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Miniatures Adventure => The Conflicts that came in from the Cold => Topic started by: resinaplanet on September 18, 2017, 08:48:36 AM

Title: (commercial)(Kickstarter) Euphoria: Ghost, amazing modern warfare miniatures
Post by: resinaplanet on September 18, 2017, 08:48:36 AM
Hello!!!, I want to share with you our kickstarter campaign.


Amazing multicomponent modern warfare miniatures sculpted by Juan Díaz.

We have funded the campaign in two days and we are very proud of the job.


More than 200 different combinations with am incredible realistic miniatures.

Do you like it?

Support us on kickstarter!!.
Title: Re: (commercial)(Kickstarter) Euphoria: Ghost, amazing modern warfare miniatures
Post by: Elbows on September 18, 2017, 08:12:48 PM
The sculpting quality looks pretty good.  I'd never buy miniatures like that in resin (particularly with long barreled weapons) and the head options definitely leave a bit to be desired (they're very..."movie bad guy" looking).  I like the quality though so I hope you do well, and continue putting out stuff.
Title: Re: (commercial)(Kickstarter) Euphoria: Ghost, amazing modern warfare miniatures
Post by: resinaplanet on September 18, 2017, 09:39:00 PM
Hi Elbows!!!!!!, yeahh of course, that's why they will be cast on metal :).
This pictures are of the resin copy to the master in order to avoid damage in the master while vulcanizing (Juan Diaz works in this way).
The resin would be very easily broken.
We allways do the sceneries in resin and the miniatures in metal.

About the heads, we hope to have more different models during the campaign.

We try to give them an special ops (modern warfare) look and yeah, probably looks a bad guy.....

Thanks a lot for your comment, its very important for us to know what people think about the project, we want to do it the best that we can and all your comments are very usefull for us.
Title: Re: (commercial)(Kickstarter) Euphoria: Ghost, amazing modern warfare miniatures
Post by: Maxx Von Morton on September 18, 2017, 10:20:10 PM
I like the models! Details look very sharp! Nice job!

I would love some scale comparison pics to see how your model would fit with other ones I altready have (spectre and empress, for example...).

Do you plan some vehicle, in the future?

Thank you

Title: Re: (commercial)(Kickstarter) Euphoria: Ghost, amazing modern warfare miniatures
Post by: resinaplanet on September 18, 2017, 10:49:40 PM
Hi Maxx!!!, thanks for your comment, in the campaign there is a picture for the comparation between our models are other companies (not the ones that you said, but I hope that help you)

Here is a picture of the scale comparation
Title: Re: (commercial)(Kickstarter) Euphoria: Ghost, amazing modern warfare miniatures
Post by: resinaplanet on September 19, 2017, 08:16:19 AM
First social media stretch goal unlocked

All pledges will have for free a Madeleine Bad Born.... some enemy hehehe.


Support us, we need your help :)

Title: Re: (commercial)(Kickstarter) Euphoria: Ghost, amazing modern warfare miniatures
Post by: Elbows on September 19, 2017, 05:26:12 PM
Ah, very cool to see they'll be in metal.  That's a good sign. 
Title: Re: (commercial)(Kickstarter) Euphoria: Ghost, amazing modern warfare miniatures
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on September 19, 2017, 08:01:32 PM
Here is a picture of the scale comparation

I recognise the Womble and what might be a Hasslefree Kendra. What is the first figure?
Title: Re: (commercial)(Kickstarter) Euphoria: Ghost, amazing modern warfare miniatures
Post by: resinaplanet on September 19, 2017, 08:22:04 PM
The first one is for "Zombicide" :)

I think that our scale is good :)

Title: Re: (commercial)(Kickstarter) Euphoria: Ghost, amazing modern warfare miniatures
Post by: Duke Donald on September 19, 2017, 08:33:26 PM
I've rarely felt so conflicted about backing a Kickstarter.

My immediate reaction after seeing the sculpts was "must have, now!". To me, they look on the largish side of 1/54, but obviously, they might be tall guys  ;). The said, I prefer larger mini, and I like the proportions. I also like the realistic feel with just a dash of cartoonishness. I absolutely love some of the heads.

I appreciate I'm in a minority here, but I would have preferred resin over metal. Give me snappiness over bendiness any time for very thin parts. Besides, if these are meant to see the gaming table, the barrels have to be replaced by metal pins anyway, and converting resin is far less of a pain than metal. I also also feel that multi-part compatible minis would have more potential in resin (or plastic) than metal.

I feel I will back this eventually. That said, I find the Kickstarter oddly designed. I understand the logic of offering an incentive to the first backers. However, there must be a balance between incentive whilst not making the later backers feeling cheated. Also, €60 for eight "rank-and-file" metal minis is no bargain. Then, the "Madeleine Bad Born" Kickstarter exclusive strikes me as pretty terrible, and I say that as someone who doesn't mind zombie strippers and similar nonsense.

The first one is for "The walking dead" miniatures game :)
I think that our scale is good :)

That looks more like a Zombicide mini to me
Title: Re: (commercial)(Kickstarter) Euphoria: Ghost, amazing modern warfare miniatures
Post by: resinaplanet on September 19, 2017, 09:04:19 PM
Thanks for the commentary Duke Donal!!!!!!!!!

First of all, you are right!!!!!, I mistake sorrryyyyy, he is from Zombicide , sorry for the mistake

About the cast of metal I can do also in resin, by the way my company is Resina Planet and all our scenery is done in resin :). The problem is that resin breaks, not like metal and there are very thin parts that could easily broken in resin. Thats why I preffer metal cast. (I also do the metal cast XD )

We just have starter this kickstarter, only 3 days ago, and we hope to unlock many strtech goals including social media stretch goal that we will put. That will reduce the difference between the earlies and normal pledges.

By the way anyone that like the miniatures and the project can join the campaign and if at 3 days till the end dont reach their expectatives can cancell the contribution.

We are working in additional arms with different weapons like a gun, greanade, minimi or m60, different heads, a dog trainer.... but we need your help and your support :) Juan Diaz is doing his best job and he is working very hard.

p.d. Madeleine is not exclusive of this kickstarter, was made by Manuel Olmedo (MoM miniatures) to a past campaign with other zombie characters.

Thanks a lot for your comments!!!
Title: Re: (commercial)(Kickstarter) Euphoria: Ghost, amazing modern warfare miniatures
Post by: resinaplanet on September 21, 2017, 08:20:47 AM
Hello !!!!, we have taken a scale comparative picture between our ghost and other companies miniatures (Empress and Spectre)


As you can see they fits perfectly !!!!

Support us on kickstarter
Title: Re: (commercial)(Kickstarter) Euphoria: Ghost, amazing modern warfare miniatures
Post by: Dr. Zombie on September 21, 2017, 09:32:29 AM
The minis sure look very nice. But they are also very very expensive. I am not saying they are not worth it. But 7.5 euro per mini prices me out I am afraid.
Title: Re: (commercial)(Kickstarter) Euphoria: Ghost, amazing modern warfare miniatures
Post by: resinaplanet on September 21, 2017, 10:05:47 AM
Yeah, I understand you, we are working in improve the cost of the productions, as we have seen many interest we can do more different molds with different pieces (big ones, easy to cast and small ones, hard to cast), that will able us to give more miniatures at the same price. Very probably we will include some social media stretch goals adding 2 more miniatures (bodies, heads and weapons) to everybody. Also, we are working in more equipment options like a machine gun, dog tranier and different guns.

We dont no want price to be a problem, by the way, if any are interested, I recomend you to enter the campaign because there will be changes during it, and if in the last 2 days dont reach your expectatives, you allways can left.

Also talking about prices, our miniatures are multicomponent, so you can make a lot of different miniatures with the pieces provided that its an adventage.

We have to know that its not the same to eat in a Mc Donals than in a 2 forks restaurant, and both are meat :)

We are trying to do the best :), and Juan Diaz, the sculptor is working very very hard :)
Title: Re: (commercial)(Kickstarter) Euphoria: Ghost, amazing modern warfare miniatures
Post by: Dr. Zombie on September 21, 2017, 11:02:48 AM
I view Spectre and Empress miniatures as fine dining as well but it is still at half the price.

But I get what you are saying. And I wish you all the best because they are some awesome looking minis. And I would love to have some myself - at some point.

Title: Re: (commercial)(Kickstarter) Euphoria: Ghost, amazing modern warfare miniatures
Post by: dinohunterpoa on September 24, 2017, 03:16:40 AM
Very nice looking minis at a very ridiculous price!  ;D
Title: Re: (commercial)(Kickstarter) Euphoria: Ghost, amazing modern warfare miniatures
Post by: carlos marighela on September 24, 2017, 02:13:19 PM
So one and a half to twice the price of a Hasslefree figure, four times the price of a Eureka modern figure, four times the price of Spectre and three times the price of an Empress miniature?

Bargain! Unless you are casting them in solid gold I'd say good luck with that!
Title: Re: (commercial)(Kickstarter) Euphoria: Ghost, amazing modern warfare miniatures
Post by: dinohunterpoa on September 24, 2017, 02:41:08 PM
So one and a half to twice the price of a Hasslefree figure, four times the price of a Eureka modern figure, four times the price of Spectre and three times the price of an Empress miniature?

Bargain! Unless you are casting them in solid gold I'd say good luck with that!

Title: Re: (commercial)(Kickstarter) Euphoria: Ghost, amazing modern warfare miniatures
Post by: resinaplanet on September 24, 2017, 08:19:27 PM
Hehehehehe, yeah, I understand you, but there is a small problem, why a Mercedes is more Expensive than a Opel, both are good cars.
Our miniatures are a very high detailed multicomponent and actually you can make more than 200 different soldiers.. Actually.....

By the way, think about that the campaign started one week ago. I will recomend you not to loose the news about it, maybe at the end could not be so expensive as you think. This is a kickstarter campaign, if we get lot of support we will be able to do big quantities and reduce prices giving more miniatures by the same contribution (By the way I think that our minis actually are twice price than spectre, not x4). One of our miniature actually is 7€

In other way we are an small company, not the cheaper, its true (obviously), but neither the more expensive doing miniatures and actually noone has our quality.

You know how kickstarter works, if you like the miniatures, join the campaign and we will see how far we could go.... if 3 days till the end, the way is not the correct for you, you can obviously leave.

Here are some pics about what will come to the campaign, probably as social media stretch goals for free to everyone if we reach it.

Starting of a minimi

Arm with a gun

Think about it :)

pd. Sorry for my English
Title: Re: (commercial)(Kickstarter) Euphoria: Ghost, amazing modern warfare miniatures
Post by: Duke Donald on September 24, 2017, 09:21:19 PM
These are not cheap, but I personally don't think the prices are outrageous, in particular if the Kickstarter manages to reach the €10k goal that would unlock another two minis for free.

To me, the sculpts are also intrisically superior to both Empress and Spectre miniatures. Obviously, it remains to be seen how much detail might be lost during the metal casting.
Title: Re: (commercial)(Kickstarter) Euphoria: Ghost, amazing modern warfare miniatures
Post by: resinaplanet on September 24, 2017, 09:38:36 PM
The video ones are masters (cause we obviously dont have start the production...), but they are the metal masters, so the quality will be like the painted miniatures of the video.

We show some masters in an Spanish show (Freak Wars).

Deppending the final quantity of miniatures we will do more or less masters to make the mould production :)

Also, as Duke say if we reach 10k (that we think is not impossible) everybody will obtain 2 more miniatures. As many money we reach, many things we could give :)

Actually there is 9 miniatures and 4 decorative weapons for 60€
Title: Re: (commercial)(Kickstarter) Euphoria: Ghost, amazing modern warfare miniatures
Post by: carlos marighela on September 24, 2017, 09:58:49 PM
Mercedes and Opel eh? Are you are saying that these are four times better than a Eureka or Empress sculpt or twice that of Kevin White? I just don't see it myself.

Suggesting that a crowd funding campaign might change its dynamics/ cost/ outcomes mid way through the campaign probably isn't the best way to instil confidence btw.
Title: Re: (commercial)(Kickstarter) Euphoria: Ghost, amazing modern warfare miniatures
Post by: resinaplanet on September 24, 2017, 10:41:55 PM
No no, Carlos, of course!!, I will never say anything similar, I will never compare prices with miniatures, not for being 4 times better need to cost 4 times more. Sorry If you dont understand what I wanted to say, was my fault cause my bad English.

I wanted to say that ours are multicomponent that allows you to make much more combinations and possitions. This is a fact. If its better or worse cannot be say. I think that Both Empress and Spectre are very good miniatures. By the way ours are multicomponent.. and this is better, that its the comparation between a Mercedes on a Opel.

In other hand when you start a campaign you have to take in consideration the initial cost. Obviously there are some cost that are common like advertising and design all the core miniatures. If we give 15 miniatures to everyone, we probably will loose money if we only get the 6000, but, if we reach more (15.000 for example, the initial cost has to be divided into all the backers, so it lows the price very much, that why we can give more miniatures at same price).

Take a look to the campaign, follow it, maybe you will be interested in the last days :)

And please take all my words with an smile, a forum is few expressive.

Again sorry for my bad English.

Title: Re: (commercial)(Kickstarter) Euphoria: Ghost, amazing modern warfare miniatures
Post by: dinohunterpoa on September 24, 2017, 11:03:29 PM
Mercedes and Opel eh? Are you are saying that these are four times better than a Eureka or Empress sculpt or twice that of Kevin White? I just don't see it myself.

Again, PERFECTLY!  :)

I think that's the kind of cocky attitude that makes for a serious lack of something of valour. Time will tell, as we're already seen that kind of "we're better than anyone else in the industry" shit before.  :)


Title: Re: (commercial)(Kickstarter) Euphoria: Ghost, amazing modern warfare miniatures
Post by: resinaplanet on September 24, 2017, 11:32:08 PM
Hi Dinohunterpoa, I dont remember to say that we are better than anyone in the industry XD

By the way you was the one that saids

"Very nice looking minis at a very ridiculous price!  Grin"... maybe not very polite

We have been doing miniatures and sceneries from more than 9 years, and we can tell you that obviously we are not the best neither between the 50 better ones. We try to do the best that we can, but we are not the best.

By the way I appreciate your comments about us, and I allways try to learn from any comment that anyone say me :).

the mind about "we're better than anyone else in the industry" is not my style. You are telling me, laughing on me, that my miniatures are expensive, ok, I am answering you why they cost it, and not, they are not made in gold XD hahaha. I loved that comment, they are made in "Peltre 0% pb"

Here is again the link of the campaign :)


We are a small company and we respect too much Empress and Spectre whose are much bigger than us:). Spectre is doing amazing vehicles that we will never be able to do.

But maybe we are disturbing a little the forum, I accept all the critics, of course, and if you wanna keep talking about this here I dont have any problem :), but maybe could be better to talk in pm :)

Title: Re: (commercial)(Kickstarter) Euphoria: Ghost, amazing modern warfare miniatures
Post by: resinaplanet on September 25, 2017, 09:43:15 PM
Great news. If we reach 8000€ every pledge will obtain for free a new miniature. The ghost with heavy weapon (minimi)

Still in W.I.P.


Let's do it!!!
Title: Re: (commercial)(Kickstarter) Euphoria: Ghost, amazing modern warfare miniatures
Post by: resinaplanet on September 28, 2017, 09:26:01 AM
Hello! We are trying to make the campaign more accesible, so we have decided to create a new pledge level without any stretch goal but with a reduced price of 45€. If you know anyone that cannot afford the 60 € pledges, talk to them about the opportunity of having 8 miniatures at 45€.


Support us on kickstarter
Title: Re: (commercial)(Kickstarter) Euphoria: Ghost, amazing modern warfare miniatures
Post by: Duke Donald on September 29, 2017, 04:57:51 PM
I've been following this Kickstarter with interest. The primary reason is not because I like the sculpts, which I do as I mentioned before, but because it represents an interesting marketing/psychological experiment.

The minis are arguably expensive, but I personally do not believe this is the reason why the Kickstarter stalled so badly after a flying start. Pricing of miniatures, as for other luxury items, doesn't really make much sense anyway and many of us are prepared to pay ridiculous prices if the product feels desirable. I've personally bought more expensive miniatures of lesser quality.

To me, the primary reason is that the incentive to early backer was too high, so that anyone who came later feels cheated. The single pricing at €60 also makes this assymetry far too obvious.

To use an imperfect analogy, if I went to a bar with steeply priced drinks, I might grumble a bit but would probably still order a drink. Further, if the ten customers at the front of the queue would have gotten a free bowl of crisps, or a discount on peanuts, I wouldn't mind. Though, if I realised that 100 customers before me got far bigger drinks for the same price than me, I'd likely just leave the place and go to another bar. This is arguably not entirely rational but a sense of being treated fairly relative to others is an important aspect of commercial transactions.

I appreciate you tried to rectify the problem by adding new stretch goals and introducing the new "no stretch goal" option. However, I do not believe these address the most fundamental challenge your Kickstarter is facing.

Title: Re: (commercial)(Kickstarter) Euphoria: Ghost, amazing modern warfare miniatures
Post by: resinaplanet on September 30, 2017, 12:54:53 AM
Hi Duke Donald.

It looks like to sound strange saying from me, but I agree with you. Very probably it was an error, by the way you also feels cheated in black fridays day?

Sorry for my English I hope that you understand what exactly I am saying, everything is said with an smile :)

Very probably I did a mistake adding 4 miniatures for free to the ultraearly and 2 for free to the early. Well, this is a bit hard to explain and maybe my English is not good enough, but I will try to do.

When you start a campaign, you dont know how it will works, yo dontk know if you will reach 2.000€ or 20.000€. You have to create the campaign blind. I make numbers, and I check that 6000€ will be enough to not to loose money. And here is how I make the objective. The problem is that I need 100 people to fund the campaign, and usually it is not hard for me, but not very easy. Ok, thats when I think like my old campaigns to create an early and ultraearly giving 300 miniatures for free no taking in consideration my time of producing them cause we need the campaign to pay the modeler and the materials (remember that I am the caster).

Ok, it was very usefull cause we reach the goal in 2 days. wau!, it was fantastic, much better than expected, and now its when the problems obviosly comes. As you said, the number 101 will get 4 miniatures less than the 50 first ones!!!!. (This is probably the main error, should be 2...), and the price is high. 60 € for 8 miniatures is 7,50€ each miniature...

People maybe could think that I am cheating them... no!!!, O my god, I will never cheat noone, people who knows me , known how I am.

The campaign was designed to
1 option:  Arrive to 6000 and get there....
2 option: have too much success and unlock many many miniatures reaching social media stretch goals and stretch goals making the difference between the ultraearly and basic less  (if we unlock 6 miniatures ultra will get 20 miniatures and normal 16, not so many difference)

I have to admit that probably its not a good focused campaign, and have to say sorry for the ones who thinks I am cheating people.

I can only say that If all people in doubt enter to the campaign, we will raise much more funds and unlock more miniatures making the differences smaller and being closer to the 2 option than the first one.

As I allways say, if 2-3 days before the end of the campaign dont like the way choosing, you can allways left, this is kickstarter.

We are actually working non stop to give more and more options to our ghost, here are some of the new weapons that we probably will include the next week as socialmedia stretch goal, if they are finished...


They are obviously in very early WIP process

In this moment any pledge has include 2 additional miniatures and for decorative weapons and we are less than 200€ of incluiding another miniature.

I hope that I have explained propertly, and sorry again for my bad English.

If you like our job, please, support us, and let see how far we can go.
Title: Re: (commercial)(Kickstarter) Euphoria: Ghost, amazing modern warfare miniatures
Post by: Duke Donald on October 01, 2017, 03:56:58 PM
Thanks for your reply. I appreciate getting the right balance in a Kickstarter is challenging and there are tricky tradeoffs involved. The strong incentive to early backers clearly allowed you to reach your funding goal very quickly. I also never wished to imply you aimed to cheat anyone. I like your project and wish you all the best with it.
Title: Re: (commercial)(Kickstarter) Euphoria: Ghost, amazing modern warfare miniatures
Post by: resinaplanet on October 08, 2017, 06:32:09 PM
We have unlocked one more miniature for free!!! , and we still have one more week !!!


Actually you get 11 miniatures and some decorative weapons for 60€ in the campaign


Support us and help us to unlock more miniatures for free to every pledge!!!

Title: Re: (commercial)(Kickstarter) Euphoria: Ghost, amazing modern warfare miniatures
Post by: resinaplanet on October 15, 2017, 06:45:27 PM
Hi people, we are in the last 2 hours of the kickstarter campaign and we just have unlocked 4 SOCIAL MEDIA STRETCH GOALS and 4 STRETCH GOALS, that means than the PLEDGE contribution get 15 miniatures and some accesories for 60€ + shipping cost.
Check again the campaign we have improve it a lot in these last hours!!!!

Could we unlock more stretch goals?, Support us if you like it


