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Miniatures Adventure => The Second World War => Topic started by: JArgo on August 21, 2021, 07:52:32 PM

Title: Battlegroup, Arras 1940 - Opening moves
Post by: JArgo on August 21, 2021, 07:52:32 PM
Driscoles and i played a 500 point game of Battlegroup Blitzkrieg based on the initial British attack on the villages to the west of Arras.

The British had a platoon of Matilda 1's and a platoon of Matilda 2's, supported by an infantry platoon, a carrier section and a 25pdr.

The German infantry had Stugs, Panzer II's a brace of Pak 36 and some artillery support.

The first chits pulled for being out-scouted and sitting on objectives included a mine strike which the British used to knock out the scouting Sdkfz 222.

British armour made excellent progress down the road as Pak rounds bounced off them and the Stugs were ineffective.  Initial artillery barrages were accurate but failed to slow the advance as the British had wisely kept their infantry out of sight.  The German forward observers were taken out by machine gun fire from the Matilda 1s.

A counter attack by the Panzer II's, designed to regain some initiative, was barely a speed bump and was rolled up by the powerful Matilda 2s.

German infantry rushed to defend the village but by that time the British tanks had broken through the line of Stugs and using their machine guns to wreak havoc and forcing more chit draws.

Close range tank support and infantry massing behind the hedgerows were the final straws for the Germans who wisely fled, conceding the village to the British.

Our next game will likely be the same British troops facing a couple of 88mm anti aircraft guns rapidly brought up and commanded by a certain Erwin Rommel...

Title: Re: Battlegroup, Arras 1940 - Opening moves
Post by: vodkafan on August 21, 2021, 09:54:21 PM
Very nice table. :o I suppose historically the Brits had nothing to follow up with so I can see tears ahead once the 88's get there  :-[
Title: Re: Battlegroup, Arras 1940 - Opening moves
Post by: fred on August 22, 2021, 08:27:51 AM
Good game. Is it 15mm?

I always enjoy a game of Battlegroup - but two many games not enough time!
Title: Re: Battlegroup, Arras 1940 - Opening moves
Post by: 2010sunburst on August 22, 2021, 09:30:34 AM
Nice to see the 1940 German forces getting a good kick up the Arras…great table!
Title: Re: Battlegroup, Arras 1940 - Opening moves
Post by: Driscoles on August 22, 2021, 12:19:42 PM
Steve set up a wonderful table for our game. The game started perfect for my British battlegroup with the Mine Strike counter!
The attack came into a flow and my tanks drove slowly forward and destroyed the first defense of the Germans with ease!
I was using the Mathilda I slightly wrong! I thought the main machine gun hast a d6 firepower but it only has a d3. What a crappy tank! Anyway, me cheating made it easy to knock out pak, ari spotter, a Gruppe grenadiers  and transport vehicles.
But looking at the game all in one the Tommy victory was well deserved.
Now we rolling against the second line of defense and some feeling deep inside of me says… bad things will happen  :(
Thanks Steve for a very entertaining game.