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Miniatures Adventure => SuperHero Adventures => Topic started by: Legionnaire on November 27, 2017, 09:03:45 AM

Title: Super Mission Force Playtest!
Post by: Legionnaire on November 27, 2017, 09:03:45 AM
Saturday my 8-year old daughter and I had a go at SMF. She never played a wargame before but was keen to have a go. Prior to the game we each made a list of four characters, but to not making it too complicated, we randomly picked (dice roll) two from the roster.

Her choices: Martian Manhunter, Batman, The Flash and Wonder Woman (Batman and Wonder Woman).
My choices: Solomon Grundy, Scarecrow, Captain Cold and Harley Quinn (Solomon Grundy and Harley Quinn).

She helped in setting up the table, enjoying placing the scenery and in the Pre-Game Subplot Phase she scored 5 Goals (Re-rolls that can be used throughout the game) to my measly 2.

Again, to make it easy, we only played a straight up brawl to familiarise ourselves with the rules. She quickly grasped the mechanics and the idea of measuring and was using her re-rolls sensibly. It was off to an explosive start as her Batman laid into Solomon Grundy for a solid 4 Body hit (the picture of the poor dice roll is my defense roll). She ganged up on Grundy and lay into him with all she had and only by the skin of my teeth did I manage to keep him upright and take the Amazonian Princess down (Grundy started with 11 Body, was down to 2!!!). Another turn or two and Grundy would probably be down as well, leaving Batman and Harley to fight it out between themselves, but we ran out of time.


We both greatly enjoyed the game and I think it's a brilliant little system. It's very easy to pick up and play, the rules are fairly easy to understand, yet there is scope for some quite nice little things you can do. I forgot about the Gadget mechanic a couple of times (Chance roll to get re-rolls in the turn), which could've made a difference for Batman and Harley Quinn, and potentially have changed the outcome (Grundy down instead of Wonder Woman). We used most of the rules though, Charge, Knockback, KO, the 10" range of Gadgets and other bits.

I have also ordered some Marvel Heroclix and some MDF/ resin scenery (4Ground, TTCombat and Ainsty). Next time I think we are going to play with a full team and maybe try our hands on a scenario, she's already asked to play again  lol.

Thank you Scott for the rules  :D.


Title: Re: Super Mission Force Playtest!
Post by: fourcolorfigs on December 08, 2017, 01:39:42 PM
Dynamite looking game! Thanks! If you do any more games let us know and add to the thread!

I just picked up the new Female Fury figures from the latest DC Clix release. So cool! I am this much closer to replaying some of my favorite 1980s and early 1990s Suicide Squad issues!