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Miniatures Adventure => Fantasy Adventures => Topic started by: Blazmo on April 10, 2019, 12:45:44 PM

Title: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Blazmo on April 10, 2019, 12:45:44 PM
I've noticed that despite popular demand there are a lot of fantasy skirmish games out there flying under people's radars so I thought it might be a good idea to create a thread cataloguing all the different fantasy skirmish rulesets out there, like the thread in the Gothic Horror subforum. At the moment I'm just going to list names with a short description but I may expand on them in future. Please, if you know of any other fantasy skirmish rulesets feel free to post them here.

Thud & Blunder: D10 based system based off the ruleset from In Her Majesty's Name. Most recent skirmish ruleset to be released in this list. Mordheimish feel.
Goalsystem Delves: By the creator of Chaos in Carpathia and uses the same system, only adapted to a strictly fantasy setting.
Bladestorm: Probably the oldest game on this list as it was released in the 1980s. It recently received a 2nd Edition in 2016 which adds a lot of content while still mostly being backwards-compatible with older stuff.
Broadsword Adventures: Another D10 based system. It doesn't have any explicit rules for fantasy races but it's fairly easy to come up with your own.
Wyrdwars: Modern Mordheim-alike.
Advanced Song of Blades and Heroes: Needs no introduction. If you're here you've probably heard of this.
Rangers of Shadow Deep: Another well-known system. Solo/co-op only game by the makers of Frostgrave.
Frostgrave: Not too familiar with this one despite its popularity.
Blood on the Blade: Self-proclaimed microgame that recently got a 2nd Edition. Solo/co-op only.
On Samhain's Eve: Expansion to Chevauchee by Nordic Weasel Games that's based on the author's own FiveCore system.
Sellswords & Spellslingers: Solo/co-op only game by the creators of ASOBAH using a fairly different original system.
Rack & Ruin: A fairly obscure title and not one I'm too familiar with, mostly interested because it boasts a decent amount of content, if its description is anything to go by. Anyone know anything more about it?
Otherworld: Old-school feel. I have heard people say that it lacks flexibility compared to something like ASOBAH for example.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules
Post by: Ragsta on April 10, 2019, 12:57:11 PM
This is a good idea, already useful to me as I ponder solo fantasy sets.

Swordpoint by 2 Hour Wargames is free and solo/ player compatible. I haven’t tried it myself but option is certainly there.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules
Post by: D. Brownie on April 10, 2019, 01:23:37 PM
Mordheim, KOW Vanguard and StrongSword are others... ;)
I like very much RelicBlade by Sean Sutter, quite simple but fast and funny game probuced totally by him (painter, sculptor and writer like a Renaissance man), that Is very Little known... ???
And then brink of Battle with Epic Heroes expansion.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules
Post by: CommanderBaker on April 10, 2019, 01:35:12 PM
Warlords of Erehwon: Created by Rick Priestly, Based on Bolt Action (WW2) and Antares (SciFi). D10 system, warband sized armies. Activation is randomized like the aforementioned games. Factions include: Human Knightly Order, Orcs, Goblins, Beastmen, Undead, Olympians, Elves, Dwarves, Halflings and more. sold by warlord games.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules
Post by: Daeothar on April 10, 2019, 01:50:39 PM
Ninja'd on both Mordheim and WoE, but I'll add Confrontation by Rackham Miniatures (now defunct) as yet another nice skirmisher.

Also; Dragon Rampant...
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules
Post by: warlord frod on April 10, 2019, 01:54:45 PM
Osprey's Kobolds & Cobblestones is an interesting set of rules that looks a bit like the mordhiem setting. here is their description of the game "Kobolds & Cobblestones is a skirmish wargame for rumbles between gangs in the city of Ordinsport's seedy underbelly. Players hire gangs of criminals, thugs and enforcers from a number of classic Fantasy races, and attempt to take control of the underworld and establish themselves as the city's kingpins. Playing card-based mechanics and a cunning bribery element keep players on their toes, as a one-sided battle can turn around in a flash." It uses a deck of standard playing cards for combat and decision making.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules
Post by: Cait Sidhe on April 10, 2019, 02:08:06 PM

Rack & Ruin: A fairly obscure title and not one I'm too familiar with, mostly interested because it boasts a decent amount of content, if its description is anything to go by. Anyone know anything more about it?

So I picked the game up years ago, I've never actually gotten around to playing it but I really want to give it a go at some point. The game uses rolls of 2D6 + relevant skills e.g. combat is 2D6 + Attack vs 2D6 + Defence and leans toward RPG stuff (a bunch of stats and skills with the ability perform actions such as lockpicking and searching for loot etc) and is really meant to be run with the campaign system.

Parties are made of 4 characters but when you create the characters you can give them followers (henchmen or pets etc) through traits. An interesting part is that you choose the goal of your party which determines how you score bonus campaign points so for example a Salvation party scores extra points for winning "Gathering the Lost" scenarios or for completing Feed the Starving quests (quests are stuff you can do between games by making rolls and spending resources). Like Necromunda and Mordheim etc you can have your party members do stuff between games like the aforementioned quests or visiting the market.

The way terrain is handled is also unusual in that it has points costs and scenarios usually dictate that players set up say 5 points of terrain each. You can search any terrain piece to roll and see what you find. So searching a house for example might let you find supplies (used as upkeep costs) or huddled peasants who you can rescue (or enslave to work your mines if you're party isn't so nice) while searching hills lets you find ore etc.

I had two concerns about the system, the first is that the goals potentially let you make cheesy parties to exploit said goals. The creator actually gave an example of a Salvation party entirely made up of Mouseling Monks who would be small and squishy to squeeze themselves into buildings to loot supplies and rescue people as quick as possible. It allowed them to obtain and complete Feed the Starving quests as much as possible (being monks they each started the game with one such quest). The other thing I didn't like is all spellcasters know every spell by default, they just get bonuses to specific types such as a Summoner can control more summoned creatures.

All in all it looks pretty interesting as a system.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules
Post by: boywundyrx on April 10, 2019, 03:11:58 PM
The original Song of Blades and Heroes is still available, and is a slightly simpler game with more material available than ASOBH at the moment.  I use it for straightforward fantasy, ASOBH for a bit more crunch in specific settings.  SOBH also has the Song of Arthur and Merlin supplement (or standalone rules, can't remember offhand).  Another spin-off is for samurai skirmishing, Bushi No Yume, and it has fantasy stats in it too.

Few more:
- First edition 7TV has a Greek myth fantasy standalone variant, 7th Voyage.

- Pulp Alley has some suggestions for using it for fantasy in one of the supplements, which I think will be in the core book of 2nd edition Pulp Alley.

- Broken Legions from Osprey is Roman fantasy/horror.

- Flintloque for Napoleonic fantasy.

Probably a few more I'm gapping on (and man, I own a lot of rules). Good thread so far though!

Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules
Post by: robh on April 10, 2019, 03:33:06 PM
Moonstone: Beautiful quirky little self contained skirmish game (5 or 6 figures per side), inspiration from classic Fairy Tale themes, Goblins, Gnomes, Fairies etc.

Carnevale:  Fantasy/Horror skirmish set amongst the canals of Venice. Blends Historical, Vampire and Lovecraftian themes with a Unique setting. "Lacepunk" genre.

D&D Battlesystem Skirmishes:  THE game to get if you want to expand D&D rpg combats into fully fledged skirmish games. (Also the thematically similar, but more complex WotC version 'Chainmail')

Iron & Honor:  A D&D style adventure party skirmish. Can play inside or outside a dungeon/catacomb environment.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules
Post by: Andrew_McGuire on April 10, 2019, 03:38:42 PM
I agree that this is a worthy idea, given the many rules which receive little if any coverage, and may well be worth bringing to people's attention. The term 'fantasy skirmish rules', however, is so broad that almost anything with a not strictly historical, present-day or future setting and not clearly intended for army-sized forces would fit, so a little fine-tuning of parameters might be in order. I would imagine, for example, that Malifaux would be considered both a fantasy and a skirmish game, as would Of Gods and Mortals, though their settings are certainly not of the pseudo-medieval or sword and sorcery types which many immediately associate with the term fantasy. Zombie games would also qualify, in at least some cases, on the basis that they feature fantastic creatures. 

Similarly, the strictest interpretation of a skirmish game would normally be taken to mean one figure representing one man / woman / creature and, for the most part, acting as an individual, but some of the sets suggested  - e.g. Warlords of Erewhon - clearly don't meet those criteria, but perhaps come into the category of large skirmish or even semi-abstract, which has become increasingly prevalent. Two others which would therefore merit inclusion are Dragon Rampant and the apparently imminent Age of Magic for Saga (which some might argue is borderline fantasy in any case).

Other rules I don't see mentioned so far include Darklands by Mierce Miniatures, which has recently been discussed briefly in another thread, Red Book of the Elf King by Lucid Eye, and War of Ashes: Shieldbash by Zombiesmith. (In accordance with the argument in my first paragraph, other rules by Zombiesmith might also warrant inclusion, even though the concept of anteaters fighting an alternative First World War - the subject of Quar - may not be some people's idea of 'fantasy'.)
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules
Post by: Calumma on April 10, 2019, 03:45:06 PM
SAGA will soon be releasing Age of Magic that is a fantasy supplement to the popular game. If you've not played it before, SAGA is a small unit based game that uses battle boards to add flavour to the different actions that your warband can take. I purchased a pre-release copy at Salute and recently posted a review on my blog if you are interested:

https://haroldsrevenge.blogspot.com/2019/04/saga-age-of-magic-review.html (https://haroldsrevenge.blogspot.com/2019/04/saga-age-of-magic-review.html)
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules
Post by: Andrew_McGuire on April 10, 2019, 04:15:31 PM
Zombiesmith has a new set of skirmish rules in the works, based on Shieldbash (which I may have failed to mention is about Muppet vikings - sorry about that). A free download of a quick-start version of the new set is available here:


Warlords of Aegyptus and Warlords of Olympus by Crocodile Games and a number of oriental fantasy games, such as Zenit's Torii and Daisho by the Ministry of Gentlemanly Warfare surely merit consideration.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules
Post by: TheDaR on April 10, 2019, 06:29:06 PM
I have multiples folders full of rule sets that roughly fall into this genre, so I thought I'd throw in what I have that matches the criteria for the thread.   Many have already been mentioned and these lists are hardly exhaustive.  I only bother to keep rule sets that catch my attention in some way.  There's probably another two or three dozen I've looked at or skimmed through.

Fantasy: pre-industrialization setting, plus elements of myth and/or magic.
Skirmish: Single based figures, representing single beings, with no more than roughly 50 individuals per side and usually more like 5-20.
Wargame: Focus only on quick play of scenarios or straight combat, lacking RPG elements like social interaction or puzzle solving.

A lot of these games shade over one edge or another, and there's a lot of other games that would nominally fall outside these boundaries that could also be used for games in this genre.  For instance, Savage Worlds is not fantasy specific, and is intended as an RPG, but has very clear and well known wargaming roots and could very easily be used to run fantasy skirmish wargames.  Four Against Darkness is for solo play dungeon crawls and thus isn't quite a wargame, but mechanically has everything it needs to be a wargame.

The first batch are my "go to".  These are ones I have enough experience to have opinions on and will likely continue playing in the future.

The following are ones that I've collected mostly because they have some mechanical or setting details I liked enough to want to be able to refer to them later.  Some of them I've not played or played only little and am not familiar enough with to discuss in depth.  Others, like Mordheim, I've played a lot, but I am unlikely to play again because better options have become available.

edited to add some simple descriptions
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 10, 2019, 11:36:12 PM
Two that haven't been mentioned so far are Battlesworn and Rogue Planet. [EDIT: Oops - I see Battlesworn was mentioned above, but not described.]

Battlesworn's from Ganesha Games, but very different from Song of Blades and its cousins. It's a great game - very tactical and more chess-like than most skirmish games (in a good way). Movement's unlimited unless stopped by an obstacle or change in terrain, and the core mechanic is based on blind bidding. It's really good.

Rogue Planet is from Brent Spivey of Bombshell Games. He also wrote Havoc, mentioned above. Havoc is - I think - a really good game, but suffers from an overly long and poorly edited rulebook. The later Bombshell games (e.g. Mayhem and Rogue Planet) are much more concisely written and are properly edited, which makes them far easier to use. And they're great. Rogue Planet is ostensibly a science-fantasy game, but the author states that it works equally well for fantasy - so long as it's of a suitably heroic stripe. The game can involve psychics levitating their foes, or warriors hurling them against terrain items. It's radically different from most other skirmish games, although movement is similar to Battlesworn. A nice feature is the use of miniatures ('pawns') as hit points for heroes - so a hero's right-hand man might augment his hand-to-hand fighting, but that upgrade would be lost when the hero takes a hit (as the right-hand man is killed instead of the hero). It's a ruleset that would go exceptionally well with Age of Sigmar miniatures and similarly over-the-top stuff. Or Elric or Corum or other stuff in a Moorcockian vein.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules
Post by: hubbabubba on April 11, 2019, 12:22:37 PM
Excellent thread, can it get stickied as this us a question that pops up on a regular basis?
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules
Post by: Elk101 on April 11, 2019, 12:39:49 PM
Excellent thread, can it get stickied as this us a question that pops up on a regular basis?

Yes it can. I was waiting to see how much interest there was but it's shaping up to be quite comprehensive.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Andrew_McGuire on April 11, 2019, 01:54:45 PM
I see Age of Sigmar has now been mentioned, if only in passing, (which it failed to do through my mind earlier, for some reason).

Crom! would also seem to be a noteworthy inclusion, assuming PDF-only rules are eligible.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: emosbur on April 11, 2019, 05:07:25 PM
I am missing Open Combat from this list:


Another generic medieval/fantasy system.

Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Andrew_McGuire on April 13, 2019, 03:11:42 PM
Fanticide is another game which received a moderate amount of attention when released a few years ago, with a substantial range of figures produced by Eureka Miniatures, before - in spite or because of its differences from the norm - disappearing  into the fantasy landfill. I have no idea what its current status is.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules
Post by: Bloggard on April 13, 2019, 03:58:54 PM

D&D Battlesystem Skirmishes:  THE game to get if you want to expand D&D rpg combats into fully fledged skirmish games. (Also the thematically similar, but more complex WotC version 'Chainmail')

well, not sure how I missed that ... possibly what I'm after, and the rulebook looks to have been beautifully done, illustrations-wise.
thanks for the mention.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Lost Egg on April 13, 2019, 06:13:49 PM
World of Twilight is a great skirmish game with lots of characterful minis.


Burning Sands is a fun RPG meets Skirmish game, great for getting your Conan fix.

Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: aircav on April 13, 2019, 10:15:02 PM
Saga Age of Magic is on general release 22nd April
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Blazmo on April 16, 2019, 01:35:52 AM
Popping back in with two more additions. The first is Unbridled Fury which aims to be a generic wargame suitable for any setting but started out as a fantasy game and mainly emphasizes settings based in that. Also, don't be fooled by the fact it's 178 pages as there isn't much text on each page and the creator and community appear to have been inactive for a while now. Another is Fury of Elizium, which can be run as a skirmish game but mainly emphasizes larger scale battles.

EDIT: I think Quick Intermediate Level Skirmish is also worth mentioning as, while the core rules are generic and only 8 pages long, there are a great amount of supplements for it, some of the fantasy genre, that greatly expand upon them.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Andrew_McGuire on April 16, 2019, 10:57:19 AM
World of Twilight is a great skirmish game with lots of characterful minis.


Beautiful title page, but how do you get past it?
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Lost Egg on April 16, 2019, 11:50:11 AM
Scroll down and there are 4 options: The World, The Cultures, The Game & The Shop :D
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Andrew_McGuire on April 16, 2019, 06:14:59 PM
So there are. No wonder I have problems understanding rules.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: robh on April 27, 2019, 12:57:27 AM
"Erin" from Alternative Armies is also worth a mention.  Simple Celtic Myth skirmish game set in the Invasion Cycle. Has supporting figure range but does not require them.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Blazmo on June 28, 2019, 06:44:24 PM
Another wargame that I initially thought was specific to Arthurian settings but is actually more generic than that is the Dolorous Stroke. The author mostly makes RPG supplements and I have yet to actually try the game myself but from what little I have been able to gather it seems focused on extremely small scale skirmishes and uses a pack of cards to represent each character's health. I don't think there are any rules for minor enemies but there do seem to be some suggestions for them on the internet, which I can't find right now.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Sir_Theo on June 28, 2019, 07:18:45 PM
I'm glad to see World of Twilight and Relicblade mentioned already. Both well worth checking out.

The Woods by Oak bound Studios is another game rooted in folklore. A 2nd edition just came out.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Hobgoblin on July 03, 2019, 11:49:45 AM
Another wargame that I initially thought was specific to Arthurian settings but is actually more generic than that is the Dolorous Stroke. The author mostly makes RPG supplements and I have yet to actually try the game myself but from what little I have been able to gather it seems focused on extremely small scale skirmishes and uses a pack of cards to represent each character's health. I don't think there are any rules for minor enemies but there do seem to be some suggestions for them on the internet, which I can't find right now.

Yes, it works really well for any hand-to-hand-focused set-up with a few figures per side. It's an unusual game in that it works well with just one or two figures per player.

On minor enemies, this (http://cavegirlgames.blogspot.com/2018/08/teams-of-minor-characters-in-dolorous.html) is probably what you're looking for.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: mweaver on July 03, 2019, 11:40:08 PM
I have some of these rules, but don't play them because when we sit down for a fantasy skirmish, we always play Mordheim (we normally only play collaborative scenarios of our own devising).  But some of the rules here I have not picked up do seem interesting.  I glad this thread is now stikied.   Stykied?  Stuck?

Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Andrew_McGuire on July 04, 2019, 03:32:01 PM
ASS: Afforded Sticky Status. OK, maybe not.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Andrew_McGuire on September 11, 2019, 05:33:22 PM
I'm reasonably sure Freeblades has not been mentioned up  to now. So, by way of correction, I'd like to mention Freeblades:


Comments invited.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules
Post by: Gabbi on October 02, 2019, 10:44:02 AM
Great thread!

Blood on the Blade: Self-proclaimed microgame that recently got a 2nd Edition. Solo/co-op only.
I have played this one a bit. Nice system. I wrote some first impressions on my blog here:

Broken Legions - Osprey/Mark Latham - Weird-War-Rome, battle between small bands of myth-bolstered forces in the classical era.  D10 based, sharing a lot of similarity to the GW Lord of the Rings SBG engine.
Good to hear. Got it as soon as it was released (love the theme), but dismissed it after a quick read as nothing sparked my will to try it. Reading it plays similar to LotR SBG (which I do not know, but I have read excellent opinions online) makes me willing to give it a try.

D&D Battlesystem Skirmishes:  THE game to get if you want to expand D&D rpg combats into fully fledged skirmish games. (Also the thematically similar, but more complex WotC version 'Chainmail')
If you refer to the early '90s book, I have strong sentimental feelings for the game, as I played it a lot. A LOT. The freedom to mix and match any miniature I fancied was great. This said, in hindsight rules weren't that great but even worse, game wasn't balanced at all. Point costs of models were the XP value in AD&D and they were far from balanced. I still remember we tried a game with a Level 7 Wizard agains twice its points cost of stuff. Wizard got killed in the end, thanks to a few lucky rolls, but otherwise dominated the game.

SAGA will soon be releasing Age of Magic that is a fantasy supplement to the popular game.
There's already a unofficial fantasy supplement (for the first edition of Saga) freely available.

I'd also like to add Tribal to the list. While written to play 'historical' tribal fights, it's generic enough to replace historical people with tribal fantasy races (orcs, lizardmen and the like).
I wrote a quick first impressions on my blog:
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Bloggard on October 29, 2019, 10:02:27 AM
I'm reasonably sure Freeblades has not been mentioned up  to now. So, by way of correction, I'd like to mention Freeblades:


Comments invited.

thanks for mentioning these - I'd not checked out the link you posted previously.

They also do 'Brightswords' which appears to be an RPG - but centered on the use of miniatures / table-top. Bit like DnD 4th perhaps.
Free beta d/load of rules available on the site.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: madzerker on November 09, 2019, 12:12:19 AM
Also, Ragnarok Heavy Metal Gaming set is out. I haven't played it yet but should be in the next week or two, it looks great!
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Craig on November 12, 2019, 07:18:42 AM
Good to see Thud & Blunder getting a couple of mentions - thanks  :D

If you want to see an independent review of these rules just go here: https://meeples.wordpress.com/2019/03/05/review-thud-blunder/ (https://meeples.wordpress.com/2019/03/05/review-thud-blunder/)
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Bloggard on January 17, 2020, 02:31:00 PM
Don't think it's mentioned above (*actually, I notice much later after posting this, that it is 'listed' above):

Dungeon Scum

by the same guy behind 5 leagues from the borderlands (Nordic Weasel).

No new content since 2017 but I've been in touch with the author who says a second edition through a third-party is on the cards.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Andrew_McGuire on January 31, 2020, 05:22:04 PM
Unless I've missed it - and it's easy enough to do, given the profusion of xxxxblade(s) and xxxxstorm(s) in the titles previously  discussed - no-one has so far mentioned Battleblade by Echidna Games, available as a pdf from Wargame Vault. That, I must confess, is the sum total of my knowledge. I don't normally purchase pdfs due to the difficulty of getting them printed affordably, and was not particularly tempted by today's 50% discount, but I have downloaded the free Battleblade Lite. As even this is 30 pages long, and contains some colour, I doubt the download will contribute to a reduction in the tree population, but that's my problem.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: angel barracks on February 22, 2020, 03:40:53 PM
Burning Sands is a fun RPG meets Skirmish game, great for getting your Conan fix.


Thank you very much!

Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Bloggard on April 19, 2020, 10:16:45 AM
by gum, I like the look of the bladestorm rules. Yet again, not sure how I've managed to miss those before now ...
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: dbeholder on April 20, 2020, 01:03:57 PM
Two of the first fantasy skirmish games:

Mage Knight
Dungeons and Dragons miniatures. The stat cards for the new miniatures lauched by Wizkids are still being released by an authorized team, the DDM Guiid: https://ddmguild.org/
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Faust23 on May 23, 2020, 06:11:14 AM
I'll throw in my free rules for The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery Skirmish Wargames which we'll drop officially next year.

You can join the group and go to our Files section to download the FREE Ashcan Playtest version of the rules and other add ons to keep you busy until we Kickstart this thing in 2021.

Here's the link:
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: jonw on August 14, 2020, 11:50:44 AM
Another one to add to the list: Nightwatch - Terror and treasure in the dark corners of the world.

A solo and cooperative game about killing monsters. All kinds, anywhere, any time.

Link to the author's blog for more details: https://stalker7.com/2020/08/06/now-available-nightwatch/ (https://stalker7.com/2020/08/06/now-available-nightwatch/)
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Andrew_McGuire on August 14, 2020, 03:58:22 PM
That's from the designer of Zona Alfa, so should be interesting. I'm pleased to see a print edition will shortly be available.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Papabees on September 27, 2020, 10:54:33 PM
I'm reasonably sure Freeblades has not been mentioned up  to now. So, by way of correction, I'd like to mention Freeblades:


Comments invited.
A little late to the party but I have to second Freeblades. Great mechanics, lots of good minis, scales from RPG to coop to skirmish to campaign. The designers are great and the rulebook is available for $10 and then you get all the updates for free forever. Great company.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: garra on April 04, 2021, 11:32:23 PM
Brutal Quest has just been released on wargame vault after a successful kickstarter.  It is from the same author that wrote Planet 28 as a sci-fi skirmish game.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: ced1106 on April 20, 2021, 02:34:02 AM
More for the sake of completeness, but Black List Game's Lasting Tales is a coop miniatures skirmish game, by the same designer as Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms. IMO, LT is more targeted towards boardgamers new to miniature games, as its AI and other mechanics are simplified, but nonetheless pretty thorough. Players start as 1st-level PC's and can play randomly generated scenarios to go up to 10th level. Demo game available on the BLG LT KS campaign page.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: blacksmith on June 07, 2021, 08:06:49 PM
Released today, Warrior Heroes Adventures in Talomir from Two Hour Wargames. Specifically designed for solo gaming but also for co-op and vs opponent, it gives you a full immersion adventure skirmish campaign game with the latest THW mechanics.

https://www.twohourwargames.com/waheadinta.html (https://www.twohourwargames.com/waheadinta.html)

From the shop:
Warrior Heroes – Adventures in Talomir is a complete stand-alone fantasy immersion game. Players take on the role of an Adventurer be it Warrior, Thief, Magic User or more – you choose.

Through your decisions and exploits you will increase in abilities, fame, and fortune. Warrior Heroes – Adventures in Talomir is all about the Story, YOUR Story! It rewards you when you are successful and punishes you when you fail.

Combat is swift, deadly, and easily handled as is magic. We’ve done everything to make the game easy to play yet still challenging. Bookkeeping has been reduced to a minimum with the goal of getting players playing as quickly and as often as possible.

Added to this is a simple to use Campaign System that ties your adventures together that gives the who, what, and why of your games. Within minutes the mechanics will generate a complete adventure down to the motivation and actions of the enemy forces and all without a Games Master.

In Warrior Heroes – Adventures in Talomir everyone plays; you can play solo, cooperatively against the game, or competitively, head to head.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: 6mmfan on June 08, 2021, 10:11:18 AM
Reign in Hell. "Fast, brutal, demonic skirmish combat tabletop miniatures wargame" I dont know anything about these but they sound kind of fun.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Bloggard on June 08, 2021, 11:24:02 AM
Released today, Warrior Heroes Adventures in Talomir from Two Hour Wargames. Specifically designed for solo gaming but also for co-op and vs opponent, it gives you a full immersion adventure skirmish campaign game with the latest THW mechanics.

https://www.twohourwargames.com/waheadinta.html (https://www.twohourwargames.com/waheadinta.html)

From the shop:
Warrior Heroes – Adventures in Talomir is a complete stand-alone fantasy immersion game. Players take on the role of an Adventurer be it Warrior, Thief, Magic User or more – you choose.

Through your decisions and exploits you will increase in abilities, fame, and fortune. Warrior Heroes – Adventures in Talomir is all about the Story, YOUR Story! It rewards you when you are successful and punishes you when you fail.

Combat is swift, deadly, and easily handled as is magic. We’ve done everything to make the game easy to play yet still challenging. Bookkeeping has been reduced to a minimum with the goal of getting players playing as quickly and as often as possible.

Added to this is a simple to use Campaign System that ties your adventures together that gives the who, what, and why of your games. Within minutes the mechanics will generate a complete adventure down to the motivation and actions of the enemy forces and all without a Games Master.

In Warrior Heroes – Adventures in Talomir everyone plays; you can play solo, cooperatively against the game, or competitively, head to head.

looks / sounds interesting, but need to see a bit more detail on the product page before stumping up for the PDF

* - just to say I contacted them about this - and was emailed a TOC for the book as well as other rules that exemplify some of the more unusual mechanisms they use etc.

bought the book - looks very interesting. And the email support to queries etc is brilliant.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Andrew_McGuire on June 10, 2021, 11:33:25 PM
Reign in Hell. "Fast, brutal, demonic skirmish combat tabletop miniatures wargame" I dont know anything about these but they sound kind of fun.

The title, as well as the word ‘demonic’ is something of a clue to the milieu and focus of these rules, which is about conflict between cabals of demons in hell (because, one assumes, what else is there to do?)

There is quite a bit of coverage on YouTube, particularly on the channels of the two creators, Adam Loper (Tabletop Minions) and Vince Venturella (Warhammer Weekly).
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: amunptah on July 26, 2021, 10:24:21 PM
I’ve just released my free fantasy skirmish rules here. They are based on Ravenfeast from Little Wars, but cater to generic fantasy. Use any miniatures you like, easy to understand roll under stat mechanics, and incorporate some RPG elements too if you like. Can scale up to larger games with umpires if desired.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Bloggard on July 29, 2021, 09:42:54 AM
excellent - like those a lot Amunptah - thanks for putting them up for download.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: MaaX on September 08, 2021, 03:44:54 PM
My current go-to for fantasy skirmish is en-garde with Medieval armor/weapons and the fantasy add-on.  :)
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Elbows on September 14, 2021, 08:15:53 PM
I may have something to add here in a month or so...been working on a little fun violent skirmish game for me and my buddies to replace Mordheim, and it's...working out pretty well.  Stay tuned!  lol
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Cat on September 14, 2021, 09:15:22 PM
Melee and Wizard are stand-alone skirmish games that are the starting blocks of The Fantasy Trip RPG.  They work excellently for arena combat and general skirmish games.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Psychopomp on October 28, 2021, 05:22:47 PM
Released today, Warrior Heroes Adventures in Talomir from Two Hour Wargames. Specifically designed for solo gaming but also for co-op and vs opponent, it gives you a full immersion adventure skirmish campaign game with the latest THW mechanics.

https://www.twohourwargames.com/waheadinta.html (https://www.twohourwargames.com/waheadinta.html)

From the shop:
Warrior Heroes – Adventures in Talomir is a complete stand-alone fantasy immersion game. Players take on the role of an Adventurer be it Warrior, Thief, Magic User or more – you choose.

Through your decisions and exploits you will increase in abilities, fame, and fortune. Warrior Heroes – Adventures in Talomir is all about the Story, YOUR Story! It rewards you when you are successful and punishes you when you fail.

Combat is swift, deadly, and easily handled as is magic. We’ve done everything to make the game easy to play yet still challenging. Bookkeeping has been reduced to a minimum with the goal of getting players playing as quickly and as often as possible.

Added to this is a simple to use Campaign System that ties your adventures together that gives the who, what, and why of your games. Within minutes the mechanics will generate a complete adventure down to the motivation and actions of the enemy forces and all without a Games Master.

In Warrior Heroes – Adventures in Talomir everyone plays; you can play solo, cooperatively against the game, or competitively, head to head.

Like everything Two Hour Wargames, the blog and forums mention everything about the game except what's different from the last, similar release and why you should bother upgrading.

I've got Warrior Heroes: Legends, why do I need this?
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: NotifyGrout on December 15, 2021, 11:47:17 PM
Two that I did not see on my go-through of this topic:

1) Test of Honour (http://"https://greyfornow.com/") is technically a fantasy skirmish game; the author describes it as more like playing a skirmish based on samurai movies rather than historical battles.

2) The Red Book of the Elf King (https://www.lucideyepublications.com/the-red-book-of-the-elf-king) is an interesting one from Rick Priestley. Takes place in a fae realm known as Eas, where immortal Elven hosts are in endless conflict. Force selection is as simple as choosing a Circle, then picking the Thane's Glamours (spells). All models have a ranged attack as well as melee ability, but each Circle is better at some things than others. The total model count is 19- one Thane, plus 3 units of 6 soldiers each.

Also note that a streamlined version that uses seven models per side, called Elf King Red, is a free download (https://www.lucideyepublications.com/product-page/elf-king-red) from Lucid Eye's website.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: blacksmith on January 09, 2022, 01:19:41 AM
Like everything Two Hour Wargames, the blog and forums mention everything about the game except what's different from the last, similar release and why you should bother upgrading.

I've got Warrior Heroes: Legends, why do I need this?

You can perfectly stay with Legends. WHAT is just the newest version. It's got smoother mechanics, changes in reaction and combat, new magic parts, the possibility to roam across all Talomir, etc; 111 pages in total. If you ask me I think it is worthy to upgrade.
BTW, if you ask for differences between them in their blog and forum, I'm completely sure you'll be anwered in short.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: tikitang on February 03, 2022, 04:28:23 PM
I'd like to mention One Page Fantasy Skirmish, the original rules on which Viking Age rules Ravenfeast were based on:


Also, ACIDSHOCK!, which is a standalone fantasy expansion to a sci-fi skirmish system called FUTURESHOCK!:

Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: tikitang on March 07, 2022, 11:31:38 PM
From the same author as ACIDSHOCK!, there is something else called DEATH IN THE DUNGEON, available at Wargame Vault, which I have become recently enamoured with.


Expansions exist which cater for solo play.

Seems to be particularly popular in Italy!
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: tikitang on April 27, 2022, 09:46:27 AM
From the same author as the above, is a brand new 'Super Quick Barbarian Skirmish' game called SAVAGE BLADES


This one looks interesting. I haven't played it yet, but the hand-drawn, "hand-written" design is compelling, as is the first and only line of background text:

"Everything is lost. The world is aflame. Barbarian Warriors gather in warbands to destroy one other."
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Lost Egg on April 27, 2022, 09:23:06 PM
Thanks tikitang I've grabbed both Savage Blade & Futureshock to have a look at.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: tikitang on June 10, 2022, 08:47:17 AM
From the same author as the above is something new called TALES FROM THE DEATHREALM.


This author, alias Neuicon, churns out quite a lot of rules (I'm pretty sure this is his third or fourth set this year), and he specialises in both streamlining and innovative combat mechanics. All of them are geared toward small fights between a very small number of miniatures in a very small space: typically 2-3 models per side, on a 1' x 1' battlefield. What's unique about this latest set are two things:

1. Randomised character generation. This is something I really like, because most of the time I find that pre-generated character profiles don't fit with my miniatures of choice, OR I get "paralysed by possibility" in open-build rules, like Open Combat or Song of Blades & Heroes. Rolling up random stats with dice, therefore, is something I can get along well with! Although the randomness of character generation means it's hugely "unbalanced", this is, arguably, part of the fun.

2. All stats boiling down to a single value: "war-dice". This is the number of dice you roll to attack or defend. The number you have for a single character are determined by the randomised rolling during character creation, as well as the equipment your character is carrying. This is a very clever way of taking everything about a character and turning it into a single value. This is, in my limited experience, a fairly unique design and it seems to work really well. 

Of all the light fantasy skirmish rules Neuicon has released so far, I think these are my favourite.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: tikitang on August 13, 2022, 01:47:43 PM
Unless I've missed it - and it's easy enough to do, given the profusion of xxxxblade(s) and xxxxstorm(s) in the titles previously discussed - no-one has so far mentioned Battleblade by Echidna Games, available as a pdf from Wargame Vault.

Has anyone happened to try this yet?

Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: tikitang on August 17, 2022, 06:44:52 AM
Unless I've missed it - and it's easy enough to do, given the profusion of xxxxblade(s) and xxxxstorm(s) in the titles previously discussed - no-one has so far mentioned Battleblade by Echidna Games, available as a pdf from Wargame Vault.

Has anyone happened to try this yet?

Well, I have since bought, downloaded and read the rules of Battleblade.

This actually looks like it could be a lot of fun, particularly with children, though the layout of the rulebook is somewhat basic and could use a tidy-up.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Daeothar on August 17, 2022, 01:57:33 PM
Still not mentioned I see: Umbra Turris (https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=121562.msg1524158#msg1524158)
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: tikitang on August 19, 2022, 03:26:31 PM
Here's another very light set of rules from Neuicon called MORS REGNAT ("Death Reigns") which is completely FREE:


Looking forward to giving this a try in due course!
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: NotifyGrout on October 28, 2022, 10:24:53 PM
Sword Weirdos (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/casgar/sword-weirdos) is finishing up its Kickstarter. I will update with a link to where to purchase once released.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: tikitang on November 01, 2022, 08:28:26 AM
Sword Weirdos (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/casgar/sword-weirdos) is finishing up its Kickstarter. I will update with a link to where to purchase once released.

Oh, thanks for that link! Looks like exactly my sort of thing!

I've backed it.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: tikitang on November 07, 2022, 05:54:15 PM
From the same author as the above is something new called TALES FROM THE DEATHREALM.


This has now been completely removed and replaced with a second edition!


This new version sounds promising to me, as it apparently has rules for both solo gaming and dungeon-crawling!
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: tikitang on December 14, 2022, 05:19:49 PM
Another set of rules has emerged from the mind of Neuicon:



This is another variation of the same style of rules that Neucion specialises in: fast, ultra-light, ultra-simple, with a small number of miniatures in a small area.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: tikitang on January 12, 2023, 09:17:32 AM
I've been talking about this everywhere else lately, but it hasn't been mentioned here yet, so it's time to get it added to the list:


It's set in the dark fantasy world of Mörk Borg and can be played versus, solo or co-op throughout the entire campaign. You kitbash together a gang of five misfits who go questing on behalf of a mad wizard to find a lost unorthodox scripture. It looks like a lot of fun and there are numerous expansions for it, including standalone ones in entirely different, but equally bleak, settings.

Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: nickdives on February 18, 2023, 07:14:25 PM
Fantastic Battles is a fun, mass battle game, simple command and control, magic and heroes are not overwhelming and there are useful lists including historical. There is a facebook page.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Khusru2 on February 22, 2023, 07:42:07 PM
As well as Five Leagues from the Borderland (a great game) there is, from the same stable, Five Parsecs from Home. A very similar system of story campaign and tabletop fight. I'm currently enjoying both.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Plynkes on March 20, 2023, 09:35:57 PM
As well as Five Leagues from the Borderland (a great game) there is, from the same stable, Five Parsecs from Home. A very similar system of story campaign and tabletop fight. I'm currently enjoying both.

In case anybody doesn't realise from the name, Five Parsecs is a Sci-Fi game rather than a Fantasy one.

I've just started a Five Leagues campaign and am loving it.

Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: ced1106 on March 23, 2023, 11:11:53 PM
Guess we can add Battle System's "Maladum", a dungeon-themed miniature skirmish based on the SF Core Space rules!


Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: tikitang on May 21, 2023, 02:24:18 PM
SWORD WEIRDOS is now released, from the same guy that brought you Space Weirdos...

Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: The Bibliophile on September 20, 2023, 05:35:22 AM
SWORD WEIRDOS is now released, from the same guy that brought you Space Weirdos... https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/437324/Sword-Weirdos

A really enjoyable skirmish ruleset. Manages to get a lot into a small package.”
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: tikitang on September 20, 2023, 06:48:27 AM
Stumbled upon something else last week called MANY AGES


This looks fairly simple, in a good way, but still manages to have a substantial list of weapons and armour types with various modifiers. Building a warband couldn't be simpler, as you simply choose your troop type (infantry/archer/cavalry) and load them up with the appropriate gear.

No real provision for monsters or special races (at this stage), but the author has produced some free supplements that add some additional content, such as spellcasters.

This is the ruleset I'm now planning to use for my 54mm project (https://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=141416.0), as it ticks all the boxes of what I want.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Dentatus on November 16, 2023, 01:49:52 PM
For any interested parties, I just released an advanced edition of the monster hunting game, Nightwatch.
Emphasizing cooperative play with a Game Master, Blood and Bone is a stand-alone rule set.

You can find a print version at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Nightwatch-Blood-Bone-Patrick-Todoroff/dp/B0CMZGWQML
The PDF at Wargame Vault: https://www.wargamevault.com/product/458841/Nightwatch-Blood-and-Bone?src=hottest

More info at: https://www.Stalker7.com

Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Dauntless on January 11, 2024, 09:11:38 AM
Spears of Valour: Warbands is now out as a free download!


Spears of Valour: Warbands - A skirmish / warband level fantasy combat game between 10-100 models. The core book contains loads of scenarios, dungeon rules, a mini-campaign and the 'Medieval fantasy' world of Valaya. Units activate in initiative order and take up to two orders - so fast units like horse archers and flyers get the drop on heavier units. It's a succinct and intuitive game engine without too many special rules.
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Daeothar on January 11, 2024, 10:06:34 AM
Another one I have not seen mentioned after perusing the entire thread once more (someone really should (again) do a round up and listing of every game mentioned):

Bushido: Risen Sun. A small skirmish game set in a fantasy version of medieval Japan (but including traces of many other Asian mythologies). Each player controls between 2 to 12 miniatures (5 being the norm) in alternating activations. Playing area is a mere 60x60cm.

The beauty is in the combat system: each character has a certain amount of combat dice to use, and these are divided into defense and attack dice, hidden from the opponent before a combat round. They are then revealed simultaneously. The bluffing element in this mechanic can lead to some very tense and fun tactical plays.

It is possible for instance to attack an opponent, but to  put all your dice in defense, just to force them to use up an activation, which can have a profound effect on their battle plan.

It's by far my favourite fantasy skirmish game...
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: shadowbeast on January 11, 2024, 12:03:59 PM
Spotted this one recently:

I have also recently acquired:
Reign in Hell (https://www.snarlingbadger.com/reigninhell)
Forbidden Psalm (https://www.forbiddenpsalm.com/forbidden-psalm)
Idols of Torment (https://www.idolsoftorment.com/)
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Khusru2 on January 24, 2024, 09:54:25 PM
Witchin' Hour
A relatively new witch hunting skirmish game.
Available at Caliver Book and on wargames vault. I got mine from Sidekick Games.

Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: The Tactical Tabletop on May 07, 2024, 02:34:15 PM
Perhaps best described as an “Epic Skirmish” game, Fights of Fantasy can work for small to large battles (though exceptionally grand conflicts may require multiple sessions).

In the spirit of full disclosure, I am the designer and publisher of this game. Here is the text  from Wargame Vault. It was easier to just copy and paste than writing a new description.

“Fights of Fantasy is a new, truly generic, miniatures-agnostic wargame from The Tactical Tabletop.

The only items required to engage in hours of imaginative and entertaining fantasy miniatures battle are this rulebook, some twenty-sided dice, a measuring device, some homemade markers, and the non-brand-specific 25mm or 28mm miniatures players already own. Players should also avail themselves of the free PDF materials available on Wargame Vault.

There is no official lore, background, or setting provided with the rules. Players are encouraged to devise their own settings and mythology or they can use existing fantasy worlds from literature.

Fights of Fantasy returns imagination to the players where it rightfully belongs while providing the tools to bring their miniatures to life (and possibly an untimely death) on a mythical battlescape.

Common fantasy beings and races do not exist in this game unless players choose to include them. There are no Elves, Dwarves, Goblins, Dragons, Trolls, or other such entities unless a player decides to create them. Fights of Fantasy encourages and facilitates creating unique new races instead of revisiting the same overused and hackneyed cliches so frequently employed in the genre.

The rulebook dispenses with illustrations, photos, and fictional vignettes to reduce cost and also avoid creating imagery that might stifle player creativity.

These rules accommodate battles involving small to large numbers of models. For example, a game session including heroic characters is possible with as few as three models per player.

Every miniature represents a single combatant capable of independent action or as a member of a unit depending on their specific role within the game.

The game’s unit and character activation process ensures players remain constantly immersed in the action, even when it’s not their turn.
The rules don’t use the industry-standard “army list” format when creating forces and instead allow players to build individual combatants which they then form into units or use as independent characters.

Combatant lists and options give players the tools to create armies, creatures, and individuals from any fantasy literature or mythology or even devise completely new personas and/or species for their games.

There are no “free lunches” within the rules that allow one army to possess an unfair advantage over another. All players use the same system and options when mustering their forces for battle. Intelligent army creation, sound tactics, and good generalship win the day instead of built-in stratagems and army-specific advantages.

Combat resolution uses opposing dice rolls and is both fast and brutal.
The magic system is comprehensive, flexible, and provides for spellcasters that can truly impact events on the battlefield without getting bogged down in overwhelming details. Magic focuses on spell effects instead of descriptions.

The game also includes rules for aerial combat, siege warfare, and limited naval actions.

The rulebook consists of fifty-three pages of core rules and ninety-six pages of combatant lists followed by references, record sheets, and templates.
Follow the Fights of Fantasy page on Facebook for official announcements and join the growing Fights of Fantasy Fans page to take part in the discussion on this new wargame.”
Title: Re: Fantasy skirmish rules - a useful list
Post by: Dauntless on May 10, 2024, 12:49:39 PM
Legend of Mythra can now join this illustrious list of fantasy skirmish rules!


The fantasy is on the low end of the spectrum with 'realistic' weapon rules. Spears and halberds are king of melee, full plate gives you a 2+ save, archers can take out lightly armoured troops, great weapons don't strike last (!), flails can bash anyone in base-contact, etc.

The book is 72 pages, containing the core rules, army lists and lore for playing (or RPing) in the Mythra setting. The setting is mostly inspired by Finnic and Baltic myth / culture so feels unique!
