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Miniatures Adventure => Future Wars => Topic started by: DivisMal on June 02, 2017, 08:47:37 PM

Title: Florian's SciFi Forces: 10 May ‘24: The Four-Armed Emperor‘s Left and Right Hand
Post by: DivisMal on June 02, 2017, 08:47:37 PM
Hello all,
Since I've now been in this forum for quite some time, I always wanted to show some of my stuff, but neither got the time nor the skills to photograph it properly.

I hope this will change in the near future and thus I'm going to show some of my stuff.

In the last few years my big passion has been 15mm. It started when I got those excellent Copplestone barbarians which sadly are not supported anymore, and then moved on tho Warhammer 40k.

I was a fan of the background since the days of Rogue Trader and happily remember the time when 2nd Edition came out and I started an Ork force.

I neither have the time nor the resources to paint 28mm anymore with the exception of an Oldhammer Chaos warband (and some Sapce Orks I still possess), but quickly realized that in 15mm I could do and field all that I ever wanted. Problem then was, most of it needed to be scratch-built or one would have to search for proxies.

In recent years many excellent companies have started to produce 15mm Space Opera minis and those are my friends. I happily collect the models from various companies and have a battle-ready Genestealer Cult, a Space Ork Horde and several units of Eldar, Space Marines, Arbitrators, Jokaero, and ct.

In this thread I'll show you some of these, but please be patient, as I am a total "n00b" when it comes to photography!  :o

Florian a.k.a DivisMal
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: Jagannath on June 02, 2017, 08:49:33 PM
Can't wait!
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 02, 2017, 08:55:08 PM
The first model is actually a private commision done by the magnificent Stuart of SLAP Miniatures.

It's a beautiful miniature, I think, and Stu and I made it the secret present for all the backers from his recent Space Dorkz Kickstarter.

It arrived in my house on Tuesday and I could not wait to give it a paintjob.

Gentlemen, ta-da...the Father, also known as the spiritual liege of the Four-armed Emperor!
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 02, 2017, 08:55:35 PM
Another view.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 02, 2017, 08:56:21 PM
Since I'm posting from my iPad I can only attach one picture per reply, sorry for that.

No. 3
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 02, 2017, 08:56:55 PM
...his backside
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 02, 2017, 08:57:33 PM
...and his throne...
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 02, 2017, 08:59:04 PM
...also shown from the back!

You can see my thumb as a scale. The little guy has awesome details for his size. A sculpting masterpiece.

I still have some casts of him which I won't need! :)
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 02, 2017, 08:59:48 PM
And no patriarch is complete without a coven limousine!
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 02, 2017, 09:00:19 PM
Oh yes, daddy has got limous!!
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: Jagannath on June 02, 2017, 09:05:44 PM
Really boss! I was so chuffed with getting that from the Kickstarter - I'm not going to paint him until I can gather a 15mm genestealer cult, he's too precious! Your pics look great - lovely painting.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 02, 2017, 09:23:49 PM
Really boss! I was so chuffed with getting that from the Kickstarter - I'm not going to paint him until I can gather a 15mm genestealer cult, he's too precious! Your pics look great - lovely painting.

Great to hear that the cult is spreading! I used GW's old Genestealer familars, which are top 15mm. I still have some should you be interested, they nowadays come pricey at the bay.

Cultists and brood brothers you'll find plenty. Coven limousine, look at matchbox & co.
Hybrids however are difficult. I'll show mine soon.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: number1section1 on June 02, 2017, 11:22:47 PM
those are fantastic, good inspiration for my upcoming 15mm sci-fi project.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 02, 2017, 11:51:13 PM
Here is another one of the father, this time sitting on his throne. I haven't had time to finish the base yet.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 02, 2017, 11:51:54 PM
...and one with a "scale"-thumb.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: AWu on June 02, 2017, 11:55:40 PM
Ohhh he is glorious..

Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: Etranger on June 02, 2017, 11:58:04 PM
Nice stuff.

Just FYI the Copplestone barbarians are still available, through North Star.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 03, 2017, 12:03:40 AM
Nice stuff.

Just FYI the Copplestone barbarians are still available, through North Star.

Yes, I know that, but when was the last update?

Several years ago, I was even in email contact with the big man himself and sent him scans for actual archaeological finds to model his Pictish champion on, but that was many moons ago, and I have lost hope that we see the Pict heroes and command, Dwarven archers, Fantasy Romans and Celtic Elves anymore.

Which is such a pity!
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 03, 2017, 12:05:40 AM
My second army are Space Orks. Here is my Waaagh-Boss in all his glory.
Its acutally a Demonworld fantasy orc with 28mm arms. I think he conveys the style of RT era Orks pretty good.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 03, 2017, 12:06:09 AM
The boss, side view.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 03, 2017, 12:06:36 AM
And the other side.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 03, 2017, 12:07:19 AM
Bogoff the Gretchin, his trusted banna waver.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 03, 2017, 12:07:49 AM
The banner of the Waaagh!
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 03, 2017, 12:09:28 AM
The model that started it all, when one night I chopped of the hand of a demonworld orc and realized that Hasslefree weapons fit perfectly. I suddenly could make my own space orks!
Ere we go! Ere we go! Ere we go!
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 03, 2017, 12:10:05 AM
Another Demonworld conversion.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 03, 2017, 12:11:04 AM
My Orcs have still gurlies, here is one. She's originally been an Ice Witch from the Demonworld range.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 03, 2017, 12:12:35 AM
...and one of my Nobz in Power Armor.

We'z Bad Moonz, we'z have enough teef to buy all da shiny and shooty stuff. Hur hur hur!
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 03, 2017, 12:13:44 AM
Last one for tonight, actually a very small 28mm space goblin that fits nicely into da Waaagh!
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: Bergil on June 03, 2017, 08:09:24 AM
Great looking set there mate, you're pretty damn creative when it comes to putting together a 15mm force of any kind! (Rather like the lady ork too I must say...)

Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on June 03, 2017, 10:01:50 AM
Very good.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 03, 2017, 10:37:57 AM
Thank you all for the praise, I'm now off with my lady for some music (today Hamburg has a Jazz festival and we got tickets for the Elbphilharmonie), but I'll try and post more later.

Great looking set there mate, you're pretty damn creative when it comes to putting together a 15mm force of any kind! (Rather like the lady ork too I must say...)

Thanks. I never really liked when they (GW) turned Orks into Mushrooms that were a spore weapon of an ancient civilization. Too silly, even for me.
My idea was to go with WoW and give my Orcs some girls to which they could boast about their glorious victories against "da emperor's finest"!

Maybe a set of Orc ladies would be a nice idea (or stretch goal, or teaser model) for the next Slap Miniatures KS? 8)

Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on June 03, 2017, 03:08:27 PM
They come up with all these bright ideas and then promptly forget them.

Bolt guns fire rocket propelled rounds - no casing, limited recoil - so all art has casings and all fluff has recoil.

Orks are strange mobile fungi, that bleed red...
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 03, 2017, 10:30:04 PM
They come up with all these bright ideas and then promptly forget them.

Bolt guns fire rocket propelled rounds - no casing, limited recoil - so all art has casings and all fluff has recoil.

Orks are strange mobile fungi, that bleed red...

True. And then fluff gets back into the game it gets weirder still.

Anyway, my Orks have chicks and my space marines will be more like Sardaukar and not 9 feet giants without sex life. They will drink, make dirty jokes and *gasp* also include women, just like it was back in RT!
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 05, 2017, 02:40:14 PM
One of CP model's chubby 15mm Space Orks. Some of the sculpts are okay. Actually the designs are pretty good, but the details are rather wibbly-wobbly and sadly (and this is more serious) in some cases the proportions are flawed, like arms which are long enough to reach to the floor.  :-[ Otherwise, the sets are fairly priced and should be a nice addition for any 15mm collector.

Anyway, here is Fat Jared from one of my boyz mobs.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 05, 2017, 02:42:52 PM
And another CP model. The Ork Dreadnaught. I like the model, even though the details are not very well defined.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 05, 2017, 02:50:51 PM
Gretchin champion made from a demonworld goblin. You can turn quite a lot of fantasy models into space opera types by simply glueing guns to their backs. This is from an Ion Age sprue for shia khan.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 05, 2017, 02:52:04 PM
Another Space Ork female. Originally this was a demonworld ice witch. Hands have been cut and repositioned and a gun added to her back.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 05, 2017, 02:54:17 PM
One of my nobz. This is one of the great orc models sold by magister militum. Simply paint the pseudo-medieval armour in bright colors and add a gun. Viola! This is Grum Headtaker, who single-handedly stormed the trench held by Space Marines on the Imperial deathworld Gottes Tod 223.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 05, 2017, 02:55:57 PM
A demonworld orc, from which I cut the hand and added a hasslefree 28mm gun which included a hand. Note that the scale of heroic 15/18mm and realistic 28mm often works very well.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 05, 2017, 02:58:12 PM
One of my Cyber-Trolls. It's actually a demonworld fantasy troll. Arms have been cut off and replaced with 28mm bits.

I use him with my nobz or as an ogryn. Maybe the fur needs to be further highlighted.

(I usually paint at night with electric light and sometimes underestimate just how poorly my highlights work when it's day).  :o
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 05, 2017, 03:00:04 PM
Another one of my nobz. It's a fantasy orc from magister militum with his hands cut off and replaced by Mantic 28mm bits.

The banner is made from wire, paper and old transfers.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces
Post by: DivisMal on June 05, 2017, 03:03:08 PM
Last one for today: Another troll, this one is also from the demonworld range. I cut of the abdomen and legs, wiv my handy bone saw and da help from my Gretchin assistant and glued 'im on a 20mm bike (either old GW Dark Future or Apocalypse miniatures) that was slightly modified wiv spikey bitz.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (update 5.6.2017, new Orcs & Cybertrolls)
Post by: Bergil on June 06, 2017, 12:21:43 PM
DO like the bikes very much.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (update 5.6.2017, new Orcs & Cybertrolls)
Post by: DivisMal on June 09, 2017, 08:12:46 AM
Here is a quick view of my 15mm Genestealer Cult.

The centre piece is the now famous Slap Miniatures Secret Mini, or as I call him the Father.

He is assisted by a Magus, several demagogues as well as a renegade sensei knight (to the right) Mordred Orcslayer, a veteran from the Hiermonymous crusade, who found enlightenment. Humanity was only to prevail against the greenskins of the Bad Moonz clan if it accepted the Cult of the Four-armed Emperor!

With them are the Father's two coven limousines and a renegade tank (repainted Matchbox).

The household is made up of several purestrain genestealers, which are actually the old GW genestealer familiars, several hybrids (Khurasan Cthulhu cultists) and hordes of cultists, mainly from Alternative Armies and Demonworld.

Do you want to join the Church of the Four-armed Emperor? Already now with more followers than the orthodox cult of the worm emperor and the Orange Catholic bible!
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (update 5.6.2017, new Orcs & Cybertrolls)
Post by: DivisMal on June 09, 2017, 08:15:07 AM
 The Cult of the Four-armed Emperor!
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (update 5.6.17 Cybertrolls, update 9.6.17 Genestealer Cult
Post by: DivisMal on June 09, 2017, 08:17:00 AM
Centred on the Father.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (update 5.6.17 Cybertrolls, update 9.6.17 Genestealer Cult
Post by: DivisMal on June 09, 2017, 08:17:39 AM
With spores from their Tyranid friends.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (update 5.6.17 Cybertrolls, update 9.6.17 Genestealer Cult
Post by: DivisMal on June 09, 2017, 08:18:21 AM
Limousine and renegade Sensei Knight Ser Mordred.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (update 5.6.17 Cybertrolls, update 9.6.17 Genestealer Cult
Post by: DivisMal on June 09, 2017, 08:19:21 AM
Proctor Gerald Hassteufel, 1st Demagogue of the Four-armed Emperor to the right, centre: the Father and his Magus.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (update 5.6.17 Cybertrolls, update 9.6.17 Genestealer Cult
Post by: DivisMal on June 09, 2017, 08:20:20 AM
Father and retinue.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (update 5.6.17 Cybertrolls, update 9.6.17 Genestealer Cult
Post by: DivisMal on June 09, 2017, 08:21:00 AM
A last one.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (update 5.6.17 Cybertrolls, update 9.6.17 Genestealer Cult
Post by: Ockman on June 09, 2017, 08:37:42 AM
Wow, lovely minis!
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (update 5.6.17 Cybertrolls, update 9.6.17 Genestealer Cult
Post by: DivisMal on June 09, 2017, 08:35:25 PM
Wow, lovely minis!

Thanks, dude! It really amazing to meet so many 15mm fans here!
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (update 5.6.17 Cybertrolls, update 9.6.17 Genestealer Cult
Post by: Paddy649 on June 10, 2017, 09:16:57 AM
Very nice work on those Demonworld conversions.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (update 5.6.17 Cybertrolls, update 9.6.17 Genestealer Cult
Post by: DivisMal on June 11, 2017, 12:10:16 AM
Very nice work on those Demonworld conversions.

Thanks. The Demonworld range has many gems and if you go for heroic proportions you can use a lot of the realistic 25-28mm stuff to make Space Orks, Elves, Barbarians, Knights etc.
I still consider it one of the best 15mm ranges out there even though its like 20(?) years old.
Many sculpts, especially the characters, are on the level of SLAP, Copplestone and Splintered Lights.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (update 5.6.17 Cybertrolls, update 9.6.17 Genestealer Cult
Post by: Jagannath on June 16, 2017, 11:34:22 AM
Loooooove this. Sorry, I might have missed this, bit where are the genestealer' from? Are they familiars?
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (update 5.6.17 Cybertrolls, update 9.6.17 Genestealer Cult
Post by: DivisMal on June 16, 2017, 08:40:43 PM
Loooooove this. Sorry, I might have missed this, bit where are the genestealer' from? Are they familiars?

Yes, they're genestealer familiars. Hard to get nowadays (for a decent price at least), but very much spot on 15mm scalewise.

I still have some, since I bought several "lots" when I was starting my cult. They're excellent models in 4 poses.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (update 5.6.17 Cybertrolls, update 9.6.17 Genestealer Cult
Post by: Garanhir on June 17, 2017, 10:44:59 AM
Karlocks from The Scene might work as an alternative:

Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (update 5.6.17 Cybertrolls, update 9.6.17 Genestealer Cult
Post by: DivisMal on June 21, 2017, 03:08:11 PM
Vanguard Nobz in Mega Armor. I think they're called skinnerz and meant to have brown skin.
Well I found an alternative use! :)
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (update 5.6.17 Cybertrolls, update 9.6.17 Genestealer Cult
Post by: DivisMal on June 21, 2017, 03:10:47 PM
And now for something completely different: Ladies and Gentlemen, the Emperor's finest. Imperial Space Marines from the Blood Angels Chapter. A mixture of SLAP and Vanguard. Both lines work very well together.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (update 5.6.17 Cybertrolls, update 9.6.17 Genestealer Cult
Post by: DivisMal on June 21, 2017, 03:17:08 PM
Just Vanguard Marines.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (update 5.6.17 Cybertrolls, update 9.6.17 Genestealer Cult
Post by: DivisMal on June 21, 2017, 03:18:15 PM
SLAP not-Space Marines.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (update 5.6.17 Cybertrolls, update 9.6.17 Genestealer Cult
Post by: DivisMal on June 21, 2017, 03:20:03 PM
Even the various elements are interchangeable! Slap Powerfist on Vanguard Sergeant. And a Space Marine Hero built from Slap parts.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealer Cult, 21.6.17 Space Marines, Ork Nobz)
Post by: Bergil on June 23, 2017, 03:44:46 PM
They don't look too bad together at all do they? I think the Novas are perhaps slightly better proportioned.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealer Cult, 21.6.17 Space Marines, Ork Nobz)
Post by: Troublemaker Games on June 23, 2017, 04:04:32 PM
They don't look too bad together at all do they? I think the Novas are perhaps slightly better proportioned.
Skinny thighs, though. I was going for a thinner "basketballer" aesthetic but may have slightly overdone it. Thanks though. Yours are great too. :)
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealer Cult, 21.6.17 Space Marines, Ork Nobz)
Post by: DivisMal on June 23, 2017, 05:42:36 PM
Skinny thighs, though. I was going for a thinner "basketballer" aesthetic but may have slightly overdone it. Thanks though. Yours are great too. :)

What I really liked was, that single part of either of you worked on the other line.

Nice sculpting, ladz!
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealer Cult, 21.6.17 Space Marines, Ork Nobz)
Post by: Bergil on June 23, 2017, 05:55:38 PM
Skinny thighs, though. I was going for a thinner "basketballer" aesthetic but may have slightly overdone it. Thanks though. Yours are great too. :)

Well we learn these things as we go along don't we?  lol

What I really liked was, that single part of either of you worked on the other line.

Nice sculpting, ladz!

Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealer Cult, 21.6.17 Space Marines, Ork Nobz)
Post by: DivisMal on June 23, 2017, 08:43:26 PM
Currently I'm stuck in an immobilized train. Yesterday storms took out large parts of Germany's railways, and even today the north still suffers from the damage.

While I'm frustrated over the delays and even furious that the bar is closed (!!!), I have at least internet.

So to idle away my time, I'll post some other recent pictures.

Here is a Hasslefree not-squat painted as an inquisitor type in terminator armor!
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealer Cult, 21.6.17 Space Marines, Ork Nobz)
Post by: DivisMal on June 23, 2017, 08:47:26 PM
Blue Moon SF models, I think they're called posthumans, and they make pretty good 15mm Eldar!
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealer Cult, 21.6.17 Space Marines, Ork Nobz)
Post by: DivisMal on June 23, 2017, 08:51:24 PM
A real gem and one of the first 15s I ever painted. Must be around 2010 or so. It's a not-Navigator from MJ Miniatures. The transparent plastic has some "flaws" and is cast pretty roughly. On the tabletop, however, it does give you the illusion the navigator is indeed levitating or swimming inside his tank. That's pretty much spot on Dune!
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealer Cult, 21.6.17 Space Marines, Ork Nobz)
Post by: DivisMal on June 23, 2017, 08:57:02 PM
Chaos rules supreme on the railway. I just saw a train headed into the direction I want to go, that I was told wouldn't go because of internal damages, leave - without me -, while the one I'm in, which was said to run, is waiting because the train personel is still stuck in another train, that is delayed...

How about these. Khurasan Ursids. Lovely models and totally whacky. Don't hide their honey or sleep in their beds!
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealer Cult, 21.6.17 Space Marines, Ork Nobz)
Post by: DivisMal on June 23, 2017, 09:02:51 PM
A last one for today. This is an old matchbox model I own since I was in the Kindergarten.
I pimped it with Ramshackle's excellent 20mm gunners, which are, in fact, large 15s, and Ramshackle vehicle options.

I like the result a lot and it's a centrepiece of my Genestealer Cult, something like a war rig for the great father!

When I see it now, I think there need to be more light reflections on the frontal window.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealer Cult, 21.6.17 Space Marines, Ork Nobz)
Post by: DivisMal on June 23, 2017, 09:05:05 PM
Finally, the guys who will "drive" my train have arrived and I hope to get home within the next hour or so... lol lol lol lol
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co., 23.6.17 update STUCK IN TRAIN!)
Post by: Jagannath on June 24, 2017, 10:42:38 AM
I hope you finally got home!

This is a great batch of updates - I particularly like the 'eldar' - how were the castings? I've found Blue Moon to be a bit hit and miss. These look great though.

By the way, not forgotten about the Eureka orcs, I'll drop you a message later.

Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co., 23.6.17 update STUCK IN TRAIN!)
Post by: DivisMal on June 24, 2017, 11:32:07 AM
I hope you finally got home!

This is a great batch of updates - I particularly like the 'eldar' - how were the castings? I've found Blue Moon to be a bit hit and miss. These look great though.

By the way, not forgotten about the Eureka orcs, I'll drop you a message later.

Yes, I arrived at half past eleven in the little town where my wife lives, and we found a McD that was still open. Not my favorite, but home afterall.

To the Blue Moon question: My castings were pretty good, but there was a lot of flash on them. I still have another pack that will also make good Eldar.

Some of the  old GW metal Epic stuff can also be used very well but I haven't finished them, yet.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co., 23.6.17 update STUCK IN TRAIN!)
Post by: Bergil on June 24, 2017, 06:38:15 PM
All rather fun as usual, particuarly like the navigator and post humans.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co., 23.6.17 update STUCK IN TRAIN!)
Post by: Samsonov on June 27, 2017, 06:07:12 PM
Some seriously interesting levels of creativity going on here, all very good.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co., 23.6.17 update STUCK IN TRAIN!)
Post by: DivisMal on July 02, 2017, 04:52:35 PM
Thanks Bergil & Samsonov!

Since I just in this moment have a short break during a longer trip abroad and working internet, I thought I'd show you some more of my recent stuff.

First of all, I want to show you a real gem I found not too long ago, from the sadly now defunct site of Astrominiatures. It's actual 15mm minis that can very easily be painted to look like Star Trek TOS.

If I remember this, I'll show you soon how well the Eaglemoss shuttles work with those guys.

Here they come.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co., 23.6.17 update STUCK IN TRAIN!)
Post by: DivisMal on July 02, 2017, 04:54:29 PM
An alien time traveler, WHO knows who he might be, with some companions, who are nothing more than downright a-holes :) as well as an alien convict from Mega City One and a mutant..

Splintered Lights, Khurasan and Highlander Miniatures.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co., 23.6.17 update STUCK IN TRAIN
Post by: DivisMal on July 02, 2017, 04:56:56 PM
Some models from a line called Trench Twothousandsomrthing. I clipped off the pickels from the Pickelhaubens and use them as the Emperor's guard. Praetorians, I think, they're called.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co., 23.6.17 update STUCK IN TRAIN!)
Post by: DivisMal on July 02, 2017, 04:58:24 PM
Sensei Knight and Ogryn Bodyguard. Actually a hasslefree kid costumed as a not-jedi knight in 28mm and an old RT Space Orc from GW.

Second picture: size comparison with an actual 15mm model, so you can see how well these two guys work!
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co., 23.6.17 update STUCK IN TRAIN!)
Post by: DivisMal on July 02, 2017, 04:59:57 PM
Size comparison between the various power armored troopers available in 15mm.

From left to right: Khurasan, Vanguard, SLAP, Trench 2115
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co., 23.6.17 update STUCK IN TRAIN!)
Post by: DivisMal on July 02, 2017, 05:04:00 PM
Two Jokaero outlaws. Actually Highlander Miniatures Monkey Boys, nice sculpts that paint up well.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,2.7.17 updt. KIBBUTZ SPARETIME!)
Post by: Bergil on July 04, 2017, 02:21:42 PM
The jedi and ogryn works really well.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,2.7.17 updt. KIBBUTZ SPARETIME!)
Post by: Jagannath on July 04, 2017, 10:48:30 PM
Hey Florian - sorry, haven't commented on this last batch - some greta stuff! Really like the use of that Hasslefree mini, might pinch that idea! I wish Kev White would do some 15mm - judging form the kids and Grymn that he sculpts I suspect they'd be ace.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,2.7.17 updt. KIBBUTZ SPARETIME!)
Post by: DivisMal on July 14, 2017, 11:12:31 AM
Thanks, Berigl and Jagannath. Today I'm again traveling by train and they've got internet around here, so I througt I'd post some pictures. These are actually from a line of top notch minis I cannot praise enough and make very good not-Protoss.
Afaik they are no longer produced and were simply called Xenos 15, I think I bought them from Hydra Miniatures.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,2.7.17 updt. KIBBUTZ SPARETIME!)
Post by: DivisMal on July 14, 2017, 11:14:08 AM
First pic: Their ancient leader.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,2.7.17 updt. KIBBUTZ SPARETIME!)
Post by: DivisMal on July 14, 2017, 11:19:46 AM
Some darker fellows. Maybe from a fanatical sect operating in the shadows to fight an ancient enemy?
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,2.7.17 updt. KIBBUTZ SPARETIME!)
Post by: DivisMal on July 14, 2017, 11:22:12 AM
Sub-Leader with templars.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,2.7.17 updt. KIBBUTZ SPARETIME!)
Post by: DivisMal on July 14, 2017, 11:24:24 AM
Some dudes with heavy weapons, and another squad of templars.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,2.7.17 updt. KIBBUTZ SPARETIME!)
Post by: DivisMal on July 14, 2017, 11:26:55 AM
And an overview of the whole bunch. Happy to hear what you guys think about them.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,1.7.17 updt. 15mm Protoss!)
Post by: zrunelord on July 14, 2017, 12:10:10 PM
Hi Divismal great work all round.
I  think the best sized 15mm Space marines would be the Khurasan ones, especially their Teminator ones , Slap minis etc are somewhat small in my opinion. I Think they would compare well to Ion Age Imperials.

I love Deamonworld stuff especially all things created by Werner Klocke. One of my fav sculptors.

I like also how you used Hasslefree minis as 15mm, I may borrow that idea.

Keep it up
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,1.7.17 updt. 15mm Protoss!)
Post by: DivisMal on July 14, 2017, 04:17:31 PM
Hi Divismal great work all round.
I  think the best sized 15mm Space marines would be the Khurasan ones, especially their Teminator ones , Slap minis etc are somewhat small in my opinion. I Think they would compare well to Ion Age Imperials.

I love Deamonworld stuff especially all things created by Werner Klocke. One of my fav sculptors.

I like also how you used Hasslefree minis as 15mm, I may borrow that idea.

Keep it up

Thanks, dear Zrunelord, many small 28mm minis work extremely well as 15s. Also check familiars as demons or old 25mm minis as ogres.

About the Marines, I am unsure. Khurasan are best for what the modern fluff implies: huge superhumans with high tech weapons.
With Ion Age I like the variety and their middle ages in spaaace concept, but sadly the sculpts are not always living up to the fluff. I think, Slap might work fine with them and I'm therefore planning to convert some with Slap parts to give them also a more GW feeling.

Thank you for the kind words.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,1.7.17 updt. 15mm Protoss!)
Post by: zrunelord on July 14, 2017, 04:26:02 PM
Wekcome Div
As you say khurasan are big = the new primaris SM
And the termies are excellent.
I will scratchbuild  RT era rhinis & land raiders for them.
Ion age are old ( i've had them since laserburn came out in th 90's)
True 15mm therefore small.
I prefer the Gzg 18mm size.
Would like to get some vanguard & slap minis
Orks someday.

Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,1.7.17 updt. 15mm Protoss!)
Post by: Jagannath on July 14, 2017, 05:14:43 PM
Lovely job Florian - those Xenos 15s at great, don't see them painted up very often. I hope your travels are gong well. 
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,1.7.17 updt. 15mm Protoss!)
Post by: DivisMal on July 14, 2017, 06:08:00 PM
Wekcome Div
As you say khurasan are big = the new primaris SM
And the termies are excellent.
I will scratchbuild  RT era rhinis & land raiders for them.
Ion age are old ( i've had them since laserburn came out in th 90's)
True 15mm therefore small.
I prefer the Gzg 18mm size.
Would like to get some vanguard & slap minis
Orks someday.


Hi Z,

thanks for the email. Both Vanguard and Slap Space Orks are very good and mix well. I love the Vanguard Nobz, but SLAPs normal Orks have slightly better faces IMHO.

Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,1.7.17 updt. 15mm Protoss!)
Post by: DivisMal on July 14, 2017, 06:09:47 PM
Lovely job Florian - those Xenos 15s at great, don't see them painted up very often. I hope your travels are gong well. 

Yeah, for strange reasons, these models were not very popular. I heard a rumor that they will have a new owner soon who might also release the Space Squids which were announced back then.

It's a pity. They are top notch 15mm and were worth every penny I spent!

Ah, and thanks for the praise...I just need to learn to photograph them better. My iPad still soaks a lot of details, I think.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,1.7.17 updt. 15mm Protoss!)
Post by: zrunelord on July 14, 2017, 07:35:45 PM
Had those xeno 15's for some time, it is a pity they have stopped them because
as you say they are great minis.
They remind me of GW Kroot because of their beak and the Stargate bad guys because of their Egyptian like

I think  they would work well as raiders like for eg. Dark Eldar.

Must paint them one of these days.

If you want space squids you might be interested in these medusasharks by CPmodels
http://www.cpmodelsminiatures.co.uk/Medusharks1.JPG (http://www.cpmodelsminiatures.co.uk/Medusharks1.JPG)

They look good though I haven't got any yet.

Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,1.7.17 updt. 15mm Protoss!)
Post by: DivisMal on July 14, 2017, 07:53:24 PM
Had those xeno 15's for some time, it is a pity they have stopped them because
as you say they are great minis.
They remind me of GW Kroot because of their beak and the Stargate bad guys because of their Egyptian like

I think  they would work well as raiders like for eg. Dark Eldar.

Must paint them one of these days.

If you want space squids you might be interested in these medusasharks by CPmodels
http://www.cpmodelsminiatures.co.uk/Medusharks1.JPG (http://www.cpmodelsminiatures.co.uk/Medusharks1.JPG)

They look good though I haven't got any yet.


Have those CP minis somewhere in my collection. They are good and make excellent Dr. Who aliens. Sadly it's just one sculpt.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co., 5.8.17 Cyber-Giant)
Post by: DivisMal on August 04, 2017, 10:37:29 PM
I think, I haven't show this one, yet. A cyber-giant from Alternative Armies' Star Viking (I think that was the name?) range. Pretty good sculpt with a great Warzone/Mutant Chronicles feeling.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,1.7.17 updt. 15mm Protoss!)
Post by: Jagannath on August 04, 2017, 10:58:10 PM
Love that mini - I've got one tucked away, I wanted to sculpt more facial details on him.... Yours looks great!
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,1.7.17 updt. 15mm Protoss!)
Post by: DivisMal on August 04, 2017, 11:29:35 PM
Love that mini - I've got one tucked away, I wanted to sculpt more facial details on him.... Yours looks great!

Thank you. The mini is indeed ideal for conversions. Clean cast, exaggerated proportions and details. I regret that I only bought him once. And now I'm excited to see yours ... soon!
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,1.7.17 updt. 15mm Protoss!)
Post by: Ockman on September 04, 2017, 05:46:55 PM
Went through this thread once again and it's wonderful!

Perhaps it's already been answered, but where is the limousine from?
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,1.7.17 updt. 15mm Protoss!)
Post by: DivisMal on September 04, 2017, 06:25:49 PM
Went through this thread once again and it's wonderful!

Perhaps it's already been answered, but where is the limousine from?

Thank you very much! Your kind words are really appreciated!!!

The limousines are old die cast models; one is a hot wheels model, the other from matchbox or also hot wheels. I have several other matchbox models painted, some work for 10mm, others for 15mm while some are big enough for 20 or even 25mm. I'm currently moving flats, but as soon as I have my models unpacked, I'll post pictures of my 20mm Dark Future collection here, too.

The great thing is they cost nearly nothing and I can grab a few when I go shopping with the Missus....most supermarkets have a box with reduced matchbox toys right in front of the cashier.

Oh yes....Man the Hunter :)
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,1.7.17 updt. 15mm Protoss!)
Post by: DivisMal on April 25, 2018, 06:39:33 PM
Okay, after a loooooong break, here are some old pictures of my old terrain back when I had a flat in the capital. I hope to commence on this soon. Excuse me for the poor quality, the pics were taken with my phone.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,1.7.17 updt. 15mm Protoss!)
Post by: DivisMal on April 25, 2018, 06:49:26 PM
Another few.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,1.7.17 updt. 15mm Protoss!)
Post by: DivisMal on April 25, 2018, 06:53:35 PM
Two more....there actually difficult to find on my phone. The directory is too full.  lol
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,1.7.17 updt. 15mm Protoss!)
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on April 25, 2018, 07:34:14 PM
Everything is on the ceiling!

Looks nice.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,1.7.17 updt. 15mm Protoss!)
Post by: Ockman on April 25, 2018, 09:37:44 PM
Wow, that is some ace terrain! Lovely!
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,1.7.17 updt. 15mm Protoss!)
Post by: Jagannath on April 25, 2018, 11:34:15 PM
Very nice - that's a really cohesive set there. Great use of that Hasslefree mini, I must finish mine...
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,1.7.17 updt. 15mm Protoss!)
Post by: DivisMal on April 26, 2018, 05:45:20 AM
Thank you all! I have a lot morewhere this is stored at the moment, but sadly also had to dispose a lot of my scenery, simply because I could not store it anymore.
For SF settings one can very well re-use parts to protect and direct cable from DIY stores.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,1.7.17 updt. 15mm Protoss!)
Post by: DivisMal on April 29, 2018, 04:28:54 PM
Well this is not really sci-fi, but nevertheless an addition, I’m pretty happy about: I managed to get hold of the 18-20mm TMNT models that were produced by Dark Horse waaaaaaay back.
They usually go for a fortune at e-bay and are pretty rare. I still paid way too much for them, but not the ridiculously high prices that they often are offered for.

Here you go. I decided to do a rather plain paintjob reminiscent of the animated series.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,29.4.18 updt. TMNT!)
Post by: Ockman on April 29, 2018, 06:51:25 PM
Cowabunga! That’s some groovy dudes!
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,29.4.18 updt. TMNT!)
Post by: DivisMal on April 29, 2018, 07:19:12 PM
Cowabunga! That’s some groovy dudes!

Thanks!. I was in a hurry between visitors all day.

Edit: Just saw that I took another picture with a slightly better quality.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,4.8.18 updt. DUNE!)
Post by: DivisMal on August 04, 2018, 10:42:28 AM
Apart from my ongoing interest in 15mm Fantasy, the wish to do some SF battles hasn’t been quenched. I’m really excited about GW‘s announcement of bringing back Adeptus Titanicus in 8mm. The titans and knights look awesome, and will perfectly fit my 15mm collection (or so I hope) while the rest might motivate me enough to look for my extensive collection of epic models.

Anyway. Here’s a sculpt commissioned by me an done by the amazing Bergil. I sorely miss a good Leto II Atreides miniature and this is the green. We hope to get it cast soon.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,4.8.18 updt. DUNE!)
Post by: AWu on August 04, 2018, 03:09:13 PM
nice one
What are the dimensions ?
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,4.8.18 updt. DUNE!)
Post by: DivisMal on August 04, 2018, 03:55:33 PM
nice one
What are the dimensions ?

He‘s a 15mm model, definitely Leto in his early stages - slightly larger than a big human (or a 6mm model in the later stages). For bigger stages, the torso can still be enlarged by adding bits.

Here he is next to rather bulky(but excellent) SLAP models space orcs.

Here is a comparison whot.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,18.8.18 updt. Terrain!)
Post by: DivisMal on August 18, 2018, 12:15:28 PM
Yesterday, I found my old i-Pad which included pictures of my old gaming table, and thought I would share them....sadly much of it had to be tossed away or is still packed since I left Berlin.  :-[

Edit: slightly modified the pics so they would show up correctly.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,18.8.18 new Terrain!)
Post by: DivisMal on August 18, 2018, 02:40:32 PM
...and some more.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,18.8.18 new Terrain!)
Post by: Ockman on August 18, 2018, 03:20:52 PM
Florian, these are excellent shots, I'd love to have a sprawling board like yours!

What did you keep and what did you toss? Did you give anything away or did you litterary toss it?
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,18.8.18 new Terrain!)
Post by: DivisMal on August 18, 2018, 05:55:46 PM
Florian, these are excellent shots, I'd love to have a sprawling board like yours!

What did you keep and what did you toss? Did you give anything away or did you litterary toss it?

Thank you very much. The board saw a lot of action. Often we just set up models in a way we thought looked cool and then diced it of from this situation while we had a couple of beers and relaxed after work  lol

I did give a few models to my gaming buddy (he was rather keen to get his hands on the matchbox model that looked very much like a 15mm version of the Rogue Trader orgus flyer); i threw away a lot of my unfinished terrain and sadly I alos threw a Mars board made on rather heavy and barely transportable wooden planks.

Most of my terrain in these pictures is still stored in boxes and hopefully survived rather good. We have found a bigger place by now and want to move in in October...
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,18.8.18 new Terrain!)
Post by: Ockman on August 18, 2018, 07:49:51 PM
Sometimes it is like that, some pieces won't be finished anyway, some pieces are just too big/hard to transport. I gave away a huge factory complex in 28mm that I built for 7TV, which I never painted, last time I moved.

I hope that you'll move to a place where you'll be able to have a proper hobby space with the ability to put up a board filled with your wonderful terrain!
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,18.8.18 new Terrain!)
Post by: DivisMal on August 18, 2018, 09:01:48 PM
Sometimes it is like that, some pieces won't be finished anyway, some pieces are just too big/hard to transport. I gave away a huge factory complex in 28mm that I built for 7TV, which I never painted, last time I moved.

I hope that you'll move to a place where you'll be able to have a proper hobby space with the ability to put up a board filled with your wonderful terrain!

Yes, you are probably right. Still, I didnt loke it. Thank goodness, in the new place (finally a proper house!), I will have a real hobby room and wont need to store my stuff between books, my working desk and all kinds of not-hobby stuff.

Here is another couple of pictures of my old tabletop.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,18.8.18 new Terrain!)
Post by: DivisMal on August 18, 2018, 09:07:40 PM
And two more.

In the background you can still see our old living room that got frequently "reinterpreted" for my very own version of A Dune/2000 AD/40k mashup.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,18.8.18 new Terrain!)
Post by: Ockman on August 18, 2018, 10:10:21 PM
Lovely pictures, it makes me happy to see your setup.

And it's great to hear that you'll move to a proper house, with space for your hobby!
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,18.8.18 new Terrain!)
Post by: DivisMal on August 18, 2018, 10:56:44 PM
Lovely pictures, it makes me happy to see your setup.

And it's great to hear that you'll move to a proper house, with space for your hobby!

Thanks! Yes, thats finally a very good end of a very long hobby odyssey!
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,19.8.18 boldly going....!)
Post by: DivisMal on August 18, 2018, 11:06:02 PM
And since I am currently on a trip through old phones picture directories, here are some older pictures when I had a go at painting (and repainting) Star Trek models.

First a stand off between a Galaxy class and some bulky but old Klingon cruiser.

Second: Starfleet coming to the rescue.

Third: a detachment of Romulan battleships
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,19.8.18 boldly going....!)
Post by: DivisMal on August 18, 2018, 11:09:29 PM
The centrepiece of the whole thing was an old model of a starfleet science base. According to the Enterprise model that was in the set, the rest of the ships are pretty much on scale.

Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,19.8.18 boldly going....!)
Post by: DivisMal on August 18, 2018, 11:11:43 PM
The Klingon fleet!

And again the space station.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,19.8.18 boldly going....!)
Post by: DivisMal on August 18, 2018, 11:14:03 PM
Details on that Galaxy class. It was a prepainted Japanese (?) model. Much better than the shitty wizkid stuff. I just black primed and repainted it without bothering to strip off the paint.

I like it a lot. Just makes you want to have a 2mm Picard model as well! lol
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,19.8.18 boldly going....!)
Post by: DivisMal on August 18, 2018, 11:15:19 PM
Starfleet fighters attacking an old Romulan vessel.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,19.8.18 boldly going....!)
Post by: DivisMal on August 18, 2018, 11:18:01 PM
Romulan warbirds.

These are repainted models from the collection sold by Eaglemoss in magazines. Amazing models and again much truer to scale than the official gaming pieces by wizkid. Which is a bloody shame!
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,19.8.18 boldly going....!)
Post by: DivisMal on August 18, 2018, 11:23:05 PM
The Eaglemoss Warbirds are really nice. Here is the original next to a prestage and a finished repaint.

And so,e more game/action shots. They are even a match for the future enterprise and should be spot on for the wizkid mini.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,19.8.18 boldly going....!)
Post by: DivisMal on August 18, 2018, 11:28:00 PM
At that time my wife had a playing mat as a birthday present and it looked awesome.

Here are my warbirds and an intrepid class starship (Voyager) on it next to a plastic sphere painted as a class M-planet.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,19.8.18 boldly going....!)
Post by: DivisMal on August 18, 2018, 11:30:18 PM
Final post in this series. Scenery, the station and asteroids.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,19.8.18 boldly going....!)
Post by: Oldben1 on August 19, 2018, 02:37:57 AM
Wow and wow, I really like that space station!
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,29.8.18 GAMERA....!)
Post by: DivisMal on August 29, 2018, 10:27:40 PM
Wow and wow, I really like that space station!

Thanks. I hope it will see some action once we’ve moved into our new home!

Meanwhile I was busy re-painting a Kaiju toy I had bought several years ago at the evil bay, when I was totally hyped after seeing the first movie of the new Gamera trilogy. Awesome kaiju khaos. And much better filmed than anything I had seen in this regard.

So the model was already pretty good, but it lacked depth and details and so I took my brush to it!

Here is the result.

Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,29.8.18 GAMERA....!)
Post by: DivisMal on August 29, 2018, 10:32:41 PM
Now, I don’t know in which scale to use it.

It would make a very good monster (a.k.a. Super squiggoth) for Adeptus Titanicus, I guess, maybe too small for the new warlord titans.

Anyway, the models also works in 15mm and might even be cool for Rogue Traderish skirmishes.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,29.8.18 GAMERA....!)
Post by: OSHIROmodels on August 30, 2018, 12:01:05 AM
Cracking thread  :)
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,29.8.18 GAMERA....!)
Post by: DivisMal on August 30, 2018, 06:16:15 AM
Cracking thread  :)

Thank you, sir! It has been neglected a lot, I'm afraid. Been too busy in the last year.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,29.8.18 GAMERA....!)
Post by: Vanvlak on August 30, 2018, 06:33:20 AM
Nice work on that - especially the shell.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,29.8.18 GAMERA....!)
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on August 30, 2018, 09:21:38 AM
That is very good.

Kaiju are often overlooked.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,29.8.18 GAMERA....!)
Post by: Ockman on August 30, 2018, 10:23:18 AM
Impressive beast!
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,29.8.18 GAMERA....!)
Post by: DivisMal on August 30, 2018, 02:50:23 PM
@ Vanviak & Ockman: Thanks guys. I'm really happy how he came out. The model is made from vinyl, so not ideal for painting and currently I only find time for painting (and taking pictures) in the night, so I only know how the model looks under daylight the next morning  lol

@ Ultravanillasmurf: I so totally agree! And while we have embrace mechas for nearly every single SF setting out there, there is nearly no universe with proper kaijus! I really don't understand this. They are huge monsters where designers could include all the stuff that might even look silly on fantasy demons!
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,29.8.18 GAMERA....!)
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on August 30, 2018, 06:21:11 PM
@ Ultravanillasmurf: I so totally agree! And while we have embrace mechas for nearly every single SF setting out there, there is nearly no universe with proper kaijus! I really don't understand this. They are huge monsters where designers could include all the stuff that might even look silly on fantasy demons!
I was surprised that the Great Womble did not bring out a Tyranid Kaiju for the Knight game when Pacific Rim came out.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,29.8.18 GAMERA....!)
Post by: DivisMal on August 30, 2018, 10:12:50 PM
I was surprised that the Great Womble did not bring out a Tyranid Kaiju for the Knight game when Pacific Rim came out.

Indeed! Though, to be fair, they did produce a couple of very kaijuesque minis for the old epic game. These were released pretty early and are fairly small by modern standards.
There is a 40k Chaos flyer that looks very much like a Mecharhodan and if it wasn't so expensive, I would have bought it by now.
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,31.8.18 and Gojira....!)
Post by: DivisMal on August 31, 2018, 06:15:17 AM
I finished another kaiju. This is the not-Godzilla that came with the KS edition of CMON's Rising Sun. The sculpt is very shallow. Much more difficult to paint than the vinyl toy from Japan I posted above. Some details "flowed" into a shallow mess and didn't come out nicely.
Still the sculpt itself is awesome! It's a perfect kaiju for 15mm or smaller scales.
Excuse the bad picture, but after the dryest and hottest summer, we currently suffer from endless rain...and darkness. Autumn in August and I lack proper artificial light due to the packing for our next moving flats!
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,31.8.18 and Gojira....!)
Post by: Ockman on August 31, 2018, 02:57:16 PM
Keep up the good work, these Kaijus are really cool. Would love to see them rampage across a board!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,8.9.18 Rogue Trader Orks!)
Post by: DivisMal on September 08, 2018, 09:16:28 PM
As I said in another thread, I’m currently packing my minis into boxes to be moved to a new place. Therby I took a couple of pictures.

Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,8.9.18 Rogue Trader Orks!)
Post by: DivisMal on September 08, 2018, 09:18:59 PM
First a couple of ork bosses. Brilliant models from both GW and Knightmare Miniatures.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,8.9.18 Rogue Trader Orks!)
Post by: DivisMal on September 08, 2018, 09:20:57 PM
A detailed shot of my avatar. Imo the best ork boss GW ever made!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,8.9.18 Rogue Trader Orks!)
Post by: DivisMal on September 08, 2018, 09:23:43 PM
A couple of ‘ardnut vetrunz. All from GW.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,8.9.18 Rogue Trader Orks!)
Post by: DivisMal on September 08, 2018, 09:25:13 PM
A mob of Bad Moonz.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,8.9.18 Rogue Trader Orks!)
Post by: DivisMal on September 08, 2018, 09:27:27 PM
Gretchin led by no one else than the Red Gobbo!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,8.9.18 Rogue Trader Orks!)
Post by: DivisMal on September 08, 2018, 09:29:59 PM
Final picture for today. Move on, citizen, there’s nothing to see here!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,8.9.18 Rogue Trader Orks!)
Post by: Ockman on September 09, 2018, 09:44:45 PM
Classic miniatures!

I do like the ork clans, back when they were more defined.

Is this miniatures being packed or unpacked in your new place?
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,8.9.18 Rogue Trader Orks!)
Post by: DivisMal on September 09, 2018, 10:47:43 PM
Classic miniatures!

I do like the ork clans, back when they were more defined.

Is this miniatures being packed or unpacked in your new place?

Indeed classical! I cherish my old Ork books dearly and regret that the cöans were abandoned at a certain point(as well as much of Ork lore and kultur).

The Orks are one of the projects I hope to finish in my new place. I never had enough place for 28mm minis, but now would be the chance for my Space Ork 40k army!

Only problem is that there are also plans for many other things (like the goblin pirates I posted yesterday and the 6mm kaijus).
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,8.9.18 Rogue Trader Orks!)
Post by: Giger on September 10, 2018, 10:43:51 AM
Lovely stuff, you can't keep and old Ork down :)
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,8.9.18 Rogue Trader Orks!)
Post by: DivisMal on September 10, 2018, 05:29:24 PM
Lovely stuff, you can't keep and old Ork down :)

True! 'Ere we go! 'Ere we go! 'Ere we go!

I hope to find some time soon for another mob.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,10.9.18 More Kaijus!)
Post by: DivisMal on September 10, 2018, 06:13:17 PM
Back at home from work and just found some time to show you another couple of kaijus I repainted while packing all my stuff.

This works amazingly fine and I’m really stunned by the quality of the sculpts. The vinyl is paintable and I might tepaint my whole collection of gashapon-sized kaiju toys!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,10.9.18 More Kaijus!)
Post by: Ockman on September 10, 2018, 06:46:14 PM
They are very cool!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,10.9.18 More Kaijus!)
Post by: DivisMal on September 10, 2018, 09:13:07 PM
They are very cool!

Thank you! Here is another shot taken between the boxes of packed terrain and model soldiers.

I particularly like the effect my lamps have on the shades.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,10.9.18 More Kaijus!)
Post by: Ockman on September 10, 2018, 10:20:07 PM
I'd love some wrecked city terrain, panicked bystanders and tanks/MLRS.

They look absolutely stunning
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,10.9.18 More Kaijus!)
Post by: Giger on September 11, 2018, 10:38:44 AM
They look great, love me some Gojira.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,10.9.18 More Kaijus!)
Post by: DivisMal on September 11, 2018, 12:23:13 PM
I'd love some wrecked city terrain, panicked bystanders and tanks/MLRS.

They look absolutely stunning

Thank you a lot! This really cheers me up. I've been looking for 6mm civilians and super weapon-teams for quite some time. While I think, I'll try to modify some power rangers from GW's epic marines, I don't have a clue where to find panicked civilians.

But for the rest, once I'm at my new place, I'll go for it!

@ Giger: Thank you. I do like the very latest Gojira, too, but the design from the 90s Japanese movies is still my favourite!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,10.9.18 More Kaijus!)
Post by: Mason on September 11, 2018, 12:55:07 PM
I love the new additions to the Ork horde, especially the old classics painted as Bad Moons.
That is a colour I have not seen on them before and they look great with it!
 :-* :-*

You also now have me thinking about looking up Kaiju monsters, you bad man.
 >:D ;)

Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,10.9.18 More Kaijus!)
Post by: Ockman on September 11, 2018, 02:56:40 PM
I found some 6mm civilians



Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,10.9.18 More Kaijus!)
Post by: DivisMal on September 11, 2018, 02:58:55 PM
I love the new additions to the Ork horde, especially the old classics painted as Bad Moons.
That is a colour I have not seen on them before and they look great with it!
 :-* :-*

Thanks. They were done in my yellow phase where I started to like yellow and even bought a yellow sofa for our TV room :) I never did paint yellow in the 'ole times, because, face it, yellow was shit at that time. lol

You could paint like 8 layers of yellow and still see the metal shining through o_o o_o New yellows from Vallejo or GW don't have this problem and suddenly, even painting Bad Moonz is fun.

You also now have me thinking about looking up Kaiju monsters, you bad man.
 >:D ;)

Give it a try! I think, the potential of kaiju tabletop is barely understood. Privateer had (and are restarting) Monsterpocalypse, and then there's Khurasan who plans to release 3mm (?) Kaijus. I enjoyed painting them very much and look forward to a good stomp through Tokyo now! (...ach it would be great to own a miniatures company...;) )
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,10.9.18 More Kaijus!)
Post by: DivisMal on September 11, 2018, 03:00:23 PM
I found some 6mm civilians



Great find, Ockman! Thank you so much. I think from the CP line, I already own some (and did pack them a couple of days ago). Are they the line formerly produced by Angel Barracks?
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,10.9.18 More Kaijus!)
Post by: Ockman on September 11, 2018, 03:02:50 PM
Yeah, they are old AB
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,10.9.18 More Kaijus!)
Post by: DivisMal on September 11, 2018, 03:27:22 PM
Yeah, they are old AB

...when they joined the Mars expedition they never would have guessed that Big G was heading their way!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,10.9.18 More Kaijus!)
Post by: Hobgoblin on September 11, 2018, 10:23:44 PM
Superb work on the kaiju!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,12.9.18 Baragon!)
Post by: DivisMal on September 12, 2018, 06:38:44 AM
Superb work on the kaiju!

Thank you, sir! I tried some of the quickpaint techniques promoted in your subrecent posts on them. Indeed, sometimes one gets decent results with washes and a drybrush or two.

Btw, it was pretty late yesterday night and I’m running to a conference now, but here is my latest one: Baragon, one of the lesser known kaijus from the Godzilla-Mythos. I don’t even know his or her backstory.

The sculpt was again ace. Much better than many monsters sold in metal and plastic. Pictures again taken in the middle of the night with less than optimal light.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,15.9.18 More Kaijus!)
Post by: DivisMal on September 15, 2018, 01:33:55 PM
I found the time to do another kaiju over the last week. Poor shots due to bad light and the lack of a proper hobby room - my apologies for that, gentlemen.
Here is another version of big G!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,15.9.18 Big G (kaiju) again!)
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on September 15, 2018, 03:10:16 PM
Nice PA bring.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,15.9.18 Big G (kaiju) again!)
Post by: Ockman on September 15, 2018, 05:52:37 PM
Keep up the good work!

I love the Kaijus, they look awesome!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,15.9.18 Big G (kaiju) again!)
Post by: DivisMal on September 15, 2018, 06:11:30 PM
Thanks guys! I love to read nice messages like these  :-*

@ Ockman: I have another couple of kaijus ready, there is King Gidorah, Rodan, Mechagodzilla 2.0 (a.k.a. Kirju) and some more, but I also have some Jaegers in the same "scale" (well they're also 3" toys, so they look pretty good next to kaijus) and the flying submarine, the Gotengo.

What I really like is that these toys don't take very long to paint, they rely on a few colors, and I really think that they could be the start of some nice tabletop bashing.

Can anyone recommend some rules?
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,16918 Terror of Mecha-Godzilla!
Post by: DivisMal on September 15, 2018, 11:50:10 PM
I finished another one. Mecha-Godzilla 2.0 was an easy paintjob. Several layers of gre and lighter grays finishing with silver, wash with black, a final light brush and details. Another pretty good sculpt for a toy made of rubbery pvc.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,16918 Terror of Mecha-Godzilla!
Post by: DivisMal on September 15, 2018, 11:52:02 PM
And a scale shot with all my repainted 3“ kaijus. I kinda like the view!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,15.9.18 Big G (kaiju) again!)
Post by: Cait Sidhe on September 16, 2018, 12:20:56 AM
Can anyone recommend some rules?

Check out Mighty Monsters and Samurai Robots (two separate compatable rulesets) from Ganesha games. If you've played the Songs of Blades and Heroes games they're similar except you stat up individual limbs and body parts. So you can create kaiju/giant robots with multiple heads/limbs/tails etc with various abilities.


Edit: Oh and awesome work on the toys, had my eyes on some ultraman figures for a while for the same purpose.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,170918 King Gidorah!)
Post by: DivisMal on September 16, 2018, 02:15:39 PM
Thanks. I just bought and downloaded the rules. They seem pretty good to me keeping the good things of the SoBH engine and carefully adding kaiju-specific parts.

And while I went through the rules, I did do another quick painting of a toy...a golden dragon from the stars.the paintjob was ultra easy, gold for the scales, yellow for the wings a couple of shades, drybrush, details.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,16918 Terror of Mecha-Godzilla!
Post by: Mason on September 16, 2018, 02:19:59 PM
And a scale shot with all my repainted 3“ kaijus. I kinda like the view!


A nice array!

What is the name of the one on the right as he is the one that I think I may have a use for?

Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,170918 King Gidorah)
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on September 17, 2018, 09:54:26 AM
Is it Gamera?
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamera (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamera)
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,16918 Terror of Mecha-Godzilla!
Post by: DivisMal on September 17, 2018, 04:03:16 PM
A nice array!

What is the name of the one on the right as he is the one that I think I may have a use for?

You mean the turtle walking on two legs that is able to spit energy bolts and turn those legs into rocket-style engines?  o_o :D lol

It or he (or she?) is called Gamera. There are actually three pretty good movies made in the 90s which are really good but not as well known as they deserve to be in the west!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,170918 King Gidorah)
Post by: DivisMal on September 17, 2018, 04:05:29 PM
Is it Gamera?
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamera (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamera)

Yes indeed! An Atlantean Kaiju-Cyborg that defends our world against giant predator birds from outer pace, incredibly large burrowing brood-mothers and teenage girls mutated into tentacle monsters!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,170918 King Gidorah)
Post by: Mason on September 17, 2018, 04:56:47 PM
Yes indeed! An Atlantean Kaiju-Cyborg that defends our world against giant predator birds from outer pace, incredibly large burrowing brood-mothers and teenage girls mutated into tentacle monsters!

OK, then......
 o_o o_o o_o

Thanks for that.

Incidentally, I have just had a very quick look on ebay and the ones that are on there are going for ludicrous prices.
Are these the same thing?
What should I be looking for?

Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,170918 King Gidorah)
Post by: DivisMal on September 17, 2018, 07:15:36 PM
OK, then......
 o_o o_o o_o

Thanks for that.

Incidentally, I have just had a very quick look on ebay and the ones that are on there are going for ludicrous prices.
Are these the same thing?
What should I be looking for?

I checked for gashapon-sized kaijus. You need to be patient and compare different sellers.
Many sellers in the US nowadays have crazy prices. I was kinda shocked, when last Xmas I wanted to make myself a present and found out that many of the gashapons I had purchased for €5-10 now were rather €20 or more.

Some good offers can sometimes be found at Amazon, or with auctions. You really have to look for those. Many gashapons or larger kaiju toys simply don’t sell for the prices demanded for them by fanboys and special shops for fanboys.

I got many of my models from a German guy, sometimes for €1 or €2 because I was basically the only one interested. If you can manage to get a few for that price, I was always willing to buy the whole lot to safe on postage.

Another hint is to look for unspecific terms like Godzilla model, Godzilla toy or simply Godzilla in category toys & models at ebay. Thereby you’ll often find real treasures. If I find some, I add them to this thread.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Ressurection: A city to destroy!)
Post by: DivisMal on October 15, 2022, 08:48:11 AM
Sorry for the apparent thread necromancy, but while suffering from Corona I had to spend some time at home, and after a while was able to scrummage around my man cave.
After some time admiring my kaiju collection, I spent some time working on a long cherished project:

a Kaiju tabletop.

I was lucky to get two very cheap sets of Monopoly City which have been used to produce the terrain. The models are okayish, but for what I need more than suited. I’ll post some comparisons with my kaiju models in the next days.

Here is a wip: about a third of my houses have been glued to bases, basecoated and drybrushed with gray and white. Details soon to come.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,170918 King Gidorah)
Post by: DivisMal on October 15, 2022, 08:51:48 AM
And here are some scale shots. The models are spot on imo. Suitable to make the monsters appear huge and dangerous - much better than the Monsterpocalypse one which often have far too large doors and windows to look like skyscrapers.
Since they are toys, the level of details in limited (bit impressive for pure boardgame pieces), and best of all, they’re all one piece castings, quick and simple.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,170918 King Gidorah)
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on October 15, 2022, 09:01:49 AM
Lots to love in this thread! I particularly like your starships and Gamera.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: Kaiju Resurrection 2022-10-15
Post by: DivisMal on October 15, 2022, 09:06:00 AM
Lots to love in this thread! I particularly like your starships and Gamera.

Thank you, sir gnome! For a grumpy one that sounds really kind ;)
Title: Florian's SciFi Forces: 221015
Post by: DivisMal on October 16, 2022, 06:25:48 PM
A repost from my old 15mm SF collection with a game of Space Marines vs Genestealer Cult.

The Imperial outpost 4209 nicknamed „Gottes Tod“ was rated high priority by Imperial calculi logi mentats. A squad of space marines was detached to rally the defenders in the middle of a planetwide uprising.
Title: Florian's SciFi Forces: 22-10-16 My 15mm SF scenery
Post by: DivisMal on October 16, 2022, 06:53:30 PM
The monument within imperial outpost 4209 „Gottes Tod“ must not fall to the enemy. Hold out at all costs!

The battle is raging. A single orgus flyer has been identified as the only means of escape left for high rank personal.

Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: 22-10-16 My 15mm SF scenery
Post by: DivisMal on October 16, 2022, 06:55:32 PM
Insurgent cultists of the „Church of the Last Days and the everlasting Mercy of the Four-armed Messiah“ prepare to charge the front gate of imperial outpost 4209 „Gottes Tod“.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: 22-10-16 My 15mm SF scenery
Post by: DivisMal on October 16, 2022, 06:59:17 PM
Coven limousine transporting a special guest to the front!

Two huge Genestealer broodlords accompany the patriarch. Any attack on him is foolish!

My command group for the „Church of the Last Days and the everlasting Mercy of the Four-armed Messiah“. It consists on a privately commissioned patriarch and two modern Genestealer familiars-excellent size for huge 15mm monstrosities!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,170918 King Gidorah)
Post by: zrunelord on October 16, 2022, 07:47:33 PM
Lovely work my friend,
I like the limo & the cult leader.
Where did you get them from?
Thanks for sharing
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,170918 King Gidorah)
Post by: DivisMal on October 16, 2022, 07:52:46 PM
Lovely work my friend,
I like the limo & the cult leader.
Where did you get them from?
Thanks for sharing

Thank you, my friend!

The lino is just a chance find of a diecast car in our local supermarket. Was even reduced to €1.99. I just basecoated it in black and did a repaint, mostly inks and drybrushing in the cult colors.

The patriarch is a private commission I did with Stu from SlapMiniatures a few years ago - I should still have a few left somewhere…. Sadly I lost contact to him as he also did a conversion set for hybrids and a worm emperor in 15mm.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Resurrected in October 2022: 40k in 15mm)
Post by: zrunelord on October 16, 2022, 09:57:39 PM
Thanks for the info.
Great minis. Pity he stopped making minis as far as I know.
He had some great models.
Must try to make one then once i get to do GSC in
18mm. Another in the long list of want to do plans.

Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Resurrected in October 2022: 40k in 15mm)
Post by: DivisMal on October 16, 2022, 10:24:01 PM
Thanks for the info.
Great minis. Pity he stopped making minis as far as I know.
He had some great models.
Must try to make one then once i get to do GSC in
18mm. Another in the long list of want to do plans.


Yes indeed. He was an immensely talented sculptor. His space orcs are amazing! I’ve been trying to contact him for quite some time now, though…
If you ever do a GSC, contact me, I ‚ll try to find one sculpt for you! And do a running Patriarch!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Resurrected in October 2022: 40k in 15mm)
Post by: zrunelord on October 17, 2022, 07:15:32 AM
Thanks for the offer Divismal,
I have already finished my nids. See here minis & nid terrain.

https://castrarunis.blogspot.com/2016/08/all-kinds-of-terrain.html (https://castrarunis.blogspot.com/2016/08/all-kinds-of-terrain.html)
https://castrarunis.blogspot.com/2016/09/15mm-xeno-monsters.html (https://castrarunis.blogspot.com/2016/09/15mm-xeno-monsters.html)

I think the way to go for GSC, would be 3D printed + greenstuff.

Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Resurrected in October 2022: 40k in 15mm)
Post by: aliensurfer on October 17, 2022, 07:36:00 PM
Stu from Slap Miniatures is a mate of mine and just moved back locally, if he doesn't see this thread and respond, I'll drop him a line for you.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Resurrected in October 2022: 40k in 15mm)
Post by: DivisMal on October 17, 2022, 07:55:40 PM
Stu from Slap Miniatures is a mate of mine and just moved back locally, if he doesn't see this thread and respond, I'll drop him a line for you.

That would be very kind, Aliensurfer! I’d love to get back in contact with him.

@Zrunelord: yeah, 3d printing is the way to go now. I don’t have a printer but have bought a model here and there, it’s amazing what suddenly has become possible.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Resurrected in October 2022: 40k in 15mm)
Post by: DivisMal on October 19, 2022, 07:06:43 PM
While these are still older models, I managed to do some shots with simple scenery. New stuff is on its way, though!

Space Marines of the Ultramarines chapter prepare for an assault out of the ruins of the old imperial basilica.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Resurrected in October 2022: 40k in 15mm)
Post by: DivisMal on October 19, 2022, 07:08:33 PM
An Imperial robot attacking a Space Ork dreadnought. Epic 40k knight and space ork from CP models.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Resurrected in October 2022: 40k in 15mm)
Post by: DivisMal on October 19, 2022, 07:10:59 PM
My warboss and nobz for my 15mm space ork army of the Bad Moonz.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Resurrected in October 2022: 40k in 15mm)
Post by: DivisMal on October 19, 2022, 07:12:40 PM
Space Ork looterz duke it out with da emperor’s finest in no-ork‘z-land.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Resurrected in October 2022: 40k in 15mm)
Post by: DivisMal on October 19, 2022, 10:00:07 PM
Another few pictures from my 15mm Space Ork and Ultramarine forces. The Orks have never reached a stage where I used Stu’s excellent dOrks, and are mostly conversions of Demonworld fantasy orcs with a couple of Alternative Armies and CP models thrown in.

The Space Marines were from Khurasan’s pretty awesome PostApoc range.

First we have a Cyber-Troll assisted by a weirboy and some snotlings is clashing with space marine terminators.

Then there’s a couple of pictures of a mighty HQ of space orks assisted by a Dreadnought.

And finally shots of my Warboss in power armor with retinue and weirdboyz. All painted as part of the Bad Moonz clan.

Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Resurrected in October 2022: 40k in 15mm)
Post by: zrunelord on October 20, 2022, 03:10:14 PM
Quite a nice mix.
Deamonworld minis look great for 15/18mm 40k

Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Resurrected in October 2022: 40k in 15mm)
Post by: DivisMal on October 20, 2022, 05:02:03 PM
Quite a nice mix.
Deamonworld minis look great for 15/18mm 40k


Thank you Z(orro? 🤔) 😁
I really love the Demonworld range. For 15mm it’s a true classic comparable imo to 80s Citadel or 90s Grenadier. Why? It’s not only well sculpted, but the range is vast, there are so many different models, and they’re all sculpted in the same style with zero scalecreep.

I still would recommend it as the one benchmark to reach.

Thank goodness, other excellent ranges (Copplestone, Crom‘s Anvil, Splintered Light etc.) work very good next to it!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Resurrected in October 2022: 40k in 15mm)
Post by: zrunelord on October 20, 2022, 05:27:15 PM
Zorro??!!!  nah ...
I just get tired of typing zrunelord all the time ..... and before you ask I did not choose the name , either...
it was given to me as a choice when I applied for my first gmail address & I guess it just stuck.

Definitely & they are sculpted by none other than Werner Klocke  ( if I am not mistaken ) .. so that in itself should be reason enough to buy them.
And yes I have also the others ( though still need to order from Crom's Anvil ) & as you say all are good.

What I like is that you mixed Fantasy with scifi to good effct.

Z ( the one & only  ;D ;D ;D ;D :D)
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces (Resurrected in October 2022: 40k in 15mm)
Post by: DivisMal on October 20, 2022, 06:30:10 PM
Hah! And I thought there was some secret story (like you being from Z-aragossa or something) behind it ;), but I guess, once we habe accepted our nicks, it somehow becomes cozy to stick to them.

And I think, you’re right Werner Klocke is the man behind the sculpts. I grew up in the same town as Kaptin Klocke, even had a school buddy who lived in the same street. Alas, I was far too young to appreciate it.

In my experience, and I have quite an extensive collection by now, the only models that come close to Klocke‘s Demonworld range are Copplestone Castings, of course since it’s been done by the one and only Mark Copplestone, then Khadrin‘s Miniatures (who somehow went oop), one of the Splintered Lights sculptors (the one who did the orcs, ratmen and dark elves) and Stu from Slap Miniatures (also oop).

Some stuff from Crom’s Anvil, Khurasan, Highlander Studios and other companies is also very good  for 15s, but the above mentioned sculptors’ work could easily be sold as 28mm and no one would complain!
Title: Florian's 15mm/20mm SciFi Forces: And now for some Dark Future / Gaslands
Post by: DivisMal on October 23, 2022, 07:58:21 PM
A streetgang from GW‘s Dark Future. The models were sculpted by the Perrys, they are hard to find, but awesome! Absolutely brilliant … and they fit with many die cast toy cars which makes them ideal for Gaslands.  ;D
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Resurrected in October 2022)
Post by: Cacique Caribe on October 24, 2022, 07:44:35 AM
Excellent work!  Love the colors you selected.

Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Resurrected in October 2022)
Post by: DivisMal on October 24, 2022, 08:09:18 AM
Excellent work!  Love the colors you selected.


Thank you, Dan! The models were a real joy after my extended forced break.
And concerning the colors: I did expose myself to a large amount of 80s action/scifi to get into the right mood for these ;)
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Resurrected in October 2022)
Post by: DivisMal on October 24, 2022, 08:17:51 AM
Crazy Warboys are the backbone of the road-bands of Immortan Joe. I aleays was a big Mad Max fan. So much that I even had a birthday with themed costumes when I was a student. That was many, many years ago, and when Mad Max 4 was announced, I didn’t expect much. After all it’s been nearly 30  since I saw the old movies.
We saw it on my birthday…and it was…vroom vroom, cars, gasoline, fire, ⛽️ BENZIN!!!! The best movie of all time PERIOD. Okay, I say the same about Conan the Barbarian and about a dozen other movies…but here it’s true!
Well, you can all imagine my joy, when my favorite sculptor Mr Mark Copplestone released several 20mm not-warboys for the Gasland game via northstarfigs .
The models are brilliant and to make it even better, they are exactly the same scale as the brilliant long oop models for Games Workshop‘s Dark Future that were sculpted by none other than the Perry Twins!
Well here are my attempts to paint two warboys for my Gaslands collection. Probably I will also use them to play Nick Lund‘s Killzone, one of the best sci-fi skirmish systems ever developed! 
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Resurrected in October 2022)
Post by: DivisMal on October 24, 2022, 08:26:18 AM
I think, I haven’t shown these, yet:

Two of my Dark Future/Gaslands team. Cars are diecast models pimped up with various parts from my bits box. Models are from khurasan miniatures, North Star (Copplestone)  and Games Workshop.

Excuse the poor light.

As you can see, I’m preparing teams of drivers and just need to find the right tuleset to play Mad Max - The Roadwarrior or Fury Road on my tabletop!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Resurrected in October 2022)
Post by: DivisMal on October 24, 2022, 08:28:48 AM
Some more Dark Future/Gaslands teams. Cars are die cast models. Drivers are from hasslefree miniatures, games workshop and alternative armies.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Resurrected in October 2022)
Post by: Mason on October 24, 2022, 12:57:59 PM
Loving the new Gaslands stuff, something I have been tempted with but have managed to resist so far.
 8) 8)

Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Resurrected in October 2022)
Post by: DivisMal on October 24, 2022, 06:05:18 PM
Loving the new Gaslands stuff, something I have been tempted with but have managed to resist so far.
 8) 8)

Oh, you should get into it! It’s a lot of fun. A few bucks for a crazy matchbox car at the supermarket and a rummage through your bits box is all you need to start. I don’t even bother of stripping the cars…
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Resurrected in October 2022)
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on October 25, 2022, 07:39:21 AM
Looking the part mate! 👍
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Resurrected in October 2022)
Post by: DivisMal on October 25, 2022, 07:51:55 AM
Thank you, Mr Gnome!
I enjoyed myself quite a lot with these toys. Here is another fun group:

You tried to f@ck the law, but the law f@€ks back! 😳These stunning near future law enforcers could step right out of a 2000AD comic. I bought them from Apocalypse miniatures, and they’re beautiful if a tad too large. I cut off the integral bases and shortened their legs to make them fit the rest of my 20mm collection. Now they do not only fit with the Dark Future and Copplestone stuff, but could also work with the old school Dredd from citadel miniature I still had in my possession.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (more Gaslands/Dark Future)
Post by: DivisMal on October 30, 2022, 07:15:06 AM
Apart from the excellent models by Games Workshop there are cool models sold by elhiemfigures and the gasland markcopplestone range sold by northstarfigs; I use them all, but add all kinds of plastic and metal models also from larger scales such as space orks from citadel miniatures who make for a great supermutants.  Even a repainted plastic armyman (you know the ones children of the 70s and 80s had in huge masses in their toy collection) found its way into my Gasland modles. I think, the alien is from QRS.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Resurrected in October 2022)
Post by: ithoriel on October 30, 2022, 02:01:50 PM
Love the figures!

I do my sci-fi RPG and 5 Parsecs stuff in 20mm and between Dark Futures (bought a shedload cheap when GW discontinued it), Elheim, Gaslands and some historicals it's amazing how many figures you can get. Add in the things like critters and aliens, which can be pretty much any size and the world's your oyster.

These days it's even easier as many sellers of 3D prints will rescale, if asked.

Also, humans are varying sizes when on one planet, who knows what variations life on other planets will bring. So, 1/76, 1/72 and 1/64 get mixed in together. I even have some Hasslefree Grymm in the mix.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Resurrected in October 2022)
Post by: DivisMal on October 30, 2022, 10:20:33 PM
Thank you, Ithoriel!

I didn’t get my Dark Future models really cheap, but I got some larger lots for okayish prices in the early 2010s. Nowadays it’s insane.

When I got them, I loved them, but thought it would be a small project…as I assumed nothing else existed in this scale.

You are so right: now is the golden age! You can have Gaslands (excellent!), Elhiem (okay, and the new ones seem to be very good), in the States Stan Johansen and Khurasan, the cheap cheap plastic sets (with some very cool models), and 3d printing. Sadly I do not own a printer, but I’m currently testing some sellers printing stuff in 15 and 20mm for me…

Two things am I looking for: a good Elvis (he’s a bounty hunter in Dark Future) and a good Snake Plissken.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Resurrected in October 2022)
Post by: Cacique Caribe on October 30, 2022, 11:53:52 PM

Two things am I looking for: a good Elvis (he’s a bounty hunter in Dark Future) and a good Snake Plissken.

Ask John here, if he can find you a good file to print:


Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Resurrected in October 2022)
Post by: DivisMal on October 31, 2022, 05:46:10 AM
Ask John here, if he can find you a good file to print:



Thanks, Dan! I didn’t know that site, and it looks very useful.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Resurrected in October 2022)
Post by: DivisMal on October 31, 2022, 06:33:43 AM
Der Vollstrecker

One of my favorite movies as a teenager was Mad Max 2. The German version was shown only very late due to the violence depicted and I watched it from my first TV (old…very old) and had to place about seven books below the antenna to get the signal. The joys of pre-digital television!

Anyway, the movie was great (not surpassed until Fury Road), and it had a much cooler title than in the original: Der Vollstrecker (translate as „the executor“ or „the enforcer“) implying that Max has become a nearly religious force of redemption. It took me years to realize that Max was merely the Roadwarrior😊 The movie still makes the same point though. And in the end we ask, what will happen to the Roadwarrior? Will he appear again in times of need?

Anyway. Here is the very cool 20mm version of the Enforcer sculpted by Mark Copplestone. A very nice model whose biggest challenge is to use mostly black and dark gray colors to stay true to the vision of Max Rockatansky.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Resurrected in October 2022)
Post by: Pattus Magnus on October 31, 2022, 07:09:39 AM
Nicely done! I agree with your assessment of the films (although I enjoyed all of them), there’s something appealing about the Max Rockatansky character. Those movies shaped my notions about post-apoc movies (and gaming).
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Resurrected in October 2022)
Post by: DivisMal on October 31, 2022, 07:35:59 AM
Nicely done! I agree with your assessment of the films (although I enjoyed all of them), there’s something appealing about the Max Rockatansky character. Those movies shaped my notions about post-apoc movies (and gaming).

Thank you Pattus (Great Patton?). I did enjoy the other two movies, too, but they didn’t enscribe my brain with the need to get an armed petrol truck ready for the day of reckoning  lol

Apart from Max there’s not that mich PostApoc that struck with me. Sure, Zombies are now a big thing, but the idea of petrol shortage and falling back to chiefdoms ruled by rare resources is also pretty clever. The world building may be simplistic as it has to fit into an action movie, but it’s great. Everything fits right where it needs to be. Even the music wagon is totally acceptable in the kind of society depicted (apart from being awesome)!

I’m not sure which rules I’ll use. Probably something between Mutants and Death Ray Guns and Gorkamorka.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Resurrected in October 2022)
Post by: DivisMal on October 31, 2022, 07:38:17 AM
And a better shot of Max…my amateur photographing doesn’t like bad light and now the sun has (finally!) risen.

Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Resurrected in October 2022)
Post by: ithoriel on October 31, 2022, 08:47:42 AM
A great figure and very nicely painted.

My own version is still only undercoated but, since it's not going to be Mad Max, he's going to be in brown jacket and boots and blue jeans .... well he was going to be. I'm having second thoughts now I've seen yours. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and all that.  :)
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Resurrected in October 2022)
Post by: DivisMal on October 31, 2022, 09:21:31 AM
A great figure and very nicely painted.

My own version is still only undercoated but, since it's not going to be Mad Max, he's going to be in brown jacket and boots and blue jeans .... well he was going to be. I'm having second thoughts now I've seen yours. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and all that.  :)

Thanks! Now I’m really flattered!

I liked the model quite a lot and consider buying a spare or two. I’ve seen some great Judge Dredd conversions around here! And I have a few heads that I could swap…
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Resurrected in October 2022)
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on October 31, 2022, 03:14:40 PM
Loving that Max!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Resurrected in October 2022)
Post by: DivisMal on October 31, 2022, 03:49:09 PM
Loving that Max!

Witness! (& thanks!   :))
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Resurrected in October 2022)
Post by: DivisMal on October 31, 2022, 03:59:51 PM
An armored raider of the „Church of the Last Days and the everlasting Mercy of the Four-armed Messiah“. These fast, armored vehicles gave the arbitrators a lot of trouble. Even bolter fire was mostly harmless, while the raider‘s stubgun ripped through imperial convoys. Every raider could also transport small strike teams!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Resurrected in October 2022)
Post by: DivisMal on October 31, 2022, 04:03:40 PM
The „Church of the Last Days and the everlasting Mercy of the Four-armed Messiah“ is a planet wide operating cult. Its members are well armed; many are former troopers of the planetary defence forces. The cult also fields a large number of armored vehicles that are a lethal threat for Adeptus Administratorum judges. When the uprising began, the local governor called for space marines!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Resurrected in October 2022)
Post by: DivisMal on October 31, 2022, 06:56:09 PM
The last couple of my die cast cars converted for my Genestealer Cult.

The „Church of the Last Days and the everlasting Mercy of the Four-armed Messiah“ is a danger to farmsteads, villages and even small outposts of the imperial administration. Fast vehicles can quickly redeploy strike teams armed with terror weapons as flamers to raid civilians. Some teams even carry rocket launchers and are a threat for armored vehicles, too!

Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Resurrected in October 2022)
Post by: zrunelord on October 31, 2022, 07:52:13 PM
That heresy "bumper" will be the last thing the unbelievers will see before they are run over... I like it...( not the running over bit   ;) ) Adds flair to the vehicle.
Kind of reminds of the Max Headroom series from the 80's..

Thanks for sharing
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Resurrected in October 2022)
Post by: DivisMal on October 31, 2022, 07:55:24 PM
That heresy "bumper" will be the last thing the unbelievers will see before they are run over... I like it...( not the running over bit   ;) ) Adds flair to the vehicle.
Kind of reminds of the Max Headroom series from the 80's..

Thanks for sharing

Yeah! Bump them for not sacrificing themselves for the four-armed Emperor! It was originally part of the base iirc of a model from Heresy Miniatures, but I thought it would fit in nicely!

Thanks for the kind words!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Resurrected in October 2022)
Post by: Hermann on October 31, 2022, 09:56:43 PM

  The idea for ~40K with ~20mm minis and Hotwheels is nice, I try something like that too.  Dark Alliance have 4 sets of plastic figures, 1/72, that I like. Stalker 1 & 2, Survivers & Rednecks.   Hotwheels give me the"Tanknator" and Maisto the pink "Leadslinger".
  Your minis and their vehicles look very good. Do you think, bigger trucks could be part off the game ?
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Resurrected in October 2022)
Post by: DivisMal on November 01, 2022, 05:04:36 AM

  The idea for ~40K with ~20mm minis and Hotwheels is nice, I try something like that too.  Dark Alliance have 4 sets of plastic figures, 1/72, that I like. Stalker 1 & 2, Survivers & Rednecks.   Hotwheels give me the"Tanknator" and Maisto the pink "Leadslinger".
  Your minis and their vehicles look very good. Do you think, bigger trucks could be part off the game ?

Hello Hermann,

it started very similar for me. One day I saw one of those Hotwheels and decided to paint it. That was the start. You can play 40k in whatever scale and with whatever models you like. Never let anyone tell you anything else. You bought the rules. Even paper blups work!

I play 40k using 15mm models; I haven’t really decided what to do with the larger 20mm models, but I’ll definitely use them for wargaming. 15mm became the choice because that was the scale where my genestealers (mase from old familiars) were made from! Nowadays with 3d printing you could choose any scale you like.

The sets you are talking about are really nice. They give you quite a lot model dor your buck. I would say start doing it - and see, how much you enjoy painting 20mm! The cars/trucks become proxies for Tanks or armored vehicles, of course.

Maybe you should also have a look around in the indie game scene to start playing once you got the first few models ready!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm: Update 5/11 The Last V8
Post by: DivisMal on November 05, 2022, 06:30:42 PM
The last V8.
A legend known to everyone who saw the Mad Max movies during a certain time of their life. The name was also used for an old C64 game with a cool soundtrack.

The great thing is that a lot about the legend behind the V8, actually most, is left in the dark. What is so special about these cars, how does the rubber band turbo boost work? Why are they called Interceptors?

There is (was?) a very good model of a V8 Interceptor produced by World Forge Games which I acquired via one of their very good Kickstarter campaigns for the Route 666 game.
It’s probably the best you could get until the 3d scene discovers that PostApoc is a cool genre…
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Resurrected in October 2022)
Post by: Cacique Caribe on November 06, 2022, 04:41:24 AM
I love it!

Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Resurrected in October 2022)
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on November 06, 2022, 06:55:51 AM
Brilliant! 👍
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Resurrected in October 2022)
Post by: zrunelord on November 06, 2022, 07:14:46 AM
Love how the blue glass came out on that model.

Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Resurrected in October 2022)
Post by: DivisMal on November 06, 2022, 08:31:52 AM
Brilliant! 👍

I love it!


Thank you guys!

Love how the blue glass came out on that model.


Thanks. I’m still working on this. There are some good tutorials in the internet and some painters achieve an amazing anime level of painting light reflexes on glass, I went rather for contrast and gaming level.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Updates: Mad Max and Tank Girl)
Post by: DivisMal on November 06, 2022, 08:40:54 AM
Another excellent model from World Forge Games that sadly seems to be oop now : it’s an hommage to no-one else than Tankgirl !!! A lovely if somewhat fragile sculpt, very nice to have and a good partner for Max!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Updates: Mad Max and Tank Girl)
Post by: zrunelord on November 06, 2022, 10:09:11 AM
Now that's a unique & Great model... never saw it before.
Again thanks for sharing
Good job
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Updates: Mad Max and Tank Girl)
Post by: Mason on November 06, 2022, 11:42:48 AM
Great additions, but that Car/Tank is bonkers!
 8) 8)

Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm: Update 5/11 The Last V8
Post by: shadowbeast on November 06, 2022, 12:20:42 PM

It’s probably the best you could get until the 3d scene discovers that PostApoc is a cool genre…

What makes yer think they ain't?
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Updates: Mad Max and Tank Girl)
Post by: DivisMal on November 06, 2022, 05:01:00 PM
Now that's a unique & Great model... never saw it before.
Again thanks for sharing
Good job

Thank you Z. The model was part if the 2nd (?) Kickstarter for the Route 666 game. The game had some of the best 20mm models I’ve ever seen, but the fulfillment of the 2nd was a real mess and I am not sure if I got everything I paid for, yet - or will ever get it… If they had better orgaisation and marketing this could have been THE great thing. Now the Fury Road and Gaslands hype is mostly over and when I checked the HP I didn’t see a single model any more. Really a pity.

Great additions, but that Car/Tank is bonkers!
 8) 8)

Thanks, Mason. It’s a pretty clever sculpt, too, and while the girl is a little fragile she just looks rightly sized between the GW and Northstar stuff. I now regret not getting more…

What makes yer think they ain't?

Oh my, didn’t know about these. Maybe this is a bit naive, but from my pov, a person not owning a 3d printer, the price seems pretty hefty…I still have to invest a lot to get those models…and they rather look 32mm to me and the cars are definitely inferior to the ones I got from World Forge Games.

Anyway, thanks for the link, and maybe I find a shop that sells some of the characters.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Updates: Mad Max and Tank Girl)
Post by: DivisMal on November 06, 2022, 10:56:27 PM
Anothet car model for today, again from Worldforge Miniatures, but this time pimped with some of the excellent stuff you can buy from Curtis Ramshackle Games. I love how they fit together! Witness me!  lol lol
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Updates: Mad Max and Tank Girl)
Post by: Mason on November 06, 2022, 10:58:25 PM
 8) 8)

*Although I do wish you would stop this as it makes me want to convert cars and I have no use for that idea.

Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Updates: Mad Max and Tank Girl)
Post by: NotifyGrout on November 09, 2022, 08:00:51 PM
If you can track one down, Demonblade Miniatures made a Fat Elvis model that might work for you. He's in this lot on sale from Noble Knight right now, but I don't know if you'd have a use for the rest of it, nor if shipping would be prohibitive.

Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Updates: Mad Max and Tank Girl)
Post by: DivisMal on November 09, 2022, 09:18:19 PM
If you can track one down, Demonblade Miniatures made a Fat Elvis model that might work for you. He's in this lot on sale from Noble Knight right now, but I don't know if you'd have a use for the rest of it, nor if shipping would be prohibitive.


Oh wow! That is spot on! The lot is a bit pricy, though…I have a new project: find Elvis!  lol o_o

 8) 8)

*Although I do wish you would stop this as it makes me want to convert cars and I have no use for that idea.

I just received some new 3d printed models…so I hope I can rather accelerate, pal! Sorry.  lol
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Updates: Mad Max and Tank Girl)
Post by: ithoriel on November 10, 2022, 08:39:25 AM

Elvis at 1/43, 1/76 scale or 1/87 scale
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Updates: Mad Max and Tank Girl)
Post by: DivisMal on November 10, 2022, 09:25:10 PM

Elvis at 1/43, 1/76 scale or 1/87 scale

That’s it!!! 🤟😳🤟🙏🤩
Title: Re: Florian's 15mm Forces (Orks, Genestealers & Co.,2.7.17 updt. KIBBUTZ SPARETIME!)
Post by: Cacique Caribe on November 23, 2022, 08:02:29 AM
Some darker fellows. Maybe from a fanatical sect operating in the shadows to fight an ancient enemy?

I think Ral Partha Europe distributes them, the Akarr, under their Critical Mass Games minis:


I think they have a decidedly Barsoomian feel to them.  :)

Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm (Updates: Mad Max and Tank Girl)
Post by: ithoriel on November 25, 2022, 02:42:11 AM
I got 2 packs of the Akkar Overlords to use as 20mm scale alien assassins for my sci-fi RPG collection. They work well for what I wanted and have seen the table a few times. Who knows, they may even get painted some day. Doh!
Title: Florian's 15mm Forces: XENOS RAMPANT I‘M COMING!!!!!
Post by: DivisMal on November 27, 2022, 10:15:23 AM
I think Ral Partha Europe distributes them, the Akarr, under their Critical Mass Games minis:


I think they have a decidedly Barsoomian feel to them.  :)


Thanks, Dan! Yes those are the ones. I’m pretty sure though I bought them from somewhere else. Iirc the line was discontinued and Ral Partha must have acquired it.

I got 2 packs of the Akkar Overlords to use as 20mm scale alien assassins for my sci-fi RPG collection. They work well for what I wanted and have seen the table a few times. Who knows, they may even get painted some day. Doh!

They are really good models. Move them forward in the queue! 😉
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm: NOV 2022 - XENOS RAMPANT, I‘M COMING!!!
Post by: DivisMal on November 27, 2022, 10:19:15 AM
…look what I got myself for Christmas (early)… XENOS RAMPANT is in the mail and I’ll get some enemies for my Cult!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm: Update 5/11 The Last V8
Post by: Grimmnar on November 28, 2022, 02:20:51 AM
There is (was?) a very good model of a V8 Interceptor produced by World Forge Games which I acquired via one of their very good Kickstarter campaigns for the Route 666 game.
It’s probably the best you could get until the 3d scene discovers that PostApoc is a cool genre…
Have you see tge Ford Falcon XB by Greenlight in 1/64 scale by chance?


Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm: Update 5/11 The Last V8
Post by: DivisMal on November 28, 2022, 05:19:36 AM
Have you see tge Ford Falcon XB by Greenlight in 1/64 scale by chance?



No I hadn’t. Thank you, that is pretty cool! And it’s cybermondayfor good sake :)
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm: NOV 2022 - XENOS RAMPANT, I‘M COMING!!!
Post by: Hermann on November 29, 2022, 01:26:37 AM
More 20mm minis.

 Patrik Miniatures on Etsy offer printed figures in 20 mm, they fit for 20mm games like "Zone Alfa". I don't have them, but I get some nice starguard 20mm figures from reviresco.

Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm: NOV 2022 - XENOS RAMPANT, I‘M COMING!!!
Post by: ithoriel on November 29, 2022, 07:50:18 PM
Wasn't aware of Patrick Miniatures, so thanks for the pointer Hermann. Small order placed.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm: NOV 2022 - XENOS RAMPANT, I‘M COMING!!!
Post by: DivisMal on December 03, 2022, 09:16:11 AM
More 20mm minis.

 Patrik Miniatures on Etsy offer printed figures in 20 mm, they fit for 20mm games like "Zone Alfa". I don't have them, but I get some nice starguard 20mm figures from reviresco.


Thanks Hermann, I also placed a small order … let’s see how they come out. Useful stuff here!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm: Update 5/11 The Last V8
Post by: DivisMal on December 03, 2022, 09:18:47 AM
Have you see tge Ford Falcon XB by Greenlight in 1/64 scale by chance?



Look what the postman just brought. I got two of them in a Black Friday sale. Nice models, but I won’t have time to unpack them until evening…they’re in that nasty plastic package also used for electronic parts, the one where you need a chainsaw to cut through…well nearly 😱
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm: Dec 22 - SPACE MARINES!!!!!
Post by: DivisMal on December 11, 2022, 11:02:16 PM
Again a week with a lot of coughing and cold in the family, so hobby time is extremely limited.

Anyway, I found a couple of minutes here and there and today I finished the first unit for my coming Xenos Rampant army.

Behold my Space Marines. Bred and trained to defend humanity and defeat its many enemies. 

Custom printed models in 15mm scale. I chose to make them a tad bigger than my Genestealer Cultists and Space Orks.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces in 15mm-20mm: Dec 22 - SPACE MARINES!!!!!
Post by: DivisMal on December 11, 2022, 11:09:00 PM
How big are these and how do they compare to your other models, I hear you ask, Ladies and Gentlemen?

Well they are 22-23mm total size. That makes them slightly bigger than my other models, but that was just what Uncle Tzeentch had planned from the beginning.

What I didn’t think about, however, was that the bases they came with give them another few millimeters which make them seem too large :(

As soon as I base them on cents OR put another cent under my normal models everything is okay.

So what shall I do now? Base the rest of the Marines on cents, leave them as they are or rebase my collection on an additional cent???

First picture shows my Blood Angels next to my customized Space Orks, the other next to the very good Fallout Power Armor troopers from Khurasan. Both fit perfectly imo.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: Update January 2023: The Emperor‘s Finest
Post by: DivisMal on January 08, 2023, 10:20:51 PM
I wasn’t really satisfied with the results of my painting of the 3d prints.
The thing is: my usual painting techniques don’t work on them. They’re downscaled 28mm! So while the details are amazing they are not sculpted high enough to let you do them like „normal“ 15mm.

Tonight I sat down and highlighted two of them by hand using my tried and tested orange scale - used on space marines since…umm maybe the late 1990s?

Well the results were much better. Then I had the idea to give them a thin layer of that gemstone color GW produces. It worked imho very well over a highlighted 15mm Chaos Warrior: https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=108985.180

Not sure if they’re now better…I forgot to take pictures of the purely highlighted models, but anyway I think it’s still a progress over the rather flat first try.

So now it’s just a question, shall I do Blood Angels or go for something different like Dark Angels or Space Wolves.

Anyway, ladies & gentlemen, here are two reworked Marines. Truly The Emperor‘s Finest!

Rumor is they will soon be sent in a punishment mission against the Qin trade federation…
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: Update January 2023: Pulp & PostApoc in 20mm
Post by: DivisMal on January 21, 2023, 06:51:03 PM
I had some time today to finish some models that were waiting in various stages of 90+% finished on my table, some for over a year.

They are all part of my slightly wacky PostApoc setting:
A goblin private eye, some warboys, which I had already shown without base and an older soldier with a dangerous looking rifle.

First Sammy Spadez, goblin investigator on the fury road.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: Update January 2023: Pulp & PostApoc in 20mm
Post by: DivisMal on January 21, 2023, 06:52:08 PM
And here comes Col. Hannibal Neff. He loves it when his plans work!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: Update January 2023: Pulp & PostApoc in 20mm
Post by: DivisMal on January 21, 2023, 06:52:48 PM
And last but not least the finished unit of warboys. Very nice Copplestone models. A pure joy to paint!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: Update January 2023: Pulp & PostApoc in 20mm
Post by: DivisMal on January 22, 2023, 12:04:26 PM
Slowly, I’m chewing through my 20mm collection thereby realizing I need more warboys. Does anyone know a good source apart from the excellent Northstar ones? Preferably some that are compatible?

Here is a better photograph of the boys.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: Update January 2023: Pulp & PostApoc in 20mm
Post by: Commander Roj on January 22, 2023, 01:01:05 PM
Possibly Elhiem?
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: Update January 2023: Pulp & PostApoc in 20mm
Post by: DivisMal on January 22, 2023, 11:27:59 PM
Possibly Elhiem?

Thanks! Yea, Elhiem has some suitable models - I just found them. Thanks for pointing me there!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: Update April - Rebasing Space Orks
Post by: DivisMal on April 21, 2024, 08:45:26 AM
Hi Folks, after having had a good time with rebasing my Chaos armies for DBF I thought, I’d do the same with my Sci-Fi Forces. I’ll make a start with my Space Orks.

Here is a first (unfinished!) base from u yet unnamed Waa-Ork.
Models are from Demonworld (converted) and GZG. I didn’t bother drilling holes for magnets this time, but just glued the minis in place with patafix. If I need them again I can simply cut them off with a sharp knife.

Any suggestions? I would like to keep it simple, but a little effort usually pays of. I think, a black border around the edges and some small patches of stones, grass and bushes are my current favorite.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: Update January 2023: Pulp & PostApoc in 20mm
Post by: LoxIslay on April 21, 2024, 10:05:03 AM
Some pigments as space dust red/green/black... and some rocks would be the easyset i think. 
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: Update April 2024: Waaagh! 15mm - Bases
Post by: DivisMal on April 21, 2024, 07:49:44 PM
Well, I had an hour spare time today and worked on some bases.

It’s gonna be a dusty fringe world with sparse vegetation where my Orks come from.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: Update April 2024: Waaagh! 15mm
Post by: DivisMal on April 22, 2024, 06:01:57 AM
Last night, I finished the first couple of bases. Here are some quick overview photos. It was much too late for better pictures, but I enjoyed watching my Bad Moons come together.
We’ve got two vehicles (battle wagons / buggies), a dreadnought, some nobz, a warlord, a cybertroll hero, and boyz. Lotsa boyz.

Not sure when I’ll have time to finish these, but when I do, I’ll make better photos!

Ere we go! Ere we go! Ere we go!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: Update April 2024: Waaagh! 15mm
Post by: Pattus Magnus on April 22, 2024, 06:15:43 AM
That looks great, lots of variety in your mob! I like the conversions you made, they turned out well. I wouldn’t have thought of trying that with 15mm fantasy figures.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: Update April 2024: Waaagh! 15mm
Post by: DivisMal on April 22, 2024, 06:37:19 AM
That looks great, lots of variety in your mob! I like the conversions you made, they turned out well. I wouldn’t have thought of trying that with 15mm fantasy figures.

Thank you, Pattus! It was started when I had just finished my 15mm Genestealer Cult and was looking for a new challenge. Back then, 3D printing was a thing of the far future which could barely produce a decent star ship model. It started on a night when I looked at my fantasy Demonworld orcs and realized that the hand of decently realistic 28mm minis (speak Hasslefree and the like) would fit perfectly on them.

Then I looked right and realized my saw was nearby. So I called my faithful gretchin assistant Konvertit and changed to my secret alternative persona Doc Butcha  lol
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: 23 April 2024: Orks! Orks! Orks!
Post by: DivisMal on April 23, 2024, 05:42:07 PM
Last night I took some pictures of the units I have now ready for my little Waa-Ork, which I want to share.

Let’s start with the unit to which my first base belongs.

Ork Boyz(and Girlz) from the Bad Moon Clan, much better armed than normal Orkz (in 2nd Ed they were allowed to upgrade to power armor/3+ save). The guys look forward to get toe-to-toe „wiv da Emperor’s finest“!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: 23 April 2024: Orks! Orks! Orks!
Post by: DivisMal on April 23, 2024, 07:19:36 PM
A second unit of Ork boyz led by a mighty nob. Again models from the Shia Khan section (a.k.a. Space Goblins) from the Ion Age range (down at Alternative_armies ), with some added conversions from Magister Militum models, CP models, Demonworld (ex-Hobby Products, now sold by Ral Partha) and others.

The fantasy orcs had their arms/hands chopped off and replaced by realistically proportioned parts from my 28mm bits box.
The units were created long time ago, when 3d printing was a thing of the future, and the project was great fun.

I really enjoyed rebasing them for playing modern games (they saw a short intense phase of action when I took them to work to play against my best buddy Tilmann‘s 15mm Space Marines in the evening…back then in Berlin!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: 23 April 2024: Orks! Orks! Orks!
Post by: DivisMal on April 23, 2024, 07:24:46 PM
My third Bad Moons Boyz Mob (and Girlz Mob, they have a feminist movement now in Orkdom, too!). This one includes models from #demonworld (converted into *space* orks), CP models and the very useful Shia Khan space goblins from Alternative Armies as well as others where I really don’t remember where I got them from.

The banner was made with wire and cut out paper that was painted before I added water slides.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: 23 April 2024: Orks! Orks! Orks!
Post by: Pattus Magnus on April 23, 2024, 11:02:00 PM
Excellent! They have a lot of character! The conversions are great, and it amazes me how even some nearly stock Demonworld fantasy orcs fit right in when their armour plates are painted yellow. The distinctive colour palette says “space orc” almost as much as the equipment.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: 23 April 2024: Orks! Orks! Orks!
Post by: DivisMal on April 24, 2024, 06:23:29 PM
Excellent! They have a lot of character! The conversions are great, and it amazes me how even some nearly stock Demonworld fantasy orcs fit right in when their armour plates are painted yellow. The distinctive colour palette says “space orc” almost as much as the equipment.

Thanks! And, yes, indeed. That was also a great revelation for me when I started the project in 2017 (oh my!). After being disappointed that the famous Space Orks from TheScene had become oop, I did some tests. And paint works for you. Especially if it’s bright and colorful.
It also helps that GW originally had many space orks that were basically fantasy orks with guns.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: 23 April 2024: Orks! Orks! Orks!
Post by: Basementboy on April 24, 2024, 07:12:39 PM
I love this- the banners look especially great, very old school ;)
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: 23 April 2024: Orks! Orks! Orks!
Post by: DivisMal on April 27, 2024, 01:54:25 PM
Thanks, I was largely inspired by the old RT orks!

Here’s another example.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: 23 April 2024: Orks! Orks! Orks!
Post by: DivisMal on April 27, 2024, 01:55:28 PM
And the full unit.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: 23 April 2024: Orks! Orks! Orks!
Post by: DivisMal on April 27, 2024, 01:57:50 PM
And here is one of my heroes. A space troll with his little grot buddy. Both models from Demonworld, the troll properly chopped up, of course!

I had little bits of background for the army, and for the troll it was like that: the orks have nicknamed him „da Brainz“, with his faithful gretchin buddy. The boys love to play „I fink of a number“ with Brainz. The game goes as follows: an ork thinks of a number and Brainz needs to guess it. Strangely the only orks that lose are the „patshiunz“ of Doc Grotsnik (who often get a squig brain transplant for free if they come with a bruise!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: 23 April 2024: Orks! Orks! Orks!
Post by: zrunelord on April 28, 2024, 12:56:28 PM
Very nice work Divismal.
Love them.
Which reminds of my ork project which
I must continue .... & finally finish  ;).

Thanks for sharing
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: 23 April 2024: Orks! Orks! Orks!
Post by: DivisMal on April 28, 2024, 10:57:59 PM
Very nice work Divismal.
Love them.
Which reminds of my ork project which
I must continue .... & finally finish  ;).

Thanks for sharing

We all have too many unfinished projects  ;)

I’m kinda happy that I am nearing a stat where I can play with two armies here. Some more pictures of the finished elements to follow.

First a dreadnought. A slightly flat, but very characterful model from CP models.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: 23 April 2024: Orks! Orks! Orks!
Post by: DivisMal on April 28, 2024, 10:59:15 PM
And my battle-wagons. Fully kustomized and scrounged.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: 23 April 2024: Orks! Orks! Orks!
Post by: DivisMal on April 28, 2024, 11:00:24 PM
And last, but not least, my war boss.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: 23 April 2024: Orks! Orks! Orks!
Post by: Basementboy on April 30, 2024, 09:01:07 AM
Wonderful as always- the battlewagon is a real sight to behold, how much of it is bits and how much is scratchbuilt?
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: 23 April 2024: Orks! Orks! Orks!
Post by: DivisMal on April 30, 2024, 08:06:37 PM
Wonderful as always- the battlewagon is a real sight to behold, how much of it is bits and how much is scratchbuilt?

It’s been some years since I’ve built the models. Iirc, the car is a normal Hot Wheels die cast model. I don’t remember if i bothered to strip it, but it has been repainted and weathered. Then began the kustomizing:
The windows are 10mm fences, the guns are from a Mantic set, the banner pole is wire, the banner is a plastic shield, the gunner is an old Snotling from the pumpwagon and the tyres and the pick up area, doors and some other parts have also some bits added.

After painting, I cut some old GW transfers and added them for style.
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: 5 Mai 2024: The Four-Armed Emperor returns
Post by: DivisMal on May 05, 2024, 07:03:19 PM
Nearly seven years ago I started this thread. Then came my new job in the Hanover museum, moving to a new state, the birth of my daughter and new projects (both at work and at home). However, at the moment I truly enjoy re-basing my old models in a way that I can play with them again.
While I was in Berlin, I took the models to the institute and we played 40k in 15mm after work. Now I simply don’t have time for a game that takes that long to play apart from missing one of two other guys I know in Germany who are so crazy to do 40k line that.

I think I‘ll go for Xenos Rampant, but Alien Squad Commander is also ready and waiting. Both can be played with multi-based models. If anyone has another good suggestion I will be happy to hear it!

Anyway, here goes and I will start with my HQ. The supreme being of the universe, all-knowing prophet of the Four-Armed Emperor: my Patriarch. A brilliant sculpt from a fellow LAFer (to whom I sadly have lost contact).
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: 5 Mai 2024: The Four-Armed Emperor returns
Post by: DivisMal on May 05, 2024, 07:16:17 PM
…and what does a *real* patriarch need? A limousine!
Title: Re: Florian's SciFi Forces: 10 May ‘24: The Four-Armed Emperor‘s Left and Right Hand
Post by: DivisMal on May 10, 2024, 07:27:35 PM
By now the rebasing is in full progress and I thought I‘d share some pictures of my Genestealer magus (an old Demonworld wizard painted slightly purplish) and a renegade Sensei knight (also a Demonworld model, iirc an imperial hero with a weapon exchange).
The second coven limousine is also a repainted die cast model.