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Miniatures Adventure => The Conflicts that came in from the Cold => Topic started by: Gunbird on November 28, 2018, 12:59:21 PM

Title: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project ( 29-9-2019 Machine Shop)
Post by: Gunbird on November 28, 2018, 12:59:21 PM
For the future release of Battlegroup Northag I'm going with 6mm. With my current limited finances and hand(icap) this scale will get the most bang for my limited bucks.

As always, I prefer to start off with a bit of scenery. I've chosen a Dutch/German farm, with sheds, cowpens, and all other things you see around a farm around here. It will base it on plasticcard squares (of possibly varying sizes) so I can mix and match. Not that this will happen soon as I've only just ordered a few bits from Leven and I don't expect those soon, so I've started making stuff to add to the bases. First up, a container trailes used for storage of stuff.


Heroics and Ross 20 feet container, and 2 rear axles from 2 Heroics and Ross Bedford trucks. A broken drillbit for the leg and some plasticcard for the front end.

And with a paintjob it now looks like this:


Remember, what you are looking at is 20mm long :)
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on November 28, 2018, 01:36:27 PM
Nice work.
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project
Post by: madman on November 29, 2018, 02:10:48 AM
That aging is perfect. Techniques please!
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project
Post by: IgnatiusO on November 29, 2018, 03:50:13 AM
Really lovely work on the trailer! can't wait to see more.
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project
Post by: von Lucky on November 29, 2018, 07:32:36 AM
Yeah, that's pretty special. Will you have animals too?
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project
Post by: Gunbird on November 29, 2018, 08:56:42 AM
Yeah, that's pretty special. Will you have animals too?

None planned atm, no.
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project
Post by: grant on November 30, 2018, 08:34:23 PM
Beautiful work. Always up for more 6mm stuff! Keep, um, trucking!
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project
Post by: Gunbird on December 01, 2018, 12:58:14 AM
A bit more scratchbuilding, to make something almost all farms need. Started off with a 20mm spare fueltank and 2 StuGIV roadwheels as the base. 6mm scale.

Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project
Post by: von Lucky on December 01, 2018, 07:31:08 AM
Lovely! (I spent many summers on a farm in northern Germany - this thread is definitely smelling like it.)
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on December 01, 2018, 08:10:00 AM
Nice model.
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project
Post by: Gunbird on December 03, 2018, 12:55:17 PM
Had a spare hour so painted the little stinker...


Now to wait for the farm scenery toarrive, to modify it and put this little fellar in his final place.
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project
Post by: Dr DeAth on December 03, 2018, 01:24:34 PM
Outstanding!  All that detail in such a small piece
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project
Post by: smirnoff on December 03, 2018, 04:40:44 PM
Lovely work
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project
Post by: Gunbird on December 10, 2018, 09:55:05 AM
My Leven order arrived so I can get cracking on the buildings of the farm. As I was used to in the past, very well cast, only 2 minor flaws spotted....the storage tanks have some missing stairs detail and the large buildings have a noticeable sag in the back and front.....but nothing impossible to fix/ignore. Slippery litte fellars though, a good scrub with hot soapy water didn't do a whole lot, and 2 good soaks in degreaser did ok-ish.


Size wise they will work out fine with what I have sofar.


Of course, I can't really make anything as is, so these will be converted as well in many, many ways....
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project
Post by: Gunbird on December 13, 2018, 12:58:08 AM
Decided I needed some more stuff to scatter beside the farm buildings.

Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project
Post by: 6milPhil on December 13, 2018, 01:00:14 PM
This is all stunningly brilliant. Well done.

Don't know if you're interested but I have some moulds for 6mil scatter bits, tyres, rubbish, mattresses, etc which you can see here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPEqvEFJX-Y

Also have some rubble piles. PM me if any of it licks your paintbrush... ;)
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project
Post by: Wyrmalla on December 13, 2018, 01:12:56 PM
You're a better man than I for fiddling around with such small details.

That's a surprising level of quality for the scale which I hadn't expected. How are you doing the table? Going for a standard mat, or will you be scratchbuilding a textured surface?

Making little things like fencing would be nice, but again, hellish from my perspective (I've been dabbling with a small scale project myself recently, and haven't brought myself to making any architectural details for that reason). :)
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project
Post by: Gunbird on December 13, 2018, 03:43:40 PM
Phil, I''ll try and send you a PM later today

Wyrm...atm just a 4x4 foot table planned, most likely a mat, not possible to store boards here. All the scenics bits will be based up for ease of storage. Fencing etc we will see, I have a big bag of railroad scraps somewhere, but this farm won't have anything like that other then rows of poplars as windbreakers (and in the past, money for the farmers daughter marriage). But we are a long way off from getting it all done, and I'm in no hurry.
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on December 14, 2018, 02:13:42 PM
Nice work.
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project
Post by: Gunbird on December 15, 2018, 01:03:35 AM
Excavator done.

Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project
Post by: 6milPhil on December 15, 2018, 07:27:28 AM
Brill!  8)
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on December 15, 2018, 08:31:18 AM
That is exquisite.
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project
Post by: von Lucky on December 15, 2018, 10:06:00 AM
Very cool.
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project
Post by: Dougie on December 15, 2018, 04:52:17 PM
Awesome matie, I've been using Sabre Squadron for my 6mm Iran/Iraq forces
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project
Post by: Dr DeAth on December 15, 2018, 05:18:12 PM
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project
Post by: clanmac on December 16, 2018, 10:21:46 PM
Wow, this thread is a treat. Love it.
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project
Post by: Gunbird on September 13, 2019, 11:39:35 PM
Slowly working on the building parts of the farm, picked up the vehicle shed today, basecoated it and went to town with washes, and when it has fully tried tomorrow I can put on the first coat of varnish.




Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project (update 14-9-2019)
Post by: gamer Mac on September 14, 2019, 01:09:18 AM
Stunning job :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project (update 14-9-2019)
Post by: 6milPhil on September 14, 2019, 03:50:05 AM
I saw this on FB yesterday, it's a really good build. ;)
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project (update 14-9-2019)
Post by: grant on September 14, 2019, 05:54:29 AM
Really dig that excavator!
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project (update 14-9-2019)
Post by: Ultravanillasmurf on September 14, 2019, 08:01:31 AM
That is a great building.
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project (update 14-9-2019)
Post by: von Lucky on September 14, 2019, 12:17:10 PM
Oooo, very nice - lovely building and painting.
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project (update 14-9-2019)
Post by: madman on September 14, 2019, 05:49:22 PM
Amazing building and painting. All right all of us 6mm/300/285 gamers want to know where you got it from. I am always on the lookout for new suppliers. Thank you.
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project (update 14-9-2019)
Post by: Gunbird on September 15, 2019, 12:50:40 AM
It's a Leven shed, plus a small toolshed glued to the back from the shed-set. The 2 containers are from Heroics and Ross, as is the Bedford.

And after the varnish has dried and tufts have been applied.....this part is done :)






Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project (update 14-9-2019)
Post by: madman on September 15, 2019, 01:52:51 AM
Thank you. I have a few of theirs but their range is so extensive I missed that one. I like the combination of various elements to one off the building. I have been looking at something similar myself. I am looking at combining a few buildings with walls, fences, vegetation, etc. and out buildings to create parts of small towns. The idea is a few of these would be combined to represent a built up area such as a town or edge of a larger city. The space between these "blocks" would be the roads. Something similar could be done to bring a group of structures together to form a farm. Thank you again for sharing your excellent work and ideas. It helps keep ones thinking juices flowing.
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project (update 14-9-2019)
Post by: Gunbird on September 15, 2019, 09:56:42 AM
Thx MM, I picked up the same idea from some excellent forumsposts years ago, but I was already on my way out 6mm wise. For the farm, dirt roads make it easy to tie it all together, toad wise, I'm not 100% sure yet but I will find a way. Glad you enjoy it and find it motivational :)
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project (update 14-9-2019)
Post by: clanmac on September 15, 2019, 08:00:17 PM
Beautiful work. That Bedford in a building brings back a few BAOR memories.
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project (update 14-9-2019)
Post by: Dougie on September 25, 2019, 01:12:42 AM
Brilliant work mate still debating 6mm or 10mm for Northag
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project (update 14-9-2019)
Post by: Gunbird on September 26, 2019, 09:06:25 AM
I'm not even sure whether I will play Northag or any another COld War game in 6mm or not, but hey, scenery building is fun :)






Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project (update 26-9-2019 Feed Bunker)
Post by: von Lucky on September 26, 2019, 10:48:25 AM
Love it - really reminds me of northern Europe!
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project (update 26-9-2019 Feed Bunker)
Post by: sundayhero on September 26, 2019, 11:33:44 AM
I can't wait to see your forces ! Great work so far !
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project (update 26-9-2019 Feed Bunker)
Post by: Ockman on September 26, 2019, 12:38:09 PM
Love these tiny bits!
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project (update 26-9-2019 Feed Bunker)
Post by: Pattus Magnus on September 26, 2019, 02:31:37 PM
That is exceptional work. I keep having to do double-takes to remind myself they’re 6mm.

I especially like the excavator from a page or two back - my dad spent most of his career operating the 1-1 scale versions.
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project (update 26-9-2019 Feed Bunker)
Post by: Norm on September 26, 2019, 03:20:59 PM
That is exceptional work. I keep having to do double-takes to remind myself they’re 6mm.

Agreed, lovely.
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project (update 26-9-2019 Feed Bunker)
Post by: Splod on September 26, 2019, 09:16:34 PM
Fantastic work! If you end up playing in another scale, I'll put all that 6mm terrain to good use if you send it my way ;)
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project (update 26-9-2019 Feed Bunker)
Post by: Gunbird on September 27, 2019, 03:32:30 PM
Fantastic work! If you end up playing in another scale, I'll put all that 6mm terrain to good use if you send it my way ;)

Wishful thinking :P

Feed Bunker 2 finished, also a complete scratchbuild. Making the tires took forever and caused quite a bit of lasting discomfort to my hands, so I won't be repeating that anytime soon.








Plenty of mistakes made, but lessons learned with this one.
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project ( 27-9-2019 2nd Feed Bunker)
Post by: sundayhero on September 27, 2019, 03:41:36 PM
really cool  :-*
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project ( 27-9-2019 2nd Feed Bunker)
Post by: grant on September 27, 2019, 05:09:15 PM
 Awesome stuff!  :-*
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project ( 27-9-2019 2nd Feed Bunker)
Post by: Billchuck on September 27, 2019, 06:13:26 PM
How did you do the tires?  My guess is two sizes of hole punch, but I’d love to hear of an easier way.
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project ( 27-9-2019 2nd Feed Bunker)
Post by: gamer Mac on September 27, 2019, 08:55:04 PM
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project ( 27-9-2019 2nd Feed Bunker)
Post by: von Lucky on September 27, 2019, 11:19:18 PM
How did you do the tires?  My guess is two sizes of hole punch, but I’d love to hear of an easier way.

Looks good - but yes, look after your hands!

Easiest way I can think of is filling/sanding the end of styrene tubing (to get the smooth curves) and then slicing a doughnut-shaped piece of and gluing the unsanded (i.e. cut) side to the tarp.
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project ( 27-9-2019 2nd Feed Bunker)
Post by: Gunbird on September 27, 2019, 11:36:29 PM
Thx guys. About the wheels, I used a old Airfix tanks sprue that had a load of sort of correct size (more truck than car tires) end caps. Drilled them fully through, mounted them on toothpicks, snipped the tops off of them, and sanded everything to make a bit more wheel like, and after that used a tipped file to do the same for the insides.

So yes, a ton of work and not fun on my hands, such is life.

I'm actually a bit pissed that after starting 6mm 10 years ago (or is it longer) and seeing requests for civillian cars and trucks over and over., leaving it for a couple of years and now back in....there is still no one making them and I'm considering asking friends with 3D printers just to print up a bunch of them so I can trash them. I like nice scenery, I like to spend time on my models and scenery.....but I need something to start with first.

Now, what to build after I finish the farm.......
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project ( 27-9-2019 2nd Feed Bunker)
Post by: madman on September 28, 2019, 12:24:19 AM
I really want civilian cars in 6mm but for various periods and locales. Starting with 1920s and 30s vehicles for WWII in Europe, then a set of 1950s and 60s for Junta, both European and US models. Think of what you would see in SE Asia, Africa, North and South America on the roads. Then another set with European, Japanese and US models from the 1990s, through 2010s especially SUVs and Mercedes carrying "high value targets", contractors or the local dictator for life. I think the last group should be split between American and other sources in order to adjust for where they would be used. I could see them in any of the above mentioned locales, plus Cold War gone hot, Eastern European hot spots and the currently popular Zombie uprising or past apocalyptic games.
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project ( 27-9-2019 2nd Feed Bunker)
Post by: von Lucky on September 28, 2019, 12:26:36 AM
Now, what to build after I finish the farm.......

A supermarket. Or dock section?
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project ( 27-9-2019 2nd Feed Bunker)
Post by: Gunbird on September 28, 2019, 10:14:12 PM
A supermarket. Or dock section?

Well, I'm focussing on what is there in Germany atm.  Dock sections, not high on the wanted list. Canal however. Same goes for Autobahn or railyard. I think I will aim at a small/medium factory with a yard first, or a small village. Will depend on how much I can sell at the Crisis show to stock up on funds.
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project ( 27-9-2019 2nd Feed Bunker)
Post by: batu on September 28, 2019, 10:28:15 PM
Whatever you decide to do next ... can't wait to see it ;)
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project ( 27-9-2019 2nd Feed Bunker)
Post by: robh on September 28, 2019, 11:43:05 PM
....there is still no one making them

There is in China   :-X




Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project ( 27-9-2019 2nd Feed Bunker)
Post by: Splod on September 29, 2019, 01:16:53 AM
I think I will aim at a small/medium factory with a yard first, or a small village.

If this were my project, I'd probably focus on a small village as my next point. It wouldn't be odd to see a small village in close proximity to an agricultural complex, and all of the buildings used for a small village would be useful as the village expands to a town. I'd probably start by looking at the Timecast [http://www.timecastmodels.co.uk/range_23/range_23.html]Modern European Buildings[/url] range and grabbing  the 'Shops and Offices', the 'German Supermarket and Shops', the 'Petrol Station/Gas Station' and maybe a handful of houses? This would go a long way towards representing a village on the tabletop without requiring a dozen minis.

The other consideration would be to focus on an Industrial sector. Looking at your plans for the large farm buildings, most should fit in an industrial setting with some appropriate set dressing without much difficulty. A handful of red brick warehouses and some appropriate storage tanks will go a long way towards shifting the agricultural buildings to an industrial setting. Again, not to push TimeCast, but there are some fantastic industrial units in the TimeCast Modern European Buildings range. Just 2 or 3 of the units plus some chemical storage tanks would really look the part.
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project ( 27-9-2019 2nd Feed Bunker)
Post by: Gunbird on September 29, 2019, 08:13:41 PM
Yeah, I like Timecast, but they haven't become cheaper over the years, poor wallet of mine. But their German shops in a row, and hosues etc, with a fuel station in between should be a nice start. Also, a older German red brick factory of sorts would be nice....not sure yet what kind of factory though. Not a fan of those simple pastic cars though, maybe for a scrapyard or something.

Anyhoo....6mm is so much fun to spruce up :) Repair shop finished for my farm set. It's the Leven IND16 Joinery shop, but now functions as a tool and repair shed. Container is from Old Crow, junk in the back is from various bits from the sparesbox, and the barrels (which you can hardly see) are from Heroics and Ross ( I think)

Still clueless how to do other stuff like a Autobahn or even decent roads, but hey, I'll build that bridge when I get there.




I've got a ton more pics on my Blog, in case you are interested :) >> https://20mmandthensome.blogspot.com/2019/09/buying-farm-machine-shop-finished.html (https://20mmandthensome.blogspot.com/2019/09/buying-farm-machine-shop-finished.html)
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project ( 29-9-2019 Machine Shop)
Post by: Splod on September 29, 2019, 09:09:09 PM
Leven have this 'Large Garage' in their Commercial range. I can easily see this filling the role of a small factory?


There's also the 'Factory/Warehouse', 'Large Factory' and 'Warehouse' from Leven's Industrial range (https://www.levenminiatures.co.uk/industrial.html). Between the four pieces that will make a decent start on an industrial sector? Maybe some stacked ISO containers and even a loading dock?

The other option could be to look at Gamecraft's modern range. The Home Depot Store (http://gcmini.mybigcommerce.com/1-285th-scale-home-depot-store-285mcb004/) is an acrylic core with a resin faceplate that looks like a large modern commercial building. By removing the 'Home Depot' raised letters off the resin you've got what could easily be the front of a factory. The dimensions are given as 178mm (w) x 127mm (d) x 41mm (h) so it will definitely be a significantly dominating piece of terrain on your table.

As for roads... I'm lazy and just use the Hotz paved and dirt roads. Please excuse the bare roadside, we're still building our 6mm terrain.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

How do you go about your bases? Are they just plasticard cut to size and sanded? Do you do anything to texture the dirt/bare parts of the base or is it just paint and pigments?

Oh, and cracking work on that next piece by the way.
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project ( 29-9-2019 Machine Shop)
Post by: Ockman on September 29, 2019, 09:23:24 PM
Argh, this awesomeness makes me want to go for 6mm
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project ( 29-9-2019 Machine Shop)
Post by: von Lucky on September 30, 2019, 10:01:14 AM
The green door on the  tool and repair shed is perfect! (Well the whole thing is, really.)
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project ( 29-9-2019 Machine Shop)
Post by: grant on September 30, 2019, 10:06:25 AM
The green door on the  tool and repair shed is perfect! (Well the whole thing is, really.)


6mm perfecto
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project ( 29-9-2019 Machine Shop)
Post by: Gunbird on October 03, 2019, 12:28:36 AM
Thx guys :)

SPlod, just 1.5mm plasticcard cut to the desired size, no exact measurements, sanded alightly. Bare dirt, concrete and tarmac is just the plasticcard as is, debris etc is just sand from teh dunes with various larger bits in between, and depending on if it needs it either some pigments or not. Working on 2 fresh ruins now that will be a  test for a concrete and brick dust basing test, as well as some fine airbrushing for burned inside of a house.

I ordered that factory from Leven plus a whole lot more to mix and match bits, container stacks etc can wait till next time so the factory will be usable for WW2 up to nowadays really, older brick buildings on one base, neweer metal frame buildings on another. As much as I wish to order from Gamecraft, my last 2 orders from the USA (granted, quite some time ago) were hit with pretty hefty customs bills, on top of a already hefty shipping bill, and I'm not willing (or able) to cough up so much dough.

Did purchase a few sheets of Evergreen so to be able to make roof sections etc, but none of them look right for anything else than wood panel or metal panel, but not tinned roof. I have my eyee set on a company in the UK, but won't order from then till after the Crisis show (much stuff to sell, coffers need to be filled and the attic emptied)
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project ( 29-9-2019 Machine Shop)
Post by: Gunbird on October 03, 2019, 11:08:52 PM
A bit of progress on the Farmers house. Pretty far from done, needs a lot more colour and weathering, varnish, tufts etc, and maybe a tree or 2. But you get the jist of it.


Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project ( 29-9-2019 Machine Shop)
Post by: Splod on October 04, 2019, 01:29:50 AM
Man, fantastic. How have you done the concrete slabs?
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project ( 29-9-2019 Machine Shop)
Post by: manchesterreg on October 04, 2019, 08:04:43 AM
Man, those models, hard to believe they are 6mm, your very talented.
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project ( 29-9-2019 Machine Shop)
Post by: Ockman on October 04, 2019, 08:24:50 AM
Amazing work, friend!
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project ( 29-9-2019 Machine Shop)
Post by: Dr. Zombie on October 04, 2019, 09:27:03 AM
This is really amazing work.

It kind of puts my own 6mm efforts to shame.
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project ( 29-9-2019 Machine Shop)
Post by: 6milPhil on October 04, 2019, 12:15:31 PM
Top notch, makes me feel like doing some buildings this weekend. 
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project ( 29-9-2019 Machine Shop)
Post by: Gunbird on October 04, 2019, 01:48:22 PM
Thx guys!

Splod, bare grey primer, thinned dark grey wash splashed on haphazardly, then undiluted grey wash with a fine tipped brush to define the slabs. They need more lighter washes, dirt, details etc

Dr. Zombie: Oh, don't say that, I bet you have a lot more finished than I have :)
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project ( 29-9-2019 Machine Shop)
Post by: 6mmfan on October 26, 2019, 03:39:19 AM
Wow great work Gunbird. I saw some of this on FB but I'm not a member so couldn't comment.

I made my roads this way which was pretty cheap and effective


I'm gonna borrow lots of your ideas .
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project ( 29-9-2019 Machine Shop)
Post by: Gunbird on October 27, 2019, 10:57:35 PM
Thx mate, very useful :)

3rd and final feed bunker finished. Had hoped it would be done sooner but I'm having serious issues with my Vallejo Polyurethane Matt varnish being and not Matt and stripey as hell, and I can't seem to find out why.....so after some searching in my stash I found my trusty pot of Daler and Rowney matt varnish again and that stuff kills everything dead flat, so this week I can finish up more stuff.



Freshly cleaned out bunker, so fresh dirt on the sides and minimal plant material. Will work as cover for a HQ or something as well.
Title: Re: Buying the farm - 6mm Cold War scenery project ( 29-9-2019 Machine Shop)
Post by: Digits on October 28, 2019, 11:04:18 AM
In awe of these models.  I love scratch built scenic projects, especially by people with cool ideas and vision.  Great work!