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Other Stuff => General Wargames and Hobby Discussion => Topic started by: syrinx0 on December 08, 2020, 03:26:50 AM

Title: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: syrinx0 on December 08, 2020, 03:26:50 AM
We are not playing our traditional January big battle at our club for obvious reasons. It did spark some online conversations though about past occurrences. 

This was the first big WWII game I ever played. We had about 20 guys playing on a 12x12 table.  I had been an RPG gamer only recently recruited to game some historical events. It was Stalingrad and my German command was all foot units. Losing track of turns, I moved across an open road and ruble filled area in spite being told not to move before the smoke from our artillery would make it safer.  That is when I learned what a "Katyusha" was and what a battery strike could do.  Three companies died almost to the man with only the commander (me) and his squad surviving all strikes.  There was a political unit that the commander could use to improve moral - he decided to send them after me instead.  Granted I really swung that side of the battle at that point but still... ::)

Thirty nine years later any mention of Stalingrad brings that back up.  lol

So, what was your most memorable oops in a game?
Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: Daeothar on December 09, 2020, 02:06:52 PM
Dutch GW Grand Tournament, back in 2008 or somewhere along those lines. So 5th ed 40K rules were in effect (probably?)

First game of a grueling 2-day tournament: I fielded my all metal Necron army (2nd ed style) against an artillery heavy Imperial Guard player. It was a quadrants scenario, and he had a corner filled with terrain, behind which he had put his Basilisks, pounding away at my poor footslogging robots each turn.

Frustratingly, I could not reach, let alone damage, any of his units. So when my Scarab swarms got the opportunity to set up a charge on one of his flanking tanks, I went for it all out. And this is where I learned to respect the effect of flamer templates on swarms; I had bunched up, in a piece of terrain, my 6 swarm bases right in front of a Hellhound flamethrower tank.

Needless to say, my only attempt at taking the fight to the enemy was a huge, flaming, failure, with all six bases dying a fiery death. The rest of the army got itself pounded into the ground by his 2 or 3 Basilisks, the remnants easily swept aside by his Wild Riders charging cavalry units. My army phased out by turn 4 I believe, having accidentally killed maybe one or two of his cavalry, and only those.

It was the worst, and most one-sided, defeat of my long and tumultuous 40K career.

I was very hampered by the terrain and the type of mission, but truth be told, I had also deployed pretty badly, because I did not know the capabilities of his army, and I actually knew better than to match up my poor Scarabs against his Tank of Flamy Death, but I had been doing the math, and it had become a matter of pride to at least kill something of his before the looming and inevitable phase-out. All or nothing, if you will. Obviously, it turned out to be nothing... ::)

What I took home from this battle? The age old adage of 'Know your enemy' took on a whole new meaning for me, and I ended up reading and scrutinising each and every Codex of every army I could possibly run into.

Which helped. Eventually.

But to this day, this particular battle is remembered among the endless, shiny ranks of my Necron cohorts, as the worst defeat in recorded history (and these guys have many dozens of millions of years worth of that stuff)...
Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: syrinx0 on December 09, 2020, 04:26:57 PM
When we first started playing 40K (3rd edition?) we gamed on a deep tables with too little terrain. The IG crucified all with the big pie plates.  It was a good week to be IG.  We quickly moved to a standard width table and opponents added infiltrators so it wasn't quite much fun.  lol 

We never were into tournament play but as I recall a lot of our smaller games were one sided affairs due to terrain and or mistakes in placement.  Those often ended quickly and set up was fast so you could get a second chance that night.  No idea how 40K plays now.
Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: Harry Faversham on December 09, 2020, 05:31:00 PM
'So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?'

Turning up, I only made that mistake once.

Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: AKULA on December 09, 2020, 05:41:21 PM
Playing a competition game of WRG Ancients 6th Edition (c20+ years about)

My opponent deployed as far back as possible in one corner...I finally managed to get into contact, charging his elite troops, led by his general in the flank..this was it, he was going to be routed....but no, he reached for his rule book, and sat there for 30 minutes thumbing through for some arcane rule....game timed out...no result.

Never played another competition game after that, or any sort of game against that guy again.
Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: voltan on December 09, 2020, 05:57:21 PM
With a WRG ruleset your opponent might still be looking for the rule. ;D

No major mistakes I can think of but I did have a habit of forgetting which version of a ruleset I was supposed to be using.
Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: Cubs on December 09, 2020, 06:27:44 PM
  I haven't really played any games as an adult, but as a kid it was usually me against my (much older) brother and of course, he beat me almost every time. Worst stupid mistake? Trying to take on his Dwarf hero Slayer with a unit of Night Goblins (without fanatics) - apparently an insanely high Weapon Skill, plus a weapon in each hand, high initiative (higher than them at least), plus frenzy, makes for a perfect Goblin-scythe (they didn't even get an attack in, the front rank kept being slaughtered before their combat round). Or maybe the one where I chose to stand and fire with my Orc archers against his Empire knights and they disappeared in a wet scrunchy charge (apparently Agincourt is harder to recreate than I thought). Or perhaps the time we played a WW2 game and I went scouting round a corner with a Jagpanzer that got taken out by a hidden 17pdr in turn 1. Or the one where my huge Zulu Impi got itself caught in a crossfire between two firing lines of British infantry and then I was so terrified of the reaction fire to a charge, that I tried to turn them around and run away, only to be whittled away to literally nothing without even trying to get into contact.

  It was then that I realised I was a very poor general and stuck to painting.
Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: FramFramson on December 10, 2020, 12:05:00 AM
'So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?'

Turning up, I only made that mistake once.

Oh yes! There are certain clubs I've been to where this was very, very much the case.

Unfortunately the one at my Uni had me as a sort of captive audience, so that one had it's hooks in my for about a year and a half. That was a very looooonnnnng mistake.
Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: syrinx0 on December 10, 2020, 06:01:30 AM
'So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?'

Turning up, I only made that mistake once.


You definitely did not have a good club to visit.
Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: syrinx0 on December 10, 2020, 06:07:01 AM
but no, he reached for his rule book, and sat there for 30 minutes thumbing through for some arcane rule....game timed out...no result.
He never would have made it to 30 minutes in our group.  What a poorly run tournament! Yikes.
Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: Harry Faversham on December 10, 2020, 07:19:05 AM
You definitely did not have a good club to visit.

Sheffield and Grimsby Wargames Societies. It's not them, it's me...
can't abide wargamers!!!

Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: Pijlie on December 10, 2020, 02:02:38 PM
Planning a "Punic" game to try out Hail Caesar (a ruleset without points lists). My buddy and I turned up with our Carthaginians, Iberians and Celts to face the army of the Romans.

The only Punic bit about the Roman Army was that they were Roman. There were Late Roman Cataphract cavalry, half a dozen scorpions, Early Imperial heavy infantry, Late Roman staff slingers, Late Roman armoured archers even the Auxillia were armoured at least as heavy as our heaviest infantry. All superior and anachronistic troop types from left to right, outnumbering our Cathaginians and allies by about 4 to 3 and bringing an insistence with them to field any and every figure they brought to the club.

It was the most boring game I ever played. If not for my mates, I wouldn't have played at all. It ended in a completely predictable defeat and I don't think I ever played against any of the guys on the other side of the table again.

Come to think of it this game put me off Ancients for good. I only ever tried War & Conquest a few times and eventually sold my Classic armies.
Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: Shahbahraz on December 10, 2020, 06:12:00 PM
Well, I have had some cracking games at the club, and some cracking games in tournaments (in Oz, gamers are few and far between, and tournaments are really the only way to get to play against folk from outside your immediate area).

One particular game - years ago playing DBM, I decided to take a chance and run a very fragile but highly manoeuvrable Italian Condotta army, 4 generals soaked up a lot of points, but my cunning plan was to use my speed to zoom into position early and attack flanks at critical points. Move 1, I deploy, ready to redeploy, wrongfoot him, and set myself for a smashing attack. First dice for PIPS, 1,1,1,1. Not much speedy manoeuvre happening that game.
Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: has.been on December 10, 2020, 06:31:25 PM
Sooooo many to choose from.

But one does spring to mind.
It was one of those Victorian floating warships over Mars games.
I (mistakenly) thought it was, if climbing,
a) Go up a level, then
b) Go forward. 
My allies tried valiantly to warn me I was heading for the cliff face,
 but I wouldn't listen. Even worse I said, (loudly) 'Trust me I KNOW what I'm doing!'

Result = I rammed my ship into the cliff face... Big (I mean BIG!) explosion.
Some 30 years later they still remind me of it.
Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: Mindenbrush on December 10, 2020, 08:27:26 PM
I ran a F&IW game where the 'prize' was on an island but I had completely forgotten to provide any canoes or bateaux's to get to the island.............. :(

At the long departed Autumn Assault convention in Gatineau, Quebec, I was scheduled to run a 25mm SYW British and Allied game. Unpacked all the boxes, set up the terrain, laid out the British/Allied forces.............but had forgotten the French  :o I could not go and get them as it is a 2 hour drive so ended up using a friend's ECW troops for both sides  :'(
Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: Harry Faversham on December 11, 2020, 05:56:27 AM
A classic from the Emporium, me versing the Dynamic Dunderheads, way back in the day. We were using 'Old Skool' 30mm SSM in a big ACW game. Yankee Cavalry massed on my left, and I yawned at the sight, knowing once they'd dismounted my Veteran Reb Butternuts would shoot them to pieces. Only they didn't, they swept around my line and made a proper Cavalry charge, taking four or five of my Regiments in flank and routing them from the field... that day belonged to my two half witted opponents.
Since then, I've often wondered if any 'proper' Cavalry charges did take place in the real ACW?

Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: Antonio J Carrasco on December 16, 2020, 10:59:54 AM
My worst, and one that still gives me nightmares, was in a Napoleonics game. One of the guys had brought a very nicely painted 1813 Prussian Army, with some extraordinarily painted landwehr lancers. In the middle of the game, I leaned over the table to measure the distance from my artillery against his lancers. I was using one of those GW tapes that retract into themselves when you free the button. Now, as you can imagine, I did that exactly and the tip caught in one of the bases... I tried to stop it, and the lances -very sharp wires, let me tell you- stabbed my palm. The sudden pain make me jerk my hand... with the base still stuck into it. Well, it flew a couple of meters, hit the stand of the Prussian CinC, which fell from the table; then, drops of blood spread all over the table... A complete disaster! I was so ashamed that almost couldn't stop the tears, and not precisely from pain. My mate understood it wasn't voluntary, but I couldn't bear the shame and a few months later I left the club.

Since, I always double check that the tape is firmly in place.
Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: warrenpeace on December 17, 2020, 04:38:00 AM
I'm normally a cautious and methodical player. I'll have my guys charge when a good opportunity presents itself. But I'm not one to take unnecessary risks that promise only marginal returns.

One day we were playing an assault on the Schellenberg in Bavaria in 1704. I was playing the role of Marlborough, and I had tactically retained control of the attack on the hasty fortifications between Donauworth and the old walls on the Schellenberg. My artillery had given these weak defenses a battering. But when my infantry attacked, they were struggling against the Bavarians & French.

At this point our host egged me on to attach Marlborough himself to the assaulting infantry to give them a better chance to breach the Franco-Bavarian defenses. This was clearly against my inclinations and against my better judgment. But, what the heck? It's just a miniatures wargame, right? I sent Marlborough himself into the assault.

Of course, Marlborough received a wound so severe that he was out for the rest of the campaign season, and perhaps for years to come. No Blenheim! No Ramilles! King Louis XIV won the War of Spanish Succession right then and there!

P.S. Antonio, that is a truly horrible story. I hope you have a really good therapist!
Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: syrinx0 on December 17, 2020, 05:22:35 AM
stabbed my palm. The sudden pain make me jerk my hand... with the base still stuck into it. Well, it flew a couple of meters, hit the stand of the Prussian CinC, which fell from the table; then, drops of blood spread all over the table... A complete disaster!

A lot of my ancients have steel spears/lances. We have shed blood a few times over that.   I rather regret using the steel weapons at this point.
Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: Harry Faversham on December 17, 2020, 07:01:19 AM
I rather regret using the steel weapons at this point.

I don't, they're excellent for making people appreciate the toys. A casual grope (ooh, err missus... :o) followed by a squawk of surprised agony, usually results in the victim being very careful with the little blighters, from then on.

Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: warrenpeace on December 18, 2020, 12:53:19 AM
I don't, they're excellent for making people appreciate the toys. A casual grope (ooh, err missus... :o) followed by a squawk of surprised agony, usually results in the victim being very careful with the little blighters, from then on.


I bent over to take a close look at the paint job on a unit with some metal pikes once. Came within a few millimeters of doing my eye some damage. Duh! Friend of mine uses plastic for his spears and pikes now.
Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: Elbows on December 18, 2020, 07:46:35 PM
While not a 'club' game, it's in a similar vein.

I wrote and sell an Old West game which I frequently run at conventions.  I showed up, set up my table, set out my mat...set out my town, shuffled my cards and...that was it.  What's missing?  Nothing much just...FRIGGIN' MINIATURES.  So, 5 hours away from home I'm sitting ready to host a non-existing game.  Luckily some buddies of mine who lived locally were able to source a random mix of cowboys, civil war miniatures and even some undead miniatures for me to salvage the game...

As my buddy succinctly put it, "That's a mistake you make once.".
Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: has.been on December 18, 2020, 11:00:18 PM
Very similar Elbows.
Our Western game was in 54mm. All the components were divvied up between
several cars.  Rules, scenery, hand outs, Information board, all arrived. 
No sign of the club member with the figures. never mind we thought & proceeded
to carefully place the several tubs of sand & flock all around the town. We even
put on our cowboy stuff to complete the impact.
Lad eventually arrived, 15 minutes after Joe Public was in the hall...
He had forgotten the figures!!!!!
One table volunteer promptly donned one of our fake Mexican moustaches,
declared himself to be 'In disguise' & vanished into the crowd.
Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: syrinx0 on December 19, 2020, 01:23:35 AM
I don't, they're excellent for making people appreciate the toys. A casual grope (ooh, err missus... :o) followed by a squawk of surprised agony, usually results in the victim being very careful with the little blighters, from then on.

To be honest it's usually me who impales his hand.  I do now worry about the eye issue as well at conventions. 
While not a 'club' game, it's in a similar vein.

I wrote and sell an Old West game which I frequently run at conventions.  I showed up, set up my table, set out my mat...set out my town, shuffled my cards and...that was it.  What's missing?  Nothing much just...FRIGGIN' MINIATURES.  So, 5 hours away from home I'm sitting ready to host a non-existing game.  Luckily some buddies of mine who lived locally were able to source a random mix of cowboys, civil war miniatures and even some undead miniatures for me to salvage the game...

As my buddy succinctly put it, "That's a mistake you make once.".

Last convention game I ran was at Adepticon.  I never realized how bad the hotel elevator service was on a Sunday morning due to people checking out. I was gaming early then went back to my room with about 45 minutes to spare to get all my stuff (which I thankfully brought).  Thirty five minutes later I was still waiting for an elevator I could get on (no open stairs available).  Had an epiphany and found a housekeeper.  Got her to call the bellboy who got me into the staff only freight elevator and walked me the back way to the hall (yup - he got a tip). Made the game and set up barely in time.  It was sparsely attended being a Sunday but still fun.
Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: Kitsune on December 19, 2020, 08:51:48 PM
Assuming people wouldn’t turn up with tournament lists
Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: Pijlie on December 19, 2020, 10:04:56 PM
I once hosted a demo at a convention and discovered I had forgotten my dice! Well, no problem of course. After all I was at a gaming con. I would just buy some.

It turned out not a single trader had thought to bring any.

Finally I scrounged some d6s off some boardgames, concerten my game from d10 to d6 and did my demo. Phew!
Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: armchairgeneral on December 19, 2020, 10:33:17 PM
In my teens, when the world was young, we moved to a new area. I normally wargamed with my brother but as he was off to university I joined the local wargaming club. They had an Ancients competition ladder going using WRGs “sacred 6th” edition rules and lists. At the time the only periods I did were Napoleonic and Middle-Earth. Fortunately there was a set of Middle-Earth lists available called The Lidless Eye so I was kindly allowed to field an Elven army against other people’s historical armies.

To enable games to be completed in an evening, the maximum points allowed was set quite low so the name of the game was to get as many troops on on the table as possible for the lowest points cost. To try to emulate the superlative qualities of First Age elves, the lists gave superior attributes to elves over humans under the rules but at a consequent high points cost. Being a complete novice I couldn’t really bring these qualities to bear so I found myself with a small heroic army completely outnumbered.

I remember a particular game against a Khmer army which just seemed to be a wall of elephants that advanced and bulldozed me off the table. Eventually I wised up a bit and managed to cobble together a Norman army using my Gondor troops. Even then I remember facing a Sassanid Persian army that seemed to be entirely either half or full barded armoured cavalry double armed with kontos and bows. Anyone who survived the missile onslaught was soon despatched by these hordes of armoured cavalry.

I was never a fan of the “Sacred 6th” in any case, so I moved on to The Shock of Impact and much better rule sets since then.
Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: Elbows on December 19, 2020, 11:34:36 PM
Assuming people wouldn’t turn up with tournament lists

"Oh, sweet summer child..."

Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: Jemima Fawr on December 20, 2020, 07:50:07 AM
Not a club game, but at an early-90s Salute and along with two mates, I played the South London Warlords' 'UFO Interceptor' game.  This was based on the Gerry Anderson 'UFO' TV series and the objective was to intercept and destroy umpire-run incoming UFOs.  Any that got past us would then land on the neighbouring game and disgorge alien ground-troops for the assault on Earth. 

The three of us each took an interceptor and things started to go wrong on Turn 1, when two interceptors flew into each other, resulting in bad damage for both.  Missiles were launched at the UFOs.  These were on a pre-set time delay, so would fly for a set number of turns before exploding.  These completely missed the UFOs, but one interceptor took the blast from his wingman's missile, resulting in a fiery death!

Having escaped the barrage of missiles unscathed, the UFOs headed for Earth as the interceptors hit reheat to chase after them and close to engage with guns.  One interceptor overcooked its engine and flew straight into Earth's orbital defence platform, destroying it utterly...

The last interceptor closed to gun-range and completely missed the UFO, but succeeded in overshooting the target and burning up in the Earth's atmosphere...

On the next table, howls of dismay were heard as a massive wave of aliens landed and overwhelmed Earth's last defenders...

When the umpires had finished laughing they told us that it was the funniest display of air defence ineptitude they had ever witnessed and urged us not to join the RAF...  Well that was awkward, as our team consisted of a serving fast-jet pilot, fast-jet navigator and fighter controller... :D
Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: Coenus Scaldingus on December 20, 2020, 11:13:05 AM
First encounter with a local group of players, in an area I recently moved into, was when I saw they were organizing a little tournament for a game I had greatly enjoyed playing for a long time - so I was glad to see there would be local opponents for it here too.

Although several people had travelled a bit to go there, my first game was against one of the locals. During the game, he insisted using some kind of house rule I was completely unfamiliar with, something that wasn't necessary to fix anything that was unclear in the rules, something I hadn't encountered in the past 10 years of playing that game with all manner of people. As it happens, something that negatively affected my army a lot more than it did his. The tournament organiser, another local, agreed with my opponent: after all "that's how we always play it". Clearly, my mistake was assuming people followed the rulebook, rather than use unnecessary house rules that were neither in the tournament pack nor communicated at the start of the game.  ::)

That opponent ended up winning the tournament, I ended up never playing against those people again.
Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: Vis Bellica on December 20, 2020, 01:04:30 PM
I turned up to a demo day and found that I had forgotten my mats. I managed to borrow one, but that still left half the playing space as bare table top, and it was a horrible tabletop. Fortunately, the hall had big windows, with big curtains...

Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: Kitsune on December 20, 2020, 03:29:03 PM
Assuming people wouldn’t turn up with tournament lists

No wait, turning up to a tournament in the car with a couple of armies for people to borrow in the boot. Chatting and closed the boot of the car with the key inside it and all the armies. Whole thing had to wait until my wife got on the bus over with the spare key and a look I’m still getting.
Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: FramFramson on December 20, 2020, 08:31:43 PM
Not a club game, but at an early-90s Salute and along with two mates, I played the South London Warlords' 'UFO Interceptor' game.  This was based on the Gerry Anderson 'UFO' TV series and the objective was to intercept and destroy umpire-run incoming UFOs.  Any that got past us would then land on the neighbouring game and disgorge alien ground-troops for the assault on Earth. 

The three of us each took an interceptor and things started to go wrong on Turn 1, when two interceptors flew into each other, resulting in bad damage for both.  Missiles were launched at the UFOs.  These were on a pre-set time delay, so would fly for a set number of turns before exploding.  These completely missed the UFOs, but one interceptor took the blast from his wingman's missile, resulting in a fiery death!

Having escaped the barrage of missiles unscathed, the UFOs headed for Earth as the interceptors hit reheat to chase after them and close to engage with guns.  One interceptor overcooked its engine and flew straight into Earth's orbital defence platform, destroying it utterly...

The last interceptor closed to gun-range and completely missed the UFO, but succeeded in overshooting the target and burning up in the Earth's atmosphere...

On the next table, howls of dismay were heard as a massive wave of aliens landed and overwhelmed Earth's last defenders...

When the umpires had finished laughing they told us that it was the funniest display of air defence ineptitude they had ever witnessed and urged us not to join the RAF...  Well that was awkward, as our team consisted of a serving fast-jet pilot, fast-jet navigator and fighter controller... :D

It's the ending that makes it, really.  lol
Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: fred on December 20, 2020, 09:02:21 PM
It's the ending that makes it, really.  lol

Indeed it is!
Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: Harry Faversham on December 21, 2020, 12:06:41 AM
Slightly off topic but, saw an advert for 'Duxford Spitfire Sunday'. Me and my mate turned up all excited...
to find the airfield swamped with tiny, old sports cars.

Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: Jemima Fawr on December 21, 2020, 05:46:50 AM
Slightly off topic but, saw an advert for 'Duxford Spitfire Sunday'. Me and my mate turned up all excited...
to find the airfield swamped with tiny, old sports cars.

lol lol lol lol
Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: Blackwolf on December 21, 2020, 05:52:24 AM
Slightly off topic but, saw an advert for 'Duxford Spitfire Sunday'. Me and my mate turned up all excited...
to find the airfield swamped with tiny, old sports cars.


Spitfires are rubbish, lol Ahem I own a MGB GT. :)
Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: N.C.S.E on December 21, 2020, 08:39:28 AM
I turned up to a demo day and found that I had forgotten my mats. I managed to borrow one, but that still left half the playing space as bare table top, and it was a horrible tabletop. Fortunately, the hall had big windows, with big curtains...


Honestly, that looks like a win to me!
Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: Cubs on December 21, 2020, 11:50:19 AM
I sincerely hope the opponent swiftly saw the opportunity to point at your forces and say in their best cod German accent, "Ziss meanz curtains for you!"
Title: Re: So what was the biggest mistake you ever made at a "club" game?
Post by: syrinx0 on December 21, 2020, 10:09:53 PM
I sincerely hope the opponent swiftly saw the opportunity to point at your forces and say in their best cod German accent, "Ziss meanz curtains for you!"

 lol lol lol