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Miniatures Adventure => Fantasy Adventures => Topic started by: Macone1 on February 18, 2021, 02:16:46 AM

Title: Start of a Warhammer Empire army
Post by: Macone1 on February 18, 2021, 02:16:46 AM
I've been reading this forum for few years. I think it is time to start been active reader. :)
I have many painting projects going on (WW2, medievals, samurai, rogue reader orcs etc.) but this is one I would like to share with you.

At The moment there's a heat for Warhammer fantasy battle at my gaming club. Specially older editions of the game have been very popular (4th and 6th editions mainly).
I've been interested on The oldhammer way of collecting, painting and gaming for years. I found WH 3rd.edition rulebook from my friends bookshelf and with gleaming eyes asked If I could buy it. He said "take with you If you want, I have read it many times", he is more roleplay gamer than a wargamer. I put the book on my bag and bought him 2 beers later at the pub.
After reading the book and  Warhammer armies book, I thought it would cool to paint a Empire army for warhammer that I could use for older and newer editions.
Next I thought where to get the models? Buying old models from eBay is little bit too much on my budget so I started to look elsewhere. I found myself at wargames foundry's site and I found their labdsknecht models. I ordered around 30 miniatures for a start. 20 pike/halberd men and 10 crossbow men.
 I really like The background story of Empire state of Averland. Brave men with The duty of guarding The Black Fire Pass. The black and yellow colour scheme is also one thing that I really like.
First I will paint a small patrol force, about 20 men. I have the first five crossbow men ready and a Wizard. I will post updates on this project here. :)
Thanks for reading!

Title: Re: Start of a Warhammer Empire army
Post by: v_lazy_dragon on February 18, 2021, 06:50:40 AM
Nice start - looking forward to seeing how the project progresses
Title: Re: Start of a Warhammer Empire army
Post by: BZ on February 18, 2021, 08:23:17 AM
Looks like a great start! Im excited to see more.
Title: Re: Start of a Warhammer Empire army
Post by: Misneach on February 18, 2021, 08:39:53 AM
Looks great!
Title: Re: Start of a Warhammer Empire army
Post by: voltan on February 18, 2021, 09:55:57 AM
That's a great start, always good to see another province of the Empire going to war.
Title: Re: Start of a Warhammer Empire army
Post by: Macone1 on February 18, 2021, 12:45:03 PM
Thanks for The comments. :)
Here's some foot knights I painted awhile go. Averland is quite far away from Bretonnia but I might make up a story to use them as allies.

Title: Re: Start of a Warhammer Empire army
Post by: fitterpete on February 18, 2021, 11:38:29 PM
Nice painting. I really like the blue and yellow on the foot knights. The Border Princes are pretty close to Averland, you could always say one of them allied. They really never say what they look like but I always imagined them as anything from any of the human realms depending on where they wandered from.