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Miniatures Adventure => Colonial Adventures => Topic started by: Ray Rivers on May 17, 2017, 06:07:20 PM

Title: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: Ray Rivers on May 17, 2017, 06:07:20 PM
Cuba and the Phillippines is my new project based on the beautiful miniatures from  1898 Miniaturas (https://www.1898miniaturas.com/en/).

WARNING: While my painting is ok, my photography normally sucks. I'm not into photography to be quite honest and I just put my camera on Auto and hope for the best. If the photos don't come out very well... please use your imagination.  :D

So... here are the first 3 miniatures I completed and posted in the 1898 Miniatures thread:


I wasn't all that happy with them and wanted to give them a darker skin complexion and more pronounced stripping and base.

Here is my second triad of minis (that face on the Sargent was a bitch difficult job  :):


En el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo:


Love this mini of Friar Cándido Gómez Carreño, párroco de Baler. He came out okay.

And here they are all together... Group Shot:


So they are coming along and I have 3 more I'm working on at present. I'm a pretty slow painter but will update when I can.

Hope you like and possibly are inspired by the photos.

Cheers now.
Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: Andrei1975 on May 17, 2017, 06:11:51 PM
My friend is a very worthy work! Looks great!
Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: carlos marighela on May 17, 2017, 08:59:22 PM
Very nice work indeed Ray. I think you have the rayadillo just right, at scale distance it shouldn't be too pronounced.

Is the priest from the 1898 range as well? Nice looking figure, I could use one like that.

Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: Malamute on May 17, 2017, 10:36:19 PM
Great stuff Ray, well done for diving into this range. The figures are very tempting indeed. ;D
Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: Captain Blood on May 17, 2017, 11:50:07 PM
They look great Ray.
The priest in particular, is a great figure.
Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: juergen c. olk on May 18, 2017, 12:30:24 AM
They look wonderful..great photos...
Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: marianas_gamer on May 18, 2017, 07:56:22 AM
Really nice work! I am weakening on these minis  :'(  (I don't need another period. I guess that I can justify it as stretching my Back of Beyond)
Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: Ray Rivers on May 18, 2017, 10:44:20 AM
Hey thanks for the nice comments everybody!

@Carlos - yes the priest is a part of the line and is a "freebie" when you buy the "Philippine Collection" of six packs of infantry. I didn't buy the collection but did pick up 6 packs of infantry, the stilt house and a flag. I begged for the priest  :-I and they were nice enough to give me one.  :)

@Nick - well, I do seem to get drawn in by late 19th century wars. Also waiting to receive a large package from One Eyed Joe's British 1888 Women kickstarter.  ;)

@Richard - Thanks on the comments concerning the priest. Even I was surprised by how well he came out; though I know you could put me to shame if you turned your talents on the mini. Cheers, mate.

@LB - yep, with the pile of lead and plastic I have around I could have done a drive by. However, it is a new company which I think deserves support and would like to see what else they come out with.

This weekend I'll probably buy a few more packs of infantry and the Var del Rey vignette.

Working on another firing line soldier, an officer and the flag bearer ATM.
Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: Marine0846 on May 18, 2017, 05:06:06 PM
Really like the second 3 figures.
I think you got the look of the uniforms quite well.
Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: Mason on May 18, 2017, 05:29:16 PM
Nice work, Ray.

I really like the range, although know absolutely nothing about the period, so will be following with interest.

Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: traveller on May 18, 2017, 05:53:03 PM
Great work! I am tempted to dive into this conflict as well  ;D

If you have not already seen it, John Sayles movie "Amigo" can be found on Youtube. Search for Amigo (2010). Good inspiration for scenery and a potential scenario

Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: Ray Rivers on May 19, 2017, 01:32:29 AM
Thanks guys!

And yes, I watched the movie Amigo, which is about US troops guarding a village against revolutionaries, and it was very inspiring especially concerning scenery.

If you are interested in this area of conflict, I think it is a good watch.
Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: Ray Rivers on June 12, 2017, 04:30:07 PM
Here are a few more finished... nice quick, point and shoot and came out a bit blurry:


The flags from the company are really nice.
Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: Andrei1975 on June 12, 2017, 05:09:13 PM
Beauty! Bravo!
Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: Mason on June 12, 2017, 05:11:05 PM
You are doing a lovely, clean job on these fellas.

Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: OSHIROmodels on June 12, 2017, 06:29:33 PM
Splendid stuff Ray  :)


Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: Plynkes on June 12, 2017, 06:31:47 PM
Like!  :)

(I don't really have anything else to say, and LAF doesn't have a "like" button.)

Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: Ray Rivers on June 13, 2017, 03:45:16 AM
Thanks, ya'll!

You are doing a lovely, clean job on these fellas.

And, because of their color, quite a distinctive merry band of brothers.  ;)
Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: Malamute on June 13, 2017, 08:21:56 AM
Splendid, more goodness, a nice force you are putting together. ;D
Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: Silent Invader on June 13, 2017, 10:04:03 AM
An interesting and attractive project Ray  8) :-*
Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: Mason on June 13, 2017, 10:49:29 AM

...LAF doesn't have a "like" button.)

And Thank (Deity of Choice) for that!

Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: Plynkes on June 13, 2017, 11:01:31 AM
I think it might be a good idea, and it does no harm. It's dislike buttons that cause problems. Quite often I've seen people get annoyed or upset here when they feel that their thread hasn't received the attention it deserves. Often I will see something I like on LAF, but I don't have anything particular to say about it. Generally in that case I won't comment, because I don't think "I like this!" particularly contributes anything of value to a thread. A 'Like' button would mean I could show my appreciation without having to rack my brains for something interesting to say, something that probably wouldn't end up that interesting anyway, and it might sooth some of the more fragile egos on LAF. Though, equally, they might just start moaning that they don't have enough "likes", I suppose.

So I this time I was experimenting with an imaginary "Like" button. But I don't imagine I shall do it again, as it is silly. :)

Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: Ray Rivers on June 13, 2017, 12:24:20 PM
A "like" system may be difficult to put into the web site, but if it happened, I would suggest combining it with a "Thank" system as well.

I also tend not to comment on a lot of nice stuff presented on the boards. However, on larger projects where I want to keep up with progress I will normally post something; if for no other reason to bring up "any new replies to your posts." Which is the first thing I check when coming onto the site.
Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: Jagannath on June 13, 2017, 01:00:42 PM
These minis are beauties - I must confess I didn't really know anything about the Philippine revolution until I saw the 1898 minis and had a google. Still don't know very much, but do want to paint some! Encouraged by seeing these excellent ones!
Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: Ray Rivers on June 13, 2017, 02:18:36 PM
Cheers, mate!

They are nice minis and paint up well.

BTW... I changed the way I paint eyes now.

What do ya'll think?
Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: Marine0846 on June 13, 2017, 04:09:07 PM

I really like the way your figures are painted.
Very hard to get that right combination of blue and white.
You really have nailed it on the last three.
I have some 1898 figures and have not started on them yet.
Seeing your guys, I need to get going on them.
Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: Ray Rivers on June 13, 2017, 09:58:25 PM
Well... I've got my routine down now for the uniforms.

1 - Base paint Foundry Sky Blue Light (21C)
2 - Take 3 to 1 Sky Blue and White for first highlight
3 - And another drop of White for 2nd highlight (making it 3 to 2)
4 - Lastly 50/50 Sky Blue and White for the stripes

Normally I paint it in 3 goes. First I paint the base coat (1). Then if I have time, I do 2 and 3 at the same go. Once that is done I then do the stripes.

If I want to deepen the base, I use Found Sky Blue (21B)

Once you have the uniform done, the rest goes really fast.
Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: Jagannath on June 14, 2017, 10:32:03 AM
I really like the eyes - I never know what to do with 28's, I don't like painting white eye, they end up looking like googly eyes - what have you done here?
Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: Ray Rivers on June 14, 2017, 12:24:50 PM
I really like the eyes - I never know what to do with 28's, I don't like painting white eye, they end up looking like googly eyes - what have you done here?

I've struggled with it for years and just finally given up.

What I do, essentially, is paint the entire eye socket area brown; in my case I use Foundry Spearshaft shade (13A). I then give it a bit of black for the "eye ball." If necessary you can clean up the black with brown to keep from having too much black. After that I paint the rest of the face with Vallejo Medium Flesh. Done. Leaves a darkened area which is pretty much all your going to see on miniatures this small.

In truth I paint all the flesh areas brown first. Put in the eye and then highlight, if you well, with flesh. This not only allows you to have a nice eye socket, but gives you a darkened area between the lips and fingers as well. I then use a bit of GW Reikland Fleshshade to give the flesh some depth and deeper color and then highlight with Vallejo Medium Flesh. I add a bit of dark pink to the flesh color for the bottom lip.
Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: nevermore on June 14, 2017, 05:06:47 PM
Beautiful miniatures, really nice paint job
Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: Jagannath on June 14, 2017, 11:21:43 PM
Thanks - I use a 'midtone-wash-midtown' system, so I guess washing the eye socket would be the equivalent. I'll give it a go!
Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: Ray Rivers on June 15, 2017, 12:28:08 AM
Thanks Nevermore!

Thanks - I use a 'midtone-wash-midtown' system, so I guess washing the eye socket would be the equivalent. I'll give it a go!

That should work. I did that on my Sisters of Battle and they came out pretty well.

For these guys, I wanted a darker complexion, being in the tropics and all.

But hell, they are only miniatures! The real thing that is important is that YOU like how they come out.
Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: Hupp n at em on July 19, 2017, 08:10:44 PM
Wow, excellent job on these Ray.  :-*  I'm particularly grateful for your tutorial on eyes, as I've never thought it was within my abilities to paint them the "black and two dots of white" or "white and a dot of black" methods, nor thought that those looked very good on most 28's.  :D

One question - have you actually painted stripes on the uniforms?  Or is it just a light blue that is achieving the desired effect of "suggesting" the blue and white stripes?
Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: Ray Rivers on July 20, 2017, 03:39:45 AM
Thanks mate!

Yep, I did indeed stripe them. I think they got a bit washed out by too much light for the photos. Like I say, I just point a shoot. Having said that, the stripes are just another progressive highlight so they are not going to really jump out.

Bye the bye, sorry I haven't added to the thread... I recently bought Hearts of Iron 4 and I just can't shake it for now...
Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: Hupp n at em on July 20, 2017, 04:16:20 PM
Thanks mate!

Yep, I did indeed stripe them. I think they got a bit washed out by too much light for the photos. Like I say, I just point a shoot. Having said that, the stripes are just another progressive highlight so they are not going to really jump out.

Bye the bye, sorry I haven't added to the thread... I recently bought Hearts of Iron 4 and I just can't shake it for now...

Paradox games tend to do that...  lol lol lol
Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: Chairface on July 25, 2017, 07:05:11 PM
These are beautiful Ray!
Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: Ray Rivers on July 26, 2017, 03:50:47 AM

Really appreciate it.

I have 4 guys staring me in the face with their uniforms complete. Only need to do the equipment.

I really want and will get them finished... just don't know when.  o_o
Title: Re: Cuba and the Phillippines: Revolution and War
Post by: DintheDin on July 26, 2017, 06:08:03 AM
Haven't seen a so bright painting! Your colors are full of light!
I like very much the friar and the sergeants' expression is all the money!
Keep 'em coming!