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Miniatures Adventure => Fantasy Adventures => Topic started by: Duncan McDane on April 25, 2021, 08:48:12 PM

Title: Classic Citadel Jabberwock question
Post by: Duncan McDane on April 25, 2021, 08:48:12 PM
This one ( courtesy of Orclord / Solegends ):
Does anyone know if he's comes with his own wings or did GW use some common dragon wings ( as they did with their dragons, used the same set of wings over and over again for many dragons ).
Got this model lying around but unfortunately no wingythingies...
Title: Re: Classic Citadel Jabberwock question
Post by: The Dozing Dragon on April 26, 2021, 10:46:23 AM
I have the same problem. I think they used some other dragon wings, there are a few that look similar on SoL like the young fire dragon;

http://www.solegends.com/citdragon/ds7youngfire/index.htm (http://www.solegends.com/citdragon/ds7youngfire/index.htm)
Title: Re: Classic Citadel Jabberwock question
Post by: Duncan McDane on April 26, 2021, 04:22:12 PM
Thanks Dave, they certainly look like the thing. Must have that dragon somewhere so I'll see it it's a fit and come back with the result. But as generic wings it shouldn't be too hard to get a spare
somewehere ( incomplete mini's just don't feel right  ;) ).
Title: Re: Classic Citadel Jabberwock question
Post by: BeneathALeadMountain on April 26, 2021, 04:47:43 PM
I don’t believe those dragon wings are correct, irritatingly I have the jabberwock (bought as one of my first models in 87) but at my mums house (lockdown and so on) and my recollection of the wings are a small pair of more bat-like, membranous wings (going up and slightly forward) that look vestigial (whether intentionally or not).


Not that the others wouldn’t work but the originals were small and a bit ridiculous. Even this picture makes them look more magnificent than they really were!

Hope this helps (it blatantly doesn’t, just throws an additional spanner in the works, but you know what I mean  :D)

Title: Re: Classic Citadel Jabberwock question
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 26, 2021, 05:19:10 PM
That's a different jabberwock, though: a Nick Bibby one, I think, that was much in the style of the Tom Meier/Ral Partha one. This is the photo from Solegends:


It shared wings with some of the very small young dragons, like this one (also from Solegends):

Title: Re: Classic Citadel Jabberwock question
Post by: Duncan McDane on April 26, 2021, 05:35:30 PM
Unfortunately the pics don't show Hobgoblin ( not in Bing and not in Chrome ). Do you have links to the pics? The very smaller Citadel one I have with it's inverted wings. The Tom Meier / Ral Partha I had but lost it along the wat, good it is still available.
But if I understand correctly, your Jabberwocjt has 2 seperate wings or one set of fixed wings?
Title: Re: Classic Citadel Jabberwock question
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 26, 2021, 05:39:16 PM
How weird! They show up fine in Safari. This is the dragon:

http://www.sodemons.com/rhdragons/06smalldragons/c29mauling/L07A2141-130310-01.jpg (http://www.sodemons.com/rhdragons/06smalldragons/c29mauling/L07A2141-130310-01.jpg)

And it shares wings with the Nick Bibby Jabberwock that BeneathALeadMountain mentioned:

http://www.sodemons.com/rhjabber/01c29jabberwock/L07A2011-Edit-130303-02.jpg (http://www.sodemons.com/rhjabber/01c29jabberwock/L07A2011-Edit-130303-02.jpg)

But those aren't the wings you're looking for, as the Bob Olley jabberwock had different and much bigger wings.
Title: Re: Classic Citadel Jabberwock question
Post by: Duncan McDane on April 26, 2021, 05:48:45 PM
Thanks Hobgoblin, old PC over here, it doesn't show all the pics, especially the for sale topics over here are quite problematic, much to the relief of my wallet.
Guess it will be trial and error then, getting through my boxes of lead and test what pair will fit the best. Should have most of the classic wings anyway.
btw, that red dragon, didn't know that one. He looks quite the thing until you look at the base and see he's actually quite small  lol
Title: Re: Classic Citadel Jabberwock question
Post by: BeneathALeadMountain on April 26, 2021, 08:34:35 PM
 ::) Apologies I hadn’t clicked on the original link just gone straight to the jabberwock I have, somewhere....... Thank you for the info the original one is much more fearsome, to be honest the purple painted one doesn’t look exactly as I thought mine did (but it never was a particularly strong sculpt - he looks like his back has gone and he’s struggling to the toilet!)
Sorry for the unhelpful interrupt,

Title: Re: Classic Citadel Jabberwock question
Post by: Hobgoblin on April 26, 2021, 08:57:18 PM
I actually prefer your one, BALM. I have it too, though unpainted. It does look a bit warped and unhealthy, but I think that's intentional. Oddly enough, I was itching to discuss that one as I only recently noticed that it has shared wings with various dragons, so I was glad you brought him up!

For me, the best jabberwock is the Tom Meier one - it's the most Tenniel-esque, I think. I painted this one as a teenager and must repaint him soon:

Title: Re: Classic Citadel Jabberwock question
Post by: Duncan McDane on April 26, 2021, 09:39:01 PM
I agree Hobgoblin, that's my favorite too.
The "rare" one, when I got it at first I took it for some kind of demon until I noticed the face. But to have a favorite one you'll need to have others in the first place. And the small one, those inverted wings, yeah, they fit, but that's just about all there is to say about that  ;).
Title: Re: Classic Citadel Jabberwock question
Post by: BeneathALeadMountain on April 26, 2021, 10:34:34 PM
Hobgoblin he’s excellent, fierce, kicking ass and taking names....... I think my version is that one after 2020 chewed him up and spat him out lol. I agree that the original one you were both discussing does look quite demonic, I certainly wouldn’t have thought jabberwock. I’ll have to retrieve mine (when possible) and get him painted up.

Title: Re: Classic Citadel Jabberwock question
Post by: Duncan McDane on April 26, 2021, 10:40:58 PM
Would like to see the result. Color can be a wide range...  ;)