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Other Stuff => Workbench => Topic started by: syrinx0 on May 03, 2020, 08:58:38 PM

Title: Messing around with contrast paints
Post by: syrinx0 on May 03, 2020, 08:58:38 PM
In February & March had some annoying issues with my back/neck so painting time was very limited.  Luckily a little therapy has since addressed that but at the time I could only paint in short bursts. So I decided to try some contrast speed painting on some old zombie survivor plastics.  The kids assembled them long ago and they were still unpainted so why not?

I primed some figures using the GW sprays and some with Stynlrez via airbrush. Didn't see any difference between the primers. I really liked how some of the contrast colors worked but others looked terrible with only one coat.  You wind up with a much brighter paint job than block painting with a dip but not as cheap or significantly faster for me.  Need to play some more with them - I really liked Malebolgia use of them for blue jeans.
