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Other Stuff => Workbench => Topic started by: Wirelizard on May 26, 2009, 06:38:12 AM

Title: 28mm Warehouse (revived, 9 June)
Post by: Wirelizard on May 26, 2009, 06:38:12 AM
Larger version and more notes on Flickr (http://www.flickr.com/photos/wirelizard/3565111641/in/photostream).

In a box I hadn't opened for a couple of years, I found two long sheets of vac-formed plastic stone sheets and decided to do something interesting with them. I figured out the largest building I could build with the two sheets I had, and this is it.

The warehouse is 10 inches long, 7 wide, and about 4 high. Two big freight doors on one wall, with an office and another door in one corner. The floor will be raised, and the roof removable. (For scale, those are Reaper paint bottles in the top photo holding the walls up.)

The structure is all matt board, on sale at the local art supply store a few weeks ago.

Larger version and more notes on Flickr (http://www.flickr.com/photos/wirelizard/3565113919).

Larger version and more notes on Flickr (http://www.flickr.com/photos/wirelizard/3565932936/).

You can see the relief of the stonework nicely in the last photo.

The floor is a texture from one of those free-texture sites out on the web, printed and glued to matt board.

The roof is on the top right in the 2nd and 3rd photos; it's got a hatch for access from inside the inside and a large skylight - because intruders crashing through a skylight is such a pulpish trope, and I wanted a chance for that in our future games!

Still to do: doorframes on all three doors. framing on the skylight, paint on the roof, then assembly of the whole beast. There's some trimming to do before assembly too.

After it's together I'll need to make some stonework bits from styrene or thin card to finish the corners and add arches over those big doors. Given that I have too much free time right now, it should be mostly finished in a day or two!
Title: Re: 28mm Warehouse (WiP photos)
Post by: Dan on May 26, 2009, 08:01:10 AM
That looks really promising , can't wait to see it finished .
Title: Re: 28mm Warehouse (WiP photos)
Post by: uti long smile on May 26, 2009, 09:39:47 AM
Very nice. I produced something similar myself a couple of year ago, but this looks much better than my efforts!

Let us know how it comes along.
Title: Re: 28mm Warehouse (WiP photos)
Post by: gamer Mac on May 26, 2009, 10:34:21 AM
Really nice :-*
Looking forward to seeing it finished.
Title: Re: 28mm Warehouse (WiP photos)
Post by: Wirelizard on May 26, 2009, 11:37:22 AM
Forgot to add to the original post: there will be a loading dock outside the two big freight doors as well; I just built the top deck of it from wood and I'll figure out legs for it tomorrow.

The loading dock will be a seperate unit, so it can be used on it's own as a freestanding transfer dock or against the building - or trucks can back right up to the building without the dock there.

Framing is done on the skylight, and I built two rough wooden walkways to go across the roof from the access hatch down one side of the skylight. (Given that we stand and look down at our tables most of the time, making the roof look interesting makes sense to me!)

I also used some offcuts of matt board and the plastic stone sheet to create a couple of low walls. They're too short to use as security walls around a property, but they'll look great in a park or alongside a house.

The company that makes the stone sheet was "Holgate & Reynolds", who apparently went out of business sometime in the 1990s. We had a family model railroad for about four years in the mid/early 1990s, and I strongly suspect these sheets are leftovers. Ten+ years is long enough to haul them around without using them, I think...

Does anyone else have the bad habit of getting something unique, saying you'll save it for a special project, and then never actually having the nerve to use it? I'm trying to break myself of the habit - really cool scratchbuilding supplies aren't actually really cool unless they're used for actual scratchbuilding, right?
Title: Re: 28mm Warehouse (WiP photos)
Post by: Svennn on May 26, 2009, 11:47:45 AM

Does anyone else have the bad habit of getting something unique, saying you'll save it for a special project, and then never actually having the nerve to use it? I'm trying to break myself of the habit - really cool scratchbuilding supplies aren't actually really cool unless they're used for actual scratchbuilding, right?

I dont recall you ever being in my attic ;D

warehouse is looking good too. That sheeting is very nice, I have a projrct in mind that would have been perfect for ::)
Title: Re: 28mm Warehouse (WiP photos)
Post by: Hammers on May 26, 2009, 12:47:39 PM
Good'n. Once finished I will move this to 'How to...'
Title: Re: 28mm Warehouse (WiP photos)
Post by: Hawkeye on May 26, 2009, 06:24:29 PM
Looking good!
And I know what you mean about hoarding building supplies for that "special project", but never getting around to doing it because you're afraid that one wrong cut will render the carefully hoarded resource useless! Like you, I've been trying to get myself out of the habit - and your warehouse is good inspiration for that so far!
Looking forward to seeing this develop.
Title: Re: 28mm Warehouse (WiP photos)
Post by: duhamel on May 26, 2009, 06:32:18 PM
the very good model  :-* Deeply the continuation(suite)
Title: Re: 28mm Warehouse (WiP photos)
Post by: Wirelizard on May 27, 2009, 07:54:19 AM
Didn't get as much done today as I'd hoped. Still, the roof is basecoated, the top deck of the loading dock is built, the roofwalks are painted, and the floor has bracing added to the underside, which will make assembly of the whole building tomorrow easier.

Assembly tomorrow, then finishing - trim and paint - later in the week.

No new photos today, sorry.
Title: Re: 28mm Warehouse (WiP photos)
Post by: Wirelizard on May 28, 2009, 12:16:12 AM
My God, it actually fits together!  :D

Got the outside walls and floor glued up this afternoon; the roof fits in place and everything! The interior office walls will go in this evening, along with a bunch more bracing under the floor to help make it gamer-proof.

Then it's onto trim, building doors, and painting!

I'll get a picture sometime this evening and add it to this post.

Edit to add PHOTOS, sooner than this evening, even!  :)

Larger version and more notes on Flickr (http://www.flickr.com/photos/wirelizard/3571033355/).
Larger version and more notes on Flickr (http://www.flickr.com/photos/wirelizard/3571030573/).

Scale provided by my kitbash/semi-scratchbuild Model T truck (from CompanyB's excellent kits) and a German from FreiKorp Basekoten.  :) (a Great War Miniatures Late WW1 German, who arrived far too late for LPL3's 1st Round and now lurks with his mates on my painting desk...)

The skylight is covered in tape to mask off the clear plastic window while I finish the roof.

Still to do: gluing in the office walls inside; exterior trim on the doors & corners; the loading dock outside the big freight doors; paint for the walls and roof.
Title: Re: 28mm Warehouse (more WiP photos, 27 May!)
Post by: Hitman on May 29, 2009, 03:36:12 AM
Looking pretty nice so far...nice to see the warehouse up a bit higher for loading!!
Title: Re: 28mm Warehouse (more WiP photos, 27 May!)
Post by: Sangennaru on May 29, 2009, 08:00:22 AM
thath stone wall... is it a printed one or did you buy it from some model shop? :)
great work again! :)
Title: Re: 28mm Warehouse (more WiP photos, 27 May!)
Post by: Wirelizard on May 30, 2009, 05:56:32 PM
thath stone wall... is it a printed one or did you buy it from some model shop? :)
great work again! :)

It's vacumn-formed (molded) plastic sheet, from a model shop years ago.

From my earlier post:
The company that makes the stone sheet was "Holgate & Reynolds", who apparently went out of business sometime in the 1990s. We had a family model railroad for about four years in the mid/early 1990s, and I strongly suspect these sheets are leftovers. Ten+ years is long enough to haul them around without using them, I think...

I've gotten the project to that irritating "80% done but still lots to finish" stage. Two of the three doorways are framed in, there's trim along the very tops of the outside walls, the loading dock is mostly finished and partly painted, and I've started building the actual freight doors.

No new pictures, sorry. Not much to see in a photo anyway.

I'm not sure what to do with the doors. Anyone got a simple, strong method of doing hinges? I don't want to have the big freight doors glued shut, so I'm going to make them simply removable for now, until I figure out some sort of hinge-building trick that'll stand up to use...
Title: Re: 28mm Warehouse (more WiP photos, 27 May!)
Post by: AKULA on May 30, 2009, 06:46:22 PM

I'm not sure what to do with the doors. Anyone got a simple, strong method of doing hinges?

I used a bar hinge on my Shopping Mall.


Drill a hole in the base board, and use a piece of hard wire as the hinge, just make sure you only glue it onto the door, and don't allow the glue to run into the hole.... :D
Title: Re: 28mm Warehouse (more WiP photos, 27 May!)
Post by: odd duck on May 30, 2009, 07:31:16 PM
Looks really good! You did a great job matching up the plastic stonework on the corners I've had trouble doing that! Looks like Akula and Silent invader have covered  the only hinge techniques I know of ! I'll be using the brass doll house hinges just because I have a jar full of them ,I get two of them off everyone of those wooden craft boxes I use for my buildings. You have camoflage them a bit as they are out of scale,but they should take a lot of wear and tear, Micheals carry the craft boxes and seperate hinges as does Dollar giant. looking forward to seeing the finished product
Title: Re: 28mm Warehouse (more WiP photos, 27 May!)
Post by: Wirelizard on June 05, 2009, 05:47:26 AM
Well, the roof is finally finished - just took the masking tape off the skylight, and it looks excellent!

Gravel, a roof hatch and two wooden walkways (plus about six layers of paint, as I fiddled with how to finish the damn thing) complete the roof; the inside ceiling needs a bit of touchup but that'll wait.

Trim and doors still to do, probably not until next week as Real Life kind of landed on me in a major way this week!

Quick photo of the roof tomorrow in daylight, just to keep you all interested!
Title: Re: 28mm Warehouse (new photo, 5 June!)
Post by: Wirelizard on June 06, 2009, 12:23:28 AM
Larger version and more notes on Flickr (link) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/wirelizard/3599384340/).

Got the roof finished last night, finally. Gravel over parts of it, much paint, got the roof walks glued down and took the masking tape off the skylight.

The same member of FreiKorp Basekoted provides scale. His fully-painted mates will probably be in Round 7 of the LPL3 next week.

The inside of the roof needs some touchup paint, but the outside is entirely done!

The top deck of the loading dock and the ramp are laid out beside the freight doors, but still lack legs and such to bring them up to the height of the door sills.

Real Life has landed on me solidly the last week or so and for at least the first half of next week, so the outside trim, doors and painting will have to wait a bit. There is some progress, though!
Title: Re: 28mm Warehouse (new photo, 5 June!)
Post by: Bako on June 06, 2009, 12:44:19 AM
Very nice, it looks to be coming along very nicely. I like the sky light you've done.
Title: Re: 28mm Warehouse (new photo, 5 June!)
Post by: Mr. Peabody on June 06, 2009, 01:41:35 AM
Excellent! Super sky-light; are you tempted to add lighting now that you have such excellent windows?
I can imagine rocket-pack clad heros or villains flying outta there!

Title: Re: 28mm Warehouse (new photo, 5 June!)
Post by: Wirelizard on June 15, 2009, 07:50:45 AM
Lighting is tempting, but impractical... I'll have to stick with just the skylight for now!

The ceiling is finally painted, I did the door framing this evening, and tomorrow evening's project will be the two big freight doors. I'll probably do them out of two or three layers of either cardstock or styrene, to get the look I want. I'll have to see about hinges - for now I'm just going to do the doors freestanding, with a scrap of clear plastic as a base.

Aside from the doors, the only major bit of construction left to do is the legs/foundation for the loading dock and ramp that'll go outside the main freight doors.
Title: Re: 28mm Warehouse (new photo, 5 June!)
Post by: Wirelizard on June 09, 2011, 09:37:13 AM
Right, two full years after I last touched it, progress has resumed on actually finishing this damn warehouse!

When we last saw this project, it looked like this:
(http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3597/3599384340_c89c80bd48.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/wirelizard/3599384340/)
Warehouse Roof WiP (http://www.flickr.com/photos/wirelizard/3599384340/) by WireLizard (http://www.flickr.com/people/wirelizard/), on Flickr

...and for the last two freakin' years, that's how it stayed. I moved twice, finished a lot of other scenery and painted lots of figures, and this warehouse sat there getting dusty. So last week I blew the dust off, pulled out the shiny new cutting mat I'd finally bought myself and started cutting card to finish the corners of the building with.

The corners now have proper cornerstones, the outside freight ramp/loading dock has been re-cut from foamcore and mattboard, all three doorways are now fully framed. I'll have the freight dock assembled tomorrow, hopefully, then start working on the actual doors. I'm going to do simple post hinges for the main freight doors, might just glue the office door in place.

Updated progress photos, now that there is progress, in the next day or so!

Two years on hiatus... is there a Necromancer's Prize for "Oldest Thread Raised From the Dead"?
Title: Re: 28mm Warehouse (revived, 9 June)
Post by: joroas on June 09, 2011, 09:57:30 AM
...... and just in time for Sarissa to release a bigger one...................   8)
Title: Re: 28mm Warehouse (revived, 9 June)
Post by: SBRPearce on June 09, 2011, 01:32:39 PM
This thread is useless without (new) photos!  lol

Actually, congratulations for actually girding up and revisiting an old project to finish it. I am looking forward to snaps of the warehouse in its completed glory.
Title: Re: 28mm Warehouse (revived, 9 June)
Post by: Mr. Peabody on June 09, 2011, 04:49:05 PM
The best projects sometimes need a good sleep between steps. Glad to see this one is awake and ready for completion!
Title: Re: 28mm Warehouse (revived, 9 June)
Post by: Wirelizard on June 10, 2011, 05:42:20 AM
This thread is useless without (new) photos!  lol

Here's a late night low quality image, but it does show the installed but unpainted cornerstones and the in-progress loading dock.


The original loading dock was going to be wood; this one will be painted as concrete instead. Might get the basic shapes for the two big doors cut this evening too, maybe.

A pair of Pulp Figure 28mm figures for scale.
Title: Re: 28mm Warehouse (revived, 9 June)
Post by: The Breaker on June 10, 2011, 05:59:59 AM
Good on you for restarting this project it looks like it'll be a cracker!
Title: Re: 28mm Warehouse (revived, 9 June)
Post by: Wirelizard on June 10, 2011, 08:54:58 AM

Loading dock fully assembled, ramp on one end and stairs on the other. The whole thing is a foamcore deck and mattboard around the side; the stairs are mattboard.

The loading dock is about 9" long overall; the actual deck part about 7" (not counting the ramp and stairs); width is 2".

A pair of random Pulp Figures British from the lineup of painted figure I haven't stored yet for scale.