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Miniatures Adventure => Fantasy Adventures => Topic started by: Faust23 on September 15, 2018, 06:12:11 AM

Title: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames New Pics pg 3
Post by: Faust23 on September 15, 2018, 06:12:11 AM


We here at Strategic Elite are pleased to announce our latest miniatures skirmish wargame in our line of products based on the Origins 2013 Nominated Brink of Battle: Skirmish Gaming through the Ages system. After the success we had with Scrappers: Post-Apocalyptic Skirmish Wargames published by our friends at Osprey Games, we decided to return to the Fantasy genre and build upon the foundation laid by our Epic Heroes: Skirmish Gaming in the Realms of Fantasy expansion for Brink of Battle. This new game is called…


What do you mean by “METAL SWORD & SORCERY”??? The Sword & Sorcery subgenre of Fantasy fiction was started by Robert E. Howard with his Conan stories. Fritz Leiber added his Lanhkmar books of Fafhrd & Grey Mouser and then Michael Moorcock’s Elric and Karl Edward Wagner’s Kane tales expanded the genre. And let’s not forget about Clark Ashton Smith’s monumental contribution to the list with his Zothique and Hyperborean stories. All of these authors inspired a special category of fantasy fiction, and when Frank Frazetta chimed in with his amazing artwork, a span of other great artists filled in the rest. And then Heavy Metal music found a kindred spirit...add it all up and you have Metal Sword & Sorcery, a no holds barred setting of street level heroes with mighty thews and sharp steel carving their way to victory over scheming wizards and otherworldly threats!


The Sword Marches is a Narrative Campaign Skirmish Game. Players build their Warlords and embark on a journey through their alter-ego’s Chronicle. Leaning heavily on the Sword & Sorcery subgenre of fiction, these Chronicles tell the tale of the humble beginnings and ultimate rise of the Warlord and his Retinue. Each Player chooses from 12 Warlord Archetypes, 7 Factions, 7 Stronghold types, and then Musters warriors from the Human, Demi-Human, and Supernatural Origin types to create a Warband of 3-20 miniatures.

Players can either start small with the Upstart Chronicle Stage, or have more points and higher abilities from the Blooded or Legend Chronicle Stages representing the progress of the Warlord’s story in the game. Each Chronicle Stage has four Adventures attached that reflect the growing power levels of each Stage and the complexity of scenarios as the Warband progresses.

Warbands have a single Warlord representing their Player’s alter-ego in the Game. They add Champions and Warriors to their Muster and fight other Warbands or Encounter groups in each Adventure scenario, earning Treasure and Experience as they go which allows them to add more Warriors and advance their Profiles with new Traits and higher Ratings. Keeping with the Brink of Battle design philosophy Players will be able to use ANY models of their choosing and have complete freedom to mix their Warband up with any type of Origin types they choose. If you want a Human Wizard that that wears a helmet and commands a motley assortment of Demi-Humans and Supernaturals, YOU CAN DO IT! Or, if army lists are your thing, you will be able to choose from some pre-packaged, turnkey Warband designs to speed up preparation and play.


Having participated in the global play test of Wizards of the Coast’s Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, we see the value of crowd-sourced materials. So today we are announcing the Global Play Test of The Sword Marches! Players will be able to download FREE play test materials and give us feedback over the course of the next year. We are planning a Kickstarter campaign in the third quarter of 2019, with a target release date of Spring 2020.

We are giving players ALL of the core mechanics in the game for free play test, so you will have full access to how the revised Brink of Battle system will work in TSM. There will be a limited amount of Traits and Gear and only two basic scenarios, called Adventures, to play initially. Once we’ve solidified the player base and are ready to advance the play test, we will regularly release additional content for your games and will do so up until it’s time to wrap up and publish the books. Yes, we said ‘Books’. There will be 3 books in the starter game: Warband Muster, Warlord Tactics, and Adventures Perilous. The first book has everything about the setting and how to build your Chronicle and Warband. The second is the actual game mechanics and rules of play. The third is the Campaign book with 12 Adventure scenarios, Treasure, Experience, Trauma, and Commerce sections. And also Magic Items….no we didn’t forget! We may have a single Omnibus version and/or boxed set with the Kickstarter as well.

Our Marketing Strategy is to release the core books, and then follow up with the additional supplements over the course of a couple of years. Our goal is to provide full support to this setting and rules system and build a premier Player Community in the process.


One primary reason for building a large play test community over the next year is to get feedback from our player base on the types of products, events, and merchandise they want to see from Strategic Elite. We know there are many fantasy skirmish games to choose from, so we want to make sure that we are bringing 100% value to our players. We will ask for feedback on the types of artists you like, what type of miniatures and sculptors you may want to see, and establish organized play events that are to the benefit of players and brick-and-mortar game retailers as well. We also want to see your Warbands and learn what Metal you’re listening to when you paint and play!


Here’s the list of supplements we plan to release after the core books reach the market. All names are subject to change as well as the order of release:

The Warden’s Hall – Army list styled book that introduces new Factions and rules as well as a section of Ready-to-Play model profiles and Warband builds.

The Monsterium – Contains rules for War Beasts, Cavalry, and Flyers.
 Cults & Cabals – Adds Extraplanar entities, Paladins, Witch Hunters, Fellguard, and Scourges.

The Warlord’s Council – Almanac of additional Factions, Traits, Setting history, and Quests.

Ultimate Thaumaturgy – The revised and updated Magic system from Epic Heroes for those wanting more robust Magic rules.

The Old Kingdoms – Faction and Setting book for the City-States and Kingdoms outside of the Madlands that surround the Marches.

The Sword Marches paperback fiction – 8 short stories set in The Sword Marches.

Campaign Books – These will be full Campaign Adventure Paths that will focus on one theme and add new Adventures,  Encounter Groups, Treasures, and game mechanics that can be played in succession to complete the story.

Against All Odds – Solo Campaign book that will take the player’s Warband from the Upstart Stage through to the        Legend Stage of his Chronicle…if he survives!

Band of Heroes – Fantasy RPG tabletop play using the TSM rules. Cooperative team play or GM vs Players.

Depending on the demand we may also have swag, miniatures, tokens, etc. that are part of the Setting.


Over the next few days we will be opening our TSM Official Facebook group and setting up discussion threads in our favorite forums. We will also have The Sword Marches blog which will post all manner of updates, backstory, design philosophy and FAQ’s. Finally we will release the Play Test Docs for you to download and play!



https://www.facebook.com/groups/714808465525512/ is our Official FB Group. You can download the rules from there or from our www.brinkofbattle.com website here http://www.brinkofbattle.com/downloads/TSM%20Ashcan%209-9-18.pdf and the Tables here http://www.brinkofbattle.com/downloads/TSM%20Ashcan%20Tables.pdf
Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames Global Play Test
Post by: Bloodsbane on September 15, 2018, 10:29:57 AM
You had me at narrative campaign skirmish!
Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames Global Play Test
Post by: Faust23 on September 15, 2018, 03:21:51 PM
 lol Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames Global Play Test
Post by: Faust23 on September 15, 2018, 08:53:34 PM
Here's a bit on the Setting...

Over a century ago, three alien wizards from a nightmare dimension used their fell magics to tear a fracture in the fabric of their reality as they fled from unspeakable horrors...

As their spells combined they could not contain the raw power unleashed by their aberrant thaumaturgy and what was meant to be a small portal to a less dangerous world became a tri-dimensional fracture that brought about the end of the Old Realms.

Now, the cataclysm known as The Fracture of Worlds marks the darkest time of all histories. This convergence of dimensions brought about a dark age of death, destruction, and untold madness. As time passed, the survivors from this disaster rebuilt their combined planes and have overcome much of the chaos that held sway for most of the last century.

The epicenter of the Fracture was a vast area known as the Madlands, and nestled in the center of that chaotic wasteland lays a pocket of city-states, warring tribes, wandering horrors, and secret societies in the lands known as The Sword Marches...
Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames Global Play Test
Post by: Faust23 on September 16, 2018, 06:23:04 AM
I just posted the free rules Ashcan in the Files section of our Facebook group here https://www.facebook.com/groups/714808465525512/?ref=bookmarks

Join up, download and get to playing!
Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames Global Play Test
Post by: Mister Frau Blucher on September 16, 2018, 01:40:47 PM
This looks great, right in my wheelhouse. But I don't do Facebook. It would be cool if there was some consideration towards those who do not use that social media platform. Any other way to get the playtest rules?
Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames Global Play Test
Post by: Faust23 on September 16, 2018, 03:35:42 PM
Well, I'm not a computer savvy guy but let me see what I can do. If I can't link them here I'll PM you with them.
Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames Global Play Test
Post by: Faust23 on September 16, 2018, 03:39:29 PM

This is the free The Sword Marches Ashcan for playtesting.
Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames Global Play Test
Post by: Faust23 on September 16, 2018, 03:40:45 PM

Here's the Ashcan Tables needed for play.

Did those links work for you?

Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames Global Play Test
Post by: Mister Frau Blucher on September 16, 2018, 04:53:46 PM
Thanks for trying, Bob, I appreciate it. But both of those links tell me I need to log onto Facebook.
Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames Global Play Test
Post by: Avidwargamer on September 16, 2018, 09:43:36 PM
I am also interested and also do not use Facebook.  I tried these links and received the same requirement to log into Facebook.
Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames Global Play Test
Post by: Faust23 on September 17, 2018, 01:28:55 AM
Avidwargamer I PM'd you.
Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames Global Play Test
Post by: Mister Frau Blucher on September 17, 2018, 03:21:37 AM
Thanks, Bob! Looking forward to curling up with this and then tossing some dice!
Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames Global Play Test
Post by: number1section1 on September 17, 2018, 09:44:22 AM
Sounds amazing! I wouldn't mind having a read through of the rules, but to be honest I wouldn't be much good at playtesting as I don't have a games group, I do solo gaming though.
Once again I am one of those people who don't do Facebook!
Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames Global Play Test
Post by: Faust23 on September 17, 2018, 03:47:15 PM
Well, if you read down the product inventory you'll see we'll be doing some Solo Gamer releases. And we'll need play testers for that too! So don't count yourself out! :)

Working on the FB issue.
Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames Global Play Test
Post by: Faust23 on September 18, 2018, 04:19:33 PM
Rules will be on our website sometime tonight at www.brinkofbattle.com




Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames Global Play Test
Post by: Codsticker on September 18, 2018, 04:37:29 PM
I love the fishmen! :D
Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames Global Play Test
Post by: Faust23 on September 19, 2018, 02:30:19 AM
Me too! Chris Wolfe painted them and I painted the fanatic cultists lead by Taalkis V'Ahnn, Knight of Fathoms
Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames Global Play Test
Post by: Faust23 on September 20, 2018, 03:38:53 PM
Ok, the rules and tables have updated links so you can download them from our website instead of Facebook. Just click on them at the bottom of my Original Post. Enjoy!
Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames Global Play Test
Post by: Faust23 on September 23, 2018, 07:54:38 AM

In Tideport, centaur warriors form wandering bands known as Tidebreakers who patrol the coasts looking for incursions of K'Thoneans from the sea.
Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames Global Play Test
Post by: dadlamassu on September 23, 2018, 08:04:55 AM
This sounds like a very interesting game. Since most of my gaming now is with my grandchildren aged 6 to 10 would this be suitable? The kids need lots of action and minimal or nil record keeping during the game.

I do not do Facebook, sorry.
Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames Global Play Test
Post by: Faust23 on September 24, 2018, 06:21:43 AM
You can download the rules and tables from the links at the bottom of my original post. As for that age group, probably not the best game to start them on. Action will be high, but its probably too crunchy for kids.
Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames Global Play Test
Post by: Zeebeest on September 29, 2018, 02:49:33 PM

After a quick look through it looks promising. Definitely going to try this out.

Now I know it’s still in test phase, but will there be magic? I only ask because I ordered a nice looking witch that is going to need some arcane ‘swoosh swash’ when she’s painted.


Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames Global Play Test
Post by: Faust23 on September 30, 2018, 06:59:27 AM
Now I know it’s still in test phase, but will there be magic? I only ask because I ordered a nice looking witch that is going to need some arcane ‘swoosh swash’ when she’s painted.

Oh yesssss! There be Magic, Alchemy, and Mystic Rites for 3 types of Priests!

Those will drop later on as we build out the play test. Stay tuned!
Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames Global Play Test
Post by: Faust23 on October 06, 2018, 05:50:06 PM
Here's some pics of what I've been up to for The Sword Marches project.





Break out your Old School Metal figures and come play with us!
Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames Global Play Test
Post by: Smoke Frog on October 06, 2018, 06:50:40 PM
Really great looking centaurs!
Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames Global Play Test
Post by: Faust23 on October 17, 2018, 04:22:57 AM
Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames Global Play Test
Post by: Faust23 on October 20, 2018, 06:14:07 PM
Sword Marches Gazette – The Wychwood

The Wychwood is a primeval safe haven and channel point for Fae energies to enter the material world and infuse it with life, color, and passion.

At its heart stands Ancient Gnarlbones, the greatest Arborean giant of all time. He sacrificed his freedom in order to repair the original conduit, known as the Vessel, when it was destroyed by agents of the Graewell. Now until the end of time, Gnarlbones will stand in the Vessel’s place channeling all of the Fae power through himself and then into the material world.

Gnarlbones imbues his disciples with strong Fae energy that permeates their souls and flesh and makes them preternatural in their grace and power. First among these are the Warriors of the Warwood, a monastic order that is dedicated to serving Ancient Gnarlbones as his strikers and eyes in the world.

The Way of the Warwood has three branches of monks: Woodwyrds, Woodwraiths, and Woodfangs. Woodwyrds channel fae energy to create spell-like effects. Woodwraiths use fae energy to step from shadow to shadow and strike without warning. Woodfangs are imbued with fae energy to enhance their acrobatic and battle prowess with their long-spears called Treefangs.
Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames Global Play Test
Post by: Faust23 on December 17, 2018, 03:53:15 AM
Been on a bit of a hiatus of late for day job work and such. Will be back to updating and releasing new play test rules for The Sword Marches soon!
Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames Free Rules
Post by: Faust23 on February 17, 2019, 09:25:41 PM
As with my other games, Brink of Battle & Scrappers, The Sword Marches allows players to use whatever appropriate miniatures they have at hand, without restriction other than they must have on the miniature the type of weapons & gear that they have purchased for those models on the Warband Muster.

Also, you may use square/rectangular/hexagonal/round basing as you prefer so you don't have to re-base any models from your collection.

Here are some figures from my collection that I use for TSM Warbands:
















You can learn more about the free global play test copy at https://theswordmarches.blogspot.com/


Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames New Pics pg 2
Post by: Faust23 on July 22, 2019, 05:58:27 PM
Well its been awhile! I'm back in the saddle and pumping out new paint jobs on figures I'll be using in my games of The Sword Marches.

Here's a combo pic from our Facebook Group, showing 4 of the old Grenadier Chaos Marauders by Mark Copplestone and one very rich Ogre mercenary from Jes Goodwin's old Citadel range named Skrag the Slaughterer.


I'm leaning toward Skrag being a Big Bastard in the game. He's good as a Brute, but Big Bastard fits his level of Badassery much better in my opinion.  lol

As a reminder, we make games that are Miniature Agnostic, meaning you can use whatever you've got at hand, and you don't have to re-base your figures.  ;)


Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames New Pics pg 3
Post by: Faust23 on September 14, 2019, 05:54:04 PM
Meet the Storm Walkers. They're the latest Warband I built for The Sword Marches skirmish game. I'll be adding stats later, but for now you can see them assembled. They are all Hurcaan half-orcs from Bronze Age Miniatures, Grenadier Fantasy Warriors, and Reaper.

Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames New Pics pg 3
Post by: Faust23 on September 22, 2019, 05:45:47 AM
Here's my latest missive on the hobby for those interested is such https://strategicelite.blogspot.com/?fbclid=IwAR250E8fbi5tst5ZBh2W94UHxSkxZ2UZ29q_aBzKJLN9fsprFgP2ciWP9Lw
Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames New Pics pg 3
Post by: November on September 23, 2019, 02:56:36 PM
This is some awesome stuff!
Title: Re: The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames New Pics pg 3
Post by: Faust23 on October 28, 2019, 04:36:05 AM
Hope you download the free rules & check it out!