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Miniatures Adventure => The Conflicts that came in from the Cold => Topic started by: mikedemana on December 29, 2017, 04:46:15 AM

Title: Smokin' Some Cubans: my Wars of Insurgency 2018 convention game
Post by: mikedemana on December 29, 2017, 04:46:15 AM

Each year I create an event that I will run at the various convention I attend to introduce my rules to the public. Like last year, I'll be demo-ing my modern skirmish rules set, Wars of Insurgency. This year's game is a fictional skirmish set in a historical campaign - 1987 Angola. Historically, the Angolan army, backed by the Cubans, launched an all-out assault to wipe Jonas Savimbi's UNITA guerrillas off the map. The South African Defense Force decided to intervene, and dispatched armor and infantry to shore up the UNITA defense.


My game takes place after the Cubans and Angolans have been repulsed at the Lomba River and are in retreat. The SADF and UNITA are in pursuit, hoping to keep them on the run and capture equipment and supplies (which can be turned over to UNITA). A mix force, supported by Ratel armored cars, closes in on an Angolan village where the enemy has decided to fight a rearguard action.


The game will be for six players -- 2 Angolan and 1 Cuban vs. 2 South African and 1 UNITA. Each player will control 3 squads, with the objective being to defend or capture the Angolan supply depot in the village. To put on this event, I need to create the Angolan village. A number of books I own already had some good photographs, but I've included some similar images I found on Google. I already have some traditional huts and have picked up some more. The biggest thing I need to construct are the fences you see surrounding and dividing the village into sections. I'm scratch-building them (more in a subsequent post), and have 4 feet of fencing built, but not painted, already.


Another challenge will be finding 20mm SADF Ratels. If anyone knows where I can obtain some, I'd appreciate the tip. I have a couple vehicles that are close but not identical that I will use if I can't find any.


Here's the initial schedule of venues that I will run the game at:

Jan. 13: Monthly meeting of the Central Ohio Gamers Asociation (COGA)
March 2-3: Cincy Con 2018 (http://cincycon.org/)
April 7: Day Con 2018 (https://www.daycongaming.com/)
April 26-29: Little Wars 2018 (http://www.hmgsmidwest.com/main%20LW.html)
May 18-19: Drums at the Rapids (http://www.hmgsgl.org/conventions/drums/)
Oct. 5-6: Advance the Colors 2018 (http://www.hmgsgl.org/conventions/advance-the-colors/)

Look for more updates soon, with pictures of terrain and figures.

Mike Demana


Title: Re: Smokin' Some Cubans: my Wars of Insurgency 2018 convention game
Post by: von Lucky on December 29, 2017, 05:02:22 AM
Sounds interesting.

Another challenge will be finding 20mm SADF Ratels. If anyone knows where I can obtain some, I'd appreciate the tip. I have a couple vehicles that are close but not identical that I will use if I can't find any.

Are one of the ones S&S Models sell suitable?
Title: Re: Smokin' Some Cubans: my Wars of Insurgency 2018 convention game
Post by: mikedemana on December 29, 2017, 06:17:55 PM
Are one of the ones S&S Models sell suitable?

Bingo! Those should work. Thanks for the tip...

Mike Demana

Title: Re: Smokin' Some Cubans: my Wars of Insurgency 2018 convention game
Post by: juergen c. olk on December 30, 2017, 03:18:00 PM
Can't wait to see your pictures.
Title: Re: Smokin' Some Cubans: my Wars of Insurgency 2018 convention game
Post by: Marine0846 on December 31, 2017, 12:35:32 AM
Lookin' good, Mike.
Hope to see some photos after the new year.
Title: Re: Smokin' Some Cubans: my Wars of Insurgency 2018 convention game
Post by: mikedemana on December 31, 2017, 09:26:35 PM
Liberation Miniatures 20mm Cubans -- check out the cigar on the dude second from the right!

Here are the first of the miniatures I've painted up for this project: 20mm Cubans! I had a couple packs of Liberation Miniatures Cubans in soft caps, but that wouldn't be nearly enough for the force I needed to field for six players. So, I rummaged through my unpainted lead drawer and drafted some other figures. My favorites are the above actual Cubans. They have a very "Fidel Castro" look about them. I especially like the guy second from right with the cigar in his mouth! I wish I'd picked more of these up when I grabbed these off of a friend.

More Liberation Miniatures being painted up as Cubans - this batch being African government troops

The first batch to be drafted into Cuban service were government troops from Liberation Miniatures Africa line. I actually painted all 18 of these figures at once -- a super-huge batch for me. I tend to rarely go about 10 figures, usually less, at a time. Read my blog entry about my "mistake" that became a new way of doing the olive drab color of the Cubans' fatigues. I think it turned out fairly good. In person, you can see a lot of depth and tones in the uniform color.

More helmeted troops that were painted up as Cubans in Angola...purists may object, but they're what I had available and I'm on a deadline to get this force fielded!

The final batch of figures I used were World War II ones (perhaps from FAA?). They had helmets like the government troops, so I figured they would fit. I doubt the Cubans wore their packs all that often in Angola, but hey, we make do with what we can when we're wargaming!

Next up are the LMG and RPG gunners, plus the force commander. They are primed on my desk and will be the first figures of 2018 to see a paint brush! Work continues on the fences for the Angolan village, but I'm saving pictures for another post.

Happy New Year everyone!

Mike Demana

Title: Re: Smokin' Some Cubans: my Wars of Insurgency 2018 convention game
Post by: juergen c. olk on January 01, 2018, 01:18:40 PM
Nice Cubans
Title: Re: Smokin' Some Cubans: my Wars of Insurgency 2018 convention game
Post by: Ash on January 04, 2018, 01:01:54 PM
Hi Mike

I definitely second Von Lucky's suggestion of the S&S Ratels, very nice model.
They do just about every vehicle you could want for this genre, including a lot of the weird and wonderful Rhodesian MPVs.

For Cuban/FAPLA troops check out Under Fire Miniatures (http://www.underfireminiatures.com/page19.htm)
The Syrian range also mix in very well.
Title: Re: Smokin' Some Cubans: my Wars of Insurgency 2018 convention game
Post by: mikedemana on January 05, 2018, 08:44:57 PM
Thanks, Ash! I actually ordered them from S&S a week ago. Waiting for them to sort out their post-Christmas stock issues for shipping here to the States. I have a couple stand-ins (Tonka Toys!  lol)  for the scenario playtest I'm running at a local club next Saturday.

I'll post some more pictures, then. Also, I have the outer perimeter fencing of the Angolan village completed. Since I made it from variously-sized mini dowels, I'm looking into a way to stain the wood rather than do the usual base coat and dry brush painting method.

Thanks for the comments, everyone! I'm in high gear producing stuff so haven't had much chance to post pics...!

Mike Demana

Title: Re: Smokin' Some Cubans: my Wars of Insurgency 2018 convention game
Post by: mikedemana on January 09, 2018, 12:24:53 AM
Cuban RPG and LMG armed troops fan out under orders of their officer

It finally warmed up enough for me to take a chance and clear coat some of what I've finished for my scenario, today. First up, are the RPG and LMG armed figures for my Cuban contingent. There's also an officer thrown in. The RPGs are all figure modifications. I was completely out of RPG-armed figures in my unpainted bin. So, what did I use for the RPG itself? Check out my blog below for the details. I think they look the part. I sized them against a Liberation Miniatures figure with an RPG, but I think they may be a tad bit big. Oh well, easier to identify on the tabletop!

More resin buildings for the Angolan village

The second photo is of more buildings I finished for the Angolan village the two sides will be fighting over. All but the large hut in the back are inexpensive resin pieces from a craft store chain here in the U.S., Michaels. I give them my standard black prime/first coat and dry brush method. I really like the gazebo thingy, too. It is fairly accurate for modern day Africa. I remember drinking millet beer underneath one of these at an African village in Mali about 10 years ago!

The large hut in the back is actually a Celtic one from Acheson Creations. It will stand in as a larger, chieftain's hut fairly well, I think. Right now, I am finishing up the village fences. Once they are done, I'll do a photograph of the entire village laid out. Stay tuned for more updates...!

Mike Demana

Title: Re: Smokin' Some Cubans: my Wars of Insurgency 2018 convention game
Post by: mikedemana on January 16, 2018, 06:14:51 PM
Angolan and Cubans counterattack out of the village with supply depot they are defending

It was a 3-day weekend (four days with today's snow day...woo-hoo!), so I squeezed in a couple playtests of my "Smokin' Some Cubans" scenario. Check out the report with LOTS of photos here on my blog:

Closeup of an Angolan FAPLA squad

The two playtests went differently, so I am thinking I have a good balance of forces. I am going to paint up another command of 3 Cuban squads to see how it works out with both sides having two Regular and one Militia force. Everyone had fun, and they liked how the table looked. Success!

Mike Demana

Title: Re: Smokin' Some Cubans: my Wars of Insurgency 2018 convention game
Post by: juergen c. olk on January 16, 2018, 08:35:44 PM
Great looking games.
Title: Re: Smokin' Some Cubans: my Wars of Insurgency 2018 convention game
Post by: Marine0846 on January 18, 2018, 06:25:55 PM
Excellent write up of the battle.
I have your rules, need to set up a battle and play.