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Other Stuff => Workbench => Topic started by: Johnny Boy on June 14, 2021, 07:38:17 PM

Title: Anybody used the Andrea Paints White set?
Post by: Johnny Boy on June 14, 2021, 07:38:17 PM
A very good evening to you all, as it says in the title has anyone used this set? I recently ordered and got a set as I want to paint a Templar retinue. However, having read the instructions sheet I was with it to my usual technique of starting dark and lightening to highlight. Then it's shading the existing base areas and up. Seems a good chance of messing up the previous layering with the lights. Just wondered if anyone has used this set and would just using it dark to light work. Or on yet another hand am I overthinking it??
Many thanks in advance
Title: Re: Anybody used the Andrea Paints White set?
Post by: zemjw on June 14, 2021, 08:55:19 PM
I have it, but have never got it to work. The whites are very warm, bordering on cream, which wasn't what I wanted  :(

I use the black and flesh sets a lot, starting with the base, shading then highlighting.

The paints have decent coverage, although the flesh base takes two thin layers. With the white I may be tempted to start with the shadow colour and work up, rather than starting with the base.

Some of the differences between colours can be quite small. With the black I use every other colour, while with the flesh the difference is so large I have to mix to get an intermediate step.

Good luck with whatever approach you take
Title: Re: Anybody used the Andrea Paints White set?
Post by: Johnny Boy on June 19, 2021, 10:53:01 AM
Much appreciate your comments on the set. The warmer shades sound just what I'm looking for as the Templars in my mind's eye will be battle worn rather than clean and tidy. I've been toying with the idea of the black set but saw some comments on it being toward grey. Any further comments anyone?
Title: Re: Anybody used the Andrea Paints White set?
Post by: zemjw on June 19, 2021, 04:56:09 PM
The blacks I really like. The couple of lights are towards mid grey, but the darkest shades are very close to black without being black, if you know what I mean :D

As I mentioned, though, the tones are pretty close together, so I tend to use 1st light as a highlight for 1st shadow (skipping the base black colour). I get lazy with the shading stage and just use Nuln Oil.
Title: Anybody used the Andrea Paints White set?
Post by: Johnny Boy on June 27, 2021, 03:31:53 PM
Once again many thanks. I've given a couple of figures a go with the system on the card supplied but not impressed with the results. I like the shades and finished effect as the white is "softer" somehow but the technique is somewhat "Arse about face" as my old grandad used to say so I think I'll go back to my tried and trusted start dark and layer up. After reading Hammers review I've ordered the black set too and I'm going to give the Shep Paine technique a try. What I do find a bit disconcerting with the whole is the "Don't mix, just paint" logo on the bottles with no indication of how to use the paints to their best effect or is it just me??
Title: Re: Anybody used the Andrea Paints White set?
Post by: zemjw on June 27, 2021, 05:08:12 PM
Just checked and my bottles don't make such a claim, but they are pretty old now.

Andrea sell books on acrylic painting. I have a few of their out of print ones, which are okay. They have one in their store just now, although I don't know what it covers - How to paint figures with acrylics (https://www.andreaeurope.com/en/5/andrea-publishing/501/andrea-publishing-books/2211/ap-056i-how-to-paint-figures-with-acrylics-english.html)

Failing that, youtube is probably your best bet. I had the same problem when I started dabbling with contrast paints, but managed to find some demos.