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Author Topic: Gunfight in Little Whiskey - AAR  (Read 2097 times)

Offline Vagabond

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Gunfight in Little Whiskey - AAR
« on: September 24, 2022, 04:39:47 PM »
A desperate gunfight was played out in the Grim North of England when the Mad Lord Snapcase was allowed out on parole from Snapcase Hall. He was able to make the dangerous journey to Vagabond Manor for a few days of dedicated wargaming, drinking and tall tale telling. As my heating boiler packed up before he set off we would have preferred to play our game in it's natural setting - New Mexico in the American South West but we could only dream.

The scenario was a traditional Hollywood quick draw gunfight in Main Street and this is how it went down.

Dawn breaks, the sun shines, it’s going to be another hot day in Little Whiskey, the same as yesterday, the same as every day in this part of New Mexico. The streets are quiet at this time in the morning, I say streets but there’s really only Main Street and a couple of paths leading off from it. Don’t get to thinking this is any more than a way station on the Stage and Freight route that runs to Las Vegas New Mexico
It is though, a magnet for every drifter and saddle tramp who passes through this section of the Territory, and the businesses prosper because there’s not much competition within a 50 mile radius.

Little Whiskey was founded some 5 years ago in 1860 something, no one is really sure the exact year but everyone knows this is Whiskey Jack’s town. He owns large chunks of the place but as there’s only 6 buildings and 8 businesses if you don’t count his bathhouse that’s not a big brag.

In addition there are 3 Cribs for the Independent Soiled Doves although I’ve not taken them into account in the total given. Blond Edna’s Whore House has an interest in one or two of the Cribs and Jack the same, this has created friction in the past. Ownership here is always a little fluid and tends to side with the stronger party in any dispute.

The town is named Little Whiskey because originally when the only buildings here were the Tail Feathers Saloon and Big Jim's Corral, a stranger arrived demanding beer, only to be told - "there's no beer, no water and only a little whiskey". Jack found that amusing and so the town was named, if you can call it that.

Chester drives the Wells Fargo Stage run, and this is key to the town’s prosperity, bribery was involved in the choice of the route through the Territory but Chester saw none of this money, which might explain why he always drives the horses too fast. It looks like his lead black stallion has broken the traces and he utters a loud WHOA when he sees what’s happening up ahead.

This might be the Westmoorland Grocery Store but round the back and up the stairs, Blonde Edna’s Whorehouse turns a greater and faster profit. Two of the girls and Madame Pearl De Ville are taking the air on the balcony they're gazing into the street below where this days entertainment is just about to start. Below them Sarah the Manager of the Westmoorland surveys the scene with distaste.

As I said the town’s not large but there’s always plenty of folk engaged in some activity or other.

Murder, robbery, flirtation, - you know the sort of thing, this is the West and as wild as it gets.

Today there’s an altercation between 'The Judge' and Shawnee Mary Thompson. No one’s quite sure what it's about but then again no one cares either.

They walk towards each other shouting insults, 'The Judge' is fronting ruffians of the worse kind and Mary has some of the local yokels backing her play.

The protagonists stop about 15 paces apart and there’s some hard staring taking place. Who will blink first. Mary shouts a final insult that goads her antagonist into action.

The man in black goes for his gun, more a twitch of his hand but is then distracted by one of the fluttering Doves on the balcony. He glances her way, smiling, then to his horror realizes his mistake. Everyone else pulls their shooting iron at the infinitesimal movement of his hand and before he can clear leather they all blaze away.

The gun fire spooks one of the horses and it kicks out at Rob Tilney Junior, knocking him to the ground and when Rob Tilney tries to intervene the horse rears up and stamps on him hard.

Rob is not the first casualty though, Johnny Vagabond is down in a pool of blood – his blood! Another of Mary’s supporters The Swede has taken a bullet and fallen where he stood. Lucky Joe Turner puts a shot into Emma de Witt and she’s also rolling on the ground.

Then it all went dark, as a sandstorm blew in out of the west, cutting visibility down to about 10 paces and making movement difficult for everyone.

Lucky Joe Turner moved forward into the dust storm firing his gun as he went. Katie McBride fingered the trigger on her shotgun but her boss Sarah O'Rioidan motioned her inside and muttered, leave these idiots to shoot it out.
If any one follows us inside, blow their damn fool head off.

As you know, Texas Red is no mans fool and she's taken cover behind the store front, but is unable to get a clear shot because of the two women on the boardwalk.

You might think Lucky Joe Turner was lucky not to get shot by Katie but he was really lucky to hear a rumbling noise behind him.

STAMPEDE – the storm had frightened the cattle and they broke down the fence and ploughed up the street. Big Jim in their path was trampled into the dust by flying hooves. In the distance and largely unseen because the storm was still raging Mary and The Judge have been hit by flying bullets and lay bleeding on the ground

Lucky Joe Turner jumped out of the way of the stampede and faced off to Colonel 'Barmy' Bertram Snapcase who was trying to hide behind the 4” x 4” wooden post holding up the balcony.

That's not going to work for long.

Texas Red was still frustrated as Joe blocked her line of sight to Snapcase, he was just visible through the dust but she couldn’t fire for fear of hitting Joe and that might have led to renaming him Unlucky Joe Turner.

The herd stomped down Main Street failing to trample any of the downed gunfighters. Obviously a fastidious lot and they didn't like to get blood on their hooves I suppose.

Whiskey Jack steps out into the street after the longhorns have passed and shouts to Bill Samuelson, "you no good son of a bitch, that's Johnny Vagabond you shot" and unloads both shotgun barrels in Bills direction, missing with each.

Jack must have been drinking his own corn liquor again, it'll send him blind if it doesn't kill him first.

Probably through lead poisoning if this continues.

I worry for the Mad Lord as the stampede heads in his direction but he doesn’t seem concerned and starts crooning 'get along little doogies, get along kind of slow' which doesn't seem to make much difference to their speed.

Another event card was drawn and Rose was drawn into Blonde Edna’s, probably to see some old flame. We’ll never know because there was an almighty harrumph from Snapcase as his ancestor Colonel Bertram Barmy Snapcase shot Lucky? Joe Turner, before taking lead himself from Texas Red who had finally got a clear line of sight.

Then some grumpy old timer woken by all the noise saw Texas Red’s back. I hate those damn Red Headed Southerners he muttered, and just at that moment the dust storm abated.

It must have un-nerved him because he unloaded his shotgun into her back, she pitched forward over the cabbages and carrots that little Martha had been trying unsuccessfully to sell.

Blast and tarnation she’s got blood all over her vegetables and that’s soaking up the sand and dust, no one will buy them now!

Snapcase finds out the hard way that cover needs to be bigger than 4” wide and Joe finds out that any cover is better than no cover.

The final body count seems to show that the worse kind of ruffians will survive when good men and women fall by the wayside.

Maybe there’s a lesson in that, as the Snapcase clan mourned the loss of Barmy Bertram the onlookers were left arguing about some of the events they'd seen. One unexplained one was that as Texas Red pulled her gun she accidentally shot someone who wasn't who she was aiming for, no one was sure who it was? Johnny Vagabond, Unlucky Joe Turner, maybe the Mad Lord remembers but I'm damn sure I can't!

We used a card draw system as described to me by Ithoriel on a previous thread, the idea was to try and build up a bit of tension rather than go straight to dice rolls. This led to The Judge drawing his gun first, but we also used an Event Deck devised by me and produced by his Lordship which lead to him being distracted by the pretty girls on the balcony, a bad result for him.

Once they had gone for their guns we drew an event card each turn which led to some of the stranger events taking place, these might have had you scratching your head during my description of the fight and wondering what the hell was going on. You probably still are. ;)

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed our sojourn in Little Whiskey, I certainly did.

Offline CapnJim

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Re: Gunfight in Little Whiskey - AAR
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2022, 05:27:37 PM »
Okay then.  The moral of this story is don't get caught in a cattle stampede during a sand storm.... :D

And I'm not confused at all (at least not by your story...some around my town here might argue about my general state of confusion ;))  We've had very strange "events" happen in our games, as well...
"Remember - Incoming Fire Has the Right-of-Way"

Offline OSHIROmodels

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Re: Gunfight in Little Whiskey - AAR
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2022, 06:13:05 PM »
Great fun  :)



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Offline Blackwolf

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Re: Gunfight in Little Whiskey - AAR
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2022, 12:02:38 AM »
Great stuff :-*
And always good to see plenty of books  :)
May the Wolf  Walk With You

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Offline syrinx0

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Re: Gunfight in Little Whiskey - AAR
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2022, 04:21:33 AM »
Okay then.  The moral of this story is don't get caught in a cattle stampede during a sand storm.... :D

Words to live by. 

Another fun looking game for you & the Mad Lord.
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Offline MaleGriffin

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Re: Gunfight in Little Whiskey - AAR
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2022, 05:06:09 AM »
Fantastic AAR! Beautiful miniatures and superb terrain!
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Offline Mad Lord Snapcase

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Re: Gunfight in Little Whiskey - AAR
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2022, 09:16:38 AM »
A superb AAR of what was a lovely and enjoyable game.  :-*

You managed to get a good shot of the light reflecting off the regal dome, that is the Snapcase bonce.

I was somewhat alarmed at the beginning of the game when the Judge decided to eye up the soiled doves on the balcony, rather than extracting his big iron from leather! I think Barmy Snapcase is down but not out. As the sandstorm blew out of town, the two remaining gang members were seen loading the not inconsiderable bulk of Barmy into a flat-bed wagon. Perhaps they detected small signs of life?

Thanks for the game (and all the other four).    :D

Offline Michi

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Re: Gunfight in Little Whiskey - AAR
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2022, 10:08:36 AM »
I hope poor ole Barmy will recover at last to claim his revenge…  lol

Offline Vagabond

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Re: Gunfight in Little Whiskey - AAR
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2022, 05:32:48 PM »
Okay then.  The moral of this story is don't get caught in a cattle stampede during a sand storm.... :D

And I'm not confused at all (at least not by your story...some around my town here might argue about my general state of confusion ;))  We've had very strange "events" happen in our games, as well...

 :) Cheers CapnJim I hope you counted the horse troughs because I forgot to put the well on the table. I'd intended making some well well well joke but it sort of falls flat without the well.  o_o o_o

Great fun  :)

Thanks Jim  :)

Great stuff :-*
And always good to see plenty of books  :)

I agree and one day I'm going to find time to read some of the ones I bought to read when I have time.  ;)
Words to live by. 

Another fun looking game for you & the Mad Lord.
I really enjoyed them all but I'm working on the one I enjoyed the most, the Mabel Street Mobs bank raid, the Mad Lord kept coming up with new ideas on how to accomplish it and I'd say well that's pretty unlikely but lets say on a roll of 6 it happens and we kept getting wild results. Mind you he wasn't too happy when he wanted to use the cars tow chain and I said "roll 2 dice and see how long it is". Yep - too short, but he overcame that obstacle in true Snapcase fashion.

Fantastic AAR! Beautiful miniatures and superb terrain!
Thanks MG  :D

A superb AAR of what was a lovely and enjoyable game.  :-*

You managed to get a good shot of the light reflecting off the regal dome, that is the Snapcase bonce.

I was somewhat alarmed at the beginning of the game when the Judge decided to eye up the soiled doves on the balcony, rather than extracting his big iron from leather! I think Barmy Snapcase is down but not out. As the sandstorm blew out of town, the two remaining gang members were seen loading the not inconsiderable bulk of Barmy into a flat-bed wagon. Perhaps they detected small signs of life?

Thanks for the game (and all the other four).    :D

It was a pleasure to see you again, Mrs V has now removed all the empty bottles, I've fixed the toilet and if only I can get the boiler repaired all will be well with the world. Sorry about the light, it was badly placed, and the makeup girl has been sacked for not powdering the bonce as she should have.

The Judge seems to have a roving eye, it'll get him into trouble one day.  ;)

I hope poor ole Barmy will recover at last to claim his revenge…  lol

 lol lol I'm sure a couple of stiff whiskey's and a bit of sticking plaster is all it will need to get Barmy back on his feet. I don't know if you counted the bodies but all 6 of my men and girls were down in the dust and only 4 of the Mad Bad Lords were down. So I think the revenge is for me. ;) :D

Offline CapnJim

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Re: Gunfight in Little Whiskey - AAR
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2022, 07:41:52 PM »
:) Cheers CapnJim I hope you counted the horse troughs because I forgot to put the well on the table. I'd intended making some well well well joke but it sort of falls flat without the well.  o_o o_o

Well, at least you've made allowances for sufficient water for the various and sundry animals present.  And, presumably, at least no said animals were harmed in the making of this sad and sordid production...so you may be forgiven for the lack of presence of a well.  Even without the well, all is well....and with that, perhaps it is best to dispense with any further well references... ;)

Offline NickNascati

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Re: Gunfight in Little Whiskey - AAR
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2022, 08:41:27 PM »
Great AAR.  I haven’t played Old West for a few years now, but always entertained.  Lots of folks say the Black Scorpion minis are too fantastic looking, but I think they are the best around.

Offline FifteensAway

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Re: Gunfight in Little Whiskey - AAR
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2022, 06:59:41 AM »
Been away for a few days so late to the party.

Nice game and report as always. 

Now, is that really a reflection off the 'bonce' of the Mad Lord or was he just mind-'bending' you to achieve his victory?  That looks suspiciously like a ray emanating from his skull.  Alien?  :o

Offline Golgotha

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Re: Gunfight in Little Whiskey - AAR
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2022, 08:18:30 AM »
Do love your town of Little Whiskey, the little signs in particular add great flavour. Looks like you had a great time - keep 'em coming partner...

Offline Michi

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Re: Gunfight in Little Whiskey - AAR
« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2022, 01:54:40 PM »
lol lol I'm sure a couple of stiff whiskey's and a bit of sticking plaster is all it will need to get Barmy back on his feet. I don't know if you counted the bodies but all 6 of my men and girls were down in the dust and only 4 of the Mad Bad Lords were down. So I think the revenge is for me. ;) :D

I'm not sure about that. Wasn't it Red Texas who was using her fellow for cover, waited and cowardly shot at poor ole Barmy after he cleared the LOS, instead of helping Lucky to make a stand? Fake news maybe, but such is the West. I would prepare for Barmy's return if you want to avoid a few more gunslingers of your posse to bite the dust. Now get your shooters ready and fetch me another LITTLE WHISKEY...  :D :D :D

I really enjoy reading your AARs - keep on that good writing!

Offline Vagabond

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Re: Gunfight in Little Whiskey - AAR
« Reply #14 on: September 30, 2022, 05:22:00 PM »
Great AAR.  I haven’t played Old West for a few years now, but always entertained.  Lots of folks say the Black Scorpion minis are too fantastic looking, but I think they are the best around.

I really like the old Black Scorpion figures the poses  are vibrant, although I'm not a fan of the resin which I found very difficult to paint. I'm currently painting some Lead Copplestone Gangsters and they are so much easier.
Been away for a few days so late to the party.

Nice game and report as always. 

Now, is that really a reflection off the 'bonce' of the Mad Lord or was he just mind-'bending' you to achieve his victory?  That looks suspiciously like a ray emanating from his skull.  Alien?  :o

I really don't think you should liken the Mad Lord to an Alien. He might disintegrate you with his ray gun.
Do love your town of Little Whiskey, the little signs in particular add great flavour. Looks like you had a great time - keep 'em coming partner...
Cheers Golgotha, I'm sure I saw that your western town is printed and glued onto foam board the same as mine. Be nice to see an AAR set in it.
I'm not sure about that. Wasn't it Red Texas who was using her fellow for cover, waited and cowardly shot at poor ole Barmy after he cleared the LOS, instead of helping Lucky to make a stand? Fake news maybe, but such is the West. I would prepare for Barmy's return if you want to avoid a few more gunslingers of your posse to bite the dust. Now get your shooters ready and fetch me another LITTLE WHISKEY...  :D :D :D

I really enjoy reading your AARs - keep on that good writing!

I believe you're maligning Texas Red and you are a dead man should you set foot west of the Pecos.  ;)
Take care.  lol lol


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