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Miniatures Adventure => Age of Myths, Gods and Empires => Topic started by: guitarheroandy on April 30, 2020, 01:42:12 PM

Title: Crocodile Games Olympus Athenians - UPDATE 27.5.20 - Honour Guard
Post by: guitarheroandy on April 30, 2020, 01:42:12 PM
Here is the first model in my Mythic Greek force which I'll use with Dragon Rampant and maybe OGAM. This model is the Kickstarter exclusive Helen of Troy model from Crocodile Games, for their Wargods of Olympus range. My whole force will be built from their Athenians that I bought in the Kickstarter.
This model will be part of a Heavy Foot unit with one of the magic-user options. I'm currently painting the Oracle model to go with Helen and have 6 Hoplites undercoated ready to join her.
This model was a real test of my technique (mid-tone base coats over a light undercoat, Army painter Strong Tone dip, Dullcote, highlight with original mid-tone and light tones) as it's difficult getting female flesh right without extensive blending, which I don't do. Still, I'm pleased with how she turned out... The close-ups don't really do her face justice - she looks far more beautiful when the camera isn't on macro setting!!  lol lol






Hope you like her! Next up: The Oracle
Title: Re: Crocodile Games Olympus Athenians - UPDATE 4.5.20 - Oracle
Post by: guitarheroandy on May 04, 2020, 08:51:56 PM
I've just finished the Oracle model from Crocodile Games Wargods Of Olympus Kickstarter for my Mythical Greek warband for Dragon rampant.
I love this model and I really enjoyed painting it! She will join Helen of Troy in my magic user unit along with 6 hoplites that have just been undercoated. One thing I've noticed with these 'supposed to be beautiful' female figures is that they don't photograph well with close-ups as my paint job makes them look anything but beautiful!! They look far better at normal gaming distance... Anyway, here are some pics of the oracle and a couple of her with Helen.
Also, those of a certain age will recall the little mechanical owl from the original Clash of the Titans movie that I've added to the oracle's base and that also came with my Kickstarter...





Title: Re: Crocodile Games Olympus Athenians - UPDATE 4.5.20 - Oracle
Post by: Dr Mathias on May 04, 2020, 10:16:17 PM
Those are some neat figures, well done. I love the owl ;)
Title: Re: Crocodile Games Olympus Athenians - UPDATE 4.5.20 - Oracle
Post by: LeadAsbestos on May 05, 2020, 12:15:59 AM
Well done! I've got both in the pile for the stalled Trojan War project, not sure if I can do them justice.
Title: Re: Crocodile Games Olympus Athenians - UPDATE 4.5.20 - Oracle
Post by: Hu Rhu on May 05, 2020, 09:38:37 AM
Nice painting.
Title: Re: Crocodile Games Olympus Athenians - UPDATE 4.5.20 - Oracle
Post by: Mason on May 05, 2020, 09:42:17 AM
Great brushwork on some lovely sculpts.

Title: Re: Crocodile Games Olympus Athenians - UPDATE 4.5.20 - Oracle
Post by: guitarheroandy on May 05, 2020, 10:04:03 AM
Well done! I've got both in the pile for the stalled Trojan War project, not sure if I can do them justice.

Thank you. Yeah, I've had these nearly 5 years (I think the Kickstarter was late 2015) and had just the same worry about painting them. In the end I just decided to have a go to paint something different (and to get another Dragon Rampant warband up to speed). I'm not sure I've really done them justice - they need the sort of 'wet-blend and NMM' approach that the master painters do to really make them pop, but I'm pretty pleased with the results I got using my 'base coat, AP dip, dullcote and highlights' approach. To be fair, I did more highlights than usual on everything but the flesh, but that's how they were done... I've got Theseus and his Honour Guard ready for highlighting at the moment - I'm excited to get them done as they are gonna be much easier than these ladies!
Title: Re: Crocodile Games Olympus Athenians - UPDATE 4.5.20 - Oracle
Post by: seldon on May 06, 2020, 09:26:03 PM
such awesome work !!!

thanks for sharing !
Title: Re: Crocodile Games Olympus Athenians - UPDATE 17.5.20 - Theseus
Post by: guitarheroandy on May 17, 2020, 01:46:43 PM
More progress on my Mythic Greek Dragon Rampant warband, or as I'm re-christening it, my 'Sword and Sandals' war band (I loved all those old Sword & Sandal movies when I was a kid...)
Here is the Crocodile Games Theseus miniature from their 2015 Athenian Kickstarter. Absolutely superb model! Loads of detail but not overwhelming when trying to paint him. In theory, the fur on his cloak should be brown as it's supposed to be bull-skin, but I did it grey because I thought it would fit better with the colour of his cloak.
I've also posted a couple of pictures of him with Ariadne (Helen of Troy) and the Oracle just so you can see them together as a group, although in my war band he'll be accompanied by his Honour Guard and Herald (all of whom are nearing completion on my painting table as I type this...)
I hope you like him. I really enjoyed painting him. Truth to tell, the photos don't quite do him justice...I should probably resize them...








Title: Re: Crocodile Games Olympus Athenians - UPDATE 17.5.20 - Theseus
Post by: Hu Rhu on May 17, 2020, 02:49:03 PM
Lovely painting on thos minis.  :-* :-*
Title: Re: Crocodile Games Olympus Athenians - UPDATE 17.5.20 - Theseus
Post by: Burnin Coal on May 17, 2020, 03:26:59 PM
 :-* lovely brushwork on some great looking figures
Title: Re: Crocodile Games Olympus Athenians - UPDATE 17.5.20 - Theseus
Post by: Mason on May 17, 2020, 04:53:36 PM
He is a cracker, and looks great alongside the others.
 :-* :-*

What size base have you put him on, as he looks like a big fella and may well work as a God for my OGAM Greeks?
Title: Re: Crocodile Games Olympus Athenians - UPDATE 17.5.20 - Theseus
Post by: Michi on May 17, 2020, 04:56:19 PM
These make a beautiful looking trio, I really like the colours and shading!
Title: Re: Crocodile Games Olympus Athenians - UPDATE 17.5.20 - Theseus
Post by: guitarheroandy on May 17, 2020, 06:56:47 PM
He is a cracker, and looks great alongside the others.
 :-* :-*

What size base have you put him on, as he looks like a big fella and may well work as a God for my OGAM Greeks?

Cheers! He is a lovely model. He's on a 40mm base and is about 32mm foot to eye. He's not available to buy as Crocodile Games haven't released the Athenians to their store despite it being nearly 5 years since their Kickstarter. However, they do have some lovely models of god and goddesses available as well as various heroes for their Spartans, Mycenaeans, Amazons and Trojans ranges. They really are superb models... Bit costly, but that reflects the quality.
Title: Re: Crocodile Games Olympus Athenians - UPDATE 17.5.20 - Theseus
Post by: Mason on May 18, 2020, 01:33:30 PM
Thanks for the information, I have a couple of their figures already but shall now have another look and see what is available at present.


Title: Re: Crocodile Games Olympus Athenians - UPDATE 17.5.20 - Theseus
Post by: Morts on May 23, 2020, 08:39:19 AM
Lovely figures and painting - just wish Black Pyramid would get some more stock in....
Title: Re: Crocodile Games Olympus Athenians - UPDATE 17.5.20 - Theseus
Post by: guitarheroandy on May 27, 2020, 01:49:55 PM
Lovely figures and painting - just wish Black Pyramid would get some more stock in....


I've made progress with the Mythic Greeks, or 'The Sword & Sandal' Dragon Rampant Warband. These are Theseus's Honour Guard and his Herald. They'll form an Elite Foot unit with Theseus.
The Herald was actually a conversion - I wanted the actual Herald model for use as a chariot-riding noble, so did a weapon swap. The Musician got the Herald's icon standard and the Herald got the Musician's spear point. Sadly, my Greenstuff skills weren't as good 41/2 years ago as they are now, so the join on the reverse of the icon standard is less than stellar, but it'll do.
The Honour Guard have had their shields replaced with Anvil Industry Spartan shields. This is because the stock shields that come with all Athenian Hoplites in the Crocodile Games range are not hoplons, but some odd shaped thing that, while it is definitely Greek, doesn't scream 'Hoplite' quite enough (they also had sculpted on designs that are murder to paint in large numbers - doing Theseus's cast on bull bas bad enough!) The Anvil shields are the only ones big enough for these 32mm heroic scale fellas. Luckily, LBM transfers designed for Immortal Miniatures just about fit. I still need to varnish the shields, actually so they shine a bit on the pictures.
I'm really pleased with these. The armour colour really pops (GW Retributor Armour highlighted with GW Auric Armour Gold) and I wanted a more golden style bronze for my very Hollywood Sword and Sandal Greeks. I like the cloak pattern too, which replicates that on Theseus's cloak, minus the golden yellow background colour.
The final pic shows all the models painted thus far and they do seem to look pretty good together.
Next up, the 6 hoplites accompanying Ariadne (Helen) and the Oracle in their Wizardling Heavy Foot unit, followed by a unit of Peltasts (scouts.)












Title: Re: Crocodile Games Olympus Athenians - UPDATE 27.5.20 - Honour Guard
Post by: seldon on May 27, 2020, 02:24:49 PM
absolutely fantastic!
Title: Re: Crocodile Games Olympus Athenians - UPDATE 27.5.20 - Honour Guard
Post by: Morts on May 27, 2020, 06:25:46 PM
Stunning - very nice .....
Title: Re: Crocodile Games Olympus Athenians - UPDATE 27.5.20 - Honour Guard
Post by: Hu Rhu on May 29, 2020, 10:54:57 AM
Great work, especially on the cloak and shields.  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Crocodile Games Olympus Athenians - UPDATE 27.5.20 - Honour Guard
Post by: Corso on May 29, 2020, 02:44:42 PM
Beautiful work - well done!
Title: Re: Crocodile Games Olympus Athenians - UPDATE 27.5.20 - Honour Guard
Post by: Burnin Coal on May 30, 2020, 01:29:32 AM
Lovely brushwork - cloaks are especially good  8)