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Miniatures Adventure => Fantasy Adventures => Frostgrave => Topic started by: Zephirus on July 13, 2017, 02:20:42 PM

Title: Dipping a toe in the frozen pools of Frostgrave
Post by: Zephirus on July 13, 2017, 02:20:42 PM
Hello all

I am new but a long time admirer of these boards.  I have just got back into the hobby after a 12 year absence and am blown away by some of the innovation in mini painting since I left off. 

Frostgrave has got my attention as a good entry level project to get me back in, low cost and easy to learn rules.  I thought I'd create a log here to store my development and show (hopefully) an improvement in painting skills (my main aim other than having a laugh).  Please throw in any hints/tips you have.

So the idea I had for my band is going to be centered on an enchanter wizard.  He is a member of the 'Masons Metaphysic', a mysterious group focused on magic infused architecture.  My main guy (name tbc) has taken along a retinue to Frostgrave to learn the secrets of its lost architecture and bring back as many blueprints (treasure tokens) as he can.

My first crack of block painting the figures is done.  I just need to do the highlighting and finish the bases.  Not sure whether to go for snow (I'm late to the party right, the snow has probably melted!) or not.  Fine detail on the faces is also going to be a challenge!


Once these chaps are done, next up is my half-orc body guard (man-at-arms) proxy and the young apprentice:




Title: Re: Dipping a toe in the frozen pools of Frostgrave
Post by: Zephirus on July 13, 2017, 02:38:57 PM
Ah, that was a bit small.


Title: Re: Dipping a toe in the frozen pools of Frostgrave
Post by: jp1885 on July 13, 2017, 02:40:56 PM
Looking good so far. Welcome to the frozen city!
Title: Re: Dipping a toe in the frozen pools of Frostgrave
Post by: giles the zog on July 13, 2017, 04:35:28 PM
I haven't gone for the snow effect, that leaves the models available for other locations...like the Ghost Archipelago supplement upcoiming, and of course Mordheim.

I would however paint the edges of your bases so they "tidy up" a bit.

Otehr than that a bit of dry brushing and you're good to go.

Title: Re: Dipping a toe in the frozen pools of Frostgrave
Post by: CPalmer on July 13, 2017, 04:57:17 PM
Welcome to Felstad! Remember during your visit to take only treasure, and leave only footprints...and bodies.  ;)

Your warband looks great so far!

Part of what drew me to the game was the chance to do a bunch of winter themed terrain and figures, after decades of doing more "normal" stuff.  But if you're just starting out I would agree that leaving your figures more multi-purpose might be a better route.
Title: Re: Dipping a toe in the frozen pools of Frostgrave
Post by: Zephirus on July 13, 2017, 07:22:22 PM
Thanks for the kind words guys.

Seems after a bit if research photobucket was a not the best place to choose first off.

Yep giles the bases do need some more work, think I will be going for a rough scrubland/homestead look so will probably paint the base edges a brown. Have to agree C that the snow is a unique setting. Might come back to it when I've upgraded my skill set!