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Miniatures Adventure => Age of Myths, Gods and Empires => Topic started by: Yarkshire Gamer on September 03, 2018, 06:05:36 PM

Title: Troops on Parade, Alexanders Macedonians
Post by: Yarkshire Gamer on September 03, 2018, 06:05:36 PM


https://yarkshiregamer.blogspot.com/2018/09/troops-on-parade-alexanders-macedonians.html (https://yarkshiregamer.blogspot.com/2018/09/troops-on-parade-alexanders-macedonians.html)

A second instalment of my Troops on Parade feature, reviewing some of my figure collections.

This time it's a chance to see Alexanders Giant Phalanx (ohhh...Matron), you don't get that opportunity every day ! 15mm Xyston figures.

Hardly ever gamed with as I have never found a set of rules for Ancients, most sets are designed for competition or points based games or in other words everything I hate, didn't take to Hail Salad either.

Lots more pics and info on't blog.

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer
Title: Re: Troops on Parade, Alexanders Macedonians
Post by: A Lot of Gaul on September 03, 2018, 07:05:06 PM
That is quite an impressive-looking army!
Title: Re: Troops on Parade, Alexanders Macedonians
Post by: Belisarius on September 03, 2018, 08:25:08 PM
A glittering array, Ken . Looks like a labour of love , if they hav,nt been used much . Finding the favourite set of Ancient rules can be tricky , almost as hard as Napoleonic ones . 😊
Title: Re: Troops on Parade, Alexanders Macedonians
Post by: Bindonblood on September 03, 2018, 08:25:52 PM
Ken, have you tried To The Strongest?

Not played Ancients for years, but The Opponent and I tried them and thoroughly enjoyed them.

Quick and fun with a believable outcome.

Title: Re: Troops on Parade, Alexanders Macedonians
Post by: Helen on September 03, 2018, 08:34:58 PM
Impressive army! Good fortune in finding a set of rules to game with.
Title: Re: Troops on Parade, Alexanders Macedonians
Post by: Yarkshire Gamer on September 03, 2018, 09:27:37 PM
Cheers Everyone,

Second mention for To the Strongest, I had dismissed them due to the grid system however.
Title: Re: Troops on Parade, Alexanders Macedonians
Post by: rumacara on September 03, 2018, 09:30:22 PM
Lovely army. :-* :-*
Title: Re: Troops on Parade, Alexanders Macedonians
Post by: A Lot of Gaul on September 04, 2018, 02:09:35 PM
I had dismissed To the Strongest! for years due to the grid system. Then I actually tried it, and TtS! has since become my favorite set of rules for Ancients. The grid system greatly speeds play, and removes all of the fiddly measurements for movement and shooting. Well worth checking out, if you get a chance.
Title: Re: Troops on Parade, Alexanders Macedonians
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on September 04, 2018, 08:34:13 PM
That has to be one of the nicest Macedonian armies I have seen.  At first I thought I was looking at 28mm figures.
I didn't  see a picture of Hypaspists, are they the unit with the silver shields?  I am always interested to see how people interpret them - armed like hoplites or armed like phalangites. 
Title: Re: Troops on Parade, Alexanders Macedonians
Post by: Yarkshire Gamer on September 04, 2018, 09:01:33 PM
That has to be one of the nicest Macedonian armies I have seen.  At first I thought I was looking at 28mm figures.
I didn't  see a picture of Hypaspists, are they the unit with the silver shields?  I am always interested to see how people interpret them - armed like hoplites or armed like phalangites.

Hi Ethelred, you are correct in the assumption that the silver shields are the Hypaspists, I went for the later shields to make them stand out as a unit and the hoplite spear as this generally is the accepted weapon for them. Dress wise they are the standard Xyston model so have armour.

Sadly I couldn't get a decent photo of the unit, I don't know if it's the shields (mirror paint on them) but I couldn't get one in focus.

Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer
Title: Re: Troops on Parade, Alexanders Macedonians
Post by: Ethelred the Almost Ready on September 05, 2018, 12:43:24 AM
The Hypaspists are an interesting problem.  In many books it is stated they were a flexible hinge between the cavalry and the rest of the phalanx.  They were certainly capable of light infantry warfare in skirmishes and special ops missions, but also fought as heavy infantry in the main battle line.  Then there is the whole issue of hoplite weaponry or pike.  Like you, I prefer the hoplite approach.  But why did they retain an outmoded style of warfare?  Was it a case of training, morale and leadership trumps armaments?

Once again, thanks for such wonderful pictures.
Title: Re: Troops on Parade, Alexanders Macedonians
Post by: Yarkshire Gamer on September 05, 2018, 03:20:35 AM
The Hypaspists are an interesting problem.  In many books it is stated they were a flexible hinge between the cavalry and the rest of the phalanx.  They were certainly capable of light infantry warfare in skirmishes and special ops missions, but also fought as heavy infantry in the main battle line.  Then there is the whole issue of hoplite weaponry or pike.  Like you, I prefer the hoplite approach.  But why did they retain an outmoded style of warfare?  Was it a case of training, morale and leadership trumps armaments?

Once again, thanks for such wonderful pictures.

The best logical explanation is that although the pike was superior in reach etc it was considerably more vulnerable on it's flanks and therefore the lighter more manoeuvrable Hypaspists remained as a throw back to the old hoplite style of fighting to provide that additional flexibility to cover the flank of the Phalanx. In many armies that sort of flank cover role would lead to a loss of prestige, however with the Macedonian Army it was the opposite, my best guess would be a excellent charismatic commander who troops did things and got noticed doing them. Oh for a time machine to answer all the questions  !
Title: Re: Troops on Parade, Alexanders Macedonians
Post by: Plutarch64 on September 08, 2018, 01:51:26 AM
A great collection. I have some of these in the queue, so have bookmarked your blog for inspiration.
Title: Re: Troops on Parade, Alexanders Macedonians
Post by: Easy E on September 10, 2018, 10:52:44 PM
So beautiful!

As for Hypaspists, I will keep my thoughts murky.  I think they were armed like Iphicrates' Peltasts!

They had lighter body armor than "traditional" hoplites, but still the large shield and thrusting spear to allow them to work more like heavily armed Peltasts, but still be able to form up in a pinch.  That is my take. 

Title: Re: Troops on Parade, Alexanders Macedonians
Post by: FierceKitty on November 19, 2018, 11:25:43 AM
Nifty. Let's see the Persians or Indians, then....
Title: Re: Troops on Parade, Alexanders Macedonians
Post by: Tim Haslam on November 19, 2018, 05:52:57 PM
Great looking army, just how I imagine them!

Hypaspists, hummmmm....
You know, I think they were elite troops capable of fighting in traditional and more modern phalanx formation, plus flexible enough to take castle walls, and skirmish with pesky mountain tribesmen. All round special forces! I believe they may have even been mounted, at least as transport, on certain fast marches???

Yes, let's see more of your hordes!