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Miniatures Adventure => Pikes, Muskets and Flouncy Shirts => Topic started by: Mad Guru on October 24, 2019, 08:58:55 AM

Title: Vauban fort - updated w/FIELDWORKS - Feb 6
Post by: Mad Guru on October 24, 2019, 08:58:55 AM
Over the past two months I've spent most of my hobby time painting a 13-piece Vauban style fortress, cast from the Magister Militum molds which were originally designed by the great Ian Weekley.

As is always the case with me, I took way WAY too many photos of the process.  However, unlike my previous terrain builds, I have not uploaded hundreds of photos all at once in one giant post on my blog.  Instead, I split them up into several blog posts, each containing a few batches of pics, so as not to force any kind visitors to my blog to overdose on red brick and grey stone work, to the point where their eyes glaze over!  If you think you might be interested in seeing more pics and reading more details about this project, please click the LINK below and stop by to visit my blog, and thanks in advance for your time if you choose to do so...


https://maiwandday.blogspot.com/2019/10/painting-ian-weekly-vauban-fortress.html (https://maiwandday.blogspot.com/2019/10/painting-ian-weekly-vauban-fortress.html)

Meanwhile, here's a handful of pics from the first batch:






Title: Painting an Ian Weekley Vauban fort - Ch II: Weathering, Stonework & Fancy Door
Post by: Mad Guru on October 25, 2019, 02:48:17 AM
Posted Chapter II: Weathering, Stonework & Heraldic Door

If interested, click the LINK below to check it out, and thanks in advance for your time & attention if you choose to do so…

https://maiwandday.blogspot.com/2019/10/painting-vauban-ch-ii-weathering.html (https://maiwandday.blogspot.com/2019/10/painting-vauban-ch-ii-weathering.html)

And here's a few pics from this latest installment:




Title: Re: Painting an Ian Weekley Vauban fort (updated w/Part III - Oct. 25
Post by: Mad Guru on October 26, 2019, 06:07:55 AM
Posted Part III about painting the Vauban Tower, Corners, and Ramps.  If interested, please feel free to stop by my blog for more pics & details, and thanks in advance for your time and attention if you choose to do so!

Meanwhile, here's a few photos from Chapter III...




Title: Re: Painting an Ian Weekley Vauban fort (updated w/pt.III Oct. 25)
Post by: FifteensAway on October 26, 2019, 03:53:43 PM
Love the heraldic painting on the door - may steel that idea.  But not finished yet!?  Oy.  Look forward to seeing it assembled in full. 

Red brown primer is a gamer's friend as is craft paint, use both profusely.
Title: Re: Painting an Ian Weekley Vauban fort (updated w/pt.III Oct. 25)
Post by: Atheling on October 26, 2019, 05:56:58 PM
Excellent work MG  8)

I'm wondering, as the resin is very light, did you give it a coat of matt varnish?

I usually use a gloss varnish followed by a (very) matt spray over the top of the gloss, but that's on more dense models.

Title: Re: Painting an Ian Weekley Vauban fort (updated w/pt.IV Oct. 26)
Post by: Mad Guru on October 27, 2019, 12:17:46 AM
Thanks very much for the compliments gentlemen. 

Please "steal" away, FifteensAway!  I myself probably stole it from somewhere!

Darrell, the recently cast pieces are not light, and may not be resin.  Could be something more like ceramic.  And I didn't use any varnish on them.  Just pray primed and then painted with acrylic craft paints.  At the very end I covered everything with matte spray sealer.

ALSO, here's PART IV...


https://maiwandday.blogspot.com/2019/10/painting-vauban-ch-iv-2nd-bastion-ramps.html (https://maiwandday.blogspot.com/2019/10/painting-vauban-ch-iv-2nd-bastion-ramps.html)









Title: Re: Painting an Ian Weekley Vauban fort (updated w/pt.IV Oct. 26)
Post by: Atheling on October 27, 2019, 06:27:03 AM
Thanks very much for the compliments gentlemen. 

Darrell, the recently cast pieces are not light, and may not be resin.  Could be something more like ceramic.  And I didn't use any varnish on them.  Just pray primed and then painted with acrylic craft paints.  At the very end I covered everything with matte spray sealer.

Really! I'm asking for selfish reasons as I'm thinking of postage costs to the UK but is the Late Medieval Castle, also a Weekely model, made from lighter of heavier resin/ceramic?

ALSO, here's PART IV...


https://maiwandday.blogspot.com/2019/10/painting-vauban-ch-iv-2nd-bastion-ramps.html (https://maiwandday.blogspot.com/2019/10/painting-vauban-ch-iv-2nd-bastion-ramps.html)










As usual very informative MG  8)
Title: Re: Painting an Ian Weekley Vauban fort (updated w/pt. V - Oct. 27)
Post by: Mad Guru on October 27, 2019, 08:30:25 AM

The source is listed on my blog, and I thought I had mentioned it here as well.  Sorry for the oversight!  All these Vauban fortress pieces are available relatively close to your home, from Magister Militum, in Salisbury, UK.

Here's a LINK to a page with their 28mm Vauban -- plus a few related Renaissance era -- fortress pieces:

https://www.magistermilitum.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=28mm+vauban (https://www.magistermilitum.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=28mm+vauban)

And here's a LINK to Part V of my own Vauban painting saga, which covers upgrading the gateway doors from cardboard to wood, finishing painting, slightly repairing, and weathering the first Bastion, and adding a few more AWI figures to the WIP layout, to help keep my own morale up:

https://maiwandday.blogspot.com/2019/10/painting-vauban-ch-v-wood-doors-bastion.html (https://maiwandday.blogspot.com/2019/10/painting-vauban-ch-v-wood-doors-bastion.html)

And of course the requisite handful of teaser pics:








Title: Re: Painting an Ian Weekley Vauban fort (updated w/pt.III Oct. 25)
Post by: FifteensAway on October 28, 2019, 01:39:18 AM
It occurs to me, your project being in 28 mm, that the real challenge in modeling such a fortification is that they were, generally, meant to present an all-around defense and the size of your works - not even done yet - would be hard put to find a large enough table for a proper set up.  Heck, I feel challenged with own 15 mm five sided fort with its outworks.  Well, I will when I get around to working on it.

Cool project nonetheless.
Title: Re: Painting an Ian Weekley Vauban fort (updated w/pt. V Oct. 27)
Post by: Mad Guru on October 28, 2019, 02:07:55 AM

Thanks!  And you are absolutely right.  About a decade ago I played a bunch of 28mm Medieval sieges.  They were a lot of fun. but were always laid out with one curtain wall along the long end of the table, sometimes with corners turning at both ends, and a siege camp and lots of siege equipment opposing.  I think the same will hold true for this fortress.  If and when it is used for a siege game (as mentioned on my blog I hope to play one game with it before packing it up and mailing it to its owner!), I think it will work the same way.  In order to have enough table space for an all-around siege, Medieval or 18th Century, you'd need a super wide as well as long table.  I've seen it done a few times at conventions, with tables arranged so there's open space in the middle for one or more defending players.  Otherwise, I think it would have to be much smaller figure scale, smaller than your own 15mm.
Title: Re: Painting an Ian Weekley Vauban fort (updated w/pt. VI Oct. 28)
Post by: Mad Guru on October 28, 2019, 07:48:24 PM
Here's #6 in my 7-part "How I painted a Vauban fortress."

This 6th Chapter ends with virtually the entire thing painted -- except for one particularly tricky piece, which continued to frustrate me.

If interested in reading and seeing more, kindly CLICK on the LINK below, and thanks in advance should you choose to do so!

https://maiwandday.blogspot.com/2019/10/painting-vauban-ch-vi-bastion-2-ravelin.html (https://maiwandday.blogspot.com/2019/10/painting-vauban-ch-vi-bastion-2-ravelin.html)

...But should you choose not to, I won't let you escape without catching at least a glimpse:













Title: Re: Painting an Ian Weekley Vauban fort (updated w/pt. VI Oct. 28)
Post by: FifteensAway on October 29, 2019, 04:21:00 AM
Well, now you've forced me to invent a new word.  That thing is hugetremongess!  Your friend is a lucky man, certain sure, to have you painting such things on his behalf (or her as the case may be).  Though I do wonder at the towers within a Vauban fortress.  Going to have to do some back research just to satisfy myself of the hows and whys of such things, the towers, I mean.  Awesome bit of work.

Hope you manage to get "at least one" game in with that construct, shame not to.
Title: Re: Painting an Ian Weekley Vauban fort (updated w/pt. VI Oct. 28)
Post by: Friends of General Haig on October 29, 2019, 10:44:42 PM
Wow - that is a fabulous set up.  I wouldn't fancy being the attacker! 

Very useful to have the painting guide.
Title: Re: Painting an Ian Weekley Vauban fort (updated w/pt. VI Oct. 28)
Post by: Mad Guru on October 30, 2019, 05:54:58 AM

Thanks very much, but as a follower of your own recent Peking Legations/Boxer Rebellion efforts, I think this project is somewhat dwarfed in size and scope by your own, despite your inferior scale!  Whoops, sorry, I of course meant to say smaller scale!

How historically accurate the Vauban Towers are... is a good question.  I've seen fortifications where Vauban built new style ravelins in front of old Medieval walls that already included towers, but that's a different thing.

Looking through the one book I have with lots of photos and other illustrations of Vauban forts and parts thereof, I couldn't find a single image of a free-standing tower designed by Vauban, but online I did find this photo of the polygonal tower of Camaret sur-Mer:


It looks to me like the towers I painted may have been designed to hold a gun or two on its roof.  The tower could stand independently some distance behind the wall, giving fire support.  Or they could be incorporated into the wall itself.  The latter may be less likely, based on the nature of Vauban's designs, with their lower profile.

All that being said, there may well be some Vauban octagonal towers out there, and if not, I still think these two look good, though maybe my friend who owns them will banish them to defend Imaginations only! (Not that it matters, but he is a he.)

Thanks for your good wishes, and if I do get to play a siege game with this stuff, I'll post about here!

@Friends of General Haig:

Thanks very much, and I'm happy to hear you think the painting guide can be useful.  I wouldn't fancy being the attacker either, and I imagine if I do succeed in setting up a siege game before sending it to its final owner, I will definitely be part of the garrison!

Title: Re: Painting an Ian Weekley Vauban fort (updated w/pt. VI Oct. 28)
Post by: duivelindoosje on October 31, 2019, 09:52:44 AM
an other vauban tower in ambleteuse cote opal
Title: Re: Painting an Ian Weekley Vauban fort (updated w/pt. VI Oct. 28)
Post by: DintheDin on November 01, 2019, 06:47:41 AM
This is an epic job! Congrats!
I'll be following this thread with great interest!
Title: Re: Painting an Ian Weekley Vauban fort (updated w/pt. VII Nov. 2)
Post by: Mad Guru on November 03, 2019, 04:23:21 AM
DintheDine: I can't tell you how happy it made me to read your comment, which I take as a tremendous compliment!  Your own amazing Vauban fortress, which you BUILT FROM SCRATCH, was a big inspiration for me on this painting project, so thank you very much!

I just posted the 7th and final part of my painting process on my blog.

It details how I finally figured out the solution to the problem of the breached wall section, inspired by the timely arrival of Ian Weekley's 1989 book on military modeling:


There's more written and photographic detail on my blog, at this LINK:

https://maiwandday.blogspot.com/2019/11/painting-vauban-ch-vii-once-more-into.html (https://maiwandday.blogspot.com/2019/11/painting-vauban-ch-vii-once-more-into.html)

Meanwhile, here's a few visual highlights:













Happily, the friend I painted this fortress for has Kindly agreed to allow me to keep it on hand until after I manage to organize and play at least one siege game with it.  It will probably be a F&IW game, with the French occupying the fort at one far end of the table, under siege by British forces, while a French relief column marches from the far end of the table.  The relief force, led by Voyagers and Indian allies, will have to cross a river, through a forest, and over or between some rocky high ground before reaching the siege lines, and along the way an ambush force of British Rangers and their own Indian allies.
Title: Re: Painting an Ian Weekley Vauban fort (updated w/pt. VII Nov. 2)
Post by: FifteensAway on November 03, 2019, 05:14:04 AM
"Thanks very much, but as a follower of your own recent Peking Legations/Boxer Rebellion efforts, I think this project is somewhat dwarfed in size and scope by your own, despite your inferior scale!  Whoops, sorry, I of course meant to say smaller scale!"

 lol lol lol   Ah, the joys of repartee.  Afraid some of the 'cousins' don't quite get this American style of banter.  Hope they do in Canukistan. 

The Ian Weekly book was a nice find. 

Ah, if only I had time to work on the Boxers (and the FIW, the AWI, the Old West - and the model railroad).  I guess, in comparison across the varied scales, my Boxer project is a bit large with a couple score and more buildings in tact and more destroyed plus the six legations and the now built Tartar Wall.

Had the joy of the distraction of dealing with elderly father being evacuated from house to ER and then the hospital itself evacuated due to the Kincaide fire.  All back and settled safely at home as of Thursday night.  At this point, the holidays are going to be a great interference.  But there is hope.  Eventually.

Back to the project - wonderful to see it finished and at least with some figures.

Screenwriter, hunh?  Very cool.  I have aspirations in that direction but probably another arena of endeavor that will be delayed until retirement - with all that entails in the youth focused world of movie making.  Curious changes in that whole world with lots of opportunities going away and lots of others opening up (traditional studios versus the upstarts of late).
Title: Re: Painting an Ian Weekley Vauban fort (updated w/pt. VII Nov. 2)
Post by: Mad Guru on November 03, 2019, 06:59:53 AM
Oh, man, the fires.  I didn't know you were also in California, albeit much farther North.  Very happy to hear your father was moved out of danger and is safe and sound.  I'm in Studio City, at the south edge of the San Fernando Valley.  We've had fires to the North, South, and West, but as of yet nothing close enough to be a serious threat or force evacuation, thankfully.  Just some smoke in the air and occasional ash.  Re: screenwriting... I know I'm very lucky to make a living telling stories.  And yes, it has been a... dynamic time in the industry, this past decade or so, really since the aftermath of the 2007-2008 Writers Guild strike.  Lots of change, for the worse and better, depending on your very specific work experience and point-of-view.  My writing and producing partner and I carry on carrying on, for which I'm thankful.

Holiday interference in your plans... ah yes, time.  The most evasive of treasures!  The youngest of my 3 children is a high school senior.  This time next year my wife and I will be "empty-nesters" and the rumor is, despite still working constantly, I will have more free time to potentially spend on the hobby.  I hope that will be the case!

Thanks for the compliments on the Vauban paint job.  Re: our repartee -- my first metal wargame armies were 15mm Mikes Models!  Somewhere I still have a sh#t-ton of 15mm Medieval English, French, Scottish, & Low Countries armies, plus a big homemade 15mm castle system, and 15mm Afghan & Anglo-Indian 2nd Afghan War armies... and my brother's 15mm Samurai armies!  So I really don't have anything against the so-called "one true scale" AKA: 15mm.  But... I don't think I've played a game with 15mm figures since the end of the Reagan administration.
Title: Re: Painting an Ian Weekley Vauban fort (updated w/pt. VII Nov. 2)
Post by: Mad Guru on November 27, 2019, 02:20:45 AM
Not content to leave well enough alone, I added a grander gatehouse to the commercially purchased Vauban fortress I painted for a friend, which was originally designed by Ian Weekley. I used an arch from the Kobblstone Miniatures Mediterranean collection of model buildings. Sadly Kobblestone is not currently selling their stuff at this time, but hopefully they will get back in business some day.

For anyone interested, here's a LINK to the post I just put on my blog, and thanks in advance should you choose to visit:

https://maiwandday.blogspot.com/2019/11/new-luxury-gatehouse-for-vauban-fortress.html (https://maiwandday.blogspot.com/2019/11/new-luxury-gatehouse-for-vauban-fortress.html)

Here's the inspiration that pushed me to find something grander:


...and here's a few pics of my final results:




Title: Re: Painting an Ian Weekley Vauban fort (updated w/New Gatehouse Nov. 26)
Post by: FifteensAway on November 27, 2019, 05:08:59 AM
I like the new gatehouse.  Did you (or your friend) choose the gatehouse to be a different color than the other walls or still working to match to the rest (I skimmed the blog post so hope I didn't miss the answer there!)?
Title: Re: Painting an Ian Weekley Vauban fort (updated w/New Gatehouse Nov. 26)
Post by: Atheling on November 27, 2019, 08:59:02 PM
 :-* :-* :-* :-*

It look amazing :)
Title: Re: Painting an Ian Weekley Vauban fort (updated w/New Gatehouse Nov. 26)
Post by: Emir of Askaristan on November 28, 2019, 06:40:16 AM
Oh I do like that gate house! Very nice indeed.
Title: Re: Painting an Ian Weekley Vauban fort (updated w/New Gatehouse Nov. 26)
Post by: DintheDin on November 28, 2019, 11:22:01 AM
I like the gate house but also how you managed the rubble of the damaged wall section.
Title: Re: Painting an Ian Weekley Vauban fort (updated w/New Gatehouse Nov. 26)
Post by: Mad Guru on December 02, 2019, 01:05:59 AM
Many thanks for the positive feedback Darrell, Emir of Askaristan, & DintheDin, it's very much appreciated!


Oh man, I had struggled with that color mismatch and decided to just let it be.  I used the exact same colors on the fancy gatehouse as on all the other pieces, from the spray-paint base-coat on.  I think the darker look is due to the rougher stucco texture, as opposed to the smooth brickwork on the Vauban pieces, giving it some built-in shadow.  It bugged me but I had already done the weathering wash so I decided to let it go and put the finishing spray sealer on the gatehouse before posting about it.  Then I saw your comment... which was simply an honest observation and a good question.  So I emailed my buddy who I painted all this for, and he wrote back saying he hadn't noticed before but it would look better if it was lighter, so... I did a test on one of the low side walls to see how fresh paint would look atop the sealer and it looked fine.  So I did another 2 lighter coats of paint.  It's still not a perfect match but it's lighter and a closer match to the rest of the fortress.  When I first read your question I was a bit bummed, but I got past that fast and must thank you for helping me improve the look of the gatehouse.  Thank you my friend & fellow California resident!

Here's a before & after comparison pic...


...and a few more pics of the lightened version:





Title: Re: Painting an Ian Weekley Vauban fort (updated w/New Gatehouse Nov. 26)
Post by: FifteensAway on December 02, 2019, 02:05:40 AM
First, didn't mean to cause any angst.  But the newer version does blend better - and still works with the slight color variation, can just be that they wanted the gatehouse to stand out a bit (rather than a lot), makes it seem more like the pieces were designed to work together.  Good job!  I'm sure your friend will be delighted to play using that beautiful bit of work.
Title: Re: Painting an Ian Weekley Vauban fort (updated w/New Gatehouse Nov. 26)
Post by: Atheling on December 02, 2019, 07:04:53 AM
Yeah, I like the latest version too.  :-*

I did enjoy taking a peek at those Mediterranean buildings too- some useful ideas there  8)
Title: Re: Painting an Ian Weekley Vauban fort (updated w/New Gatehouse Nov. 26)
Post by: Battle Brush Sigur on December 05, 2019, 06:53:07 PM
Great effort! Thanks for all the step-by-step explanation. This is a great centrepiece (or table in itself!)
Title: Vauban fort gatehouse finally gets weathered (Jan 24 2020)
Post by: Mad Guru on January 25, 2020, 12:54:18 AM
Thanks very much for all the kind comments!  And to FifteensAway, fear not my friend, any and all hobby-related angst I suffer is entirely self-inflicted!  I'm just happy you reinforced my own honest opinion!

After some procrastination caused by fear of doing more harm than good, I finally added a coat of weathering wash to the luxury gatehouse.  I managed to avoid disaster and am very happy with how it turned out, as I think it's finish is now a much closer match to the rest of the fortress.  I also redid the basing on some F&IW canoes to match my current green-tinted resin rivers, rather than the old blue-painted rubber rivers they were originally done for a decade or so ago.  If interested in seeing some photos and reading a few more details, please click on the LINK below, and thanks for your time if you choose to do so!

https://maiwandday.blogspot.com/2020/01/vauban-gatehouse-weathered-canoes-go.html (https://maiwandday.blogspot.com/2020/01/vauban-gatehouse-weathered-canoes-go.html)

Meanwhile, here's a few pics:




It's possible I may be able to get one siege game in using the fort and the somewhat extensive siege-works to go with it that I've painted up for a gaming friend, before I have to pack it all up and send it to him.  If I can't manage that I think I will still try to take some better quality pics of a pantomime siege.
Title: Re: Painting an Ian Weekley Vauban fort (updated w/New Gatehouse Nov. 26)
Post by: FifteensAway on January 25, 2020, 04:42:33 AM
Loverly.  Or, now that you've adjusted the color of the gatehouse I can focus on the roof tiles which I did not before - which tells me you did it right.  As to the tiles, they make me think of a copper roof turned to verdigris. Though probably just green tiles.  Very nice.

Really like your green waterways and the new canoes bases blend very well. 
Title: Re: Vauban Fort - updated w/FIELDWORKS - Feb 6
Post by: Mad Guru on January 25, 2020, 06:24:17 AM
Fifteens -- thanks for sharing your thoughts!  the gateway roof is meant to be exactly that: verdigris copper.  I gave my friend 3 suggestions: terra-cotta red-brown, slate gray, or copper green.  He enthusiastically chose the green and I do think it was the best choice.
Title: Re: Vauban fort - updated w/FIELDWORKS - Feb 6
Post by: Mad Guru on February 07, 2020, 01:14:55 AM
I finally got around to organizing the pics I took of the multiple gabions, fascines, earthworks, etc. which I painted for my same friend for whom I painted the Vauban fortress.  As I sent him pics showing my progress on the fort he got excited and decided to buy a bunch of these commercially available fieldworks & send them to me to add to the painting list.  I didn't mind.  In for a penny in for a pound, so to speak!

I just put a post on my blog re: painting it all, and also basing some of it in small groups to make them easier to use on the tabletop.  I also included LINKS to all of the 5 different suppliers.

Most of these pieces could be used for many 17th to 19th Century battlefields in a variety of different theaters of war.

If interested please stop by to visit my blog at the LINK below, and if you do so, thanks in advance for investing some more of your time!

https://maiwandday.blogspot.com/2020/02/c18th-field-works-siege-fortifications.html (https://maiwandday.blogspot.com/2020/02/c18th-field-works-siege-fortifications.html)

Meanwhile, here's a dozen or so pics:

*NOTE: Everything in the post is store-bought except for a table I built so the besieging high command can have a place to confer re: the progress of their attack.














Title: Re: Vauban fort - updated w/FIELDWORKS - Feb 6
Post by: FifteensAway on February 07, 2020, 07:23:11 AM
Well, where to start?

Um, magnificent work.  Of course, we expect no less from you at this juncture.

Love the mine head bit, not often seen modeled (first time I recall, actually).

Nice collection.  Again, you have a very lucky friend to have you as his friend. 

And this has naught to do with you but seems an under abundance of gabions and an over abundance of chivaux-de-frise - but maybe that's just my not knowing better.  Always thought of them as gateways into the works - and too many gates make for vulnerable works.

And, last, for now, for all the joy of your 18th century sojourn, I am happily ready to see you return to the 19th century!

Thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: Vauban fort - updated w/FIELDWORKS - Feb 6
Post by: DintheDin on February 07, 2020, 07:34:55 AM
Nice items! Well done! They will add life to your fort! Cheers!
Title: Re: Vauban fort - updated w/FIELDWORKS - Feb 6
Post by: Captain Blood on February 07, 2020, 08:08:08 AM
They’ve all turned out extremely well. Love the mine entrance and the table of books  8)
Title: Re: Vauban fort - updated w/FIELDWORKS - Feb 6
Post by: Treebeard on February 07, 2020, 08:28:36 AM
Splendid Mad Guru ! Epic !
Title: Re: Vauban fort - updated w/FIELDWORKS - Feb 6
Post by: Silent Invader on February 07, 2020, 10:19:49 AM
Great stuff. The mine entrance is inspired  8) :-*
Title: Re: Vauban fort - updated w/FIELDWORKS - Feb 6
Post by: ragbones on February 07, 2020, 02:56:00 PM
Mad Guru, you always know how to set a beautiful table! :-*
Title: Re: Vauban fort - updated w/FIELDWORKS - Feb 6
Post by: Mad Guru on February 09, 2020, 11:02:42 AM
Many thanks!  You guys are too kind, and I sincerely appreciate all your comments.  Hopefully I'll be back before too long with some higher quality photos of the Vauban layout.