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Miniatures Adventure => Adventures in the Far East => Topic started by: has.been on April 23, 2021, 07:01:59 PM

Title: Samurai using Pikeman's Lament. Latest painted figures. Page 4
Post by: has.been on April 23, 2021, 07:01:59 PM
Combine several things:-
A file-box full of painted, but unused by me, Samurai figures,
A happiness with rules like Pikeman's Lament,
Question from fellow LAFer, 'Anyone used PL for Samurai games',
and being pointed to an article that had tried that (Wargames,
Soldiers & Strategy issue 92, Rise of the Tokugawa Shogunate).

Net result = a bit of painting (6 figures), some rebasing (9 figures)
and one bridge (red) led to todays game.

Here are some views of the battlefield, before the action.

Title: Re: The Battle of Mah-Son Temple.
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on April 23, 2021, 07:03:24 PM
Looking good!
Title: Re: The Battle of Mah-Son Temple.
Post by: has.been on April 23, 2021, 07:31:28 PM
Thanks Rick.
I played Takeda Shingen, leading the Takeda Clan,
Vodkafan played Mouri Hiromoto, leading the Mouri Clan.

Both armies were basically the same:-
Dismounted Samurai (6 figures) x 2,
Ronin (12 figures),
Ashigaru, Yari(Spear) armed (12 figures),
Archers (6 figures),
The difference was a unit of mounted Samurai (6 figures) for the Mouri,
& some Warrior Monks led by a mad old priest, Saishi Jakku (which if
google translate is even close, means Father Jack) for the Takeda.

We used the Ga Pa mission, straight forward slug it out, with the
suggested option that all troops had to pass a move activation to
get onto the battlefield.

I got to start the games, as befits a noble Samurai I led the first unit
onto the field, only ashigaru, but loyal followers.
Then the Monks, led by Father Jack cursing as he advanced, 'Feck!'.
next the archers , dismounted Samurai & Ronin.
The article didn't give stats for Ronin, so I classified them as slightly
less enthusiastic as the Samurai, they were classified as Aggressive
Forlorn Hope, so I made the Ronin just Forlorn Hope.
Title: Re: The Battle of Mah-Son Temple.
Post by: Digits on April 23, 2021, 07:52:51 PM
Looks great guys.....those are VERY nicely painted mine!   Won’t be matching those but looking forward to having a go.

Title: Re: The Battle of Mah-Son Temple.
Post by: has.been on April 23, 2021, 08:11:54 PM
James then brought on the Mouri.
Leading his much vaunted Cavalry.
He heads toward my Monks. I didn't know it then, but James had
chosen as his secret mission, 'I dislike the cut of their Jib' & to
destroy the order of Monks.

Meanwhile on my right wing three of my units close in on his lone
Ronin unit. James had been very unlucky with persuading his troops
to turn up.
His Ronin throw what turns out to be the first of many double ones
in our game. This is bad news for them as instead of advancing, as
James wanted them to do, they threw a 4 and... advanced ?????
Must look at amending that possibility.
On my left everything is going to plan. I am getting close enough to
issue a personal challenge, my personal mission.

But then James (following his mission) charges the Monks.
But Father Jack's boys fight him to a draw, he has to retire,
then he fails his moral throw. More withdrawal and becomes,
'Wavering'.  The battle is there for me to win it, if only I can
issue a challenge.
Title: Re: The Battle of Mah-Son Temple.
Post by: has.been on April 23, 2021, 08:27:07 PM
Thanks David, but I only painted 6 of the figures on show.
Andy Tailor (with whom I long ago lost contact) painted them
up for a friend, Geoff. He very kindly gave them to me a few
years ago. They have been glowering at me from the shelves ever since.

I offer the challenge, James thinks about refusing but accepts.
The two commanders close & fight...
and I lose !!!!!
Shingen Takeda's limp body is carried from the field. The Ashigaru
are terrified (cue double ones for their moral throw).

Cheer up, I think, It could be worse...

Title: Re: The Battle of Mah-Son Temple.
Post by: has.been on April 23, 2021, 08:35:00 PM
...and it did get worse!
James sent in his left wing Samurai against the Monks.
First he won the melee, then I lost my moral throw.
Monks running in every direction!!!!!
Title: Re: The Battle of Mah-Son Temple.
Post by: has.been on April 23, 2021, 09:22:32 PM
On his left James decides to attack with his Ronin before
I have a chance to surround him. No winners in this fight,
he has to retire as it was a draw, but I fail my morale &
also retire.

As we approach the final stages of the battle, even more
double ones. Funnily though we hardly saw any double sixes.

My left wing Samurai rout his right wing Samurai,
My right wing Samurai rout his Ronin,
My Archers fail to fire (need 7 !) & throw 4 on the result table
and advance towards his left wing Samurai ????? (Got to change
that result table).
My left wing samurai rout.
As the dust clears it is James that has to admit defeat.
Good game, good laughs.
Will I play the rules again?    Yes, but with a few changes.

On the 'double six' table replace the '3' result with 'Ninja attack'
Three ninjas (well it just so happens I have 3 Ninjas for each faction)
attack the opposition leader. 3xD6  5= a hit  6=two hits. No point
keeping the 'First salvo' bonus as in the Samurai modifications first
salvo bonus doesn't happen.
On the 'double one' table replace the '4' result with similar, but
against YOUR commander.
As we were using all available figures the '6' result on the double 6
table was to be replaced with a choice. Either bring back (from the
'dead' up to four points of troops  OR Dice again.

Oh, and lower the shoot score for archers, from '7' to a '5'.

Now to prepare for another game with these (modified) rules.
Title: Re: The Battle of Mah-Son Temple.
Post by: has.been on April 23, 2021, 09:33:42 PM
And, before anyone comments on the fact that we had separate
Commander figures (rules say they simply replace one figure in
the unit) well we had those very nice figures that would otherwise
have just sat in their box. That would have been a crying shame.
Same applies to father Jack.
Title: Re: The Battle of Mah-Son Temple.
Post by: jambo1 on April 24, 2021, 07:43:40 AM
Lovely looking game and it looked fun as well. Lovely painting on the figures too, the Dixons are not for everyone but I think they look brilliant. :)
Title: Re: The Battle of Mah-Son Temple.
Post by: has.been on April 24, 2021, 09:57:24 AM
Thanks Jambo. As I kept back 12 Harquebus, all Dixon, for
myself to paint, I will have to see if I can do a passable job.
Ah well they are peasants, so don't have to look spectacular.
Title: Re: The Battle of Mah-Son Temple.
Post by: Zingara on April 24, 2021, 06:26:03 PM
Great looking game. Glad you have finally an excuse to use such great figures - and a game against an opponent - even better!!
Title: Re: The Battle of Mah-Son Temple.
Post by: has.been on April 24, 2021, 07:23:00 PM
Cheers Gregor. I'm still waiting for the next update of your campaign.
Title: Re: The Battle of Mah-Son Temple.
Post by: mmcv on April 25, 2021, 09:09:19 AM
Looks like a lot of fun was had!
Title: Re: The Battle of Mah-Son Temple.
Post by: has.been on April 25, 2021, 02:14:58 PM
Looks like a lot of fun was had!

We do aim for that in our games, & often manage it.
We don't want to game for stress, too much of that
in the real world.
Title: Re: The Battle of Mah-Son Temple.
Post by: Bloggard on April 25, 2021, 06:17:12 PM
great looking and sounding game.

good to see the Dixons in action.
Title: Re: The Battle of Mah-Son Temple.
Post by: has.been on April 25, 2021, 07:10:47 PM
Thanks Bloggard, I never was a fan of Dixon Samurai range,
but Andy (who painted them many years ago) has made them
lovable. Vodkafan is also a convert, describing them as, ' Japanese
Cabbage Patch Dolls'.
Title: Re: The Battle of Mah-Son Temple.
Post by: Seal on April 27, 2021, 04:46:28 AM
Lovely looking game. Thank you for posting this. :)
Title: Re: The Battle of Mah-Son Temple.
Post by: has.been on April 27, 2021, 09:51:43 AM
You're welcome Seal.
I have started a unit of arquebus & a couple of buildings,
so I must have enjoyed it.
Title: Re: The Battle of Mah-Son Temple.
Post by: monk2002uk on April 29, 2021, 06:58:49 AM
Great to see Dixon figures get an outing, looking so resplendent too.

Title: Re: The Battle of Mah-Son Temple.
Post by: has.been on April 29, 2021, 05:19:55 PM
Thanks Monk.
The Arquebus unit is now up to undercoated stage.
This was after raiding my weapons stash for three
Essex Arquebus, used to arm the non-Dixon figures.
Also started on two Sarrissa (I think) buildings.
Progress is being made.
Title: Re: The Battle of Mah-Son Temple.
Post by: has.been on May 07, 2021, 10:01:00 PM
A Bridge too far?
After their defeat at Mah-Son Temple the Mouri Clan fell back behind
the Fudgie River. They hoped that the coming rains would make the
river impassable, they would still have to hold the three vital bridges.
Mouri Hiromoto made offerings to the water spirits & waited.
Takeda Shingen had not been idle, adding a newly raised Arquebus
unit to his retinue he raced for an often forgotten forth bridge. It crossed
the Budgie, a tributary of the Fudgie, but cross that before the rains &
he would have the advantage over the Mouri Clan. The war would be over this year.

View of the Battlefield, from the South or Mouri Side & two views of the bridge over the Budgie.

Title: Re: The Battle of Mah-Son Temple.
Post by: has.been on May 07, 2021, 10:42:37 PM
This is the set up for tomorrow's game with Vodkafan.

The rains have started in the hills & the river is classed as  dangerous,
(Local rule = unit's opponent throws 12x D6.  5 or 6 = hit
if a crossing is attempted).

In a day or so it will be impassable, the crossing attempt must be today.
Takeda Shingen did steal a march on Mouri Hiramoto, but then diverted to
visit the local Shinto shrine (first picture) to give thanks for his good fortune.  The lost time has given Hiramoto a chance & gathering what forces he could he rushed to stop Shingen his old enemy. He managed to get two units there quickly, they threw up improvised barricades and waited. 2nd picture shows the Mouri forces, the 3rd Takeda troops.

Local rule.  Hiramoto throws a D6 for each unit, adds it to the unit's cost. The two highest scoring units will start on the table, with barricades. Dice off for any draws.The descending scores of the others shows the order that they will appear at the tables edge.  They must appear in that order & must activate to enter the field of battle. They,
however do not have to come onto the battlefield at the same spot,
just south of the river. 'Wot? Sarf of duh River at this time of night?

Shingen's troops start on the Northern table's edge, well they have been waiting for him to finish his prayers!

N.B. We made a few amendments following the previous battle.
For example Archers 'To shoot' score (their raison d'etre) drops to a more believable five plus.

More comments & pictures should follow the battle tomorrow.
Title: Re: The Battle of Mah-Son Temple.
Post by: has.been on May 08, 2021, 02:55:36 PM
I gave James (Vodkafan) the choice of which side he wanted to be.
He decided to remain as Mouri clan. I had one more unit, the untried
Arcquebus, but he was allowed two sets of barricades.
Absolutely certain that at least one barricade would be used to defend
the bridge, my battle plan was as follows.
Both of my samurai units to move up the road & take the bridge. I expected the first to absorb  casualties while Shingen would lead the
second to victory. To support the attack on a fortified bridge I would have the archers on one flank & the Arcquebus on the other. To distract his
other forces, & keep them away from the bridge area, my Ronin were
to cross the river on my left flank & the Monks (led by mad Father Jack)
to cross it on my right flank.
I tell you all this dear reader as, 'No plan survives contact with the enemy'.
James deployed neither barricade near the bridge?!?
Of his two (on the table at the start) just a lone unit of Ronin defended
the bridge, while his mounted Samurai (led by the great man himself)
wandered to the east of the bridge. James thought better of staying there & ordered a withdrawal to a safer area, but he threw double ones for the activation!  This led to the unit charging at the hated Takeda clan... across the swollen river!!!!!!
But more of that later.
First his Ronin holding the bridge, then two pictures of the mighty Takeda clan advancing, & finally my Ronin cross the river.
Title: Re: The Battle of Mah-Son Temple.
Post by: has.been on May 08, 2021, 06:11:36 PM
Realising his Mounted Samurai, & himself, were not in the best place...
Hiromoto orders a withdrawal, but...
he throws double ones!  The cavalry charge into the foaming river!?!?
So desperate were they to fight the Takeda troops on the far bank.
Once in the icy river they realise their foolishness. Three Takeda units
close by the far bank, enemy archers & arcquebus firing on them &
my Ronin closing in from behind. He orders a retreat, but the river,
archers & arcquebus take a fearful toll. The unit breaks & flees.
1st picture = Overview of the tactical situation. As Hiromoto said,
                    'Oh 'eck lads, get the hell out of here!'
2nd picture = My Ronin closing in along the south bank.
3rd picture = The throw that got them into the mess.
Title: Re: The Battle of Mah-Son Temple.
Post by: has.been on May 08, 2021, 06:23:26 PM
Mouri Ronin on the bridge are taking casualties, then from first
the Sushi shop behind them bursts forth a unit of Samuri to help.
A move later some archers pile out of the Saki House opposite.
The help comes too late for the Ronin, who finally break when
forced to fight my Samurai.
Title: Re: The Battle of Mah-Son Temple.
Post by: has.been on May 08, 2021, 06:38:22 PM
On my right flank, the Warrior Monks (led by father Jack) cross the
river & manage to charge James' Ashigaru.

James withdraws his cavalry back to the south bank.

Last photo is of the first ever volley from my arcquebus.
This was what finished off the Mouri cavalry.
Title: Re: The Battle of Mah-Son Temple.
Post by: has.been on May 08, 2021, 06:48:05 PM
Just as things seem to be going my way, something else comes my way.
From ambush out of the woods a unit of Samurai hit my unsuspecting
Ronin. The result however, I am sorry to relate, was not a surprise.
Ronin were pushed back into the river. The number of drowned caused
another morale test. Throwing a total of 3 on two dice lead to them
breaking, scratch on unit of Ronin.
James' other Samurai unit move onto the bridge & start to taunt my troops. His archers turn their attention to the Monks.
Title: Re: The Battle of Mah-Son Temple.
Post by: has.been on May 08, 2021, 06:55:46 PM
A big turning point. Activating the arcquebus to fire I threw
double ones!!!!!  The resulting event was a Ninja attack on Shingen
(Me !!!). They emerged from the river & managed to drag him away.
I always thought Dixon had moulded a blowpipe into the hand of that
Ninja, but it was in fact an underwater  breathing tube.
Title: Re: The Battle of Mah-Son Temple.
Post by: has.been on May 08, 2021, 07:03:50 PM
 Then the ferocious monks... fail to break the lowly Ashigaru. Forced to retreat they become targets for his archers. Literally shot in the back, a cowardly Mouri trick. A Clan with no Honour!
 Father Jack survives, but has to lead the Monks back into the River. As many drowned in the crossing, Jack was heard shouting, 'Fecking water!!!!' so he at least survived.
Mouri Samurai decide to attack, rather than wait for my arcquebus
& archers to get into firing positions. They fail to break my Samurai & are forced back onto the bridge. They prepare to sell themselves dearly.
In their final fight they are wiped out, but their spirits have their
revenge as mine fail their morale test & break.
Title: Re: The Battle of Mah-Son Temple.
Post by: has.been on May 08, 2021, 07:13:52 PM
A volley from my guns persuades his archers to withdraw.
I take the bridge, Huzzah!!!!
James last hope, the Ashigaru throw in a last ditch attempt to
contest the bridge, but throw double ones!
The result is a 'retreat at the double.
Game over.
Much fun was had, on both sides.
We quite like Pikemans' lament as a set of rules for Samurai fights.
Well it has resulted in things getting to the table & some laughs,
can't be too bad.
We will continue to tweak them as we feel free. I might even paint
up more of my buildings & figures.
Title: Re: The Battle of Mah-Son Temple.
Post by: has.been on May 08, 2021, 07:16:26 PM
oops! Forgot to load the last pictures.
Title: Re: A bridge too far new battle!
Post by: vodkafan on May 09, 2021, 12:57:07 PM
Some pictures from my side of the second battle.
 But first let me tell you it was a very atmospheric game.  The game was supposed to be set in the middle of rains and as it happened the wind and rain was lashing down in reality outside drumming against the conservatory roof as we played. So we both really got into the narrative.
The fast flowing swollen river took the most casualties of the game and we could picture it carrying away unwilling Ashigaru and proud Samurai alike, armour, horses and all. And the troops fighting soaking wet by the torrential rains in semi darkness.
Here are the forces of Takeda Shingen already deployed at the table edge, looking from the bridge:
And a close up of the Fighting Monks led by Father Jack, who Shingen has allied himself with:

A note about my leader, Mouri Hiramoto. He is not trusted by his troops and does not confer any proximity bonus in dice rolls. I was hoping this game to do something heroic that would win their confidence. I therefore placed him well forward with a unit of mounted samurai in the only open part of the terrain so he would be highly visible.
The only other unit I had on at the start was a group of dishonourable Ronin who got the job of guarding the bridge in the rain.
I placed barricades at the left and right sides but didn't put any troops behind them. These were more to try to funnel all the enemy efforts in the middle.
First turn Peter managed to activate all his units except one unit of Ashigaru. They advanced across the table menacingly. On my extreme right flank he attempted to cross the river with a unit of Ronin and immediately got into trouble, losing two in the boiling angry waters.
His archers were within range of my mounted samurai and I realised that I had made my first tactical blunder.  My intention was to withdraw them to a safe distance.
But on my activation my very first throw sprang a Double One.  Not only did this failure end my activations for that turn, the result on the "unexpected bad event" table meant that I had to charge the nearest enemy. That meant crossing the river with armoured men on horses!
The samurai plunged into the frothing waters.
Sure enough a warrior and his horse were swept away immediately and drowned.
To make matters worse they were then fired on by the gleeful archers:

The Mad Fighting Monks advanced to the left of the small bridge:
While Samurai, contemptuous of the supporting arquebus Ashigaru advanced down the road:

More to follow
Title: Re: Samurai using Pikeman's Lament (New Battle page 2.)
Post by: vodkafan on May 10, 2021, 06:35:34 AM
 The Ronin at the bridge begin to fight fiercely with samurai of Takeda Shingen.
The sounds of fighting bring out the Mouri clan troops from the houses, where they have been sheltering from the rain. The Mouri samurai are bloated from eating sushi and the archers are half drunk on rice wine. They are jammed up in the narrow lane between the houses.

I missed a few important photos here.  First of all my officer Hiramoto tries to reverse the mounted samurai in the raging river. They manage to cross back to the south bank without losing any more casualties to the river but they lose two more samurai to the Shingen archers instead. Down to half strength, they are then wiped out by the first volley from the Shingen arquebus Ashgaru. Nobody seems to know what happened to  General Hiramoto, it is assumed he has died honourably with his samurai BUT he is later found hiding in a toilet masquerading as a pregnant woman and taken prisoner.
 The Takeda Ronin manage to cross the river on the far right flank but a unit of Mouri samurai spring from concealment in the woods, killing two and forcing the rest back into the river where they drown.

The Mouri Ronin are killed to the last man (and one woman) defending the bridge.
2 units of bloodthirsty Takeda Samurai and a fresh unit of Ashigaru are poised to attack:

But what's this??
a party of Mouri ninja spring up from out of the river and kidnap Takeda Shingen under the noses of his Samurai and whisk him away to captivity over the river. A rare bright spot in this battle for me.

Meanwhile the Warrior monks cross the river (losing casualties in the process) and are attacked by Mouri Ashigaru (sorry no photo) while they are shot in the back by the Mouri archers who finally have a clear target:
demoralized, the monks retreat back into the river where more of them drown and the remnants rout:

The Mouri Samurai who ambushed the Ronin from the woods attempt to follow up and cross the river. But this doesn't end well. Like everyone else who tries to cross this raging angry river today, they lose men and are destroyed as a fighting force.
The Mouri Samurai at the bridge rush onto it to defend it against more than twice their number.
Inevitably they are one by one hacked, stabbed and bludgeoned to death in the rain but at least they all died with honour this day.

My archers prepare to fire against the Takeda Samurai now storming the bridge but are hit by a devastating volley from the Takeda Arquebus unit, which has never failed to fire in this game. Losing half their number, the archers are forced back and there is nothing to stop the Takeda Samurai taking the bridge.

My last unit of Ashigaru run away. There is no one left.
Takeda victorious!

I look forward to the next game. Hiramoto has been ransomed back in disgrace, losing even more of his Honour. Takeda Shingen is still a prisoner. Will his clan pay the ransom, or will there be a rescue attempt?  :o
Title: Re: Samurai using Pikeman's Lament (New Battle page 2.)
Post by: fred on May 10, 2021, 07:53:08 AM
Great write up, and a great looking game! Thanks for sharing
Title: Re: Samurai using Pikeman's Lament (New Battle page 2.)
Post by: Captain Blood on May 10, 2021, 09:02:24 AM
Interesting to see the same game written up from two viewpoints  :)

You were rather unlucky with the double ones!
Title: Re: Samurai using Pikeman's Lament (New Battle page 2.)
Post by: Bloggard on May 10, 2021, 10:07:01 AM
really smart looking game - love your pics vodkafan.

and can imagine the vibe with the real-world elements contributing to the atmosphere.
Title: Re: Samurai using Pikeman's Lament (New Battle page 2.)
Post by: manic _miner on May 10, 2021, 10:33:46 AM
 Great looking game,terrain and figures.Dixon Samurai were some of my first miniatures.
Title: Re: Samurai using Pikeman's Lament (New Battle page 2.)
Post by: vodkafan on May 10, 2021, 10:42:13 AM
Thanks all for the encouraging comments. Peter I had forgotten that the first unit of your Samurai broke in the epic scrap with mine on the bridge.  My bad luck that there was a fresh unit right behind it.
Fantastic game.
Title: Re: Samurai using Pikeman's Lament (New Battle page 2.)
Post by: has.been on May 10, 2021, 11:09:59 AM
As said before, 'Good figures, good scenery & a good opponent'
These are things to be enjoyed.

The tray bases in game two (didn't arrive in time for game one,
because I didn't complete the on-line order!) When setting up for
the game I discovered that although 'War-Bases' HAD made them
to fit bases in multiples of 25mm, they had not been based to the
same exacting standard. They date back to a time before laser cut
MDF bases, and are hand cut thick card & filler. I spent most of Sunday
trimming a millimetre off two sides from EVERY infantry figure, oh
& scratch building a tray for the mounted Samurai. That I allowed
some tolerance.
MY unpainted stock for Samurai is now down to a handful of 'civilian'
figures & some more MDF buildings.
My goodness, I might get this project's backlog actually finished!!!!!
Title: Re: Samurai using Pikeman's Lament (New Battle page 2.)
Post by: VALIS on May 10, 2021, 12:30:10 PM
This is awesome and inspiring in equal measure!

Where did you get the carpet tiles, erm I mean grass?
Title: Re: Samurai using Pikeman's Lament (New Battle page 2.)
Post by: manic _miner on May 10, 2021, 01:40:03 PM
 Just been cleaning some Perry Samurai figures to day and did a few of the Eureka one's Yesterday.
Title: Re: Samurai using Pikeman's Lament (New Battle page 2.)
Post by: has.been on May 10, 2021, 02:16:30 PM
Thanks for the nice comments guys.

Where did you get the carpet tiles, erm I mean grass?

Many, many years ago (about 50!) Woolworths were having an 'oddments
of discontinued ranges' sale. That was all the Green ones they had. Cost
me all of 50p each!!!!! Mind you I have had my moneys worth out of them.

Several places (eg B&Q) do sell individual tiles, though no-one seems
to do a nice green. I did buy some light brown ones, for use as 'dessert'
but because they now make the individual tiles bigger, storage is a problem. You need to lay them flat for storage & they take up a lot of space. The old tiles fit nicely into my cube storage units. I ended up
donating the 'dessert' ones to the School club.
Title: Re: Samurai using Pikeman's Lament (New Battle page 2.)
Post by: DintheDin on May 10, 2021, 05:44:59 PM
Lovely game, a lot of action, beautiful figures and so nice table setup! Great!
Thanks for sharing!
Title: Re: Samurai using Pikeman's Lament (New Battle page 2.)
Post by: has.been on May 10, 2021, 06:30:48 PM
Thanks Din.
Title: Re: Samurai using Pikeman's Lament (New Battle page 2.)
Post by: Emir of Askaristan on May 10, 2021, 11:30:17 PM
Inspiring set of posts here, both pictorial and descriptive.

Nice one !
Title: Re: Samurai using Pikeman's Lament (New Battle page 2.)
Post by: VALIS on May 11, 2021, 07:03:41 AM

but because they now make the individual tiles bigger, storage is a problem.

Agreed. The standard 50cm x 50cm poses a "and where are you putting those?" problem with my better half!
Title: Re: Samurai using Pikeman's Lament (New Battle page 2.)
Post by: Bloggard on May 11, 2021, 12:16:51 PM
think I've said it already, but the Dixon minis come across so well.

sold a load recently, wish I hadn't now!
Title: Re: Samurai using Pikeman's Lament (New Battle page 2.)
Post by: has.been on May 11, 2021, 03:48:25 PM
[/Agreed. The standard 50cm x 50cm poses a "and where are you putting those?" problem with my better half!quote]

I did once consider laying them on the floor as extra carpeting
in my wargames room, but the idea of having to vacuum before
 a game put me off.  :D

sold a load recently, wish I hadn't now!
I feel for you. It is only the final realisation that space
being finite, but my desire to have/keep everything, would
cause problems. Stuff had to go. I regret all the 'lost' things.
Title: Re: Samurai using Pikeman's Lament (New Battle page 2.)
Post by: Zingara on May 11, 2021, 11:07:29 PM
vodkafan / has.been - great write up well illustrated with pictures and lovely scenery. You will have to do another one :-).
Title: Re: Samurai using Pikeman's Lament (New Battle page 2.)
Post by: has.been on May 12, 2021, 10:37:10 AM
Thanks Gregor. We hope to, might be a skirmish game to
rescue my boss man. I am considering trying the Osprey
'Ronin' rules. Pictures & write up when we do.
Title: Re: Samurai using Pikeman's Lament. Latest painted figures. Page 2
Post by: has.been on May 20, 2021, 04:35:48 PM
latest painted figures. I now have painted all my
(human) Samurai.  Obviously time to look at buying
some more figures.
First instalment.
Title: Re: Samurai using Pikeman's Lament. Latest painted figures. Page 4
Post by: has.been on May 20, 2021, 04:38:16 PM
2nd Instalment, the ladies.
Title: Re: Samurai using Pikeman's Lament. Latest painted figures. Page 4
Post by: has.been on May 20, 2021, 04:41:04 PM
Last instalment,
A cart, bunny rabbits (to show unit disorder)
& It is nice to have a sit down.
Title: Re: The Battle of Mah-Son Temple.
Post by: Mr. White on August 14, 2021, 03:33:33 AM
Thanks Rick.
I played Takeda Shingen, leading the Takeda Clan,
Vodkafan played Mouri Hiromoto, leading the Mouri Clan.

Both armies were basically the same:-
Dismounted Samurai (6 figures) x 2,
Ronin (12 figures),
Ashigaru, Yari(Spear) armed (12 figures),
Archers (6 figures),
The difference was a unit of mounted Samurai (6 figures) for the Mouri,
& some Warrior Monks led by a mad old priest, Saishi Jakku (which if
google translate is even close, means Father Jack) for the Takeda.

Inspiring thread…so much so I’ve amassed some samurai armies as well!

I’ve just received my copy of Pikeman’s Lament. Do you recall what the official unit names are from the book that you use here? I assume the ‘Yaris’ are Pike, but what would be Ronin? Or Archers?
Title: Re: Samurai using Pikeman's Lament. Latest painted figures. Page 4
Post by: has.been on August 14, 2021, 08:38:48 AM
what the official unit names are from the book that you use here? I assume the ‘Yaris’ are Pike, but what would be Ronin? Or Archers?

Yari = Spear
Ronin = Samurai who have no master, i.e. outside of the Honour
             system. Kinda almost bandits. Great for various spare
             Samurai figures.
Samurai= The warrior class.  Can be mounted or on foot. A Japanese
                equivalent of the European Knight.
Archers= Guys with bows.
Good luck with your project. Please feel free to add some  pictures
here if you like. Feel free to ask any questions you like (I might
not be able to answer, but ask none the less)
Title: Re: Samurai using Pikeman's Lament. Latest painted figures. Page 4
Post by: Mr. White on August 14, 2021, 09:49:20 AM
Oh, I’m sorry. My question wasn’t clear. I know what Ronin and Archers are, but my question is what unit’s rules from the Pikeman’s Lament rulebook did you use as Ronin? Which unit for Archers? What about the warrior monks? Etc
Title: Re: Samurai using Pikeman's Lament. Latest painted figures. Page 4
Post by: has.been on August 14, 2021, 04:18:49 PM
OK here goes:-
Mounted Samurai  = Gallopers
Foot Samurai & Warrior Monks = Forlorn Hope
Yari (Spearmen) = Pike
Tanegashima Ashigaru (Matchlock men)= Shot (No first volley bonus &
                                                                     increase range to 24")
Yumi Ashigaru (Bowmen) = Commanded Shot (we lowered the 'to shoot'
                                                                     score so they could fire
                                                                     as we found they weren't)
Hyakusho (farmers) = Clubmen
Frenzied Warrior Monks = Clansmen
Ozutsu (Cannon) = Regimental gun.

Feel free to tinker with any of this, we have. For example Ninja are
ignored, we incorporated them into the events (double ones or
double sixes thrown)table. Sixes = you can launch a Ninja attack,
ones = opponent can launch one onto you.

As with all our games,  have some fun.

I hope this helps you.

This all comes from the magazine Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy #92.
Title: Re: Samurai using Pikeman's Lament. Latest painted figures. Page 4
Post by: Mr. White on August 15, 2021, 04:17:45 PM
This is great. I can’t seem to locate a copy of that issue so have beenaking my own guesses as to what unit might stand in for what, so this is great.

I like that ninja idea a lot. I’ve got a few ninja as well to build out to a unit. It looks like these should be a 4pt unit bases on rolling 1s or 6s. What unit are you using for ninja?
Title: Re: Samurai using Pikeman's Lament. Latest painted figures. Page 4
Post by: has.been on August 15, 2021, 05:02:08 PM
We don't use the Ninja in units.
Instead, as I said, we incorporate
them into the good/bad things
happening table, the one you
dice on if you throw a double 6
(Good) or double 1 (bad) when
dicing to activate a unit.

On the double 1 table we replaced
'1) Send reinforcements! Remove at least
     4 points of your units'
with  'Ninja attack on you!'

On the double 6 table we replaced
'3) One unit regains its first volley'
with 'Ninja attack on enemy leader.

If a Ninja attack happens the attacker
throws a D6
1= 1 Ninja attacks
2,3 or 4 = Two Ninja attack
5 or 6 = Three Ninja attack
The attack is then resolved as a duel (Page 28)
with the attacker getting two dice per Ninja.
Title: Re: Samurai using Pikeman's Lament. Latest painted figures. Page 4
Post by: Marine0846 on August 29, 2021, 11:41:52 PM
Very cool battles.
Glad to see Pikeman's Lament. used to for Samurai battles.
Love the Dixon figures.
I know they are not everyone's cup of tea.
Excellent small changes in the rules, well done.
Really look forward to reading about the next battle.