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Other Stuff => Workbench => Topic started by: Sinewgrab on October 19, 2008, 10:42:28 AM

Title: Pirate Ship Project (Updated 11-19)
Post by: Sinewgrab on October 19, 2008, 10:42:28 AM
Well, hey - I thought I would take the plunge and actually not only admit that I do stuff, but show it in progress. I started getting back into Warmachine, and, as I have posted previously, am starting up a Pirate warband there. Last week, it occurred to me that I was really loving painting and playing a Pirate Army, so, with no further ado, I started putting one together for my other major game - Warhammer Fantasy. As I started formulating how I would do that, I started work on a piece of terrain to get me going - a pirate ship. I made the base from from high density urethane foam (brand names are corofoam and precision board) and it is really basic.


Today, I spent far too much time on it. Because it is for Warmachine as well, I built a small steam engine sort of thing to stick on the back, and I am going to put paddlewheels on the sides.







As I get further along, I'll try to keep dropping stuff up here. Anyone interetsed in helping me build my pirate army, please see my pirates wanted post in the bazaar.

Title: Re: Pirate Ship Project
Post by: Captain Blood on October 19, 2008, 06:04:02 PM
Wow! That's going to be one big ship...
Looking good though. Keep posting the updates  :)
Title: Re: Pirate Ship Project
Post by: Sinewgrab on October 19, 2008, 07:13:29 PM
In 28mm, it will be about 37 inches, plus a 4-5" inch front spar and figurehead, so a 220' galleon. About the right size for a command ship, in my opinion.
Title: Re: Pirate Ship Project
Post by: Lordblackwing on October 19, 2008, 11:42:47 PM
Loooks great so far. I look forward to seeing the paddlewheels. Any chance of a basic parts list for the steam engine? I keep resisting the urge to build a pirate army for Warmachine, but maybe with this to inspire me... 8)
Title: Re: Pirate Ship Project
Post by: Ray Rivers on October 19, 2008, 11:51:35 PM

I mean like Wow!  Look at all those mini's on the shelves!  Awesome.

Oh... and indeed, the ship is looking great!

But those shelves... a veritable treasure chest, me thinks!
Title: Re: Pirate Ship Project
Post by: Sinewgrab on October 20, 2008, 12:20:38 AM
Loooks great so far. I look forward to seeing the paddlewheels. Any chance of a basic parts list for the steam engine? I keep resisting the urge to build a pirate army for Warmachine, but maybe with this to inspire me... 8)

Well, I started with a 2" diameter medicine bottle (the orange plastic bit), built a small styrene (plasticard to those who don't sell plastic for a living), some mordheim corner pieces, a gear piece from a broken scrapbooking tape dispenser, a couple of small tubes, and some leftover pieces from a GW rhino, and then I added rivets by drilling pilot holes and sticking sewing pins into the holes.
Title: Re: Pirate Ship Project
Post by: Sinewgrab on October 20, 2008, 12:23:33 AM

I mean like Wow!  Look at all those mini's on the shelves!  Awesome.

Oh... and indeed, the ship is looking great!

But those shelves... a veritable treasure chest, me thinks!

Oh, heck. I hadn't even realized that I had included my shelves in the picture. That wall contains about half of my collection - the rest are in egg cartons in the garage. I only keep projects I am currently working on and finished models in the room. Frighteningly enough, that is only two thirds of the shelves. You can't see the other wall.
Title: Re: Pirate Ship Project
Post by: Argonor on October 20, 2008, 12:58:51 PM
That one is going to be almost as big as the 'Black Pearl' I've got. Lower, though.

Can anyone tell me how tall a big ship would normally be from the waterline to the railing of the main deck - I may have to modify the pearl..?
Title: Re: Pirate Ship Project
Post by: Ray Rivers on October 22, 2008, 06:44:07 PM

Can anyone tell me how tall a big ship would normally be from the waterline to the railing of the main deck - I may have to modify the pearl..?

Dat... is a difficult question to answer.

As an ex-Navy man, I'd say Sinewgrab's ship is a bit low in the water.  But it looks fine, though some railing would help a lot.

As for "the Pearl"... don't touch a thing, she's a beauty.
Title: Re: Pirate Ship Project
Post by: Sinewgrab on October 23, 2008, 07:19:46 AM
Yeah, she is. The reason? Simple - I could only get the 1 1/2 thick foam for the base - there wasn't any 2" handy. To scale she would ride about 12' out of the water, which is low for a galleon size vessel, yet perfectly acceptable on a whaler or other modern vessel. I thought, hey, with the steam engine and armor, she'll ride low. Oh well.
Title: Re: Pirate Ship Project
Post by: Argonor on October 23, 2008, 11:39:24 AM
Can anyone tell me how tall a big ship would normally be from the waterline to the railing of the main deck - I may have to modify the pearl..?
Dat... is a difficult question to answer.
As an ex-Navy man, I'd say Sinewgrab's ship is a bit low in the water.  But it looks fine, though some railing would help a lot.
As for "the Pearl"... don't touch a thing, she's a beauty.

The Pearl I have is a very large model measuring almost 90 cm from prow to stern. Consequently she's also very tall. I haven't measured her from warterline to railing, but my guess (from memory, as I'm not at home right now) is about 6 inches.
Title: Re: Pirate Ship Project
Post by: Ray Rivers on October 24, 2008, 12:57:47 PM
"Don't give up the ship!"

I think if you give it some vertical work, it will turn out fine.

If I may recommend...

Try adding bulkheads all around the ship.  I'd use plasticard.  This will give a perception of it being more out of the water.

I did a little photoshoping to see, kinda.., what it might look like:

Title: Re: Pirate Ship Project (Update!)
Post by: Sinewgrab on October 26, 2008, 10:05:39 PM
Well, the ship is coming along. Now, I just ahve to figure how I want to mount the masts, and start painting.





I have some cannon dummies I will mounting inside of the silver portholes - which are bead mounts that fit just about perfect for it. The biggest problem I have now is trying figure out what to do for a figurehead. I don't have anything that scales to the roughly 1 1/2 to 2 times human size that looks right. I wanted a woman with sword pointed forward, but nothing I currently have will work. Any suggestions?
Title: Re: Pirate Ship Project (Updated 10-26)
Post by: Luckyjoe on October 27, 2008, 07:25:28 PM
That's looking very nice. I thought maybe they would have some figureheads at Model Expo, http://www.modelexpo-online.com/ , but they didn't appear to have any. They do however, have lots of other ship's fittings, like swivel guns or anchors. Or you can make your own swivel guns with GW bits, I think there was a nice article on it in White Dwarf a while back. Anyway, great job on the ship, I'm looking forward to more pics.

Title: Re: Pirate Ship Project (Updated 10-26)
Post by: Sinewgrab on October 28, 2008, 06:09:49 AM
That's looking very nice. I thought maybe they would have some figureheads at Model Expo, http://www.modelexpo-online.com/ , but they didn't appear to have any. They do however, have lots of other ship's fittings, like swivel guns or anchors. Or you can make your own swivel guns with GW bits, I think there was a nice article on it in White Dwarf a while back. Anyway, great job on the ship, I'm looking forward to more pics.


I had one of their catalogs in the house - I don't generally worry about it though. I have a REALLY good hobby store nearby, and an even better game store not too far away.
Title: Re: Pirate Ship Project (Updated 10-26)
Post by: warrenpeace on October 29, 2008, 11:25:01 PM

Would love to play a game with that ship of yours.  I'm in Hillsboro.  There's another guy here in Hillsboro with about 150 painted Foundry pirates that would like to have a go at sailing or fighting over your ship.

We've got a local group of wargamers that meets at the Hillsboro Main Public Library once a month.  We've got a restricted local Yahoo Group devoted to miniature wargaming called EmeraldValleyWargamers. Would love it if you joined that local Yahoo Group.

Sent you a slightly more detailed PM about this.  Check it out.

Title: Re: Pirate Ship Project (Update!)
Post by: warrenpeace on October 29, 2008, 11:43:50 PM
I have some cannon dummies I will mounting inside of the silver portholes - which are bead mounts that fit just about perfect for it. The biggest problem I have now is trying figure out what to do for a figurehead. I don't have anything that scales to the roughly 1 1/2 to 2 times human size that looks right. I wanted a woman with sword pointed forward, but nothing I currently have will work. Any suggestions?

There are a lot of Reaper figures that might work as figureheads.  Both Rainy Day Games in Aloha and Bridgetown Hobbies in Portland have a lot of those, as I'm sure you already know.  There are mermaid figures, a Medusa figure, and a variety of barbarian females with swords, some pointed up.  You might also be able to find some sort of female paladin with a raised sword that would suggest Joan of Arc.  Most of them are about 28mm.  However, some of the figures intended as Egyptian statues are bigger.

The figurehead would go beneath the bowsprit, and I notice from looking at one of the pictures that you have something in that spot already.  Maybe another layer of the foam could be inserted underneath when you are using the ship as a sailing ship instead of a steamship, and that would give more room to place the figurehead.

Did you get the cannons and ship's wheel from Tammie's Hobbies?
Title: Re: Pirate Ship Project (Update!)
Post by: Sinewgrab on October 30, 2008, 06:33:09 AM

There are a lot of Reaper figures that might work as figureheads.  Both Rainy Day Games in Aloha and Bridgetown Hobbies in Portland have a lot of those, as I'm sure you already know.  There are mermaid figures, a Medusa figure, and a variety of barbarian females with swords, some pointed up.  You might also be able to find some sort of female paladin with a raised sword that would suggest Joan of Arc.  Most of them are about 28mm.  However, some of the figures intended as Egyptian statues are bigger.

The figurehead would go beneath the bowsprit, and I notice from looking at one of the pictures that you have something in that spot already.  Maybe another layer of the foam could be inserted underneath when you are using the ship as a sailing ship instead of a steamship, and that would give more room to place the figurehead.

Did you get the cannons and ship's wheel from Tammie's Hobbies?

28mm isn't big enough - I look at a lot of the 16th century to 17th century galleons and they have a figurehead that is easily 1 1/2 to 2 times human, so I am trying to find a model of something in roughly 1/54 scale.

I'll shop at Rainy Day when they drag my screaming corpse in through the back door, and no sooner. Bridgetown is good though, and George at Ancient Wonders will order anything I want.

And yeah, Tammie's Hobbies is like a big crack house for hobbyists.
Title: Re: Pirate Ship Project (Update!)
Post by: warrenpeace on October 31, 2008, 12:33:09 AM
28mm isn't big enough - I look at a lot of the 16th century to 17th century galleons and they have a figurehead that is easily 1 1/2 to 2 times human, so I am trying to find a model of something in roughly 1/54 scale.

I'll shop at Rainy Day when they drag my screaming corpse in through the back door, and no sooner.

Hmm, that's a tall order! ;) Finding a suitable figurehead isn't easy.

Should let Rainy Day Games know they can drag your screaming corpse in so that they can use you for a living zombie game.  May be too late to plan that for this Halloween... :o
Title: Re: Pirate Ship Project (Updated 10-26)
Post by: Ray Rivers on October 31, 2008, 08:53:44 AM
You're doing a smashing job.

Looking forward to some updated photos.
Title: Re: Pirate Ship Project (Updated 11-19)
Post by: Sinewgrab on November 20, 2008, 05:30:17 AM
Well, the ol' ship is coming right along. I don't have her painted yet, nor have I managed to finish my masts setup, but hey, I need to give you something, right? Excuse my shaky camera work - I have spent most of the last few nights more awake than not, and am shaking like a leaf in a brisk wind.

Here is the doorway beneath, to the Captain's cabin and such. I had an old pair of Armorcast cathedral doors that I cut down to make the doors, and the barrels are woodne ones I grabbed at Michael's.


This is the ship's center area. You can see that I have added dummy cannons along the sides.


In this shot, I tried to get a good one of the whole ship. Excuse the mess - my large order of Black Cat Bases pirates came today as well, and my wife has a sewing project going that she has not yet been able to get back to.


The rear of the ship.


The nose of the vessel - here you can see the old random pair of dragon wings I added for strength. That section cracked when I ran into it one evening, so I added them, and I am planning on just painting them as though they were carved into the ship.


A view of the back of the vessel.


Another view of the nose.


This is with first coat of paint, a double drybrush, and some metal painted. I have a lot more work to do, but I think she is coming along nicely.

Title: Re: Pirate Ship Project (Updated 11-19)
Post by: BigMecha on November 20, 2008, 06:01:17 AM
that is very nice!  Keep up the great work!
Title: Re: Pirate Ship Project (Updated 11-19)
Post by: gamer Mac on November 20, 2008, 09:07:24 AM
I know you were repairing a bit of damage but the wings look great. Looking forward to the finished article.
Will you get there with the size of the lead mountain we can see in the photos?
Title: Re: Pirate Ship Project (Updated 11-19)
Post by: Le matou rouge on November 20, 2008, 01:14:21 PM
Wow ! All is very impressive : your work, your boat and your shelves too !

Title: Re: Pirate Ship Project (Updated 11-19)
Post by: Luckyjoe on November 20, 2008, 03:17:50 PM
That is looking great. I like the way the wings came out. An excellent way to repair the damage. :) Looking forward to more.

Title: Re: Pirate Ship Project (Updated 11-19)
Post by: Sinewgrab on November 20, 2008, 03:58:04 PM
I know you were repairing a bit of damage but the wings look great. Looking forward to the finished article.
Will you get there with the size of the lead mountain we can see in the photos?

I hope so - I have been trying (unsuccessfully) to finish projects I already had in the works before getting started on new ones. This is a bit more expansive, though. Besides, after the amount of time I have already spant on it, my wife would kick my butt if I did not finish it.
Title: Re: Pirate Ship Project (Updated 11-19)
Post by: warrenpeace on November 20, 2008, 07:12:37 PM
I agree that the dragon wings look cool.  And what is that winged figure over the bowsprit?
Title: Re: Pirate Ship Project (Updated 11-19)
Post by: Sinewgrab on November 20, 2008, 08:06:45 PM
I agree that the dragon wings look cool.  And what is that winged figure over the bowsprit?

I haven't a clue, honestly. I had two of them from a box of damaged figures I picked up for $20 from a local game store some, oh, 10 years ago. The lower half had been smashed, but it was intact above the waist. The fig is hard to see in these photos, but has upswept wings, and a hood over the head that has no eyeholes. I thought it looked neat, plus it covers a gap I couldn't get rid of.
Title: Re: Pirate Ship Project (Updated 11-19)
Post by: Braxandur on November 21, 2008, 12:45:36 PM
Love the boat, I'm alway jealous when I see that other people actually do manage to finish their projects :)

you sure the lower half is smashed? I can't see the figure very clearly, but it looks a lot like a Ral Partha mini I own. Actually, its the back of a throne of some bad guy (have to dig in my Ral Partha box to be certain who's throne it is). He never had a lower half, but the way it is connected to the lower part of the throne, might seem like it's smahed of (it's just a undetailed tag)

Title: Re: Pirate Ship Project (Updated 11-19)
Post by: Sinewgrab on November 21, 2008, 06:36:12 PM
Love the boat, I'm alway jealous when I see that other people actually do manage to finish their projects :)

you sure the lower half is smashed? I can't see the figure very clearly, but it looks a lot like a Ral Partha mini I own. Actually, its the back of a throne of some bad guy (have to dig in my Ral Partha box to be certain who's throne it is). He never had a lower half, but the way it is connected to the lower part of the throne, might seem like it's smahed of (it's just a undetailed tag)

It could have been a tag - it was just a corroded looking twist of metal. Huh, I wonder if I have the throne around here somewhere...