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Miniatures Adventure => Old West => Topic started by: Vagabond on October 31, 2023, 04:18:46 PM

Title: What a Cowboy - Hog Thief Bend. Update by Snappers 22.04.24
Post by: Vagabond on October 31, 2023, 04:18:46 PM
 :oGunfight at Alamogordo – A Much Piddling in the Marsh Production

Looking from the west, the small town of Alamogordo basks under the hot Arizona sun. The Taberna is in the far right hand side, This Taberna is the objective of two desperate gangs of cutthroats. Sheriff Saveloy Ruben ‘Rooster’ Snapcase, brother of Barmy Bertram Snapcase is going to try and burn it down, you might ask why, but this man needs no reasons to do such a thing.
Oliver Steadfast Standish is going to prevent him carrying out this dastardly deed and Jack Daniels doesn’t give an owl’s hoot in hell either way, he’s just going to drink the Taberna dry and forget what he’s going to forget….. although he can’t remember what that is now.

Oh and then he’s going to kill a Snapcase, any one will do.

The town from the East, the Taberna is now in the far left of the picture. Note the fence line running along the dusty roadway, it’s going to become famous as Dynamite Alley or Lucky Ollie’s Hat Place, but that’s for later.

The Good Guys consist of an elite band of gunfighters, feared and respected throughout the West and from left to right they are, The Honourable Horace Boris Spooner or as he became known in the gunfight Old Pink Shirt. The man in black isn’t Johnny Cash it’s Oliver Standish, sometimes known as Crazy Ollie, Sensible Standish or, as I shall refer to him, Steadfast Standish for reasons that will become apparent if you continue reading. Wearing a black eye patch is Jack Daniels, known to his enemies as that Mescal Fiend, Raving Jack Daniels, Jack does like a tipple now and then, but Mescal Fiend is an unwarranted calumny spread by lowlifes and riffraff. Finally, there is his only daughter, Molly Daniels, whom he lovingly refers to as The Kid, she might once have been a little girl with blonde pigtails but she’s grown a little since then.

Pawns of big business and infamous cattle barons are The Snapcase Posse, a squinty eyed group of lowlifes and riffraff, or so rumour has it. Again from left to right we start with Granville Arkwright a saloon keeper and owner of the gambling den the Grumpy Goat. Old Blue Hat herself is Misty Meaner, no she’s not pleased to see you, that is a stick of dynamite in her pants. On her left is Hawkeye leNoo and he doesn’t wear any….pants that is. Finally the big man himself, Saveloy Ruben ‘Rooster’ Snapcase, the big sausage, a gun toting rascal and the only person in the gunfight who could move slower than molasses in wintertime. He’s not standing on that rock, he’s anchored to it.

The good guy’s, Steadfast Standish, Pink Shirt Spooner, Mescal Jack and Molly Daniels have been staying in the less than salubrious Los Pollos Hermanos Taberna in Alamogordo. Steadfast and Spooner like the cheap food, Jack likes the cheap Mescal and Molly doesn’t like any of it but she needs to keep and eye on Jack.

Steadfast and Jack will be located close to the Taberna, Pink Shirt and Molly will be over behind the big butte on the right, and we had all the big butte jokes.

Snapcase and his male friend in a skirt will arrive on the left hand side as we look at the town. They will dither around for quite a long time before either being shot, or running away, or any combination of the three options.

As the gunfight opens, Jack takes a commanding position on the left hand side of the Taberna’s roof. He gazes longingly down at the big barrels of Mescal and curses himself for not bringing one of the large ones up onto the roof. The small 5 gallon barrel he did bring isn’t going too last long in this heat.

He’s only half way through it, when that low down law man Saveloy ‘the Sausage’ Snapcase enters the game and immediately hides behind the fence. Slow as molasses in wintertime the leader of the lawmen dithers and havers behind all the cover he can find, anything rather than marching boldly towards his nemesis.

There was a lot of hiding going on throughout the gun fight and I suspect there will be even more in future games.

Molly Daniels moves forward and takes cover behind the brick built well, that’s the grey roofed structure, front and centre. Pink Shirt Spooner is hiding behind the whitewashed building to the lower right of the picture. Granville is hiding behind the wooden barrel next to the hen house and if you can see a blue hat behind the fence line, well that’s Miss Demeanour who’s also hiding.

I’ve had strong words with Snapcase over the quality of his photography and he said it’s no worse than my prose, which explains why the pictures suck.

Steadfast Standish ain’t afraid of no man and so he moves forward towards the lawmen, gun in hand. The man in black, closes on the same fence line that some of the desperado’s from the losing side are using for cover. He didn’t take into account that this bold move placed him squarely between Jack Daniels and the Hawkeye leNoo over on the left and out of sight.

Jack has a commanding position on the roof, but leNoo is very short, Jack has taken on board copious quantities of Mescal, what can possibly go wrong.

It’s hard to see, but that figure in the distance is the afore mentioned leNoo. Yes the one by the cactus, to the right of the white building. I think I mentioned having words about the quality of the photo’s.

And the reply.

Well Jack saw him too, admittedly through an alcoholic haze and he knew it was the skirt wearing leNoo and that leNoo was a close companion of Sausage Snapcase. Without a second thought he brought Daisy to his shoulder.
Wait, what are you thinking…..Daisy is his trusty Winchester repeating rifle not some floozy from the Frog and Bucket, anyway without further thought he fired, cocked the rifle and fired again, and again and again.

Missing his target four times.

Damn and damn again.

That’s what drinking under the hot Arizona sun will do for a mans aim…..he doesn’t aim.

Steadfast Standish will agree with that because one of the stray bullets that Jack loosed off in the general direction of leNoo found a mark. That’s right, Jack shot Steadfast in the back. Steadfast was knocked to the ground but like the hero he is, the man just got up, dusted off his coat and carried on……Steadfastly. Not even a cross word or a slight cuss passed his lips.

At some point Daniels finally shot the Scot dead. It took maybe 20 or 30 bullets but the Scot went down and didn’t rise again.
It looks like he was carrying his own coffin with him……defeatist.

Arkright had already met his maker, finished off by Mollie Daniels. It later transpired that his maker didn’t want him and he managed to crawl away from his ignominious shooting and will join up with Sausage Snapcase guarding some railway encampment at a future date. Tomorrow at 13:00.

Miss Demeanour was slowly moving along the fence line towards Steadfast. He was trying to hide behind a cactus, but that’s Steadfast for you, as thin and slippery as a racing snake but Demeanour had something up her sleeve, and it wasn’t the Ace of Spades.

It was a $20 stick of dynamite that had been kept very quiet, until Snapcase announced triumphantly, “she’s got a stick of Dynamite, Jack Daniels didn’t care, too far away and too well lubricated but Steadfast went a whiter shade of pale. She lit the fuse and surprised everyone, including herself by throwing the sizzling stick accurately onto the brim of Steadfasts hat.

BOOM, the explosion sounded loud in the quiet of the gunfight. It blew poor Steadfast off his feet, blew his hat off as well, but where there’s no brain there’s no sense, or is the saying, where there’s no hat there’s no sense, oh damn, I can’t remember the saying, if anyone else can, please let me know.

Anyway it knocked him down but almost immediately the brave chap was back on his feet and levelling his 6 shooter he fired at the hell cat Demeanour.

After killing the weasel Arkwright and filing a notch on her revolver, Molly Daniels has moved forward and she’s just behind the hen house, outflanking Demeanour. In the distance is Old Pink Shirt himself, he’s hiding behind the fence and almost out of focus……yes we’ve discussed the photos!

Miss Demeanour took one look at the odds against her and realised the chap controlling the Snapcase posse wasn’t such a tactical genius after all. Having advanced her into a position where she was surrounded by three enemy figures she lost all confidence in his direction of the fight and so without further ado she ran for the hills.

Somewhere in the middle of all this Daniels had taken a few more considered shots at his arch enemy and laid him low, but as they say, a Snapcase has 9 lives, plus a couple in his back pocket and so the villain of the piece was able to slink away without having to pay for his crimes.

Jack remained triumphantly on the roof of the Taberna, but by this time there was something wrong with his legs, I think he spent too long in the sun. Anyway he called to the pretty young barmaid and asked her to bring up one of the larger barrels of mescal. He wasn’t able to come down, something about the fact that he couldn’t manage the steps at his age, and that the 5 gallon barrel must have leaked or maybe evaporated in the sun.

It wasn’t very clear or coherent but what do you expect from a one eyed fat man – bold talk!

This was the first game in a projected 6 game campaign using the What a Cowboy rules, and was obviously a famous victory for the good guys.
Doug was Pink Shirt Spooner and his main man was Steadfast Standish. What a chap, first to get shot down by his own side (Me) and then blown up by some slip of a girl (Snapcase), but to get up each time and carry on takes some character, a Steadfast character.

I played as the Daniels duo and thoroughly enjoyed the shoot out.

The Mad Lord was good enough to play the bad guys but you probably guessed that. The Snapcase character had an amazing run of low movement dice which must have been a little frustrating for the old chap, especially when he went to ground in the pigsty but I’ll make no further comment on that, ‘Sausage’.

All the scenery and figures are from the vast Snapcase collection and the game was run in the dungeon of Snapcase Hall. We made use of technology developed by the Mad Lord himself, with a little help from Google and something called the internet. Doug and I were in our respective homes and so didn’t have the distraction of the debtors to the Snapcase estate undergoing ritual torture until they came up with the readies. Something we’ve had to witness in the past, it does spoil the appetite if you’re not used to it.

We hadn’t thought to write up the games which is why the photos weren’t really taken for display, so my apologies to Snapcase for making fun of them. Similarly no one made any notes of the action so my account might be a little biased, although I don’t really think so, but I'm sure I'll be told differently. ;)

We’re playing a second game tomorrow and if there’s any interest I could add an account of the game onto this thread, maybe without so much prose. The scenery looks gorgeous, let me know.
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Gunfight at Alamogordo - game 1
Post by: OSHIROmodels on October 31, 2023, 04:29:51 PM
Splendid fun  :)

Biased battle reports are the best sort  lol
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Gunfight at Alamogordo - game 1
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on October 31, 2023, 04:45:33 PM
Nice work, pard, although I believe we were in Mexico - that mescala is disorienting to a degree. Sensible Standish recommends you switch to his tipple of choice - a milk and sarsaparilla shandy in a dirty glass.

Be careful what you say about the Mad Lord’s photography - he’s been known to do some mighty unpleasant things with his long lens.

Anyway, I look forward to givin’ that lowdown son of a skunk Snapcase the whuppin’ he deserves tomorrow.

aka Sensible "where’s my durn hat" Standish
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Gunfight at Alamogordo - game 1
Post by: MaleGriffin on October 31, 2023, 04:47:41 PM
WoW! Just WoW! First off, the terrain and figures are fantastic! I love the characterizations! The AAR is inspirational! Well done!
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Gunfight at Alamogordo - game 1
Post by: Inkpaduta on October 31, 2023, 05:01:09 PM
I am very impressed with the board. Good job.
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Gunfight at Alamogordo - game 1
Post by: FifteensAway on October 31, 2023, 09:50:09 PM
Seems a rather splendid game - even with all that phrenology sort of stuff in the write-up (or so says I) but there is a terrible failing in it all.

No one mentioned how well the rules played!  :o

Looking forward to further extrapolations and tales of various heights, some rather tall I suspect.  And a correction of that horrid omission, too!  ;)
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Gunfight at Alamogordo - game 1
Post by: CapnJim on November 01, 2023, 12:16:49 AM
Er - not to confuse the issue with facts, but Alamogordo is in New Mexico...

In any event - What a Cowboy fight!  See what I did there?   :D

Chalk one up for Mr. Daniels and Co.  But, that rascal Snapcase has 5 more shots at redemption, if redemption is possible for such a varmint as him...  :o

Well played, boys!
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Gunfight at Alamogordo - game 1
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on November 01, 2023, 06:33:34 AM
Well, after that low-down calumny of lies, half-truths and obfuscations, what chance does law and order have, I ask you, good citizens?

No mention made of the fact that Saveloy Snapcase is the Sheriff of Alamogordo (well, I knew it was in New Mexico), Misty Meaner and Granville Arkwright are duly appointed Deputies. The sadly deceased Hawkeye McNoo is an ex-Deputy, owing to the fact that the jocular Scot received an overdose of lead in the gut!

The Arthritis Gang, led by that mescal-fiend, Raving Jack Daniels (who incidentally, is mad enough to swallow a horn-toad backwards) are on a lawless spree, creating havoc for the good citizens of Otero County. Sensible Ollie Standish (built like a snake on stilts) has been back-shot by Raving Jack, nearly separated into many pieces by dynamite and still follows the gang around. I suspect he couldn’t hit the ground with his hat, even if you gave him three throws!

Here was the scene in the Sheriff’s Office in Alamogordo:

Saveloy Snapcase called his deputies into the office. “Men and ahem, of course Misty” he said, “Skinny Pete has just brought word that some no-account Chileans have taken over the Taberna in Alamogordo. These varmints are aiming to sell laudanum and are adding morphine to their own brand whiskey, ‘Panther Piss’. They call themselves the Chicken Brothers, mebbe they are chicken, but I don’t want them in my territory!”

“What you wan’ us to do, Sheriff?” drawled Misty in that lazy Southern way, that always set Saveloy’s pulse racing.

“We’re gonna skedaddle over to Alamogordo and burn that taberna to the ground, the whole kit and caboodle” ejaculated Saveloy, explosively. “I want that danged saloon to be catawamptiously chawed up!”

“Now see here, Misty and I have had experience of dealing with these low-life saddle tramps, but you Granville and Hawkeye are tenderfeet. You watch Misty and me, keep yer heads down and don’t get shot, you hear me? And don’t fergit the matches!”

With that, the posse of the Sheriff and three deputies rode off into the setting sun, fixing to be at Los Pollos Hermanos, the next morning as the sun arose…..

We are in the village of Alamogordo, New Mexico, populated by Spanish and American settlers, Mexicans and home to the Apache.

The local taberna is called Los Pollos Hermanos, owned by Gustavo Fring and Maximino Arciniega. Gus and Max are from Chile, originally.

The scenario is number five in the What a Cowboy! rules, entitled ‘Scorched Earth’.


Vagabond and Doug took the role of defenders and as the attacker, I had to burn down the taverna. We had an absolute blast playing this. The rules produce some great fun and we manged our first game fairly well. We even remembered to play some Desperado Cards and at least one play of a Bonanza token resulted in a quick draw situation. Any disputes, we related the situation to a Hollywood western and decided what would happen from that! An excellent AAR from my esteemed colleague and fellow Gentleman, Vaggers.

Keep an eye open pard, for these killer varmints, they may appear again!



Later today, we play scenario one, High Noon for our second game of the campaign.


Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo

The Big Butte Railway Company, out of El Paso are building a line out west, aiming for Tucson, Arizona. There's a creek to be bridged near Las Palomas in Sierra County.

The Arthritis Gang, led by mescal-fiend Raving Jack Daniels have been sighted in the vicinity. It is rumoured that the snake-on-stilts, Sensible Ollie Standish is still with the gang, even though Raving Jack shot him in the back at Alamogordo, recently.

Quincy Q. Rockingchair III, Chairman of the Big Butte Railway Co. has employed Saveloy Snapcase and his deputies to check on security at the bridging camp…..

What could possibly go wrong?
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Gunfight at Alamogordo - game 1
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on November 01, 2023, 06:11:06 PM
What could go wrong? I’ll tell you what could go wrong. Toothache. That’s what could go wrong, durn it.

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Gunfight at Alamogordo - game 1
Post by: guitarheroandy on November 01, 2023, 07:11:47 PM
Absolutely fabulous stuff chaps! Do keep it coming!!
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Gunfight at Alamogordo - game 1
Post by: CapnJim on November 01, 2023, 09:35:27 PM
What could go wrong? I’ll tell you what could go wrong. Toothache. That’s what could go wrong, durn it.


Toothache?  Seriously?  That's what your worried about?  Maybe Snapcase is right about Mr. Daniels...you'd think with as much Mescal as he consumes, he wouldn't give 2 whits about a some little ol' toothache..... ;D

And for the record, after reading about the games shenanigans in which yous guys take part, I can think of all kinds of things that could go wrong... :o
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Gunfight at Alamogordo - game 1
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on November 01, 2023, 10:49:08 PM
Regrettably, Sheriff Saveloy Snapcase (aka Mad Lord Snapcase) was struck down on the eve of our second game by a tooth infection so the second of our games, Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo, has had to be postponed.

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Gunfight at Alamogordo - game 1
Post by: CapnJim on November 01, 2023, 11:44:21 PM
Ugh.  That sucks.  Hope he feels better...
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Gunfight at Alamogordo - game 1
Post by: FifteensAway on November 02, 2023, 07:02:21 AM
A tooth ache ain't no laughing matter.  Supposedly Genghis Khan's brutality was related to bad teeth.  Hope the Lord's dental situation improves before he sinks that far!  :o
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Gunfight at Alamogordo - game 1
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on November 02, 2023, 07:31:13 AM
Regrettably, Sheriff Saveloy Snapcase (aka Mad Lord Snapcase) was struck down on the eve of our second game by a tooth infection so the second of our games, Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo, has had to be postponed.


Yes, my most abject apologies to Doug and Vaggers, who I know were really looking forward to the showdown at No Paleta Arroyo. My apologies also, to those of you who were looking forward to enjoying the gunsmoke and mescal-driven antics of our geriatric posse and outlaw gang!

The night before the game, I had severe toothache and got no sleep. The first emergency dental appointment I could get the next day, was unfortunately, right in the middle of when I should have been in New Mexico with Saveloy Snapcase, Raving Jack Daniels and Sensible Ollie Standish.

The game will take place, at the next convenient time, the three of us can assemble.

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Gunfight at Alamogordo - game 1
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on November 02, 2023, 07:42:30 AM
Just as a teaser, here are a couple of shots of the next game set-up.

The overall view of the railhead and bridging camp. The chuck wagons are circled as this is the home of the Mescalero Apache, who strongly disapprove of the Iron Horse.


A daring member of the bridging crew crosses the No Paleta Arroyo.


...after the sad funeral of Hawkeye McNoo, back in Alamogordo, Sheriff Saveloy 'Rooster' Snapcase has sworn-in a new deputy. A fine figure of a man!

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Gunfight at Alamogordo - game 1
Post by: Vagabond on November 02, 2023, 08:33:26 AM

Ok which of you shot the dog. :o

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Gunfight at Alamogordo - game 1
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on November 02, 2023, 08:53:42 AM

Ok which of you shot the dog. :o

The bloke in the middle looks like he's had a premature discharge!   ;)
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Gunfight at Alamogordo - game 1
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on November 02, 2023, 12:12:00 PM
The bloke in the middle looks like he's had a premature discharge!   ;)
He’s wondering why the hombre on the left is squeezing his shoulder….

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Gunfight at Alamogordo - game 1
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on November 02, 2023, 01:46:12 PM
He’s wondering why the hombre on the left is squeezing his shoulder….


Possibly, he's just reassuring him, after his discharge?

I've taken the liberty of naming our 6-game campaign. It's going to be called 'Hate Rides Hard!'. I've also produced a poster for the Gentlemen of Much-Piddling to hang up in their respective bolt-holes.

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Gunfight at Alamogordo - game 1
Post by: Malamute on November 02, 2023, 05:05:39 PM
You guys are bonkers! I love it! lol
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Gunfight at Alamogordo - game 1
Post by: CapnJim on November 02, 2023, 05:27:46 PM
In US Army speak, that would be:  Farts, Old, 3 ea.   :D

Like I have room to talk though - I ain't exactly a spring chicken...

In any event, I await with some anticipation, and perhaps no small degree of trepidation, for this report, once all y'all (FYI, "y'all" is singular. "All y'all" is plural, as I've been informed by those who live south of the Mason-Dixon line...) can assemble again... ;)
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Gunfight at Alamogordo - game 1
Post by: Vagabond on November 02, 2023, 08:28:38 PM
Possibly, he's just reassuring him, after his discharge?

I've taken the liberty of naming our 6-game campaign. It's going to be called 'Hate Rides Hard!'. I've also produced a poster for the Gentlemen of Much-Piddling to hang up in their respective bolt-holes.


There is a strong body of opinion that the title of the campaign should be


 ;) I seem to remember somewhere in the earlier write up of the game, it was mentioned, in passing, and in a straight and honest manner, that Sausage Saveloy Snapcase took every advantage of the terrain, cover and a gammy leg, to remain as far from the action as possible.

I see in the terrain for the next game that there is far more possibilities for a timid lawman to hide forever, the rest of the posse will have pull his weight between them, that's going to take a lot of pulling. lol lol.

The table does looks brilliant though.  :o

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Gunfight at Alamogordo - game 1
Post by: FifteensAway on November 03, 2023, 04:39:36 AM
That set up for the second game is right purdy, pards.  Truly. 

Now, there be a few problems to resolve - the sort that make me wonder just how bad old Snapcase's toothache really was.  If the Mescalero appear, any workers in the camps, especially the nearest one in that photograph, ain't making' it back to that circle of wagons, no sir.  Just too far away.  Either spit on an arrow, holes blasted in them, or hog tied for unspeakable activities at a later time. 

Now that is bad enough.

But the railroad surveyors did such a bad job that it might be best to just have them shot. 

Running the rails straight into the butte is the lowest possible heights of complete incompetence.  It would take a couple of train loads of black powder/nitroglycerine/dynamite (take your pick) to blast that butte out of the way of the tracks.  And to build a bridge right up to it?  Maybe the whole lot of the survey team was consuming copious quantities of mescal the day they made the plans. 

I guess we can all just hope that enough competent members of the US Cavalry appear to protect the camp - and the explosives - long enough for things to get right.

Then again, you might just move the butte a few inches closer to the camera.  But that doesn't seem so sporting to me. 

I'll just mount up on my trusty Plodback and head on back to the closest approximation to civilization in these here parts and hope for a proper libation and perhaps a moment or two to fly the eagle, been out on the trail a bit long you see.


Oh, yeah, it was clearly the recalcitrant on the right that shot the dog.  And the man on the left is steadying the one in the center so as not to take a shot at the culprit since he wants to plug him personal.  It was HIS dog!
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Gunfight at Alamogordo - game 1
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on November 03, 2023, 11:06:58 AM
But the railroad surveyors did such a bad job that it might be best to just have them shot.

Running the rails straight into the butte is the lowest possible heights of complete incompetence.  It would take a couple of train loads of black powder/nitroglycerine/dynamite (take your pick) to blast that butte out of the way of the tracks.  And to build a bridge right up to it?  Maybe the whole lot of the survey team was consuming copious quantities of mescal the day they made the plans.

Many thanks, Fifteens. I put the butte there to cover the join between two terrain boards and thought no more of it! There may have been strong drink taken!

The wagons were placed to provide a bit of cover for the attackers as they are coming on from that side. I came up with the Mescalero story to explain their presence. Once again we can only put it down to mescal and incompetence!!   ;)

I have moved the butte now and the track route looks a bit more plausible now, cheers. I'll buy you a Wild Turkey in the saloon, later.

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Gunfight at Alamogordo - game 1
Post by: FifteensAway on November 03, 2023, 04:12:18 PM
Wild Turkey?  True story, yesterday morning wife and I returned from our morning walk to find five actual wild turkeys grazing in our front yard, been around the neighborhood for a few months now, a couple moms and their now full grown chicks.

That new setup should work just fine - unless the Mescalero Apache show up.  Those Irish track layers will make fairly quick work of that much smaller hill.  Or maybe some Chinese track layers will make an appearance.  (There are a few Chinamen in the Bluemoon range of figures for 18 mm, not sure about in the larger scale - but not proper track layers.  Those are harder to find be they Chinese, Irish, or whatever.)

Now, it seems to me, what with various theories about who shot that dog, there just may be enough there to inspire a game, something along the lines of: "Dog" Fight in Little Sarsaparilla, that wayward town up around the bend. 

Shall look forward to reports of the future games. 

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Gunfight at Alamogordo - game 1
Post by: Vagabond on November 17, 2023, 04:30:48 PM
The True and Unbiased account of the ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ Part Uno

The Big Butte Railway Company, out of El Paso are building a line westward, aiming for Tucson, Arizona, and there's a creek to be bridged near Las Palomas in Sierra County. Unfortunately their Surveyor had been drinking and drew the planned rail route on a napkin after a hard night on the bottle. When the Construction Manager arrived after a weekend in Big Martha’s Bordello for refined young ladies he was horrified to discover the bridge under construction was going to take the rail track right through a large rocky butte.

A fresh supply of dynamite made short work of the butte and the resultant rubble pile hid the join on the board just as effectively.

Fifteens that was very astute of you to notice one of the many flaws in the table layout, if only you’d mentioned the surplus amount of bric a brac my cunning plan might have had more chance of being effective.

You are looking at the scenery from the losing side, Sheriff Snapcases side, because the Mescal Fiend, Raving Jack Daniels and his partner in crime Oliver Standish, sometimes known as Crazy Ollie, Sensible Standish, Steadfast Standish or, as I shall refer to him today, Scampering Standish, are going to clear that varmint Snapcase out of the Territory and they are approaching the railway construction site from the far side.

You may wonder in passing, why Scampering Standish? The reason will become clear but only if you have the stamina to read right to the end of this tale.

The Snapcase gang are under the loose control of Snappers all the beautiful terrain and figures are his. The Mad Lord lives somewhere in deepest darkest Devon, but tries to keep his exact location secret, something to do with the Taxman I believe!

Every so often Douggers or Scampering Standish in this case gets banished to the War Room, or ‘his shed’ as Mrs Douggers calls it, and we are able to have a clandestine conference call on something called the internet. 

I played as the  Mescal Fueled, Raving Jack Daniels based north of the Watford-Dixon Line, and close to eee by gum country. Jack is making his way through the construction camp with evil thoughts on his mind.

Pink shirt Spooner and Scampering Standish made their way swiftly forwards to the cover of the circled wagons.

Douggers had seen too many westerns when he was a young sprog and knew that safety from the wild warriors of the plains was to be had behind the wooden walls of the Prairie Schooners. He expected they would give him the same protection from the ravening Snapcase cutthroat’s, he was to be shocked and surprised as events unfolded.

Arkwright the Shopkeeper rushed to the protection offered by a large sack pile. You may remember this ineffective desperado from the previous gunfight and be surprised that he survived that showdown. Scum rises to the surface and this man proves the point.

The Big Sausage, Sheriff Saveloy Snapcase moved towards the water tank. He obviously thought it contained whisky, because you may remember he was more than a little slow to move anywhere in the last action, or in his case, inaction.

His sidekick the woman in the blue hat ran forward and hid behind a tent, claiming hard cover, or maybe “if I can’t see you then you can’t see me. So yah boo sucks”

The Kid ambled forward, sure of herself after gaining a reputation as a shootist and marksman in the previous gunfight. Molly was the only character to advance their reputation substantially, and has an ace up her sleeve that will be revealed in due course.

I’m rather hoping it won’t be Aces along with Eights.

Mellon Balls remained true to the Snapcase gangs ethos “Inaction speaks louder than words” and didn’t move forwards at all.

Jack paused for a minute or two to have a drink with some poor chap who was having wobbly leg syndrome and had collapsed in the entrance to his tent. Jack kindly helped him out by gulping down the last dregs from the bottle before continuing on his quest ‘to kill and skin a Snapcase’.

And that’s when the Mescalero Apache arrived.

Standish is contemplating his next move, how to run forward and get the drop on Sheriff Snappers. Then he rolled his action dice, three of them were 6’s. Hell in tarnation wasn’t the only blaspheming comment that sprang to his lips as he revised his possible options.

Because the whole Apache nation had appeared over the nearest hill, just like in all the old Westerns. Whooping and hollering they looked pretty menacing but Standish stood his ground, then without any further provocation, he shot them.

It later transpired that they were shouting encouragement to Standish, exhorting him to destroy the tracks that would carry the Iron Horse across their land. They were a little put out by his lack of enthusiasm for their support and as one of the shots hit Little Bear they decided to go home, disappearing back over the crest as swiftly as they’d arrived.

Jack moved like a panther, or as close as a one eyed fat man can be to a panther. Crossing the open ground swiftly he reached the train and pulling a crate of cabbages out of his way he climbed onto the flatbed.

There was some consternation on the Snapcase side of the board at this bold move, Snappers insisting that the Conductor would want to see Jack’s ticket. Things got a little ugly for a time but quietened down after it was pointed out that he didn’t look like a Train Conductor, more like the Guard, so he wouldn’t care about tickets.

Jack fires his trusty Winchester but he can’t remember hitting anyone, mescal will do that. Artful Arkwright was later seen hiding in a panic behind some sacks so maybe it was just a close call for the man in the pinny.

Scampering Standish made his move and a pretty brave move it was. Striding around what was to be known as the transparent cow catcher he raised his revolver to shoot. Sheriff Snappers (out of focus in the foreground) shouted BONANZA, not to be outdone Standish shouted BONANZA back at him.

To Bonanza like a lunatic is apparently a descriptive phrase from the Old West and if you’ve read the What a Cowboy rules you will know what I’m talking about and if you haven’t……..you won’t.

Snappers fired first, and missed. Standish fired back and must have missed as well. My notes are a little vague at this point. Then Snappers anounced Deputy Meener will shoot, then move along behind the train, not exposing herself. It went a little quiet at this point as we digested this information. She fired.

Standish dodged the bullet, moving behind the transparent cow catcher and either rolled on the ground or stood like a statue, we couldn’t decide. The blood marker is just to indicate he’s pinned not bleeding.

Snappers goes forward to see what effect the bullet had and Misty Meener in the Blue Hat arrives on the scene, not exposing herself too much.

Someone fires at Jack and he dodges behind the crate of tomatoes.

I’m not sure who fired on Jack, the rascal of a shopkeeper is hiding behind his pile of sacks and so it was either the large Green Mellon in the sombrero or his own daughter Molly.

Either are a possibility.

You’ve probably forgotten about the two guys helping Jack and Standish rid the Territory of the Snapcase plague. Molly ‘The Kid’ had taken a commanding position on some high ground out to the left of Jack and Spooner in the pink shirt had been lurking in the circle of wagons.

He moves away from the protection of solid wooden wagons for the illusory protection of a cactus bush and opens fire on Sheriff Snappers, missing with each shot.

By the way, I was much impressed by the cactus and from a distance of about 200 miles they looked really good, even better when Snappers sent me the pictures.

That snake in the desert Arkright, had a snake in his boot when he rolled three 6’s to activate but it didn’t stop him rising from his hiding place behind the sacks, and climbing on the flat bed. Throwing off a mountain of sacks to make way for his ungainly carcase before opening fire on poor Jack Daniels who was having 40 winks to recover from the rush to the train, not from the rot gut whisky he’d drunk earlier in case you were wondering.

You’ll be as relieved as I was when all Arkright’s shots missed.

Big Grin’s in Derbyshire  ;D and loud moans in Devon :'(.

The transparent cow catcher was a source of much discussion. Apparently it could provide cover for a Sheriff but not for a Standish. This all became a little irrelevant when Misty hitched up her skirts and moved into the cactus patch, as well as claiming she wasn’t exposing herself, she shot Standish in the leg.

This was all too much for the poor chap and he got a new nickname when he scampered away from the blue hated harridan. Unfortunately Scampering Standish is gone for the immediate future leaving his back up man Pink Shirt Spooner to face down the two evil villains, Snappers and The Cactus Patch Doll.

I did mention earlier that Molly ‘The Kid’ had an Ace up her sleeve and she had taken a commanding, flanking position on some high ground.
The Ace was a big calibre Trapdoor Springfield Rifle and she’d been practicing her Marksman skills with it. Shoot, load, shoot, the Green Mellon moved swiftly for one so large and he was behind the rock before you could blink an eye.

The disadvantage of the Springfield is it’s a 1 shot weapon, the advantage is, if it hits, you know you’ve been hit.

The disadvantage of a commanding, flanking position is that there is too much terrain for a sniper to get line of sight on a target, even if it is large and dressed in a highly visible and unbecoming green suit, the advantage is that you’re too far away to be hit with a hand gun which is all Mellon Balls has..

Well that's it, we are only part way through turn 3 of the game but it’s not looking too good for the brave men of the Daniel/Standish gang. Scampering Standish may walk with a limp in the future, if so he may develop another nickname, only time and the dice will decide, but a limp Standish doesn’t bear thinking about. With him gone we’re close to testing to see if we ride for the hills or some such nonsense but there is good news.

The rules use a card deck to decide the activation sequence and there are three characters still to activate this turn. Spooner is facing off against the Sheriff and they both have their move to come but the one I’m looking forward to most, is when Jack Daniels rises from his nap like an avenging angel and brings down retribution on that snake Arkwright.

Retribution will come in the form of a hail of .45 calibre bullets.

The snake has already activated and will be waiting with trembling knees to collect his just desserts next Wednesday, all I need are six favourable dice and he’s a dead man.

If you got this far, thanks for reading and if there are any rebuttals of this true and honest account by low life Sheriff's out there, then I trust you will treat them with the contempt they deserve.  ;)
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Uno 17th Nov
Post by: FifteensAway on November 17, 2023, 10:55:44 PM
Now, I've more or less had my say on the terrain in this here game so I ain't pointing out any more omissions or potential calamities.  But I just might 'wax eloquent' on an opportunity.  Sometime or another, with a bit of work and some application of Cre-A-Tiv-Ity, there might ought to be a few ladies bathing in that thar water tank.  For inspiration I recommend a brief watch of the opening of any episode (well, any as far as I know) of Petticoat Junction.

I'll be back later to reply to the game reports but I do feel in the interest of integrity - if I have any left anyway - I should wait to hear from the other parties.
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Uno 17th Nov
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on November 18, 2023, 11:56:09 AM
The snake has already activated and will be waiting with trembling knees to collect his just desserts next Wednesday, all I need are six favourable dice and he’s a dead man.

"I call that bold talk for a one-eyed fat man. Fill your hands, you son of a bitch!"

He who sows the wind, reaps the whirlwind!

For inspiration I recommend a brief watch of the opening of any episode (well, any as far as I know) of Petticoat Junction.

I've not seen it, but it sounds an intriguing idea.
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Uno 17th Nov
Post by: Michi on November 18, 2023, 01:01:31 PM
This is by far the most splendid western entertainment I ever got for 5 Cents!  :-*
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Uno 17th Nov
Post by: MaleGriffin on November 18, 2023, 11:16:13 PM
Fantastic looking game! Brilliant AAR! If I ever had any doubts about using clear plastic bases, you've completely dispelled them.
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Uno 17th Nov
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on November 19, 2023, 08:52:15 PM
An entertaining report, some of which is true. All the neutral reader needs to know is that anything pertaining to Sensible Standish is the invention of a gifted raconteur. This gentleman is not unsympathetic to Standish but favours a rollicking yarn over strict accuracy.

Standish’s actions can simply be described as typically heroic. He advanced without regard to his own safety and without hesitation to confront the might of the Saveloy criminals, having first summarily despatched an Apache warband. After having severely disrupted the intentions of said Saveloy, he was bushwhacked by another of that gang and was sorely wounded. Notwithstanding his wounds, his first thought was to prevent injury to innocent civilians and to this end, adopted a dynamic patrolling posture in a counter-forward direction.

As always, Sensible Standish seeks not earthly reward or praise. His only wish is to fulfil the designs of the Great Creator.

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Uno 17th Nov
Post by: FifteensAway on November 20, 2023, 01:16:11 AM
"dynamic patrolling posture in a counter-forward direction"

The above phrase deserves being nominated for some sort of award.  Not quite sure what that award might be.  But it is deserving.

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Uno 17th Nov
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on November 20, 2023, 08:10:50 AM
"dynamic patrolling posture in a counter-forward direction"

The above phrase deserves being nominated for some sort of award.  Not quite sure what that award might be.  But it is deserving.


I completely agree, Fifteens. This is one of Doug's finest literary moments! I had it down as "sulkily, slouching away in a sneaky and spineless style", but Doug's description is les mots juste.
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Uno 17th Nov
Post by: Vagabond on November 20, 2023, 05:26:30 PM
This is by far the most splendid western entertainment I ever got for 5 Cents!  :-*

Cheers Michi, 5cents is about all it's worth.  lol lol

"I call that bold talk for a one-eyed fat man. Fill your hands, you son of a bitch!"

He who sows the wind, reaps the whirlwind!

Sounds like Arkwright has been eating beans again,  lol lol I hope he doesn't explode too violently when Jack ventilates him full of holes.

Fantastic looking game! Brilliant AAR! If I ever had any doubts about using clear plastic bases, you've completely dispelled them.

The Mad Lord does have a fine collection of terrain and figures, it's a shame he lives so far away.  :'(

This gentleman is not unsympathetic to Standish but favours a rollicking yarn over strict accuracy.

Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.  lol

I completely agree, Fifteens. This is one of Doug's finest literary moments! I had it down as "sulkily, slouching away in a sneaky and spineless style", but Doug's description is les mots juste.

I'll let Scampering Standish respond to this.  8)

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Uno 17th Nov
Post by: CapnJim on November 20, 2023, 05:37:56 PM
Well, I'm not sure there is anything of any value I can add to this particular conversation.  But, as that has never stopped me before, I'll chime in...

That was an entertaining story.  Well half-story as it is not yet complete.  And its veracity is moot, given its capacity for keeping us all glued to our seats...and being glued to a seat may help with Arkwright's bean-induced whirlwinds...

And I'm rooting for Daniels (and, by association, Standish).  How can a man who has a whiskey named after him do any wrong?
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Uno 17th Nov
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on November 20, 2023, 07:22:39 PM
How can a man who has a whiskey named after him do any wrong?
You’d think that was self-evident. Regrettably, in this case, maybe not.

As it happens, the alliance between Daniels and Standish is an unlikely one. Jack, despite his name, has a tremendous thirst for mescal rather than whiskey. Sensible Standish eschews all strong drink, he can walk into any saloon and order a sarsaparilla-over-milk without a qualm and face down any man who objects. He is very much of the "Praise The Lord and Pass the Ammunition" persuasion.

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Uno 17th Nov
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on November 21, 2023, 06:57:40 AM
As it happens, the alliance between Daniels and Standish is an unlikely one. Jack, despite his name, has a tremendous thirst for mescal rather than whiskey. Sensible Standish eschews all strong drink, he can walk into any saloon and order a sarsaparilla-over-milk without a qualm and face down any man who objects. He is very much of the "Praise The Lord and Pass the Ammunition" persuasion.

You really have to think of them as Felix Ungar and Oscar Madison!

One is spick and span, one is a sluggard. Both are divorced and have no place to call home. That's how fussy, teetotaller and stone-cold killer, Sensible Oliver Standish and lackadaisical, mescal-fiend and gun-for-hire, Raving Jack Daniels end up sharing the leadership of a New Mexico outlaw gang, known as the Arthritis Gang. They have been riding the owl hoot trail for many years.

In appearance they differ considerably. Standish is described as courteous and well-dressed, but always armed and extremely dangerous. He is built like a snake on stilts.

'Sensible' Oliver Standish

Raving Jack is usually drunk on mescal and looks like he has forgotten his annual bath for several years. He is addicted to laudanum and when aroused, is happy to shoot in all directions. He is so thin, he could take a bath (and we wish he would) in a shotgun barrel.

'Raving' Jack Daniels

All the crimes they are guilty of are too long to list, but include murder, cattle rustling, cannibalism, indecent exposure, horse thievery, abduction, bank robbing, protection racketeering and stealing gold-dust.
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Uno 17th Nov
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on November 21, 2023, 02:34:36 PM
You really have to think of them as Felix Ungar and Oscar Madison!

One is spick and span, one is a sluggard. Both are divorced and have no place to call home. That's how fussy, teetotaller and stone-cold killer, Sensible Oliver Standish and lackadaisical, mescal-fiend and gun-for-hire, Raving Jack Daniels end up sharing the leadership of a New Mexico outlaw gang, known as the Arthritis Gang. They have been riding the owl hoot trail for many years.

In appearance they differ considerably. Standish is described as courteous and well-dressed, but always armed and extremely dangerous. He is built like a snake on stilts.

'Sensible' Oliver Standish

Raving Jack is usually drunk on mescal and looks like he has forgotten his annual bath for several years. He is addicted to laudanum and when aroused, is happy to shoot in all directions. He is so thin, he could take a bath (and we wish he would) in a shotgun barrel.

'Raving' Jack Daniels

All the crimes they are guilty of are too long to list, but include murder, cattle rustling, cannibalism, indecent exposure, horse thievery, abduction, bank robbing, protection racketeering and stealing gold-dust.

Obviously this is all (well, nearly all) fiction. Highly entertaining and amusing, of course and I suspect written by one of those Eastern dude authors who specialise in lurid and wildly inaccurate tales of the Wild West. There are many inventions but one in particular that the author may come to regret once Standish has leisure to hunt him down. Standish has never been married, let alone divorced. He is firmly of the belief that all women are Jezebels, sent to lure men into depravity and sin. His observation of Jack Daniel’s’ life seems to confirm this.
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Uno 17th Nov
Post by: CapnJim on November 21, 2023, 05:35:08 PM
I see the problem here.  Mescal, tequila, etc. are the devil's own drink.  But don't tell my wife I said (typed?) that... 8)

Whisk(e)y is the proper man's drink.  From my experience, it's even medicinal...Bourbon, and a bit of Irish Whiskey from time to time (and of course the accompanying cigars), is how I got through the recent plague...

In any event, carry on... 
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Uno 17th Nov
Post by: Vagabond on November 21, 2023, 08:43:20 PM
That was an entertaining story.  Well half-story as it is not yet complete.  And its veracity is moot, given its capacity for keeping us all glued to our seats...and being glued to a seat may help with Arkwright's bean-induced whirlwinds...

And I'm rooting for Daniels (and, by association, Standish).  How can a man who has a whiskey named after him do any wrong?

Captain Jim you are obviously an astute and knowledgeable man, not to be drawn in by the deluded Snapcase psychosis.

This is obviously how Snapcase envisaged Jack Daniels when he painted his portrait back in the 19C.

This is a picture of a younger Jack, before the ravages of Mescal took their toll. I know you read the report of of the Jayhawkers and why Jack took to strong liquor, so I need say no more......except.

Jack drinks to forget the terrible deeds committed by the Snapcase family.

But a bolder braver man you won't see on the frontier, he tracks down vermin such as the Snapcase posse with a dedication that legends are made of.

A man haunted by the past and determined for revenge.

I imagine this is how Snapcase sees himself, but when he looks in the mirror.

This is the face staring back at him.

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Uno 17th Nov
Post by: CapnJim on November 21, 2023, 11:50:17 PM
Are you calling Snapcase an old goat?   True as it may be, them's mighty strong words (or in this case, a picture...)... :o  ;)
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Uno 17th Nov
Post by: Michi on November 22, 2023, 12:43:57 PM
Jack, despite his name, has a tremendous thirst for mescal rather than whiskey. Sensible Standish eschews all strong drink, he can walk into any saloon and order a sarsaparilla-over-milk without a qualm and face down any man who objects. He is very much of the "Praise The Lord and Pass the Ammunition" persuasion.

All the truth about Jack's past to be found there:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yywGI1H_oyM  :D

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Uno 17th Nov
Post by: Vagabond on November 22, 2023, 07:35:40 PM
Michi, not only do we look like twins, we also listen to the same music.  lol lol lol
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Uno 17th Nov
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on November 23, 2023, 05:44:01 PM
Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo, part 2 was concluded with much hilarity this afternoon, but no spoilers here.

I leave it to Vagabond to misrepresent the facts, with a conglomeration of deceit, deception, disinformation and distortion. Whilst that is a given, I can assure you, it will be a cracker of an AAR, in his usual inimitable and entertaining style, true or not!   :o
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: Vagabond on November 24, 2023, 01:18:19 PM
Part Duo

The story so far:- The Snapcase Posse were taking advantage of Scampering Standish making a tactical re-deployment………away from the action and off the table. They were pushing his partner, Pink Shirt Spooner hard, but he was pushing back, just as hard.

Jack Daniels was face to face with the Shopkeeper Arkwright (the snake) on the top of a rail car and Jack’s only Kid, Molly was on the high ground taking pot shots at a green Melon wearing a sombrero.

The action continues when Spooner fired off 4 shots at Sheriff Snapcase. This was to be his undoing because he’d already fired 2 shots and was now out of ammo. In a moment of hilarity this fact was revealed to all, I was the culprit and this was to have dire consequences for Spooner but I’ll come to that later.

Possibly concerned by his senior (older) partners withdrawal, Spooner missed with 3 of the shots but in spite of his hand shaking like an Aspen in a gale he did plug the sheriff once, wounding the old chap sorely.

With an empty pistol Spooner turned to run back to the safety of the wagons. He had to take shelter behind some bags of grain when he realised that his gammy leg was slowing him down and he wouldn’t make it in time.

The Sheriff, now full of lead, runs and hides…..  :o

Jack turn came but he didn’t roll the 6 dice he was hoping for, 3 spotting dice when his target is close enough to touch aren’t helpful. Desperation etched in his craggy face he fired the Winchester causing The Shopkeeper to flinch in shock but there was no fountain of blood and gore, no brains splattered across the cabbages, although there was some loud cursing in Derbyshire which would continue to get louder as the fight continued.

That was the end of turn 3. With the departure of Standish we had to take a Ride for the Hills test but as the Mad Lord doesn’t have any horsemen painted we fortunately survived it.

Spooner made it back into the cover of the wagons but only just, there was no time to re-load his empty gun as he watched Deputy Meaner (blue hat) jump out of the cactus patch startled by a snake in her boots and start to hunt him down.

Outflanking him she fired twice, hitting with both bullets, as Spooner fell to the ground bleeding profusely from his fatal chest wound he was heard to sing. “I shot the Sheriff but I did not shoot the Deputy” a little breathlessly and slightly out of tune, then he died.

RIP Spooner you will be missed.

The Kid, Molly who is slightly out of focus in the foreground but this shows her commanding view of the tableau in front and below. A genius position for her to have taken (for which I take full credit) and she can see two indistinct targets in the sights of her Trapdoor Springfield.

The first target hiding under the water tower is Sheriff Snapcase or as one rather barbed comment stated. “A big drip under an even bigger drip”.

The other target is the green Melon, who is taking full protection from the cover afforded by the tripod over the cooking fire.

There was some discussion along the lines of “I thought when the game finished last week he was laying down behind the rocks” countered by “Oh no he made a full recovery and bounded forward to the cover of the tripod” Followed by “Of course I didn’t move him during the week”. Followed by “What cover, you’re not claiming 3 sticks are cover” and it went on and on and on.

Eventually Molly took the shot. Unfortunately she also had a snake in her boot. For a random event the snake came up 3 times out of 4 so it doesn’t seem so random to me but “there you go”.

Molly is a noteworthy Markswoman, she aimed the Springfield carefully, needing anything but a 1 to hit the water melon and rolled a 1. More cursing in Derbyshire.
This is the first action in which she's used the Springfield and I think the heavy recoil is too much for her light frame, she's just going to have to woman up a bit. ;)

Jack smiled an evil grin when his card came out before the Shopkeepers. “You wanna dance Shopkeeper” Arkwright went as pale as his apron when Jack drew his 6 gun and fired, Pic A.

Blast and damnation, Arkwright dodged back like the nimble snake eyed monkey he is Pic B.

Jack moved forward, he needed to roll 4 or more on 2 dice, that would put him on top of the brown barrel, negating the cowardly shop keepers cover. He rolled 3, Pic C. Arkwright still counts cover. Tarnation. Jack fired……..and rolled a 1, Sweet Mary, there were no more expletives from Derbyshire, it was “a head in hands time”.

Knowing Arkwright would go next Jack retreated back to his original location behind the tomato and apple boxes. Pic D.

Arkwright did indeed go next but because he was so shook up, his only shot missed when Jack dodged the bullet.

Well Jacks had 2 attempts to take down Granville ‘Lucky’ Arkwright, he might not get another because we will almost certainly fail the next Ride for the Hills test at the end of the turn, but there’s a more pressing consideration.

The Melon.

The Melon didn’t get a snake in his boot, he was attacked by a porky pig, it’s hard to tell them apart except for the green suit on the larger piggy.
Our amusement, (Doug and mine) turned to grief when the Melon fought off the pig and Snappers cheered up realising he wasn’t going to be pig food after all.

The Melon still had movement and shooting dice to play and he waddled forwards, firing as he came. Jack slipped on a tomato skin and fortuitously dodged the bullets aimed in his direction. He’s pretty nimble for a one eyed fat man, but with Standish gone and Spooner dead, it was all over bar the shouting.

Ignoring the fact that Snappers has no horses, Jack and Molly saddled up and got the heck out of Dodge.

“Our chaps face a new dawn, with courage and determination” to quote Douggers or, “they slink out of the rising sun” to quote Snappers, but in the immortal words of Arnie “We’ll be back.

Douggers is recruiting a new sidekick as we speak, apparently he’s either a Russian train driver, Casey Ivan Jones or a ex member of the Chipendale’s, not sure if it’s Chip or Dale he’s got in mind.

Which ever way you look at it we came out 2nd best and for reasons beyond comprehension The Shopkeeper gained some reputation and becomes a Shootist. The varmint will be hunted down and ‘taken care of’ in the next episode of “Hate to Ride”. This will be playing at a cinema near you next Wednesday afternoon, matinee tickets are relatively cheap, 5cents to quote Michi but that might just be for the back row.

Which vandal did this!

Thanks for reading – if you did.
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on November 24, 2023, 02:43:15 PM
Great stuff, considering the amount of mescal Raving Jack drank, it's amazing he remembers anything! Next thing we know, he'll actually be recalling something that really happened (as if)!

The Arthritis Gang were supposed to slink off into the sunset, so here it is.

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: CapnJim on November 24, 2023, 03:35:36 PM
Hmm.  I seem to have placed a losing bet on that one....oh well, maybe next time... :D

And you know what they say - "Red sky at night..."
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on November 24, 2023, 03:55:43 PM
That’s a most commendably rapid posting of the AAR for which I salute you, Vaggers. And sails pretty close to the TRUTH which is even better. Mad Lord’s photos aren’t too shabby either.

I’ve now recovered from the trauma of Spooner’s untimely demise and am looking forward to welcoming clean cut, square-jawed, iron muscled "Loco" Maine to our jolly band. He’s an ex-railroad man - he drove the trains; I believe they call drivers "engineers" over the pond. So that’s what he was - fastest engineer in the West. But now, he’s a gosh-darned, clean-living, all round er, gunman. Sheriff Saveloy and even more to the point, Deputy Meaner better watch out - Loco has a slug with their number on it and I ain’t talking shell-less, terrestrial, monopod molluscs - so sirree. I’m talkin’ lead.

Time to tremble, Saveloy.

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: FifteensAway on November 24, 2023, 04:47:14 PM
As always, entertaining reports - and love the sunset shot.  But, dig into those flinty wallets and get some riders!  And pronto.  lol

This side of the pond:

Engineer drives the locomotive
Fireman stokes the fires
Brakeman applies the brakes as needed (can be several of these per train if long enough), also uncouples cars
Conductor punches the passenger tickets and decides what car to drop in what order (more or less, may consult with engineer)

Brakeman can often be told my having missing fingers, EXTREMELY dangerous job in the 1800s.

Staffed stations will have a station master and sometimes a separate telegraph operator - both of whom could be women at times.  Smaller stations will have both the same.  Whistle stops are not staffed but might have a pole with an arm to raise to signal the train to stop.

Now, go shopping for horses and riders!   ;)

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on November 24, 2023, 06:48:09 PM
As always, entertaining reports - and love the sunset shot.  But, dig into those flinty wallets and get some riders!  And pronto.  lol

This side of the pond:

Engineer drives the locomotive
Fireman stokes the fires
Brakeman applies the brakes as needed (can be several of these per train if long enough), also uncouples cars
Conductor punches the passenger tickets and decides what car to drop in what order (more or less, may consult with engineer)

Brakeman can often be told my having missing fingers, EXTREMELY dangerous job in the 1800s.

Staffed stations will have a station master and sometimes a separate telegraph operator - both of whom could be women at times.  Smaller stations will have both the same.  Whistle stops are not staffed but might have a pole with an arm to raise to signal the train to stop.

Now, go shopping for horses and riders!   ;)

So I was right. He was an engineer. Kudos to me for US railroad knowledge. :D

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on November 24, 2023, 09:25:26 PM

I’ve now recovered from the trauma of Spooner’s untimely demise and am looking forward to welcoming clean cut, square-jawed, iron muscled "Loco" Maine to our jolly band. He’s an ex-railroad man - he drove the trains; I believe they call drivers "engineers" over the pond. So that’s what he was - fastest engineer in the West. But now, he’s a gosh-darned, clean-living, all round er, gunman. Sheriff Saveloy and even more to the point, Deputy Meaner better watch out - Loco has a slug with their number on it and I ain’t talking shell-less, terrestrial, monopod molluscs - so sirree. I’m talkin’ lead.

Time to tremble, Saveloy.


Now that Doug has revealed his 'fresh meat' for the Arthritis Gang, I can reveal a picture of them shuffling out of the sunrise. That's the new tyro, on the left.

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: 2010sunburst on November 24, 2023, 10:22:27 PM
Careful you don’t diss the loco crew…..according to every blues song ever written engineers are cruel and firemen are mean….except for Casey Jones.
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on November 25, 2023, 02:57:15 PM
Careful you don’t diss the loco crew…..according to every blues song ever written engineers are cruel and firemen are mean….except for Casey Jones.

I suspect that Loco Maine will be every bit as cruel as you suggest!   ;)
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on November 25, 2023, 03:03:10 PM
A sad and tragic scene is played out at the railway station at Netzahualcóyotl Junction (back up the Big Butte Line from No Paleta Arroyo). The local undertaker, D. M. D'Emfore and his assistant, Mrs. Delphine Featherstone (aka 'The Black Widow'), are dispatching the mortal remains of The Honourable Horace Boris Spooner, on the first stage of the journey back to his ancestral home in England. You can almost hear the strains of Chopin's Marche Funèbre!   :'(

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on November 25, 2023, 04:32:57 PM
A sad and tragic scene is played out at the railway station at Netzahualcóyotl Junction (back up the Big Butte Line from No Paleta Arroyo). The local undertaker, D. M. D'Emfore and his assistant, Mrs. Delphine Featherstone (aka 'The Black Widow'), are dispatching the mortal remains of The Honourable Horace Boris Spooner, on the first stage of the journey back to his ancestral home in England. You can almost hear the strains of Chopin's Marche Funèbre!   :'(


This is a most moving tableau which will bring a tear, unbidden, to even the most manly eye. Hopefully it will have been possible to effect a tintype of this touching scene which can be forwarded to the Spooner family so that they may be assured that all the customary decencies have been observed in dealing with the tragic passing of their loved one.

I must say, Snapcase, that’s excellent - well done; I love it; the clear bases are particularly effective in scenes like this. :-*

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: FifteensAway on November 26, 2023, 09:20:08 AM

If you haven't given them a try, consider using appropriate colored water color pencils for adding color to your train station.
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on November 26, 2023, 01:12:30 PM

If you haven't given them a try, consider using appropriate colored water color pencils for adding color to your train station.

I have bought a set of water colour pencils for that very reason, just haven't had the nerve to try them out on my 4Ground buildings yet!   ;)
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: FifteensAway on November 26, 2023, 03:41:10 PM
Well, Snapcase, if it helps, water color pencils are one of the 'secrets' of the master model railroad builders. 

I do think one of the tricks to using them is sealing them after coloring - more so for gaming than model railroading, in the railroad world the model is likely to be put in place and never touched while we all know that in gaming hands will touch stuff on a regular basis.

If there was any excess left over material from building your kits perhaps try some coloring on those, a few different pieces, and see how they handle and how they take your favored sealing mediums. 

I don't really use much in the way of wooden kits in my miniatures modeling but I do know you have to be careful of warping.  For model railroad kit building, I use oversized internal reinforcement to minimize/eliminate such issues, why using waterbased paints can be an issue - and why the pencils are a good option since they are essentially dry. 

I model in N scale - sorry no photos of my work just now as in rebuilding process and stuff stashed away.

If you don't have any left over pieces then maybe try the smallest and least expensive structure that is replaceable (still for sale) and see how it goes.

I'm wondering if ODORLESS hair spray might be a good option as a sealer.  Works great on pencil artwork for sure.  The concern, of course, is smearing the carefully applied effects - if using any of the 'wet' techniques with the pencils, make sure it is completely dry before sealing.

Oh, and I am NOT a master model railroader!

Looking forward to seeing your efforts on whatever you decide to color first with those pencils.
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on November 29, 2023, 06:53:10 AM
Many thanks, Fifteens.

Kidnap at Netzahualcóyotl Junction

After their defeat at No Paleta Arroyo, the Arthritis Gang escape on stolen horses, taking the body of their fallen comrade, the Honourable Horace Boris Spooner with them. Even such hardened criminals as these realise that Spooner’s mortal remains should be dispatched back to Spooner’s people, back in England.

As a consequence, they ride back up the Big Butte Line, towards El Paso. They come across a burgeoning settlement at Netzahualcóyotl, which has the first proper railway station on the line heading east. The local undertaker, D. M. D’Emfore agrees to dispatch Spooner on the first leg of his journey to his ancestral home, with the disbursement of some of the gang’s ill-gotten gains.

Spooner's mortal remains

In the saloon, they get talking with a duplicitous travelling Snake Oil salesman, by the name of Dr. Jedidiah Vagabond. Dr. Vagabond picks up all the news and gossip on his travels and is very well informed on local matters. He discloses to the remaining gang members, that Quincy Q. Rockingchair III, Chairman of the Big Butte Railway Company, was behind the ambush set up by Sheriff Saveloy Snapcase and his deputies at No Paleta Arroyo.

Dr. Jedidiah Vagabond and Donut Frump

Dr. Vagabond further reveals that his sandwich-board man and general gopher, Donut Frump overheard some interesting news when they were setting up outside the railway station, Netzahualcóyotl Junction. Apparently, Quincy Q. Rockingchair III himself is at the railway station, intending to journey up the line, to see how work is progressing at No Paleta Arroyo. The gang decide to exact revenge, there and then.

Quincy Q. Rockingchair III entering the station building

Standish and Daniels lead their gang to the station and kidnap Quincy Q. Rockingchair III, holding him in the station building. They force the station staff to send a telegraph message to the headquarters of the Big Butte Railway Company in El Paso, demanding a ransom of $10,000.

Netzahualcóyotl Junction

Sesquipedalian U. Picklehammer Jnr. the Vice-President of the Big Butte Railway Company has appealed to Sheriff Saveloy Snapcase personally, to mount a rescue mission at Netzahualcóyotl Junction.

Thus we have the background to game three, to be played out this afternoon.
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on November 29, 2023, 07:04:33 AM
The scenario we are using this afternoon, from the 'What a Cowboy!' book.


The ground floor and first floor plans, with rooms numbered. Douggers and Vaggers will be selecting a room to place Quincy Q. Rockingchair III in. As the opposition, I will only be aware of his general location i.e. the station building. The specific room will remain unknown to me until I actually enter the correct room.



A few photos of the overall set-up to follow, later this morning.

At a cinema near you, soon!
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on November 29, 2023, 11:30:25 AM
Some set-up photos, prior to the game.

This is the view from the defender's deployment edge.


This is the view from the attacker's deployment edge.


Overview of Netzahualcóyotl Junction.


The blacksmiths, run by the three Bandy brothers, O. W. Bandy, Bartholomew Wolfe Bandy and Bandy B. Bandy.



Bill Gull at his barber surgeon's emporium. There are rumours that he was once Sir William Gull of Guy's Hospital, London. Those of a malicious nature suggest that he left London in a hurry, after being accused of the 'Jack the Ripper' murders. Could there be any truth in this?



Then of course, there is the Dry Goods Store, run by Granville Arkwright's uncle, Albert Arkwright. Seen here in the doorway, enticing the ladies in to buy things they didn't know they wanted!



The station concourse.



The Women's Temperance meeting.



Dr. Vagabond has the crowd entranced with his eloquent verbiage.


The track gang, making hasty repairs.


...and lastly, there seems to be a queue to use the facilities!

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: Tom Dulski on November 29, 2023, 12:06:06 PM
great looking table
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on November 29, 2023, 12:44:05 PM
Magnificent….! There’ll be a bleeding and a moanin’ by Slimey Saveloy tonight….
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: MaleGriffin on November 29, 2023, 07:06:07 PM
Mighty good lookin' game pard!
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on November 29, 2023, 07:50:34 PM
No spoilers but - I tell you…! What a game so far. Filled with "OMG, he didn’t did he?" And plenty of "You’ve got to be kidding me!" and "how did that happen?" followed by "whoa! - not possible" (I mean, what’s wrong with standing on a trap-door ladder whilst firing a rifle - oh, oh, a spoiler nearly slipped out there).

There was also quite a lot of "Have I got line-of-sight to anyone?" followed by "No" and topped off with "no-one can see me can they" followed by "No".

Quite a cagey game so far…..

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: CapnJim on November 30, 2023, 02:16:13 AM
Lovely table.  Filled with respectable citizenry.  And some other folks.  Awaiting news from this affair.... 
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: FifteensAway on December 01, 2023, 12:02:21 AM
All them pretty pictures but I don't see me no hungry coyote nowheres!  What gives?   lol
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: Michi on December 01, 2023, 08:27:34 AM
All them pretty pictures but I don't see me no hungry coyote nowheres!  What gives?   lol

Ah, is that what "Netzhautkoyote" means?   :o
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on December 01, 2023, 08:42:27 AM
The Nahuatl name Nezahualcoyotl is commonly translated as “hungry coyote” or “fasting coyote.” However, more accurately, it means "coyote with a fasting collar," from nezahualli, a collar made out of bands of paper twisted together. It was worn by those fasting to show others that they shouldn't be offered food. Wikipedia.

I think the coyotes are keeping away from the 'iron horse'!   ;)   ;)
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: Michi on December 01, 2023, 08:48:38 AM
The Nahuatl name Nezahualcoyotl is commonly translated as “hungry coyote” or “fasting coyote.” However, more accurately, it means "coyote with a fasting collar," from nezahualli, a collar made out of bands of paper twisted together. It was worn by those fasting to show others that they shouldn't be offered food. Wikipedia.

I think the coyotes are keeping away from the 'iron horse'!   ;)   ;)

Thanky you for enlightening me, M'Lord!

Ah, is that what "Netzhautkoyote" means?   :o

It's a relieve to learn that it doesn't read Retina Coyote...  lol
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: Vagabond on December 01, 2023, 10:27:13 AM
All them pretty pictures but I don't see me no hungry coyote nowheres!  What gives?   lol

You're a hard audience you know.  :D 

Jack Daniels shot the coyote because it's howling disturbed the peace and quiet he needs for serious mescal consumption. 

I imagine once he's left town the coyotes will return.

Oh and by the way, Loco Lobo is wearing the coyote as a hat, which is why you can't see a carcase.  ;)
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on December 01, 2023, 12:47:00 PM
Jack Daniels shot the coyote because it's howling disturbed the peace and quiet he needs for serious mescal consumption.

 lol   lol   lol
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on December 01, 2023, 01:48:29 PM
Jack Daniels shot the coyote because it's howling disturbed the peace and quiet he needs for serious mescal consumption

I shot the sheriff in the last game for precisely the same reason

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: FifteensAway on December 01, 2023, 04:33:11 PM
"All them pretty pictures but I don't see me no hungry coyote nowheres!  What gives?   lol

You're a hard audience you know.  :D"

Tough as nails, hombre.  And, no, that weaving around of my 1858 Remington .44 is not from my hands shaking, no, it's me taking careful aim at my target, yes sir. 

Now, you need to add a couple of figures to your set-up and that would be Dr. Jesse W. Heywood, dentist, and his "wife" Penelope 'Bad Penny' Cushings. [Bonus points for the first person to post here where that reference comes from.]

Only other problem (besides some photos failing to show on my computer, damn it!) is that we don't have the report yet of that game three.  Hope no more dental issues.  :o

And if you nutter lot ever decide to add an 'avatar' of me into your games you can call him California Diggins' Johnny "Tough as a Rail" W. Hardup.  Note that the women always find that last name quite entertaining both figuratively and, at times, literally.  Oh, that W, what does it stand for?  Well, no one really knows except Johnny but the gamblers have even odds on Wishbone or Wombat, the latter from rumors he made a trip to Australia in his wayward youth.  He always carries his own spoon to properly mix his favorite libation, a truly old fashioned Old Fashion.  Never trust a bar keep to have a clean spoon.  He carries a 'six' shooter in his belt holster, a derringer up his sleeve, a bowie knife in his boot, a Winchester in its bucket on his horse, and a reserve six shooter inside his coat.  And rumor has it that his holstered gun has been modified into a seven shooter.  If you have the nerve to ask him - and then live to tell about it - about the copious notches on his pistol handle he will tell you that there is one for eveyone he killed and the backwards notches are for the ones he back shot - and everyone of his victims was a low down, dirty scoundrel.  No one quite knows why his left eye twitches whenever he says that, at all other times his eye is as steady as his hands.  He was once blessed by an Apache en'ti who said now that he has cast his spell on him that it would take a full fusillade of bullets to take him down, no single - or even three or five bullets alone - would ever take him out.  He is as tough as that new fangled sixty pound rail the railroads are using back east, "tough as a rail" as they now say, a heck of a lot tougher than a measly old square nail.  This is the only known image of him:


Yes sir, Johnny is as tough - and deadly - as they come.  So, yes, you can use him as my avatar if you like. 

'Cause you'd never use Dr. Heywood as an avatar for me, now would you?!   ;D
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on December 01, 2023, 04:58:59 PM
And if you nutter lot ever decide to add an 'avatar' of me into your games you can call him California Diggins' Johnny "Hard as Nails" Hardup.  Note that the women always find that last name quite entertaining.  He always carries his own spoon to properly mix his favorite libation, a truly old fashioned Old Fashion.  Never trust a bar keep to have a clean spoon.  He carries a six shooter in his belt holster, a derringer up his sleeve, a bowie knife in his boot, a Winchester in its bucket on his horse, and a reserve six shooter inside his coat.  And rumor has it that his holstered gun has been modified into a seven shooter.  If you have the nerve to ask him - and then live to tell about it - about the copious notches on his pistol handle he will tell you that there is one for eveyone he killed and the backwards notches are for the ones he back shot - and everyone of his victims was a low down, dirty scoundrel.  No one quite knows why his eye twitches whenever he says that, at all other times his eye is as steady as his hands.  He was once blessed by an Apache en'ti who said now that he has cast his spell on him that it would take a full fusillade of bullets to take him down, no single - or even three or five bullets alone - would ever take him out.  He is as tough as that new fangled sixty pound rail the railroads are using back east, "tough as a rail" as they now say, a heck of a lot tougher than a measly old square nail.

Saved this into my game notes, just in case!   ;)   ;)
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: FifteensAway on December 01, 2023, 08:49:10 PM
You may want to save my "revised and improved" version!  8)

And, you get the Points for finding the source of the reference, well, done, sir.  Of course, Google makes it silly easy these days but still a good job.
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: FifteensAway on January 04, 2024, 06:09:52 AM
Been more than a month passed and still no report of that game three - hoping it was just the intervening holidays and no more dental or other health problems preventing it. 
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on January 04, 2024, 07:31:48 AM
Been more than a month passed and still no report of that game three - hoping it was just the intervening holidays and no more dental or other health problems preventing it.

Our correspondent has been dispatched on a secret mission into the mountains of Scotland. Game 3 was concluded last week with some momentous, apocalyptic and portentous results, but no spoilers from me! Game 4 was concluded yesterday with more earth-shattering and epoch-making events. Upon his return, I have no doubt, he will hasten to regale us with great tales of derring-do, in a most entertaining way, but unfortunately, mostly unrelated to the veracity of the situation.

Watch this space for the conclusion of 'Kidnap at Netzahualcóyotl Junction' and the sequel, ‘Wagons Ho at O’Rourke’s Corriente’. Coming to a cinema near you, soon!
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: FifteensAway on January 04, 2024, 01:28:07 PM
"Plop, plop; fizz, fizz, Oh, what a relief it is!"  lol

Your audience awaits with bated breath.

[curious aside: Wa-ay back in 1971 or 1972 I think it was, my best friend and I made what was possibly the world's very first home video - at least by kids in their very early teens - using that commercial as our inspiration.  His dad was on the team that developed instant replay and let us use equipment he had at home - using the 2" format of video tape in use back then.  Alas, no audio available - or maybe we couldn't figure out how to use it.]
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: CapnJim on January 13, 2024, 07:04:50 PM
Here I sit, twiddling my thumbs while I wait for these stories to show up.... :D
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: Vagabond on January 16, 2024, 08:49:38 PM
"Plop, plop; fizz, fizz, Oh, what a relief it is!"  lol

Your audience awaits with bated breath.

Here I sit, twiddling my thumbs while I wait for these stories to show up.... :D

My apologies chaps, I did say to my fellow conspirators that I was quite happy to let one of them write the report for game 3, after all, even now I'm still grieving, but they seemed disinclined to do so.


I have returned from the far north and this evening edited the pictures for the game report. I expect to be able to complete it soon. We are due to play game 5 tomorrow which is set in the snowy north of America for some reason. Although I think the reason is that the Mad Lord has some incredible snowy boards to lay down a very good looking table.

Hasta la vista......baby
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on January 17, 2024, 08:56:57 AM
He's back and this time, it's personal!

Yes, you heard it here first, game reports arriving shortly for 'Kidnap at Netzahualcóyotl Junction' and ‘Wagons Ho at O’Rourke’s Corriente’.

'Vendetta at Pikes Peak' happens this afternoon.

Remember, whatever happens, Hate Rides Hard!

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: FifteensAway on January 18, 2024, 02:55:04 AM
Well, on the lookout.

And Vagabond, while I hope you enjoyed your snowy vacation, I sure hope the Scottish highlands don't look like that when wife and I visit in May! lol  At least it will be close to mid-May for that part of the tour.
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: CapnJim on January 23, 2024, 01:24:42 AM
Waiting.... :D
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: traveller on January 23, 2024, 09:35:39 AM
Fantastic thread, thanks for sharing this with us!  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on January 23, 2024, 10:26:22 AM
Waiting.... :D

Ditto - and I was playing in the game…!

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: Vagabond on January 23, 2024, 04:05:32 PM
Well, on the lookout.

And Vagabond, while I hope you enjoyed your snowy vacation, I sure hope the Scottish highlands don't look like that when wife and I visit in May! lol  At least it will be close to mid-May for that part of the tour.

Fifteens in my opinion May is the best time to visit the Highlands, long hours of daylight, I've had lots of good weather then and usually too early for the midges. It'll be very different terrain for you, lots of history as well.
I spent a week before Christmas in the western boarders, dragging Mrs V around Tower Houses, Bastel Houses and Pele Towers, they're all broadly a similar thing but a search under one name doesn't give you the others. There's some very nice examples all along the Border, if that's your thing of course. :D
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: Vagabond on January 23, 2024, 04:09:02 PM
Fantastic thread, thanks for sharing this with us!  :-* :-* :-*

Thanks Traveller I almost missed this amongst the complaints.  :D
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - ‘Trouble at No Paleta Arroyo’ - Part Duo 24th Nov
Post by: Vagabond on January 23, 2024, 04:32:09 PM
'Kidnap at Netzahualcóyotl Junction'

As I’m running so far behind writing up the game reports things are getting a little hazy in my mind. I’m not sure if it’s the fumes from Mescal drinking Jack Daniels or just being around old people so much.

Netzahualcóyotl Junction.

There’s a full write up of the game scenario by the erudite Mad Lord Snapcase on page 5 of the thread but I’ll just paraphrase it here.

For some reason The Jack Daniels Gang had kidnapped someone important in the rail company and probably wanted a ransom to return him. The skinflints who run the railway decided it would be cheaper to employ Sheriff Snapcase to rescue this person of importance. Cheap and the Sheriff go together like, dog and bone, so they’d picked the right man for the job.

Oliver Standish will be along shortly to claim that the Gang’s name is actually the Leaping Standishes, but they are a Norwegian circus act not western gunfighters. Snapcase will probably want to call them The Arthritis Gang which he seems to find childishly amusing, but the intelligent reader will realise by now that Jack Daniels is the driving force, especially when running on Rocket Fuel, or as some call it – Mescal

Here follows a completely unbiased and true account of events.

(As I remember them)

The game opened with The Kid - Molly Daniels, Jacks only daughter, trying to buy Doctor Vagabond’s elixir of life. This elixir was promoted as a bringer of long life, freedom from rickets, a cure for rattlesnake poison and in extremis can even be used to remove those stubborn chewing tobacco stains from your lower lip beard and granddad vest.

Meanwhile The Flying Standish was hog-tying the Railroad President, with the intention of leaving him in one of the 1st story rooms in the Railway station as we fended off the rescuing posse of law and dissorder. To avoid confusion, the Ground floor is the one on the ground and the 1st floor is above it.

Leaving Standish to his unusual pastime, Jack Daniels was setting up an ambush; he intended to bushwhack the bushwhackers.

Sure enough, Snappers Bushwhackers; comprising the dregs of society that Sheriff Snapcase seems to attract, are moving slowly forward through a jumble of boulders.
Cowardly Cartwright was in the rear, his apron and shotgun primed and loaded. In front of him was the notorious green clad Melon and to his left the dangerous Deputy; Misty Meaner wearing her trade mark blue hat. She’d stepped in a pile of horse manure when passing the coral and they made a pretty noxious trio as they skulked along.

Sheriff Snapcase as usual, is no where to be seen.

Oliver Standish might appear to be ready to join the Arizona High Dive team, preparing to do a double pike with a half twist followed by a loud grunt as he hits the hard earth instead of water but in reality he’s just climbed onto the roof for reasons he wouldn’t divulge.

An overview from our side of the board, Standish is on the roof of the station, and hoping to get a better line of sight on any enemy approaching. The Posse of miscreants are in the boulder patch over to the left of the big butte and behind the blacksmiths, (the blue building).
The cunning of Standish pays off and he takes a long shot at Misty Meaner but she dodged that bullet, as with so many others.

Jack Daniels is in one of the rail carriages, waiting for the enemy to come into view. Some of you might be thinking “isn’t an ambush pretty similar to bushwhacking” and the answer is NO…..It’s a tactical thing you might not understand.

Also they’re spelt differently.

The Melon puts on a spurt and has a short conversation with the blacksmith before being shot at by The Kid.

Being bold, young and fit The Kid has run a long way, she jumps up onto the train, opens the carriage door and takes a pot shot at the Melon. Unfortunately she is a little out of breath and he manages to dodge behind the hen house, (with the other chickens) and she misses.

Jack springs his ambush and fired in the direction of the slippery Sheriff, who being slippery, dodged out of the way.
Misty Meaner and the Coward Cartwright had finally reached the far side of the street but instead of walking out to face Jack and Molly ensconced on the train, they hid in the Blacksmiths shop.

Jack and Molly decided to make a fighting retreat to the station, before the forces of evil out manoeuvre them and they are caught in a cross fire from front and flank.

Douggers has a jolly fine phrase for this sort of action but most everyone else calls it running away.

Mellon and Loco, the man in the blue shirt had a bit of a shoot out. At this point Loco came off worse, dodging behind a cactus and getting pinned in the process, a prickly situation.

Standish had come to the realisation that there was no cover on the roof of the station and so climbed back inside. However he then decided to climb out onto the roof of the veranda, yet again for reasons that he didn’t divulge but was able to take advantage of the cover from the carriage.

Of course he didn’t stay on the veranda but made the leap onto the carriage roof. I think he needed to roll 4 on 2D6 to achieve this famous feat but rolled 1+1. There was a loud gulping sound like a fish out of water, followed by a triumphant shout of “Bonanza” which allowed him to re-roll the dice in exchange for his Bonanza token.

Note the action photo that Snappers took, catching the Flying Standish in mid air. How he managed to throw the figure and take the photo at the same time I’ve no idea. It reminds me of the scene in one of the Indiana Jones films where he steps off a cliff over a gorge and there’s the path, hidden until he makes the leap of faith.

The re-roll was 5+5 and he made it onto the roof of the carriage, only to find there’s no cover there either. Whoops.

Misty Meaner (blue hat) shoots him, before running back into the Blacksmiths.

Molly has moved through into the office and was able to fire a couple of shots at Melon, but he dodged again, you will appreciate he’s a dodgy character.

She then decided to barricade the door but couldn’t lift the chair, apparently anything in Netzahualcóyotl Junction not nailed down gets stolen. Someone then suggested that the door might open outward and so there would be no point in barricading it. We rolled a dice and sure enough….it opened out.

I imagine it was Snapcase who had this bright idea!

A ménage a trios, Molly in the station, Melon on the hill and Loco behind a cactus, which are behind the rocks that you can see.
That shadowy figure between the coal car and 1st carriage is Sheriff Snapcase doing a magnificent impersonation of someone hiding.

A better view of Snappers pretending to be brave, his two henchmen are still hiding in the Blacksmiths having traded shots with mad Ollie Standish, who’s still teetering on top of the carriage.

He took a bucket load of lead and adopted a prone position behind the skylight on the roof, from which position his figure kept rolling off and falling unceremoniously to the ground, but he was able to claim some cover from this manoeuvre.

Just a gratuitous shot of some very nice luggage, because there is a dearth of photos of the action on Main Street which included.

Meaner running out onto the street and firing her revolver. Jack Daniels running out of the station and shooting at her. Meaner running back into the Blacksmith’s….again.

Someone else shot at Jack and he ducked back out of the far side of the carriage. Even the Sheriff fired and was fired upon before he ran away and hid. Or dodged for cover, if we’re being charitable.

I had to go for a call of nature and when I came back, Cowardly Cartwright had run out from the Blacksmiths, all the way down the inside of the carriage and shot Jack. “How did that happen” I enquired, “well I threw exactly the right number of dice to be able to run so far, climb into the carriage, run again, shoot Jack and give him a wound” said Snapcase smugly.

“Oh it’s not a wound”, my partner and ally Standish gleefully said, “it’s a critical wound”.

I hadn’t realised he still carried a grudge. You might not remember the trivial incident in the first game when Jack was so drunk on Mescal that he shot Standish in the back. Exactly……it could happen to anyone, and why was Standish standing between Jack and his target!!!

Serves him right, but a grudge is a grudge, so this was payback.

Tension is high.

A normal hit produces shock, well it would, wouldn’t it but a critical wound is a little more dangerous in these rules. Usually it’s led to gunslingers hopping about on 1 leg, which doesn’t seem to slow them down much. Various other penalties can be rolled, unless you throw a 6 then it’s Boot Hill and no Get Out of Jail card either.
I rolled a 6 and Jack Daniels is dead.

Mad, bad, Raving Jack Daniels is dead. There was a stunned silence across the airwaves as we contemplated a world without The Mescal Fiend himself.

“Oh jolly bad luck” was the insincere comment from Snappers, my reply was blunt and to the point but Snappers said he wished he could. Maybe in his youth but not now, what with his bad back and all…..no….he was apologetic but it just wasn’t physically possible to comply with my heartfelt request.

Standish was lying on the roof, taking as much cover as possible, and unbeknown to us, he was shot to pieces. We realised this when he only rolled 1 dice for activation, instead of the original 6, the cat was out of the bag, oh, oh he’s in trouble.
Sheriff Snapcase had climbed into the train cab, (possibly dodged there) he had to remove the roof to accommodate the size of his hat and I wondered what new devilment he was up to. I imagine he was thinking of driving the train along the track but it turned out he just wanted to polish the brass work, make steam whistle noises and keep out of the action, no change there then.

After committing the heinous murder of gentle Jack, the villainous Cartwright dithered in the carriage. He’s following his leaders lead, by keeping out of trouble, this general cowardlyness in the Snapcase posse is seen as good tactics by their leader but we all know it for what it really is.

Loco was now hiding behind the rocks instead of the cactus, they’re obviously better cover. He and the Melon were still exchanging desultory shots but neither was getting the upper hand.

Incensed by the cold blooded murder of her father, Molly – ‘The Kid’ fired at Cowardly Cartwright from the station window, before running over to the carriage and shooting again.

He retreats from the sprightly hellion but can’t escape out of the carriage, and the 8th turn ends. He’s dead meat now.

We both had to take a Ride for the Hills test, us because Standish was lying in a pool of blood, and our hero Jack was dead. The Snapcase ruffians had to take the test because they’re a bad lot.

We rolled good dice and could carry on fighting, but Snappers rolled bad dice and his band of miscreants ran away.

Don’t tell Snappers this but the game had reached the point and we were losing, I was going to voluntarily Run for the Hills, Standish would have already gone, except with 1 dice he couldn’t do much at all. However with their final cowardly act of running away, the Snapcase Cutthroats obviated the need for us to make a tactical withdrawal. Victory is ours.

I’d like to say victory is sweet but in this case it’s bitter sweet, after only 2 and a half games I’d grown very attached to Jack Daniels and I miss the banter around his character, this was developed mainly by Snappers trying to be insulting to him and me but it ended up with one of the most colourful characters I’ve ever used in a game.

R.I.P. Jack.

We buried him with a cask of Mescal……well you never know!

We played this out over the internet and finished around Christmas, Doug, the retiring one in the lower right has figured out how to take screen shots but not how to include himself full size. Win-win for everyone. :D The Mad Lord on the right is still trying to carry out my suggestion after the killing of Jack but with the pom pom on his hat and I’ve had a few too many glasses of Mescal.

So a final note to thank Snappers and Douggers for their company during a game I thoroughly enjoyed, apart from Jack dying and as you will appreciate my barbed comments are meant in fun, well mostly.

Thanks also to anyone who read this far….Kudos.

So, the Daniels-Standish gang have won 2 out of 3 games but this was a close run thing and Sheriff Snapcase should never be discounted. Unless he’s in the Black Friday sale of course.

We’ve played out the next 2 games but no spoilers here, although I’ll try and get them written sooner rather than later for any sad souls who are reading this.

Note - the buildings, terrain and figures are all in the collection of the Mad Lord, none of them are mine, even if I wish they were, so plaudits for these go to him and to Hu Rhu who built the terrain boards, and well deserved they are too.

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'Kidnap at Netzahualcóyotl Junction' The AAR 23/01/24
Post by: FifteensAway on January 23, 2024, 10:31:45 PM
Thanks for the bit regarding Scotland - but on a tour so a bit restricted by the itinerary though London will provide a "free" week to explore that city.

Fun write up as usual.  Now regarding the sad news about Jack Daniels, you can always toss California Diggins Johnny "Tough as a Rail" W. Hardup into the mix going forward.  And have as much fun with him as you feel is appropriate.  Just remember his favorite drink is a sarsaparilla!  He only pretends to sip on those Old Fashions - no need to aggravate that old ulcer.  :o

And I'm quite sure Vagabond's "digitalic" "suggestion" was meant in the noblest of intentions.

Looking forward to further tales of derring-do and skulduggery from you fine gentlemen and miscreants, as appropriate of course.   lol

And really looking forward to the rebuttals from the other participants.   ;)

Hmm, will there a be a few visits over to the fantasy boards looking for a reincarnation spell?  Hmm?  :-X
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'Kidnap at Netzahualcóyotl Junction' The AAR 23/01/24
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on January 24, 2024, 08:59:54 AM
Firstly, I must thank my friend and esteemed colleague Vagabond, for going to the trouble of writing this report. He puts a lot of hard work into taking notes, editing the photos and then posting his entertaining, waggish and very humorous commentary, to our latest on-line game. So, a big thank-you, my friend.

Obviously, this fabricated account is biased towards the Arthritis Gang, trumped up, concocted, inaccurate and produced by double-dealing, low-down varmints. However, this takes nothing away from the sheer pleasure and entertainment value of a Vagabond game report.

One small correction, Jack and the Kid’s nemesis, is Granville Arkwright, not Cartwright. Jack was always too full of mescal, to hear or see properly! The clue can be seen in the photos, as Granville’s uncles’ dry goods store can be seen in the main street, the green building. Granville is a hero to shopkeepers everywhere, who dream of the day they will travel the wild west on horseback, as they sweep the back yard, stack the shelves and deliver groceries on their bicycles.

As Vaggers says, it was sad to see Jack go. We had many a laugh with regard to his mescal-fuelled lust for revenge against the Snapcase Posse. I had lost Hawkeye McNoo in the first game and Doug had lost the Honourable Horace Boris Spooner in game two. But this was the first time we had lost a main character, rather than a sidekick.

Perhaps another campaign might be set in a time before these startling and momentous events and Raving Jack Daniels will ride again! For now, he lies on his back, in some Elysian Field, belching as he consumes his breakfast bottle of mescal.

Before the report on games four and five appear, I will shortly post the lead-up to game four, ‘Wagons Ho at O’Rourke’s Corriente’ in this august forum.
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'Kidnap at Netzahualcóyotl Junction' The AAR 23/01/24
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on January 24, 2024, 09:10:41 AM
Send not to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee. Requiescat in pace, Raving Jack Daniels.

A sad scene is played out at Netzahualcóyotl Junction. The local undertaker, D. M. D'Emfore (and his assistant, Mrs. Ena Sharples), have prepared the mortal remains of Hawkeye McNoo, the Honourable Horace Boris Spooner and Raving Jack Daniels, for the next stage of their journey to their final resting place.

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'Kidnap at Netzahualcóyotl Junction' The AAR 23/01/24
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on January 24, 2024, 09:17:26 AM
As the coffins are loaded aboard the 3.10 to Albuquerque, D.M. is accosted by a mysterious stranger. He exudes an air of confident menace. Who can it be?


Having no joy from D. M. D'Emfore, the mysterious stranger runs into three tough looking hombres, who seem to be leaving the station in a hurry. Coincidence, or a planned meet?

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'Kidnap at Netzahualcóyotl Junction' The AAR 23/01/24
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on January 24, 2024, 09:23:42 AM
‘Wagons Ho at O’Rourke’s Corriente’

Our attention now shifts to a very small river crossing near Rancho Los Lamentos, Chihuahua.

The river in question is the Chínipas River, which flows through some very long rugged canyon systems, until finally joining the Fuerte River, further north.

Our story concerns this small crossing, named O’Rourke’s Corriente, after the man who built the bridge there, Sergio O’Rourke. The O’Rourke family still live there in a small homestead. The O’Rourkes are hard-working people. Ma O’Rourke rules the family with a rod of iron, wielding it over the three O’Rourke brothers, Virgil, Scott and Gordon. Sergio is buried near the O’Rourke homestead, apparently dying of a bite from a rattler. Some say (very quietly) that Ma poisoned him after Sergio stole, butchered and ate her favourite hog, Perky.

Across the bridge live the Glums. Again, three brothers, Hickory, Dickory and Doc. Much older than the O’Rourkes and all of them unsound of mind (mad as a box of frogs, the lot of them). With them lives a young cousin Mimsie Slopcorner, who seems to spend all of her time, washing cooking, sweeping and sewing, whilst the Glum brothers laze around, chewing tobacco, spitting and cussing.

There exists between these two families, a vicious feud. Neither the O’Rourkes nor the Glums can remember how it started, but the bridge adjoining their two homesteads has not been crossed in years, by an O’Rourke or a Glum! Ma guards her side of the bridge with a shotgun! In order to travel south, across the river, the Glums have built their own bridge, on a bend in the river. In after times, this was the origin of the now famous town, Hog Thief Bend. But that’s another story for another day.

This story begins when Doctor Archimedes Vagabond, the travelling snake-oil salesman is forced to leave the area of the Sierra Madre in a hurry. Doc Vagabond and his travelling companions are used to these sudden reverses in fortune and are always prepared to hot-foot it to someplace new. His companions consist of Splint, the sandwich-board man, Hercules the horse and Francis Tumblety. Tumblety plays the part of the crippled passer-by. He pretends to be part of the assembled crowd and during the Doc’s spiel, he buys a bottle of the snake-oil and undergoes a miraculous cure, on the spot.

In order to travel north to Hachcita, Doc Vagabond decides to cross the Chínipas at O’Rourke’s Corriente. Hearing rumours of the dangerous feud and not wishing to be caught up in any gunplay or fisticuffs, he casts around for a suitable bodyguard or two.

Resting up after a long, hard ride from Netzahualcóyotl Junction are the Arthritis Gang. Doc Vagabond comes across them in the saloon at El Camello. Sensing like-minded fellows, he signs them on for a small fee to get him safely across the border.

By a strange coincidence, Deputy Melon los Cojones is visiting the Glums as he is a cousin to Mimsie. Sheriff Saveloy and deputies Misty and Granville are along for the ride.

The stage is set for a showdown, under the merciless heat of the desert sun…..

To be continued...
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'Kidnap at Netzahualcóyotl Junction' The AAR 23/01/24
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on January 24, 2024, 10:03:49 AM
For game four, ‘Wagons Ho at O’Rourke’s Corriente’, we shall be using scenario two from the What A Cowboy! book. The attackers will be Douggers and Vaggers with the Arthritis Gang and Doc Vagabond's snake oil wagon. The defenders (ambushers, really) will be the heroic and much-misunderstood, Snapcase Posse.

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'Kidnap at Netzahualcóyotl Junction' The AAR 23/01/24
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on January 24, 2024, 10:12:15 AM
We will be using a 4' x 2' board, seen here from the defender's side...


...and here from the attacker's side. Cactus does not impede the wagon. There is room for the wagon to pass by either side of either homestead, and across both bridges.


The feuding homesteads.


Ma O'Rourke.


Virgil, Scott and Gordon O'Rourke.


Dickory Glum.


Doc Glum.


Hickory Glum and Mimsie Slopcorner.


Hickory Glum and his dog, Curmudgeon.


From left to right: Hercules, Splint, Archimedes Vagabond and Francis Tumblety.

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'Kidnap at Netzahualcóyotl Junction' The AAR 23/01/24
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on January 24, 2024, 02:23:49 PM
A very entertaining report from Vagabond as always. I can’t really comment on the details because the game was played such a long time ago, it’s all very hazy.

Certainly Jack D died. It was necessary for me to point out that he was dead and not wounded because I am The unofficial Keeper of the Rules. Every time one of the others wants to do something, they ask me. "What do I need to do to shoot?", " How do I Dodge", "what’s the rule for changing weapons" and so on. Resisting the urge to make a sharp retort on the lines of "You do the same as last week and the week before and the week before that!" I dutifully recite the rules. "You roll a D6" is the usual reply. So, you can see, it was inevitable that I should politely point out that Jack was actually dead, otherwise I’d be disrespecting the rules if I didn’t and that way, chaos lies. The fact that he’d shot me in the back "by mistake" a couple of games ago couldn’t have been further from my mind as I, with all due ceremony, pointed out that he was a goner.

Moving on, I should just point out that the heroic, let-me-at-‘em attitude of Oliver Standish has been understated in Vagabond’s report. No-one else stood on the roof of the station in full view of the enemy and no-one else made a death-defying leap from the station roof to the roof of the railway carriage.

However, we mustn’t get too self-referential in these reports. Everyone in our group did their bit and the final result went our way, however fortuitously.

And so, Farewell Jack Daniels - a lousy shot but a champion drinker. You will be missed but, when the bullets were flying, you weren’t. Missed, that is……Not by Arkwright, anyway :D

John, thanks for doing the work on the AAR - top stuff as always. And thanks to MLS for doing everything else, despite your bad back.

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'Kidnap at Netzahualcóyotl Junction' The AAR 23/01/24
Post by: CapnJim on January 24, 2024, 04:26:08 PM
Well, well, well...

1.  Did anyone think of giving the good Mr. Daniels some of Dr. Vagabond's Miracle Cure?  It couldn't have hurt (he was already dead, after all...), and it just might have helped...

B.  Those cabins are surely within shotgun range of each other.  How is it the Glums and the O'Rourke's don't just shoot each other dead across the miserable excuse for a creek...?  :o

III.  I am waiting with some anticipation (and, frankly, some trepidation) for the results of Game 4 to be foisted upon us, be it rooted in truth or not.... 8) 
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'Kidnap at Netzahualcóyotl Junction' The AAR 23/01/24
Post by: FifteensAway on January 24, 2024, 06:27:14 PM
Good 'ole Hercules must be mighty good at sidestepping if he's going to get that wagon round the curve to get on the bridge and across and around straight again.  I fear the old nag may get pulled into the waters of the crick when the wagon tumbles over!  :'(   

SPCLMA complaint being registered, sirrahs.  (That would be the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Little Metal Animals)  lol

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'Kidnap at Netzahualcóyotl Junction' The AAR 23/01/24
Post by: Vagabond on January 28, 2024, 06:05:06 PM
As the coffins are loaded aboard the 3.10 to Albuquerque, D.M. is accosted by a mysterious stranger. He exudes an air of confident menace. Who can it be?


Having no joy from D. M. D'Emfore, the mysterious stranger runs into three tough looking hombres, who seem to be leaving the station in a hurry. Coincidence, or a planned meet?


The mysterious killer is indeed mysterious but his task isn't mysterious. He's been hired by Molly Daniels for the sole purpose of removing "with extreme prejudice" two no good varmints from this world. I refer of course to Severus Snapcase and Cowardly Cartwheel. When and only then will be receive his reward. Hopefully not in heaven ;D.
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'Kidnap at Netzahualcóyotl Junction' The AAR 23/01/24
Post by: Vagabond on January 28, 2024, 06:12:09 PM
1.  Did anyone think of giving the good Mr. Daniels some of Dr. Vagabond's Miracle Cure?  It couldn't have hurt (he was already dead, after all...), and it just might have helped...  NO, I wish I'd thought of that.

B.  Those cabins are surely within shotgun range of each other.  How is it the Glums and the O'Rourke's don't just shoot each other dead across the miserable excuse for a creek...?  :o  Never let reality get in the way of a good story....and this isn't a good story lol lol

III.  I am waiting with some anticipation (and, frankly, some trepidation) for the results of Game 4 to be foisted upon us, be it rooted in truth or not.... 8)  I understand your dilemma but anything that comes out of the mouth of Sherriff Snapcase should be fumigated, disinfected and then ignored.  lol lol
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'Kidnap at Netzahualcóyotl Junction' The AAR 23/01/24
Post by: Vagabond on January 28, 2024, 06:28:52 PM
‘Wagons Ho at O’Rourke’s Corriente’

Game 4

Shorter and hopefully as sweet  8) 8) as the usual adventures posted here. I'm sure my compatriots will be along soon to confirm just  how wrong I am. :o :o  :D

Well I hope you read and understood the scenario background because there will be questions later but suffice it to say The Good Guys…..Douggers and Vaggers have to get a wagon load of Dr Vagabonds life giving elixir through the lands of the Snappers degenerate associates and live to tell the tale.

The Elixir is needed in California to combat a mysterious disease that is decimating the population day by day. This is a humanitarian mission that will save hundreds if not thousands of lives, it’s imperative that it succeeds.

Sounds pretty easy when you say it fast but as it’s a Snappers scenario it won’t be as easy as that and only a monster would intervene to stop the medicine getting through, enter Monster Snapcase and his posse.

We decided to try and run the wagon down the right hand side of the cesspit stream the locals used for their drinking water, which combined with decades of inbreeding had a lot to answer for in the current generation of the of the Snapcase allies.

This local married his dog in a strange and private ceremony, the wedding feast was bread, water and doggy biscuits, the dog whose name has been redacted to save his offspring, obtained a decree nici for maltreatment which we’d better not go into here.

Dr Vagabond was able to manage the horse Hercules from the cover provided by his wagon. A matter of necessity he would maintain but only if pushed. I’ve forgotten the full background to the scenario but we were allowed 2 characters to be passengers on the wagon. You have to imagine they were riding up on top with no cover. This was a stipulation designated by Snapcase, all the non coms were allowed to ride inside but the men that matter had to be on the roof. No cover, you make your own decision as to why this might be.

The man himself, slightly out of focus is hiding behind a cactus plant on the other side of the cess stream.

The Vagabond Mobile picks up speed as it descends the slope from the big butte. You need to imagine that Loco and the new man in the gang are riding on top. Well riding might be a bit of a misnomer, they are hanging on for dear life as Dr Vagabond stirs Hercules into a fast walk.

Oliver Standish also slightly out of focus is moving forward with his customary lack of concern for his own, or indeed anyone else’s safety.

He sees a cactus and as is also customary decides he must hide behind it.

The Melon in the revolting green suit picks a more substantial area of cover, these sacks are going to stop anything except a 12lb cannon ball.
Molly Daniels has caught up with Standish but was unable to get past him, any innocent bystander might think she was using him as cover, after all he’s more substantial than our usual cactus or wooden rail. But of course you’d be wrong.

She whispers into his ear, if you run again I’ll plug you myself. He nods and strains to get to the cover of the grave stone that’s only feet away from him, to no avail.

He’s not really paying any attention to her because he’s seen the Melon drawing a bead on him, the Melon opens fire and Standish is hit, more than once but significantly one shot misses and instead of disappearing into the desert it strikes Molly.

Dr Vagabond doesn’t like the sound of all this shooting and shouts to Hercules to speed up, this has the result of bouncing the new man off the roof of the wagon, he lands hard, takes a slight injury but he’s a professional and is quickly back on his feet, gun drawn and ready for action.

Molly reacts to Melon’s gunfire by opening up herself and the green man is stunned but his solid cover saves the day.

This is all too much for Standish and in spite of Molly’s warning, his natural inclination to run takes over and he……..well runs.

WTF the shopkeeper moves along side the Melon, I know I was reprimanded by Snappers after the last report, it seems Cowardly Cartwright has some other name, not Cowardly but we all know that can’t be true.

Molly looks right and sees the fast disappearing form of Oliver Standish and realises she can’t fight the whole Snapcase gang of cowardly baby killers, baby eaters, and shop lifters on her own.

So she sprints off with Loco and her new man leaving Dr Vagabond to his own devices.

Within minutes he has sold more bottles of his redoubtable liquor than in the last week alone. He just needs to move on before the results of the liquor move on the posse and allies.

Well - as hard as it is to say this but the dastardly Snapcase Posse won this one and bring the score back to 2 games all, so it’s still everything to play for in the next 2 games of the campaign.
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'Wagons Ho at O’Rourke’s Corriente' The AAR 28/01/24
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on January 28, 2024, 08:42:10 PM
It was a quick and, frankly, unsatisfying game but the board looked great and I think the photos of the wagon descending the hill are excellent.

And that’s all I have to say on the matter.

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'Wagons Ho at O’Rourke’s Corriente' The AAR 28/01/24
Post by: FifteensAway on January 29, 2024, 04:15:35 AM
Hang the whole lot of Snapcases, I say!  But living in California I would say that wouldn't I.  :D

I was a bit green for a bit this afternoon but then the second half of the NFL game with my Niners turned out well so I'm better now.  Maybe that wagon load of "medicine" should be redirected towards Detroit!   lol. I hear there are lions in that town.  :o

And I must say I'm Very Relieved that nothing significantly untoward happened to Hercules - other than being hitched to that infamous wagon. ;)
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'Wagons Ho at O’Rourke’s Corriente' The AAR 28/01/24
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on January 29, 2024, 09:03:30 AM
There's nothing so satisfying to the forces of law and order, as the sight of the Arthritis Gang scuttling off the board in 'reverse-offensive postural defensive rear-patrolling' as Standish would have it, but the Snapcase Posse simply refer to it as 'running away'!


But now, after game four, onto pastures new...

A Chance Meeting on Hermit Peak

After the ruckus at O’Rourke’s Corriente, the Arthritis Gang had been feeling somewhat jaded and the need for some rest, from the drinking and gunfighting, over the last few weeks, had been at the forefront of their minds.

They had abandoned Doctor Archimedes Vagabond and his wagon there, after taking some hot lead at the ambush by their hated enemy, the Snapcase Posse. They had first encountered the crusty old gent at El Camello, in the Malo el Oler Saloon.

Whilst negotiating their fee for escorting the snake oil wagon to Hachcita, the wily Doc Vagabond had been enticing his erstwhile bodyguards, with the thought of his mountain cabin. According to the snake-oil salesman, this beautiful log cabin was set in a glorious high mountain valley, with views to die for, according to the Doc. Fully stocked with Old Panther Piss, Red Eye whiskey and plenty of beans, hard biscuits, dried meat, dried fruit, and coffee.

It seemed that for a few paltry dollars (as the Doc would have it) this mountain retreat could be theirs in perpetuity. Discussing it amongst themselves, outside the saloon, the gang agreed that it would be a fine thing for them to own a mountain hideout, like a proper outlaw gang.

Handing over their ill-gotten ‘tin’, the gang became the proprietors of Rocky Cabin on Hermit Peak in the Pecos. Doc Vagabond furnished them with a carefully drawn map and verbal directions. Sensible Oliver, the Kid, Loco and the Man With No Name agreed, that after their safe arrival in Hachcita, they would head for the hills and rest up for a while.

After the ambush at O’Rourke’s Corriente, which decidedly went ill for them, it was manifest that they would indeed ride for the Pecos, to take a well-earned break from the ‘owl hoot trail’.

Stocking up on mescal (in memory of their fallen comrade, Raving Jack) in Santa Fe, they rode on up, high into the Pecos mountains. A couple of days later, they arrived in the aforementioned valley, only to discover that they had been duped. Doctor Archimedes Vagabond the bunko artist, had sold them an abandoned gold mine. Derelict buildings with rotting timbers, holes in the slate rooves and a great deal of snow were their reward. Nary a sign of the promised food and whiskey stocks!

Meanwhile, the Saveloy Snapcase Posse, having fallen for the same scam, had encountered the self-same deserted and abandoned mine, having also bought the luxury log cabin and stores story from the calculating, disingenuous snake oil salesman. They had handed over their dollars after taking over the escort of the wagon, after dispatching the Arthritis Gang at O’Rourke’s Corriente.

They too, had been looking forward to a rest and recuperation session, travelling by Montezuma, rather than Santa Fe, to Hermit Peak.

One can imagine the despondency and dismay as both gangs realised that not only had they been stitched up, like a kipper, but they were now facing, once again, their hated enemies and another gunfight was about to begin.

As the snow begins to fall on Hermit Peak, once again, the fight begins….

To be continued...
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'Wagons Ho at O’Rourke’s Corriente' The AAR 28/01/24
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on January 29, 2024, 09:11:33 AM
The scenario for game five is scenario six from the 'What A Cowboy!' book.


We were to play on a 4' x 3' board. There is an old wheelhouse in the centre of the abandoned mine. Nearby a mine entrance and across the creek, two dilapidated buildings. Deployment is along a 2' edge, directly opposed to each other.


Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'Wagons Ho at O’Rourke’s Corriente' The AAR 28/01/24
Post by: FifteensAway on January 29, 2024, 03:15:30 PM
"views to die for" and "theirs in perpetuity" foretell that one or the other, either the 'Arthritis' Gang or Snapcase Posse - maybe both, are going to be known in future as the 'hole in the ground' gang or posse.  And, no, I don't mean the shaft down into the hard rock mine.

Of course, if there are any survivors there might be a lucky find that the mine isn't played out, just abandoned.  But almost certainly, if there be survivors, they will be on the trail of that dastardly scoundrel, Vagabond - who, no doubt, once caught up with, will regale his pursuers with tales of how they didn't follow his directions properly (and perhaps they might be duped even though both groups followed the same directions to land at the same place).  And, like as not, he will tell them - once they tell him of the gold mine - that there is even more gold stashed away down the shaft they missed finding.  The Doc does have an inventive bent after all.

If there are survivors...
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'Wagons Ho at O’Rourke’s Corriente' The AAR 28/01/24
Post by: CapnJim on January 30, 2024, 04:01:02 PM
Sounds to me like the 2 gangs ought put aside their differences for now, and go find and deal appropriately with one Dr. Archimedes Vagabond.  Then, they may resume their feud, should on or both choose to do so....

But I suspect that is not to be..... 8)
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'Wagons Ho at O’Rourke’s Corriente' The AAR 28/01/24
Post by: Vagabond on February 06, 2024, 06:08:43 PM
A Chance Meeting on Hermit Peak

You will I hope have read the erudite introduction to this game posted by the Mad Lord but if like me you have the attention span of a goldfish, coupled with the fact that I’ve been so slow to write the AAR then maybe I should do a quick re-cap of the situation.

The Daniels/Standish gang were unlucky in their last run in with the Snapcase Posse. The hired killer who won’t reveal his name had a rocky start when he fell off the wagon in the opening phase of the fight and Oliver Standish revealed his class as a 100m sprinter and our fortunes went downhill from there. So we enter the current game level, at 2 wins to each gang and this is the last game before the final showdown in Hog Thief Bend.

The objective is simple, we have to nominate a low down snake in the grass, or snow in this case, amongst the enemy crew and kill them. I am obviously going to do for the yellow bellied snake, Cowardly Cartwright who killed Jack Daniels but Oliver Standish has the rest of the Snapcase Posse to go at. Bearing in mind that they are all low down snakes in the grass he has plenty of choice.

Snapcase on the other hand has a much more difficult choice amongst our hard working. angelic but lovable rascally rogues, however that didn’t hold him back and he went for it with gusto.

The good guy’s are coming on from the far side board and to the left of the river, and the Snapcase Posse will arrive from this side and also to the left of the river.

As you can see this is taking place around an old played out mine. There are a couple of derelict buildings across the river and the mine entrance is just behind the winding shed. The Winding Shed the largest building is pretty much in the centre of the fight and it’s construction would prove decisive in the coming fight. It looks like it’s a solid building but the lower level, from left to right as you look at it in the picture is open from both sides, a bit like a tunnel.

The rules call for activation by a card draw and Standish and Loco were first out of the pack, they both made fast advances over the hard packed snow and took shelter amongst some detritus left over from when the mine was a going concern.

The Snapcase Posse are still lurking off the board and to the right of the picture.

Soon they appear, skulking in amongst the woodland, checking for any sign of life in front of them. They might be a bunch of scoundrels but they are a hard bunch of scoundrels, Cowardly Cartwright is still in his shirt sleeves and the temperature must be below zero.

Loco took no notice of his personal safety and rushed forward from one pile of sacks to another pile of sacks, drew his revolver and looked for enemy targets, but they were all still lurking in the woodland and out of sight.

Just as an aside you will probably have noticed the snow on the steps of the winding shed, the crates and sacks. The Mad Lord had received permission from Lady Snapcase to borrow the servants icing sugar and sprinkle it liberally over the scenery to achieve the perfect result for snowy terrain. I believe there was a minor mutiny below stairs when this was returned with a mixture of plaster of paris and a little dust included with icing sugar. The mutiny was quickly quelled by the Much Piddling Yeomanry parading outside the Hall. Fixed bayonets usually have a quietening effect on the servants as the Mad Lord has stated on a number of occasions, but I digress.

However, no sooner was Loco ensconced behind his specially selected cover than Sheriff Snapcase and Deputy Meaner emerged from the woodland, they stopped lurking and opened fire with a vengeance.

Loco took the brunt of their shots and was pinned behind the sacks. You can see that he was being closely supported by the rest of the gang but he took all the lead that came flying our way. The Kid, Molly Daniels was making the best use of the limited cover offered by the winding house. Remember what I said about the fact that it’s open from her side right through the building and out the other side. So it looks good solid cover but it’s anything but that.

Oliver Standish is behind a stack of crates and the un named stranger seems to be having a difficult time getting through the snow and has taken a position at the rear of the party.

Loco dodges back from the deadly fire from Snapcase and his deputy, he’s just in time to see Molly fall wounded at his feet. She’d been shot in the back, through the opening in the building I mentioned earlier and has taken a critical wound. This calls for a d6 roll to see what effect it has, I rolled a 6 which is a Boot Hill result. You’re dead, go straight to Boot Hill, do not pass Go and do not collect £200.

This is the 2nd time in the campaign I’d had one of my characters take a critical wound and on each occasion die.


I can't remember who backshot Molly but I expect everyone in the Snapcase crew will claim the credit for shooting down a poor innocent child.

Standish made a run for cover in the mine but it was all over when we took the Ride or Die test and our brave and courageous gang members decided to honour Molly’s sacrifice by making a fighting withdrawal, or running away, as it’s more normally known.

Well I’ve tried to pad this out as best I can but it’s the shortest game report so far and the Daniels/Standish Gang are entering the final gunfight 3 to 2 down and only Oliver Standish is still alive from the original gang of four.

The gunfighter hired by Molly to avenge her father foul murder doesn’t get paid until Cowardly Cartwright is dead and he’s just received a telegram to say that Proud Mary Daniels is waiting in Hogg Thief Bend, to help him finish the job.

He’s going to really have to earn his money because with all this skulking, back shooting, and downright murder the Snapcase Posse are building a reputation as murdering, back shooting, skulkers but in addition most of them have graduated to backshooting Gunslinger level, which appears to give them an unholy edge in the coming shootout.

Not that the Daniels/Standish gang are worried by long odds, even if they should be.

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'A Chance Meeting on Hermit Peak' The AAR 06/02/24
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on February 06, 2024, 11:03:41 PM
I’m getting an early night tonight so I can be fresh to face the formidable group of Snapcase gunslingers tomorrow. As the neutral reader will have deduced from Vagabonds excellent report above, the last confrontation didn’t last too long. We were undone by a combination of cover not being what it appeared to bev(when viewed from above) and Snapcase sneakily using something he called "tactics" (I think he’d stolen a book off someone). He claims he "executed a perfect flanking manoeuvre". Notwithstanding our many disadvantages, we are confident of giving the scoundrel a sound thrashing tomorrow.

Can you keep a secret? Well, I’ve been shopping at the Hog Thief Bend gun emporium. I say no more. ;)

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'A Chance Meeting on Hermit Peak' The AAR 06/02/24
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on February 07, 2024, 09:24:25 AM
All I can say is that they got what was coming to them, a bellyful of lead!

I’ve been shopping at the Hog Thief Bend gun emporium.

Roland Deschain (proprietor of the aforementioned gunsmiths), will give you a discount, if you mention my name.

The usual muddle of malign mangling, misconstruction, misinterpretation, misinformation and misrepresentation of matters material to the recent punch-up, it has ever been my misfortune to meditate upon! Suffice to say that the notorious spin-doctor, my esteemed and much-loved colleague has again regally entertained us with his fictional version of events.

Just to clarify events surrounding the demise of the Kid, Deputy Misty Meaner was intending to polish off Loco Maine from her flanking position. However, said Loco was lying down and bleeding all over the place, right next to the Kid, so she laid her vengeance onto the standing target. (Deputy Sheriffs, Otero County, Code of Conduct, Volume II, Page 1097, Paragraph 3, Subsection 4b refers)

(Back with set-up photos of the last game in the campaign shortly)
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'A Chance Meeting on Hermit Peak' The AAR 06/02/24
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on February 07, 2024, 10:02:33 AM
So this is the last game of a six game campaign and the Gentlemen of Much-Piddling have had a lot of fun with this one. We are playing Scenario 1, High Noon from 'What A Cowboy!' from TooFatLardies.


To quote directly from the book:

The Grand Finale

Game Six is usually the final game in the campaign; the Grand Finale. This is always played in the Town at the centre of the map and the scenario is always Scenario One, High Noon. The winner of this game will be the winner of the campaign, having vanquished their rivals and taken control of the Town.

Success in the previous five games will help in the final showdown as Characters will develop Skills, obtain additional equipment and potentially move from a Greenhorn to a Shootist, Gunslinger or even a Legend. It is possible to lose all the previous games and still win the final High Noon showdown.

Fate can be a harsh mistress in the West!
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'A Chance Meeting on Hermit Peak' The AAR 06/02/24
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on February 07, 2024, 10:53:53 AM
High Noon at El Cerdo Ladrón Doblar

But on this most auspicious of nights, permit me then, in lieu of the more commonplace sobriquet, to suggest the character of this dramatis persona:

Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi now vacant, vanished.

However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van-guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.

The only verdict is vengeance—a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.

Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honour to meet you and you may call me Saveloy Snapcase.

This is the story of a vendetta that came to rule our lives over several years and resulted in the death of many an outlaw and also, some good men.

After the fiasco at Hermit Peak, Sheriff Saveloy Snapcase, Deputy Misty Meaner, Deputy Granville Arkwright and Deputy Melon los Cojones rode back to their hometown, Hog Thief Bend, or to give it its original name, El Cerdo Ladrón Doblar.

If you had been following this thread closely (and there will be a test later, so watch out!), you will have seen how the beginnings of Hog Thief Bend were alluded to in game four, ‘Wagons Ho at O’Rourke’s Corriente’.

Sergio O’Rourke was the man who originally built the bridge across the creek, at the bend in the river. Ma O‘Rourke always said that Sergio was bitten by a rattler and was buried in the homestead. Others, less gullible, believe that Ma poisoned him after Sergio stole, butchered and ate her favourite hog, Perky. It was known locally, that he had done the same to Ma’s second-favourite hog, Pinky in the year before his untimely death. Some speculate that Ma butchered and ate Sergio, in revenge for the hog thievery, greed and killing, at that haunted bend in the creek!

However, we digress from the main events of our story of lust, greed, hate, violence, drink, drugs and all the other good stuff!

With the Snapcase Posse back in Hog Thief Bend, things quietened down for a while. The Arthritis Gang had been holed up, out in the hills near Las Cruces. Now down to three compadres, they had been looking for a fourth, before going up against the Sherriff, one more time (and what they hoped, was the last time). Their old friend from the Owl Hoot Trail, California Diggins Johnny "Tough as a Rail" W. Hardup, had joined them for a while, bringing them much needed supplies of beans and his homemade sarsaparilla. Johnny was known as ‘Fifteens’ to the gang, for the sake of brevity. Fifteens had also brought news. Down in Las Cruces, was a girl causing one hell of a ruckus. Drinkin’, fightin’, shootin’ and all before breakfast, she seemed to be a one-woman whirlwind of a shootist.

This sounded like a sure-fire recruit for the gang. Sensible Standish, Loco Maine and the Man Who Couldn’t Remember His Name, saddled up and rode down into the town, to ensnare this proud beauty into their evil clutches. Her name was Proud Mary and she was only too willing to join the Arthritis Gang for a share of the spoils and a couple of tins of their beans.

In the early spring of that fateful year, the gang set out for Hog Thief Bend and revenge, with murder in their hearts. Replete and quorate in their quaternity, they felt ready for the showdown. They offered to let Fifteens come along for the ride, but he declined, saying that he and the missus were setting out for Scotland soon, and he must get back home and iron his kilt. Bidding farewell to his friends at the parting of the ways near Socorro, Fifteens wondered if he would see any of them, ever again.

So, the stage is set, no one knows what fate awaits them, they must be brave and face the posse that hates them or lie craven cowards in their grave.

Look at that big hand move along, nearin', high noon…..

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4a_1UhwgFU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4a_1UhwgFU)
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'A Chance Meeting on Hermit Peak' The AAR 06/02/24
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on February 07, 2024, 11:05:05 AM
This is the set-up for the big finish. As it's the finale, I thought I'd go all out and we are playing on a 6' x 4' table. Here is an overview of El Cerdo Ladrón Doblar, or Hog Thief Bend, as it's now known.


I intend shortly to publish a few photos of the various locations in the town, but here is the official, labelled map for the Arthritis gang, who are playing on-line.

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'A Chance Meeting on Hermit Peak' The AAR 06/02/24
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on February 07, 2024, 12:25:13 PM
'Tis said, that up on Ghost Hill, outside town, the spirits of the departed can sometimes be seen, roaming the hills!

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'A Chance Meeting on Hermit Peak' The AAR 06/02/24
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on February 07, 2024, 12:31:30 PM
I spent a bit of time setting up the town, so I'm featuring a few vignette photos, before it gets packed away again, to make way for our next campaign.









Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'A Chance Meeting on Hermit Peak' The AAR 06/02/24
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on February 07, 2024, 12:36:12 PM
...and a few more, if you will indulge me?










Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'A Chance Meeting on Hermit Peak' The AAR 06/02/24t
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on February 07, 2024, 12:38:24 PM
First things first, Snapcase. You made a mistake playing the High Noon song - if anything stirs the blood and does some general stiffening for that fighter for justice, Oliver Standish, it’s that song. You’ve been warned.

Second, you’ve just been awarded the Gold Medal with Ribbon by the August Assembly for Artful Alliteration.

Third, some gorgeous vignettes - you do produce a wonderful table.

See you over the gunsmoke in 20 minutes.

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'A Chance Meeting on Hermit Peak' The AAR 06/02/24
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on February 07, 2024, 12:39:51 PM
...and the last of them, I promise!











Yes, I must log on now. Part II of Game VI is about to start at 13.00 GMT.
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'A Chance Meeting on Hermit Peak' The AAR 06/02/24
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on February 07, 2024, 12:57:31 PM
Second, you’ve just been awarded the Gold Medal with Ribbon by the August Assembly for Artful Alliteration.

I'm gratified that it gladdens you, it's good to generate geniality and glee!
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'A Chance Meeting on Hermit Peak' The AAR 06/02/24
Post by: Michi on February 08, 2024, 07:37:12 AM
Splendid entertainment, gents! Every single line any of you wrote, each photography recklessly stolen from the newspapers of the days gone by are to my very delight! Hat off t'ya!
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'A Chance Meeting on Hermit Peak' The AAR 06/02/24
Post by: CapnJim on February 08, 2024, 05:29:11 PM
Well, well, well.  It has come down (and I do mean down...) to this.  I await news of this climactic clash with much anticipation.

But I fear one thing above all.  After all the trouble you went through to build and populate such an impressive 6'x4' metropolis, my fear is that all the action will take place in one 2'x2' section of it.  So it goes in may a game I've set up...

In any event, fire away!     
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'A Chance Meeting on Hermit Peak' The AAR 06/02/24
Post by: Vagabond on February 08, 2024, 05:44:22 PM
Well, well, well.  It has come down (and I do mean down...) to this.  I await news of this climactic clash with much anticipation.

But I fear one thing above all.  After all the trouble you went through to build and populate such an impressive 6'x4' metropolis, my fear is that all the action will take place in one 2'x2' section of it.  So it goes in may a game I've set up...

In any event, fire away!   

Excuse me...what about my game report! :D :D
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'A Chance Meeting on Hermit Peak' The AAR 06/02/24
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on February 08, 2024, 06:48:35 PM
Excuse me...what about my game report! :D :D

Oh no - he’s having one of his hissy fits. This could get messy…..

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'A Chance Meeting on Hermit Peak' The AAR 06/02/24
Post by: CapnJim on February 08, 2024, 10:54:14 PM
Ok.  Stay calm, everyone.  I realized my error of omission, but my wife and I were headed out to a cigar bar and a nice dinner.  I beg your forgiveness.  It was a lovely, if not brief, report.   :D
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'A Chance Meeting on Hermit Peak' The AAR 06/02/24
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on February 09, 2024, 08:08:55 AM
Splendid entertainment, gents! Every single line any of you wrote, each photography recklessly stolen from the newspapers of the days gone by are to my very delight! Hat off t'ya!

Many thanks, Michi, very much appreciated.
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Gunfight at Alamogordo - game 1
Post by: terrement on February 09, 2024, 04:38:31 PM
Er - not to confuse the issue with facts, but Alamogordo is in New Mexico...

Yeah, maybe... but was it still there when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?  Or had it moved again?
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'A Chance Meeting on Hermit Peak' The AAR 06/02/24
Post by: FifteensAway on February 10, 2024, 12:57:58 AM
Hog Thief Bend, in its most recent outing, looks a proper town indeed.  Well, it could use another 20-30 buildings but I'm reasonably sure Snapcase would just as not have Mrs. Snapcase experiencing a fit of apoplexy.

I counted at least seven wagons - including a Tumbleweed Wagon!  Excellent.  Actually liked the scene with the set table, the red chairs, and the temporarily abandoned banjos the best.  Oh, and those cattle look a bit Irregular - and not the kind that can be corrected with Kaopectate or similar.

Looking forward (almost typed forwarded forewarned!) to the next series of happily conflicting reports of the action.  You gents have found the magic elixir of miniatures gaming - just throw it all to the wind and have fun.  Excellent, again.

-- side note, due to a storm here in California that broke a record and knocked out power to well more than one million customers (customers, not people, probably close to three million people impacted), my internet access is severely limited so my replies may not be very timely for a few weeks, scheduled service calls earliest option was not until the 20th!!!!!  Yikes.  It sucks but life goes on, catching up on reading - that wonderful old standby. --
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'A Chance Meeting on Hermit Peak' The AAR 06/02/24
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on February 10, 2024, 01:01:39 PM
Fifteens, many thanks for your kind comments. I'm glad you are enjoying our campaign. We are having a lot of fun with this game.

Sorry to hear about the power problems in California, I hope all is restored back to normal, as soon as possible.

I do hope you enjoyed your cameo role in our game as your alter-ego, California Diggins Johnny "Tough as a Rail" W. Hardup? The Arthritis Gang were overjoyed with your timely delivery of beans and homemade sarsaparilla in Las Cruces!

Pip, pip!
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'A Chance Meeting on Hermit Peak' The AAR 06/02/24
Post by: MaleGriffin on February 12, 2024, 02:22:26 AM
Fantastic AAR and photos!
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'A Chance Meeting on Hermit Peak' The AAR 06/02/24
Post by: FifteensAway on February 12, 2024, 07:42:09 AM
Pleased to report, at least for the moment, computer access seems to be restored - even before rescheduled service for the 13th (hmmm?)!

Well, since cameos are usually reserved for well known stars, of course I'm enjoying the cameo - well, to a degree.  Kilts, Scotland, etc.?  Well, I guess I did give permission to use him however you wished so perhaps "hoist on my own petard"?!  lol
I'm going to go with the whole "well known star" bit, soothing to my ego as it is and all.  ;D

Does this mean we won't be seeing more such games for a while?  Or similar games but in very different settings - as in not Old West?  Hope for one or the other.
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'A Chance Meeting on Hermit Peak' The AAR 06/02/24
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on February 12, 2024, 08:55:55 AM
I'm going to go with the whole "well known star" bit, soothing to my ego as it is and all.

Obviously, you are a 'well known star'!

Does this mean we won't be seeing more such games for a while?  Or similar games but in very different settings - as in not Old West?  Hope for one or the other.

The What A Cowboy! campaign is designed for 6 games and as you know, we are in the middle of the final game, the big showdown. After this, the survivors get to live a quiet life and the dead spend their time in Boot Hill.

There are plans afoot for a new campaign to begin, featuring Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons (and perhaps some surprises) in the near future! This will eventually appear on the Pulp board, I hope.
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'A Chance Meeting on Hermit Peak' The AAR 06/02/24
Post by: Johnny Boy on February 15, 2024, 11:23:09 AM
As always, a great read and truly inspirational. Over the years I've bought the various feature buildings etc from 4ground but never put them on the table for a game. Looking at how your table is set up I'm really raring to get on with my own games. Just as well a campaign can be played, it'll help everything get used.
Thanks again for the inspiration
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'A Chance Meeting on Hermit Peak' The AAR 06/02/24
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on February 17, 2024, 08:51:16 PM
Hogs Thief Bend was, as usual, all bustle and activity on that fateful morning. This busy, industrious scene was about to cruelly rent by the sound of gunfire as old scores were settled between the corrupt Sheriff Saveloy and his irredeemably tainted deputies on the one hand and the self-sacrificing band of heroes, now named after the sole-survivor from the original group and rejoicing in the name of Standish’s Regulators. They’d taken their inspiration for their new name from events in New Mexico, also in reaction to murderous activities from a sheriff.

Maybe it was pre-arranged or maybe it was fate that decreed these two groups of sworn enemies would meet at noon in Hogs Thief, armed and ready to kill. The sheriff assembled his crew outside his office and gave them his usual coarse and profane harangue before sending them to seek their enemies.



Oliver Standish, meanwhile, gave a typically calm and inspiring speech to his faithful followers, ending with a plea to remember and avenge those who had gone before them "Let us not forget brave Spooner, heroic Jack and the other one whose name I forget but I think was a woman." Heartened by this, his acolytes entered the outskirts of the town.

The eight participants in this duel to the death spread out through the town, looking for positions of advantage. This seemed to be largely a question of finding a suitable roof to command as much of the town as possible.

Mary (she’s proud) and Loco make for the newspaper office. She can be seen above the yellow roof of the snake-oil wagon; Loco is in the blue shirt just outside Madame Meme’s, near the large gent in a red waistcost.


Standish, eschewing the race for the rooftops, advances to the cover of the leading covered wagon. Smiling sardonically, he wonders to himself if it’s called a covered wagon because it gives him cover. He has quite the sense of humour does Steadfast.

Meanwhile Saveloy scuttles to the back door of the Broken Drum…..

…….and from there to the roof


Whilst G-g-g-Granville slides along the sidewalk below him

By now, Mary (she’s proud) has reached the roof of the newspaper office, directly opposite Saveloy on the Broken Drum roof. They face each other across the divide. She opens up on Saveloy but by the use of something akin to prestidigitation, he avoids being hit and seeks cover.

Another roof-hopper has appeared. They’re popping up everywhere like gophers from their holes. This time, it’s the Melon on the roof of the station ticket office.

The 4th Savaloyard, Misty Meaner, sneaks undetected to the rear door of the town barber’s shop.

Loco has joined Mary (she’s proud) in the newspaper office - he’s on the 1st/2nd floor (depending which side of the Atlantic you’re reading this from)

To round off the tale of the cautious, opening moves, it only remains to note that TMWNN has finally almost joined the action - he’s peeking out from behind some barrels…….

….whilst Steadfast Standish has totally outfoxed the opposition by an unexpected and lightning dash across town,

…….crossing the tracks behind the caboose of the train

So the initial jockeying for position is over. Hardly a shot has been fired. The local citizenry is hardly aware that rival gangs are in town, hungry for blood. Surely that is all about to change?

Here we see the positions of the characters at the end of the opening moves. At the bottom of the photo the routes taken by the Standish Regulators. Standish is the black line; Mary (she’s proud) is red; Loco is purple and TMWNN is brown. At the top, the weasel-creeping sneaking of the Saveloyards. He is red; G-g-g-Granville is Orange; The Melon is purple and Misty is dark red

to be continued

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'A Chance Meeting on Hermit Peak' The AAR 06/02/24
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on February 17, 2024, 09:27:51 PM
Ah ha! A new narrator and yet, the usual canard of convoluted half-truths and fantastical, fake falsehoods and fictional forgeries.

Give us more!   lol
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'A Chance Meeting on Hermit Peak' The AAR 06/02/24
Post by: FifteensAway on February 17, 2024, 09:37:00 PM
Some turnin', burnin', and rollin' ahead it seems.  But where is Tina T. with that fringe skirt seriously shakin' her booty?!  :o

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - 'A Chance Meeting on Hermit Peak' The AAR 06/02/24
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on February 18, 2024, 10:17:09 AM
In view of the death of certain characters throughout this campaign, I have revamped our poster to reflect the culminating event of this whole, sordid affair.

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Judgement Day at Hogs Thief Bend. The Finale.
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on February 18, 2024, 10:31:47 AM
Prior to the unexpected arrival of the Arthritis Gang in Hog Thief Bend, Sheriff Saveloy and his trusty deputies have been up dating their 'Wanted' posters, owing to the demise of Raving Jack Daniels and other low-down nonentities. All law-abiding and concerned citizens of this town are warned to be on the lookout for newer outlaws, who have hitched their wagon to the Arthritis Gang.


Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Judgement Day at Hogs Thief Bend. The Finale.
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on February 18, 2024, 10:37:21 AM
Snapcase - you’ll be hearing from my lawyers; Messrs Bench, Press and Jerk…..

Standish (Steadfast) :-[
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Judgement Day at Hogs Thief Bend. The Finale.
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on February 18, 2024, 10:48:41 AM
Snapcase - you’ll be hearing from my lawyers; Messrs Bench, Press and Jerk…..

Standish (Steadfast) :-[

Deep joy! Refer your lawyers to mine: Messrs Blush, Cringe and Flinch, King's Bench Walk, Inner Temple. They await your missive with barely-concealed boredom.

Snapcase (Earl of)
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Judgement Day at Hogs Thief Bend. The Finale.
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on February 18, 2024, 12:04:22 PM
Silk has been briefed and, indeed, briefs have been silked. Lawyers at 50 paces. Fire at will.

aka d’Emfore
aka loads of others
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Judgement Day at Hogs Thief Bend. The Finale.
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on February 19, 2024, 02:18:52 PM
Pistol shots ring out in the barroom night (except it was daytime, in the newspaper office and they were rifle shots)

Enter Proud Mary from the upper floor (actually, on the roof).
She longs to see Saveloy in a pool of blood and to be able to cry out
"my God, Ive killed them all"

Anyway, enough of that - where were we?
Let’s start with another photo of Standish crossing the tracks behind the caboose because, well because it looks quite nice.


Right - on with the story
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Judgement Day at Hogs Thief Bend. The Finale.
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on February 19, 2024, 03:35:51 PM
We’ll start off with the photo of where everyone finished at the end of the first session. At the bottom of the photo the routes taken by the Standish Regulators. Standish is the black line; Mary (she’s proud) is red; Loco is purple and TMWNN is brown. At the top, the weasel-creeping sneaking of the Saveloyards. He is red; G-g-g-Granville is Orange; The Melon is purple and Misty is dark red

OK, let’s go:
Loco, from the 1st/2nd story of the newspaper office shoots at G-G-G-Granville, who is skulking along the sidewalk outside the Broken Drum. G successfully Dodges and retreats back from whence he came

Next, The Melon, from atop the station ticket office, shoots at Standish who has crossed the fence in front of him and moved outside the side window of Arkwright’s store.

True to form, over-indulgent Melon misses

Meanwhile, TMWNN finally gets to a position which is almost near where the action is


Foiled in his plan to get near the newspaper office, G-G-G-Granville heads towards the station, cowering behind the undertakers wagon

Misty Meaner, meanwhile, has reached the roof of the barber’s shop. She starts to draw a bead on Standish who plays a Bonanza card. She responds and a fast draw takes place which Standish wins. This enables him to leap through the window of Arkwright’s store and gain some cover. Misty therefore shoots at Loco who dodges back from the window in the newspaper office which is opposite, on the far side of the railroad carriage

Standish, having reached the front of the store, now returns fire on Misty. Being a Gunslinger, she has 2 Bonanzas and now plays her second. Standish cannot counter so she can shoot - which she does with some effect, scoring 2 hits. He is able to shoot back but, regrettably, misses🙁

By now, TMWNN has moved along the side of the newspaper office to the front

The sheriff, on the roof of the Broken Drum still, lines him up but TMWNN plays a Bonanza. The sheriff plays one of his to counter it and wins the subsequent Fast Draw. But before he can do anything, Mary (she’s proud) on the opposite roof (the newspaper office) plays her Bonanza against the sheriff but then realises she isn’t in a position to actually do anything. She’s proud but also a bit dim.

When the dust has cleared, the sheriff is able to fire four shots at TMWNN and score two hits, forcing him back the way he came in a state of shock.
He then enters the newspaper office and crosses the ground floor towards the front door.

Standish, sore wounded (as ever he has been at the fore and heedless of his own safety), repositions himself in a tactically more advantageous location

Loco recovers from an earlier near miss and takes cover near a window

Mary (still proud and more than a bit wild), manages to get a shot from her roof to the opposite one and force the sheriff to seek cover

And finally, to conclude this session, a nice shot of a peaceful yard with various interesting things in it.

To be continued and, hopefully, concluded in the near future


Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Judgement Day at Hogs Thief Bend. The Finale.
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on February 20, 2024, 08:22:37 AM
As this epic tale of combat draws nigh, one feels a certain sadness that more blood must be spilt in this vicious vendetta. However, the ghostly spectre of raving Jack Daniels would have it no other way, I suspect.

My thanks to Doug for keeping us up to date with this dark but entertaining tale of hate and vengeance.
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Judgement Day at Hogs Thief Bend. The Finale.
Post by: Vagabond on February 20, 2024, 09:28:50 AM
As this epic tale of combat draws nigh, one feels a certain sadness that more blood must be spilt in this vicious vendetta. However, the ghostly spectre of raving Jack Daniels would have it no other way, I suspect.

My thanks to Doug for keeping us up to date with this dark but entertaining tale of hate and vengeance.

You might have a certain sadness that more blood must be spilled but Proud Mary Daniels and her hired killer are looking forward to copious amounts of the stuff flowing from the lifeless but still twitching bodies of Cowardly Cartwheel and the man who instigated the vendetta Spapcase.

Thanks to Douggers for picking up the dropped batton and turning my Beanoesque tales into something worthy of Tolstoy at his finest. Although where he gets the gall to rename the Daniels Standish gang to the Standish Regulatoors I don't know. Can you even have a gang of 2.....one man and his Loco?

The opening photo illustrates the age old saying, a picture saves a 1000 words. This one shows the oft quote line 'Standish leads from the front' or another one 'he's always in the thick of the action' both are Standish quote by the way. ;)

I'll leave the good reader to evaluate the evidence for themselves. :D
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Judgement Day at Hogs Thief Bend. Part 2
Post by: Elk101 on February 20, 2024, 04:47:33 PM
This is brilliant! There's so much to see on the table set ups, well done again guys.
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Judgement Day at Hogs Thief Bend. Part 2
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on February 20, 2024, 08:46:40 PM
This is brilliant! There's so much to see on the table set ups, well done again guys.

Thanks for your kind words, cheers.   :)
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Judgement Day at Hogs Thief Bend. Part 2
Post by: Vagabond on February 20, 2024, 11:43:48 PM
This is brilliant! There's so much to see on the table set ups, well done again guys.

 :D I'd like to take some credit but it's all in the Mad Lords collection, which is a bit of a bugger really. ;)
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Judgement Day at Hogs Thief Bend. Part 2
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on February 21, 2024, 07:40:50 AM
:D I'd like to take some credit but it's all in the Mad Lords collection, which is a bit of a bugger really. ;)

Well, you and Doug must take part of the credit for the overall success of the game. It wouldn't have been much fun without you both! In the annals of the history of the Gentlemen of Much-Piddling, Raving Jack Daniels will always be remembered for his excessive consumption of mescal and laudanum, shooting at all and sundry (including his own gang members). Who can forget the legendary O. Standoffish, who invented the concept of dynamic patrolling in a retrograde orientation?

You might have a certain sadness that more blood must be spilled but Proud Mary Daniels and her hired killer are looking forward to copious amounts of the stuff flowing from the lifeless but still twitching bodies of Cowardly Cartwheel and the man who instigated the vendetta Spapcase.

Now, obviously I have to take exception to this spurious statement. Snapcase himself, has done nothing to instigate this vendetta. Granted, he set out in game one, to blow up the Los Pollos Hermanos Saloon, hopefully when all the Arthritis Gang were inside, getting absolutely trolleyed! But this was just business, the people of Otero County, New Mexico entrusted the Sheriff with maintaining law and order and Old Saveloy, if anything, meant business! Nothing personal!
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Judgement Day at Hogs Thief Bend. Part 2
Post by: CapnJim on February 21, 2024, 07:36:15 PM
Now, obviously I have to take exception to this spurious statement. Snapcase himself, has done nothing to instigate this vendetta....

Um, methinks thou dost protest too much.... :o

As for the story, I hope the climax to this particular action is worth the wait we must all endure.  I'm sure it will be given the past practices of those involved.   :D

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Judgement Day at Hogs Thief Bend. Part 2
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on February 21, 2024, 11:07:30 PM
Um, methinks thou dost protest too much.... :o

As for the story, I hope the climax to this particular action is worth the wait we must all endure.  I'm sure it will be given the past practices of those involved.   :D

So far, the climax (ongoing) has been less climactic than was hoped for but we persevere.

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Judgement Day at Hogs Thief Bend. Part 2
Post by: CapnJim on February 22, 2024, 05:22:33 PM
Consider my interest piqued!
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Judgement Day at Hogs Thief Bend. Part 2
Post by: FifteensAway on March 07, 2024, 02:24:07 AM
I do, sincerely, hope that the delay in the story wrap-up is not for any untoward reasons considering the folks involved and that everyone is doing okay! 

Interest in the conclusion is still out here.  Though understanding if there is solid reason for delay.

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Judgement Day at Hogs Thief Bend. Part 2
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 07, 2024, 08:00:24 AM
The game is still ongoing, but our weekly sessions have been interrupted by participants having the damned audacity to take holidays away. All leave should have been cancelled until the conclusion is reached! However, the end report will appear at some point!
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Judgement Day at Hogs Thief Bend. Part 2
Post by: CapnJim on March 07, 2024, 06:22:04 PM
Holidays, eh?  I can relate - I will be on holi..., er, I mean vacation, the last 2 weeks of this month.  My contributions to the LAF, however meaningless, will be in short supply during that timeframe...   
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Judgement Day at Hogs Thief Bend. Part 2
Post by: Vagabond on March 14, 2024, 12:29:16 AM
Holidays, eh?  I can relate - I will be on holi..., er, I mean vacation, the last 2 weeks of this month.  My contributions to the LAF, however meaningless, will be in short supply during that timeframe...   

That's very slack of you Cptn Jim, if you don't mind me saying so. Do they not have internet in the place you are vacationing? If not maybe you should encourage Mrs Cptn Jim to vacation somewhere more civilized.

The Mad Lord failed to mention that his holiday, travelling from the softy south of the country to the hard gritty north involved a 3 night, 2 day stop over at Vagabond Manor.
He was entertained by his nom de plume, Sir Verney Snapcase refusing to come out of hiding as his men received a good hiding. Followed by Mad Wullie Snapcase being beaten over the head by the baby eating Bishop of Bath and Wells.
There was a final trial sortie into a paleolithic world of hairy men and even hairier women in which Douggers and I crossed spears and stone axes as Snappers took a back seat, umpiring the game before we eventually played chicken with a terror bird.
I'm sure you will be pleased to learn that my sun tanned, Frank Zappa inspired, Valley Girls, enjoyed barbecued Terror Bird drum sticks as they mourned the tribal dead.
I'm still trying to sort through the myriad photographs to see if there's something useable to illustrate these sorry tales.
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Judgement Day at Hogs Thief Bend. Part 2
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on March 14, 2024, 10:52:19 AM
I have to say that it was a rare privilege to sojourn at the country seat of the Vagabonds. Many thanks to you and Mrs. Vagabond for the delightful hospitality. A superb two days gaming in excellent company and surroundings. Definitely in the true tradition of the Gentlemen of Much-Piddling.

You seem to have omitted one of our games, though? Would you like to comment on the result of the 'Fury of Dracula' game, at all?
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Judgement Day at Hogs Thief Bend. Part 2
Post by: Michi on March 14, 2024, 02:57:20 PM
Although I was hoping for news from the wild, wild west, consider myself highly interested in this most promising subject as well! I look forward to be shown gazillions of delicate photographies of those hairy and hairier things which were going on in times before mankind managed to pronounce vocals:

There was a final trial sortie into a paleolithic world of hairy men and even hairier women ...
I'm sure you will be pleased to learn that my sun tanned, Frank Zappa inspired, Valley Girls, enjoyed barbecued Terror Bird drum sticks as they mourned the tribal dead.
I'm still trying to sort through the myriad photographs to see if there's something useable to illustrate these sorry tales.

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Judgement Day at Hogs Thief Bend. Part 2
Post by: CapnJim on March 14, 2024, 07:04:53 PM
That's very slack of you Cptn Jim, if you don't mind me saying so. Do they not have internet in the place you are vacationing? If not maybe you should encourage Mrs Cptn Jim to vacation somewhere more civilized.

They do indeed have internet in south Florida.  That, my good man, is not the issue.  Time, you see, may be the primary obstacle to reviewing the LAF and posting anything.  Between the golfing, cigar smoking, and bourbon consumption with a couple friends that will in all probability transpire the first few days of my trip (Higher HQ is not accompanying me on this particular sojourn), and the gaming, goofing off, cigar smoking, and bourbon consumption that should take place during the last week with me younger brother, I may not have sufficient time to fully participate in LAF-related activities.  But fear not, should an absence of mine occur, it will most assuredly be temporary in its duration...as a well-know, Austrian-born, M47 crewin', American action star, and former Governor of California once said, I'll be back... :D 

In the meantime, carry on!
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Judgement Day at Hogs Thief Bend. Part 2
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on April 19, 2024, 01:44:03 PM
It’s obvious that most of the gunslingers in this town have recently read chapter 3 of "How to Conduct a Wild West Feud" written by a dude who has never been further West than Wilmington, Delaware. Chapter 3 advises the early occupation of an upper floor or maybe a roof, preferably in either a newspaper office (you may become a local legend quickly) or a saloon (you can get a drink).. Below is a helpful photo which illustrates the Chapter 3 problem. Red arrows are all on a roof; blue arrows are tucked away in a building.

So, of the eight participants in this frenzied shootout, only Granville (for it is he) is out on the streets. And he has just left the cover of an undertaker’s cart and is scuttling to take cover behind a huge locomotive


Oh hello….! The Man With No Name (TMWNN) has appeared on the street. Is he seeking the enemy or hoping to engage those two ladies in conversation?

For a while (it seems like an eternity) all that happens is a desultory exchange of shots, some dodging and a bit of reloading until suddenly, the maniacal Granville pops up behind the train, lights the fuse on a stick of dynamite and lobs the explosive towards the newspaper office (I think Granville needs some PR advice). It lands on the roof where Proud Mary has spent her time popping in and out of cover, occasionally shooting ineffectually and now suffering shock as the dynamite explodes……..

…….causing a satisfying but relatively harmless smoke cloud

Granville then heads East (or maybe West) to find cover behind some more rocks which look quite similar to the ones he was behind before.

Meanwhile, TMWNN, taking everything into account, has retreated to the side of the newspaper office - he feels at home there.

I think we all need to pause to get our breath back after all that excitement before embarking on what may (I should emphasise may)
prove to be the final instalment of this epic.

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Judgement Day at Hogs Thief Bend. Part 2
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on April 19, 2024, 02:12:45 PM
Something of a beautiful full toss by Granville there.
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Judgement Day at Hogs Thief Bend. Part 2
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on April 19, 2024, 02:51:13 PM
Something of a beautiful full toss by Granville there.
He has the reputation of being quite a tosser.

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Judgement Day at Hogs Thief Bend. Part 2
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on April 19, 2024, 04:18:27 PM
He has the reputation of being quite a tosser.


That is true, but on this occasion, it was a real jaffa!
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Judgement Day at Hogs Thief Bend. Part 2
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on April 19, 2024, 11:27:00 PM
That is true, but on this occasion, it was a real jaffa!
It certainly had the explosive effect of an over ripe orange.

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Hog Thief Bend. Update by Douggers 19.04.24
Post by: CapnJim on April 20, 2024, 01:57:43 AM
As Proud Mary quite possibly proclaimed, dynamite schmynamite...but I bet she couldn't hear much after that blast ...and is there now perchance a hole in that roof?

Lovely reporting thus far,  if I do say so myself.   Which I did, I guess.  I await further news on this affair...
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Hog Thief Bend. Update by Douggers 19.04.24
Post by: FifteensAway on April 20, 2024, 02:46:36 PM
Ah, some forward progress on the story telling.  I hope to see the finish if it arrives and make appropriate - or perhaps inappropriate - comment in good time.  But don't lose faith if I am very late in doing so since I am winging off to the British Isles in just over a week for a few weeks, scheduled to land on May 1st and depart on May 22nd.  Maybe I'll find fodder for future scenarios in your homelands - though how they'd make it to the Old West, well, who knows? 

Keep the stories coming.
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Hog Thief Bend. Update by Douggers 19.04.24
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on April 21, 2024, 02:48:12 PM
Have a great holiday.

The conclusion of this stirring tale has now been reached. The momentous events will be appearing here, in the next couple of weeks.
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Hog Thief Bend. Update by Douggers 19.04.24
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on April 22, 2024, 02:05:22 PM
As Proud Mary quite possibly proclaimed, dynamite schmynamite...but I bet she couldn't hear much after that blast ...and is there now perchance a hole in that roof?
Haven’t had a chance to check the roof yet because of the smoke and there’s no-one left on the floor below to scream. Mary is a bit singed in awkward places.

Lovely reporting thus far,  if I do say so myself.   Which I did, I guess.  I await further news on this affair...
Thank you - below will follow the last part of my stint as rapporteur after which…….Stand by…!

Ah, some forward progress on the story telling.  I hope to see the finish if it arrives and make appropriate - or perhaps inappropriate - comment in good time.  But don't lose faith if I am very late in doing so since I am winging off to the British Isles in just over a week for a few weeks, scheduled to land on May 1st and depart on May 22nd.  Maybe I'll find fodder for future scenarios in your homelands - though how they'd make it to the Old West, well, who knows? 

Keep the stories coming.
I hope you have a great time over here. I read your itinerary on another topic and I think you should have a lot of fun and enjoyment. The story continues below.


The dynamite explosion seems to have ignited more than the roof. It’s ignited, metaphorically, most of the cast of this drama. Misty and the Chief Saveloyard himself decide to leave their roof tops and eat some dust down at street level.

Granville who, after his dynamite drama retreated round the back of the barber, through the yard back round the front (why, one wonders?).

Proud Mary, minus eyelashes and with singed jeans as result of the dynamite, takes an ineffective pot at Misty before she (Misty)leaves the roof of the barbers.

Saveloy exits the Broken Drum, scuttles across the street and the railroad track………

…… and heads off down the length of the train, always keeping a piece of huge rolling stock between himself and any possible danger.

Misty exits the rear of the barber’s shop and moves through the yard at the side. The Melon remains sweating on his roof, smoking an endless succession of cigarillos and hoping someone will obligingly present themselves as a target. Oliver Standish gets more comfortable and feels a bit better (recovers an Action Dice).

TMWNN and Loco decide to have another try at taking the fight to the enemy and leave the shelter of the newspaper building, heading for the train.

Loco moves out

TMWNN moves in, through some interesting Asian citizens and……

…….takes position between two railcars. Nicely outlined, almost like a shooting gallery target.

Which is unfortunate because Granville has appeared opposite and has the drop on him.

As the Earps settle scores with Billy Clanton right in front of TMWNN, Granville does the same, shooting him down from the cover of some rocks. TMWNN is no more.

At this development, Loco decides to return to the newspaper office one more time. He gets a shot in at Misty which makes her keep her head down briefly and then he ducks out of sight.

With Oliver Standish slowly bleeding to death in the store and TMWNN out of the game and very possibly dead whilst the Saveloyards haven’t suffered so much as a scratch, things are looking bleak for the crusaders against corruption.

All that can save them now is a highly unlikely deus ex machina……

Stay tuned for the ultimate, complete and final finale………

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Hog Thief Bend. Update by Douggers 19.04.24
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on April 22, 2024, 02:23:41 PM
Great reporting, The Man Who Can't Remember His Name, should have remembered that age-old maxim, "don't stand in the open near people who have yet to activate"!

...and to conclude this wondrous tale of legendary bravery, pettifogging idiosyncrasies and sheer stupidity, the baton is passed to me, to cast light on the end of our campaign.
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Hog Thief Bend. Update by Douggers 19.04.24
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on April 22, 2024, 03:03:40 PM
The Beginning of the End, Part 1.

There it was then, thought Standish, the end. He’d been hit twice, in the shoulder and through his upper thigh. He was losing a lot of blood. He was trapped in Albert Arkwright’s Dry Goods Store in Hog Thief Bend and could see no way out.

It was a Mexican standoff alright. The Arthritis Gang had such high hopes, when they had ridden into town, earlier that fateful day. But now, Proud Mary, although in a commanding position on the roof of the Hog Thief Bend Reporter building, had nearly been blown off it. Granville Arkwright was proud of that throw, landing a stick of dynamite on the roof. Mary had survived the blast, but had been pinned, in position. Oliver Standish, the only surviving member of the original gang, lay bleeding out in the grocers and Loco Maine had been forced to retreat, via the back passage of the Reporter building. The Reporter’s staff, Lois, Jimmy and the editor Perry White had rapidly evacuated the building after the explosion on the roof. The Man With No Name, probably had no need of his name, where he was headed.

The problem, reflected Sherrif Saveloy Snapcase, was that although the Arthritis Gang could not advance against them, his posse were having the devil of a time, trying to winkle them out from their various refuges.

Melon los Cojones, had the whole town covered, from his vantage point on the railway station roof. Armed with his trusty Winchester Model 1873 "One of One Thousand" rifle, Melon had the range to keep the opposition pinned down and in cover. Deputy Misty Meaner, had kept Mary busy from the roof of Bill Gull’s Barber-Surgeon’s shop, whilst also peppering the Dry Goods Store, in case Standish poked his head out.


Snapcase and Arkwright were advancing undercover of the slowing train which was pulling into the station. Shortly, that cover would disappear as the train stopped at the platform.

There was a pause in the shooting, as both sides took the opportunity to reload and consider their next moves. At that moment, a rider thundered into town. He looked all in, as he literally propped his exhausted horse against the wall of O. W. Bandy’s blacksmiths. Snapcase recognised the Dutch settler, Spaire van Keyes, who lived out towards the Guadalupe Mountains.


The news that van Keyes brought, was dire.

For some time, the Mescalero Apaches had been discontented with their situation, high in the Guadelupe Mountains. Forced up there, after their war with the Comanches, they had learned to live there, but not to love it.

The Mescaleros, or Nde as they called themselves, hunted mule deer, elk, and bighorn sheep, and harvested plants including, agave, sotol, and bear grass. The agave, or mescal formed the major staple in both their diet and culture. In addition to supplying fibre for ropes, blankets, and sandals, agave hearts were roasted in large cooking pits and eaten or made into cakes for later consumption.

Settlers were constantly encroaching on their land. The Mescaleros were constantly on the move, ranging over vast areas and following the changing seasons.

Finally, they could endure no more. They had taken to the warpath and attacked the settlements along their route to Hog Thief Bend, which they intended to burn and sack. Spaire van Keyes had survived their surprise attack on his farm and had ridden ahead to warn the town.

Before the townsfolk had a chance to react, three columns of Apaches arrived. One column, of about thirty warriors, entered by Madame Meme’s saloon.



Using fire-arrows, they had set light to the wagon train and even Doc Vagabond’s snake oil wagon. Madame Meme’s girls had armed themselves and were shooting down into the mass of whooping braves.


The centre column, consisting of about forty braves, had ridden along the railway track, setting fear into the hearts of all who saw them.



The third column, about twenty-five braves, had dismounted behind Arkwright’s and had surrounded the building. Standish and Arkwright were forced to retreat to the roof, fighting for their very lives.


Most of the townsfolk are running away from the attack. In the swirling dust everything is chaos.



Misty, seeing Standish’s plight, runs to help.


Saveloy and Granville edge towards the bridge over the creek as the unstoppable charge heads up the tracks.



Loco and Mary are shooting into the mass of Apaches. They can’t miss at this range.


Seeing that Mary and Loco are about to be cut off, Snapcase shouts for them to run towards him, the bridge and temporary safety. Previous enemies need to become allies in these dangerous moments.


To be continued...
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Hog Thief Bend. Update by Douggers 19.04.24
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on April 22, 2024, 03:51:12 PM
Wow …! Who saw that coming? God from the machine and no mistake!! A very entertaining account of this unexpected development and some wonderful photos - what a visual treat. But can our heroes survive this terrifying surprise attack?

We must await further updates from puckish pen of M’lud Snapcase…..

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Hog Thief Bend. Update by Snappers 22.04.24
Post by: CapnJim on April 22, 2024, 05:23:42 PM
Well, that was unexpected...nearly a hundred pissed off Mescaleros descending on poor Hog Thief Bend.  How can our various heroes (I use that term loosely) escape what must surely be their inevitable demise?  Ii guess we'll all find out what happens to them in due time...and why do I suspect that the ever-trusty US Cavalry is about to make an appearance, riding to the rescue (to paraphrase Gen. Horrocks in A Bridge Too Far...)?   
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Hog Thief Bend. Update by Snappers 22.04.24
Post by: FifteensAway on April 22, 2024, 05:51:14 PM
Say...what?!  Mescal infused Mescaleros invade a bent up hog!?  My eyes are rolling around rather furiously in my head.  Maybe when they slow down and a thought is able to form I may wonder at when we shall see a little Pony Wars action push aside the Old West action.

...and thanks for the well wishes on our trip...no plans to be anywhere near Sherwood Forest but perhaps Old Blighty will inspire some Robin Hood action, the collection of figures most recently getting prepped for painting.  For more, hunt around the Medieval page...

But back to the "story?", will someone with long yellow hair be making an appearance?  And maybe his wife Libby, too?  Only time will tell.
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Hog Thief Bend. Update by Snappers 22.04.24
Post by: Harry Faversham on April 23, 2024, 11:05:05 AM
Nottingham Castle museum is well worth a visit. In the grounds there's a magnificent monument to the WW1 Hero, Albert Ball. Inside there's a display including his medals, and most interesting, an Avro windscreen with a bullet hole in it. It must have missed his melon by millimetres, he was known for getting right in where they were thickest!
Meanwhile  back on the Plains. How about 'Libby Custer's new Frock'? A Troop of the 7th, tasked with escorting a wagon containing a new ball gown for the General's wife. Fort at one end of the table, Major Tantrum and the wagon at t'other. Plod down the trail to the fort on a pleasant afternoon...
wot could possibly go wrong?
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Hog Thief Bend. Update by Snappers 22.04.24
Post by: FifteensAway on April 23, 2024, 07:57:08 PM
Well, Harry, the closest we are likely to get to Nottingham is a drive through on our way from York to Stratford-upon-Avon on our last day heading back to London on the Guided Bus Trip.   Maybe I'll get lucky and they'll make a stop.  Any thoughts on where to check out in London for hobby stuff - from any of you?  We have a whole week to absorb in and around London, mostly in London - one side trip to Windsor Castle planned, one day for British Museum, one day for Kew Gardens, and the rest will be 'famous touristy' places but we should have some time to spare to explore.

Old West or otherwise, Robin Hood or otherwise?  Only hobby sort-of related stop is the Imperial War Museum for me, not fair to my wife to burden her with too much military history. 

As to them Mescalero, that is a lot of folk!
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Hog Thief Bend. Update by Snappers 22.04.24
Post by: Lord Raglan on April 23, 2024, 10:14:14 PM
A wonderful spectacle of a game 
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Hog Thief Bend. Update by Snappers 22.04.24
Post by: Mad Lord Snapcase on May 04, 2024, 07:36:16 AM
Thanks all.

The End of the Beginning, Part 2.

As Mary and Loco hurtle across the front of the charging Apache warband, they encounter Granville and Saveloy aiming their guns at them. Is this treachery of the most villainous kind already?



Snapcase shouts “hit the dirt” and Mary and Loco comply. Granville’s pump action shotgun and Saveloy’s Winchester carbine bark out as one. Shooting over their heads, they take out the Apaches who were about to count coup on Mary and Loco.


Looking a bit bemused, Loco and Mary dust themselves down as the mounted Apaches thunder past.

Meanwhile, over at Arkwright’s, things are hotting up. Pausing to take aim, Misty aims her rifle at the Apaches trying to break down the front door. She takes out three of them, before they realise that there is a threat behind them!


Up on the roof, Standish is confronted by two Apaches.


To Standish’s amazement, the knife-wielding Apache drops down, shot through the head. One up to Melon los Cojones and his Winchester.


Taking advantage of the moment, Oliver Standish, cool as a cucumber, fires twice and the other Apache is down.


Although taking casualties, the Mescalero charge is unstoppable.



There’s panic in Hog Thief Bend now. The townsfolk are mostly fleeing for their very lives. The track gang are racing away.


The Bandy brothers are leading the flight…


…but they seem to have abandoned brother O. W., too much whiskey to wake up?


The ladies from the Temperance Society are running like someone’s called ‘last orders’ at the bar!


The driver of the train that was slowing down to stop at Hog Thief Bend, had the dire news shouted to him, by a group of Pinkertons, who were on the platform. Instead of stopping, he opened the throttle, blowing his whistle furiously. There was just a chance, if he could make the next stop, to telegraph for help, before the citizens of Hog Thief Bend were massacred. It was now, just a question of time…

To be continued...
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Hog Thief Bend. Update by Snappers 22.04.24
Post by: Sgt_T on May 04, 2024, 07:51:07 AM
Awesome. What a Table :o

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Hog Thief Bend. Update by Snappers 22.04.24
Post by: Tom Dulski on May 04, 2024, 11:58:37 AM

 That is one AMAZING table o_o o_o o_o o_o
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Hog Thief Bend. Update by Snappers 22.04.24
Post by: MaleGriffin on May 04, 2024, 04:54:36 PM
Amazing looking game! Incredible collection! Inspirational! Absolutely magnificent!
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Hog Thief Bend. Update by Snappers 22.04.24
Post by: Doug ex-em4 on May 04, 2024, 09:11:51 PM
Martin - you’ve pulled the end-game moments of our campaign together beautifully - the photos look fantastic. Great work, sir…. ;)

Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Hog Thief Bend. Update by Snappers 22.04.24
Post by: CapnJim on May 05, 2024, 05:23:45 PM
More gripping tales!  Waiting for the next installment! 
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Hog Thief Bend. Update by Snappers 22.04.24
Post by: Vagabond on May 05, 2024, 06:32:42 PM
More gripping tales!  Waiting for the next installment!

Me too, I'm travelling and just found free internet in Prague, so if the Mad Lord gets his finger out I might find out how this all finishes.

MLS these are amazing photos and a gripping story line, fantastic is all I can say.  :o :o :o
Title: Re: What a Cowboy - Hog Thief Bend. Update by Snappers 22.04.24
Post by: Harry Faversham on May 06, 2024, 03:25:01 PM
I'm kind of suspicioned, the finali is based on Buffolo Humps raid on Denver, in 'Commanche Moon'?