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Miniatures Adventure => Future Wars => Topic started by: Inso on June 19, 2017, 05:47:00 PM

Title: Inso's Primaris Patrol [LEAD LEGION].
Post by: Inso on June 19, 2017, 05:47:00 PM
I have 11 Primaris Space Marines, winging their way to me, from EBay, as I type.

I am very excited and can't wait to get my hands on them (hence, I have started this topic, even though they haven't arrived yet  :o ).

I have chosen a bolter squad (with bare-headed Sgt), a plasma squad and the bare headed Lieutenant.

My plan is to paint them up as a small patrol and I will be taking a slightly different approach to the norm because I will be painting them in a dark camouflage colour scheme.

I haven't decided whether they will even get chapter markings yet... but if they do, it is likely to be a made up chapter.

Ever since I first saw the new Primaris marines, I was hooked... they are so much better than standard Space Marines and really fit the 'truescale' idea. It helps that I don't have any standard Space Marines any more, so I can expand the patrol without any old allegiance, if I want to.

Hopefully, I will be in a position to post something by the weekend :)

I... AM... VERY... EXCITED  :D :D :D :-*
Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol.
Post by: Sir_Theo on June 19, 2017, 06:00:30 PM
I've been bitten by the exact same bug. At first I was non plussed but after seeing some of the paintjobs on LAF my opinion has started to change ..

I was originally going to do them as Crimson Fists  a bit now In going to paint mine as Storm Giants I think, which seems fitting given their mammoth size

I look forward to following your progress!
Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol.
Post by: AWu on June 19, 2017, 06:29:48 PM
I can only say one thing chaps.. they are worth the wait :)
I hated Space marines since 2ed starter set..
But those guys made me like them :)
Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol.
Post by: Inso on June 19, 2017, 09:12:36 PM
My suspense isn't helped by seeing some of the Primaris topics that are cropping up on here with wonderfully painted miniatures...

...  :D
Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol.
Post by: tomrommel1 on June 20, 2017, 07:40:56 AM
I am waiting on mine ,too ! I will do them in the colors of my very own invented space marine chapter the "Weiße Ritter des Ordo Teutonicus ( White knights of the Ordo Teutonicus). More on the Fluff etc later.
Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol.
Post by: AWu on June 20, 2017, 11:54:54 AM
Teutonics in space.. my internal Polandship is boiling :P
Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol.
Post by: Inso on June 20, 2017, 01:06:58 PM
I reckon that mine will be more 'military' than 'knightly'... That way, I can justifiably 'dull down' the paint and insignia.
Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol.
Post by: Inso on June 21, 2017, 03:44:13 PM
My Primaris marines arrived today... but I didn't get all the correct ones (EBay).

I wanted the bareheaded Lt, the plasma squad and the bolter squad with bareheaded sgt.

I got the plasma squad, the bolter squad with the helmeted sgt and the lieutenant with helmet and sword :(

Shine officially removed :( .

I have sent a message but can't do anything with them until I get a response Grrr...

I am not happy :(

Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol.
Post by: Inso on June 22, 2017, 08:07:49 AM
So... things are sorted out... More stuff on the way :) ... not ideal but things are sorted.

I guess I can at least start assembling some Primaris Space Marines now :)

Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol.
Post by: Ahistorian on June 22, 2017, 11:28:51 AM
I'm looking forward to seeing them!
Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol.
Post by: Inso on June 22, 2017, 07:49:00 PM
I have started to assemble the first marine and this was one that I wasn't really keen on because he has a sword. That said, it gives me a good opportunity to test things out so the first thing I did was use a standard marine, bald head and move the helmet to his waist:


It was only after I'd glued the head on that I realised it had a bionic eye, so I have started to convert the helmet to accommodate it. While assembling the body, I noticed that there was a little box with some skulls in it, attached to his belt so I removed it because i want these marines to be fairly clean.

I was hoping to have this one primed for painting today but I am being held back by the putty work on the helmet. Hopefully, by the end of tomorrow, it should see some primer.

I think that this miniature will be the 'hated leader' of the patrol. Someone who insists on being different and refusing to admit that he is wrong :) .
Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol.
Post by: Lost Egg on June 22, 2017, 08:26:47 PM
Nice work so far. I'm glad that GW didn't go all skulls-mcskull-skulls with the primaris marines.

If your waiting for the putty to cure Inso you could always try popping it under a lamp for a bit.
Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol.
Post by: Inso on June 22, 2017, 09:52:39 PM
Nice work so far. I'm glad that GW didn't go all skulls-mcskull-skulls with the primaris marines.

If your waiting for the putty to cure Inso you could always try popping it under a lamp for a bit.

I'm quite happy waiting :) ... don't want to melt my marine  lol . I would have preferred NO skulls or rosettes but I guess it's their thing so I can't really complain :) ... and they are really nice :)
Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol.
Post by: AWu on June 22, 2017, 10:03:45 PM
Nice work so far. I'm glad that GW didn't go all skulls-mcskull-skulls with the primaris marines.

They didn't but one nurgle plague marine had uber skully shoulder pad. Its gorgeous.
Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol.
Post by: Inso on June 23, 2017, 05:14:16 PM
I finished sculpting the 'bulge' on the helmet (for the bionic eye) and managed to get some primer on my Lieutenant today:


Next will be a basecoat of dark green before all the fun starts :)
Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol.
Post by: Lost Egg on June 23, 2017, 06:41:21 PM
Lovely conversion work on the helmet, so smooth.
Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol.
Post by: dwartist on June 23, 2017, 10:38:02 PM
Watching very closely...I do like these.
Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol.
Post by: Andym on June 24, 2017, 09:00:04 AM
Well done on that helmet! If you hadn't shown the before shot, I would beloved that was part of the original model! 8)
Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol.
Post by: vodkafan on June 24, 2017, 02:40:15 PM

I think that this miniature will be the 'hated leader' of the patrol. Someone who insists on being different and refusing to admit that he is wrong :) .

He might get "fragged" on patrol if he is hated that much...."accidents" happen you know  ;)
Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol.
Post by: Inso on June 25, 2017, 12:51:09 PM
He might get "fragged" on patrol if he is hated that much...."accidents" happen you know  ;)

He has some VERY wise Senior NCOs to keep the guys in check :)

I have started the camo and just have the little black flecks to add... but I am happy with the way it looks so far:


The aim is to use similar colours to British DPM but use geometric shapes rather than random splodges. This first miniature is a trial so if it ends up that I don't like the scheme, I don't have to use him :) .
Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol.
Post by: Michka on June 26, 2017, 05:19:29 AM
Love, love, love the camo! I've always had a soft spot for Space Marines in camo, and this one is turning out fantastic!
Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol.
Post by: Inso on June 26, 2017, 08:07:06 AM
Love, love, love the camo! I've always had a soft spot for Space Marines in camo, and this one is turning out fantastic!

Cheers :)

I have now basecoated the whole pattern and it looks like this:

Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol.
Post by: Radu Lykan on June 26, 2017, 08:22:20 AM
I think that this miniature will be the 'hated leader' of the patrol. Someone who insists on being different and refusing to admit that he is wrong :) .

But there are no female/wife marines?  lol

I am leaning towards howling griffons for my own primaris marines, going with the whole bright quartered colours. They are also well known for actually using camo appropriate to their surroundings as well which could help you out on choosing a chapter?
Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol.
Post by: tomrommel1 on June 26, 2017, 09:51:55 AM
good start indeed
Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol.
Post by: Inso on July 06, 2017, 05:21:43 PM
Now that I have replaced the Photobucket images with Imgur, the Primaris are back :)

I noticed a thread on here about Lead Adventure marines. The colours that are being used aren't far off military ones... so maybe the castle/moon motif could end up on these marines? Who knows?

I have the second miniature primed and coated green and that basically makes the two commanders for the patrol. As a result of the little mix up with getting the correct miniatures, I will need to do a head swap for one of the Sgts in a bolter squad (needs a bare head, rather than a helmet) but apart from that, they will all be un-converted.

I am planning on using 'crackle paint' for the bases but will be darkening the martian colour with a coat of black or brown ink... I've never used crackle paint before so I will test things on a spare base first.

Lots of 'firsts' for me on this project :) .
Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol.
Post by: punkrabbitt on July 06, 2017, 06:50:55 PM
Very nice work! I love seeing camo Marines!
Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol.
Post by: Commander Vyper on July 06, 2017, 10:03:21 PM
I finished sculpting the 'bulge' on the helmet (for the bionic eye) and managed to get some primer on my Lieutenant today:


Next will be a basecoat of dark green before all the fun starts :)

Nice nod to the c100 commander Steve. You know where else u can post em when done ;)  crimson fists please. 😎
Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol.
Post by: Inso on July 09, 2017, 07:52:50 PM
The second of the lieutenants now has a first base coat, ready for tidying up :) :

Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol.
Post by: Predatorpt on July 09, 2017, 07:56:07 PM
That camo pattern looks great on the Primaris due to their lack of skulls and other 'gothic' stuff. Nice work.
Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol.
Post by: Inso on July 21, 2017, 03:56:39 PM
Still lots to do but I have washed everything and finished the camouflage and pouches... the base is still wet due to having crackle paint applied :) :

Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol [LEAD LEGION].
Post by: Inso on July 21, 2017, 06:22:03 PM
Not the best photographs in the world... but here is a Primaris Captain of the Lead Legion Space Marine Chapter :) :

Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol [LEAD LEGION].
Post by: Bergil on July 21, 2017, 10:31:49 PM
what does crackle paint do chap?

Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol [LEAD LEGION].
Post by: von Lucky on July 22, 2017, 03:51:42 AM
Lovely conversion and painting Inso - so cool (takes me back to what my brother did with the RTB1 marines, all in green camo).
Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol [LEAD LEGION].
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on July 22, 2017, 09:22:59 PM
Crackle paint causes the surface to break up into irregular areas  similar to drying mud (crackle glaze causes crack effects on ceramics).

Look closely at the surface of the bases.
Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol [LEAD LEGION].
Post by: von Lucky on July 22, 2017, 10:31:25 PM
It's available from art stores (like Riot, Dean's, Kaisercraft, etc). Basic demonstration in this video:
Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol [LEAD LEGION].
Post by: von Lucky on July 22, 2017, 11:21:17 PM
I predict in the future there will be a crackle-like mediums that you use to paint instant camo on miniatures: Flecktarn brown, Multicam green, Gulf War guano.
Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol [LEAD LEGION].
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on July 23, 2017, 08:41:10 AM
I remember tartan paint.
Title: Re: Inso's Primaris Patrol [LEAD LEGION].
Post by: Inso on July 23, 2017, 11:34:13 AM
I remember tartan paint.

The trouble I found with it was that they didn't have the pattern I wanted...