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Miniatures Adventure => Fantasy Adventures => Topic started by: epmoretto on May 23, 2020, 03:59:37 AM

Title: Painting the Realms, Passing the Time
Post by: epmoretto on May 23, 2020, 03:59:37 AM
Hello all,

Though my D&D group might not be able to meet for the foreseeable future (at least, not in person), being cooped up at home has left plenty of time for staring at lead mountain. Lately I have been going back and adding small details to minis painted over the past couple of years, with mixed results; gore has been fun to try out, and I think slapping some rosiness on the dwarf's cheeks breathes a bit of life in to the angry fella.

While the following lot are all NPC's that have come and gone (mostly felled by the party), it was nice to go back and touch them up. Mind you, apparently I still have not noticed that the half-orc's base rim needs painting, and trying out a new photography setup has really shown how I still need to clean up a few details on all three minis!

Kind Regards,
Title: Re: Painting the Realms, Passing the Time
Post by: robh on May 23, 2020, 10:52:37 AM
Nice selection of characters.  Where is your half orc model from?
Title: Re: Painting the Realms, Passing the Time
Post by: epmoretto on May 23, 2020, 07:29:46 PM
Nice selection of characters.  Where is your half orc model from?

Thanks, robh! The half-orc is a Heroforge 3d printed mini. If you've never had a look, check them out; I have spent way too much time messing around with their character designer.

Kind Regards,
Title: Re: Painting the Realms, Passing the Time
Post by: robh on May 23, 2020, 09:43:40 PM
OK, didn't recognise him from any of the recognised ranges, half orc characters are few and far between, I like him.
I have had a play with the Heroforge builder but with Shadowrun characters in mind. Figures in the higher quality material are a bit pricey for my budget though and I have been totally underwhelmed by the affordable 3D printing I have commissioned so far.
Title: Re: Painting the Realms, Passing the Time
Post by: epmoretto on May 23, 2020, 10:16:20 PM
OK, didn't recognise him from any of the recognised ranges, half orc characters are few and far between, I like him.
I have had a play with the Heroforge builder but with Shadowrun characters in mind. Figures in the higher quality material are a bit pricey for my budget though and I have been totally underwhelmed by the affordable 3D printing I have commissioned so far.

I would agree that 3d printed minis tend to be underwhelming, generally speaking. Prices aside, I find that the prints themselves range from "decent, but still not quite the same as pewter or resin" to downright awful. Heroforge in particular has improved the quality of their prints (my first mini from them had plenty of very visible scan lines) though I still avoid ordering something easily sourced elsewhere, like a human fighter/knight type.

I do have several half-orcs from them, specifically because I feel that there are not many impressive half-orc sculpts out there.

Kind Regards,
Title: Re: Painting the Realms, Passing the Time
Post by: Faust23 on May 23, 2020, 10:36:21 PM
Love that ripped out heart the best!  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Painting the Realms, Passing the Time
Post by: epmoretto on May 25, 2020, 05:20:17 PM
Thanks, Faust23. I feel like the Mortal Kombat vibe is a bit of fun, though looking at the picture again the poor guy looks almost confused about the whole situation!

Kind Regards,
Title: Re: Painting the Realms, Passing the Time
Post by: epmoretto on May 30, 2020, 07:07:44 AM
Next up, a spectator! Anyone who plays 5e D&D knows that these guys are not terribly dangerous to all but the feeblest of parties, though their penchant for guarding treasure means that they can make for a fun personality to interact with at all levels. Maybe the crown this one guards is needed to coronate the next monarch? Or, perhaps it will simply make for a fine drinking hat?

Kind Regards,
Title: Re: Painting the Realms, Passing the Time
Post by: epmoretto on May 30, 2020, 08:31:56 AM
Also, I managed to slap some paint on a few terrain pieces. The ramp trap has a button which releases the boulder, sending it careening towards your hand-painted miniatures. A silly feature, and I have a creeping suspicion that at least one of my players will accidentally break something when investigating the thing!

Kind Regards,
Title: Re: Painting the Realms, Passing the Time
Post by: Ozreth on June 01, 2020, 03:42:13 AM
Painting the Realms? As in the Forgotten Realms? Add a bit about your campaign if you please!
Title: Re: Painting the Realms, Passing the Time
Post by: epmoretto on June 02, 2020, 07:26:59 PM
Sure, Ozreth! My group does play in the Forgotten Realms, partially as a matter of convenience, partially because we've had so many characters and campaigns in the setting that it is fun to maintain a sense of "world continuity."

Currently my group is running D&D 5e in our preferred way, a longform 1-20 campaign. The party is presently hot on the trail of a radical Zhentarim reform wing, which seems to be gathering artifacts for some sinister purpose. Given the draconic undertones of the objects themselves, the party fears these baddies may really be up to some nonsense involving chromatic dragons! Cliché, sure, but we haven't really had "high level" dragon arcs in our games before, so it is still a bit novel for us.

 That said, Covid-19 has really put a damper on things for the past few months, and right as my players began a megadungeon delve! If nothing else, I have had plenty of time to prepare encounters and actually get things painted for them. . .

Kind Regards,