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Miniatures Adventure => Fantasy Adventures => Frostgrave => Topic started by: DinoTitanedition on March 07, 2019, 07:50:17 AM

Title: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: DinoTitanedition on March 07, 2019, 07:50:17 AM
Over on Chaosbunker.de I`ve started with a for Frostgrave. This guy will setup the first member of my necromancers group, though I`m undecided yet, if I`ll take real lving folks or just go for some skeleton conversions. We`ll see.

If you want to support a bit, give it a click and read the article over at Chaosbunker.de and give us a like on the gloooorious social media:



Necromancer Warband - Part 1

A new project always has something magical about it, and in the case of Frostgrave that's literally the way it is. As Dennis summarized nicely in his review, Frostgrave is a pretty simple setting - two rival wizards seek treasures in the frozen city Felstadt. That's it. After the flood of complex and lengthy fantasy games on the market, this is refreshingly simple. Due to the vast selection of fantasy models on the market, the creative side stands in an extreme contrast to this.

I started with a similarly uncomplicated approach this time. I just wanted something fantasy, but I wanted to draw a bit more from the well-known generics and not dive into the world of ultra-high fantasy from a well-known manufacturer. For this I play a different skirmish game. Another incentive was my experience with Dead Man's Hand, in which I painted models in the classic 28mm scale and where it was fun to paint a few generic minis, which can be used in several games.

(https://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e294/DinoTitanedition/Chaosbunker/IMG_9553_zps9dmxw97j.jpg) (https://s41.photobucket.com/user/DinoTitanedition/media/Chaosbunker/IMG_9553_zps9dmxw97j.jpg.html)

After looking into the rulebook, I particularly liked the model of the necromancer. The necromancer is simply a classic wizard in the fantasy genre, and usually one of the baddies. But occasionally you also run into one who has more of a "positive" attitude, such as the Diablo III necromancer. I wanted to try and catch this feeling too.

(https://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e294/DinoTitanedition/Chaosbunker/IMG_9556_zpsnborpehw.jpg) (https://s41.photobucket.com/user/DinoTitanedition/media/Chaosbunker/IMG_9556_zpsnborpehw.jpg.html)

I admit, the idea came to me after I noticed that in my collection of colors purple was missing. But a nice turquoise was at hand and I decided to test the scheme on the apprentice. All in all, I do not think that the evil look was invalidated, only changed. Especially the blond hair did not make him friendlier, but somehow gloomingly strange.

(http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e294/DinoTitanedition/Chaosbunker/IMG_9554_zps09x5xdhg.jpg) (http://s41.photobucket.com/user/DinoTitanedition/media/Chaosbunker/IMG_9554_zps09x5xdhg.jpg.html)

As you can see, I haven't completely decided on a concept yet, but that isn't even necessary in this case, because with the growing number of generic fantasy models I'll certainly testplay some other systems too. At the moment I'm planning to build the gang with a barbarian as a bodyguard and a few soldiers as thugs. And as usual, none of my projects is complete without a bit of fluff...


On the threshold to Felstad

    Slowly and creaking, the door opened. It was still a good three days march to Felstad and for a secluded place like this the tavern was amazingly busy.

    "Eeeey, you there - shut the door!" one of the drunken guests shouted over to Archibald, when he had stood in the door a moment too long to let the scenery sink in and a cold breeze blew in with him.

    "Now do as you're told Archibald." a calm voice came from behind him and he entered, followed by the man behind him.

    The voice was deep and well-sounding, but ever since he could remember, it's tone was attached to a certain age. A wisdom and maturity that only the years could bring. When the door closed behind them, the landlord finally spoke to them:

    "Do you want to stay overnight? We only have one more room. It's not the best, but if you're going to Felstad you will not find a better one on the way there."

    Archibald's older companion nodded in agreement.

    "Who should I enter in the guestbook, sir?" Asked the landlord.

    "My name is Balthasar Tenebris. And this is my apprentice, Archibald Helfmann." replied Archibald's master.

    Archibald knew that it was not his Master's real name. In the guild of necromancers one always encountered the people with mistrust when they learned to which study of magic they had dedicated themselves. Taking on a new name has been a custom in the necromancy school for hundreds of years. Often, however, names were also given to recognize exemplary achievements, or to clarify the rank of a necromancer among the others. Tenebris. "The Darkness" Archibald recalled. His master had been there and he had returned. Without succumbing to the strong, corrupting temptation that came with the study of necromancy.

    He too had received his name. But not because he had a past to protect from relatives left behind. Archibald grew up in an orphanage in Whitetown many years ago. When he was five, he met his master for the first time. Somehow he had felt immediately that something would change for him that day. Not least because Balthasar had caught him stealing his purse. He could still remember Balthasar's cold, piercing gaze when he'd come to the orphanage to ask for his money first, and after a moment's thoughtful consideration, for him as well. Archibald did not have a real name back then. At that time, he was always called "Youngster" as he was the youngest child in the orphanage. Well, he had to admit that he hadn't got a much better name with "Helfmann" - the helping man. But he had to admit he had never fared badly in his master's company, even though he was very strict with him. One day he would master the necromancy well enough to assume another name. At least one who did not clarify who had to do most of the unpopular work on his travels.

    "Are you dreaming again, Archibald?" Balthasar tore him out of his thoughts with his quiet manner.
    "Oh, no, Master." he replied a bit embarrassed.
    "I was just wondering why we‘ll stay here for several days. Didn‘t we want to go to Felstad?"
    "So you have noticed the entry about the number of our nights?" Balthasar asked, both surprised and satisfied.
    Although Archibald nodded, he knew that the question was purely rhetorical, and he did not have to answer.
    "Your eye for the environment has improved. Well, because where we go, we will always have to remain vigilant. And as we are only as human as the next man, we will need some swords at our disposal." Balthasar said.
    "Mercenaries?" replied Archibald, unable to suppress his surprise this time.
    "Master..." he started with some hesitation, because he did not want to upset his teacher.
    "You must not try to please Archibald." Balthasar said with a knowing smile.

    "Of course, I'm well versed in the ways of magic, but I'm not the only one in this world who serves the Arcane forces. We will not be the only ones who will walk in Felstad seeking knowledge and treasures to finance our studies. Some whom we will meet may be friendly, but what if not? It is better to make sure that we return home with an unharmed hide. Unless you are immortal? And you probably do not want to wear all the treasures on your own." he concluded with a laugh, and Archibald shuddered, as it sounded cheerful, but equally menacing.
    He realized that this would be a dangerous journey and that the mercenaries might have to serve them more than once...

    "Calm down, my boy. Tonight we rest. Tomorrow noon we'll see what high-quality bladesmen this nest has to offer." Balthasar said, seeing a flash of fear in his apprentice's eyes.

    He would never admit it, but the boy had become dear to him over the years and practically his son. In no case would he allow anything to happen to him. Over the years, he too would learn the true art of necromancy and become a great necromancer. Not like those fools who left the mortal life behind them and never returned ...

Greetings from the Chaosbunker

Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: LiamFrostfang on March 07, 2019, 09:10:27 AM
 8) way cool … like to see whats next...well dun!!!!
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: Bloggard on March 07, 2019, 09:18:00 AM
top draw painting and fluff.
looking foward to seeing more as well.
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: Keith on March 07, 2019, 10:07:18 AM
Top stuff - very much looking forward to seeing this develop.
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: Chillyray on April 12, 2019, 08:56:46 PM
My first posting! I just wanted to say, lovely highlights and perfect characterization. A real little person. Well done
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: DinoTitanedition on September 30, 2019, 10:48:29 PM
*COUGH* Man, this thread needs some dusting! Well, I believe I have just the right thing to do so. Today I've started painting up my second warband member, though I consider this to be my "first" one, as I'm pretty sure I'll exchange the model of the apprentice with something else. Seriously, as much as I love the Necromancer, as much I dislike the mini of his underlung.

But back to the new stuff - my marksman is a dwarf! Who would've thought, eh? So far only the face is finished, but I think I can get him done during the week. I've also been thinking about the game as a project a lot lately. As I'm very story focused and kind of enjoy writing, I will most likely play Frostgrave by myself most of the time - or, which is also a possibility, create a second warband to be handled by someone else.

At this point I was thinking about an orc raiding party. Fluffwise I'll write it up like they're from the Northwest of Felstad, where one of the few remaining orc keeps in the world of Frostgrave exists. I'm not sure if this adheres to the fluff, as far as I know J.McC once said in a YouTube video that the world of Frostgrave is mostly populated by regular humans (except for the Gnolls of course). Maybe someone can me tell more about this.

Anyway, I've started to play abit around with various miniatures and I'll probably take one or two from the Mantic range, as they fit perfectly size and looks wise.

Last but not least I'm thinking about how to continue this thread - the forum technology is so old, that I cannot really run the project like on my other forums or simply copy-paste the latest content from chaosbunker.de, the blog whre I run most of my projects which would be easiest from the point of organisation.

My idea for that is to post one picture and the link to the blog per post, when I post something interesting. What do you guys think about that?

Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: Daniel36 on October 01, 2019, 09:27:21 AM
Oh my word that Dwarf face looks incredible. And I know the beard currently has only the basecoat, but honestly... I would leave it like that. That is basically the most realistic looking beard I have ever seen on a miniature.
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: DinoTitanedition on October 01, 2019, 10:07:00 AM
Thanks, but just like I did for the face, I'm going for a more comic book like appearance  :) In general I prefer the "less serious" aesthetic in gaming.

What's a good antagonist for a "good" Necromancer? I know the Thaumaturge school is supposedly their opposite, but they feel to my like "healers", so I can't picture them as bad guys.

Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: Swordisdrawn on October 01, 2019, 04:14:39 PM
Wow the dwarf face and beard are brilliant!
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: Bloggard on October 02, 2019, 11:03:35 AM
gosh, yes indeed - superb job on the face.
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: Daniel36 on October 03, 2019, 11:45:10 AM
You could go for a firey Elementalist. Purge the undead with fire and flame. Heretics they are, I tell you, heretics!!

Or you could have a (Blair) Witch, one that embodies the darker sides of nature.

Or bash their skulls in with an Enchanter and his enchanted hammers.

The Soothsayer II models can also easily work as evil-ish characters.
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: DinoTitanedition on October 05, 2019, 12:30:51 PM
Yeah, I've thought about an Elementalist too, especially since I plan to replace the model for Archibald. I so much like the model of the necromancer, but the apprentice mini just doesn't appeal to me.

But I think I'll go with a wizard of the withcraft chamber. Giving him the ability to cast many curse like spells should give him an appropriate evil touch. And...I have plans for his retinue already as well.

Speaking about retinue, the marksman is done. This isn't the best picture, but then again, for the story and better quality I run this on chaosbunker.de and will post the link as soon as I'll reach that spot in the story. All posted articles will be linked throughout the backgroundstory.

So here he is, Balbarosch Mendri at you service.

Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: Bloggard on October 06, 2019, 09:19:44 AM
really like that effect with the sharp highlights.
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: Brandlin on October 06, 2019, 01:06:00 PM
Excellently done - you certainly have a unique style that emphasises the figure.
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: Daniel36 on October 06, 2019, 04:53:40 PM
Amazing job!!
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: DinoTitanedition on October 09, 2019, 11:06:54 AM
Thanks a lot everybody! This is actually all preperation for the next year, for an article series about Frostgrave on Chaosbunker.de

To be honest, I haven't played a single game so far, the book was just so inspiring that I really wanted to paint something fantasy. What I've noticed so far from numerous batreps on YouTube was, that the field seems rather large to me with 90x90cm (3x3). Yes, the mostly infinite amount of play turns seems to make that irrelevant, but I think Ash on GMG solved this pretty good with a set amount of 5 turns.

Now I might be a bit spoiled by playing a bit of WarCry recently, but it gave me the impression that a smaller playing fields really help skirmish games as a whole. So, taking Ash's 5 turn rule into account, what do you think about a smaller field? I've skimmed through the scenarios and thought about creating a 75x75cm (29,5x29,5 inch) gaming table.

This doesn't seem to be a problem with the scenarios in the core book and I believe it would speed the game up enormously, as miniatures most of the time move only once per turn, which is a very short distance for a 90x90cm table.

There's also another catch - though the rules are fairly easy, they are still "above average" complexity, if it comes down to be a game for people who have neither played tabletop or roleplaying games. And...I'd really like to get my wife to play some Frostgrave with me :D

So far I've only been able to get her to play some Warhammer Quest Silver Tower with me and I wondered why. I've also been to some conventions with her, where various games could be testplayed. What I've noticed so far was, that, she as a non TT player, was mostly into games that could be played quickly and didn't need a long time to learn. But, if it had a catching narrative, like an evolving story throughout the game (Dungeon Explore or Legends of Amalur for example), her willingness to get a bit more involved with rules was better.

I'm no fool though, I won't get her to paint minis or build terrain, but playing might work with a quicker, smaller game.

So, your thoughts?
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: DinoTitanedition on October 11, 2019, 08:27:23 AM
So, no thoughts on a smaller playing surface and a turn limit? Aaaaw....

Well, I have made some progress on my critters, and as promised, I'll be sharing one of the pictures from the article series here, while the rest is in the official article: https://www.chaosbunker.de/en/2019/10/11/frostgrave-zombies/?fbclid=IwAR1Z2nJJ14tJumkt_pvvYQiwbVfywi8o8bJqxOf6oOc2UHH1gIRsBTmqQyA (https://www.chaosbunker.de/en/2019/10/11/frostgrave-zombies/?fbclid=IwAR1Z2nJJ14tJumkt_pvvYQiwbVfywi8o8bJqxOf6oOc2UHH1gIRsBTmqQyA)

I'd appreciate if you'd take a look there and maybe leave some feedback, as it's a great motivational driver and, as our official teamspace, helps to make us more visible.

The Chamber of Necromancers was a safe place to delve deeper into his studies and Archibald was grateful that he did not have to take the next step in the training of necromancy alone. He was assisted by his Master Balthasar Tenebris, who had just resurrected a corpse, only to return it to death a few moments later.

   "Now you." Balthasar said to his apprentice.

   Trembling, the young man approached the corpse and stretched out his hand over the dead man's face. Carefully reciting the magic formula, he spoke the words while a faint glow formed in the center of his hand.

   "Excitare in conspectu meo invenit."

   For a moment that seemed endless to Archibald, nothing happened. But then a finger on the corpse began to flinch barely noticeably. The head of the corpse lay in a torturous slow movement in its neck and it's eyes opened flickering. A moaning followed, with the air of his breath emerging from the mouth of the zombie, which he had sucked in with the recently worked invigoration. The moaning changed and what had just sounded like a sigh changed into a hateful hiss.

   Archibald withdrew frightened as the hands of the undead tried to reach for him. Now Balthasar stepped forward, touched the zombie calmly on his forehead and said, "Non cesses.".

   Robbed of life again, the body of the zombie slackened again and sank back onto the stone table.

   "The undead serves always those with strong will, Archibald. Concentrate not on the magic itself, but on the command inherent in it." said Balthasar.

   Although Archibald didn't fully understand him, he nodded, but his master was too experienced to let him get away with it. Yet Balthasar smiled as he noticed the embarrassment of his disciple.

   "You will understand soon enough what that means. Until then that means 'Repetatio est studiuorum', my disciple." the master necromancer encouraged his apprentice and Archibald prepared himself for the next attempt.
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: AWu on October 11, 2019, 01:07:23 PM
I am using same zombies (finding zombies I like the looks was hardest part), but I doubt i could finish them to this level!
But I am reassured that they in theory at last can look great :>
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: Bloggard on October 13, 2019, 12:41:06 PM
as far as smaller table-size and limited turns - not what I'm after in a skirmish game (presumably the idea is that teams get to grips as quickly as possible and have at 'em ...?), but I don't doubt that they (the games) actually work best when limited in such ways.

I think if rules are included for wandering monsters and other randomised events, and exploration / discovery goals unconnected with the direct need for combat (i.e. a degree of RPG-lite), then the larger tables etc probably come into their own. But haven't played enough games either way to form a considered opinion tbh  ::)  :'(.
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: DinoTitanedition on October 22, 2019, 10:52:40 PM
presumably the idea is that teams get to grips as quickly as possible and have at 'em ...?

No, it's to make the game quicker and more accessible to my wife, who isn't into our kind of hobby at all. She likes boardgames, if they're not overly complicated, but that's it. She likes fantasy though. Let's see if I'll get her to play a couple of games...

As I've been on a vacation last week, I didn't paint much...except for this guy here. Hector's a good boy. The mini is from Mantic Games' dwarf regiment. Had this dog layin around for a while and finally came around to paint him.

Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: Karadek on October 24, 2019, 07:01:34 PM
I dig him, but where's the handle you you can throw him into a scrum?
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: Grimmnar on October 25, 2019, 02:35:17 AM
I dig him, but where's the handle you you can throw him into a scrum?
The handle has always been a bad idea for obvious reasons.

Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: Wirelizard on October 25, 2019, 04:46:40 AM
So, no thoughts on a smaller playing surface and a turn limit? Aaaaw....

Pulp Alley uses a 3x3 area and six turn limit by default and works really well. The turn limit keeps everyone moving and helps prevent players from bunkering up and just sniping at each other, and the smallish play area means you don't waste the first half of your playing time in pointless marching toward each other.

Density of terrain helps, too. If you try to play on a 40k style table with one pond, an empty Coke can, and one random building things just won't work as well.

I've only played Frostgrave a few times and don't yet own the rules (strongly tempted, though) but a turn limit and restricted playing area sound worth trying.
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: DinoTitanedition on October 25, 2019, 09:13:50 AM
Yes, the terrain has to be very dense, definitely. Not only does it drive the atmosphere a lot, it changes the way the spells are used as well. I have seen a similiar effect in Freebooters Fate, when I played that (and that I did play A LOT). Some spells and items just become a lot more useful as well, especially when it comes down to movement.

Regarding the part of the game where folks don't do nothing else but simply move around is exactly what I am trying to avoid - it's lengthy, boring and though it may be of strategic relevance, my wife probably would lose interest in playing when it takes too long before anything happens (and getting her to play against me in the campaign is my goal for this project).

@Karadek and Grimnar

Yeah, I didn't like the handle visually and this way I had the option of glueing bags left and right from the dog, like he's a little carrier. I actually did that in the beginning, but simply thought it didn't fit his narrative role. If you want to try that, I'd advise you to use the G.I. backpacks from Bolt Action. They are small and look quite neat on hin. There is also additional bags with shovels on that sprue, which make him look like a true miners pup. But as I said...for the narrative I don't need a weight reliever...but a mean little helper in battle.
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: Karadek on October 25, 2019, 12:55:26 PM
The handle has always been a bad idea for obvious reasons.

lol lol lol

Not wrong.  I need to paint mine up.
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: joe5mc on October 30, 2019, 07:01:14 AM
A bit late - but that's a stunning paint job on the dwarf crossbowman!
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: DinoTitanedition on November 15, 2019, 09:40:43 AM
Thanks! I have noticed only now, that he wasn't painted yet, when I prepped my article series for the Chaosbunker, but hey, I'm doing this only as a hobby, so professionalism is far away from me :P

Speaking of, I'm officially kicking of the article series with a slightly modified concept, but it'll stay this way throughout 2020, when I intend to have my Frostgrave base project completed. Take a look and leave some feedback  :)

https://www.chaosbunker.de/en/ (https://www.chaosbunker.de/en/)

Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: Bloggard on November 15, 2019, 10:04:51 AM
No, it's to make the game quicker and more accessible to my wife, who isn't into our kind of hobby at all. She likes boardgames, if they're not overly complicated, but that's it. She likes fantasy though. Let's see if I'll get her to play a couple of games...

oh right. I would still think that a larger board, and more 'random' elements, such as I mentioned above, makes the games more entertaining potentially.
I see from the link that you're combining with Warcry - it's introducing the random stuff I guess, but such a small board ... which I've bought some of, but am putting two side by side.
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: DinoTitanedition on November 15, 2019, 11:12:06 AM
Doh, that was actually the wrong link, it was intended to lead to the blog, where the article is available in english too - I have corrected it.

The link you've seen before is just the blog topic I have in the german tabletopforum. I usually write what I'm working on currently into the title, so that changes pretty often as well  :) WarCry is still in there, but there's only two more minis to go until I'm done.

I also have to say, that I my tendecies towards other games than from GW is quite strong, and that I am a very narratively driven hobbyist. WarCry is more of a short time thing. The only GW I've constantly been playing the last 20 years was Blood Bowl. Other than that, I prefer smaller systems with a dense atmosphere and this is where Frostgrave simply is the thing for me.

When I'm done with this, I'll probably give Ghost Archipelago a go too...it's basically Pirates Adventure stuff with a bit of Indiana Jones in it - what else to say?
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: Bloggard on November 16, 2019, 10:17:58 AM
I imagine it's touched on above somewhere, so sorry if so - but sounds like 'Underworlds' is the game for your missus?
I was very tempted by it recently - and was going to mod it to make it a bit more 'skirmish' like ... but then realised I might as well stick with the real thing ...

but if she likes boardgames etc ... should find it an appealing 'gateway' game?
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: DinoTitanedition on November 20, 2019, 12:09:35 PM
Maybe, but that would make her play Underworlds - I want to play Frostgrave  ;) Plus, the setting, I know that for sure, appeals to her far more than AoS. Though I do like the GW stuff, it IS kind of He-Man like and that's a bit too nerdy for her taste.

So, I haven't painted that much lately, but I gave the done minis a proper photojob and article. The first guy is the dwarf, continueing the story from the other articles so far (for the regular readers, the pieces will all form a bigger one, so you'll be able to read them in one go, like a book).

I've also experimented with snow and believe I've found the right looks for the base. As always, your feedback is appreciated.

https://www.chaosbunker.de/en/2019/11/20/frostgrave-a-sword-and-sorcery-adventure-part-2/ (https://www.chaosbunker.de/en/2019/11/20/frostgrave-a-sword-and-sorcery-adventure-part-2/)
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: LiamFrostfang on November 21, 2019, 12:40:56 PM
 8) way cool...looks great!!!
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: DinoTitanedition on January 31, 2020, 09:41:25 AM
I've finally gotten around to prep some articles for Frostgrave again, after a waaaay too busy start of the year. This one shows a couple of better pics of the dog and I'm trying to keep the format of the articles much shorter, to make them "more comfortable to consume".

https://www.chaosbunker.de/en/2020/01/31/frostgrave-a-sword-and-sorcery-adventure-part-3/ (https://www.chaosbunker.de/en/2020/01/31/frostgrave-a-sword-and-sorcery-adventure-part-3/)

Right now there are three more articles ready and will release over the next weeks, but what I'm really tackling at the moment is to paint up two lady wizards for Nick. Now I was thinking, should I post more small update, that essentially form up a step by step, or should I do it like I do currently, just release articles with the finished paintjob and the thought process behind it? Glad to hear your opinion on that.

Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: DinoTitanedition on February 13, 2020, 11:53:10 AM
Work was incredibly demanding recently and it feels like ages that I've touched a mini, but I've finally come around to start my work on the female wizards for Nick.

I am what could be described as an "area painter". I always choose one certain space on the miniature, like the skin, a robe or anything like that, and finish it off completely. It's rarely neccessary for me to go back to a spot that I've worked on before.

Might change with this mini though, as I want to push myself a little and give Gordula a look that matches her story. She's a witch (who would've thought) in service of a king (oh...who WOULD have thought...). So I hope that my choice of colors will give her a nicely civilized look, while keeping the mysterious haggy touch of a typical witch.

I am undecided on her little cat homunculus though - grey with black stripes, or black with yellow eyes...

Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: Chimpfoot on February 13, 2020, 01:04:32 PM
Gorgeous work really something to aspire to if my eyes and shaky hands don't give up on me :)
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: von der Tann on February 13, 2020, 04:46:26 PM
I am undecided on her little cat homunculus though - grey with black stripes, or black with yellow eyes...

I like the grey with black stripes and yellow eyes ... every witch has a black cat ... kinda boring.
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: scatterbrains on February 14, 2020, 02:22:14 AM
I like the grey with black stripes and yellow eyes ... every witch has a black cat ... kinda boring.


Can't wait to see the rest!
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: DinoTitanedition on February 14, 2020, 07:04:45 AM
It's this "every witch has a black cat" thing, that kind of makes me tend towards it. I am going with a very good guy look, so I'd like the model to be recognized as a witch.

But...I also kind of love grey cats with black stripes. Well, anyway, I made a little bit of progress yesterday and maybe I'll get another hour or two to paint tonight again.

This is starting to mutate into a little step-by-step...the base color for the under dress was Sombre Grey. I love that color...just goeas so well with many things.

Now another question for color choices....(yeah I know, not decided on the cat yet too...): the little bags and pouches. All brown, or different colors? I remember playing World of Warcraft ages ago and I really liked when I could expand my baggage with additional little bags. I noticed, that they all had different colors and I kind of liked the idea. Maybe the front puch in a very brwonish dark red?

Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: scatterbrains on February 14, 2020, 08:23:37 AM
She reminds me of Granny Weatherwax already!
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: beefcake on February 14, 2020, 08:25:07 AM
Very nice. Love the dog.
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: von der Tann on February 14, 2020, 10:43:27 PM
It's this "every witch has a black cat" thing, that kind of makes me tend towards it. I am going with a very good guy look, so I'd like the model to be recognized as a witch.

And here I thought the hat and the staff were enough to mark her as a witch ...
As for the bags and pouches, if you keep her clothes plain and simple, specks of color might lighten the mini up, imho. So I say, go for it. Have bright red, leather colored and what-not colored bags.

Very nice. Love the dog.

 lol  lol  lol  lol  lol  ... mean, but funny.
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: beefcake on February 14, 2020, 11:24:53 PM
I was referring to the dog further up the page.
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: von der Tann on February 15, 2020, 10:39:14 AM
I was referring to the dog further up the page.

Ups ... my bad. Sorry. I was all focused on the witch and cat. But yes - it is a nice dog.
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: beefcake on February 15, 2020, 11:31:55 AM
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: DinoTitanedition on March 20, 2020, 09:41:54 AM
Well, what can I say? I've changed my mind - again and again. In the end I've decided to stick to a real classic look, which is why I ended up painting up the scarf and the hat band red. It also nicely draws the attention back to the centre of the miniature, while a red band on the staff might've actually distract the eye.

I'm quite decided on the upcoming colors now. The staff is gonna be painted in a rather bright, almost a little bit greyish brown, in order to make it look old and well used. The cat will be grey with black stripes - that's a risk, the black cat would be easier, but it will make the overall look of the mini a bit boring, almost toooooo stereotypical, even though I'm pushing for that look. But the grey cat is actually an interesting touch to the mini.

The stretched out hand will be the most difficult part, as I want a glow effect at the centre of it. Imaginary light scources are rather hard to do for me, but I'll try it as good as I can.

Now there is more decisions to be made....the base....classic "woodlands" look or more Frostgrave like, with snow on it? I'm actually preferring the common fantasy feel, as it's not all snow and ice and could be used in other games too, like ROTS.

Even though I like how this turns out, I'm dealing with quite a big distraction at the moment...that damn Gaslands game...

Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: scatterbrains on March 21, 2020, 12:53:54 AM
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: Thargor on March 23, 2020, 09:11:06 PM
I'm thinking with that much black on the witch, a grey cat might work better.

...and he needs to be blind in one eye with a scar running across it, and slightly tatty ears...
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: DinoTitanedition on March 25, 2020, 11:35:12 PM
Right now I'm only happy that the cat turned out halfway decent  ;D Man it was difficult to paint something that small with regular methods, but I'm finally done. The only thing missing before I can continue with the base is the glow effect on the centre of the hand.

Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: Dr Mathias on March 26, 2020, 02:03:57 AM
Right now I'm only happy that the cat turned out halfway decent  ;D Man it was difficult to paint something that small with regular methods, but I'm finally done. The only thing missing before I can continue with the base is the glow effect on the centre of the hand.

Beautifully done :)
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: LiamFrostfang on March 26, 2020, 11:17:52 AM
 :o amazing!!!
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: DinoTitanedition on March 28, 2020, 12:08:14 PM
Thanks! I'm done with the first witch and hope Nick will be satisfied as well. We'll be making some better pictures as soon as the Corona situation has died down, probably some shots with scenics too. Those won't be shared here though, as I have promised them for free use to Nick.

But...there's still the other witch, that has to be finished, so it'll still be a while until then. All in all I'm satisfied the way the mini has turned out. The look is nicely stereotypical, but yet has a modern feel to it. Always satisfiying, when it works like that.

Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: hubbabubba on March 28, 2020, 09:27:18 PM
Lovely work
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: beefcake on March 29, 2020, 02:47:47 AM
Great work. Love the glowing hand.
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: Astor on March 29, 2020, 07:11:57 PM
I love your work!
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: Karadek on March 31, 2020, 04:01:34 AM
Very nice work, as always.  The witch and cat turned out great!
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: Wirelizard on March 31, 2020, 04:20:18 AM
Oh very nice. I've got the Wizards II and Soldiers II packs in my to-be-built-soon heap and these are inspirational.
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: pixelgeek on March 31, 2020, 05:05:44 AM
Wow! Impressive work.
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: Thargor on March 31, 2020, 09:23:53 PM
Great work.
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: Thew1 on April 01, 2020, 07:31:05 AM
Stunning paintwork! The detail on the dog and the cat is exquisite  :-*
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: Hammers on April 01, 2020, 08:29:50 AM
That's nice. Very, very nice...
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: Sunjester on April 01, 2020, 10:15:20 AM
Excellent, the cat is particularly splendid work.
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: DinoTitanedition on April 15, 2020, 02:16:13 PM
Thanks! I love the little animals on the sprue overall, they're such atmospheric drivers.

So, some days ago I started painting up the apprentice of the witch, but am really undecided on the colors. In this version I'd probably make the grey cloth white, in order to harmonize better with the overall picture, but it might differ too much from her master.

Sure, I could paint her up in an equal fashion, but that might look a bit boring in the end...so what you you guys think? Samey is lamey or different is way too off? Nick? What would your choice be? It's your promo material  :)

Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: DinoTitanedition on April 16, 2020, 01:28:10 PM
Okay,  decided to go a totally different route now  :D Kind of looks a lot more harmonic already, even though the colors are rather cold now. I might even paint the jacket and the pants in dark blue, to give an overall magical blueish impression.
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: DinoTitanedition on June 11, 2020, 11:53:08 AM
I know, I know, it's been a while, but the Mortal Gods project is so demanding right now, that progress is going rather slow. In the meanwhile...my daughter had some interesting stuff in her toy box. I know how that sounds, but....judge for yourself:

https://www.chaosbunker.de/en/2020/06/11/frostgrave-a-sword-and-sorcery-adventure-part-5/#more-30853 (https://www.chaosbunker.de/en/2020/06/11/frostgrave-a-sword-and-sorcery-adventure-part-5/#more-30853)
Title: Re: A walk in Felstad...
Post by: DinoTitanedition on June 18, 2020, 10:12:31 AM
And another aticle to catch up to in regards of a new warband  :)

https://www.chaosbunker.de/en/2020/06/18/frostgrave-a-sword-and-sorcery-adventure-part-6/ (https://www.chaosbunker.de/en/2020/06/18/frostgrave-a-sword-and-sorcery-adventure-part-6/)