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Miniatures Adventure => Age of Myths, Gods and Empires => Topic started by: madaxeman on April 24, 2019, 10:34:15 PM

Title: A Load of Old ADLG Bulls - Koreans in Pamplona!
Post by: madaxeman on April 24, 2019, 10:34:15 PM
Its Spain - and of course it's 6 battle reports which are as tasty as a Korean barbecue with added Chorizo and Manchego !

The occasion is a competition in Pamplona (https://www.madaxeman.com/reports/Pamplona_2019_1.php), the home of the running of the bulls which was of course an ideal place to try out an army which may in itself be a load of old bull.


But even more pertinently they are the Koryo Koreans and their War Wagon Wagon Train, a novelty item often overlooked in ADLG.


Will the cunning Koreans make the wagons work in these six trucking good battle reports (https://www.madaxeman.com/reports/Pamplona_2019_1.php)?


The wheels are certainly rolling - will they come off, or will they ride to victory in Spain?

https://www.madaxeman.com/reports/Pamplona_2019_1.php for the link to the reports
Title: Re: A Load of Old ADLG Bulls - Koreans in Pamplona!
Post by: Irregular Wars Nic on April 26, 2019, 07:51:29 AM
Great reports as usual.

I might have to play around with Wwg. Is there a cheat sheet somewhere listing all armies that can field them?
Title: Re: A Load of Old ADLG Bulls - Koreans in Pamplona!
Post by: madaxeman on April 26, 2019, 04:22:35 PM
Not that I'm aware of, but the list is pretty thin.  A few late medievals, the indians, these Koreans, the Ming, and the N&S chinese I think are the main ones.

Being able to ignore enemy ZOCs is quite funny, but ulimately they are there to move into a positin where the eenemy doesnt expect them, then delay and blunt an enemy attack for a few turns before inevitably being removed - which I guess was pretty much their actual role, although in a slightly more abstracted (they move it position in-game) than a literal (they moved into position pre-battle) way.
Title: Re: A Load of Old ADLG Bulls - Koreans in Pamplona!
Post by: Shahbahraz on April 26, 2019, 06:24:09 PM
Thanks again for the reports, as always, very entertaining, though a part of me wonders how you have the discipline to take so many pics during a game. (Although I did meet one player who conscientiously recorded his every dice roll on a little scratch pad.)

Looking forward to the next set of reports, just a shame you don't play a 'proper' wargames set, like DBMM  lol
Title: Re: A Load of Old ADLG Bulls - Koreans in Pamplona!
Post by: Irregular Wars Nic on April 26, 2019, 11:46:57 PM
Not that I'm aware of, but the list is pretty thin.  A few late medievals, the indians, these Koreans, the Ming, and the N&S chinese I think are the main ones.

Being able to ignore enemy ZOCs is quite funny, but ulimately they are there to move into a positin where the eenemy doesnt expect them, then delay and blunt an enemy attack for a few turns before inevitably being removed - which I guess was pretty much their actual role, although in a slightly more abstracted (they move it position in-game) than a literal (they moved into position pre-battle) way.
