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Miniatures Adventure => Post-Apocalyptic Tales => Topic started by: Pil on August 26, 2009, 09:42:56 AM

Title: Desert of the dead... a Combat Zone Battle Report [PICS]
Post by: Pil on August 26, 2009, 09:42:56 AM
In a land infested with zombies, a group of survivors meet in the desert. Weary of walking they seek to investigate rumours of a raider settlement. There they should be able to find transportation.

The survivors arrive in the right corner of the table. The desert is littered with the walking dead. To the far left of them is an old radio station which may have some use. Closer to them is a burnt out bar with possibly some useful supplies. In the distance a long barricade blocks all entrance to the town.
A shot of the desert, not all survivors are present yet in this shot.

A shot of the town, from top to bottom of the picture are a garage, a saloon, an arms dealer and a church. Salvation lies therein. To the right lie the getaway vehicles.

The defenders start clearing up the zombies in their immediate presence, with differing results.

The fire soon attracts more zombies to these fresh brains.

The survivors advance toward the zombies, the zombies grow in number. The cop narrowly escapes certain death.

The bass player gets swamped and dies, only to rise again moments later.

The survivors hastily retreat to make more room between them and the zombies, nervous potshots attract more zombies from the cafe than they actually manage to destroy.

After more retreating and better aimed shots the zombie hordes thin out, but not before taking out the only surviving woman.

The zombies in the distance are oblivious to the brains in the desert, their noses filled with sand.

An old lady zombie causes the survivors a hard time, She would not die.

In fact, she holds up the survivors for long enough to allow other zombies to eat some brains too! Things are looking grim with nearly everyone in close combat with the ghouls.

With some kick-ass karate Duke Nukem and Rasta take care of their assailants, but Gandalf (the grey suit) and Jesus (the black suit) are zombiefied at the same time.

The survivors had such a hard time the remaining zombies around them fall into the dust without causing further harm (I removed them as GM to speed up the game). The survivors investigate the cafe and find something very interesting.

Marco (the beige suit) strips down completely naked inside the bar and comes out walking in a complete power suit! The zombies in the rear begin to shuffle towards the survivors.
(Combat Zone rules: +5 toughness, machine gun which costs 1 AP less to fire, power fist which adds +D6 and +5 in combat)

Figuring the power suit packs enough punch to break the barricade the survivors make a run for it.

The suit breaks the old bus open for the survivors to get through to the town. They pour, get through it and close it again. But the town is not empty, nor are they welcomed by raiders. The town is filled with...


First off the survivors head to the church in hoping to find salvation while the zombies draw closer.

Meanwhile, in the distance, the burning sun causes a small fire to break out near the fuel truck...

Oblivious to the fire, Duke Nukem and the cop go to the curch door, followed by Marco in his power suit.

The cop opens the door...

Another suit! Truly a gift of the gods.

The fire slowly follows a trail of leftover fuel towards the working cars...

The survivors see the fire going towards the cars and decide they need to make haste, the head round the back of the church, Marco in his suit in the front. Zombies soon greet him. Unable to deal with so many opponents, Marco gets infected and zombifies.

Duke Nukem, Rasta and Fatso suddenly face: POWER SUIT ZOMBIE
A zombie in a power suit wielding a power fist and a machine gun... now there's a thought.

Luckily, with one well-aimed shot Duke Nukem (our hero) puts a pullet through the brain of POWER SUIT ZOMBIE.

The cop strips down naked and puts on the power suit, he walks out the church to help. He gets attacked in the rear but with two power fists he is better able to deal with the zeds. Duke Nukem, Rasta and Fatso get the rest of the zombies while the fire creeps ever closer to the cars. Only Duke survives...

The power suit cop tries to make a run for the cars too but gets ambushed by an overwhelming mob.

The suit is torn to pieces by the hungry zombies and the cop is eaten whole.

Duke, now the only survivor, decides it's too hot and makes a run around the arms shop to distract the ghouls.

His plan works but the fire picks up speed. Will he make it to a car in time?

In a final dash he jumps on board a vehicle, however, before he manages to start the car the fire catches up with him and all vehicles explode...

...killing the last survivor.
Title: Re: Desert of the dead... a Combat Zone Battle Report [PICS]
Post by: FM on August 26, 2009, 09:54:51 AM
Without the last picture the ending of this battle report would have been quite... dissatisfying  ;D

Now, I love it  :)
Title: Re: Desert of the dead... a Combat Zone Battle Report [PICS]
Post by: Pil on August 26, 2009, 09:57:03 AM
Yeah, I felt it needed an extra punch  8)
Title: Re: Desert of the dead... a Combat Zone Battle Report [PICS]
Post by: dodge on August 26, 2009, 10:30:52 AM
That's a great report,

can't help thinking that the survivors didn't stand a chance though,

I think I might have liked some survivors to survive and go on to another senario  ;)

Title: Re: Desert of the dead... a Combat Zone Battle Report [PICS]
Post by: Braxandur on August 26, 2009, 10:57:46 AM
They normally do, but I guess the hot sun was just a bit too much for them  lol

It does sound nice to play a number of linked zombie scenarios though....
Title: Re: Desert of the dead... a Combat Zone Battle Report [PICS]
Post by: dijit on August 26, 2009, 11:01:16 AM
A very nice report, who makes the power armour suits?
Title: Re: Desert of the dead... a Combat Zone Battle Report [PICS]
Post by: Darkoath on August 26, 2009, 11:50:01 AM
Nice battle report Phil!  Too bad all the survivors where killed.

Title: Re: Desert of the dead... a Combat Zone Battle Report [PICS]
Post by: Pil on August 26, 2009, 11:55:34 AM
dodge> The intial setup proved to be a bit harsh on the survivors: the zombies were too close, especially in such an open field. If there would have been less zombies close by and they would have a bit better equipment or possibly more survivors it would have been easier in the start. Therefore I had to step in and remove the zombies at some point if they were to survive.

Later in the game they received two power suits which are really rough. However, the survivors got a bit cocky and thought themzelves invincible, which they were not, especially against multiple zombies. If the stars were aligned differently they might have made it, but as it is I thought the ending was pretty spectacular 8)

dijit> EM4 sells them, about 2/3rd of the page down:

Darkoath> thanks! (BTW my name is Pil, not Phil)
Title: Re: Desert of the dead... a Combat Zone Battle Report [PICS]
Post by: dodge on August 26, 2009, 01:02:29 PM
dodge> The intial setup proved to be a bit harsh on the survivors: the zombies were too close, especially in such an open field. If there would have been less zombies close by and they would have a bit better equipment or possibly more survivors it would have been easier in the start. Therefore I had to step in and remove the zombies at some point if they were to survive.

Later in the game they received two power suits which are really rough. However, the survivors got a bit cocky and thought themzelves invincible, which they were not, especially against multiple zombies. If the stars were aligned differently they might have made it, but as it is I thought the ending was pretty spectacular 8)

Yes but seemed to me to be reminisent of resident evil extinction  8)

but zombies (i don't play these games) seem very powerful so the survivors were a bit doomed, but then thats the nature of survivors  :D

I liked the power suit idea , and cocky survivors deserve all they get  ;)

Title: Re: Desert of the dead... a Combat Zone Battle Report [PICS]
Post by: Pil on August 26, 2009, 01:22:12 PM
Without going into details, the nature of the zombies with our rules are as follows:

1. slow moving
2. easy to defeat in close combat if it's only one
3. hard to destroy in combat (combats tend to last long as the survivor fends off the zombie but is unable to kill it, this gives time for other zombies to reach them and kill them with numbers)
4. if zombies do win in combat your survivor is practically doomed
5. they are hard to destroy from a distance without heavier weapons
6. are easy to kill by a headshot with any weapon, but headshots take more time
Title: Re: Desert of the dead... a Combat Zone Battle Report [PICS]
Post by: dijit on August 26, 2009, 02:15:25 PM

dijit> EM4 sells them, about 2/3rd of the page down:

Thanks, I'd had a feeling i'd seen them somewhere but couldn't quite place them.
Title: Re: Desert of the dead... a Combat Zone Battle Report [PICS]
Post by: Mancha on August 26, 2009, 04:23:14 PM
Fun report, although I was intrigued with the repetition of the statement "strips down naked".   :)
Title: Re: Desert of the dead... a Combat Zone Battle Report [PICS]
Post by: warrenss2 on August 26, 2009, 10:53:29 PM
Yet another fun reading combat report, Pil.

I am a little disappointed that the main star of one of my favorite PC games keeps on dying in your games.  >:(

I also saw some M&Ms off to the side. Where was the beer? Ahhh... now I see it.
Title: Re: Desert of the dead... a Combat Zone Battle Report [PICS]
Post by: Bako on August 26, 2009, 11:40:55 PM
I am a little disappointed that the main star of one of my favorite PC games keeps on dying in your games.  >:(

Brings a tear to me eye too.

Someone's laughing at me because the pictures won't load. Looks like I'll have to check back later. :-I

There we go. Working now. At least Duke was the last man standing as he should be, but his fate was a little too... Cheap. >:D ;D
Title: Re: Desert of the dead... a Combat Zone Battle Report [PICS]
Post by: therepoman on August 27, 2009, 12:03:05 AM
Pictures are working now...

Very cool and thematic!

Nice job.
Title: Re: Desert of the dead... a Combat Zone Battle Report [PICS]
Post by: warrenss2 on August 27, 2009, 02:15:41 AM
After taking a second look I have to add this statement...

 ;D I like your post apocalyptic looking cars, Pil.
Title: Re: Desert of the dead... a Combat Zone Battle Report [PICS]
Post by: Darkoath on August 27, 2009, 04:25:34 AM

Darkoath> thanks! (BTW my name is Pil, not Phil)

Opps sorry Pil!  You will have to put a survivor in your next game named Durkoath and have him
get eaten! lol

Title: Re: Desert of the dead... a Combat Zone Battle Report [PICS]
Post by: Pil on August 27, 2009, 07:18:03 AM
Yet another fun reading combat report, Pil.

I am a little disappointed that the main star of one of my favorite PC games keeps on dying in your games.  >:(

I also saw some M&Ms off to the side. Where was the beer? Ahhh... now I see it.

I'm sorry. Its entirely our fault for making him a mere veteran rather than a hero. If he was a hero he would kick zombie ass!

You can see more post apocalyptic cars here:

At some point I will take piccies of all my cars (nine in total).

Darkoath: I will, do you have any requests for weapons for "Durkoath"? ;)

Mancha> I guess it was a way of making them lose all their equipment, add a bit of awkwardness and deterring anyone from using the power armour again after it had had a naked zombie inside (you know they might 'let things go' when they die) ;)
Title: Re: Desert of the dead... a Combat Zone Battle Report [PICS]
Post by: The Rock on August 27, 2009, 09:24:08 AM
Great report  :-*
Title: Re: Desert of the dead... a Combat Zone Battle Report [PICS]
Post by: Dan on August 27, 2009, 11:02:14 AM
Real nice report , thanks . Sorry if this has been asked before but who makes Duke Nukem? I figure my 6 inch action figure is too big to use in a game so I'd like a 28mm one. :D
Title: Re: Desert of the dead... a Combat Zone Battle Report [PICS]
Post by: Pil on August 27, 2009, 11:53:20 AM
It has been asked before but I'll happily repeat my answer. Duke Nukem is a conversion:

The body is EM4 rebel 0076:
With a head swap from bodyguard 0035:
and green stuff shades.
Title: Re: Desert of the dead... a Combat Zone Battle Report [PICS]
Post by: postal on August 27, 2009, 12:13:50 PM
very cool game
Title: Re: Desert of the dead... a Combat Zone Battle Report [PICS]
Post by: warrenss2 on August 27, 2009, 12:27:34 PM
About the Dukester...

I'm sorry. Its entirely our fault for making him a mere veteran rather than a hero. If he was a hero he would kick zombie ass!

That's okay. Just understand that I just expect to see better from him in your future reports.  ;)

Followed the link to your PA vehicles.  :o :-* ;D o_o

I was totally blown away by them. Very inspirational stuff you do, Pil.
Title: Re: Desert of the dead... a Combat Zone Battle Report [PICS]
Post by: Pil on August 27, 2009, 02:19:52 PM
Thanks! I made the vehicles for a Gorkamorka/Necromunda hybrid game we made and played called "High Octane". You'll probably find these links interesting:

High Octane battle report:

Another High Octane battle report:

Braxandur's bikers:

FM's scavengers:

Raz' Road Marshalls:
http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=10905.0 (bottom pic)
Title: Re: Desert of the dead... a Combat Zone Battle Report [PICS]
Post by: therepoman on August 27, 2009, 02:32:06 PM
Thanks! I made the vehicles for a Gorkamorka/Necromunda hybrid game we made and played called "High Octane". You'll probably find these links interesting:

High Octane battle report:

Another High Octane battle report:

Braxandur's bikers:

FM's scavengers:

Raz' Road Marshalls:
http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=10905.0 (bottom pic)

That's freaking cool!

If you need help with making PDFs or layouts, get in touch. I have a lot of experience in that area, and a project like this is exactly along the lines of something I've been looking for, so I'd be more than happy to help out to make it happen.
Title: Re: Desert of the dead... a Combat Zone Battle Report [PICS]
Post by: warrenss2 on August 27, 2009, 05:05:47 PM
I made the vehicles for a Gorkamorka/Necromunda hybrid game we made and played called "High Octane". You'll probably find these links interesting

 :o :o :o
 :-* :-* :-*
 ;D ;D ;D

Must... finish... zombies... first...
Must resist... no!... wait to... make vehicles...
Will getting... weaker...
... need more...power... to... fight this...  :'(

I want you to know that I saved everyone of those pics for when I do my vehicles... I'm going to copy the $h!t out of your ideas.  >:D
er... if that's okay with you.

PS - I like to see those High Octane rules someday. hint hint  ;)
Title: Re: Desert of the dead... a Combat Zone Battle Report [PICS]
Post by: Malebolgia on August 27, 2009, 05:57:22 PM
And here are my vehicles and gang members by the way:


The Voodoo Raiders! If I see these pictures again I always want to play again :D
Title: Re: Desert of the dead... a Combat Zone Battle Report [PICS]
Post by: warrenss2 on August 27, 2009, 10:53:32 PM
One more question, Pil, then I'll leave you alone at last.

How did you make the desert looking surface on that gaming table?
Title: Re: Desert of the dead... a Combat Zone Battle Report [PICS]
Post by: Dan on August 28, 2009, 10:32:16 AM
It has been asked before but I'll happily repeat my answer. Duke Nukem is a conversion:

The body is EM4 rebel 0076:
With a head swap from bodyguard 0035:
and green stuff shades.

Thanks , I will probobly just carry on with my GW Catachan conversion as theres no commercial model available.
Title: Re: Desert of the dead... a Combat Zone Battle Report [PICS]
Post by: Pil on August 30, 2009, 06:19:09 PM
That's freaking cool!

If you need help with making PDFs or layouts, get in touch. I have a lot of experience in that area, and a project like this is exactly along the lines of something I've been looking for, so I'd be more than happy to help out to make it happen.

Thanks for the offer! I will definately keep it in mind.

As for the rules, we used the Gorkamorka basic rules as a starting point. We then agreed on some house rules to change it to our setting and we designed different types of gangs and adapted the weapons to our setting. We still used rules like customisation but we didn't really know what to do with the 'Doc' rules. We compiled our additional rules in a separate PDF.

We took the scenarios from the Necromunda Ash Wastes supplement with the change that all loot counters gave D6x10 bottle caps rather than D6x5 and anything earned was not treated as priofit but as income (the Ash Wastes rules said that all income was profit).

I uploaded the PDF's to my webpage, you'll need the Gorkamorka rules in addition to this, here are our rules adaptations:
http://members.lycos.nl/Pil3/Miniatures/High%20Octane/HighOctane.pdf (about 1.5 mB)
http://members.lycos.nl/Pil3/Miniatures/High%20Octane/HighOctaneScenarios.pdf (about 700 kB)

warrenss2> I painted the entire table with white textured opaint (for walls) and then washed it with thinned down leather brown paint (It was a paint I had mixed up to loook like Snakebite Leather, only it turned out a bit more orange). The wash resulted in a bit of an uneven look which works quite well.