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Miniatures Adventure => Age of the Big Battalions => Topic started by: photocrinch on January 29, 2021, 12:35:33 AM

Title: Bavarian 11th Von Kinkel Regiment Completed!
Post by: photocrinch on January 29, 2021, 12:35:33 AM
Sometimes I wonder what drives me to paint these little guys.  Two months of work, about an hour every evening went in to getting just one of these two battalions painted.  I do enjoy it though.  The HVAC guy cleaning our duct work in the basement saw them and called the whole notion tedious.  Maybe he is right...  In any event you can see more pictures of my glorious and tedious hobby on my blog here: 


Title: Re: Bavarian 11th Von Kinkel Regiment Completed!
Post by: jambo1 on January 29, 2021, 05:03:10 AM
HVAC guy should just do HVAC, superb work and in no way tedious, you should be very proud of them as they as quite superb. :)
Title: Re: Bavarian 11th Von Kinkel Regiment Completed!
Post by: photocrinch on January 29, 2021, 02:27:31 PM
Thanks Jambo1.  It's actually the second time an HVAC repairman has said that about our hobby.  I get it it though, not everyone is interested in detail work and research.

I was indeed very pleased with these and it is the first two battalion regiment I have completed from scratch.  The Imperial Guard is next in the queue so I imagine I'll be spending a few years on those!  Fortunately Mr. Tennant painted all of the line battalions I could ever need!


Title: Re: Bavarian 11th Von Kinkel Regiment Completed!
Post by: vtsaogames on January 29, 2021, 10:38:24 PM
I have a plumber who works in my building complex, a grumpy guy, complains about most everything. He saw my ACW set up one time and was interested until told I painted them. "Too much work!"

That's OK, I like them just fine.
Title: Re: Bavarian 11th Von Kinkel Regiment Completed!
Post by: photocrinch on January 30, 2021, 12:27:08 AM
That's too funny.  This guy asked which battle I had depicted on my games table.  As I very briefly described Rolica as the Duke of Wellington's first victory in Spain that led eventually to the battle of Waterloo, I could see his eyes glazing over!  Probably had no idea what the Napoleonic era was about.  After all it didn't happen in "Merica...