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Miniatures Adventure => Future Wars => Topic started by: has.been on April 15, 2022, 11:08:47 AM

Title: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: has.been on April 15, 2022, 11:08:47 AM
A chance for a game with my mate Vodkafan.

The background.
Law is slowly moving out to the Rim.
Proctor III is such an example. The Regulators (Cops) are on patrol &
taking in a fly over outpost 5AP-1898. Rumour has it that Freebooters
are active in the area. Especially the notorious Captain Bienvenue Crew.
AS they near the outpost they pick up the ship I.D. of Wolfgang Maier,
a long suspected smuggler, who uses his N.A.A.F.I. trading Junk as cover.
This requires a closer inspection...
AAR to follow.
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: hubbabubba on April 15, 2022, 11:42:46 AM
Looks excellent
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: Bloggard on April 15, 2022, 11:48:39 AM
great  looking set-up
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: has.been on April 15, 2022, 02:00:02 PM
Thanks guys. Now back to the action.
The Cast.
Bad Guys ---Captain Bienvenue
                   Barch AKA 'Ka-Boom'
                    Ploquim (Tech)
                    Doobri  (Blooming big Robot)
                    Bonk  (Serial tinkerer)
Good Guys---Sgt. Toriop
                    Tsorf (closest thing they have to a Medic)
                    S.I.C.N. (Robot, mainly used for riot control)

70 = Wolfgang waiting by the Ancient Customs boundary marker. The rendezvous
         spot for meeting up with Cpt. Bienvenue.
62,63,64 = Is the deal going down?  Wolfgang has 'found' some very high tech upgrades.
                  He wants an awful lot of credits for them.
                  The Squad Car sweeps around trying to determine what is happening. 
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: has.been on April 15, 2022, 02:17:29 PM
It seems the deal has gone down. Wolfgang is starting to move away.
He knows that as a 'Respectable' trader, he can easily explain away
being in possession of a large amount of credits. Bienvenue however
would have great difficulty explaining being in possession of some
contraband high tech upgrades.

65/67/68/73 = Wolfgang & the N.A.A.F.I. vessel leaving.
74/75/76 = The Squad car sweeps in under Maier's rust bucket, lands
                   & the crew debus. How will the brigands react?
77= A wave goodbye from Wolfgang. He is safe & on his way.
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: has.been on April 15, 2022, 02:29:39 PM
The answer is not long in coming, CUZ... 'INCOMING!' shouts Toriop.
Barch has opened up with his heavy blaster. The shot hits the car &
collateral damage results in two cops stunned.
Toriop & Tsorf rush to the roof of the nearest building, trying to gain
an advantage in the coming firefight. Siwel & S.I.C.N. head to the
containers for cover, well they are nearer.

The firefight goes on for a while. It is just as well the cops have gained
cover as the rooftop comes under sustained & heavy fire from the Pirates.
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: has.been on April 15, 2022, 02:41:47 PM

Bienvenue himself joins the shooting at the cops on the roof.
This brings a lot of heat in his direction. Almost too late he
realizes he is in danger of being trapped on his roof, & using
the stairs will expose him to flanking fire from the container
area cops.

Sneaking behind the enormous containers Barch manages to
get a lucky hit on S.I.C.N. No riot control in this game.

Meanwhile the huge lumbering shape of the robot, Doobri,
heads down main-street. The much smaller shape of Bonk
hiding behind him.
All available cops (S.I.C.N. knocked out & Tsorf wounded)
pour fire onto the metal heap, trying to stop him.
The armour keeps protecting him, but the shaken results
start to mount up.
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: has.been on April 15, 2022, 03:06:22 PM
Finally, despite  having to emptying many clips (out of ammo) into
that metal mountain the result the cops want...It keels over.
If they thought this was the moment the bad guys cut & run,
they thought wrong. First Bienvenue, then Ploquim rush across
open terrain, & cower behind whatever cover they can gain from
that mass of metal. Furiously they try repairs. Ever more desperate
as cops pile on the fire.
Bonk is sent to get something, anything, that might help. That is
dangerous as he is easily distracted by 'interesting' technology.
If he fails a test he will sit & start taking it to bits. Today the
Freebooter gods are smiling down (several great dice rolls) and
he comes back with some anti-grav clamps. This greatly reduces the
mass of Doobri, to the level where they will be able to drag/push/shove
him towards their ship.
Still under firer, & the very last possible clear shot, Bonk is hit & down!
An even bigger surprise (for Vodkafan)  the only available help must
come from Barch. He has a very well developed sense of self preservation,
but passes enough tests to:- rush to Bonk, pick him up & rush back to cover,
all under (erratic) fire from the police.  :o :o :o
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: has.been on April 15, 2022, 03:41:15 PM
Help finally arrives in the shape of another patrol,
but as is often the case, too late.
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: has.been on April 15, 2022, 03:44:07 PM
Another Squad car flies over in a vain attempt to locate the
freebooters, or the upgrades. They have no luck.
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: has.been on April 15, 2022, 03:45:17 PM
'Nothing to see here. Move along Citizen!'
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: has.been on April 15, 2022, 03:52:02 PM
12 cycles later Maier & his rust bucket are back.
Regulators are waiting, but are met with, 'Me officers?
I don't know what you're talking about'
He knows he is guilty, but he also knows they can't
prove a thing. :D
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: has.been on April 15, 2022, 04:19:05 PM
James I hope you don't mind, but I diced up for the 'Out of Actions'
& have come up with a little backstory to go with it.
Dice & story. 
S.I.C.N = 10 = "It's the airlock for you" . As he is just a robot
                        he will be repaired & back in action for the next game.
Tsorf = 4 = Just winged me. He too will be back for the next game.
Bonk = 1 = just winged me. I think he just wanted to be carried back to your ship. lol
Doobri = 7 = "It's not that bad" Again, a robot, repaired for next game... HOWEVER

Those readers who thought Bienvenue & crew risked their skins to rescue Doobri
because he was a valuable crew member will be disappointed.  It was inside the
Robot that they hid the upgrades. No doubt they thought a cursory inspection
would fail to spot some tech that shouldn't be there.
The damage to Doobri was extensive and in the area of the upgrades. They have been
damaged and fused with his mainframe. They cannot be easily removed, & until they can
the following applies to the Robot.
Positive.   He has become more 'aware' Think of the film 'Five alive' & now has
                the Shield ability (Page 46)
Negative.  Because he has become more 'aware' he now has an enormous (silicon)
                chip on his shoulder, 'You lot only rescued me for the upgrades!' (Think
                Marvin the Paranoid Android on Hitch-Hikers' Guide).

Let me know if you are happy with the above.
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: Storm Wolf on April 15, 2022, 05:26:58 PM
Sounds good to me Has:Been,

"I don't know, brain the size of a planet and all they ask me to do is........?"

Marvin, paranoid but right in so many ways ;) lol

Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: has.been on April 15, 2022, 06:03:57 PM
Thanks Storm Wolf.
I hope Vodkafan approves. :)
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: BaronVonJ on April 15, 2022, 06:23:35 PM
Great report!
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: flatpack on April 15, 2022, 06:38:25 PM
Very nice.
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: vodkafan on April 15, 2022, 08:14:37 PM
That sounds good about Doobri developing an attitude. OK here are some photos from my side of the table!
The regulators land and debus. They look mean and are armoured, and have a heavily armed robot with them.

My crew have been caught not-quite red-handed, but as good as. Their space ship is way off table and they must shoot their way out. They spread out in a semi circle in true OK corral/Serenity fashion..

Captain Bienvenue is directing the battle from a rooftop
But Barch is in a good position and has the heavy firepower. He drops a heavy blast projectile right on the top of the shuttle and the blast stuns two of the cops, but their armour saves them from serious harm.
Barch then runs away, intending to sneak around and hit the cops from another angle. Doobri the robot pours his long range fire at the shuttle and manages to inflict slight damage and shock on the opposing robot. Bong runs behind Doobri to use him as cover.

Things have been going well for me so far, but the cops recover quickly and manage to get first one, then two men on the roof of the adjacent building. Captain Bienvenue is in an exposed position.
He starts to get a lot of unwanted attention and things are quite sticky for a while; he is forced to retreat down the stairs

Meanwhile Doobri advances slowly and menacingly across the open ground with Bong sheltering behind. Doobri is a modified ex-mining robot built for tough planetary environments. He gives covering fire to help Captain Bienvenue escape from trouble.
Bong runs out to throw his two stun grenades which do nothing, he then runs for cover.

In the meantime, Barch blows apart the Cop's robot, which was sneaking up around the cargo containers!
This is a major blow for the Regulators. My crew is starting to win this firefight.

Doobri is very tough, but he starts to get so much firepower from the three remaining cops, he starts to amass so much shock  that he can no longer move. He is immobilized out in the open for two rounds.
 Then, a stroke of good fortune (the Queen of Spades card, which removes all shock). Doobri is moving again and he reverses back as quickly as he can, still taking deadly fire from all sides. But then a lucky shot hits something vital and he is down, out of the game.
This is disastrous. The crew cannot leave the robot behind. He is carrying the contraband merchandise inside his armour.  The crew rush over, using his bulk as cover.
Bong is sent to rummage around for something to help shift the huge weight.
he comes back with some Anti Gravity Clamps, which they attach. The crew start to pull the downed robot away, but they must go the long way around under fire.
Disaster, Bong is hit and wounded!

Barch rushes over.
He tests:  Barch has a Negative Trait of Self Preservation which will take over if he throws a 1 or 2 on a D10; but this time we are lucky and he pulls Bong into cover.

 Captain Bienvenue is also wounded;

But the whole crew manage to escape by the skin of the teeth, with Regulators advancing across the table after them.

This was a really fun game from the FFoL Galactic Heroes, it could have gone either way but I had a lot of luck, good dice and opportune cards! Thanks to has.been for the opportunity to game.
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: Golgotha on April 15, 2022, 09:23:37 PM
A smuggling N.A.A.F.I - brilliant just brilliant. Protect and serve indeed!

This is so good it should be turned into a movie - absolutely loved every moment.

Hope there is going to be a sequel...

Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: vodkafan on April 15, 2022, 09:30:49 PM
I am sure Captain Bienvenue and his crew will be up to more mischief soon  lol
I am looking for bits to build their spaceship.
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: vodkafan on April 15, 2022, 11:11:52 PM
 A few things happened in this game which were not covered by specific rules, but they were flexible enough that we could easily work out what we should do. For instance, The robot amassing so much shock. It was really a freak thing that he got so many hits but they were never high enough dice scores to wound him (until the very last one which was a 10!) but he rapidly accumulated 8 shock. As he is slow  (movement 4") and every shock point is -1" on movement, we just decided that after 4 shock he couldn't move. It was a lot of fun, because we had to put the commander as close as possible to try to help rally off the shock.
It became part of the narrative of the game that changed as we went along, we didn't foresee it.
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: Digits on April 16, 2022, 08:15:13 AM
Great narrative to the game guys, looked good fun!   Nice one!
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: flatpack on April 16, 2022, 09:18:14 AM
Well played both of you.
Great game and a great storyline.
Just shows you can have a FUN game with FFOL. (As always)
Got to be the way forward.

Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: Storm Wolf on April 16, 2022, 09:38:19 AM
I like the FFOL rules, but I dont like playing cards on the table (yes, even the really nice themed ones they do :()

Until I found these

Which I have ordered, and these may be of help for random activation etc for solo play?

Keep up the good work and have fun


Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: Elk101 on April 16, 2022, 10:12:14 AM
We don't put the cards on the table, we normally just put them with the character card, but that's a useful alternative. It's nice to see Galactic Heroes getting used for the sort of games it excels at.
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: flatpack on April 16, 2022, 10:34:13 AM
I’ve bought the playing card tokens in the past, but in black and white (didn’t know they did colour ones, as they look really nice).
Idea is to pick them from a pot, but as they are used, they could go under or next to the figure, to show they have completed their actions.
I think this would help in your solo games, as it would be a quick identifier, as to which figures have moved/fired, and which ones are still to go ?
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: Storm Wolf on April 16, 2022, 06:18:27 PM
I’ve bought the playing card tokens in the past, but in black and white (didn’t know they did colour ones, as they look really nice).
Idea is to pick them from a pot, but as they are used, they could go under or next to the figure, to show they have completed their actions.
I think this would help in your solo games, as it would be a quick identifier, as to which figures have moved/fired, and which ones are still to go ?

Cool, my thoughts exactly flatpack  :D
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: BaronVonJ on April 16, 2022, 10:11:50 PM
A few things happened in this game which were not covered by specific rules, but they were flexible enough that we could easily work out what we should do. For instance, The robot amassing so much shock. It was really a freak thing that he got so many hits but they were never high enough dice scores to wound him (until the very last one which was a 10!) but he rapidly accumulated 8 shock. As he is slow  (movement 4") and every shock point is -1" on movement, we just decided that after 4 shock he couldn't move. It was a lot of fun, because we had to put the commander as close as possible to try to help rally off the shock.
It became part of the narrative of the game that changed as we went along, we didn't foresee it.
So, I’m guessing 2 things:
1- you didn’t give the robot the Soulless trait, which is pretty much standard. This would have kept him from taking ANY Shock.
2- you’re not using GH 2nd edition or any of the house rules. If you tske more Shock than REMAINING Wounds. The character routes. So your average 3 wound character would leave at 4 shock.
We don’t put cards on the table. They stay next to the character cards. To keep track of who’s gone, just turn the card sideways
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: has.been on April 16, 2022, 10:38:16 PM
So, I’m guessing 2 things:
1- you didn’t give the robot the Soulless trait, which is pretty much standard. This would have kept him from taking ANY Shock.
2- you’re not using GH 2nd edition or any of the house rules. If you tske more Shock than REMAINING Wounds. The character routes. So your average 3 wound character would leave at 4 shock.
We don’t put cards on the table. They stay next to the character cards. To keep track of who’s gone, just turn the card sideways

1) No, but that is a good idea for some teams I am gathering.
2)Again, No, but we did forget several things that would have moved that
   big ugly pile of scrap metal, sorry Flatpack's beloved robot, in a rearward
direction a lot earlier. We didn't mind, we were having FUN.

We too turn the cards when actioned...normally.  The Cops were a late entry
to this game, therefore no cards for them, yet.

Enjoyable set of rules by the way. :D
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: BaronVonJ on April 16, 2022, 10:48:28 PM
Preach the gospel, brother.
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: Cacique Caribe on April 17, 2022, 04:12:21 AM
That red and white shuttle looks fantastic!  Where did you get it?

Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: has.been on April 17, 2022, 06:46:25 AM
That red and white shuttle looks fantastic!  Where did you get it?

From a charity shop toy bin, 50p. :D
It is the updated Thunderbird 4. I thought red & white
was better than its original yellow. The 'flying' base is
a cheap plastic shots 'glass'. Pack of four from PoundLand. :D
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: Zingara on April 17, 2022, 09:01:52 PM
Glad to see the NAAFI in action, and what better than in a Galactic Heroes set to.
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: has.been on April 17, 2022, 10:08:26 PM
Glad to see the NAAFI in action, and what better than in a Galactic Heroes set to.

Thanks Gregor. I really just wanted to justify making it. :D
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: Blackwolf on April 17, 2022, 11:36:23 PM
Excellent, your floating naafi looks brill!
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: has.been on April 18, 2022, 06:49:28 AM
Excellent, your floating naafi looks brill!

Thanks Blackwolf.
It wasn't good enough to get out of the first round
of the build something for 2022 competition, :'(
Still it takes up a LOT less room than my previous
failure, the disused roller coaster, & has now been
used on table more times, well once. lol
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: hubbabubba on April 18, 2022, 10:14:01 PM
Great looking game, seems fun was had.

Who makes those light grey buildings with the steps? They look excellent.
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: has.been on April 19, 2022, 11:17:37 AM
Great looking game, seems fun was had.

Who makes those light grey buildings with the steps? They look excellent.

Yes fun was had. Our group likes to enjoy our games.
The buildings (& the big containers) were an e-bay purchase,
so I am sorry I don't know the manufacturer.
The previous owner had stuck the MDF kits together, then I
guess he lost interest. I did some repairs, then added detailing,
paint & (the painstaking) lining.
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: Digits on April 19, 2022, 11:42:05 AM
You are going to have to set up another game Pete…..my accountants are itching to take to the field!
Title: Re: 'To Protect & Serve' (Galactic Heroes)
Post by: has.been on April 19, 2022, 03:06:41 PM
You are going to have to set up another game Pete…..my accountants are itching to take to the field!
You're on David.
If you are expecting full VAT receipts from Wolfgang,
don't hold your breath. lol lol lol