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Other Stuff => Workbench => Topic started by: jet on May 15, 2009, 07:07:01 PM

Title: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: jet on May 15, 2009, 07:07:01 PM
Not sure where to start this thread, as the topic doesn't deal with any specific game or era.  In short, do you buy everything you see that tickles your fancy, simply throwing caution to the wind?  Or are you like me, a person who must always find ways to talk yourself out of buying new models, new factions, new games? 

I've been reasonably productive over the last year, and have been producing what I can in terms of painted models and terrain for Warmachine, Old West, Impetus 6mm, and BFG.  I'm currently trying to ignore everything else that catches my attention while I finish off my Cygnar collection, a second ancients army, and some Old West civilians.

The problem: it's getting very difficult to muster the self-control required to not go out and buy something new - a box of historical plastics, or some 28mm historicals,... I'll stop listing because it could go on forever.

How do you guys excercise self-control? (if you do at all  8) )
Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: Sinewgrab on May 15, 2009, 07:17:06 PM
Self control? Define? I don't believe I am familiar with that word at all.
Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: myincubliss on May 15, 2009, 08:02:56 PM
I just spent £30 in the works on dr who toys to repaint for gaming (despite the fact that at the start of the year I had no interest in Dr Who whatsoever). Also, lack of attention span doesn't help my buying things...
Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: Darren on May 15, 2009, 08:37:42 PM
The recession has helped me in some way.  Having the choice between buying more soldiers and ensuring that bills are paid and groceries are bought really does help me appreciate the piles of lead I've already accumulated.

It doesn't help with the desire to purchase new stuff though.  I've stopped browsing eBay for bargains and have taken myself off mailing lists.  No point torturing myself...

On the plus side, I've painted more models this year so far than I have done before.  I guess being forced to focus has helped me avoid the butterfly syndrome I've had in the past.
Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: Ramshackle_Curtis on May 15, 2009, 08:41:21 PM
Im too much of a scrooge to actually spend money on models. I just make my own stuff, so the more I have the more happy I am. I have started a few things then not finished them, but this is quite rare, I finish more than I leave lying around.

Yesh, havent actually bought any models in years....
Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: Hammers on May 16, 2009, 12:21:56 AM

How do you guys excercise self-control? (if you do at all  8) )

Have you not under stood the concept of The Lead Pile which everyone is talking about? :)
Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: Bako on May 16, 2009, 12:38:50 AM
Tell myself I've not the money and then check my wallet to verify myself, but if there is money in there it's a good chance I'll buy something with it.
Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: Mr. Peabody on May 16, 2009, 04:55:50 AM
Tools currently get priority over new plastic or lead. That has slowed buying down and increased bench time. That Grex airbrush is looking very tempting at the moment... :-* Why I would need a second airbrush I don't know. o_o
Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: Vanvlak on May 16, 2009, 07:27:16 AM
I ran out of storage space, and have nowhere to place any more models. And by the time I get the remaining stuff painted I'll need a house 3x the size of the one we own now... :(
So this year all I bought was a box of 15mm plastic Samurai. Before this storage business I used to veer towards just about anything.
Oh, and welcome to Paintoholics Anonymous.
Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: Ironworker on May 16, 2009, 07:47:15 AM
<------ looks at lead mountain.  Aparantly I have no self control...............
Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: Argonor on May 16, 2009, 08:29:35 AM
I have almost stopped buying... minis. Right now I'm buying rare earth magnets to place in the bases, so that I may store my minis in cake bins and the likes. We're going to try finding a house to buy this summer, as my wife and I are now working in the same city (beforehand, we were going in opposite directions), so I have to get all my primed and semi-painted stuff stored instead of sitting around in makeshift shelves made of book-cassettes (sturdy open boxes made of thick cardboard (like mounting board) used for sets of books).

So, basically, I'm trying to confine myself to projects for which I already purchased the minis. Should last me a couple of years....  lol
Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: JollyBob on May 16, 2009, 09:43:04 AM
I don't buy everything I see that interests me. Much.

But, if I really want something, I'll normally ask around on here or elsewhere first. Usually somebody has had the same idea for a project as I did, and never got past the buying stage so there are bargains to be had.

These days, if I can't get it cheaper second hand, I regard it as a sign from Cheebus that I was not meant to meddle in such things.    :)
Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: answer_is_42 on May 16, 2009, 10:22:11 AM
It's really rather simple. I run out of money.
Lead mountains are for building, not for climbing.
Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: Gluteus Maximus on May 16, 2009, 10:53:43 AM
"Self control" can be loosely defined as only having the one lead mountain.
Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: jet on May 16, 2009, 01:32:00 PM

It's good to see that others struggle (and of course, others just give in  lol )

I'm currently concentrating on some Cygnar models and 6mm Persians.  I'm hoping these two projects will keep me from other temptations (like the Warlord plastic ECW minis, or Crusader's ancient range)
Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: Weird WWII on May 16, 2009, 01:54:39 PM
Get married, have a couple kids and get a 30 year mortgage, that should slow ya down.

Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: Unforgiven on May 16, 2009, 08:29:09 PM
I just tell myself I wont have any money for the stuff I actually need and that if I get all those goodies they'Ll only be painted in maybe..70 years.
Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: Argonor on May 16, 2009, 09:07:41 PM
Get married, have a couple kids and get a 30 year mortgage, that should slow ya down.


I have 2 out of 3 - probably going to get that mortgage during the next year....  :?
Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: Ramshackle_Curtis on May 16, 2009, 11:14:46 PM
See I have been trying to figure out where I stand on this. I dont have a mdel mountian. I have about 3 armies finished plus a load of stuff for toher games, like gangs and warbands and such. However, the unpainted bits are just old rare collectors items and 4 sprues of plastic goblins. But then I have a business where I make models, so really I have a whole seperate space away from home that I rent to store my hobby stuff in, AS WELL as hundreds of models at home! I done have a lead mountain, I have a mountain of moulds, misscasts and models....
Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: Rhoderic on May 17, 2009, 01:06:37 PM
Historically, I haven't had a lot of cash to throw around, due to still being a student, so that's helped keep me in check. The feeling of self-disgust after spending too much at once always makes me slow down again (and I think I define "too much" as a smaller amount of money than many other hobbyists). This might change soon as I'm slowly beginning to have more money to move around with, but I digress.

Lately I've also found that I can channel almost all my buying impulses into one project, if I choose a project that's big enough. For me that's Swords-and-Sorcery. Nowadays I can look at awesome stuff like the Quar or the recent BCW releases and simply think "Nice, but not now". Too busy with my Mongol warriors, my Atlantean knights, my indigenous African empires etc which I can all fit into the same project.
Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: Argonor on May 17, 2009, 01:42:43 PM
Historically, I haven't had a lot of cash to throw around, due to still being a student, so that's helped keep me in check. The feeling of self-disgust after spending too much at once always makes me slow down again (and I think I define "too much" as a smaller amount of money than many other hobbyists). This might change soon as I'm slowly beginning to have more money to move around with, but I digress.

Lately I've also found that I can channel almost all my buying impulses into one project, if I choose a project that's big enough. For me that's Swords-and-Sorcery. Nowadays I can look at awesome stuff like the Quar or the recent BCW releases and simply think "Nice, but not now". Too busy with my Mongol warriors, my Atlantean knights, my indigenous African empires etc which I can all fit into the same project.
I'm slowly starting down that path, too - but I often find myself ordering some extra packs 'on the side' to keep average postage down, anyway  lol
Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: Mad Carew Snr on May 17, 2009, 01:56:21 PM
people with no self-control and with butterfly/compulsive minds

You just described me Bezzo!  lol
Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: bandit86 on May 17, 2009, 02:06:38 PM
Just give into the dark side you know you want too ;)
Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: 6mmfan on May 19, 2009, 07:19:39 AM
Try counting how long it would take to paint your current lead pile. I worked out mine and it was 3 years and then I realised I'd forgotten some stuff.  Smiley

It slowed down my purchases and now I focus more on finishing an army completely before moving onto another army.

Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: Vanvlak on May 19, 2009, 08:21:15 AM
Try counting how long it would take to paint your current lead pile. I worked out mine and it was 3 years and then I realised I'd forgotten some stuff.  Smiley

It slowed down my purchases and now I focus more on finishing an army completely before moving onto another army.

At my current rate of production, 40 years. And I'm serious. And I'd be 82.
Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: Cheeky Monkey on May 23, 2009, 01:44:40 AM
I really don't have to have everything I see although with a game shop a few doors down from my business it does come down to - do I want to pay the electric bill or get all those new minis they just got in - every once in a while. Mostly I try to keep focused on my current project(s) so that I don't have too much clutter in my already overcrowded work space. And as someone else said - storage becomes critical especially since I've already filled up a 26'x18' room with my "hobby".
Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: Gluteus Maximus on May 23, 2009, 04:23:41 PM
.... I've already filled up a 26'x18' room with my "hobby".

Wow! That's an impressive amount of space to fill up  :o 8)
Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: Kestrel on May 23, 2009, 10:44:57 PM
My secret is to stop looking, if I don't see it I cannot be tempted lol

It's working as well and my backlog of unpainted models is beginning to decrease until I see something on this forum I simply have to have and go to an appropriate website to buy it and see yet more shiny things to buy.
Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: pnweerar on May 24, 2009, 03:03:05 PM
Whenever you want to buy something new, force yourself to wait 24 hours. If you can even make yourself do that, that's an achievement. Then learn to keep doing that.

If you find after a month you have just as much a hankering after the gems are you had when you first heard about them, go ahead and buy them.

By following this, the only serious mini purchases I've made in a while are Uncharted Seas. I ended up buying all four fleets and I'm expanding them as they release new goodies -- and I have no regrets. This is big change from the previous, when I would buy something, be thrilled, be bored, and finally feel a bit stupid.
Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: WillieB on May 24, 2009, 04:36:32 PM
Tried to limit myself to just a few periods. SCW, FIW, IWI and a sprinkling of WWI, WWII and some SF.

Somehow however I seem to have found a way to 'link' Neanderthals to spaceships with most all other periods thrown in as well.
Back to the drawing board.
If I can find it under my lead mountain range.

Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: Wolf 359 on May 24, 2009, 10:20:02 PM


Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: Plynkes on May 24, 2009, 10:59:09 PM
I deal with temptation by giving in to it.
Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: Panzerfaust 150 on May 29, 2009, 04:51:12 PM
The problem: it's getting very difficult to muster the self-control required to not go out and buy something new - a box of historical plastics, or some 28mm historicals,... I'll stop listing because it could go on forever.

How do you guys excercise self-control? (if you do at all  8) )

Simple..GIVE IN! Can't fight it, why try! ;D

Seriously, tell the wife about this nifty new period I want to get into...watch her say no way in hades... lol, and then move on.
Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: Shazam on June 11, 2009, 02:30:34 PM
Pragmatism - extreme

Set yourself a battleplan and stick to it!
Title: Re: How do you deal with "must-have-everything-I-see-itus"
Post by: Braxandur on June 14, 2009, 11:25:23 PM
Self-control dissappeared with a higher income, but recently I'm not buying that much anymore...  euhm..  well at least less then last year. I'll stay just below the 500 mark in six months, which is (for me) an achievement.

Then again, I notice that I'm starting to get more interested in buying (resin) terain though since building it myself just takes too much time (