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Other Stuff => Workbench => Topic started by: Captain Blood on August 08, 2009, 06:52:43 PM

Title: Styrofoam glue in the UK please
Post by: Captain Blood on August 08, 2009, 06:52:43 PM
So, I'm commencing a scenery build and have spent part of the day planning and cutting up slabs of pink and blue styrofoam.

Unfortunately, I found my jumbo tube of Uhu 'Por' expanded polystyrene glue nearly empty, and having tried several DiY and craft shops, I can't get any more anywhere  >:(

(I would buy it from Antenociti, except I don't really want to pay compulsory recorded delivery + insurance postage on a £1.50 tube of glue... )

I did buy a tube of Uhu 'All purpose, solvent free' glue, labelled with the immortal line 'even sticks styrofoam'.
Well it doesn't.
Not unless it takes an absurdly long time to dry.
It's just sitting there like a slimy film between my various slabs of pink foam, and refusing to go off at all, several hours after I applied it... In short, I don't think it's going to work.

Anyone else had any experience with this stuff?

More to the point, can anyone recommend a good styrofoam glue brand that I might have a chance of buying first thing tomorrow in B&Q or Homebase? So I can get on with my bleedin' project, having wasted several hours this afternoon waiting for said crap glue to dry...

Thanks  :)

Title: Re: Styrofoam glue in the UK please
Post by: OSHIROmodels on August 08, 2009, 07:31:30 PM
I've tried various options in the past with differing results (even from the same glue). You might try...

Copydex, can take ages to off in the middle.
Double sided carpet tape, good for large areas, bit fiddly for small ones and isn't really long term permanent, to help with this try...
Good old wood glue, something like Evostick that is handle-able in ten minutes can do the trick.
Hot glue gun can work sometimes, you do need to be very quick and careful for the obvious reasons.

Hope that's a help, what are you planning? Piccys please  :D


Title: Re: Styrofoam glue in the UK please
Post by: Lowtardog on August 08, 2009, 07:39:32 PM
I have normally used wood glue, tacky stuff from Wilkinsons is even better  ensure though that you pin it to ensure a good close bond
Title: Re: Styrofoam glue in the UK please
Post by: gamer Mac on August 09, 2009, 12:40:41 AM
I just Evo Stick wood adhsive (PVA?) seem to work quite well. Bigger bits need to be held together with masking tape or elastic bands until the glue sets. small pieces are fine on there own. It does take a bit longer to dry than just gluing cardboard.
If you are wanting to glue other materials to the foam, I was given the hint in another thread, of coating the foam in a watered down solution of the glue. When this is dry you can then use other glues that would normally melt the foam. After using this hint I was able to superglue plactic card to the foam without any problem.
Title: Re: Styrofoam glue in the UK please
Post by: Captain Blood on August 09, 2009, 07:37:33 AM
Okay. Thanks chaps.

If I can ever get the bloody stuff to stick together, all will be revealed in due course...  ;)

Title: Re: Styrofoam glue in the UK please
Post by: dadlamassu on August 09, 2009, 09:12:04 AM
I peg the layers together using cocktail sticks and glue using white PVA glue.  I've used this for years - bought a gallon in a craft shop and pour out into airtight jars for use.

It takes quite a time to dry in big areas.

Title: Re: Styrofoam glue in the UK please
Post by: Captain Blood on August 09, 2009, 10:00:43 PM
Ah, thanks Alan...

Wood glue has done the trick. Took a few hours to go off, but appears to have set rock hard.

Right then... Note to self. Wood glue sticks styrofoam. Remember that...

Title: Re: Styrofoam glue in the UK please
Post by: kidterminal on August 11, 2009, 11:43:41 PM
Hello Captain I've used wood glue for years and yes it will set rock hard. In fact I  like to coat all of the polystryne with a thin coat of wood glue it prevents the dings and scratches you pick up with use. There is a low melt glue stick for glues which is specially made to use with foam. I've used that too.

Title: Re: Styrofoam glue in the UK please
Post by: dijit on August 12, 2009, 08:28:09 AM
Yeah PVA wood glue all the way, you can use what they sometimes call 'white glue' that you get for children's activities, its POVA but watered down a little so it tends to be more expensive and not as good - go figure that one out! PVA is great because if you have anything with a slightly rough/irregular surface it'll hold it. In thin layers it can also be used to give wet/water effects much cheaper than 'water effect' mixtures.