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Other Stuff => The Lead Painters' League => Season 3 => Topic started by: Captain Blood on May 25, 2009, 12:16:22 AM

Title: ROUND 5 Riders of the Purple Sage vs Dude, where’s my flag?
Post by: Captain Blood on May 25, 2009, 12:16:22 AM

Title: Re: ROUND 5 Riders of the Purple Sage vs Dude, where’s my flag?
Post by: Calimero on May 25, 2009, 12:45:26 AM

I swear to God that those figures are a lot better in the flesh (so to speak)…

...but still, I voted for Heldrak’s entry…  lol
Title: Re: ROUND 5 Riders of the Purple Sage vs Dude, where’s my flag?
Post by: Vonkluge on May 25, 2009, 01:14:54 AM
Hey Dude,

Cracked me up! Balls putting that unit up with no Flag! I kove it! Essex 15mm Napys? or Battle Honors?
Title: Re: ROUND 5 Riders of the Purple Sage vs Dude, where’s my flag?
Post by: Calimero on May 25, 2009, 02:10:17 AM
Hey Dude,

Cracked me up! Balls putting that unit up with no Flag! I kove it! Essex 15mm Napys? or Battle Honors?

lol you’re not even close pal, those are 28mm Front Rank figures…
It seem that although I improved my painting, my photography skills are going from bad to worst  :'(  ;)  lol
Title: Re: ROUND 5 Riders of the Purple Sage vs Dude, where’s my flag?
Post by: Vonkluge on May 25, 2009, 06:50:24 AM
Ok, I guess I just thought they looked much like my own 15mm curras that I should have looked closer. Something just said 15mm to me...lol, I think your photography is fine, great even! You have a nice strong back light (looks like the sun?) and still have enought front fill to see the figures. Why no flag?
Title: Re: ROUND 5 Riders of the Purple Sage vs Dude, where’s my flag?
Post by: dodge on May 25, 2009, 07:29:58 AM
Calimero your entry is great I have always loved the french cavalry, but you do need a flag even if it was a quick paper job basic tricolor, it would finish off the whole thing perfectly.

good job though. nothing wrong with the photo either colours have come out naturally too.

Title: Re: ROUND 5 Riders of the Purple Sage vs Dude, where’s my flag?
Post by: gamer Mac on May 25, 2009, 09:06:39 AM
Love the bases on both.
Heldrak - How did you do the purple sage?
Title: Re: ROUND 5 Riders of the Purple Sage vs Dude, where’s my flag?
Post by: Heldrak on May 25, 2009, 12:12:21 PM
Heldrak - How did you do the purple sage?

The purple sage is a German product called Green Line GL-042 Blumen Violett from a company called Fredericus-Rex. I picked mine up from the Michigan Toy Soldier shop (just a couple miles from my house). $5.99 USD for 20 plants (but there were actually 44 in the box! ;))
Title: Re: ROUND 5 Riders of the Purple Sage vs Dude, where’s my flag?
Post by: Calimero on May 25, 2009, 02:46:39 PM
The fact is that I simply forget to glue the flag to the figure before taking the photo. I was in a hurry to take the picture outside while the sun was out. 

Anyway, I have removed the flag from the figure since then as I found it was not to "today’s standard". It was an hand painted flag without any visible details and I though that, for a 28mm unit, I should be able to read the name of the unit and have more details showing like the "N" and the small regt. numbers, etc.

I think that I should place an order to GMB to get flags for them and for some ACW troops that have poorly painted flag too. At least the flags I’ve done for my WSS French are okay as they’re just made of different colors squares…  ;)
Title: Re: ROUND 5 Riders of the Purple Sage vs Dude, where’s my flag?
Post by: Ray Rivers on May 25, 2009, 06:24:25 PM
When it comes to flags... I can't paint them to save my life.

I go to Warflags (http://www.warflag.com/flags/select.shtml).
Title: Re: ROUND 5 Riders of the Purple Sage vs Dude, where’s my flag?
Post by: Calimero on May 25, 2009, 10:17:59 PM

Thanks Ray, I know the warflags site but they don’t have a flag for the French Cuirassiers (post 1812). Maybe I didn’t looked well enough?  :?
Anyhow that’s a good site to add to your favourites. I agree that it is a really helpful place.  8)
Title: Re: ROUND 5 Riders of the Purple Sage vs Dude, where’s my flag?
Post by: Le matou rouge on May 27, 2009, 06:00:43 PM
The fact is that I simply forget to glue the flag to the figure before taking the photo. I was in a hurry to take the picture outside while the sun was out. 

Why take the picture OUTSIDE ? I told you to change nothing  ;)

Title: Re: ROUND 5 Riders of the Purple Sage vs Dude, where’s my flag?
Post by: Calimero on May 27, 2009, 09:31:16 PM
The fact is that I simply forget to glue the flag to the figure before taking the photo. I was in a hurry to take the picture outside while the sun was out. 

Why take the picture OUTSIDE ? I told you to change nothing  ;)


Yep, I should have listen to you  lol