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Miniatures Adventure => Fantasy Adventures => Topic started by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on November 25, 2017, 04:44:57 AM

Title: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff. Oathmark Elf, Dwarf and Mongrel Human
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on November 25, 2017, 04:44:57 AM
I am going to place my various fantasy projects here.  I am not particularly accomplished at painting fantasy (or possibly any other) miniatures, having mainly painted 15mm Naps.
I have not gamed or painted for the better part of a year.  I have decided that I will try messing around with just some solo fantasy gaming (using modified - as it is solo play - Dragon Rampant). 
So I don't get bored I am going to do little bits of different projects at any one time (thinking about rules adaptations, painting and making terrain).
I have two main projects - one is a Silmarillion themed game, the other is more a fairytale fantasy mishmash.

Stock taking so far.
Apart from some general terrain pieces and lots of Vikings and Saxons already painted, this is what I have so far for fantasy gaming:

Painted but not necessarily based.
(https://preview.ibb.co/i2UfL6/20171125_161949.jpg) (https://ibb.co/j4CNYR)

Semi painted or unpainted.
(https://preview.ibb.co/f20y7m/20171125_162235.jpg) (https://ibb.co/jtUrSm)

More Papo figures pressed into service (with Saxon for scale)
(https://preview.ibb.co/fiUrSm/20171125_162142.jpg) (https://ibb.co/dBtJ7m)

And the start of a fantasy forest with inspiration from DeafNala and Dr Mathias http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=41545.0

(https://preview.ibb.co/ch9Ef6/20171125_162258.jpg) (https://ibb.co/gp42YR)

On order are some fantasy knights, ents, night goblins (or some such thing) and some skellies.

For the Silmarillion I am in need of a huge wolf (Carcharoth) and a huge hound (Huan).  So far no success.

Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff.....
Post by: Jacksarge on November 25, 2017, 07:32:39 AM
Will follow this with interest as I want to do a Middle earth/ Dark Ages thing, and have been wondering about sources of appropriate models etc,.
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff.....(new pics)
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on December 06, 2017, 05:46:16 PM
My painting has been bitsy with me having many figures on the go, doing little bits of each to stop me getting bored.   Pictures are taken with my cell phone with artificial light, so a bit manky.  These were mainly miniatures that just needed basing or a bit of finishing.

Aussie invaders.  Large toxic spiders, the children of Ungoliant.  My current painting is just quick to get miniatures onto the table - acceptable quality without being great (it would take me twice as much effort for probably only 10% better quality). 

(https://image.ibb.co/kpDjSw/20171206_203317.jpg) (https://ibb.co/id2NEb)

Another quick and nasty paint job, although the photigraph doesn't help.  I may have to take another picture in better light.  A Marchwarden from Doriath. Basing has also been a bit more rough and ready.  I think I might go back to my previous method and spend more time on this.

(https://image.ibb.co/ixAW7w/20171206_203549.jpg) (https://ibb.co/fVZDLG)

A great warg or werewolf.  Thunderbolt Mountain.

(https://image.ibb.co/dpXB7w/20171206_203623.jpg) (https://ibb.co/buojSw)

Normal wolves, suitable for any
(https://image.ibb.co/nOvynw/20171206_203650.jpg) (https://ibb.co/jJjr7w)

The whole lot.
(https://image.ibb.co/h7d7fG/20171206_203801.jpg) (https://ibb.co/jQWSfG)

For my not Middle Earth project (no name for this yet) I need fairies.  Any good source for these.  I want them to be small.  The few I can find are mainly quite big - almost the size of a normal 28mm figure.  Another figure I need is a queen.  In my story she is "good" but due to some enchantment is largely unseeing/unaware.  She can move, and can respond at a very basic level.  In wargaming terms, she will largely have automated movement, and cannot alter her course/respond to what is happening around her.  Finding something suitable for this is difficult.

On the Silmarillion project I am also stuck.  I can't decide whether I would actually use a Carcharoth figure or whether it is just something I want to have.  Finding something suitable is difficult - he was meant to be huge. The only thing I can find is this from Mierce http://mierce-miniatures.com/index.php?act=pro&pre=mrm_dkl_ang_mrc_mbs_601_000 but probably too big and far too expensive.  The Reaper warg might make a good werewolf, but is too small for Carcharoth.  And then, where would I get a decent Huan the hound?
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff.....
Post by: Severian on December 06, 2017, 06:20:39 PM
A great collection of figures! All sorts of possibilities there. The painting looks good too. The spiders in particular work very well I think.

For Carcharoth, have you looked into those Schleich animal figures, or similar toy stuff? Huan might be a bit trickier - I suppose he'd need to be a wolfhound the size of a small horse, or something. Are there 54mm scaled dogs out there somewhere? Surely there must be.

What sort of fairies are you after? Victorian/Edwardian illustrated book fairies, or something a bit more folkloric and sinister?

Title: Re: Silmarillion and My Fairy King
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on December 07, 2017, 06:44:07 AM
Most Schleich or Papo wolves are too friendly.  
This howling wolf may do the job:

As far as fairies go, I don't mind too much as long as they are small, have wings, and aren't too weird (undead, skeletions, 7 arms etc).

My "other project" is best summed up by:

"In the land where horses born with eagle wings
And honey bees have lost their stings
There's singing forever"

"The fairy folk have gathered round the new moon shine
To see the feller crack a nut at nights noon time
To swing his ace he swears, as it climbs he dares
To deliver...
The master-stroke"

And for those who haven't worked it out yet:

Fear me you lords and lady preachers
I descend upon your earth from the skies
I command your very souls you unbelievers
Bring before me what is mine
The seven seas of rhye

Can you hear me you peers and privvy counsellors
I stand before you naked to the eyes
I will destroy any man who dares abuse my trust
I swear that you'll be mine
The seven seas of rhye

Sister - I live and lie for you
Mister - do and I'll die
You are mine I possess you
I belong to you forever

Storm the master-marathon I'll fly through
By flash and thunder-fire I'll survive
Then I'll defy the laws of nature and come out alive
Then I'll get you

Be gone with you - you shod and shady senators
Give out the good, leave out the bad evil cries
I challenge the mighty titan and his troubadours
And with a smile
I'll take you to the seven seas of rhye

Using Queen's songs based on the land of Rhye and those songs which have a fairy-tale quality and could fit into the idea of the mythology of Rhye: White Queen (As it Began), March of the Black Queen, Lily of the Valley, Ogre Battle.

This will require a wide range of figures, from fairies to ogres, something that will be appropriate for the "mighty Titan"; senators, merchants, satyrs, nymphs, and even honey bees that lost their sting.

(https://image.ibb.co/bPBdnw/maxresdefault.jpg) (https://ibb.co/mBbpub)

Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff.....
Post by: lord marcus on December 12, 2017, 02:47:34 PM
Where did you get that mhorgoth figure?
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff.....
Post by: robh on December 12, 2017, 03:31:29 PM
That YouTube link has some great figure concepts pulled from the Dadd painting, Most should not be too difficult to locate (close enough certainly) but some are pretty unique......Dragonfly Trumpeter :?

Keep an eye on the figure range being developed for Moonstone, a very similar style among some of their concepts.

Below a pedagogue appears.
A Critic up to sneers & jeers.
And by his faun-like ears he’s wild
Untamed himself, each fairy child
He tames with many a look severe
But if his glance is there or here
’Tis hard to say. He squints to note

You may. But he’ll not meddle
With a work so sharp.
Waits in suspense and doth not carp.
His business is to teach to do.
Do it himself? Oh no! t’is you.
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff.....
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on January 02, 2018, 02:09:01 AM
He's a fairy feller....


Actually, he is a previously painted Saxon who has now taken on a green hue (I told him that boar stew looked off..)

Myron the wizard is rather myopic.  Not only does he need large print spell books, but when he went to pick up his wand of death he actually grabbed last night's dinner, "snake kebab".


A fairly generic mad, evil wizard.


Elf maiden with attitude (and pneumatic breasts).  Could be used for both my Land of Rhye game or Silmarillion.


Elf hero.  Pure Silmarillion.


Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff.....
Post by: beefcake on January 02, 2018, 03:08:05 AM
Nice minis there. Keen to see more.
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... Balrogs and wings
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on February 16, 2018, 08:51:40 PM
I have painted a rather random collection of figures in the last couple of weeks.  Some with a Tolkien in mind, others more generic fantasy.
I am thinking of painting a Balrog.  The issue comes to; with or without wings.
The Balrog in the Lord of the Rings may have real wings or metaphorical ones.  In the Silmarillion there is no mention of wings.  Balrogs move swiftly, but nothing convinces me they fly.  Morgoth sends flying spirits to assault the moon when it first rises, but Balrogs are not mentioned.  When the Valar finally come to overthrow Morgoth the battle in the air is fought against dragons, but again no mention of Balrogs.
I also don't think Balrogs were huge, as the mightiest of the Noldor could defeat them (even if at the cost of their own lives).
What do you think a Balrog should look like?
Hobgoblin, I am sure, will have some ideas.


New spiders and ents added.  Knights, shadow goblins and a gryphon are under way.
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff.....
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on February 16, 2018, 09:12:27 PM
By the way, how do you update/change the title of a thread?
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff.....
Post by: Ogrob on February 16, 2018, 09:13:56 PM
By the way, how do you update/change the title of a thread?

You edit the first post.
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... Balrogs and wings
Post by: Hobgoblin on February 16, 2018, 11:13:35 PM

What do you think a Balrog should look like?
Hobgoblin, I am sure, will have some ideas.

Ha! I remember the balrog-wing flame wars ...

I think it's worth noting that the Balrogs of The Fall of Gondolin, etc., don't necessarily match the Balrog of Moria. I forget where, but Tolkien somewhere revised the number down from dozens or hundreds or more to "no more than seven" (if memory serves).

Presumably, if Tolkien had ever published his own Silmarillion, the Balrogs would have been upped in power and reduced in number. (In the same way, it looks as if the "orcs created from corrupted elves" story might well have been discarded).

So, if we're going on the balrog of Moria, what do we have? Not much, of course, but it is like a "great shadow", in the middle of which was a dark form, of man shape, maybe, only greater", has a "streaming mane" that catches fire, breathes fire through its nostrils and - and this to me is the most interesting bit - is fast and agile:

"Then with a rush it leaped across the fissure."


"The dark figure streaming with fire raced towards them."

"With a bound, the Balrog leapt full upon the bridge."

So it's not some great ponderous thing.

On the wings, I think the line that's often forgotten is this:

"With a terrible cry the Balrog fell forward, and its shadow plunged down and vanished."

So, we get "like a great shadow"; "the light faded as if a cloud had bent over it"; "the fiery shadow halted"; "the shadow about it reached out like two vast wings"; "The fire in it seemed to die but the darkness grew"; "its wings were spread from wall to wall, but still Gandalf could be seen, glimmering in the gloom"; From out of the shadow a red sword leaped flaming": and "With a terrible cry the Balrog fell forward, and its shadow plunged down and vanished."

I think it's fairly clear that all the wings business is a description of the Balrog filling the vast chamber with darkness. When the Balrog falls, the shadow - which has been spread out across the cavern - gets sucked down into the chasm after it. There's a very good argument that the wings can't be bat-like appendages, because the cavern is so vast: it takes the Fellowship some time to cross it; the chasm is 50' across and presumably far wider; and so we're talking albatross wings on a midge if the Balrog is only two or three times human size (its brief fencing match with Gandalf implies that it can't be much bigger).

There's also the point that Gandalf's successful plan involves breaking the bridge - an odd ruse to pursue against a flying creature.

I don't think there's any easy way of representing a shifting, expanding cloud of darkness on the tabletop. But if I were looking for a Balrog model, I'd look for something like a GW elf wardancer - something long-haired, lithe and agile-looking. A large elf wardancer - 35mm or 4omm or whatever - would be ideal.

There must be other agile-looking, sword-wielding, long-haired figures to which a whip could be easily added. Jet-black skin, a fiery mane and (presumably) blazing eyes would do the rest, I think.

Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... Balrogs and wings??
Post by: Severian on February 16, 2018, 11:43:14 PM
Yes, that sounds about right. Certainly no actual wings.

The published Silmarillion, with the usual caveats about authorial vs editorial intention and Tolkien's shifting concepts, has (in chapter 3) "their hearts were of fire, but they were cloaked in darkness, and terror went before them; they had whips of flame." So the primary characteristic here seems to be darkness, and shadow, and underneath fire, which coheres with the Moria picture.

How to represent this on the table top.... I wonder if anything could be done with something from the Conquest games wealdgeist range (http://www.conquest-games.co.uk/index.php?cPath=41_46), perhaps the elves or (for a big version) the ent? Not sure if the size is quite right, but their surface texture (tree-bark like) might allow some interesting darkness-over-a-heart of-fire effects. Perhaps not obviously agile enough though? And some modest conversion for sword & whip (or whatever) would be needed. Anyway, just a random thought.
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... Balrogs and wings??
Post by: Gandalf the G on February 17, 2018, 12:12:52 AM
I would love to see closeups of that Thunderbolt Mountain elf lady. Such a nice figure!
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... Balrogs and wings??
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on February 17, 2018, 03:49:14 AM
I would love to see closeups of that Thunderbolt Mountain elf lady. Such a nice figure!

Now please remember I haven't sorted out a decent host site for my pictures, don't have a program on my computer at this stage to edit my camera photos, so I have used my phone in possibly not the best lighting.  BUT, here is the elf maiden and her friend, also from Thunderbolt miniatures.  As with all close ups, all the errors can be seen and I find these miniatures don't deal with handling well, so have required touch ups the more I game with these (have I missed any other excuses?).


Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... Balrogs and wings??
Post by: beefcake on February 17, 2018, 09:04:12 AM
I'm looking forward to seeing what you get as a Balrog.
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... Balrogs and wings??
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on February 17, 2018, 06:26:18 PM
I'm looking forward to seeing what you get as a Balrog.

The Balrog is ordered.  It is without wings! Looking at the postage tracker it is now in the country, so should arrive in a day or two.  Other than that, you will just have to wait.

A thought on size of Balrogs.  That is, big doesn't have to be of the order of several times the height of a man.  To an averaged sized man a rugby player or basketball player seems huge.  If we also think that the bulk of a professional athlete is greater than even a well conditioned man. If we go to the bulk of a mountain gorilla, at up to 195kg, but only 1.8m tall we can get some ideas as to how much heavier a "large" creature is compared to a man.
If we use Body Mass Index as a way of estimating weight of a creature like a Balrog we can get some interesting results.  A rugby player will come out with a BMI of 32-33, a mountain gorilla over 50.
If our Balrog is only 1.5 times the height of a man (lets say 2.7m tall) witha BMI of 35 it's weight would be 255kg.  If we go towards gorilla size and say BMI 40 we are at 291kg, BMI 45 = 328kg and if we are more gorilla-like at BMI 50 then we are 364kg. 
So for a little more height and a heavier physique the Balrog is many times heavier than a man and would be a truly daunting opponent.

Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... Mish mash monster menagerie
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on February 26, 2018, 03:08:40 AM
A mixture of figures.  Again, taken by phone - I have now found I am missing my SD card for the camera!!!

Anyway, here they are:

Ent/treeman in action.  Black Tree Design

A First Age werewolf.  Reaper Bones

And a size comparison.  Some cheating here as the base is built up, but still quite a brute.

A k-nigg-it.  BTD



A gryphon (or griffin?). Wizzkids miniatures.



The bronze bull.  Reaper bones.

Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... Mish mash monster menagerie
Post by: beefcake on February 26, 2018, 07:09:38 AM
Looking good. You have made that bronze bull look great. My own is rubbish, I might need to repaint it.
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... Mish mash monster menagerie
Post by: Severian on February 26, 2018, 10:50:53 AM
Very nice work! And a great range of useful beasts.

As beefcake says, the bull looks great. Mine is wholly unpainted...
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... Mish mash monster menagerie
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on February 26, 2018, 05:59:39 PM
Looking good. You have made that bronze bull look great. My own is rubbish, I might need to repaint it.

I can't claim any great painting skill here.  It was a quick job that turned out well.
Black undercoat.  Dark brown heavy dry brush, lighter brown dry brush.  Then bronze dry brush followed by a red/brown wash.  A little more bronze to pick up any highlight obscured by the above.  A dot or orange-red for the eyes and nostrils.  Each layer was probably a 1-2 minute job, all up about 12 minutes excluding drying time.
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... Mish mash monster menagerie
Post by: dadlamassu on February 27, 2018, 07:54:52 AM
I painted my bronze bull in brighter colours and may now repaint it!

Thanks for posting your progress.  We have a setting called "Morval Earth" created by John (Slim) Mumford.  The original inspiration was drawn from Middle Earth and D&D which has expanded as collections grew.  Th e brief history (of nearly 40 years of wargaming in) Morval Earth

http://www.morvalearth.co.uk/me_brief_history.htm (http://www.morvalearth.co.uk/me_brief_history.htm)

Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... Mish mash monster menagerie
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on February 28, 2018, 02:43:28 AM
Looks like and interesting and fun world.  Thanks for the link.
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... new - Trolls
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on March 04, 2018, 12:07:46 AM
My take on trolls.





Reaper ogres made to look more trollish.
Looks like they need another hit of matt. I prefer the first troll I did, which is the lightest of the three, but for quick paints I am happy enough.
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... new - Trolls
Post by: beefcake on March 04, 2018, 07:14:00 AM
I like those miniatures. I never thought of painting them as trolls though. Nice choice.
Tom, Bert and William?
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... new - Trolls
Post by: Gallahad on March 04, 2018, 07:16:25 AM
Lovely trolls! For what it is worth I prefer the darker skin on them. They look so good I'm feeling inspired to paint my own! Thank you for sharing!
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... new - Trolls
Post by: Diablo Jon on March 04, 2018, 08:06:46 AM
I like the trolls are the Reaper miniatures?
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... new - Trolls
Post by: majorsmith on March 04, 2018, 04:48:23 PM
Love the wolf and brass bull
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... new - Trolls
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on March 04, 2018, 05:51:40 PM
Thanks guys.
The poor photography doesn't quite do them justice.
They are Reaper ogres.   I have used a GW textured paint to roughen up the skin and some greenstuff lumps were added, most noticeably on the spine of one figure.
Reaper Bones are a bit unusual in their painting, bur I quite like them for larger creatures.  All the ogres had casting problems - where the spine should be there was a deep cleft that needed to be filled in.
I did try to paint these in the same manner that Hobgoblin uses, but it didn't quite work out, so it is a semi-Hobgoblin semi-standard paint job.
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... new - Trolls
Post by: Severian on March 04, 2018, 05:58:47 PM
Properly troll-like! Good stuff. The lumps and texturing work very well.

I've always thought the distinction between trolls and ogres was a fairly tenuous one in any event...

I'm with you with Bones for larger creatures - much easier to handle (and a good deal cheaper) than a metal equivalent. Man-sized or smaller, less straightforward...
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... new - Trolls
Post by: Mr.J on March 04, 2018, 06:02:12 PM
I continy to find your thread a great source of inspiration. Well done.
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... new - Trolls
Post by: Diablo Jon on March 04, 2018, 07:54:50 PM
Properly troll-like! Good stuff. The lumps and texturing work very well.

I've always thought the distinction between trolls and ogres was a fairly tenuous one in any event...

I'm with you with Bones for larger creatures - much easier to handle (and a good deal cheaper) than a metal equivalent. Man-sized or smaller, less straightforward...

Have to agree about the bones stuff they are great for big creatures man sized stuff I'd rather have in metal.

I think growing up with D&D my idea of trolls look quite different to ogres but other setting seem to make them much less obvious or different.
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... new - Trolls
Post by: Little Odo on March 07, 2018, 09:27:42 PM
They look great the way you have textured and painted them. Suitably brutish.
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... new - Trolls
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on March 13, 2018, 08:42:15 AM
Finally, the Balrog.  Painted with the help of many on this forum.  Thank you all who contributed.
I have decided not to try OSL (object source lighting), mainly because I don't think I have the skills to pull it off, partly I want to just have a sharp contract between light and dark.
Again, the photos are poor, but you get the idea.
I do have one question, what does a spirit of fire need bags and pouches for?





Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... The Balrog is here.
Post by: beefcake on March 13, 2018, 09:33:00 AM
Very nice. I really like how the whip looks super hot at the base and moves to cooler at the tip. That is very well done. Bags and pouches... Extra matches for his hair?
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... The Balrog is here.
Post by: Hobgoblin on March 16, 2018, 11:07:31 AM
That's a great balrog! The pouches might not be ideal, but the overall look of the model - and the paintwork - are spot on.

I'm curious: did you consider leaving the sword and turning the mace into a whip? It works fine as you've done it, but to my eye, it looks an easier conversion the other way (given that the mace haft forms quite a nice whip handle).

Anyway, terrific stuff! He looks a bit like one of John Blanche's balrogs, as glimpsed in the distance in his Fall of Gondolin.
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... The Balrog is here.
Post by: Severian on March 16, 2018, 08:19:50 PM
Yes, well done - very effective paintjob and a nice conversion.

Perhaps the bags & pouches might contain spare flammable cordage, to be turned (as occasion requires) into the famous "thong of fire" as used in Nirnaeth Arnoediad? My other thought was supplies of matches and/or lighter fuel, just in case...
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... The Balrog is here.
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on March 17, 2018, 12:37:48 AM
Bags full of marshmallows to roast on his own head.
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... The Balrog is here.
Post by: Daeothar on March 21, 2018, 02:53:19 PM
Pretty cool and considering the sources mentioned, also pretty much spot on. (perhaps the pouches hold trohpies taken off worthy opponents?).

My source of Tolkien images, whilst I read the three books (the Hobbit, LotR and the Silmarillion) back in the eighties, is firmly based in the early nineties. Especially the ICE RPG books and some artwork from a couple of Tolkien based PC games. And I was also heavily influenced by the large demon from the Hero Quest game...

And those already worked with images of the (Moria) Balrog as a huge, winged demon. So that's how it looked in my head. In fact, it's one of the images from Peter Jackson's movies that worked out perfectly with my headcanon (bar the head; I had a more lionesque head, with a snout in mind, obviously). I also think that GW has always been basing their different incarnations of the Bloodthirster on the Balrog from these sources.

Only now do I realise that I (together with many artists and a director) have always interpreted the teksts wrong. Going by the posted quotes, it's not a giant, and it's not winged at all.

Who knew eh?

Ethelred; what mini did you use as a base for this one?
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... The Balrog is here.
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on March 21, 2018, 05:38:16 PM
Hi Daeothar.  The figure is Gronk the Bugbear from Reaper.  There are other bugbears without the pouches and bags, but they didn't have the same "flaming" hair.
I think the problem with Tolkien is that he seldom gives a detailed description, and what he does give can be contradictory.  I still have no idea how big Carcharoth or Huan would be.  Cacharoth was too big to fit in a den, but was small enough to hide in a thicket when being hunted by Beren and Thingol.  I get the impression that Huan might have been the size of a small pony (i.e. big enough to ride, but small enough to visit Luthien in her captivity in Nargothrond).  If Carcharoth was truly enormous Huan would never be able to fight him.
We get the same types of issues with trolls and Balrogs.  The nature of wargs and werewolves is uncertain. 
He wasn't even sure himself as to where orcs came from.

I read somewhere the theory that the Silmarillion was written as a story that had been passed on from the elves to men and in this telling is many generations old.  So it is now something of a tertiary source and corrupted through multiple retellings.

I have softened on my thoughts about Balrogs.  They may just be generic demons.  Like demons, they can come in different forms and some may be winged and others not.  For me, however, I will stay with wingless.
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... The Balrog is here.
Post by: Loop on March 21, 2018, 10:00:28 PM
I think the problem with Tolkien is that he seldom gives a detailed description, and what he does give can be contradictory.
We get the same types of issues with trolls and Balrogs.  The nature of wargs and werewolves is uncertain. 
He wasn't even sure himself as to where orcs came from.

With respect I think that is a strength rather than a weakness of his work.

My feelings can basically be summed up by a lot of the discussion in the “Orcs and the gamification of Middle Earth” thread but put simply; I hate the way that so many gamers seem to need everything codified. I love to use my imagination, the last thing I want is a definative version of...well anything really.

I don’t know if this is a symptom or a cause of the “...every miniatures range has to have it’s on rules” mindset.

Personally I grew up listening to the wonderful BBC radio play of Lord of the Rings, read the Hobbit, (saw the Hobbit as an outdoor play near Lancaster aged 8 or 9, a favourite childhood memory)read lotr and then saw the films. I do like the films but I’m glad I didn’t get my first impressions of Middle Earth from them.

I read somewhere the theory that the Silmarillion was written as a story that had been passed on from the elves to men and in this telling is many generations old.  So it is now something of a tertiary source and corrupted through multiple retellings.

I think I’ve heard something similar (though whether it was about the Silmarillion or not I can’t remember) and I love this this idea.

I love your threads Ethelred, and I enjoy the posts you post on the Oathmark Players page too (I don’t actually post there myself though).
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... The Balrog is here.
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on March 22, 2018, 06:22:48 AM
Loop, you are absolutely correct that as a story, Tolkien's works are great in that the descriptions are vague.  It is a problem for those sad bastards (like myself) who treat it like history (although, truth be told, I do like imagining these stories in my own way - I just want everyone to agree with my version  lol).

By the way, I also liked the BBC radio play of LotR - I think I was home from university when I listened to this.
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... The Balrog is here.
Post by: Daeothar on March 22, 2018, 08:59:38 AM
I read somewhere the theory that the Silmarillion was written as a story that had been passed on from the elves to men and in this telling is many generations old.  So it is now something of a tertiary source and corrupted through multiple retellings.

I can confirm I read this somewhere too (although I can't name the source). The entire notion elevated Tolkien's work even more in my eyes.

I always figured that, given time and some convoluted happenings, some future people might find both the Silmarilion and the Bible and, devoid of any context, might read them in the same way. In some ways, I think that was Tolkien's intent, aside from giving a cultural base to his languages.

It can certainly read like that, making his efforts in making the book read like passed on traditions effective.

As for Balrogs being generic demons; yes. I've always seen the Valar and Maiar as equivalent angels, and Morgoth's many creations as demons of different levels (he himself being a fallen angel after all). So to me, the Balrogs have always been the prototype demons I suppose.

And as Loop mentioned; explaining each and every little aspect of a setting will completely strip it of any mystery, possibilities and even life. The great thing about Tolkien's books is that there is so much left open, for the reader's mind to fill in (or not). The greatest settings are all like that. But there seems to be a drive in people to fill up any gap they find in the setting they're writing for/in.

Star Wars lost all its allure and sense of being set in a vast and mysterious universe by writer upon writer trying to shoehorn their story into the gaps left by other writers, so it has become a stiffing blanket of mediocrity (as much as I love Star Wars, it's true).

The same goes for the Horus Heresy in 40K; it used to be described as a a mystical time, 10,000 years past, with most information now lost and faded into myth and legend. It had most of the elements of a Genesis-like story, with all the vagaries associated with it (like the Silmarilion). I loved the mythical feel any mention of the heresy had back in the day (in the Space Marine rule book for instance).

And then Black Library came out with their books. At first, I thought they were great (finally; we get to know what 'really' happened), but then (as the writing quality started to decline as well) it dawned on me that all the mystery was disappearing. Now it's another completely fleshed out setting, without any room for imagination.

I suppose we're lucky that Tolkien's work has always stood on its own, and no additional works have been published or allowed (aside from some of Christopher Tolkien's writings). It has preserved the mystery we all so love about his works, and has also given room for this one fan writing from the point of view of Sauron's forces (which actually enforces the notion that the original books were stories, written down by the victors). And which, not accidentally, gives us cause to have these fun discussions :)

Ethelred; thanks for telling us the miniature your Balrog has been based on; I might not blatantly copy it when I come around to actually doing a Balrog, but it has certainly provided much food for thought! :)
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... The Balrog is here.
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on March 23, 2018, 05:55:57 AM
After a couple of test runs I thought it was time to finally get my game mats sorted out.  I have boards for Napoleonics games, but wanted something that looked a bit more wild for my fantasy figures.  I also wanted something that could comfortably have terrain pieces plonked on top and not have figures falling over (as with teddybear fur).

This is garage carpet, lightly spray painted to dull it, and then lots of static grass.



Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... Fields of Dorthonion - Games Mats
Post by: Sunjester on March 23, 2018, 07:09:46 AM
Those carpet tiles work well.
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... Fields of Dorthonion - Games Mats
Post by: Hammers on March 23, 2018, 08:12:11 PM
Crop your images, mate! All that cork board vastness makes your balrog look puny. :)
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... Fields of Dorthonion - Games Mats
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on March 25, 2018, 12:58:07 AM
Crop your images, mate! All that cork board vastness makes your balrog look puny. :)

Fair comment.  I spent so long painting the bloody thing I just wanted to post a picture.
But, because you asked for it (don't say I don't do anything for you ;) ) here is the new improved Balrog.........



Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... Fields of Dorthonion - Games Mats
Post by: beefcake on March 25, 2018, 04:06:17 AM
That is a nice pic mate. Well done!
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... Fields of Dorthonion - Games Mats
Post by: Severian on March 25, 2018, 03:07:22 PM
Very nice!
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... Fields of Dorthonion - Games Mats
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on March 29, 2018, 11:02:44 PM
"The White Queen walks and the night grows pale
Stars of lovingness in her hair
Needing - unheard
Pleading - one word
So sad my eyes
She cannot see"




Slow, slow painting lately.  Only the White Queen to show for my efforts.
She could also double for a Noldor princess or queen, should the need arise.
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... White Queen
Post by: beefcake on March 29, 2018, 11:28:43 PM
Outstanding. Very nice. The backdrop really sets it off too.
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... White Queen
Post by: Severian on March 29, 2018, 11:43:24 PM
Great stuff - and yes, a very effective backdrop.
Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... White Queen
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on April 18, 2018, 03:05:28 AM
Ruins have arrived from Urban Construct.  These are for ruined settlements in Dorthonion after the Dagor Bragollach, but can clearly be used for other fantasy and historical periods.
Great service from Dave at Urban Construct.  Pieces are resin. The only breakage was a walkway which will be easily repaired.

Painting is going slowly, but there are two knights and six skellies almost finished.

Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff..... White Queen
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on April 25, 2018, 04:12:25 AM
A couple of new knights:



Hmm now I see the photo I could have done better on the fleur de lis.  Perhaps I will come back to this.

All together:




A couple of Viking women - not at all historical.  The Armoured one my daughter painted with me doing touch ups and the eyes .   These were painted a long time ago, but only just based.  The mostly-unclad one I have no idea what to do with.  I will never game with it and only painted it as something a bit different to do.



And some old Saxons, painted a few years ago, pulled off their scenic base and now individually based.


Title: Re: Silmarillion and other Fantasy Stuff.....Vikings and Saxons and Knights, oh my.
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on June 29, 2018, 09:00:51 AM
Some new miniatures join the Sellswords and Spellslingers party.

Metal Oathmark Dwarf

Metal Oathmark Elf.  I Zoomed in close the white on the shield looks rather shonky.  I have struggled with whites - either poor cover or grainy.  I am onto my fourth now, hopefully with better results.  Still, from the end of the table this doesn't look so bad.

This next figure has been modified.  A Gripping Beast metal figure with a GB plastic Saxon head and sword (replacing and axe) and cloak from Fireforge miniatures.

The current band for SS&SS.  This is using the rules more-or-less as written, no attempt at doing this Tolkien-style.