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Other Stuff => Workbench => Topic started by: ulverston on April 09, 2019, 12:40:17 PM

Title: AK47 Template and sizes please?
Post by: ulverston on April 09, 2019, 12:40:17 PM
Hi Chaps,

Flushed with the success of building an 18 Pdr in 28MM (thank you to Mark who walked me through this process) I would now like to make some terrain for the AK 47 ruleset as I have had some Old Glory 15MM figures shamefully sat around for years. This is not my usual scale so any help re this period or links would be very useful indeed most specifically:

Could anyone please let me know what the template size for terrain should be for this ruleset please? I intend to buy the new version of the rules but would like to crack on and make the terrain whilst I have the time.

A few years ago I read an article in (I think) Wargames Illustrated about using toy cars etc for AK 47... if anyone can let me know what issue that was it would be a great source for me.

Also can I ask what size of doors would you Chaps use? I imagine anything 18MM ish? Any hints or tips regarding bush/trees would also help as I usually just buy my trees for 28MM.

Thanks in advance I am very much enthused after finding the figures!

Title: Re: AK47 Template and sizes please?
Post by: pacarat on April 10, 2019, 03:14:22 AM
I bought a bunch of the old metal tootsie toy pickup trucks - to be used as technicals. For me they’re perfect size.

Matchbox are 1/64, so cars are a little big for 15mm (which is nominally 1/100.) Some trucks would work, though.

Not sure where you doors question is coming from... anything (buildings/trees/walls/etc. 15mm would/should work.
Title: Re: AK47 Template and sizes please?
Post by: ulverston on April 10, 2019, 06:36:22 AM
Thanks Pacarat I will have a look for the tootsie stuff. I was under the impression that buildings etc had to stand on a templated area 9"X6" etc but I cannot recall the actual size-I could be remembering this wrong though
Title: Re: AK47 Template and sizes please?
Post by: pacarat on April 10, 2019, 01:44:27 PM
Thanks Pacarat I will have a look for the tootsie stuff. I was under the impression that buildings etc had to stand on a templated area 9"X6" etc but I cannot recall the actual size-I could be remembering this wrong though

If I can locate my rule book I’ll check it out.
Title: Re: AK47 Template and sizes please?
Post by: ulverston on April 10, 2019, 02:33:15 PM
Thanks this would really help, I appreciate it.
Title: Re: AK47 Template and sizes please?
Post by: pacarat on April 10, 2019, 03:23:07 PM
Per the rules, terrain templates are (nominally) 6”x10”. You can adjust as needed.

Suggestions are to use felt, cloth, string, yarn, walls, mdf basing or similar flat surfaces to outline the terrain area, Then use actual models (buildings, trees, fences, structures, etc) scattered on the template itself. In other words you don’t necessarily build a 6x10 building to use as a single terrain piece (but you could...)

Some links (google is your friend.. :) )

http://toomuchlead.blogspot.com/search/label/AK47%20Republic (http://toomuchlead.blogspot.com/search/label/AK47%20Republic)

http://jonswargamesminis.blogspot.com/search/label/Ak-47 (http://jonswargamesminis.blogspot.com/search/label/Ak-47)

https://ak47ztumsetum.wordpress.com/ (https://ak47ztumsetum.wordpress.com/)

http://shedgaming.blogspot.com/search/label/AK47 (http://shedgaming.blogspot.com/search/label/AK47)

http://www.hodgenet.co.uk/old/Ztum-Setum/AKlinks.htm (http://www.hodgenet.co.uk/old/Ztum-Setum/AKlinks.htm)

Below are some of my vehicles. 15mm T-55 tank for scale. Combo of Tootsie toy, 1/87 diecast, Rocco, and one very old plastic toy truck...



Title: Re: AK47 Template and sizes please?
Post by: ulverston on April 10, 2019, 06:30:07 PM
Thanks Pacarat you are a star, I can now start to draw out some buildings as I know the general footprint-I ordered the pdf of the old rules but that will not arrive for a day or two so you have helped me get ahead, thank you.
The links are useful as is the photo of the cars, you certainly could fill a table with all those!
Thanks again very decent of you.
Title: Re: AK47 Template and sizes please?
Post by: pacarat on April 10, 2019, 07:16:46 PM
Thanks Pacarat you are a star, I can now start to draw out some buildings as I know the general footprint-I ordered the pdf of the old rules but that will not arrive for a day or two so you have helped me get ahead, thank you.
The links are useful as is the photo of the cars, you certainly could fill a table with all those!
Thanks again very decent of you.

You’re quite welcome - be sure to post some pics of your stuff once you get it on the table.
Title: Re: AK47 Template and sizes please?
Post by: ulverston on April 11, 2019, 10:25:10 PM
The Pdf arrived this afternoon and was promptly printed out, I had forgotten all about this set and 15MM. I have discovered that 15MM modern Soviets are available in plastic as well!

Just a few mnutes ago I completed my first 15MM building in so many years... a very humble abode but its a start-really looking forward to playing a few games in this scale.
Title: Re: AK47 Template and sizes please?
Post by: gamer Mac on May 06, 2019, 10:00:29 AM
Useful links Pacarat, Thanks