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Miniatures Adventure => Age of Myths, Gods and Empires => Topic started by: Tim Haslam on February 02, 2022, 09:52:32 PM

Title: Decent reference material needed?
Post by: Tim Haslam on February 02, 2022, 09:52:32 PM
Looking into Lydian armies, around 600BC.
28mm scale.

Some reference for Cilicians would really useful, if anyone has any ideas?

Also an idea for which figures to use as Hoplites in this army.
I want early ones in bronze bell cuirass?
But what helmets? Corinthian?

I had considered using the Gorgon Studios Etruscan range,
These supply chariots, cavalry and hoplites most of which fit the bill, I think?

My other thoughts are Victrix plastics, with some head stops etc.
Trouble is, yes they do hoplites in bronze, but only 25% in each box.
Others in linen armour.

Any thoughts will be appreciated.
Title: Re: Decent reference material needed?
Post by: Tim Haslam on February 02, 2022, 10:35:16 PM
I’ve found these references.

Or are they too early?
Maybe the linen cuirass is ok for this period?
Title: Re: Decent reference material needed?
Post by: Jjonas on February 03, 2022, 07:36:57 PM
Essex have these which are based on Duncan Head's Montvert which has line art drawings of some Carian and Lydians. These have a helmet discovered at Sardis and leggings seen on the reliefs of Persepolis, but regular Greek style gear is common.


Tin Soldier has their own take on Lydians


A good reference piece by  Josho Brouwers:


Title: Re: Decent reference material needed?
Post by: Tim Haslam on February 03, 2022, 10:05:39 PM
Thanks Jeff,
I had a unit of those Essex figures, many years ago.
They only do two variants and they are looking old now!
I also had some samples from the Tin Soldier range!
Let’s just say they are perhaps a bit quaint.

I’m just toying with a generic Greek figure now?
Crusader do a decent pose but with the linen cuirass.

Thanks for the ref, I’ll go and read.
Title: Re: Decent reference material needed?
Post by: Tim Haslam on February 03, 2022, 10:14:41 PM
In fact, just reading that, it’s possible that the linen cuirass is a Lydian invention!

These may just work!
Title: Re: Decent reference material needed?
Post by: Jjonas on February 03, 2022, 11:11:38 PM
The Ziggurat range by Lucid Eye has some very tall and detailed fantastic hoplites. Some of the peltasts look Lydian or Lykian. Dipylon shields for the Amazons might fit.




Title: Re: Decent reference material needed?
Post by: Rochejaquelein on February 15, 2022, 12:16:03 AM
I was going to suggest this recent release by Gripping Beast, but then I remembered these are LYCIANS, not LYDIANS.

Still, Lydia and Lycia aren't too far away, separated only by Caria, so maybe militia hoplites would have looked similar.
Title: Re: Decent reference material needed?
Post by: Tim Haslam on February 15, 2022, 08:58:11 AM
Lucid Eye are very nice figures. Ouch on price! But that’s a similar story every where at the moment.
Yes I’ve seen those additions to the Gripping Beast range.
Great if you’ve got a Persian army. They have been considered.

Title: Re: Decent reference material needed?
Post by: Fremitus Borealis on February 16, 2022, 01:42:47 AM
I was going to suggest this recent release by Gripping Beast, but then I remembered these are LYCIANS, not LYDIANS.

Still, Lydia and Lycia aren't too far away, separated only by Caria, so maybe militia hoplites would have looked similar.

Hey, thanks for the tip on these guys! I've been passively looking for something like these guys for a while for miscellaneous Anatolian troops. I was here and there kitbashing some "Lycians" from a batch of 1st Corps lads in tunics (can't remember the exact model), but hit a brick wall making the capes, + the fact they were so tiny compared to my other units.
Title: Re: Decent reference material needed?
Post by: jcspqr on February 16, 2022, 06:35:46 PM
GB also has some recent re-sculpts of Thracians that are similar to the Lycians, but with various helmets.  The figures are all based originally on the Polemarch theurophori (but have different head, greaves and in some cases cloaks), so in theory if you were looking for a more random look to the unit, you could mix all three.  There may even be a pack of Illyians with different heads that would also work for more diversity.
