Forum > Fantasy Adventures

Battering Ram in Hammersmith?

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Steam Flunky:

--- Quote from: bridgend_steve on November 27, 2012, 11:40:16 AM ---Is it Grond from the Minas Tirith scenario in White Dwarf 53?:

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That might be it but since i saw it 32 years ago  :-X i must admit i am not sure.
p.s. Malamute - "but I remember the excitement at seeing all that was on offer there",- I know exactly what you mean! It was Dungeons and Dragons that led me to Hammersmith, and i am sure all that had a negative influence on my school grades. My head was always in another world.

Ah, but D&D made me want to read and Traveller taught me maths!

Ensign Madcap:

--- Quote ---p.s. Malamute - "but I remember the excitement at seeing all that was on offer there",- I know exactly what you mean! It was Dungeons and Dragons that led me to Hammersmith, and i am sure all that had a negative influence on my school grades. My head was always in another world.
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Likewise, the thrill of entering the hallowed 1 Dalling Road clutching a long saved five pound note (and you came out with a handful of figures for that). D and D certainly mucked up my O levels, but I still have no regrets lol

I don't remember seeing this Grond at Hammersmith (I think it is part of Joe Dever's collection), but may have missed it.

--- Quote ---Looking at grond again that head on the battering ram looks like my jack russel Squigley.
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I reckon that was the head off the Action Man Alsatian dog.


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