended faces, maybe its just the angle. Anyway aside from the sculpt your PJ does look excellent.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a quick gnoll)
Post by: Severian on April 17, 2018, 05:39:44 PM
Nice gnoll!

And fine work on those oozes/puddings/slimes/jellies. Thanks for the link, too. I have some spare hot glue sticks somewhere, I think...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a quick gnoll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 19, 2018, 12:22:48 AM
Thanks, both!

beefcake: yes - there's definitely that early-plastics elongation about the gnoll.

Severian: the black puddings were the highlight of Sunday's D&D/Whitehack session. Kobolds plunged half the party in to a "pudding pit" via a collapsing gallery that connected two levels of the underworld. Much dissolving and frantic evasion ensued ...

And talking of kobolds: here are the Ral Partha AD&D ones. I've had these since they came out, but they always struck me as "heartbreakers" - great little models, but as far as I know, RP only made one remotely similar kobold. And who runs encounters with just four or five of the varmints?

Well, now I think they'll blend in just fine with the Reaper and Citadel ones. Why should the creatures of chaos have to look much alike? I blogged about the Lewis/Baynes earthmen recently, and these work along those lines, I think. So that's 13 painted kobolds so far. I have seven Citadel AD&D ones to add (a tougher breed, as they're a bit bigger), plus a leader and magician from Reaper Bones. I'll be repainting the Chronicle Gnar from earlier in this thread to add a beefy champion. And I'm beginning to think about the other Chronicle ones I have. I've based them all up on pennies as gnoll-type critters in 15mm, with an extra Gnar to lead them. But I'm tempted to throw them in with this lot.

On balance, the dozen I have prepped for 15mm will probably stay where they are (they can still feature as 28mm kobolds on their pennies if pinched). But I've got a few extras - several of the chief and the shaman, for some reason - so they'll probably join this throng.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Ral Partha kobolds)
Post by: Argonor on April 19, 2018, 06:25:14 PM
Nice, I think I have about 12 of those RP kobolds somewhere, as I recall they are really tiny critters.

On a side note:

I think originally kobolds were described as having scaly rust-brown skin (D&D) - is my memory clouded by age, or did it change over the years?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Ral Partha kobolds)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 19, 2018, 06:33:40 PM
Nice, I think I have about 12 of those RP kobolds somewhere, as I recall they are really tiny critters.

Thanks! Yes, they're very small. The big Citadel AD&D ones will beef up their ranks a bit - as will the Death Commandos' Gnar.

On a side note:

I think originally kobolds were described as having scaly rust-brown skin (D&D) - is my memory clouded by age, or did it change over the years?

Yes, that's in the Monster Manual (if you're being really pedantic, you could say that in Chainmail/OD&D were "like goblins but smaller"). Actually, that's the look I've gone for here: the mid-tone for their skin is a rust-brown colour. They look quite rusty until I give them their equally canonical red clothing - at which point, they look a bit less so!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Ral Partha kobolds)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 20, 2018, 01:04:51 AM
And a quick Grenadier wight.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Grenadier wight and RP kobolds)
Post by: beefcake on April 20, 2018, 06:09:07 AM
Very nice. I don't think I've ever seen that mini before. I see where Otherworld went with their ones now (probably both close to the Monster manual desriptions I imagine.)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Grenadier wight and RP kobolds)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 20, 2018, 09:08:41 AM

Yes, lots of manufacturers have run with the Monster Manual illustration (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wight_(Dungeons_%26_Dragons)#/media/File:D%26DWight.JPG) over the years. This Grenadier one looks like he might have a sideline in building time machines out of sports cars ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Grenadier wight and RP kobolds)
Post by: Severian on April 21, 2018, 11:12:48 PM
I like the wight!

looks like he might have a sideline in building time machines out of sports cars ...

or be Margaret Rutherford on a bad day...  :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Grenadier wight and RP kobolds)
Post by: beefcake on April 22, 2018, 06:13:12 AM

Yes, lots of manufacturers have run with the Monster Manual illustration (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wight_(Dungeons_%26_Dragons)#/media/File:D%26DWight.JPG) over the years. This Grenadier one looks like he might have a sideline in building time machines out of sports cars ...

And that sports car broke down in prehistory leading to his current state.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Grenadier wight and RP kobolds)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 26, 2018, 12:54:42 AM

Here's a Jack-in-the-Green. I've got quite a few of these Kev Adams goblins kicking around. I don't like them nearly as much as the earlier Perry ones, because they're a bit goofy and not at all orcish. But they're great in their own way, and it struck me today at work that they'd make great fairies of a capricious, silvan sort. So they've become Jacks-in-the-Green, and will feature in our Whitehack games as capricious denizens of the forest.

I got two more all but done tonight too - just really quick wash-and-drybrush painting - and it occurred to me that I've got easily enough for four units of scouts in Dragon Rampant. I've got some wolf-chariots to go with them (which I'll base with HotT frontages), giving me some elite or heavy riders to go with the scouts. So there's enough for a full DR force there - but I'll probably add some trolls or tree-men or Urscumug-style beastmen to go with them.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Jack-in-the-Green)
Post by: DivisMal on April 26, 2018, 05:39:04 AM
Oh! This one is really ute!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Jack-in-the-Green)
Post by: Sunjester on April 26, 2018, 06:32:41 AM
The Jack in the Green looks great!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Jack-in-the-Green)
Post by: Jagannath on April 26, 2018, 03:22:20 PM
Love him! Where's he from originally? I've got a while pile of smaller Kev Adams goblins to do *something* with eventually, he'd be a great addition.

Not dropped in on recent updates, the gnoll came out great!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Jack-in-the-Green)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 26, 2018, 03:25:38 PM
Thanks, all!

Jagannath: he's a Citadel goblin from 1987 (http://www.solegends.com/citc/c012goblins2/index.htm) - the first range that Kev Adams did on his own. The preceding C12 range was done by the Perrys and Adams, and had lots of Perry-style "orcy" goblins. But the droopy noses and manic grins came into their own with the 1987 crop.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Jack-in-the-Green)
Post by: Severian on April 27, 2018, 10:25:31 PM
Great use of that goblin!

I like the idea of a forest dwellers DR warband. You could always garnish it with some of the very striking wealdgeist from Conquest games, or something from Northumbrian TS's Nightfolk range. But equally, repurposed goblins would work well on their own, I reckon.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Jack-in-the-Green)
Post by: Jagannath on April 28, 2018, 10:46:38 AM
Thanks, all!

Jagannath: he's a Citadel goblin from 1987 (http://www.solegends.com/citc/c012goblins2/index.htm) - the first range that Kev Adams did on his own. The preceding C12 range was done by the Perrys and Adams, and had lots of Perry-style "orcy" goblins. But the droopy noses and manic grins came into their own with the 1987 crop.

Thanks dude, I’ll keep an eye out for him.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Jack-in-the-Green)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 01, 2018, 09:29:26 AM
Great use of that goblin!


I like the idea of a forest dwellers DR warband. You could always garnish it with some of the very striking wealdgeist from Conquest games, or something from Northumbrian TS's Nightfolk range. But equally, repurposed goblins would work well on their own, I reckon.

Those are excellent suggestions - thanks! Though things have been busy lately, I have another 12 Jacks-in-the-Green just about done (eyes and bases to be finished) and another dozen or so based up. One of them is a Kev Adams orc. Oddly enough, his mid-80s orcs have a foresty feel about them, with most of them sporting hoods. So I'm planning to paint up a few of those in the same style (all in green, bronze weapons). I can probably find a place for them in our RPG sessions, but they'll serve as elite foot (the Ruglud's armoured orcs) or light missiles or bellicose foot in Dragon Rampant. Some of the goblins are big and heavily armoured, so they'll mix in well with the orcs for wargaming purposes - all in corroded bronze hauberks. And then there are the chariots - I think I've got two or three of those at least. I'm also planning to pick up Saga, which I've never played, and I think the Jack-in-the-Greens might map to one Dark Age force or another easily enough.

Here are my thoughts on how the Jacks-in-the-Green will work in D&D/Whitehack (https://hobgoblinry.blogspot.co.uk/2018/05/have-you-seen-jack-in-green.html).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Jack-in-the-Green)
Post by: Severian on May 01, 2018, 11:34:38 AM
I like your Jack-in-the-Green ideas a lot; all sorts of potential fun there.

Looking forward to seeing more of them painted!

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Jack-in-the-Green)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 03, 2018, 12:13:10 AM

Here are a few more. The one with the boulder is a war-machine crewman, but he'll double up as both a stone-throwing Jack-in-the-Green and a 15mm forest troll.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more Jacks-in-the-Green)
Post by: Ragnar on May 03, 2018, 09:29:27 AM
1.  How do you pump out so many, well painted figures.
2.  Is your painting getting better, compared to the start of this thread?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more Jacks-in-the-Green)
Post by: ink the troll on May 03, 2018, 11:05:41 AM
Lovable little miscreants. That light green skin colour suits them well and combined with the earthy colours of their clothing really makes them look like mischievous forrest sprites.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more Jacks-in-the-Green)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 03, 2018, 01:16:54 PM
Thanks, both!

1.  How do you pump out so many, well painted figures.

I almost never watch TV, preferring podcasts or radio. My wife, on the other hand, is as partial to Scandi noir as the next person (and has a lot of art projects of her own). So that creates a nice spot of evening space once the kids are in bed. But other than that, I use various strategies to keep things as fast as possible - either pre-shading over a white undercoat (as here) or using drybrushing techniques from a black gesso undercoat. I posted a couple of tutorials around page 63 of this thread, if memory serves.

The other incentive for fast painting is use in games. In running RPGs for my kids and their friends, it always helps to have some fresh monsters. And there's a bit of parents-and-kids skirmish gaming going on now, too, which provides a further incentive to come up with some new stuff.

One more thing is that I tend to base and undercoat and even start miniatures in large batches, before concentrating on getting a few finished. I've got hundreds of semi-painted miniatures sitting around in drawers, so when I decide to, I can usually get a few finished off pretty quickly.

Finally, I'm by no means a perfectionist! If something looks more or less all right, I'm inclined to call it done and move onto the next thing.

2.  Is your painting getting better, compared to the start of this thread?

That's really for others to say! But I think so: for example, the skaven I painted recently are certainly better than the ones I did three years ago (like the one on the hill on page 2 of this thread), mainly because of better colour choices. And I'm confident that they're all a lot better than the teenage efforts on page 4 of this thread, which is the main thing!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more Jacks-in-the-Green)
Post by: Severian on May 04, 2018, 12:10:22 AM
The extra Jacks-in-the-Green are splendid - I particularly like what you've done with their faces. The boulder-chucker is very effective (in both scales).

Like (I suspect) many of us, I also have boxes and drawers full of primed and prepared and half-painted figures; and at any one time, there are usually two or three dozen on the painting table in various advanced stages of incompletion. What's impressive (leaving aside the quality of your stuff) is your consistent success in getting batches of the blighters over the finishing line. Mine tend to get stuck at the final fence and hang about for ages nine-tenths done....and I don't watch television either!. (Saying that, I do have a few things finished but unphotographed.)

Anyway, keep them coming!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more Jacks-in-the-Green)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 04, 2018, 01:11:53 AM

Anyway, keep them coming!

Your wish ...

I was planning to finish off the other Jacks, but these skaven were even lower-hanging fruit, as I'd blocked in the base colours earlier. This is my fastest method: block colours except metals, drybrush silver grey, metals, washes and touch-up/details. I did the black one last week at some point; he was even quicker.

We had a fatal skirmish with were-rats in our last Whitehack session, so I'm going to need a lot of these squeakers when the PCs go back to avenge their fallen comrade.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more speed-painted skaven)
Post by: DivisMal on May 04, 2018, 06:54:29 AM
Your speed painting is really amazing. The skaven look pretty good (though I like the goblins even more)!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more speed-painted skaven)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 04, 2018, 02:31:47 PM
Your speed painting is really amazing. The skaven look pretty good (though I like the goblins even more)!

Thanks! I posted a quick 'how to'  (https://hobgoblinry.blogspot.co.uk/2018/05/fast-and-furious-speed-painting.html)on my blog at lunchtime.

The goblins are certainly more carefully done, and they probably benefit from being done in several short bursts over several evenings.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more speed-painted skaven)
Post by: DivisMal on May 04, 2018, 11:35:04 PM
Thanks! I posted a quick 'how to'  (https://hobgoblinry.blogspot.co.uk/2018/05/fast-and-furious-speed-painting.html)on my blog at lunchtime.

The goblins are certainly more carefully done, and they probably benefit from being done in several short bursts over several evenings.

Awesome! I have to try this soon!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more speed-painted skaven)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 11, 2018, 12:32:34 AM

Work's been horrendously busy over the last few weeks (and we were away exporing castles for the long weekend), so I've made little progress this week. But I got this old Marauder beastman from eBay for a quid and decieded to paint him up straight away. He's not one of Marauder's best, but he does look like a proper broo, especially with the javelin. So I decided to paint him up quickly, as a fore-runner for the couple of dozen Citadel broo I have lurking around the place.

I did him with the same speed technique as the skaven: black undercoat, base colours, drybrush, wash and touch-up.

I also have a lot more Jacks-in-the-Green in various stages of progress; here are batch of finished and almost finished ones.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Marauder broo - or broo marauder)
Post by: nic-e on May 11, 2018, 01:10:26 AM
those goblins are gorgeous. I'm generally not a fan of that style of gobbo, but the way you're painted them makes them really pop!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Marauder broo - or broo marauder)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 18, 2018, 01:46:05 PM
Thanks! They weren't my favourites either, but I'm warming to them now.

Here's an experiment. I chanced across this YouTube video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c52TP0naWIU) and was impressed by the technique: painting almost entirely with washes. I tried it out last night. It's extremely fast - I got this done in an hour in which I was also cooking dinner (putting washes on between slicing and stirring).

Now, the results are nothing special - but batch painting in this way would be extraordinarily quick. I'm going to try it on models like this one that would otherwise linger entirely unpainted. The only paint (rather than washes) that I used was on the eyes and the metals, plus a dab of white on the teeth and a little thinned black on sloping recessses where the washes hadn't lingered.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (the fastest speed painting yet)
Post by: Jagannath on May 18, 2018, 07:19:12 PM
That's a great result - I think it would work really well in a multi-basing situation, where the overall effect is different. I think I've seen that video - do they use a GW ork too? I tried it on some 15s a while ago and just couldn't get it to work - I guess the 'gradient' inherent in the detail (i.e. smaller details are less 'steep' than larger scale details) has an effect. It'd be interesting to try it and experiment with the underlying white primer - gesso has a lot more porousness than, for example, a solvent based spray.

I've been looking at your thread a lot again recently - I want to do a multi-basing project and I'm thinking of doing it in *shock horror* 28mm, so will definitely need to paint more quickly.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (the fastest speed painting yet)
Post by: Sunjester on May 19, 2018, 07:11:58 AM
That looks really effective! I'll have to give that a go myself as I'v a whole batch of figures in the "I'll get around to that when i can be bothered" pile. Something that quick might give me incentive to get going.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (the fastest speed painting yet)
Post by: DivisMal on May 19, 2018, 08:24:34 AM
Well if this result took an hour, then it might indeed be ideal, as others habe said, for larger groups of 28mm models.

I’ll check the link and see what can be done, I’ve recently tried your „normal“ speedpainting technique on a 20mm barbarian used as a 15mm giant and it worked not too bad for my taste (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=108985.15) scroll down, the blueish guy.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (the fastest speed painting yet)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 19, 2018, 09:41:27 AM
Thanks, both!

That's a great result - I think it would work really well in a multi-basing situation, where the overall effect is different. I think I've seen that video - do they use a GW ork too?

Yes - there's another video with an orc unit. And yes, I think this would be perfect for multi-basing. My first thought was how easy it would be to do a HotT army using this technique and those big GW orcs. You'd only be able to fit two to a base, so, allowing for a hero and a magician, you'd get a full 24-point army out of 20 figures. I've already cast an eye towards the GW savage orcs: 20 to a box, with plausible hero and shaman, plus bow options, allowing for (say) three shooter bases, a hero, magician and five warband bases - plus two individually based figures to allow for casualties in Dragon Rampant.

The indulgent project I have in mind would be to clean them and spray them the night before, then get the entire army done in a single day. And then perhaps expand with ordinary orcs for blades or spears, boar riders for beasts and even space orks for shooters/artillery, so that a 72-point invasion force could be created to face a grand alliance of defenders ...

I tried it on some 15s a while ago and just couldn't get it to work - I guess the 'gradient' inherent in the detail (i.e. smaller details are less 'steep' than larger scale details) has an effect. It'd be interesting to try it and experiment with the underlying white primer - gesso has a lot more porousness than, for example, a solvent based spray.

Oddly enough, I'd just started some 15mm AA orcs when I read your comment! Not sure how they'll turn out, but I think you're right about the scale difference. I did some 28mm snakemen last night with it, and they've turned out fine, I think.

I've been looking at your thread a lot again recently - I want to do a multi-basing project and I'm thinking of doing it in *shock horror* 28mm, so will definitely need to paint more quickly.

Can't wait to see that! Do you have any particular game system in mind? I used my 28mm HoTT chaos hordes in D&D last weekend. It was a lot of fun to have great swarms of enemies: no individual stats, just plenty of hit points and attacks, but low attack value and AC. There's just something inherently satisfying about multi-based miniatures.

Sunjester - yes, it seems a great way to cut through swathes of undercoated but otherwise untouched miniatures. I've tried painting the odd figure entirely with washes before (I have a chaos warrior who's been 'almost there' for three years now), but I was surprised by how well the browns and sepias worked over plain white undercoat.

DivisMal - an hour including cooking dinner! It's perfect for batch painting because the major hold-up is waiting for the washes to dry. I got three snakemen done in two hours last night, and they're much fiddlier than this orc.

Nice work on that giant!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (the fastest speed painting yet)
Post by: Jagannath on May 19, 2018, 09:54:34 AM
Ooh looking forward to the snakemen - I keep putting off buying those Northstar ones for a science-fantasy Rogue Planet project, because I’ve already got too many projects! And really, if I could find the minis, that’s one I’d like to keep in 15mm.

No plans on rules for multibasinng - I like Mayhem, which might work. I’m thinking of using 40mm squares, 3 ‘normal’ infantry as the standard.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (the fastest speed painting yet)
Post by: DivisMal on May 19, 2018, 09:54:58 AM

DivisMal - an hour including cooking dinner! It's perfect for batch painting because the major hold-up is waiting for the washes to dry. I got three snakemen done in two hours last night, and they're much fiddlier than this orc.

Nice work on that giant!

Well that’s an important detail. Maybe I should move my paintstation into the kitchen and „create“ hobby time out of practical chores  lol

Thanks. The giant was a bendy soft-plastic mini with good details, the silver drybrush gave it a nice highlighting.

Now I want to see your attempt to fast paint 15mm orcs!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (the fastest speed painting yet)
Post by: DivisMal on May 19, 2018, 09:57:03 AM
Ooh looking forward to the snakemen - I keep putting off buying those Northstar ones for a science-fantasy Rogue Planet project, because I’ve already got too many projects! And really, if I could find the minis, that’s one I’d like to keep in 15mm.

Yeah, the temptation of multiple scales...I know it, too, and try to be strong! :?

Who will do a 15mm Science Fantasy line?  :-*
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (the fastest speed painting yet)
Post by: Jagannath on May 19, 2018, 12:24:51 PM
Yeah, the temptation of multiple scales...I know it, too, and try to be strong! :?

Who will do a 15mm Science Fantasy line?  :-*

It would be the first thing I’d fund if I could afford it! Somewhere between masters of the universe, the old Void line, and rogue trader orks. One day!!

Sorry to derail Hobgoblin!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (the fastest speed painting yet)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 20, 2018, 01:00:55 PM
It would be the first thing I’d fund if I could afford it! Somewhere between masters of the universe, the old Void line, and rogue trader orks. One day!!

That does sound good - although part of me thinks that it's hard to beat 28mm kitbashing for science-fantasy ...

Sorry to derail Hobgoblin!

Keep it coming! Derailing = conversation: it's all good!

Here are the speed-painted snakemen. The yellow and blue opened-mouth one were done entirely with washes (apart from metals and eyes), while the green one was a bit of a hybrid. The final photo shows them with the black-undercoated ones I did earlier.

The new ones are fast and sloppy, but they were very quick to do. Just don't look too closely ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with speed-painted snakemen)
Post by: Jagannath on May 20, 2018, 04:41:08 PM
Those are absolutely smashing - Right, I’m ordering some and some white primer! What’s the score with the green one - glazing over a yellow base?

I think you’re right about kitbashing for science-fantasy though, 15mm is also a bit trickier for ‘dynamic’ minis too - still, a man can dream!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with speed-painted snakemen)
Post by: Severian on May 20, 2018, 06:52:22 PM
Those snakemen are fantastic - great work. And I realise I didn't get round to saying how good the assembled horde of jacks-in-the-green looks - splendid stuff.

I've been lazily using washes more and more in recent months without much underneath except for some preshading. Maybe I should try a few things without even that...

Are you priming with white gesso, or did i imagine that? I've found it takes paint very well, but is a good deal grainier than the black variety, which gives an almost preternaturally smooth finish.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with speed-painted snakemen)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 20, 2018, 08:00:11 PM
Thanks, both!

Jagannath: the green one was (I think) Citadel's green wash (Biel-tan) over white spray undercoat, then the green glaze (Waywatcher), then the yellow wash (Casandora). The yellow one - my favourite - was just yellow wash then sepia wash. And the blue one was just Drakenhof Nightshade over white - nothing more.

The snakemen are ripe for science-fantasy kitbashing; my son already has designs on one for that purpose.

Severian: these were spray-undercoated with Corax or whatever the Citadel white spray calls itself. I agree entirely with you on gesso: the black's great, but the white is a good bit grainier and less opaque.

The snakemen got their first tabletop outing today in a fathers v sons four-player game of Dragon Rampant, as a Venomous Elite Foot unit.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with speed-painted snakemen)
Post by: DivisMal on May 21, 2018, 08:41:34 AM
Brilliant! I must try this, too!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with speed-painted snakemen)
Post by: Jagannath on May 21, 2018, 09:45:51 AM

Jagannath: the green one was (I think) Citadel's green wash (Biel-tan) over white spray undercoat, then the green glaze (Waywatcher), then the yellow wash (Casandora). The yellow one - my favourite - was just yellow wash then sepia wash. And the blue one was just Drakenhof Nightshade over white - nothing more.

The snakemen are ripe for science-fantasy kitbashing; my son already has designs on one for that purpose.

Sweet thanks - I ahven't tried those citadel glazes yet. My recent painting has increasingly been more and more layering based, I barely use washes anymore, let alone glazes. Might pop and pick some up tonight.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with speed-painted snakemen)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 21, 2018, 02:31:43 PM
Most of the ones I've been using are "shades" - i.e. washes - rather than glazes. I'd certainly recommend the yellow shade (Cassandora) over the yellow glaze, as you can thin the former with some medium to get the latter, but not the other way around. The downside is that the shades come in those big expensive pots now ...

I used the wash technique to paint up another quick orc before work this morning. I sprayed him late last night in a fit of enthusiasm, but ran out of spray. So I patched him up with white paint this morning, and he's a little rougher as a result. I'm happy enough with him, though, particularly given the time he took. I'm going to try a sample two-man HotT base of these shortly, as I really like the idea of blasting through a whole army in a day in this way.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (another speed-painted orc)
Post by: Dr DeAth on May 21, 2018, 02:37:57 PM
I like the grey/blue skin tones on those
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (another speed-painted orc)
Post by: Severian on May 21, 2018, 05:32:01 PM
Oh, those work very well indeed. I'm a great fan of that drakenhof blue wash for goblin/orc skin. And a top notch shield as always.

All in all, the Citadel washes are good stuff, aren't they - though it is certainly annoying they only come in those huge pots now...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (another speed-painted orc)
Post by: DivisMal on May 21, 2018, 05:42:20 PM
Oh, those work very well indeed. I'm a great fan of that drakenhof blue wash for goblin/orc skin. And a top notch shield as always.

All in all, the Citadel washes are good stuff, aren't they - though it is certainly annoying they only come in those huge pots now...

I love those GW shades, too, though I haven’t tried painting just with them over basecolors. Therefore I’m quite happy to have them in big pots.

@ Hobgoblin: Very nice results! They will certainly make a nice force, those orcs. And the shield is brilliant!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (another speed-painted orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 24, 2018, 09:46:17 AM

I've got a few more of those plastic orcs lined up for multiple basing, and have ordered some of the GW savage orcs to mix in. They're growing on me: I used to find them annoyingly goofy, but their odd physiques allow for some interesting pairings on multibases.

Here are some very hastily painted PCs for some Whitehack over the weekend (I've got two long sessions planned with a group of old friends):

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some quick adventurers)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 27, 2018, 12:01:59 PM
As well as playing D&D until dawn last night and well into the small hours the night before, I managed to fit in my first game of 40K since the first edition. This was a proper old-school battle, books for hills and all, using my old mucker Dave's frankly astonishing collection of miniatures:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some quick adventurers)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 27, 2018, 01:22:29 PM
And some more:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (a spot of Warhammer)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on May 30, 2018, 01:27:00 AM
Wow, those are some nice 40K...things there. How did you find it?

Also, I love the skin on those blue orcs of yours, as well as the freehand on the shield. Can't wait to see the savage boys all done up!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (a spot of Warhammer)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 30, 2018, 04:49:34 PM
Wow, those are some nice 40K...things there. How did you find it?

Yes, Dave's won quite a few tournament prizes for best-painted army. They're pretty spectacular.

I found the game interesting. It was thoroughly enjoyable, of course, for nostalgia purposes (Dave and I used to play Warhammer 2nd and 3rd editions, plus first-edition 40K, many, many moons ago). And it was a blast playing with those glorious miniatures - especially, somehow, on improvised terrain!

As to the rules: well, it's certainly a better game than it was. I liked the victory conditions and objectives, which made for a very tight game (I won by a single victory point in the end, with everything hinging on a final saving throw). The card-based objective system was a bit arbitrary, but it worked well as a game (rather than a simulation).

There was also a lot of decision-making, which is good: which units to charge first, whether to target one unit with massed firepower or spread it around, and whether to concentrate on attacking the enemy or pursuing objectives. The use of teleporters in deployment was also a nice touch. I liked the power-up facility of the Tau walkers (losing wounds to gain greater firepower - a bit like the way that Whitehack uses HP to cast magic).

I can't help shake the feeling, though, that 40K is hampered by the game it once was - and by the need to differentiate every single unit type (to boost figure sales). It's still quite slow: three rolls to resolve combat rather than one as in Dragon Rampant (which covers hitting, wounding and armour in a single big roll). And it still has enormously powerful heroes.

The other thing that's odd about it - and a legacy of the past, I think - is the astonishingly short range for missile weapons. The original Warhammer did some unusual things with figure scale (I think Rick Priestley has spoken about this, discussing how there was an implied figure-to-troop ratio and yet this was combined with individual standard bearers, heroes and musicians). But in a genuine skirmish game - and one with a 1:1 ratio, it's really weird to have sci-fi guns with ranges of just 150 feet or whatever.

I liked the way that bolters became much more effective at close range, but I think the game would work better with unlimited range for most technological weapons and added impact when close up. That would certainly improve the importance of terrain and cover. Perhaps the charge mechanism could be used to simulate troops dashing from point to point and occasionally being caught in the open. (I don't know if it can be used like that in the current rules.)

One further peculiar thing is the importance of close combat. My space marines won the game mainly by closing in with the Tau walkers and beating them up in hand to hand. It was a little hard to visualise what they were doing, though - and why they were better off using their knives or bayonets rather than blasting away with their bolters. Perhaps the rules have a Dune-style rationale.

Anyway, it was a fun way to spend an afternoon. I plan to introduce Dave to Rogue Planet next time ...

Also, I love the skin on those blue orcs of yours, as well as the freehand on the shield. Can't wait to see the savage boys all done up!

Thanks! I've got another eight orcs well underway.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (a spot of Warhammer)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 04, 2018, 12:21:38 AM
Not much progress with the wash-painted orcs over the weekend - but then I did fit in Solo, an inaugural game of Saga (great game!) and a D&D session, alongside the usual child-wrangling.

Here's how the orcs are looking so far. All washes, except for eyes, brash white highlights on teeth and bone, and a bit of a black-lining tidy-up.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (wash-painted orc WIPs)
Post by: Aerendar Valandil on June 04, 2018, 10:30:21 AM
They're looking great! Checked ouit the video. Inspiring.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (wash-painted orc WIPs)
Post by: Severian on June 04, 2018, 10:51:01 AM
Great work on those orcs. I reckon they'll base up a treat.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (wash-painted orc WIPs)
Post by: fred on June 05, 2018, 09:00:31 PM
I'm liking those washed orcs.

And the shields on the earlier post too!!!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (wash-painted orc WIPs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 07, 2018, 12:31:40 AM
Thanks, all!

A bit short of time lately, but I've got a few more done. Six HotT elements so far, with another two almost done, so just about enough for an army if I add a wizard and hero.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more wash-painted orc WIPs)
Post by: DivisMal on June 07, 2018, 05:45:35 AM
You are a remorseless painting machine, Hobgoblin! Very nice and in a speed that makes me want to ask the referee for a doping check.  lol
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more wash-painted orc WIPs)
Post by: Bloggard on June 07, 2018, 10:13:41 AM
oh gosh yes.

orcs look fab irrespective of tecnique - and don't think I'd have realised it was mostly washes, it's so clean.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more wash-painted orc WIPs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 07, 2018, 01:41:53 PM
Thanks, both! This technique is ridiculously fast - and these somewhat cartoony GW plastics are perfect for it. It helps that the teeth are so big and prominent, because they draw attention away from the cut corners elsewhere.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more wash-painted orc WIPs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 08, 2018, 12:12:31 AM
I took a break from the washes tonight to do a quick Reaper Bones broo. About two hours, start to finish. He has all the usual drawbacks of Bones: soft detail, "hidden" mould lines, etc., but I'm quite happy with how he's turned out. I'll work him into the weekend's D&D - the Grey Woodcutter, perhaps.

These broos are warm-ups for all the old Citadel ones I have lying around.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a quick broo)
Post by: swiftnick on June 08, 2018, 02:27:47 PM
Very nicely painted. I flogged all mine off as they were never going to get done.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a quick broo)
Post by: Bloggard on June 08, 2018, 04:45:07 PM
very painterly look to the skin - think they look great.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a quick broo)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 11, 2018, 12:43:43 AM
Thanks, both!

Inspired by this Black Magic Craft video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNyTPC4QMm8), I decided it was time to put some ruins together for our games. Rather than hand-cut blocks, I lazily ordered these (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Floracraft-Foam-Make-Fun-Project/dp/B002HMI6W8/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1528673947&sr=8-8&keywords=floracraft) from Floracraft.

Initially, I thought I was swapping plausible block size for convenience, but a brief online survey of ancient ruins assures me that these scale OK. About a third of the box and a couple of hours' effort gives me this lot. I'm musing over how to paint them. Black gesso would be the obvious starting point, but I wonder if a sandstone look on a white undercoat might work better, given the pitted surface of the blocks.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with WIP ruins)
Post by: Jagannath on June 11, 2018, 09:50:17 AM
Very cool - I’ve looked at those before, glad to see you blazing a trail! Can they be crumbled for broken up blocks easily?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with WIP ruins)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 11, 2018, 11:28:33 AM
 Yeah, I'd eyed them up for a while before taking the plunge.

They're a strange sort of crystaline foam. You can cut them easily (I just used a butter knife); they crumble slightly, but it's easy to cut shorter blocks and to angle the cuts. I don't think you can carve them, but they're easy to shape by squashing. For example, the box instructions recommend rolling them to get cylindrical pillars. And you can easily squash one end to get a sloping piece. They hold whatever shape you give them pretty well.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with WIP ruins)
Post by: DeafNala on June 11, 2018, 03:19:54 PM
Yeah, I'd eyed them up for a while before taking the plunge.

They're a strange sort of crystaline foam. You can cut them easily (I just used a butter knife); they crumble slightly, but it's easy to cut shorter blocks and to angle the cuts. I don't think you can carve them, but they're easy to shape by squashing. For example, the box instructions recommend rolling them to get cylindrical pillars. And you can easily squash one end to get a sloping piece. They hold whatever shape you give them pretty well.

It looks like florists foam. I use that type a lot as the under shapes of scenery...it does look wonderful as stone work. You can carve it by heating your knife over a candle for ten seconds or so...avoid breathing the fumes...it is a cheap high though.

AND all the new stuff is BEAUTIFUL. VERY WELL DONE!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with WIP ruins)
Post by: DivisMal on June 11, 2018, 06:18:57 PM
Okay. Inspirational. I hadn’t considered these for wargaming...yet. Does the structure also work with 15s? Or do they look too big?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with WIP ruins)
Post by: LeadAsbestos on June 12, 2018, 12:17:35 AM
I use them for modular dungeons. Totally versatile.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with WIP ruins)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 12, 2018, 12:50:45 AM
I can see that working well - nice idea!

DivisMal: I think they'd be OK with 15s, as long as you don't mind a bit of abstraction or just gigantic masonry. When a block's on its side, a 15mm Alternative Armies orc can (just) see over the top of it.

I decided today that my Ral Partha orcs, which have been kicking around for ages (decades, in most cases) would be worth experimenting on with wash-painting. I was planning to make a HotT army out of them last year, but they'd just be duplicating the GW orcs at a fraction of their size. And I don't have enough of them to make a horde-based army, which would require at least 60 for 24 APs. On top of that, they're actually great figures for RPGs, because there are various distinct leaders and characters, and a good mix of sizes and weaponry.

They're also quite hard to paint conventionally. They're very small and very detailed, with much more definition on musculature and faces then their Citadel equivalents from the same period. It's easy to swamp that detail with paint - filling gaps between teeth or clogging the veins (!) that show on some of the limbs.

So, I thought less might be more, and decided just to use washes on them (apart from an initial coat of steel on the metal parts). Given all the detail that Tom Meier and Sandra Garrity have lavished on them, I wanted to see if they'd "paint themselves".

I'm quite pleased with how they've turned out. The only difference in the process from the GW plastics was that these had been preshaded with Agrax and then drybrushed white, and so had a bit more depth to begin with. I don't think it really made any difference, except that the high points may have been somewhat brighter white.

The rest are going to be done the same way. The process was incredibly quick, because these figures don't have much in the way of accoutrements.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (wash-painted Ral Partha orcs)
Post by: Spooktalker on June 12, 2018, 01:35:38 AM
I like these RP orcs and have a few. Love those shields, awesome design!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (wash-painted Ral Partha orcs)
Post by: DivisMal on June 12, 2018, 06:41:51 AM
The technique works even better on these than on the cartoony GW sculpts. Lovely!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (wash-painted Ral Partha orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 12, 2018, 07:47:27 AM
Thanks, gents!

I can't claim the shield design as a complete original, as I merged the 'black skull/white teeth & eyes' design that I came up with for the GW orcs with a more abstract skull that John Blanche drew for the section on Great Goblin heraldry in Forces of Fantasy.

DivisMal - it certainly solves a headache! I actually like the look of the speed-washed ones better than earlier ones that I slaved over with endless applications of thin highlights:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (wash-painted Ral Partha orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 12, 2018, 08:10:26 AM
This is the one:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (wash-painted Ral Partha orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 13, 2018, 11:53:51 PM
Added a few more tonight - they need a bit of touching up here and there, but are just about done ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yet more wash-painted RP orcs)
Post by: swiftnick on June 14, 2018, 09:18:20 AM
Nice work, I really do like that skin tone.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yet more wash-painted RP orcs)
Post by: Loop on June 14, 2018, 04:28:51 PM
Does anyone know if these RP orcs are available from Ral Partha Europe? I will trawl through their catalogue when I get a chance but I wondered if I was setting myself on a wild goose chase.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yet more wash-painted RP orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 14, 2018, 05:54:25 PM
Some are, but not many, from what I can see.

http://www.ralparthaeurope.co.uk/shop/ral-partha-fantasy-c-37/fantasy-armies-c-37_39/orcs-c-37_39_96/ (http://www.ralparthaeurope.co.uk/shop/ral-partha-fantasy-c-37/fantasy-armies-c-37_39/orcs-c-37_39_96/)

 8) (http://www.ralparthaeurope.co.uk/shop/ral-partha-fantasy-c-37/fantasy-adventurers-c-37_40/03047-korg-orc-king-p-1313.html)

Iron Wind has lots (in the US, though).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yet more wash-painted RP orcs)
Post by: DivisMal on June 15, 2018, 08:08:32 AM
They really look brilliant. I'm amazed about the effect... :o

why did I ever bother with highlighting and blending...once I'm back from the field, I need to try this.

What color did you use for the skin? Looks slightly like GW dark blue wash.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yet more wash-painted RP orcs)
Post by: swiftnick on June 15, 2018, 08:40:55 AM
A lot of the old Ral Partha figures are returning via Iron wind in the Chaos wars range.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yet more wash-painted RP orcs)
Post by: Garanhir on June 15, 2018, 11:12:28 PM
Some are, but not many, from what I can see.

http://www.ralparthaeurope.co.uk/shop/ral-partha-fantasy-c-37/fantasy-armies-c-37_39/orcs-c-37_39_96/ (http://www.ralparthaeurope.co.uk/shop/ral-partha-fantasy-c-37/fantasy-armies-c-37_39/orcs-c-37_39_96/)

 8) (http://www.ralparthaeurope.co.uk/shop/ral-partha-fantasy-c-37/fantasy-adventurers-c-37_40/03047-korg-orc-king-p-1313.html)

Iron Wind has lots (in the US, though).

Yes it's odd, they used to do many more, but it seems the RP lines are taking a serious back seat at RPE these days. It took four years to get one of the rangers back into production.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yet more wash-painted RP orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 18, 2018, 01:07:11 AM

What color did you use for the skin? Looks slightly like GW dark blue wash.

It's Drakenhof Nightshade followed by Nuln Oil. I'm giving almost all areas two or more washes of different colours.

Here are four more. I actually painted nine tonight, but five of them hadn't been based, so I'll complete those tomorrow.

I'm increasingly of the opinion that the wash-based technique is the simplest way to do justice to all those old Ral Partha miniatures. I'm planning to do a batch of the lizardmen/lesser troglodytes next.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yet more wash-painted RP orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 18, 2018, 04:03:12 PM
Does anyone know if these RP orcs are available from Ral Partha Europe? I will trawl through their catalogue when I get a chance but I wondered if I was setting myself on a wild goose chase.

Just noticed that Ral Partha Europe also has two sets (http://www.ralparthaeurope.co.uk/shop/ral-partha-fantasy-c-37/fantasy-armies-c-37_39/goblins-c-37_39_48/02093-lesser-goblin-wolf-riders-wswords-6-p-1855.html) of the wolfriders (http://www.ralparthaeurope.co.uk/shop/ral-partha-fantasy-c-37/fantasy-armies-c-37_39/goblins-c-37_39_48/02094-lesser-goblin-wolf-riders-wbows-6-p-1856.html) - at little more than a pound each! I've just ordered some. At that price, they'd be worth getting just for the wolves, which are great little models and perfect for packs of normal-sized wolves in RPGs.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yet more wash-painted RP orcs)
Post by: DivisMal on June 19, 2018, 07:11:53 AM
It's Drakenhof Nightshade followed by Nuln Oil. I'm giving almost all areas two or more washes of different colours.

Here are four more. I actually painted nine tonight, but five of them hadn't been based, so I'll complete those tomorrow.

I'm increasingly of the opinion that the wash-based technique is the simplest way to do justice to all those old Ral Partha miniatures. I'm planning to do a batch of the lizardmen/lesser troglodytes next.

Thanks. I need to try that. Drakenhof, then Nuln. This might be a very good recipe for all those old skool minis which are awesome in their way, but difficult to paint, because exaggerated details weren't in fashion, yet.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (even more wash-painted RP orcs)
Post by: swiftnick on June 19, 2018, 08:56:04 AM
Just wondering if that wash technique would work on 15mm?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (even more wash-painted RP orcs)
Post by: DivisMal on June 19, 2018, 10:16:55 AM
Just wondering if that wash technique would work on 15mm?

I'm now away from my painting table for more than a month  :'(, but I'll certainly try it. I have big ambitions on the old Grenadier 15mm Warlord range. IMO the same problem: Nice sculpts, but since they are not as exaggerated as modern minis, they take quite some time to shade.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yet more wash-painted RP orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 19, 2018, 10:23:05 AM
Thanks. I need to try that. Drakenhof, then Nuln. This might be a very good recipe for all those old skool minis which are awesome in their way, but difficult to paint, because exaggerated details weren't in fashion, yet.

Yes, I think that's right. I prepared some Asgard orcs this morning before work. Not sure if I'm going to do them in the same colour scheme as the Ral Partha ones. I'm thinking maybe of almost reversing the scheme, so that the faces of the Asgard orcs are rendered sallow with sepia and their cloaks are blue/black like the skins of the RP orcs. I don't have nearly so many of the Asgard ones, but I've probably got a good 20 or so, so there's enough for a few RPG encounters.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (even more wash-painted RP orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 19, 2018, 10:24:58 AM
Just wondering if that wash technique would work on 15mm?

I've started to use it on some 15mm Alternative Armies orcs I had lying around. So far, it's too early to tell! You definitely get very bright colours from it, which helps at that scale, but there may not always be enough detail for the washes to pick out. I'll try to finish them off tonight or tomorrow and post a photo.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (even more wash-painted RP orcs)
Post by: swiftnick on June 19, 2018, 10:58:31 AM
Cheers Justin, I have been buying tonnes of the Battle Valor Orcs and Goblins. Need a quick way to get them painted.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (even more wash-painted RP orcs)
Post by: joshuaslater on June 19, 2018, 08:39:31 PM
Hobgoblin, did you prime with black or white on these Orcs?  I want to try the Drakenhof Nightshade / Nuln Oil combination!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (even more wash-painted RP orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 19, 2018, 09:30:51 PM
Hobgoblin, did you prime with black or white on these Orcs?  I want to try the Drakenhof Nightshade / Nuln Oil combination!

Hi Joshua,

These are all primed with white. The GW orcs were just primed white. But I'd already "preshaded" the Ral Partha orcs with Agrax Earthshade over the white primer and then drybrushed them white again.

In both cases, I used Drakenhof first, then Nuln Oil.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (even more wash-painted RP orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 20, 2018, 10:08:41 AM
I made a start on the Asgard orcs last night using just washes and metals over preshading (white spray, Agrax, white drybrush). Early days yet, but I think the sepia wash gives a suitably Tolkienesque sallowness.

As with the Ral Partha orcs, these are such small and detailed miniatures that just using washes is a mercy! I may add the odd highlight to the flesh once the eyes and lips are done, but I'm going to aim to keep it minimal.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (wash-painted Asgard orcs WIP)
Post by: Mason on June 20, 2018, 11:45:11 AM
Nice work!
 :-* :-*

I have a whole bunch os these little beauties and was considering doing something similar given the fiddliness of some of them.
It looks like the right approach so I shall certainly keep my eyes open for the final result.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (wash-painted Asgard orcs WIP)
Post by: joshuaslater on June 20, 2018, 02:48:44 PM
Thanks!!!  It looks like an order for some white primer is in my future!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (wash-painted Asgard orcs WIP)
Post by: Severian on June 20, 2018, 05:03:05 PM
Lovely work on those wash-painted guys.

I've had tech issues for the past week so haven't commented on your past few posts though I've been watching with great interest. New laptop now, and they look even better.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (wash-painted Asgard orcs WIP)
Post by: Mister Frau Blucher on June 23, 2018, 03:23:35 AM
These wash-painted orcs look great. The technique reminds me of the "stain-painting" that Duke Seifried used to advocate.

Very interested to see how the Asgard orcs turn out!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (wash-painted Asgard orcs WIP)
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on June 23, 2018, 08:33:56 PM
Your wash technique is great.  I have tried to replicate it with a couple of figures but never managed to get it right.  Clearly there is a bit more skill to this than meets the eye.
Those Asgard orcs are nice, pity that they are small.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (wash-painted Asgard orcs WIP)
Post by: beefcake on June 23, 2018, 08:44:59 PM
They have a variety of sizes in the range. The big ones are easily human sized. Check out Viking forge for these guys.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (wash-painted Asgard orcs WIP)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 25, 2018, 09:43:00 PM
Thanks, all!

Ethelread - as beefcake says, the Asgard orcs range from hobbit-sized to pretty hefty. The soldier-orcs strike me as the best Uruk-hai ever made.

I'm going to finish off a batch of ruins tonight to use in Rogue Planet tomorrow evening. The small clump in the foreground with some patches of greenery is done; the others need a drybrush and some work on the bases.

Blue-foam bricks would make more authentic sandstone blocks, but I'm willing to overlook the pitted surfaces of these and the lack of close-up detail fro the sheer speed with which you can build stuff with them. I made five of these after coming home from work today (taking advantage of the evening heat to dry the pumice gel on the bases very quickly).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (a little progress on the ruins)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 26, 2018, 01:04:51 AM
And some bought-on-a-whim and quickly done 40K baddies. They'll probably find their way into tomorrow's Rogue Planet.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with portly space baddies)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 26, 2018, 08:32:12 AM
And the ruins - done for now, though I'll be making some more shortly.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with portly space baddies)
Post by: number1section1 on June 26, 2018, 08:57:07 AM
Nice ruins! Was the Nurgle marines done using your wash method? They look fantastic for being quickly done!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with portly space baddies)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 26, 2018, 10:15:42 AM

Yes - the only paints used on them were metallics, a bit of silver-grey highlighting at the very end, whites for the eyes and red on the goggle eyes. Otherwise it was GW washes all the way. I just slopped on a layer of something every so often while I was painting other things.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with portly space baddies)
Post by: number1section1 on June 26, 2018, 02:21:29 PM
I must admit to wanting to try painting some of the newer GW models, as well as using the wash painting method but funds and time won't allow at the moment. I wonder if regular diluted model paints would work instead of the GW washes.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with portly space baddies)
Post by: Argonor on June 27, 2018, 02:48:23 PM
I wonder if regular diluted model paints would work instead of the GW washes.

They will. I have on several occasions by accident thinned paint a bit too much, and when painting on white primer, the effect is pretty similar to a wash.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with portly space baddies)
Post by: gibby64 on June 27, 2018, 03:08:13 PM
Those guys look great... i'm a HUGE fan of washes!!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with portly space baddies)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 30, 2018, 08:10:45 PM
Thanks, all!

I wonder if regular diluted model paints would work instead of the GW washes.

I'm a bit more sceptical than Argonor about this. If you scroll down from here (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=77384.msg1278689#msg1278689), you can see some stages of my typical process with thinned paint before washes - both in the line-up and on the single orc below.

What I find is that the washes create much darker shadows (rather than pools of colour), so I generally use them over thinned paint and a white undercoat (when I'm not using either black undercoat or this wash-only method). I think you could get away with just using one or two washes, though: GW's brown or sepia, perhaps, and maybe the "Camo" green.

Here are some dungeon monsters that I painted up a few weeks back for a D&D session in London. The (adult) players didn't delve deep enough to meet them (despite a total of ten hours' gameplay over the weekend), but the kids have since encountered the carrion crawler. These were quickly painted over black gesso - drybrush and wash all or most of the way.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some dungeon beasties)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 01, 2018, 01:01:59 PM
It feels vaguely criminal to be posting photos of miniatures on a day like this, but as we're off up a hill shortly, here's a Ral Partha demon:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dungeon beasties and a demon)
Post by: randycarter on July 01, 2018, 02:26:40 PM
Thanks, all!

I'm a bit more sceptical than Argonor about this. If you scroll down from here (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=77384.msg1278689#msg1278689), you can see some stages of my typical process with thinned paint before washes - both in the line-up and on the single orc below.

What I find is that the washes create much darker shadows (rather than pools of colour), so I generally use them over thinned paint and a white undercoat (when I'm not using either black undercoat or this wash-only method). I think you could get away with just using one or two washes, though: GW's brown or sepia, perhaps, and maybe the "Camo" green.

I'm experimenting in thinning colours with water and medium, using them as washes. This give me much more freedom in chosing colours.
It's also true that nothin forbids me mixing washes to obtain new tones...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dungeon beasties and a demon)
Post by: Mister Frau Blucher on July 01, 2018, 06:56:03 PM
The dungeon beasties look great, particularly the Mind Flayer!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dungeon beasties and a demon)
Post by: Severian on July 01, 2018, 09:27:22 PM
Splendid work on these. That RP demon is excellent. Just washes again?

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dungeon beasties and a demon)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 01, 2018, 09:40:24 PM
Thanks, both!

Splendid work on these. That RP demon is excellent. Just washes again?

More or less. I used a bit of thinned-down silver grey for highlights at the end and started with thinned-down Kislev Flesh instead of pre-shading. But otherwise just washes.

I've always loved this miniature: he used to come with a choice of heads, but this is a single-piece casting. He strikes me as the sort of demon Moorcock's Eternal Champion might encounter in some crumbling ruin or other.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dungeon beasties and a demon)
Post by: Hobby Services on July 02, 2018, 01:16:57 AM
Heh.  Ral Partha metal, really?  Haven't seen one of those in years, but they were redone in Mage Knight a while back and were all over the secondary market for stupidly low prices (guess they were a Common).  Painted several of them in that format, the plastic version kept the detail much better than I would have expected.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dungeon beasties and a demon)
Post by: DivisMal on July 02, 2018, 02:18:47 AM
Oh that demon is simply great. Love the sculpt so much, and your painting does it more than justice. Nice and elegant.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dungeon beasties and a demon)
Post by: number1section1 on July 02, 2018, 07:20:41 AM
Great looking demon! On a slightly related note I attempted diluting paints to try the wash method, it didn't work as planned the paint pooled into the recesses and didn't create the shadows as planned, a quick wash with a diluted dark blue did though. Looks like I might have to save up for some GW washes! It was a lot quicker than my normal painting though 12 models in one evenings sitting! One more evening just detailing and basing, and they will be done. Thank you for your help everyone.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dungeon beasties and a demon)
Post by: beefcake on July 02, 2018, 07:45:29 AM
That demon looks awesome. I really want it!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dungeon beasties and a demon)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 02, 2018, 09:06:26 AM
Thanks, all!

Beefcake: I got him here (http://www.ralparthaeurope.co.uk/shop/ral-partha-fantasy-c-37/heroes-and-horrors-c-37_38/01014-demon-p-1210.html).

Hobby Services: he's from the late 70s or very early 80s orginally, as part of of the "Devils with separate heads" pack (01-110 here (http://www.miniatures-workshop.com/lostminiswiki/index.php?title=Personalities_and_Things_that_go_Bump_in_the_Night#100-119)).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dungeon beasties and a demon)
Post by: beefcake on July 02, 2018, 09:13:43 AM
Thanks. I've seen him there often but never a painted version. The human skin tones work creepily well.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dungeon beasties and a demon)
Post by: Psychopomp on July 02, 2018, 05:32:19 PM
I'm experimenting in thinning colours with water and medium, using them as washes. This give me much more freedom in chosing colours.
It's also true that nothin forbids me mixing washes to obtain new tones...

I mix up batches of my own wash medium using a 1::1 ratio of distilled water :: Liquitex acrylic matte medium.  Then I put that in a dropper bottle and mix up washes on the fly using roughly 1::10 paint :: wash mix, adjusted as needed for how thick or pigment saturated the paint in question is.  I find this gives me custom washes with the same coverage and consistency of GW or Army Painter washes.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dungeon beasties and a demon)
Post by: Spooktalker on July 04, 2018, 04:57:30 PM
Nice work on the Reaper monsters and demon!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dungeon beasties and a demon)
Post by: Jagannath on August 02, 2018, 05:27:56 PM
Hey dude - no update for a while? All well?

I got hold of Heroes for Wargames (I've wanted it for ages but didn't want to pay much for it!) and it's got me thinking about gloss varnish, which got me thinking about this thread again. What do you think about the base and gloss? Matt base with glossed minis or gloss the whole lot? I'm intrigued by the '3 coats of gloss' effect mentioned in the book, and might try it on some fantasy minis.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dungeon beasties and a demon)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 02, 2018, 05:50:56 PM
All well, thanks! Just back from a couple of weeks in France, and frantically busy at work before that. The painting table is covered in loads of half-finished things (great goblins/gnolls, real gnolls, trolls, more Ral Partha orcs, etc., etc.).

Should have some stuff tonight for the Into the Odd thread I started the other day. I got the first conversion done last night and slapped the base colours on it before work this morning.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dungeon beasties and a demon)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 02, 2018, 06:45:00 PM
I got hold of Heroes for Wargames (I've wanted it for ages but didn't want to pay much for it!) and it's got me thinking about gloss varnish, which got me thinking about this thread again. What do you think about the base and gloss? Matt base with glossed minis or gloss the whole lot? I'm intrigued by the '3 coats of gloss' effect mentioned in the book, and might try it on some fantasy minis.

I like the contrast between a matt base and a gloss figure. With 15mm figures, I often gloss the whole thing, then matt the base if I can be bothered (sometimes the texture of the base makes the gloss hard to spot). With 28mm, I generally just leave the base as is and just varnish the figure.

Oddly enough, I was thinking about using matt for the Into the Odd project, but I probably just won't get round to it once I've glossed them first!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dungeon beasties and a demon)
Post by: Jagannath on August 02, 2018, 06:48:14 PM
For minis that lots of other people will be touching, gloss sure makes the most sense?! :)

Cheers for that - that's what I figured - gloss mini, matt base. I can feel a weird, fantasy into sci-fi project forming for use with Rogue Planet, and I fancy taking a totally different painting approach. Good to push the boat and all that!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dungeon beasties and a demon)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 04, 2018, 12:23:02 AM
Here's a rather rare lizardman - an old Citadel one from a small Perry range in the early 80s. One of the range (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=77384.msg968791#msg968791) ended up in the dungeon monsters boxed set, so is far more common. But I'd never clapped eyes on this fellow beyond the line drawing in the early catalogues until I saw him on eBay:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a rather old lizardman)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 06, 2018, 01:10:01 AM
Some quick kitbashes from this afternoon: the People of the Roots.

They're primarily for Into the Odd, but I'm sure they'll end up in other games - especially once I get a dozen or so made.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with The People of the Roots)
Post by: ZeroTwentythree on August 06, 2018, 02:31:11 AM
I love those! Great kit bashing & perfect colors. What are the bodies?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with The People of the Roots)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 06, 2018, 08:24:07 AM

The bodies are Oathmark goblins.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with The People of the Roots)
Post by: affun on August 06, 2018, 10:02:45 AM
Ah, thats a pretty clever and effective kit-bash.

Very cool! :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with The People of the Roots)
Post by: beefcake on August 06, 2018, 10:39:48 AM
The colours are amazing on those. Great work.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with The People of the Roots)
Post by: Jagannath on August 06, 2018, 12:14:43 PM
Very cool - those have worked really well. Love 'em.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with The People of the Roots)
Post by: Bloodsbane on August 07, 2018, 10:37:26 AM
Loving the root people! I gotta say there's something.. cannibalistic about tree people with axes, though :P
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with The People of the Roots)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 07, 2018, 11:17:34 AM
Thanks, all!

Loving the root people! I gotta say there's something.. cannibalistic about tree people with axes, though :P

Yes, I was thinking about that as I tried to figure out some RPG stats and background for them. They're going to be quite tough and wiry (rooty, in fact, without much sap), but axes will get a damage bonus against them. Of course, if they're a fractious, feuding lot, that might explain why they wield axes themselves (just as humans wield weapons designed to damage humans!).

The other idea I was toying with is that they're a sort of organic undead - either corpses or living beings "colonised" by some evil tree. In that case, they'd have the weapons and accoutrements of their previous existence.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with The People of the Roots)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 12, 2018, 11:51:24 PM
Here are some oddities that I got very cheaply on eBay. I thought they might be from Gremlin Miniatures when I ordered them, but it seems not. Anyway, I dabbed some paint on them today, and they'll work as some sort of henchthings in Whitehack/The Black Hack/Into the Odd. I can see them backing up a wizard of some sort.

If anyone knows what these actually are, I'd be delighted to find out!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (What the hell are these?)
Post by: Dr Mathias on August 13, 2018, 12:31:07 AM
The rarely seen saber-toothed goblins.  lol

I have no idea who might have made them! I like them though :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (What the hell are these?)
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on August 13, 2018, 05:09:04 AM
The rarely seen saber-toothed goblins.  lol

I have no idea who might have made them! I like them though :)

Unfortunately the sabre- toothed goblins are now, sadly extinct.  They had a habit of fatally impaling themselves any time they bent their heads forward.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (What the hell are these?)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 14, 2018, 12:39:40 AM
It did occur to me that I might paint the teeth as tentacles! Not sure they'd be much more convincing, though!

Here's a Kev Adams orc from the 80s - one of a batch that I'm doing in the entirely green/brown colour scheme of my Jacks-in-the-Greens. I've had lots of them almost done for a while, but I just started this chap tonight, to see if doing him in one would spur me to finish the others.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a forest orc)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on August 14, 2018, 12:52:48 PM
Ooh, lovely! I like the green tinge on the chainmail.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a forest orc)
Post by: Jagannath on August 15, 2018, 09:13:51 AM
What a great mini! That green jack-in-the-greens faction must be looking great now.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a forest orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 16, 2018, 12:42:41 AM
Thanks, both!

The tribe is growing ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more forest orcs)
Post by: Jagannath on August 16, 2018, 09:18:10 AM
I’m buzzin’ on these - love the green tinge, it really gives an ‘arboreal’ feel to them. Makes them seem like features of the woods, as opposed to ‘evil’
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more forest orcs)
Post by: Munindk on August 16, 2018, 09:45:37 AM
Lovely sculpts and even lovelier paintjobs :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more forest orcs)
Post by: Elk101 on August 17, 2018, 04:50:56 PM
I always like seeing people's take on greenskin skin tones. There's a certain froggish look to those that I really like. Lovely painting.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more forest orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 23, 2018, 09:59:55 PM
Thanks, all!

Here's the first of a new band of dungeon dwellers: an orange, blue-nosed, militaristic ape-man: aka an old-school D&D hobgoblin. I've got some thoughts on the nomenclature here (https://hobgoblinry.blogspot.com/2018/08/whats-in-name-hobgoblins-grumkins-and.html).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a blue-nosed orange apeman!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 23, 2018, 11:43:14 PM
And another! Crude minis, crude paintjobs - but a nasty, well-organised and above all blue-nosed threat to a party ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (TWO blue-nosed orange apemen!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 24, 2018, 11:45:06 AM
A bit more about these here (https://hobgoblinry.blogspot.com/2018/08/militaristic-orange-skinned-ape-men.html).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (TWO blue-nosed orange apemen!)
Post by: Jagannath on August 24, 2018, 10:48:36 PM
These look great -can’t wait to see the whole group.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (TWO blue-nosed orange apemen!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 25, 2018, 12:58:24 AM
Thanks! Here are a few more.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (five blue-nosed orange apemen!)
Post by: DivisMal on August 27, 2018, 10:21:32 PM
I loved your blog entries about those, and I do see how a simple name change might result in a great atmospheric shift to allow more space for the gloomy and the weird.

Anyway, great painting on those!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (five blue-nosed orange apemen!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 29, 2018, 03:17:28 PM
Thanks! Yes, I'm inclined to let the players think "What the hell are those things?" rather than "Ah, hobgoblins".

Here's a cockatrice for this weekend's D&D. It's actually an Ithsyn from Numenera - a Reaper Bones model I got for less than four quid. I painted him very quickly; one thing I like about Bones is that once you accept that they're always going to be a bit rough and rubbery in places, you can paint them at top speed and get them rapidly ready for the table.

As you can see, it's quite a sizeable beast:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a hefty cockatrice)
Post by: Ockman on August 29, 2018, 08:50:00 PM
Great stuff, as always!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a hefty cockatrice)
Post by: beefcake on August 30, 2018, 05:49:16 AM
Nice. You've done a great job on the mini.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a hefty cockatrice)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 30, 2018, 10:42:57 AM
Thanks, guys!

I had a good run last night and got some more dungeon monsters done - all ready for their debut this weekend. I really like this Essex bugbear; it's a nice, understated model and - unlike the Reaper bugbears, for example, sits on a normal-sized base and looks like it could sneak through most dungeon doorways.

The mandrill-dogs are goblin hounds from Acropolis, and the big troll is from Reaper Bones - another sloppy wash-based paint job.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (bugbear, mandrill-hound & troll)
Post by: beefcake on August 30, 2018, 11:52:03 AM
More nice work.
The bugbear looks like an evil Hoggle.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (bugbear, mandrill-hound & troll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 30, 2018, 01:03:49 PM

Yes! I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but that's exactly what he is!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (bugbear, mandrill-hound & troll)
Post by: Elk101 on August 30, 2018, 02:12:33 PM
Great figures nicely painted.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (bugbear, mandrill-hound & troll)
Post by: DivisMal on September 02, 2018, 11:57:09 AM
Brilliant new series. And your painting speed makes me just envious!  o_o :o
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (bugbear, mandrill-hound & troll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 02, 2018, 12:00:27 PM
Thanks, both!

Here are the adventurers that faced most of those monsters yesterday (for my son's birthday-party D&D session). One of these dwarfs was finished earlier, but the rest are among the fastest miniatures I've ever painted. The hobbit took about half an hour; there wasn't much option with the deadline looming!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dwarves, hobbit and wizard)
Post by: Gibby on September 02, 2018, 12:14:37 PM
I love those! Your blog post about how more Dwarfs should be villains was very true and these guys prove that they can look like the scary, spiteful creatures from various folklore.

Assuming these ones ARE villains, anyway. They certainly look a bit evil.  ;)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dwarves, hobbit and wizard)
Post by: Schrumpfkopf on September 02, 2018, 01:42:50 PM
Love the Dwerfs and the  baddies with the face paint!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dwarves, hobbit and wizard)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 09, 2018, 02:19:09 PM
I love those! Your blog post about how more Dwarfs should be villains was very true and these guys prove that they can look like the scary, spiteful creatures from various folklore.

Assuming these ones ARE villains, anyway. They certainly look a bit evil.  ;)

Many thanks! They were the PCs in last week's D&D, but they were very much in the murder-hobo tradition (so at least a bit evil!).

Love the Dwerfs and the  baddies with the face paint!

Thanks! I was thinking more along the lines of blue-faced golden monkeys (for D&D-style blue-nosed hobgoblins), but it could equally well be face paint. 

I got a sudden itching for 15mm this week and bought these guys on eBay (Alternative Armies Dracci). The source of the itch was the Xenos Rampant DR hack on the Future Wars section of this forum. When I was a kid, most of our 40K games involved primitives vs high-tech types, and Xenos Rampant looks like it will cater to that very well. We've played a bit of 15mm science-fantasy Dragon Rampant, usually using Elite Foot with ranged weapons and Venomous shooting to represent space-marine types, as well as Scouts with Venomous shooting for sniper units. But XR looks a better fit.

Anyway, these guys struck me as suitable for low-tech Elite Foot in a DR/XR game. And there are high-tech versions (and artillery) available too, so I may expand them into a full army. But I like my miniatures to be multi-purpose where possible, and it also occurred to me that they'd do quite nicely as 28mm 'kobolds' in the modern D&D sense. I don't like the use of the word 'kobold' for draconic creatures, as it has no folkloric underpinning (whereas kobolds as goblins of the mines does, as does the concept of animal-headed goblins). But I do very much like the idea of small dragonish creatures that indicate the presence of actual dragons. So these guys might be the start of a dragon-themed D&D adventure.

I'll probably call them 'dragonewts' rather than kobolds, though - which leads to a third use for them. Although I have a lot of 28mm broo that I'm slowly painting up, I suspect that if I ever do any miniatures-based Gloranthan gaming, it'll be in 15mm, as it's far easier and quicker to paint up batches of hoplites or whatever. So these guys, who are big for 15mm, could work quite nicely as second-stage dragonewt warriors, with the big, winged lord acting as a full priest.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dracci, dragonewts - or kobolds?)
Post by: DivisMal on September 10, 2018, 05:46:38 AM
Oh. They're very good. I'm very keen to see you delve into 15mm again!

Is the shield with the pre-slotta knight painted? If yes, wow...that's awesome.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dracci, dragonewts - or kobolds?)
Post by: beefcake on September 10, 2018, 05:57:53 AM
Very nice painting on the Dracci. Great that you can use them in 15mm as well as 28mm.
I love those dwarves. I have a few of those Asgard ones.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dracci, dragonewts - or kobolds?)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 10, 2018, 01:19:18 PM
Thanks, both!

Is the shield with the pre-slotta knight painted? If yes, wow...that's awesome.

Yes - if you zoom in on it, you can see that it's actually fairly crude.


Yes - using miniatures in more than one scale is a huge saver of time and energy. The other weekend, I used these guys as 28mm goblins, even though I'd based them up as 15mm ogres. Just to confuse things, they're actually 25mm black orcs! One thing I noticed during the game is that no one noticed or cared that the 15mm types are based on pennies and the 28mms on slotta bases. So that's one less thing to worry about!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dracci, dragonewts - or kobolds?)
Post by: Jagannath on September 12, 2018, 10:03:39 AM
Those Dragon-newts are fantasic - that's some really lovely painting. I'm on a full 15mm burnout at the moment - enjoying 28mm, can't bring myself to pick up a 15... very weird for me!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dracci, dragonewts - or kobolds?)
Post by: DivisMal on September 12, 2018, 10:08:49 AM
Those Dragon-newts are fantasic - that's some really lovely painting. I'm on a full 15mm burnout at the moment - enjoying 28mm, can't bring myself to pick up a 15... very weird for me!

@ Jagannath: I feel the same and wondered if I was alone! No, it seems, from time to time, one simply needs a longer break from  15s... :?

@ Hobgoblin: Maybe painting for several scales at the same time, is the solution to this. It's amazig what you churn out, and really visionary to think about using certain models for more than one scale!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dracci, dragonewts - or kobolds?)
Post by: Bloggard on September 12, 2018, 11:17:48 AM

Yes - if you zoom in on it, you can see that it's actually fairly crude.


Yes - using miniatures in more than one scale is a huge saver of time and energy. The other weekend, I used these guys as 28mm goblins, even though I'd based them up as 15mm ogres. Just to confuse things, they're actually 25mm black orcs! One thing I noticed during the game is that no one noticed or cared that the 15mm types are based on pennies and the 28mms on slotta bases. So that's one less thing to worry about!

it that's crude, wish I could manage awful.

black orcs are old chronicles aren't they? - liked those a lot. Remember buying a load off the designer at one of the early (pre=Ansell) game days.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dracci, dragonewts - or kobolds?)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 12, 2018, 01:52:35 PM
Thanks, all!

black orcs are old chronicles aren't they? - liked those a lot. Remember buying a load off the designer at one of the early (pre=Ansell) game days.

Yes - they were much smaller than other Citadel orcs when they were released (the slotta-based versions are about twice the size), but they're so fierce and brutish-looking that they actually work better as 15mm ogres, I think. It's a similar story with the kobolds, which I also have based up primarily for 15mm - as gnolls. In returning to 15mm, I discovered another dozen or so of the black orcs still to be painted, and I've got a whole lot of the matching wolfriders too. That raises a separate set of basing questions ...

If I can get five penny-based infantry on a 60mm square, I'm thinking of getting appropriate sabots so that these figures and others can be used as hordes in 28mm Hordes of the Things.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dracci, dragonewts - or kobolds?)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 25, 2018, 10:27:46 PM
Working from home today, I challenged myself to a one-hour paintjob at lunchtime. I was cheating a bit as I already had this chaos warrior undercoated and preshaded, and I went back to work in the drying time for the washes, but he was an hour of total painting time on the nose.

I'm possibly unusual in that I prefer the older Perry chaos warriors to these Jez Goodwin classics, but there's no denying that the Goodwin fellows have plenty of heft. I find the Perry ones easier to paint, though - I'm never quite satisfied with the way I get armour to work on the Goodwin ones.

Here he is with the giak I recently added to the Old School thread.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a quick chaos warrior)
Post by: beefcake on September 25, 2018, 10:40:07 PM
Very nice. The red looks great.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a quick chaos warrior)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 28, 2018, 12:21:20 AM

Here's a growing band of yellow orcs:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more orcs!)
Post by: Jagannath on September 28, 2018, 12:35:23 AM
They look great - chap on the right is particularly good.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more orcs!)
Post by: Oldben1 on September 28, 2018, 01:59:06 AM
That red knight is awesome!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with more orcs!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 29, 2018, 11:33:13 PM
Thanks, both!

The orc band is one stronger now:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with yet another orcs)
Post by: Aerendar Valandil on September 30, 2018, 07:25:39 AM
Ow, the orcs ar great!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with yet another orc)
Post by: Elk101 on September 30, 2018, 11:19:36 AM
I'm really enjoying seeing these miniatures getting so nicely painted.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with yet another orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 01, 2018, 11:55:59 PM
Thanks, both!

Another orc's joined the throng - and I found the chap with the open mouth and glaive; he'd been lurking among his more pallid brethren deep in the Cabinet of Shame. So the warband's now seven strong.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (the orc warband grows ...)
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on October 03, 2018, 07:10:33 AM
Nice stuff as always.  I like your painting style.  I did try to copy it with awful results  >:(
My favourite is the cyclops orc.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (the orc warband grows ...)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 05, 2018, 12:18:52 AM

Yes, the cyclops is a Citadel classic. My teenage speed-painted rendition of the same miniature is on page 4 of this thread.

Here's a brace of oldies: a CitadelFiend Factory goblin and a Grenadier dragon man.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (FF goblin & Grenadier dragon man)
Post by: beefcake on October 05, 2018, 01:02:56 AM
Love the dragon man. I've always wanted a bunch of them.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (FF goblin & Grenadier dragon man)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 07, 2018, 12:27:16 AM
Thanks! Yes, I'm keen to get a good few painted up - very useful RPG foes, I think.

The orc warband now has a half-orc to lead them: Agaroth the Unwashed:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (orcs and half-orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 11, 2018, 12:01:34 AM
On a whim, I ordered some 54mm orc toy soldiers from Russia. They arrived today, so I thought I'd better paint one up. The kids already have painting designs on two of the four that arrived, but I've earmarked one other for myself. These were very cheap - less than four quid before postage, so a pound each. I think they'll work very nicely as giants or ogres or trolls.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (orcs and half-orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 11, 2018, 12:04:45 AM
And here he is with some friends.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a giant Russian orc)
Post by: beefcake on October 11, 2018, 12:31:16 AM
Very nice. They work really well as ogres, giants or trolls don't they. Link please :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a giant Russian orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 11, 2018, 12:39:49 AM
Thanks! This (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Iron-Orcs-54-mm-4-Figures-SOFT-plastic-Tehnolog-Russian-Toy-Soldiers-1-32/112489650534?epid=0&hash=item1a30e7d966:g:laEAAOSwaUNZzUJF:rk:9:pf:0) is them.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a giant Russian orc)
Post by: beefcake on October 11, 2018, 12:49:19 AM
Thanks. I'm very tempted by the centaurs as well. Replace the hooves with claws and give it a different tail. Great dragon ogres.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a giant Russian orc)
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on October 11, 2018, 06:08:55 AM
Great painting (once again).  These could make nice armoured trolls in 28mm scale and I thought one figure from the Paladin's set could make a decent Morgoth with Grond.  One of the figures with a sword could have a wolf head attached (as a wolf-shaped helmet) could make a good Sauron.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a giant Russian orc)
Post by: Elk101 on October 11, 2018, 07:46:50 AM
They work very well, particularly as an armoured troll type character. There's a slight LotR feel to them, no?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a giant Russian orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 11, 2018, 11:08:10 AM
Thanks, all!

They work very well, particularly as an armoured troll type character. There's a slight LotR feel to them, no?

Yeah - though maybe more of a Silmarillion feel? For matching the Olog-hai/"hill trolls out of Gorgoroth" description, I don't think anyone has surpassed the Citadel efforts from the 80s:

"... came striding up, roaring like beasts, a great company of hill-trolls out of Gorgoroth. Taller and broader than Men they were, and they were clad only in close-fitting mesh of horny scales, or maybe that was their hideous hide; but they bore round bucklers huge and black and wielded heavy hammers in their knotted hands. Reckless they sprang into the pools and waded across, bellowing as they came."


But for Morgoth's armies - or the troll-bodyguard of Gothmog - I think these Russian chaps would fit the bill nicely. There's often a suggestion in Tolkien that evil technology (including monster-breeding) was more advanced in the earlier ages of Middle Earth. And there are couple of associations of trolls with giant orcs (the Appendix description of the Olog-hai and a line somewhere about how the Elves didn't really distinguish between trolls and orcs).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a giant Russian orc)
Post by: JollyBob on October 11, 2018, 11:49:31 AM
Oh, that big Russian bugger is nice!  8)

Thanks for posting the link - when they say "bendy" plastic on the listing, are they talking clix or Bones bendy? Or is it more rubbery?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a giant Russian orc)
Post by: Daeothar on October 11, 2018, 12:24:33 PM
Oh, that big Russian bugger is nice!  8)

Thanks for posting the link - when they say "bendy" plastic on the listing, are they talking clix or Bones bendy? Or is it more rubbery?

Regardless, I've ordered a set as well. :D

For the longest time I've been trying to find the right miniatures for use as Olog Hai in my own Middle Earth project, but could never find what I was looking for. The best I could do were some Leviathan Barbarians, but they were never large enough to my eye. But it's what I already had, so unless something better came along, I would be using those.

But seeing Hobgoblin's excellently painted Russian Orks, I suppose the Barbarians will just feature as larger orks in the background now or something... ;)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a giant Russian orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 11, 2018, 12:29:25 PM

The plastic's not particularly bendy at all: it's quite rigid and nothing like Bones. Some of the sellers describe them as "hard plastic", and I'd say that that's fairer.

The material strikes me as pretty much the same as that used for a lot of 1:32 toy soldiers (e.g. the Airfix medievals I had as a kid): some kind of dense polythene. It seems to take paint fairly well (I undercoated with black gesso), and superglue formed a very solid bond with the base. I'm sure plastic cement wouldn't work with them, though.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a giant Russian orc)
Post by: Sunjester on October 11, 2018, 12:30:41 PM
Thanks. I'm very tempted by the centaurs as well. Replace the hooves with claws and give it a different tail. Great dragon ogres.

The Werewolves and Minotaurs don't look too bad for that price either!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a giant Russian orc)
Post by: Daeothar on October 11, 2018, 12:37:31 PM
The Werewolves and Minotaurs don't look too bad for that price either!

Very true :)

And as it turns out, I've had some of those Steampunk cannons of theirs in my stash for use with my Chaos Dwarves for years. I've never assembled them, but they appear to be the same plastic as the RoboGear stuff they also produced. So fairly hard (certainly harder than GW or Perry plastic) and it won't be melted by polystyrene cement! I've used superglue whenever I had to glue this plastic...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a giant Russian orc)
Post by: Elk101 on October 11, 2018, 08:23:57 PM
I was watching them on ebay after seeing this and got a message saying stock was running low! People have obviously been inspired.  lol
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a giant Russian orc)
Post by: beefcake on October 12, 2018, 08:20:42 AM
I'd better buy some then. And the minotaurs among other things.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a giant Russian orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 12, 2018, 10:09:09 PM
I like your centaur/dragon-ogre idea, although I'd be tempted just to paint up the beast as is and add the monstrous/demonic/chaotic aspects through paint.

I've just posted this chap on the Old School thread, but as that's limited to one image, I thought I'd post some other shots here.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with an Orc of the Severed Hand)
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on October 13, 2018, 12:31:18 AM
Where did you get this chap from?  I had the set of Orcs of the Severed Hand back in my D&D days (mid 80's) painted nicely green with Humbrol enamels.  I would love to get the set again.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with an Orc of the Severed Hand)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 13, 2018, 12:33:06 AM
I got him from eBay, individually, shortly after buying all the others from another seller. Serendipitous - although he's probably my least favourite of the set.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with an Orc of the Severed Hand)
Post by: Michka on October 15, 2018, 12:21:30 AM
The Orcs of the Severed Hand were the first miniatures I ever owned. My dad bought them for me long, long ago, before I knew how to paint. They were some of the first miniatures I ever painted too. I've kept those old paint jobs just to see how far I've come. I love the old Grenadier figures, and this one is absolutely fantastic! Thanks for reminding me about them.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with an Orc of the Severed Hand)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 16, 2018, 12:56:22 AM
Cheers! I'm looking forward to painting up the rest. Good for Gloranthan dark trolls, I reckon.

Here's an even older Grenadier orc - from the Fantasy Lords range:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a venerable Grenadier orc)
Post by: m4jumbo on October 16, 2018, 04:32:45 AM
Great job on the classic orc. 
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a venerable Grenadier orc)
Post by: von Lucky on October 16, 2018, 08:07:45 AM
Continuing with some lovely painting. How long does it take to photograph each one? (You manage to cleanly photograph a very richly coloured miniature every time - only noticed this now.)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a venerable Grenadier orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 16, 2018, 08:25:26 AM
Thanks, guys!

How long does it take to photograph each one? (You manage to cleanly photograph a very richly coloured miniature every time - only noticed this now.)

Not long at all; my photography's extremely haphazard - I just put the miniature on a bit of white paper, stick my cheap daylight lamp in front of it and snap away with my phone. I always think the miniatures look much better if I photograph them in natural light, but I rarely get the chance.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a venerable Grenadier orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 17, 2018, 12:43:25 AM
My blue-nosed hobgoblin troop is taking shape, with the addition of Num-Tin from the old Chaos Marauders boxed set, and his diminutive Grenadier heir Tin-Tin. I have the two Essex hobgoblins, who almost match Num-Tin in stature and costume, to add as his bodyguards.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more blue-nosed hobgoblins!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 18, 2018, 11:01:03 AM
And here's a blast from the past. On page 2 of this thread are a couple of "Orcs of the White Serpent". I mentioned there that I had a whole warband of them almost done. Several years on, I haven't touched them. But, getting home late last night, I thought I'd try to finish one off (the middle one here). They're pretty rough, but getting them out of storage and into the Cabinet of Shame will safe space and provide me with a handy dungeon faction. So I'm going to try to finish one a night while painting other stuff.

I might redo the all-green bases, either by adding brown earth patches or going for the umber/grey bases I use for predominantly subterranean types.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hobgoblins & White Serpent orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 18, 2018, 03:13:57 PM
I meant to post this photo of Num-Tin, which shows his face a bit better. He's a really unusual figure, as he's staring up, despite being really quite tall (even by today's standards). I had to resculpt his nose, but I think it's come out OK.

I really like this figure, despite some peculiarities - not least the way he holds his axe! He doesn't quite fit with any of the other Citadel hobgoblin ranges, which is why he's joined my blue-snouted band of Chronicle, Grenadier, Acropolis and Essex renegades. I have another, though, whose axe is broken (I have the bit, I think, but may replace it with something else). He's going to join my Hordes of the Things Fantasy Tribe hobgoblins.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hobgoblins & White Serpent orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 21, 2018, 12:34:25 PM
In line with getting the Orcs of the White Serpent finished off, I decided to do something about the Caesar 1/72 lizardmen that have been littering my miniature boxes. I bought these a few years ago, let the kids mess around with painting some of them and painted three for use as giant 15mm reptiles. But with 34 in the box, the majority were sitting around untouched, and the kids were happy enough to have their early efforts repainted. So I decided to get a batch painted up, with a view to getting them all done. I might even rebase the 15mm ones when the rest are done.

What's good about these (apart from the fact that you get 34 for £7 or so) is that although they're 1/72, they were clearly designed as big lizardmen at that scale (like GW's sauruses). So they're roughly human-sized at 28mm - a bit shorter, but quite powerfully built with it, in a reptilian sort of way. You can see one with a converted Oathmark goblin and a Perry knight below. So I think they'll work quite well as D&D troglodytes, which are "medium" in the original Monster Manual and smaller than lizardmen. The Caesar ones are roughly the same size as Tom Meier's old "lesser troglodytes"/lizardmen - though they look much less civilised, which is a plus if you want them as primitive, smelly cave-dwellers.

I've also got some of the marvellous Otherworld trogs, which are pretty big, so I can see those acting as chieftains and elites for this lot.  The nice thing about the Caesar ones is that they're absurdly quick to paint. Because they're soft plastic and 1/72, there isn't much detail and so you're limited in what you can do with them. And that means that you can knock 'em out fast. I've got four more just about there, and a good few more based up and undercoated. I'm going to experiment with converting a few others - drilling through hands to give them javelins and that sort of thing.

If I wasn't sitting on a vast hoard of lead and plastic, I'd be tempted to go with 1/72 for RPG monsters. I have the Caeasar ratmen, which we use as giant beastmen in 15mm or little ratmen in 28mm; they'd make decent kobold proxies in 28mm. The lizardmen cover trogs, lizardmen and other cold-blooded types (sahaguin, kuao-toa, whatever), and the Dark Alliance orcs would make very decent goblins, with the half-orcs as hobgoblins, perhaps. There's something attractive about the "anonymity" of the 1/72 miniatures when using them as RPG foes; I think players would accept them as proxies more easily (rather than the "Hey! We killed that guy before!" I sometimes get when running games for the kids).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with some very cheap troglodytes)
Post by: Paboook on October 21, 2018, 02:51:54 PM
What a lovely project! I have soft spot for oldschool minies and your painting is doing them more than justice :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with some very cheap troglodytes)
Post by: MeridarchGekkota on October 21, 2018, 06:14:28 PM
Ah, they're adorable. :-*

Where do you get your Caesar miniatures from in the UK?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with some very cheap troglodytes)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 21, 2018, 06:30:50 PM
Thanks, both!

I picked these up in Wonderland in Edinburgh a while back, along with the ratmen. They don't seem to stock either of them at the moment, though, but they have the goblins and elves on their website. You can get them on eBay here (https://www.ebay.co.uk/i/361492273677?chn=ps): more expensive with the postage, but still not too bad, given the numbers they come in.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with some very cheap troglodytes)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 22, 2018, 12:58:24 AM
Well, I got nine more done tonight to complete the troglodyte 1st XV. I also converted another five to add variety, using Oathmark and Wargames Factory orc parts.

There's something really fun about painting these cheap and cheerful soft-plastic figures. Close-ups don't flatter them, but I'm very pleased with how they look on the table. And they've got me thinking about all sorts of reptile-based scenarios, perhaps with the Meier trogs as more sophisticated leaders and exploiters of their primitive kin ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 1/72 troglodyte 1st XV)
Post by: Sunjester on October 22, 2018, 08:14:36 AM
I really need to look again at these 1/72 ranges. I've got a pack of trolls which I use for more "civilised" trolls in Middle Earth (those under Mordor/Angmar control).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 1/72 troglodyte 1st XV)
Post by: fred on October 22, 2018, 08:44:55 AM
Well, I got nine more done tonight to complete the troglodyte 1st XV.

Nice reference. Bonus points to any of our American friends who understand it!

There's something really fun about painting these cheap and cheerful soft-plastic figures. Close-ups don't flatter them, but I'm very pleased with how they look on the table.
That's good to hear, as looking at the photos, the soft detail does make me wonder if the effort is worth it. But close up photography is a harsh mistress, and its not how you see the figures in a game.

And they've got me thinking about all sorts of reptile-based scenarios, perhaps with the Meier trogs as more sophisticated leaders and exploiters of their primitive kin ...
And this is the key bit. Back in my RPG days I don't think we ever had adventures with lizardmen and their kin. Now I have a 10mm Lizardman army, and they are one of my favourites.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 1/72 troglodyte 1st XV)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 22, 2018, 09:30:58 AM

That's good to hear, as looking at the photos, the soft detail does make me wonder if the effort is worth it. But close up photography is a harsh mistress, and its not how you see the figures in a game.

Yes, exactly. One thing in particular is black lining. It looks pretty rough in the photos, but it really helps on the table. With most of them, I've added a thin black line to delineate areas like the join of underbelly and scales. I'd never do this with regular metal or plastic miniatures, but it helps add definition to these, to the naked eye at least.

What's particularly good about the Caesar lizardmen (and ratmen) is the posing. They don't have any of that flat look that you sometimes get with 1/72. Instead, they're really dynamic. Some of them have one foot raised, some have their spines almost horizontal, the tails are really well animated, and the multipart ones work really well. So, on the table, they look much more like a group of reptiles than many more "respectable" ranges.

And this is the key bit. Back in my RPG days I don't think we ever had adventures with lizardmen and their kin. Now I have a 10mm Lizardman army, and they are one of my favourites.

Ah, well my son plays a lizardman or similar in just about every game he can. But that opens up all sorts of herpetological possibilities for a game with degenerate, subterranean lizardmen as villains. I'll look favourably on any communication attempts that cold-blooded PCs make!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 1/72 troglodyte 1st XV)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 22, 2018, 09:48:07 AM
I really need to look again at these 1/72 ranges. I've got a pack of trolls which I use for more "civilised" trolls in Middle Earth (those under Mordor/Angmar control).

Yes, I picked up some Dark Alliance trolls a while back for HotT. I've based two elements, but might look at using the rest individually. They're nicely heft.

I cracked last night and ordered the DA armoured "warg" riders. I really dislike feliform animals (of all things!) being called wargs (a word that actually means "wolves"!), and I'm sure it'd have JRRT spinning in his grave. But I've got no problem at all with goblins of the D&D sort riding hyena-like creatures. If they paint up nicely, I'll order some infantry to go with them - I think they work out at about 20p each! The DA "wargs" look really animated, so I imagine they'll work well on the tabletop.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 1/72 troglodyte 1st XV)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 22, 2018, 10:05:53 PM
This might give a bit of a sense of how they look on the table. The dynamism of the poses and details like the scaly ridges on the backs help them fit in quite well with 'proper' miniatures.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 1/72 troglodyte 1st XV)
Post by: fred on October 23, 2018, 07:49:32 AM
Yes, that's a good photo, shows them off to their best. Lots of them have that crouched for action pose, which looks good.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with 1/72 troglodyte 1st XV)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 23, 2018, 09:17:41 AM
I managed to base up the remainder last night. I also converted all the ones that required or suggested it, thus limiting the duplicates. Here they are as works in progress. I'm quite pleased with the shaman. I just wrestled a Fireforge cloak over his head, then added the top of an Oathmark goblin banner to a cut-down spear. The others have weapons from Oathmark, Gripping Beast and Wargames Factory.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with WIP troglodyte conversions )
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 25, 2018, 11:09:52 PM
Four more trogs join the throng. The soft plastics don't look good under artificial light, but I'm pleased with this batch; three of the four are converted.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with more 1/72 troglodytes )
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 02, 2018, 09:19:30 AM
This year's Halloween efforts - a chupacabra and a hydra:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/2 scale hydra and chupacabra)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on November 04, 2018, 02:50:45 AM
Great work on both the trogs and the costumes!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/2 scale hydra and chupacabra)
Post by: boneio on November 04, 2018, 03:45:42 PM
A Hydra of Vulcan no less  8)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/2 scale hydra and chupacabra)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 04, 2018, 07:51:35 PM

Here's a new project. I acquired a batch of EM4 orcs on a whim and started painting some and converting others. I've been aiming for an almost "Dogme" style of speed painting: base colour and one highlight only on most areas (one more highlight permissable on skin); no drybrushing and washes only on skin and armour. I enjoyed this approach so much that I dug out the Fantasy Warriors metal orcs that were languishing in the leadpile.

Here are the first few. They're unapologetically tabletop standard, but I've got a good few more based up. I used square bases so that the metals more or less match the plastics; the lower base combined with the thick integral metal bases mean that these orcs are actually level with my slottabased miniatures. I'm not going to mix in Chronicle slottabased orcs with these, as I'm keeping those to be blue-skinned "winter orcs" - but I might make an exception for a couple of duplicates.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with EM4 and Lund orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 06, 2018, 12:06:29 AM
Three more quick 'n' dirty orcs, including the first EM4 conversion.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more EM4 and Lund orcs)
Post by: Dr Mathias on November 06, 2018, 12:41:40 AM
Those look fantastic. Some of the first orcs I painted back in the 80s!!!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more EM4 and Lund orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 14, 2018, 12:16:54 AM

Many more are on the way - the next batch just need their shields done.

In the meantime, here are a pair of Reaper Bones deep ones. These were done with extreme vitesse (and little consideration for mouldlines): just basecoat, a silver-grey drybrush and some washes. They'll see action in our next D&D stint, I think.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (orcs and half-orc)
Post by: beefcake on November 14, 2018, 05:06:00 AM
On a whim, I ordered some 54mm orc toy soldiers from Russia. They arrived today, so I thought I'd better paint one up. The kids already have painting designs on two of the four that arrived, but I've earmarked one other for myself. These were very cheap - less than four quid before postage, so a pound each. I think they'll work very nicely as giants or ogres or trolls.
Mine arrived today. They really are very nice. bendy but not bendy...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (orcs and half-orc)
Post by: Daeothar on November 14, 2018, 09:00:52 AM
In the meantime, here are a pair of Reaper Bones deep ones. These were done with extreme vitesse (and little consideration for mouldlines): just basecoat, a silver-grey drybrush and some washes. They'll see action in our next D&D stint, I think.

They look really good in the pictures, and I'm sure a bit more care went into the painting than you are letting us on. But they are ace no matter what... 8)

Mine arrived today. They really are very nice. bendy but not bendy...

Aren't they? I ended up ordering the Orks, Minotaurs and Centaurs, and they are very impressive for the price. Good sculpts and the material, whilst a bit bendy, is absolutely hard enough to be painted well. :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hybrid children watch the sea...)
Post by: beefcake on November 14, 2018, 09:41:55 AM
Very nice deep ones (sorry too excited about my arrival you put me on to) The colours work very well.

Aren't they? I ended up ordering the Orks, Minotaurs and Centaurs, and they are very impressive for the price. Good sculpts and the material, whilst a bit bendy, is absolutely hard enough to be painted well. :)
How are the others. Are the centaurs any good?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hybrid children watch the sea...)
Post by: Daeothar on November 14, 2018, 01:20:58 PM
How are the others. Are the centaurs any good?
They're all perfectly suited for the purpose I bought them for; three of the Orks will be Olog Hai (one doesn't quite fit the aesthetic I am going for, and converting would too much of a hassle; my daughter will probably end up painting him), the Minotaurs will be incorporated as is into my Chaos Dwarf army.

And the Centaurs, as suggested in this thread pages ago, will be converted into Dragon Ogres for my Warriors of Chaos army.

I liked that idea so much, as no currently available Dragon Ogre is to my liking (except for the one special character, but he's just one pose, metal and very expensive. Also, he's twice the size of 'normal ones', so would not represent a bog-standard Dragon Ogre well), and for the price, it really was a no-brainer.

Conversion will be very easy too I reckon; replace tail with a thin, whippy one with a triangle at the tip, remove some of the sculpted hair on the front legs, possibly replaced with some sculpted scales, and they should be ready to go! :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hybrid children watch the sea...)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 14, 2018, 03:15:05 PM
They're all perfectly suited for the purpose I bought them for; three of the Orks will be Olog Hai (one doesn't quite fit the aesthetic I am going for, and converting would too much of a hassle; my daughter will probably end up painting him), the Minotaurs will be incorporated as is into my Chaos Dwarf army.

And the Centaurs, as suggested in this thread pages ago, will be converted into Dragon Ogres for my Warriors of Chaos army.

I'lld be very interested to see how these turn out.

Quote from: Daeothar
They look really good in the pictures, and I'm sure a bit more care went into the painting than you are letting us on. But they are ace no matter what...

Thanks! But no, really: two hours from start to finish last night (I had based them earlier). Here's all I did: black gesso undercoat, medium-sea grey for the bodies and buff for the underbellies. Then a drybrush with silver-grey and a glaze of thinned Nightshade GW wash mixed with a bit of GW Camoshade wash. I washed some thinned GW Crimson over the underbellies, put undiluted Nightshade over the spinal scales and in the eye sockets, and sloshed some Camoshade here and there in the recesses. Then it was just a matter of painting the eyes and teeth.

The initial Nightshade/Camoshade wash - more of a glaze, really, as it was thinned heavily with glaze medium, did almost all of the work and produced a nicely mottled effect because of the texture on the figures. The other washes were just slopped on into crevices here and there.

I bought a big batch of Bones figures last week, so I'm trying to crack through them to have some surprising opponents for the kids in D&D. Speed's of the essence, as we'll probably play this weekend!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hybrid children watch the sea...)
Post by: Daeothar on November 14, 2018, 03:35:16 PM
Sounds almost too easy, but I believe you :)

Still; your almost prolific production rate never seizes to amaze me, especially at the level of quality. No matter how simple the process; they always seem to come out just right.

I'm afraid mine will not see a brush for some time to come though. I will first want to have my nine walkers complete before I tackle the forces of darkness. So far, I have the four hobbits, Gandalf and Boromir (who requires some slight converting), so just a ranger, elf and dwarf to source. And then it will first be a large batch of orks, for which the trolls will be reinforcements.

And I've recently started reading The Hobbit to my little girl (a couple of pages before bedtime each day), so I might very well have to do up 13 dwarfs and another hobbit (without handkerchief) before that time as well... ::)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hybrid children watch the sea...)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 14, 2018, 04:29:56 PM
And I've recently started reading The Hobbit to my little girl (a couple of pages before bedtime each day), so I might very well have to do up 13 dwarfs and another hobbit (without handkerchief) before that time as well... ::)

It makes a great bedtime story - I've read it to both of mine in the past few years.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hybrid children watch the sea...)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 14, 2018, 09:36:09 PM
Here are another three Lund orcs. That's a total of 12 now, for a Dragon Rampant unit of Heavy Foot. With the EM4 plastics and the Grenadier metals, I'm aiming for a large DR warband along these lines:

1 x Elite Foot with wizard
2 x Heavy Foot (offensive)
1 x Light Missiles
2 x Light Foot (offensive)
2 x Lesser Warbeasts (wolfriders)

That's about 45 points - and I can probably get more light foot and another unit of wolfriders together too. I might intersperse the archers with the light foot to create mixed-weapon units. And my 15mm ogres (aka Chronicle orcs) can come in as another unit or two of light foot too. So they should be a pretty sizeable force when I get them all done.

I was unsure whether to paint the Chronicle wolfriders up to match these Grenadier types or the Chronicle orcs. But the riders are a much better match, size-wise, for the Grenadier types. And their wolves are way too big to use in 15mm (though one might be fun as a troll riding Fenrir or something ...). So I'll aim to get through them in this quick and dirty fashion.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hybrid children watch the sea...)
Post by: LeadAsbestos on November 14, 2018, 09:36:55 PM
I'm reading it to my girls this past few days too. Must be the season!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yet more Lund orcs!)
Post by: beefcake on November 15, 2018, 07:21:21 AM
More excellent orcs. Skin tones superb as usual.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yet more Lund orcs!)
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on November 15, 2018, 08:59:05 AM
Great painting.  The funny thing is, before the Oathmark goblins came out I was planning to get the Mirliton orcs and paint them in much the same way you did.  The only thing is, they would not have looked half as good. 
I would love to see you do some Mirliton elves at some stage. 
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yet more Lund orcs!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 15, 2018, 09:52:36 AM
Thanks, guys.

There's something about those old Lund orcs where they almost paint themselves if you keep the process very simple. In the past, I think I've tried to shade all the nooks and crannies too much, so that the contrasts become too extreme - because the recesses in the faces, etc., are so deep. But with this lot, I just paint all the skin a greyish brown (can't remember the name of the GW paint), give it a Reikland Flesh wash, highlight boldly with Kislev Flesh, then highlight more lightly with Vallejo Silver Grey/Wych Elf Flesh (same colour).

It's a really quick process. I did the Kislev Flesh stage on a couple of huge orcs from the range this morning before getting the kids ready for school, and it took less than five minutes.

I'm quite pleased with how the red clothing works, because that's really simple: a base coat of Vallejo red and a single highlight in GW scarlet. Because the folds in the clothing are so deep, it shades itself.

Ethelred - I quite fancy having a go at those elves, but painting them a fairly bright green, with glowing blue eyes!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yet more Lund orcs!)
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on November 15, 2018, 05:17:52 PM

Ethelred - I quite fancy having a go at those elves, but painting them a fairly bright green, with glowing blue eyes!

You're sick.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yet more Lund orcs!)
Post by: Cubs on November 15, 2018, 06:50:13 PM
They do look the business alright. I'll bear your method in mind when/if I finally get round to slapping some paint on my Black Orc Regiment of Renown.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yet more Lund orcs!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 15, 2018, 11:45:08 PM
You're sick.

I just ordered a sample elf on eBay to try this out! I'm thinking of this colour scheme (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=111893.msg1408999#msg1408999), more or less!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yet more Lund orcs!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 15, 2018, 11:53:31 PM
They do look the business alright. I'll bear your method in mind when/if I finally get round to slapping some paint on my Black Orc Regiment of Renown.

Thanks! It would be a shame, though, to depart from your amazing Death Commandos with those - though doing all those glaive-orcs to that standard would be a project and a half!

I'm debating whether to throw my Chronicle giant black orcs in with this lot. I was going to paint them as "winter orcs" like this fellow (who needs some snow on his base), but I'm wondering if I can be bothered now, as the current method is so painless.


I have a few doubles of the GW/Chronicle types - Ushtug, Ugezod, Sileth and the RoR champion at least, most of them in need of some repairs - so I'll try those out first and see how they go.

Here are another couple of Grenadier types - very big gentlemen indeed. The fellow with the horned helmet belongs in a chariot, but I used the wolves when I was a teenager to make these wolfriders:


In any case, I think I have more use of a harrumphing chieftain on foot than a massive chariot.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some very big Lund orcs)
Post by: ZeroTwentythree on November 16, 2018, 05:13:28 AM

The painting on the Lund orcs turned out great! I really like that shade of flesh, and as you pointed out the depth of the detail makes quick painting techniques very effective.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some very big Lund orcs)
Post by: Sunjester on November 16, 2018, 06:51:29 AM
A lovely looking bunch of orcs!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some very big Lund orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 16, 2018, 08:48:17 AM
Thanks, gents!

ZeroTwentyThree: it struck me that the big Grenadier/Mirliton goblins (like the pointing chap with the mace on his shoulder) would fit in nicely with your half-orc project. They're easily man-sized and suitably nasty-looking.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some very big Lund orcs)
Post by: Randell on November 17, 2018, 06:15:14 PM
I've been painting up my old Grenedier orcs recently as well, and your work on them is inspiring.  I was considering painting the big orcs as half trolls.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some very big Lund orcs)
Post by: area23 on November 17, 2018, 07:07:15 PM
Only seeing these now. Very nice painting.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some very big Lund orcs)
Post by: Lord Borjado on November 18, 2018, 09:29:28 AM
What a beatiful skin tone! I loves these Nick Lund's orcs
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some very big Lund orcs)
Post by: Bloggard on November 18, 2018, 01:07:41 PM
love the old chronicle / lund orcs etc too. wish they were available again - got rid of mine long ago.

they look amazingly good with your paint-jobs.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some very big Lund orcs)
Post by: Hawkeye on November 18, 2018, 04:30:46 PM
Lovely orcs, these - if an orc can be described as "lovely"!

Finished reading The Hobbit to my son at the end of the summer, and we started The Lord of the Rings. Have just reached the end of The Fellowship  of the Ring, and he loves it. We got some dwarf miniatures to put together Thorin's Company (and a hobbit and a wizard), and now the Wizard will do double duty for the inevitable collection of the Fellowship, which my son is very taken with. He particularly likes Frodo and Gimli.

Slightly off-topic, I realize, but it's clear to me that having these books read aloud to him is having a very formative effect on my son (who is eight). I should also add that Bill the Pony was such a particular favorite that we made sure to get the Reaper Bones pack donkey to complete the Fellowship!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some very big Lund orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 18, 2018, 09:16:35 PM
Thanks, all!

Slightly off-topic, I realize, but it's clear to me that having these books read aloud to him is having a very formative effect on my son (who is eight). I should also add that Bill the Pony was such a particular favorite that we made sure to get the Reaper Bones pack donkey to complete the Fellowship!

It's definitely worth doing! My son more or less learned to read through The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. At the start, he'd struggle through one sentence, and I'd read the rest. By the end, he was reading five or six pages before I took over. And it's an unsurpassed exercise in nostalgia for parents!

Here's another big orc. A very big one ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a very big orc indeed)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 18, 2018, 11:14:15 PM
And here's Ushtug the Gut from the GW/Chronicle Death Commandos box.

I've got two of him, and I was going to add the other - and the rest of my Chronicle giant black orcs - to the ranks of my blue-skinned 'winter orcs' (just one is painted so far).

But I'm increasingly inclined to strip the blue chap and just base and paint all of the black orcs in this scheme. It's much quicker than doing them blue, and the addition of the black orcs will give me plenty of 'officers/characters/elites' alongside the EM4 plastics and the cruder Grenadier types.

The red orcs that I painted early on in this thread are definitely destined for the biostrip; the question is whether they end up blue or in this Europeanish skin tone. Any opinions gratefully received!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (giant orc and Ushtug the Gut!)
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on November 19, 2018, 04:58:52 AM
Once again, brilliant painting.  I would love to see you also paint (apart from the elves) Mirliton's figure called Duncan the Legend, or better still, the Goblin War Giant.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (giant orc and Ushtug the Gut!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 19, 2018, 04:41:34 PM
Once again, brilliant painting.  I would love to see you also paint (apart from the elves) Mirliton's figure called Duncan the Legend, or better still, the Goblin War Giant.


No plans for either of those in the near future (lots of orcs to go first!), but the Duncan miniature is a very nice giant. So one day, maybe!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (giant orc and Ushtug the Gut!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 21, 2018, 11:25:46 PM
A half-orc witch:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a half-orc witch!)
Post by: peleset on November 22, 2018, 09:02:47 AM
Lovely painting; that and the style of the sculpt remind me a lot of the Talisman figures and Gary Chalk artwork.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a half-orc witch!)
Post by: Cubs on November 22, 2018, 11:29:45 AM
Is it just me or does she look like Lady Gaga?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a half-orc witch!)
Post by: beefcake on November 23, 2018, 07:35:23 AM
She's pretty...

Nice job
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a half-orc witch!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 26, 2018, 08:18:36 AM
Thanks, all! I'm sure she'd be happy wearing a dress made of meat.

Here's a Grenadier Elf. I used the same minimalist two-tone approach as on the orcs - so most areas have no shading and just a single highlight. The exceptions are the flesh and the leather.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Grenadier elf)
Post by: Daeothar on November 26, 2018, 10:45:31 AM
He's looking great; sort of a green Drow?

And when reading the updated thread title, the first image that went through my mind, was an elf in fatigues pulling a grenade pin with his teeth! lol

It's nearly midday, but apparently I'm as alert as if I only just woke up... ::)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Grenadier elf)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 26, 2018, 12:50:54 PM
He's looking great; sort of a green Drow?

Thanks! He's really more of an attempt to make elves sinister. One thing that I don't really like in generic "fantasy" settings is the idea that dwarfs are little Vikings or Scotsmen and elves are either simply superhumans or twee woodland dwellers. I think both should be sinister, dangerous and often downright villainous - as they are so often in folklore. So my dwarfs are blue-skinned (echoing their "corpse-like" description in Norse myth) and glowing-eyed (because they're subterranean creatures). And my elves, I think, will be green, because they're creatures of the woods and not human at all.

And when reading the updated thread title, the first image that went through my mind, was an elf in fatigues pulling a grenade pin with his teeth! lol

Well, that would certainly be one way to make elves more dangerous!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Grenadier elf)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 01, 2018, 10:03:28 AM
Here's a Grenadier wolfrider. I've got a big batch of Chronicle wolfriders (which I prefer, though they all mix in well enough) to follow.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Grenadier wolfrider)
Post by: beefcake on December 01, 2018, 10:12:44 AM
2 more great additions.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Grenadier wolfrider)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 02, 2018, 07:28:40 PM

Here are two Chronicle miniatures. The mounted general is from the pre-Citadel era, I think; as far as I know, he wasn't advertised by Citadel. I don't have his official wolf, which came with a standard and other accoutrements, but I've given this one some kit from Oathmark and Wargames Factory orcs. So he has an axe, a sword and a shield.

The champion was advertised and produced by Citadel. I decided to add him to the bigger slottabased black orcs and Grenadier orcs rather than his fellow smaller Chronicle orcs, which I use as 15mm ogres. That's because he's closer to them in pose and style, and also because he has severed human heads on his belt, which make him work less well in 15mm. As you can see here, the original Chronicle orcs are "flatter" and have different heads from the later, bigger ones:


The "ogres" will also double up as small orcs in certain games alongside their larger kin.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Chronicle orc general & champion)
Post by: Ockman on December 02, 2018, 08:11:49 PM
Lovely general, he almost have an undead look...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Chronicle orc general & champion)
Post by: Dr Mathias on December 03, 2018, 02:53:42 AM
I really like the look of those guys, well done. The general does have an 'undead' look to him.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Chronicle orc general & champion)
Post by: beefcake on December 03, 2018, 06:56:23 AM
More lovely stuff. I like those minis but the lower jaw of the wolf always puts me off buying them. (maybe I'll just sculpt some extra thickness if I feel the urge to purchase. :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Chronicle orc general & champion)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 03, 2018, 10:03:09 AM

I like those minis but the lower jaw of the wolf always puts me off buying them. (maybe I'll just sculpt some extra thickness if I feel the urge to purchase. :)

I think the Grenadier wolves (e.g. the archer's wolf: the ones that are still available from Mirliton and EM4) are significantly worse in that regard than the earlier Chronicle ones. The general's here isn't the best example, but the Chronicle ones generally looks quite wolfish, huge and shaggy though they are. I think Nick Lund must have done the Grenadier stuff at a rate of knots, because most of it is inferior to his Citadel-era Chronicle stuff. The wolves in particular are more "expressionistic" - more like illustrations from The Wolves in the Walls than actual wolves. I still like 'em, though - and I've come to appreciate the rougher Grenadier orcs more too.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Chronicle orc general & champion)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 03, 2018, 10:31:23 PM
Here's one of the slottabased Chronicle orcs ("giant black orcs"). He's a bit chunkier than the old Chronicle orc champion from the preslotta days:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with a Chronicle giant black orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 04, 2018, 12:26:36 AM
And another:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Chronicle giant black orcs!)
Post by: DeafNala on December 04, 2018, 12:50:37 AM
I do enjoy your painting style. You have a unique technique that really suits the subjects. The Half Orc Witch has become my favorite. All are VERY WELL DONE!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Grenadier elf)
Post by: Ragnar on December 04, 2018, 01:20:31 AM
So my dwarfs are blue-skinned (echoing their "corpse-like" description in Norse myth) and glowing-eyed...

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Chronicle giant black orcs!)
Post by: Spooktalker on December 04, 2018, 01:34:48 AM
I love all the Lund orcs... makes me want to paint mine...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Chronicle orc general & champion)
Post by: area23 on December 04, 2018, 10:19:12 AM
The wolves in particular are more "expressionistic"

I always wondered if that was an artistic choice or imposed by Grenadier's direction in order to produce more miniatures. Bob Naismith's dark elves and undead also seem to have been made in an afternoon. Under par compared to his work for Citadel for example.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Chronicle orc general & champion)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 04, 2018, 11:57:19 AM
Thanks, all!

I always wondered if that was an artistic choice or imposed by Grenadier's direction in order to produce more miniatures. Bob Naismith's dark elves and undead also seem to have been made in an afternoon. Under par compared to his work for Citadel for example.

I recall hearing from another miniature designer at the time that it was time pressure. One interesting thing about Nick Lund as a miniature-maker is that he revisits the same poses and stances a lot. Certain of the Grenadier orcs look like cruder copies of the Citadel-era Chronicle ones, which themselves often look like superior reworkings of the earlier Chronicle ones. That's not to say there aren't real gems among the Grenadier stuff. In general, the blisters were better than the metal boxed set - at least with the orcs.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Chronicle giant black orcs!)
Post by: Cubs on December 04, 2018, 05:51:55 PM
You've done another bang-up job on them. I am worried about trying to do a decent job on my old orc wolf riders. Yeah, there's definitely a touch of the 'crap taxidermy' about Nick Lund's wolves, specifically the muzzles.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Chronicle giant black orcs!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 09, 2018, 12:18:33 PM
You've done another bang-up job on them. I am worried about trying to do a decent job on my old orc wolf riders.

Thanks! I think you might just be all right, you know ... ;)

Yeah, there's definitely a touch of the 'crap taxidermy' about Nick Lund's wolves, specifically the muzzles.

Ha! Bang to rights! The Chronicle wolfriders (rather than the Grenadier ones) are still my favourites, though; I think Nick Lund did manage to bottle 'essence of wolf' with them - and they're definitely the scariest-looking wolfriders around (compare and contrast with the Kev Adams ones that followed).

On another tack, my son's been dismembering some of his old toys to come up with various bizarre creations. So I rescued one mutilated antelope and glued it to a box lid, then painted it in half an hour flat last night. I might do something more to the pedestal (some kind of stone effect), but it'll work as is for the centrepiece of a dungeon room or as a Gloranthan-ish statue for skirmish games (I want to get more of my old Broo done during the Christmas holidays).

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (cheap and cheerful scenery!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 10, 2018, 01:12:05 AM
And here are three more orcs and a Chronicle ogre. As some of the Grenadier orcs are bigger than the Chronicle ogres, and the Chronicle ogres are facially similar to the Grenadier goblins (who in turn are the size of the Grenadier orcs), I thought I'd bung 'em all in together.

The orcs are two Chronicle N11 giant black orcs and one unusually large (and fairly unspectacular) Grenadier orc.

Other members of the tribe got a run-out this afternoon in game of Saga, along with some pallid cave-goblin auxiliaries. The Lund orcs are very well suited to Saga, because it's easy to create obvious hierarchies of size and equipment. The Lundesque EM4 plastics will probably serve as levies, with the normal Grenadier orcs as warriors, and the N11 orcs, Chronicle ogres and huge Grenadier types as warlords, heroes and hearthguard.

The wolfriders will work as mounted warriors and hearthguard for various factions; but once I have eight of the bow-armed ones done, they'll probably see service as proxy Pecheneges.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Chronicle ogre and orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 19, 2018, 05:24:57 PM
And here's some more Lund stuff. I'm painting up my 12 remaining original Chronicle orcs to match the later Chronicle and Grenadier stuff, as they'll still mix in well enough with the ones I painted up as 15mm ogres (those were done more laboriously from a white undercoat). The 12 of them will give me a unit of Saga levies. As you can see, the variety in scale across the Lund ranges is just perfect for Saga, as you can distinguish the different grades of troop at a glance. We're just about to embark on a pre-prandial game now; I was going to use these orcs as Jomsvikings, but my son's beastmen are going to use our Norse dice, so I'll test out the Scots or Irish with these chaps ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (small imps to 'uge zods)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 19, 2018, 11:28:49 PM
The kids and I have been looking over some of their old toys to see what can be repurposed for gaming. This ceratosaur is the first of the batch. This isn't a fancy Schleich or Papo thing, but some dirt-cheap toy that had a flat orange and white factory paintjob. I've based it up with Hordes of the Things, where it will form part of a Slann army I have underway.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a very cheap behemoth)
Post by: Spooktalker on December 20, 2018, 01:59:13 AM
I always enjoy seeing the new additions to your thread here.  8)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a very cheap behemoth)
Post by: beefcake on December 20, 2018, 07:30:01 AM
Well whatever brand, it is great!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a very cheap behemoth)
Post by: Sunjester on December 20, 2018, 07:37:55 AM
Very nice!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a very cheap behemoth)
Post by: randycarter on December 23, 2018, 08:03:25 AM
I really like when people find new life for old toys: it's not only about recycling stuff, but also about creativity and an holistic approach to the hobby. And about having big dinosaurs on your games  lol Very good job!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a very cheap behemoth)
Post by: James Holloway on December 23, 2018, 05:40:59 PM
That dino is in the grand tradition of the old school!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a very cheap behemoth)
Post by: Mason on December 23, 2018, 05:51:54 PM
That dino is in the grand tradition of the old school!

Spot on!

The dino looks great.

Makes me want to do some Exodite Dragon Knights even more now......
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a very cheap behemoth)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 26, 2018, 10:46:43 PM
Thanks, all!

Here are some very quickly painted EM4 orcs - part of a batch of miniatures that I've been meaning to friends' kids for aeons. I put a little tutorial  (https://hobgoblinry.blogspot.com/2018/12/some-speed-painted-orcs.html)on this speed-painting method on my blog, in case it's of any use to anyone looking to rush through something similar.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (speed-painted orcs in Gygax hues)
Post by: Lord Borjado on December 27, 2018, 09:29:57 AM
I really love this thread :)
Very interesting painting scheme for these orcs, I'll take note forma my own Miniatures!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (speed-painted orcs in Gygax hues)
Post by: Mason on December 27, 2018, 09:50:48 AM
Nice work.
 :-* :-*

Your 'speed painting' tutorial sounds very much like my approach to painting everything these days....

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (speed-painted orcs in Gygax hues)
Post by: Jagannath on December 27, 2018, 12:00:16 PM
Lovely job, those have come out spot on.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (speed-painted orcs in Gygax hues)
Post by: beefcake on December 27, 2018, 07:18:37 PM
Very nice. I must try that tutorial.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (speed-painted orcs in Gygax hues)
Post by: Bloggard on December 28, 2018, 12:48:42 PM
love the chronicle orcs higher up. When you see them as well-painted as that  ... well, wish the range was still available, and much more extensive.

nice work on the em4 figs.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (speed-painted orcs in Gygax hues)
Post by: Golgotha on December 30, 2018, 09:46:48 AM
Love seeing the old Grenadier orcs. Particularly love your shields... Good to see an original take on colouring. 
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (speed-painted orcs in Gygax hues)
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on January 02, 2019, 02:36:40 AM
I have only just now had time to read your tutorial.  I will give this a go but I had, from one of your posts some time ago, worked out a lot of what you did and my figures came out cr....., not so good.  I think I might just have to post you my figures to paint for me.  Somehow I think there would be a long queue.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (speed-painted orcs in Gygax hues)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 15, 2019, 12:17:37 AM
Thanks, guys!

Here's the first of a new warband: red goblins. I always liked the old Warhammer red goblins, at least as far as the John Blanche illustration went. The miniatures were less compelling: not nearly as good as their near-contemporary night-goblin and great-goblin equivalents. The Perrys' technique was evolving so rapidly then that there were revolutionary improvements in the space of months.

Anyway, these red goblins are going to consist of whatever odds and ends I find kicking about. These two are old plastics, obviously, but I have various metal and plastic peculiarities to come. The idea is that the fairly simple colour scheme will tie them all together.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with red goblins!)
Post by: Battle Brush Sigur on January 15, 2019, 12:35:33 AM
I love how the title says "some miniatures", then I see it's over 140 pages. :D

Amazing collection of figures there, and I really dig the painting and basing style. (Advanced) Song of Blades and Heroes is my go-to thing for fantasy skirmish gaming, simply because you can do ANYTHING with it. So a diverse collection of figures to back that up sure comes in handy at that.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with red goblins!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 15, 2019, 08:48:52 AM

(Advanced) Song of Blades and Heroes is my go-to thing for fantasy skirmish gaming, simply because you can do ANYTHING with it. So a diverse collection of figures to back that up sure comes in handy at that.

Definitely! The Song of Blades stable is the one we come back to again and again (Mutants and Death Ray Guns being the current obsession (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=88065.msg1431832#msg1431832)). It's hard to beat for multi-player games - and for the sheer amount of meaningful decision-making that's involved. Even relatively simple things like the ambush mechanic (three successes required for a combat bonus) add a huge amount of tactical depth.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with red goblins!)
Post by: JollyBob on January 15, 2019, 09:34:58 AM
So nice to see the old Warhammer Armies plastic orcs getting an update! I have a bucket load resting under really awful paint jobs and this is making me think about revisiting them. The head swap and new weapon/shield combo really brings that old fella to life, and shows for monopose thirty year old chunks of styrene, they are actually not bad little sculpts.

Corking paint job too, love the red skin tone.  8)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with red goblins!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 15, 2019, 12:51:22 PM

So nice to see the old Warhammer Armies plastic orcs getting an update! I have a bucket load resting under really awful paint jobs and this is making me think about revisiting them. The head swap and new weapon/shield combo really brings that old fella to life, and shows for monopose thirty year old chunks of styrene, they are actually not bad little sculpts.

Yes: I always thought the orcs were by far the best of the batch. Oddly enough, this fellow was one of the first kitbashes I did when getting back into miniatures a few years back. He was destined for the dark-skinned group in the photo below (on page 1 of this thread!), but he got sidelined after a slightly different approach didn't work out. He'd been kicking around one of my many WIP boxes since then, so I decided just to lob some black gesso on him and start again.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with red goblins!)
Post by: Dr Mathias on January 16, 2019, 02:43:30 AM
So nice to see the old Warhammer Armies plastic orcs getting an update!

Was that the box that had six or so different races in it?

Oddly I have about five dark elf heads but nothing else from the box :)

I agree, these new orcs are great.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with red goblins!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 16, 2019, 08:44:58 PM

Was that the box that had six or so different races in it?

Yes, that's the one - 60 miniatures for £10, and often bought and split between several people. I think the orcs have stood the test of time better than the others. The goblins would be OK too, except that they've got quivers that are impossibly small. But that, for some reason, was a common GW flaw for some time after.

The Skaven weren't great - a bit soft in their detail. But their heads did fit perfectly onto the bodies of the beaky space marines. I recently found one such construction, along with the alternative Skaven head, so will be reviving that practice soon!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with red goblins!)
Post by: JollyBob on January 17, 2019, 09:49:24 AM
It was a pretty damn sweet deal.

I also found the skaven heads to be a good fit for the goblin bodies. Whole new troop type!  8)
The Dark Elves were the worst of the set, I think, but I have a soft spot for the Dwarves and still have a regiment of them. They even looked like they actually had legs instead of feet attached to big fat bellies.

I'm kind of amused to see how well the modern goblin head sits on the old orc body, actually. Evidence of scale creep if ever you needed it, although for a Tolkeinist like you I guess it just proves there shouldn't really be any distinction between them!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with red goblins!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 25, 2019, 11:44:04 PM
I'm kind of amused to see how well the modern goblin head sits on the old orc body, actually. Evidence of scale creep if ever you needed it, although for a Tolkeinist like you I guess it just proves there shouldn't really be any distinction between them!

Well, quite!

Here's a half-orc archer. This is one of the slotta-based C10 range from Aly Morrison. I'm currently painting a whole host of the preslotta ones, which I prefer: they're a much grimmer bunch. If the murderous preslotta fellows knocked at your door, you'd be running out the back. The later types, like this one, could possibly be mollified with plunder or even induced to go down the pub.

Oddly, the later range would be better suited to The Scouring of the Shire; the earlier ones, with their heraldry adjusted, would be more like the heavily armed types seen marching from Isengard, at the Isen and at Helm's Deep. This fellow looks more like a bullier of hobbits than a hewer of Theodred.

I started painting him about half-nine tonight, so he took two hours exactly. It shows, but I'm spending much more time on the earlier ones.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a half-orc archer)
Post by: LouieN on March 26, 2019, 05:40:30 AM
Great brushwork and the model has lots of character
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a half-orc archer)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 04, 2019, 12:44:00 AM

Here's another red goblin (this one a Lancer orc). I have ten or so other red goblins coming along, so they should be joining this ugly trio soon.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (another red goblin/Lancer orc)
Post by: Oldben1 on April 04, 2019, 03:06:26 AM
That pumpkin in that group shot kind of freaks me out!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (another red goblin/Lancer orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 04, 2019, 10:52:10 AM
That pumpkin in that group shot kind of freaks me out!

It's an old Fantasy Forge/Grendel piece - and it is rather freaky. I've used it a couple of times in RPGs as a sweet-talking entity that tries to lure PCs close enough to ensnare them in its tendrils.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (another red goblin/Lancer orc)
Post by: Jagannath on April 04, 2019, 01:30:13 PM
Haven't checked in in a while - these latest red orcs are ace, I really like them. You're never ending well of minis is astonishing!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (another red goblin/Lancer orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 05, 2019, 11:35:01 AM

Here's a speed-painted sci-fi companion to the red goblins. He's not quite finished (http://hobgoblinry.blogspot.com/2019/04/not-quite-finished.html), but he - and his pallid companion - were very quick to do (recipe here (http://hobgoblinry.blogspot.com/2019/04/speed-painting-some-orks-work-in.html)).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (another red goblin/Lancer orc)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on April 14, 2019, 12:02:20 PM
Nice work indeed! The pale fella looks like a sci-fi vampire spawn, no question.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (another red goblin/Lancer orc)
Post by: Ockman on April 15, 2019, 11:50:41 AM
Lovely orcs, great to see them in something else than green!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (another red goblin/Lancer orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 25, 2019, 12:04:06 AM

Here's a Great Scaly Orc:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (another red goblin/Lancer orc)
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on April 25, 2019, 12:07:05 AM
Nice!  The white Orc looks rather creepy.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Great Scaly Orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 28, 2019, 07:44:57 PM
Thanks! I pinched the look from someone else (shoebox?) who had painted some orks in the style of Mad Max: Fury Road.

Here's another Great Scaly Orc. Gallingly, I dropped the chieftain after the group shot, slightly flattening his face. But I've added some extra highlights and lining, and I don't think it'll be noticed.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with another Great Scaly Orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 29, 2019, 12:20:06 AM
And some Rafm giant newts - painted as giant axlotly things.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some Rafm giant newts)
Post by: pixelgeek on April 29, 2019, 02:41:48 AM
Love the eyes on those three.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some Rafm giant newts)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 29, 2019, 08:13:29 AM
Thanks! I cheerfully plagiarised the three points of light from Ana/Blasphemia, who did an amazing newt here (http://gardensofhecate.blogspot.com/2018/12/cxcviii-unplanned-aelf-warband.html).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some Rafm giant newts)
Post by: Ockman on April 29, 2019, 11:30:37 AM
Amazing newts! WOW!!  :o :o :o
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some Rafm giant newts)
Post by: von Lucky on May 03, 2019, 10:17:54 PM
Lovely execution nonetheless.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some Rafm giant newts)
Post by: Sir Barnaby Hammond-Rye on May 05, 2019, 05:18:47 PM
Did somebody say newts? Those are a blast from the past. Well done!  :-*
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with some Rafm giant newts)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 05, 2019, 07:17:52 PM
Glad you all like 'em! Here's another shot:


I've been trying to sort out the various boxes of miniatures and bits lying around. I realised yesterday that although I'd only a few unassembled Frostgrave gnolls kicking around, I'd only painted one up as an actual gnoll; the others have become mutants and ghouls (https://hobgoblinry.blogspot.com/2018/02/gnolls-and-ghouls.html) and so on.

I was a little disatisfied with the previous gnoll, who I'd painted like a striped hyena (https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=92729.msg1145428#msg1145428). With some old Rieder gnolls I've been painting, I've just followed the Monster Manual rather than real hyena markings - so gray-green with yellowy or reddish mane.

I'm pretty sure that the MM description is just a Gygaxian attempt to describe hyena colouring, but it makes for a simpler template and makes them more distinctive (their forms don't get broken up by the spots or stripes on the table!).

So here's a little warband of three Frostgrave gnolls and a Reaper matriarch to lead them:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a small gnoll warband)
Post by: Elk101 on May 05, 2019, 08:21:45 PM
They look very decent. I've got a very similar line up ready to be primed, including the Reaper one, which you've made a very nice job of.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a small gnoll warband)
Post by: Cubs on May 05, 2019, 11:21:53 PM
I'm stealing that eye effect with some black-eye nasties I have lined up. I hope it works though, because their eyes are a lot smaller.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a small gnoll warband)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 06, 2019, 01:00:22 AM
Thanks, Elk - look forward to seeing yours!

I'm stealing that eye effect with some black-eye nasties I have lined up. I hope it works though, because their eyes are a lot smaller.

Yeah, larceny was the only option when I saw it on Gardens of Hecate! I'm going to try it out on some of the little gilla worms that go with the newts tomorrow - not sure quite how much room for manoeuvre here will be.

Here's a quick broo I did tonight:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with gnolls and broo)
Post by: gibby64 on May 06, 2019, 02:43:11 AM
Very cool looking sculpt!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with gnolls and broo)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 09, 2019, 12:08:01 AM
He's the fourth or fifth one I've painted - with a sci-fi conversion to come!

Here's a quick, "impressionistic" Orc of the White Serpent. When I got back into miniature painting a few years back (around the start of this thread), my goal was to produce a big batch of miniatures for my son's sixth birthday (to accompany the Song of Blades rules: certainly the most successful/enduring birthday present so far!). I got about 60 done for the big day, but inevitably, there were dozens of half-finished or just-started models lurking in boxes.

One of the largest groups of unfinished models consisted of the "Orcs of the White Serpent". based on Mantic orcs; a local games-shop owner very kindly gave me dozens of the sprues for nothing. I managed to finish only three of them (two are on the second page of this thread); the rest were quite heavily converted with GW elf, dwarf and beastman bits, but didn't make it past base colours and initial washes.

And so they've remained for almost five years. The painting's quite crude and would take quite a bit of remedial effort to finish. But now I have Biostrip - and I like the conversions much more than the original paintjobs. So I'm planning to strip them and repaint them - and to make some more.

I've started with a trio that didn't get painted in the first place. Here's the first - with a very quick, messy paintjob. That's all I'm aiming for with these: the Mantic figures have lots of indistinct bits of overlapping cloth, leather and armour, all of which is just getting a base coat, a silver-grey drybrush and then an Agrax wash.

I was planning to give them blue or white eyes, but with this figure, I reverted to the hoary old red/yellow glow; the Drastik Plastik head on this one has big eyes that were designed for such, and might look a bit odd (and too big) otherwise. But I can adjust and neaten once I see how the others look. I'm pleased with the original kitbashes and conversions; they've got spears, bows and even the odd pistol or arquebus.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Orcs of the White Serpent redux!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 11, 2019, 11:32:43 PM
A couple more White Serpent orcs ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Orcs of the White Serpent)
Post by: Cubs on May 12, 2019, 07:58:22 PM
What a great idea well realised - that gunner looks so good.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Orcs of the White Serpent)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 13, 2019, 12:10:42 AM
Thanks, Cubs!

Here are three more. Six down, about a dozen to go - but I've been kitbashing a few more, so the project's getting a bit hydra-headed ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yet more White Serpent Orcs!)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on May 18, 2019, 12:39:45 PM
Lovely looking models, all of them! I can't say I've seen that lizardman shield all rusted up before, but you've made it work!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yet more White Serpent Orcs!)
Post by: gibby64 on May 18, 2019, 01:22:13 PM
The rusted up armor is really working for these guys.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yet more White Serpent Orcs!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 19, 2019, 09:52:20 PM
Thanks, guys!

Here are a couple more:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (even more White Serpent Orcs!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 20, 2019, 12:14:41 AM
And three more ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (even more White Serpent Orcs!)
Post by: Gallahad on May 20, 2019, 05:17:30 AM
Wow, that horned orc looks very sinister. Is that using Ungor arms as well?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (even more White Serpent Orcs!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 20, 2019, 07:59:40 AM
Thanks! No, he's got an Ungor head and Gor arms. The Gor arms fit pretty well on the Mantic bodies.

I used Ungor arms on a couple of the gnolls on the previous page; the Ungor arms are, for the most part, a great match with the Frostgrave gnoll bodies.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (even more White Serpent Orcs!)
Post by: Daniel36 on May 20, 2019, 09:19:19 AM
Goodness gracious your rust effect is marvelous!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (even more White Serpent Orcs!)
Post by: Dr. Zombie on May 20, 2019, 09:36:35 AM
Great job on those Orcs.

You really need to rename this thread, from some miniatures... to hordes of miniatures...

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (even more White Serpent Orcs!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 24, 2019, 11:12:01 PM
Thanks, both!

Here's a GW savage orc - a test for a cannibal in Mutants & Death Ray Guns:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a cannibal)
Post by: beefcake on May 25, 2019, 12:40:49 AM
Did you lop off his nose? These guys look great?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a cannibal)
Post by: TheDaR on May 25, 2019, 01:44:51 AM
I really like the way that skin turned out.  Albino-ish with a nicely green-brown orc-y undertone.

Do you mind sharing the recipe?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a cannibal)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 25, 2019, 10:09:35 AM
Did you lop off his nose? These guys look great?

Thanks! No, he came noseless.

I really like the way that skin turned out.  Albino-ish with a nicely green-brown orc-y undertone.

Do you mind sharing the recipe?

Sure - it's the same recipe I used for my Chronicle/Grenadier orcs earlier in this thread:


Black undercoat
Base coat of Baneblade Brown
Wash of Reikland Fleshshade
First highlight with Kislev Flesh
Second highlight in Wych Elf Flesh or Vallejo Silver-Grey (I usually use the latter, but they're the same colour and consistency)
Eye sockets washed in Drakenhof Nightshade
Mouth and nose washed in watered-down Blood for the Blood God.
Eyes white, then bright red, then yellow
Teeth buff, washed with Agrax Earthshade, then highlighted in buff and then white.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a cannibal)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 05, 2019, 11:02:58 PM
Here's a Heroquest orc - one of three that turned up with something else I bought second-hand a while back:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a touch of Heroquest)
Post by: Daeothar on June 06, 2019, 09:05:24 AM
Great paintjob as usual. 8)

And excellent idea with the shield; I always found the bare arm a bit glaring and never realized it should just have a shield added...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a touch of Heroquest)
Post by: beefcake on June 06, 2019, 09:39:22 AM
Yeah, It's so obvious seeing it like that. Great work! The lack of the shield made them not look fighty enough for me. Kind of like they were really only half hearted orc warriors.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a touch of Heroquest)
Post by: Daeothar on June 06, 2019, 11:08:16 AM
...Kind of like they were really only half hearted orc warriors.
"Come at me, bro!" lol
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a touch of Heroquest)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 07, 2019, 10:23:02 AM
Thanks, guys! Yes, the arm's in a reasonably natural position for a shield, and it allows a little more differentiation. I've often wondered whether they were originally designed with shields in mind.

Here are a couple more. Getting into Melee/TFT has kindled an appetite for completing very small groups of figures like this - not warbands, but room encounters: "Two large black orcs are practising scimitar strokes on the body of a pig while their diminutive servant stirs a cauldron".
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Heroquest stuff)
Post by: fred on June 07, 2019, 11:13:02 AM
I like those. They make me smile!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Heroquest stuff)
Post by: Cubs on June 07, 2019, 11:48:20 AM
Lovely. Yeah, the addition of the shield in a slightly angled way like that really breaks up the flat pose of these old plastics and gives them more life. But still with that Old School vibe we love.

Funny enough, I was flicking through my old 1st Edition (or is it 2nd? I never can tell - the ones with the brown ink covers) Warhammer books last night for fun. I used to spend hours and hours looking at the 'Forces of Fantasy' with their army lists - dozens of different Goblin types, Gnome armies, Sea Elves (why?) and separate Lizardman and Slann armies. Ah, happy days.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Heroquest stuff)
Post by: Aerendar Valandil on June 07, 2019, 12:43:29 PM
I like those. They make me smile!

They seem to smile back. Ik don't think that is reassuring.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Heroquest stuff)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 07, 2019, 12:54:39 PM
Thanks, all!

Funny enough, I was flicking through my old 1st Edition (or is it 2nd? I never can tell - the ones with the brown ink covers) Warhammer books last night for fun. I used to spend hours and hours looking at the 'Forces of Fantasy' with their army lists - dozens of different Goblin types, Gnome armies, Sea Elves (why?) and separate Lizardman and Slann armies. Ah, happy days.

That's first edition (or at least FoF was a supplement for the first edition). Yes, it's glorious. Those one-page army sheets with John Blanche illustrations are among the best things they ever did, I reckon - really evocative. So too is the section on heraldry for each army. And the sample army lists are great fun: I recall being deeply puzzled as a child by why one goblin warlord's bodyguard was called the Axe Ministers.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Heroquest stuff)
Post by: Cubs on June 07, 2019, 01:24:48 PM
I never got the 'Vim-To' monks gag either.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Heroquest stuff)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 07, 2019, 02:06:18 PM
Nor me! And there are still some I'm puzzled by - though I wonder if some of those were attempts to work in puns that were abandoned as copy deadlines approached.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Heroquest stuff)
Post by: Cubs on June 07, 2019, 02:25:33 PM
The whole thing looks like it was typed up and printed out on a daisy-wheel printer over a weekend! Spelling mistakes galore and that weird disjointed text look of the early word processors.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Heroquest stuff)
Post by: fred on June 07, 2019, 02:28:44 PM
Where they purple coloured? My mate has some Vimto ghosts in his army still.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Heroquest stuff)
Post by: Daeothar on June 07, 2019, 02:29:00 PM
I never got the 'Vim-To' monks gag either.


Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Heroquest stuff)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 07, 2019, 03:05:46 PM
The whole thing looks like it was typed up and printed out on a daisy-wheel printer over a weekend! Spelling mistakes galore and that weird disjointed text look of the early word processors.

And don't get me started on the run-on sentences ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Heroquest stuff)
Post by: Cubs on June 07, 2019, 03:31:28 PM
Where they purple coloured? My mate has some Vimto ghosts in his army still.


I get it now of course … but at the time it went over my head.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Heroquest stuff)
Post by: fred on June 07, 2019, 04:00:45 PM
Aah!  I think I was unaware of Vimto back then. Only discovered its ‘interesting’ aroma after I met my wife. It’s now pretty much the only drink of my youngest daughter.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Heroquest stuff)
Post by: DivisMal on June 08, 2019, 11:43:32 AM
The orcs and goblins are really nice. I like how efficient your paintjobs are. They convey perfectly the sense of gloomy creatures lurking in the dark, scrounging from weapons of lost adventurers.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Heroquest stuff)
Post by: sundayhero on June 08, 2019, 01:52:05 PM

What's your technic for his skin ? I really like the result !

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Heroquest stuff)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 08, 2019, 05:26:55 PM

What's your technic for his skin ? I really like the result !


Cheers! The recipe's on the same page:

Sure - it's the same recipe I used for my Chronicle/Grenadier orcs earlier in this thread:


Black undercoat
Base coat of Baneblade Brown
Wash of Reikland Fleshshade
First highlight with Kislev Flesh
Second highlight in Wych Elf Flesh or Vallejo Silver-Grey (I usually use the latter, but they're the same colour and consistency)
Eye sockets washed in Drakenhof Nightshade
Mouth and nose washed in watered-down Blood for the Blood God.
Eyes white, then bright red, then yellow
Teeth buff, washed with Agrax Earthshade, then highlighted in buff and then white.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Heroquest stuff)
Post by: sundayhero on June 08, 2019, 05:44:12 PM
thank you  ! I'll save the receipe for a further project ;)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Heroquest stuff)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 10, 2019, 11:42:37 PM
Here are some Chronicle kobolds. I've had some of these since primary school. I based them up on pennies when we were doing 15mm RPGs so that they could be used as gnolls or dark trolls or some such large humanoids. But smaller bases are better for kobolds in 28mm (because you can crowd more of them in). And they fit into my sabots for Dragon Rampant, Of Armies and Hordes or - perhaps - Alien Squad Leader.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Chronicle kobolds!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 16, 2019, 11:59:26 AM
Testing out the new Citadel Contrast paints: I'm very impressed so far. I started these yesterday, along with about 50 other figures. I think the new paints are going to be a huge help in finishing off quick RPG encounters.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (trying out GW Contrast paints)
Post by: Elk101 on June 16, 2019, 06:31:24 PM
I'd read that it's very hard to go over certain colours with the new Contrast paints. How did you find that? Did you use the recommended primer?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (trying out GW Contrast paints)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 17, 2019, 08:31:43 AM
I'd read that it's very hard to go over certain colours with the new Contrast paints. How did you find that? Did you use the recommended primer?

All the colours that I used covered pretty well. Some are heavier than others, though. I used the Wraithbone spray on some of them (including the mushroom man above), but for others, I just painted over white or preshaded white undercoat. The demon above was done over white that I'd washed with Agrax Earthshade and drybrushed white again. There's not much difference - but the yellow feathers would have been brighter without the preshading.

The stronger/darker paints 'cancel' the lighter ones very well. So if you're painting light to dark, you can erase your mistakes as you go along. But cleaning up's not that difficult, as you can paint over any mistakes in the Wraithbone pot paint and use contrast paint again. There's very little in the way of 'tidemarks'; they seem to dry not at all for a bit and then suddenly, rather than drying gradually.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (trying out GW Contrast paints)
Post by: majorsmith on June 17, 2019, 09:38:29 AM
They look pretty good!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (trying out GW Contrast paints)
Post by: Jagannath on June 17, 2019, 11:25:09 AM
That looks great dude - the griffin's fab. I'm really impressed with the brown.

I've got some wee 6mm astronauts on the printer today to try the bright yellow colour with, I think that might work nicely. Same with the bright teal.

This stuff really is so good for your established painting method eh? Tried 'Bone primer - white drybrush - contrast' yet?

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Chronicle kobolds!)
Post by: Bloggard on June 17, 2019, 11:51:22 AM
Testing out the new Citadel Contrast paints: I'm very impressed so far. I started these yesterday, along with about 50 other figures. I think the new paints are going to be a huge help in finishing off quick RPG encounters.

aaghh - they do look good. I was hoping to ignore these new Contrast paints ... but look worth a go.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (trying out GW Contrast paints)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 17, 2019, 12:51:09 PM
Thanks, all!

This stuff really is so good for your established painting method eh? Tried 'Bone primer - white drybrush - contrast' yet?

Yes - though the great irony is that I'm now looking at scores of black-gesso-coated minis (especially Essex Great Scaly Orcs) on the production line and thinking "Hmm ...". But I'm sure I'll come back to those!

On white drybrushing - yes, I did that with a few, including the mushroom man. But I don't think it actually makes much difference. The "Wraithbone" is so light that it's not far off white to begin with. Ironically, miniatures sprayed with GW's standard white seem to benefit more from a drybrushing with Vallejo white - because Corax White or whatever it is is less bright and less opaque.

I accidentally experimented with an orc I'd started to paint before drybrushing white; the one leg that didn't get the white drybrush looks just the same as the rest after a coat of Skeleton Horde.

Last night, I experimented with a few 15s. It works really well - enough to make painting 15s take a tiny fraction of the time of 28s, which wasn't the case - for me at least - before.

I also painted a batch of Skaven yesterday (still have the bases to do). One thing that initially troubled me was how clean the colours looked. But I've since discovered that you can slop Skeleton Horde or one of the browns over the initial colour to make it drabber.

The one problem I've noticed is that the Wraithbone spray makes the bases a tiny bit harder to paint; the Vallejo burnt umber I use as a base coat seems to cover it slightly less well (unless I'm imagining things) because it's less absorbent. It's no biggie, but for a batch of goblins I have lined up, I'm going to spray with the bases covered in masking tape and then apply pumice gel afterwards.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (trying out GW Contrast paints)
Post by: Ockman on June 17, 2019, 02:07:59 PM

Last night, I experimented with a few 15s. It works really well - enough to make painting 15s take a tiny fraction of the time of 28s, which wasn't the case - for me at least - before.

Show us the 15mm!!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (trying out GW Contrast paints)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 17, 2019, 07:21:26 PM
Show us the 15mm!!

Your wish, etc., ...

Apart from the metals, these WIPs have had only contrast paints applied. Two of them need a wash or a contrast paint over their metals (more noticeable with ogre). The ogre also needs a lot of neatening up and details (those Blood Dawn orcs are huge, though - bigger than some 28mm goblins). But I'd be happy with the barbarians now in a pinch, or with eyes and a couple of highlights for preference.

And they were very quick ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm WIPs with Contrast paints)
Post by: Ockman on June 18, 2019, 08:15:20 AM

I'm not sure if I'm going to invest in new paint, even if I am a slow painter. Your models look good, though. How quick is very quick?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm WIPs with Contrast paints)
Post by: Jagannath on June 18, 2019, 08:25:12 AM
I bought some to experiment with 6mm, mostly unsuccessfully and here’s what I’ve found:

The pics online I’ve seen that aren’t that impressive look to me like folks aren’t slapping it on thickly enough so aren’t getting it to run into recesses but equally the more you put on the harder it is to be neat. I think I might use it on models with mostly one colour then paint a highlight the do detail traditionally.

The fur looks really good here Hongoblin, that’s definitely a good use for the stuff.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm WIPs with Contrast paints)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 18, 2019, 12:09:54 PM
How quick is very quick?

A single brushful did all the grey fur (using "white" contrast paint) on the middle figure. Then a few strokes for the darker patches on the fur. That was it. Again, a single brushful did all the skin. So it's really fast.

Over the weekend, I got about 50 figures underway with the contrast paints. Most of them are more or less done (bases being the main thing needed).

I masked bases with tape when spraying yesterday and found that worked well. I use pumice gel for basing, and it's actually better to apply it once the figures have been undercoated, as the gel doesn't tend to stick to the Wraithbone as it does to the bare plastic. So less cleaning up's required.

Jaganath - yes, it's great for fur - the white in particular. I've painted a grand total of one Copplestone barbarian of the pack I own before; while these two need a tiny bit of detail on the faces and weapons, they're just about there. I can imagine ripping through (e.g.) Demonworld beastmen or the other Copplestone furry 15s with these. I'm going to pick up a few more of the browns to experiment with.

I'm also pleased with how it's come out on the skin. The thighs and arms of the barbarians are as good as I need 15mm to be. I'll do more touching up on the ogre, as he's got to match ones that are already done traditionally.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm WIPs with Contrast paints)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 18, 2019, 05:28:39 PM
These four took me less than an hour and a half with contrast paints. They're no great shakes - but they're done, and they give me a new RPG encounter (that the kids haven't seen).

I did the metals very quickly first, then washed all the rest of the models in Skeleton Horde, so that subsequent colours were dulled by that. I really liked the look of them in pure Skeleton Horde - almost tempted to do an entirely bone-coloured warband that way (clothes and all - a bit like chess pieces).

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (quick undead with GW Contrast)
Post by: DivisMal on June 18, 2019, 07:17:46 PM
Hobgoblin! What an amazing Devilry (or Hobgoblinry)!

I’m really impressed by your results. I mean one really has to decide beforehand: do you want your favorite hero character or churn out like 20 beastmen in the same time. I’ll see and get some contrast paints, I guess.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (quick undead with GW Contrast)
Post by: Cubs on June 18, 2019, 08:23:53 PM
Nice. Skels should be drab and skanky in my book anyway - they really can't be too grotty.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (quick undead with GW Contrast)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 19, 2019, 12:13:29 AM
Thanks, both! Here's an equally grotty beast - one of a dozen Skaven that I've set about with the contrast paints.

Again, he's rough and ready - but he is one of a twelve that just need their base rims done and the odd dab of silver-grey and silver to complete them.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (quick Skaven with GW Contrast)
Post by: Dr Mathias on June 19, 2019, 01:58:40 AM
No doubt about it, Contrast is going to get minis on the table a heck of a lot faster for many gamers.

Your posts are selling me on them... I have a bunch of basic African tribals that I simply don't want to paint and I bet I can knock a tribe out in a day with these paints.

EDIT: Also, regarding the skellies- are those two on the left Frostgrave, 2nd generation GW skeleton for the third, and a really old school 1st gen on the far right?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (quick Skaven with GW Contrast)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 19, 2019, 07:14:16 AM
Cheers! I'm an unlikely evangelist for GW, not having been particularly keen on most of their stuff since about 1987, but I do think these paints are extremely useful.

EDIT: Also, regarding the skellies- are those two on the left Frostgrave, 2nd generation GW skeleton for the third, and a really old school 1st gen on the far right?

Yes, that's right. The Frostgrave ones have soldier, rather than cultist, bodies, and the newer GW one has a Wargames Factory orc flail chain/head after I chopped off his axehead to use on some other conversion.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (quick Skaven with GW Contrast)
Post by: Cubs on June 19, 2019, 09:11:07 AM
I imagine they'll be very popular for anything with lots of texture, like furry skaven and such. Convenience sells, there's no doubt about it. There's no point telling people they can simply mix their own colours with a glaze medium, if they're happy to pay a couple of quid extra to have it ready to use in a pot. It's a broad church and saving time is an attractive prospect.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (quick Skaven with GW Contrast)
Post by: beefcake on June 19, 2019, 09:18:01 AM
I wonder how applying a white  dry brush over a skeleton bone  primer, then contrast paint would work. I may pick up a green for my hoard of grenadier lizardmen.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (quick Skaven with GW Contrast)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 19, 2019, 09:46:18 AM
I imagine they'll be very popular for anything with lots of texture, like furry skaven and such. Convenience sells, there's no doubt about it. There's no point telling people they can simply mix their own colours with a glaze medium, if they're happy to pay a couple of quid extra to have it ready to use in a pot. It's a broad church and saving time is an attractive prospect.

Yes, exactly. And there's also the question of consistency. Homebrewed mixes can be terrific (those cream tones you use on orc tusks, for example), but it's great to be able to splash on a colour and know that it'll be exactly what you want. That's why the 30-odd colours in this range makes sense. I've been mixing them quite a bit too, but if you're painting uniformed soldiers rather than monstrous rabble, consistency becomes more important.

I've found that the new paints work well on cloth as well as rougher textures. That's actually more of an advantage for me (I can always drybrush the rough stuff), as I'd rather paint faces, fangs and shields than robes!

Beefcake: I've found that drybrushing white over the new bone spray doesn't make much difference, as it's so close to white to begin with (and so opaque: I'd be more inclined to drybrush Vallejo white over Corax white). But I think it would work well over a slightly darker colour. The contrast paints worked fine over my white/Agrax/white-drybrush stuff like that griffiny demon above; the only slight downside is that the yellow might be a bit darker/duller over the Agrax recesses.

I'm going to get cracking on some Grenadier lizardmen shortly ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (quick Skaven with GW Contrast)
Post by: beefcake on June 19, 2019, 08:17:58 PM
I was meaning a different bone spray like army painter. I don't know how they comparr
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (quick Skaven with GW Contrast)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 19, 2019, 10:06:27 PM
I was meaning a different bone spray like army painter. I don't know how they comparr

Yup - got that. I think the effect would be roughly similar to my preshading on that griffiny thing. It might make some of the lighter colours a bit darker, but should be fine overall; after all, the Army Painter bone recesses will be lighter than the Agrax-y ones on that miniature.

The Wraithbone spray is very light: more of an off-white than anything else. So I would drybrush a darker colour in white.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm WIPs with Contrast paints)
Post by: andyskinner on June 20, 2019, 03:17:23 PM
These four took me less than an hour and a half with contrast paints. They're no great shakes - but they're done, and they give me a new RPG encounter (that the kids haven't seen).

I did the metals very quickly first, then washed all the rest of the models in Skeleton Horde, so that subsequent colours were dulled by that. I really liked the look of them in pure Skeleton Horde - almost tempted to do an entirely bone-coloured warband that way (clothes and all - a bit like chess pieces).

Let me check about the order, since I'm thinking of doing some undead with grimy, dulled colors.  I think I heard that you primed, did metals, washed the whole thing with Skeleton Horde (this is a contrast paint, right?) then did the reds?  Was the red a contrast paint?  Did you need to wash over it, or did the dirty layer give enough dulling on the red?

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm WIPs with Contrast paints)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 20, 2019, 03:44:47 PM
Let me check about the order, since I'm thinking of doing some undead with grimy, dulled colors.  I think I heard that you primed, did metals, washed the whole thing with Skeleton Horde (this is a contrast paint, right?) then did the reds?  Was the red a contrast paint?  Did you need to wash over it, or did the dirty layer give enough dulling on the red?

Yes: I spray-primed the figures with the new Wraithbone primer (but white would be fine too - there's not that much of a difference). Then I painted the metals in Vallejo natural steel, coated them in GW's Typhus Corrosion and drybrushed them with Riyza Rust (or whatever that GW rust-effect paint is called).

After the metals were done, I covered all the rest of the figures in Skeleton Horde (the bone contrast paint) - but not the metals. Then I used various contrast paints for the non-bone areas: Snakebite Leather for the boots and straps and whatnot, Wyldwood for weapon hafts, and Blood Angels Red and Plaguebearer Green for the clothes. One thing: I added a dab of brown (Snakebite or Wyldwood - can't remember which) to both the red and the green, to dull them down a bit. So they were darkened by both the Skeleton Horde underneath and by the admixture of brown. The contrast paints mix very well with each other, and they stay wet on the pallet for a reasonable time, so it's easy to do this.

After that, I picked out some scratches and edges on the metals with silver (very quickly and roughly).

With the Skaven, I added a layer of Skeleton Horde over the reds and greens to bring the brightness down a bit.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (quick Skaven with GW Contrast)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 22, 2019, 12:35:50 PM
Here's a giant, blind, albino penguin for my son's Mountains of Madness project (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=115175.0). It's a Hobbycraft papier-mache penguin with added beak, claws and folds (some Milliput and a cocktail stick last night; paint slapped on this morning):
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with giant, blind albino penguin)
Post by: Cubs on June 22, 2019, 01:33:24 PM
Someone's been reading their 'League of Extraordinary Gentlemen'!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (with giant, blind albino penguin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 24, 2019, 08:38:03 PM
Someone's been reading their 'League of Extraordinary Gentlemen'!

Actually, no - neither of us have read any of it. But, from a brief Google, I think Alan Moore has been reading At the Mountains of Madness!

He ran the game yesterday - it seemed to go well (http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=115175.msg1475576#msg1475576).

Here are some miniatures I'm sending to our friends' kids. I did the beastman with the halberd ages ago; he was going to be a giant or god in 10mm at one stage. The others were done very quickly with contrast paints, although the orc with the sword was already part-painted normally and is a bit rougher as a result. Quite pleased with the way the first one came out, though!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more contrast-paintin')
Post by: Cubs on June 24, 2019, 09:57:39 PM
It's just that in one of the LoEG books, Nemo's daughter goes on an expedition to the South Pole (pursued by various nefarious types) and they run into big herds of them - and they look exactly like your model!

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more contrast-paintin')
Post by: Bloggard on June 25, 2019, 12:53:00 PM
latest contrast paint-jobs look good - I was going to enthuse about the beastman with halberd until I read your post properly ...

I'm testing out quite a number of them - seem very mixed in results. A few 'do' what the hype claims pretty much, in terms of giving a one coat paint and shade (on white).
quite a few (I'm looking at you, purples) seem to need an appropriate base coat of the same colour in a lighter tone, and seem little better than washes and inks already available.
I can't see wraithbone and grey seer being effective all-purpose pre-shades for me. White works with a fair number of the paints to my eye.

But it's nice having all these shades offered in the one range - it's focused me on this approach once more (I had a period of doing my own homebrew inks and washes) and may work generally - so thanks again Hobgoblin for posting your results, and look forward to seeing more.

* - 'you' not 'your' purples - sorry for any confusion!

the last beastman is particularly good - that's all contrast paints I take it.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more contrast-paintin')
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 27, 2019, 02:49:59 PM
Yes, that last one's all contrast except the metals.

Cubs - I must investigate. I loosely modelled my penguin on the one mocked up for Guillermo Del Toro's abortive adaptation of At the Mountains of Madness (loosely being as much as the papier-mache maquette would allow!):


Here are a few more contrast-painted bits and bobs, plus an old orc I finished off with contrast paints (they're very useful for tackling half-finished/lost-interest models). These ones are being dispatched to our friends' kids today with another twenty or so.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (lizardmen and chaos warrior)
Post by: Bloggard on June 27, 2019, 04:22:14 PM
well, those all look fab to me - asking a lot - but if you can supply any further details about those paint jobs (colours, coats, medium?) etc, I'd be mighty grateful.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (lizardmen and chaos warrior)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 27, 2019, 04:50:03 PM
Thanks - and sure!

The chaos warrior was sprayed Wraithbone. I painted the metals in Vallejo Natural Steel and Vallejo Bronze, then used contrast paints (Blood Angels Red and Wychwood) on the rest. The axe grip got a coat of Snakebite Leather over the Wychwood. Then the metals got a wash of Agrax Earthshade and highlights in silver and gold. That was it. All paints were straight from the pot.

The lizardmen were coated in Plaguebearer Green and then got a coat of Skeleton Horde over that. Their undersides and teeth were straight Skeleton Horde, with the latter highlighted in white. Loincloths were Blood Angels Red, and the weapons were bronze/Agrax/gold.

The orc was largely painted much earlier using thinned paint over Agrax preshading and white drybrushing. But I did use a mix of Blood Angels Red and Snakebite Leather over his tunic and Snakebite Leather over his boots.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more contrast-paintin')
Post by: Cubs on June 27, 2019, 07:10:48 PM
Cubs - I must investigate. I loosely modelled my penguin on the one mocked up for Guillermo Del Toro's abortive adaptation of At the Mountains of Madness (loosely being as much as the papier-mache maquette would allow!):


That is truly foul.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (lizardmen and chaos warrior)
Post by: Bloggard on June 28, 2019, 09:25:22 AM
Thanks - and sure!

thanks so much Hobgoblin - great reference.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (lizardmen and chaos warrior)
Post by: Mallo on June 28, 2019, 11:59:39 AM
Wow, that penguin is the stuff of nightmares (good nightmare though!)
Fantastic painting on those old citadel plastics as well. I have a bunch of the axe and shield beastmen to do but been putting them off as I wasn't convinced I could do a good job with them, if I can get them half as nice as yours, I'd be pleased!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (lizardmen and chaos warrior)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 28, 2019, 01:09:13 PM
Thanks! I've had a bit of practice with that particular figure; there are two on the very first page of this thread, and then there's this chap:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (lizardmen and chaos warrior)
Post by: Dark choda on June 28, 2019, 10:43:54 PM
Thanks - and sure!

The chaos warrior was sprayed Wraithbone. I painted the metals in Vallejo Natural Steel and Vallejo Bronze, then used contrast paints (Blood Angels Red and Wychwood) on the rest. The axe grip got a coat of Snakebite Leather over the Wychwood. Then the metals got a wash of Agrax Earthshade and highlights in silver and gold. That was it. All paints were straight from the pot.

The lizardmen were coated in Plaguebearer Green and then got a coat of Skeleton Horde over that. Their undersides and teeth were straight Skeleton Horde, with the latter highlighted in white. Loincloths were Blood Angels Red, and the weapons were bronze/Agrax/gold.

The orc was largely painted much earlier using thinned paint over Agrax preshading and white drybrushing. But I did use a mix of Blood Angels Red and Snakebite Leather over his tunic and Snakebite Leather over his boots.

Plaguebearer Flesh (as opposed to Green) is what you meant correct?  I don't know my Citadel paint range but it's the only contrast paint name that came close when I googled it.  Would you say that it the end result is yellowish or is it a trick of lighting?  I only ask because I like the end results quite a lot :)   Any particular thought process behind mixing contrast paints?  Just basic colour theory?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (lizardmen and chaos warrior)
Post by: beefcake on June 29, 2019, 12:23:48 AM
A question here. I bought a bunch of contrast paints, so far I only have Wyldwood but the colour it is marketed at looks like a reddy brown
But when it arrived it was a very dark brown despite the amount of shaking. Is this typical of the contrast paints. (I don't know if you have that specific one).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (lizardmen and chaos warrior)
Post by: swiftnick on June 29, 2019, 09:57:55 AM
Hey Justin very interesting, I think I will check out those paints when I get home.
Just downloaded those Alan Garner books as somehow missed them back in the day.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (lizardmen and chaos warrior)
Post by: Bloggard on June 29, 2019, 10:12:26 AM
A question here. I bought a bunch of contrast paints, so far I only have Wyldwood but the colour it is marketed at looks like a reddy brown
But when it arrived it was a very dark brown despite the amount of shaking. Is this typical of the contrast paints. (I don't know if you have that specific one).

my Wyldwood is similarly dark - it's the darkest of the browns they produce I think.
product photo is misleading. swatch on GW website is much closer - I'd go by those rather than the photos?
gore grunta is more of a red-brown.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (lizardmen and chaos warrior)
Post by: Mallo on June 29, 2019, 11:02:19 AM
Thanks! I've had a bit of practice with that particular figure; there are two on the very first page of this thread, and then there's this chap:


Wow, they are also great. I might have to borrow some inspiration from these guys when I get back around to painting my odd ball sci-fi warbands!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (lizardmen and chaos warrior)
Post by: beefcake on June 29, 2019, 11:16:19 AM
my Wyldwood is similarly dark - it's the darkest of the browns they produce I think.
product photo is misleading. swatch on GW website is much closer - I'd go by those rather than the photos?
gore grunta is more of a red-brown.
Thanks. I watched a youtube comparison video afterwards and saw that (Cygor brown seems to be even darker) I'll probably pick up the GoreGrunta as well at some stage for variation as browns are always useful. :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (lizardmen and chaos warrior)
Post by: Bloggard on June 29, 2019, 12:54:54 PM
interesting - I've got cygor as one step 'up' from wyldwood myself. Will have to look at that again.

anyhow - sorry Hobgoblin - look forward to seeing more of your figs - contrast paints or not.  :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (lizardmen and chaos warrior)
Post by: Dr Mathias on July 02, 2019, 04:39:07 PM
Wow, the WGF shocktroop arms fit the gnoll really well. Good idea. Wishing I'd bought more gnoll now  lol
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (lizardmen and chaos warrior)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 05, 2019, 08:30:26 PM
Some very quick 15mm Dracci for HotT (using the 28mm 'footprint'):
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm HotT reptile blades)
Post by: Jagannath on July 06, 2019, 10:38:22 AM
Sweet! I like those minis but I've had bad luck with the casting quality from that range and I can't be bothered to fight with bad 15mm castings any more! haha

Is the red Contrast? Seems like the perfect use for it, it's hard hard to paint tiny scales
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm HotT reptile blades)
Post by: Bloggard on July 06, 2019, 11:06:33 AM
you really are getting great results.

I'm doing ok - but nowhere near as quick as you from what you're saying.

*they're mostly 'blood angels red' ? One of the good paints from the range, that.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm HotT reptile blades)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 06, 2019, 11:37:40 AM
Thanks! Yes, they're all contrast apart from the armour and the highlights on the teeth. For the obsidian weapons, I used contrast black and then the 'Warp Lightning' green.

On Alternative Armies casting: I bought a batch of their Asgard 15mm dwarves a year or two ago and did nothing with them because the casts looked so horrendous. But the other day, I dug them out and cleaned them up (much more quickly than I'd expected: the shiny metal made them look much worse than they were). I've been painting them up with contrast and they're coming along nicely. They'll form several blades elements for my 15/28 HotT project.

I'm hoping the contrast paints will also help with the Magister Militum 15mm lizardmen that I acquired a while back. They're tiny and consist of lots of duplicates of each pose, so painting them has been a bit daunting. But I think the various greens, yellows and greys in the contrast range will allow me to variegate them fairly quickly and painlessly.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm HotT reptile blades)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 07, 2019, 11:35:20 AM
Here are some Essex dwarves done very quickly with contrast paints:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm Essex dwarves)
Post by: Bloggard on July 07, 2019, 11:44:08 AM
yep, more great results.

I'm actually going to try and paint one figure quickly with the darn things today  lol
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm Essex dwarves)
Post by: Jagannath on July 07, 2019, 06:15:43 PM
Really nice - you’ve definitely got the swing of these.

I’m slowly embarking on a multibasing 15mm project and I want an armoured force (marines, power armour - something like that) that I think will be a contrast project. We’ll see.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm Essex dwarves)
Post by: thenamelessdead on July 07, 2019, 07:21:04 PM
The HoTT lizzies look superb and those dwarves are fantastic. Some of the Essex stuff looks a bit 'tired' from their website images but those dwarves are anything but tired. Might have to investigate.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm Essex dwarves)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 08, 2019, 12:23:32 AM
Thanks, all!

Jagannath - i look forward to seeing that. Are you looking at Alien Squad Leader, rules-wise?

thenamelessdead - the Essex stuff is very undersung on their website. The 15mm orcs, dwarves and halflings are really good. I presume they're by Bob Olley, as they're miniature versions of his 28mm stuff for the same company and have the same intricacy of design. I'd say the dwarves hold up better than most 15mm dwarves, though they are quite wicked-looking (They make me think of the dwarves mentioned in The Hobbit as allying with goblins).

Here's a quick win - ogres (Blood Dawn orcs) rebased from 15mm basing to 28mm. I might tart then up with some silver highlights on the metal.

Also, here's a troll I painted tonight, entirely with contrast paints except the eyes and teeth. I had orginally based him on a tuppence for 15mm RPGs, but never got round to painting him. Although he's a 28/25mm Ral Partha figure, he's a great size for 15mm.

But troll and ogre-sized creatures pose a conundrum in Hordes of the Things. The obvious role for them is "behemoth". The problem, though, is that only really big trolls and giants fit the rules properly; creatures so big that they would destroy their own troops if pushed back into them.

The conventional alternative is to base them as warbands or blades, and just balance their greater size with the smaller number that you can fit on the base. That's what I've done with the ogres (and the Dracci on the previous page), who will be "blades", with three to a base where there would be five or six men or dwarves.

Then there's the unofficial "brutes" rule, where you have, effectively, a double-ranked warband as a single element. I really like that, and if I had a whole group of these trolls, I'd probably go for that (conveniently, a doubled-up warband is the same size as a behemoth element, so you have options if you base them this way). But I plan to base my CP bugbears that way, so don't really need more.

So, what I'm doing here is "embedding" the troll in a warband unit: specifically the general's element. I'm painting up some orc command to go with him. That'll work nicely - the troll champion will make the element more distinctive and provides a nice visual representation of its extra punch in combat (+1 for being the general).

On one of my rebased orc warbands, I used a Ral Partha goblin as a lesser version of the same thing; he fits in quite well as an extremely outsized orc:


And I'm going to do more of this with various old-school/25mm orcs that don't get used much in our 28mm games. If nothing else, they'll keep the orc warbands looking more menacing than the horde elements, even when they share some of the same figures.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm Essex dwarves)
Post by: cameosis on July 08, 2019, 02:40:06 AM
is the ral partha goblin the one in the middle with the two-hand weapon? if yes, would you know the catalog number? that's a sweet sculpt (possibly enhanced by your paintjob), reminds me of paul muller!

also, trolls -- the unsung and misunderstood heroes of fantasy!  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm Essex dwarves)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 08, 2019, 08:05:20 AM
is the ral partha goblin the one in the middle with the two-hand weapon? if yes, would you know the catalog number? that's a sweet sculpt (possibly enhanced by your paintjob), reminds me of paul muller!

I think he's long "out of print" - at least he doesn't seem to be produced by Iron Wind or Ral Partha Europe. He was one of this range (in fact, I think that listing mixes up two ranges - the classic giant goblins ("half-orcs" here) and their smaller kin, and a slightly older range, of which this guy is one:


BUT I see he's on ebay (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ral-Partha-The-Adventurers-Monsters-Goblin-w-Spear-1979/173951616283?hash=item288053051b:g:w1QAAOSwpfhdG0Jb) as a "buy it now" option!

also, troll -- the unsung and misunderstood heroes of fantasy!  :-* :-*

Indeed - thanks!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm Essex dwarves)
Post by: Jagannath on July 08, 2019, 09:33:43 AM
Thanks, all!

Jagannath - i look forward to seeing that. Are you looking at Alien Squad Leader, rules-wise?

For sci fi I almost exclusively play Squad Hammer now (with a few tweaks of mine) - you should check it out if you haven’t, seems like it would be up your street. It will fail your ‘time to table’ test a little though - I’ve been working up stat cards to keep.

It revolves around the idea of a ‘standard’ squad, with everything else modifying around them. So for me that’s 5 grunts on a base, no particular armour with rifles and an SAW.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (contrast-painted RP troll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 08, 2019, 11:23:01 AM
Ah, yes - I bought it on your recommendation a while back. I think we did play a couple of games, but then bought An Orc Too Far from the same company and got distracted with that. But I recall enjoying it; I'll give it another look.

I've had Alien Squad Leader for a while, but haven't managed to play it. I was painting up the forces, but then FUBAR provided a convenient distraction ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (contrast-painted RP troll)
Post by: Jagannath on July 08, 2019, 12:21:56 PM
I’m increasingly more of a fan of multibasing - I like the level of abstraction Squad Hammer offers in particular. Having said that, I think I found ALSQ too abstract, a bit like DBA. I play Squad Hammer like a skirmish where minis are grouped by base, with cover abstracted. A hodgepodge. Suspect it would fit your needs nicely.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (contrast-painted RP troll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 12, 2019, 12:30:34 AM
I’m increasingly more of a fan of multibasing - I like the level of abstraction Squad Hammer offers in particular. Having said that, I think I found ALSQ too abstract, a bit like DBA. I play Squad Hammer like a skirmish where minis are grouped by base, with cover abstracted. A hodgepodge. Suspect it would fit your needs nicely.

Yeah, there's something oddly satisfying about a game with multi-based figures. I use my 28mm HotT units mixed in with single-based figures a lot in various games. I'll give Squad Hammer another read-through shortly.

Here's a contrast-painted giant for HotT (15mm on 28mm bases - he'll be one of three to a behemoth element). He's the first more or less finished out of nine, although the others are just about there. I've built them out of GW ork, orc, ogre and savage-orc parts, but this chap is the only one to be built "straight" from the savage-orc kit. Like them all, he's fast and sloppy, but I'm quite pleased with how he looks next to his 15mm foes.

When all nine are done, they'll also work nicely in 28mm HotT as the unofficial "brute" (double-warband) elements that have been designed to fill the large-humanoid hole between warband and behemoth.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (contrast-painted 15mm giant)
Post by: beefcake on July 12, 2019, 08:08:26 AM
I like that a lot  :) .  Do you thin your Contrasts?

My daughters were watching and wanted me to put in a few extra smileys because they liked the look of them.  lol :'( :-* :D :o Kids right?!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (contrast-painted 15mm giant)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 12, 2019, 08:58:29 AM
I like that a lot  :) .  Do you thin your Contrasts?

Thanks! No, this is all straight from the pot, with a light dab of highlights afterwards (with Vallejo Silver Grey). I've only used the medium once so far, I think.

My daughters were watching and wanted me to put in a few extra smileys because they liked the look of them.  lol :'( :-* :D :o Kids right?!

No higher endorsement!  :D My own kids are fascinated by the "Frankenstein" smileys on this site!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (contrast-painted 15mm giant)
Post by: Bloggard on July 12, 2019, 09:47:06 AM
looking good.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (contrast-painted 15mm giant)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 24, 2019, 02:06:10 PM
Thanks, Bloggard.

I found these unassuming semi-painted goblins lurking in a cupboard and decided to see how the contrast paints would work to finish them off. They turned out to be quite handy in this role, because they're thick enough to create pools of darkness where you need them - and do this a bit better than washes. Also, they're great for lining features, because they're easier to control than conventional washes. So, with a few dabs of contrast and a few quick highlights, I got these fellows to a stage where they'll "do".
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Warhammer Regiments goblins)
Post by: andyskinner on July 24, 2019, 02:43:13 PM
 Hob, I've had mixed results so far.  I tried to do GW Middle Earth Giant Eagles with contrast paints.  Lots of texture, not much other detail, seemed a good fit.

I used Templar Black, thinned with contrast medium, for the flight feathers (the ones extending out past the wing).  They look pretty good, though want something brown on top to make look more natural.

But I used Cygor Brown on the rest, and got something pretty muddy.  I tried to thin this, too, because it is such a dark color.  (I should have been patient until I could get a lighter brown, but the store hasn't gotten many colors.)

It also felt like it was really hard on my brush.  Did you experience that?  So I started putting some water on the brush, and that seemed to help it.  But I didn't pay enough attention to see whether that was the part that looked better, or whether that was the muddy part.

Since then I've been trying to wash off and try again, using some hot water and Simple Green.   But I'm not sure if I'm going to try more medium, and not sure if I'm going to stay away from the water.

Have you tried such a dark color and still gotten good effects?

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Warhammer Regiments goblins)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 24, 2019, 06:11:32 PM
I haven't used Cygor Brown, but there are certainly some colours that are a lot 'heavier' than others - Snakebite Leather, for example. That might actually be a better eagle colour (maybe thinned a bit with medium).

The standard way of using the contrast paints seems to be "light colours first, then darken gradually" - on the basis that the dark colours will generally "erase" the lighter ones (the black often seems to do exactly that). But some of the "heavy" colours seem to resist this (Blood Angels Red, Snakebite Leather, etc.).

I have noticed that they can be quite tough on the brushes. The main thing, I reckon, is that water isn't always enough to clean the brushes at the end of a session. So I've been using a bit of soap and hot water afterwards too.

I have used Wyldwood (also a dark brown) quite a lot: mainly for spear hafts and the like. I've also used it for 'filling in' shadowy areas and lining (as with the goblins above).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Warhammer Regiments goblins)
Post by: andyskinner on July 24, 2019, 06:52:45 PM
Do you find Wyldwood to not be as "heavy"?

Snakebite Leather is where I was going next.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Warhammer Regiments goblins)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 24, 2019, 07:01:39 PM
It's just a feeling from using them for a few weeks, but I'd say that the black is darker but 'lighter' than Wyldwood, which is darker but 'lighter' than Snakebite.

So, of the three, my feeling - and it is just a feeling - is that Snakebite is the 'heaviest', despite being the lightest colour. I haven't tried diluting it with medium, but it is a very good, strong colour.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Warhammer Regiments goblins)
Post by: andyskinner on July 24, 2019, 07:09:49 PM
Thanks, that is helpful.  I agree about black, though I diluted mine with medium.  The gray parts I did that way look good.  Cygor seems very heavy, even thinned with medium.

Interesting to know that I may need to take that into account even more with Snakebite Leather.

I wonder why so tough on brushes.  I'm not even thinking about how hard to clean.  As I applied, it felt like it was treating my brush worse than drybrushing.  I'd have expected something that goes on so wet to not have that much effect.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Warhammer Regiments goblins)
Post by: Jagannath on July 24, 2019, 10:16:18 PM
Yup - absolute brush killer is contrast. I’ve now got cheap brushes just for contrast use. I keep a pot of isopropyl handy for printer stuff, so I do one swish in there then under a tap when I’m done.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Warhammer Regiments goblins)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 25, 2019, 12:15:54 AM
Here are some more contrast experiments: Mantic "naiads", who'll be fulfilling a Sahuagin-ish role in our next RPG game. I got 10 of them about 90% done earlier in the week and decided to push these two over the line tonight.

They're by no means delicately done, but as they'll probably only feature fleetingly in the game, I think they're OK - especially as they'll be appearing en masse.

The figures themselves are OK, but they've got the softness and indistinctness of detail that you get in a lot of Mantic figures. I don't mind that, though - the main thing is that they'll give me some unusual humanoids to throw at the players.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (contrast-painted Sahuagin)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on August 02, 2019, 12:27:06 AM
They look fantastic!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (contrast-painted Sahuagin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 04, 2019, 07:43:52 PM
Thanks! I've got to finish off the rest fairly soon; I've found that the contrast paints all too readily create a situation where dozens of miniatures are "90% done", but need some extra impetus to get the over the final hurdle. I'm now on my fourth can of Wraithbone spray ...

What contrast paints are superb for, I reckon, is 15mm. Here are some Ral Partha Demonworld beastmen. They've had nothing done to them that wasn't contrast except steel/Agrax on the metals, a Nightshade wash around the eyes, and a couple of highlights on the eyes and teeth. I certainly couldn't paint them better "conventionally"!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (contrast-painted 15mm beastmen)
Post by: Jagannath on August 04, 2019, 08:22:10 PM
Man that’s brilliant - perfect usecase. I’ve always avoided those (EXCELLENT) beastmen because my ‘usual’ painting method makes fur sooooo laborious. 
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (contrast-painted 15mm beastmen)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 05, 2019, 01:57:40 PM
Thanks! Yes, the contrast paint is great for fur. It also helps that these beastmen are exceptionally well cast - hardly any mould-lines or flash at all.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (contrast-painted 15mm beastmen)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 06, 2019, 08:15:36 AM
These are the quickest miniatures I've ever painted: a few shambling things from CP Models to fill out the chaos hordes I'm doing in 15mm. The RPE beastmen won't be involved in those, as they'll be forming warband elements to accompany the hordes. I quite like that Moorcockian distinction between "creatures of chaos" that are relatively stable - like the Olab or dragons - and the degenerate beastmen and once-human things that form most of the chaos armies.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with shambling things)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 12, 2019, 11:30:59 PM
I painted up a big batch of miniatures for our friends' boys; my kids introduced them to Song of Blades at the weekend. As well as finishing off a bunch of dark-blue GW orcs that I'd painted with a "wash-only" technique a while back, I got a few more done with contrast paints - very quickly.

These are pretty rough and ready, but I was quite pleased with the wolf, given the speed at which I got him done. Most of all, though, I was pleased with the Mantic orcs. They look really rough in the photo (and they are pretty rough), but I got all three done in an hour flat. I undercoated them in black gesso, then drybrushed them grey then white. After that, I just sloshed on the contrast paints and then did the eyes and teeth. It worked pretty well - this photo doesn't really do them justice. I'm going to paint up another batch using the same technique. The strength of pigmentation in the contrast paints really comes through, as the colours were still bright over the monochrome layers, despite the black undercoat.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (speed-painted miscellany)
Post by: Ragsta on August 13, 2019, 07:35:15 PM
These all look really good, I wasn’t going to be swayed by the contrast paints at all but you have started me thinking now!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (speed-painted miscellany)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 14, 2019, 09:03:14 AM
Thanks, Ragsta!

I've been experimenting a bit more with contrast paints over black undercoat and grey/white drybrushing; I think that might be the fastest way to use them. I've got a troll and a few little gribblies on the way with that technique and should manage to post the results tonight.

I'm also planning to do some more Mantic space orcs for myself like those above. They're not flattered by the photo, but the time/results ratio was very pleasing.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (speed-painted miscellany)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 15, 2019, 08:57:08 AM
Here's a Reaper Bones troll, not quite finished, but done with contrast paints over black undercoat and grey and white drybrushing. I'll add a few more highlights when the base is done. And, at the other end of the scale, a Bones hordling done in the same way. He's joining my 15mm chaos hordes.

For dark and slimy things, I reckon this is the quickest way to use contrast paints. I've done something similar in the past using washes (there's a 'ravage bear' earlier in the thread), but the contrast paints work a bit better, because the pigments are so strong.

In this way, I'm planning to rip through various Bones monsters that have been cluttering my cupboard for a while.

The troll is based for 28mm HotT, but as his skull and severed head are fairly discreet, he'll work well enough with my 15mm-on-28mm-bases HotT project - either as a behemoth or, perhaps, as a god.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Bones troll WIP)
Post by: fred on August 15, 2019, 11:14:46 AM
Very effective
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Bones troll WIP)
Post by: beefcake on August 15, 2019, 11:20:46 AM
Here I was expecting an undead troll. Very good.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Bones troll WIP)
Post by: Commander Carnage on August 15, 2019, 02:15:13 PM
I really like what you've done with the contrast paints, especially the Mantic Marauders. How heavy do you dry brush the grey and white after priming black?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Bones troll WIP)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 16, 2019, 07:49:54 AM
Reasonably heavy with the grey, but drybrushing rather than wetbrushing - so the grey paint doesn't get into any recesses.

I'm going to paint more of the Mantic orcs later today, so I'll post some WIP shots.

On a side-note, Mantic no longer appears to be making them (aside from the command sprue). That's a real shame - I think they're better than both the resin Marauders and most GW orks: more Ian Miller-ish and baroque.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Bones troll WIP)
Post by: Commander Carnage on August 16, 2019, 03:29:19 PM
You can find them on ebay for a reasonable price. Search Fate of the Forge Star. They were part of an early starter set. I think it comes with forty of them.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Bones troll WIP)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 16, 2019, 10:28:42 PM
Yes, there seem to be plenty about on eBay. I got loads of them free from a sadly defunct local shop, and I'm going to paint up the last 20 or so soon. As I'll have so many spare gun arms (having used lots of the bodies for these guys), I'd probably just get the fantasy versions if I needed more. But I'm surprised Mantic have discontinued them; I think they're much better than the more comedic/generic ones they do now. It's even odder that they still offer the command sprue, which fits much better with these guys.

Anyway, here, as promised, is a WIP photo. This is the grey drybrushing - Vallejo Medium Sea Grey. Onto the white now ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Bones troll WIP)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 16, 2019, 11:26:20 PM
And now drybrushed with Vallejo white.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Bones troll WIP)
Post by: Commander Carnage on August 17, 2019, 06:04:21 AM
Thanks for the work in progress shots. I look forward to seeing how they look after applying some of the contracts paints
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Bones troll WIP)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 17, 2019, 09:05:01 AM
Your wish, my etc. Here's one with a few contrast colours splashed while waiting for the kids to get ready to go out:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Bones troll WIP)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 19, 2019, 09:57:14 AM
I'm trying the black/grey/white/contrast technique out on some 1/72 goblins from Dark Alliance. My idea with these is that they'll form warbands of large creatures ("Swamp trolls"? "Grendel-kin"?) in 15mm HotT (on 28mm bases) and hordes in 28mm HotT.

I'll either double up the warband bases to make old-fashioned 60mm deep hordes, or just use the individual 30mm-deep elements. I don't think the missing 10mm (28mm hordes are generally now based 40mm deep) will make any real difference, as warbands and knights destroy hordes, and behemoths and beasts will catch them in pursuit in any case.

Anyway, 1/72 figures are quite hard to paint well because of the soft detail and stubborn mould lines. So I just want an acceptable "mass effect" that will allow me to rip through loads of them very quickly. I think they'll go six to a base, so the box of 48 should yield eight elements. Those, coupled with two trolls like the one above, will form a full 24 AP army.

Here's the test figure. He's not great, but he took no time at all, and I think a big mass of these will look OK when based up together.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (contrast experiments in 1/72)
Post by: fred on August 19, 2019, 07:43:20 PM
It’s effective, if the detail isn’t moulded in, then any wash or dry brush method will struggle. But he has come out fine, and if you are wanting lots of them, then they should certainly look good together, suitably malevolent.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (contrast experiments in 1/72)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 26, 2019, 12:46:05 AM

Here are some very quickly done pirates (for my son's birthday game of The Fantasy Trip this weekend). I wouldn't use contrast paints for the clothes if I were doing them again, but they'll do for now (I might add patterns to the clothes later to disguise the pooling). And they look bright and distinctive enough on the tabletop; with the rest of the crew to paint, that's really all that matters!

I had more fun painting these crab-men. No idea who made them, but they should make for a nice initial encounter on the island the pirates find themselves on. They're quite big, as you can see. I wonder if they're meant to be HG Wells-style moon men.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (contrast experiments in 1/72)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 26, 2019, 12:51:26 AM
This is the illustration I'm thinking of for the Wells connection:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (crustaceans or moon men?)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 26, 2019, 01:13:53 AM
And this ugly little fellow from Reaper Bones (a 'hound' of the Sahuagin, I think ...).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (crustaceans or moon men?)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on August 26, 2019, 07:28:48 AM
The lobster/crab men came out wonderfully, as did the fish-dog. I see what you mean with the pirates, but I still reckon they look great.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (crustaceans or moon men?)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 27, 2019, 02:46:38 PM

The faces came out well with the contrast paints, for very little effort. If I had time to retouch them before the big game, I'd probably keep some items of clothing as they are (as silks, etc.) but repaint others in duller, flatter tones. But the main thing is that they're done.

Here are a couple more monsters for the game: a pair of giant leeches from Reaper Bones. These, like that fish-dog thing, are from the "black" line. They've got much harder detail than the conventional Bones, and far fewer mouldlines.

I did these with contrast paints over black/grey/white. Very quick and pretty decent, I reckon. I suspect that's going to be my go-to method for RPG monsters for some time.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with giant leeches!)
Post by: gibby64 on August 27, 2019, 10:11:50 PM
I like the colors there!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with giant leeches!)
Post by: Sunjester on August 28, 2019, 08:05:22 AM
Very nice!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with giant leeches!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 28, 2019, 03:46:07 PM
Thanks, guys!

Here are some octopus-men to go with them. Very quick paintjobs again, mainly contrast paints over Wraithbone spray.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (cephalopod-people!)
Post by: fred on August 28, 2019, 07:26:50 PM
Cool, which minis are those, I have some that are similar but un-clothed?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (cephalopod-people!)
Post by: Ockman on August 28, 2019, 08:03:20 PM
Excellent work!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (cephalopod-people!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 28, 2019, 09:46:24 PM
Thanks, both! I got them from Four A Miniatures ("cultists").
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (cephalopod-people!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 03, 2019, 10:43:41 AM
Here's a Reaper Jungle Titan. I did him extremely quickly for the weekend's RPG action, using the black/grey/white/contrast method. The only twist was to paint the belly scales and skull bits buff before the white drybrush. As a consequence, he was much quicker to paint than a normal 28mm figure, despite being huge.

He's based for HotT; we'll probably use him as a behemoth in 28mm and a god in 15mm (on 28mm base sizes).

I also used contrast paints to prepare a quick Wizzkids octopus (we were playing The Fantasy Trip, after all ...).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (jungle titan & octopus)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 03, 2019, 11:01:44 AM
And the pirate crew. Thanks to a relatively high casualty rate and some NPC rescues, all of these ended up being used in the game.

None of these are much of a showcase for painting, but they are at least done, and will doubtless crop up both in reprises of the pirate setting and as bandits, etc., in other games.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (jungle titan & octopus)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on September 06, 2019, 04:26:11 AM
I sure wouldn't want to mess with that titan, it turned out great!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (jungle titan & octopus)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 11, 2019, 11:13:52 PM

The first villain for the next RPG scenario - and also the first of six recon infantry for Xenos Rampant:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a ratman scout)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 12, 2019, 01:35:54 PM
And here are (yet more) Mantic orcs - speed-painted with contrast paints and a black undercoat. They're not great close up, but I'm going to be churning out dozens of them, so I'm more concerned with mass effect.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (ratman scout and Mantic orcs)
Post by: Commander Carnage on September 12, 2019, 02:25:58 PM
I really like the results you are getting with the black undercoat and contrast paints. Those Mantic orcs look sufficiently mean.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (ratman scout and Mantic orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 12, 2019, 02:41:41 PM
Thanks! I swear that they take longer to assemble than to paint with this method (even though I missed some mouldlines ...).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (ratman scout and Mantic orcs)
Post by: maxxev on September 15, 2019, 09:09:11 AM
Really good stuff in this thread and great work with the Cotrast paints.

Would you happen to have the recipe you used for the Skaven (fantasy) and the Savage orc giant please?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (ratman scout and Mantic orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 17, 2019, 12:50:50 AM
Really good stuff in this thread and great work with the Cotrast paints.

Would you happen to have the recipe you used for the Skaven (fantasy) and the Savage orc giant please?


The contrast-painted skaven? Wraithbone spray undercoat, then the metals in natural steel/Typhus Corrosion/Riza (?) Rust and silver scratches/highlights; fleshy parts in Guilleman Flesh; weapon hafts in Wyldwood; leather in Snakebite Leather. I put a layer of Skeleton Horde over all the clothing, then used Blood Angel Red and Plaguebearer Skin (perhaps some others too).

The orc/giant was just Guilleman Flesh, Sketeton Horde for the bony bits and Plaguebearer Skin (IIRC) for the scales.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (ratman scout and Mantic orcs)
Post by: swiftnick on September 19, 2019, 02:27:54 PM
Lovely work as always Justin.
Finally got into weirdstone of brisingamen. That bit where they are crawling though the tunnels just about had me hyperventilating.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (ratman scout and Mantic orcs)
Post by: Dr. Kevin Moon III esq. on September 19, 2019, 05:29:30 PM
Great work as always. Love the jungle titan!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (ratman scout and Mantic orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 27, 2019, 06:44:34 PM
Thanks, chaps!

Swiftnick: it's a very strange book. I love the sudden epicness of the end. The Mara are some of the best monsters in fiction, I reckon, even though (or because) they're only glimpsed. And yes: that tunnel-crawling bit is terrifying.

Here's a test for some speed-painted orks: light infantry (with various close-combat modifications) in Xenos Rampant, but also a nasty surprise for dungeon adventurers. Boom!

I like how these old Gorkamorka orks work well with the Mantic ones (the heavy infantry).

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (orkish light infantry)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 04, 2019, 08:37:21 PM
Ridiculously rough speed painting, but they're swelling in number:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (orkish light infantry)
Post by: batu on October 04, 2019, 10:00:08 PM
Nice to see your take on the old Gorkamorka boyz. It is really fun to follow your speed painting adventures  ;)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (orkish light infantry)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 04, 2019, 11:09:30 PM
Thanks! I got a little more done this evening. In our forthcoming Xenos Rampant game, these are the four divisions of Orkish foot: recon infantry; light infantry; heavy infantry; and berserk infantry.

They're a little plain at the moment, but once I've got a unit of each done, I'll think about adding some heraldry of some sort (perhaps something like the Khorne skull-rune done half in black, half in white).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (orkish light infantry)
Post by: Cubs on October 05, 2019, 09:59:10 AM
You are strong in the Greenskin ways.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (orkish light infantry)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 31, 2019, 05:37:22 PM
Thanks, Cubs!

A brief move into 1:3/5 scale (or something) for Halloween:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (orkish light infantry)
Post by: Dr Mathias on October 31, 2019, 07:13:13 PM
A brief move into 1:3/5 scale (or something) for Halloween:

Mmmmmmmm... excellent ;)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Happy Halloween!)
Post by: von Lucky on November 01, 2019, 08:13:05 AM
lol awesome
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Happy Halloween!)
Post by: Bloggard on November 01, 2019, 10:20:00 AM
nice paint-work on the large-scale stuff.

orcs etc above look good too!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Peg Giants!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 25, 2019, 02:01:47 PM
Thanks, all!

Last night, after we'd wrapped the kids' presents, I decided to make some peg-doll giants. We gave our daughter some unpainted peg dolls and a book on making and painting various types, so I thought an example or two might help. These are based for Hordes of the Things (as behemoths), and both kids and I have now decided to make a couple of HotT armies over the holidays.

Merry Christmas!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (peg giants & Merry Christmas!)
Post by: von Lucky on December 25, 2019, 09:13:39 PM
lol Delightful.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (peg giants & Merry Christmas!)
Post by: beefcake on December 25, 2019, 09:35:47 PM
Very nice!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (peg giants & Merry Christmas!)
Post by: Bloggard on December 27, 2019, 09:33:31 AM
beautifully done - lucky kids.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (peg giants & Merry Christmas!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 06, 2020, 02:15:47 PM
Thanks, all! Many more peg warriors are well underway.

We played quite a bit of The Men Who Would Be Kings over the holidays. The 'colonials' were these guys, of whom I now have several dozen done:


The 'natives' were my pallid old cave orcs. But as we've enjoyed the game so much, I wanted to put some more interesting troops on the table. As a tribal force in TMWWBK can easily stretch to over 100 troops, I decided against investing in new models for alien tribesmen (thoughts of using either Frostgrave snakemen or masked tribals hastily dismissed). Instead, I'm going to dust off and paint some of the many Slann and lizardmen, etc., that I've got lying around. First on the table are these creatures, from an out-of-production boardgame called Carnage. I have enough, I think, to form a 16-strong unit, or two 'Skirmish Kings' units: one each of archers and swordsmen. And there are some cavalry too. They could also mix in with other reptile types; I like the idea of having the Slann fairly regular-looking and their reptilian auxiliaries widely varied.

These were absurdly quick to paint: black gesso, Vallejo silver-grey everywhere, white drybrush and then contrast paints. The only other work was to highlight the eyes, teeth and horns.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with chameleon-men)
Post by: Hobby Services on January 06, 2020, 03:24:51 PM
Boy, haven't seen those Carnage figs in ages.  Looking around, Holistic Design is still afloat and updating their site regularly (December 2019) and expect the German company that's been working on 4th ed Fading Suns to release early this year.  Their online store still shows the Carnage figs as existing, but the whole store is down for "reconfiguration" or somesuch.  So I guess they're in a state of quantum indeterminacy as far as production status goes?

Should've picked up more of them back in the day, they were pretty nifty.  And cheap.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with chameleon-men)
Post by: Bloggard on January 06, 2020, 03:41:05 PM
lizardmen look great.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with chameleon-men)
Post by: Ockman on January 07, 2020, 02:22:28 PM
Those chameleons are awesome! Great work on great models!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with chameleon-men)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 15, 2020, 06:18:04 PM
Thanks, chaps!

Here's a quick orc (or perhaps a primitive ork - I have Pulp Alley in mind for him) that I painted the other night. I tried to get him done within an hour from an initial black gesso undercoat; I think I went a little over, but only because of the drying time of an Agrax wash in the early stages.

He's sort of a test piece for my HotT 40K project (https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=122064.0).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (a quick orc - or ork?)
Post by: LazyStudent on January 15, 2020, 07:11:33 PM
Wow! Amazing work! I really like the effect you're getting with the contrast paints. Have you tried the black-gray-white method with 15mm yet? I'd be interested to know as I have a load of 15mm half finished figures that I should one day get sorted! 😃
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (a quick orc - or ork?)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 15, 2020, 08:52:01 PM

Not yet; my experience so far is that the contrast paints work pretty well over the new spray undercoat for 15mm:


But I might dabble with black/grey/white in that scale at some point.

I should probably note that the orc and lizardmen weren't done like the Mantic ones, with black drybrushed grey then white, but instead were painted entirely in Vallejo silver-grey (which is a very light shade - the same as Citadel Wych Elf Flesh). The orc got an Agrax wash before a white drybrush; the lizards, whose detail is less fine, just got a drybrush.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (a quick orc - or ork?)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 22, 2020, 10:50:08 PM
Some peg warriors I painted up for my daughter last night. I sometimes think that if I'd discovered this sort of miniature a few years back, we'd now have thousands-strong peg armies and very little lead or plastic. They're just such fun to paint - and so quick.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (peg warriors!)
Post by: Jagannath on January 23, 2020, 08:37:30 AM
They look grand! I really like very ‘stylised’ gaming and often look at peg armies.

I’m suprised you said they were quick though - they look like they’d take ages!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (peg warriors!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 23, 2020, 09:45:20 AM

They take much less time than ordinary miniatures - I was surprised too! One thing is that paint dries very quickly on them. I undercoat the wood in black gesso, which dries much faster than on metal or plastic. And then it's just blocking in base colours a bit of outlining and a few impressionistic highlights. A big help, too, is there are no details besides what you choose to add!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (peg warriors!)
Post by: von Lucky on January 23, 2020, 10:02:46 AM
Loving them - that bear is fantastic. Unbearably so.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (peg warriors!)
Post by: Hummster on January 26, 2020, 02:24:05 PM
The peg figures are great.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (peg warriors!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 19, 2020, 02:15:20 PM
Many thanks, all!

Here's the start of a quick chaos army for "MicroHotT" (Hordes of the Things played with individually based miniatures). The green thing will also do as a Poul Anderson-style troll for 1/72 RPGs.




Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (chaos creatures for MicroHotT)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 23, 2020, 06:50:49 PM
A couple more beastmen join the throng:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more beastmen for MicroHotT)
Post by: scatterbrains on February 26, 2020, 02:14:39 PM
Man they look great, and as skaven brought me into this hobby that absolute classic you have there is   :-*

That sculpt predates warhammer fantasy?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more beastmen for MicroHotT)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 26, 2020, 03:00:25 PM

That sculpt predates warhammer fantasy?

No, he's from 1989's Advanced Heroquest, so about six years after Warhammer. But the Skaven didn't appear until 1986, I think, after the publication of the second edition. I reckon these ones were roughly the fourth iteration, with two metal ranges and the Warhammer Regiments box coming first.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more beastmen for MicroHotT)
Post by: scatterbrains on February 27, 2020, 01:56:32 AM

No, he's from 1989's Advanced Heroquest, so about six years after Warhammer. But the Skaven didn't appear until 1986, I think, after the publication of the second edition. I reckon these ones were roughly the fourth iteration, with two metal ranges and the Warhammer Regiments box coming first.

Thanks! Wish I had a copy of 1989 heroquest ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more beastmen for MicroHotT)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 03, 2020, 02:39:45 PM
Here are a few more:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more beastmen for MicroHotT)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 03, 2020, 02:41:07 PM
I should note that I'm planning to do something a bit more exciting with the bases once I've got a whole lot done (even if just the picking out of a few details and washes here or there to indicated marshier bits).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yet more beastmen for MicroHotT)
Post by: von Lucky on March 04, 2020, 07:09:51 AM
Hadn't noticed - but I'm loving these conversions!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yet more beastmen for MicroHotT)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 06, 2020, 12:02:14 AM
Thanks! Here's the first unconverted/kitbashed one:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yet more beastmen for MicroHotT)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 19, 2020, 10:30:20 AM
And here's another quick kitbashed beastman - the Mantis-man:


Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (enter the mantis-man ...)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 19, 2020, 10:57:05 PM
And a couple more to swell the chaos pack:



Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (things of chaos)
Post by: Aerendar Valandil on March 20, 2020, 08:56:04 AM
Great looking!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (things of chaos)
Post by: DeafNala on March 20, 2020, 11:28:16 PM
SO I was looking for a bit of motivation/inspiration; ergo, I started scanning your thread...all one hundred thirty five pages. It was a WONDERFUL experience; two hours well spent. Your work is amazingly imaginative, & beautifully done. I feel renewed. OUTSTANDING STUFF!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (things of chaos)
Post by: DivisMal on March 21, 2020, 11:32:05 AM
Brilliant! That is so Moorcockian! I absolutely love them!!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (things of chaos)
Post by: Dr Mathias on March 21, 2020, 09:34:20 PM
That ogre head on the small body is ace, I may steal that one :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (things of chaos)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 27, 2020, 11:01:10 PM
Thanks very much, all!

Here's a small pack of gnolls.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Frostgrave and Wizkids gnolls)
Post by: beefcake on March 28, 2020, 12:16:26 AM
More lovely work. Those conversions are great. Where is that huge Gnoll from? Or is it a conversion as well. It looks familiar.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Frostgrave and Wizkids gnolls)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 28, 2020, 12:46:02 AM
More lovely work. Those conversions are great. Where is that huge Gnoll from? Or is it a conversion as well. It looks familiar.

Thanks! He (or she? A hyena-style alpha female, perhaps?) is from Wizkids.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Frostgrave and Wizkids gnolls)
Post by: beefcake on March 28, 2020, 07:29:05 AM
One of those Deepcuts? It's huge. I never thought it would be so big. I might need to order that. She I'd imagine, aren't Hyena pack Matriarchal?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Frostgrave and Wizkids gnolls)
Post by: von Lucky on March 28, 2020, 08:39:27 AM
They are:

And I like how she's come out too. A beast.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Frostgrave and Wizkids gnolls)
Post by: Sunjester on March 28, 2020, 08:49:01 AM
They look really great!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Frostgrave and Wizkids gnolls)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 29, 2020, 01:41:56 PM
Thanks, all!

Yes, I was surprised by the size of the Wizkids gnolls. I've heard people complain that the Frostgrave gnolls are too small. But they seem about right to me; they'd be about 7' tall if straightened out, which matches the original Monster Manual. But the Wizkids gnolls would be about 50mm if they straightened up even slightly - so 10' tall or so.

Here are three quick adventurers: painted start to finish yesterday and used in a game of Keep on the Borderlands.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Frostgrave and Wizkids gnolls)
Post by: Hummster on March 29, 2020, 02:45:12 PM
Nice work and reminds me time to get on with my Frostgrave figures.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Frostgrave and Wizkids gnolls)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 01, 2020, 05:36:10 PM

Here's a Citadel Fantasy Tribes orc with a D&D colour scheme (green-brown hide and pinkish snout and ears ... I left out the "bluish sheen"). Even poorer photos than normal - sorry!

This one's an update on similar scheme I tried out four years ago (shown for comparison). The new guy's based for MicroHotT/Book of War/D&D. We've been playing loads of D&D with friends via Zoom (about to start this evening's session) so I reckon I'll need plenty of orcs in the coming weeks.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Fantasy Tribe orc in D&D scheme)
Post by: Ockman on April 02, 2020, 02:14:36 PM
Cool group of gnolls!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Fantasy Tribe orc in D&D scheme)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 04, 2020, 01:01:15 PM
Thanks, Ockman!

Here's a very quick bugbear - an old boardgame piece like the one on page 1 of this thread. I really like these bugbears; they feel just right for the D&D profile. And there's so little detail that they virtually paint themselves.



Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (speed-painted bugbear)
Post by: beefcake on April 04, 2020, 09:18:34 PM
Nice. Very authentic rust on the mace.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (speed-painted bugbear)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 10, 2020, 01:59:41 PM
Thanks! I'm planning to mildly convert a few more to have a small bugbear troop with a bit of variety.

Here's a knight (to serve as a fighter in D&D). He's got Oathmark arms on a Fireforge body. I'm not terribly good or keen at painting humans (to say the least!) so am trying to get some practice:


Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (knight time)
Post by: Dr Mathias on April 10, 2020, 06:07:09 PM
Looks good to me. Nice sun!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (knight time)
Post by: DivisMal on April 10, 2020, 06:53:23 PM
That bugbear is fantastic!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (knight time)
Post by: swiftnick on April 10, 2020, 07:40:48 PM
Lovely shield!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (knight time)
Post by: beefcake on April 10, 2020, 11:58:10 PM
Very good.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (knight time)
Post by: Diablo Jon on April 11, 2020, 06:49:29 AM
I like that knight the shield is a winner.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (knight time)
Post by: Sunjester on April 11, 2020, 08:48:53 AM
That's a nice job on the bugbear and the knight's shield is top class!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (knight time)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 11, 2020, 12:48:34 PM
Thanks, all!

Here's a C16 orc (in Gygaxian colours again):

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (bulging-eyed C16 orc archer)
Post by: Cubs on April 11, 2020, 02:24:09 PM
He does seem to have a terrible case of pink-eye. Maybe he hasn't been keeping his claws as clean as he should?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (bulging-eyed C16 orc archer)
Post by: DeafNala on April 11, 2020, 02:29:36 PM
The Old Orc has a wonderfully expressive face. I love the eyes. VERY WELL DONE!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (bulging-eyed C16 orc archer)
Post by: Severian on April 11, 2020, 11:36:45 PM
Lots of great things here. The rusty armour and weaponry on the orcs is really well done.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Ral Partha hobgoblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 12, 2020, 05:42:40 PM
Thanks, all! (And yes, I suspect his hygiene's pretty suspect. Can't say much for his dentist's standards either ...)

Here's a Ral Partha hobgoblin. I bought three of them on eBay a year or two ago, largely on a whim. It's taken me a while to decide what to do with them, but I've hit on the idea of homogenising my hobgoblins for D&D through colour scheme alone. So this guy gets the same blue snout and orange skin/fur as various others I have from Essex, Citadel, Acropolis and Grenadier. Those are all to be rebased on the same square bases (both for wargames and because it brings their feet to the same height as slotta-based models).

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Ral Partha hobgoblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 18, 2020, 02:02:35 PM
Some hastily rebased hobgoblins to match the new guy. These fellows played merry hell with the party in our Keep on the Borderlands game yesterday; the adventurers are currently cowering in a hollow, one shot through the leg with a crossbow, another with crushed ribs from a trap and all hardly daring to breathe ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (blue-nosed bastards!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 18, 2020, 02:37:00 PM
And some hastily painted - and even more hastily photographed - Reaper Bones troglodytes for this afternoon's session!

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (blue-nosed bastards and trogs!)
Post by: Ragnar on April 26, 2020, 08:41:09 AM
The colours and blending on the Trogs are amazing.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (blue-nosed bastards and trogs!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 02, 2020, 06:25:27 PM
Thanks, Ragnar!

Another player joined our online D&D group on Friday, so a new miniature was required for today's session. I got this elf done this morning after our lockdown-permitted bike ride, so this is about as fast as speed painting gets. He doesn't look much in the photos, but I was pleasantly surprised by how well he stood out on the table.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a speed-painted elf)
Post by: Severian on May 02, 2020, 06:32:35 PM
Oh, he's lots of fun. Contrast paints?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a speed-painted elf)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 02, 2020, 07:16:28 PM
Thanks! Only a little bit and - used 'conventionally' as washes - to shade the crest and the sword hilt. Otherwise, it's all standard basecoat/wash/highlight stuff.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a speed-painted elf)
Post by: Dark choda on May 02, 2020, 10:31:54 PM
Nice!  What's your recipe for speed painting his armour plates?  There's a good amount of shine which I like the look of.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a speed-painted elf)
Post by: M.P. on May 02, 2020, 10:54:34 PM
I love your painting style :).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a speed-painted elf)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 03, 2020, 12:36:46 AM
Thanks, both!

Nice!  What's your recipe for speed painting his armour plates?  There's a good amount of shine which I like the look of.

It's very simple: undercoat in black gesso, painted in Vallejo Natural Steel, washed in GW Drakenhof Nightshade and then roughly highlighted in Vallejo Silver.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a speed-painted elf)
Post by: Dark choda on May 03, 2020, 03:50:21 AM
Thanks!  May I also ask how you apply your silver as a highlight?  I have vallejo silver (dropper bottle) and it's pretty gunky but also does not thin well with water.  As a result I usually glob on too thick.  Your highlights look nice and subtle and thin.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a speed-painted elf)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 03, 2020, 10:25:09 AM
I just thin it with a very little water - maybe just a wet brush mixed in with what's on the wet palette. If you don't use a wet palette, you could give that a go; I think it helps with this sort of paint. I just folded a sponge into a plastic tub, soaked the sponge and used some baking paper over that. You have to refresh paper and water every so often, but it keeps the paints nice and damp.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a speed-painted elf)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 05, 2020, 08:36:53 AM
Here's a Prince August orc I acquired from Mason (many thanks again!). I've always liked the simplicity of the Prince August miniatures - especially the orcs, hobgoblins and goblins (perfect for Alan Garner's svarts, I think). As a kid, I had the mould for the orc archer; the products were fielded as goblin archers in Warhammer, in very large numbers. I'm going to have a delve in the lead mountain to see if there are any sufficiently intact to repaint.

I seem to recall that Prince August used to sell cast miniatures as well as moulds - and that the shop-bought ones were always a good bit sharper than the ones you cast yourself. I suspect this guy is in the pre-cast category. Anyway, he's inspired me to dig out the dozen or so Mithril orcs I have (by the same designer, I think), to get a little warband painted up.

These guys are good for D&D, etc., because they have a suitably one-hit-die look next to human adventurers.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Prince August orc)
Post by: Cubs on May 05, 2020, 09:03:29 AM
We all know the feeling, when you've got a wicked itch right between the shoulder blades and you've only got a morning star to scratch it with. Ah, that takes me back. There was a joy to Prince August mins, that thrill of finding the 1-in-4 that was perfect! 

I really like the aesthetic of this Orc, it's just the pose that looks a little unusual. Great as an individual amongst others, but if I'd cast up a few dozen as a unit I'd be worrying they looked like a yoga class. Another fine addition to your collection of lovelies.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Prince August orc)
Post by: Severian on May 05, 2020, 09:17:29 AM
He's rather well done, isn't he. Very effective colours.

I think it's exactly right to say that they work well as odd figures but are weird in units. This was probably also true in 1985, but then I didn't care. It was enough of a triumph to have got a dozen wood elf archers with complete bows to worry about their strange hats and elbows... Still have all the moulds, mind you; a couple of years ago I even cast up a pair of French Napoleonic guns & crews to go with a brigade of old minifigs I was repainting. The smell of superheated talc from the drop moulds brought it all back...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Prince August orc)
Post by: Dark choda on May 05, 2020, 05:50:46 PM
Thanks for the tips with silver.

Very nice orc.  It is an inspiration seeing your work with older models and sad because it seems a lot of them are out of reach unless they are in an old lead pile.

I find myself looking for simpler sculpts with characterful faces because you've shown here how much life the face can bring to a model. Too many straps, chains, and knick knacks on a model just freeze my brain lol
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Prince August orc)
Post by: Bloggard on May 05, 2020, 06:56:48 PM
ladle flashback -  o_o 

figure looks fine.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a Prince August orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 10, 2020, 08:38:53 PM
Thanks, all!

I really like the aesthetic of this Orc, it's just the pose that looks a little unusual. Great as an individual amongst others, but if I'd cast up a few dozen as a unit I'd be worrying they looked like a yoga class.

Yes, it's a shame that the right arm isn't a separate piece. It would work well angled forward - and with the mace swapped out for a spear.

It is an inspiration seeing your work with older models and sad because it seems a lot of them are out of reach unless they are in an old lead pile.

It's amazing, though, how much of the old stuff is still 'in print' - whether it's Grenadier through Mirliton, Ral Partha through RPE or Iron Wind, or Rieder through Alternative Armies. The Prince August moulds are still going strong - something that amazed me! I'd buy up the orc moulds in an instant were it not for the domestic disharmony that I fear would result!

Here are the quickest miniatures I've ever painted (and it shows!). Lots of excitement with ghouls in Saturday's D&D game led to me basing up these GW "goblins" at 10 last night. I slapped on the base colours late last night then tided them up (a bit) this morning in time for an early-afternoon debut in today's session. I'm going to tidy them up properly, but they caused a few squeals when they appeared behind the party. We're using a flexible phone tripod to stream the tabletop, and it took a moment or two until the party (both in the room and remote) noticed that the ghouls were behind them!

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (some speed-painted ghouls)
Post by: beefcake on May 11, 2020, 04:44:33 AM
Those are absolutely awesome. I want those goblins for ghouls too and I think you may have just tipped me over the edge into purchasing them finally (although I doubt I'll be able to source any at the moment). They look a lot better than a quick PJ. Great to see you are still managing to game via distance too!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (some speed-painted ghouls)
Post by: Swordisdrawn on May 11, 2020, 05:16:41 AM
The ghouls look brilliant!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (some speed-painted ghouls)
Post by: Dark choda on May 11, 2020, 07:29:15 AM
Thanks for tipping me to a few websites!  I'll have to place some orders.  Maybe more for creatures, goblinoids and such as they look fine with size variances.  I dont have a firm grasp of how the older stuff scales to what I already own but I suspect its smaller.

Also great ghouls! Makes me regret not pulling the trigger on the Escape from Goblin Town set a while back. 
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (some speed-painted ghouls)
Post by: Severian on May 11, 2020, 09:02:19 AM
Top work on the ghouls!

What colour did you use for the flesh? I've a couple of ghouls lined up for painting and am mulling over colours.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (some speed-painted ghouls)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 11, 2020, 09:48:36 AM
Thanks, all!

What colour did you use for the flesh? I've a couple of ghouls lined up for painting and am mulling over colours.

I undercoated them in black gesso, swabbed them with Vallejo silver-grey and then washed them with a mix of Athonian Camoshade and Drakenhof Nightshade. Then I roughly highlighted them with thinned silver-grey. The snouts/mouthparts and hands got a wash in heavily thinned red contrast paint (the deeper red of the two, whatever it's called).

Maybe more for creatures, goblinoids and such as they look fine with size variances.  I dont have a firm grasp of how the older stuff scales to what I already own but I suspect its smaller.

It's odd - even some of the very early stuff (I've been painting goblins from the 1970s!) scales well with modern stuff. But yes, creatures are definitely safer than humans - although a lot of older fantasy humans scale fine with modern historicals.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (some speed-painted ghouls)
Post by: Severian on May 11, 2020, 09:59:45 AM
I undercoated them in black gesso, swabbed them with Vallejo silver-grey and then washed them with a mix of Athonian Camoshade and Drakenhof Nightshade. Then I roughly highlighted them with thinned silver-grey. The snouts/mouthparts and hands got a wash in heavily thinned red contrast paint (the deeper red of the two, whatever it's called).

Excellent, thanks.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (some speed-painted ghouls)
Post by: Bloggard on May 11, 2020, 10:21:09 AM
those ghouls are superbly painted.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (some speed-painted ghouls)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 16, 2020, 07:30:52 PM
Thanks, all!

those ghouls are superbly painted.

Just don't look too closely!

In the past few sessions, our D&D party has returned from a southern city to the keep on the borderlands in the north. So no more messing around in ghoul-infested crypts and back to the Caves of Chaos. I thought there was a high chance that they'd raid the bugbear caves this afternoon, so I hastily got these fellows ready this morning. As it was, the players contented themselves with massacring orcs. But these chaps and a few more will be waiting for them tomorrow ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more bugbears!)
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on May 16, 2020, 07:37:23 PM
So much epic painting in this thread. Thanks for continuing to share and inspire mate!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more bugbears!)
Post by: Gibby on May 16, 2020, 10:11:54 PM
Looks like the adventurers are going to have quite the battle on their hands!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more bugbears!)
Post by: Battle Brush Sigur on May 17, 2020, 12:33:45 AM
Great thread! The number of pages, along with the title, should be a warning to us all who aren't aware of what sort of rabbit hole 28mm fantasy games are. :D I picked up on the fact that you also use them in RPG games, but just for SoBH/Sellswords&Spellsligers it would be absolutely normal to get curious about getting into pretty much any fantasy range out there. You display a great mix of figures, and I actually had completely forgotten about Mantic's Naiads. Those look rather useful. Somehow I'm intrigued by deep sea fantasy things.

Really dig your collection of Bugbears and old Citadel Orcs. :D Great stuff, thanks for sharing!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more bugbears!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 17, 2020, 12:19:51 PM
Thanks, all!

Here are a couple more reinforcements for the bugbears (who may be in action very shortly ...): a goblin from the same boardgame painted up as a young or female bugbear, and an Essex bugbear painted a couple of years ago but rebased to fit in (kind of ...):
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (even more bugbears!)
Post by: Severian on May 17, 2020, 01:24:30 PM
A fine crew of bugbears!

The boardgame guys have a distinct Lewis chessmen feel to them; the Essex guy is more Noddy Holder, perhaps... but the shared colour scheme does an excellent job of bringing them all together as a tribe. Grand work as usual.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (even more bugbears!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 23, 2020, 09:20:11 AM
Thanks! Sadly all slain several times over now ...

The boardgame guys have a distinct Lewis chessmen feel to them; the Essex guy is more Noddy Holder, perhaps... but the shared colour scheme does an excellent job of bringing them all together as a tribe.

Yes - maximum mass in minimum space for the boardgame guys - and yes, indeed, on the Essex fellow!

Here are some old chaos warriors swiftly rebased for D&D. There's no shortage of demand for plate-mailed bandit chiefs, evil clerics and malevolent fighters in old scenarios, so that's what these guys are serving as.

I find these dull, square bases perfect for D&D as they work well with grids and are unobtrusive on both indoor and outdoor terrain. And they open up possibilities for 'square-based' wargames too (MicroHotT, OGAM, Book of War, Oathmark ... maybe even an effort to give the kids a fleeting taste of Warhammer ...). I don't really use grids for movement in D&D, but I do use floorplans and gridded mats, with the grids more important for drawing the rooms than anything else.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (old chaos warriors rebased)
Post by: Bloggard on May 23, 2020, 10:33:55 AM
great stuff.

that bugbear is priceless (an Olley I think - one of his naff ones, but somehow good too, lovely character in the face, and your painting has brought that out with a lovely [arthur!] Rackham water-coloury vibe), and you've done a super job on him.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (old chaos warriors rebased)
Post by: Severian on May 23, 2020, 01:29:43 PM
Very nice work - the neutral basing sets off the different armour colours very well.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (old chaos warriors rebased)
Post by: Dr Mathias on May 24, 2020, 07:02:20 AM
I don't think I've seen that tusked bascinet helm guy before, very cool. Interesting colors too!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (old chaos warriors rebased)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 25, 2020, 03:16:38 PM
Thanks, all!

I don't think I've seen that tusked bascinet helm guy before, very cool.

He's Nekris Demonblade from the Citadel Warriors of Chaos boxed set:


As we're now 35+ sessions in to our lockdown D&D campaign, I've decided to paint up all the bits of Fantasy Forge scenery that I've got kicking around. These are the first few bits. I've gone for very simple paintjobs with bright colours so that they show up well over Zoom:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Fantasy Forge stuff)
Post by: Spinal Tap on May 25, 2020, 05:20:44 PM
I've lurked on here for a while and have managed to go through every single page of this thread.

Amazing and relentless work.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Fantasy Forge stuff)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 30, 2020, 01:20:53 PM
Thanks - and glad you've enjoyed it!

Here are some proudly pantless Essex lizardmen. I think these fellows should work fairly well with the old Grenadier AD&D lizardmen - and they at least explain why those more civilised types are wearing loincloths!

There are pretty crude figures, but they have a certain charm. I went with a deliberately simple paint scheme - just two colours and a wash on the green and no faffing around on paler underbellies.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Essex lizardmen)
Post by: Severian on May 30, 2020, 03:43:26 PM
Nicely done. I do like the old Essex range.

Do the bronze weapons mean they'll be doing double duty as dragonewts?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Essex lizardmen)
Post by: Bloggard on May 31, 2020, 01:08:26 PM

good for you for giving the lizardmen some paint.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Essex lizardmen)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on June 01, 2020, 01:33:14 PM
Simple paint jobs work out great sometimes. Case in point, these lizardMEN.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Essex lizardmen)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 07, 2020, 04:52:49 PM

Here's a walking fish that I knocked out in about 40 minutes ahead of yesterday's nautical D&D session. I allowed him to spit a paralysing venom, and he caused a suitable amount of shrieks before the party's heavily armed dwarfs reduced him to so much kedgeree.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a walking fish)
Post by: DeafNala on June 07, 2020, 05:23:41 PM
The Walking Fish is a SPLENDID addition to you GLORIOUS collect. VERY WELL DONE!

I just started painting the Reaper Terror Fish myself. I got the idea of adding bat like wings from one of GW's flying Squigs. Ergo, I have him flying with the inspiration  Squig over a cluster of stalagmites.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a walking fish)
Post by: Bloggard on June 09, 2020, 08:38:23 AM
fish is a super figure.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a walking fish)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 09, 2020, 09:16:03 AM
Many thanks, chaps!

I just started painting the Reaper Terror Fish myself. I got the idea of adding bat like wings from one of GW's flying Squigs. Ergo, I have him flying with the inspiration  Squig over a cluster of stalagmites.

I look forward to seeing him! Oddly enough, when I ordered this fellow from Reaper a while back, I was sent one missing a set of legs. A replacement was swiftly sent, but I'm planning on using the spare as a flying fish for my somewhat Boschian chaos hordes.

Here's a big, burly hobgoblin. He featured as the hobgoblin torturer in our Keep on the Borderlands campaign a few weeks back when he wasn't quite finished. I can see him recurring as a slavedriver now that that the PCs have moved to the high seas.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Essex lizardmen)
Post by: Onebigriver on June 12, 2020, 06:56:14 PM
That looks great! Did any fishmen get a lick of paint before the session perchance?  :D


Here's a walking fish that I knocked out in about 40 minutes ahead of yesterday's nautical D&D session. I allowed him to spit a paralysing venom, and he caused a suitable amount of shrieks before the party's heavily armed dwarfs reduced him to so much kedgeree.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Essex lizardmen)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 13, 2020, 09:32:23 AM
That looks great! Did any fishmen get a lick of paint before the session perchance?  :D

Thanks! Not yet, but they should be coming soon (the PCs have been tracked by assassins to the largest of the Far Isles and are probably going to have to seek refuge on a more remote island - where who knows what might lurk ...).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with a hobgoblin slaver)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 13, 2020, 06:50:20 PM
And these were the assassins: two high-level fighters and a cleric, accompanies by sundry hired thugs. They were unsuccessful this afternoon, but it was a fairly close-run thing. The party managed to take one alive for interrogation.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (fighters and cleric)
Post by: Golgotha on June 17, 2020, 02:12:22 AM
Love the knight/cleric in the middle - who makes him?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (fighters and cleric)
Post by: swiftnick on June 17, 2020, 05:59:58 AM
Judging by the massive weapon and helmet :o
I think Fireforge.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (fighters and cleric)
Post by: beefcake on June 17, 2020, 06:43:33 AM
Very nice. Great additions to your heroic reitnue, a tad out numbered though I imagine.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (fighters and cleric)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 17, 2020, 09:13:07 AM
Thanks, guys!

Judging by the massive weapon and helmet :o
I think Fireforge.

Spot on!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (fighters and cleric)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 20, 2020, 05:32:45 PM
We've been playing D&D with a seven-strong party just about every day since lockdown began. One side-effect of this is that it's been forcing me to finish off miniature projects that I started some time ago - if only to get fresh opponents on the table!

I got a couple more of these red orcs done for yesterday's session, and then a (very quick!) wizard done for today. All, of course, were summarily slain ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (red orcs and wizard)
Post by: fred on June 21, 2020, 10:38:28 AM
I'm liking those red orcs!

Having to find new figures for encounters every day sounds challenging!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (red orcs and wizard)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on June 22, 2020, 07:12:43 AM
Yikes, I'm sure I couldn't paint to that quality day after day! Lovely work, as always.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (red orcs and wizard)
Post by: Ockman on July 28, 2020, 08:33:58 PM
Awesome Orks, friend!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (red orcs and wizard)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 05, 2020, 11:42:22 AM
Thanks, all!

Here are some slightly smaller orcs (not quite finished - they need a bit of work around the eyes and maybe a few more highlights; also, I'm out of the green I use for clumps of grass on these bases). These are Caesar 1/72 - "Orc Warriors 2". They're great little figures that would work well as Middle Earth orcs in 28mm. Also, they're made of a nice, carveable plastic that takes superglue and paint very well - more like a harder Reaper Bones plastic than the usual 1/72 stuff. Some of the weapons are a bit odd - those war-club things - but I'm swapping some out in later bases with weapons from Oathmark orcs and the like. I'm also adding Oathmark shields to some.

This is the start of some 1/72 armies for Hordes of the Things and L'Arte de la Guerre. I bought quite a few 1/72 boxes last year for the creation of a portable set of RPG miniatures (penny bases, magnetised boxes, very light and portable). As all gaming is likely to be home-based/remote for the foreseeable future, I've switched back to 28mm for RPGs for now (bigger miniatures show up better over Zoom), and in any case, I have loads of spares. A box of Dark Alliance 1/72 typically gives 10 or 12 individual miniatures four times over, so that's a full set for RPGs and a whole HotT army. I've already got some 15mm goblins based up on 28mm HotT bases, and they work very well with 1/72. So, in time, I might transfer all of my 28mm HotT stuff to individual bases - especially as these large 1/72 orcs (as warbands) and their small kin (as hordes) would work fine in a 28mm game anyway.

I'm going with a vague desert theme, to match the gaming mats we have and because I've got a lot of Saracens and the Dark Alliance 'nomads'. So these 'orcs' might actually be ghouls or hinn or something similar.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 HotT WIP)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 05, 2020, 11:48:17 AM
I should add that I'm debating whether or not to paint the base edges black (I usually do).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 HotT WIP)
Post by: Severian on August 05, 2020, 12:08:54 PM
Those are great - and very versatile, as you say. Might need to pick up a box for miscellaneous purposes.

Fine paint jobs as always.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 HotT WIP)
Post by: manic _miner on August 05, 2020, 02:52:41 PM
 Great painted figures.

 The Dark Alliance range is great.There are more sets coming out soon.Including Minotaurs,Steppes warriors set 2 and Eastern Tribes which are Easterlings with 48 figures in with 12 different poses.

 The Centaurs look nice too.

 Got quite a bit of the range and some of the Caesar Orcs,Ratmen,Lizardmen and the two Zombie sets.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 HotT WIP)
Post by: 102-year-old-man on August 07, 2020, 10:01:45 AM
beautiful painting of those 1/72 orcs. I love the grey skin tone! 8)

The Dark Alliance range is great.There are more sets coming out soon.Including Minotaurs,Steppes warriors set 2 and Eastern Tribes which are Easterlings with 48 figures in with 12 different poses.
Oh, i'm very excited  :-* I think Dark Alliance is getting better and better with every set. At the moment my favorite 1/72 producer

I should add that I'm debating whether or not to paint the base edges black (I usually do).
I also paint the edges black. I think it looks much "cleaner"
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 HotT WIP)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 14, 2020, 01:09:50 PM
Thanks, guys! Here are another two elements: Dark Alliance half-orc pikemen, which are perfect for HotT spears elements (the basing is often a problem for spear/pike-carrying models). One box of these provides another two spear elements, and I'm going to base those with lowered pikes on larger bases and with two ranks to be 'phalanx elements' (doubled spears in someone's house rules available online).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 spears for HotT)
Post by: 102-year-old-man on August 15, 2020, 10:22:26 PM
beautiful! I'm excited to see your whole army
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 spears for HotT)
Post by: Jagannath on August 16, 2020, 10:35:17 AM
Love this project - I’m quite tempted to get hold of some for a 40mm square based project I’ve wanted to do for ages. How are mould lines etc? Been a long time since I painted bendy plastic.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 spears for HotT)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 16, 2020, 11:59:49 AM
Thanks, gents!

Love this project - I’m quite tempted to get hold of some for a 40mm square based project I’ve wanted to do for ages. How are mould lines etc? Been a long time since I painted bendy plastic.

Mould lines aren't too bad. The Caesar ones can be carved off easily enough; I really like the plastic they use, which is Reaper Bones-ish (takes superglue well, drillable, etc.). The Dark Alliance ones are best treated with a paperclip and candle; the trick is spotting all of them. There's quite a bit of pot luck with the sprues; the best are virtually flash free.

The Zvezda stuff is almost free of mouldlines, but that plastic is a bit shinier and trickier to paint without it rubbing off. That said, the few Zvezda figures I've painted have held up pretty well after a couple of coats of varnish.

One thing I'd be careful about for 40mm squares is the space the 1/72 figures take up. I think they're well suited to 60mm squares, but you might struggle to get many of the more dynamic ones on a base. I just looked at some Caesar knights; you'd get a frontage of two, and it might be less for some of the more fantastic types. Still, they'd look fine when you lined up several bases. More than happy to help out with some photos if you're wondering about the fit.

Here's one for the other side: some Dark Alliance nomads. These are great figures - they'd work well as historical Saracens and Moors, I think. Very simple paint jobs on these: base colour, wash and base colour touch-up for the most part. I'm thinking about some suitably abstract designs for the shields.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 Dark Alliance nomads)
Post by: M.P. on August 16, 2020, 05:27:34 PM
Great paintjob on those nomads and orcs  :-*.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 Dark Alliance nomads)
Post by: RSDean on August 19, 2020, 11:26:37 PM
That’s some fantastic work!  I’m suddenly inspired to work on my own 1/72s...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 Dark Alliance nomads)
Post by: Hummster on August 20, 2020, 08:14:18 PM
Nice work and they could work for historical arabs too.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 Dark Alliance nomads)
Post by: 102-year-old-man on August 22, 2020, 08:31:53 PM
I just love the 1/72 nomads from Dark Alliance. I think Dark Alliance is getting better and better with each of their sets  8)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 Dark Alliance nomads)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 22, 2020, 08:25:27 PM
Thanks, chaps! Lots more 1/72 to come - I have an entire lizardman army and some minotaurs just about there ...

But in the meantime, here are a couple of quick beastmen. I kitbashed a whole load of chaotics at the start of lockdown, and got quite a few painted up. I've decided to whizz through some of the rest, with the aim of using them in square-based HotT ("MicroHotT as my son and I call it - basically, HotT games with individually based figures and huge armies AP-wise).

What I'm doing is just drybrushing them grey and white over black, using contrast paints to colour in most of the figure and then choosing one area to paint in more detail (usually the face/skin). It's fast and dirty, but these guys are only going to be 1AP horde units, so it's all they need.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (quick'n'dirty beastmen)
Post by: swiftnick on September 24, 2020, 12:12:21 AM
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (quick'n'dirty beastmen)
Post by: beefcake on September 24, 2020, 07:59:36 AM
Very cool. Love the beastman.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (quick'n'dirty beastmen)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 10, 2020, 07:04:56 PM
Thanks, guys!

Here's a unit of Fantasy Warriors orc archers (metals by Nick Lund, plastics by Mark Copplestone). My son and I have been playing through various 'square-base' wargames, starting with Warhammer and Chainmail. We've got Ral Partha's Chaos Wars lined up next, so orc archers were required in a 12-strong batch. I had one plastic fellow done and the four metal ones about halfway, so decided to add in seven more plastic archers and blitz through them. As with all my Lund orcs, these are done to a very simple scheme, with only one layer of highlights on most areas (one more on the flesh). It's quick and reasonably effective, I hope.

I'm aiming to get some matching cavalry, heavies and more infantry done shortly, as we've got a lot of games to play with them. We'll be playing Battlesystem, Sword & Spell, Book of War, individually based HotT and Chaos Wars, as well as returning to Saga - the game that prompted me to start painting up the Lund orcs in the first place. 

I must say that the Copplestone EM4 plastic orcs are much underrated. For all that they're monopose, they're really good, simple miniatures. I reckon they hold up well against a hell of a lot of contemporary orcs; they're nicely understated and have just the right amount of grotesqueness.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Lund and Copplestone orcs)
Post by: beefcake on October 10, 2020, 10:01:17 PM
I have a bunch of them and the dwarfs stashed away somewhere.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Lund and Copplestone orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 11, 2020, 11:09:29 AM
I have a bunch of them and the dwarfs stashed away somewhere.

I've got a batch of dwarfs too - I'll need to get on to them to give the orcs some opposition!

Here are three more orcs. I don't like the shaman very much; he'll be playing second fiddle to Mormo Jabberbinder (from Eeza Ugezod's Death Commandos) when I get him done. I do like the other two, though: I reckon they're classics of the Lund style: brawny, brutish and bristling with aggression. And here are some of the archers again in better light.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Lund and Copplestone orcs)
Post by: beefcake on October 12, 2020, 05:20:00 AM
Nice work. Sorry I complimented your work on the last lot in my head and forgot to write it down in the post. Great stuff I still love visiting this thread. :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Lund and Copplestone orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 12, 2020, 11:26:46 AM
Cheers! Comments are just as welcome as compliments!

Here's one more I finished yesterday: a Grenadier goblin. One thing I really like about the Chronicle/Grenadier spectrum of Nick Lund's miniatures is that the slightly different types can be mixed in with good effect. So many of the goblins are as big or bigger than the orcs and even, in some cases, the ogres: the biggest Grenadier goblin is on a par with the smaller Chronicle ogres. I mix them all into the same units to give a bit of variety. I reckon the 'goblins' might serve as half-orcs, as they're only really distinguished by slightly more human faces and longer hair.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Lund and Copplestone orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 21, 2020, 04:03:40 PM
Here's the first unit I've specifically painted for Oathmark. Or possibly two units, as these could be three standard ogres and a solitary linebreaker (the gent with the big club). They're Reaper Bones bugbears, but they struck me as just the right size for Oathmark's 50mm bases. And I though one on its own might work as a buggane (a shaggy, ogre-like creature - originally from Manx folklore).

Very quick and simple paintjobs, but they were ordered, delivered and painted all within a week, so they're officially leadpile-neutral!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (ogres for Oathmark!)
Post by: Dr. Kevin Moon III esq. on October 22, 2020, 08:04:15 AM
Fabulous work as ever
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (ogres for Oathmark!)
Post by: Garanhir on October 22, 2020, 09:42:58 AM
"Leadpile-neutral"; that's a brilliant phrase, I'll have to remember that!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (ogres for Oathmark!)
Post by: beefcake on October 22, 2020, 09:54:17 AM
Very nice. Always been on my Reaper Wishlist those buggys
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (ogres for Oathmark!)
Post by: Elk101 on October 22, 2020, 10:17:39 AM
Excellent paint jobs. I have the same figures part painted,  though not as nice as yours.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (ogres for Oathmark!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 22, 2020, 03:57:57 PM
Thanks, guys! Here are two more units for Oathmark - one painted last night and today and the other simply rebased: dwarf linebreakers and an eachy.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oathmark dwarves and eachy)
Post by: M.P. on October 22, 2020, 05:08:33 PM
Awesome paintjob  :-*, I especially like the troll.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oathmark dwarves and eachy)
Post by: fred on October 22, 2020, 06:36:53 PM
Loads more great progress. The volume and quality are both great - even if you keep saying they are quick paint jobs
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oathmark dwarves and eachy)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 25, 2020, 10:51:19 AM
Thanks, both! Here are some more - I'm working through my backlog of based-up Grenadier orcs. I have a few more unprepped ones, plus a stack of Chronicle giant black orcs to add. There's also a Grenadier ogre here: I prefer the earlier Chronicle ogres, but those, for the most part, work better on 25mm bases. This chap at least fills his 50mm square nicely.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more orcs for Oathmark)
Post by: Dr Mathias on October 25, 2020, 05:23:56 PM
Those Nick Lund orcs are some of all time favorites. Spent a lot of time looking at them in Grenadier newsletters. Nice work on them!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more orcs for Oathmark)
Post by: area23 on October 25, 2020, 06:40:52 PM
Really good as always. The goblins as half-orcs work very well.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more orcs for Oathmark)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 25, 2020, 07:03:58 PM
Thanks, chaps!

The goblins as half-orcs work very well.

Yes, they're odd in that some of them are bigger than most of the orcs - and at least as tough-looking. So I can see them featuring as half-orc PCs and NPCs in some of our D&D games. I also like them as leaders of orc units.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more orcs for Oathmark)
Post by: Swordisdrawn on October 26, 2020, 07:37:48 PM
Lovely orcs. If orcs can be lovely ;D
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more orcs for Oathmark)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 27, 2020, 10:12:57 PM

Here are some goblins - eight new ones and two old ones rebased for both Oathmark and RPGs. With the ones on my goblin thread, that gives me a 20-strong unit of goblin soldiers. These ones are a mix of Rieder Design/Alternative Armies, Essex, Grenadier and Citadel.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (goblin soldiers for Oathmark)
Post by: Severian on October 28, 2020, 01:48:40 PM
More goblin goodness. The Grenadier guy is splendid. I have him somewhere as part of the Dungeon Monsters boxed set, all resplendent in chipped and garish humbrol.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (goblin soldiers for Oathmark)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 31, 2020, 08:05:28 PM
Thanks, Severian. They're nice, those old Grenadier orcs; I see Mirliton has them back 'in print'.

And Happy Halloween to everyone! (Slightly larger miniatures than usual; I did the devil, but my son made the Mando costume entirely on his own - his skills with cardboard are way beyond mine!

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Happy Halloween!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 17, 2020, 11:06:34 AM
I decided to add a "wulver" to our Oathmark games, so quickly bashed out this Bones werewolf. He was finished on the day of his arrival, so he's another "leadpile-neutral" acquisition.

The drab grey-brown bases look pretty dull in photos, but I find that they work well on the table - both in RPGs and on our wargame mats. I will, perhaps, at one stage add some staining in various colours to liven them up a bit, and maybe some more stones, bones and bits to the bigger ones - but that can wait
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (wulver for Oathmark)
Post by: Historiker on November 17, 2020, 12:33:00 PM
That's a nice doggie! Great find!

I found that the effect of "dull" bases often is limited to photos, while in real life and real light the bases look very fitting. Therefore I would probably call this mini done and well done for that  8)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (wulver for Oathmark)
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on November 17, 2020, 01:49:01 PM
Looks great! Now I want one. Sigh.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (wulver for Oathmark)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 17, 2020, 02:48:54 PM
Thanks, guys!

I found that the effect of "dull" bases often is limited to photos, while in real life and real light the bases look very fitting. Therefore I would probably call this mini done and well done for that  8)

Cheers! I expect that's what I'll do in the end! We have a dark, reddish-brown wargames mat, so these bases fit in quite well with that as well as on dungeon terrain.

Here are some Essex goblins - the king and his bodyguard. I love this range, though few seem to share my enthusiasm for them. They remind me a lot of the goblins in George Macdonald's The Princess and the Goblin - on which Tolkien based his orcs.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Essex goblin king and guards)
Post by: Severian on November 17, 2020, 04:06:53 PM
Excellent stuff. The Essex range is full of hidden gems (and some charming oddities), isn't it. Those goblins work very well. And the wolfish guy is great. I've got him somewhere, three-quarters done these several years now...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Essex goblin king and guards)
Post by: Gibby on November 17, 2020, 04:55:36 PM
I think if Essex used photos of your figures to advertise them, then they'd sell a lot more. They look great!

There are so many ranges/websites with photos that really don't do their miniatures justice.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Essex goblin king and guards)
Post by: Zaheer on November 18, 2020, 07:53:23 AM
I think if Essex used photos of your figures to advertise them, then they'd sell a lot more. They look great!

There are so many ranges/websites with photos that really don't do their miniatures justice.

Just some decent pics of the bare casts given a black wash would be a huge step up.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Essex goblin king and guards)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 18, 2020, 09:09:19 AM
Thanks, guys. Yes, the Essex range isn't much helped by the website. They used to use photos of ink-washed figures to advertise in White Dwarf, and those looked better than the current pics.

Here's a very quick yeti, who might work as a buggane or a (snow) troll in Oathmark. But he'll certainly see action as some sort of giant subterranean ape in our D&D campaign.

Bones miniatures of this size are extremely quick to paint, I find, because you just have to learn to live with the mouldlines and lack of detail and go for an 'OK on the table' approach.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yeti - or buggane?)
Post by: fred on November 18, 2020, 12:07:20 PM
Nicely done, he looks good as a yeti, I went for a basic brown paint job on mine
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yeti - or buggane?)
Post by: Dr. Kevin Moon III esq. on November 22, 2020, 04:17:24 PM
He looks great
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yeti - or buggane?)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 10, 2020, 11:54:46 AM
Thanks both!

Here are some 1/72 orcs. Early in lockdown, I bought all three of the Dark Alliance orc sets, with a view to making horde elements for Hordes of the Things. I've got half a dozen or so assembled and based, but have yet to paint them. These individually based ones are a bit of a dry run for the hordes, but I'm also planning to paint up all 32 of the different figures to use as orcs in 1/72 scale and kobolds in 28mm. And they'll work nicely as beefy monsters in 15mm too.

I really like the range; they're rather undersold by the knock-off LotR-film box illustration, as they're much more original and interesting.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 18, 2020, 01:52:59 PM
Along with the Zargon I recently scratch-built for the denouement of The Lost City in our D&D campaign, I found myself needing a miniature version after an unfortunate elf PC read the cursed scroll in his lair. This is the result:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Zargons large and small)
Post by: Gibby on December 18, 2020, 04:20:56 PM
Let's face it, we'd rather be that than a stinkin' elf!

Excellent work!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Zargons large and small)
Post by: hubbabubba on December 28, 2020, 08:45:01 AM
I've been working my way through this thread over the last 6 months or so. I'd caught some of it when there were new posts and had made a mental note to go through the whole thing.
Fantastic stuff, truth be told I'm kinda sorry to have made it to the end.
Thank you.
Looking forward to some more.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Zargons large and small)
Post by: swiftnick on January 02, 2021, 09:46:32 AM
Hi Justin, you have intrigued me with the idea of using 20mm plastics fir RPGs.
I guess it us reminiscent of the early days of gaming.
Not that I really do any Roleplaying but wondering about songs of blades and heroes based on Glorantha.
The only downside I can think off with the plastics is that you end up with 4 or so of the same figure.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Zargons large and small)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 02, 2021, 06:33:27 PM
Thanks, guys!

The only downside I can think off with the plastics is that you end up with 4 or so of the same figure.

Yes, that's true - but I'm using some of the sprues in each box for Hordes of the Things armies. Also, the duplicates are sometimes useful. I'm painting up the Dark Alliance half-orcs as D&D hobgoblins, and there's one crossbowman and one archer on each sprue. So all of those are going into the RPG box to give the PCs something to think about!

Also, I reckon that 1/72, like 15mm, is more forgiving of duplicates than 28mm.

For Glorantha, you can cover most of the human cultures very easily, and there are the Dark Alliance minotaurs and centaurs too. A mix of 15mm and 25mm lizardmen can probably cover dragonewts. Trolls and trollkin might be a bit harder, but the Caesar orcs could be converted into dark trolls easily enough - or just painted up as them.

Female characters might be a bit of a problem, but the Dark Alliance Amazon ranges give you a fair few options - and the basis of a bolo-lizard rider, perhaps.

Here's a scratch-built brain collector that featured in today's D&D game. He's made from tin foil, mince-pie trays and Fimo.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (scratch-built brain collector)
Post by: DivisMal on January 02, 2021, 10:22:32 PM
I missed a lot of cool stuff. I was very impressed with all those Nick Lund orcs/goblins/ogres. They have a special place in my heart since I started to play Fantasy Warriors as a teenage kid. I do like your painting of those really old skool things from Essex and co., too. Maybe even more...ach...let’s just say, it’s been a lot of great entries!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (scratch-built brain collector)
Post by: Swaelg on January 03, 2021, 12:12:23 PM
The brain collector looks cool! I would like to see WiP photos, too.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (scratch-built brain collector)
Post by: Spinal Tap on January 03, 2021, 07:36:26 PM
That Brain Collector is indeed awesome, it's encouraged me to spend a little time looking through all your stuff again.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (scratch-built brain collector)
Post by: swiftnick on January 03, 2021, 07:45:27 PM
That brain collector is horrible! In a good way.
Have bought a selection of plastic sets. Will see how I get on.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (scratch-built brain collector)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 08, 2021, 11:59:21 AM
Thanks, guys!

The brain collector looks cool! I would like to see WiP photos, too.

Alas, I was in such a rush to take him that I didn't take any! The legs were folded/twisted mince-pie wrappers covered in Fimo, and the body/head was a big lump of tin foil covered in Fimo and then with some green-stuff details added afterwards. The tentacles were bits of wire covered in Fimo.

Have bought a selection of plastic sets. Will see how I get on.

Good luck! A hot wire or knife does wonders for dealing with the flash, which can be difficult to deal with otherwise.

Here are some 1/72 kobolds for my megadungeon project. They're 15mm and 10mm lizardmen that I had lying around; I'm hoping to get very large numbers of them done fairly soon. They scale nicely against goblins, orcs and humans, I reckon.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 kobolds for D&D)
Post by: M.P. on January 08, 2021, 04:43:21 PM
Great paintjob :).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 kobolds for D&D)
Post by: 102-year-old-man on January 14, 2021, 09:54:03 AM
this is awesome! I love your 1/72 scale ideas!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 kobolds for D&D)
Post by: Sunjester on January 14, 2021, 05:30:06 PM
Those are looking great!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 kobolds for D&D)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on January 16, 2021, 08:53:01 AM
Lovely paint job and yes, they scale very nicely.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 kobolds for D&D)
Post by: beefcake on January 16, 2021, 09:36:40 AM
Those are great.
Love the scratch built monster too!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 kobolds for D&D)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 17, 2021, 06:27:06 PM
Thanks, all!

Here's another scratch-built monster. This one made its debut this afternoon: the Beast of Averoigne.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (scratch-built Beast of Averoigne)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 28, 2021, 03:57:29 PM
Some dungeon monsters for my 1/72/true-25mm megadungeon project. Apologies for the photos - very poor light at the moment!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 or true-25 dungeon monsters)
Post by: Severian on January 28, 2021, 04:06:52 PM
Nicely done! That's the old Grenadier medusa, isn't it: mine is still garish in yellow and purple enamels from about 1982...

Great work on that Beast of Averoigne, btw; I did try to say so earlier but the website wasn't co-operating. It prompted me to take Smith off the shelf for the first time in a while.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 or true-25 dungeon monsters)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 28, 2021, 04:54:09 PM
Nicely done! That's the old Grenadier medusa, isn't it: mine is still garish in yellow and purple enamels from about 1982...

Thanks! Yes, that's right. I've got the Ral Partha one lined up next. Both are small enough that they work (more or less) OK with 1/72 figures - and better with those than they do with 28mm.

Great work on that Beast of Averoigne, btw; I did try to say so earlier but the website wasn't co-operating. It prompted me to take Smith off the shelf for the first time in a while.

I'd read a lot of Smith before, but I'd always avoided the Averoigne stories until I was forced to by running Castle Amber over the past couple of months. And I was very pleasantly surprised. I think The Colossus of Ylourgne is one of his very best. I also recently read a Zothique one, The Door to Saturn. I think that's the prototype for just about every Jack Vance story.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 or true-25 dungeon monsters)
Post by: swiftnick on January 29, 2021, 08:59:34 PM
Excellent work!
I particularly like that medusa and minotaur.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 or true-25 dungeon monsters)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 15, 2021, 02:19:10 PM

Here are a couple of kitbashed 1/72 D&D trolls - GW ur-ghul bodies with gnoblar and gretchin heads. I did the first of these ages ago - he was originally on a 40 x 20 base, as I was going to create a troll-only 15mm HotT army, with small individual trolls like these as warband elements and bigger ones as behemoths, etc. But with no need for that project in current times, I thought I'd add him to my 1/72/true-25 D&D resources. His greener friend was done for my 28mm beastman unit, but I always had half an eye on using him as a troll in a smaller scale.

In our current Zoom D&D campaign, the PCs are now at or above seventh level. So monsters such as trolls are starting to fulfil the roles taken by orcs and hobgoblins earlier on - which means that I need lots of them. I've got some more kitbashes coming up using GW ghouls and various things from Reaper, etc. One encounter the PCs might run into before too long demands 18 trolls, so I want to get a fair few underway now.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 kitbashed D&D trolls)
Post by: Little Odo on February 15, 2021, 02:55:30 PM
That Gnoblar troll looks great; the colour scheme suits it perfectly.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 kitbashed D&D trolls)
Post by: swiftnick on February 15, 2021, 07:46:19 PM
Splendidly strange looking chaps!
Justin what camera do you use for your online games please?
I am going to try some lion rampant.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 kitbashed D&D trolls)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 15, 2021, 08:18:53 PM

It's a Hue HD Pro document camera (https://www.amazon.co.uk/HUE-document-camera-Windows-Chrome-Blue/dp/B08QNF1BFB/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2LQ4418B4B7I4&dchild=1&keywords=hue+pro+hd+document+camera&qid=1613419988&sprefix=Hue+pro%2Caps%2C159&sr=8-1). I'm not sure if it would work well for wargames rather than RPGs, though, because it's intended for an A4 sheet. So it's great for claustrophobic dungeon adventures, but probably not for showing a whole battlefield (not sure how well it would work if positioned high up).

One reason I'm cracking on with all the 1/72 stuff is just so we can get more on screen during the games - especially when bigger monsters/battles are involved. The Hue is great for showing different angles (down a corridor or a room from either above or the PCs' view, etc); the bendy neck allows you to get it very quickly into odd positions.

I'll have a play around with it when we set up tomorrow and try to work out how much of a full tabletop it could show, but I reckon there are probably better cameras for that.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 kitbashed D&D trolls)
Post by: Severian on February 16, 2021, 08:48:59 AM
Great work on those trolls. I reckon the sight of eighteen of them appearing unexpectedly via online camera ought to throw most parties off their stride...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 kitbashed D&D trolls)
Post by: M.P. on February 16, 2021, 10:36:53 AM
Great idea and fantastic paintjob on those trolls :).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (quick'n'dirty beastmen)
Post by: Rotorcraft on February 27, 2021, 09:53:34 PM
Thanks, guys!

Here's a unit of Fantasy Warriors orc archers (metals by Nick Lund, plastics by Mark Copplestone). My son and I have been playing through various 'square-base' wargames, starting with Warhammer and Chainmail. We've got Ral Partha's Chaos Wars lined up next, so orc archers were required in a 12-strong batch. I had one plastic fellow done and the four metal ones about halfway, so decided to add in seven more plastic archers and blitz through them. As with all my Lund orcs, these are done to a very simple scheme, with only one layer of highlights on most areas (one more on the flesh). It's quick and reasonably effective, I hope.

I'm aiming to get some matching cavalry, heavies and more infantry done shortly, as we've got a lot of games to play with them. We'll be playing Battlesystem, Sword & Spell, Book of War, individually based HotT and Chaos Wars, as well as returning to Saga - the game that prompted me to start painting up the Lund orcs in the first place. 

Sorry to ask but I'm very curious about that "tour" for the Fantasy rulebooks that you were planning, if it finally took place and your conclusions and preferences after those games.

Thank you.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 kobolds for D&D)
Post by: Cacique Caribe on February 28, 2021, 06:15:51 AM
Here's another scratch-built monster. This one made its debut this afternoon: the Beast of Averoigne.


Excellent build.  I love it!  Is it this same Beast of Averoigne, by Clark Ashton Smith?



Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 kitbashed D&D trolls)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 28, 2021, 01:25:29 PM
Thanks, guys!

Sorry to ask but I'm very curious about that "tour" for the Fantasy rulebooks that you were planning, if it finally took place and your conclusions and preferences after those games.

We got derailed by Oathmark after playing Warhammer and Chainmail. We ended up playing several games of Oathmark and then getting distracted by various boardgames (and the miniature-painting pressure applied by our daily D&D campaign). I was thinking about restarting the other day, but discovered that the Ral Partha Chaos Wars are no longer online on the Iron Wind site, which was a bit of a blow. I think I printed off the quick guide, so we may be able to play a bit on that. I'll post thoughts once we've resumed.


Excellent build.  I love it!  Is it this same Beast of Averoigne, by Clark Ashton Smith?

Thanks! Yes, that's the one. We were playing through the old D&D module Castle Amber, one section of which is set in Averoigne and involves adventures based on various Clark Ashton Smith stories.

Here's another kitbashed 1/72 troll. This one's a bit bigger, but still slightly smaller than the weapon-wielding Julie Guthrie trolls, which I'll use as giant trolls (as per Fiend Folio, though I'll keep them the same colour as their unarmed brethren rather than making them reddish).

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (a new kitbashed 1/72 D&D troll))
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 15, 2021, 07:22:04 PM
I painted this guy in about three hours a few weeks back to use him as the mountain giant in The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun. He could do with a bit of neatening, but he did the job.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an ettin)
Post by: M.P. on March 15, 2021, 07:41:24 PM
Great paintjob :).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an ettin)
Post by: beefcake on March 16, 2021, 04:00:14 AM
Cool. I like the colouring on it! Very snowlike.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an ettin)
Post by: Duncan McDane on March 16, 2021, 11:34:47 AM
Very impressive job on the skin.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an ettin)
Post by: Severian on March 16, 2021, 11:47:40 AM
Nice work on that ettin. It's probably just the angle of the picture, but I can't help seeing the left club as a backscratcher...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 kitbashed D&D trolls)
Post by: Mister Frau Blucher on March 16, 2021, 03:22:05 PM
Thanks, guys!

We got derailed by Oathmark after playing Warhammer and Chainmail. We ended up playing several games of Oathmark and then getting distracted by various boardgames (and the miniature-painting pressure applied by our daily D&D campaign). I was thinking about restarting the other day, but discovered that the Ral Partha Chaos Wars are no longer online on the Iron Wind site, which was a bit of a blow. I think I printed off the quick guide, so we may be able to play a bit on that. I'll post thoughts once we've resumed.

Ral Partha Legacy split off from Iron Wind Metals last year. All the Chaos Wars stuff is at the Legacy website (along with Tom Meier's Thunderbolt Mountain stuff):


It doesn't look like the Chaos Wars books are available for download right now, but I think Jacob is still developing the website.

Fantastic painting on the Ettin!

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an ettin)
Post by: 102-year-old-man on March 17, 2021, 09:25:25 AM
have you guys already seen the new 1/72 fantasy sets of Dark Alliance?


really nice stuff you 1/72 D&D campaigns
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an ettin)
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on March 17, 2021, 09:33:21 AM
Hmm! I would be curious to see those Anubis warriors compared to 28mm figures when they become available.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an ettin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 17, 2021, 10:45:54 AM
Thanks, all!

have you guys already seen the new 1/72 fantasy sets of Dark Alliance?


really nice stuff you 1/72 D&D campaigns

I had not! That solves a very specific problem for me at a stroke. I've been wanting to run the classic Caverns of Thracia module for some time - and those Anubis chaps are precisely what was missing!

The others are very nice too - great adventurer options in the Southern Kingdoms lot.

Thanks very much for pointing those out!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an ettin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 17, 2021, 08:51:33 PM
Hmm! I would be curious to see those Anubis warriors compared to 28mm figures when they become available.

I'd guess from Dark Alliance's past form and the numbers in the box that they'll be human-sized in 1/72 (maybe slightly on the large side, like their elves), so pretty small and slight compared with 28mm. But then again, jackal-men would probably be quite small and slight ...

The DA minotaurs (like this guy (https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=77384.msg1638152#msg1638152)) are about the size of 28mm beastmen, but they come in sets of 32 and look much chunkier in the box photo:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an ettin)
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on March 17, 2021, 10:02:27 PM
Cheers for that Hobgoblin. Yeah, I am thinking Jackal-men could be on the small size. I quite happily use Dark Alliance trolls already but experimenting with their Orcs to be used as Goblins was a bit disappointing.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an ettin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 25, 2021, 10:54:34 AM
Cheers for that Hobgoblin. Yeah, I am thinking Jackal-men could be on the small size. I quite happily use Dark Alliance trolls already but experimenting with their Orcs to be used as Goblins was a bit disappointing.

It appears that the Anubians are quite a bit bigger than humans  (http://72-multiverse.blogspot.com/2021/03/rangers-cyclopes-anubians-and-more.html)in 1/72 after all. That's good news for me, as I'll use them as supplementary gnolls behind the Julie Guthrie Ral Partha ones as well as using them as Anubians in Caverns of Thracia. Obviously, jackals are quite different from hyenas (caniform rather than feliform for one thing). But at 1/72 scale, "humanoids with snouts" will do!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an ettin)
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on March 25, 2021, 11:07:21 AM
Ah that is interesting indeed! Larger works better for me. Thanks for letting me know.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (10mm lizardmen; 28mm HotT stuff)
Post by: Chuck1372 on March 25, 2021, 05:31:32 PM
Here's a comparison of the old and new bases. I think the new scheme is a huge improvement, so will be repainting all the bases of my recent HotT elements (it won't take long, and there aren't that many of them). I'll start with the chaos hordes, who are now six elements strong.

Who makes the hobgoblins?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (10mm lizardmen; 28mm HotT stuff)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 25, 2021, 06:35:10 PM
Who makes the hobgoblins?

These guys?


They're Citadel from the early 80s. Satanic Panic Miniatures do an homage range, though (bottom of this page and onwards):

http://satanicpanic.co.uk/store/4593110926 (http://satanicpanic.co.uk/store/4593110926)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with an ettin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 04, 2021, 01:51:50 PM
What's this rubbish, I hear you cry?

Well, it's an experiment - an attempt to 'paint' a miniature using nothing with pens. The green fellow was done using my daughter's Posca pens (thick nibs only - 3M and 5M) and some micro pens to tidy up.

He's nothing to write home about, obviously - but he was a lot of fun to do, and he actually 'reads' quite nicely on the table. And most importantly, he was ludicrously quick - a matter of minutes.

I'm going to order some of the fine Poscas and see what can be done with those.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (an orc 'painted' without brushes)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 04, 2021, 02:44:20 PM
Now bear with me on this one. It's very much work in progress (as you can see). But here's the thing. This took me about five minutes - which is far quicker than if I'd applied the base colours with a brush. I'm going to finish him off with washes and paints. But if he holds up to that, I reckon I've found a way of massively speeding up productivity - particularly with 1/72s like this fellow.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (an orc 'painted' without brushes)
Post by: Elbows on April 05, 2021, 01:12:54 AM
I'd be more concerned about cost - i.e. how many pens you'd go through.  I think the painted figure looks far better, but speed is speed.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (an orc 'painted' without brushes)
Post by: Pattus Magnus on April 05, 2021, 03:53:39 AM
The other thing might be whether or not the ink stays put - when I’ve used pens I found they smudged a bit. Definitely needed a spray on coat of varnish.

That said, I do like the orc and Lizardman you coloured in with the pens, they’re vivid and the highlights show up well.

I’m looking forward to seeing future progress!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (an orc 'painted' without brushes)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 05, 2021, 09:49:57 AM
I'd be more concerned about cost - i.e. how many pens you'd go through.

Yes, I fear these experiments might result in frequent compensatory purchases to keep my daughter happy! That said, the pens are pretty 'generous' in the way they spread paint around, and a drawing/decorating session with them probably uses up much more than an individual miniature. Each pen costs about the same as a Citadel or Vallejo paint pot.

  I think the painted figure looks far better, but speed is speed.

Oh, yes - no doubt. But there's a couple of points apart from speed. First, these prototypes were done with fat markers (so fat that I couldn't reach into all the crannies because of the bulk of the pen. So I'm hoping for much more control and accuracy with the ultrafine pens. And second, I suspect that rough green orc would actually 'read' better than his better-painted companion over a Zoom game, like our daily D&D sessions.

It's also worth remembering that I used nothing but pens for that orc; I could have neatened him up a lot more with a brush (and may yet).

Here's the 1/72 lizardman after a wash and some details. He's certainly OK for the tabletop, and I think he holds up fine against a conventionally painted equivalent. The painted ones were done in a speed-painting frenzy, but the new guy was much quicker because the base colours and crude highlights took hardly any time at all. By contrast, the base colours for the others took a fair bit of time per figure. So, while I probaby prefer the duller, more naturalistic ones, if I needed a dozen for an RPG encounter, the pens would definitely be the way to go.

Again, I hope I'll be able to get more precision with finer pens, and I could probably do a bit of further neatening on him.

I also quickly 'penned in' a blue one last night. The very bold highlights are to be toned down with contrast paints. We'll see how he turns out ...

The other thing might be whether or not the ink stays put - when I’ve used pens I found they smudged a bit. Definitely needed a spray on coat of varnish.

I think (hope!) the Posca paint will be fine, as it's a fine acrylic. The micron-pen lines definitely need a bit longer to dry before varnishing, but they're fine if left overnight. Fingers crossed!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (an orc 'painted' without brushes)
Post by: Duncan McDane on April 05, 2021, 01:36:22 PM
If you want my honest opinion, the difference in quality between the pencil colored one and the painted one is massive. Unless you're saving at the very least 1,5 hour a model I wouldn't bother because of your normal output quality. For people who are not great at painting - or don't like it -  it might be a solution, but in that case I'd rather would use dipping, as it is also quick and gives better results. Again, my opinion, don't feel offended as that wasn't my intention, just honest feedback. Like asking Rembrand to paint the fencing, a waste of his time & talent imho.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (an orc 'painted' without brushes)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 05, 2021, 06:39:49 PM
If you want my honest opinion, the difference in quality between the pencil colored one and the painted one is massive. Unless you're saving at the very least 1,5 hour a model I wouldn't bother because of your normal output quality.

I think the time saving will be around that mark. Do you mean the orc or the lizardman? I couldn't get a good shot of the lizards side by side (phone camera wouldn't focus!), but in the flesh, I think the 1/72 lizardmen are pretty much the same standard.

For people who are not great at painting - or don't like it -  it might be a solution, but in that case I'd rather would use dipping, as it is also quick and gives better results. Again, my opinion, don't feel offended as that wasn't my intention, just honest feedback.

No offence taken! But remember, these are the equivalent of painting with a huge brush, as I don't have access to fine-nibbed paint pens yet. That should change tomorrow. I've also discovered that some paint-pen companies do lots of subtle natural colours, so there's at least potential for some much more subtle approaches. It's definitely an experiment, but I'm quite interested to see how it plays out.

In the meantime, here's a conventionally painted 1/72 cyclops - one of the new set from Dark Alliance.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 cyclops)
Post by: Duncan McDane on April 06, 2021, 07:12:31 AM
I was referring to the Orc. It looks better on the lizardman but I don't have experience with painting small scale miniatures. Might be the model itself, might be the washes, might be the scale. Will follow this anyway, because it never hurts to discover new things.
Really like that cyclops, you're good with fleshy skintones.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 cyclops)
Post by: beefcake on April 06, 2021, 07:38:12 AM
Love the Cyclops. Has a classic Greek look to it.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 cyclops)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 06, 2021, 11:17:50 AM
Thanks, guys.

Here's another pen experiment: a 1/72 zombie. He doesn't look like much, but then he is tiny. And he was done in a fraction of the time it would have taken even to base-coat and drybrush him. So I'm counting him as a success. I wasn't looking forward to working through the zombie hordes, but this will speed up the process hugely.

I've also finished off the second lizardman - I'm happy enough with him, given the small scale and the roughness of these figures. Quick tabletop standard is the goal here.

The next test will to be see what can be done when I'm not bludgeoning about with 5mm nibs!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 cyclops)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 07, 2021, 11:44:52 AM
Been trying out some further pen experiments. These are all WIPs. The flying ape will probably end up as a mixed-media job, as I'll use washes or glazes over his fur and skin once I've finished with the pens. I quite like the rotoscoped, Bakshi-esque appearance, though - suitable for a demon!

My son has spent about 10 minutes on the tyranid so far. The main point here is that a crude but striking warband could be knocked out in an hour or two (and tidied up later with brushes). It's amazing how much time you save through not opening and preparing paint, washing brushes and so on, and at 'tabletop distance', I think this guy would look OK as is, however much he's not ready for his close-up.

But for me, the real revolutionary use of paint pens will be in getting base colours blocked in on 1/72 figures. Putting down the green, brown and metals on this ranger took about two minutes. I'll finish him off with brushes, but the boost to productivity from the pens is remarkable. 
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more WIP pen experiments)
Post by: Little Odo on April 07, 2021, 01:13:04 PM
All of them look pretty good to me - a very decent tabletop standard has been achieved. Thanks for sharing the details of these pens and what they are capable of.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more WIP pen experiments)
Post by: Pattus Magnus on April 07, 2021, 07:24:35 PM
I’m intrigued by this method. What shade is the primer coat you’re using the markers on? (Black? White?) If it’s straight over a black base, I’m amazed at how vivid the colours are.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more WIP pen experiments)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 07, 2021, 08:16:34 PM
I’m intrigued by this method. What shade is the primer coat you’re using the markers on? (Black? White?) If it’s straight over a black base, I’m amazed at how vivid the colours are.

It's Pebeo black gesso, and yes, it's straight over the undercoat. The colours are really strong, and the paint is sufficiently thin not to clog detail, which is what I've been most impressed by. That's why I'm going to be using a "mixed media" approach on a lot of 1/72: pens for the base colours, which is ludicrously quick, and then brushes for washes and details.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more WIP pen experiments)
Post by: Pattus Magnus on April 07, 2021, 08:36:34 PM
 Thanks for the info! It’s amazing to me that it covers so well, I think I’ll have to give them a try. A mixed media approach seems like a good way to get the best out of both the pens and the brushes!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more WIP pen experiments)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 25, 2021, 11:29:21 AM
I should have some more pen experiments to show shortly - have been having lots of fun producing some 'dungeonpunk' bright and cheerful miniatures.

Yesterday, we played a big game of Dragon Rampant in the garden with a new table. Great to have the 6' x 4' space at last! A combined force of two orcish tribes managed to send the forces of chaos packing.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Dragon Rampant in the sunshine)
Post by: fred on April 25, 2021, 11:41:25 AM
Always good to see an outdoor game, especially in the UK!

Are they fighting for control of the hay bales?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Dragon Rampant in the sunshine)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 25, 2021, 12:20:45 PM
Are they fighting for control of the hay bales?

Ha! Hay is hard to come by in the badlands!

They're supposed to be ruins, but they look a little bright and yellow in the sunshine! We had four armies of 38 points each, so we went fairly light on terrain - just two large areas of rough ground with cover for those inside and at the edges.

One thing that struck me about the new mat was that my unadventurous and unobtrusive 'dungeon' bases - burnt umber drybrushed with grey and then, very lightly, with white - actually fitted in pretty well, with the old green bases looking a bit more out of place. I'm gradually replacing the green slottabases with square 'dungeon' bases, at least for the miniatures that aren't actually slottabased, so this was pleasing to see.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Dragon Rampant in the sunshine)
Post by: sir_shvantselot on April 29, 2021, 09:50:14 AM
Ooh, Close up of the lizard please…
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Dragon Rampant in the sunshine)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 29, 2021, 12:32:39 PM
This guy?


He's an old toy that my kids had when they were very little, repainted and based a few years back.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Dragon Rampant in the sunshine)
Post by: Duncan McDane on April 29, 2021, 02:09:48 PM
Excellent result! And I notice it has sharp teeth. Most of the cheaper toys I see nowadays hardly have seperate teeth, let alone sharp ones, so amongst other shortcomings they just don't seem to me to qualify for the job.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Dragon Rampant in the sunshine)
Post by: sir_shvantselot on April 29, 2021, 05:30:38 PM
The Giant lizard has come off very successfully.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Dragon Rampant in the sunshine)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 02, 2021, 07:03:13 PM
Thanks! I think he features on this thread a few years back. He's been a staple of our HotT and DR games since.

I knocked up some crude cardboard ruins over the weekend. I'm going to add a bit of detail - cracks and vines and whatnot - but they're coming together. Nuthin' fancy, but they'll do the job on the table.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (crude cardboard ruins)
Post by: Pattus Magnus on May 02, 2021, 07:14:41 PM
Those ruins should do the job! I did something similar last spring and used foam-core rather than cardboard. The idea was to keep them simple enough that they could be used for fantasy, sci-fi, or modern/ post-apoc ruined cities. Add some period-specific scatter bits and they click into place in the setting.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (crude cardboard ruins)
Post by: Hummster on May 02, 2021, 07:53:46 PM
Nice work on the ruins. I like cardboard for terrain as it is pretty easy to work with and can make a lot of different items.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (crude cardboard ruins)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 26, 2021, 09:13:18 AM
Thanks, gents!

Here's a quick kitbashed beastman. We've been playing Brent Spivey's The Battlefield a bit recently (great game!), which has a category of "insurgents". I thought a chaos cult or something similar might fill that role nicely, so decided to knock together a few wretched beastmen. This fellow's the first. He might show up in our D&D campaign too: the party are currently in Hell ...

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed beastman)
Post by: Cubs on May 26, 2021, 11:02:30 AM
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed beastman)
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on May 26, 2021, 12:12:22 PM
Great kitbash and brushwork mate!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed beastman)
Post by: Seditiosus on May 26, 2021, 02:12:28 PM
looking menacing. I can't place the parts used, maybe you can enlighten me? thanks! :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed beastman)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 26, 2021, 02:25:06 PM
Thanks, all!

looking menacing. I can't place the parts used, maybe you can enlighten me? thanks! :)

Sure: his body is from a Frostgrave tribal, his head is a Mantic Abyssal's, and his arms and gun are from a Wargames Atlantic lizardman.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed beastman)
Post by: Reed on May 26, 2021, 03:14:06 PM
Very clever use of parts
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed beastman)
Post by: Dr Mathias on May 27, 2021, 03:25:33 AM
Very clever use of parts

Agreed, they go great together. Looks ace!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed beastman)
Post by: Seditiosus on May 28, 2021, 10:48:25 PM
thanks. never thought the mantic head could look so (nicely) mean. I have some of those, always saw them as being to comical, but this is definitely some great use of these parts! Will have to dig mine out. thanks for the inspiration!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed beastman)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 29, 2021, 10:22:41 AM
Thanks, guys. He now has an ungainly friend:
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (another kitbashed beastman)
Post by: Reed on May 29, 2021, 08:32:18 PM
Deadzone mutant body and half a skaven?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (another kitbashed beastman)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 29, 2021, 08:54:23 PM
Deadzone mutant body and half a skaven?

No - legs of a Hail Caesar Celt, torso of a Frostgrave snakeman, head of a skaven plague monk, arms of a Frostgrave gnoll and a gun from the Stargrave mercenary sprue.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (another kitbashed beastman)
Post by: Cubs on May 29, 2021, 09:59:17 PM
The Snakeman torso has given it a great weighty hunch forward hasn't it? That's really effective.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (another kitbashed beastman)
Post by: beefcake on May 30, 2021, 12:45:52 AM
Very nice. so many different kits!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (another kitbashed beastman)
Post by: Mammoth miniatures on May 30, 2021, 01:38:04 AM
Those two are fantastic!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (another kitbashed beastman)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 04, 2021, 08:13:45 AM
Thanks, all!

Here's another kitbash: not part of the cultist/mutant/beastman gang, but more of a pulp or sword-and-sorcery monster.

It's a pretty obvious headswap, but I thought a little tribe of these guys would be fun for skirmish games or RPG encounters. I'm thinking here of something like the Olab in Moorcock's Elric stories - weird, reptilian creatures that could - somehow - be the ancestors of more common species ...

I'm going to aim to paint him up today during "coffee breaks" ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed monster)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 04, 2021, 05:42:06 PM
Some progress - will try to finish him off tonight.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed monster)
Post by: majorsmith on June 04, 2021, 06:46:51 PM
Nice! I love that blue!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed monster)
Post by: Little Odo on June 04, 2021, 08:54:31 PM
Ooh, now he looks really good. Great colour choice.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed monster)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 05, 2021, 07:47:29 PM
Thanks, both! I didn't get him finished last night in the end because it occurred to me that the weather would allow outdoor D&D today - and that required a swift switch from theatre of the mind to a miniatures-based session with Gulakeel, Lord of Manticores. In Friay's session, the party had just heard him calling to them in a little girl's voice as he crawled up the wall of the ruined tower in which they were resting. So, I got out the tin foil and the Fimo last night, then greenstuffed him in secret this morning and got him painted up in the early afternoon.

My son knocked the ruin together with cardboard and hot glue, and we were all set - and we even managed to squeeze in a two-hour game of The Battlefield before the D&D session began.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hastily scratchbuilt manticore)
Post by: swiftnick on June 05, 2021, 08:26:47 PM
Jings what a beastie!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hastily scratchbuilt manticore)
Post by: Sunjester on June 06, 2021, 10:26:09 AM
That critter looks really effective :o Well done!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hastily scratchbuilt manticore)
Post by: Little Odo on June 06, 2021, 11:32:40 AM
Your beastie sculpting skills are amazing - good work!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hastily scratchbuilt manticore)
Post by: Cubs on June 06, 2021, 03:43:21 PM
Loving the medieval stylie manticore.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hastily scratchbuilt manticore)
Post by: Chief Lackey Rich on June 07, 2021, 12:39:24 PM
Loving the medieval stylie manticore.

Yeah, nice to see someone breaking with the bat-winged bolt-throwers D&D has convinced everyone are the norm.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hastily scratchbuilt manticore)
Post by: Seditiosus on June 07, 2021, 02:33:35 PM
nice work. while the manticore is too much toy for me, I really enjoy the second kitbash on the beastmen, somehow it works really well. the orkoid(?) also looks pretty neat, good use of those old lizards!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hastily scratchbuilt manticore)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 07, 2021, 11:45:59 PM
Thanks, all! And yes - the bestiary look was definitely the inspiration.

Here's a better shot that one of the players took during the session. The manticore lord did a lot of leaping about for tactical advantage during the encounter; this was just after he had jumped back up to hurl a dying NPC to the ground.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hastily scratchbuilt manticore)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 12, 2021, 01:02:55 AM
Here's the start of a devil for this week's bumper gaming session. We do short daily sessions over Zoom, but recently, we've been having live outdoor sessions at weekends. This time, Saturday's out, so we're doing a double on Sunday - which means more time to make monsters - and more effort concealing them from the in-house players!

Nothing - but nothing - beats tinfoil and Fimo for the speedy construction of cheap, crude and massive one-off monsters! I've made three radically different ones tonight.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (the start of something ...)
Post by: swiftnick on June 12, 2021, 03:41:13 AM
How about a tutorial? I just cannot fathom how you produce sculpting like this based on tin foil!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (the start of something ...)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 13, 2021, 08:24:57 PM
Honestly, there's not much to it: just twisting together some shapes from foil and then slathering them in Fimo. Because Fimo takes just 20 minutes to bake, it's very easy and quick to add successive layers.

These shots might give a sense of the process (it's fairly erratic!).

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (the start of something ...)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 13, 2021, 08:27:13 PM
These demons made their tabletop debut today.

Again, there's nothing much to them, and they don't really bear close inspection, but they were very quick to do. I did the foil and Fimo on Friday night, added the greenstuff early on Saturday morning (before my first pub lunch in 16 months and a 17-km walk!) and then painted them up last night and this morning.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (foil and Fimo demons)
Post by: swiftnick on June 13, 2021, 09:38:05 PM
Thanks, that is interesting to see. And wow it really is tinfoil. Very impressed with that.
That skull is downright weird, the lizard thing is creepy but that oriental dragon thing is totes amazeballs!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (foil and Fimo demons)
Post by: Sunjester on June 15, 2021, 04:56:02 PM
They look really good!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (foil and Fimo demons)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 17, 2021, 08:30:29 AM
Thanks, both!

Here are some kitbashed goblins. At various points, I've picked up bits and pieces of the old GW 'goblin regiment' sprue. These goblins seem to be widely disliked, and they do look pretty awkward, even in the official website photos, but I wondered if anything could be done with them through a bit of kitbashing.

Oddly enough, the spark for doing these was the thought of some swashbuckling games. I recently downloaded the Eureka 'All For One' rules, and I might pick up Ganesha's Flashing Blades. Goblins might seem an odd choice for that sort of game, but I thought they might work quite well for the assumed 17th/18th/19th-century background of many fairytales. I'm imagining scenarios involving soldiers rescuing captives from goblins and that sort of thing.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (foil and Fimo demons)
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on June 17, 2021, 09:42:20 AM
Looking good! Or rather, if not necessarily good… Gobliny. In a brilliantly Goblin kind of way.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (foil and Fimo demons)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 17, 2021, 11:04:18 AM
Thanks, Rick!

I meant to say a bit more about my plans for these goblins before I had to get my daughter to school. The ecological slot I see them occupying (in a gaming sense) is in skirmish games with highly differentiated individual character roles - Battlesworn, Frostgrave, Advanced Song of Blades and Heroes, Havoc, etc.

It struck me that the roles in these games often match up - so that Battlesworn fighters = Frostgrave thugs = Havoc skirmishers (all roles that can be fulfilled by miniatures with a hand weapon and no shield). Similarly, the guy with polearm here could be a Frostgrave infantryman, a Battlesworn fighter and a Havoc spearman. Meanwhile, the fellow with two swords might be a brute or a rogue in Battlesworn, a dual-wielder in Havoc and a treasure-hunter in Frostgrave. And ASoBH has lots of potential for tailoring profiles.

And, of course, they'll all have roles to play in a "swashbucklers vs fairytale goblins" scenario - either as a pure RPG thing or as a tabletop hybrid using Savage Worlds, perhaps.

So I'm going to try to get about a dozen of them done, with at least four fighters/thugs/skirmishers as the cheapest or most common troop type and then a hefty dollop of specialists on top. I'm going to port in a couple of gretchin with blunderbuses to cover arquebusiers/marksmen/musketmen. I'll probably add a few cavalry types too - I quite fancy having one of these chaps on a boar (a nod to Fantasy Tribe great goblins and to Legend).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed goblins)
Post by: beefcake on June 17, 2021, 11:10:23 AM
Those are nice. Not tried Havoc, what's that like?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed goblins)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 17, 2021, 11:40:45 AM
Those are nice. Not tried Havoc, what's that like?

Ah - now that requires quite an involved explanation! I've had the rulebook for years and have played it just once or twice, from memory. When we did play it, it was fantastic - a really great game with lots of original mechanics. But the rulebook is, to be frank, a mess. It's overwritten, poorly edited and far too long (it looks nice, though). But that's entirely separate from the quality of the game design. So the challenge is to tease out the game from the rulebook!

Brent's other rulebooks (Rogue Planet, Mayhem, The Battlefield) are all a huge improvement on Havoc (writing/editing-wise) and are also brilliant games. I'd say that all of his games can be a little awkward to understand until you actually play them. In the more recent rulesets, that's mainly because of the freshness of the concepts, though if I were being picky, I'd say that his preference for acronyms for stats (RAT over "shooting", for example, and MAD instead of "combat") doesn't help. But - from memory - Havoc is just as good as the others once you get it to the table. And in all cases, they are absolutely state-of-the-art wargames - fast-moving, exciting and intuitive.

So one thing I want to do over the summer is write up a quick QRS so we can remember how to play Havoc and - more importantly - keep that knowledge close to hand in easy-to-use format.

From memory again, one thing Havoc does really well is distinguish between different troop types. All miniatures fit into one archetype ("melee and shield", "duellist", "great weapon", etc.), and they can all do radically different things (big sweeping attacks that can hit multiple foes for "great weapons", for example). And there are brilliant rules for heroes and creatures (giants, hydras, etc.). It's a game for about 20 figures a side.

As others have noted, it's a game crying out for a cleaned-up second edition!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed goblins for Havoc, etc)
Post by: Reed on June 19, 2021, 02:13:33 PM
I saw this on your blog. Brilliant! I remember I saw some time ago a conversion using regular Goblins bodies and legs with Grot heads from 40k and weapon arms from Night Goblins, and the results were spectacular.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed goblins for Havoc, etc)
Post by: Gibby on June 19, 2021, 11:05:41 PM
Love those goblins! Cracking little figures!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed goblins for Havoc, etc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 24, 2021, 04:09:40 PM
Thanks, both! I have four more of these very close to completion - but I've turned for the moment to some Tin Soldier orcs (a mere pound a pop brand new and very efficient delivery). Here's the a close-up of the first:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed goblins for Havoc, etc)
Post by: swiftnick on June 24, 2021, 04:39:48 PM
Looks pretty good.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed goblins for Havoc, etc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 14, 2021, 08:08:17 AM
Thanks - I've got a small band of them done now, barring some greenery on the bases. Will try to finish them off today.

Here are some Hordes of the Things elements in 1/72. HotT's pretty much my favourite wargame, but the eponymous hordes tend to be underused - simply because the work-to-points ratio is deeply unfavourable! A horde element tends to have around twice as many figures as a warband or blades element, but it only costs half as much. And if you're going to field hordes, you want lots of them - a minimum of four elements, I reckon, but probably more.

So, I decided to put a bit of work into getting a respectable six hordes to field alongside my orc warbands. These bases use all of the 30-ish figures in the three Dark Alliance 'orcs' sets. They're not quite done - I'm going to add patches of greenery to the bases of all the elements (probably just painted on), and there's always more black-lining, neatening and final highlights to be done. But they're fieldable now and will be on the table today or tomorrow (more likely, given the Lions game tonight!).

I've also added four more warband elements for a total of six. The warbands are Caesar orcs: both the new ones (which are very dynamic and fierce) and the old set (which are a bit goofy, but will do the job). The latter are at the back in the photos.

As it stands, the orc army consists of six points of hordes, twelve points of warband, four points of spears and sixteen points of behemoths - so 38AP with a magician and some beasts underway. We've got about the same points in my son's lizardman army (friends and foes to the orcs, depending on whether the battle is purely domestic or against friends), plus sundry dragons, behemoths and gods that can be roped in as needed.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 orc elements for HotT)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 14, 2021, 08:30:14 AM
One thing I'm planning to add to the hordes are some 40mm elements with two or three figures on each - not for HotT, but to allow the bases to be used in Dragon Rampant, etc., and also to give me a 15mm HotT army in the process.

The 'liminal' quality of 1/72 means that these creatures can be small orcs in 28mm, short but burly sorts in 1/72 and 'giant orcs' or bugbear-sized beasties in 15mm. My old 15mm HotT army was destroyed when I rebased a lot of the figures on 28mm bases (a project rendered redundant by the 1/72 elements), but with the prospect of HotT tournaments restarting if and when the pandemic abates, it might be quite handy to have an army ready. So I reckon I'll base up some of the spare sprues 'thematically' as shooters, blades, warbands, etc. - depending on armament - and have matching elements that will allow these guys to be used in other games.

I'll probably do a dozen or so figures on 20mm square bases too, so that there's plenty of scope for casualty removal in Dragon Rampant. As it stands, the hordes have five figures each, so adding a two-man 15mm element to each would bring it up to DR standards. As three of the elements have bows, I could use two of those together along with a 15mm shooter base to field a unit of Light Foot (Mixed Weapons) in DR.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 orc elements for HotT)
Post by: RSDean on July 14, 2021, 11:16:54 AM
This is a digression from the painting discussion, but I generally just use numbered counters for casualty tracking when playing Dragon Rampant with my 1/72 HotT elements.  I figure each base is nominally 6 infantry strenght points regardless of whether I’ve base 6 or 8 figures on it. (I do intend to do some 3 figure bases for scouts one of these days).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 orc elements for HotT)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 14, 2021, 11:31:32 AM
Digressions are always welcome on this thread! Yes, that looks good - and your Caesar orcs look great!

I'm mildly counter-averse, though, so I'm planning to go with  the smaller additional bases - not least because that will give me a 15mm army in the process!

I've already started basing up the 40mm elements, and I'll probably put one sprue's worth of orcs on individual 20 x 20 squares too. I'll slant the individual bases towards archers, so that I can readily field scouts or mixed-weapon units. I might make some casualties for 'battered' status too.

Here are some shots of the 1/72 army in progress. The trolls aren't quite ready for their close-up, as they need attention to their bases and, in a couple of cases, their feet: those two were roughly rebased in time for a game. This lot are 38 points, and I have six points of blades, two points of beasts and a magician close to completion, which would take me over two regulation HotT armies.

One thing about this orc army is that quite a few of them are compatible, size-wise, with 28mm figures. The trolls are huge and work as behemoths at that scale, and the hordes are fine (about the size of D&D goblins or smaller Tolkien orcs next to 28mm humans). The newer Caesar orcs are fierce enough looking to work as undersized but plucky warbands at that scale too; the big axes they're wielding are much bigger than 28mm Dane axes, and I actually replaced one weapon with a 28mm axe, which is now the smallest weapon that any of them is wielding. So if I ever need a 28mm HotT army, I've got the full 24AP ready to go.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 orc elements for HotT)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 14, 2021, 12:23:33 PM
Some details of the hordes below.

One of the oddest features of the Dark Alliance sets is the bikini-clad orc-lady at the rear of one of these elements. Not quite sure what to make of her, but for the 15mm set, one of the duplicates will make the basis of a magician element when paired with a suitable familiar. I think I have a Wizzkids bat on a rock pinnacle that might do the job.

As ever with 1/72 (barring Caesar, with its more treatable plastic), there are mouldlines that can only be treated so far. But from arm's length, they aren't much of a problem.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 orc elements for HotT)
Post by: Mr. White on July 14, 2021, 12:46:19 PM
The detail you paint on these 1/72 minis is simply amazing. I mean, the teeth, the multiple hues in the eyes. Wow! Great, great work!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 orc elements for HotT)
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on July 14, 2021, 02:12:41 PM
Wow! My thoughts echo those of Jack. Great work on such small details!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 orc elements for HotT)
Post by: swiftnick on July 14, 2021, 06:39:03 PM
I have the Caeser rats but might get those Orcs too.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 orc elements for HotT)
Post by: RSDean on July 15, 2021, 10:53:36 AM
Digressions are always welcome on this thread! Yes, that looks good - and your Caesar orcs look great!

I'm mildly counter-averse, though, so I'm planning to go with  the smaller additional bases - not least because that will give me a 15mm army in the process!

My son would be pleased; those are his Caesar orcs, which I borrowed to resolve a campaign battle I shouldn’t have been setting up (since my orcs aren’t ready).  ;) 

I like the idea of using naturalistic casualty bases etc. in lieu of counters, but practically speaking I don’t have the energy, and would need to make them for each of the forces involved.

Echoing the last few post, your orcs look great!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 orc elements for HotT)
Post by: Mr. White on July 15, 2021, 01:00:01 PM
@Hobgoblin, for your Dark Alliance models...are you cutting them off the thick plastic bases that come molded to them? The bases on these Dark Alliance are pretty thick and Im wondering if it's best to try and cut the base down or simply try to remove the model from the base at the foot area.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 orc elements for HotT)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 15, 2021, 01:27:15 PM
Thanks, all!

@Hobgoblin, for your Dark Alliance models...are you cutting them off the thick plastic bases that come molded to them? The bases on these Dark Alliance are pretty thick and Im wondering if it's best to try and cut the base down or simply try to remove the model from the base at the foot area.

No - I'm far too lazy for that! And I'd also worry that the more you reduce the attachment point(s) with 1/72 figures, the more likely you are to lose them during transport or storage.

I just glue them to the MDF bases and cover the whole thing with Golden pumice gel (coarse). In some cases, I milliputted the figures to the bases before applying the pumice gel, just to make the glue bond less vulnerable to being broken. For the trolls, I have used some bits of aquarium gravel to create other areas of height in the base, so that the big base of those models doesn't make too obtrusive a mound. But otherwise, I just rely on pumice gel to even out the basing.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 orc elements for HotT)
Post by: M.P. on July 15, 2021, 01:31:50 PM
Fantastic work :).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 orc elements for HotT)
Post by: 102-year-old-man on July 15, 2021, 04:24:08 PM
1/72 is just an awesome scale!  :-*

I recently bought some halfling and gnome miniatures from Blacklist Miniatures (Fantasy Series 1). They fit well into 1/72 scale!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (1/72 orc elements for HotT)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 18, 2021, 03:45:23 PM
Thanks, guys!

Here's a small band of Tin Soldier orcs. They're unbelievably cheap for metal figures at just a quid each (and the service from the company is amazing: pretty much next-day delivery). I really like these as D&D-style orcs, and I'm going to mix them in with their Fantasy Tribe Citadel equivalents. I think these ones may also date from the early 80s.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Tin Soldier orcs)
Post by: Severian on July 18, 2021, 07:24:56 PM
Great work on those - as you say, poundshop FT orcs in the best sense of the term.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Tin Soldier orcs)
Post by: Pattus Magnus on July 18, 2021, 08:00:02 PM
You made those orcs look quite good. I have looked at the Tin Soldier website a few times and disregarded these figs (when I first looked there were no pics, and later the pics that were there were... unflattering). I’ll have to reconsider that!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Tin Soldier orcs)
Post by: swiftnick on July 18, 2021, 08:21:07 PM
Looks like will do nicely as my thistlewood orcs, especially at that price.
Going to have a look at this pumice stuff.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (now with Tin Soldier orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 05, 2021, 06:25:50 PM
Thanks, guys!

Here are some out-of-scale additions to my 1/72 HotT (and now D3H2) project. We've been playing lots of garden games over the summer, and with new playing recruits, there's an urgent need to expand the available forces. None of these elements is quite finished, but all four will do for now.

The dwarves are Copplestone 15mm, but I like how they look in 1/72: a bit small for Tolkien's dwarves, perhaps (given the need to cram hobbits, dwarves and various types of orc into the 'smaller than human' space), but good for traditional Norse/Germanic dwarves - making up for their short stature with severely oversized (and doubtless magical) weapons.

The ogres are, of course, 28mm GW orcs. They'll either be a double-warband ('brute') element or 6Bd (fast double blades) - or, most likely, both in different games. They were painted very quickly with contrast paints ages ago, but had a quick touch up last week. I've got a few more elements ready for touch-ups of their own once various repairs are carried out (several have lost their weapon hands).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dwarves and ogres for 1/72 HOTT)
Post by: M.P. on August 12, 2021, 10:04:22 AM
Both dwarfs and ogres look fantastic  :-*. How small are the dwarfs in comparison to 1/72 scale humans?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dwarves and ogres for 1/72 HOTT)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 12, 2021, 10:13:14 AM

Here are a few comparison shots. They're too small for Tolkien's dwarves, I think, but work fine as mythological or folkloric dwarves - and with those big spears and bicepses, they look fierce enough!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dwarves and ogres for 1/72 HOTT)
Post by: beefcake on August 12, 2021, 10:37:26 AM
Tin Soldier! Nice. My very first minis were 15mm's from tin soldier. Bought some a while back for nostalgias sack + the ones I really wanted too back when I was a kid. Tyrannosaurs with goblin and orc riders for the win!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dwarves and ogres for 1/72 HOTT)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 12, 2021, 11:26:54 AM
Tin Soldier! Nice. My very first minis were 15mm's from tin soldier. Bought some a while back for nostalgias sack + the ones I really wanted too back when I was a kid. Tyrannosaurs with goblin and orc riders for the win!

Yup - you can't beat those! They have me wondering about diving back into 15mm all over again - and the service from the company is absolutely top-notch.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dwarves and ogres for 1/72 HOTT)
Post by: M.P. on August 13, 2021, 11:01:26 AM
Thank you for the pics  :).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dwarves and ogres for 1/72 HOTT)
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on August 13, 2021, 12:07:43 PM
Great work mate! 1/72nd is too small for my but you do a great job with them.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dwarves and ogres for 1/72 HOTT)
Post by: 102-year-old-man on August 16, 2021, 09:45:26 PM
very nice!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (dwarves and ogres for 1/72 HOTT)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 12, 2021, 01:29:00 PM
Thanks, gents!

Here are some very quickly painted goblins for a friend's children. Black gesso undercoat, grey and white drybrush, contrast paints, details: done!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (speed-painted night goblins)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on November 16, 2021, 01:22:05 AM
Great work on the gobbos, they came out a treat.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (speed-painted night goblins)
Post by: Dr. Kevin Moon III esq. on November 16, 2021, 08:16:52 AM
Great work! Even more impressive as a speed job!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (speed-painted night goblins)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 03, 2022, 10:46:30 AM
Thanks, guys - and Happy New Year!

Here's a little warband of ratmen. These are old Grenadier figures from Forlorn Hope Games. I'd long overlooked them as inferior Skaven knock-offs, but having take a closer look, I really like them. They're very characterful (and armed to the teeth - the more heavily armoured ones with black fur have crossbows on their backs), so great for skirmish games.

These fellows are shortly to be used in our first game of En Garde. A while back, I painted up some goblins with the vague idea of using them in supernaturally tinged swashbuckling games:


I have a full warband of them now close to completion, but the ratmen have overtaken them. I'm planning to add various warbands that will fit into a vaguely sixteenth/seventeenth-century setting. I'm planning to throw landsknechts, musketeers and some of the sixteenth-century knights from Steel Fist into the mix with no regard for anachronism. I'm thinking of the ahistorical atmosphere you get in the fairy tales of the Grimms and Hans Christian Anderson, in which soldiers making their way home from unspecified wars might encounter supernatural beings.

I'm also planning to make some modular 1' x 1' terrain boards for this. The idea here is that these will work as areas of ruins or built-up areas on our big gaming table, but can also be combined to make small tables for more intimate skirmish games.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Grenadier rat-men)
Post by: swiftnick on January 03, 2022, 10:56:46 AM
Those rats are just the thing! Would be splendid in a pirate game.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Grenadier rat-men)
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on January 03, 2022, 03:18:10 PM
Loving your work mate, great color palette!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Grenadier rat-men)
Post by: Mr. White on January 03, 2022, 03:22:51 PM
Sweet models with beautiful paint jobs!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Grenadier rat-men)
Post by: DivisMal on January 03, 2022, 05:50:40 PM
Those Ratmen have a very nice Leiberian touch on them. The good guys should maybe include a grey hooded thief and a red haired barbarian. Splendid work!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Grenadier rat-men)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 03, 2022, 06:12:00 PM
Thanks, guys! I'm afraid the photos don't show them up very well because today's daylight was so dim.

They got slaughtered today in En Garde by three orcs masquerading as musketeers!

Those Ratmen have a very nice Leiberian touch on them. The good guys should maybe include a grey hooded thief and a red haired barbarian. Splendid work!

Funny you should say that! En Garde has profiles for the Twain, and I've just been looking at potential kitbashes for them. I'm going to go with a Vitrix viking body for Fafhrd with a Fireforge longsword.

For the Mouser, I'm going to do something similar to the guy on the left, whose base I've just been tarting up for this skirmish project:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Grenadier rat-men)
Post by: DivisMal on January 03, 2022, 10:08:49 PM
Pretty cool ideas. Very excited to see where this is heading.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Grenadier rat-men)
Post by: Mammoth miniatures on January 04, 2022, 07:17:29 PM
Thanks, guys! I'm afraid the photos don't show them up very well because today's daylight was so dim.

They got slaughtered today in En Garde by three orcs masquerading as musketeers!

Funny you should say that! En Garde has profiles for the Twain, and I've just been looking at potential kitbashes for them. I'm going to go with a Vitrix viking body for Fafhrd with a Fireforge longsword.

For the Mouser, I'm going to do something similar to the guy on the left, whose base I've just been tarting up for this skirmish project:


Those two are gorgeous!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Grenadier rat-men)
Post by: Hobgoblin on January 04, 2022, 09:56:16 PM
Thanks! They were the early (and so far only!) kitbashes in a project to make figures for all the possible PC "loadouts" in the Into the Odd RPG. As it's a great game to use for one-off, short-notice games, I rather liked the idea of having a drawerful of figures that could cover all the combinations. The idea was, eventually, to have figures for both sexes  - roll your character and here he or she is!

I'd quite like to carry on with that at some point - perhaps En Garde, with its gunpowder weapons, might provide a means to do keep the ball rolling.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Grenadier rat-men)
Post by: beefcake on January 05, 2022, 12:37:11 AM
Love the grenadier ratmen!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Grenadier rat-men)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 04, 2022, 12:39:04 PM
Thanks, beefcake!

Here's a return to a long-postponed project: D&D (etc.) in 1/72. I'm still planning to run Against the Giants with the full cast of miniatures; our party's journey to the giant-infested north has been interrupted, among other things, by their being transported to Glorantha. But when they get back on course, I'm aiming to switch to miniatures, either on Zoom or in person.

I'll need lots of ogres, and I reckon Nick Lund's hobgoblins work well as ogres in 1/72. Here's the first pair - one from Chronicle and one from Grenadier (via Forlorn Hope). Some of the Grenadier ones will work as ogre magi too - they even have the horn! I'll also explore the range of Monster Manual colours with some of the others - sickly violet and all.

All three of these figures need a coat of matt varnish, but here they are in their dubious glossy glory.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (ogres in 1/72)
Post by: Severian on February 04, 2022, 12:47:46 PM
Those are great - the faces are marvellous.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (ogres in 1/72)
Post by: DivisMal on February 04, 2022, 06:53:24 PM
Brillant! I had those hobgoblins when Grenadier still produced Fantasy Warriors. I liked them a lot and the sculpts have aged pretty well!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (ogres in 1/72)
Post by: M.P. on February 04, 2022, 07:09:03 PM
They look great :), I especially admire the skin tone :).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (ogres in 1/72)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 20, 2022, 11:50:41 AM
Thanks, guys!

Here's a kitbashed demon for Reign in Hell:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed Reign in Hell demon)
Post by: Golgotha on March 20, 2022, 12:12:38 PM
He is awesome he would also look good in an ice setting as a snow demon in games like Frostgrave.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed Reign in Hell demon)
Post by: Ogrob on March 20, 2022, 12:24:57 PM
Oh yeah, that is great, both kitbash and paint looks spot on.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed Reign in Hell demon)
Post by: Bloggard on March 20, 2022, 12:31:08 PM
great figures and paint-jobs.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed Reign in Hell demon)
Post by: DivisMal on March 20, 2022, 05:24:45 PM
That demon kitbash is really well done. Especially the choice of colors is great!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed Reign in Hell demon)
Post by: Terry Deathstrike on March 21, 2022, 09:02:27 AM
Very nice!

What parts did you use? FG demon torso, Mantic orc arms and a GW beastman head?

Might have to steal that.  ;)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed Reign in Hell demon)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 21, 2022, 09:03:36 AM
Thanks, all!

Very nice!

What parts did you use? FG demon torso, Mantic orc arms and a GW beastman head?

Might have to steal that.  ;)

Yes - exactly those!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed Reign in Hell demon)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 30, 2022, 10:09:25 AM
I acquired a near-pristine copy of Advanced Heroquest yesterday and am looking forward to some dungeon crawls with the kids - essentially for nights when our regular D&D/RuneQuest game is cancelled. I have very fond memories of the game, though I haven't played it since the late 80s or early 90s; I recall that we absolutely loved the 'starter' Skaven campaign at the time.

I have a few fragments of my original set floating around, including quite a few Skaven (some painted, some converted, some still untouched). And now I have a lot more. Despite their relative crudity, I really like the monopose warriors, so I thought I'd paint some more of them up. I'm going to use Citadel metal figures for most of the special types, but I'm also going to sub in Grenadier musket-rats for the jezail types and employ some of the recent, hefty Mantic ratmen as champions and warlords. And the more recent GW plastics can bulk out the warriors or serve as sentries.

To break up the monotony of the Skaven-painting, I'm going to take quite different approaches to them. This guy, for example, was painted with (roughly) layered skin tones whereas others have been done with washes over white undercoat or dry brushing over black. I already have a green-skinned one and a red-skinned one, and I plan to add more chaotic-looking freaks to the pile. That'll make them easier to tell apart on the game board or tabletop, with the bases and sheer rattishness tying them together!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Advanced Heroquest Skaven)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 31, 2022, 09:17:02 AM
The swarm is growing ... two new and two old. Some more unusual ones are coming up - weirder paintjobs and conversions.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Advanced Heroquest Skaven)
Post by: tikitang on March 31, 2022, 10:38:49 AM
You do have a remarkable talent for making those old monopose plastics look spectacular!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Advanced Heroquest Skaven)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 04, 2022, 03:02:29 PM

The rat-pack is growing with a few more additions here. We played a shortish bout of Advanced Heroquest last night, although with orcs rather than Skaven. It really is a great game, I think.

When it comes to the Skaven, I increasingly prefer to paint them with furred snouts and brows rather than bare ones. I had a look through Heroes for Wargames last night, and I see that a lot of the early Skaven were painted in that way rather than the bare-snouted look that predominated later.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yet more AHQ Skaven)
Post by: majorsmith on April 04, 2022, 05:53:24 PM
Always loved those skaven! Very nice
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yet more AHQ Skaven)
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on April 05, 2022, 08:53:47 AM
Looking ratty! In a good way that is!👍
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (yet more AHQ Skaven)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 06, 2022, 04:17:46 PM
Thanks, both!

Here are a few more. The Mantic ones at the front will work well as AHQ champions; they're slightly bigger than even the AHQ ones; those are from a period where plastic Citadel grunts loomed large above their diminutive metal command groups!

I quite like the Mantic ratmen overall, although they do suffer from soft detail a bit; I had to more or less paint in the edges of cloth wraps on their limbs.

One idea I have is to use some spare Mantic heads to kitbash some of the remaining monopose types.

The two little modern plastics on the fringes will serve as AHQ sentries.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (even more ratmen!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 09, 2022, 05:26:45 PM
And here's a Skaven warlord for AHQ - a modest kitbash from two Mantic kits.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Skaven warlord for AHQ)
Post by: Dr. Kevin Moon III esq. on April 09, 2022, 11:37:03 PM
Excellent, as ever.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Skaven warlord for AHQ)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 15, 2022, 08:19:29 AM

Here are a couple more additions: Warhammer Quest Skaven - even bigger than the AHQ ones.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Skaven warlord for AHQ)
Post by: tikitang on April 15, 2022, 10:11:13 AM
Very nice!

Those aren't WHQ shields, though. I am guessing the triangular one is a modern Skaven shield, but what about the spikey one?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Skaven warlord for AHQ)
Post by: Daeothar on April 15, 2022, 02:23:36 PM
...Warhammer Quest Skaven - even bigger than the AHQ ones.

Incredibly enough, it's only now that I realize that they never were the same sculpt!  :o

And I even have both games...  ::)

Great unified painting again though!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Skaven warlord for AHQ)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 15, 2022, 09:41:30 PM
Thanks, both!

Those aren't WHQ shields, though. I am guessing the triangular one is a modern Skaven shield, but what about the spikey one?

It's a beastman shield (a "Gor" one, though perhaps from an older kit than the current one).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Skaven warlord for AHQ)
Post by: tikitang on April 17, 2022, 07:52:07 AM
It's a beastman shield (a "Gor" one, though perhaps from an older kit than the current one).

Oh yes, I see that now. I believe it is still in the current Gor kit.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Skaven warlord for AHQ)
Post by: Golgotha on April 18, 2022, 04:24:36 PM
Those are uber cool love the shields.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Skaven warlord for AHQ)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 18, 2022, 08:20:19 AM

Here's a unit of hobgoblin hearthguards for Saga. We use Age of Vikings at the moment, so these chaps could function as Varangians or the like.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (hobgoblin hearthguards for Saga)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 03, 2022, 11:53:25 PM
I've been confined to the spare room with Covid since Sunday: my second bout in six months, which feels a touch unfair, although this time around it wasn't even as bad as a mild cold - just a touch of the shivers on the first couple of days despite the quickest, thickest and darkest line I've ever seen on an LFT.

That has meant no painting whatsoever, but has afforded access to sprues, glues and a window. So, when work has allowed (and it hasn't allowed much), I've been putting together any odds and ends I can find that will allow us to use more of our Saga battle boards.

Here's what I've managed so far. I've just tested negative again, so, subject to a confirming test, will descend into the land of the living tomorrow and start to slap some paint on this lot. I ran out of cavalry bases, but some more should be on their way. I reckon there's enough here to get the Norman and Carolingian boards into play; there should be enough for two lots of mounted hearthguard and a unit of warriors (or two more hearthguard), plus two points of foot hearthguard (adding an already painted figure or two) and a unit of javelin-armed levies.

Cavalry, or rather its absence, has always been the Achilles' heel of our skirmish games; we just don't have very much of it barring some wolfriders and a few cold ones. These fellows should go some way to addressing that, and I succumbed to the temptation of the Fireforge cataphracts after reading the rules for klibanaphoroi in Saga. It occurs to me that I might add a (reasonably) historical Byzantine force to our options at low cost; I have plenty of Victrix vikings to serve as Varangians, and eight klibanaphoroi are 3 points and so half an army. So adding a Hardrada stand-in would be all I'd  need to field a six-point side.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Saga-induced assembly frenzy!)
Post by: Blackwolf on June 04, 2022, 12:29:06 AM
Looks very good  8)
Liking the books too,William Dalrymple is a fave :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Saga-induced assembly frenzy!)
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on June 04, 2022, 09:04:33 AM
Sorry to hear about the Covid mate.

I regret not backing the Fireforge Byzantine cavalry Kickstarter. Your plans seem sound.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Saga-induced assembly frenzy!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 04, 2022, 12:28:06 PM
Thanks, guys! Out and about in the sunshine now after a second negative; Covid was mild for me first time around, but this time, it really was less of an inconvenience than a cold (internal isolation aside!). In normal times, I'd have thought "Am I coming down with something? No - shrugged it off"). At least it's been a productive spell on the min-assembly and reading fronts!

Blackwolf - I had a moment of "where have all the other Dalrymples gone!" after your comment, until I realised I'd grouped the rest under 'travel' rather than history downstairs!

Grumpy Gnome - cheers! Yes, the koursores look tasty as well. Cataphracts appeal to me as being the easiest cavalry to paint! I realised that I haven't finished painting a single horse in the seven years since my return to gaming! Time to put that right - and I think copious amounts of barding should help here!

I also managed to put together a few Wargames Atlantic goblins during my internal exile. They're great figures - but what a struggle with the arms! The few I've managed so far required lots of socket-digging and joint slicing, and they're still going to require green stuff to make them presentable.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Saga-induced assembly frenzy!)
Post by: Knight-Captain Tyr on June 04, 2022, 12:39:19 PM
Lovely stuff - great paintwork on those Hobgoblins especially.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Saga-induced assembly frenzy!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 08, 2022, 08:02:08 AM

Here are some tiny adventurers for my 25mm RPG project. I'd been planning it mainly as a 1/72 thing with old 25mm figures dropped in when required, but I find that 25mm is actually faster to paint satisfactorily than 1/72. So, while I'll be using plenty of 1/72 monsters, most of the humans will be 25mm - from Ral Partha, RAFM and Grenadier for the most part.

Here, the male fighter is from RAFM's sadly out-of-production Wanderers and Warriors range, as is the half-orc, who sports the wonderful catalogue name of Petimerd.

The female fighter is Ral Partha and is so petite that she fits in quite well with 1/72 figures.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (RAFM and Ral Partha adventurers)
Post by: Diablo Jon on June 08, 2022, 08:27:01 AM
Those are great lovely oldschool stuff.

 RAFM was the one oldschool company you didn't really see in my part of UK. In my youth Citadel, Grenadier, minifigs, Essex and Ral Partha were all readily available from various local hobby shops but I was never really exposed to RAFM. So it's always interesting seeing their stuff.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (RAFM and Ral Partha adventurers)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 08, 2022, 09:27:18 AM

Some of the RAFM stuff was really excellent (both reptiliads ranges, for example, which are as good as fantasy miniatures get, I think). Some was less technically superb but really characterful - especially the faces!

I presume that the Wanderers and Warriors range was retired because of the smaller scale (later RAFM stuff is 28mm). It's a real shame - especially as the corresponding Orcs and historicals have been kept in production.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (RAFM and Ral Partha adventurers)
Post by: DivisMal on June 08, 2022, 10:14:35 PM
Oh. Those are really nice and really old school. I remember owning some old Ral Partha stuff that was dwarfed by my shiny new GW back in the 90s.

Nice that they fit your 1/72 collection. And bloody good painting!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (RAFM and Ral Partha adventurers)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on June 14, 2022, 08:16:14 AM
Those are great lovely oldschool stuff.

 RAFM was the one oldschool company you didn't really see in my part of UK. In my youth Citadel, Grenadier, minifigs, Essex and Ral Partha were all readily available from various local hobby shops but I was never really exposed to RAFM. So it's always interesting seeing their stuff.

In my youth, we had Citadel or...Citadel, so it's great to see stuff like this, especially so well painted!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (RAFM and Ral Partha adventurers)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 15, 2022, 03:35:11 PM
Thanks, chaps! I may even squeeze a few very early Citadel fighters into this project; I have one or two that are more like 25mm than 28mm.

Here's the start of an experiment with grisaile, or greyscale. I watched some of Marco Frisoni's videos on the technique; I've used contrast paints over black undercoat with grey and white dry brushing a lot, but I thought it might be worth trying a slightly more sophisticated approach and painting up the grey and white in successive layers. Rather than try it with a cutting-edge plastic model, I thought I'd try an old Nick Lund hobgoblin. I'm using these hobgoblins as ogres in 25mm and 1/72, so there's no problem in them looking quite individual in terms of colour scheme (in case this one goes horribly wrong!).

Here's the lunchtime effort on the pre-shading; I'll get some colours on him after work:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (start of a greyscale experiment)
Post by: Pattus Magnus on June 15, 2022, 04:59:22 PM
I’m looking forward to seeing how this works! I tried something similar 10-12 years ago using inks for the colours and got good results. The choices available for inks was a bit limited back then (I never found a flesh tone I liked), so I drifted on to other techniques. The choices now seem a bit wider!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (start of a greyscale experiment)
Post by: DivisMal on June 15, 2022, 05:54:05 PM
Yes, indeed, looking forward to seeing the results here, too!
I’ve been tinkering with a similar approach some years ago. I saw it first done by Delaney King.

The results were quite good for my standards, but I didn’t have contrast paints at that time and used inks, laces and washes. That required three or four layers to be effective and wasn’t really faster than traditional highlighting.

Here are the results, done on the Rackham orc (not the citadel ones, these are highlighted):


Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (start of a greyscale experiment)
Post by: fred on June 15, 2022, 06:30:23 PM
Interested to see how these come out.

I did wonder from the title, if you where going for mono-chrome figures.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (start of a greyscale experiment)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 15, 2022, 06:42:02 PM
Here's how he turned out after a quick colouring in!

I'll get a better photo in better light tomorrow, and I'll probably add some further highlights, but it took about 25 minutes to add the colours. He's got a kind of Ian Miller-ish look, I think (hope!).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (start of a greyscale experiment)
Post by: Diablo Jon on June 15, 2022, 08:08:51 PM
Those look pretty good.

When I saw the first post  I thought maybe you were going with a Sin city style vibe of all black and white miniatures with the odd red sash or some such. Something I've long toyed with doing for a Cyber punk style project. So I'm slightly disappointed you coloured them   ;)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (start of a greyscale experiment)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 15, 2022, 08:33:20 PM
Those look pretty good.

When I saw the first post  I thought maybe you were going with a Sin city style vibe of all black and white miniatures with the odd red sash or some such. Something I've long toyed with doing for a Cyber punk style project. So I'm slightly disappointed you coloured them   ;)

Thanks! It's just the left-hand one that was greyscaled; the other was done normally (and took much longer). In the 'flesh', I think I prefer the new guy - though I think a few dabs of ivory or white are needed to complete him.

Ha! That's a great idea! I might try it with the next one - at least temporarily! Next time around, I think I need to start with a much lighter overall grey - closer to white with shadows than grey with white highlights. I've got quite a few of these hobgoblins lying around, so I've got plenty to practice with!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (start of a greyscale experiment)
Post by: mr ed on June 16, 2022, 06:25:14 AM
Sin city style vibe of all black and white miniatures with the odd red sash or some such. Something I've long toyed with doing for a Cyber punk style project.

Back when  Cursed City was released there were quite a lot of this sort of thing. It's cool if done well


Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (start of a greyscale experiment)
Post by: Elbows on June 16, 2022, 06:38:48 AM
I always like "artsy" paint styles like that.  While I don't have the ability to do stuff like that, I like when someone can do a kind of minimalist paintjob that delivers the full impact of the miniature or a really cool vibe, etc.

Shows you how much you can do with only a few colours, and the use of light and shadow, etc.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (start of a greyscale experiment)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 16, 2022, 10:48:01 AM
Yeah, those skeletons are amazing! Like Elbows, I love seeing that kind of stuff but could never hope to emulate it.

Here are some better shots of how the experiment turned out. I'm going to add a few pure-white highlights to the armour and some dots of ivory to the skin and yellow to the eyes. And then he needs to be matted down - all the gloss is from the contrast paints.

My son pointed out that I should have the highlight on the tip of the mace in line with the one on the main part of the head. That led me to the curious observation that the two hobgoblins had differently aligned mace-spikes; the sharp edge of the spike is in line with the edge of the mace-head on the conventionally painted one but rotated higher for the guy I used the greyscale technique on. God knows why!

One thing that the photos don't capture is how much more striking the greyscale guy is at a distance. So I'm going to get a few more painted up this way. They'll all mix in nicely as 25mm ogres, and the greyscale guys can form separate units for Saga, etc.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (start of a greyscale experiment)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 16, 2022, 11:13:40 AM
It occurs to me that this approach might be a good way to tackle Bob Olley's miniatures. I've struggled with some of those in the past because traditional wash-based approaches tend to 'disaggregate' all the detail and layered approaches can often look a bit clumsy. This might be the best of both worlds. I'll try it out on an Essex orc or two.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (start of a greyscale experiment)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 17, 2022, 11:02:48 AM
Painted up another one in greyscale yesterday lunchtime. This fellow needs a bit more white still - especially on the armour. I'm still trying to figure out quite how non-metallic metal works.

I must say that this method of painting is hugely fun - regardless of the results. There's a certain purity about working entirely in black, white and grey. And it's definitely quicker than conventional methods.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (start of a greyscale experiment)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 17, 2022, 07:13:59 PM
Here's the second one, along with a slightly retouched original.

The yellow contrast paint I used for the skin needed to be thinned even further than the dose of medium I used; next time, I'll try 1:5 paint:medium.

I used Vallejo ivory to add select highlights to the skin. I might also add some extra white highlights to the metal,.

These guys will be great as 28mm Saga hearthguards. I reckon I can get a full all-elite force out of the ones I have - 24 figures plus a warlord (quite possibly a Chronicle ogre).

One thing I hadn't realised is how big these fellows are next to the original Chronicle hobgoblins. I acquired one of those recently and am painting it to go with my small Chronicle orcs. The later hobgoblins are at least twice the mass and probably bigger - which makes them perfect as ogres in 25mm.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (start of a greyscale experiment)
Post by: DivisMal on June 17, 2022, 07:23:00 PM
Those ogres look awesome. I’m right now doing a TYW/30YW project that is very much inspired by your thread. Really nice!

Edit: I meed to try the ivory highlights with the skin!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (start of a greyscale experiment)
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on June 18, 2022, 08:35:50 AM
Looking good mate!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (start of a greyscale experiment)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 22, 2022, 05:36:15 PM
Thanks, both!

I've got two more just about ready to meet the contrast paints - just another round of strong white highlights first. I keep uncovering more caches of these Chronicle hobgoblins that I must have snaffled from eBay during lockdown. I'm going to have no trouble fielding a full-size Saga force of them.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (start of a greyscale experiment)
Post by: fred on June 22, 2022, 05:50:49 PM
Great painting method, and a great set of figures. I used to have some of these, but pretty sure I sold them
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (start of a greyscale experiment)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 22, 2022, 10:05:56 PM
Thanks, fred. Yes, they are a terrific range. Even though they're fairly diminutive by the standards of modern 28s, they just exude bulk and menace.

I managed to get the first few colours on the latest two before dinner. I thinned down the yellow for the skin a lot more, which should mean a bit less messing around with ivory highlights. The eyes will still need a yellow dot and neatening up, as will the teeth, but the first Saga unit is almost done. Eventually, I'll split them into 'great weapons' and normal, of course. The dual wielders will slot into either category.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (start of a greyscale experiment)
Post by: Pattus Magnus on June 22, 2022, 10:37:37 PM
That painting method is working very well, they look great! I like those older sculpts a lot.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (start of a greyscale experiment)
Post by: Dr Mathias on June 23, 2022, 02:02:42 PM
Interesting, I always thought that greyscale miniatures have a cool look. Yours look really good.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (start of a greyscale experiment)
Post by: beefcake on June 23, 2022, 11:44:07 PM
I might give this a go too. I can imagine bleed through of colours less of a problem because of the black shadows?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (start of a greyscale experiment)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 30, 2022, 02:42:25 PM
Thanks, gents!

I can imagine bleed through of colours less of a problem because of the black shadows?

Yes, that's right - you end up with border areas where it doesn't matter which of the colours end up, because there's solid black underneath.

Here's a very quick gang of goblins - just to use up a few I had left on some sprues. To speed them up, I used an Agrax wash over everything - skin and all - and highlighted from there.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (goblin gang)
Post by: Pattus Magnus on June 30, 2022, 04:23:00 PM
Those look quite good, especially for a quick job!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (goblin gang)
Post by: Golgotha on June 30, 2022, 09:10:55 PM
Those Gobbos look excellent love the cultist red too.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (goblin gang)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 01, 2022, 05:55:55 PM
Thanks, guys!

Those Gobbos look excellent love the cultist red too.

"Cultist red" was exactly what I was going for! I thought I might feature these fellows in a game as "moon cultists".

Here's an older and smaller goblin - a well-equipped individual from Acropolis. He's destined for my 25mm RPG hordes, but I think he and his foot and mounted kin might feature in Saga at some point (using Steppe-nomad profiles of some sort).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Acropolis goblin)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on July 12, 2022, 07:50:07 AM
That goblin reminds me of the babe.

Also it's a great paint job.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (start of a greyscale experiment)
Post by: Robosmith on July 12, 2022, 04:04:02 PM
I always like "artsy" paint styles like that.  While I don't have the ability to do stuff like that, I like when someone can do a kind of minimalist paintjob that delivers the full impact of the miniature or a really cool vibe, etc.

Shows you how much you can do with only a few colours, and the use of light and shadow, etc.
The key there is "light and shadow" but it's part of the photoshop effects being used. A lot of those really amazing looking OSL effects are flat as hell in real life and require specific lighting set ups and photoshop to really pop. If you look at the lil legend example of the skeletons and check the difference between the dark backdrops and lighting and the light you can see a world of difference in depth because the lighting set up adds more depth than is painted and the black backdrop gives more freedom to manipulate the image's saturation and shadows.

Not trying to pick on any specific people here, just using the example given but on this page http://lillegendstudio.com/blog/who-was-aster-crohne-the-ghost-of-saiph-horus-heresy/ You can clearly see he's using a red light to make the red seem more intense as the red glow on the base rim changes position or disappears entirely depending on the shot. The shadows depth regularly changes too between pictures.

You probably can match these paint jobs if you tried. You likely can't match the cheating version (and neither can they..).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Acropolis goblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 12, 2022, 10:12:55 PM
That goblin reminds me of the babe.

Also it's a great paint job.

Ha - thanks! Some of the other stuff in the Acropolis range is even more Labyrinthine!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Acropolis goblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 09, 2022, 02:11:51 PM
Hmm ... it's been a while since I updated this thread.

Here are some penny-based RPG miniatures: two Tin Soldier female adventurers, a Julie Guthrie Grenadier half-orc and a Hinchliffe goblin (now available from Broadsword Miniatures (http://broadswordsandbeasts.blogspot.com/p/broadsword-miniatures.html)).

I've switched to this lighter base colour for my 25mm RPG stuff; it's a better match for most dungeon tiles than the burnt umber, and it also looks OK on outdoor terrain. Also, it shows up darker paintjobs better. And it allows me to use these guys as 'heavy infantry' in Kings of War by slotting them into movement trays that take the frontage up to 25mm; as we mainly play with 1/72 figures, the true 25s are suitably imposing as huscarls, etc.

The Hinchliffe goblins (and hobgoblins) will probably be used as hobgoblins in our D&D games, as they're quite big.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Acropolis goblin)
Post by: tikitang on November 09, 2022, 02:23:56 PM
That blue shield in particular is fantastic!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Acropolis goblin)
Post by: Old Hob on November 09, 2022, 03:14:31 PM
Lovely work on the shields. They're proper, they are.

I wouldn't mind a couple of photos from different angles of the Hinchcliffe chap, if at all possible? I've not seen them 'nicely' painted up before (although I've seen them slavered in Humbrol quite a few times), so would be interested to see how the old sculpt stands up.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Acropolis goblin)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 09, 2022, 04:58:12 PM
Thanks, gents!

I wouldn't mind a couple of photos from different angles of the Hinchcliffe chap, if at all possible? I've not seen them 'nicely' painted up before (although I've seen them slavered in Humbrol quite a few times), so would be interested to see how the old sculpt stands up.

Your wish, etc., ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Acropolis goblin)
Post by: DivisMal on November 09, 2022, 05:45:36 PM
A nifty nice model, but the shield is mindblowing!  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Acropolis goblin)
Post by: swiftnick on November 09, 2022, 07:36:14 PM
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Acropolis goblin)
Post by: Pattus Magnus on November 09, 2022, 08:51:22 PM
Awesome work! The shields remind me a bit of some of the artwork in the old Fighting Fantasy books my brother and I had as kids. That’s a good thing, by the way!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Acropolis goblin)
Post by: Old Hob on November 09, 2022, 11:32:26 PM
Thanks Hobgoblin. Much appreciated. That's a lovely paint job and, yeah, he does stand up pretty well considering his late '70s vintage (me and him both  ;)). I'm very tempted by the Hinchcliffe goblins for a future project, but in the meantime I'm sure he will make wonderful XP-fodder for your PCs. Your D&D stuff always looks great.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Hinchcliffe goblin + 25mm figs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 19, 2022, 05:39:31 PM

Here are some Essex lizardmen who have previously featured on this thread (I think), but have now been rebased and touched up. They're sort of Doctor Who villains by way of Tom of Finland. I might buy some more and paint them with human skin tones on their torsos and limbs - a proper old-school look for lizardmen.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Essex lizardmen redux)
Post by: MysteryMachine on December 19, 2022, 05:53:26 PM
LOL @ the Tom of Finland reference!

They are certainly very butch, beefy and well-hung lizardy lads!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Essex lizardmen redux)
Post by: beefcake on December 19, 2022, 08:31:21 PM
I think they'd look great painted half human. Nice idea and nice work.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Essex lizardmen redux)
Post by: DivisMal on December 19, 2022, 08:34:50 PM
The beauty of the early days. I really like those. Even more because nobody makes such miniatures any more.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Essex lizardmen redux)
Post by: JollyBob on December 19, 2022, 09:53:35 PM
They look great, even with their lads out.

Given the way their scales are shaped across the shoulder, they have a kind of "man in rubber suit" or papier-mache head vibe to them, I can imagine them as a kind of Aztec jaguar Knight type of affair.

Or even a heavily masked Lizard Legion of Gran Bretan, if we want to be properly old school...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Essex lizardmen redux)
Post by: Gibby on December 19, 2022, 09:59:05 PM
I was thinking the same thing! These look like some kind of ceremonial bestial armour or suit. Not a bad thing. Excellent painting.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Essex lizardmen redux)
Post by: Old Hob on December 20, 2022, 08:29:15 AM
You can certainly see where the 'lizard' parts end and the 'man' parts begins!  :o
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Essex lizardmen redux)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 20, 2022, 10:51:16 AM
Thanks, guys!

And yes - the papier-mache thing (I should have said early Doctor Who villains ;)) is a huge part of their charm.

They're clearly based on the classic Dave Trampier illustration from the Monster Manual:


I reckon the frill around the miniatures' shoulders might be a misinterpretation of the creature's pecs in Trampier's drawing. The illustration itself kind of suggests that the creature might have human parts and lizard parts: more a bizarre hybrid like a Minotaur rather than an anthropomorphic reptile. And why not? Animal-human hybrids might be even more appropriate for a fantasy game than intelligent reptiles precisely because they're more in line with centaurs, minotaurs and satyrs.

These Essex guys are just some of the miniatures based on Trampier's illustration. The Grenadier AD&D lizardmen (painted magisterially here (https://belchedfromthedepths.blogspot.com/2013/11/denizens-of-swamp.html) by Spooktalker) are another lot, and then there's this old guy from Citadel (on the left):


If I get hold of another copy of him, I'll definitely try out the human skin tones!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Essex lizardmen redux)
Post by: tikitang on December 20, 2022, 11:39:28 AM
Their feet don't quite look human, so I'm not convinced they're just buff humans wearing lizard masks; there's definitely a strange biological hybrid thing going on.

They're clearly based on the classic Dave Trampier illustration from the Monster Manual:


Oh look, a lizardman with a sword! I suspect that's the inspiration behind that Otherworld model (https://otherworldminiatures.co.uk/shop/wilderness-encounters-2/we5a-lizardman-with-sword-shield/) too.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Essex lizardmen redux)
Post by: Hobgoblin on December 20, 2022, 12:03:54 PM
Their feet don't quite look human, so I'm not convinced they're just buff humans wearing lizard masks; there's definitely a strange biological hybrid thing going on.

No, they're definitely meant to be hybrids - they have scales on their backs at various places. But I think that would make a mammal/reptile paint-job all the more disturbing!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Essex lizardmen redux)
Post by: tikitang on December 20, 2022, 12:22:43 PM
No, they're definitely meant to be hybrids - they have scales on their backs at various places.

Not to mention the TAIL at the back, which had somehow escaped my notice!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Essex lizardmen redux)
Post by: DivisMal on December 20, 2022, 09:59:53 PM
All this talk of lizard/man-hybrids is pretty cool!
It actually brings back a fantasy that is currently totally neglected. Those old stories were fantastic elements were sprinkled into narratives set in some quasi-ancient/medieval society.

In Conan, Kane & Co. a group of Lizard hybrids would make formidable foes!
I’m gonna see if something similar in 15mm exists…;)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Essex lizardmen redux)
Post by: tikitang on December 20, 2022, 10:15:32 PM
All this talk of lizard/man-hybrids is pretty cool! It actually brings back a fantasy that is currently totally neglected.

Not totally. I'm currently reading a very recently published children's fantasy series to my kids called The Wingfeather Saga. The footsoldiers of the enemy are known as Fangs and they are hybrids between lizards and men!

For 15mm lizardmen, you should take a look at this:


and this:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Essex lizardmen redux)
Post by: DivisMal on December 20, 2022, 11:22:19 PM
Thanks for the links! The Wingfeather saga is set on the list. My daughter is still a little too young, but I am really anxious to read her bedtime stories!

And, certainly, there will be other examples, but what I meant was that most available current fantasy has made the fantastic too common. I’m sometimes missing the wonder and strangeness. But it might also be a problem of just getting older and looking for *different* stuff, than that which I am familiar with.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Essex lizardmen redux)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on January 07, 2023, 02:35:36 AM
Those certainly are lizardMEN, alright!

I also agree with everyone else that human skin on the torsos would look great.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Essex lizardmen redux)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 10, 2023, 06:36:53 PM
I must revisit the human-bodied lizard men soon!

Here's the first miniature I've managed to finish this year - an orc painted for Mordheim, Forbidden Psalm, etc., using the Zorn palette (vermillion, yellow ochre, white and black) plus metallics and Agrax for the weapons/armour and Citadel blood-effect paint for the blood. I'm planning to do a whole warband in this way, though not necessarily with the same colours in the same places.

It's not a great photo - today was rather overcast hereabouts, so I couldn't get the light I needed for such a dark figure.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Zorn-palette orc)
Post by: Pattus Magnus on February 10, 2023, 10:44:28 PM
Notwithstanding the dark photo, I like that figure a lot! The flesh tones look good and the rest of the figure turned out well.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Zorn-palette orc)
Post by: DivisMal on February 11, 2023, 06:05:50 PM
I see why you went for that palette. The model itself is slightly goofy. But the paintjob turns this into quite a gruesome monster. I 👍 like!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Zorn-palette orc)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on February 15, 2023, 06:30:21 AM
The darkness kind of adds to the atmosphere of the model. Nice work!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Zorn-palette orc)
Post by: Spooktalker on February 17, 2023, 05:35:31 PM
You know I love your stuff so I think I can get away with being more candid than is my wont. And you know I often find charm where some others might not. But these orcs, their charm eludes me entirely. I don't know what you see in them. And I believe they have street value when unpainted and more in bit form, so easy to trade for something worth your time. I know, spicy take, or whatever the kids have moved on to saying.  :P
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Zorn-palette orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 17, 2023, 10:19:52 PM
Thanks, all!

You know I love your stuff so I think I can get away with being more candid than is my wont. And you know I often find charm where some others might not. But these orcs, their charm eludes me entirely. I don't know what you see in them. And I believe they have street value when unpainted and more in bit form, so easy to trade for something worth your time. I know, spicy take, or whatever the kids have moved on to saying.  :P

Ha! ;) I can't really disagree - but that's precisely why I use them for experiments like the Zorn one (I wouldn't risk that on a Perry C15 orc!). I'm not sure about the street value, though - I've never paid much for them! And they are 'period appropriate' to Mordheim. In a similar vein, I've just acquired some of the 'dog-monkey' Skaven - so prepare to be truly horrified!  :D
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Zorn-palette orc)
Post by: Spooktalker on February 19, 2023, 11:51:53 PM
Yeah, they might still be had cheaply but there are people that want them and will pay for them. Gah, you're right about them matching the Mordheim period and I'll just not think about it.  o_o And thanks for the warning about the skaven!  lol Actually, for some reason they don't offend me in the same way.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Zorn-palette orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 20, 2023, 08:48:00 AM
I'm intrigued to see what can be done with those Skaven! Can they even be assembled in a way that looks OK? In the past, I've used the odd stray head to make a generic - somewhat Boschian - beastman, usually with a Perry plastic body. But those huge hands ...

I may drift back to Perry orcs for Mordheim as I'm planning to use lots of C10 half-orcs in my mercenary warbands. They look about half Perry orc - but those later things would be a step too far!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Zorn-palette orc)
Post by: tikitang on February 20, 2023, 09:12:44 AM
I'm intrigued to see what can be done with those Skaven! Can they even be assembled in a way that looks OK?

This is, of course, a subjective matter, but I assembled some of those in 2021 (I think) and I thought they looked great, but I am a fan of the "chunky 90s" look in general, so can I even be trusted?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Zorn-palette orc)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 28, 2023, 05:13:07 PM
Well, here are the first two, along with a slinger from the second generation of Jez Goodwin Skaven:


I certainly enjoyed painting them; I think they look a bit more rat-like with furry snouts - as in John Blanche's original illustrations (http://www.solegends.com/citcat198603cja/c198603cjf000-01.jpg) and the original studio paintjobs - rather than the bare muzzles that most favour today.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Mordheim Skaven)
Post by: tikitang on February 28, 2023, 11:18:23 PM
Nicely done!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Mordheim Skaven)
Post by: Pattus Magnus on February 28, 2023, 11:47:23 PM
The paint jobs on all three are quite good. I especially like the sculpting on the staff slinger - that figure takes me right back to 3rd Ed in about 1990, when my descent into madness really got rolling!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Mordheim Skaven)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 02, 2023, 10:07:22 AM
Thanks, both!

Here are some Oathmark orcs. They're not quite finished - I'm going to add some (gasp!) static grass to the bases and maybe weather/dull down the shields a bit more. (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg-meuLQAw5uSH9dtpR3aeU0xTbDSmdGiJ-2SH_CEYJcT5ACBAcFLA5Io-fbZaYttY-dCMXAElno8ESSImEGGzyKBpUv-PEdCJWUNOFcyGqM5U5f3ZjtH3w11r6cOtrUlhEIMUxVxAMuK6VJtk-xnocJuNpNsVTITnb4YMZgqtc2OH5KAXHzvmfhxiS5w/s1600/Oathmark%20orcs.jpg)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oathmark orcs)
Post by: DivisMal on April 02, 2023, 11:56:45 AM
I like!
Very nice, tuned-down orcs. Suitable as man-orcs for some LotR skirmishes perhaps?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oathmark orcs)
Post by: FreakyFenton on April 02, 2023, 12:46:43 PM
They've come out great!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oathmark orcs)
Post by: Old Hob on April 02, 2023, 06:20:26 PM
Excellent faces on them orcses. I very much like the shield designs too. Lovely stuff.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oathmark orcs)
Post by: Pattus Magnus on April 02, 2023, 07:48:17 PM
I agree with the earlier comments, those orcs look great!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oathmark orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 02, 2023, 09:52:01 PM
Thanks, all!

Suitable as man-orcs for some LotR skirmishes perhaps?

Yes, indeed (I would have gone with White Hands on the shields were it not for the spikes!). Oddly enough, I've got a few underway for use as half-orcs as Mordheim. They mix perfectly well with the classic Aly Morrison half-orcs from the 80s.

I have a vague plan to create some Uruks using these orcs' heads and arms on the Oathmark goblin bodies.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oathmark orcs)
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on April 03, 2023, 07:43:56 AM
Looking good mate! ✋
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oathmark orcs)
Post by: dadlamassu on April 03, 2023, 10:20:21 AM
I like the way you have painted them.  I recently painted up some GW Uruk-Hai with bright shields and heraldry with the help of our grandchildren.  They look smart and warlike.

We had decided that there is no reason why the warrior caste orc/ goblin (or any other race) have to ragged and dull. A major of war is morale and smart uniforms is part of this  - makes the troops feel better especially if the other side is a rabble.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oathmark orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 03, 2023, 02:23:40 PM
Thanks, both!

I like the way you have painted them.  I recently painted up some GW Uruk-Hai with bright shields and heraldry with the help of our grandchildren.  They look smart and warlike.

We had decided that there is no reason why the warrior caste orc/ goblin (or any other race) have to ragged and dull. A major of war is morale and smart uniforms is part of this  - makes the troops feel better especially if the other side is a rabble.

Yes - and Tolkien's orcs do seem to go in for a lot of artistic flourishes (replacement statue heads, ornate dagger hilts, White Hand sculptures, inventive heraldry). They've got a decidedly 20th-century flavour in LotR ("name and number"), so a bit of spit and polish isn't necessarily misplaced.

Also, I think there's another consideration with miniatures: do you want them to look like images from a film or like illustrations from a book? I'm very much in the latter camp!

Here's another shot that shows more of the faces. Some of the heads would be great for Mordheim dregs and the like.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oathmark orcs)
Post by: Sunjester on April 03, 2023, 03:08:01 PM
A superb job! I assume they are too big to use as Tolkien orcs/uruks?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oathmark orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 03, 2023, 04:21:41 PM
A superb job! I assume they are too big to use as Tolkien orcs/uruks?

If you're picky (as I am)! ;) They're already 'man-high' compared with 28mm historicals (Perry, Warlord Games, etc.), so more like half-orcs. But they'd work fine as big orcs with 32mm figures (Reaper or that sort of thing).

There's probably a lot of good kitbashing to be done by using the heads and arms on Oathmark dwarf bodies for properly "squat and broad" Uruks.

That said, the Oathmark orcs are great in their own right - very nicely understated and plausible!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oathmark orcs)
Post by: Old Hob on April 04, 2023, 02:03:28 PM
Yes, indeed (I would have gone with White Hands on the shields were it not for the spikes!). Oddly enough, I've got a few underway for use as half-orcs as Mordheim. They mix perfectly well with the classic Aly Morrison half-orcs from the 80s.

Now that you mention it, they do remind me of that Southerner at Bree; only he was not so obviously orc-like.

I've been meaning to pick up a sprue or two of these for a bit of a play for a while now, but thought they might be too tall for what I had in mind. 'Man-orc' could well be the way to go, though.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oathmark orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 04, 2023, 02:18:16 PM
Now that you mention it, they do remind me of that Southerner at Bree; only he was not so obviously orc-like.


I'd say they're the same size as most 28mm human historicals.

At some point, I'm going to make some uruks from Oathmark goblins and dwarves with Oathmark orc heads; the new goblin slaves look about right as snaga-types (perhaps with goblin-warrior arms for bows, etc.).

(From the text of LotR, I don't think the difference between snaga and Uruk types was huge: there are indications in the book that it might be similar to the difference between a hobbit and a dwarf.)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oathmark orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 09, 2023, 09:02:45 PM
Here's a Bob Olley orc from the Folio Works Fantasy Warlord range (bought from SHQ, though I gather the range is on the move again). I'm going to use him as a black-orc hired sword for Mordheim (counting his scimitar and cleaver as "two axes" is about as far as I'm willing to stray from WYSIWYG for that project!). He's quite a big lad - he's on a 30mm base - so he should overshadow even the Mordheim-era plastic orcs.

I couldn't get a great photo of him today as the light was fading by the time I finished him, but I tried to follow what I can remember of the black orc shown in WFRP and (I think) Warhammer Armies: black/grey rather than green.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Oathmark orcs)
Post by: DivisMal on April 10, 2023, 08:49:32 AM
Here's a Bob Olley orc from the Folio Works Fantasy Warlord range (bought from SHQ, though I gather the range is on the move again). I'm going to use him as a black-orc hired sword for Mordheim (counting his scimitar and cleaver as "two axes" is about as far as I'm willing to stray from WYSIWYG for that project!). He's quite a big lad - he's on a 30mm base - so he should overshadow even the Mordheim-era plastic orcs.

I couldn't get a great photo of him today as the light was fading by the time I finished him, but I tried to follow what I can remember of the black orc shown in WFRP and (I think) Warhammer Armies: black/grey rather than green.


A really nasty looking dude. I like that he’s kinda scary - even though I am otherwise a fan of the cartoonish GW orcs.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Bob Olley black orc for Mordheim)
Post by: Pattus Magnus on April 10, 2023, 04:29:48 PM
Nice job! I like the Olley orc sculpts a lot and your painting works great on them. He’s not the sort of guy you want to come across in some dimly lit part of Mordhiem, unless you have a few crossbowmen backing you up.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Mordheim Skaven)
Post by: hubbabubba on April 10, 2023, 06:33:48 PM
Thanks, both!

Here are some Oathmark orcs. They're not quite finished - I'm going to add some (gasp!) static grass to the bases and maybe weather/dull down the shields a bit more. (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg-meuLQAw5uSH9dtpR3aeU0xTbDSmdGiJ-2SH_CEYJcT5ACBAcFLA5Io-fbZaYttY-dCMXAElno8ESSImEGGzyKBpUv-PEdCJWUNOFcyGqM5U5f3ZjtH3w11r6cOtrUlhEIMUxVxAMuK6VJtk-xnocJuNpNsVTITnb4YMZgqtc2OH5KAXHzvmfhxiS5w/s1600/Oathmark%20orcs.jpg)

Those are absolute beauts.

That Jes Goodwin skaven is lovely too.

Most excellent
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Bob Olley black orc for Mordheim)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on April 29, 2023, 02:53:07 AM
Lovely orcses! Sure wouldn't want to meet them on a dark night!  lol
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Bob Olley black orc for Mordheim)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 30, 2023, 09:30:20 AM

Here are some more orcs - this time kitbashed for Kings of War (and possibly Impetus, if that game, as I suspect, is relatively forgiving about minor variations in frontages). These are mainly EM4 plastics with bits and bobs from all over the place. Work has allowed little time for painting recently, but there's always time for a coffee-break kitbash!

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (EM4 orc kitbashes - WIP)
Post by: Daeothar on May 30, 2023, 10:45:13 AM
I sold off a bag of 50 of each sculpt of these shortly after COVID in a cleaning spree. I rationalized this by telling myself that 50 of exactly the same poses would just not look good on the tabletop, let alone 150 of 'em.

And then you come along and make me regret the above...

That's some outstanding kitbashing and looks like it was fun to do too!

Can't wait to see them painted :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (EM4 orc kitbashes - WIP)
Post by: Pattus Magnus on May 30, 2023, 12:15:05 PM
Great job on kitbashing them, they look excellent! The old ex-Grenadier plastics are a lot more versatile than they seem.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (EM4 orc kitbashes - WIP)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 30, 2023, 12:30:36 PM
Thanks, both!

Yes, they offer a good foundation given their classic, bow-legged orcish pose and the ease with which their arms and heads can be detached. I've now got enough for the first unit: a 'troop' in Kings of War. After trying out the Ambush variant at the weekend, I think troops as the building blocks of units is the way to go with cavalry and infantry - easier to paint on the base too!

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (EM4 orc kitbashes - WIP)
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on May 30, 2023, 02:38:48 PM
Having been involved with the production of those figures since their initial introduction by Grenadier and their subsequent career at em4, I’ve seen hundreds of conversions and these are some of the best. Great work;

I’m pleased to see them still providing pleasure even though I’m no longer involved.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (EM4 orc kitbashes - WIP)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 31, 2023, 07:32:53 PM
Thanks, Doug! They really are a joy to convert. I'm planning to create at least a troop each of spearmen, swordsmen and archers - using all three basic models for each. A recent discovery has been that the Mantic ratkin arms are about the right size and musculature for these - which makes removing the arms a much less risky option and allows swordsmen to become spearmen and vice versa. I'm particularly pleased with the archer on the left below:


A tip I've found for weapon swaps on the swordsman is to remove the hand while leaving the sword hilt attached to the leg. That means another hand can be dropped in with its weapon connecting to the hilt stump - giving a more secure two points of contact.

Meanwhile, here are some kitbashes to serve as goblin "luggits" (berserkers) in Kings of War. They're based on a 60 x 40 and a 40 x 40:


The 40 x 40 will work as a beast or behemoth HOTT element in 15mm. I'm thinking "ogre hunters" or "Fomorian hunters":


And the 60 x 40 is a HOTT horde or warband (with a slightly deeper base - still legit). I'll probably field it as a horde in 28mm and a warband in 1/72:


This kind of 60/40 basing is really versatile: it allows two 60 x 40s or three 40 x 40s to be fielded as Impetus units, and means that some of the miniatures can be used in any game with frontages from 40mm to 200mm or more. I'll be basing a great many more goblins in this way. I also have plans for fielding my 15mm orc warbands in two ranks to act as KoW orclings.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (EM4 orc kitbashes - WIP)
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on June 01, 2023, 12:23:10 AM
Brilliant kitbashes. You continue to inspire mate.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (EM4 orc kitbashes - WIP)
Post by: Pattus Magnus on June 01, 2023, 04:32:42 AM
Agreed, those are great work! I am very much looking forward to seeing them painted!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (EM4 orc kitbashes - WIP)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 01, 2023, 02:20:20 PM
Thanks, gents - lots more to come! I'm determined to use up the whole pile of EM4 orcs in the next couple of weeks. I'm permitting myself a maximum of one unconverted original per unit.

Here are three more: two archers/scouts and a swordsman. The middle figure has Frostgrave gnoll arms and a hat from some historical (ECW?) sprue. The swordsman has Mantic ratkin arms, and the other archer has Mantic goblin bits, I think (I converted him some time ago).

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (EM4 orc kitbashes - WIP)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 02, 2023, 08:23:57 AM
And here are a few more. My favourites of this batch are the kettle-hatted axeman (first of a 'greatax' unit) and the fur-hatted archer. There's something peculiarly satisfying about converting an archer into ... an archer. The light crossbowman is destined for the same 'skulks' unit.

The aim is to start with a 'troop' of each of the main KoW orc troop types (excluding 'youngax' - for which my goblin 'luggits' would be perfect were it not for the annoying Warhammer-legacy basing discrepancy!). When they're fielded as regiments, the back-up element needn't match the front.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (EM4 orc kitbashes - WIP)
Post by: Pattus Magnus on June 02, 2023, 07:50:58 PM
Those look great! I love the variety you’re getting by adding parts from all over the place. It certainly helps achieve the motley look orcs need. The spear orc on the left is interesting- he’s mostly original, but cutting and slightly repositioning the spear arm goes a long way towards adding a bit of movement.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (EM4 orc kitbashes - WIP)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 03, 2023, 11:27:11 AM
Those look great! I love the variety you’re getting by adding parts from all over the place. It certainly helps achieve the motley look orcs need. The spear orc on the left is interesting- he’s mostly original, but cutting and slightly repositioning the spear arm goes a long way towards adding a bit of movement.

Cheers! Ah - but he's actually a sword orc: the spear arm (from the crossbowman, I think) just fitted on serendipitously without any need to trim. The fit was so perfect I hardly needed glue!

Here's the latest kitbash - a goblin king for Kings of War (Oathmark orc head and arms, Oathmark dwarf body and Oathmark wolfrider plume):

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (EM4 orc kitbashes - WIP)
Post by: Daeothar on June 03, 2023, 11:58:38 AM
Yep, definitely royalty...  :D
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (EM4 orc kitbashes - WIP)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 03, 2023, 08:41:59 PM
Thanks! He's getting a golden helmet and belly-plate to signify his status.

In the meantime, I made up for a day of fresh air, glorious sunshine and exercise with some early-evening geekery. These are going to form a 'mincer mob' for Kings of War - I hope to make a start on the painting tonight and maybe even get them onto the gaming table tomorrow:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (goblin 'mincer mob' - WIP)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 13, 2023, 12:12:59 PM
Still little time for painting recently (though the mincers are now well advanced), but I did kitbash some Isengard Uruk-hai (more or less) from the stumpy Hail Caesar Romans and Wargames Atlantic goblins. They're suitably "squat and broad" and have the "short broad-bladed swords". The shields demand "a small white hand in the centre of a black field", but I suppose the field need not occupy the entirety of the shield (it could just be above the boss, with something else below - checks, abstract patterns, tribal insignia, whatever).

To be fully authentic, they'd need long bows of yew at their backs; not sure I'll manage that! I'm going to base them as blades for HOTT (fast blades for D3H2), less to act as Isengarders and more to add variety to my orcish forces. I'll also base up some 40mm squares of them so that I can use them in 100mm-frontage blocks for KoW. And I'll probably field them as actual Romans in Impetus (currently looking at which army lists in Basic Impetus to use for a fantasy game).


The broad-bladed swords made me think of Roman legionaries when I first read the book; this White Dwarf cover reinforced the effect:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (WIP Isengard Uruk-hai)
Post by: Daeothar on June 13, 2023, 12:59:05 PM
That works a treat!

I think I have a block of those Romans lying around myself. I might be tempted to try something along this line too, but I might try and go for round shields as per the WD illustration.

How do they compare sizewise? 'Man-high'?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (WIP Isengard Uruk-hai)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 13, 2023, 02:21:49 PM
That works a treat!

I think I have a block of those Romans lying around myself. I might be tempted to try something along this line too, but I might try and go for round shields as per the WD illustration.

Cheers! Yes, I'd probably do that myself (and add bows) if I were planning to use them in Middle-earth games (though Tolkien never specifies the shape of the shields ...).

How do they compare sizewise? 'Man-high'?

No - gratifyingly below! ;) It's Saruman's half-orcs that are "Man-high"; the Uruks can't be, or the discussion of the half-orcs (by people all too familiar with the Uruk-hai of Isengard) would make no sense. See also Gimli at the Hornburg.

These guys' heads come up to the shoulders of Fireforge, Perry and Oathmark humans, so I reckon they're perfect! (Probably not so good for Romans, though ...)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (WIP Isengard Uruk-hai)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 15, 2023, 08:57:08 AM
Having bought some EM4 dwarves on a whim a couple of years back, I've decided to turn them into a Kings of War army. And that means kitbashing - and using up lots of accumulated bits in the process. Here are the first efforts:


They're slightly fiddlier to convert than the orcs because of the beards, so they'll need a bit of green-stuffing. But there's lots of scope to vary the axeman by changing the angle of both the dwarf head and the axehead - as in the example on the right. I'll probably turn some of the axemen into spearmen too, and vice versa. The crossbowmen will be toughest to convert, but I think some of them could be turned into 'hand weapon and shield' types.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed EM4 dwarves)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 15, 2023, 09:08:29 AM
And some orcs with polearms to keep the dwarves occupied!

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed EM4 dwarves)
Post by: Daeothar on June 15, 2023, 10:52:41 AM
You make it look so effortless, and they must be great fun to convert.

I find my favourite conversions are those where I can marry the parts together without any filling. So just some plastic cement, cutters, a scalpel and a few small files as tools. And a sizeable bitsbox, obviously...

More great work. The dwarves certainly look promissing too!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed EM4 dwarves)
Post by: Pattus Magnus on June 16, 2023, 06:23:55 AM
Both excellent sets of conversions! They all look quite good to me, but the spear orcs are especially appealing - the lad with the furry hat in particular!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed EM4 dwarves)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 16, 2023, 08:32:52 AM
Thanks, both!

And Daeothar - yes, cutting and glue only is the best. I've mostly achieved that with the orcs, though a few will need a bit of green-stuffing (some might need bigger ears to match their hats, and I might give a few beards to vary the faces a bit).

Here's the latest batch. I'm particularly pleased with the axeman, who benefits from repositioning at the waist and the spearman with the repositioned left arm (and new fist).

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed EM4 dwarves)
Post by: Sunjester on June 16, 2023, 08:54:08 AM
A nice on job on those Hobgoblin, but get some paint on 'em! lol
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed EM4 dwarves)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 16, 2023, 08:59:42 AM
Cheers! That process is already underway ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more orcish kitbashes!)
Post by: Pattus Magnus on June 16, 2023, 04:33:40 PM
More great conversions! The fellow on the left - his body (and the arms?) is from the Frostgrave Demons kit, but is his head also from there and has the horns shaved off? In any case, he looks quite intimidating and like he’ll be a good leader for a unit armed with double handed weapons!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more orcish kitbashes!)
Post by: jon_1066 on June 16, 2023, 04:34:38 PM
Some fun kitbashes there - slightly questionable choice of head gear for that orc on the right!  Looks like he knicked it off a Victorian farmer, perhaps farmer Maggot met an untimely end?

I think the dwarves perhaps don't need a bunch of kitbashing.  Orcs are ragged, undisciplined mobs so you don't want that regimented look.  For dwarves though I think the regimented monopose works well.  They are drilled and ordered with every dwarf doing the same thing implying that close order.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more orcish kitbashes!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 16, 2023, 09:31:47 PM
More great conversions! The fellow on the left - his body (and the arms?) is from the Frostgrave Demons kit, but is his head also from there and has the horns shaved off? In any case, he looks quite intimidating and like he’ll be a good leader for a unit armed with double handed weapons!

Thanks! His body and arms are Frostgrave Demon, yes, but the head's a GW Ungor head with the horns removed. And, yes, that's exacty his role!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more orcish kitbashes!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 16, 2023, 10:10:23 PM
Some fun kitbashes there - slightly questionable choice of head gear for that orc on the right!  Looks like he knicked it off a Victorian farmer, perhaps farmer Maggot met an untimely end?

Ha - yes! I'm giving a lot of the archers/scouts broad-brimmed hats - slightly influenced by portrayals of Gloranthan dark trolls (as in this portrayal by Scravagghiupilusu959:


I also like the idea that the scouts are out in the sunlight a lot and so need the protection!

I think the dwarves perhaps don't need a bunch of kitbashing.  Orcs are ragged, undisciplined mobs so you don't want that regimented look.  For dwarves though I think the regimented monopose works well.  They are drilled and ordered with every dwarf doing the same thing implying that close order.

I know what you mean, but the kitbashing is quite addictive! And I need to empty the bits box of the various dwarf heads I've acquired over recent years. Also, I quite like the idea of painting them up as a bunch of squat huscarls with all the variety of shield designs and clothing that that would imply.

There's also the boredom factor to consider when painting! But I'll probably keep the spearheads the same, for example, whereas I'm varying those a lot for the orcs.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more orcish kitbashes!)
Post by: Battle Brush Sigur on June 16, 2023, 10:16:36 PM
Yeah, those are amazing kitbashes. :D And a good use for those bloody tiny Warlord Games legionnaires!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more orcish kitbashes!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on June 21, 2023, 11:38:11 PM
Cheers! Meanwhile, I've found a use for Warlord's Marlburian infantry (after a lopping of legs and head or face transplants). These will be my goblin 'spitters' (archers) in Kings of War:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed goblin musketry)
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 03, 2023, 01:41:07 PM
I've had precious little time for painting in recent weeks, but I have managed to rebase 60 or so orcs during breaks. These are from the early days of this thread, about eight years ago. I've touched them up in places - especially the metals, which I didn't bother highlighting in those days. These are four of them:


I will add some tufts of greenery to the bases at some point.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (old orcs refreshed)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 10, 2023, 10:25:02 AM
Here's a venerable dwarf. I've had the body since the 80s but lacked an intact head until last week's Claymore.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (a venerable dwarf)
Post by: Aethelflaeda was framed on August 10, 2023, 02:13:56 PM
those “spitters” would be a great goblin augmentation for Silver  Bayonet or other gothic horror games. Anachronism is good!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (a venerable dwarf)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 10, 2023, 07:14:15 PM
those “spitters” would be a great goblin augmentation for Silver  Bayonet or other gothic horror games. Anachronism is good!

Absolutely - and in Hobgoblin (the new KoW-ish war-game from Mike Hutchison), they can simply be goblin musketeers without having to pretend to be archers!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (a venerable dwarf)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 11, 2023, 07:26:10 PM

This guy will serve as a "lord on frostfang" for Kings of War, at least until I get two more done, when he'll be demoted to the ranks.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (chaos knight on beastie)
Post by: Pattus Magnus on August 12, 2023, 03:44:27 AM
That looks very sharp! Is it an older chaos warrior sculpt kit-bashed with a Scotia-Grendel resin riding beast? In any case, it works. I like the colour palette, too.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (chaos knight on beastie)
Post by: beefcake on August 12, 2023, 05:07:42 AM
Cool. I've always thought the Scotia Grendel resin things weren't that great but you've changed my mind.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (chaos knight on beastie)
Post by: hubbabubba on August 12, 2023, 08:53:30 AM
Great painting on that toad thing
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (chaos knight on beastie)
Post by: Hobgoblin on August 12, 2023, 02:47:27 PM
Thanks, all!

Is it an older chaos warrior sculpt kit-bashed with a Scotia-Grendel resin riding beast?

Yes - exactly! The beast comes with a metal orc rider, but the top half of the chaos warrior fits perfectly.

I've always thought the Scotia Grendel resin things weren't that great but you've changed my mind.

These ones are by Kev Adams; I think they're as good as anything he's done. The orcs he did for Grendel are very nice too - I have some of the metal prototypes for the resin series, including one that was never cast.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (chaos knight on beastie)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on August 18, 2023, 08:22:15 AM
Great stuff in this thread, as always!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (chaos knight on beastie)
Post by: Old Hob on August 21, 2023, 05:20:09 PM
The new stuff is great (especially the spooky dwarf - I really like that look), but it's also nice to see some of the old crew again. Who's that radiant vision in her beret? Ooh la la!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (chaos knight on beastie)
Post by: batu on August 21, 2023, 07:54:29 PM
Love to see the old Chaos Warrior kit in action  :-*
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (chaos knight on beastie)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 08, 2023, 12:15:47 PM
Thanks, chaps!

Who's that radiant vision in her beret? Ooh la la!

She's quite the looker, isn't she? She's both a RuneQuest Mistress Race troll and a C23 ogre from Citadel. She's clearly based on the illustrations from the RuneQuest Borderlands supplement - before RuneQuest trolls acquired their distinctive snouted look!

Here's a Minifigs gnoll - the first of a few for D&D. I increasingly prefer Minifigs fantasy miniatures to all others - there's something wonderful about their simplicity:


Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (chaos knight on beastie)
Post by: Plisken on September 08, 2023, 02:58:20 PM
I love the old Minifigs fantasy miniatures... never got any of the gnolls but they do look great. I especially love the painting on the fur jacket on this guy. You've really achieved a perfect effect of furriness that adds a lot of depth where it probably doesn't really exist on the miniature.

Who's that radiant vision in her beret? Ooh la la!

I think it's technically a tam o' shanter, not a beret... but, yeah those old Runequest trolls are radiant visions.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Minifigs gnoll)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 16, 2023, 07:16:13 PM

Here are a couple more to go with that fellow. The new ones are from the 80s (?) Greyhawk range rather than the 70s D&D range and are somewhat more hyena-like. But I like the look of both types together - some more manlike, others bearing more heavily the Mark of the Beast.


Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Minifigs gnolls!)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on September 22, 2023, 05:09:14 AM
Those are some mighty fine man-beasts!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Minifigs gnolls!)
Post by: batu on September 22, 2023, 07:57:46 PM
They cute  ;)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Minifigs gnolls!)
Post by: FreakyFenton on October 06, 2023, 02:05:42 PM
They are great, I especially like the gnoll with the fur and mace/morningstar in the last group!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (more Minifigs gnolls!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on October 29, 2023, 10:00:25 PM
Thanks, all!

Here are some 15mm Battle Valor orcs - though they're big enough to use in any scale from 15mm to 28mm. I plan to use 40mm squares like these in Fantastic Battles, Mayhem, HOTT and Arrowstorm, and then to combine them with some individually based command figures on 20mm squares to create 100 x 80mm Kings of War goblin units.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm Battle Valor orcs)
Post by: LouieN on October 29, 2023, 10:31:26 PM
A good paint job on them.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm Battle Valor orcs)
Post by: Old Hob on October 30, 2023, 09:23:35 PM
Oh, they're cracking sculpts for 15mm. Lovely colouring in as always.

How you manage to keep up with so many scales for so many systems is beyond me, but it's one of the things that makes this thread. You never know what you're going to get.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm Battle Valor orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 06, 2023, 12:52:50 PM
Thanks, both!

How you manage to keep up with so many scales for so many systems is beyond me, but it's one of the things that makes this thread. You never know what you're going to get.

It's more a matter of trying to make lots of things work in lots of different scales and systems. The nice thing about the Battle Valor orcs is that they're actually big enough to work in 28mm as small orcs or in 1/72 as heftier ones.

The same goes for these CP Models bugbears. They're sold as 20mm, but I think they're a bit short to be 7+ in that scale. They're dead right in 15mm though, and could work as D&D-style hobgoblins in 20mm or 1/72 and D&D-style goblins in 25mm or 28mm. I'm going to base these guys together on a 40mm square for maximum versatility; I'll keep some command types individually based on 20 x 20 square so that they can form up on 100 x 40 as goblin 'luggits' in 28mm Kings of War:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (CP Models Bob Olley bugbears)
Post by: Sunjester on November 06, 2023, 05:49:37 PM
That's a lovely job on those bugbears. I'd ignore CP's 20mm stuff as I don't play anything that scale, but I should revisit them now with new eyes!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (CP Models Bob Olley bugbears)
Post by: Philotep on November 06, 2023, 06:54:31 PM
I love them a lot! Those Bugbears might be very useful in 20mm dungeons... If I may ask, could you please take a picture of one of these together with a Dark Alliance Orc ? Thanks in advance. And also the battle valor Orcs, please ?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (CP Models Bob Olley bugbears)
Post by: Pattus Magnus on November 06, 2023, 07:14:56 PM
Great painting, you really bring out the character in those sculpts! They seem like versatile figures, although maybe not quite in the scale they were originally designed for. I expect they’ll get lots of use in your games.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (CP Models Bob Olley bugbears)
Post by: Red Orc on November 06, 2023, 07:29:35 PM
Damn, those Orcs and the Bugbears are great!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (CP Models Bob Olley bugbears)
Post by: Old Hob on November 07, 2023, 09:00:13 AM
You've unearthed some corkers there. Must admit I've never even thought to look in CP's 20mm range as I just assumed it would all be WWII stuff.
Lovely paint job as ever. Those hide shields came out really well.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (CP Models Bob Olley bugbears)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 07, 2023, 10:24:33 AM
Thanks, everyone!

They really are superb miniatures - Bob Olley at his best, I think. At some point, I might get some more to use as goblins or hobgoblins alongside his Ral Partha bugbears - creating a continuum of hairiness and sallowness across the size range.

I love them a lot! Those Bugbears might be very useful in 20mm dungeons... If I may ask, could you please take a picture of one of these together with a Dark Alliance Orc ? Thanks in advance. And also the battle valor Orcs, please ?

Your wish ... Here's a WIP shot of the bugbear base (base still to be painted and matt varnish yet to be applied_ next to Dark Alliance orcs and Battle Valor orcs. As you can see, the Battle Valor orcs are perfectly Uruk-sized in 1/72: "squat and broad". To my eye, the CP bugbears would work well as D&D hobgoblins in 1/72: they've got the  implied hairy hides and ape-like features, and they're a bit bigger and tougher-looking than humans (1+1 HD rather than 1). But they're bang on as bugbears in 15mm - an imposing 7'+ and 3HD.


That said, I doubt anyone would complain about them in 1/72 - they're such great miniatures, and they're suitably brawny.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (CP Models Bob Olley bugbears)
Post by: tikitang on November 07, 2023, 12:38:49 PM
CP models are great and you've done a marvellous job with those bugbears! The faces look very much alive.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (CP Models Bob Olley bugbears)
Post by: blacksmith on November 07, 2023, 12:46:46 PM
Absolute stunning painting! Love hyena men faces and bug bears. And great comparative figure shot, thank you!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (CP Models Bob Olley bugbears)
Post by: hubbabubba on November 07, 2023, 05:36:25 PM
The bugbears are goegeous, so cuddly.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (CP Models Bob Olley bugbears)
Post by: Philotep on November 09, 2023, 07:33:49 PM

Your wish ... Here's a WIP shot of the bugbear base (base still to be painted and matt varnish yet to be applied_ next to Dark Alliance orcs and Battle Valor orcs. As you can see, the Battle Valor orcs are perfectly Uruk-sized in 1/72: "squat and broad". To my eye, the CP bugbears would work well as D&D hobgoblins in 1/72: they've got the  implied hairy hides and ape-like features, and they're a bit bigger and tougher-looking than humans (1+1 HD rather than 1). But they're bang on as bugbears in 15mm - an imposing 7'+ and 3HD.

That said, I doubt anyone would complain about them in 1/72 - they're such great miniatures, and they're suitably brawny.

Thank you very much! I confirm, very nice figures that will find some employment in 1/72 - and Christmas is coming  :D
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (CP Models Bob Olley bugbears)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 11, 2023, 05:37:33 PM
Thanks, gents!

Here's the latest addition to the growing 15mm horde - a Ral Partha Europe giant beastman:

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm giant beastman)
Post by: LouieN on November 11, 2023, 06:20:57 PM
Gruesome.  Nice brush work. 
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm giant beastman)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on November 13, 2023, 05:54:18 AM
That fellow looks suitably dangerous! Nice work!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm giant beastman)
Post by: beefcake on November 13, 2023, 07:37:46 AM
Cool. Love the tone on the skin.
I can't help but think he looks like a demonic A.L.F.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm giant beastman)
Post by: jeffreythancock on November 13, 2023, 09:08:10 PM
That's redundant, as Alf was demonic!  ;)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm giant beastman)
Post by: beefcake on November 14, 2023, 04:09:20 AM
That's redundant, as Alf was demonic!  ;)

Ha! You kill me!  :)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm giant beastman)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 20, 2023, 02:10:45 PM
Thanks, chaps! Here are some of ALF's smaller kin: regular Demonworld beastmen from Ral Partha Europe. These guys will all fit onto one 40mm base the same as his. I like to put a layer of gloss varnish on the figures before basing as it helps when washing off any basing paint that sticks to them (the prebasing on the coins will help to avoid too much of that as the basing around their feet is already done). Then I'll matt them down afterwards.

These are great little figures. I painted quite a few with contrast paints when those first came out, but I'm not sure where they are at the moment. I'll do a quick comparison when I find them and decide whether to strip them down and paint them this way (which was slower but looks better, I think). It may be that basing them all the same way will sort out any variations in style - especially at this scale:


If I were still doing D&D in 15mm, I'd paint some of these up as pig-faced orcs in a "Malificent's goons" kind of way. I may yet at some point ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm beastmen)
Post by: Pattus Magnus on November 20, 2023, 03:07:16 PM
Great painting on those! I have been curious how those look (the pics on RP Europe’s site are pretty small). They seem like they would be good mixed into beastmen units to use alongside Khurasan Miniatures chaos warriors to make an army inspired by 3rd Ed WFB.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm beastmen)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 20, 2023, 06:00:51 PM
Great painting on those! I have been curious how those look (the pics on RP Europe’s site are pretty small). They seem like they would be good mixed into beastmen units to use alongside Khurasan Miniatures chaos warriors to make an army inspired by 3rd Ed WFB.

Thanks! Yes, they would be perfect for that! They're nicely chunky in 15mm - bigger and burlier than the Copplestone barbarians - so they'd merit their two wounds in WFB. There are some decent chaos-warrior types in the RPE ranges too.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm beastmen)
Post by: Gibby on November 20, 2023, 07:14:14 PM
These are excellent. Love this range. I regret selling my 15mm fantasy collection and keep thinking of starting it again. What was your painting method for these?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm beastmen)
Post by: OSHIROmodels on November 20, 2023, 07:15:22 PM
Cracking thread  8)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm beastmen)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 20, 2023, 10:10:23 PM
Thanks, both!

What was your painting method for these?

Chiefly layering but with a spot of wash and drybrush on the fur of the two grey ones (silver grey, Agrax, silver grey again) and on weapon hafts. I broadly followed this great article (https://www.heresybrush.com/en/2020/how-to-paint-vikings-in-15mm/) for the most part.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm beastmen)
Post by: Old Hob on November 21, 2023, 12:12:32 PM
The fur is especially nice on your ALF warband. I love the mix of pelt colours, very similar to your skaven back along. Great stuff.

Great painting on those! I have been curious how those look (the pics on RP Europe’s site are pretty small). They seem like they would be good mixed into beastmen units to use alongside Khurasan Miniatures chaos warriors to make an army inspired by 3rd Ed WFB.

I felt a great disturbance in the Force. As if a gamer's bank balance suddenly cried out in terror...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm beastmen)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 21, 2023, 02:56:43 PM
Thanks! Yes, I'm keen to mix the pelts up. I'm trying to make everything at this scale a bit brighter and more distinctive than I would for 28mm, so variety is in. I'll probably add the odd albino and maybe even some in unnatural colours too.

I felt a great disturbance in the Force. As if a gamer's bank balance suddenly cried out in terror...

Haha! The good thing about 15mm is that there are a fair few suppliers who do very reasonable postage, making small orders much more psychologically comfortable/affordable/tempting [delete as applicable]. It's easy to order from RPE or Eureka or Tin Soldier in very manageable chunks.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm beastmen)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 28, 2023, 10:02:41 AM
Here are some 15mm orcs from Alternative Armies. They'll go on a 40mm base. I'm currently unsure whether to base them as a group (as a unit of skirmishers given the javelins and bows) or to mix them in with the various Eureka, Chariot, Essex and Tin Soldier orcs I'm currently working on.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm Alternative Armies orcs)
Post by: Pattus Magnus on November 28, 2023, 03:25:34 PM
They look sharp!

They definitely could work based together as a band of skirmishers or raiders. To me, it makes sense to take into account how they will fit in relation to the rest of your 15mm army and overall collection, though. I usually make my decisions around basing in those terms. Ex. If the rules I am most likely to use the figures for have a useful role for a single base of raiders (and the sculpting style isn’t too much of an outlier), I wouldn’t hesitate to base them that way. HotT would fit that criterion- single bases are units in their own right and I would class the raiders as shooters or a horde. On the other hand, in Fantastic Battles (my current 15mm obsession) a single base of goblins would probably be a liability and might look funny in a multi-base unit with figures sculpted in a different style, so I would spread them across bases in a 4-base unit (which is exactly what I did with my October orcs and goblins).
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm Alternative Armies orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on November 28, 2023, 03:54:58 PM

Yes, sage advice. I have lots more of these AA guys - I bought a few packs years ago and then have acquired others in eBay job lots since. So I'll have no problem expanding them with several more bases for Fantastic Battles, etc. They'll be a horde in HOTT but something more fleetfooted in Impetus and Fantastic Battles.  I may need to paint one or two more to fill this first base (hard to tell until they're off the coins), though I don't want it looking too crowded given the skirmishing aspect.

The rough way in which I'm developing the 15mm forces is to paint up a good mix of bases to start with, so that we can get some games of Arrowstorm in (one base = one unit) and then expand to multiples for Impetus, FB and HOTT (which I'd like to eventually play with 80mm frontages like Impetus, so two bases per unit, for extra massed effect).

In Arrowstorm, these guys will be levies, the bugbears foot knights, and the Battle Valor orcs warriors. Most other small orcs (Eureka, Tin Soldier) will be levies too. I'll treat ogres, trolls and giants as heavy cavalry for now and wolfriders as light cavalry. I also have some very nice Grenadier orc archers to serves as shooters.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm Alternative Armies orcs)
Post by: Pattus Magnus on November 28, 2023, 04:53:58 PM
That sounds like a practical approach for building up the armies and getting in games along the way.

Given that you already have a supply of AA goblins to make more bases, going ahead with basing these guys together seems like a good way to go.

Regarding how many to place on a base, I found 5 goblins (mostly Blood Dawn figs from Magister Militum) worked well. I originally planned for 6 (3 melee and 3 archers), but decided to hold back an archer from each base to make some dedicated scout/skirmisher bases. The 5-goblin bases don’t look quite as dense as my 5-barbarian bases, but I feel that fits - the goblins are a bit weaker per base as I statted them up for FB.

One thing I often do is to do a mock up with unpainted figures before I settle on a basing scheme. In your place, I would break out a pack or two of the AA figures, and some of the others (Tin Soldier, etc), and some blue tack and try placing them on bases to get a feel for how they will look. I find  having the figures in front of me helps make decisions easier (some ideas I had just didn’t work when I saw the mock up…)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm Alternative Armies orcs)
Post by: Old Hob on November 30, 2023, 01:12:06 PM
Those little fellows are very nicely done.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm Alternative Armies orcs)
Post by: Luigi on December 01, 2023, 04:08:09 PM
Love the yellow skin.
Excellent work!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm Alternative Armies orcs)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on December 07, 2023, 05:10:27 AM
Mix 'em in, I say. Good minis go well with more good minis!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm Alternative Armies orcs)
Post by: ced1106 on December 07, 2023, 06:28:17 AM
Maybe a movement tray?

Amazon has cheap 2" wooden squares and hexes. Give them a coat of craft paint, and base with fine craft sand. Stick the miniatures, bases and all, on the movement tray, with sticky tack or Museum Wax. Once enough have been killed off, remove the remainder from the base and move individually?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (15mm Alternative Armies orcs)
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 11, 2024, 01:17:41 PM
Happy Year of the Dragon!


(animation by my son)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Happy Year of the Dragon!)
Post by: Basementboy on February 11, 2024, 10:50:03 PM
Saw this on his channel a little while ago- looks fantastic!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Happy Year of the Dragon!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 18, 2024, 06:08:24 PM

Here are some kitbashed Skaven slingers for Mordheim, using Oathmark goblin slave bodies and greenstuff tails.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed Skaven slingers)
Post by: DivisMal on March 18, 2024, 06:25:53 PM
Very cool and creepy ratmen! Love them!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed Skaven slingers)
Post by: Pattus Magnus on March 18, 2024, 06:43:02 PM
Very cool! Just curious - do you think the goblin slinger arms would work well on Skaven clan rat bodies? (I’m thinking the last clanrat version released previous to the AoS change-over.)
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Rust Monster face reveal)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 18, 2024, 07:05:09 PM
Very cool! Just curious - do you think the goblin slinger arms would work well on Skaven clan rat bodies? (I’m thinking the last clanrat version released previous to the AoS change-over.)

I have only some Island of Blood ones (with integral shields), but the goblin and goblin-slave arms fit very naturally on those; I think the clanrats are essentially the same.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed Skaven slingers)
Post by: Pattus Magnus on March 18, 2024, 08:16:19 PM
Neat! A mix of kitbashed Oathmark goblins and Skaven figures would give a lot of variety in a slinger unit. Your slingers certainly turned out well. I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for the Skaven slingers, ever since I first looked at the 3rd ed army book. No idea why, as I don’t think they were especially effective…
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed Skaven slingers)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 18, 2024, 08:21:13 PM
Neat! A mix of kitbashed Oathmark goblins and Skaven figures would give a lot of variety in a slinger unit. Your slingers certainly turned out well. I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for the Skaven slingers, ever since I first looked at the 3rd ed army book. No idea why, as I don’t think they were especially effective…

They're notoriously effective in Mordheim - two shots a round at close range (albeit with a -1 penalty).* I fielded these two and a metal companion yesterday, and they managed to take out a couple of orc heroes in a single round!

*Actually, I think that might have been the same in 3rd ed - but no one had enough to make a full unit! I think I may even have some of a friend's attempted/abortive conversions somewhere in the lead pile ...
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed Skaven slingers)
Post by: Pattus Magnus on March 19, 2024, 12:54:59 AM
I think you’re right that slingers in 3rd ed had 2 shots per round at close range. No idea where the idea came from that slings get extra shots at any range - my brother and I messed around with slings and bows when we were kids and bows definitely have a quicker rate of fire.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed Skaven slingers)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 19, 2024, 09:00:44 AM
I think you’re right that slingers in 3rd ed had 3 shots per round at close range. No idea where the idea came from that slings get extra shots at any range - my brother and I messed around with slings and bows when we were kids and bows definitely have a quicker rate of fire.

Yes, it doesn't make much sense!

I wonder - was it originally a rule applied to halflings (to represent their noted dexterity and handiness with hurled stones and the like) and then applied to other sling-using creatures?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed Skaven slingers)
Post by: Pattus Magnus on March 19, 2024, 08:46:07 PM
Could be. Could also be that they felt slings needed something special to get players to choose them over bows. I suspect it was an early example of the profusion of special abilities/ features in WFB, rather than anything logically consistent.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed Skaven slingers)
Post by: JollyBob on March 20, 2024, 08:54:19 AM
Or is it just that you could technically stick two stones in a sling at the same time, which you can't do with a bow and arrow (unless you are a Hollywood Robin Hood, anyway)?

Would explain the -1 to Hit as you'd have less control.

Anyway, top work as usual. Skaven heads on goblin bodies was the first time I ever got my eyes opened to simple conversion possibilities in a very old book about 40 years ago!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed Skaven slingers)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 20, 2024, 09:44:01 AM
Or is it just that you could technically stick two stones in a sling at the same time, which you can't do with a bow and arrow (unless you are a Hollywood Robin Hood, anyway)?

Would explain the -1 to Hit as you'd have less control.

Anyway, top work as usual. Skaven heads on goblin bodies was the first time I ever got my eyes opened to simple conversion possibilities in a very old book about 40 years ago!


That might be it - I checked in 3rd, which I have to hand, and the two-shot slings were in the main rules. The first-edition halfling list in Forces of Fantasy doesn't mention double shots, and slings are one-shot weapons like everything else in the main first-edition rules. So I suspect the idea came in in 2nd edition - possibly in Ravening Hordes?
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed Skaven slingers)
Post by: Old Hob on March 20, 2024, 11:37:08 AM
Lovely kit-bash and paint job on those ratties. That worked an absolute treat.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed Skaven slingers)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on March 22, 2024, 06:28:01 AM
Some fantastic rats here!
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (kitbashed Skaven slingers)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 26, 2024, 09:26:12 PM
Thanks, both! Some kitbashed Black Skaven to follow soon.

In the meantime, here's my son's face reveal to celebrate two years of his Rust Monster channel ...

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Rust Monster face reveal)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on March 30, 2024, 01:34:55 AM
That certainly is a face! lol

Great work on that puppet. Was it cgi, or stop motion? Either way, it's impressive.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Rust Monster face reveal)
Post by: beefcake on March 30, 2024, 01:49:11 AM
Cool. Well animated. I like how the editing has been done to make it look like a realy life video with parts edited out.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Rust Monster face reveal)
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 30, 2024, 11:15:29 AM
Thanks, both, on his behalf!

Great work on that puppet. Was it cgi, or stop motion? Either way, it's impressive.

It's all stop motion.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (Rust Monster face reveal)
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 30, 2024, 12:02:14 PM
Here's a Reaper Bones giant were-rat, who's already featured - nay starred - as a rat ogre in our Mordheim games. My daughter started painting him when she was quite small; I kept the broad colour scheme but sharpened it up a bit.


Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (rat ogre for Mordheim)
Post by: MysteryMachine on May 01, 2024, 09:46:46 PM
The rat-ogre looks amazing! I have a copy of this miniature, but am concerned it might look a bit over the top in 1/72. I remember the old Citadel Jes Goodwin models and this one looks so much more dynamic.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (rat ogre for Mordheim)
Post by: Pattus Magnus on May 01, 2024, 09:48:35 PM
That’s an impressive looking rat! It would be a serious monster in 1:72, it’s a big fellow in 28mm.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (rat ogre for Mordheim)
Post by: DivisMal on May 02, 2024, 06:06:12 AM
That rat is a pretty cool sculpt. It has just the right amount of insanity for a rat ogre. You did well bringing your kids to the dark side of miniature painting.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (rat ogre for Mordheim)
Post by: beefcake on May 02, 2024, 06:53:18 AM
I love it. Scary mordheim business there.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (rat ogre for Mordheim)
Post by: Basementboy on May 02, 2024, 08:03:51 AM
Beautiful! Wouldn’t want to meet them down a dark alley lol
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (rat ogre for Mordheim)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 05, 2024, 10:47:41 PM
Thanks, gents!

Here are the first of my orc warband for Mordheim (a second orc warband, really, as I have the Orcs of Zorn underway using only the Zorn palette). The 'boss' is the guy with the crossbow (he may not be the biggest orc, but he's certainly the ugliest).


Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (orcs for Mordheim)
Post by: DivisMal on May 05, 2024, 10:55:21 PM
Another lovely painted pair of very old skool sculpts! I really like them.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (orcs for Mordheim)
Post by: beefcake on May 06, 2024, 07:39:37 AM
Cool. Love the faces sculpted on those and your PJ has brought them out very nicely.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (orcs for Mordheim)
Post by: Basementboy on May 07, 2024, 10:47:07 PM
Fantastic as usual :-*
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (orcs for Mordheim)
Post by: Hobgoblin on May 08, 2024, 10:55:37 PM
Thanks, all!

There's been some reshuffling in the orcish ranks. I kitbashed/converted a hulking orc hero and found a new leader in the form of a partially painted black orc, who has now been given a bow. I'm hoping to finish them both off tomorrow or Friday, in time for the weekend.

For now, the crossbowman is relegated to the ranks or even the sidelines; the orc in the horned helmet is the new leader. The big guy, if painted in time, will be a 'big un' - possibly paired with the small Marauder orc with the sword and mace, who looks like he might punch above his weight. I like the idea of an 'odd couple' set of heroes.

Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (orcs for Mordheim)
Post by: Luigi on May 09, 2024, 03:15:36 AM
The green horde grows ever more menacing.

Love the kitbash
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (orcs for Mordheim)
Post by: Vladimir Raukov on May 09, 2024, 08:28:15 AM
Ooh, lovely orcses! A variety of skin tones will definitely help the horde look more like a varied rabble than one big family.
Title: Re: Some miniatures for Song of Blades and Heroes (orcs for Mordheim)
Post by: tikitang on May 09, 2024, 08:34:11 AM
Beautiful work on that black orc especially!

Those 90s plastic monopose models are generally underrated, but you've really made it shine.