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Miniatures Adventure => Fantasy Adventures => Topic started by: Grumpy Gnome on May 22, 2021, 05:42:34 AM

Title: [Kickstarter] Stone Realm: Hard plastic multi-part dwarves in 28mm scale
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on May 22, 2021, 05:42:34 AM
I quite like Fireforge and was excited to see this KS finally launch.


I am thinking that they may be a cost effective proxy for Iron Hills Dwarves in Middle Earth gaming. The kitbashing conversion potential in general is pretty appealing.
Title: Re: [Kickstarter] Stone Realm: Hard plastic multi-part dwarves in 28mm scale
Post by: Abbner Home on May 26, 2021, 05:12:17 PM

I've been pleased with the other FF fantasy kits and have been using their medieval figs for low key fantasy armies for years.

Not all of these are for me (no guns, no goats for this guy) but for movie style Iron Hills or to augment Oathmark kits these look great.

Title: Re: [Kickstarter] Stone Realm: Hard plastic multi-part dwarves in 28mm scale
Post by: BeneathALeadMountain on May 26, 2021, 08:10:55 PM
I backed the Northmen previous Kickstarter and everything was to my liking (for LoTR:SBG and general fantasy) I particularly love the peasants and undead versions.
The dwarves look pretty good and I wouldn’t need many. I’m not a fan of the guns (bit to early, would’ve preferred a take on a flintlock) or the pot/can helmets and was tempted by the rams only for the armoured heads (available separately) and the other hand weapon poses, maybe I’d make a scout or odd knight on one. The heavy armour doesn’t fit aesthetically for me with the ram - nimble, ranger like, scrambling up scree slopes (maybe a lightly armoured rider using the ballistic dwarf torso’s some oathmark dwarf bows) or you could easily knock up some nice chariots/battle sleds though. If I can afford it I may buy 3 boxes (foot/heavy/ram or second foot) and make some dwarf foot knights and spear retainers.

Title: Re: [Kickstarter] Stone Realm: Hard plastic multi-part dwarves in 28mm scale
Post by: Ogrob on May 26, 2021, 08:50:06 PM
I've backed this, even though it's not really a force I am planning on making. I liked the northmen kits and I think there are some great bits here. Hope they get a decent amount of funding. They seem to struggle a bit with reaching out there on their campaigns though, can't say why.
Title: Re: [Kickstarter] Stone Realm: Hard plastic multi-part dwarves in 28mm scale
Post by: Freelancer on May 27, 2021, 09:50:49 AM
They look the right proportion but a little tall for Middle Earth games (alongside GW dwarves).
Title: Re: [Kickstarter] Stone Realm: Hard plastic multi-part dwarves in 28mm scale
Post by: JollyBob on May 27, 2021, 10:06:26 AM
I'm not particularly enamoured with the overall style of them, but...

Female options is a really nice touch, as is the Ram-mounted pistoliers. That alone might tempt me to some after release.
Title: Re: [Kickstarter] Stone Realm: Hard plastic multi-part dwarves in 28mm scale
Post by: Munindk on May 28, 2021, 04:43:35 PM
They look fairly big, about Oathmark dwarf size?
Title: Re: [Kickstarter] Stone Realm: Hard plastic multi-part dwarves in 28mm scale
Post by: Ogrob on May 28, 2021, 04:49:01 PM
They look fairly big, about Oathmark dwarf size?

Should be very similar I think. I've asked on the KS page.
Title: Re: [Kickstarter] Stone Realm: Hard plastic multi-part dwarves in 28mm scale
Post by: BZ on June 01, 2021, 03:01:33 PM
I really like the design, but I dont need 3 boxes... And 1 (or maximum 2) box (if the raiders will be available as add on) with shipping is just too expensive. I think I will wait for the retail version.
Title: Re: [Kickstarter] Stone Realm: Hard plastic multi-part dwarves in 28mm scale
Post by: Elbows on June 01, 2021, 04:05:42 PM
Yeah, I really like them - and I actually freakin' love the Fire Forge stuff I've gotten recently - their zombies being an absolute standout.  The Forgotten World minis are just excellent.  However, I don't have any need to order a large batch of dwarf boxes.  Will look at maybe backing as low as possible just to help it out.  Love all the potential options.
Title: Re: [Kickstarter] Stone Realm: Hard plastic multi-part dwarves in 28mm scale
Post by: Grumpy Gnome on June 02, 2021, 07:00:32 AM
I agree with you Elbows, I think the Dwarves look good and although I have yet to get my hands on the Living Dead peasants, the Folk Rabble are brilliant. I look forward to getting some Living Dead Peasants to use to kitbash rougher but still living peasants at some point.

As for this KS, I am on the fence. I may do a small pledge or I may wait for retail. Mrs. GG is not very enthusiastic about this KS… I think the lack of tasty stretch goal enticement is playing a part in that.
Title: Re: [Kickstarter] Stone Realm: Hard plastic multi-part dwarves in 28mm scale
Post by: peleset on June 02, 2021, 01:08:47 PM
Doesn't seem very historical.

Rumour has it there are no Dwarf Women!
Title: Re: [Kickstarter] Stone Realm: Hard plastic multi-part dwarves in 28mm scale
Post by: Eoin OCnaimhsi on June 02, 2021, 03:56:14 PM
Those Rambukk raiders are very nice.

I would like to see a size comparison of them with other manufacturers though.