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Miniatures Adventure => The Second World War => Topic started by: Tom Reed on February 08, 2018, 09:41:48 PM

Title: 15mm Desert Terrain suggestions?
Post by: Tom Reed on February 08, 2018, 09:41:48 PM
Working on my 15mm Desert War project. Got almost all of the Germans done and thinking about terrain. Was going to go with Crescent Root but saw that they have pulled all of their nice looking desert buildings, etc. from their store. Any other suggestions for desert buildings?
Title: Re: 15mm Desert Terrain suggestions?
Post by: Warboss Nick on February 10, 2018, 02:15:01 PM
I‘m facing the same dilemma. So far I have only come up with the FoW sets (Battlefront/Galeforcenine) which are fairly expensive IMHO and may or may not be worth their money. So I will go DIY, which isn‘t that hard to the do in 15mm.
Title: Re: 15mm Desert Terrain suggestions?
Post by: Truscott Trotter on February 10, 2018, 08:22:26 PM
You could try Kerr and King they do nice desert stuff
Title: Re: 15mm Desert Terrain suggestions?
Post by: Barry S on February 11, 2018, 12:17:09 AM
I have some from Hovel.
Title: Re: 15mm Desert Terrain suggestions?
Post by: RichBliss on February 11, 2018, 02:04:26 AM
Most of my 15mm buildings are Hovels.  Although Sarissa just released a bunch of nice ones.  The good news is you’re not going to need more than 2-4.  There just isn’t that much urban sprawl in North Africa  ;)
Title: Re: 15mm Desert Terrain suggestions?
Post by: Oldben1 on February 11, 2018, 02:49:38 AM
On a portable device so I can’t post links

Gamecraft miniatures have cheap adobes in resin and mdf

Crom’s Anvil Has some inexpensive buildings as well as terrain
Title: Re: 15mm Desert Terrain suggestions?
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on February 11, 2018, 08:35:32 AM
I have some from Hovel.
That is odd, I could not get your link to work, however it looks correct:
http://www.hovelsltd.co.uk/arab15.html (http://www.hovelsltd.co.uk/arab15.html)
As the above works.

Technology moving in a mysterious way.
Title: Re: 15mm Desert Terrain suggestions?
Post by: MartinR on February 11, 2018, 09:26:56 AM
I use Hovels buildings. They look fine.

There weren't a huge number of buildings in the western desert of course. There were lots and lots undulations of varying sizes, shapes and ruggedness though.
Title: Re: 15mm Desert Terrain suggestions?
Post by: has.been on February 11, 2018, 09:58:30 AM
At Salute a few years back I picked up some nice vacuum formed scenery. I have long ago lost the company name, but it
was something like 'Amega'.  They do some very nice desert stuff, such as:-
Adobe buildings; Roman/ Greek  temple/theatre base (great for long forgotten ruins) and sand dunes.
All of the stuff is light, therefore easy to transport to club etc. The sand dunes even stack, as there are only a few designs
per vac-formed sheet. That does not matter as, once cut out from the sheet, you simply place them with each having its
own facing (e.g. shape 'A' put one facing North, one Southwest etc.) Dunes are also not scale specific. The models are about
25mm tall. A small mound in 28mm is a small hillock in 15mm, but a big problem in 6mm.
Title: Re: 15mm Desert Terrain suggestions?
Post by: Barry S on February 11, 2018, 10:08:57 AM
At Salute a few years back I picked up some nice vacuum formed scenery. I have long ago lost the company name, but it
was something like 'Amega'.  They do some very nice desert stuff, such as:-
Adobe buildings; Roman/ Greek  temple/theatre base (great for long forgotten ruins) and sand dunes.
All of the stuff is light, therefore easy to transport to club etc. The sand dunes even stack, as there are only a few designs
per vac-formed sheet. That does not matter as, once cut out from the sheet, you simply place them with each having its
own facing (e.g. shape 'A' put one facing North, one Southwest etc.) Dunes are also not scale specific. The models are about
25mm tall. A small mound in 28mm is a small hillock in 15mm, but a big problem in 6mm.

Amera is the name of the company I think you are referring to.

I hope this link works...  :D
Title: Re: 15mm Desert Terrain suggestions?
Post by: NTM on February 16, 2018, 06:08:13 PM
These look pretty good

Title: Re: 15mm Desert Terrain suggestions?
Post by: has.been on February 16, 2018, 09:54:11 PM
Barry S, thank you, that is the firm (I have now earmarked it)
NTM. those Libyan one look fantastic.
Thanks you guys.