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Miniatures Adventure => Age of the Big Battalions => Topic started by: Malamute on August 08, 2017, 11:24:46 AM

Title: Napoleonic Vignettes in 28mm
Post by: Malamute on August 08, 2017, 11:24:46 AM

I'm interested in looking at some 28mm French Napoleonic vignettes. Not action scenes, just some simple vignettes of figures in camp etc. Any suggestions would be gratefully received.

I am aware of the Perry Miniatures ones, just keen to see what else is available.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Vignettes in 28mm
Post by: Poiter50 on August 08, 2017, 11:28:18 AM
Westfalia now sold by Black Hussar have some possibilities.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Vignettes in 28mm
Post by: Svennn on August 08, 2017, 11:29:36 AM
Calpe have some very nice command sets
Title: Re: Napoleonic Vignettes in 28mm
Post by: Silent Invader on August 08, 2017, 11:34:37 AM
The TFL blog has some examples of compositions they've put together:

http://toofatlardies.co.uk/blog/?p=5833 (http://toofatlardies.co.uk/blog/?p=5833)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Vignettes in 28mm
Post by: cdm on August 08, 2017, 12:45:16 PM
Eureka have a bunch of beautiful vignette scenes like the dragoons at a water trough with a couple ladies sitting nearby, the weaponsmiths, bakery set etc. Or you could even try the undead Napoleonics for something slightly left of field.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Vignettes in 28mm
Post by: von Lucky on August 08, 2017, 02:25:18 PM
I second the Eureka ones (down the bottom of this link):
Title: Re: Napoleonic Vignettes in 28mm
Post by: Aaron on August 08, 2017, 02:54:44 PM
I'll third the Eureka sets. Here is my poorly photographed take on them from a few years ago:





They also have a fun assortment of looting cossacks!


Title: Re: Napoleonic Vignettes in 28mm
Post by: duhamel on August 08, 2017, 03:27:30 PM
I will not be of much help on this blow there. I will have chosen Perry. The poses are good and there are several references. Sorry to be unable to help you anymore ... :?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Vignettes in 28mm
Post by: Hammers on August 08, 2017, 03:31:02 PM
I've got this one, MIB; if it is of any interest:

Title: Re: Napoleonic Vignettes in 28mm
Post by: Malamute on August 08, 2017, 03:49:20 PM
I've got this one, MIB; if it is of any interest:

Hi Hammers, thanks for the offer. I'm looking for vignettes of two or three figures, of soldiers in camp, around the fire chatting, that sort of thing. If all else fails I'll go with the Perry ones, but they are mostly only officers.

The Eureka figures are lovely but more Revolutionary Wars than I am after.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Vignettes in 28mm
Post by: Poiter50 on August 08, 2017, 04:32:17 PM
Didn't Colonel Bill have a tent of a discreet nature and purpose at one stage?
Title: Re: Napoleonic Vignettes in 28mm
Post by: Romark on August 08, 2017, 04:35:06 PM
How about the Perry's set of young guard sitting around on their packs,waiting for action, they'd look great around a campfire, the command pack set even has a guy playing the flute and the drummer playing along,or the artillery hired hands,but  I guess you've seen those ? They seem to meet all your requirements at a one stop shop  :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Vignettes in 28mm
Post by: duhamel on August 08, 2017, 04:56:24 PM
Hi Hammers, thanks for the offer. I'm looking for vignettes of two or three figures, of soldiers in camp, around the fire chatting, that sort of thing. If all else fails I'll go with the Perry ones, but they are mostly only officers.

The Eureka figures are lovely but more Revolutionary Wars than I am after.

No Perry does not only make officers

https://www.perry-miniatures.com/product_info.php?cPath=23_28_54&products_id=1890 (https://www.perry-miniatures.com/product_info.php?cPath=23_28_54&products_id=1890)

https://www.perry-miniatures.com/product_info.php?cPath=23_28_54&products_id=1955 (https://www.perry-miniatures.com/product_info.php?cPath=23_28_54&products_id=1955)

https://www.perry-miniatures.com/product_info.php?cPath=23_28_54&products_id=1956 (https://www.perry-miniatures.com/product_info.php?cPath=23_28_54&products_id=1956)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Vignettes in 28mm
Post by: Arthur on August 08, 2017, 05:09:57 PM
Don't forget the old Foundry vignettes. The Foundry Napoleonics have yet to be uploaded on the new website but if it's a French campfire scene you want, then FN325 fits the bill perfectly :

Title: Re: Napoleonic Vignettes in 28mm
Post by: Malamute on August 08, 2017, 07:50:49 PM
Thanks guys, I had missed the Perry infantry ones. The Foundry look perfect too. :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Vignettes in 28mm
Post by: moonshado on August 08, 2017, 08:03:23 PM
Wargames Foundry also did two nice diorama sets  - one of French troops guarding wounded Austrian Prisoners and another of a mixed group of french troops, including a very nice musician, chatting up a vivandierie. They should still be available but with Wargames Foundry revamping their website the Napoleonic French are not showing, you'll eed to give them a ring or e-mail.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Vignettes in 28mm
Post by: Malamute on August 08, 2017, 10:02:07 PM
Thank you, that's very much appreciated.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Vignettes in 28mm
Post by: Elk101 on August 09, 2017, 07:57:58 AM
It sounds like someone might be making Sharp Practice deployment points? What about Warlord's vivandiere and mule as one? I picked one up for just that purpose.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Vignettes in 28mm
Post by: Malamute on August 09, 2017, 08:20:19 AM
It sounds like someone might be making Sharp Practice deployment points? What about Warlord's vivandiere and mule as one? I picked one up for just that purpose.

Possibly ;) lol
Title: Re: Napoleonic Vignettes in 28mm
Post by: Romark on August 09, 2017, 12:03:26 PM
Did someone say deployment points ? I just went quick and dirty for mine  :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Vignettes in 28mm
Post by: Malamute on August 09, 2017, 12:25:10 PM
Thats a nice idea.Simple but effective :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Vignettes in 28mm
Post by: Romark on August 09, 2017, 12:30:36 PM
Thats a nice idea.Simple but effective :)
Gracias amigo  :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Vignettes in 28mm
Post by: Aaron on August 09, 2017, 01:20:54 PM
Eureka also do a lovely cantiniere with cart. I think she'd pass for post-revolution and the cart comes with a load of separate goodies.

Old Glory has a nice pack titled "The Death of Lannes" (IIRC) that features wounded, surgeons, and various hangers on.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Vignettes in 28mm
Post by: Elk101 on August 09, 2017, 05:50:25 PM
I put these little vignettes together with leftover figures. The mule is a Warlord one. They're on 60mm round mdf bases if I remember correctly. I like the standardised base size as they all tie in visually and it keeps things manageable
Title: Re: Napoleonic Vignettes in 28mm
Post by: Romark on August 09, 2017, 06:39:32 PM
I put these little vignettes together with leftover figures. The mule is a Warlord one. They're on 60mm round mdf bases if I remember correctly. I like the standardised base size as they all tie in visually and it keeps things manageable
Nice work on those Steve,I'm assuming in the first that guy has drunk too much vodka and in the second he's seeking forgiveness  :) Like the use of the Russian priests too  :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Vignettes in 28mm
Post by: Malamute on August 09, 2017, 06:52:33 PM
Nice work on those Steve,I'm assuming in the first that guy has drunk too much vodka and in the second he's seeking forgiveness  :) Like the use of the Russian priests too  :)

Seconded.Very nicely done. :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Vignettes in 28mm
Post by: Yankeepedlar01 on August 09, 2017, 06:53:50 PM
Would the Front Rank Napoleonic civilians be useful. There are gentlemen, ladies and the lower orders, includes a pump and trough.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Vignettes in 28mm
Post by: Malamute on August 09, 2017, 06:56:30 PM
Yep, good suggestion, thanks Dave. :)
Title: Re: Napoleonic Vignettes in 28mm
Post by: Elk101 on August 09, 2017, 11:07:06 PM
Nice work on those Steve,I'm assuming in the first that guy has drunk too much vodka and in the second he's seeking forgiveness  :) Like the use of the Russian priests too  :)

That's exactly what's supposed to be going on Keith!

I have some of the Front Rank Napoleonic civilians and they are very nice. You may also find the odd useful item in Redoubt Enterprise's Bits section. They do civilians,  tools, etc.
Title: Re: Napoleonic Vignettes in 28mm
Post by: Romark on August 10, 2017, 04:24:35 PM
That's exactly what's supposed to be going on Keith!
Nailed it !  :)